Killer Design (2022) Movie Script

Roy, hi, it's Jodi Shaw.
You said to call you.
Oh, sure!
I could head over to you
right now, if that works.
Yeah, I found her.
Mm-hmm. Jodi Shaw.
The one you're looking for.
Hi, I'm Jodi Shaw,
here to see Roy.
Hi, Jodi.
Let me get him for you.
Roy, Jodi's here.
Wow, Roy,
that space is incredible.
And I can really do
anything I want?
Look, I don't like
to micromanage.
I hired you because
you can do the job.
Besides, uh, I looked at
your website,
and it speaks for itself.
And look, I know
this is a bigger project
than what you're
used to, but...
It's strange. I've been looking
to hire an assistant.
This could be
the right time to do it.
So what do you think
about it?
I think I'll take it.
Thank you, Roy,
for this opportunity.
Of course. And you can
show your appreciation
by making my restaurant
the place to be.
Well, I can definitely do that.
Don't move.
W-What do you--
What do you want?
Let's start with your wallet,
and we'll move on from there.
Okay, okay, okay.
Screw this.
Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Yeah, I think so.
Um, I don't know.
My heart feels like it's gonna
burst out of my chest.
Okay, here, just look at me,
look at me.
Just focus, okay?
Take some deep breaths.
Nice and slow.
In and out.
That's it. Slow 'em down.
There you go.
I took a photo,
but I don't think you can
make out who he is.
Do you wanna call the cops?
I-I didn't get
a good look either.
I don't think--
He didn't take anything.
The important thing is
that nothing bad happened.
Thanks to you.
Anyway, literally,
you saved my life.
I don't even know your name.
It's Wendy.
Thanks, Wendy. I'm Jodi.
Pleased to meet you, Jodi.
You're pleased?
Well, I guess
I'll let you get going.
I'm sure you're very busy.
Take care of yourself, Jodi.
Wait. I can't let you
just walk away
without doing
something for you.
Can I at least
give you a reward?
No, no, I wouldn't take that.
Well, at least let me get you
a cup of coffee sometime.
You don't have to do that,
Please. On the "very least
I can do for you" scale,
it's a solid ten.
I wanna get to know
the girl who saved me.
Sure, why not?
Great. Take my number.
- Okay.
- So it's Jodi Shaw...
Jo, you've had
one hell of a day.
First, a big job offer,
then some creep almost mugs you?
Yeah. I can still feel the knife
against my neck.
I swear, for a minute,
I really thought that was it.
I wish I was there
to help you, baby.
Thank God
that girl Wendy was.
I'm gonna take her for coffee
tomorrow, say thank you.
Can we talk about
something else?
No problem.
So what's with the picnic
It's not our typical lunch.
I need a special occasion
to have a special meal
with my girl?
I brought us
a bottle of champagne.
Oh, my God.
Wait, what is it?
Oh, my God.
Jodi Shaw, I love you.
Do you love me?
I do.
That leads me
to my next question--
Yes, I'll marry you!
I love it. Thank you.
Today really is
one for the books, huh?
Wait, so does this mean, um...
we can finally move in together?
You know how my parents feel
about that living-in-sin thing.
I don't wanna upset 'em now.
Hey, we will be married
soon enough,
and all this isn't gonna
matter anymore.
How soon?
You know, sometimes I think
that you just wanna hold on
to a teeny little bit
of your bachelorhood.
Maybe just a sliver.
But I'm all yours.
Well, we're all smiles today.
Glad to see it.
Anything new going on?
I made contact with her.
You did?
I did.
Well, that's great, Wendy!
That's one of the things
we've been working towards.
Now, um, I hope you're managing
your expectations.
This isn't a typical situation.
Don't worry, Dr. Farber.
It couldn't have gone
any better.
In fact, I'm feeling
so good these days,
I don't think I need
to see you anymore.
But I am so grateful
for all your help.
Wendy, you can't just stop
your therapy on a whim.
Now, sometimes we think
we're all better
when it couldn't be
further from the truth.
And sometimes we are.
But thanks again, Dr. Farber.
I mean it.
I couldn't have done it
without you.
I may check in on you later.
No way! All of this happened
in a single day?
Yeah. Um, a job offer
quickly followed by
a near stabbing,
soon to be finished off
with an engagement.
Okay, and just who is this girl
who saved you in a parking lot?
Her name is Wendy Richards.
I'm gonna take her for coffee
tomorrow to thank her properly.
Hey, it's all just so nuts.
I can't believe
you're getting married.
I'm happy for you.
So you guys didn't
set a date yet?
We're gonna play it by ear.
Hmm. You mean he bought the ring
to buy some time.
Hey, I thought you liked Eric.
I do. It's just,
you are aware
that you're leaving me out here
all alone, right?
What do you want me to say?
My partner in crime
is going legit.
I'm gonna be that sad,
friendless girl
sitting by herself
at the end of the bar.
Come on,
you have other friends.
And we do other things
besides go to bars.
Folded arms, really?
I don't know.
I'm being awful, aren't I?
I am happy for you,
I swear.
Of course, this means
we're gonna have to carve out
some Jodi-Monica time
while we still can.
What? What's wrong?
I'm just a little anxious
about this job I took on.
It's just a restaurant.
Find some classy tables,
splash some paint on the walls.
You know, a few bar stools.
I don't see the big deal.
It's more complicated
than that.
Jodi, you're awesome
at what you do.
You're gonna destroy it.
Yeah, that's kinda
what I'm worried about.
Anyone home!
Hey, what are you doing here?
I had a meeting close by,
so I thought
I'd surprise my fiance
with little floral affection.
- How very Bachelor of you.
- I thought so.
You're so sweet.
So how's it going?
Um, it's not, really.
I'm trying to find anything
that inspires me,
and so far nothing.
Do you think
I'm in over my head?
Maybe you're just
a little hungry.
Mm, yeah.
Actually, I haven't eaten today.
You want something?
I could eat a little.
Okay, well played.
It's gonna have to be
quick, though.
I'm meeting Wendy for coffee
in an hour.
The good Samaritan.
I almost forgot.
Hey, I gotta take this.
It's a work call.
I told you not to call me.
I was gonna call you.
She's in the other room
right now.
Yeah, yeah, we're still on
for tonight.
I miss you too, baby.
Mmm. Thanks again
for the coffee, Jodi.
This place is great.
Oh, please.
I still have no idea
how I'm gonna thank you enough
for yesterday.
It's cool.
It was just one of those
right-place, right-time
Hey, isn't there
some old proverb
about saving someone's life?
Yeah, there sure is.
It says that if you
save someone's life,
you become responsible for it,
like you have an obligation to
look after that person forever.
I love those old sayings.
So, uh,
are you from around here?
No, I'm from Oregon,
but I just got an apartment here
a few weeks ago.
My mom died recently.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Thanks. She was battling cancer
for a long time.
I took care of her while I was
getting my bachelor's degree,
but when she passed,
I just had to get out of there.
New location, new perspective.
Is everything all right?
Oh, yeah, everything's fine.
Was that your fianc?
No, no, that was the new client,
How did you know
I had a fianc?
It's written
all over your finger.
Sorry. It's, uh,
it's still very new.
So, new client.
What do you do?
I have a small
interior design business.
Oh, that's so funny.
My mother worked in interior
design before she got sick.
So what kind of projects
do you work on?
Mostly smaller spaces.
I just got my first
restaurant, though.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
Mm-hmm, it is.
It's definitely a lot.
So how about you?
Well, I just moved here,
so I'm still looking for a job,
but I need to
start looking harder.
The next few months
are gonna get pretty tight.
My last real job was assisting
my mom with interior design.
Oh, yeah? Did you like it?
It was a lot of
administrative work,
but yeah, I really did.
Now I know how I'm gonna
return the favor.
Come work for me.
What are you talking about?
This restaurant is the biggest
client I've ever had.
I was looking to hire
an assistant.
You have experience, so...
But you don't even know me.
Uh, Wendy, you saved my life.
What else do I need to know?
I'll need a reference,
of course,
but if you're interested,
it's all yours.
I'll take it. Thank you!
I can't wait to get started!
Me too!
Don't sneak up on me
like that.
That's what you
hired me for, right?
So how was I?
Scary enough for you?
First, take off the hood
and the sunglasses.
We need to be careful.
And, yes, it worked.
That's right,
like a damn charm, it did.
That girl was
shaking like a leaf,
even though she was in
no real danger,
except maybe from you.
There's an extra thousand
in there.
Oh, yeah? What for?
Because there's one more thing
I'm gonna have you do for me.
Yeah? What's that?
Dr. Farber,
why are you calling me?
Didn't I tell you I would?
And didn't I tell you
I'm all better now?
Yes, you're feeling better,
but that doesn't necessarily
mean that you are.
Well, I just had coffee
with her,
and it was wonderful.
I get it that you're finally
getting some closure here,
and I'm very happy for you,
but we still have
some work to do,
even if it's just
over the phone.
I care about you, Wendy.
Look, you're a very nice woman,
Dr. Farber,
but like I keep telling you,
I'm cured.
Looks like she got
her groove back.
Starting to.
Really is
a ton of work, though.
Didn't you say you're gonna hire
an assistant or something?
I just did, actually.
I hired Wendy.
- What? Are you serious?
- Yeah, of course I am. Why not?
You were just sitting down
for coffee with her yesterday.
What's her name again?
Wendy Richards.
And you just offered her a job
like that.
Did you think about having her
in your house every single day?
I know, I hear you.
She's basically a stranger.
Jo, she's not basically
a stranger.
She is a stranger.
Relax. I was just about
to check on her reference.
And if it doesn't work out,
it doesn't work out.
Look, I offered her
the job, okay?
It wasn't like
she asked me for it.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Did you even check
if she could do the job?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she can.
Either way, I'm willing
to roll the dice.
Don't worry, baby.
I have a good feeling about her.
If you say so.
Dinner's in the kitchen.
Hi, my name is Jodi.
I was given this number
to check on a reference for
someone I'm looking to employ.
Yes, her name is
Wendy Richards.
She worked at
your interior design company.
I believe her mother did too.
Is there anything that you can tell me about her?
Yeah, she was
an excellent employee.
Honestly, one of the best
I ever had.
That young woman could spot
a problem from a mile away.
Really sorry to see her go.
Well, thank you. That is exactly
what I wanted to hear.
Okay, thanks. Yeah, bye.
Take care.
Well, this is it.
I love your office, Jodi.
I totally get
why you do what you do.
So this is the young lady
who saved my girl.
Uh-huh, this is her.
I'm Eric.
Wendy. Nice to meet you, Eric.
My pleasure.
All right, I gotta head back
to the office
before this whole town's
legal system falls to pieces.
- Okay, well, call me later.
- Okay.
- He's, uh, quite a charmer.
- He sure is.
And he doesn't mind having
somebody new in his home?
Oh, no,
Eric doesn't live here.
Oh. I just assumed he did.
Well, I'd be into living
together before we get married,
but he wants to wait until we
make the whole thing official.
So you're never afraid,
living here alone?
Not really.
It's a good neighborhood.
And he really is here
a lot of the time,
as you can tell
from all his random crap
that he leaves lying around,
and all his legal stuff,
and his freaking golf clubs.
So much clutter.
What's that?
Oh, nothing.
So, um, shall we get started?
Hey, you do know
we're gonna nail this project
up and down, right?
You sound extremely confident
when you say that.
And you should be too.
Come on, say it with me.
We're gonna nail this project
up and down!
Damn right, we are.
- Come on.
- Great.
Let me show you where
I'm starting with today.
Jodi, are you here?
You know what might be
a good idea?
What if we went out and
found a local artist or two
- and displayed their work.
- Who is that?
That would show pride
in our town,
develop a real sense of
community in the place.
And you can't buy
that kind of thing can you?
- That's an awesome idea.
- Hi.
Hey, Monica!
I didn't hear you come in.
And who's this?
I'm Wendy.
Oh, you're the lifesaver.
Thanks for helping out
my best friend.
She's also my new assistant
on the restaurant project.
Um, well, congratulations.
So maybe she can
hold down the fort
while we go grab
a quick lunch?
She's welcome to join,
of course.
What do you think?
That does sound like fun,
but we're kind of
on a roll here.
Might be hard to get the energy
back up after a big meal.
Yeah, you know, she's right.
I'm sorry, Monica.
Another time okay?
Um, yeah, that's fine.
I guess I'll get out
of your way then.
I'll walk you out.
It was great meeting you,
Isn't it a little fast
to hire somebody you just met?
Maybe, but, you know,
she needed a job,
and if it wasn't for her,
I might not be here now at all.
All right, fair enough.
Well, we simply have
to celebrate
you not getting stabbed
by a crazy mugger.
Happy hour, Thursday?
I really should be
buckling down.
But I guess a little night out
won't hurt.
Just a drink or two.
It'll be a riot, I promise.
- Call you in the morning?
- Sure.
- Do you think?
- Yeah.
One sec.
Eric, hey, what's up?
Just finished a few briefs.
About to grab a late lunch.
Anyway, I wanted to check in,
see how it's going
with Supergirl.
Oh, really? Super, actually.
She's been a great help
so far.
Glad to hear.
Anyway, I'll let you two
go back to work.
All right. Thank you, baby.
Have a good lunch.
I will. I love you.
I love you too.
But I don't understand
what you're saying.
We had a deal.
Yes! Oh, well, no,
but that's not fair!
Oh, right, like I can just
afford to take you to court.
That's all you have
to say about it?
You know what?
Thanks for nothing.
I'm sorry.
That was a personal call.
It won't happen again.
Hey, if I can take
personal calls, so can you.
Everything okay?
It's all good.
That didn't sound any good,
much less all good.
What's going on?
You know how some days
life just decides to throw
a brand-new lesson your way?
Well, today I learned
to never do a handshake deal
on an apartment.
I'm sorry.
It's fine, it's fine.
I'll figure something out.
Like what?
When I think of it, you will be
the very first to know.
I guess a motel
in the short term.
A motel?
I'll be all right.
Okay, we can do better
than that.
I have a guest bedroom.
Why don't you just stay here
until you find a new place?
I-I couldn't.
You could, actually.
Do it for me, all right?
I cannot risk
losing any great ideas
because my assistant
is too busy stressing out
about where she's gonna sleep.
Thank you, Jodi.
First the job and now this?
Oh, God. Look, I know
I keep saying it,
but it really is
the least I can do.
Okay, what about your stuff?
Couch, bed?
The apartment came furnished.
I'm traveling light these days.
They do want me out
by Friday, though.
Screw 'em. Go get your stuff
and bring it back here now.
Jodi, you're the best!
Hey, Wendy, were you able to get
quotes for the floor tiling?
I sure did. I sent you an email
on it about a half-hour ago.
Thank you, Wendy.
I mean it.
I cannot believe how much
you managed to get done
on the first day.
We make
a pretty good team, huh?
You want a glass of wine
to celebrate?
Oh, I'm good. Alcohol
makes me tired the next day.
It can have that effect.
So thanks again for letting me
stay here for a while.
I know Eric doesn't
live here yet,
but are you sure
he's gonna be cool with it?
Oh, my God,
he's gonna be fine.
Jodi! Where are you?
Oh, hey, babe! Were in here!
Ah, she's still here.
How's it going, ladies?
Hey, baby, we were just
talking about you.
You two finishing up
some work?
No, no, we finished up.
Oh. What are you
still doing here?
Well, Jodi said that I--
Wendy's gonna crash here
for a little while.
Say what?
Just until she finds
a new place.
Well, what happened
to your apartment?
My landlord kicked me out.
Just like that.
Yep, just like that.
The jerk pulled the rug right up
from underneath my feet.
Well, you do know
you have rights as a tenant.
Yeah, I know,
but I didn't officially
sign a lease or anything.
You didn't sign a lease. Why?
Well, I was going to,
but it was kind of
a subletting thing.
It's a little hard
to explain.
You have squatters' rights--
Baby, we talk in the kitchen
real fast, hmm?
Be right back.
- I know what you're gonna say.
- And I'm alone here?
You didn't even know this girl
a few days ago.
Now she went from
your office assistant
to living in your house
with you?
You mean a few days ago
when she stopped me
from possibly getting
stabbed to death,
and today I'm simply trying
to pay it back?
I'm not downplaying
what she did for you,
but you don't think
it's a little strange
she's entrenched in your life
like this now?
Look, I overheard her on
the phone losing her apartment,
so I offered her
the guest bedroom.
Again, she hasn't asked me
for a single thing since we met.
Her bags are now
in your guest room.
What do you want me to do?
You want me to ask her to leave?
It's not like something like
she's in your way.
It's not like you live here.
How did this become about us?
Well, it's true, isn't it?
- Hey, um, I should go.
- Wendy...
Let me just grab my things,
and I'll get out of your hair.
Wendy! Wendy!
Wendy, stop.
It's all right, Jodi.
The last thing I want to do
is be the cause of any trouble
between you guys.
The cause of my trouble?
Are you serious?
I need you.
Hey, thanks for saving me there
with Eric.
Do you think he's gonna
flip out over this?
Don't worry about him, okay?
He's just being protective.
But this is my house,
my company,
and I make the rules here,
so... you'll stay?
Of course I will.
Okay, great.
I can't believe
I actually did it.
I never imagined
I'd actually be here...
with her in her house.
Look at me now.
Come in.
Hey, how's it going in here?
Is the room okay?
It's perfect, Jodi.
Thank you.
Is Eric still around?
No, no, he just left.
And don't worry.
We're all on the same page here
for the most part.
Well, we're certainly
getting there.
Well, bedtime for me.
I'm exhausted.
Oh, right.
I almost forgot to tell you.
Um, I got an email from Roy,
the restaurant client.
He wants to meet us both
in his office this week.
Sounds good, Boss.
Okay. Well, if you don't
need anything else,
I'm gonna say good night.
I have everything I need.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Jodi.
There's nothing healthy
to eat in here.
I have to do
some shopping for you.
And the next one.
Very nice.
Any notes?
Uh, you know,
I'm not crazy about the blinds
for the main room.
I'll keep looking.
This is really good work, Jodi.
I'm impressed.
Well, thank God. I, uh...
I've been a little worried
you might be disappointed.
Well, I wasn't worried.
Can you believe
with all of her skills,
she has the nerve
to doubt herself?
I mean, this woman
can do anything.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Okay, you two are gonna
make me blush.
I will say, though,
that Wendy has been
incredibly helpful so far.
Here is some work
from a couple of local artists
that should turn a few heads
in our little eatery.
All Wendy's idea.
Oh, wow. These are great.
We really make
a great team, huh?
Well, based on
how you two met,
I'm gonna have to agree
with you there as well.
No doubt we'll still
be telling you
we're just a couple old ladies
in the nursing home.
So, Wendy, um, what are
your plans beyond this project?
Um, I'm not really sure.
I'd love to continue working
in interior design with Jodi,
but I probably need a college
degree to be taken seriously.
Oh, wait, I thought you told me
you had a bachelor's degree.
Yes, I did say that,
and I do,
but I just mean one that's
more closely connected
to this type of work.
Ah, yeah, makes sense.
Uh, so is there anything else?
Uh, no, I think we're good.
So, uh...
any plans for dinner tonight?
Spending time with your man,
I assume.
Actually, I'm having drinks
with my best friend Monica.
Nice, nice. Well,
I hope you have a great time,
and I'll be in touch soon.
- Thank you, Roy.
- Of course.
Thank you, Roy.
Dr. Farber, I'm starting to feel
like you're stalking me.
That's hardly the case.
Did you get my text
about calling me?
Yes, I got it, but I don't think
you're getting it.
Reconnecting with my past
is the most important thing
I have ever done.
But if you're not
mentally prepared for it,
you could undo a lot of
what we've been working on.
Look, I appreciate your concern,
but I'm actually
very busy right now.
Can I just give you a call back
when things settle down a bit?
Please do that.
And before you go,
I'm curious.
What did the woman say
when you told her everything?
- Well...
- Wendy...
you did tell her
everything, right?
Look, Doctor, I gotta go.
Next time.
Everything okay?
Why does everyone keep
asking me that? I'm perfect.
Glad to hear it.
Just wanna let you know
I'm gonna go get ready.
- For what?
- Drinks with Monica.
I really need to get a move on.
I'll see you inside.
Jodi, the party has arrived.
Are you here?
Oh! You scared me.
Sorry. I forgot
the party was coming
Yeah, that's me.
Hey, Jodi are you almost ready?
We're meeting Kate.
Be right there!
So, uh, aren't you two done
working for the day?
Yeah, we finished up
a while ago.
Then what are you
still doing here?
Just watching some TV.
I might stream a movie later.
I haven't decided yet.
Why would you do that here?
Don't you have a home?
Oh, Jodi didn't tell you?
This is my home now.
This one's raring to go.
What time will you be back?
Uh, not too late.
Okay, because we really have
a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Okay. We're gonna miss
happy hour. Let's go.
- She's living with you now?
- I will tell you at the bar.

So Monica told me about
that girl who saved you
from some stabby-looking dude.
That is so crazy.
It was pretty crazy.
I'm not gonna lie.
Did your life like flash
before your eyes or anything?
No, I don't think so.
You know,
it all happened so fast.
Hey, how about another round?
Well, for me,
I have a 7 a.m. spin class.
- Oh, bummer.
- We'll do it again soon.
Get home safe.
Well, looks like
it's just us.
And I'm having a blast, Mon,
but I think I'm done too.
Oh, come on.
Before you know it,
you'll be watching
Housewives repeats,
sitting next to Eric,
wishing you were here
laughing with me.
Please. Eric hates
those Housewives shows.
And maybe by then,
a housewife I shall be.
Well, then cheers to that.
But it's time to call
a car service.
Okay, okay, I'll do it.
Siri, call me a car service.
You're a car service.
Oh, come on!
I'm the one that's gotta get up
and go out of town tomorrow
to see my folks.
What's the matter,
you gotta get home to Wendy?
- Are you jealous?
- I am not.
It's just the whole situation
is weird.
She's working for me.
Why is that weird?
And lives with you
and checks out
when you'll be coming home
like some
annoying little sister.
You're making
too much of this.
And you don't know anything
about her.
I checked with
her last boss, okay?
He gave me his full
stamp of approval.
I appreciate your concern,
but after what she did--
I get it, I get it. She was
there when you needed help.
If I was there,
not only would I have
saved you from the dude,
but I'd have beat him
with my left shoe.
Hmm. I believe you.
Come on, let's go.
All right.
Fine. One more drink.
Half a glass. That is it.
- A nightcap, if you will.
- Oh, I will...
go to the bathroom, then I will
meet you in the living room.
Hurry back, 'cause I'm gonna
pick out your best cabernet.
Jesus! You scared me.
What are you doing?
It's time for you to leave.
We're having a nightcap.
Have one at your own house.
It's late.
But the car already left.
Well, then call another one.
What are you doing?
Get your hands off me.
Don't you ever try
to do this to Jodi again.
Do you understand me?
Do what?
Help her fail.
I won't let you. Come on!
What are you doing?
Get your hands off of me! Stop!
- Hey, Wendy!
- Hi.
Where's Monica?
She went home.
She said something about wanting
to call it an early night.
It's late.
Come on.
That doesn't sound
like Monica at all.
Full disclosure,
she took off after I explained
how much work we have
to knock out tomorrow.
I may have been
a little insistent.
- Wendy...
- I'm sorry, Jodi.
It's just I really want this
project to go well for you.
I know you do.
You know, it's probably
for the best.
Eric just texted me.
He's coming over in an hour.
I shall say good night.
Good morning. You showed up
pretty late last night.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You see my phone?
Mm-mm, sorry.
There it is.
So Jodi's still sleeping?
She is.
A little too much wine.
Maybe a little too much me.
Sounds like a bad combination
for a productive morning.
You got that right.
So what do you have planned
for today?
Lock myself in my office
until my inbox is empty.
Well, I gotta get going.
Take care of my girl,
will you?
That's exactly
what I plan to do.
- Good morning, sunshine.
- Morning.
I poured you some fresh coffee,
if you'd like.
Yes, need is more like it.
I'm telling you,
I don't bounce back
from these midweek late nights
the way I used to.
Well, why don't you
take the morning to rest,
and we'll get into
the restaurant stuff later.
Guess I could do with a little
catch-up time around the house.
What are you gonna do?
Oh, hit a few stores.
I'd like to check out
those mirrors we talked about.
I think that you're right.
They'll really make the entrance
feel a lot bigger.
Well, sounds like a plan.
You're the best.
Is Eric still here?
He just left.
He said something about
an important meeting
he had to get to.
I should get going too,
I suppose.
Thanks for
taking care of me, Wendy.
It's what we do
for each other.
You got me.
Mm-hmm, I sure did.
Come on, Laura.
I need to get a quick workout in
before I head back
to the office.
I can give you
another workout.
Thanks for stopping by.
It was fun.
You'll be calling me.
Laura, I just--
I'm confused, Eric.
Didn't you say you had
to clear out your inbox?
What are you doing
in my house?
Not cheating on my fiance,
that's for sure.
And you?
Oh, my--
I'm just getting a workout
between my meetings.
I heard you sweating it out with
your little girlfriend up there.
You need to
mind your own business.
- I'm serious.
- No.
You're not serious, Eric.
That's the problem.
You know that look you shot me
when we first met?
That flirty little smirk?
I bet you give that
to every halfway decent girl
that you meet,
like it's instinct.
You're no good for her life.
She needs to know that.
And who the hell
do you think you are?
You have known Jodi
for a week.
You don't know anything.
Well, I know this.
Jodi's madly in love with me.
And when I finally tell her
that you've been hitting on me
since the day we met,
you're gonna be a distant memory
in both of our lives.
Your bond is nothing.
Wendy, you are nothing.
The truth is...
I can do whatever I want
with Jodi,
and there's nothing
that you can do about it.
Hey, you were gone awhile.
Was I?
Yeah, um, I guess.
So I take it
you're feeling better?
I am. Thanks.
Are you okay?
You look a little pale.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm better than fine.
I'm great.
Did you get everything done
you wanted to?
- Who's that?
- I have no idea.
Hi. Can I help you?
I'm looking for Jodi Shaw.
That's me.
I'm Detective Jessica Kessler.
What's happened?
Uh, ma'am, would it be okay
if I stepped inside,
talk to you for a few minutes?
- Um, yeah, sure, come in.
- Thank you.
Do you know an Eric Thompson?
He's my fianc.
Is he okay?
No, ma'am, he's not.
Um, there was an accident
earlier today.
What happened?
Someone struck him in the head
while he was working out
at his home.
Are you serious?
Afraid I am.
He's in a coma.
So he's still alive?
I mean, is he gonna be okay?
That's all I know right now.
Um... Uh...
I don't understand.
Who would've done this to him?
Yeah, that's a good question.
Please, Detective,
just tell me.
Well, we do have
a person of interest.
A young woman named Laura Banks.
We checked his phone,
and that's how I got to you.
But there was also
a very recent text exchange
about a rendezvous
at his place.
What are you saying?
Eric was screwing around on me?
According to her,
yes, they were.
She swears she left him alive
in his home after they were...
I'm really very sorry.
So I take it you didn't
know the other woman.
Anyway, I wanted to come by
and let you know
what happened myself.
I've gotta get going,
but, um...
if there are
any other questions,
give me a call.
Thank you.
Thank you, Detective.
I'll take care of her now.
Of course.
Come here.
Come here, come here,
come here.
It's okay, it's okay,
I'm here, I'm here.
It's gonna be okay.
I just called the hospital.
And what did they say?
How long will Eric
be in the coma?
Nurse said with
his kind of head injury,
it's hard to predict.
I feel so bad for you, Jodi.
I don't even know how
I'm supposed to feel right now.
I mean, of course I want him
to be okay, but even if he is,
I never want to see him again.
What am I supposed
to do with that?
Have you ever done a bad thing
for a good reason?
What do you mean?
I mean, perhaps
that's what happened here.
I'm not following you.
Maybe Eric knew in his heart
that he was incapable
of giving you what you needed,
what you deserved,
and so he cheats,
knowing full well
that you're not a fool,
knowing that in time,
you're more than likely
gonna catch him.
Sometimes doing
the wrong thing
is actually
the right thing to do.
What? Why are you
looking at me like that?
You're just a really good
person, Wendy.
- I am?
- Mm-hmm.
I know we haven't known
each other that long, but...
you've been
a really good friend to me.
I'd usually be leaning on Monica
right about now,
but she's out of town
for a couple of days.
I'm here for you...
for anything that you need.
I know.
Hey, sorry. I've been waiting
for this vendor to call.
- Take it, take it.
- Thanks.
I need to get myself together
Roy called. He wants to meet
at his office later.
- Derek?
- How's it going, sugar?
- Why are you calling me?
- We need to talk.
There's nothing to talk about.
What we did, it's over now.
Yeah, yeah, it is, but you know,
I've been thinking
about all those fancy Hollywood
actors and what they've earned
for doing what I did,
you know, pretending
and making it look real?
Just tell me what you want.
Two words:
additional compensation.
I'm gonna need
another three grand,
or whatever you got going on
there with that pretty lady
gets scorched to the Earth with
one anonymous little phone call.
Well, doesn't seem like I have
much of a choice then, does it?
Ah, hell! We all have choices.
I'm making one right now.
What's yours gonna be, hmm?
You win.
Let's get together,
and we can work it out.
Thought you'd see it my way.
What are you doing later?
Meeting up with you, I guess.
Same place?
You got it.
Jeez, Jodi.
Listen, what happened
with Eric,
it's a tragedy
any way you look at it.
Yeah, well, since it happened
while he was cheating on me,
the only way I look at it
is over.
I feel so bad for you.
Wendy said the same thing.
She's been so great
about everything.
So she's working out?
You don't like her?
No. I mean,
she seems perfectly nice.
It's just...
Just say it.
Well, I was there when you
caught her in that lie
about getting a college degree
Really? You're worried
about that?
How many people lie on their
rsum a little to get a job?
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Hey, so here's a crazy idea,
and feel free to say no
if it's too much, but...
how do you feel about having
dinner with me Friday night?
You mean like as a work thing?
No, no.
Like a...
Like an adult thing.
And we can talk about work
as much as you want.
Clearly, this has been
a rough week.
Just let me buy you a meal.
Sure, why not?
It's just dinner.
So, um, I'll call you
to make a plan,
and for now just go home
and take care of yourself, okay?
Yeah, sounds good.
Thanks, Roy.
Of course.
Dave. Hey, it's Roy.
How are you doing?
Yeah, great.
Listen, I have a question.
Do you still have
your toes dipped
in that private investigator
Good. No, no,
I'm gonna need a favor.
Where the hell is this girl?
Where are you? I've been
waiting here 20 minutes.
I'm just about there.
I got what you're asking for.
Good. And hey, I hope
there's no hard feelings.
I mean, this is just business,
nothing personal.
Nah, you were right.
You definitely deserved
more than what you got.
Where are you?
I still don't see you.
Hello? Hello?
Remember before when you said
we all have a choice?
You chose wrong!
Jodi? Jodi, are you here?
Don't you ever leave?
- Don't you ever knock first?
- Just got back into town.
I heard about
what happened to Eric.
Yeah. What happened to her
cheating fianc was terrible.
Where is Jodi?
Oh, you just missed her.
She left for dinner
with a client.
Fine. Well, she can
meet up with me after, then.
Hmm. Yeah, I don't think that's
a good idea.
You don't? And why not?
Because your life is... messy.
You know, I'm starting
to get real sick of you.
Same. And like
I told you before,
Jodi has no use for
your kind of help anymore.
She has me now.
And who are you, Wendy?
We really don't know, do we?
I know it's hard for you
to wrap your head around this,
but she doesn't
need you anymore.
Oh, and she needs you?
You're just a kid.
Do you really think you're gonna
keep me from my best friend?
- How many times must I--
- Just listen to me, Wendy!
At some point soon,
Jodi's gonna make a choice,
so give up on this
big sister-little sister vibe
you're trying
to build with her
because she will choose me,
I promise you that.
Right now she's just paying you
back for saving her or whatever.
But when she's finished
with that,
you'll head back to whatever
hole you crawled out of,
and the rest of us will get back
to our regular lives,
messy as they might be.
I'll let her know
you stopped by.
Don't bother.
I'll just text her.
Yeah, you do that.
I'm sure she'll
get right back to you.
I'm really glad
you came out with me tonight.
I know how tough
this week has been.
- Yeah. Hi.
- Hi.
Everything okay over there?
Was this too soon?
No, no, no.
No, I'm fine, I think.
I need a friend right now,
so thank you for taking me out.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Wendy was gonna text me
about a quote
for a ceiling fan.
Okay, hold on, hold on,
hold on.
As your employer,
I salute your after-work hours
dedication to the job,
but as the guy
paying for this meal--
- What's wrong?
- I can't believe it.
I've left my phone at home.
I know. I'm worried
about her too, Kate.
I just sent her a text to see
if she wants to come over.
Hold on. Maybe that's her.
Great. She's on her way.
Talk to you later.
Okay, bye.
You sure will.
So while we're on
the subject of Wendy,
a friend of mine does some
private investigation,
and I asked him
to dig into her a little.
Really? Why?
I'm just looking out for you...
and for my business,
as you brought her on board.
Look, the only thing I know
is that she may or may not be
lying about her education,
And my friend couldn't find
anything bad about her.
I'm not surprised.
Or anything good.
He couldn't find anything.
She has no online profiles,
no pictures,
no social media accounts,
Are you seriously telling me
that you don't find this
a little bit strange?
I find it refreshing,
someone her age
who isn't obsessed
with taking endless selfies
or posting pictures
of last night's dinner.
Yeah, because
she's obsessed with you.
What are you talking about?
I saw the way
she looks at you.
And that equals obsession.
I should introduce you
to my friend Monica.
You and her can sit around
and talk about
what a lying, lowdown
manipulator Wendy Richards is.
I know you see Wendy
as your hero.
Well, the truth is, you don't
know anything about her.
I appreciate your concern,
Roy, I do,
but I've spent enough time
around Wendy now
to know that she's
a total sweetheart.
Don't worry.
If you say so.
Jodi, are you here?
I thought I heard you come in.
Hey, Kate. What's up?
First thing, I'm so sorry
about the whole situation
with Eric.
What's the second thing?
Have you heard from Monica?
We were supposed
to get together today,
and I can't find her.
No. I have no idea
where she is.
Oh. I thought
maybe you would.
Why would I?
Because I was
on the phone with her
when you two were texting
about you going to her place
last night.
That wasn't me.
I didn't even know
she was back in town yet.
I left my phone at home.
Um, look just let me know
when you hear from her, okay?
I will.
Hey, Jodi?
Hey, what's up?
I was just gonna make myself
some lunch.
Do you want anything?
No, I'm good, thank you.
Are you okay?
You look a little... off.
No, no, I'm-- I'm just trying
to figure something out.
Well, good luck.
I'm sure that you will.
So you got my email, right?
You know what you're doing?
Yep, got it.
Sorry. I know I've kind of
overloaded you with tasks today,
but if we don't
knock these out,
we're gonna
fall behind schedule.
Anything I can do
to help you, Jodi.
That's why I'm here.
Call me with any problems.
Now why would I have
any problems?
That's me.
Wait, so Wendy went
to Camp Beaverbrook?
Oh, my God, we've met before.
Elana. I remember you.
Let's see if you
can explain this.
Hi, is Elana Connelly there?
She's not.
Yeah, could I get
her number please?
Sure. My name is Jodi Shaw.
I used to work with her
at Camp Beaverbrook,
and I would love to catch up.
Very, very good. Wow.
Beautiful horse.
- Hi, is this Elana?
- Yes, it is.
Hi, Elana.
Uh, this is Jodi Shaw.
You probably don't remember me,
but I used to work for you
about 15 years ago
at Camp Beaverbrook.
One of my lifeguards, right?
Yeah, so you do remember me.
Well, to be honest with you--
please don't be insulted--
um, I probably wouldn't have.
So many great people have come
and gone through the years
in this place.
Oh, sorry, but there was
another Beaverbrook alumni
who called me
just a couple of weeks ago,
asking for your name.
Let me guess.
Wendy Richards?
Well, you've got
the first name right,
but her last name
isn't Richards.
It's, uh, Edelman.
I went back through
my records to verify that.
Can I ask what else
your records say about her?
Well, I took
some pretty good notes.
I always do when there's
a camper-related incident.
It seems that Wendy
was a very shy girl
who panicked in the deep end
of the pool and almost drowned.
Fortunately, the lifeguard
on duty did her job
and saved her life,
and that would have been you.
So when she called me
for your name
so she could thank you,
I gave it to her.
I don't understand
why she would give you
a different last name though.
I should've asked
before I gave her yours.
You don't remember her?
No, I--
God, I don't remember
saving Wendy at all.
I must have pulled ten kids
out of that pool every summer.
Like you said,
that was the job.
According to my notes,
her mom pulled her from camp
the next day and that was it.
Well, not exactly.
Oh, she found you, huh?
Yeah, but she didn't tell me
that we knew each other.
She actually introduced herself
to me by saving my life.
So I gave her a job
to say thank you
and a room in my house
to live.
Now I don't know
what to think.
Oh, Jodi,
I am so very sorry.
I don't know what to say.
Oh, you couldn't have known.
Well, are you going
to the police?
With what? I mean...
I don't have any proof
that she's done anything
other than give me
a different last name.
You know, I'm gonna have
to go now, Elana.
Thank you so much.
You've reached the office of--
Damn it. Voicemail.
Okay, that's not too far away.
I don't understand.
No, this doesn't make any sense.
How does she not know?
How does she not know?
How does she not know?
How does she not know?!
It's because she doesn't care.
Jodi, we need to talk.
Oh, hello.
Can I help you?
I hope so.
Are you Dr. Farber?
I am.
I wanted to talk to you
about someone I know,
someone I think is
a patient of yours.
I'm sorry. I'm not permitted
to speak about my patients.
I've driven a really long way
to talk to you face-to-face.
And I can see
you're really serious,
but again,
there's nothing I could do.
Well, can I just ask you
one question?
Is Wendy Edelman dangerous?
Like I said,
I've got some questions.
Well, have a seat.
Thank you.
How do you know Wendy
was my patient?
I saw that you texted her
this week,
and I found your contact info
on her laptop.
So you're her,
the young woman
who saved her life.
She didn't know your name.
It's Jodi Shaw.
How did Wendy approach you?
By saving me from a mugger.
An act I rewarded
with friendship, job,
a place to live.
And since then,
my fianc is in a coma,
and my best friend is MIA.
Oh, my goodness.
That's why I really needed
to talk to you.
Please, Dr. Farber,
anything that
you can tell me about her.
I can say this.
You've never really left
Wendy's thoughts since that day.
Those things happen in public
pools and beaches all the time.
But it's the last
act of kindness she ever had.
Her folks died in a car accident
after that summer,
and she went to live
with her grandma.
Poor thing, she spent
all her time in a cold house
with a cold woman
who didn't want her
and made sure she knew it.
I had no idea.
She felt worthless.
She never made any friends.
Wound up in a deep depression.
Came to me a year ago
when her grandma died.
We talked about a lot of things,
but it always came back
to that beautiful girl
who found her worth rescuing.
I don't understand.
Why wouldn't she come
and see me before now?
She thought you would reject her
the moment you saw her again,
like everyone else in her life.
Now, we worked on it.
I helped her build
her confidence.
I knew she had thoughts
about finding you
and reuniting
with her childhood hero,
but I didn't know she was
gonna go out and do it.
And now with this
mugger thing...
Wendy has a savior complex,
and I just missed it completely.
What's that?
Someone who has a need
to save other people.
Hers is exclusive with you,
so you-- you--
could feel the exact same bond
for her as she feels for you.
God, to think that she's been
clinging on to this memory
all these years of me
making her feel safe and secure.
Back to my original question.
Dr. Farber, is she dangerous?
Wendy has issues,
but no, I never saw anything
that would make me think that.
Me either.
So did she set up the mugging?
No. No, I don't--
I don't think so.
I'm sure Eric's injury
was his own fault,
and my friend
will turn up soon.
So what are you gonna do now?
I'll talk to her,
tell her what I know,
try and get her
the help that she needs.
That's very kind of you,
but be careful.
She's a damaged girl.
Hey, Jodi.
Wendy, hi, how are you?
Oh, I'm all right.
I'm kind of having
a strange day,
but I'm getting
a handle on it now.
Yeah, same here.
I'm just about to head home.
Will you be there?
Of course.
Is anything wrong?
No, no, I just wanna
have a talk.
Good. Me too.
I'll be there soon.
Take your time, Jodi.
Don't speed.
That's how accidents happen.
Hi, this is Jodi Shaw.
Do you remember me?
what are you doing here?
Just wanted to have
a little chat.
Oh, well, Jodi's not here
right now, so...
That's okay. I actually came by
to talk to you.
Oh, okay. I'm actually
in the mood for a talk.
What is it that
you wanted to chat about?
Just have a few questions.
About the project?
About your past.
And what is it
that you know about it?
Not a thing.
Not even after
some looking into.
So I just don't think
this is a healthy situation.
You mean for the restaurant?
I mean around Jodi.
Damn it.
Got a problem with one of
my east coast restaurants.
We're gonna have to pick this up
another time.
Oh, you're gonna remember me
this time, Jodi.
I promise you will.
Oh, hey, Wendy.
I thought I heard you
pulling up.
Come on,
let's have that talk.
Um, before we get started, I...
I just want to tell you
that I know.
That you know what?
About how you and I
have met before.
I found the photograph
on your laptop,
of the two of us together
at Camp Beaverbrook
all those years ago.
You got me.
Honestly, I'm relieved.
It's been really hard
not telling you from the start.
Thank you for
being honest with me.
You wanna talk, let's talk.
But yell for help, and I'll
end the conversation fast.
My God.
Wendy, what did you do?
Oh, Jodi, I've been doing
exactly what we talked about
since we connected.
After saving you,
it became my responsibility
to make your life
as perfect as I could.
I had no idea
just how... cluttered
your life would actually be.
What are you saying?
Don't you get it, Jodi?
I did all of this for you,
to repay you for what you did
for me that day.
When my witch of a grandmother
finally croaked,
I just didn't need
a fresh start.
I needed a whole new... life,
and I wanted my very first
actual friend...
to be you.
So yes, Jodi,
I did set up that mugging
so you'd feel
exactly how I felt
this whole time.
But none of that matters now.
There's only one way
for this to end,
and neither of us
are being saved tonight.
Wait, Wendy, I--
Listen to me.
I spoke with Dr. Farber.
She told me about
how you grew up...
unloved, uncared for.
No one could blame you
for holding on to that summer.
If that was the last time
you experienced...
kindness, felt safe...
then I'm so, so sorry, Wendy.
Please know I really do
care about you.
I don't know what you think
could possibly happen here
after everything we've been
through together.
This is the only way
that it ends.
- Drop the knife!
- Wait!
- I said drop it!
- She needs help.
- Yeah, no kidding. Move aside!
- Wait!
Wendy, I...
Please, I saved you once.
Let me save you again.
put the knife down.
Put it down.
Drop it.
- Don't move.
- It's all gonna be okay now.
Put your hands
behind your back.
I guess I owe you one
again, huh?
Let's go.
Gotta say...
job well done, Jodi.
Appreciate it.
And I agree.
Well, now that this project
is finally over,
I guess we can start
working on a new one.
Sounds good.
Not to ruin the mood, but have
you heard anything about Wendy?
Yeah, I spoke to Dr. Farber
last week.
She said that she's finally
getting the help she needs
from the doctors
at the institution.
I just thank God
you called that detective
and had her drop by
just in case.
Thank you.
For what?
Where do I begin?
If it wasn't for you,
the first real warning
I had about Wendy,
who knows?
I may not have even looked
into her in the first place.
Yeah, I guess that's right.
In a way,
you kinda saved my life.
How am I gonna repay you?
Uh, why don't we just
leave it at "thanks."
That's a good idea.
Well, good morning.
And how are we feeling today?
I feel better.
I'm just a little...
out of it.
Yeah, that's the drugs
we're giving you.
Don't worry, Wendy.
We'll find the right combination
of medication and therapy
to get you straight again.
Thank you, Dr. Thomas,
for everything
that you've done for me.
- You're welcome.
- I mean it.
You saved my life.
I'm just doing my job.
I know.
I'm just telling you
how much it means to me.
Okay, then.
I owe you one.