Killer Rivalry (2022) Movie Script

[soft music]
[ominous music]
[insects chirping]
[soft music]
[ominous music]
[girl screaming]
Lauren Sanford here
with breaking news.
[upbeat news music]
Top Texas collegiate women's
sand volleyball star,
Hillary Horn was found
dead this morning
by her teammate at
Southwestern University.
Hillary Horn and her SWU
teammate, Annika Sanchez,
are considered to be the
elite volleyball stratosphere,
along with Gable University's
top two super stars,
Charly McCloud and
Kiki Blackburn.
[upbeat news music]
Police remain tight-lipped
regarding the circumstances
around this tragic event.
Unconfirmed sources
say that the victim
suffered a severe head trauma.
Police are still investigating
whether this is a homicide.
Considering the intense rivalry
between Southwestern and Gable,
it is speculated that
a prank went too far.
We'll be bringing you the
news as soon as it comes in.
Lauren Sanford, Women's
Volleyball Network reporting.
[upbeat music
playing on speaker]
Dreaming I was heading home
It was nice
Till I saw you on the corner
and acted like I didn't
But you waved, all
the same, came right
Over on the sidewalk
Said hi
- Come on, Charly.
Serve the ball already.
Let's go.
We walked a mile by the house
and until we hit the river
We got this, Kiki.
Like it'd been in July
You were starting to mention
That you hated how you left
But I woke up in Texas
With a headache
and no new texts
Might be why I'm
so bad at goodbyes
I take cold hard cash.
50 bucks, pay up.
Weak spike.
We'll post the video and
let the world decide.
The only reason why
you're getting likes
is 'cause you're
wearing boy shorts.
Well, I can't help it if
I win before I even try.
We're winners.
They're losers.
How do we look?
Hey guys, coach wants
us in the locker room.
I would go to Portland
For a while
I heard the grass is
always greener there
But I've never seen it
[music trails off]
I, uh...
just received a very
difficult phone call
from coach Bornn a
few minutes ago.
Texas State
forfeiting the season?
Hillary Horn has been murdered.
Her body was found
buried in...[sighs]
buried in the sand
at Southwestern.
I know she was a
friend to many of you
and she was part
of our community.
It's gonna be tough
on everybody, but
we're gonna stick together.
And if anybody needs help,
the school is
offering counseling.
On a brighter note,
we do have a new
addition to the team.
Everyone, this is Becky Beckett.
Becky will be joining
us this season
as our new intern
equipment manager.
Becky's grandfather
has been very generous
in donating a great sum
of money to the team.
So we're gonna get a lot
of great new equipment,
thanks to him.
[Becky] Excited to be here.
That's all I've got
for you guys today.
You're free to go.
[group chatter]
[somber music]
I'm really sorry.
Hillary and I were partners
as kids on the San Hornets.
Yeah, I know.
Sorry, honey.
I'm meeting with a detective
here in a few minutes
on Hillary's case.
- Yeah.
I'll keep you posted.
[somber music]
Annika's still there.
And Texas State.
They just recruited
someone from Belarus.
She's six foot four.
Of course she is.
I heard Annika gained
major weight over summer.
[Girl] Savage.
Bad breakup or something.
I'll go ahead and check
chubby off the list.
I heard she fell on
Hillary's dead face
and was covered in her blood.
Come on, that's not true.
You guys, can we
please lay off Annika
just for one second?
Can't imagine she's in
a great spot right now.
she's our biggest rival.
Didn't you say that the scout
was looking at me and you,
Hillary and Annika.
We still have to bring
our A-game this year.
It's cold, but it's true.
Well, if what Lynn said
about her weight is true,
then the problem
will solve itself.
Or she'll be in prison
for killing Hillary.
Not funny.
Hey, she didn't kill Hillary.
She just found the body.
At least that's what I heard.
Lynn, that's enough.
Why would you do that?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
They can be pretty
mean sometimes.
You're Charly, right?
You have a really good
shot at going pro.
Oh, so I'm told.
I'm a huge fan
of the sport, I mean.
Okay, you play?
I used to, in high school,
but I tore my meniscus and
never really recovered,
look at me, I'm
folding towels now. [laughs]
Well listen, if you ever
wanna switch places,
I'm your girl.
Right, because you're
the best player around.
Oh, hardly.
But thank you.
I'll catch you later are okay.
You can count on it.
[Charly] Okay.
[soft music]
[dramatic tone]
Now, how did you
know Hillary Horn?
She's been my competitor since
freshman year of college.
I've known her since
the sixth grade.
We've been partners for a while.
[tense music]
I mean, I don't.
Not really.
We just ran into each other on
the court every now and then.
We had a love/hate
relationship for sure.
But we definitely
respected her skill.
Everyone loved her.
Well, she was one of
our biggest rivals,
but we weren't really friends.
Did you know anyone that
would want to hurt her?
She was super nice to everyone.
The teams play pranks on
each other all year long.
It was probably the Gable girls
just taking things way
too far, per usual.
It's just weird that they
would pick Hillary though.
She didn't have any enemies.
So do you think
she was murdered?
I found her buried in the sand,
so yeah, I think
she was murdered.
No way.
No one would ever do
anything to hurt her.
I have no idea.
I mean, she was pretty,
really popular,
especially with the guys.
The pranks, they
weren't serious.
They were just for fun.
If anything, SWU goes too far.
I mean, somebody
called the school
and told my professor that I
cheated it on my midterm exam.
They almost got me
kicked out of chemistry.
It was not funny.
She have a boyfriend?
but I'm pretty sure
it was a bad breakup.
He goes to another school.
Where were you
around 8:00 p.m.
the night of the murder?
I was at my apartment.
Can you validate this?
Kiki, my roommate, she was out.
I was at the movies
with my boyfriend, Ben.
I was on a date.
Can he corroborate your story?
Her name's Abby
and yes, she can.
Am I a suspect?
I just need to know
your whereabouts.
Well, I was with my
mom making pasta.
All right.
I have to verify that with her.
Sure, whatever you need.
Is it true that you,
Hillary, Kiki, and Annika
were being scouted
for the US Olympics?
Right now there's one
spot left on the team
and we're all trying to make it.
That's why this season
is so important.
It could put one
of us on the team.
So all of you have
a huge rivalry now?
Look, I'm just
the better player.
Well, she thinks
she's the best player,
but just as much
I'm in contention.
Me and Gloria were barely
trailing for the playoffs.
So if it happens great,
if it doesn't,
I'm studying to be
a pediatrics doctor.
With Hillary gone,
there's less competition for
us to join the Olympic team.
It's just me,
Charly and Kiki now.
Which gives you all motive.
Not to kill,
only to win.
Can I go now?
You can go.
[soft music]
[knocking on door]
Who is it?
[Jeff] It's me.
[phone clicks]
Hello, Jeff.
I just wanted to see you.
Say, I'm sorry.
We broke up Jeff. There's nothing
for you to be sorry about.
Come on Annika.
Can we just talk?
We never "just talk."
Please don't come
back here again.
You don't know
what's good for you.
Yeah, okay, well
just leave me alone.
[soft knocks on door]
[door opens]
[Anika] Hey Gina, come in.
[door shutting]
[Kiki] Go back to my place?
[indistinct chatter]
I will see you after
practice, right.
Bye, babe.
Oh, I cannot wait for that date.
Just clean the
apartment this time.
Last time you brought Ben back,
your laundry was everywhere.
Charly, he is not there
because of my laundry.
Girl, you are nasty.
Thank you.
Becky, was it?
Do you mind going and
getting that ball over there?
We seem to have hit
it a little far.
Sure thing.
[ominous music]
[Kiki giggles]
[dramatic music]
[girls giggling in distance]
Clean it.
[ominous music]
Kiki don't!
[Girl] Oh, Kiki.
Wrong locker room.
Are you lost?
So Becky, this is the...
Men's locker room.
Ladies, you have
the wrong facility.
Sorry sir, we're leaving now.
Don't be afraid to
get up under it, okay.
All right.
Oh my gosh, in here.
- Becky!
What is?
Come here.
Who did that to you?
- We don't want her here.
Oh, I see.
That archaic rite of passage
has made it back to my team.
It's garbage.
I have made it perfectly
clear I will not tolerate it.
Charly, help Becky
get cleaned up.
Come on.
Get on the line.
[Becky sighs] Who uses ketchup
for fake blood?
They usually keep me
out of their pranks
'cause they know I'll
try to stop them.
Well, next time I see them,
I'm gonna have to say thank you
because I saw Ben and
Marcus in the shower.
Oh, be careful.
Kiki is a jealous one.
You're caught in
the crossfire, huh?
Yeah, sophomore year.
Starting quarterback.
Oh, okay.
I won and she has not
gotten over it since.
But you're teammates.
Yeah, on the sand, we are.
But everywhere else we
just tolerate each other.
So what happened to quarterback?
That cheater, he
moved to Los Angeles.
I don't talk to him anymore.
Well, I think it's time for
you to get a new partner.
Kiki's the best.
Better than you?
It's a two man sport.
You're only as good
as your partner.
[sighs] Okay, I think this is
good as it's gonna get.
Hey, what are you
doing this evening?
You free?
You should come over.
I'd love that.
Okay, cool.
Let's go.
[phone vibrating]
It's Jeff.
Hello, Jeff.
I just wanted to talk.
Where are you?
[Jeff on phone] Mulligans.
What do you want?
I'm failing physics, okay.
I need help.
I could lose my scholarship.
Step one, go home and study.
- I'm serious.
- So am I.
Come on, help me out.
Just move on, Jeff.
A trade?
How about stop calling me?
I mean it.
Annika please,
just help me.
Oh my God.
[Becky] Oh my gosh,
you're kidding.
[Charly] No, seriously,
I'm so serious.
No way.
- It was total insanity.
Like can you believe that?
Oh my goodness.
And then they dumped the
gallons of glitter in our sand.
Oh my God.
We were covered
in it for months.
That's hilarious.
So what's your
plans after college?
I wanna keep playing,
you know, get a contract.
Endorsements would be great too.
My dad died when I
was a kid, so my mom,
she sacrificed a lot
to put me on teams
and to send me to camps.
I wanna do well so
her sacrifices count.
Of course.
Yeah there's an Olympic scout
who's been looking at me,
and Hilary.
There's only one
spot on the team.
One spot?
One spot, yes.
You make the team
and your life is set.
The stress has been
driving me crazy.
I feel so much pressure
to win for coach,
the team,
for my mom.
[ominous music]
We're friends, right?
I'm just kidding, yes.
Have you ever heard of
the Mintonette pledge?
Like the original name of
volleyball, Mintonette?
There's a pledge?
William Morgan, the
inventor of volleyball
made a pledge with himself
and 10 of his closest friends,
swearing in blood that
they wouldn't tell the soul
about the sport until
the official unveiling
with death to anyone
who broke the bond.
I'm sorry that,
that sounds like
such a campfire tale.
It's true.
We should take the pledge.
You're silly, Becky.
It can help you.
Look, I wanna help.
Okay, so if we make the pledge
and then we break
it, what happens?
Morgan crawls out of his grave
and bites your ball
setting fingers off.
I can not.
Oh, come on.
[ominous music]
Okay, we put our palms together.
Close your eyes.
Bide within the laws we must,
perfect love and perfect trust.
Swear it with your life.
[ominous music]
Swear it.
I swear it.
And I swear to you
undying loyalty
to you and our friendship
In proxy of blood,
we drink wine.
[soft music]
[door opens]
[glasses clink]
[door shuts]
[Kiki laughing]
What is she doing here?
We were having drinks.
Join us?
- We're tired.
- I'm not tired.
He's tired.
Kiki, I just lost
someone close to me.
Come on.
Yeah, I know.
Maybe later.
[Charly] Sorry.
I should probably go.
[ominous music]
[upbeat music]
Get it!
That's game.
Get some water, ladies.
What was that?
You should have had it.
Your coverage was terrible.
My coverage was fine.
Lynn just made a good play.
Thanks bro.
It was sloppy.
Why did you back down?
Because you called it.
[Kiki] I said, get it.
I heard you call it.
If I was calling it,
you would've
heard me say "mine."
Hasn't been that
way in the past.
I don't trust you.
- Ladies.
Girl, I don't trust you either.
Is this how we beat Annika?
Do you think she's over there
arguing with her teammates?
Do you?
No, ma'am.
Start acting like a team so
we can beat Annika this year.
Fix your face, get it together.
And let's do this again.
[soft music]
[ominous music]
[phone ringing]
[Woman on phone] You think
you're so hot, don't you?
Who is this?
[ominous music]
[loud pop]
[car alarm sounding]
[slow suspenseful music]
Any idea who did it?
Maybe it was Kiki.
I heard her ask coach
for a new partner.
[Charly on phone] What?
This morning.
Well, I knew she
was up to something.
Well, if she leaves,
who would you get
to play with you?
I don't know.
I haven't really thought of it.
Did you see the
video she posted?
What video?
Hold on.
I'll send you a link.
I just had the most
amazing meeting.
You guys better watch out
because this time next year,
your girl's gonna be pro.
She's your competition
too, you know.
Yeah, I get it.
Don't worry, I pledge
to help you win.
Tomorrow's a new day.
New day.
So I'm,
to prepare for that new day,
I guess I should go
to bed, all right?
So, talk to you later.
you look a little bummed.
Yeah, well I needed
help, but he's busy.
One more F and I'm out.
Yeah, it is a
pretty tough class.
Do I know you?
Oh. [chuckles]
No, I don't think so.
You look very familiar.
Well, I did sit
behind you all year,
but you barely looked up.
I'm Jeff.
Well, maybe I
could help you out.
I mean, I do have all
A's in the class, so.
Okay, sure.
- Shall we?
- Yeah.
[phone line ringing]
[Annika on phone] Hello?
Hey Annika.
I was just calling
to say I'm sorry
about what happened to Hillary.
I know you guys went to
high school together.
That's sweet, thanks.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Well, listen, if you
ever need to talk or.
The school offered
counseling, I opted out.
I spent enough time
on the couch as a kid.
I'm sorry.
Well look, maybe we can,
you know, meet up sometime.
Pretty busy.
The season just started
and I needed
something to focus on.
Yeah, you're undefeated, huh?
It's a great start.
If you got a better partner,
your record might be the same.
It's not Kiki.
You're way too nice.
You need to let her go, Charly.
She's weighing you down.
[phone chiming]
Gotta go.
See you in the sand.
Yeah, okay.
[rock music]
Come on, ladies!
Good job.
[rock music]
Come on.
Jenny says she loves me
But Jenny wanna settle down
I'm thinking
Brittney kinda ugly
But sometimes she's
the only girl around
And Kacey wanna party
Her daddy's money
buyin' rounds
Good job.
And Gracie is a Barbie
Dressing up, hit the town
- Always something going down
- Get up under it.
Yeah, yeah
I wouldn't say
that I'm crazy
But I wouldn't
say I'm not insane
I love it when
start to chase me
Ya I love it when
we're playing games
At least I know your name
I know your name, yeah
- I told you.
I know your name
[Kiki] Yeah!
I wouldn't say
that I'm crazy
But I wouldn't
say I'm not insane
I love it when you
start to chase me
Ya I love it when
we're playing games
At least I know your name
[girls cheering]
[dance music]
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
I'm feeling fine
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Just making the crowd go
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Girl, he is cute.
I'm not on the market.
Why not?
Girl, that was two years ago.
Are you planning
to join a convent?
[mocking] Are you planning
to join a convent?
Look who's here.
Good match today.
Yeah, we did all right.
We did more than all right.
We are undefeated.
She's right.
Not for long.
You still get to face us, so.
We're not scared.
Uh uh.
Well one of us is gonna go
to the Olympics next year.
Don't be mad if you see
me in the highlight reel.
Season isn't over.
Not yet.
[dance music continues]
She is so nice.
I just can't get enough of her.
[Becky] What did I miss suckers?
Yay, Becky's here.
I got you a drink.
Thank you.
[Charly] Hmm.
[dance music]
Ben's here.
So I saw you talking to Annika.
Do you know her?
Oh yeah.
We'll go way back.
- Really?
- Freshman year. - Oh.
You wanna dance?
Let's dance.
[both laughing]
[dance music continues]
Feeling fine
Oh oh
Oh oh
Feeling fine
Oh oh
Oh oh
[soft music]
You're not one of us.
You know, I'm not really
sure what you mean.
Getting too close.
And I have the feeling that
you're up to something.
So I'm gonna figure
out what that is.
Donations or no donations,
if you think the hazing was bad,
just wait.
You know, I'm not
really convinced...
Of what?
That you're gonna
do anything more
than just run your mouth.
You're a child
who's worried about being
nothing but a has been.
You want everyone to think
that you eat self
doubt for breakfast,
but in reality,
you're just a poster child
for sports psychology.
Go ahead, I think you're in
the middle of threatening me.
It was cute.
Halloween mask and ketchup.
I'll show you scary.
[ominous music]
Are we gonna study now?
I came by Tuesday.
Where were you?
Stopped by Annika's.
Did I just get sloppy seconds?
She barely talks to me anymore.
You're obsessed.
I was trying to give her this.
Put that in the drawer.
Where'd you get this?
Annika left to last
time we, um...
hung out.
[mysterious music]
[Jeff] Let's grab a
drink at the piano bar.
You know, it's not
really my scene.
[soft music]
Hi, Annika.
Hello Jeff.
By the way,
you need to stop sending
me those messages
and pictures.
What are you talking about?
I show you, but I deleted them.
They're violating.
You're lucky I didn't
call the cops on you.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Of course.
So innocent.
came to give this back to you.
I gotta be honest with you.
I'm dating another girl.
She's nothing like you.
Hey, come here.
I'm sorry, okay.
Can you give us another chance?
Just stop talking to me, okay.
It's over Jeff.
Please, Annika.
I just want what's best for us.
For you.
You don't listen to me.
Don't touch me, okay.
Just don't lay a
hand on me, okay.
- Leave!
Before I call the cops.
[Coach] Nice.
[girls clapping]
Good job.
Feet made out of lead?
Just saying the best
player on the team
should be able to
get it over the net.
The ball was out of
position and you know that!
The position was fine.
- Guys!
She's sandbagging.
All for holding our
teammates accountable, right?
So get your butt to
the back of the line.
Gloria, come take over.
Come here.
Is she right?
Are you sandbagging?
It's the stress, coach.
I know you took Hillary's
murder a little harder
than you care to admit.
You need counseling, honey.
No, I'm fine.
You're not fine.
There's no shame in it.
We all need a little
help sometimes.
Go get her, come on.
Good job.
[ominous music]
He said he would hurt me if
I didn't get back with him.
Did anyone hear his
comments to you?
Any witnesses?
Temporary restraining
order has been filed.
It lasts for 48 hours.
In that time,
you'll need to get an
official restraining order
from the judge.
You understand?
You should also be aware
that he's already
threatened to counter
your filing a restraining order
with a restraining
order of his own.
Oh, don't worry, I won't
go anywhere near that punk.
If there's anything else
you need, just let us know.
Oh, excuse me.
How often do women get
killed by their stalkers?
I don't know,
but one is too many.
Have a good day.
[ominous music]
So how are you and coach?
We're good.
- She wants me to go to counseling.
- Oh, witch doctor.
Yeah, right.
I enjoy my time on the couch.
It's relaxing.
[body thuds]
Gloria, are you okay?
My elbow.
Here, I'll help you
get it checked out.
Come on.
[ominous music]
Tanning oil?
It was in front of your locker.
It was Annika.
She's the one that's
been pranking you.
She's throwing
you off your game.
[ominous music]
Maybe it's someone close
trying to pin it on her.
[ominous music]
I mean, it had to
have been Kiki.
You're not sure?
I don't know.
Well, I think you
need a confront her.
I will.
I got your back
girl, don't worry.
[Gloria] Hey.
Hey, what'd the trainer say?
Hairline fracture.
So what does that mean?
Can you play?
Not for six weeks.
I can get this off in
a couple of days, but.
Great, that's just fantastic.
[Gloria] Don't be mad.
It's not just about you Gloria.
If you're out for six weeks,
that ruins our chances
at playoff berth.
And that's a shoe-in
for Charly and Kiki.
Coach was really mad.
You know how she
feels about hazing.
It's no such thing
as a harmless prank
if it hurts the whole team.
She thinks that one of us did it
to try and get the new girl
and... just backfired on us?
The new girl?
What if it was her?
Becky Beckett?
She's harmless.
But what about Charly or Kiki?
Kiki's really changed.
And they're constantly
at each other's throats.
I mean, Kiki's
always off with Ben
and Charly acts like
Becky's her new best friend.
They live together.
They never talk.
I don't know.
Ever since Hillary died,
everyone's just been on edge,
scared or suspicious.
It hasn't been the same since.
And we made a
commitment to each other
and I'm letting you down.
I'm sorry.
Hey, we got next year.
- See you at practice?
- Yeah.
Welcome to the Texas 5A Regional
Women's Sand
Volleyball Tournament
with a matchup between Kent
College and Gable University.
Gable's Charly McLeod
and Kiki Blackburn
seem to have recovered somewhat
from a recent slump and are
playing exceedingly well
against Kent's top teams
featuring Amanda Sanchez and
All American, Kate Blakey.
[energizing music]
[people cheering]
[Commentator] And there's a
spike from Blakey.
And a return from McCloud
who puts it away for the win,
Coach Megan Hodges chucks
up another Gable victory.
[people cheering]
[Kiki] Yes!
[Girl] Yes girl!
Good job.
[Becky] Charly, great job.
Oh, fun game actually.
Hey, we definitely
need to celebrate.
Ah, well, I usually celebrate
with Kiki, but sure.
Anything in mind?
I have the perfect spot,
but you need a shower.
Yeah, I do. [laughs]
[Becky] You really do.
[slow pop music playing]
When I see the light
[girls laughing]
Oh my gosh.
- I know.
[Charly] Oh my goodness.
That is so funny.
Ooh girl.
Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.
Okay, that bartender over there
has overfilled three drinks
because he's more
busy looking at you
than his job.
You need to get his number.
I don't know.
When was the last time you
were in a relationship?
I was with the
football player...
freshman year.
[Becky scoffs]
I have figured out your problem.
Well, hold on.
It's not a problem.
Come on.
I had a summer fling,
I'll have you know.
You need to have
a bartender fling.
Yes, cheers.
Cheers to that.
- Cheers to that.
[Charly] Oh my goodness.
This drink is as delicious
as he looks, okay.
You know, I am gonna
go to the bathroom.
When I get back, you
better have his number.
Oh, hi.
Strange question.
You're Annika's ex, right?
Charly, right?
- Gable volleyball.
That's me.
I've seen you play a few times.
[Charly] Yeah.
You're pretty good.
Thank you.
Annika's better though.
Well speaking of
Annika, is she okay?
You know, with Hilary
and everything?
I wouldn't know.
She barely talks to me anymore.
Well, do you come here often?
What do you want?
just trying to exist here.
Aren't we all.
I'll catch you later.
That guy bothering you?
If he does, call.
[Charly squeals in excitement]
What was that?
Do you know Jeff?
Uh uh.
He's Annika's ex.
He's like super
obsessed with her.
Guess that's the price of fame.
Ooh, that booth opened up.
Shall we?
We shall.
Oh wait, wait, wait.
I got his digits.
That's my girl.
All right, let's celebrate.
[brooding music]
Why is my window open?
What is?
Girl, bring your
butt down here, okay.
[ominous music]
Can I help you with something?
I don't care if you and
Charly wanna be friends.
If you care about her
and her future at all,
you'll stop distracting her.
I'm distracting her.
You guys go out
like every night.
She barely even used to
drink before you showed up.
She's off her game.
And somebody
put a dead rat in
her bed last night.
Last time I checked,
you're the only one with
the code to our door.
We need to focus
on the season
and you need to back off.
Is this about you or Charly?
It's about both of us.
She's my teammate.
And I'm gonna protect
her if I have to.
I'll go to coach.
I will tell her exactly what
it is that you've been up to.
That'll be a huge mistake.
I'll do it.
Sure you will.
See you later.
I'm probably gonna be done
in about 30 minutes or so.
You let me know.
I mean we can go to
lunch or something.
Yeah. [laughs]
- Hey.
Your new BFF you're talking to?
Hold on.
What is your problem?
Apparently it's you.
Look, you're not
the same roommate.
You're not the same teammate.
You're not even the same
friend you used to be.
You've changed.
I've changed? [scoffs]
Do you even hear yourself?
I'm not the one bullying
and threatening people.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means you're on
edge with everyone.
And you've been
really mean lately,
especially to Becky.
At least I still have an edge.
You've lost your focus.
You've lost fire that made
you such a good player.
You have no edge.
That is a recipe for
disaster for our team.
I don't wanna lose
this championship
because you're not
pulling your weight.
Do you even hear yourself?
You only care about yourself.
Look, all I know
is that ever since your
new BFF, Becky showed up,
you are not playing at the
level that you used to.
If you think being a
jerk to me and to Becky
is gonna make me play better or,
or make our chemistry better,
you are sadly mistaken.
I'm not gonna stop being friends with Becky
just because you feel threatened.
[Kiki scoffs]
Charly, I do not feel
threatened by her.
I barely know her.
That is my point.
You barely know her.
Something is up with that girl.
Look, Coach Megan has files
for every girl on the team,
and that includes Becky.
I was her tech last semester.
I still have access.
I'm gonna do some digging.
If I don't find
anything, I will drop it.
I promise.
But if I do,
I won't.
See ya.
[soft music]
Hi, sorry.
[phone beeps]
[disconnect beeping]
[ominous music]
[clattering in other room]
[ominous music]
[hammer thuds]
[Kiki yelps]
[ominous music]
Come on ladies.
You know what day it is.
Let's go!
You know the lap.
Let's get the
running out the way.
Let's go, let's go.
Come here, Charly.
Everybody else, run.
On three,
Where's Kiki?
[Charly] I don't know.
Y'all on the rocks?
She's mad at me because
I'm friends with Becky.
I love that you're
friends with Becky.
It's one of the things
I admire most about you.
Yes ma'am.
But out there
on that court,
you and Kiki are teammates.
You're equals.
I don't know what
this issue stems from,
if it's Becky or boys
or who didn't empty
the dishwasher on time.
I don't care.
Fix it.
Yes, you.
Oh, coach.
I'm sorry.
You don't understand.
She has been super
[Coach] I don't care, Charly.
You're better than this.
You lead this team.
I coach, you lead.
When you're at odds with
anybody on that team,
the whole team is at risk.
Fix it.
We're done.
[Girl] Great.
Come on ladies, one more lap.
Good job.
coach wants us to
talk things out.
Come down, girl.
[tense music]
Wake up!
[dialing 911]
[phone line ringing]
[Detective] So tell me again
what happened when
you came home?
Um, the door was,
it was unlocked when I got here.
Did you see anyone?
[camera clicking]
All right.
I've got my guys
working the scene
and I'm sure they're gonna
come up with something.
Wait, um,
there was also someone
here last night.
They left a,
a dead rat on my bed.
Why didn't you call us?
Oh my God, Charly.
I'm so glad you're okay.
I snuck by the cops so
you wouldn't be alone.
Where's the rat?
Oh, she threw that away.
I'll get my guys in the trash.
[soft music]
Hey, everything's gonna be okay.
Thank you.
[Detective] I appreciate
you coming in.
[recorder clicks]
Anything for Kiki.
I'm not sure I can
keep it together.
I know this must be hard
for you and your teammates.
Everyone's in shock.
I'm just so sad.
I interviewed Charly
yesterday at the crime scene.
I'm sorry,
at her apartment.
She mentioned a
series of threats
that were made against her.
Do you happen to know
anything about them?
No, not really.
Charly's the leader of our team.
She doesn't really
show weakness,
at least not to me.
Aside from being roommates,
were she and Kiki close?
Did they socialize?
Share secrets?
They are...
one of the best female
duos in college sports.
It's a lot of pressure
on both of them.
Trust me, I know.
It's really stressful.
So they weren't good friends?
No, they were, they just,
sometimes they needed a
break from each other.
Like me and Lynn,
I'm mean I love her to death,
but she can drive you nuts.
And sometimes she pisses me off.
Just like me and Gloria,
Charly and Kiki
are very different.
Kiki had a serious boyfriend
and he took up a
lot of her time.
Ben Stevens, we interviewed him.
Is he a suspect?
He was able to account
for his whereabouts.
So who do you think
would've put a dead
rat in Charly's bed?
Excuse me?
A dead rat and a
threatening note.
That's gross.
I have no idea.
Or how about a picture with Kiki
crossed out in her locker?
Yeah, I heard about that
and I saw the picture.
It's pretty mean.
Or a tire blowout
while she was parked on campus.
I just assumed someone
was trying to get
into Charly's head
and throw her off her game.
Someone from a rival team?
Or someone from our team.
Girls can be mean.
Especially if they're
competing for something
they really want.
So do you think Kiki was capable
of putting a dead
rat in Charly's bed?
I mean, if you think about it,
she logically was the only one
who had access to the apartment.
There's been some hazing, but
Coach Megan slammed us for it
and it was never to
directed towards Charly.
What are you saying?
Is Charly a suspect?
Her alibi checked out.
There was no sign of
breaking and entering.
No fingerprints or
DNA or whatever?
Whoever did this,
obviously pre-planned
everything very carefully.
Except one thing.
What's that?
Footprints at the crime scene,
large men's shoes,
several sizes bigger
than Ben Stevens'.
Do you know any boys or men
that might have had a
altercation with Kiki?
Not that I can think of.
I know this is painful for you.
Times like this,
it's very important to
have emotional support,
especially Charly,
with what happened
at her apartment.
We're all upset,
and I can't imagine
how she feels.
She's fortunate to have someone.
I'm sorry, who,
who are you talking about?
Becky Beckett.
Becky Beckett?
She's been a really good
friend through all of this.
One last question.
Who's the top seated alternate
that's gonna replace Kiki?
- Lynn.
- Lynn.
So you moved up and are
now Charly's teammate
for the championship finals.
That's right.
Teammate with a
suspicious injury.
Now, Kiki.
What are you implying?
Just a lot of coincidences.
I mean, for an aspiring
pediatric doctor.
Can I go?
[Detective] You can go.
[car beeps]
[ominous music]
[car cranking]
[Becky] So what are
you gonna do now?
I mean, I can't give up.
You're not gonna quit?
I can't.
Lynn'll step up.
We'll make it work.
You know, I love this sport.
One of the few memories I
have of my dad is volleyball.
He used to have this net.
It was more like a,
a rope that he would
tie together and
he would get together with
his friends on weekends
and he would just
play for hours.
[sighing] I, um...
I never knew my parents.
They both died
when I was a baby.
I was raised in the foster
care system my whole life.
Some good, but
mostly bad.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Let's play.
Get up, let's play.
Yeah, come on.
- No.
I mean it, let's go.
[Becky] Okay.
All right.
- I'll pump it to you, okay.
I'm a little rusty.
- Cool, it's cool.
- Okay.
Oh, oh.
- Let's go.
Let's go.
- Yo.
Come on.
Good work, girls.
Go get some water.
[Lynn] Thanks for
moving me up, man.
[Charly] Girl, you earned it. Hey,
we're taking nationals this year, girl.
Come on.
I'll see you in a second?
- All right.
Want some water?
Yes, thank you.
You girls look good out there.
Yeah, Lynn is great.
Better than Kiki?
I'm sorry.
Her parents actually
called me last night.
They were doing the wake
for her next weekend, so,
you know, I'm speaking at it.
You should go with me.
All right, ladies on the line.
Let's go.
[Becky] Hey Charly?
Look, I think you should
step out this season.
But it's my senior year.
This is it.
Why would you say that?
I don't want you to get hurt.
Oh, it's okay, don't worry.
I'll be fine.
Come on Charly.
You're really sweet,
but I gotta go.
[tense music]
[Coach] On the line.
So sorry.
Pull out with feeling ladies.
[tense music]
[ominous music]
[Guy] Jeff, what's up?
- [Jeff] Hey man, not much.
A lot of homework.
[Jeff] Oh, I didn't
expect you here.
Oh, hey.
you passed your class.
Thanks for that.
I wouldn't have passed
without your favor.
You're very welcome.
Since I did you a favor,
you'll do me one, right?
Do you know the Jackson cabin?
You mean the historical
site, near Gable?
Uh huh.
Would you meet me there
in a couple hours?
And what will be the occasion?
Oh, just a little prank on
the Gable volleyball team.
[scoffs] Okay.
Can I borrow your car too?
[lips smack]
[ominous music]
I know this is a difficult
time for you right now,
so I appreciate you taking
the time to talk with me.
My whole team's freaking out.
We all feel unsafe.
It's just so surreal.
First, Hillary, and then Kiki.
It just doesn't make any sense.
I'm working in conjunction
with Gable precinct PD,
two different girls from
two different schools
on different teams
makes it difficult
to connect the dots.
Wait, so am I in danger?
Not certain.
Well that's comforting.
Look, I don't wanna lie to you.
It's probably a good thing
for you to stay vigilant.
All of us.
If not being able to sleep
is vigilant, then that's me.
I'm working with campus
police from both schools.
They're making extra rounds
and taking every precaution.
So do you have any suspects?
Any theories?
Any logical suspects
have been cleared.
Solid alibis.
Tell me.
There were large man shoe
prints found at Kiki's
at the crime scene,
but they're not the
size of her boyfriend.
And he's got a solid alibi.
Wait, so you're telling me
there was a guy like an ex,
that was stalking her,
like Jeff is stalking me,
and the police did nothing?
No, I did not say that.
I'm simply divulging information
that there were shoe prints
found at the scene.
This always happens in
stalker killings, right?
The woman goes to
the authorities.
They think she's
being unreasonable.
And then nothing happens
until it's too late.
I said we had several theories.
Well, what else could there be?
Someone with a motive
eliminating top
volleyball players
from contending schools?
Well, that's even
more comforting.
Or someone on the inside
that's jealous and
trying to get revenge.
Revenge for, for what?
Look I wish I knew.
We will solve this puzzle.
In the meantime, keep
your doors locked.
Don't travel alone,
even to the super market
and do not travel with anyone
not in your inner circle
until we have an arrest.
Yeah, I, I get it.
Thank you, officer.
I'm just frustrated
that Jeff could just
approach me whenever he wanted.
I just hate living,
always thinking about it.
Never knowing when he's
just gonna show up.
I really hope this
restraining order
is enough to keep him in
line and far away from me.
[tense music]
[phone dinging]
[upbeat pop music playing]
Yeah, tell me to breathe
But I can't catch breath
You tell me to sleep
But I can't let it rest
Here you go.
[Becky] Oh, thank you.
- [Bar tender] It'll be 20.
There you go.
[pop music continues]
Hey girl, you are late.
I know.
I'm sorry.
[Becky] I got you a shot.
Ah, thank you, I need it.
So, how you feeling today?
Well, you know,
I talked to my therapist today
and she said that I need to
focus on what's in front of me.
You know, Annika's still here.
Scout's still here.
So I guess my point is,
all of this has been a
huge distraction, you know.
I need to, ah,
get my head back in the game.
You feel okay?
Shot's a little strong?
Empty stomach I guess.
[Charly] Oh goodness.
[dance music]
[typing on phone]
You okay?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I don't feel well.
I think I need to go home.
Yeah, let's get you home.
Let's go.
It's been a long day.
Come on.
Here we go.
All right, all right.
And door.
[Becky] All right, here we go.
Almost there.
[Charly slurring]
You're pretty.
Becky, you are just
so sweet.
- [Becky] Right here.
- Right here.
Hold on.
- So funny.
[Charly] You just...
You're freaking awesome.
[Becky] Here we go.
All right.
You're gonna go right here.
Watch your head.
All the way in.
All right, watch your arms.
[suspenseful music]
Becky Beckett. [laughs]
I just, you just...
You're amazing to me.
I just...
[suspenseful music]
[loud ominous rock music]
[camera clicks]
Hey, come on.
What are you doing?
Just playing.
I can't be here, she
has a restraining order.
Give me the camera.
I've already uploaded the
photos to a secure server.
So if you don't do
exactly what I say,
you can kiss your scholarship
and your sports goodbye.
Cause you'll be serving
a hefty jail sentence
for murder in the first degree.
I didn't kill anyone.
This is the thing, Jeff,
these days you don't
have to be guilty,
just look it.
Watch them.
And if you do
anything to Annika,
I'll kill you.
[tense music]
[insects chittering]
[footsteps receding]
[car cranking and roaring away]
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[hammer thudding]
[ominous music]
What's going on?
Do you know where we are?
- Help!
What's the last
thing you remember?
I, I was getting
drinks with Becky.
Who's Becky?
She's our equipment manager.
Oh, this is a sick
prank, Charly.
Just get me out of here.
No, why would I do this?
I don't know, you've been
pranking us all year.
I have not.
You have been pranking me.
I am way too busy for that.
Oh, so you mean to tell me
you didn't slash my tires
or put a dead right in my bed
or try to hurt me
with tanning oil?
You must have hit your head or something
'cause I definitely didn't do any of that.
Oh, come on.
This is the stupidest prank.
Just untie me.
[wood creaks]
What was that?
How am I supposed to know?
Come on, my hands
are getting numb.
Just, just try to untie me.
Hold on, someone's here.
Oh my god.
We have got to get outta here.
[Charly] Oh no.
- [Jeff] Oh shoot.
We gotta get outta here.
You stay away from me.
Listen, I didn't do this.
They set me up.
You're sick.
It's not what it looks like.
Well listen, it looks
like you need to untie us.
Yeah, I'm going
straight to the police.
You can't.
I will.
- So will I.
I'll go to jail.
That's not my problem.
She's back.
She's back.
[tense music]
What are you doing?
I'm getting closer.
I can see that, why?
Untie mine and I'll untie yours.
I don't know.
Now me.
All right.
Let's go.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
He has an ax.
So we run.
You don't know Jeff, like I do.
He's dangerous.
Where are you?
I thought you were
gonna be here.
People keep driving by.
Look, I'm calling the police
and telling them everything.
You can't do this to me.
[tense music]
There's gotta be
another way outta here.
Oh, here, let's go.
[tense music]
Help me find something
to break this lock.
Don't you think that's
gonna make too much noise?
That's a pretty strong
defeatist attitude
for somebody who just took away
two championships from Gable.
Yeah, I hear that the Scout
was looking at both of us.
It should just be me.
Well, he is looking
at both of us.
For now.
You know the saddest
thing about competition
is that it pits people
with the same passions
against each other.
You and I probably have more
in common with each other
than we do with
probably anyone else
in the whole world.
Yeah, doubt it.
Well, you know we're
gonna win this year.
We'll see about that.
[tense music]
Ah, yes.
[suspenseful music]
Do you see the keys?
No, I don't see any keys.
Annika, listen to me.
Stay back.
You are going to jail
for kidnapping us.
I didn't kidnap you.
I don't believe you.
[tense music]
Annika run!
[Becky] Annika!
Get Charly back inside.
Are you crazy?
This was supposed to
be a couple pranks.
We didn't say anything
about killing anybody.
You said to do what it takes.
So I did.
Killing Kiki and Hillary?
You don't seem very grateful.
I'm trying to stay out of jail.
What better way to be an alibi
than the victim of a crime.
Are you okay?
No, Jeff I'm not.
Listen, you have to believe me.
I had nothing to do with this.
I don't know.
I'm telling you.
[Becky] Hey, get off of her.
[Charly] Becky, run!
Screw you and screw all this.
- Where's Annika? - She's outside
bleeding to death because of you.
[tense music]
[ax slashes]
[Jeff grunts]
[Charly] Oh my god.
[Jeff] Get back here!
[tense music]
Look what you did, Jeff.
When the cops get here,
they're gonna find your
fingerprints and your car
here at the barn.
Then they're gonna go to your
house and search for evidence
and find the hammer
that you bludgeon
Hillary and Kiki with.
Oh, and coach has a pretty
nasty scar because of you.
Stop it.
You should've stopped when
Annika asked you to stop but
you didn't, did you?
You set me up?
You owed me a favor.
[tense music]
We're okay.
I heard what he said.
[Dispatcher on phone]
Hello, ma'am?
- Are you still there?
- Yes.
Yes I am.
I'm here with Becky Beckett.
Police are on their way.
[sirens approaching]
You did this?
Because I'm a fan.
[tense music]
Oh, thank goodness.
I was so afraid
you weren't okay.
Oh gosh.
[tense music]
[sirens blaring]
[suspenseful music]
Do... not... move.
You're under arrest
for the murder of Hillary Horn
and Kiki Blackburn.
You have the right
to remain silent.
[Charly] Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
[Annika] Yeah.
Her name's not
even Becky Beckett.
We've yet to identify her.
Look, we sent some officers
over to Jeff's apartment.
They found a bloody hammer.
We believe that Jeff
and our Jane Doe
are probably responsible
for Kiki's death.
Wait, so with the evidence
found in his house,
it's pretty much a
slam dunk, right?
Nothing's ever a slam dunk.
[soft music]
You okay?
[inquisitive music]
[Gina] Why are you here?
You didn't tell him about me.
I guess I'm still
looking out for you.
Jeff's not dead.
He's in a coma.
If he wakes up it's over for me.
I can try and help.
I have a few favors to pull.
Championship's next week.
Good luck.
Until death.
And forever more.
Soon, our dreams will come true.
You have to tell me everything.
I'll visit.
And about Jeff.
I will.
[ominous music]
She was hiding out
in this dorm room.
She left some kind of shrine.
Either of you two
make sense of it?
Annika's not on this list.
[ominous music]
[Coach] Bring it in girls.
Let's go, you guys.
We did this for Kiki!
- For Kiki.
[Coach] Kiki, on three.
One, two, three.
[all] Kiki!
Hello, Sand and Beach
volleyball fans.
Well, this is the big one.
This is what we've been
waiting for all year.
The dream matchup
between Gable University
and Southwestern University.
And the two biggest
stars in the country,
Charly McCloud and
Annika Sanchez.
Charly is facing
an uphill battle
with new partner Lynn Casey
after the tragic death
of her longtime
teammate, Kiki Blackburn.
[upbeat rock music]
Buckle up your seatbelt
folks and get ready
as top collegiate sand
volleyball action gets underway.
We'll be fine
I can't control ya
Losing light
In your gray Corolla
Would you mind
If we pulled
off to the side
And we went the wrong
direction for a while
Cause we've been
sitting here in park
Or on the floor
of your apartment
And we're hardly
unpredictable today
So we're racing
through the line
We're racing
through the line
We're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Lean my head right out
the window just to try it
For a minute where
the water hits the highway
Would you mind
If we pulled
off to the side
And we drove in
with our clothes on
Oh all jokes aside
So we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Racing through the line
We're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
So we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
Oh, we're racing
through the line
[dramatic music]