Killer Stepmom (2022) Movie Script

[bright orchestral music]
[ominous music]
[dark orchestral music]
[tense music]
[intense musical buildup]
[brianna grunts]
[brianna gasps]
[pensive orchestral music]
[pen clicks rhythmically]
[brianna sighs]
[pa system chimes]
That's it.
Hand 'em in.
Thank you.
[teacher]thank you.
[teacher]can you hang back so
we can talk a sec?
I know things have
Tough at home lately,
But this?
It's just not gonna cut it.
Not in here.
Certainly not at the
colleges that you've applied to.
[glasses clack]
You were a great student,
One of my best.
Lately, it's like[sighs]
You've completely checked out.
And it has to stop.
How about we make a deal?
A deal?
You let me retake the rest
again next week
And I'll make sure you
get to keep your job.
My job?
How's that?
I won't tell the principal
That I saw you pour
whisky in your coffee mug.
I didn't.
Maybe you didn't, but
It'd be your word against mine,
And your career will be
And even if were found
That's how rumors get started.
I'm just trying to help
you out here.
How thoughtful of you.
But I've got a better idea.
[brianna sighs]
[teacher]nice try.
To say I'm concerned
Is an understatement.
Attempting to
blackmail a teacher?
You're lucky I'm not
having you expelled.
This behavior,
brianna, it's beneath you.
And on top of which,
This term alone,
Your gpa and attendance
rates have plummeted
Which is greatly going
to affect
Your college acceptance rates.
Who cares?
I do.
As do you your
And you should too, brianna.
I don't know what it is you're
trying to accomplish here.
It's my life, right? My future.
I can screw it up if I want.
I know you're angry about
what's been happening lately.
Your parents divorcing,
Your dad remarrying.
I get it.
Do you really think these antics
Are going to change any of that?
[door opens]
[counselor]mr. And mrs.
Williams, thank you for coming.
It's miss o'dowd now.
[counselor]right. I'm sorry.
Brianna, why don't you
go outside while we talk?
So I don't get to defend myself?
And how exactly are you going
to defend your behavior?
[sighs]like you'd believe me
Maybe if you gave us reason to.
[brianna sighs]
[door slams]
I'm sorry we're here,
Doing this again.
I think we should be
saying that.
Brianna is clearly
lashing out.
This is her way of
trying to assert
Some type of control
in her life.
After recent events.
We tried to leave her out
of it as best we could.
Of course you did,
But that's a consequence
of divorce.
There's a fallout zone,
No matter how much we try
to contain it,
And everyone, everyone in
it is impacted.
Now, brianna's felt at the
mercy of everybody else.
So her acting out is her
way of trying to regain
Some semblance of
control in her life.
Now, don't mistake
For me excusing what she's
Is definitely in order here,
And expulsion, if it
happens again.
And what do you recommend we do?
[counselor]regardless of what's
happened between you two,
Or how you feel about
each other right now,
[counselor]it's very important
that you form a united front
When it comes to
dealing with brianna.
Along with any
step-parent in the mix.
Now, I know you don't like that,
But I suggest that you do
For brianna's sake.
[annie]come on, brie!
What were you thinking?
You are better than this.
Maybe I'm not.
You are.
Start acting like it.
You know what the best
part about all of this is?
I get to hear the exact
same lecture at dad's.
[daniel]no, that's why we're
doing this now.
And so you don't take it
all out on me,
You're grounded this weekend.
I'm not 12.
[annie]no, you're not.
Which is why you need
to stop acting this way.
You're heading to
college in a year,
And you're still
Acting out,
Throwing tantrums.
[annie]it has to stop, brie.
Oh, but you two can throw
tantrums and ruin our family?
If this happens again,
You'll be expelled.
Is that what you want,
Four months from graduation?
[annie]come on, brie.
Nobody can trust you anymore.
[annie]not your teachers, not
your friends, not us.
[annie]we don't know what's true
or what's fiction anymore.
Is this who you wanna be?
I think we've all had
More than enough drama lately,
Don't you?
[daniel]we're only saying this
because we love you.
The only person you're
hurting is yourself.
Are we done?
That's up to you.
Are we?
The grounding stays.
If it happens again, you
lose your phone.
Maybe if you two had tried
working together during
Your marriage,
Things would've
turned out differently.
[annie sighs]
[annie]you have everything?
I think so. I mean, it's
not like I can't come back.
It's only a few miles away.
I guess that's the good part,
I keep thinking I'm gonna
get used to this part.
You spending half the
time with your dad.
How do you think I feel,
bouncing back and forth?
I'm so sorry, baby. This
isn't what any of us wanted.
I never imagined I'd be
on my own now,
Having to share my
time with you,
Just before you go to college,
When we have even less
time together.
Look at it this way.
You get to catch up on the
assignments that you're missing
And you get to spend time
with your dad.
And her.
And susanna.
It's the new normal, honey.
It's not ideal, but it's
the way it is.
And the quicker you adapt,
The better.
And he's still your dad.
He loves you.
And nothing and no one
is gonna change that.
Okay, hugs?
If you need anything, call
me. I'm here all weekend.
[chuckles] bye, mom.
Call you later.
[dark orchestral music]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Dad, I'm here.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you.
Your dad's on a call in
his office.
How was school?
He must have told you.
He did,
But I wanted to
hear your side.
Guilty as charged!
I was thinking...
Maybe we could go out this
Do some shopping? Get
a mani-pedi?
I don't know. I sorta have
a lot of schoolwork to do.
Well, if you
change your mind.
-[brianna sighs]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
[daniel chuckles]
-[daniel]hey, sweetie.
I know this hasn't been easy
for you.
But none of it was her fault,
So I'm asking
That you give her a chance.
She's trying
And I would appreciate it if you
would, too.
For me.
We'll hang out,
For you.
Thank you, sweetie.
Your prescription is
definitely slipping.
Well, I'm sure sitting in
front of a monitor all day
Confirming identities
doesn't help.
But I'll make sure you
get the blue-light lenses.
[howie sighs]
So, how are things at home?
[annie sighs] don't ask.
[chuckles] I sorta just did.
Brianna got in trouble
at school again.
The counselor said it's
her way of...
A sense of control with
everything that's happened.
It makes sense.
I don't know what to
do about it.
I'm not a great example of
Keeping things under control.
Marriage is tough,
But it is a two-way street.
Yeah, I know.
I just never
saw what happened coming.
Sort of ironic, when you
think about it.
And during the divorce,
I was so busy trying to...
Keep afloat
She was left to herself.
Now I have every other
weekend by myself,
Which is another thing I'm
having trouble adjusting to.
Well, you must've had hobbies
before you got married.
You know, stuff you put
on hold to have a kid?
Right. Those.
Go out with friends.
Maybe even have dinner
with somebody.
Maybe even
This weekend?
Oh, you...
Oh, my god. I am so sorry.
No, no, it's okay. Maybe
My approach was too vague.
No, no, I'm just...
Out of practice with
someone asking me out.
I get it. I was the same
way after my divorce.
I had to retrain myself
how to be charming again.
I guess I need to
keep practicing.
No, it's fine.
I would love to.
Not right now.
It wouldn't be fair to you.
I'm still decompressing
from the divorce
And being a single parent.
I get it.
But the offer still stands.
You just...
Let me know when.
Thank you.
So, I'll see you in two weeks?
Yes, and I will put a rush
on these.
No extra charge.
[susanna]like I said, they're
the best, right?
The only salon I trust.
I get it. I'll be posting
about it, believe me.
Ah, thought that was you.
Oh, I'm sorry. Think you've
got the wrong person.
Uh, you sure?
'cause, uh, you did turn
around when I called your name.
I have a friend named kate,
so I thought it might be her.
Ah, is that so?
Yeah, I guess so, 'cause
it's not me.
Have a nice day!
I gotta say, though, it's, uh...
The resemblance is, hoo,
Like I said, you're mistaken.
It happens. I have one
of those faces.
I guess you do.
[man]sorry. My mistake.
No harm done! Have a nice day.
-I will.
-[keys clink]
That was weird.
Actually, it was sort
of desperate.
What do you mean?
Come on. Obviously he was
hitting on me.
I look like someone he
Weak, but it works.
You can't tell me a guy
has never made
Some lame excuse to talk
to you before.
[chuckles] yeah, they have.
You'd think they'd have
a better line than that, right?
[upbeat electronic music]
[distant chatter]
[eerie orchestral music]
[eerie music]
[car door opens]
[car door slams]
Uh, what was that all about?
What? Oh, him?
Nothing. He just wouldn't
stop following us.
It was getting a little creepy,
so I told him to back off.
What was he saying?
He just refused to
accept the fact
That I was not this
other person.
Some guys just can't
take a hint.
[water splashes]
How'd it go today? Did
you guys have fun?
Yeah, actually. It was good.
That's great.
I think it's nice, you two
spending some time together.
This kinda weird thing happened.
This guy came up to us
who said he knew her,
But he called her kate.
He was obviously mistaken.
He was just so sure
that it was her,
And then when he called
her by that name,
She stopped and turned almost
like she recognized it?
You don't...
Think that's...
Maybe a little.
What did susanna say?
She said that she has a
friend by the same name.
Thought it might be her.
Okay, then that explains it.
Does she?
Does she what?
Have a friend named kate?
I don't know.
Maybe at work.
Brie, what are you getting at?
It was just really weird. This
guy was so sure it was her.
He even followed us for a while.
-Followed you?
Like he was watching her.
What did susanna say?
She said that he was
just flirting.
That it was like a pickup
line to start a conversation.
Well, okay, then. There you go.
Hey, trust me.
I've used a lot worse
than "don't I know you?"
-[scoffs] eww!
-[daniel chuckles]
-[daniel chuckles]
No, I mean, is it really
so hard to believe?
I mean, she's a beautiful woman.
Guys are gonna hit on her.
It happens when we're out.
Some guys just can't
help themselves.
Right, but if you were there--
You know what I think?
I think you actually
had a good day with her
And you're looking for a
reason to sabotage that.
Because if you can't,
Then you're gonna have to admit
That maybe she isn't as
awful as you want her to be.
Is there any truth to that?
Okay, then.
But I'll ask her about it and
I'll tell you what she says.
Okay, let's celebrate the
day with some ice cream
And a mindless tv show.
[both chuckle]
[melancholy orchestral music]
[brianna sighs]
[laptop lid clicks]
Hey. Talk to me, I'm bored.
-How's solitary?
You miss me?
You could come over.
I'll sneak out.
You think that's the best idea?
What're they gonna do?
Double-ground me?
I don't think
making things worse
Is the best idea right now.
I mean, things could
only get worse if I get caught,
Which I won't.
[brianna sighs] fine.
Leave it to me to pick a
Who's logical and caring.
You're welcome. Talk to
you tomorrow.
-[muffled thud]
-[suspenseful orchestral music]
[muffled footsteps thud]
[door creaks]
[door closes]
[door creaks]
[door closes]
[keypad bleeps]
-[door opens]
-[keypad bleeps]
-[door closes]
-[keypad bleeps]
[keys clink]
[tense music]
She does know him.
[uplifting music]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[randy] you think I'm stupid?
Let you bring me out to
the middle of nowhere?
[susanna] you want your money?
[susanna]this is where my
husband keeps it.
[randy] how come I've got
the feeling you're stalling?
[susanna]don't worry. You'll get
what you came here for.
[randy chuckles]
All right, hand it over.
Ah-ah. You first.
-Is this all of it?
-That's it.
[tire iron scrapes]
[randy]ah, you bitch!
-[brianna gasps]
-[suspensful music]
[grunts and groans]
[cement mix squelches]
[tense music]
[tarp rustles]
-[button clicks]
-[mixer hums]
[cement mix sloshes]
[tense music]
[suspenseful music]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[door closes]
[keypad bleeps]
[suspenseful music]
[brianna grunts]
[shoe thuds]
[tense music]
[window clicks]
[door creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[door closes]
[jason] wait. You saw her what?
I'm not exactly sure, but,
She got on top of him
and she hit him.
[sighs] not in that way, perv.
I think...
I think she hit him with like
a tire iron or something.
I know how crazy it sounds,
trust me, but I saw it.
I figured she was having an
affair or something, I mean,
Why else would she be
sneaking out at that hour?
Fair point. You gotta
tell your dad.
Tell him what? I saw my stepmom
sorta maybe kill someone?
Yeah, that would go over well.
You saw her sneak out,
right? That's something.
Right, but it'll be her
word against mine
And I'm not exactly considered
credible these days.
Not to mention I'll
have to explain
What I was doing out
after they grounded me.
That'll go over great.
You won't see me
until we graduate.
But if you're right,
about all of it,
You're living with a
criminal, possibly a murderer.
[ominous music]
[daniel] brie, are you up?
I gotta go. Call you later.
Yeah, dad. Come in.
Hey, sweetheart.
You comin' down for breakfast?
In a minute.
Everything okay?
Yeah, I was just up late
catching up on assignments.
[yawns] oh, my god. Good job.
Man, that coffee isn't doing
its job. That's for sure.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm just groggy.
I guess that drink hit me
A little harder than
usual last night.
Did you, did you hear
anything last night?
No, I slept like a rock.
What'd I miss? Did we
have an earthquake?
No, I, um...
I thought I heard something.
You didn't come in around two?
Two am? [chuckles] no,
um, we were dead asleep.
What happened to your
parents ears?
Usually you hear
every step I make.
That's a good question. Maybe
a little out of practice.
I guess so.
Let's eat.
[dark orchestral music]
Good morning. You slept in late.
Long week, I guess.
Your dad made pancakes.
I'm going for a jog.
[eerie tones]
[suspenseful music]
-What're you doing?
-[brianna gasps]
[glass shatters]
You scared me.
What were you doing?
I was just...
I was just thinking about a
gift for dad's birthday and
I figured he'd want
one of those.
Step back. You don't
wanna cut yourself.
[glass clinks]
A shame. This was one
of your dad's favorites.
I guess now I know what to
get him. [chuckles] sorry.
Next time, check the
cabinet for a clean one.
Right, [chuckles] duh.
[crickets chirp]
[dark orchestral music]
-[eerie tones]
Why are you in my room?
You cried out.
I came to check on you.
You must've been
having a bad dream.
I, I don't think so.
Sometimes we don't
remember them.
They just evaporate as
soon as we wake up.
I couldn't help but
notice your behavior
Over these last few days.
My behavior?
You've been quiet. Distant.
Pulling away.
Your dad noticed it, too.
-No, I, uh-
-it's okay.
I know why.
It's because of me.
By spending the day with
me the other day,
You feel like you're
betraying your mom.
I get it, but you're not.
Look, I know you don't
know me very well yet.
I'm this new addition
to your world
And your life is changing
so much, so fast.
It's not easy.
You know, my parents
divorced around the same age.
I just want you to know
that making the effort,
That making the effort,
like you did the other day?
It really means a lot to me
And your dad.
You know that we share
something in common.
Just the two of us.
We both love your dad very much.
And I know I'm not your mom
and I'm not trying to be.
And that's okay.
I just want us to be friends.
So let's work on that, okay?
All right, no more bad dreams,
all right?
Goodnight, brie.
[door creaks]
[door closes]
[ominous music]
[lock clicks]
[brianna] you don't believe me.
[annie]no, it's not that.
What you're saying,
It's a big thing to accuse
somebody of.
You think I don't know that?
Well, what did your
father say?
Did you tell him?
Not yet.
How could I?
Why would he have believed me?
You don't.
I didn't say that.
You didn't have to.
Brianna, wait.
You can see why, can't you?
With everything that's
happened recently?
You even said so yourself.
You're not 100% sure of
what you saw.
You've gotta cut me some
slack right now.
I'm not making this up.
Think about it.
We both know what your
father is going to say.
So we have to play this smart.
Is it possible that
You didn't see what you
think you did?
I told you.
It all happened really fast,
Even if they were just...
Messing around, that's enough,
isn't it?
Her, driving out there in
the middle of the night,
Picking him up?
Dad deserves to know,
doesn't he?
Look, I know that I've
screwed up a lot lately, but,
This isn't me pushing her away.
If I wanted to do that,
I would've just said
That she was mean to
me or that she hit me.
Why say...
We need to tell your dad.
Wow, brie.
That is low.
Really low.
I know how it sounds.
Do you? Really?
And you,
I can't believe you're
buying into this nonsense.
She said she saw it.
And since when are we
believing everything she says?
Look, I know I haven't been
exactly trustworthy lately,
I get it, but I am not
making this up, I swear.
Brie, what you're saying
doesn't make any sense.
You're saying susanna
got up out of the bed
We were sleeping in
and drove off
And then you snuck out,
despite being grounded,
And I didn't hear any of that?
How is that possible?
I think she drugged you.
Drugged me?
[brianna]you were groggy
the next day, remember?
I know it sounds crazy.
Yeah, it does. It sounds crazy.
-I'm glad you acknowledge that.
-I'm not making this up!
[door slams]
Am I interrupting something?
Come on, this concerns you.
Brie, tell her.
-Tell me what?
I'll tell her.
Says she saw you murder someone
the other night.
Don't deny it. I saw you,
I followed you.
Followed me where? What're
you talking about, honey?
That man, the one we
ran into? He knew you.
[sighs] brianna, honey,
I already explained this.
He was flirting with me.
You're lying. I saw you.
You know, it really saddens
me that you're saying this,
But I was afraid something
like this would happen.
-Something like what?
-[suspenseful music]
A story,
Concocted around me.
[susanna]though with your recent
behavior, I am not surprised.
That's not what this is!
[susanna]I really thought things
getting better between us.
We went out, we had fun
together, spent some time?
This is because of the
pregnancy, isn't it?
[eerie tones]
What pregnancy?
I mean, it was a false alarm,
but still,
We're trying.
I know this is unexpected,
And this certainly isn't how
I wanted you to find out,
But yeah, we're trying.
No, that's not what
this is about.
I didn't even know
anything about that.
She must've overheard
me on the phone,
Or went through the trash, saw
the test kit, I don't know.
No! I didn't do either
of those things, I swear!
We felt this would be great way
To bring everybody together.
For you two to connect.
But it won't impact how
much I love you.
There'll be more love
to go around.
We should go.
I think that's a good idea.
[brianna]mom, no!
You have to believe me!
[annie] come on, brie.
[brianna sighs]
You're lying.
No, sweetie.
You are.
[annie] let's go, brie.
So much for a united front.
[door slams]
[brianna]mom, please! You have
to believe me, I--
-Brianna, please!
Just stop!
What do you expect me to say?
Say you believe me?
This is all just too
much for me right now.
Just get in the car.
[door opens]
[brianna sighs]
[door closes]
[brianna]I didn't know anything
about the pregnancy.
And if I did,
I would've told you.
[brianna]they both think
I made it up
As an excuse to not
like susanna.
You gotta admit.
You can sorta see the reasons.
-Whose side are you on?
-I'm just saying.
From their perspective,
It makes sense.
I guess.
Which means I'm gonna have
to convince them...
With proof.
How you gonna do that?
[brianna sighs]
By visiting the scene
of the crime.
[eerie orchestral music]
This was open last time.
[chain clinks]
[gate rattles]
[tire iron scrapes]
[jason] brie, don't!
[metal clangs]
-[chain clinks]
-[suspenseful music]
[gate squeaks]
[jason]I don't know
about this, brie.
Come on, just a quick
look and then we're out.
This is where she did it.
[car approaches]
[brianna gasps]
[jason] what is it?
An acrylic nail.
The same shade as the one
that susanna's missing.
So she was here.
I told you, I'm not
making this up.
[police officer]don't move!
[police officer]hands where
I can see 'em!
[daniel] get me
dragged out of my-
Breaking and entering?
[daniel]what were you thinking?
I was looking for proof
so that you'd believe me.
You're lucky I own that site.
Otherwise, you'd be
facing real charges.
Wait. You own it?
My company does, yeah.
-This has to stop, brie.
She knew I'd go back there!
She must've followed me!
Susanna had nothing to
do with this.
She was home with me all night.
Then she put a camera in
and she called the police.
I called them.
[daniel sighs]
To be safe, I had the
security camera installed.
I had the lot locked up.
It was me.
Stop making her the bad guy.
Brie, you gotta...
Let this...
Story go.
[brianna sighs]
You called the police
on our daughter?
Yes, annie, I did. It's
called tough love.
And we have to do something.
Obviously what we're doing
isn't working.
Maybe this will scare
her straight.
[police officer]mr. And mrs.
Since no real damage
was done and no charges
Are being pressed, you can
sign out your daughter.
[brianna sighs]
[ominous music]
[phone rings]
[eerie tones]
If I can make
a suggestion?
A family therapist is a hell
of a lot cheaper than a lawyer.
[police officer]even a bad one.
Thank you.
My two cents.
Can I get a minute?
This is getting out of hand.
I thought [sighs] after the
day we'd dissuaded her,
But obviously I was wrong.
It's time for more
drastic measures.
More drastic than
calling the police?
At least I'm doing something.
I think we should take
away her phone.
-Her phone, why?
-As punishment.
Maybe if she loses that,
It'll teach her how
serious this is.
How serious we are about
what she's doing.
Annie, you gotta put
aside your feelings
About what happened to us,
your feelings for susanna.
This is solely about
our daughter.
She's making up lies and
they're getting worse.
This claim?
That's slander.
If it happens to somebody
else outside the family,
That's a lawsuit.
I'm trying to prevent that
from happening.
I need you with me on this.
United front.
[car door slams]
[annie sighs]
I don't even know what to say.
Don't say anything. Just listen.
This is him.
That's the guy that
Susanna met with the other
It says that his
name's randy mcnabb
And that he's missing.
And look,
I found this at the lot
That I followed susanna to,
It's hers.
That could be anyone's.
At a construction site?
How many construction workers
do you know who wear acrylics?
I was with her the day she got
them put on.
It's the same color.
It says that he's a
private investigator.
Why was someone like that
Following susanna?
-I'll look into it.
-I already did.
This is his office.
This is it.
I should go alone.
You want me to stay in
the car by myself?
In this neighborhood?
Okay, come on.
[door bell rings]
[melody sighs]
Welcome to candid
Oh, let me guess. You think
your husband's cheating on you.
[annie]uh, no, we're actually
here about something else.
We're looking for randy mcnabb.
You and me both, sister.
The guy hasn't checked
in in almost a week.
You have no idea
where he might be?
I checked all of his local
He isn't answering his
phone or his texts.
When did you last hear from him?
Last Saturday.
That was the night I saw
him with susanna.
You know where he is?
[annie] we think he's
investigating someone we know.
Susanna williams?
Or lancaster, that's
her maiden name.
Yeah. No.
No susannas, I'm sorry.
You could check your files?
Look, I would love to
help, but unfortunately,
We had a break-in not
too long ago.
Ransacked this entire place.
Smashed the computers and
stole a bunch of files, so-
A break-in? When
exactly was that?
About a week back?
They really messed
this place up.
You think it usually
looks this bad?
So, right after randy
went missing?
I guess so.
They didn't even smash the
lock. They must've picked it.
Or they had his keys.
Why not?
That is another thing
that I need to fix.[sighs]
If randy shows up, would
you have him give me a call?
Not till after I kick his ass.
The guy owes me two
weeks of pay.
Kinda feel like I'm not gettin'
Between you and me,
That's the real reason
I reported him missing.
[melody]hey, just so you know.
Randy didn't always deal with
the best kinds of people.
All of his clients are...
Embezzling partners
And cheating spouses,
So if he was looking
after someone you know,
They're trouble.
-Thanks for the warning.
-You got it.
Uh, you said you don't
know a susanna, but,
What about a kate
Or a katherine, maybe?
Now, that name I've heard.
[eerie tones]
Okay, I'm off.
You shouldn't go back to your
dad's until we know more.
I'll have to explain it and
Dad's already not listening.
At least until we
have more proof.
Besides, maybe I'll
find something.
Brie, don't.
It's too dangerous.
What if she catches you?
I'll be smart about it.
I promise.
No, leave it to me.
Keeping her unaware is
our best move right now.
You just...
Worry about school.
Let me handle this.
Call me.
-Like every hour.
-[brianna chuckles]
That's not gonna happen.[laughs]
[annie sighs]
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
I thought we talked about this.
Sorry, talked about what?
Taking her phone away.
I know. I just-
Come on, annie!
We're supposed to be
working together on this.
Isn't that what we agreed?
But what if she needs
to reach me?
Well, we still have a
landline. She can use that.
And you can call
whenever you want.
-She got arrested, annie.
-Because of you.
Well, at least I'm
doing something.
We both want what's
best for her.
Stop making me the bad guy!
[phone clacks]
[brianna sighs]
Like I said,
You can use the landline
whenever you need to.
Great. I'll tell the 80s
you said hello.
Tell them their music
still rocks.
[suspenseful music]
[brianna] you
changed your nails.
Yeah. I didn't like the
color as much as I thought.
[drawer scrapes]
[bag rustles]
I'll take it out.
Well, who are you and what
have you done with my daughter?
Hah-hah. I just...
I thought I could be
more helpful around here.
Wanted to say...
[brianna]for everything that's
happened lately
For what I said.
I guess I just didn't wanna...
[brianna]accept things as
they are.
I'll stop now.
You have no idea how nice
it is to hear you say that.
[brianna chuckles]
[susanna chuckles]
[tense music beat]
-[susanna sighs]
-[ominous tones]
[tense music]
[bag rustles]
[garbage bin closes]
[car bleeps]
[intense musical buildup]
It's the same address.
She was there, right
after she took his keys.
You scared me.
What're you doing?
I, um, I lost something.
My eyeliner.
I thought I might've dropped
it here that time we went out.
You find it?
Nope, it's not in here.
It must be in...
Jason's car or school.
Okay, then.
I could've checked
for you.
That's okay, I didn't wanna...
Bother you. My problem, right?
Next time, ask.
I'm sure you wouldn't want
me snooping around your car.
Right. Sorry.
[doorbell chimes]
[door opens]
I'm afraid to ask.
What'd she do now?
This isn't about brianna,
It's about something else.
Can I come in?
[door closes]
There's no easy way to say this.
So how well do you know susanna?
Her past.
Where she grew up,
where she lived.
Annie, what are you getting at?
I did some digging
into her past.
[chuckles] oh, my god.
Are you serious?
And before the past few years,
There's nothing.
It's like she didn't exist.
You're being ridiculous.
Just look.
At least do it for our daughter.
[daniel sighs]
Her name is katherine dunham.
Or it was, before
she changed it.
Changed it?
This can't be re...
Where'd you get this?
A private investigator.
That was who she and
brianna ran into that day.
The one who called her kate.
He obviously was
hired to find her.
She isn't who she says she is.
I can't...
Why would she lie to me?
You tell me.
If she would lie about that,
what else might she lie about?
Let's ask her.
[susanna]she's right.
[susanna]this is me.
Or was.
I changed my name
three years ago.
My ex-husband was
abusive and violent.
The kind of man who says
"I'll never let you go"
and he means it.
So one night in the middle
of the night, I left.
I just snuck out.
I changed my hair, I
changed my name.
Everything, so he
couldn't find me.
Is that why you never
talked about it?
Obviously he got this
detective to find me.
I tried to hide it from brianna
so she wouldn't find out.
So you wouldn't find out.
Until I could just pay him off
And he could tell my ex
that he couldn't find me.
You should've told me.
I know. I was afraid.
Afraid that you
wouldn't accept me,
For being with
someone like that.
Afraid that even saying his name
Would bring him back.
Look, I'm sorry I lied to you.
I should've told you. I just...
I just wanted to leave my
past behind me, for good.
I'll go.
I understand if that's what
you guys want.
I think that's a good idea.
That's not gonna help anything.
She's a liar.
She's been lying to you this
whole time about who she is.
And she explained why.
[daniel]look, was it entirely
logical? No,
But neither is fear.
It makes you do things.
Are you kidding?
[daniel]she gave you
her reasons.
Can you blame her?
If this was any other
woman, besides my new wife,
Would you feel differently?
Besides, this is not
your concern.
It certainly is when it
involves our daughter.
Annie, I think you should leave.
Daniel, even if this is true-
No, you do not get to tell
me how to live my life.
You lost that right years ago.
Now, I think you've done
enough for today.
[annie chuckles]
The next person that you
hear from will be my lawyer.
[door slams]
Annie, wait!
Hey, don't threaten me.
I will file for full custody,
is that what you want?
Is that what you want?
Put brianna on the stand?
Force her to admit she's a liar?
I am just trying to
keep our daughter safe,
[annie]which is something you
refuse to do.
[door opens]
I'm so sorry to tell you.
[door closes]
[sinister orchestral music]
[police officer]miss o'dowd,
There's no law against
changing your name
To escape your psychotic ex.
You need to take this seriously.
Take what seriously?
Your daughter's claim
that she saw
Her stepmom murder someone?
From what I understand,
She hasn't exactly made
herself credible lately.
This investigator was
hired to find her.
Right as he does, he
goes missing.
You can't think that's
a coincidence.
You're right, I don't.
I'll tell you what it is.
I know mcnabb. We all do.
He's never exactly been the
most honest pi out there.
In fact,
He's known for selling
the dirt that he was paid
To dig up,
To his target,
As long as they paid him more.
She said she
paid him, right?
Looks like he got his golden
ticket and he skipped town.
My guess, he's on a mexican
beach, sipping mai tais.
He'll be back, as soon
as his money runs dry.
And it wouldn't be
his first time.
I'm sorry, miss o'dowd,
But there's nothing for
us to investigate here.
He's still missing, right?
But it doesn't mean
that it was foul play,
That the woman that your
ex-husband got remarried to
Had anything to do with it.
That is not it.
But you see how it looks
like that, right?
[dark orchestral music]
It's annie o'dowd.
No, it's not quite in yet.
I'm actually calling 'cause I
need your help with something.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[object clacks]
-[car starts]
-[suspenseful music]
[distant dog barks]
[ominous tones]
-You had to open your mouth!
-[intense music]
[melody gasps]
[body clunks]
[hammer thuds rapidly]
-[distant dog barks]
-[suspenseful music]
[lock clicks]
[dark orchestral music]
You're out late.
I had a doctor's appointment.
Everything okay?
[tense music]
We are great.
[tense music]
[chuckles] really?
[both laugh]
I can't believe it!
Well, believe it, mister.
This is your doing. [chuckles]
Oh, I'm happy to take
credit for it.
-I love you.
-I love you.
What? What is it?
What if this sets brianna off?
She's just barely coming around.
What happens when
the baby comes?
She's, um...
She's been acting off lately.
Off how?
I don't know, like she's...
Sad but she's hiding it.
Well, I'll talk to her.
This is great news and
she will see it that way.
[susanna giggles]
Oh, things are changing for
the better. I can feel it.
I hope you're right.
[eerie tones]
[annie]this is pretty much
everything I've found,
Even with her previous name.
There's nothing.
No social media.
No high school or college
graduation information.
-It's like-
-she didn't exist.
But she explained that.
Was he?
What do you mean?
What if she lied about that?
What else might not be true?
Because of what brianna
claims she saw.
That man is missing.
That's a fact.
All the more reason to go
to the police.
I tried.
They won't listen.
Not without more proof.
There has got to be more
here. I can feel it.
Call it a gut instinct. A
woman's intuition, whatever.
And what if there's not?
If her ex is who she claims,
Then I'll let it go.
I'll take a look.
[reporter] investigators are
suspecting faulty electrical
With the local strip mall that
went up in flames tonight.
[annie] they're saying
faulty electrical.
[brianna] you don't believe it?
No, I think she's
covering her tracks.
Look, baby, I would
never ask you to choose,
But you can move back here.
You're at the age that you can
decide where you wanna live.
Is that safe, leaving dad
here with her?
Right now, I'm more
concerned about your safety.
In the morning,
I'll call my lawyer.
I don't have any legal
standing, otherwise.
[sighs] it's her word
against mine.
In the meantime, I'll keep
digging into her past.
There's more here.
I know it.
[brianna]let me know what
you find.
Goodnight, mom. Love you.
[tense music]
[annie] I love you too, baby.
-[phone slams]
-[ominous tones]
[door creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[keys clink]
[ominous tones]
[door creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[lock clicks]
[door closes]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[glass clinking]
[coffee splashes]
[annie slurps]
[annie]any more luck?
[howie] not yet, but
I'll keep looking today.
I'll give her this. She
hid her tracks well.
Yeah, the question is,
why? What is she hiding?
[ominous music]
Annie, you there?
Uh, howie?
Are you okay?
-Howie, I--
Annie, say something!
-[tires screech]
-[cars smash]
-What's wrong?
-[daniel sighs]
Your mom's okay,
But she's been in an accident.
-Oh, my god.
-Hey, she's fine.
Okay? She'll be fine.
Just a little...
A little banged up.
They found drugs in her system.
That can't be right.
That doesn't make any sense.
She would never do that.
I know it doesn't seem like her,
Things have been really
stressful lately.
Maybe she's looking for
a way to cope.
No, dad, you know her.
That's not who she is.
Look, I'm just as shocked
as you are,
But it's true.
Come on, I'll take
you to see her.
[brianna sighs]
[muffled announcement]
We're so glad you're okay.
Thank you.
You need a ride?
-Howie can take me.
-Sure you'll be okay?
[howie]she's in good hands.
[chuckles] I'll call you later.
I was drugged.
It's the only thing
that makes sense.
-Be careful.
Wait for me in the car.
I'll give you two a minute.
I think it's best if she
stays with me for a while.
Full time.
-You can't do that.
-I have to.
You would do the same.
It's only for a little while,
Until you get a handle on
Whatever is happening.
Daniel, I didn't take anything.
So the cops faked the test?
Is that what you're saying?
Annie, you're a mess.
Get some help.
If not for you, then
for our daughter.
Don't do this!
You haven't left me a choice.
[door creaks]
I, uh, just...
Checking on you
before I go to bed.
It's been kind of
a long day.
You need anything?
You sure you're okay?
How okay can I be?
Goodnight, monkey.
I love you.
[brianna sighs]
[suspenseful music]
[footsteps approach]
[ominous tones]
I just wanted to say I'm sorry
For everything that's
happened lately.
Are you?
What's that mean?
[sighs] you know exactly
what it means.
Brianna, I had nothing to
do with this.
How could I?
I don't know.
But you did.
Like I killed that man?
When are you gonna give this up?
When you're in jail,
For what we both know you did.
Someday, you'll grow
out of this.
[brianna sighs]
Get out...
Of my room.
[ominous music]
[door closes]
[lock clicks]
[annie]it has to be. It's the
only explanation for it.
I believe you, but how
did she get in?
Maybe brianna's keys?
She has 'em on her when
she goes to her dad's.
Well, that would
explain her access.
I did some digging on
susanna's ex.
Name was robert kulzer.
Guess she kept her maiden name.
But not a single item of
domestic violence
Or restraining orders.
So he wasn't a violent stalker?
Not that I could find.
But he was a criminal.
Before that, he was a
pretty successful developer.
At least that's what he
made it look.
He was scamming people for funds
To pay other people
that he scammed.
He used fake investments
to finance his lifestyle.
And his wife's.
Well, until he was caught.
By that time, the money
had vanished.
Moved offshore or who knows?
Maybe susanna took the money.
He hired the pi to find
her and get it back.
[chuckles] I thought the
same thing, too.
Except, he's dead, by
his own doing.
Guess he thought it was
easier than serving time.
That's awful.
Well, his financial partner
in crime wasn't so lucky.
She's doing 20 years.
Name was roxanne o'neil.
She claims that robert was
in charge of the money.
Jury didn't buy it.
Particularly when the
money had already vanished.
Maybe she hired the
To find susanna, find the money.
Only one way to know for sure.
[ominous tones]
-[door opens]
-[chain clinks]
-[suspenseful music]
[door slams]
Roxanne o'neil?
I don't know you.
No, we have a mutual connection.
Katherine dunham?
Is she a friend of yours?
Definitely not.
Susanna, or katherine
as you know her,
Married my ex-husband.
My daughter said she saw
her kill a man.
A private investigator.
The one I think you
hired to find her.
That explains why I
haven't heard from him.
So you did hire him?
He did his job.
Unfortunately, he offered
Sell what he found,
To her, for more.
Apparently, that's his mo.
[roxanne chuckles]
That's the thing with men.
You can't trust them.
You mean men like robert,
Your business partner.
He takes the easy way out,
While I'm here paying
for his crimes.
Am I innocent?
But I have no idea
where he put that money.
He moved it.
Offshore. Some secret
bank account, I guess.
And you think susanna
knows where?
Oh, she has to. She's as
guilty as he was.
She just didn't get caught
Because her name's not on
the paperwork.
She didn't take his last
name when they were married.
His idea, so she could
open accounts
That wouldn't link
back so easily.
If I could get that money, I
could make financial amends.
Get my sentence lessened.
Which is why you hired randy.
Yeah, but if he's dead,
I'm stuck here and...
So, we're done.
I can help you.
[roxanne sighs]
If she did what you say she
did and I don't doubt she did,
She just killed someone
to protect her secret.
And she would have no
problem killing you, either.
She already tried.
My daughter is living with
a murderer.
I have an idea, how we
both can get what we want.
[tense music]
[muffled chatter]
[man]let me call you back.
You want more?
No. I need something
[eerie tones]
Make it look like a home
invasion gone wrong.
You'll get the other half
when it's done.
I wanna make her
suffer a little first.
[ominous orchestral music]
[spoon clinks]
Oh, thanks, sweetie.
What's the occasion?
The end to a long week.
Hopefully the start of
a better one.
I'll drink to that.
Mm, just how I like it.
[door opens]
Your dad wanted me to
give you this.
He did?
He said after everything
that happened,
Getting back some sort
of normalcy might help.
Why didn't he give it to me?
Oh, he's taking a nap.
Guess the week caught up to him.
But we spoke about it
after dinner.
Look, if you wanna go out,
see some friends,
I'm sure the last thing
You want is to be here alone
with me.
[door closes]
[annie]I promise, tomorrow
I'll rent a car.
It's not a problem, really.
Besides, it's on my way
home from work.
Thank you.
For everything.
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
Next she'll make you
sweep the chimney
And then you miss the ball.
-[phone chimes]
-it's just a joke.
[jason]sometimes they don't
always hit.
-[suspenseful music]
-[muffled chatter]
[friend] honestly, I think
I'm gonna go back home,
Watch a couple of movies, you
know, gonna vibe a little bit.
[muffled chatter]
I gotta go. Call you later.
You just got here!
All right, I guess I'm
[suspenseful music]
[crickets chirp]
[ominous tones]
Are you home?
[howie] hey, I just
had a thought.
-Someone's in my house.
[tense music]
[screams and grunts]
-[glass shatters]
-[annie pants]
[annie gasps]
-[glass shatters]
-[annie yelps]
[annie pants]
You allright?
[eerie music]
Someone sent him.
[tense music]
How'd he get a key?
[key clinks]
[phone clicks]
He was hired.
By who?
[ominous music swells]
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
Come on, daniel.
Pick up.
Almost there.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[car approaches]
What are you doing here?
Your dad told me to
meet him here.
He said he needed to talk.
Then where is he?
No, he's already here.
He's in the trailer.
-Wait. Why do you have his car?
-[ominous music]
-What did you do?
-I didn't do anything.
This is all you.
[chuckles] the actions of
a teenage girl
Who overdosed from the pain
of all the trouble she caused.
All the lies she told.
Lies that led to her
mother self-medicating
To near death in a car accident.
Such a heavy burden to carry.
Especially for a troubled teen.
[chuckles] yes, run!
It'll just spread the
sedative faster.
[glass shatters]
[intense musical buildup]
[annie]wake up, daniel.
[annie]daniel, wake up. Wake up!
Where is brianna?
-Where is brianna?
Where is brianna?
Oh, upstairs.
[annie sighs]
[tense music]
[phone clacks]
[brianna grunts]
Don't worry about your dad.
I'll take good care of him.
The new baby will help.
Help him get past losing you.
No one's comin', sweetie.
Daddy is dead asleep.
And mommy, [chuckles] well...
Speak of the devil.
Is it done?
[annie]not quite.
[ominous music]
[annie]back to the scene of
the crime, I see?
[brianna]mom, I'm over here!
You just couldn't mind
your own business.
Nosy little brat.
[annie] brianna, wake up!
[susanna sighs]
[chuckles] never send a
man to do a woman's job.
Am I right?
Why are you doing this?
Oh, I'm taking
everything from you.
The same way it was
taken from me.
What're you talking about?
You ruined everything.
You know when robert got caught,
When it all just went
crashing down,
We lost everything.
Everything that we built.
You mean everything
that you stole.
I lost more!
Robert couldn't take the shame,
So I lost him.
And my baby.
The stress triggered
a miscarriage.
My family was taken from me
By yours.
The company that
bought robert's.
That stripped it for parts,
And auctioned it for pennies,
Was daniel's.
Your husband.
You planned this. All of it.
My family
Was destroyed by yours.
So I'm returning the favor.
You wanna know the best part,
I didn't even have to try,
'cause you'd already
destroyed your family all by
How's it feel, annie?
How's it feel to lose
everything that you love?
Your marriage.
Your husband.
[ominous tones]
Your daughter.
-[annie roars]
-[dramatic music]
-[rock thuds]
-[annie pants]
-[dark orchestral music]
[distant sirens wail]
Brianna, baby, hang in there.
Help's on the way.
Over here!
[paramedic] where are you
injured? Are you okay?
[warm acoustic music]
Thanks, dad.
I'll see you this weekend.
Love you.
Go ahead and put
that stuff down.
All right. Right here.
-I'll take one of these.
-Yeah, here you go.
Well, how'd it go?
[brianna sighs]
[annie gasps] yes! Oh, I knew
[howie] congrats.
I think things are getting
back to normal.
I think so.
Come on. Sit down.
Oh, this looks good!
I'm starving.
Where did this come from?
-Howie, he made it.
-You didn't order this?
[laughs] that's impressive.
[background chatter]
[ominous music]
I think it's time you and
I had a long overdue chat.
[brooding electronic music]