Killing Machine, The (2010) Movie Script

They say life is about choices.
You can say
I didn't make a lot of good ones.
But now I know...
...I never really had a choice.
Start off your rise
And keep complaining
you're not justified
You're intuition leav esme
Nothing left here to disguise
This problem is your own
I'd rather be left alone
Your bat tles cars to fall
Find another place to crawl
You can place
But no one' slistening
I don't want you
Here with me
'Cause all your pressure
Fall son me
So take your smoking gun
From me
Am I your only
Oh, it's good being here with you.
I came back as soon as I could.
You know, I was thinking.
- You were thinking?
- Mm-hmm.
That I'd like to get a new car.
What's wrong with your old one?
It's so last year.
- Look.
- Just a couple hundred bucks more.
Then I can get myself a new car.
Okay, I'll see what I can do.
- You won't regret it.
- lgnore it.
- I gotta make sure there's no problem.
There won't be a problem.
- I gotta take this.
- Don't.
It's her.
I thought you said
your marriage was over.
Yeah, well, I've still got
a daughter with her.
- Hi.
Are you back?
Yeah, late flight.
You kind of forgot to call.
Did l?
- Yeah, you said you would.
I'm sorry.
It's been one of those days.
You're with her, aren't you?
I understand. It's okay.
I mean, I'm the one who said
you should move on so...
Look, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Taylor's school play
is tomorrow.
I just wanted
to remind you, okay?
I shouldn't have called.
It's too awkward.
What did I expect, right?
I'll see you tomorrow.
Have a good night.
Yeah, you too.
- Yeah.
- lcarus, it's Serge.
- Yeah?
There's a property
in Hong Kong, needs a - an appraisal.
- Can it wait?
- No.
- Blueprints?
- At the office.
- Oh, and, lcarus.
- It's a foreclosure.
A foreclosure.
The KGB will call it
a blyadstvo.
Areal bad situation.
Limited details,
limited specs, short window.
A rush job,
a suicide gig.
No one cares if I walk out,
so long as the mark doesn't.
But I always walk out.
Whoever you are
You're everywhere
Whoever you are
You're everywhere...
- Don't do it.
The problem with you Russians
is that you think you're immune.
Fuck you!
Tell me who you're looking for.
Who are you?
Your executioner.
What's your name?
Then I guess today's
your lucky day.
- Nice car.
- Good trip?
- Not bad.
- Was it boring?
- It had its moments.
Miss me?
- What?
- Shit!
You're back.
Got anything for me?
Look, before you say anything
Where is he?
Serge isn't here.
That's not the way the deal goes.
That is between you and him.
You leave me out of this.
How do you get
in contact with him?
I don't. He gets in contact
with me and you know that.
Don't fuck me, Kim.
Why would I do that?
Look, I haven't heard from him
since you saw him.
I have as much to do with him
as I do with you.
He comes in here unannounced
and then he leaves - vanishes.
I don't even know his
If you see Serge,
you tell him I'm not happy.
Believe me, I will.
In the KGB,
not getting paid your dues
meant something.
It was a message.
Good morning, Edward.
Welcome back.
Jeff wants to see you
when you finish your first meeting.
What meeting, Janet?
He's already in your office.
- A... Mr. Graham.
Hi, Mr. Graham.
Hello, Edward.
I'm sorry.
My secretary didn't tell me.
We must have had our wires crossed.
How do you do?
I'm good.
Actually, I wanted to talk with you.
Oh. Can I get you anything?
No, I'm fine.
If I have more than two coffees
in one day, I'm buzzing all morning.
You must feel as if you're
on top of the world up here.
Yeah, when it's not raining.
Are you from Vancouver?
I'm really not
from anywhere anymore.
You must feel the same thing,
the way you travel for work.
I travel a little, yes.
The nomadic life of the salesman.
- "Which time zone am I in today?"
So I'm trying
to remember where we met.
It was at the conference
last year in New York.
You and Jeff were pushing
some West African properties.
At the time, I was uninterested,
but now I think my company and l
could do something,
if that's still the case.
I'm sorry. We sold those
properties six months ago.
- Six months?
- Yeah.
Well, that is my bad luck.
I can offer you some other investment
opportunities in China or Australia,
- get your portfolio
- Do you have anything in Hong Kong?
No. Mainland China.
Well, that's not going to work
for my business model,
but thank you.
Do you have a card, Mr. Graham?
Of course.
A pleasure to meet you.
But we did meet before?
Yes, we did.
I told him you weren't happy.
I don't like to be fucked around.
Before you say anything else,
I understand.
Wire transfer delay.
My mistake.
Hey, look, you want to count it?
That's not good business.
Believe me, I know.
I work for the man, just like you.
You think in 10 years, you've got
to give the system a little leeway.
One delay.
I didn't hear from my people,
hence you didn't hear from me.
Easy math.
You know I quit.
No one ever really quits, my friend.
So did you have
any problems in Hong Kong?
Hmm? Nothing out of the ordinary?
You gave me a target.
I took the target.
Job completed.
End of story.
And you took care of everyone?
When do I not?
Hey, I don't mean
to insult you, okay?
Come on...
Look, hey,
I have another assignment for you.
You leave tonight.
- What's the matter?
- I just got back.
Then don't unpack your bags.
What if I say no this time?
What are you fucking telling me?
I'm not telling you anything.
Payment won't be delayed.
I promise you that.
You promised me
I'd always be paid
on time.
I don't know
what crazy fucking ass ideas
are going through your head,
but we both know
if you walk, it won't be good...
-...for either of us.
Thinking for yourself
gets you in trouble.
Hey, it's a red-eye flight.
Have you back in time
for Sunday dinner.
Does that give you enough time
to settle things on your end?
Do you have anything
in Hong Kong?
And you took care of everyone?
Who are you?
Delayed payments.
Something's wrong.
It's time for me
to start getting some answers.
What time are we supposed to be
finished at the north end? Do you know?
Serge is a nobody.
He follows orders
just like me.
I need a source,
someone I can trust.
Quite an empire
you're creating here, Kerr.
A bit of this, a bit of that
makes me look legit.
- You never look legit.
I fool some people.
Come here.
So what do you need?
- Someone in Miami.
- Done.
- Gear?
- Dragunov.
What about an M170?
Too much recoil.
.50 cal.
Go through a brick wall.
- My target isn't a brick wall.
A man who knows what he wants.
I need it for pickup in Miami
tomorrow morning.
No problem.
Here, call this number,
ask for Constantine.
He'll set you up.
One more thing
can you run a check on this guy?
He said his name was Mr. Graham.
I think he's full of shit.
Everyone in investments
is full of shit.
They're fucking up the world.
He was asking
too many questions.
I didn't like what he was implying.
Which was what?
That he knew who I was.
Yeah, I'll run it by some
old friends at the agency.
I'll see what I can do.
Now I don't understand
why you don't just quit your day job
and face the facts.
You are what you are.
There's no escaping it.
One day.
Hmm. Dream a little dream, huh?
Don't stand too close,
Mr. Family Man.
Remember what the myth
says about lcarus.
Hi, honey.
Hi, Taylor.
How about a hug?
I love you, Mommy.
- Go on in.
What did I do now?
You missed her school play.
Well, I've been traveling a lot lately,
you know.
Yeah, that was the problem
all the excuses.
So, um... she staying?
She's supposed to.
This was my weekend to go away.
Or did you forget that, too?
No no, l
I didn't forget.
Golfing, right?
- With that new guy?
- Yeah, that weekend.
- So is he in the car?
- No.
Does he know about me?
Of course he does.
do you like him?
Do you like April?
She's okay.
I gotta go.
This is the place
where we're staying.
The number
for the nanny is on the bottom
in case you run into any problems.
I'll call and check in later, okay?
Don't worry.
We'll have a good time.
And don't spoil her with treats.
Make sure she eats
lots of vegetables.
You're looking good, Joey.
You look tired.
April's gonna make you
pancakes for breakfast
and I'll be home for dinner.
I know you're mad at me.
I'm mad at myself.
I shouldn't have missed
your school play.
I'm sorry.
Mom said you were real good.
I bet you were
the best tree on stage.
I was the only tree.
You wanna show me what you did?
I don't like it here.
I want to go back
to your house.
I'm sorry.
It's only for one night.
You've gotta be nice
to April while I'm gone.
She'll never replace Mom,
but you gotta do what she says.
I don't want you to go.
I've gotta work.
I'll come back real soon.
Mommy says you work too much
and that's why we don't live with you.
Well, she's probably right.
Are you ever gonna stop working
and come home, Daddy?
- It's not up to me.
Okay, good night.
In the last two weeks,
I've seen you twice.
Now I'm stuck looking
after some kid that's not mine
while you get to jet off to Miami.
It's not fair.
I'll make it up to you.
That's all I ever hear from you.
- I will.
I'm sorry.
Hold on.
Taylor made you this.
Have a good trip, Eddie.
You can only tell
the same lie so many times
before it gets stale.
April sensed it was false.
Women have a sixth sense
about the truth.
I was just in another relationship
that was drying up.
History has a way
of repeating itself,
no matter how many times
I try to prevent it.
Hi, it's me.
Hey, how was your trip?
Fine. Is Taylor okay?
Yeah, she's great.
She just went to bed.
Did she act funny?
She was difficult at dinner,
wasn't she?
Well, maybe a little.
You have to spend
more time with her, okay?
- I know.
Where are you?
I'm just - just getting
some stuff for breakfast.
Where's Taylor?
She's with April.
I gotta go, so
I just wanted to make sure
that Taylor was okay. Bye.
Who sent you? Tell me!
- Get out of the apartment.
- What are you talking about?
- Open the door! Police!
-You have to listen to me.
- What's going on?
- Why are the police here?
- Listen, grab Taylor
- and get out of the apartment.
- Why?
No! No!
No! No!
Manuela, Manuela!
- Mr. Genn.
- Where is she?
- Oh, sleeping.
- All right.
April said that you wanted me
to take care of her.
I love you, Daddy.
I love you, too.
Gonna go on a big adventure, okay?
- What happened to your face?
- I fell down.
Get your coat and shoes.
Right now. Go.
- Come on.
Wait here.
- Come on, quickly.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Come on.
- Daddy!
- Let's go.
Where are we going?
- Are you okay, Taylor?
- Yeah, but I'm scared.
- Manuela.
- What's happening, Mr. Genn?
- No, I can't, Mr. Genn.
- We don't have time. Let's go.
- Maybe - maybe - maybe I hide.
- Get inside.
- Dad, what are you doing?
Dad, what are you doing?
- I forgot my keys.
- But this isn't our car.
I just bought it.
Put your seat belt on.
One bad decision, one bad choice.
That's all it takes
to go from being the hit man...
to being the hit.
Excuse us.
Jesus, Eddie, what happened?
I need to go underground.
Someone has
a contract out on me.
They tried to kill my family.
- Where's Joey?
- Out of town.
Taylor's outside with me.
Your girlfriend?
Oh fuck.
This could affect both of us.
My cover is blown.
I need your help.
I'll get Taylor to the farm,
try and work
some business from my end.
- Lou.
- I need transport and a phone.
Done, okay.
Look, I'm going to get Mommy,
okay, sweetie?
This nice lady's
gonna take you to her farm.
- I don't wanna go.
- I know, honey. I'm sorry.
I'll be there with Mommy soon.
Daddy, please don't let me go.
I never will.
You gotta do me a favor, okay?
You go with Manuela.
I'll go get Mom.
We can all be together, okay?
Yeah, I promise
you're gonna like it.
Miss Kerr, she's got a big farm
with a barn
and lots of animals.
I'm going to get Mommy
and bring her to you, right?
But you gotta be a good girl
and do what Manuela says.
Can you do that?
Yeah, hmm?
- Yeah.
- Okay, Manuela.
You sit tight,
and I'll be there very soon.
- My friend will take care of you.
- Si, Seor Genn.
- Okay?
- Don't worry, Taylor.
- I'll take care of you.
- I love you very much, okay?
- Yeah?
- I love you, Daddy.
Be extra nice to her.
She'll be safe.
She'd better.
- There you go.
- How about you guys? Two more?
- Yeah yeah.
- Fuck!
-The bar's closed.
He's right. Bar's closed.
Get out. Out out out! Get out!
You heard her.
Who set me up?
I don't know what
you're talking about. I swear.
Hey, what's all this about setting
- The job was bogus.
- Nyet. Nyet. That's impossible!
It came through the proper channels.
I did nothing wrong.
Who issued the order?
Give me a name and a number.
- Who issued the order?
- You know I can't give you that.
His name is Turk. Turk!
His name and number are
in my jacket.
You didn't get it from me, okay?
You two only meet when there's a job.
How come you're here?
- I got the call.
- What, you didn't ask for me?
- Joey, I gotta talk to you.
- Get up!
- That sounds like your ex-husband.
Oh my God. What happened?
- Where's Taylor?
- You're bleeding
- Don't worry about it.
What happened?
Where's Taylor?
You have a gun.
You know what?
I'm just gonna - I'm gonna call
- Don't.
- Whoa.
- Put that down.
- All right, all right.
- Where's Taylor? What happened?
- I've gotta get you two out of here.
I'm not going anywhere with you
until you tell me where Taylor is.
- She's safe.
- "Safe"?
- What happened?
- I can't talk about it.
I'm not going with you
until you tell me where she is.
Well, like I said, she's safe.
I'm gonna make sure you're safe, too.
Look, man, if you're in trouble,
I'm a lawyer. I know people.
- You know nothing. Get back there.
- Okay, all right.
Eddie, what have you done?
I'll tell you later.
I'll explain later. Come on.
- You too. Go. Go. Come on.
- That's not answer!
- I think we can deal with this.
Shh shh.
You can't just do things
like this, Eddie.
Get down.
It's the police.
- Help!
- Joey!
My ex-husband's gone crazy.
He tried to attack
Put your hands in the air.
- Where is he?
- Upstairs.
Hey, guys,
just leave her alone, all right?
We don't want any trouble.
Where is Edward?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Look, I'm her ex-husband, okay?
- She's talking about me.
- What are you doing?
I hate liars.
Now are you going to tell us
where your husband is?
It's okay. Come on.
Come on, let's go.
I can't.
Just keep going.
Are you okay?
Eddie, can you hear me?
Just drive.
Where's Taylor?
Are you doing something illegal?
Where are we?
Some motel
in the middle of nowhere.
Answerme Eddie!
Dave is dead,
and you almost got me killed.
I need to know everything.
it's just
I'll fix it.
Fuck you, Eddie.
Come on.
This is all you know, isn't it?
Put the gun down, Joey.
Who are you?
Who are you really?
- Look, you have to trust me.
- I have trusted you
and now you're endangering our lives!
You can't just pass me off
with some bullshit answer!
I need to know
that our daughter is safe.
I need to know that this is
going to be okay.
- Joey, just lower the gun.
- Don't tell me what to do.
- Joey! Joey!
- I'll shoot.
Fuck you!
What the fuck is going on?!
I could have driven
to the nearest police station
and I didn't!
I drove here instead!
You owe me the truth.
I Just wanna know the truth.
- It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, baby.
- What is the truth?
- It's okay. It's okay.
Where is she?
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything.
It's okay.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
My real name is Evgeny.
You have a real name?
Evgeny what?
Why did you change your name?
I used to work for the KGB.
When the Soviet Union fell...
we all became wrapped up
in the mess afterwards.
I quit.
I came here.
Do you work for the Russian mob?
What did you do for them?
Anything they wanted.
Did you kill people?
Did you kill people?
I had no choice.
They found me.
They made it clear that they could
do anything they wanted to me
and my family.
That's why I left you.
You endangered our daughter.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Is Taylor a hostage?
She's safe.
She's with a friend.
Hey, Kerr, it's me.
Yeah, put Taylor on the line.
Hi, honey.
Are you okay?
I love you, too.
I'm done lying.
From here on out,
I'll tell her everything.
Now we're in this together.
Are you sure
you wanna do this?
I'm not losing you again.
- The safety off.
- Okay.
- Ready to fire.
So what do you do
when you find him?
Finish things.
What if he's waiting?
He won't know what hit him.
the most dangerous thing
to ask for.
The most dangerous thing to give up.
Someone wanted it from Turk.
They pulled his spleen out to get it.
Someone's squeezing
the middle, cleaning house.
This is gonna get worse
before it gets better.
Daddy! Oh!
- Mommy!
- Honey.
- Hey.
- Hi, Daddy.
You okay?
Everything will be fine. Don't worry.
- I'm gonna speak to Kerr.
We live in a universe
of shit, my friend.
- You hungry, Mr. Genn? Coffee?
- No, thanks.
Yeah, please.
The man who hired me is dead.
The man
who hired him is dead.
His name was Turk.
You know him?
You find out anything
about this Graham guy,
Iike who he works for?
I wish I knew.
He doesn't exist.
Your daughter's a good kid.
I just want this to be over with.
So do l.
You know this is bigger
than the both of us, right?
How many guys you got?
I'm listening.
Excuse me.
I need a number.
Mr. Genn! No! No!
Daddy, Mommy!
Stay there. Stay there!
Get back inside!
Come here.
- Come on.
Come on, let's go.
- Take her.
- Taylor!
It's okay.
It's okay.
To the back.
There's a way out.
- Daddy!
- Daddy!
- Put her down.
- Don't move, Joey.
Tough break for you.
You sold me out.
I thought we were more than that.
Well, friendships only last
as long as you need.
You and I are just cogs, Eddie.
We have no choice.
They want the lot of you gone.
I'm not gonna question them.
- Who's they?
- Since when do we get the details?
Just the orders.
You let her go...
and I'll complete the transaction.
- No!
- Freeze! On the ground!
- Run, Taylor!
- Run, Eddie!
Go go go go go! Now!
-Hurry up!
- Mommy!
- Taylor!
Mr. Graham.
I was wondering
when I would see you again.
Life has a way
of running in circles.
Where's my wife
and daughter?
For the moment, safe.
This file is all about a KGB agent
who became an assassin
for the Russian mob.
Are you guys ClA?
How long have you been onto me?
Not long enough, Eddie.
Or should I call you lcarus?
Or do you prefer Evgeny?
- I'm Eddie now.
- Of course you are.
Well, Eddie.
Do you know this man?
I'm sure you recognize
your old comrade,
the one who brought you
into the mob.
The choice is kill my friend
I haven't seen him in years.
Well, that's no surprise.
Most people never get
to see Vadim Varselov.
When you came to America,
you both went your separate ways.
Vadim worked his way
up the Russian crime syndicate
and you ended up working
for the competition.
But Vadim wanted
the Hong Kong business.
Soon that started a war.
Now you're the only one left.
You can't keep me here.
Actually, we can do
whatever we want.
You see, you don't exist,
so what government is
going to complain?
What about my family?
They have a chance. You don't.
Vadim is a nasty piece of business.
I'm not gonna do your dirty work.
Well, then I can erase
you and your family right here.
The end of your file
will simply state
that you never made it
off the farm.
How have they treated you?
Okay, I guess.
I mean, I didn't know what to expect.
Are you hurt?
So what's going to happen?
Who are they?
There's one last thing
I have to do before we're safe.
What did they say?
They'll help us
if I do something for them.
No, they're lying. Don't go!
I have to.
They're using you.
Even if I don't come back,
they'll take care of the two of you.
You'd better come back.
It's time. Let's go.
Of course they're using me.
No different than the mob...
Here you go. Thanks.
...and KGB before them.
Anewcontract's beentaken out
and this time it's an old friend.
I made a choice.
Vadim escaped his fate
and I sealed mine.
That's the funny thing about fate.
If you don't follow,
it will drag you
where it wants to go.
A foreclosure.
A blyadstvo.
Areal bad situation.
No one cares if I walk out,
so long as the mark doesn't.
Tell Vadim
Icarus is back.
Icarus! My God!
- lcarus!
Oh, so long.
Come. Please.
Best champagne.
Only 40 bottles
in the world.
I have 20.
Life is interesting,
don't you think?
I quit.
It's good to see you.
Bring back memories.
I agree.
You look good.
You look... strong.
What kind of work
have you been doing?
Survival. Hmm.
You married?
- Was.
- Was. Hmm.
how many children
do you have?
I want to guess.
You have
one children, yes?
Maybe you have...
Abeautiful girl.
You name her Taylor.
You can't fly
that close to the sun
and not have your wings melt,
I saved your life.
Yes, and I will take yours.
It wasn't my intention to cross you.
But you did!
You should have stayed
with me when I bring you to America!
Take him away.
So where are you gonna kill me?
- The desert's a good place.
You can kill a lot of men
in the desert.
Can you get a message to Vadim?
What is it?
Sir, lcarus.
Find out what's going on.
Go! Go!
Go go go go.
Hold it.
Look around you.
You can't win.
You drop your gun.
Drop your gun!
I'll take that cigar now...
if you don't mind.
I saved your life.
- lcarus!
Is he dead?
Then this is your lucky day.
Mr. Graham sends his regards.
What does this say?
Hey, who's this guy?
Taylor, go to your room.
Do I have to?
Not again.
Not this time. Go pack a bag.