Killing of America, The (1982) Movie Script

Everything you see in this film is real,
none of this is dramatized.
An archer shoots
to drivers of cars.
Drop the gun.
Drop the gun.
20-16 we can do something
for those out there.
The killing of America.
Unit RE heard shots,
the suspect has a gun.
Possible gang.
Well, okay, guys.
Ok, we are enlightened.
Units in the southwest.
Notification to units in the southwest.
Occur 2-11.
In 183 Street 24.
The suspect used
double-barreled shotgun.
Each unit to the southwest.
Try to identify woman
with a gun on 209 west.
103, the weapon is an automatic rifle
of stainless steel.
Take precautions.
Who has the gun?
If you do not quickly go home,
I'll blow your head off.
There is shot.
All major units to 2.
My leg. - Relax.
Can you move your foot?
There are two wounds
above the heart.
Puncture wounds.
It does not hurt.
If no complaint is
I can do nothing.
Catch him and ensure that
that bastard can not do it again.
Oh god.
Oh god, I know.
But no, no, my God.
5 years ago ...
We had five hundred thousand ...
cases of murder.
It is possible that this year in our
district, the figure of 2500 exceeds.
That's almost twice as many cases.
Here is a version of a
current semi-automatic rifle, 22.
Can be purchased at a hardware merchant.
Or in a department store,
and trite.
Go to Sequoia 203, there is
a shooting.
We are in code 3.
There was a shooting
in the northeast of Sequoia.
Let me go, let me go.
Street-Unit, a hysterical woman,
4-15 a man with a gun.
America is the only
industrialized country ...
... Where many murders were committed,
as some countries in civil war.
For example, Cambodia and Nicaragua.
There is a murder every three minutes.
And a victim of murder
every 20 minutes.
Under Japan, Britain, East Germany ...
With a total population equivalent
to that of North America ...
there are 6,000 murders a year.
In the U.S. 27,000.
For eight decades of this century,
committed in the U.S. ...
... More than a million murders.
This figure is higher than that of all the countries
in all its wars.
Corpses and more corpses.
Every day.
Throughout the year.
Weapons and more weapons.
Now only you.
Nowhere seems safe.
Even on the street.
Nobody feels safe.
Not even the President.
President Reagan greeted
the crowd ...
... And is shot in the left lung.
A secret service agent
is slain by a bullet in the stomach.
This is the weapon.
The shooter was arrested.
John Warnock Hinckley 25.
The son of a prominent businessman.
How do you feel?
- Okay.
What you gonna do when you get home,
Mr. President?
- What you gonna do when you get home?
But the U.S. President,
was almost dead.
But this was not always so.
25 years ago ...
The great American dream
was almost reality ...
Big cars, big houses ...
... Everything big.
While not everyone
shared in the dream.
It may seem impossible,
but now lives there together:
America the major
America and the violent.
If there is no
legal solution ...
.. Solutions must be
sought in the streets.
With demonstrations, strikes
and protests ...
... Lead to tensions, to
violence and threaten lives.
We are faced with
a moral crisis of the nation and people.
The turning point was
on November 22, 1963 ...
That day, the American dream of freedom,
the American nightmare of murder.
President John Kennedy.
Symbol of his young and beautiful country.
His smile expresses confidence,
that the U.S. can do anything.
Even going to the moon.
Jacqueline Kennedy, who made his first
appearance in the public do ...
... after the tragic
death of her newborn son.
President Kennedy lands in
Dallas at 11:40 you
Greets the crowd
that is waiting.
They leave the airport at 11:52 you
The car ride street after street full
with a huge cheering crowd ...
.. while he waves his hand.
And then approaching the heart of Dallas.
After 12 to 29, is the limousine,
close to the building.
Passes under the window
of his murderer.
And it reduces speed
up to 20 miles per hour ...
In order to make this bend,
the Daily Plaza.
The limousine
moves to Elm Street ...
.. and in a few seconds,
reaches the shopping.
We came from the motorway and all
streets are plagued by ...
.... a huge crowd, which
the President was enthusiastic.
It seems ... that something is
happens in the Presidential procession.
I see many people walking
the hill, next to Elm Street ...
waiting beside the highway.
A moment, please.
Parkland Hospital is alarmed.
They warn Parkland hospital
to be a gunshot wound. prepared
Again, there are shots
against the Presidential procession in the southern zone.
The President's Car
me now just past.
Now they increase the speed, there are agents
of the secret service in the car.
They are armed with guns, it is
assumed that something happens.
Attention, attention, I'm in the air.
We are ...
The caravan has gone through this.
And the site seems ...
.. the presidential car, if indeed ...
I can see the pink dress ...
Mrs Kennedy.
A secret agent,
lies on the hood of the car.
They go to the parkland hospital,
victims in the car can be several.
A large number of police cars at the entrance.
One of them says:
no, you can not pass.
They can not pass, not here
and no one can.
But it was definitely
Presidential car.
The only thing that we can identify
the color of the dress from the first lady.
We report that Governor Coneally
was hit in the left chest hurt.
Unconfirmed reports indicate that
the President was shot in the head.
President Kennedy has a
received blood transfusion ...
because he and Governor Coneally
wounded by a bullet.
At the moment we have a live report
from Parkland Hospital.
The U.S. President is dead.
President Kennedy was assassinated.
The official news is that the president is dead.
And remain faithful.
And remain faithful.
of the United States of America.
- Of the United States of America.
The young widow leads the delegation despite
her pain with great determination and dignity.
She tells her 2-year-old son
his father with a salute to say goodbye.
Presidents and Kings ...
.. do the same.
2 hours after the murder
Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, was arrested.
In this cinema,
with a gun.
And was brought to this building,
the Dallas police station.
The rifle was found next
is the window where he shot.
2 days later, when Oswald in a
parked car lead in the basement ...
a jump shooter break
the crowd of reporters.
He was shot, was shot.
Someone fired
against Lee Oswald.
The shooter is Jack Ruby.
Owner of a nightclub.
In 1964, the Warren Commission came to the
conclusion that there was only one killer,
Who has shot 3 times
from behind the President.
In 1979, the Parliamentary Committee
determined that the two killers were.
And he was shot four times
either front and rear ...
... the President.
This film is the best proof.
What was the origin of
the fatal shot?
Government experts
say in audio technology,
that a second killer,
has fired a shot from behind the fence.
The controversy is
still working until today.
We want our freedom.
We like it here,
and we want it now!
Martin Luther King, tried
to cure the disease. racial hatred
And received the Nobel Prize
for encouraging violent people ...
.. to stop the violence, but
the response was the increase in violence.
Shortly after taking this picture,
On April 4, 1968 ...
Dr. ... was. Killed King.
On the balcony of the motel
in Memphis by James Earl Ray.
Escaped from prison.
In 1979, a government research
inferred that he was paid to do that.
The perpetrators were two whites
who hated blacks.
The assassination of Martin Luther King,
escalated riots in 125 cities.
The police had sought help from
45,000 soldiers.
The government moisture
a war against his own people.
Then a new line of battle.
Due to the hatred of the Vietnam War.
We want protection of the
employees and students.
Arsonists shoot down
and against anyone with a ...
... Molotov cocktail in Chicago.
University of Kent
May 4, 1970.
I will represent the city more
Everyone has ever done ...
Because yes, the man
works for a living,
He pays his taxes and
is constantly ignored ...
.. except the day of the elections.
Ladies and gentlemen, the future
U.S. president.
The Honorable George Wallace.
George Wallace had a big
chance to beat Richard Nixon
.. In the primaries in Maryland.
May 15, 1972.
This is the man who shot.
Arthur Bremer, 22.
An outcast from Milwaukee.
Four times wounded.
Wallace survives.
But is in a wheelchair
for the rest of his life.
Now there is no
chance of being elected.
Before the Wallace campaign followed ...
Bremer had ... Nixon followed.
Unbelievable ...
... The results of the election to be
decided by presidential assassins.
Robert Kennedy came to
for young and old.
Black and white.
Students and employees.
He tried to call a stop
for the violence that had begun ...
.. with the death of his brother.
But during a speech
in this Los Angeles ...
... A killer stalking him.
I thought he was a prince, a
direct descendant and heir ...
... President Kennedy.
I wanted him to win.
When I saw him. It was
very exciting for me.
I saw him that night at the Ambassador Hotel,
I thought I saw a saint.
Thank you, thank you very much everyone.
I'm going to Chicago to try to win there.
It is June 4, 1968.
He has the first round
beating California.
After his speech,
he leaves the crowd.
Then he comes to a door
overlooking the kitchen, where a ...
Palestinian fanatic waiting for him ...
with a gun.
He received three bullets in the back.
Plus a shot
behind the ear.
Although he lost a lot of blood
: he asks
Is everyone all right?
The killer Sirhan Sirhan.
An employee at the horse racing
in Los Angeles.
Every morning when I wake up
I hope it's been alive.
I would not be here.
Is there a doctor, a doctor?
Can he come here soon, please.
Finally an ambulance arrived.
But Robert Kennedy died in hospital.
I wanted coffee.
That's what I was looking for
and wild.
And I liked it.
You found it in the kitchen?
Where I do not know,
I can not remember.
I can not remember. Only
that there was a beaker ...
- Exactly.
And a girl too.
I can not remember
what happened next.
You do not remember anything?
- I do not remember everything.
You remember anything?
There was a lot of commotion.
I can not remember.
On May 18 last year,
you wrote in your room ...
Letters. Letters of a maniac.
- Letters of Sirhan Sirhan.
Yes, but now I write
the letters were not, I swear.
I'm not perfect.
But I'm not crazy.
If you had 3 wishes.
What would they be?
The first was ...
... that Senator Kennedy lived.
I hope every day.
The second ...
.. Let there be peace
in the Middle East.
That's all.
Robert Kennedy was assassinated as his brother,
slain by the bullets of an assassin.
The killings in North America.
A few weeks after the
assassination of President Kennedy ...
The murder rate had ...
an upward curve.
Tripled in just 10 years.
He continued
until today.
There appeared a new
kind of killer.
Not looking for money or sex or revenge.
It was a new kind of murder.
The senseless murder
random strangers.
The first major incident
a gunman took place in 1966 ...
In this quiet
University of Texas campus.
The shooter was a student
and fired from this tower.
Where you throughout the city
Austin can see.
Charles Whitman, age 25 years.
Former Marine and an expert marksman.
Like most of the snipers ...
.. were white, middle class, good
students and had never committed a crime.
One morning he went
to the top floor.
With lots of food
and ammunition.
And all these weapons.
Whitman barriceerde the door ...
And used a pulley to all
get ... his material on the roof
and then on the side
to explain ... of the roof
And began randomly ...
shoot on people.
The first victims were
students around campus.
Who were talking
or went to school.
Whitman took aim when
towards town.
Random pedestrian
on the street ...
Even a man
in a salon.
This is an emergency warning
Far away from the university.
There is a lot of traffic in the area.
They shot a child on a
bicycle and is seriously injured.
A policeman is shot.
Students try friends
to rescue injured.
But some were already dead.
In the afternoon, 16 people
were already dead ...
.. and more than 30 seriously injured.
Finally reached three agents
the top of the tower.
The sniper was in this position.
The police came
along the back.
He turned this way ...
Police fired on his chest,
at this place with six bullets.
A second shot with a shotgun
hit him here.
The sniper was here.
In this area here.
The police discovered that the
day before ...
Whitman went to this apartment
where he killed his mother with a knife.
Then he went home and wrote ...
"I just killed my mother.
If there is a heaven,
she is there.
If no,
then she's out of her misery. "
Then he went to his bedroom
and killed his wife ...
... who was sleeping in bed.
But did not die with her,
but first shot down 50 strangers.
In 5 years.
the snipers are part of
been American life.
They were usually good students.
With a future.
Often in high school.
What happened is a lesson
all of us.
The lesson to be learned, now
Is something that we need.
The law is voted
in Congress ...
.. that will ensure
to discourage people ...
.. to buy firearms.
The new law prevents only just
children do not buy weapons through the mail.
Violence, made the sale of weaponry
was quadrupled in the last 10 years.
In 1970 ..
... Increased the number of private gun owners
in America, to 100 million.
Japan, England and East Germany
together is less than one million.
Americans now have more
weapons than the police and the army together.
More than 100 million firearms in
only 60 million families.
Two guns per family.
September 1980.
A security camera records
two young men who shop steps.
One of them asks for a pack of cigarettes.
His accomplice pulls a gun
and asks for money.
The clerk agreed, but before
he opened the cash register ...
commanded the first
no reason to shoot the other.
The Registrar shall be slain, while the
wounded colleague called the police.
A pack of Marlboro.
Here's your package.
This is a robbery, you hear.
Give me all the money.
Fast, not slow.
Do not dawdle.
- Shoot.
Oh my god.
Theft, robbery,
they fired at us.
I'm hurt, I need help.
A doctor quickly.
Murders like this
do not happen every day.
Robert Smith, 18, was an excellent
student at the University of Arizona
One morning in November 1966.
Two loaded pistols, got this
Beauty inside ...
And forced five women and two children
to lie down on the ground.
One of the women protected
her baby with her body.
While another said he
could go better.
Every moment will be here
40 children come.
Robert said:
Sorry, I do not have enough bullets.
Then shot Robert Smith
every two times in the head.
And waited until the police arrived.
When they asked him why
he had done? He replied:
I want to be famous.
I wanted to be a celebrity.
Brenda Spencer was an excellent
student of high school in San Diego.
On a Monday morning in 1979, she went from
her bedroom window with this rifle.
She got for her birthday
when she was 16.
They started shooting at children
went to school across the street.
They killed the director and concierge ...
when they tried
Bring. 11 children in safety
I was injured, said Mr. ... Crystal.
Then he said:
"Get down, run"
I was injured, I
began to bleed.
And lay still.
5 hours later, Brenda Spencer surrendered
quietly over to the police.
When she was asked who she
wanted to shoot, she said ..
I love
red and blue jackets.
When she asked why,
she said ...
Because Mondays always
terribly boring.
Many young people lose today
a purpose in life ...
and their ...
human values ??...
.. they are so extremely weak that ...
.. the death, that is to say,
aggression to themselves ...
.. is readily converted into
aggression towards others.
In 1974 Anthony Barbera said:
Tell my mother that I
goals'm shooting.
Instead of that, he put
a school in New York on fire.
From the roof he shot a number of
passers-by in the street.
Then he hanged himself.
January 1973.
3 black gunmen strike
fire in this hotel ...
... in a town in New Orleans.
and kill the guests in their rooms.
Including a doctor
on honeymoon.
Other guests took refuge on the balcony
fleeing the flames and bullets.
A black cleaning lady was told ...
Do not worry,
we only kill whites.
Then investigated the snipers
refuge on the roof ...
.. and shots on the fire.
The chief of police was
slain in the initial attack.
2 snipers were from
a helicopter slain overnight.
I think you have it,
he's dead.
However, the leader is still
on the roof to shoot.
It was Robert Essex, age 23,
on leave from the Navy.
Lived in this section, under
propaganda against whites.
Police forces are on the roof ...
... And are ready for the final assault
the bunker.
all gunmen dead.
But after they had fired
on police, fire ...
.. Hotel staff and guests.
Like most shooters they had no
attempt is made to escape ...
... they were intended as suicide.
The most bizarre killers,
rescuers are insane.
With their insane belief
with blood to redeem salvation.
Sirhan wanted to save the Palestinians.
Mark Essex wanted the world
save whites.
Manson said the world
rescue of blacks.
The Manson family was a
family of murderers.
Which drew public attention to
new levels of cruelty and depravity.
Charles Manson, 36 years old.
Randomly choosing a house,
and tie the family at gunpoint.
Then ordered his
followers to go inside ...
.. and to commit murder. ritual
I want to ride a horse.
I want to ride a horse.
They disrupt everything.
I did nothing wrong, I'm evil.
Open them.
- I'm not against you.
Are you bitter?
- Bitter? No, no.
Other questions?
- Are you guilty of murder?
Are you guilty of a murder plan?
- A chicken I once slain.
A human being?
- No, no.
Are you absolutely innocent
in any crime ...
.. of doing or planning
of a crime?
I am guilty for the Indians.
Herbert Muller, age 25 years.
killed 13 strangers in 1973.
Because God had said California
saving of earthquakes.
John Frazier, age 24 years.
Killed a whole family in a mission
of God to stop the pollution.
He chose this large mansion ...
Because it was built on this side of the hill,
and belonged to Dr. Victor Ota.
Renowned ophthalmologist and humanitarian.
Frazier said:
"Third World ..
Destroy the environment,
receives the death penalty "
When he was arrested, he had
the left side of his head shaved.
Hair, mustache, eyebrows.
David Berkowitz, 24 years old
called himself the Son of Sam.
Believed that the barking dog
his neighbor was the voice of the devil.
Who ordered him to purify the world.
During the year 1977,
New York City ..
he murdered loved ones ...
in parked cars.
When he was arrested he said.
People see me laugh ...
And they think I'm happy
because I have slain them.
But I'm not happy,
It was just my job.
.. And did it.
Reverend Jim Jones.
I do not like to be photographed
be on our ceremonies.
I am against the advice of the Board.
You can shoot anyone,
because I do not care.
I know no fear.
But I do not want
cameras focus on others.
Ask me my question
and I will answer honestly.
And now outside.
In 1977 ..
This crazy savior decided
to save ... the Church of San Francisco
And move to Guyana.
And built this city
the forest, called Jonestown.
This is my thumb I said to the Pastor,
he was cut off.
I said that in the name of our Pastor,
I put it back and healed.
At 3:30 in the morning ..
.. I woke up and had a cramp ...
.. on my chest and stomach.
And I could not breathe.
I could not breathe.
And I called our Pastor.
I thought of him and I healed.
Thank you.
Thank you, Father.
- Thank you father.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you, Father.
Although it was known that
Jim Jones was quite bizarre.
In November 1979 ..
.. testimonies of former members of
Jonestown, went beyond bizarre.
Planning a mass suicide.
My brother and sister
are minors.
Not old enough to decide.
That would be a mass murder to me.
Flour, rice, chickpeas ..
.. And more chickpeas.
Many refrigerators,
all packed.
I'm from the U.S. government
for the welfare of ...
To monitor U.S. citizens
who are here.
Congressman can find no evidence
about the incredible rumors.
Some people in your group
have said ...
People play games,
my friend.
They lie and lie.
What should I do with people who lie?
Are we going to stop?
I beg you to leave us.
We disturb anyone.
Please go here away.
No problem. They come and go.
This is not a game.
A lot of people like to have
advertising. I do not.
If the congressman and reporters
go back to the runway ...
Jim Jones sends his
killers to stop them.
Hidden behind a tractor
and trailer.
The killings continued.
When the insane savior,
people are offered the ultimate salvation.
Organizing a mass suicide
under duress and at gunpoint.
The babies first.
The congressman is deceased.
Take the medicine.
Potassium Cyanide is simple.
Get in before it's too late.
Hurry up, hurry up.
"Love one another."
Die with honor. With dignity.
Finish your life with dignity.
Not with tears and pain.
Death is like going to
another plane.
Go this way not.
Stop this hysteria.
No way to die well.
Dying with dignity.
Finally, Jim Jones committed suicide.
After killing more than 900 Americans.
There is a lot of violence and ...
.. I do not know.
It has come to a point ..
The police, they also have guns.
Beautiful weapons they have.
Just murder people.
Come in, come.
Is there something wrong?
- Everything is fine, do not stay at the door.
Well, ..
- Hey, come on.
Go, now it's too late.
Take your seat.
Fine, come close a little,
closer to each other.
In October 1980, James Hoskins ...
he hijacked this TV station in Cinccinatti ...
after a hostage
a news presenter.
Can I ask a question?
- Sure.
You know ... who is responsible?
All media,
They are the ones who report
do and that is frustrating.
I have a studio near here
and I looked at people in the street ..
.. We fight for 5 cents ..
And I see that the
politicians do not care.
They all say the same thing.
Reagan says the same
Carter says the same thing.
The truth is that we do not
democracy today.
Jim, my tape is low.
I do not think more than one minute.
Are you saying something else?
No, I do not think there is anything
else to say except ...
.. give me a place
I can shoot at the police.
You people can go now.
I have no
better place to shoot.
They come with their weapons,
but people die in the streets.
And I have mine loaded.
I'm ready, as always.
But ... that does not help.
His idealism to severe extremes
just to exacerbate things.
You seem like a good man.
- You have to think.
Tonight I killed my girlfriend.
Nothing is more important to me.
Maybe ..
We had planned to occupy this station ..
.. Is a .. Madness.
But I try to put. Things in a row
I killed her.
"We were going to do things together
and I freaked out by.
She's dead.
You are not the person
so does anything.
You do not want to hurt us ..
I want to do anything. I
wants the police come.
They always hurt people.
So ..., come for me now.
That is not the solution.
It is not the solution, but I
killed my friend, what can I do?
All but
which is what you're proposing.
Well, tell me what I can do?
We can help
We are your friends.
You can not help me, they take me out
and stabbing me in jail.
They put you where they rape you ...
Put that bauble off for what I am about to say.
Waiting for the police, he was
the chair of the presenter.
And shot himself.
In April of 1979.
Richard Townsend,
San Diego psychotherapist.
Was forced under threat
with a firearm to retrieve his money from the bank ...
.. Newman Press Ball.
A Nigerian student who had two years together
lived with the Townsend family.
The police surrounded the white Porsche,
with Townsend behind the wheel ..
.. But the crowds Press Ball
gun to the head.
Road traffic was stopped.
After 2 hours of negotiations,
Press Ball had agreed to surrender.
As it was ordered ...
he threw his jacket, belt and shoes
I see him in the car.
He wears a red belt,
he removed the shoes, two shoes.
He comes!
Press Ball emerges
with a 45.
The hostage was rescued.
The gunman died in the ambulance.
The traffic was resumed.
Richard Hall, was abducted
in his own office
And walked through the streets of Indianapolis.
In 1977.
That's what happens with this nasty loan shark.
A novice agent
pulls his gun.
An older colleague beckons
and puts the gun back.
Go back.
- Damn, what we do with that individual.
This is what I want to look good.
Look what happens to people who play with ..
.. with the money of good citizenship.
No one moves.
I've never
seen many crooks together.
I admire the police.
Yes, I admire them.
They begin to act
if they are smart.
The gunman grabs
police handcuffs.
And a patrol car.
Anthony Corisis, a humble bartender
expressed his anger against Hall ...
... because he refused a loan.
The hostage was handcuffed with a gun
tied with a rope around his neck,
And with the barrel of the gun into his neck.
He walked three days around with reporters.
Listen, I want to understand.
I'll read it.
Number 1: I Anthony Corisis ..
Another cable runs of the tractor
around the neck of the kidnapper.
I want some water.
Give it to me.
Relax, I'm serene.
Six pints in 1976
but this year nothing.
Number 4: restaurant, loan application,
but there are no ...
Sufficient guarantees for the ... ...
.. protect both their interests,
as ours.
I went to borrow the money
Building a restaurant of 3000 m2 ...
.. That would be an average
2 million per year, gross.
And this son of a whore
gave it to another.
What happens, what happens?
- Nothing, nothing happens.
Jim, you know what I told this man?
You know what I said?
That, when this is over
I'm the bogeyman ...
... I read everything that is written.
And I also read some objections I
wrote some time ago, some things ...
.. that happened years ago.
I think I remembered the most.
Is not it Rick?
All the little things too.
It's true.
I hope this is not going away.
I can assure you ...
ladies and gentlemen.
The fact that this person
luck was with me.
I am calm,
I have no nerve in my body.
It's a damn lucky,
any nervous ...
would cover his head long
ago have blown down.
And I swear to God,
I had problems.
Had serious problems.
If you have a gun and decision
someone to abduct,
You can not move out.
I would like all
people thank ...
Who supported me
during these days.
And I also want my brothers Jimmy
and thank George,
Mark and John. And Johnny, I can
not remember his name.
Johnny Ferguson.
Corisis Hall finally let go.
And handed over to the police.
The judge spoke to him
free from the crime.
But he was included in
a psychiatric hospital.
Let me say something.
We live in the greatest country in the world.
But this is what ..
.. undermined the freedoms that
my father and my mother ...
.. search came from Greece here.
And probably all
ancestors, I'm sure.
I may not be a champion,
but would be less than John Wayne better.
I guarantee.
I did nothing.
For three days,
the street was ...
A man and a violent madman
on his back.
Throw the weapon.
Throw the weapon.
San Diego, 1979.
Sam Brown, shot from the sidewalk
on motorists.
You have been warned.
I will not repeat it, throw the weapon.
Neighbors said he came from outer space ...
.. From the Star Trek spaceship Enterprises.
He had a secret message
for the Earthlings.
He died on the way to hospital.
For three long minutes he ignored
the police to his weapon to put down.
He looked in the opposite direction.
And changed his legs position
to use. his firearm
This all takes a lot of pressure on the police.
Judicial systems
American criminals ...
are overcrowded, which allow convicted
murderers to life imprisonment ...
... To plead guilty and
quite quickly released.
Although it is hard to believe that
Sirhan Sirhan released in 1984.
Everyone paid for these shortcomings.
Every two days a policeman paid ...
... With his life.
In two years, three agents were
slain in England.
And 13 in Japan.
In the United States 372.
There are several guys
out there that pay up ...
.. $ 200 per girl,
of 11 years for 6 hours.
Really, $ 200.
I do not understand ...
Tonight we will make money,
some people are very rare.
Some like to see you dance.
- Dancing You see?
Naked in front of them.
You're naked and dancing, you know?
How much can you give?
- Approximately $ 20.
But nude dancing is embarrassing.
I know, very embarrassing.
It is no good music,
but it is music.
And when you're done,
get you some right now.
He tells you all the time,
you can go ...
And when you try to leave, he says:
no, not now and pushes you on the bed.
They're trying to kill you,
they enjoy killing.
It was terrible, I thought she was
to tears and blood ...
.. gushed from the nose and mouth.
This was all bloody.
- What had she done? - She had shot herself.
I saw the bullet hole, and
the gun on the ground.
Her eyes closed and she did ...
Can you imagine? All full of blood.
I could not, took the gun.
... I wanted to kill myself,
hell, you know?
But I opened the door and began to shout:
murder! Call an ambulance!
I wanted to take her hand and
a doctors said do not touch.
It's my mother, I said.
I get my own mother to where I want.
I was desperate to live.
But she died in hospital
the next day.
The people do not realize first
what they find when they arrive.
And ...
.. A lot of crazy things
go through their heads.
But you wonder:
what happened here?
How could this have happened?
Who can do that?
If you ask the man on the street,
it makes no difference.
You never use
an ice pick?
No, sir.
Miss Lane not edited
with a sledgehammer?
Remember when the sledgehammer
was in evidence?
Yes, sir.
I remember it.
Do not use the
- No, sir.
Lawrence Bittaker, had a
IQ of 138.
Dragged boy
college kids in his van ...
And killed them with a coat hanger ...
to strangle. around their neck
When the process was started
put all of his murders on tape.
Part of the audience had
running outside to surrender.
I hit miss with Ledford
pliers against her chest,
And if you listen to the band, then you heard
I'm then I put back in the toolbox.
What did you do to her chest
with pliers?
To see her react
on the cold metal.
The twentieth century is known
as the century of murder.
Sexual killers
appear every 5 years.
But in the early 70s ...
... They appeared every 5 weeks.
In 1971, farm landlord ...
Juan Corona was on the cover to
have slain 25 men ...
.. who worked for him.
In 1979 sexmoorden
had become so common ...
That aerospace engineer Patrick Keener
not made headlines.
While he had been guilty
murder of 21 boys.
John Gacy, 36.
Construction worker, known for its
extraordinary generosity
.. and civic qualities.
Entertained hospitalized
children as a clown.
In 1978, the bodies of 32 children ...
.. were found in the
basement of his home in Chicago.
Gacy had his first victim
away from gay bars.
Then for the next 5 years
he sought among schoolchildren in the area.
A 15-year-old boy was baseball
play and never returned home.
A 16-year-old disappeared when
he was going to ask ... a job
.. at construction Gacy.
17 years, went to complain Gacy
for his pay slip.
Their mutilated bodies were found
under the house of death.
John Gacy was eventually arrested ...
Because he had no more space in the basement
corpse and dumped in the river 33.
Are you guilty of murder?
I'm guilty
have someone killed?
No, of course not.
Unless Dean Corll
is murder.
And I deny.
Wayne Henley.
I'm innocent.
Involved in the killings
in Houston in 1971.
He was only 15 years.
By bringing friends home, for friend
for his father who were twice his age.
What did you do?
Friends wanted in
my house, do their thing.
And then kill.
And I helped bury them.
He would pay.
- He would pay, how much per person?
I do not know.
He once said $ 1,500.
$ 1500 each?
I think so.
Dean Corll, 33.
Electrician and former Marine.
Although he has never paid ...
Wayne continued to bring boys
for two and a half years.
Most of the 27 victims,
lived in the same street as Wayne.
The same school.
And Wayne knew their all his life.
Wayne invited them to take home
Dean, for beer and poker.
Wayne did not participate in
homosexual rape.
But more and more began to work together,
In the slow torture and
sadistic murder of his friends.
In the house of Dean were ...
... The naked victims tied
and held at gunpoint against this panel.
The floor was covered with plastic
in order to absorb the blood.
The stereo was on maximum,
to drown. their cries
The kids were shocked
as Dean undressed ...
And hoped that they were raped only.
But then, pulled Wayne
a hunting knife.
One summer evening in 1973.
Dean Corll, in a flurry, attempted Wayne
to rape and murder ...
the torture panel.
- Mama ...
Who is it?
- I'm Wayne.
Hi dear, tell me.
Mama ...
- Yes?
I killed Dean.
- Wayne?
Mama ...
- Wayne?
Yes, yes.
My God!
Where are you?
Mama, I'm fine, I'm ok!
I'm fine.
- Where are you?
In the store.
- Which store?
In the shop he has.
Wayne, I can go there to see you?
Yes, yes.
- You can not.
I come to you.
Mom, you can not come.
I'm with the police, Mom.
Wayne led police to
the mass grave on the beach.
It needed a bulldozer
to 27 seem to dig.
The first was already
Most were recent signs of
mutilation, torture and castration.
One of the victims was
Disappeared three months after his brother.
Other two brothers
disappeared the same day.
The youngest victim, the son
a shopkeeper, was 9 years old.
It was Wayne's best friend,
in seventh grade, was very popular,
and he made everyone laugh.
David Hilligeist was 13 years.
Wayne's mother and David's mother,
Two women who were very religious.
They were friends for 15 years.
Two boys who grew up together.
Since she started to walk,
they are never separated from each other.
And then came the day that his parents
David asked his brother ...
.. to catch up to the public pool.
That day David disappeared.
Specifically told about this place?
He told me that
David Hilligeist was here.
He said nothing else?
Nothing, except that he had slain him
and buried here.
And what did you do?
He wanted to pay me
bringing people ...
.. and help him do his thing.
And kill.
Well, it broke my heart ...
.. No, it's hard to explain what I
felt at that time
... I was shocked,
that's all.
Ma'am, what is your reaction to
Henley a few streets away?
I'm not bitter, for many years
we were his friends,
.. I'm very sorry for them.
Because despite the pain ...
.. the death of my son,
they deserve my sympathy too.
I'm sure at this time
their situation is much worse,
much harder than ours.
Wayne was very lively,
and behaved well.
Most sadists
like Wayne have ...
... an intelligence level higher than 125.
However, they kill
around the clock.
Over 100 victims in four cases.
As if they intended to continue
the killing of America.
One even said he would like
college kids killed because ...
.. he wanted to take revenge on society
where it hurts most.
Their future and valuable
take members.
Kenneth Bianchi was
referred to as the heuvelwurger.
Because he their victims
dumped in the Hollywood Hills.
The victims were women picked
of the street that he had been kidnapped with his van.
Bianchi had admitted that
his accomplice was his cousin ...
Angelo Buono.
And to begin to live
with myself,
I take responsibility
of what I've done.
You're a whore son.
I did not want to leave.
I killed those
And Angelo it here.
Angelo killed Wagner, huh?
- I've never seen that girl.
And Martin?
This I had not seen
and not the other. also
- No?
I have not seen that girl in my life.
- Robinson?
I wrecked.
Angelo two.
- These two?
Johnson. - I do not know who he is,
I have not seen before.
Angelo killed her?
- I think so.
This is the first time I see her.
I wrecked.
You say you have this girl and it seems they never seen
that our data say that you do have them slain.
I'm too fast? - Yes,
I'm not as smart as you.
Ted Bundy.
The FBI suspects that he is the worst
sexual murderer of America.
Killed more than
40 students in six countries.
In a period of 5 years.
In Seattle he was a law student,
suicide therapist ...
And assistant to the governor.
When he made the official evaluation
State and Criminal Justice,
His friends and teachers thought that the replacement
a day would come for governor.
Police say he women in their sleep
to have killed ...
.. with such fury that he even
the bed frame destroyed.
Then beaten with a
metal bar and raped.
But the police had no evidence
enough for the court.
Bundy never left fingerprints.
And the witnesses did not recognize him because
his face constantly changing.
When he molested a girl
12 years on her way to gymnastics ...
He dragged her
to his car.
A passerby thought he was a
father was angry that her daughter punished.
Bundy hid her mutilated body
in an abandoned pigsty.
He said I would get, and there
the charge of everything would get.
In Tallahasee he was eventually
convicted of multiple murder.
I now pleads innocent of everything.
While the grand jury this to
the court has announced.
Listen to me.
He tore the prosecution in the elevator.
But he went to the process.
Do you like in Florida?
On the night of January 15, 1978 ...
Sluipte Ted Bundy in with a
baseball bat in the bedroom ...
Female ... the venue
Chi Omega for students.
Room after room he fell into frenzy
student after student in their sleep.
The coroner's testimony confirms a
fracture in the front part of the skull.
The brains were dismembered ...
She lay in bed in a pool of blood.
The court confirmed that the
victim was in bed ...
.. and her nightwear
was completely ripped.
And a nipple was bitten.
Were also observed, a
clear vaginal and anal trauma.
She was left in her bed
in a pool of blood.
We found the imprint of a big bite.
In the bottom of one of the victims
there was a clear bite.
He agreed with Bundy's teeth,
the accuracy of a fingerprint.
What are you doing?
I leave the room because you do not.'re My right
- You can not. The
At your place, Mr. Bundy.
Please sit back.
Sit down, Mr. Bundy.
I refuse to stay in this room
the return of the jury to give. my judgment
Not because I need to hear,
and you know, sir.
-. Not push me
He wants to turn this into a circus?
Get ready for
a final parade.
I will organize a storm
convincing than you expect,
Heavy rain will fall.
- Everyone sits down.
This is no picnic for me
in Waterloo, you know?
Let me go!
Is there a further delay
fault by you in this case ...
we will go on without you.
Since I only ...
Your finger down!
- I just ...
Do not reject me after with you
finger, young!
But Bundy could not prevent
that the testimony of three students,
Miraculously, it had
survived by his brutal rage
My teeth were knocked out.
I had .. broken bones in my face,
a broken arm and a broken finger.
Her jaw was held together
by a metal pin.
A serious injury forced another
survival victim to terminate her ballet career.
I had five skull fractures and
multiple bruises on my head.
And because this is the eighth nerve was ...
I lost my hearing to
left ear and balance.
And ...
I had a broken jaw.
And my left shoulder dislocated.
Mr. Bundy.
Want to nominate, please?
- Objection.
Assign him to point out.
The date will still be notified,
causing instant death follows ...
by an electric current.
His mother, listening
to the final judgment.
And that the current passes through your body,
until it is clear that
you're dead.
It is a tragedy for this court
to do this kind of statement
Far away from the humanitarian issue
we would like.
You were a smart man.
You would have been a good lawyer.
I would have liked to work.
But you went the other way, man.
May God forgive you.
I am an American,
but lost control.
Ed Kemper is a life sentence
in this prison of California since 1973.
At the age of 24 years
he killed his mother.
And called the police and confessed ...
.. students for 2 years
quartered to have ..
Also cannibalism and rape
the decapitated bodies.
If anyone thinks that he
a victim,
Is he a.
With an IQ of 136.
Kemper is now in jail
the best book reader for the blind.
I wanted my mother for murder when
I was only 8 years old and I'm not proud of it.
I started without destroying value, things
but not the human being.
After I had collected other objects ...
I had destroyed things I liked.
And the destruction of small living things.
Small animals, insects
and finally humans.
I got a strange obsession with terrible murder,
and tried to escape home.
I lived on the mountain with my grandparents,
a month later I killed them.
I could not live on top of
that mountain, because the house ...
.. was at the top.
I felt that the people around me up
watched and would come for me.
I was paranoid.
And if someone had viewed me
or diagonally would look ...
I would their brains out
have popped.
In a city I would multiple crimes
have done after 15 years ...
I would kill and
no one could stop me.
I was aggressive and anxious
with their backs against the wall.
I was like a rabbit that ran
along the way.
And one day, I left the house screaming
and I shot around.
He was released and they put him in custody
the only person that the authorities ...
had recommended not to see again.
My mother.
Although I had decided
never to speak to her.
Neither presents on Christmas,
I left her alone.
But I heard that some people
things said about her.
They did it with three men.
No problem.
4 months later I went out,
for me it was a dream.
My first date with a girl
was a disaster, and not their fault.
Not that I took the blame her,
it was a terrible tragedy.
It was something very serious,
we did not talk about it.
There was nothing sexual, but
we went to a movie ...
.. John Wayne and Denny's.
At age 16 I had
no appointment, you know?
Seriously, I was confined to my
15's, but I could not tell her.
Maybe it's an illusion that I do,
but I think it worthwhile endeavor with my appearance,
When she was a beautiful girl.
She had class, but she saw that something was not right,
and they soon found out.
With these glasses on, he went with his
car to universities,
And picked up hitchhiking students.
This is it.
Would you go in the car
with this man?
The state has me
a more acceptable man-made.
While his mother worked at the university.
Kemper buried the mutilated bodies
in the mountains
And brought home their severed heads,
and slept with them a few days.
And then went looking for more.
I had such an urge,
sometimes difficult to control.
Sitting in bed, with a
severed head in my hands.
Touching, talking and looking, enjoy
more than once ...
.. I was about to totally
meaningless to lose everything.
And I said, you're crazy.
But I quickly added,
when you realize that you're not crazy.
I looked at
a severed human head, and said:
... Wait a moment, I had old
paintings Vikings seen
Who were talking with severed heads
and brought them along to parties.
That of their enemies,
in a leather bag.
Part of their culture.
Well, that was a part of me
in 1972 and 1973.
It was inevitable killing and
neck of an innocent woman cut.
Innocuous in the sense that they
do not expect it to happen to her.
That is, I did nothing
specifically it would happen to her.
She has only participated actively
in her death.
I'm fresh in the memory.
She was 19, and her friend
in the case was 18.
But I was not crazy,
What happened is that my ideas
were very confusing.
I wanted some sexual experiments
perform, or rather ...
I was looking for sex supplements
that could meet to me.
However, the normal way did not work,
So I looked for other solutions.
Do you understand?
At that time I met a young girl,
very nice with an extraordinary ...
.. knowledge and
Disneyland-like appearance.
And ...
... she was the reason why
I derailed.
One day I picked up two girls
greatly resembled the first two,
I could hardly believe it,
almost identical conditions.
I let them go.
I should have killed.
But I did not.
It seemed strange, even for me.
I was surprised and I said:
This has to stop.
And let them go.
They had not realized the danger,
I let them go.
At ease, I could kill them.
But I wanted to stop killing.
1 068
01:22:09,260 - 01:22:10,860
A week later,
I killed my mother.
I went to Santa Cruz
and killed her.
He killed her with a hammer,
while she slept.
Cut off her head and hands.
He put her vocal cords
in a trash can.
And threw darts to
the severed head.
I'm American.
I killed Americans.
I'm a man and death
human beings.
And I did it in my society.
Death to the customers.
Death to the customers.
100 years no cowboys ...
... The gunmen are still on the street.
committing more than one million murders
with more than a million weapons.
How long will we allow
guns not to register?
Judges who do nothing
and overcrowded prisons?
As always, the solutions are expensive.
Or to live in fear? Cheaper
How many senseless murders
still be tolerated?
It is necessary that we should 4 times
experience and that we must fight back?
Everything would work better if people
gather to sing, play, love.
love and peace.
Everyone tries his own way.
Maybe one day
that we are together ...
... And we can do something together.
John Lennon gave a
signature to his murderer,
6 hours before he was shot.
In front of the apartment
where he lived in New York.
John Lennon lives on ...
If my heart for you ..
I'm sure ....
from the beginning ..
You ..
... I want more than her.
Stop the U.S. war.
It will not happen again
when we are all together.
Within 40 seconds
start the vigil.
We ask all the cooperation
with respect to our great friend ...
... John Lennon.
He is certainly today,
us, we ask complete silence.
At the end, at the vigil we listen
to music of John Lennon.
We're going to start now.
Let us pray.
Imagine that there is no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us.
Above us
only the air.
Imagine all the people
Live by the day
No greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people ..
Parts of the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not alone.
I hope someday you'll join us.
And the world will live as one.
During the vigil in Central Park
2 people are shot.
While watching this film
5 people were slain.
One is slain, randomly selected
by a stranger.