Killing Floor, The (2007) Movie Script

The building was erected in 1879.
As I explained to your assistant,
you've got the 16th,
Just write a draft and I'll look
at it when I get back.
Before I forget, I got
two manuscripts on my desk.
Make copies and send them home
with the partners
and send me additional copies
'cause I don't wanna carry that shit.
After the previous owner died,
the estate asked us
to handle the matter.
- However, the company--
- How many times is that?
Eight. Who calls someone
eight times in a week?
Four bedrooms, five baths.
A housekeeper to take care of
the 11,000 square feet of space--
Who else? Yeah.
I'll talk to them.
Patch me through.
Well, try him on his cell phone.
Tribeca, Soho and beyond--
Make me care.
The bathroom has a--
Kristen, you didn't--
A Jacuzzi.
Fine, send me the draft
when you're done. Bye.
The private elevator handles all three floors,
as well as the rest
of the building.
Bec, you still on? Who else do I owe?
No, I don't even know
who that is.
Hey, Bec, ahem, I'm finishing up,
so I'll just try you from the car.
As I mentioned,
the company is in no rush.
Well, actually I am.
What do I have to do to get this place
and still make my 1:00 o'clock?
Jesus Christ. You're pitching me a story
about a haunted house
without doing the work.
Make me care.
Create a back-story,
develop a mythology.
Write a story
about you writing a story.
Heh. That's scary.
Now, why on earth would you
put me on the phone with him?
I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
This is dog shit.
These two need charged.
Uh, Garret called again.
Why is my best friend
stalking me?
Leave a message
with his assistant.
Tell him I was busy-- What?
He didn't get the job.
I was supposed
to make a call, wasn't I?
I reminded you for a week.
The partners needed
your reference.
Send him a basket.
The Barneys' one.
Write him a note, tell him...
How sorry I am, that I'm thinking of quitting
and that all the partners are fucks.
But you are a partner.
The other partners.
Hey, David.
David, uh, you didn't,
you know,
maybe possibly have a chance
to look over the story
I gave you, did you?
Shit. No. But I'm gonna blow through a stack
of reading as soon as I get home.
I'll see ya.
Ouch! Ow.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Shit. I am so sorry.
It's okay. It's okay.
I'm, uh--
I'm awake now.
Coffee was supposed
to do that, but...
I guess I owe you
a caf mocha.
With soy.
And a towel.
With soy and a towel.
I have those.
Well, your pockets must be
a lot bigger than they look.
No, not on me.
I, uh--
I live in this building, here.
Wow. It's a great building.
Yeah, I love it.
I just moved in.
You wouldn't know it.
You must do very well
for yourself.
These places
are pretty exclusive.
I do okay.
One caf mocha with soy.
Thank you.
So, what is it you do "okay" at?
I, uh, represent writers. Books.
Hm, what kind of books?
Horror mostly. Well, entirely.
Must get into your head.
Is that why you were
running so fast?
Monsters after you?
Horror is scary
'cause it plays on your fears.
That's all.
What are you afraid of?
Having a party tonight.
You wanna come?
You didn't answer.
Neither did you.
Check your guest list,
David Lamont.
You did invite
your neighbors.
Audrey Levine, third floor.
Thanks for the drink.
You didn't think I'd come in
to a stranger's apartment, did you?
Well, I just thought
you were easy.
I am. You're just not that charming.
See you tonight.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Pretty dress.
Give me a flat water, no ice.
Bobby Reed. Ha, ha.
Congratulations on the book, buddy.
Thank you, David.
It's been--
Hard to believe only two weeks
on the Times, no Oprah.
What's up with that?
But I'm sure your agent
knows what he's doing.
Have a good time.
I guess preppy
is making a comeback.
You headed to a birthday party
It's for you.
Happy house-warming.
It just rolls off the tongue
with this one.
Joe Grimpel, Kathy Mahoney,
this is my assistant.
You'll have to excuse her.
We're still working
on group interaction.
You guys have a good time.
But his agent...
I hate...
Excuse me, I hope I wasn't--
I wasn't interrupting you.
Are you kidding me?
You finally saved me.
- That's Kathy.
- Oh...
You know, the party,
it just turned out to--
To really be something else.
And the food is just--
Beautiful night.
Sorry. Do I know you?
I think we may have bumped
into each other.
You have a lovely place.
It's a great building.
I think you've said that before.
Actually, I think
you've said that before.
Can I get you something
to drink?
Preferably without soy.
As long as you promise
not to run.
You look great.
There you are!
I have been looking
all over for you.
How are you, my brother?
How are you?
Doing all right, ahem.
You holding up?
Fucking great.
Never bitter-- Or better.
Never better.
Great party, man.
What are you doing?
Partying. Drinking.
What? Did I interrupt
something in there?
You're pissed off.
How'd you guess?
You know, if you want to be mad
at me, Garret, that's fine.
But don't be a pussy about it.
Be direct.
Just air it out.
Like the basket you got me?
David, I invented
the "fuck you" basket.
It wasn't
a "fuck you" basket.
No, that would require
you actually dictate the letter.
- I did dictate it.
- Hey, look, man!
I'm, uh-- I'm not even
pissed at you.
I'm pissed at me for believing
that I could count on you.
And when you lose your job
and your best pal steals
your clients
and then makes a dash
for another agency...
- Oh, come on!
-...that's shit!
That's not what happened.
Okay. Tell me what happened.
Come on, I'm all ears.
You're in a slump, Garret.
A professional slump.
So the book's a total mess.
This should be my life,
my party, my place.
Fuck you!
Fuck you.
What in the fuck did you write
in that note to him?
Just what you told me to.
Did I do something wrong?
Did that look
like it went well?
Have you seen Audrey Levine?
Five-seven, brown hair,
black dress.
Her name wasn't even
on the li--
David Lamont?
My name is Martin Soll,
detective, N.Y.P.D.
Sorry, Mr. Lamont,
for calling at this hour.
That makes two of us.
What, uh, is this about,
There's a guy downstairs who claims
that you're squatting in his residence.
Do you have the deed
to this place?
My lawyer does.
I'll give you
his phone number.
This is his home
and his cell.
Who is he?
Uh, Jared Thurber.
Uh, his father
was the previous owner.
He claims that
when the old man died,
you moved in here illegally.
Well, I can assure you,
the transaction was entirely legit.
Well, if you say so.
Hopefully, I can get
back to some real work, and...
you can get back to all this.
Oh, I almost forgot.
In case anything comes up.
Like what?
Hey... it's New York.
The only penalty
you ought to worry about is the one
I'll impose on your ass
for wasting my time.
He's the one fucking
wasting your time.
God fucking damn it!
Either you're gonna do
something about it, or I am.
It's my house.
Well, we'll find
that out directly. After you.
We let 'em slide
on advances, the next thing you know,
quotes are gonna
be 80% of what they are now.
My client doesn't need
the advance.
- He'll do the work.
- Without incentives--
Hang on.
Your client
doesn't need the advance.
Well, that's mighty kind of him.
My top five clients brought
in an estimated, what?
Fifteen million dollars
worth of advances last year.
My bottom five, zero.
That's because
your clients were dictating
the terms of their deals
from a cabin in Maine,
wearing a fucking bathrobe.
Every day is a war.
Be generals for chrissake.
No, no. I'll be done here,
uh, soon. Like 45 minutes.
Yes, we're just--
We're wrapping up.
No, no, okay.
Call somebody
at The New Yorker.
I got some renewal thing.
I have to go, bye-bye.
I shouldn't have to pay for it.
Okay. Uh, this came
for you today.
What is it?
A thank-you note
from Andrew Dunlap.
Never heard of him.
Put it with the others.
I just thought you should see it
since he wasn't invited.
He's a writer. He's--
He's the one that you told
to write a story
about himself writing a story.
Let me see it.
Thank you.
Can I help you?
That's an odd thing to say.
Do I look like I need help?
You look lost.
Actually, I'm very much at home.
I know who you are.
Then you know what I want.
Sorry, pal. Can't help you.
You got a problem,
you call my lawyer.
You're the one
with the problem.
Is that a threat?
Get the fuck out of my face!
Sleep tight, Davey boy.
Just let it go.
No, I'm not avoiding.
He has no idea.
No, look--
Will you trust me already?
I am not a child.
We are not having
this conversation again.
Look, I know what I'm doing.
I'm convinced.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you.
Okay, well, I did mean
to scare you a little bit,
but you don't have
to throw knives at me.
You shouldn't leave
that elevator open.
That's twice now.
I guess you owe me one.
But actually, uh--
I came up here
to ask you a favor.
I have this terrible habit
of misplacing things,
and my assistant lives
on the other side of town.
Hey. Heh.
I mean, if there's a problem,
you don't have to do it,
the hell with ya.
You don't strike me as someone
who misplaces things.
Well, uh--
It always comes
as a shock to me too.
Did you messenger me
Did you have something
messengered over to my house?
An envelope from the office?
Oh, my God! I can't hear you.
I'm in a club.
Did you messenger
an envelope to my house?
I'll have to call you back!
I did owe you one.
What are you doing?
I never sleep with a man
on the first date.
But sex is okay? Heh.
Sex is better than okay.
Come back to bed.
I just heard something.
Right there.
It's just the pipes.
It's like that downstairs too.
You'll get used to it.
Small spaces.
You asked me earlier
what I was afraid of.
Small spaces.
Is that why you live here?
I live here because I can.
Well, I'm glad you're happy.
I have to admit, this place always
freaked me out a little bit.
What do you mean, always?
No, you said this place
always freaked you out.
What does that mean?
Nothing. It's just stories,
you know?
The guy that lived here before,
he was a little weird.
Well, what kind of stories?
Just forget I said it.
No, no. Wait a minute.
You said stories.
What kind of stories?
Sorry, I--
Story's my business.
Just what I do.
call me later.
We'll share stories.
You're sure you didn't
messenger me anything last night?
Mm-hm. Sure.
All right, get me Garret.
I'm gonna leave a message.
Jump off.
Yo, it's me.
Real fuckin' funny
about the pictures.
Ooh, I'm scared.
You fucking jackass.
Call me.
Detective Soll, please.
What are you thinking?
It's Thurber.
Slow down.
First, ahem, you don't know
who sent what.
you don't really even know
what's in these pictures.
And last, I checked
the records back and forth.
Nothing ever happened
at your place.
Now, that's not to say that
something didn't happen there--
Thank you.
--and it just got covered up.
Covered up?
New York is
a corrupt clusterfuck,
just like any other city.
Now, Thurber was
a very powerful guy.
He played squash
at all the right clubs
and threw parties.
So where can I find him?
Well, that's never
gonna happen.
So, what do we do?
I'm not just gonna
sit here on my hands.
We are not gonna
do anything.
He knows we're on him.
And you know
where to reach me.
It's all copacetic.
Soll, it's Lamont.
I found the tiles.
The same tiles that
were in the pictures.
Something bad happened there.
Call me.
David Lamont's office.
I'm not coming in today.
- Reschedule everything.
- Uh, is everything okay?
- Did you get Garret yet?
- No, I haven't.
I'm on my cell.
Try me when you got him.
- I need to talk to you now.
- Um...
Hang up.
I tried to tell him you were busy--
I didn't know Thurber from Adam.
- I only know real estate.
- How 'bout any work?
He have any, uh,
renovations done to it?
Yeah. Yeah, he had
some work done to the, uh--
- The pool deck.
- Uh-uh.
Silver plumbing in the kitchen.
- No, no.
- That's it.
Some cosmetic work to
the, uh, bathroom, the stairs--
Bathroom. Let me see.
When? When was this worked on?
I don't know, David.
Twenty years ago maybe.
Doesn't say.
That's weird.
Computer says there's a police report here,
but I can't find a file.
What's that mean?
Either someone took it,
or it's here somewhere.
That's brilliant work there, deputy.
Since the Freedom
of Information Act,
this place is
Grand Central Station.
You could always send
a written request,
and within 10 days
we'll get you what you need.
Forget it.
Come on!
Camera on?
Case 29703725.
Triple homicide.
Entering the residence,
we come upon the killing floor.
We see the splayed body
of victim number one.
Victim: Caucasian, male,
Head facing the north side
of the penthouse.
Multiple lacerations visible
to the victim's throat.
Blood spatter is evident.
Victim number two: Caucasian,
male, 8 to 10 years of age.
Several stab wounds
to the face.
Victim number three:
male, Caucasian,
What the hell is
going on here, huh?
Is that yours?
Yeah, it came
with the apartment.
Four bedrooms
and a big fuckin' knife.
Well, how's about you just
set that thing down, huh?
How the fuck'd
you get in here?
You think this is funny?
You think this is fuckin' funny?
You called me, remember?
I didn't come over here
to play patty cake
with your sorry ass,
so unless you wanna go
all the way,
you are gonna drop
this knife and take a seat.
You left these
in the elevator.
And your laundry.
I am not
your fuckin' maid.
What do you got to drink?
Man 1
Head facing the north side of the penthouse.
Multiple lacerations visible
to the victim's throat.
Blood spatter is evident.
It looks authentic.
Yeah, no shit, it's authentic.
The killing floor.
Mm. That's what they call it
where they kill the animals
in a slaughterhouse.
Cops use it for
where they find the bodies.
You said nothing
happened here.
- I know what I said.
- What do you call that?
It's a knife.
Maybe it's a murder weapon.
Maybe it's not.
I mean, we'll check
it for prints.
And if that's blood on there,
we'll run the DNA.
That's all I can do.
What's going on, Soll?
Exactly what they want.
I mean, look at you.
You are a mess.
Death scenes show up at
your doorstep, what do you do?
You start tearing
your place apart,
and lookin' over your shoulder.
I thought this was
your business.
What do you mean?
Scaring the shit
out of people.
Looks like somebody's doing
a pretty good job on you.
I don't know. Maybe.
What do you know about him?
What are you asking for?
You're the one
that brought him to me.
Well, he's disappeared.
What does that mean?
You know,
as in... vanished.
The address he gave me
turned out to be
in the middle
of the East River.
You lost him?
Nobody is lost
without my say so.
You fucking lost him?!
The kid is a mistake.
One which I will
correct in time.
Speakin' of which, yours is up.
Man You really think
that cop's gonna help you, Lamont?
Who is this?
Watch your step.
Stay the fuck away from me,
I swear to God--
Check the bedroom window again.
Audrey! Audrey!
No, no. Keep that off.
Keep that-- Keep that--
What, David? What's wrong?
What's the matter?
Holy shit. Holy shit.
You're freaking me out.
Holy shit.
Talk to me.
Okay. Okay.
I'm sure he's just trying
to scare me.
I don't know.
Sounds dangerous to me.
Look, I know
it's a great place,
but maybe you should
think of moving.
I'm not gonna let someone
just scare me out of my home.
I'm just saying that--
No. I sai--
I mean, it's mine.
Well, you can stay here
as long as you want.
You motherfucker!
Fucking Garret!
What the fuck?
You motherfucker!
You motherfucker!
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
All this over
some fucking clients?
What the fuck is this? Huh?
What the fuck is this?
Goddamn it.
What the fuck is this?
"Formal apology."
- Hey. Hey.
- Ow.
I'm gonna get a towel.
I'll get a towel.
I love what you did with the place.
What happened to you?
You've become an asshole.
Somebody left--
I thought you were
someone else.
That's funny.
I thought
the same thing about you.
Let me get some
of this shit on there.
Shit, you know what?
I can't get it
to stop, so let's just--
Let me run you
to the hospital.
It's all right.
I can take care of it.
I can take myself.
- Garret, don't be ridic--
- Shut up.
We'll have
to do this again real soon.
Oh, what time is it?
It's 11:00. I tried to wake you up
a little bit earlier, but, uh--
David-- David, I'm concerned.
You seem a little bit off.
Okay, what you got for me?
Okay, well, you've got
a board meeting at noon.
At 12:00?
Get me in, like, 55 minutes.
David, you can't.
Trust me, I can.
Shut the door.
David, please.
You look like shit.
Hey, you don't
talk to me like that.
I'm sorry, I didn't-- I'm sorry.
It's just that this meeting
is very important--
Yes, I'm very aware of what
a fucking board meeting entails.
I will have
everything ready for you.
I will make a pot of coffee.
Your shirts just haven't
come back from the cleaners yet.
So, there is a Gucci
just three blocks...
- Okay, I'll go.
-...away, on 51st.
I'll go.
Okay, I'll have everything ready
for you by quarter to.
- Shit. Give me my phone.
- Oh, yes. Here.
Three dollars Quick Pick.
I found him.
Who is this?
It's Lamont.
Lamont, right, hey,
I'm kind of busy right now.
Hey, I found Thurber.
Wha--? What? What do you mean
you found him? Where?
Alphabet City.
The corner of 4th and B.
I'm standing outside
his apartment right now.
Did he see you?
- No.
- Good. Get out of there.
Why, so we can lose him again?
He's not going anywhere.
Unless he sees you.
Get the hell out of there.
I'll handle this.
He's all yours.
Hey, honey.
You miss me?
You want to hear about my day?
Sure you wouldn't rather I put
- some dinner on the table, dear?
- Don't interrupt me, Audrey.
'Cause the one thing
I've learned from all this
is I'm capable
of just about...anything.
- David, you're not--
- Don't interrupt me!
So the clouds
of suspicion parted,
and a shining ray of proof
led me right to you...
and Thurber.
Did you know...
that Soll actually lost him
for a minute?
I mean, don't ask me how.
It's the fucking guy's job, right?
But there he was,
leading me right to his front door.
After I called the police,
I made another phone call.
Any guesses?
You remember Goodman, don't you?
You should.
Because apparently,
you placed a bid with him.
On my fucking apartment!
Imagine my surprise.
But it wasn't your money,
was it?
Was it?
Fucking talk!
No, it was my father's.
Bull shit! It was Thurber's!
Thurber's dead, you asshole!
You need-- You need
to understand something.
I've lost the will to control myself any longer.
I just don't give a fuck.
Of course, Thurber's dead. It's his son Jared.
I saw you with him this morning
at a coffee shop!
I saw you, Audrey! I know!
Thurber nev--
Never had a son.
You think
I'm a fucking idiot?
You think I wouldn't figure
this shit out?
Listen to me.
Listen to me!
I wanted your apartment, yes,
but that's all, I swear.
I-- I-I got a call from, uh--
From, uh, uh,
a gallery owner today
and he wanted to meet
in the coffee shop,
and he never showed.
David, you have to trust me.
I don't have to do shit.
I still have the message
on my voice mail.
You can listen to it, David.
David, why would I lie to you?
Thank you for calling Gotham Realty.
Please leave a message
after the tone.
Goodman, it's David Lamont.
I want out. List the fucker.
What the hell happened
Arther kid's apartment?
Who is this? Ahem.
What time is it?
What the hell happened
Arther apartment?
Shit. What are you
talking about?
I left right after I called you.
Yeah, well, I got some
bad news for you. He's dead.
Somebody cut him a new smile,
ear to ear.
His body's in the bedroom.
Sound familiar?
Jesus Christ.
You ready for more?
Well, Thurber ain't Thurber.
His name is Frederick Hawkins.
Some De Niro wannabe.
Shakespeare in the park,
that type of shit.
You still there?
He's an actor?
Medical examiner just got here.
I gotta go.
How's your alibi?
Yeah, I figured it might be.
We got to talk.
I'll be at your place
as soon as I'm done here.
Oh, my God.
What is this?
What is this?
I'm sorry.
Did you do this?
Oh, my God.
All of it?
No! No! Why?!
Um-- Uh--
I love you.
- What? No.
- I do.
- No. No, you don't!
- No, yes. Yes, I do.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know...
- You can't. No--
-...howto make it go away.
You tried to ruin my life!
David, please don't say that. Please--
I've only wanted
what's best for you.
What's best for me?
Stalking me, taking fucking pictures?
But, David, please, listen.
I know that I'm s--
I know what I did was wrong.
I know what I did was wrong.
It's just--
I just want to be close to you.
I wanted to be close to you
so badly that I just--
I swathe apartment
across the street and--
And I just want to--
David, please, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. It's just that--
I know that you're David Lamont
and you would never be with
somebody like me and I just--
You don't know.
You don't even know.
Oh, God, David.
David, please, I am so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Can you please just forgive me.
It's okay, Rebecca.
- I'm sorry.
- I said, it's okay.
Hey, you've been watching the place.
Who have you seen?
- I don't know.
- Who?
Just think. Who?
Rebecca, tell me.
- Oh, God. I-in the--
- It's okay, just think.
- You.
- Okay.
I don't, I me--
I see your housekeeper.
Okay. Who else?
Just some friends of yours,
like Garrett, um...
That's not helping.
Is that all?
A messenger.
A messenger? You saw
a messenger? Was it a man?
- What did he look like?
- I don't know, David.
- It was late at night--
- This is so important. Please.
I don't know, David. I'm sorry.
What are you gonna do?
I got to call Soll.
I got to talk to the police.
Don't worry, I won't tell them
about all this shit.
I just saw him
leave Audrey's apartment.
Who, Soll?
I'm sorry, David.
Where you been?
Where's Audrey?
Who's Audrey?
Don't fucking bullshit me!
You was just in her apartment.
I don't know what
you're talking about, Lamont.
But you got a hell
of a serious problem.
Yeah-- Yeah, I've had a problem
since the moment I met you.
This kid, Thurber-- Hawkins.
He's dead.
Yeah, no shit.
Murder weapon was left
at the scene.
Guess what?
It looked exactly like...this.
We dusted it for prints.
We got a hit.
You know I--
Yeah, I had it in my hand--
You little pussy.
If I didn't know you
a little bit...
didn't know that you were
a narcissistic pretty boy...
Fuck you.
who'd sooner call a cop
from halfway across the city
than do his own dirty work,
I would haul your ass
in to the precinct right now
with an airtight case.
But that's not what my instincts
are telling me.
What are your instincts
telling you, detective?
Whoever killed that boy
wouldn't have done it
unless he didn't
need him anymore.
Hey, hey, I mean--
Now, he's coming for you.
You better lock up.
Take the second floor.
Not now, Rebecca.
I'm with Detective Soll.
That's what I'm calling about.
He's not who you think he is.
What are you talking about?
When you said his name,
I knew I heard it before.
- In what?
-Andrew Dunlap's novel,
the one you rejected,
the killer's name in it is Soll.
Detective Soll.
Downstairs is secure.
I checked
with the police department,
there is no Detective Soll.
Get out of there, David!
Um, okay, Bec, uh--
We'll just go over
that in the morning.
is everything cool up here?
Hey, Lamont.
Seems like
we got off on the wrong foot.
Sure feels that way.
Calm down.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I'm a police officer, remember?
Aw! Fuck!
Get out!
Goddamn it.
Nobody was supposed to get hurt.
It was all an act.
This gun... is a fake.
No, it was all an act!
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, my God.
We should call the police.
And say what?
That there are two dead bodies
in my house, Rebecca.
Maybe you should...
Maybe you should call
your lawyer first.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
He should be here
when they get here.
- I can't do that.
- Why not?
This all points to me.
This all points to me.
The bodies.
It's a neighbor
that I had an affair with.
And it's a-a writer.
A guy that--
That I invited in.
But he was terrorizing you, David.
But I have no proof.
My phone records are gonna show
that we called each other.
He sent me a thank-you note
to my fucking party, for chrissake.
What about all of the things
that he gave you?
You said that he gave
you photographs and tapes--
But every time I thought
I was talking to the police,
I was talking to him.
I gave it all back.
He killed Audrey.
He killed Audrey,
and they're gonna be able
to prove that, you know?
They're going to be able to find
his fingerprints or his hair or something--
- Oh, my God.
- What? What?
My skin's under her fingernails.
- Why would your skin be--
- We had a fight.
Oh, my God.
Oh, hey, Rebecca.
I did not kill Audrey.
I swear to God.
I did not kill her.
I'm fucked.
Oh, boy...
I know this is gonna
seem really weird,
but my parents have
a farm two hours upstate,
and they're out of town.
There are ways
to get rid of this, David.
One, two, three.
Pigs are omnivores.
Excuse me?
Are you okay?
Okay, come on.
Come on.
Come on, let's go inside.
David, I brought you
some clothes that I found in my--
In my father's closet
that I thought might fit you.
It's nice to get out of the city.
Listen. Um...
I think that...
we just go in tomorrow
like nothing happened.
like everything is like it was.
Bye, David.
Everything will be fine.
Hey, G, it's, uh-- It's pretty early, man.
I, uh-- I was just calling
to see how you were doing.
I, um-- Oh, I thought
maybe later we could, uh--
We could grab some lunch.
Anyway, all right, Garret,
give me a call. Bye.
The apartment was not so much an apartment,
as a monument to a good life
and a better fortune.
The owner was a man of stature,
with an articulate wit.
A bull among calves.
An arrogant, ego-driven,
misogynist bull
that she would carefully lead
to the slaughter.
It could have all been
so easily avoided.
If he had only taken
a moment, one moment,
he would've seen
the blueprint for his demise.
You didn't maybe,
possibly have a chance
to look at the story
I gave you, did you?
Aw, shit.
But I am gonna burn
through a stack of reading
as soon as I get home.
But she knew he wouldn't bother.
Of course not.
A man who basked
in the reflected glow
of those with real talent,
getting rich
off the blood and sweat
and torment
of those he represented.
Surely he'd never take the time
to read a story
from an unknown writer.
I have Andrew Dunlap for you.
She chose a name at random
and stamped it at
the bottom of a title page.
Why on earth would you
put me on the phone with him?
The actors weren't hard
to find in a city full of starving artists.
Hard to believe
what they would do
to show the extent
of their talent.
I'm coming to your place
as soon as I'm done here.
Poor bastards had no idea
what they were getting themselves into.
Hey-- Hey, Ellsworth,
how are you?
The irony of it was that
it was all his idea really.
She did exactly
as he suggested.
Call somebody at The New Yorker.
I got some renewal thing.
He's a writer.
The one that you told
to write a story
about himself writing a story.
And that's exactly what she did.
She wrote a story
about herself writing a story.
All that was left
was to follow his own words.
The advice she'd hear
him scream countless times.
Make. Me.
- Make me care.
- Care.
Find what you need, sweetheart?
Oh, yes, thank you.
Renting a place
across the street made it easy.
She learned his every move.
Predicted his every thought.
David? Oh, my God!
I can't hear you. I'm in a club.
She knew there would be victims.
Victims he could have easily saved.
Victims of his own arrogance.
And then...
with a stranger's hand,
she pushed him...
right onto the killing floor.
She would become
his number one client.
She'd call the shots
from her cabin in Maine
in her fucking bathrobe.
What happened next
was his choice.
But live or die,
they'd go together.
It was comin' at a brotha
I saw you with your man
Smilin', Marc Jacobs bag in your hand
Now I'm sittin' in the coupe
with my hat turned back
Hold up, let me stop playin'
Uncle Al said that, uh
Yeah, still I gotta say
hey, lover
Heaven knows I can't
imagine you with another
Head to toe, your whole body
smooth like butter
Let me know the deal
keep it real with each other
Real with each other
I need you now
Before the moon sails away
I dream of you, your touch
Secret things we used to do
I wanna make love to you
I'm here waiting for you
Let's go, come on
Take me home
I wanna be alone with you
Yeah, like that
You are my life
Don't leave me lonely tonight
I want you deep inside of my soul
You're the only one who knows
Where I wanna run to
Through the door
in the shower, on the bed
Rollin' on the floor
power rushin' to my head
Callin' out for more
sweat runnin' down your legs
Crawlin' on all fours
I love it when you beg
Bitin' your bottom lip
soon as I get nearer
I see you starin' at the man
in the mirror
You love the way it feels
I can see it in your face
Close your eyes, move your waist
I'm here waiting for you
Let's ride
Take me home
I wanna be alone with you
Swing your hip, girl
Ain't no better place
that you could ever be
Love flows steadily
and passion is heavenly
The first time
your sweet voice said yes
You was the best girl
I'd ever undressed
Never stress the rest
'cause the rest don't matter
Did your body good, girl
that ass gettin' fatter
Yet you from the hood, girl
but you don't chitter-chatter
Damn, I got it good, girl
and I ain't mad at her
Cruise around town
her cryin', leave it at home
We both in the zone
goin' all night long
Makin' each other feel
so right that it's wrong
Girl, move your hips
let 'em swing with the song
- Uh-huh
I'm here waiting for you
- Let's ride, come on
- Take me home...