Kiltro (2006) Movie Script

"The fear, the hate,
emotions derived...
...from our most
powerful motivation, love...
...forged from the
wild core of our hearts...
...a core that often serves
as an abandoned wasteland...
...spawning the most
horrible of human behaviors."
You're dead, Maniac!
I'm coming to your place
tomorrow to kill you!
I'll be waiting!
Don't ever touch her again!
You're just talk!
Get ready!
- Take it Iike a man!
- Man, he can't even fight!
Go! Go!
- Kick his ass!
- Yeah, kick his ass!
- Right now!
- Be alert!
Get ready!
Hit him!
I told you not to touch my girl,
The Maniac is done.
Don't ever fuck with a Kiltro again!
- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
I came to tell you that the Maniac
won't bother you again.
You hit him?
- Wait!
- What?
What are you doing after school?
I have to go home, I have to study.
If you want, I can walk you home.
This street is dangerous at night.
Do you want to defend me...
...or you just want to beat
somebody up?
My only mission in life
is to protect you.
Don't be pathetic.
It's true.
Zami, my dad is the master of this
school, I have somebody to defend me.
Besides, I have his 20 students
that can defend me too.
Don't worry.
You'd be safer with me.
I could take all 20 of them together.
You want to fight, Zami?
What do you mean?
Daddy, my friend says he can beat up
all of your students at the same time.
He says you must prove it.
Who is your master?
The streets.
The streets have taught you wrong.
Your father was a true martial artist.
I'm not a martial artist. That stuff
doesn't interest me, it's worthless.
Look at me while your students
are all on the floor.
He wants you to leave.
You think it's funny, what you did
at the Korean's school?
How did you know?
When will you stop?
It's the same every year.
Kim, the fights, the Kiltros....
Stop looking at
that girl and look at yourself.
What for?
To make something of your life.
To make something of yourself.
But I'm doing something for me.
I'm doing what I want.
If you want money,
I'll bring you money.
But I'm not gonna
stop until Kim is mine!
She will see you
if you become somebody.
There is nothing
to see in you now!
Mom...why didn't you tell me
the Korean knew my dad?
Wait! Sit down
and tell me now!
Hey, I'm serious!
Sit down and tell me!
No! I don't want
to talk about that!
So what?
You're good.
Is this your house?
Are you ok?
Calavera, have you
ever had a girl like this?
What do you mean, like this?
One that gives you a huge kiss
and then doesn't ever notice you again.
I don't think so.
What would you do?
Listen to me, Zami.
Show her your sensitive side.
All she has now is the image of some
asshole fighting everyone he meets.
What sensitive side?
Come on, man!
Zami, you are a
very sensitive guy.
Remember how you told me
you dreamt about her?
You guys walking along the beach,
no shoes, she was in a white dress.
You woke up hugging your pillow.
That's your sensitive side, bro.
It's the truth.
You tell things like that to girls?
It works?
Yes, bro, yes.
So what should I tell her?
That I dream about her?
Not that literal.
I don't know, man, you have
to tell her....
Tell her:
"Yesterday I saw you.
Yesterday I saw you and I want you."
And she is going to say, "Where?"
And you say, "In a dream."
You'll blow her mind!
- Hi.
- Hi.
I saw you yesterday.
You follow me everywhere I go.
In a dream.
Take it easy, Zami, that chick
is the one who's losing out.
There aren't many guys like you.
She'll realize that soon.
You've gotta wait.
You aren't in love, Zami.
You're just obsessed with that girl.
Love, obsession. It's the same shit.
You have to forget that chick.
I don't want to forget her! Get it?
Ok, Zami, let's finish this shit now.
You have to meet the old man, Farah.
Dear Father-in-law:.
Here is a little present for you
to prepare for my return.
How old?
Mr. Farah, can we
talk to you for a bit?
I hope you don't bring me
more bad news.
Come in.
Mr. Farah, I brought Zami
so you could give him some advice.
He has been in love
for two years with a girl...
...and she doesn't even notice him.
I'm sorry.
I mean, I've never seen
anyone so in love before.
Our neighborhood... full of love stories.
Stormy loves....
There are a lot
of secrets around here.
Who's the girl?
Her name is Kim.
The Korean's daughter.
I met a man...
...who thought he loved his wife.
He was obsessed like you.
Obsession that turned...
...into possession...
...into fear.
Fear that led him to death.
I'm not afraid.
Then... know what to do.
You shouldn't be with the Maniac.
He doesn't have good intentions.
He doesn't respect you.
I know that I've been acting like an
idiot when I beat up everybody...
...but now I realize it.
I'm not going to do it ever again,
I swear.
I want you to get to know me.
If I did what I did... was because I thought that
I was gonna impress you.
Since you gave me that kiss...
...I can't stop thinking about you,
not one day, Kim.
Every kick that I've thrown
has been for you.
I know I've done everything wrong,
but I came here to apologize.
I want you to give me another chance.
Zami, you don't have to apologize.
I don't really care about what you did.
And thanks, nobody has said
anything like that to me...
...but I started dating Carlos, and this is
the first time I've dated somebody.
Who is Carlos?
The Maniac.
Max Kalba.
Feel honored to be the first one.
Mom, why did you go to Yun's funeral?
He was a friend of your father.
The Koreans brought
your father into the sect....
He is dead because of them!
What sect, Mom?
I don't want you to die like him!
Do you understand?
Kill me!
Kill me now or I will return!
I will return to kill you...
...all of your sect...
...and that crying baby.
Don't touch her, motherfucker!
Listen to me. You touch her, you die!
- What happened?
- Hey guys, there he is!
Come on, Zami, stand up!
Come on, kid,
don't let your crowd down.
Come on, Zami, stand up
and kick his ass!
My name is Nik Nak.
I was the master of your father
and Kim's father.
I imagine that you have no idea
what is going on.
Are you awake enough to listen to me?
Zami, your father was a great fighter.
He was a Zeta.
And what happened?
One of our brothers had a forbidden
romance with a woman.
That woman's husband has returned
to get his revenge.
The one who knocked me out?
Yes, his name is Max Kalba.
He is the one who has taken Teran.
How is my father involved?
I want you to go
to the north of the country... find one of my ex-disciples.
His name is Jose Soto.
It's been a long time
since I've seen him.
He can tell you
a lot more about your father.
He is the only one
who can help us now, Zami.
Why do you need him
if you're a Zeta master?
Look at me, Zamir.
I'm old and I'm a dwarf.
Do you really think
I'm capable of beating Max Kalba?
Look what he did to you.
Do you feel the pain?
That's nothing, Korean.
That's nothing compared
to the pain I felt here.
You'll see all of your sect killed.
I'll kill them one by one
in front of your eyes.
And you...'ll be the last one.
Do you have any family
besides your father?
And the Maniac?
You have me.
I'll protect you,
I won't leave you alone.
Zami, why do you like me?
You know,
because you're the way you are.
All people are different,
they're unique....
You have something unique...
...something that makes you different
from everyone else.
I don't know what it is,
but that's what I like.
Zami! Time to go!
I need some money, anything.
I don't even have enough for the bus.
You only need the essentials...
...your body and your spirit.
What are you thinking about?
Nothing, just looking at the ocean.
My father says it is better
not to think...
...just see...
...with a blank mind.
Why did you give me that kiss?
To thank you.
I always thought that a kiss
meant something.
I'm looking for Jose Soto.
He's looking for Jose Soto.
In the town?
- Thanks.
- Bye.
I already paid you!
What? Are you nuts?
Always the same bullshit!
Pay me now!
There you go, asshole!
You think that shit is gonna cover it?
You're out of here!
Leave me alone!
Master Soto?
What do you want?
Nik Nak sent me.
Kalba is back.
I'm not going, little brother.
So you're supposed to be a master.
Drunk, smashed....
I walked three days for this crap.
So are you gonna help us?
Why do you want me
to go back there?
Kalba captured my girl's dad...
...and I want to help her.
Your girl?
Your girl.
What makes her yours?
Because I love her.
Because I'm always thinking about her.
To think about is not to love.
To remember isn't to love either.
So then, what's love?
That's something you
must discover for yourself.
And you... think you discovered it?
Who are you?
I'm the son of a Zeta.
Take this, little brother.
- What is this?
- It will erase your memory.
How are you going to do that?
If you want to learn... must empty your mind.
Get rid of your prejudices.
...nothing will be impossible.
But it's impossible for me to forget Kim.
If you have to forget her, you will.
Let go.
Calm down...'s just a trip.
Relax, my dear father-in-law.
It's just my people
taking care of your men.
You don't know a thing, old man.
The only assassin here is the Korean.
If that is so,
then why did you escape, coward?
How dare you call me a coward.
You were the one
who sold your daughter.
You even made her dance for me.
I would have never let
my daughter marry you...
...if I didn't believe
she was in love with you.
You lie!
You knew about the Korean!
She loved you, Max.
The Korean took her from you
You have to stop this, Max.
Nobody is at fault.
Life just played you a bad hand.
That's why I will fight against life!
If this is how it must be....
Stand over there.
Look at the pipe.
Kick the pipe...
...and then keep standing
over there.
There's nothing to think about.
Just do it.
Your leg should move
as naturally as your eyelids.
You don't think about blinking,
you just blink.
But how can my leg move
as fast as my eyelid?
There is nothing that is faster
or slower than anything else.
Velocity doesn't exist.
The eyelid has a time to blink...
...just as the heart
has a time to beat...
...and your leg has a time to knock
this pipe out of my mouth.
Hand the pipe back to me.
Kim, what's wrong?
I want to go home.
Zami is taking too long.
Kalba is not going to touch your father...
...until he sees all of us dead.
Be patient.
Pluck the stone out of my hand.
I've seen images.
What images?
I see a young woman...
...she was oriental-looking.
What do you feel
when you see these images?
What are they, memories?
They are just images from the past.
They are not memories
because you feel nothing.
Memories bring emotions to you.
So why do you keep memories?
Is it because of a woman?
I used to be like you.
There was a woman...
...a woman I loved.
We all have an Achilles' heel.
You must discover yours.
You've got to be careful
when you want someone.
To want, to possess...
...the fear of losing
what you think is yours...
...that is what leads
to mistrust and hate.
You must clear your mind
of any thought... must reach the Zeta state.
What's the technique
to enter the Zeta state?
There's no technique, little brother,
you must discover everything yourself.
Try to comprehend, to watch... seek the truth.
Like when you contemplate a cloud...
...when you look at the stars...
...or the eyes of a woman.
Where is your son?
Now, Korean, tell me where Soto is!
It looks like you're ready, brother.
Ready for what?
For the final test.
But you haven't taught me
anything about combat.
You know what you need to know.
This isn't about learning to fight
it's about finding the Zeta state.
Go to the desert.
Contemplate the desert.
Walk barefoot across the sand.
If the wind hits
you from the front...
If the wind blows at your back...
...go with the wind.
It's time to confront
your memories... son.
Where is Kim?
Drax called from the north.
Soto escaped.
Three of our men are dead.
The son of the Zeta killed them all...
...with just one blow.
They trained the kid.
I'm going to finish
this just how it started...
...eye for an eye.
"The hate, the rage...
...emotions derived from our most
powerful motivation:
Forged from the
wild core of our hearts...
...a core that often serves
as an abandoned wasteland...
...spawning the most horrible
of human behaviors."
Look, these people are dangerous.
If they get too close to you, shoot them.
We want Teran alive.
I'll take care of him later.
You are leaving with Teran.
Stay with me.
I can forgive you but stay with me.
Leave me alone.
I'm leaving.
Where are you going to go
if Teran is dead?
Teran is dead!
I shot him with this pistol.
In the Zeta state you will move
as the situation requires.
If you need to jump,
you will jump.
If you need to evade,
you'll evade.
If you need to hit,
you'll hit...
...because you'll be aware
of the whole world around you.
You will make movements
that you have never made before...
...and will never make again.
Your man is coming to rescue you.
Give me a son, Romina.
I swear I will let you go, but give me
the son that was stolen from me.
Kill me, you son of a bitch!!
Kill me now, or I will return.
I will return to kill you.
You and you entire sect...
...and that crying baby.
So you come for her.
Love, Zamir...
...drives us mad.
We are the same, Zamir.
Whether you like it or not.
You have already killed
more than 1 00 men...
...and others were killed
because of you.
Your mother, Zamir....
She didn't want to tell me
where you were hiding.
That's how it hurt me.
That's how it still
hurts me today, Teran.
Attack me!
Give me the pleasure
of finishing you off...
...with the weapon
I used to kill your mother.
How is your father?
He's asking about yours.
He's asking for Soto.
I'm going back to the north.