Killer Babes (2024) Movie Script

This will hurt you more
than it will hurt me.
All right,
so, what are you doing now?
I don't know.
I feel like doing
a laser treatment.
- Oh, sorry I'm late!
- You look gorgeous, friend.
- Thank you.
- It's about to start.
Thanks a lot for coming...
to my 52nd conference
about new high-end
aesthetic proceedings.
It's a pleasure and
I'm really happy to present you
the new technology
to rejuvenate,
y reestablish the beautiful body
and face of the Mexican woman.
This so-called doctor
is very good,
but he's annoying.
- Yeah, right!
- I can't stand him.
And he isn't that good.
He gave me different eye sizes.
They say not even his family
can stand him.
that lady over there can.
Well, I must admit
she is his best job.
Of course...
He is her husband.
...and skin refilling...
She looks weird, doesn't she?
- Yeah?
- What's wrong with her?
Wrinkles on the skin
appear as one ages.
So, when I get asked,
"Doctor, in your opinion,
what is...?"
I'm sorry.
I get asked...
"Doctor, in your opinion,
what's the key...?"
A doctor, please!
I'm her fan.
- Friend...
- Girl.
I don't know why you
haven't nailed a leading role.
- Thank you.
- You're getting better.
Thank you.
Did you see her?
I have a feeling she was
who eliminated him.
Oh my God!
You think so?
Of course!
Well, if I had to stand
such a sight...
Forgive me, God.
May God rest his soul.
Either I kill him
or I kill myself.
I couldn't do it.
Oh, gal.
With that husband you've got,
you're already late, doll.
Yours is just as bad.
And let's not start with yours.
It's such a shame, isn't it?
I guess.
Death is always
less than elegant, right?
No! I mean, it's a shame
he died before my surgery.
Mariloli, didn't get it right.
I'm just saying she surely
didn't take proper care of him.
Hence, he had...
that heart attack.
It was her, wasn't she?
Oh, darling!
See you at the doctor's house.
I'm going to give
my condolences to Mariloli.
Oh, no, not me!
You go.
Of course,
it will clear your mind.
Good evening.
Oh, my darling!
I'm so sorry!
Rodrigo was a great man.
- Oh, I'm heartbroken!
- Sorry. Sorry.
No! What
am I going to do without him?
- What happened?
- I don't know, it was weird.
Where's Marisela?
We both know
how this is going to end.
Why don't we cut the bullshit
and get going?
What do you say?
Sorry, ma'am,
but I'm not going anywhere.
Why, Felipa?
Your cleaning skills
are unparalleled.
I heard your
Mediterranean cuisine
is better
than Crossroads Kitchen's.
And let's not mention
your moping.
I have already told you.
I have told the lady before you.
I won't leave this place.
Your boss doesn't care
about you.
You'll see when she moves
to Europe, she'll dump you.
- I won't.
- Huh...
I'd never do that to you.
We'd be wonderful together.
- Yeah?
- There you are.
I'm convincing Felipa
to work at my house, right?
Oh, no, Felipa!
Come with me, will you?
What do you want?
Besides the clothes
I gave your cousin
but didn't fit her,
you'll have your own car!
Your own room, TV...
Oh, well, Felipa,
give us the recipe
of the excellent baklava
that you make.
- Please.
- Come on!
How dare you ask that
to Felipa?
Felipa, you are dismissed!
I'm sorry, Felipa,
give us minute, please.
A little bird told me,
that you've been making
a lot of questions.
Well, here I am.
At your orders.
Well, no, Mariloli...
the thing is...
we don't really know
Rodrigo's cause of death.
I poisoned him.
I'm kidding.
Can you imagine?
Me, confessing to a crime?
I'm not an idiot.
Well, what's with all
the questioning?
You cannot fool us,
you shed crocodile tears.
Tell Juan Jos
to get these
ladies out of my house.
- I was kidding.
- Get out of my house!
- Out!
- God!
Let the dogs out!
She's so good.
That bitch,
but she will pay for it.
What is it, baby?
Nothing, honey.
Mani didn't clean the table.
Her name is Malitzin.
Honey, it's been her pet name
since forever,
- she's like family.
- Mmm.
You know I don't like
your folkloric stuff.
It's not folklore,
it's called inclusion.
And I don't see colors,
you know it.
- I see people.
- Right.
Hey, baby...
I need you to sign these papers
from your foundation
so I can make a wire money
to an orphanage in Miami.
Are there poor people in Miami?
All around the world, baby.
I lived many years in Miami
and I never realized.
Honey, the world pains me.
No, no, no.
What are you doing?
These are the papers
you signed last week.
The bank wanted
to add some things,
so, I did it.
You already checked this?
Sure, baby.
Holy Virgin, dear Mother,
enlighten my husband's
business vision
so he gives me the leading role.
Please, Mother.
No! Federico...
- Hold on. Hi.
- What is it?
Have they picked the actress
who will star
in "Bastard Inheritance"?
Did you talk with the producers?
- Are they giving me the part?
- I don't know.
At the moment,
I'm more concerned
about our merger
with the other TV station
than about the soap opera,
I told you it's fine
to participate
in that dancing reality.
- It's cool.
- No!
I don't want to do the reality.
- Why?
- Last time I did,
I was disqualified
in the first round.
Why won't you help me?
You are everybody's boss,
You know what,
may the Virgin help you,
I can't take this anymore.
Hold on, Federico, don't go!
Much more
Than the lighthouse
That guides me through
The fog
More than the sun
That keeps me warm
I need your embrace
'Cause without you
Pam, pam, pam!
- Love...
- Oh!
God, you scared me
to death, girl.
Stop, stop, I have to
turn off the music. Stop!
I'll lose track.
How was the party?
No, it wasn't a party,
it was a funeral.
Well, at your age,
it's almost the same, isn't it?
Look, look at my shoulder.
Impressionanti, right?
Didn't you exaggerate
with the tan?
I like it, I feel I look...
really European.
Haven't I told you,
you aren't Ricky Martin, my love?
Oh, there you go again.
I told you I don't want
to look like him,
I'm on another level, darling.
And you dyed your hair.
Stop, what is it?
I mean...
are you playing detective today?
- Who are you? A Customs' agent?
- Yeah, you're right. Sorry.
I had a terrible day.
Okay, I forgive you.
But don't start flustering me,
I have to be at the club
tomorrow early morning.
What time?
I don't know, around six.
Does the club open at six?
Ey, just for the VIP, amore.
Oh, my love!
You spend a lot of time
at the club...
And then with work,
you almost never come to sleep.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Don't you want
a successful husband at home?
- Yeah, but we...
- Shh.
Come on...
Make me one of those
great sandwiches you make.
Come on, hurry up!
Come on.
Hey, Nena...
Remember, no mayo.
God, look at this bag!
Please, it's a beauty.
It's a gem.
- No!
- Let me take a picture.
- Spin for me.
- Look.
No. I want it.
Let me see it.
How much is it?
Thirty thousand.
Aren't you thirsty?
- Yeah.
- Could you bring us a drink?
My accountant has showed me
a lot of expenses...
Luca is spending thrice as me.
Go figure! Between the trips,
the club, the yacht...
The new clothes
and the little fix
he had on the face...
No, he is... out of control.
Hey, baby...
- Could your husband...
- What?
Be metrosexual?
What can I say?
His ways turns me on,
that he looks perfect
and smells like butter.
No, baby!
Could he be cheating on you?
- Mmm?
- You think?
Well, the other day
I was talking with Majo,
remember her?
Majo, she's divine,
tall, skinny, fabulous...
- Alright, so...?
- Her.
She recommended me
an Instagram profile
from a psychologist
that is pretty good,
gorgeous, too.
Spanish, tall, skinny,
divine, you know...
Her name is Atenea Corts.
And she has a great test
to help women identify
if your partner
is cheating on you.
In fact, I'll show it to you.
I've sent it to our group chat.
- Thank you.
- In fact...
Eh... Yes.
- Well, sometimes.
- Oh!
- Oh, yeah!
- Nena, you've got five already.
Well, but they are 37.
I still have a chance, right?
God! If I find out Luca
is cheating on me,
I'll kill him.
I swear to God I'll kill him!
God! If I find out Federico
is having an affair with one
of those upstart actresses,
I don't know what I would do.
If Pablo comes to think
he can fool me...
As nice as I look...
I'm fucking bitch.
I know it.
Did you see?
Look who's there.
Thank you very much
for your purchase.
You're welcome.
Oh, it's you.
So, are you buying them?
Or are you only...
window shopping.
Well, what do you care?
Oh, my girls!
You can't afford them, can you?
That's very sad, it's not cool.
Yeah, you're really sad.
You had to buy
two identical bags.
You must be very empty.
Oh, honey! I'm
the happiest woman in the world!
In fact, I'll get going.
I have to keep on
with my daily routine.
Spending, having fun...
Have a Tempranillo anytime
I wish!
Ciao, bambinas.
Do you buy marzipans?
Oh, sweetheart!
I'm sorry.
But I can tag you, okay?
Cheese! Cheese!
Say cheese!
- Thank you.
- I'm on a diet.
Hey, Mariloli is a visionary.
Of course.
Now, she has freedom to do
as she fucking pleases.
She kept all the inheritance
and she doesn't have to stand
that second-class doctor.
I can't stand her,
but I agree with you.
I'm agree too.
I wish I had Mariloli's courage
to do the same.
Kill them!
No, no.
But get rid of them.
My husband
would never sign the divorce.
In my case, given my prenup...
it would be an endless battle.
But there must be a way.
Picture us three,
as gorgeous as we are,
alone at the beach house,
the yacht...
without someone buzzing
in your ears every night.
Without snoring.
Without someone who stains
your silk sheets
with self-tanning lotion.
What I'm really worried about
is knowing if my husband
gets the 37 points
that you sent in the list.
The only way to know it
is doing the test.
- Let's do it.
- Okay, then.
Hey, how is everything going?
Would you like do a casting
right now...
for a reality show?
Look the one in bikini.
...well, no...
Yeah, that's just...
It's just...
what we need.
- That's almost ready.
- Hey! Almost.
Hey, where's your lady?
Over there with the others.
They are already
starting to get high.
You don't know the tons
of things Nena takes.
She's taking something
all the time...
- I can't stand it.
- No, no. no.
I meant they are going to
start gossiping. Fucking ladies!
Yeah, man.
Always chatting,
slacking all the time.
I'm sick of them, man.
They do and say bullshit
all the time.
They are crazy, man.
Hey, what happened
with the lawyer,
did you like him?
Oh, that guy was great.
Look, I needed him
to help me find a gap
in the prenup
in case she dumped me.
God forbid.
- One never knows.
- But...
with everything that she takes,
one day she'll mix something
and it's over.
So, now I'm relaxed.
Any issue, and I'll keep
half Spandex's fortune.
Hell yes.
one has to protect his life.
Because now women are bitches.
What happens if they see
a wealthy man?
They can make you
kick the bucket any time.
Oh, come on!
Your money comes
from Luca's foundation.
I've heard rumors
about the shell companies
that your friends
are setting up.
You opened five galleries
La Victoria
in less than three weeks.
And one of them
in the city outskirts,
you crossed the line, Pablo.
is under control, man.
Besides, Luca
started the foundation
just to look pretty
and have her picture taken
hugging poor people
so she can have more likes, man!
That's it!
- Of course.
- The drops of happiness.
Well, forgive me, ladies.
But I finished
the infidelity test
and I'm hot under the collar.
Me, too.
Give it to me!
What have you got there?
Give me some!
Hey, just take one drop,
you're drinking.
- One, one.
- Just one.
No, I have to show you the test.
No, no.
Where are you?
You are...
Fucking Pablo.
I just asked
for a little respect,
and what I get in return?
Just disgrace.
But two can dance.
Let's play.
Darling, come here!
Listen, sweetheart,
there's a Prosecco in the fridge
that it's cold.
Okay? Can you bring it?
No way.
Did he whistle at you?
I'm sick of fucking Pablo.
Girl, are you okay?
What's wrong with me?
What did you give me?
How many drops did you take?
God, I thought they were...
- homeopathic drops.
- What did you give her?
It was Diazepam.
It makes you feel cool,
how many did you take?
- Friend!
- Oh!
- Girl, are you okay?
- Sure.
- What happened? Damn it!
- It's okay, boy.
- Pick that!
- Have a seat!
- Thank you.
- Sorry.
- Marisela.
- Are you okay?
- What happened?
- I'm sorry.
Aren't you ashamed
of making such a fool
of yourself at your age?
- Sorry.
- Hey, it wasn't her fault.
No, it was the waiter's.
No, no, hold on.
It wasn't the boy's fault.
Search him before he leaves.
Is this another of your scenes
to convince me
to get you the soap opera's
leading role?
What are you talking about?
Hey, you don't need
to humiliate her.
- So now I am humiliating her?
- Sure.
Yeah? Have you told them
the ridicule you put me through
when you talked
to the producers behind my back?
Or you don't tell them that?
Of course, you just talk about
which fillers are you getting
and how to spend money
on trivialities.
You know what?
You ruined my day.
- Come on, let's go already!
- I'm sorry!
- We were having fun.
- Hurry up!
Stop it!
Girl, they're asking for it.
I'll call you later.
- Come on.
- Just a second.
- Come on.
- We'll help you.
- We'll help you out.
- Come on, come on.
- I'll walk you to the door.
- No, no.
- He's mad now.
- Marisela, calm down.
- Hold on.
- Calm down.
I can do it myself.
Girl, text me, please,
when you get home.
- That's it.
- Okay.
- Is it cool at eight?
- Yeah.
I'll call you.
- You won't chicken out?
- No.
- See you tonight.
- Sure.
find out what
is this asshole into!
Of course.
Is your husband there?
No, isn't home since he left me.
Another check on my list.
Girl, come ASAP to Polanco!
Luca found out
our husbands' bolt hole.
I've got 25 out
of 37 points so far.
Me, 33 out of 37,
this is bullshit.
I've got 42.
Did he say where he was going?
He never tells me anything.
Pablo said he had dinner
with his personal priest.
There is Luca.
No way! What?
That asshole.
That is Fede's car.
Isn't that the actress they want
for the leading role
- in "Bastard Inheritance"?
- No!
I will not forgive you this one.
No, no, no.
- No, no, no.
- Girl... calm down.
I won't forgive him.
You have to be much smarter
than that idiot.
And even this takes class.
I know what we are going to do.
Did you see her boobs?
Well, at least
he told you the truth,
the priest is here.
I don't get why we're here.
You're gorgeous, sweetheart!
Thank you.
Thank you, love.
These are my friends,
Marisela, Nena.
So, come in.
What is the problem now,
My love, you know, the usual.
The Death.
The Tower.
The Three of Cups.
One... two, three.
You have to unite...
to tear down the established.
Kill off
what you have to bring into life
a world of happiness
and fulfillment.
My advice is...
Whatever you may be thinking...
do it!
It's the perfect time.
Are you sure?
It's the only way to achieve
the Nirvana in life, sweetheart.
And I want you to know...
that this thing
that you are willing to do...
will heal you.
And will grant you the life
you've always wanted.
Sorry, just a minute.
Thank you, thanks a lot.
Say no more.
We'll do the "Mariloli".
Yeah, but we have to be
very careful.
We need someone
to get his hands dirty for us.
Of course.
Tony, my driver,
has that problem.
- Is he sick?
- No.
He's from north of the country.
And I guess he must know someone
that does that type of things.
I don't know,
an uncle, a cousin,
a brother-in-law who's a hitman.
You are brilliant..
Lu, let's go.
Okay, we need to figure
something out, dear.
Listen, darling,
the cards are very clear.
Very, very clear.
You have to kill off
what you have
to bring into life a world
of happiness and fulfillment.
My advice is...
Whatever you may be thinking...
do it!
It's the perfect time.
Do you need anything, ma'am?
your family is large, right?
And part of them...
must be more northern
than usual.
I don't get it, ma'am.
Real northern, Tony.
With arms.
- Some of them.
- Sure...
I respect their choice
to carry arms
and marry their cousins.
I don't judge.
Trust me, I know those places,
they're magical.
People are really nice.
I need a hitman.
Yeah, I'll pay him really well,
but this has to be top secret.
It's for a friend.
I think I know someone.
But don't disclose my name.
I love it!
I'm so excited.
How will we identify him?
I don't know.
- Jesus! Fuck!
- Girl!
- What?
- Move!
- What did I miss?
- Auch!
Nothing, he's not here yet.
That's Chuy.
That's it!
A first-class drug lord.
He's handsome, huh?
Hey, cousin!
Over here!
Tony, let's go!
- Oh, please!
- Let's go, Tony.
Help him!
I'm with you!
Poor man.
They are a large family.
They are many, hmm?
All right.
I guess it's time to contact
the real pros.
Get out!
I told you I don't want you
lurking around.
I told you I won't leave
this house,
fucking posh ladies.
We know you did it.
Okay, let's cup the crap.
We need your help.
We know what you did
to your husband.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You know I know people,
who knows people that you know.
And they saw you
in a place we both know.
And trust me, my sweetheart,
I have zero interest
in your private life
and your reasons to do
what you did.
We're just asking you
for the "how", okay?
It's very simple.
Either you help us...
or we tell everybody
you are 65 years old.
How dare you!
That's a lie!
You have age spots
on your hands.
I just want to tell you
that I haven't done anything
at all.
Street 3 No. 182 Morelos hood.
Don't look for me again
I've nothing for you
I got tired
Of your crumbs
Go fly in another sky
And leave your cage open
Another sparrow
May take the bait
But give it
Give it.
Water to drink
- Hey.
- Mhm?
What do we do now?
Shall we just ask?
Of course not. First,
let's order something, right?
Hey, remember when we used
to go partying,
that they would invite us
to the night club.
No, I honestly don't.
I remember very little
of the 90's.
What can I bring you, ladies?
Oh, how nice!
Hey, I love your place.
This is amazing.
Excuse me,
we are looking for someone,
do you know him?
Yeah, I do.
But I you want any information,
you'll have to buy a bottle.
Yeah, okay, bring us a Mot.
Jeez, lady, we only have cider.
Oh, well,
bring a tequila bottle, okay?
- Tequila.
- Thank you.
Look at that.
Every single man looks like
a thug in this place.
Yeah, but Mariloli's...
is guaranteed.
What's wrong with you?
Excuse me.
this isn't tequila.
- Yeah, it is.
- Let's see.
- It is?
- Yes.
It doesn't have a label.
Smell it!
Oh, this is ethyl alcohol!
Admit it.
- Right.
- But it's good, huh?
Tell Manuel Alejandro
we are here!
We are waiting for him.
Jeez, but he says
he's sick of working
with bleached blonde
Bleached blonde?
You are
dis... cri... minating me.
That is called inverse racism.
Hey, don't you want to sing?
No, what for?
To get discriminated?
Hey, take it easy!
we even have an admirer.
Yeah, sure.
our song.
- You don't want to know...
- Ye ye
- That I really love you
- Ye ye ye ye
And you'll come on
Your knees
Asking me for a little love
But I won't give it to you
Ye ye
'Cause I don't want to
See you
Ye ye ye ye
Because you don't listen
And have no mercy
Of my poor heart
Find another girl...
Damn it!
Everybody, back off!
Come this way!
Thank you!
- What is your mom's name?
- Cuca.
Hi, Cuca!
How are you?
I am Marisela de la Pea.
And I'm here with your son.
Oh, don't scold him
because he got out of rehab!
He just got our for a while,
- Yeah.
- But he loves you a lot.
And I do, too.
Marisela de la Pea.
Up with love!
That's it! Hey, can you put
a filter on it.
- Yeah, sure.
- Excuse me.
- Of course.
- Thanks a lot, old lady.
She called me "old lady".
Your beer, miss.
- Here are the peanuts.
- Thanks.
Well then,
did Mariloli told you about me?
- Yeah.
- That's it.
I guess you're all here
for the same thing.
- Yeah.
- Perfect.
Then, let's get things straight
because this is very serious.
I need to know absolutely
everything about your husbands.
To know what's their deal,
because I don't get
my hands dirty just because,
I need to know,
where they hang out,
who do they hang out with,
and all that stuff, I mean.
What's the deal? What for?
What? What's up? With what?
Like they say,
to know their weakness
to know their Achilles' heel.
Okay, perfect.
Easy, easy, right?
When do you start?
No, hold on.
This is business,
first, we have to discuss...
dough, money, bucks.
But, luckily for you,
today is Black Friday
and I'm 3 for 2.
Oh, Black Friday!
I love it!
Can I borrow your pen?
I'll write down the sum.
For each one?
No, for the three of them.
Em... Well, we'll give you
half of it in advance
and the rest
when the deed is done.
Sounds fair.
Well, if I may ask,
what do you spend the money on?
I've always dreamed of singing.
You mean, to release a record?
No, no, to own a karaoke bar
like this one.
Oh, how nice!
- I love it.
- Oh, cutie!
It's a deal.
So, all your husbands' details
so I can get to work.
If we agree, let's make a toast.
- That's it.
- Yeah?
- Am I online?
- Yeah.
It's set.
- Hi, girls.
- Hello?
- Hi, girl.
- What's up, girls?
I'm here with Anaso and Mafer.
- Hi.
- These are the girls.
Tita's daughters.
Remember her?
Tita from Monterrey.
Look how big they are.
Cute, right?
Hi, gorgeous, you're so grown.
Well, as you know,
Manuel Alejandro
asked us to research...
The girls helped me hack,
Luca, Fede and Pablo.
And, girls...
the things on the list
can't even compare
with what you'll hear next.
So, take a seat, please.
It's awful.
So awkward.
What did you find?
Pablo has been stealing money
from the foundation
for two years,
stealing money from the poor
and laundering it
for his businesses.
No way, Lu!
What are you going to do?
What are "we" going to do?
Because Luca and Fede
aren't far behind.
Tell them.
has just given
the leading role to that girl
we saw him with the other day.
- No fucking way.
- And the worst part...
is he didn't even considered you
for the soap opera's villain.
He badmouths you.
You don't know all the things
he filtered to US Weekly.
Son of a bitch!
No, Nena, hold on.
Your Luca,
consulted a lawyer
Federico recommended him
and has everything ready
to keep your Spandex empire.
He forged your signature.
I want to see that bastard dead.
No. I'm going to kill
that ass first.
The first to die
is going to be Pablo.
No, thanks!
Girl, I still don't get
why are we here.
It's called being discreet.
None of our acquaintances
come to these places.
Yeah, I agree.
But, a sausage toast?
Hello. I'm vegan.
just put the sausage aside.
Do you know how already?
Unfortunately, yes.
And you?
- Yeah, I do.
- Yes.
Join us.
Why here?
It draws less attention
to call you one by one.
What do you have?
Well, you'll have
to forge a prescription.
You are going to buy
this medicine...
that poorly administered,
it's a bomb to the heart.
If Luca takes it for a long time
with his protein shake,
it will work, right?
The only thing you have to do
is change...
his vitamins for this medicine.
He goes to the gym every morning
from 6:00 to 11:30.
Here is the address,
the details and the dough.
No, no, don't count it here.
It's a deal, sweetie.
What's up!
Damn it, Picos!
- What?
- I told you to wear
something more discreet.
I hate when you are
like this, Manolo.
You're very judgmental.
You haven't understood
that what matters
is what we have up here,
- and here.
- And here, dude.
- Easy, man!
- In your fucking pockets.
You'll ruin my outfit, man.
- So?
- What?
Did you get them?
How dare you ask!
- Did you bring a spare bag?
- Why?
They were inside a little bag,
but it tore.
How can you carry them like
It's just a bit of lint,
but the pills are okay.
- Okay, give them to me.
- Fine.
Are you sure these are
the prescription's?
Okay, then.
Get out of here!
Or somebody may call the police.
- You smell like a pigster.
- Oh, come on!
It's not like you
wear Calvin Klein!
Come on!
Go, I'm working.
You don't work at all!
Good day, officer.
Good morning.
I'm here for a job interview.
Can you register, please?
SEISMIC ALERI talked with one
of Pablo's associates,
you know, he's always had
a thing for me.
And he gave me all
the information
about their dirty businesses.
Then, I called the foundation's
systems engineer
and told him it was
an emergency.
And he gave me all
the information
from the computer.
From the phone, WhatsApp,
and everything.
No, no autographs.
Oh, girl!
It's Manuel Alejandro.
- It's your turn.
- Good luck.
- Lett's go.
- Yeah.
- Go.
- Good luck!
I need you to filter
all these documents.
That will send him
straight to jail.
Do you know anyone in jail?
In every penitentiary.
But for the crime we are going
to blame Pablo
and his address,
I think he would be assigned
the northern penitentiary.
Big Mama is there.
The Big Mama.
I love it!
You're a bitch, Luca.
To Big... Mama.
The Big Mama.
I love it!
What's up, Manolo!
Damn it, Picos.
Are these your headquarters?
Hell, yes.
Nobody suspects
from an Internet cafe.
Besides, I can hire kids
without any issue.
Are you sure nobody
will connect this
to the foundation?
Oh, relax!
- Okay then.
- Fine.
What are you looking at?
He's one of my researchers,
Manolo, don't bully him.
We are all friends here.
Are you going to use it?
It's two dollars per hours.
I'm not feeling well.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Are you?
Hey, tell me something,
is it hot in here
or is it my nerves?
It's your nerves.
Luca: We are at the bar.
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah.
What is it, girls?
Manuel Alejandro told me
my deed is done.
So, it's your turn, Marisela.
But I want to look him
in the eye when it's done.
I want to see
how the light in his eyes...
fades before me.
Okay, my love.
my deed will have to wait.
We cannot do it at
the same time...
- They would suspect us.
- Right.
Hey, let's go, the event
is going to start
- and I don't want...
- Let's go, let's go!
to be seen here gossiping.
Let's go, let's go.
Come here.
I hate his character.
- What is this?
- Hello, everybody.
Thank you very much
for coming to this award
given by the Argentinian
community in Mexico...
to an exemplary man.
Let's hear a round
of applause, don't be shy,
let me hear you.
To Luca Romanetti.
Come on!
For his work to dignify...
I said,
for his work to dignify...
the demeanor and elegance
of the Argentinian man...
To dignify, dignify...
Like I said for his work
to dignify the poise
and elegance
of the Argentinian man.
We want to present
this 'Sal Lizaso' award...
I'm sorry, excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Hold on.
What is it?
Oh, God!
He shat his pants.
I have the runs, damn it!
Don't laugh, fucking idiots!
Please, an ice cube!
- An ice cube.
- No, not an ice cube.
You don't have
to record this, okay?
Somebody take him
to the bathroom.
Help him, Arturo!
Come on, Arturo!
It's okay. It's okay.
How disgusting!
Nena, have you got the award?
Yeah, it's here.
- Don't let it get stained, okay?
- No.
If my heart won't find
The happiness I already lost
And drowned
In this ocean of tears
I will feel
Hold on, hold on...
What did you give my husband?
Hold on! Easy! This way!
Easy, lady!
What did you give Luca?
Well, I...
What you told me to.
You're lying!
That had to get to his heart,
not his butthole, idiot.
He has had a fucking diarrhea
for two days
and now, because of you,
Luca has gone viral.
Go figure!
They call him "Lord Poopy".
Lord Poopy?
Don't laugh, idiot!
All right.
Listen, seriously,
if you're not satisfied
with my service,
I have a return policy.
I can give you your money back.
I can do it.
No, no, keep it.
You feel...
relieved, right?
Well, yes.
Yeah, a little.
And how do you know?
We've all felt the desire
to kill, right?
But we don't really mean it.
Well, not everyone,
'cause I don't feel a thing
since... around 1975.
Yeah, I mean it.
Look, I fell from a tree.
I smashed my head, feel this.
- Oh, right!
- Do you feel it?
- Yeah?
- Mhm.
It is a big bump,
and I needed surgery,
but, guess what?
Instead, I had surgery
for an inguinal hernia.
That's fucking wrong.
You didn't make it
to the toilet again?
Thanks for coming.
I'd like to read a fragment
of the letter Luca left...
before his tragic event.
"I can't stand it anymore.
The pain
in my butt is killing me
as well as being
called Lord Poopy.
I hope my death
makes everybody realize
than cyber bullying
it's really bullshit.
Think twice before you do it.
Honestly, I find solace
in three things.
The hope that my death
is a lesson for all
who makes fun of people
on the Internet.
That I will meet with my mom
who is in Heaven.
That I'm finally meeting Diego.
Go, Pelusa!"
Thank you.
- Oh, girl!
- Are you okay?
Do you want a glass of water?
Oh, friend!
Did you see who is there?
Who is that?
What's going on?
Rafael Madrigal.
The city's chief justice.
In the past, he coordinated
some operations for me
at the foundation.
A cop?
The cop.
But, what is she doing with him?
I don't know.
I'd heard she was dating
someone new,
but not him.
No, no, here he comes.
- Cancel everything!
- Keep it down.
Oh! This is awful.
My condolences, Nena.
- Thank you.
- I'm really sorry.
Mrs. Yazbek.
Oh, Madrigal!
My love...
could you bring me a glass
of water?
Of course, princess.
What can I say?
One thing led to the other
and the other.
And I couldn't help it.
You have to protect yourself.
Are you going to eliminate
this one, too?
Any other comment like that...
and you'll have the whole
police department
at your house tomorrow, darling.
I know I don't have to tell you
what you have to do.
But ladies,
get your act together.
Look, look!
Ave Mara
Gratia plena
What are you doing here?
How dare you?
Where have I seen that guy?
Don't look at him.
Don't look at him.
Don't look at him.
Excuse me.
How dare you show up
after what you did?
- You did it.
- Cancel my deed.
I don't want this to happen
to me.
Too late, darling.
It turns out
my contacts found out
an embezzlement.
Not only in your foundation,
but in your private
bank accounts
and your parents',
how do you like that?
Your husband
is really something, huh?
And not just that,
in his associates' accounts,
Come here!
Do I filter all the information?
Or just the one you gave me?
I don't care about him
messing with the poor's money,
but with mine,
the product of I my hard work,
my parents'...
Oh, baby!
You're gorgeous.
Do it!
Filter everything.
It's a deal!
Oh, dear!
- Hey...
- Mhm?
Did you like the Ave Mara?
The thing is, the musicians
wanted to play in B-flat,
but I told them not to.
I told them my tone was D-major.
It sounded good, right?
Calm down.
- Calm down.
- Calm down.
Hi, girls!
- Sweetheart!
- You look gorgeous.
- Baby.
- How are you?
How are you, girl?
Oh, me?
Well, I feel amazing, fabulous,
what can I say?
- I feel like a teenager.
- No.
No, really, how are you?
I mean it.
I'm glad you came.
What can I offer you?
Let's see, Mary.
What do you want to drink?
The only thing here,
I don't drink anymore.
- What?
- How?
- Yeah, right!
- As if!
Look at me, a whole week sober.
I feel...
God, enlightened.
What can I say?
It shows, friend.
I'm having alcohol.
Thanks, darling.
How kind!
Oh, how nice!
This is Mary's son,
he's such a sweetheart.
Thank you, sweetie.
Oh, he's amazing!
And in some years...
- Yeah!
- Girl!
Is this new you
going to last forever
or until the new prescription?
No, I mean it, girls.
The thing is...
What can I say, I feel like...
my energy is renewed.
Death has been...
Uff, my best Botox.
I've got a friend
who uses it in her brain.
How strange!
And you wouldn't believe it!
- Fuck.
- What's wrong?
It's Pablo, he has received
a death threat.
They called him to
the foundation and home.
the documents filtered
got into the wrong hands.
trust me, if he gets kidnapped,
they'll do you a favor.
No, not like that.
Not like that.
Manuel Alejandro, did you see?
You have to follow Pablo.
I'm sure he is going
to flee the country.
No, no, no!
I had no idea
he was involved
with those people.
Where are you?
Where are you?
- Girl.
- Oh, friend.
- Did he...?
- No.
He's in a coma.
Like Cerati.
Yeah, apparently,
he won't wake up.
And all thanks to you.
Hold on.
I did my part.
The man is going to have
a long and slow death.
Like Cerati.
You wanted a slow and painful
death, right?
It's done.
Two out of three.
You're the only one left.
What a horrible feeling!
Worse than when I saw
Notre Dame Cathedral burning.
I feel a knot in my stomach.
You'll see it will go away soon.
- You dropped this.
- Thanks.
This has gone too far.
What are we going to do
if we are caught?
For the time being,
postpone your thing
so it isn't so obvious.
I don't know.
Now, I will have
to organize charity dinners
for people in a coma.
Girl, I'd better get going.
All this makes me very nervous.
Oh, girl.
Did you understand?
I'm going to pray the Rosary.
- Yeah, thanks.
- So he dies soon...
You were laundering
the foundation's money.
My money, my family's.
Fucking abuser!
Now, and at the hour
of our death, amen.
Mrs. Yazbek.
Madrigal, I'm glad you came
to visit Pablo.
I'm not here visiting, ma'am.
I'm in charge
of the investigation
of the events occurred today
with Mr. Pablo Nacib,
your husband.
I hope you catch those guys,
you know, misery has
this country
mired into violence.
Well, we caught one of them.
Oh, thanks God.
Your husband.
Mr. Pablo Nacib is...
in very serious trouble.
I mean...
besides his current situation,
He's accused of money laundering
and a series
of very shady crimes.
So, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to arrest him,
as he represents a flight risk.
Well, but he really can't...
Please, officers,
handcuff Mr. Pablo N.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me.
Okay, Draco,
put the cuffs on him.
The suite is very nice.
Very elegant.
- Careful.
- Lift him.
- Ready, boss.
- Thanks.
Excuse us.
I suggest you find
a cheaper hospital because
the foundation's, your husband's
and your personal bank accounts
will be frozen
during the investigation.
You can't do that.
I already did, ma'am.
And take care of yourself, okay?
Many associates
that your husband scammed
are furious.
We wouldn't want anything
to happen to you.
You are taking advantage of us.
You are resented, aren't you?
Fucking Pablo!
Look, man,
that cop was asking for you
the other day.
Because then, they...
Where do I know him from?
I don't know.
I met him at the funeral
of Nena's husband.
Then, I saw him at the hospital,
but I can't remember
where I know him from.
Not very splendid, are you.
Of course.
Don't play dumb.
No fucking way!
- Unbelievable!
- What?
No fucking way!
What is it, Manolo?
What's wrong?
I have to call Luca.
- Luca?
- Yeah, she's in danger.
The number
you called has changed
- or is temporarily out of...
- How strange.
You know what, man?
Go away.
I'll contact you.
- Hide away.
- Okay.
Take care, Manolo!
Careful, man.
What are you doing here?
I'm sure...
that Rafael,
Mariloli's boyfriend,
that cop, has to do
with Pablo's attack.
He had him killed.
So, we'd better hire him, right?
This is serious, Nena,
those men are very dangerous.
Rafael had Pablo killed?
Damn, that's twisted.
We have to tell Luca,
but her phone is suspended
and I really don't dare to get
close to her house.
Let's see.
The number...
Yeah, it's weird.
Well, let's go to the hospital.
Okay, wait here,
I'll take a quick shower,
get changed
and we'll go together.
Wait here.
don't break it, okay?
I bought it in a flea market.
I'll be right back.
Good day.
That gorilla is in there.
- I don't want him to see you.
- He is there.
I don't want him to...
Hey, hold on.
He's gone.
Is he?
Oh, sorry.
Em... let's go,
this is very hot.
I mean, it's very hot here.
Yeah, let's go.
- Okay, let's go.
- Yeah, let's go.
Could I have an autograph?
Of course, what's your name?
It's for my grandson.
- What's his name?
- Santiago.
Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
My big boy.
Oh, shit!
Could you help me?
Something's wrong with my badge.
Oh, it's deactivated.
You know who I am?
Of course, I'm a fan
of your soap operas,
but your badge has expired,
I cannot let you into
the company.
Hey, don't!
Call my husband immediately!
You know him?
- Yeah, sure, he is...
- Call him now!
You look younger on TV,
don't you?
- Ma'am.
- Don't.
Yeah, it's the truth.
Can you explain to me
why was I humiliated
at the entrance?
Marisela de la Pea!
Ma'am, I've been a fan of yours
since I was very little.
This is so exciting!
Me, too, Marisela,
since I was a baby.
Back in the island, I would
watch all your soap operas
with my grandma
that is about your age.
I'm very glad
to finally meet you.
I am still waiting
for an explanation.
It's not me.
It's an order from above.
The company needs new faces,
young people.
Claudita, how many followers
have you got?
Eight million on Instagram.
You don't even
have social networks.
Your audience
doesn't consume anymore,
the company needs to generate
a new audience.
I wanted to discuss
this with you later,
but since you insist,
I'll have to tell you now.
You were vetoed, Marisela.
I'm sorry.
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now,
you will never be.
Keep sleeping with my husband.
Closing phrase of episode.
Look, Nena,
this is the good thing,
isn't it?
I know the streets
and the bad influences, right?
For many years,
I kept very bad company.
using drugs all the time.
look at me now.
Look at me, I've been sober
for more than 10 years.
And all that,
thanks to my group,
my godfather
and my Superior Power.
so, Nena,
if you need help someday,
I am here for you.
What kind of help? Or what?
Why? Or how?
Come on, Nena,
I saw the bottles.
You were drinking more
than before, right?
Honestly, yes.
It hurt me deeply that Luca
wanted to steal
everything I built
with all my hard work, you know?
I also come
from humble beginnings.
I know the streets, too.
I've been evading my reality
since I was a child.
And then...
when I created my corsets
and earned a lot of money,
I made up Nena's character
to bear the fucking pressure
of high society.
But the only thing I did...
was turn my back to the real me.
Remember you asked me
my real name?
Jatziri Domnguez.
Nice to meet you.
Luca, where
are you calling from...?
No, I'm on my way.
- Come on, let's go.
- No, hold on.
grant me serenity to accept...
Serenity my balls!
Let's go!
- Wait!
- Come on.
The fortune cookies.
- Girl.
- Friend.
Are you okay?
No, don't give me that look.
This is the new Luca.
What are you talking about?
My bank accounts.
They are all frozen.
My parents'
and the foundation's,
go figure, all my properties
have been seized
while the investigation
on Pablo's scams
is carried out.
We can't even use our cars,
They drove us here
in a thing my dad discovered.
It's called Uber.
That one.
And so we are in this old house
that was my grandpa's...
when he started from the bottom.
These are our roots.
This situation is very hard.
Come in.
Very hard...
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Hello, good afternoon.
They have to light a fire
because the house
is really cold.
There is no heating.
- What?
- She means the chimney.
Yeah, in fact,
excuse the musty smell.
I guess that's what poverty
smells like.
Oh, stop it.
Stop saying you're poor,
because you are not.
Besides, Manuel Alejandro
has something very important
to tell you.
Please, come in
to your humble abode,
I'll make some atole.
Oh, God!
I knew Madrigal
was behind all this.
Sure, that's why
he was so interested.
He was Pablo's associate.
That must be it.
I told Jatziri those people
are very dangerous.
Why does he call you Jatziri?
- I'll tell you later.
- Agh!
Mrs. Yazbek.
I'm calling from the hospital,
unfortunately, your husband
has passed away.
I'm so sorry.
I'm on my way.
What is it?
From the hospital.
Pablo is gone.
I'm sorry.
Why are you sorry?
- Wasn't that what you wanted?
- Yes.
Damn it, you scared me.
How was your day?
I'm not in the mood, okay?
You feel very sad
because you fired someone
from the company?
The veto was necessary.
If that's the problem,
I can get you a job
in the company next door.
- No, that's not it.
- So?
The problem is you and me.
I'm tired of going against
the tide.
You don't want to be with me.
I don't want to be
with you either.
Why don't we get divorced?
I want the divorce,
half of the money for you
and half for me, end of story.
- Are you an idiot?
- No, I'm not.
I won't get divorced.
You perfectly know
how things are in the company.
I don't give a damn about it!
I won't get divorced.
We were married by the Pope
in a live ceremony
in national television.
- Twenty years ago.
- Yeah, because you wanted to.
And don't cry on me
because I'm sick of your scenes.
- No, this isn't a scene.
- No?
You are having an affair
with the girl in the leading role,
just like you did
with all of them.
That's how we started,
it isn't a scene, it's real life.
- See?
- What?
Look at you.
I'm getting divorced!
I don't need you to do that!
Did you know
the law has changed, asshole?
He looks calm, doesn't he?
Of course.
He doesn't have to experience
the poverty I live in.
Well, well...
Just who I was looking for.
I'm sorry, widow.
Now, you'll have to sign
the papers I need
to give
your husband's associates
the money they were promised.
She won't sign anything.
We know you are
one of Pablo's associates.
You'd better be quiet, man.
I know which Internet cafe
the information that filtered
came out from.
And you don't give
that look to me!
Or I'll open
an investigation file right now
for your husband's death.
Suicide due to diarrhea, right?
No fucking way!
You've got 24 hours
to sign these papers,
otherwise, the three of you
will end up in the fucking jail.
Calm down, girl.
Everything will be alright.
Of the Lord
All united
We happily sing
The glory and hope of the Lord
Manuel sings beautifully,
doesn't he?
Glory to the Spirit of God
I will praise
I will praise
We have to keep saving face.
- How are you?
- Fine.
Girl, your eyes are
more swollen than usual.
- What's wrong?
- I couldn't sleep.
How are things with Fede?
He won't talk to me.
He vetoed me from the company.
He vetoed me from my house.
- Really?
- He vetoed me!
your deed will have to wait.
Because Mariloli's boyfriend
is upon us.
- What?
- Yeah.
It turns out that Madrigal
was my husband's associate.
I will praise
And he's even threatened me
with opening
an investigation file for me
if Luca doesn't sign
some papers
to give him all her money.
- Can you believe it?
- Every cent.
our dream will never come true.
I will praise
I will praise
I will praise
I will praise
I will praise
I will praise my Lord
All united
Happily we sing
The glory and hope
Of the Lord
Come on, everybody!
The papers?
What the fuck is this?
Why didn't you sign them?
Do you really think I am going
to give you my money?
My family's money.
My poor people's money.
If we aren't scared
of anal bleaching,
why would we be scared of you?
Fucking fat man!
The media is on my side.
Don't you think
they'll believe me
when I tell the press,
this man is blackmailing me
because I saw him killing
my friend's husband!"
Should I call Paty Chapoy?
She'll pick up right away.
- Should I?
- Fucking bitches!
You three are doomed.
Oh, ma'am.
Ugh! Agh!
Here are your papers.
You've nothing to worry about.
Thank you.
But he was your boyfriend.
He was an asshole.
The worst of all.
He wasn't
just investigating you,
but me.
I won't let anybody
takes away
the freedom I've earned.
No fucking way.
This is going to be
more expensive.
All your bullshit
has been solved.
You can rest now.
Mr. Romero, how are you?
- Very well.
- Here are the papers
so you can put everything
in order,
- please.
- Mhm.
And I'd appreciate
you do it as soon as possible.
I can't keep seeing my parents
living like paupers.
Hold on, Felipa.
Get out of your lair,
I've got a job for you.
They have vegan toast now.
Good thing, girl, I told you.
Hey, Manuel Alejandro
did a very good job, right?
- Look.
- Mhm.
This says, "The chief justice
Rafael Madrigal
and a former cop
who became a hitman
were found stabbed in a ditch.
Apparently, they had ties
with drug cartels".
Look who's here!
- Can I sit down?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
So, did you like it?
May I?
- Thank you!
- Yeah, sure. Bon apptit.
So, the three for two is over,
and the time
for the soap operas queen
has arrived.
Just tell me what can I help you
with and how.
I just want to know,
when and where
can I catch him red-handed?
Mhm, very well.
I just came to say hi.
I have to go.
I've got other businesses.
- See you.
- Thanks.
- I'll check that.
- Bye.
- Oh, I love him.
- I think he got a haircut.
Doesn't he look better?
I know where Mr. Fede is.
Get over here,
I'll send you the location.
Are you sure you don't want me
to intervene?
I'm sure.
This is my moment.
Tell me...
do you want to be a star?
You're my star!
We got it! Excellent.
it's an honor to work with you.
You are a leading actor.
- Thank you.
- On the contrary.
You looked really intense.
Did my eyes look big?
Really big, it was impressing.
Who would have said
you are the villain of the hour?
- I just needed an opportunity.
- Mhm.
Thank you very much.
No, thank you
for your discretion.
Very well, excellent.
- Thanks.
- Congratulations.
I am Marisela de la Pea
and I never forget a betrayal.
shall we start opening
the champagne boxes?
No, wait until I finish singing.
They might get wasted
before listening to me.
do you like our place?
It is a hit.
Cheers to that!
- Cheers, handsome.
- Cheers, partner.
I uploaded it two hours ago
and I've got
three million views.
Besides, they doubled
my wage in the company.
Girl, you're unstoppable.
The new Tiktok queen.
It's a shame Fede
couldn't see your success
on social networks.
His accident was awful.
Oh, well.
He died with Samuel by his side.
Besides, he didn't have...
- Hi!
- Mariloli!
Hello, well done, my girls!
- You did it!
- We did what we could.
How are you?
Aren't you going to introduce
your beau?
Of course, he is Emilio.
We've just arrived
from Los Angeles, we went
to Madonna's concert.
It was awesome.
But, hey, I'm glad to see you.
I'll leave you
so you keep enjoying
your life.
he's gorgeous.
And the best part
is he's 41 years old...
Like me.
Oh, Mariloli.
- Bye, girls.
- Bye.
I love you.
Have a blast!
Hey, partners.
- How do you like the service?
- It's wonderful.
My song is coming next.
Do we sing it together, Jatziri?
It'd be my pleasure, Manuelito.
I'll be right back.
Door is over there!
You can leave any time!
I don't give a fuck,
you don't get it!
I don't give a fuck
about you or your opinion!
Let me go!
Don't touch me!
Call us if you need us.
To the freedom of every woman.
To the poor and our new house
at the beach.
To us and our new life.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
What a cool song!
I come looking for you
And I can't find you
Your friends have told me
When I arrive to the party
Oh, oh, oh
I saw you kissing
With someone else
You have no shame
I don't want it,
I have to forget you tonight
You said you loved me
That you wouldn't forget me
Give me back my picture
It's over
It's the end
Is it the end?
Of our love
I don't want it to be the end.
It's the end
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Of our love
It's over
Encore! Encore!
Let's go, everyone.