Killing Veerappan (2016) Movie Script

Smoking and drinking
is injurious to health
Smoking and drinking
is injurious to health
ls the information correct?
I swear on my children, sir.
What do you feel?
- I suspect him, sir.
Because he had been Veerappan's
lieutenant for many years.
We must trust someone, right?
People who worked for Veerappan
once are working for us now.
His family has been staying
in this village since decades.. if he cheats us,
won't he be scared we may kill them?
I'm sure he will.
Like how we killed Gurunadham,
to kill Veerappan.
"This is the best chance.
According to the information I received..
...Veerappan is coming
to sell sandalwood and ivory..
...he's coming to Venkatachalam
to fix deal with a trader.
Venkatachalam is 150 kms
away from here.
If we go in uniform, they may get alerted.
So, we'll go there in disguise.
L, Shakeel and Kamalawill go in car.
You follow us in a lorry.
Finish quickly.
- Okay.
This is for you!
Koose Munuswamy is known
to everyone as Veerappan.
Ambushing a police
team in broad daylight.
...along with Special
Task Force Commander..
...he killed brutally 22 police men
Till now he has killed
187 civilians and 97 police men.
State governments of three states
spent hundreds of cores to nab Veerappan.
Where you can't see
an elephant 30 feet away" a thick forest,
in the last 10 years...
...many STF police officers have
failed to catch Veerappan.
Wham a police officer told me, you know?
Veerappan must get old and die naturally.. is impossible to kill him!
"He's a demon who drinks blood of humans"
"He's a demon who drinks blood of humans"
"He's a reality which
even lions dare face"
"He's dangerous and
poisonous like snakes."
"He hides behind rocks and kills"
"He kills humans or animals
mercilessly like crushing ants."
"He's dangerous than crocodile in water."
"He kills brutally and mercilessly."
"He's a reality which
even lions dare face"
"He's dangerous than crocodile in water."
"He attacks like cheetah in the jungle."
"He is cunning like jackal.
He drinks human blood."
"Where is God who can punish him?"
"Where is God who can punish him?"
"He's a demon who drinks blood of humans"
"He's a reality which
even lions dare face"
"He's dangerous and
poisonous like snakes."
"He hides behind rocks and kills"
"He is fearless he shows no mercy."
"He is cunning like jackal.
He drinks human blood."
"He's a demon who drinks blood of humans"
"He's a reality which
even lions dare face"
A tea seller who ran his
shop near a forest check post..
"Using the hill tribal staking advantage
of mistakes by our police force.
...he slowly developed into a big demon!
I heard a police officer tell
the media people few years ago..
...Veerappan must get old and die
naturally, it is impossible to kill him!
Veerappan is still alive. List of dying
police men is growing longer.
We have to be very alert,
careful and intelligent.
We have lost many officers
by taking him for granted.
Sorry, sir. Got lame last night.
I'm tired. Sorry, sir.
'Ne should be alert and careful.
We must catch Veerappan at any cost.
Tired? My foot.
I'm vexed hearing this word.
Sorry, sir.
I know you're new to this team sir.
Other trying once again,
what else can we do?
What did you study in college?
- Science graduate
STF's history till now
to nab Veerappan is only failure
If you want ask that elderly man.
He has been working here for long time.
Come on, sir. There are daring officers
among us too like Krishna Kumar, sir.
I'll tell you what happened!
Veerappan pasted a poster in village
to insult Krishna, and challenged him.
Krishna went like Rambo to attack him.
28 police men perished in that blast.
Veerappan incited Krishna and fooled.
Don't call him a fool.
He sacrificed his life like
a warrior in trying to kill a demon
Sashi is right. Krishna is not fool.
Had he not accepted that challenge.
...people would've thought
police are cowards
Veerappan would've become a hero.
Moreover our department didn't
know till then that Veerappan had bombs.
The point here is, like success,
there are reasons for failures too.
After watching our past officers' ideas
failing miserably, I've got a new idea
Till now every officer had tried
to catch him in forest. They failed.
What my idea is.
get him out of the forest.
I was just joking.
You are supposed to laugh
Sir, instead of trying to
catch him in forest... will it be if we get him out
of forest and kill him?
You and your jokes!
I'm not joking, sir.
Wham do you mean by it?
- Sir, my plan is..
"This is the battle of death."
"You can't escape
You have to keep fighting"
"lf you kill the enemy.."
" will move towards victory."
"lf you go there with a proper plan.."
" can rule in the forest."
"You can vent out your anger on enemies.."
"..and destroy them"
"You have the strength.
You have the power to do it."
"Kill the demons."
I know your sincerity, officer.
Why are you so interested
in catching Veerappan?
I'll tell you, sir.
I'll tell if you respect my feelings, sir.
Okay, I promise
I'm angry on him, sir.
He has been insulting
our department for many years now.
He's been killing people.
He's ruling over us.
But that is professional.
When it became personal was..
The day he kidnapped
Super Star Rajkuman.
"That day. Sir, he was a good man.
The night he was kidnapped..
"There was heavy rain
with thunders and lightning.
I felt like the sky had fallen down.
Not just me, cores of people all
over the state, couldn't take it easily!
In that situation, how was Rajkumar?
How was his condition there?
How many difficulties he would've faced?
I decided the same night.
The one and only aim I've
in this life before I die..
...l want to kill Veerappan
with my own hands, sir.
Okay. Wham is your plan of action?
And that's my plan, sir.
Look, your ideas are correct.
But I don't know how
it will work out practically
We have no other choice also.
Among all the options we've,
I think this is the best.
As you say selecting
a team among men here.. want to start working
independently, right?
And this will be off the record, correct?
Yes sir.
- Okay.
When are you starting the work?
-Already started working, sir.
Sir, I don't understand one thing.
These journalists, politicians
or food suppliers, or else gun suppliers..
...they meet Veerappan
as and when they want!
But how come we police
aren't able to meet him, sir?
Stupid, baby. The point is.
...those who Veerappan wants to meet,
only they can meet him.
But he never thought
of meeting the police.
That mustachioed man has developed
a system to avoid meeting police.
The person Veerappan wants to meet,
he sends a message to that person.
...then, the person
meets Veerappan's contact.
...all this happens under
the secret eyes of Veerappan's aide
If there's any suspicion of someone
following them, he cancels the meeting.
But once he enters the forest,
it is impossible to trace him.
That's why I want to bring
Veerappan out of forest and kill him
This is not ajoke.
Off lame I'm seeing many
changes in Veerappan's strategies.
If not why would he
kidnap Super Star Rajkumar?
Sir, I think Veerappan is
planning to talk to government".
...for surrender terms
by kidnapping famous people.
Srinivasan too tried the same.
- Srinivas?
Yes. Srinivag
a forest officer with Task Force.
He tried to negotiate with Veerappan
by talking to him to surrender.
He went to Veerappan's village Gopinamham,
he met his mother, his younger sisten.
...not only them
but gathering entire village... people are facing difficulties
because of Veerappan..
...why this place is not developing?
Why no one is coming here to invest?
He told them all this and
how it'll affect people in future.
He convinced them about their
benefits if Veerappan surrenders.
Veerappan heard it from villagers
and agreed to meet Srinivas.
How are you?
Leave me.
How dare you incite
my people turn against me?
Even my younger sister too.
How dare you eye on her?
Veerappan thought he turned
his own people against him.
He hacked Srinivas for eyeing his sister.
Poor Srinivas went to Veerappan
hoping to talk about surrender.
Is it? Did this really happen?
No, he's lying.
If not the man who told me this,
would've lied to me
When I hear Veerappan's brutality,
my blood is boiling!
We must kill Veerappan as revenge
for Srinivas's soul to rest in peace.
Sir, got information about
Veerappan's wife Muthulakshmi.
Why do you raise prices at your will?
Don't you know you mustn't
change the government?
What do you think of me?
I will inform press,
your licenses would get canceled.
Don't get tensed, we're police officers
- Need to talk to you.
Heard about Veerappan?
- Who?
- Veefappan?
Yes, Veerappan
- Which Veerappan?
You mean never heard about Veerappan?
Is it about that Veerappan
with big moustache? That dacoit?
Yes, that's him.
Wham do you know about him?
I know.. that comes
in newspapers and on TV.
He kidnaps people, kills elephants
I know he's a sandalwood smuggler'.
Isn't it about him?
That's not all. Do you know?
He has killed 187 people.
...and killed about 100 police officers.
...he didn't stop with it,
he killed his own daughter too.
Do you know that?
- What?
STF team entered forest at that
time in search of Veerappan and his gang.
Fearing his daughter's
cries may alert STE.
...he killed his own daughter:
ls he so ruthless?
That's okay...
but why are you telling me this?
I want your help to catch Veerappan.
Veerappan's wife Muthulakshmi
has come out of the forest.
Since she isn't involved
in any criminal activities"
...police haven't taken her into custody
Muthulakshmi is still
in contact with Veerappan.
We got information from a real
estate broker, who is our informer.
It seems Veerappan's wife
is searching for a house on rent.
Give your upstairs floor on rent to her.
Pass any information
to us you get from her.
You mean like spy!
I've already told you about
good and bad affects of this
Whatever I may say,
there's some selfishness in it.
You too think just like me.
I may be doing this for
adventure or for excitement.
...reason may be anything.
I've told the same matter
to five other people.
I'll select the best among them.
I want your reply to the count of 3
Don't think I'm pushing you.
I want to know how fast
you can take decisions!
People who can decide quickly
are useful to my department.
I'm starting my count. One!
- I will do it.
"Come whatsoever it may,
go ahead, take plunge and do it."
"Do or die or kill, let it be anyone."
"To bring justice and punish the evil."
"Use your brain,
intelligence to win over evil."
"Even if deadly serpent
is flashing its poisonous teeth."
"When it becomes your death, take it on."
"Though sorrows are
hurting heart as wounds."
"As police lay trap to catch the evil."
"Sing a fiery song and shoot with gun."
"To bring justice and punish the evil."
"When you make up your mind,
never give in"
"Life is full of tests."
"Mother India is carrying the burden."
"Even if deadly serpent
is flashing its poisonous teeth."
"When it becomes your death, take it on."
"Though sorrows are
hurting heart as wounds."
"Sing a fiery song and shoot with gun."
"When you make up your mind,
never give in"
"As police lay trap to catch the evil."
"Use your brain,
intelligence to win over evil."
"To bringjustice, punish the evil."
Shreya, I lied to you.
That my husband lives in aboard.
- Really? Why?
Did you hear about Veerappan?
- Veerappan?
N o.
It comes in newspapers and shown on TV.
You're not talking about
Veerappan with big moustache, right?
It's him.
I heard about him and read about him
Anyway, why are you talking about him now?
Sister, tell me about your husband.
He's my husband
I'm his wife
Then, Osama Bin laden is my husband.
Sister, is that killer your husband?
Shreya, he's not as you think
He's very good man.
Since you're close to me, I'm telling you.
How did you meet him?
One day I was working
in the field.. then.
Don't get scared!
I don't crush flowers to smell it.
I like you very much.
What about you?
Where's your father?
What's his name?
- Swamy!
Who is it?
I'm taking your daughter'.
I'll look after her better than you.
You must bless us
Even if you don't, I don't care.
Sister, I believe you.
He may be a good man..
...but why does the newspaper
say that Veerappan killed his own child?
Nothing happened as
reported in newspapers
Press published police concocted story.
Do you know what really
had happened that day?
He slipped and fell down,
he didn't do it deliberately.
But Muthulakshmi gave a different
reason for her child's death.
Did she tell she saw it?
N o.
It means Veerappan lied to her.
Then, how am I to believe
what you say is true?
To be frank.
Neither she was there nor was I,
when it happened!
The man who told me
was also not present there.
Only God and Veerappan know
what exactly had happened there!
But the truth we must all accept is...
...the life of violence Veerappan
chose killed his daughter'.
You got close to Muthulakshmi,
you must get much closer to her.
Entire mission is dependent
on the trust you gain with Muthulakshmi.
- Yes.
Can you do me a small help?
He sent a message to meet him.
He told me to find
a suitable place for it.
Can you help me?
- Sir.
Why your face is dull?
Why are you dull as if
you lost your entire property?
No jokes, sir.
What do I've to lose?
One thing is true, sir.
I'm in problems,
my family is big, they're dependent on me
Need to pay fee for children's education.
My mother is cancer patient,
my father is also not well.
I'm telling you this frankly, sir.
I joined Veerappan
operation on deputation...
...for better and higher salary, sir.
Don't try to gain sympathy
with your problems.
This is life
For your information.
Are you the only man with problems?
Doesn't anyone else have problems?
Shall I tell about people who
are facing more problems than you?
Look, never do anything
with wrong intention
We must catch Veerappan to stop
his criminal acts not for better salaries.
I'm sorry, sir.
Lost balance thinking
about family problems..
You are right, sir.
- It's okay. Cheer up
- WhaL.
Veerappan wants to meet Muthulakshmi.
She sought my help
lfl find a suitable place,
she promised to pay me.
What shall I do now?
Hello. Are you the manager?
Do I look like manager? I own this place.
Who are you?
- Veerappan!
I'm not the owner,
I'm just a manager here.
I swear by my children, please believe me.
Get coffee quickly for sir.
When did I tell you we're Veerappan's men?
We're here to catch Veerappan...
...we're police
- Police?
Believe us now?
If you still don't believe u;
we'll ensure you believe us.
Look, we want to check
entire place thoroughly.
But nobody must know we're police.
Where's the coffee?
I like this place very much.
I want to stay here for few days on rent.
But I'll not pay rent.
Sister! You wanted a good
place to meet your husband, right?
My cousin has a farm house,
far away from the town.
Moreover closer to forest.
Since they've settled down in US,
workers are looking after it.
I told my cousin that I
and my friend are going there.
You too see the place
if it is okay to you or not.
Sister, he's Gopal, Manager of the farm.
Welcome, madam How are you?
I'm fine. She's sister Latha.
- Greetings.
Sister, there's a cook also. Come.
Very fine cook,
if you taste, you'll not leave anything.
My cousin just loves his cooking.
How are you, Ranga?
Greeting; Shreya madam
- Greetings.
Greetings, madam
Didn't I tell you, sister? Very fine cook
Shreya madam told me everything about you.
That your husband lives in abroad
and you live alone here.
She told me your favorite food too.
Forget that,
ifl start talking, I'll not stop it.
Okay, tell me,
what would you like to have?
Filter coffee,
black coffee, ice coffee, cold coffee..
Can you really make
so many varieties of coffee?
I can, madam.
If you want tea, tell me. Mountain tea,
green tea ice tea, lemon tea
Oh God, stop it! Any coffee!
"There's a beast that
is eluding every trap set for it."
"Backstabbing it with a sharp sword,
killing it."
"Betray it with deceit
to trap and show your bravery."
"Betray it with deceit
to trap and show your bravery."
"VWn the game at any cost any way."
"Bring out the truth at any cost."
"Cheat or betray to get the secret out."
"Backstabbing it with a sharp sword,
killing it."
"There's a beast that is
eluding every trap set for it."
"Never show mercy to your enemy."
"Put an end to your enemies."
"Bring justice to the good."
"This is the game of patience."
"VWth love,
with patience, with affection."
"VWth cruelty, with brutality."
No, no, I don't like fish.
I know! Madam told me you don't like fish.
Try it once, I'm sure you will like it.
- No, please.
No, please..
Please try it once
Try it, sister.
Try it, I'm sure you'll
ask for another piece
Isn't it nice?
- Very nice.
What's the name of the fish?
- Veerappan!
Yes, the fish has big
moustache like Veerappan
That's why people call
this fish as Veerappan fish.
Why are you laughing?
Do you know this? Veerappan loves fish!
Bring your husband too!
He'll also love Veerappan fish.
Shreya, this place
is perfect for our meeting.
But, what about these workers?
You don't get tensed, sister.
Veerappan comes only at night, right?
Let's send away workers before that.
Hubby, I found a place for our meeting.
It is known as Attipet farm house
It is near Kothagiri forest. It
belongs to my friend Shreya's relatives
Shreya is very good girl.
She's very close to me
I promised to pay for her help also.
You can come here.
The place is very beautiful.
Come quickly. I'm waiting for you.
Get the tape recorder.
- I found a place for our meeting.
It is known as Attipet farm house
It is near Kothagiri forest.
It belongs to my friend
Shreya's relatives.
Shreya is very good girl.
She's very close to me.
I promised to pay for her help also.
- Yes?
I want to tell you something.
- All set.
We've laid the net, sir.
The fish with moustache
will definitely get caught in net.
I'll serve you tasty fish
gravy in near future, sir.
And this is my word, sir.
- Okay, waiting for the dish.
All the best.
- Thank you, sir.
I've information that.
...your friend is a police informer.
...your friend is a police informer.
They've placed secret cameras
and microphones in your house.
The guy with the moustache has
learnt that you are a police informer:
I don't know how he got the information
You don't worry.
Listen carefully what I say now.
Sister! You should've heard this joke.
You would've laughed so much.
Wham happened?
- Got a message from Veerappan..
"That you're a police informer.
Am I police informer?
What are you saying?
I said, I got message from Veerappan.
I took so much risk to help you..
...l had arranged all this.
Are you suspecting me?
Is this the value you've for friendship?
I never expected you'd
insult me like this.
Sheray, he says so.
Suspecting everyone is his necessity
May be he got wrong information
I trust you more than myself.
He said he's not coming here.
We have to leave this place
Muthulakshmi hasn't asked about spy camera
mentioned by Veerappan with Shreya. means she suspects Shreya
So, before she arrives there,
remove all spy cameras. Got it!
"You are the fearless lion.
Fight for your right."
"You are the warrior, keep walking"
"Create fear in people's mind."
Charlie speaking.
-Yes sir, what's the matter?
Operation is off.
I'll tell you the reason later.
Tell everyone to relax
Okay, sir.
What happened suddenly?
- Sorry, sir.
Operation is called off.
Veerappan is not coming.
- Don't know why?
Come on, come on!
Come on.
Look there.
- Okay.
Go, go.
Come on!
Sir, I shouldn't die I want to live.
- Sir, please do something.
Nothing will happen to you!
- Save me, sir.
Nothing will happen
- I must live for my family.
Please tell me. I'm sorry, sir.
Hold your breath.
- They can't live without me, sir.
I'm saying nothing will happen to you.
- My parents sir...
Sir, please do something.
- I'm saying nothing will happen to you
Nothing will happen
- My children...
Nothing will happen
Sir, please.. please.
- Hey!
What are you searching?
What happened, sister?
Why are you indifferent?
Shreya, please forgive me.
Wham mistake did you commit?
You are my good friend,
yet I suspected you
Not you, it was your husband
who suspected me, right?
On reaching home, I checked
if there are any secret cameras here
I made a mistake, Shreya
I really..
It was a blunder:
Please forgive me, Shreya
- Sister!
No problem, sister.
I can understand.
Muthulakshmi doesn't suspect you anymore.
But Veerappan suspects you 100%.
You're in danger zone.
Do one thing. Tell Muthulakshmi
that one of your relatives is sick.
"Get out of that house
as soon as possible.
Then, join STF gang Okay?
Can't you avoid going, Shreya?
Yes, sister. I have no other option.
My aunt is on death bed.
Okay, go carefully
You too.
You said you thought
well and then planned
But, why did it fail?
Look, how many died
because of your decision.
But one thing is very clean.
"There's a mole among us who
is leaking information to Veerappan
Who is it?
Why did we come here, sir?
Can you mimic animal calls Shashi?
- Animals?
Veerappan is an expert
in mimicking animal calls
We must mimic like him and cheat him
Can you do it?
-No, sir.
Try it. Come on.
Why did you shoot at me?
You know that I know which
you know and I too know it.
I don't get what you're saying, sir!
I'll make you understand.
Sir, please don't shoot. I...
I didn't commit any mistake,
please don't kill me, sir.
Please, sir..
- Then..
...tell me who is the contact person in
Veerappan's gang"
...but don't say you don't know.
There are only four people who know all
the information. You're one among them
After checking background of all of them,
I don't have any more doubt.'s confirmed, tell me, who is it?
I don't know who it I; sir?
- Shashi, don't insult my intelligence.
Little late in knowing about you.
If you tell me the truth,
I'll spare you alive.
I have a small story. While coming from
there, Veerappan's gang attacked the team,
I'll tell you got hurt in that attack.'ll become hero of that story,
If not there's a small
change in the story"
...l'll tell you died in that attack
Do you want to become hero
with a wound or hero after death?
Tell me
Choice is yours.
- Hey!
Shashi, I learnt about you very late"
...l am stupid, but intelligently,
I removed bullets from your gun.
I'll not ask again who that person is!
Because you will reply
only if you're alive, right?
I'll count down to 2...
His name is Gandhi, sir.
Sir, who is this Gandhi?
Tamil terrorist.
What's Shashi got to
do with Tamil terrorist?
His father was a sympathizer
of Tamil terrorist groups.
That had influence on him too.
I can't believe a Tamil terrorist
sympathizer is working in our team.
Man can do anything unbelievable
Indira Gandhi was shot
dead by her own bodyguards
Anything can happen-
Wham did you do with Shashi?
- I killed him.
"You are the fearless lion.
Fight for your right."
Take this.
Hey! Hey!
Why did you leave me?
Why did you leave me?
Why did you cheat me?
Why did you betray me?
You ruined my life!
Why did you betray me?
Mad woman.
-Are you calling me mad?
Are you calling me mad?
- Hey!
-I won't spare you.
Hey! Hey!
Why did you call me mad woman!
How dare you call me mad woman?
- Hey, leave him
Why are you shouting?
- I will not spare you!
I'll kill you!
- Leave me!
Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
Hey, move aside
I'll kill you if you come closer!
Come on, follow. Follow!
Leave me!
Leave me!
Shut up!
Shut up and come with me
He)', move!
Don't shout.. Don't shout.
Leave me, if not I'll kill her.
If you kill her, I'll kill you.
If you die without knowing who we are. fool can be foolish than you.
If I wanted to kill you,
I would've killed you right there.
Think about this and give me your gun
Give me your gun
Give me.
Look, I generally hate violence.
But what am I to do?
I don't have any choice.
Why are you enduring so much pain?
Do you like pain so much?
I know your name is Gandhi,
you're a Tamil terrorist.
I don't have any interest
in your terrorist outfits.
My target is Veerappan.
Look. help me and I will help you.
I know.. get trained to endure pain.
But now..
...l'll interrogate you without any pain
Shreya, you mustn't see such acts.
When I'm working here,
I must see and learn this too, right?
Then, come forward.
- Okay, sir.
When I give him this shot of injection,
his blood pressure will shoot up
Suppose, ifl don't give him anti-dote.
...his blood pressure will
go on rise and he'll die suddenly.
Sir, how do you know when he would die?
Good question.
His reaction after giving him
the injection.
...his skin complexion will change.
His breathing will shoot up..
Matching the speed of his eyes bat,
I'll know it.
His nervous system which controls
his body will fail totally in few minutes.
Is it necessary to do like this sir?
Look, my target is killing Veerappan.
I'll do anything for it.
I'll kill anyone for it.
You too! If it is necessary, me too!
Anyway this is not good, sir.
There's nothing like good or bad.
If your thoughts, aim and intention
are good, even bad way is good way!
Tell me, if there's
any better way than this
If not keep quiet.
Where did I stop it? -You were telling
about failure of nervous system
You will understand then.
That you're left with just one minute.
What's fun in dying, Gandhi?
You've just few more seconds only.
\Mll you tell me or shall
I give you a shot of injection?
Shall I? Shall I? Tell me!
No, please... I'll tell you.
I'll tell you.
Please don't. we.. we...
We gave Veerappan the idea
to kidnap Super Star Rajkumar.
I mean you terrorists.
Okay. Now, I'll give you little anti-dote.
This will give you 5 more minutes to live.
You're getting 5 more
minutes to live your life.
I would've given full injection.
...if I give you more than that time.
You'll plan your escape from here.
You've 5 more extra minutes.
The more information you give me..
...l'll increase lifespan
by few more minutes
When you give me full information,
I'll leave you freely!
Tell me now, what happened after that?
I heard your group
and Veerappan had a fight..
It's true Veerappan's
gang and my group had a fight.
Because my group had cheated Veerappan.
That's why I left the group.
The ransom paid for release of Rajkuman.
...was mostly looted by
my group by cheating Veerappan
I told about my group's
betrayal to Veerappan.
Wham happened next?
Though Veerappan didn't get much money..
...he understood one thing clearly"
...he thought this plan was very good" he planned to kidnap rich,
VIP'; celebrities.
...and politicians
Who were on target?
- Rajinikanth!
Head of Kanchi!
Why didn't he do it?
You need experienced
people to kidnaps in city.
He needs more men..
Veerappan is itching
to acquire AK-47 guns.
New men..
Where did you plan to recruit them from?
To recruit members from the city.. find them.
...Veerappan sent message.. another gang that is
lodged in jail through his men.
Which gang he wanted to meet?
Wanted to meet Kadhani!
Kadhani ?
You mean that Muslim underworld don!
Yes, that's him.
Few members of Kadhani
gang are still injail.
Veerappan's gang is
planning to meet this gang.
I don't know if they'll meet or not.
What I told you is truth!
Give me anti-dote.
Give me quickly.
I lied to you.
I've not registered his arrest.
Because there are no
criminal charges on him
If people know he's in police custody.
"The message will reach Veerappan
Please give me anti-dote.
So, death is right for you.
HeY! Hey, don't go!
Where are my boys?
- You don't worry.
My boys will take care of your boys
You killed 25 people..
...are you scared of death?
What do you want?
You know very well, why I am here!
Can n
You plan smarty to commit murders..
...and escape from police
without evidence
But I don't care about evidences
Unlike police I kill
even if there's no evidence
I'm not here to kill you.
You're not my target.
Because Veerappan is
more important to me than you.
I know Veerappan's men met you..
...and asked your boys to work for them
You send your boys!
But they'll be my boys.
No more ifs and buts
Agree without any questions.
No more ifs and buts
Agree without any questions.
I will also pay you.
Veerappan too will pay!
You'll get paid from both sides
No risk at all.
If you reject this offer". fool will be foolish than you.
Fools and killers have no right to live.
You're also a killer, right sir?
Yes, I too kill.
But I kill people to tell
them that killing is wrong.
Tell me
ls the deal okay?
As the new recruits whom Veerappan
sought from Kadhani's gang. must join Veerappan's
gang through that contact.
Wham you must do it...
just observe him!
Wham is his next plan?
The people he meets.
What is his weakness?
You must find this and inform me
One more important thing..
...nobody must get any doubt you
You must be like real Muslims
"Now, the time has come.."
" diminish the enemies."
"Kill the snake brutally."
"..that is like a curse."
"Show your power."
"Keep the target in your eyes."
"You have to kill the enemy brutally."
"You shouldn't spare anyone."
"This is the battle of your pride."
"Reach your goal in time."
"..and diminish
any hurdle that stops you"
"Keep going towards your destination."
"The forest is full of enemies"
"Keep running towards your goal."
"You are the fearless lion.
Don't spare anyone."
Kidnapping Rajkumar was very good idea
I became famous all over India
But no use, I couldn't make any money.
I thought they won't
cheat but got cheated
But I'll never commit
the same mistake again.
Kidnapping VIP's in
city is very good idea.
To do that I need experienced men..
...and more weapons.
I can't do it with fewer men.
Roughly I need 25 men to do than.
I feel your boss Kadhani.. the right person to do this job.
He'll be very happy to know this.
Kadhani sir is waiting for
an opportunity like this for years
Look, I've decided after
giving it good thought.
Break our gang into 4 or 5 teams.
Send them to Bangalore,
Chennai and Coimbatore.
I'll get them to kidnap VIP's there
I'll kidnap Rajinikanth,
Head of Kanchi Mutt, and many more VIP's.
...and bring the government.
I'll become famous internationally!
You three go from here,
talk to Kadhani sir.
Form a gang, leave that place
day after tomorrow afternoon.
Come to our place near Gudimetta
What do you say? - Okay.
I'll come there along with Veerappan.
What do you say, brother?
We've promised to
come day after tomorrow" Gudimetta with about 20-25 boys
After Veerappan meets
them and feels trustworthy.
"Breaking those 25
members into smaller teams.
...he's planning to start operations in..
"Chennai, Bangalore and Coimbatore
Sir, we have to make him trust us.
He's our leader.
They're all my gang members.
Don't move!
Guns down!
Move... move"
Come on, move Go!
Move back.
Move back..
- Move! - Move!
Cheating! Cheating!
How many more times
I'll get cheated like this?
What should I do with
this gun without bullets?
A man without manliness.
...and gun without bullets are same
We must something quickly to
get bullets for this and guns like this.
I need them!
Let me get hold of guns,
I'll show them what I'm capable of.
Not just police,
I'll see the end of government.
I'll show them my power.
I'll prove them what I am!
Hello? I can understand your feelings
Look, I'm also not happy
staying away from you.
I haven't forgotten that you're my wife.
You too don't forget this is my job.
I'm committed to my duty.
Try to understand
There's no time for my happiness
or my family's happiness.
Okay... okay. I know. Okay... okay.
I thought I was better..
"Than my previous officers.
So many had died because of my mistake.
I'm very hurt.
I feel I'll alsojoin the list..
...of officers who
failed against Veerappan.
Sometimes when you aim to win big wan.'ve to lose small battles
No, I mustn't lose, Shreya
Not for my sake..
"At least for the people
brutally killed by Veerappan
...our plan of capturing Veerappan
alive near Gudimetta, failed.
Rather than capturing him alive,
it is better to kill him.
Veerappan killed so many people.
...l won't sleep peacefully until
I make the policemen kill him brutally
I will keep trying. Now, my idea is..
According to Shreya's information,
his one eye is smaller than the other eye.
Anish told us he supplies
guns and ammunitions to Veerappan.
Veerappan has asked
for AK-47 guns from him
He didn't carry any
weapons when Shreya saw him
It means he entered the forest
to meet Veerappan and fix the deal.
We must catch him when
he returns from forest.
Not when he come out of forest.
...or when he boards the bus.
Because his men will
keep a watch on him always.
We must catch him after
he's completely out of this area.
Stop... stop, brother:
"No matter who shouts..
No matter everyone creates chaos."
"You don't have to care for anyone."
"Buffalo, you don't have a reign"
"No matter which season it is." doesn't make any difference to you"
Hey! Leave me! Leave me!
Why did you get me here?
- Hey, leave him
Leave me!
- Shut up.
Leave me. Leave me!
Shreya. men saw you there.
I'll not ask the same
question again and again.
VWII you answer me or not?
Leave him
Tell me
Tell me
I work for Veerappan.
What do you do for him?
I supply AK-47's.
Who is the procurer?
From a gun dealer!
Money is below!
What if there's any checking, so...
Shall I show it?
- No need.
We know how to deal with cheats
It's okay to think like him.
Do you've to behave like him for that?
Giving AK-47 gun to him?
Do you've sense?
What if he plans a
big attack using the gun?
No! Never!
What if this information reaches minister?
I'll be finished along with you
There's risk in every decision, sir.
Not taking risk is also a big risk, sir.
Till Veerappan finds perfect men,
he won't do anything with those weapons
I've only one way.
To bring him out of the forest.
He won't even imagine police
would give him AK-47 guns.
I'm sure he'll trust us, sir.
But still"
Few other officers and we
both are the only ones to know this
I got it.
You didn't tell me anything"
...l didn't hear anything.
Wham did I tell you now?
Before you talk to me, listen to me first.
I believe all you police
officers are waste fellows.
That's why I left police dept.
That's why I came to you, sir.
You're the only person
to realize that truth.
...and left police force
and started your own business.
Why did you come to
me after knowing all this?
Yes, Veerappan
I've a plan to catch Veerappan.
You never worked in Veerappan's area
So, he won't be able to recognize you.
I'm asking you to meet
Veerappan on behalf of a gang.
- Can I?
- Thank you.
Yes, this is an operation
I don't trust my own men in this mission.
Suppose the department comes to
know about this, it may even prosecute me.
VWthout my Boss' knowledge
and without the knowledge of my STE.
...keeping it secret
from other police officers.
...l'll give you few
AK-47 guns and ammunitions.
You must deliver it to Veerappan.
One more thing"
...l'll ensure you get
the Rs.35 lakes bounty.
...announced for Veerappan's head.
I don't get anything.
I'll explain clearly, Kumar.
Look, you must make that
old man believe..
"Than Kumar is your man.
Tell him you're unable to
come to forest for some reason
Tell him your man Kumar will
deliver AK-47 guns to Veerappan.
Veerappan will not believe it.
I personally deliver him all the guns.
If I tell him I can't come and someone else
will deliver guns, he won't believe it.
You are right.
My idea is show your wound to the old man.
My idea is show your wound to the old man.
Tell him you met with an accident
and can't walk for few months.
Since Veerappan need AK-47 guns urgently.
If you tell Kumar is your man,
I'm sure he'll believe you.
I can understand your pain.
But tell me one thing.
Is your pain more than
what Veerappan gave to people?
The pain of help you gave
him to inflict pain on people.. your pain more than that pain? Huh?
Bhai, in an accident...
A lorry hit... my...
Don't touch... don't touch.
Bike fell on my feet...
Due to multiple fractures.
...l can't walk for 3 months
Since Veerappan needs guns urgently,
he'll deliver instead of me.
He knows my gun supplier:
Delivery for Veerappan is ready.
What shall we do with
this green shirt man, sir?
What do you think?
How are you connected to Rajan?
We both work for Mugilan.
- Mugilan is the main suppliers.
Mugilan told me not to leave any witness.
How is the food?
Who is Mugilan?
Close to Prabhakaran.
Very close.
Prabhakaran? Who is Prabhakaran?
LTTE.. Velupillai Prabhakaran!
What type of man is Prabhakaran?
- Why?
I want to make him my partner.
I respect him very much.
- Shall I tell you one thing?
One day while I was having
lunch with Mugilan and Prabhakaran..
...Prabhakaran told us
very good things about you.
Really? Wham did he say about me?
Single handedly a man.
"Without anyone's support.
"Hearing about how he's shaking up
entire India, he was very much surprised.
Do you know what did he say?
He said you're greater than him.
No, no..
How can it be? He's a great man!
You can think like that.
Do you know this?
There's no one like you in entire history.
Everyone has great respect for you.
You're too much.
- You're an inspiration to all of us.
Even to Mugilan also.
- Oh
We have to learn many things from you.
You are very...
- Oh..
I must say it is Mugilan's
big heart to feel like that.
How can I be equated with him?
I'm very small man compared to him
I want to ask you a thing
What is it?
Is it possible for me to meet Prabhakaran?
No, no..
Nobody can meet Prabhakaran
But you said you had
lunch with him, right?
If he wishes only then you can meet him.
Not if you wish.
He'll meet only Mugilan.
I was with Mugilan that day,
so it was possible to meet him
Only one person can meet
Prabhakaran any day any time.
That is Mugilan
Why not talk to Mugilan about this?
I'll try. But it is not that easy.
Bad time is catching up fast on me
I'm unable to judge whom
to believe and whom I shouldn't.
Somehow I must meet him
and share my ideas with him
If he accepts my idea,
we can become partners, right?
In future if he faces any problem.
...or ifl face any problem,
we can help each other, right?
Good idea!
First I'll talk to Mugilan..
"Whether he can do anything
about your idea or not..
...l'll first know his opinion.
Greetings Mugilan sir!
That Forest king wants
to meet your LTTE king
Hopefully, this is his end.
But still we must be very careful now.
He acts as if he trusts you fully.
Many of us died believing it.
Mustn't believe him I'll believe only
after seeing his trust with my own eyes.
Sir, I'm a realistic actor.
How well I got involved
with Mugilan's man role that"
...Veerappan trusts me 100%.
Then, let's finish.
...Veerappan on October 18.
Why that particular day, sir?
He too would ask the same question...
I mean, me
You must make him believe I'm
highly planned and trained in LTTE.
October 18!
Indian Navy conducts monthly drill.
Security is very less at that time
Why I'm telling you this
because I need little time. arrange to kill Veerappan.
Tell him that Prabhakaran told Mugilan.
...that October 18 is the
best time to come out of forest.
You are very WW!
Mugilan has managed to fix
your meeting with Prabhakaran.
Happy to hear it!
When are you meeting him?
You must leave this place on October 18.
Mugilan will arrange a vehicle for you.
It is like an ambulance.
Two members of his gang will join you.
They'll leave you near sea
Prabhakaran's gang will
pick you up from there.
Why October 18?
Indian Navy conducts
monthly drill on October 18.
So, they send in Coast Guard ships.
Security is very sparse then.
One more important thing,
Mugilan is also coming along with you!
Very good.
One more important thing..
...trim the size of your moustache
Should I trim my moustache?
Mugilan told me to trim the moustache
to keep people from recognizing you
- Yes.
You must trim it.
- Okay.
Okay" Mugilan knows everything.
Brother; you look more
handsome with trimmed moustache
No one can recognize you.
You look superb
He's Saravanan, that's Velladurai.
They're Mugilan's personal guards.
If there's any trouble on the way,
they'll protect you.
Okay, go.
-Get in
Get in.
Brother... brother... brother...
ls the vehicle okay?
Happy journey! Bye!
Hey, move the vehicle
Hey, can't you hear me!
Move the vehicle!
Move. move the vehicle.
He)', move!
Sir, Veerappan's wife
Send her in.
I'm worried about Kumar.
He's the lone witness.
...for all our activities against law.
But if this come to the
knowledge of government. future, it'll surely prosecute you.
I don't trust Kumar.
He's like a snake.
Some day he'll come back to blackmail you
Sir, I missed telling you a thing.
Kumar died in an accident.
- Yes.
You're a demon!
Well sir, to kill a demon.
...l had to become a demon
"To burn down Ravan's Lanka,
they had a spot."
"The other name for Keechaka's murder,
they had a spot."
"lt is spot that keeps an
auspicious time to kill enemies."
"Spot is the main in
the battle of Kurukshetra."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"This is the place to murder."
"This is the place where
you make your enemies sleep"
"The thing that you cannot do.."
"..just let go of it for the time being."
"You can kill them."
"..and conquer the world."
"You can become the Lord of death"
"You can become the Lord of death"
"This is the spot that is burning
like fire in the fit of rage"
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"This is the place where you can't escape.
Even the astrologers."
"..surrender themselves to it.
It is the place of death."
"This is the spot to kill
the enemies by conspiring."
"This is the spot which is
famous in the history for its cruelty."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."
"Spot. Spot. Spot. Spot."