Killer Tattoo (2001) Movie Script

Boss, boss! You gotta run!
A man like Blackie doesn't run from anybody.
But, they just got Kit Silencer
to come after you.
What! Kit Silencer?
Pore Buffalo Gun. Right?
Here's your, dear. Lunch boy.
Killing a cop is already difficult.
Killing an iron cop is even more difficult
$100,000 US dollars
I probably can't do this job alone.
OK, $150,000 US dollars for
the additional team.
If you agree,
I'll pay 50% right now.
The rest, after completion of the job.
Remember, you just got out of jail.
Where else are you
gonna get this kind of offer?
Hey, Brother! How's it going Buffalo Gun.
Long time, no see, man.
How's everything?
Hey, don't worry about it
I'm sorry
I never gonna to see you
I understand.
In our line of business, it's good to
stay as far as possible from the cage.
By the way,
how's your wife Van?
She passed away many years ago.
What? How did she die?
You don't need to say anything, man.
This is Dog. Just call him DOG.
How about the other one?
And on stage is Er M16.
M16 pretty boy.
Isn't he gonna come down and
talk with us?
Probably not. I'll do his talking.
And besides, he has a communication
Then, how the fuck are we supposed
to work?
Look, we've done many jobs already.
Without shit going wrong, OK.
You sure?
Any others?
I was told that Dog is really crazy.
It will be troublesome
I tried to get someone else.
But nobody will dare to do it.
Why? Are they all rich?
Those killers I know,
all gone back to be farmers in their
own villages.
Why thing becomes like that?
Those foreigners got all the jobs.
And they are so popular.
Maybe our next president will also
be a foreigner.
Do you know that?
Who ask you to kill?
I don't know. I also want to know.
How does he know me?
I need your help this time.
Be quick.
Why didn't you wear you fucking suit,
Other is this guy deaf?
Nothing. He don't understand Thai!
What? He's not Thai?
No he's Elvis. Do your think Elvis
is Thai
I know Elvis is American.
But don't fuckin' stand there and
tell me that this fool is American!
He's not American. But he is Elvis. And.
Most importantly, Elvis don't speak Thai!
If you want to talk to him,
you have to speak English!
Can you speak English?
Hey you,
why... why you like this?
OK, understand?
No good, no good.
You know? You know! ER M16.
Do this guy understand?
You no good. Why you...
Hey Ghostman, your fuckin' turn,
I had enough! Speak English!
This is a book.
Why did iron cop come here?
This is my daughter's art exhibition
I don't like this guy.
Look at his way of walking.
You see, nobody wear suit.
No problem?
Ghostman never have any problem.
Ask Elvis to come here.
Come here!
OK man, the action time.
Hey, Ghostman, your mark is here.
The rest will be in the gallery.
Stand by for plan 2.
And what's plan 2?
Plan 2 means that if you fuck up.
There I will cover you.
And dog, when
I'm in position, cover me.
And ER M16,
You job is to cover me and Dog.
Don't fuck up!
Ah, sorry you gotta speak English
English again? AGAIN?
Hey Ghostman, are you sure
Buffalo Gun.
Will pay after the job.
Look Dog, I know him well.
He never cheats anyone.
He's not gonna skip.
No, you know like this, OK?
No you know like this.
You cover me right here,
and I go here,
OK, tomorrow as planned.
And what should we wear?
How about dressing as a guard.
Open you dam eyes,
This is an art exhibition,
dress like an artist,
you fuckin' idiot!
Hey' I was just asking?
Dear? Ghost.
What is it dear Van?
What do you love more,
me or your guns?
You of course.
Why did you shoot me?
- Two...
- Excellent...
- Three...
- Great... Four!
OK, Four... Five... Fix.
Fix your... It's six!
Why you hit me? Why you hit me?
I've been teaching you forever.
Why can't you remember a thing.
Six and you still say fix.
Speaking in Thai is fuckin' difficult!
I am an American. I am Elvis!
No, no, no, you are not Elvis.
You are Oh.
No, my name is Elvis, Elvis...
You are... Oh instead.
No, you are Oh.
Hey! Don't, don't, don't
I am Elvis, Stop, stop!
I am Elvis.
Stop! Don't!
I am Elvis!
OK, you are Elvis!
Your damn family born in Arkansas,
OK, you are Elvis!
Yes, thank you!
God dam, This is my Sin.
What a Sin?
Elvis, Elvis...
OK, you are Elvis.
What a Sin?
Look at him.
What kind of American eats Som Tum.
Where are you?
He doesn't care about you.
Why do you hurt him?
Are you crazy?
None of your business.
You did care about us.
If you leave, don't come back anymore
I'm looking for my Dad.
Where are you?
Do you know what time.
It is? My friends are all here and.
You're the only one we're waiting for.
When are you gonna get here?
So Dad,
are you gonna come or not, huh?
There's no traffic at this hour
I'm here, Plah baby. I'm here. Relax.
How much more time?
Not more than 5 minutes
Hey man,
you've going to an art exhibition or.
Exorcism? You look cool, really artistic.
Don't fuck with me.
So where's Ghostman?
He's already on his position.
You friend? Did you tell your.
Tell what?
Tell him to wear a disguise.
Tell I did.
Then why the fuck is he still
wearing that?
He said Elvis is already an artist.
No need to change outfits.
Yeah. Same, same. No different!
Fucking idiot!
Check weapons!
You planning blow whole building or
Guns are all you need.
But, ah, I don't have guns.
No guns?
How the fuck do you work?
I always use explosives.
No guns necessary!
Here take this gun! Man,
you use explosives.
In a place like this, and we all die.
He can not use the gun.
He doesn't know how to shoot.
Oh yes!
Wait a minute, it's not the Chief of
Are we on the wrong floor?
Are we at the wrong place?
Why everybody's dressed luxuriously.
We got the right place,
but the wrong costumes.
That's what I thought. Then,
what do we do next?
Well, we probably have to
change outfits.
What? Change outfits?
So, my exhibition is not important
to you?
Why do you say that, Plah?
If this what not important,
I wouldn't be standing here.
Lets go, lets go
I want to see the artistry of
a world class artist.
Come on Plah,
don't make that kind of face.
It's your big night.
What's this?
Relationship number 1.
Do you have a problem Dad?
Is it a little too big?
OK, OK! And what's this?
So, what do we do next?
Er M16 needs to take a shit.
Why now?
And now?
Just go!
thank you.
What's this?
Love potion #9.
No, this is obscene...
What kind of love this is dick!
It's art
I sent you to England and
all you learned.
How to make a dick?
How can you that! It's art.
It's my soul.
Soul? This dick?
And don't point at me.
Go, quick!
Don't move!
Don't, don't!
Relax! Let's talk.
Relax! Don't hurt anybody.
Be careful, no fire!
No, he's not our man.
He stole our uniform.
Don't let him go.
Oh... they are a group.
They run nowhere.
We must catch them.
Let's go, Let's go!
We got to get out here!
Hey, I have something to tell...
Shut up!
No, you don't understand...
Hey! Get out!
Police, drop your weapon.
In a confrontation between the army
and the police,
lives were lost.
And in an assassination attempt
to kill the Police Chief,
Plah Va, the Chief's daughter,
was fatally shot.
The Police Chief was shot in chest
and is in critical.
The Police Chief is dead!
Hey Joyce, go get Yah...
And these are pictures of the suspected.
Gunmen who are on the loose...
The cop are looking for...
Nobody were arrested.
Yeah boss.
The cop on TV looks familiar.
It's Buffalo Gun.
The ultimate professional,
Disguising himself as a cop.
Yeah, right.
And how is he involved in this incident?
Well, you asked me to bring him in.
you were worried that Kit Silencer
might not be able to take out.
The Police Chief by himself.
But I told you that
he could pull it off.
Wait a minute, I asked you to
bring in Pae Buffgun,
not Buffalo Gun.
What? Pae Buffgun.
You fucking idiot!
Call Willie a guys and tell him
to kill Buffalo Gun and all of his gang.
The Police has seen all their faces.
Boss, why didn't you just have Willie's.
Gang take care of the Police Chief
in the first place?
Yah, If you had any brains at all,
you would know that
everybody knows Willie and the other
Americans are working for me.
They work for me.
The Police Chief has died.
Hello? Yes, OK,
Boss, Buffalo Gun just called to ask for.
The rest of his money.
So, who...
shot the Police Chief after all?
Sources say that it was Kit Silencer
so buffalo Gun, wanna buff me?
Why do we have to come out
here to Rayong for?
It's far away from the cops.
We're professionals
I want to ask...
What does pro-fes-sion-al mean?
Aw Ghostman, you really don't know?
Look man, it I knew, I wouldn't ask
I just know one sentence,
this is a book.
And what does this is a book mean?
It means, pencil.
Aw you idiot, it really means eraser.
Just remember one thing,
Means somebody
who is confident and skilled.
Like us, man.
Come on, lets go.
Professional is confident and skilled.
This is a book is eraser.
Hey, Buffalo gun, Dog is nowhere
to be found.
Are we still gonna split his portion
of the money?
Dog? Hey, it's Dog.
Tell him that if he wants.
His share of the money,
meet us at Teing Island.
Teing Island? Where the fuck is
Teing Island?
How do I know?
You can ask.
Hey, if Buffalo Gun is planning to
pull funny,
I will do something!
What do you say?
He ask you to come here for the money?
OK, wait.
So what will it be, Sir Elvis.
This is not Elvis.
This is a fucking farmer.
And I really hate this fucking hat.
Do you understand the word disguise?
If you want to live, you have to
wear this outfit.
No Elvis, no die
Elvis never dies, rock never dies.
Never dies you Bastard
I hate you. And I really hate you
when you hit me.
Why you always hit me?
Why you always hit me?
It always hurt you know.
- Shut the fuck up.
- It hurts.
Shut up! I'm tired.
How can you to driving?
Of course
I can to drive a car.
Drive faster.
If I drive faster, the engine will die.
Just go.
Are we're at the right place?
Yeah, the Seabar.
Who hired you to take out
the Police Chief?
Hey brother, we're just hired guns, and.
We have no way of knowing
who really hired us.
Then, watch your back.
What do you mean?
They'll come after you,
because they came after me.
Hey brother, I'm Ghostman. I apologize...
I mean... nice to meet you.
Somkit Saingan.
Kit Silencer, right?
Buffalo Gun. I've heard a lot about you.
You've got balls for accepting this job
I respect you.
Tattoo. Let me see.
No, I can't. It doesn't look good anymore.
Hey son, if you want to stay in
this business,
Have a little respect.
Let me see.
Ghostman, go!
Boss, Buffalo Gun survived.
What? Buffalo Gun survives.
Kit Silencer survives.
What the fuck is going on?
Boss, like I said,
the Americans aren't all heroes like.
In those films that you see.
I think that you should.
Take it easy on those American films.
It just a big Cultural conspiracy.
Yah, I think you talk too much
I'm so jealous of you
and your new jeep.
Hey old man,
drives of have you seen the car?
Quiet, you bunch of fucking noisy!
Where is that limping guy
that exchanged.
The car for your boat.
Teing Island
How do I get to Teing Island?
Someone wants to go to Teing Island.
Anybody going?
Just go to sleep.
And I'll wake you up
When we get there.
We're here. What were you
fucking screaming about?
Where did you get my money to?
Don't bother, they are useful for me.
You drink again.
You fool, you stupid.
You rubbish, don't come back.
Only drink... drink, drink
for whole day long.
Did you care us?
Did you take care of us?
You fool, my money back.
You home.
Have you seen your daughter?
No, I haven't seen her.
Do you know
what she is doing on Flower Island?
The last time a saw her,
she was working as a waitress
on the island
I didn't asked any further.
And the locals didn't want to talk.
Later, I found out that she because
some kind of indentured servant
to pay off her mother borrowed
the money from
I don't know how much money
your wife had borrowed from
the local people.
She's passed.
To this day, your daughter Jan
has not returned
God... please... please.
Please let me live peacefully
God... please... please.
Please let me overcome all the problems.
Very beautiful. What do they call you?
White like this; they must
call you power.
Please don't hurt me. I have already.
Prayed... Please... Please...
Smells beautiful
God... please... please.
Please let me live peacefully
God... please... please.
Please let me overcome all the problems.
Hey, stop chanting.
It ruins the mood.
Stop. Stop.
Hey, is that Dog over there?
Can't believe the son of
a bitch made it.
God dam, far sea-sick over and over.
Far as hell.
Why didn't we just meet at
Entertainment Center.
Hot as a mother fucker.
The UV light fucked up
my God Dam skin.
Did anybody follow you.
No. Disguised like this;
what mother fucker is gonna.
Follow us. Hey, what about the money?
Let me just ask you something,
that day,
What did you actually do?
It doesn't matter what I did,
but you hired me.
So pay up!
OK. But only half.
What? What about the other half?
The other half will be paid in lead,
if you know.
What I mean. That's why we came
all the way out.
Here. Or do you want it?
We are all targeted.
Fine. What?
You got no respect.
Whoever's not involved,
don't get involved.
Remove the bandage around the wrist.
Remove it!
It's removed
I thought you said it was a tattoo.
Yeah, this is my fucking tattoo.
Who is that crazy asshole?
Kit Silencer.
This asshole is Kit Silencer.
You just gonna.
Let him walk?
Just let him go.
He doesn't look too good himself.
You want with him, anyway?
Finally, gone. ARK!
What's wrong with you?
People cannot live without love.
Greedy, anger and desire.
We must learn to release.
Don't be bothered.
Life is a circle.
What did you do.
No matter right or wrong,
will get it's return.
In this life or the next life.
If we have to wait until next life
then we will suffer from
nightmare in this life.
You did bad thing, you will suffer
from your sin.
If you don't want the suffering,
you should give up revenge.
We should learn to forgive.
Forgive the others
I think I cannot do this now.
Nightmare come from your own heart.
To stop nightmare,
you should learn by heart
rather than killing.
OK, it's gone...
What are you screaming for?
Buffalo Gun! You nearly gave me
a heart attack!
Hey, the guy that hit you over
the head today just left.
What do you want to do about it?
I don't care about that guy
I want to know about Flower Island
I don't like pills
I don't like chemicals.
You are out of fashion
I have my own thing.
Too many mosquito up here.
See, I told you not
to wear your Elvis suit
mosquito don't like Elvis.
I don't know.
Go. Go sleep. Go!
Go sleep.
How did you get to know Er M16
I don't want to tell you.
It's a sad story.
Just tell me.
My life is full of sad stories.
Before, they called him.
Oh M16 pretty boy,
was as crazy as
he was cruel.
Killed kids or pregnant women if
the job required it.
Despite his cruelty,
he had a sense of eloquence.
He could sing every Elvis song.
Then, one day,
boom, boom, boom!
Who fell into the water?
Water my ass! It was the sound of
bombs exploding
I see.
That day, explosives went off in
the restaurant.
Oh M16 had to be hospitalized for
a month.
He woke up and couldn't remember
who he was.
Thought he was Elvis.
Forgot all his Thai.
Anybody who wanted to hire him
had to speak to him in English.
Or he care nobody not speak in English.
People had to change his name.
From Oh to Er.
Er M16.
You are a Dam Good friend to him.
Even though he is crazy,
you don't throw him away.
To be honest.
If I didn't place the bombs in
the first place,
I wouldn't give a shit about him
I have to carry this dictionary
every fucking day.
It's fucking heavy.
What was that?
What's wrong with you?
Did you hear that?
I heard nothing.
How are you, Ghost!
Van, go and be reincarnated.
Please don't haunt me.
Don't six sense me
I'm Dog, and nothing scares me
I'm Dog.
Enough, stop playing, enough.
The chemicals are kicking in.
Where's the mother fucking ghost?
I'll fucking kick it's ass
I just saw it.
Where's the ghost?
You have sinned.
Drugs in temple are sin.
None of your business.
Drugs are against the law
I'm outta here.
Hey, Ghostman, come back!
Otherwise the hostage dies.
Drugs are against the law; drug abusers.
Can die; and drug dealers go to jail.
What a shame, these people
who take drugs.
What is this chanting girl's name?
Whatever her name is,
this chant of hers is
so powerful.
It's so strange that her chant is
making my dick limp.
So, she is still a virgin
I want to give her the best.
But nobody can.
Where did you
find her from?
Teing Island.
Her mother died
before the debt was paid off.
When are you going to pick up
the boss?
I think one of the others should
pick him up
I had a long night last night.
So tired.
This is parking fee.
Did you go to flower island?
Are you Pae Pratu Pee?
Pow asked me to pick you up.
Let me get something from the car.
Mathew, is that our car?
Ever since I got a car to drive,
do you know how Goy is?
How the fuck should I know.
She comes to see me every day.
She tells me to take her here
and there.
When I was just a plain boat driver,
and I ask her to come with me,
she never would.
What do you call that?
You call it Goy,
her Velcro pussy stuck to the seat.
Where did you get the car?
Somebody exchanged it with my boat.
I don't know. Some old man
with a limp.
And where is he now?
He went to Teing Island.
I don't know anything.
Do you know Teing Island?
And my car. I'd like to have it back.
Mother fucker, how can you ask for it.
What are you doing?
He talks too much.
Keys? Very good.
You see
I told you to keep your mouth shut.
Are you sure?
Don't miss again.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything.
I didn't mean anything.
I really didn't mean anything.
Shit up.
Shhh. Get out. Come on Kit,
are you Chicken?
Hey. Kit Silencer. I've heard a lot
about you
I don't kill the girl
I don't care.
I kill the boy. Not bad.
So you got a girlfriend
I don't like Farangs.
Why? I heard Thai people are simply.
Crazy about Farangs.
Not me
I like it.
Any Bullets?
Oh, I like it. Lovely to meet you.
Good bye.
Hey bitch,
why did you shoot my friend?
He never did a thing to you.
Goong, I told you not to mess
with them.
Why did you do that?
Goong, I told you not to mess
with them.
Goong, I told you not to do anything.
Hey old man, do you know them?
How am I supposed to know.
Before, nobody stayed here.
There might been people from elsewhere.
And after Dog got the cash
he disappeared.
It can't be wrong.
Finally, we are here.
Our paradise.
Wow. Beautiful.
Wow. Beautiful.
In this type of atmosphere,
there is bound to be.
Something shady and dirty.
Shady and dirty?
Are you here to dime or to relax?
Food or fuck?
Right this way. Right this way...
Welcome to Flower Island.
If you want to dine,
Please come this way
you sit down. Is that OK?
Please sit, OK?
Relaxation is up stairs. Right this way
The girls won't rush,
and they will do it in any position.
And any imagination.
What imagination?
Whatever you like.
Even with a duck.
What do you feel from your imagination?
When are we leaving?
Are you bored already?
Shocking isn't it. What number?
Number 13.
It's alright boss.
One million US dollars. Count it first.
That's OK.
A pleasure doing business with you.
Are you here to dine or to relax?
How is it? Painful?
Good! You deserve it!
How satisfying! How could you
let him trick you
in Bangkok; trick you into becoming
a hooker here.
Must have been a great-looking man,
Do what you want to do.
But don't add to the pain.
Pain? What about my pain?
Who cares about my pain?
And what did I do to hurt you
so much?
You picked choose him. And that hurts.
Why is he better than me!
He wasn't any better than you, Dog.
He was worse than you.
And why?
Because I didn't love you.
And how can you love
someone who treats you so badly?
Who knows?
Because love has no design.
Love has no design? Bullshit!
What the fuck can be designed?
Oh, I get it, this hooker's outfit
can be designed,
Open the door, please
God... please... please.
Please let me overcome all the problems...
Hey, I'm not here to do anything
to you.
Don't be scared.
You're here to help me, right?
My mother sent you.
Here to help me, is that right?
I Looking for somebody.
The door locks from the outside.
Hey you, I will come back to help.
Is the girl a problem again?
I'm going downstairs; I'll be back up.
Don't cry.
Quiet! It must be Pow.
Help me. Help me, please.
What did you say?
The two of you, go down stairs
to help the others.
Boss, brief case!
Forget it.
Do we go after him?
Too late.
Where the hell have you been, Bew?
I've been chasing Pak's gang.
One more is inside.
What are you waiting for?
Boss, there's somebody here.
Er M16.
What are you doing up there?
Come down.
Who is Pow Katak fish?
I am. And who are you?
Buffalo gun, Janta's father.
So what?
I'm here to pick up my daughter.
Can't let you have her.
Is there an issue?
Bew! Yes.
Go find Poo. Bring him to me.
Hey Ghostman, wait up for me.
Why you so hurry? No good.
Is this part of Pak's gang?
No. From Teing Island?
Don't think so, never seen them before.
The next tine any of these people
come here again,
Waste them.
Hey, dead people body.
Fuck it. Its not your die.
Quick, quick.
Yes, this guy. It's him for sure.
You sure?
Surer than sure. When I followed
him into the room,
he fucked me up.
Kick me in the face.
Hey Poo, are you involved with Pak?
No, no, no, I know nothing.
Where he hid the money.
Come here!
God... please... please help us...
Where is the money?
I don't know.
God... please... please.
Please help me to overcome
all the problems...
Hey Buffalo Gun, Dog has left the island.
Can't depend on him;
Let him go. It's none of his business.
You too Ghostman, you can go.
You can't just say that.
You daughter is just like my daughter.
Thanks Ghostman.
You have no other choices?
They won't give me any other choice.
Do you have anything
that can repel ghosts?
Oh my God, how you get this?
Forget about that. Think, think.
How you gonna do with this money?
What do you mean?
I give you half
I give you half. Really?
You such a mother fucking good friend.
Oh, I love you. I love you.
Enough, it god dam hurts.
What are you.
Going to do with the money?
I am going to have a big free concert.
For children and baby and the boys
and the girls.
What about you? What about you?
If I become rich,
I will give you all my money.
What do you think?
If you become rich, are really
going to remember me?
In this life, who else am I going
care about
I will never look at another woman
I promise. Hope to die
I can swear.
My mother always says that
the words of men are unreliable
I've heard you make promises
many times.
What's wrong?
Do you know love?
Off cause. I do
I know so many love songs.
Do you think love can design?
They did the same to you?
What are you doing?
If you don't work for Pak,
who do you work for?
This is your last chance
to tell me before you die.
Are you going to tell me where
the cash is?
Tell or not, I will die anyway.
Yes, but if you talk,
this girl. Won't die with you
I told you, I didn't take your money.
Don't move or you fucking die.
Let my daughter go, now!
Why? What are you going to do?
I'm gonna count to three
and this mother fucker dies.
Then count right away.
What is this?
Let them fucking know who is who.
Hey it's Ghostman.
Didn't expect you, man
I have to come because
I have some personal business.
Anyway, thanks.
No Problem.
Let's go.
Yes sir.
Hey, dead bodies.
Hey what?
You want to fight?
You dare?
Remember me?
Where have you been, dad?
Mom, hung herself.
She couldn't wait any longer.
Why have you come back now?
Jan? Where are you going?
Away from here.
Come with me. Come home.
Dad, Go home alone.
It's your house, not mine.
You and mom love the house
more than me.
Both of you would even trade
the house for me
I hate that house.
My dear, sorry.
Wait me here.
My dear...
Buffalo gun. Haven't seen you
for a long time.
So have you joined Pow's side?
Pak, let my daughter go!
Your daughter? Good.
Then go get Pow.
Pow is dead.
You want to play funny, OK
I said Pow is dead,
are you fucking deaf?
Jan! Duck! Go up.
Get the girl.
Hey, can you cover me?
Jan, come here.
Come out!
Force them out.
Does it hurt much?
What happened to your hand? Huh?
What are you doing here? Get out!
Come on, man! Come on, now!
This is a book!
Hi man!
Come on!
Hey Ghostman, how many are left?
Four, including Pak.
Yeah, that's it!
Pak is not likely to stand down!
If he stands down, I will follow!
Got you fucking bastard!
I'm fine. Can you expect that?
It's your turn now. Go to hell!
Oh... Van.
Help... help, please let me go.
Help me... help.
Van, let me go, please.
Please let me go.
Let's go. It's time to go.
Let's go. It's time to go.
Let's do it!
Honey, honey! ARK!
No... no.
Wanna go!
Come on.
Got you fucking bastard!
No good. No good.
No good. No good.
Let him go.
Where do you plan go! Let's go!
Hey dog! Hey Dog.
Hey dog!
Hey, where are you going?
I'm not gonna ask what happened.
Just give me my money back.
What money.
Don't be funny.
You remember me?
Hey, I got no problems with you.
No idea
you killed my parents in from of me.
You got the wrong guy.
No, I don't think so
I remember the three Pronged
tattoo on your wrist
I swear
I never killed anybody in front of kids.
And I'm not the only one with
the tattoo.
Buffalo gun has one too.
Ask him. We got the tattoo
together down South.
The scar on his arm is a tattoo.
Ask him.
Is that the truth? Did you kill
my parents?
I have never
killed women in my entire life
I'm sorry that I left you.
Forgive me.
Dad, don't leave me now
I hate you. I hate you.
Wake up dad.
Why did you kill my dad?
Wake up dad.
I quit giving tattoos many years ago
I don't know who I gave them to.
Do you remember.
How many tattoos have you
given to people?
About 200.
We're here.
Is the head monk here?
He passed on many month ago.
Are you feeling better, Jan?
I want to apologize for killing your dad.
Forgive me.
And do you forgive the one
who killed your father?
Nightmares come from the mind,
therefore need to be extinguished
in the mind.
They can not be extinguished
through the taking of another life