Killer Competition (2020) Movie Script

So now what?
We need to tell the police.
Tell them what?
We've still got nothing,
nothing to clear us.
W-What other choice do we have?
Whoever created this
website did it from here
so that they couldn't be traced.
Oh my God!
Okay, stop stressing,
just write what you feel.
Come in.
Hey kiddo.
Just checking in on you.
You know you've been
up here all night.
Yeah, midterm week.
And this...
Still working on your essay?
I'm just so worried about
saying the wrong thing
that I can't say anything.
Well, I know how hard
you've been working for this.
Ever since you and dad
told me about Westbridge
and all the amazing
times you had there,
going to college there is
all that I have dreamt about.
So If it's what I wanted
for so long,
why can't I just decide
what to say?
Just be true to who
you are and say that
- Yeah, thanks.
- Okay
I'll just give it a rest for now
and do some studying.
Yeah, a little perspective
never hurts.
Also, popcorn, your dad
and I are making some.
- Sold.
- Oh good.
Come on.
Some of you
obviously didn't do reading
or failed to comprehend...
Good work, Nicole. As always.
Better Sarah. Keep it up.
Now as we contine
our discussion on Julius Caesar
and its present day parallels--
Remember, your midterm is
in two days and it will consist
of everything we covered
this semester so far!
So study!
I don't get it,
- I put in same effort you do--
- Really?
Because every time we study,
you're texting some guy.
Well, all work no play?
Come on.
You're gonna go check it again?
I got to know where I st and.
You're obsessed.
What's the word?
Any exciting new changes?
Maybe some hot gossip?
Still a four-way
tie for valedictorian.
Let me guess... Victor, Jenna --
and Ryan, all 4.0s.
What are you so worried about?
Your grades are like - perfect,
it's actually kind of annoying.
Westbridge isn't exactly
cheap and...
my parents can't afford it.
so graduating number one
is the best way
to get the scholarship
I need to pay for.
Worst case, there are
other schools?
But there's only one Westbridge.
I'll see you later.
What's that?
That's Westbridge's decal.
I figured you more than
anyone would recognize it.
Obviously I know what it is.
Why is it in your locker?
Kept hearing you rave about
it so I looked into it.
You were right,
it's a great school.
Specialized in business
so I decided to apply.
Already sent everything in,
just waiting on my acceptance.
Y-you know that that's
my dream school...
And you know how
selective they are!
They only accept like...
300 students a quarter
and they pretty much
never accept
two students from
the same high school.
Guess you should make sure you
apply some backup schools then.
How could you do this?
There are thousands
of other colleges
that you could get into,
why would you pick mine?
Guess you shouldn't have
raved about it so much
until you got in.
Enjoy life at your
second choice.
I can't believe
that he would do this.
I can. It's Victor,
when has he ever thought
about anyone but himself?
Well you dated him.
Oh my God, don't remind me.
I should've never mentioned
Westbridge. So stupid.
I've been working so hard,
and he's ruining it for me.
So let's ruin it for him.
How are we
supposed to do that?
Midterms are tomorrow, right?
Big chunk of our grade
for the quarter?
If Victor happens to do poorly
before Westbridge
looks at his grades
and makes their final decision--
He's one of the smartest
students in the school.
I doubt that he'll blow
his midterm.
What if we make sure he does?
How? It's not like we can
change his test scores.
Says who?
What are you talking about?
We swap Victor's test
for one that doesn't
get every answer right.
He won't fail it but he
won't ace it,
which knocks down down
his GPA just a little bit
and keeps you boop
at the top.
That'd be cheating.
Oh and guys like Victor
don't cheat?
He doesn't deserve this.
Oh and he deserves to
go to Westbridge,
your dream school that you've
been talking about since what,
junior high?
How would we do this
without him finding out?
'Cause it'll be in
his handwriting,
forged to look like he did it.
I don't know, this
doesn't feel right.
Is it gonna feel right
if he's at Westbridge
next fall and not you?
Besides, it's not like
Victor won't
end up in great
school anyways.
His parents will make
sure of it.
He just won't be at your school.
And let's face it,
guys like Victor,
deserve to be knocked
down every once in a while.
It'll teach him some humility.
How are we gonna do this?
First, we're gonna need a
sample of his handwriting.
Don't we need his
locker combination?
Well we gave it to each
other while we were dating
so we could pass secret notes.
It was kinda cute.
Got it.
Okay now we just
need a notebook.
Okay, just hurry.
There's nothing here.
Just close it then.
I'll see you later man.
- Oh my god.
- Nice, smooth move award.
Out of the way, jerk.
Next time, watch it.
Okay we just need a copy of the
test which you'll get tomorrow.
Wait, why me?
Because Mr. Sheppard
will never suspect you.
All right, here we go.
Please take a test and
pass it back.
Mr. Sheppard, we need one more.
Pass that back, please.
You may begin.
All right, pens down.
Everyone line up in a single
file line and hand 'em in.
Good luck, ladies,
not that you're gonna
need it Nicole.
Where you going?
Your mom and I are about
to binge some more episodes
of Snack Wars.
I need some new
ideas for the bakery.
Sarah and I are gonna
do a little study sesh.
We won't be long.
Aren't midterms over?
Yeah, I just want to stay sharp.
How's the essay coming?
It's coming just, not
finished yet.
Well, if you need a fresh set
of eyes.
Yeah, thanks, I'll definitely
take you up on that.
Be careful, honey.
Oh my gosh, it looks exactly
like his handwriting.
I know, genius, right?
Listen, maybe we should
just forget about this.
Are you kidding me? Don't get
cold feet on my now girl.
Well there's chance that Victor
might not get into Westbridge
and I will.
And we're just ensuring
that happens as it should.
Come on, let's do this.
I rigged this today
before we left school
Okay, what about
the security office,
won't it be locked?
It will but we're not
getting access to it.
Instead, we're gonna
reboot the system.
Shouldn't we just turn it off?
We can't without them
knowing but if we reboot it,
they'll think it tripped
from a power surge.
How do you know about all this?
Remember that summer
my parents
sent me to computer camp
and it was so boring?
Well, turns out I learned
more than I thought.
We're gonna have about three
minutes before it reboots.
That's it?
That's all we're gonna need.
Are you ready?
Set the timer.
Okay, three, two, one, let's go.
Dispatch, this is Unit Four.
Looks like there's some
sort of power surge
over at the school.
I'm gonna go check it out.
How much time do we have?
Two minutes, 10.
It's not here.
Check the drawers.
Okay, okay.
It's locked.
That's gotta be it.
Wait, he'll notice.
This is why you're
Okay come on come on hurry.
Okay we're fourth, here's
second, third, fourth--
oh here, I got it, I got it.
Okay, Switch.
Okay, okay.
Okay quick come on,
come on, come on.
It's stuck.
Okay let's go.
Come on.
Go, go, go,
- Come on, come on.
- Okay.
I can't believe we
just did that.
Congratulations, girl,
you're going to Westbridge.
Oh gosh.
So I was thinking
of just a classic apple
with the original cut.
- Yeah I like it, I like.
- Okay.
Yeah I'm gonna
do it this way.
- Morning.
- Morning, baby.
Did you finish your essay
last night?
Not yet.
Why do you ask?
You're just, you're acting
different, happier,
like you've got this
burden off of you.
She's right.
Well of course she is.
I am, feels like everything's
gonna be all right.
Well sure it will,
you've worked hard for it.
Like I always say, that
pays off.
Made you a plate.
- I gotta go,
- No!
Sorry. Bye!
I have to say I'm very pleased.
Excellent work,
Really Thomas?
All right, ladies and
gentlemen, enjoy your day,
get out of here.
This is wrong, all
right, this is not my test.
That's your name
at the top, yes?
And your handwriting?
Yes, but--
Then that's your test.
But these aren't my answers.
I know all this stuff, you
know I do.
I-I'll prove it,
I'll take it again right now.
That's against school policy.
This will crater my GPA.
Victor, I don't
know what else to tell you,
that's what you turned in.
No it's not, okay,
that's what I'm telling you,
Okay I didn't do this.
What are you saying?
Someone else wrote it?
I-I don't know, maybe.
We all have to deal with
setbacks in life
Consider this a lesson
and embrace it.
You know what, screw
you, your class sucks.
Oh great, you.
Are you okay?
I... heard yelling.
Yeah, yeah, no, everything's
great, yeah, for you.
My future just got
flushed down the toilet.
What are you talking about?
This. And I didn't even do it.
Looks like you'll be
valedictorian after all.
Victor, I-I...
How's it going?
Um, it's okay.
You barely touched dinner.
You sure everything's okay?
Yeah, I'm sure, it's...
it's just school stuff.
I'm just not sure what to
write for this essay still.
Hmm, well maybe I can offer
some sage mom advice, huh?
Let me see that.
All right, let's see,
uhh, construct an essay
in your own words,
that conveys the high standards
of morality and character
that make you an ideal
Westbridge candidate.
Well that should be easy,
talk about yourself,
what makes you so deserving.
Yeah, thanks, that's a
good idea.
I'll have to give that at try.
Okay, you know you've been
really focused on this.
Maybe you just take your
mind off of it for a bit.
Sometimes that's where you
find the best solution.
Nicole, if there's something
that you want to talk about,
we're here
or if you just need us to
listen, we can do that too.
Well, I promise that I can, I
don't know about your father.
It's just school stuff,
I promise.
Well the offer still stands.
Okay, tell me what's wrong.
It's that obvious?
How long we been married?
Well, Something's going on
with Nicole.
Going on?
There's something that
she's not telling us.
She wants to but she's not.
Well if she's not telling you...
A mother can tell these things,
trust me, we know.
We raised her right.
When she's ready,
she'll come talk to us.
Gotta trust her.
Good morning,
miss valedictorian.
Are you okay?
You look like you barely slept.
I'm gonna tell them what we did,
that we swapped Victor's test.
Why would you do that?
Because it was wrong.
Okay I don't know
what I was thinking
but this isn't me and I have
to fix it.
It is you.
You did this, we did this.
I'll keep you out of it.
Okay I'll tell them that I
did it all alone, all of it.
Nicole, think about it,
if you do this, everything
you worked for will be gone,
you can kiss
Westbridge goodbye.
I-I know.
And for what?
Why would you throw it
all away, for Victor?
You think he would
do the same thing
if the roles were reversed?
- I don't know.
- He wouldn't.
The Victor's of the
world will be just fine,
they always are.
You think it matters if
he goes to Westbridge
or any other Ivy League?
It doesn't.
He still has Daddy's money
and all the connections
in the world.
I don't care.
I have to make things right
and I'll deal with whatever
consequences there are
but I can't keep
living like this--
Nicole, don't do this.
I don't need you to understand.
Okay I just wanted you
to know before I did it.
But like I said, I won't
mention you,
I'll take full responsibility.
Fine, it's your future
you're throwing away.
Mr. Sheppard, what's going on?
It's awful, Victor Miller
took his life last night.
I know, it's shocking, no
one wants to believe it.
N-No, that can't be.
It's always hard to understand
when something like this happens
Apparently he left a note and
mentioned a dip in his grades
and the fact he wouldn't
be valedictorian.
They'll be calling an
assembly in a few minutes
to notify the rest of
the students.
I'm really sorry, Nicole.
This-s is our fault, we
caused this.
No stop, stop, we didn't
do anything, Victor did.
Because of us.
We didn't know he was
gonna react like this,
how could we?
I don't know
but we should have.
Somebody's dead
because of what we did.
I know, it's awful, and
but over a test,
I mean he overreacted.
Oh my God, I can't believe this.
We have to tell somebody.
Tell someone what?
Th-that we did this,
that we caused this.
What good would that do?
Nothing we say or do can
change what happened.
And what did we do?
We swapped a test,
we didn't...
kill him.
Neither of us could've imagined
that this would happen,
that Victor was capable of this.
Look, no one can know
what we did.
They'll blame us,
you know they will.
So we just do nothing?
Yeah, not weird at all.
I'll just use the
other bathroom.
Nicole, Principal McCain would
like to see you in her office.
Get your things
and head on down.
Come in.
Nicole, thank you for coming.
This is Detective Ramirez.
Detective, am I in trouble?
Why would you think that?
The police just
have a few questions
regarding Victor's
recent behavior.
Please sit.
We're trying to get a
better picture of things.
A guy with a future
as bright as Victor's...
doesn't make a lot of sense.
Yeah, it's awful,
still can't believe it.
You knew
Victor, yes?
Um, well, not really.
But you have classes together,
nearly all of them,
all advanced.
Yeah, we just weren't
exactly friendly.
Are you saying
you're unfriendly?
No, I mean we just
weren't friends.
We knew each other obviously,
we just didn't exactly hang out.
So more like a friendly rivalry
since you were both
competing for valedictorian?
I guess.
Did you notice Victor
being bullied at school
or on social media?
I didn't but like I said um
I didn't know him
outside of school.
And you'd noticed no changes
in his behavior lately?
Just before his death,
Victor scored unusually
low on a midterm
which was unlike him.
We think that may have
pushed him over the edge.
He was really upset.
So you did notice a change?
He and Mr. Sheppard
were arguing about it.
A lot of students heard it.
Victor came to me claiming
that wasn't his exam.
He believed someone
had stolen his test
and forged another
in his handwriting.
Oh my God.
Any idea of
who might want to do that?
No, but like I said, we--
You weren't friends, got it.
If you think of anything,
please give me a call anytime.
Must be a lot of stress
with being valedictorian,
the pressure to
maintain your grades,
to ensure you don't stumble
just before the finish line.
Yes, why?
Just trying to
make sense of things.
Thank you, Nicole.
I still can't
believe it.
Oh that poor family.
Hey kiddo,
we know you've been under
a lot of stress lately
with grades and Westbridge.
If there's anything you
want to talk about--
What your father's trying
to say is that
none of that is worth your life.
You understand?
Yeah no, it's, it's not that.
I would never do that.
Besides, they brought extra
counselors to school for that.
As long as you know you
can always come to us.
I do, thanks.
It was just so weird seeing
Victor's desk empty and...
the police everywhere.
They brought me down to the
office, asked me some questions.
Wait wait, who did?
The principal?
And a detective, Ramirez,
I have his card in my backpack.
Wait, the police questioned you?
Was there anyone
else there with you?
Principal McCain.
Did I do something wrong?
No, you didn't.
You're still a minor.
The police aren't
allowed to question you
without one of us present.
They were just asking
about Victor,
so I wanted to help.
That's very thoughtful
but the next time the
police want to talk to you,
you make sure one
of us is there.
Won't that look bad?
It's the law.
If we have to follow it,
so do they.
Besides, why would it look bad?
-You don't have anything to hide
There's nothing to worry about.
Victor, I just wanted
to say that I'm sorry.
And that this,
what we, wh-
what I did.
You didn't... You didn't deserve
and it's-it's my fault.
I'm sorry for everything,
for not getting to
know you more
and for always seeing
you as my competition.
I don't know, maybe we
could've even been friends.
I know you're never
gonna hear this but
I just needed to say it
just in case maybe you
you do.
And I want-I want
you to know that tomorrow
I'm gonna make
everything right.
I promise.
Everyone, please get to class.
Uh Principal McCain,
what's going on?
I'm not quite sure.
The police haven't told
me everything.
They just mentioned
something about discrepancies
in Victor's suicide note and
similarities in the handwriting.
On his last test, the one
Victor claimed is forged.
I-I don't understand.
Apparently they think
whoever forged his test
also wrote his suicide note.
So they think that
Victor was murdered?
Like I said, they
haven't told me much.
They just showed up this
morning with a warrant.
You better get to class.
- Hello, Miss McCain.
- Hi.
Again, we have Shakespeare
utilizing one of his
most prevalent themes,
that of betrayal.
Like Hamlet was betrayed
by his Uncle Claudius
and Othello by Iago,
Caesar's betrayed by
his most trusted ally.
Here you have Caesar about to
ascend to the top of the throne.
the very top of the
political and social strata
and he's stabbed in the back
literally by his best friend,
the last person he would
ever suspect.
Nicole, wait.
Stay away from me.
Why are you being so weird?
Are you avoiding me?
It was you.
You forged the test
which means that you
forged the suicide note.
You killed Victor.
Oh my God,
how could you say that?
It was your idea.
To help you.
Why would I kill Victor?
You know once upon
a time not so long ago,
I cared about him,
briefly but still.
What would I have to gain?
It was your handwriting
on the test,
the same handwriting--
no it wasn't.
I scanned his handwriting
from the notebook we took
and I sent it into some website.
You don't think Mr. Sheppard
would've recognized
my handwriting?
You don't believe me?
Okay fine, I'll show you.
How did you know about this?
Remember that college guy
I dated in the summer?
He told me about this website.
He said he heard about it
from the other students,
He said kids that didn't want
to write papers used it.
He said he didn't write like
a single paper all year.
Well there's nothing here.
There's no way for us
to find out
who's behind this site.
Told you I was just
trying to help you.
But we have to show
this to the police.
Show them what?
All we have is a website,
one we could've built ourselves.
There's nothing here that
proves we didn't do it.
Why would they believe us?
Because we're not killers.
But you had something to
gain from Victor's death
which gives you motive.
But I didn't want him dead.
So what we just say nothing
and let them figure it out?
Then we'll really look guilty.
We need to find out
more about this site,
who's behind it and then we
can bring that to the police.
Okay, how are we
gonna do that?
Of course he will,
he's totally in love with you.
No he's not.
Hey Zach.
Uh hey.
Hey Zach.
Hey Nicole, hi, uh,
W-What's up, how's it going?
Uh, we were wondering,
you're good at
computers, right?
We needed some help.
Yeah, yeah sure, I can help you.
I mean yeah, whatever.
Uh, could you take
a look at something?
Okay great, let's do it.
Didn't take you for a Tor user.
Yeah, sometimes I like to
browse Tor when I'm bored.
Forging website, huh?
It wasn't for me, I didn't
use it.
I mean I write my
own papers of course.
Well we think one of the other
valedictorians is cheating.
So, um, we just,
we just wanted to check.
So we need to know more
about this website,
like who's behind it
and its location.
Right okay, let me see if
I can trace the IP address.
You can do that?
Yeah, I-I think so.
they're using a VPN.
Uh... What's that?
It's a program that
reroutes your IP adress
all over the world
to keep it private
so it's harder to trace.
So you can't trace it?
No, no, no, I-I-I can I just,
I, I need more time.
I, I'll do it at home.
Oh okay, so Nicole,
why don't you give
him your number
and then he can call you
when he finds something.
Would that be okay with you?
Your number?
Yeah, yeah sure,
no problem, yeah.
Hey, it's Zach.
Right, you just said that.
Um, I-I was able to
get through that VPN...
I uh, I traced the IP address.
It's actually really close by.
Close by? How close by?
Like right here in town.
Are you sure that that's right?
Yeah, I mean I, I didn't
believe it at first either.
So I tried it a couple
different times,
it's definitely local.
weird, huh?
So whoever created the website
might be someone we know?
Sure, maybe.
Could you send me the address?
And you know I-I can come
with you if you want,
if you need help.
No, just send me the address.
Yeah okay sure, I'll uh
I'll text it over.
Thank you, sorry, I just
need to do this myself.
Uh, maybe another time.
Yeah sure, yeah another
time, any time really.
Thanks, bye.
You going out?
Uh, Sarah's gonna pick me up
and we're gonna do a little
study sesh at the library.
Why doesn't she just come here?
It's okay, um, we won't be long.
Hold on, Nicole,
hey, after everything
that's happened with Victor,
I just, I think
it might be better
if you just stick close
to home for a bit, huh?
Sarah and I are
gonna go together,
safety in numbers, right?
Don't worry, we'll be fine.
Just be careful.
Relax, she's a smart girl,
she won't do anything stupid.
Come on.
This is stupid,
what are we doing?
We're doing exactly
what you said,
getting evidence that
proves that we're innocent.
But when I said that,
I didn't think about
us actually doing it.
Now it seems kind of dangerous.
Well, we need something
to tell the police,
some kind of proof that
we didn't do it.
If the same person who forged
the test forged suicide note,
then they killed Victor, right?
We'll just see who
lives at this address
and then bring whatever
we find to the police
and what we did.
Okay, don't freak out but
I think someone's following us.
That car keeps making the
same turns we are, watch.
It's been doing that almost
the whole way.
Why would somebody
be following us?
Why would someone kill Victor
and make it look like a suicide?
Wait, let me see if I can
lose them.
Okay, they're definitely
following us.
I have an idea.
When I pull over, duck down.
What was that?
You sure this is the
right place?
This is the address Zach
tracked the website to.
You've got to be kidding me.
How many people you think
use the wi-fi here daily?
A dozen at least.
So basically it could be anyone.
So now what?
We need to tell the police.
Tell them what?
We've still got nothing.
Nothing to clear us.
What other choice do we have?
Whoever created this website,
did it from here so that
they couldn't be traced.
Oh my God.
-Oh god.
Nicole, are you okay?
Somebody just tried to kill us.
Hey, you think it was the
same person who killed Victor?
Someone who was willing to
kill to be valedictorian.
Come on, let's go.
Uh, Ryan, um, listen after
what happened to Victor,
I just wanted to say--
Pretty lucky for us, right?
I mean sucks for Victor
but you and me, not so much.
There's less competition now.
How could you say that?
Somebody we know is dead.
Well it's tragic, yeah,
but it looks like Victor
did it to himself.
Well what if he didn't?
What I mean is
what if somebody wanted
Victor out of the way
so that they
could be valedictorian?
You got something to confess?
Well in regards to that theory,
how do you know it's not me?
Well I don't but
I thought it was worth
the risk to warn you.
That's softness.
That's what's gonna
cost you first place.
You don't have
that killer instinct
which is too bad
because if it were you,
that'd take you out
of the running
and pretty much
assure me valedictorian.
Well, there's still Jenna.
Jenna, are you kidding me?
Not a threat.
It's not in her either.
It was nice talking to you.
Look, I'm just trying
to warn you.
If somebody did kill Victor,
then they want this bad
enough to kill for it.
Okay, I'll be sure
to watch my back.
And I suggest you
watch yours too,
unless you think
you don't have to.
Nicole, can I have a minute?
Is everything all right?
Yes, why?
You just seemed off lately,
not like yourself.
I'm not sure what you mean.
I mean you always
have the answers.
Lately you seem
less engaged, distracted
Is everything all right at home?
It's fine.
I guess what happened with
Victor just rattled me.
If you say so.
'Cause I seemed to
notice your behaviour
changing before that.
Actually, um I've been
struggling with my essay
for my application
to Westbridge.
I guess it's just finally
hitting me,
and I don't know what to say.
Writer's block, I get it,
and I understand.
I was the valedictorian myself.
Most students don't understand
the pressure that puts on you,
the fear that this isn't
all you're gonna be,
that you didn't
peak out in high school?
I was a writer, a novelist,
still am in my spare time.
There's nothing more infuriating
than unfulfilled potential.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
Um, I should get to Spanish.
Oh my God.
Where you going?
I'm gonna meet Sarah at
the coffee shop to study.
Oh, how's the essay coming?
That good, huh?
Maybe a change of scenery
will help.
All top ranking
please report to the
auditorium immediately.
I repeat, all top
ranking seniors
please report to the auditorium.
Thank you all for coming.
We're sorry for the
intrusion in your day.
We'd better not get dinged
for this in attendance.
Mine's perfect.
I'll ensure you don't, Jenna.
We've gathered you here
to inform you
that Ryan Muberick was
attacked last night.
Oh my gosh, is he okay?
I'm told he will be in time.
He's just been put into
a medically induced coma
to help bring his brain
swelling down.
Why are you telling us this
instead of the whole school?
Based on the events
of the last few days,
we believe someone may be
targeting the
top ranking seniors
What do you mean targeting?
We're now fairly certain
Victor's death wasn't a suicide
and are treating it as such.
And after last night's attack--
Are we in danger?
I assure you my officers and I
are working around the clock
and will do everything we
can to maintain your safety.
Who would do this?
Based on what we've
gathered so far,
Ryan was chased by his
attacker with a hammer,
then pursued into traffic.
The eye witness reported seeing
someone wearing a black hoodie.
We're reviewing all nearby
surveillance and traffic cameras
hoping to gain more information.
Until then, we just have
to be patient.
It's just a matter of time
before Ryan wakes up
and tells us everything
that he knows.
You think one of us did it?
That's what you're not saying.
That's why you've
gathered us here first.
You should all
consider yourselves
persons of interest
in this case.
Why would one of us do it?
You're all the smartest
kids in the school, yes?
Do the math.
Each of you had
something to gain
from Victor's death and Ryan's
had it been carried through.
You think one of us is a murder?
We also know that
several nights ago
the school security
system was tripped, reset,
long enough for
someone to sneak in.
We don't know why, yet.
It doesn't appear that
anything was stolen.
In the meantime, my
officers and I'll be meeting
with each of you one by one
to ascertain your
whereabouts last night.
Let me just inform you that
my father is a very powerful
and particularly
spiteful attorney
and if one word of this reaches
my college admissions department
or intervenes in my acceptance
in any way,
your department will pay
for the entirety of
my college experience,
including grad school.
We'll be as
discrete as possible.
For now, try not to worry.
It's just a matter of time
before we catch who's
behind this.
You can all return to class now
and please may I
advise discretion?
Oh my God.
Several of your classmates
mentioned that you and Ryan
had an argument yesterday
here at school.
It wasn't an argument.
They said it got heated.
Raised voices, something
about you warning him?
I was worried.
Why would you be worried?
Well with what
happened with Victor,
how his suicide
might've been faked,
I thought we had reason to be.
I understand you and Victor
are applying to the same
college, Westbridge.
Yes, but a lot of students here
apply to the same school.
Westbridge is exclusive.
I hear they don't take
more than one student
from the same high school,
some diversification
policy they practice.
I've heard that.
Almost lucky for you then
that Victor's not able
to apply anymore.
I'm sorry?
I mean, now you don't have
to worry about him
getting in and not you.
Seems like your chances
have improved.
If Westbridge thought that
Victor was a better match
then I would be happy for him.
Mind if I check your locker?
Don't you need
a warrant for that?
Technically, yes.
Then we should probably
do this the right way.
I'd hate for this
to get screwed up.
Like when you asked me questions
without my parents present.
Being under 18 and all,
which I think you knew.
I look forward to meeting them.
I'll have somebody set it up.
I get it now.
Um, get what?
Why you're valedictorian.
We'll talk soon.
Okay, what's the big emergency?
This, somebody planted it
in my locker.
It's a hoodie.
The same hoodie that Ryan's
attacker was wearing.
And this.
Oh my God.
Somebody is trying to frame me
for all of it.
I barely got away from
the detective finding it.
Okay, we should
just throw it out.
N-No, then we'll really
look guilty.
We have to figure out
who is behind this
and then turn this
in as evidence.
Okay, put it back in your locker
and we'll hide it later.
We'll figure it out.
Mmhmm, sure,
well we can do that.
It'll take about two
weeks to fill that order.
Okay, we'll invoice and
we'll go from there.
Mmhmm, talk soon.
Rick, is that you?
Nicole, why are you
home so early?
Baby, what's wrong?
- Mom.
- Aww. Shhh
Oh, it's okay, it's okay.
Whatever it is, it'll be okay.
Shh, Nicole.
And now somebody's
trying to blackmail me.
They put the hoodie and the
murder weapon in my locker.
We have to tell the police.
Tell them what?
That I sabotaged Victor
with a forged test?
They're gonna think that
I killed him.
Your father's right,
if we go to them,
it will look better.
There's nothing to prove
that I didn't do it.
And they have no
proof that you did.
If they had any,
you'd already be under arrest.
Nicole, you should've
come to us earlier.
I know.
I was scared, I'm sorry.
I just wanted to stay number one
so that I can make
you guys proud.
After everything that
you've done for me
I didn't want to disappoint you.
That's exactly what I did.
Baby, we are proud of you.
Nothing will ever change that.
How can you say that,
after everything I just did?
Well, you definitely
made a mistake.
You think your mother and
I haven't made mistakes?
As long as you learn from it,
it has value.
Nicole, nothing in
this entire world
should ever make you
compromise who you are, okay?
Nothing is worth that,
certainly not graduating
at the top of your class.
Are we expecting anyone?
Good afternoon, Mr. Ward,
I was wondering if
you wouldn't mind
bringing Nicole
down to the station.
We have a few questions
we'd like to as her.
Um, sure, could you give
us a couple seconds?
You ready kiddo?
That was taken from a
camera behind the school
the night the security
system was reset.
I broke in
to change Victor's test.
I wanted to make sure
that I got into Westbridge
so I swapped his test
with a forgery.
Why'd you wait
so long to come clean?
I wanted to but then
Victor killed himself and
I felt guilty and then they
said that it wasn't a suicide.
Where'd you get the forgery?
From a website.
Show me.
No, that can't be.
I-It was here a day ago,
I swear.
Zach saw it. He traced
it for us to the library.
The library in town?
Yes, it's internet
address led us to this
That's a public site with
free internet
which means anyone
who visited the library
could've created it.
Well that's when someone
tried to run them down.
Run you down?
And you didn't think to
report that?
I- How could we without
incriminating ourselves?
We were trying to get proof
that we were innocent.
Let me explain how this looks,
you confessed to
breaking into the school
to swap Victor's test,
which you admitted
you had forged,
through a website that
mysteriously and conveniently
no longer exists,
a forgery that matches
Victor's suicide note.
I know how this looks but, I--
Do you?
You had motive and opportunity.
Where were you the night
of Ryan Mulbrick's attack?
At a cafe studying.
Can anyone corroborate that?
Sarah was supposed
to meet me there,
but she got hung up at work.
O-Okay, that's enough.
No more questions
until we have a lawyer.
I can.
I was watching her from my
car parked across the street.
That's convenient.
Well when your daughter's
not acting like herself
and another one of the top
ranking seniors suddenly dies,
you tend to become a
little overprotective.
And you were there
the whole time?
I followed her from home.
And when she got up to leave,
I went home.
Nicole arrived a
few minutes after.
Can we have a word outside?
Come on sweetie
If you're doing this to
protect your daughter, don't.
Excuse me.
Doing what?
Giving her an alibi.
If you're lying, you'll just
make it worse for all of you.
There are ways for
us to find out,
employees, security cameras.
You think
that I'm lying?
I can corroborate that she left.
I think you'll do
whatever's necessary
to protect your daughter.
Damn right, including
parking outside a coffee shop
for hours.
Nicole was exactly
where she said she was,
which means she didn't
attack Ryan.
I'll have some people
look into this forging website.
Are we done?
As of now, you're free to go
but don't go planning any
family vacations to Mexico.
Come on.
I have a guy at the office
whose brother's a lawyer.
I'm gonna go have a chat
with him just in case.
Sorry dad.
It's okay, sweetheart,
we'll get through this together.
See you guys at home.
Why did you do that?
Do what, protect you?
It's my job.
Lie to the police that
you were following me?
I wasn't lying.
You've been spying on me?
Not spying, more like keeping
a watchful eye on you.
I was worried
and, actually you should
be grateful that I did
'cause you have an alibi
because of my helicoptering.
How long?
Not long, just the other
night at the coffee shop
and that night that you
went out with Sarah.
Wait, that was you following us?
Yeah, until Sarah decided
to drive like a maniac
which had me even more worried.
We didn't know.
We thought that
it was somebody else,
the same person that
tried to run us down.
Well the police
are on it now, okay?
They have the forgeries and
they'll figure this out.
This is my fault,
sabotaged Victor
for my own gain.
Well your dad's right,
you made some mistakes, okay,
but if there's anything that
I'm absolutely certain of
it's that you are not a killer.
Who is?
Come on.
All right, I just need to
make a stop for the bakery.
It'll just take a second.
Want to come in?
No thanks, I'll just stay here.
-Have a good shift
- see you tomorrow.
-Mr. Sheppard.
Everything okay?
You seem on edge.
No, I'm just,
it's been a weird week.
It certainly has.
I didn't know Jenna worked here.
Oh yes, this is sort of
her domain,
the one place she wields power
and she never lets
anyone forget it either.
No kidding.
Yeah, she's typically here
when I am.
Usually I come to grade papers
or for the quiet to write.
The walls in my apartment
are frustratingly thin.
Writing, yes,
thank you, Mr. Sheppard,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Are you following me?
No, I was just--
We're both too smart
to play dumb.
Whatever you're doing,
don't mess with me.
No one's getting
in the way of my future.
Listen, I just...
Hey it's Nicole,
please leave a message.
Sorry, I just had to borrow
something from a friend.
Okay, let's go.
No, it has to match.
It wasn't Jenna.
Then who could it be?
Of course.
Oh my God.
It's Mr. Sheppard.
Mr. Sheppard, what?
I know it sounds
crazy but it matches.
What would he have
to gain from Victor's death
or attacking Ryan?
I don't know but the
police can figure that out.
Okay I'm gonna
head back to school
and grab the stuff that
he planted.
I stashed it in my gym
locker just in case.
I'm gonna give this to the
police with this evidence
and they can figure
out the rest.
I'll go, I'll go.
You head the police and
I'll meet you there.
No, this is my fault,
I have to fix this.
This is my fault too, remember?
It was my idea.
Besides I live closer.
I should be able to get
there right before they lock up.
I'll meet you at the
police station right after.
Okay, great and Sarah,
be careful.
Hi honey, I'm
just running some erran--
It's Mr. Sheppard, the
handwriting matches.
Your English teacher?
I know it sounds crazy
but I ran into him earlier
at the library,
and he said that he
comes there a lot to work
which means that he created
the website from there.
I'll meet you at the
police station, okay?
I'm headed over now.
Nicole, go straight there.
Be safe, I'll see you there.
What the hell?
Oh my God.
What'd they say?
That's all they said?
Did she tell you?
It was Sheppard.
I got to call you back.
It was her teacher,
Mr. Sheppard.
Nicole, she was headed here.
She said she knew who
did it and that she has proof.
Well she's not here,
I haven't seen her since
earlier with you.
She should've been
here before me.
Thompson, put out an amber
alert on Nicole Ward,
age 17, missing and
possibly in danger.
And get an address for one
of the high school teachers,
a Mr. Sheppard.
Come on, Nicole, answer.
I'm here.
So where's Sarah?
Right here.
Sarah what are you--
Not as smart as you
thought you were, huh?
Although you did
almost figure me out.
That's why I needed John's help
to sell my innocence.
Neither of us expected it,
it just sort of happened.
Better Sarah, keep it up.
Now as we continue our
analyzation of Julius Caesar
and its present day parallels.
At first, I just needed
somebody to talk to,
somebody who would listen
about all my opportunities
being robbed from me
by legacy kids,
kids who don't work
nearly as hard
but are still given priority.
I understood it all too well.
I lived it myself.
Competing against
undeserving offspring
who'd been given an advantage
all because their parents
had attended the same school.
And when their grades
don't cut it,
they buy their way in
robbing others of a chance,
robbing me of mine.
How is that fair?
And then we bonded.
And well we bonded.
Love looks not with the eyes
but with the mind.
Is that what you
think this is, love?
This is not love.
You think this is what
I wanted with my life?
I was supposed to be more!
One of the great
American novelists.
Instead, I'm stuck here
nine months out of the year
teaching brats like you
and writing essays for
lazy college students.
My true potential squandered
for a lifetime of student debt.
But this, the valedictorian
murders, as I call it,
this'll set me up.
A novel written by someone
who experienced it firsthand,
who wouldn't want
to publish that?
Finally allowing me to
fulfill my true potential.
I can't believe you
would do this.
You framed me for murder.
Why should I play fair
in a game that's already
unfairly rigged against me?
I helped you,
we were friends.
Did you ever check my
standing in the class?
Did you ever even ask?
No, because you didn't care,
because everything
was always about you,
and every day I had to
listen to you
whine about your perfect grades.
But now with Victor out of
the way and you and Jenna,
I can finally rise to the top,
giving me a future, a chance,
one that I deserve.
You think that's all it'll take?
What college will
turn me away now,
after everything I've
been through?
That poor girl enduring
such emotional trauma,
her best friend a murderer
and she didn't even know it?
What is wrong with
kids these days?
The pressure of being
number one,
she just cracked, officer.
When you started
to figure things out,
we had to hasten things.
First you took out Victor,
then Ryan,
then the sweatshirt and weapon
were found in your locker,
then poor little Jenna
here she figured you out.
But the guilt
was too much for you.
So you had to end
it for yourself
on the very same stage you
were about to give your
"look at me, I'm so great"
You think that they'll
believe you?
Well they won't.
Oh, they will.
You made sure of it.
[Nic deserve
and it's my fault.
It just needs a little
editing before it goes viral.
You stole that?
You made it easy.
Your password, Westbridge2024,
I mean you could've
tried a little harder.
You're a bitch.
Oh ouch, true, but not a
total one.
And since you won't be
here to step on the stage
to say your
valedictorian speech,
I'll let you say a
little something.
Any final words?
I think it's been
at least three minutes
Bet you didn't know that they
installed more security cameras
after the attacks.
You're going to prison,
not college,
and even if you kill us,
you're caught.
Okay, hold on Jenna.
Somebody help!
Freeze Sarah, drop it.
Drop it.
Nicole told me how you got in.
No, no, no,
no, what was I supposed to do?
-She seduced me!
-Yeah yeah.
She seduced me!
I got you, I got you, I got you.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay, you're okay, it's ok.
Thank you.
Wait what about Sarah?
They got her.
Dear Westbridge
admissions committee,
I struggled with this
essay for a long time
because I wasn't sure
what to say,
what I needed to say to ensure
my acceptance and enrollment.
I was so afraid of saying
the wrong thing that
I couldn't say anything.
I'm not afraid anymore.
The last few weeks
have taught me not to
fear what the future brings,
no matter what that might be.
Mainly because
I've made so many mistakes.
Because I wasn't true to myself.
It is my distinct honor
to introduce this year's
valedictorian, Jenna McKay.
Thank you.
I'm writing this to inform you
not to accept me to Westbridge.
It was a hard lesson to accept
but one I needed to learn
because it made me
find my true path.
Nicole Ward.
My competition
is not with others
to get into the best school
but with myself to be the
best person that I can be.
And that can only be achieved
through my choices
and my actions.
Graduating class, please
move your tassels
from the left to the right.
Okay, that's the last one.
Although I'm not sure
how you're gonna fit this
in that tiny room.
I'll manage.
Don't, if you cry, I'll cry.
I won't cry.
Thanks for always
looking out for me.
We always will.
Love you.
I never wanted you
to follow our path,
I wanted you to find your own.
I'm proud of you.
sure you're gonna be ok?
I'm gonna be great.
This is where I'm meant to be.
Come on, mom.