Killer Grades (2021) Movie Script

Oh, damn it, Amy.
No, I can't.
Because I can't
just go to a party.
Because I'm falling behind.
If I don't study and catch up,
then the whole team
is going to fail.
Well, you haven't seen
how they can get.
Wait, shh.
Sorry, no.
It's just this place,
it gives me
the creeps sometimes.
You win.
I do need a break.
Can you just text me
the address?
I'll... no, I'll just grab a ride.
Thanks, yeah,
I'll be there soon.
Morning, sweetheart.
Breakfast is almost ready.
I'm going to rob a bank today.
Get small bills;
don't kill anyone.
Today's the big day.
I'm excited.
It's not every day
your daughter gets to join
the academic decathlon team.
Okay, but I'm not
on the team yet.
It's just tryouts.
The school year
hasn't even started yet.
I know, but of course
you're going to make it.
I mean, who's more
qualified than you?
You've been studying all summer.
First it's going to be the team,
then it's going to be
scholarships, colleges, jobs.
The world's going
to be your oyster.
Mom, stop.
What? I'm just excited.
I just don't want
to disappoint you.
Honey, you could
never disappoint me.
Listen, whatever happens,
happens, okay?
You're just going
to go in there today
and do the best job you can,
and just know that I am proud
of you no matter what.
And I know your dad
would be, too.
He would?
Yeah, he always was.
All right, so eat up,
or we're going to be late.
Look at you, two days
before school starts,
and you're already
ahead of the game.
I know, I know.
All right.
Knock 'em dead.
Thanks, Mom.
- Here for the test?
- Yes.
Great, you can go ahead
and sign in right here.
Take a seat. We'll get
started in just a minute.
Are you nervous?
Yeah, kind of.
I totally am, too.
- Sarah.
- Michelle.
- Katherine.
- Hey, you're here early.
Michelle had her decathlon
tryouts this morning,
so I figured
I'd come straight in.
Like pole-vaulting?
No, no, no, no, no,
it's academic decathlon.
It's basically where different
schools compete on these tests
in teams so they can see
which kids are the smartest.
Sounds like a death sport.
But it looks really good
on college applications.
I can't even believe
they're making Michelle try out.
They should be
begging her to join.
That's what I said.
Hey, I got you something.
What do you got?
Everything that
we've been looking for.
"Taking Off the Wheels."
Is this a book on auto repair?
No, parenting.
It's this whole new theory
on the relationships
that parents build with
their kids and when to let go.
Okay, Wendy, I love that
you read a book on parenting,
and you don't even have kids.
I know, and I couldn't
put it down.
That's how good it is.
Parents will eat this up.
So you think
it could be pretty big?
Yeah, really big.
But hey, what do I know?
You're the one out there
raising the bar
as all-time reigning champion
mother of every year,
so you give it a read,
and you tell me.
All right, I'll take a look.
- Thank you, Katherine.
- Yeah.
Having an issue there?
Uh, no, sir, I'm done.
All right, Michelle,
we'll be in touch.
Nine more minutes,
guys, nine minutes.
Did you even finish the test?
- No, did you?
- No.
That girl must've
cheated, right?
How? It's not like anybody else was
fast enough to feed her answers.
I bet she stole a copy
of the test or something, right?
It's just weird.
There has to be a way
to find out, you know?
Oh, hi, Mr. Lou,
my name is Keri.
I have a quick question for you.
No, no, no, you guys
will be hearing from me
once the tests are graded.
Absolutely, it's just going
to take two seconds of...
Not today, guys.
Go home.
Oh, well, do you want
to get coffee or...
- No, not today.
- Oh, okay.
You should be
finding out who she is.
Pouring rain...
You were the first to finish?
Yeah, and by a lot,
too, I think.
Everybody hated me for it.
Oh, I promise you
they'll get over it.
I don't know...
No, trust me, they will,
and if they make the team,
they're going to be
happy to have you.
Yeah, if I even make the team.
When do you find out?
Next week, I think.
Next week?
That's forever from now.
Wh... What am I going
to brag about until then?
You usually find something.
Well, you are lucky
that I love you so much.
Okay, well, now what, ice cream?
Who said anything about dessert?
Whenever you get a chance.
- What, who is that?
- That's him, that's Mr. Lou.
That's your decathlon coach?
Oh, he's handsome.
Mom, obviously not the point.
I'm just saying, he's handsome.
He's coming over.
Don't embarrass me.
No promises.
Hey, is this your mom?
Hi, I'm Katherine.
It's so nice to me you.
Lou Johnson, same.
Yeah, would you like to join us?
Oh, I was just waiting
for them to get my check,
but yeah, I think
I've got a few minutes.
Come on, have a seat.
So I take it Michelle told you
about her test this morning?
Yes, she did and how she was
- first to finish?
- Mom!
Oh, she wasn't just
the first to finish,
she was the only one to finish.
In fact, I've been giving
this test for five years now,
and she's the only one
to ever finish.
How can that be?
Well, the test is
designed to be too long.
That way I can see how
the kids do under pressure.
But then there's Michelle,
who cruises right
through my test
and even answers
every question correctly.
I did?
Yes, you did,
which is why I want
to invite you
to join the academic
decathlon team.
- Really?
- What?
Yes, really.
So I take it you're interested?
Am I interested?
Are you kidding?
Keri, what are you
doing back there?
Sorry, sorry, I...
You need to stay focused.
This is why you
didn't finish the test.
- Now come on, keep up.
- I know.
Well, it's going to be
a lot of work,
tons of hours
and, at times, honestly,
it can feel kind of like hell.
So I just want you to be
completely sure, okay?
Oh, of course, I'll work hard,
stay focused.
You know, I love to study.
Oh, she loves to study.
You should see her room.
It's filled with books.
I mean, it's a fire hazard.
Okay, well,
that's the one that sold me.
Looks like my check's ready,
so I'll leave you two to be.
But Michelle, I really look
forward to working together.
Thanks, me, too.
You guys have
a good night, all right?
- You, too.
- Bye.
So about that dessert...
All right, ice cream it is.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
- You totally deserve it.
- Thanks.
I'm so proud of you.
You did such a good job.
Mmm, so good.
Um, so when did he say
you start?
I think just
the first day of school.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
Oh, that's cool.
Oh hey, you're dripping.
- I am?
- All over, yes.
Oh shoot, sorry.
Okay, you know what?
Don't move.
Let me get a rag.
No. I didn't put them there.
Uh, any day now.
- Here.
- Here do you want me to get it?
No, no, I got it.
There, okay.
- Go upstairs; wash your hands.
- Okay.
Okay, good news.
I cleaned it all up.
You are off the hook.
Hey, you weren't in here
earlier, were you?
No. Why, is something missing?
No, I think I'm just tired.
Oh. Not too tired
to watch a movie?
No, of course not.
Come on, let's go.
Hey, whatcha reading?
It's a new book on parenting.
Yeah, it's about time
you learned how to do that.
Wendy actually recommended it.
Is it something
you're going to publish?
I don't know yet.
Wendy thinks
it has huge potential,
and I kind of think
she's right, but I...
But you hate success and money.
Well, no, no, it's not that.
It's just that we're such
a small operation,
and, you know, a book like this
really is going
to take a lot of time
and effort to get it
going on that level.
It's a good thing
your daughter's going
to spend the next 10 months
studying and out of your hair.
- But that's not til Monday.
- No?
No, today I'm going
to be a total terror
- and ruin your life.
- No.
I'm serious.
Come on, let's go to the movies.
Oh honey, no, I can't.
I've got to work.
But it's the last week
of summer.
Look, you already know
how the book's going to end:
I grow up, and I'm perfect
because you parented me right.
Great, I'm going
to go get my shoes.
That's it.
Hey, did you finish?
No, not yet, but I have
an idea about the book.
Hear me out.
Okay, shoot.
Case studies.
- Hmm?
- Look, the reason
moms buy these books is
because we worry
we might not be
doing something right.
So if the author had a character
or a case study of a kid
who grew up with this method
and was successful, then I think
moms might really lock right in.
Holy crap, you're right.
Do you know this guy?
Will he work with us?
Is he open to notes?
Um, well, I kind of know him.
Oh, Wendy, don't tell me
you dated him.
Okay, I won't.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, is that Michelle?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're...
we're just about to see a movie.
Oh fun.
Tell her I said hi.
Okay, hey, honey, Wendy says hi.
She says hi.
All right, listen,
call this author
and see if you can get a meeting
with him for sometime next week,
and then in the meantime,
let's you and I get together
and go through it
chapter by chapter
and figure out our notes.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, I think this
could be really great, Wendy.
Okay, I'll...
I'll see you Monday.
Okay, of course, see you Monday.
Ha ha!
Are you ready?
I better be.
Okay, come on,
you're going to do great.
Sarah, hey.
I'm so happy you're here, too.
Oh, I'm glad you're here.
All right, guys,
let's settle down.
First of all,
let me just say this:
Welcome to the academic
decathlon team.
You made it.
All right?
Since I'm new here,
I'm going to tell you
the most important thing
there is know about me,
and that is this:
I am here to win.
And I think we can win.
And with all of you,
I think we will win.
Now a few things to keep in mind
in regards to this class:
first and foremost,
this is a class,
and you will be receiving
a grade here,
and because this is
a team competition,
you will all be
receiving the same grade,
which will be that of the lowest
grade scored on each test.
Okay, let that soak in
for a second.
So, like, if one person fails,
everyone fails?
This is to keep you
accountable to each other
and to make sure
we are all working
to improve our weakest link.
Okay, but Mr. Lou,
that isn't fair.
We've all got to be
in top shape.
If you don't like it,
then don't fail,
and make sure your teammates
don't fail, either.
Now secondly, since one hour
a day isn't nearly enough,
we'll be reconvening
for a few hours every day
after class at various
off-campus locations
so I can train you
to stay focused
and avoid distractions such as
Mr. Gilbert raising his hand
while I'm in the middle
of speaking.
What can I do for you, Galen?
what if we can't actually
make it to the afternoon part?
It's mandatory.
But some of us have, like, jobs.
Oh, I see, okay,
and where do you work?
At Caf on Main.
Caf on Main, great croissants.
Do you intend on working there
for the rest of
your life, Galen?
Well, no.
Okay, well then that's easy.
You quit, okay?
Because this is your key
to the future, guys.
Our morning class, combined
with after-school study,
will give us a real
competitive advantage.
Now, I have been coaching these
teams for the last six years,
and I have taken my teams
to finals for all but one,
and every time I get beaten
by the bigger school
from the big city with
extra funding for their teams,
and I am sick and tired
of losing to these teams.
And we can beat 'em.
It's easy.
We just have to put in the work.
- So who's with me?
- Yeah.
Oh, come on, guys,
let's not have this be over
before it even started.
I need a little bit more
energy out of you today.
Who wants to go
and win nationals?
- Yes!
- All right!
That's what I'm talking about.
Let's get this started.
Today's lesson...
Hi, sweetheart.
Does anyone have any questions?
Yeah, yeah, Mr. Lou,
what happens
if you multiply that by pi?
Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.
And how about
Mercutio, Michelle?
- "Romeo and Juliet."
- Good.
This is a
the Fibonacci sequence.
And how about Prospero, Keri?
- "The Tempest."
- Very good.
We are on a role, guys,
crushing the Shakespeare.
Yeah, so you just
have to remember
you have to add
these two at the end.
Yeah, but I don't know
what two to add.
The Y is one of the answers.
Okay, let me...
Who's got it?
- Supply-side economics.
- Yes.
I know it's tough. Anyone
think they have the answer?
- Sophie?
- The War of 1812.
Excellent, excellent.
All right, should we go
into some art history now?
- Anyone?
- The federal anti-trust laws.
Exactly, nice, guys.
Sharp work today.
What about lago, Sarah?
Uh... "Hamlet"?
Keri, please.
No, that's "Hamlet."
"Midsummer Night's Dream"?
- No.
- Mr. Lou, I...
Please, um, King Duncan.
Yes, finally.
All right, everyone,
let's... let's call it a day.
Sarah, can you stay so I can
talk to you for a minute?
So we want to shorten preschool?
Yeah, yeah, with more
of the focus on play time.
And the chapters on adolescence.
Right, exactly.
Hi, sweetie.
Are you guys doing that book?
We have a meeting with
the author on Monday.
That's great.
Hey, how's the decathlon
thing going?
It's kind of a lot.
Yeah, but I bet
you're killing it.
And I hear your teacher's
a bit of a hunk.
Come on, let's see
this dreamboat.
I'm sure you've got a picture.
Oh my.
Very handsome.
Who's that,
the one who looks mad?
Oh, that's Keri.
She's just focused.
Yeah, I remember girls like her.
All right, Wendy.
Uh, you have studying
you need to go do.
Okay, okay.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
I'll text you
when dinner's ready.
- Cool, thanks, Mom.
- Love you.
She's incredible,
you do know that?
You're such a suck-up.
No, I mean it.
You should be writing
your own book.
All right, well,
let's get back to this.
Play time...
Sarah, hey.
Just leave me alone, okay?
All right, everybody, listen up.
I'm very happy to let you know
that most of you
did really, really well
- on the practice test.
- Most of us?
one of you did not,
so I had to mark down
all of your scores.
So what score did we get?
A 71?
I'm sorry, what?
Wait, I would've had a 96?
Yup, you could have.
No, Mr. Lou, this isn't fair.
You guys know the rules.
You need to learn
how to help each other
so you can work together
as a team.
Okay, well,
what if she can't be helped?
- Hey.
- Okay, no,
you don't get to object.
You're her friend,
- and she still sucks.
- Hey, come on.
You know what...
Hey, Sarah, wait.
Come on.
It was just the first test.
- We'll get past this.
- I think it was my last.
No, hey, wait.
Hey, uh, are you okay?
Oh my God, Sarah.
Sarah, come on.
No, no, no.
Sarah, come on.
Come on, come on.
Just breathe.
Oh my God.
Sophie, call 911.
Sarah, Sarah, come on.
You're going to be okay.
You're okay, Sarah.
Just keep breathing.
Come on, you're
going to be okay.
Sarah, come on!
Are you the one who found her?
Smart, rolling her
on her side like that.
You may have saved her life.
She's going to be okay?
That all depends
on what she took.
Was she on anything?
I don't know.
I found these,
but all the labels are gone.
Well, we'll run it.
We'll see if we can
figure out what it was.
Was anyone with you in there?
No. Uh, wait,
somebody was leaving.
Someone with her?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I just heard somebody
running away.
Somebody else probably
found her first and got scared.
Would somebody do that?
It's a common response
in minors.
That's my daughter!
Don't touch her.
Let me see her.
- Excuse me.
- What's going on?
Let me...
Okay, right.
Okay, thanks so much, Sam.
Yeah, bye.
That was my friend that
works at the hospital.
He said that
she's still unconscious,
but she's stable
and that they're going
to have to keep her under
to help her heal,
something about oxygen or...
Yeah, that's it.
What is that?
It's when part of the body
can't get oxygen.
It happens in overdose.
Well, anyway,
that's all he could tell us.
We're going to have to speak to
the family for more information.
I should've seen it coming.
I should've known
when she ran off.
No, baby, no,
it's not your fault.
I just wish there was
something I could've done.
Baby, there will be.
She's going to need you
the most right now.
Yeah. You're right.
Come here.
Thanks, Mom.
It's going to be okay.
Try and have a good day, okay?
Hey, I love you.
I love you, too, Mom.
Morning, everyone.
Look, I'm going to put
today's lesson plan on hold
for a few minutes so we can
have a chance to talk
about what happened
on Friday, okay?
I did academic decathlon
when I was your age,
and to this day, it is still
one of the hardest things
that I have ever done
in my whole life.
So, if any of you are
feeling like
you're being pushed too hard,
or like you might not make it,
I just want you to know
that my door will
always be open to you,
and I will always be here
to listen to you
and try and help
in any way that I can, okay?
- Keri?
- Can we just
- get on with our lessons?
- Keri...
What? I mean, she already
slowed us down and made us fail,
so we're just going
to throw today away, too?
No, Mr. Lou, how much time
do we have to waste
on someone who
should've literally
never made the team
in the first place?
Hey, we need time to reflect.
Yeah, no, we've been
reflecting ever since
- she got us all an F.
- Enough.
- Keri, apologize.
- No, I'm not gonna apologize...
Keri, apologize.
- I'm sorry.
- No, not just to her,
to everyone.
I'm sorry.
Really I am.
I know it wasn't
her fault, or anyone's.
I guess I was just scared
because it happened so quickly.
You know, I would hate to think
that someone else
in this room could be next.
So I'm sorry.
Thank you, Keri.
Let's get started.
- Hello?
- Hey, are you almost here?
You didn't forget, did you?
Shoot, you know what?
I completely lost track of time.
I'm... I'll be there
in 10 minutes.
All right, see you soon.
Hi, I'm so sorry.
Is he here already?
Yeah, he just walked in.
Do you have your notes?
Sh... oh yes, yes,
I have my notes.
What is going on with you?
It's Michelle.
One of her friends
tried to kill herself.
Oh, my gosh,
do you want to postpone?
No, no, no, I'm fine.
Let's just go.
Oh, hey.
Could you sit in between us?
Wendy, you said
you didn't date him.
No, you said not to tell you
that I did, so I didn't.
Is this going to be awkward?
I sure hope not.
- Well, hello again.
- Hey, hi, good to see you.
And is it Katherine?
It is, hi.
Big fan of your work.
Oh, thanks so much.
You want this to have a story.
Not really a story, a character.
More of a case study.
So that moms have
an example of what
they might be able to hope for.
What if they don't
like the example?
It might not be the type of kid
they're looking to raise.
Well, I know that as a mom,
I would be interested
so that I could factor it
into my decision-making.
But I didn't write this
for parents to pick and choose.
I want them to consider
the book in its entirety.
Well, obviously we want them
to read and consider everything.
Look, I like you two,
but if I wanted notes,
I'd go to the majors.
The only way
I'm choosing a boutique
is if you print it as-is,
no changes.
I can't believe he got us
to agree to that.
No, I know, but he's right.
Someone else will publish it
his way if we don't,
so we're just going
to have to bust our butts
on this one and make it
so successful
that no one will ever
change our notes again.
You know he doesn't
deserve that.
I know, but we do.
Let's start gathering prices.
- No, this is your fault.
- Wait.
She wouldn't even be
taking those pills
if it wasn't for you.
You know exactly
how hard you were pushing her,
and you didn't stop.
- Mr. Connor, please?
- No, I'm shutting you down.
I don't care what it takes.
This whole team should
be disqualified,
and I'm going to get it done.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
He just kept yelling
at Mr. Lou.
He told him
that he was the reason
she was even taking the pills.
Then he said
he was pushing us too hard.
Is he?
I mean, yeah, it's hard,
but it's just kind of
like how it is.
I just can't imagine
what that poor man
must be going through.
Do you think
we could go see her?
Yeah, of course.
I mean, we should probably
give them some time, you know,
especially after
what you just told me.
But maybe we could go
in the next few days?
I'd like that.
Okay, then we'll do it.
Thanks, Mom.
Yeah, yeah... yeah.
Explain to you
the grading system.
All right,
good morning, everyone.
I'm sure you've noticed
a new face in the room.
This is Kevin.
He just transferred over
and will be filling in for Sarah
so we can keep
our team total at six.
Say hello, Kevin.
Uh, hi.
What about
when Sarah comes back?
Well, should she recover
and want to rejoin the team,
then Kevin will step aside,
becoming an alternate
but still studying with us
in case anything else happens.
I will?
Yeah, it's an important role.
Kevin, please.
All right, I want to start off
today with a lecture in history.
So we'll begin talking
about Mr. Andrew Jackson,
who was of course president
number what, Michelle?
Uh, eighth.
Andrew Jackson was
president number seven.
Van Buren was eight.
Oh, uh, yeah, you're right.
Thank you, Galen.
Known as Old Hickory,
Andrew Jackson was
first elected in 1828.
Hey, what is going on with you?
What? What do you mean?
You're supposed to be kind
of some secret weapon,
and you don't even know
the presidents?
I do, I was just...
Yeah, you were distracted.
Look, that's great.
I'm sorry about
your friend and all,
but she made me fail a test,
and I'm not about
to let you do the same.
So get your head in the game.
Got it?
Right, I understand.
Yeah, no, it's good.
Okay, all right, thanks,
Erin, we'll be in touch.
Well, that was
the cheapest price yet:
6,000 copies at $5 apiece
but only if we get it
to them by Friday.
- Next Friday?
- Yeah.
He doesn't have any orders
to fill in the next week,
and he says
he'll forego his margins.
He wants to get his guys
the shifts.
But we don't have art.
We're not even formatted yet.
Well, now we know
how much work we have to do.
- Katherine...
- Look, I know it's crazy,
but the next best price
is seven bucks,
so if we wait, it's going
to cost us an extra $12,000.
Well, I guess we have
to do the work anyway.
All right, let's give it a shot.
- Hey, uh, it's Michelle, right?
- Yeah, hey.
Do you know where we're
supposed to be going right now?
On Tuesdays it's Caf on Main.
Cool, thanks.
Uh, can I walk with you?
Yeah, sure, I guess that's cool.
Sweet, thanks.
Hey, can I ask you something?
Yeah, what's up?
Do you think that girl's
going to come back,
the one I'm replacing?
Her name is Sarah.
Sorry, I was just wondering
because I really want
to be a part of the team,
and I don't want
to lose my chance.
She was my friend, okay?
You know what? Just leave me
alone and find your own way.
And the most abundant element in
the entire world is what, Kevin?
- Hydrogen.
- Yes, followed by what?
Helium then oxygen then carbon,
neon, nitrogen, magnesium
and silicon.
Oh, okay, looks like
someone's been studying.
All righty guys,
let's call it for today.
Don't forget, tomorrow's going
to be another round of history,
so let's make sure
to study up tonight, okay?
All right, good,
let's get out of here, guys.
Oh Kevin, great job today, man.
You're exactly
what this team needs.
Really? Thanks.
Hi, Mrs. Connor.
Michelle, hi.
I hope it's okay that I'm here.
Of course it is.
Come in.
She could use a friend.
Do you know
if she's doing any better?
They say she is.
They just need to keep her out
to see how she heals.
Michelle, could you
stay here for a second?
I just need
to run down the hall.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Talk to her.
I know she'll like that.
Hey, Sarah, it's me.
Class sucks still.
I know Keri still only
cares about herself,
and Galen is
still backing her up.
They brought in
some jerk to replace you,
like you were never even there.
And everyone's treating me
like crap now.
I just wish you would've
told me what was wrong...
that you would've
talked to me about it.
Just wake up, okay?
Please, just wake up.
I miss you.
Oh, Michelle.
Did you see...
did you see Sarah?
Do you want to go?
- Yeah.
- All right.
How's her dad?
Is he doing any better?
I don't know. Her mom said
she hasn't seen him.
What, like, at all?
I mean, since when?
I don't know, she just said that
she doesn't know where he is,
and I guess
she thinks he left town.
Honey, is everything all right?
Not really.
Here, you know what?
Let me... let me pull over.
Honey, what's wrong?
- I can't do it anymore, Mom.
- Do what?
It's the team.
I have to quit.
- I just... I can't do it.
- Did something happen?
Yes, and it just
keeps happening.
First it was Sarah,
and then he just replaced her.
He just doesn't
slow down for anything,
and I can't take it anymore,
Mom. I can't do it.
Oh, honey,
you... you wouldn't have
disappointed me.
If the team's not
the right fit for you,
then it's not right for you.
I totally support
any decision
that you want to make.
- Thank you.
- It's going to be okay.
I'm sorry, Dad, I tried my best.
Wow, it's so early.
No one is here.
Do you want me
to wait in the car?
No, it's okay.
I want to talk to Mr. Lou
before everyone gets in.
Gosh. What am I even
gonna do after school now?
You're going to take it easy.
Just relax,
you'll find your footing,
and I'll help you
figure things out as soon as
Wendy and I finish the book.
I can help you guys.
Oh honey, that's okay,
you don't have to.
Mom, you definitely
need the help,
and I'm going to have
all this time now.
It could be like an internship.
I'll think about it.
Let me talk to Wendy.
Thanks, Mom.
Hey, everything's
going to be okay.
Do you want me
to come in with you?
Do you need my help?
No, I can do this.
What are you doing here?
Look, just leave me alone.
You better be prepared today.
You don't ever have
to worry about me again.
Come in.
Oh Michelle, good morning.
Good morning.
What's on your mind?
Um, can I talk to you
about something?
Yeah. What's on your mind?
I have to quit the team.
Have to or want to?
Both. I'm sorry,
I'm just really not happy.
Michelle, you promised me.
When I sat down with you
and your mom,
-you said that you could do this.
- I know.
And I really thought I could,
but I didn't think
it would be this hard.
At least if I go now,
you have enough time
- to find someone else.
- What does she say about this?
- Who, my mom?
- Yeah.
She's supportive.
She needs me more now anyways,
and at least
I'd have my afternoons back
so I could help her at work.
Michelle, what if
it wasn't so difficult?
- What do you mean?
- I just mean,
what if there was a way
to make it easier on you?
You're not on any other sort of
prescription drugs, are you?
No, why?
What are those?
These are study aids.
That one's Adderall,
which helps tune out the world
around you and helps you focus,
and that one's Xanax,
which calms you down
if you're feeling
a little too stressed out.
Did you give those to Sarah?
I did, yes,
but had I known about
her history of substance abuse,
I never would've
offered them to her.
Sarah had a drug problem?
Yeah, she didn't tell you?
That's why I asked if you were
on any other prescriptions.
Look, I don't want to talk
about Sarah right now, okay?
I want to talk
about you, Michelle.
You are my star student,
and I don't want to lose you.
I mean, this team is good,
but you are amazing,
and with you on it,
I think we stand a serious shot
of winning this whole thing.
Now, the pressure, the stress,
I get it, I really do,
but all you have to do is endure
it long enough for us to win
just once, and then the whole
world becomes your oyster.
So just give it a try.
And if it doesn't work,
hey, it doesn't work,
but at least
you can say you tried.
Okay, yeah, I'll do it.
Good, I'm glad.
Just be responsible,
okay, not like Sarah.
Adderall to come up;
Xanax to cool down.
And no more than one of either
of them every four hours, okay?
All right.
Nobody can know
about this, okay?
Yeah, I understand.
Take the rest of the day off.
Go home, try them out,
get used to them
and then come back tomorrow.
Uh, yeah, okay.
I'll see you then.
Okay, see you, Michelle.
Whoa, Keri.
- What was that about?
- What are you doing here?
No, Michelle, did she just quit?
- We need her to win.
- Settle down.
I'm the teacher here.
She's not going to quit:
I talked her out of it.
She just had her mom in her ear
asking to help out at work,
that's all.
Okay, well, what happens if
her mom gets in her ear again?
That's not your problem, Keri.
You want to win,
go learn how to do math.
I know how to do math. Hey!
Katherine, go home.
I just need coffee.
No, you just need sleep.
Come on, I'm not going
to let you work late here
- all by yourself.
- Why not?
I would do the same thing
to you, probably will do,
just wait until next week.
Really, it's fine.
Thank you.
All right, um...
I will see you tomorrow.
Yeah, see you then.
- Good night.
- Night.
Hey, Mom.
Hi. Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, no,
I'm just really in a zone.
Oh. All right, well,
I've got to go to bed.
I'm exhausted. I just wanted
to make sure you've eaten.
Yeah, no, I'm good.
Okay, good night, Mom.
Yes, who is this?
Um, let me through,
let me through.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- That's my shop.
- Ma'am...
- That's my shop.
- Ma'am, please.
Oh, thank you.
We just got
the call four hours ago.
One of the neighbors
was out walking his dog
and noticed the door was open.
She was already gone
when we got here.
I just don't understand
why somebody would do this.
I mean, we're a printing press.
There's nothing of
value in there.
Do you have any enemies?
Yeah, anyone
you might have upset?
Given the damage in there,
it's unlikely this was
just a break-in.
Whoever did this wanted
to tear this place apart
and make sure it hurt.
We don't think the burglar
meant to kill Ms. Adams,
but she saw them.
Maybe they felt
they didn't have a choice.
I should've been here.
I almost stayed.
Don't think that way,
Ms. Carter;
we might be pulling two bodies
out of there instead of one.
Got to get you
over here, Detective.
Hang tight, all right?
I'll be back in a moment.
Wait, do you still need me?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
We need to walk
through your shop
to see if anything's missing.
As of last night, the date
for our first decathlon meet
has officially been
set for November 5th.
That means
we've got just six weeks
to get ourselves
totally prepared.
Thus I'll be adding
practice tests
every Friday
from now until then.
- Ugh, every Friday?
- Yes, Galen,
every Friday,
and they won't be easy, either.
So any outside plans
you may have,
I suggest you cancel
because I need you studying
every waking moment, you got me?
- Yeah.
- That goes for everybody.
- Do you all understand?
- Yes.
Now let's get into
today's lesson.
You did a really
great job today.
Thank you.
How are you feeling?
Are things getting any easier?
Yeah, yeah, it really is.
Just don't overdo it, okay?
No more than one pill
every four hours,
- and do not mix them.
- I understand.
See you at practice.
- Yeah, see you then.
- Okay.
- Hi, Dr. Miller.
- Is it true?
Excuse me?
The police came by.
They said Wendy was killed
while working on my book.
Please tell me that's not true.
Katherine, I'm so sorry.
That's awful.
She deserved better.
Yeah, she really did.
I can only imagine
what a great job
you two would've done
for my book.
Wait, um, you say that
as if you're pulling it.
You're not, are you?
Doctor, Wendy really
wanted this book.
She believed in it, and...
And now she's dead.
You have to let me do this.
I mean please,
I can't lose this, too.
Katherine, I'm sorry,
but I don't want to have
to think about that every time
I think about my book.
I'll reimburse you for
the time you've put in, okay?
No, you signed a contract.
- I'm sorry?
- No, I'm sorry.
I have the rights to this book,
and it will stay mine
as long as I hit my deadlines.
But you won't. You don't have
your shop or the manpower.
I have someone who is ready
to work, and she knows the job.
Katherine, I will call
my lawyers if I have to.
You don't want this.
No, but Wendy would.
So you go do
what you need to do;
I have deadlines I need to meet.
Michelle, hey.
Hey, are you going to practice?
Yeah, want to walk with me?
Yeah, let me just get
something from my locker.
Okay, you ready?
- Yeah, let's go.
- Cool.
Just go ahead.
I'll catch up with you later.
Oh, okay.
- Are you ready?
- Ready for what?
To go home.
I'm here to pick you up.
- What? Why?
- Because school's over.
Mom, I can't go,
I have practice.
You do?
Yeah, I do.
But honey, I thought
you quit the team.
Okay, well, I didn't, okay?
I changed my mind.
Look, I'll be home later.
Honey, what's going on with you?
This isn't like you.
Well, I guess it is now, okay?
Just go home; we'll talk later.
- Sweetie, I...
- Just go!
And that's a time
using fractions
can be your best friend
because it allows you
to get to
the answer more quickly.
And, uh...
Found us.
Just in the nick of time.
Today's lesson is in physics,
which means we'll be talking
a lot about Albert Einstein,
who is most known for...
Hey, Michelle, you with us?
- Huh?
- I was just asking
what Albert Einstein is
most known for.
- He was known for the theory...
- The Theory of Relativity,
which is actually just
two interrelated theories
of special relativity
and general relativity
with a mass-energy
equivalence formula
of e=mc squared.
What the hell?
Oh my gosh.
- Mom.
- Michelle.
Mom, what the hell?
- What?
- Who smashed your shop apart,
and why is there
an outline on the ground
like somebody died in there?
- Mom?
- I am so sorry.
How could you not tell me?
Honey, I tried.
That's why I came to pick
you up from school today.
But you didn't
say anything about it.
But you weren't listening.
Oh, so it's my fault?
No, no, of course
it's not your fault.
- I wanted to tell you.
- Yeah, you know what?
Maybe you should read
that parenting book after all.
Just leave me alone.
- Michelle.
- Go away.
Detective Chatman?
It's Ortiz. I found the car.
Oh no, no, no, no, no.
Side effects:
mood swings, aggression...
suicidal thoughts.
Okay, and what to do
if your child is on drugs?
Looks like we can
call off the search:
We just found Mr. Connor.
All right, everyone, you've done
a great job this week in class,
so I'm really looking
forward to seeing
what you can do on these tests.
Go ahead and pass them down,
make me proud.
Hey guys, phones away.
Sarah's dad was murdered?
- Says who?
- What?
Hey, tests are out.
Will Wymore said it.
He said they found a car,
and his body's in the trunk.
- Galen!
- He's pulling your leg.
No, Dustin Jones just
texted me the same thing
and a picture of the cops.
- What?
- Yeah, look.
- Oh my gosh.
- Did he send this to you?
Hey guys, hey, can everyone
please settle down?
Eyes up here, please.
The tests are out,
and if you don't
settle down right now
and put those phones away,
then I swear to you
I will rip up every single test,
and I will fail all of you.
That will be a zero
for everyone,
do you hear me? Hey!
I'm sorry for yelling, okay,
it's just we are
on a tight schedule,
and I do not want us
falling behind on these tests.
We can't take the test now.
- Michelle, please.
- She's right.
Yeah, that's...
That's too messed up.
Oh my gosh,
you guys, who the hell cares?
Since when do you all care
about Mr. Connor?
Seriously, he was the one
who was trying to shut us down
- in the first place.
- Okay, Keri, stop.
No, no, I am sick
of the laziness, Mr. Lou,
I'm sick of it. Okay? I'm trying
to get into Vanderton,
and if everyone here is
going to jeopardize my chance
at getting a scholarship,
then what's the point
if everyone here
is just a little bit sad?
- Hey, shut up!
- No, no,
you shut up, Michelle.
Oh my gosh.
Why are you still here?
You're like
the bad luck charm
of this town, okay?
You know your little friend,
Sarah and her dad?
Actually, half the town
is talking about
what happened
at your mom's shop last night
after you tried to quit the team
and go work for her.
How did you know that?
Everybody knows it.
No, how did you know
that I was planning
to work for her?
Oh my God, Michelle, shut up.
Michelle, please, we're eating
into our test-taking time
right now.
Hey... hey, Michelle.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going home.
- No, sit back down.
- No, you can still all
take the test if you want to,
but it's a zero for me,
so I guess that makes it
a zero for you guys, too.
No, Michelle,
you don't want to do that.
- I just did.
- Just listen, Michelle...
What have you done, hmm?
You keep doing this.
You keep taking
everything way too far.
Keri, where are you going?
Well, if we aren't gonna win,
what's the point?
What are you looking at?
Get back to your tests.
Look, everything's
going to be okay.
I'm going to figure out
a solution.
Stay right here;
finish your tests.
Mom, I need help.
Come on.
So you're saying
your teacher gave you pills?
Yes, but it's not his fault.
Okay, he was just trying
to take the pressure away
so class would be easier.
Oh my God.
Honey, that is not okay.
Mom, you don't know
what it's like in there.
It's intense. Everyone is
dependent on everyone else,
and if you slow down for
even a second, then...
If you slow down, then what?
Look at you.
You've barely slept,
and you haven't even
changed your clothes.
Michelle, please.
Mom, I don't think
Sarah tried to kill herself.
I think someone else just
wanted it to look like that.
Honey, who?
One of my classmates,
Keri Belasee.
She would yell at Sarah
in class, like,
all the time,
and Sarah was so scared.
And I know there was
somebody else in there
- when I found her.
- But sweetie,
I don't think that that proves
that she didn't do it herself.
No, but Keri was also there
when Sarah's dad came
and threatened to end the team,
and somebody killed him, too.
They found him today.
- Oh.
- And she was also there
when I went to quit the team
and told Mr. Lou that
you needed help with your shop,
and then your shop got
torn apart...
and Wendy...
Okay, Michelle,
if what you're saying is true,
then we have to go
to the police,
and you have to be willing
to tell them everything.
I know.
No, no, no, Mom, Mom, don't.
No, it's fine.
- Lou?
- Is Michelle here?
- Um...
- Hey, Michelle?
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
hey, you can't be here.
Look, Michelle...
- Hey, what are you doing here?
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Listen, I just wanna tell you
to come back to the team,
- okay, that's all.
- You need to go, Lou.
I just need to talk to her
for a second.
You gave my daughter drugs.
You told her?
No, no, no, she needed them.
- She asked for them.
- No, I didn't.
Yes, you did, and you said
that they were helping.
- Please, Michelle.
- Okay, you know what?
- I'm calling the police.
- No, you are not.
- Stop it, Katherine.
- Hey, get your hands off me.
Michelle, call the police.
No, nobody is calling
the police, okay?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
It was you.
This whole time
I thought it was Keri,
- but it was you.
- Michelle, listen to me, okay?
No, you killed Sarah's dad,
and you killed Wendy,
and you tried
to kill Sarah, too.
I did this for the team.
- I did this for you.
- What?
I did this all for you,
Look, I know
how hard it is, okay?
When I was your age,
and it was me on the team,
we struggled every day,
but we knew we had a shot.
And then the best student
decided to quit,
left us in the dust,
and I've always wondered
what my life would be like
if he hadn't.
And that's why I teach
these teams, Michelle.
So nobody else has to miss out
on the life that I could've had.
And if giving you pills helps,
then so what?
It doesn't hurt anybody.
I made sure you weren't
on anything else.
What if I lied?
I made sure.
I checked your medicine cabinet.
You were safe.
You broke into our house?
Just to protect your daughter
so I could give her a chance.
But that's not fair.
Neither is anything, okay?
Come on, Michelle,
just come back.
I do not want to have
to run this team without you,
but I will if I have to.
- Michelle, call the police.
- Shut up.
Michelle, he's going
to kill us both.
Grab your phone and go.
Michelle, if you do that,
she will die.
- Michelle, run!
- No, Michelle!
Help, Mom!
Mom, help!
Right here, honey.
Michelle, come back,
I can explain.
Do you think he's going to live?
Well, the blade
didn't hit any organs,
so he should be able
to stand for trial.
For all of this, I hope.
For this, for Sarah,
for her father,
for Wendy,
and distributing drugs.
There was also
a decathlon hopeful
at his last school that suddenly
fell in front of a car.
The city ruled it out
as an accident,
but we're going to look
into it, as well.
Oh my gosh.
I'm just glad
we got to him when we did.
I'm so happy you're all right.
Mom, I'm so sorry
for everything.
You know, I'm ready to help you
with the book whenever you need.
No, don't worry about the book.
He's going to take it
away from me, anyway.
But Wendy wanted that.
Yeah, but you know what?
There's something
she wanted even more.
Well, that's exactly
why I wrote the book:
to educate kids and parents
on what to watch out for
with teachers like Mr. I.
Close the book; eat your food.
Oh, well thank you.
I'm actually a huge fan
of your publication, too.
Yes, um, thank you,
that's very kind of you.
Yeah, I would say that
I was inspired: my daughter.
- Did you hear about Keri?
- I heard she failed
- another drug test.
- Yeah, expelled, too.
Well, she always wanted us to be
responsible for our own grades.
Now I guess she is.
Can you believe
we're finally going to get
to go to the decathlon meet?
Just glad we have
the right coach.
All right, everybody,
big day tomorrow.
- Is everybody ready?
- Yeah!
Just remember, I believe
in each and every one of you,
and I cannot wait for you
to show the district
how smart you are.
Now, let's talk about...