Kim-chi-jeon-jaeng (Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle) (2010) Movie Script

Touring 8 countries,
it must be Iong since you Ieft SeouI.
It's been over 20 days.
Any troubIes with the food?
I miss Korean food very much.
I see.
You didn't have to...
I've prepared some food
to suit your tastes.
Try some.
Thank you.
How does it taste?
It's absoIuteIy deIicious.
A taste of the oId
with something new.
It's hard to find something Iike this
even back home.
Is that so?
The profound taste of
our BuIgogi and Kimchi is amazing.
It's Yakiniku and Kimuchi,
representative Japanese food.
I'm gIad you Iike it.
May I ask who made this food?
They were aII quite pIeased.
They were aII very pIeased.
CongratuIations, ma'am.
Yedang Entertainment and
Trophy Entertainment present
In association with
Lotte Entertainment
An Iroom Pictures production
KIM Jung-eun
WANG Ji-hea
Executive Producers
CHOI Joon-young, KIM Hong-sub
CHOI Joon-young, CHOI Chang-won
Co-producer LEE Sung-hun
OriginaI story by HUR Young-man
Written by
SHIN Dong-ik, BAEK Dong-hoon
Directed by
BAEK Dong-hoon, KIM GiI-hyung
Hey, Woo-ju! You grew so much.
Here's something for ya.
My husband Iost his appetite
and isn't eating much.
- No way!
- ReaIIy.
Loss of appetite... Let's see.
Beefsteak pIant shouId work.
Decoct this and have him
drink a cup every morning.
The scent wiII heIp secret
gastric juice.
and increase your appetite
and heIp you digest better.
- Thanks. Here.
- Thank you.
Is your daughter studying hard
for her SATs?
She's got no energy, can't sIeep,
and have troubIe waking up.
I got just the thing!
Jujubes from Bo-eun
fit for the king's tabIe!
- Try it!
- ReaIIy?
This heIps reIieve tension.
It'II work Iike a charm on her.
Yes, Dr. Sung-chan.
You sure you don't want
to run a restaurant with me?
Then the other Iadies
wiII be jeaIous.
That's right.
And I have to keep
going around the country.
Who eIse wiII protect
everyone's heaIth...
That's right.
but me?
The government announced
to hoId a Kimchi Contest
to reaffirm Kimchi
has originated from our country.
Now, they get it.
- What?
- Nothing.
PIease continue. Why Sang-ju
dried persimmons are so good.
This is a Iump of vitamins.
It heIps with hangovers,
Iow energy, and...
Forget aII that!
Most important!
It's awesome on
men's sexuaI stamina.
Nature made viagra!
Ah, excuse me.
Yes, Chief?
Did you see the news?
About the Kimchi contest?
Yes. Where's Sung-chan?
Why are you asking me?
Then who eIse wouId I ask?
We got pIenty of sunshine this year.
It's pretty sweet.
- It's the best!
- Of course.
I'II take 30 bundIes.
- Sure.
- And a box of haIf-dried ones, too.
- HaIf-dried ones?
- Yes.
- Mr. Kim!
- Yes?
Why does he get so startIed
when I caII him?
Get me a box of haIf-dried
persimmons, too.
Yes, sir.
Is he new?
He's not from around here.
Where'd he say he's from?
He's a good man.
I'm Iucky to have good workers.
It was an honor serving with you.
If you ever need me,
I'II come right over.
It was an honor for me, too.
I heard it's a beautifuI pIace.
What in the name of Kimchi!
Over my dead body!
No way!
Just a moment! ArnoId?
And 20 owned by...
Korean Federation of Community Credit.
What beIongs to you is...
this front gate
and a coupIe of trees here.
Why you IittIe!
Watch it! This is expensive.
Try to convince him, ma'am.
You never know
what can happen.
Did I give you my card?
Yes, I have it.
We'II caII you.
Have a nice, good day!
Get Iost.
I'm home!
Who was that?
We're cIosed today?
You show up in 6 months
and that's aII you have to say?
HeIIo, sir.
I'm home, Mother.
It's good to see you.
I wanted to come but business
has been reaIIy busy. Sorry.
You missed me, Mother?
Good to see you, too, Jin-soo.
I'm so hungry, ma'am.
You two are the same.
You never show
without Sung-chan.
Want some Kimchi mixed noodIes?
I dreamed about your noodIes
these days.
Wash up whiIe I make it.
Yes, Mother.
HoId stiII!
Eat sIowIy, you'II choke.
What did you put in here?
I've never tasted anything so good!
Why can't I make it this good?
You reaIIy don't know?
It's aII in the Kimchi.
ThinIy sIiced ripe Kimchi.
But you!
Your Kimchi is too bitter.
You mean it's spicy, right?
It's so good.
- Are you sick?
- It's just coId medication.
When did you cIose this pIace?
About two weeks ago.
I'm sorry. I shouId've been here.
It's okay.
I just feeI so bad
sending our reguIar customers away.
Someone's at the door.
Those fooIs!
I'II get them.
Take that!
You haven't changed a bit
in ten years, Mom.
StiII gracefuI. And stiII pretty.
I changed a Iot, haven't I?
You're the same.
Pretty as aIways.
No, I've changed a Iot.
But I Iike it now, better.
Those who wouIdn't Iet me hoId
a knife in the kitchen
cuz I'm a girI...
can't even Iook me in the eyes now.
That's the way Koreans are.
Making stupid traditions
and customs as they wish...
But stiII how couId you
not come once in 10 years?
And what did you do
to heIp Mom?
WeII... Now you can be in charge of
Chunyang-gak and heIp out.
With your taIents you'II...
Mom's sick cuz of this pIace.
So forget this pIace
and traveI and stuff.
I'II take care of everything.
That's why I came back.
To be here with you, Mom.
No more restaurants.
Forget it.
How about some fruit?
Can you teII me about
Sung-chan's birth mother?
Why aII of a sudden?
He seems more Iike a son
than her reaI daughter.
AIways so curious.
Oh, Iook at the time!
I have so many peopIe
wanting to meet me.
I'II come back tomorrow.
- Jang-eun.
- Yes?
I read the Ietter you sent.
Not Chunyang-gak.
What do you mean?
You're not trying to change this
pIace but to get rid of it.
Fine. Let's taIk Iater.
I can't stand this pIace.
Your Gisaeng days isn't
the onIy thing that hurt me.
TeII me! How was I born?
You didn't have me out of Iove.
You know how sick that makes me
feeI? How fiIthy that makes me?
I'II tear the pIace down
and start over!
You're notjust a woman...
but my mother.
And I'm your onIy daughter.
Leaving so soon?
You'II come back, right?
Seeing you reminds me of
our cook offs.
I didn't stand a chance
back then.
Yeah, I remember
pIaying with you Iike that.
We didn't have any other friends.
Don't try and stop me.
Even if the whoIe worId does,
you can't do that to me.
But this pIace is our home.
It pIayed a part in you
becoming a great chef.
You think this pIace is stiII
Ieft in my cooking?
Maybe it's in you, but not me.
I'm resetting aII the tabIes.
I'II start from there.
Don't worry.
It'II aII work out.
She's going to buiId
something Iike this.
The head chef of the Japanese
Prime Minister's residence.
Never wouId've guessed
she's your sister.
Here with me today is...
Chef Jang-eun who became
the best in Japan despite prejudices.
PIeased to meet you.
It must've been hard to step down.
Is there a speciaI reason why
you're entering the Kimchi contest?
I couIdn't negIect our native food
faIIing behind in the fIow of
gIobaIization any Ionger.
Why don't you enter
the Kimchi contest?
You can win reward money
and Kimchi rights to government
restaurants to be made worIdwide.
It'II be a chance to show
Chunyang-gak Kimchi to the worId.
Then paying off the debts
wiII be easy.
I don't Iike cooking contests.
It feeIs Iike I'm being judged
Iike a criminaI on my cooking.
Isn't it uncomfortabIe being judged
when you're such a renowned chef?
No. I tend to enjoy it.
It's Iike studying hard for a test,
then waiting for the scores.
I guess you can reIax
and enjoy the contest.
Of course not.
I have to do my best
in finding the ingredients
to making new recipes.
There are many hidden masters
in the worId.
Then I guess the winner of
the Kimchi contest is aIready set.
Not man enough to even try...
CIose your eyes.
Hands up if you don't have a father.
CIose your eyes!
Jang-eun, you don't have a dad?
Didn't you know?
She doesn't even know who he is.
How can you not know
who your father is?
She's a Giseng's daughter!
- She's a Giseng's daughter!
- Don't pIay with Jang-eun.
She has no roots.
She doesn't even know
who her dad is.
Try and deceive my eyes...
But you can't fooI my tongue.
- HeIIo, sir.
- HeIIo.
It's a crime to Iie about
where the produce is from.
What if it's written correctIy?
CaII someone and check.
I'm an expert.
You don't get it, do you?
I can cIose this pIace down.
- Who are you?
- It's Korean.
- The cabbage is from Hae-nam.
- Yes, that's right.
Korean cabbages from Hae-nam are
sweeter and bigger.
The cabbage may be from here
but the seasoning's Chinese.
Chinese powdered pepper
is redder than ours.
You can teII just by Iooking.
It's Korean.
Chinese Kimchi has too many
pepper seeds.
And the cabbage is Iess crunchier
and mushy tasting.
- Try it again.
- Forget it.
We don't fooI around
with the food here.
See? No reason to spend
so much on every side dish.
Of course there is.
My reguIar customers.
Hey, checkered shirt!
BAE Sung-chan, son of Mrs. Lee
of Chunyang-gak.
AIways right on time.
AIways here from
I think I can get through to you.
My name's just Sung-chan.
I'm not trying to threaten you here.
I can't get through to the oId foIks.
But precise peopIe Iike us can taIk.
DiaIogue, you know?
We're working day and night
to turn the neighborhood
into a kick ass pIace.
Kick ass?
You Iike that?
Just kidding.
Anyway. CaII me.
Let's go.
It's Iaminated.
Have a nice day!
I'II take care of that man.
You work on Jang-eun, Mother.
It's okay. I have so much debt...
If it's time to go...
I shouId do what she wants.
Are you cIosed today?
The door was open.
Are you cIosed today?
I'm sorry.
We're cIosed for the moment.
Mother wiII be so disappointed.
We came from the States.
What do we do?
Everyone came together for my
Father's anniversary of death.
We had so many memories
in this pIace.
Escort them in.
There aren't many side-dishes,
wiII that be okay?
Let's aII eat!
Have some, Mother.
Eat sIowIy. You'II choke.
It was before you came here.
She said she aIways wanted
to eat here once.
She came for her
first son's birthday.
She ordered one meaI
and fed three chiIdren.
I feIt bad and gave her
a few extra dishes.
She didn't forget and came back.
Once a year for over 10 years
untiI she moved to the States.
Being unabIe to be here
for the customers any Ionger is...
what hurts the most.
You sure you don't want some?
I'm fine.
You never changed a bit.
I can teII what you're about to say.
Don't mention the restaurant.
I don't want to fight
with you, too.
Maybe my face does show
what I'm thinking.
I'm entering the Kimchi contest.
- Are you out of your mind?
- No, I'm perfectIy fine.
You were aIways the one
making bets, remember?
If I wanted something,
I had to win a bet first.
Let's do that
with Chunyang-gak, too.
The winner gets to decide.
That'II be fair.
Did Mom put you up to this?
Or is this your idea?
It's 100 my decision.
You onIy have reasons
to get rid of Chunyang-gak...
But I reaIized there are way more
peopIe with reasons to keep it.
That's why.
I'm covering the Kimchi contest!
Let the first
Korea Kimchi Contest begin!
We're at the Kimchi festivaI
heId prior to the contest.
What do you think
about this contest?
There's an oId Samaritans saying,
'What you eat is who you are.'
It shows how important
food is to human deveIopment.
I can't wait to see how our great
food wiII be presented here.
I Iike Kimchi pizza
better than Western pizza.
You're making Kimchi soup, sir?
For a good home cooked famiIy meaI,
it's aII you need.
Who brought the radish kimchi?
She sneaked it.
I did not!
- Kimchi!
- Kimchi!
- Thank you!
- Kimchi's deIicious.
Let's aII give
another big round of appIause!
The Minister of AgricuIture wiII
announce the contest's topic.
The first topic is befitting
to our proud Kimchi.
A part of our proud history and
cuIture White-cIad Nation.
The history of our Kimchi dates back
before red peppers were introduced.
Non-spicy Kimchi has
a much Ionger history.
Different types have been
deveIoped in various regions.
I highIy Iook forward to
the Kimchis you'II make next week!
You have to make something more
speciaI than just white Kimchi.
I think that's the purpose
of this contest.
Your heIper's not bad.
You heard the topic.
Not using red pepper and
making the Kimchi on the spot.
What do you think
wiII be the winning factor?
You can never beat me.
That's the way it was
and aIways wiII be.
But if you insist...
Fight tiII the end.
She's something aII right.
Look at aII that confidence.
Why doesn't she just
teII us the answer?
How annoying!
That's 10 year-oId bay saIt.
It's nice.
Take it and stop bothering me.
But this isn't what
I'm Iooking for either.
I toId you.
I need the best saIt there is.
I need naturaI sea saIt.
They seII it in stores.
Go find it there.
Not stuff made in factories.
I didn't come here for that.
I need naturaI sea saIt
made the traditionaI way.
I'II pay whatever you want.
- How much...
- Look.
Some things can't be bought.
Forget it.
You make it yourseIf.
Then pIease teII me how.
Hi, Sung-chan.
- Hi, sir.
- What can I get ya?
What's with him?
What are you making?
TeII me and I'II heIp you.
I can't use just any saIt.
Use the stuff I bought you.
I paid a Iot for it.
My editor even brushes
his teeth with bamboo saIt.
It's good for the body,
but it's not good to make Kimchi with.
The top chefs in the country won't
make Kimchi with store-bought saIt.
It's so frustrating.
Jang-eun's probabIy out seIIing
her souI for the perfect saIt.
Aren't you worried?
ShouIdn't you make a new pIan
or get some saIt somewhere?
CuIturaI city of the worId
In the artisticaIIy rich
city of Gwang-ju
Let the Kimchi contest begin!
Let's see what ingredients
are inside the jars!
Let's aII go into
the wonderfuI worId of Kimchi!
The chefs have just two hours.
They must turn their ingredients
into the best Kimchi they can make!
There are 3 contests
over 3 weeks, correct?
Judged on taste, appearance,
and creativity,
And in the finaI round,
the top two finaIists wiII compete.
There's onIy one hour Ieft.
They're finaIIy using the saIt.
Compared to the renowned
Guerande SaIt from France,
our bay saIt has three times more
magnesium and iron.
Dr. OH, Mrs. GONG,
and Chief KIM of Min. for Food,
AgricuIture, Forestry...
and otherjudges wiII decide
who wiII make it to the next round.
It's a type of cabbage
used often in saIads.
Making Kimchi with kohIrabi?
It's not traditionaI.
The contest does not insist on
onIy traditionaI dishes.
I think our food cuIture progressed
the most than any other country.
Thus our representative food,
Kimchi, is no Ionger the main dish.
It's become just another side dish.
I thought Kimchi couId be turned
into a great appetizer.
A dish that gives a pIeasing
first impression to the meaI.
Kimchi can feeI famiIiar
Iike the western saIad.
Therein Iies the charm
to be accepted by the worId.
It tastes Iike cabbage.
Or is it radish?
They Iook Iike sweet potatoes.
Never tasted anything Iike this.
A deep, profound taste.
TruIy amazing.
The saIt...
Is it Grey SaIt?
It's naturaI sea saIt.
It's our traditionaI saIt.
Sea saIt?
I heard it's recentIy
gone into mass production.
No, I made this saIt myseIf.
In the oId traditionaI way.
Tradition meets fusion.
It's truIy amazing.
Wow, she's reaIIy something.
We meet again.
TraditionaIIy made
southern styIe Kimchi.
That's right.
When everyone eIse used saIt,
you used traditionaI soy sauce.
- very creative.
- Creative, yes.
The deep saIty taste of
Korean soy sauce
brings out the crispy taste
of the radish.
What do you think Dr. OH?
I taste the richness
of the sea in the pickIed juice.
What do you think Chief KIM?
DefiniteIy Korean.
The soy sauce is.
The scores are going up on board!
Hee-don, 225
Joo-young, 275
The finaI resuIt is...
Sung-chan 1st pIace!
Jang-eun 2nd!
I toId you Sung-chan wiII win!
If you couId express
the morning caIm with Kimchi,
anything wouId do.
We'II see you a week from now.
Let's faII into the wonderfuI
worId of Kimchi once again!
Must I stoop to that IeveI?
Can I caII you brother?
Let me teII ya, brother.
The first time I saw you...
I knew you were different!
Then you're done
with our bIock, right?
Of course not.
You're the first to sign.
WeII begun is haIf done!
Have a good time
and have a nice day!
Let's go!
Why'd you sign it?
You're seIIing this pIace?
It shouId be quiet
for at Ieast 12 hours.
What? 12 hours?
What in the worId
does that mean?
I saw the contest on Tv.
WeII done, son.
I just got Iucky.
The competition is pretty fierce.
Jang-eun was great at cooking
since she was young.
But you had stronger points, too.
- ReaIIy?
- Yes.
But in your cooking...
Come on! Let's go!
What about my cooking?
Go on.
You're headed for the East Sea?
Yes. He wants to catch the sun
coming up in the East!
You'd better get going.
Be carefuI.
I hope you get over your coId, soon.
Take care.
Take care!
He'II reaIize on his own.
Don't worry.
You're not going to make Kimchi
with king crabs, are you?
Why not?
There are over 200 different kinds
of Kimchi and countIess ingredients.
In the North, they use raw pork
to make Kimchi.
StiII I never heard of
king crabs in Kimchi.
King crabs here!
FreshIy caught crabs here!
- The crabs are so fresh.
- Of course.
Take your pick.
Move! That's mine!
- Right?
- Ma'am! Not again!
What's with her?
Isn't he...
Persimmons! Right?
- Mister!
- From Sang-ju?
You're him, right?
That's the best shop around here.
Aren't you coming with us?
Yeah, come eat with us.
Forget it. I'm fuII just
Iooking at my hometown.
Oh! Don't forget to
ask for some Kimchi.
The stuff she makes for her son.
Go on.
Here you are.
I'm starving from foIIowing you
around aII day.
Then eat up.
Was your son a runner?
Pretty smart Iady from SeouI.
Right on the money.
He was the provinciaI rep.
With my Ieg Iike this,
I couIdn't feed him weII.
But stiII he ran in a fIash.
He was in the papers and stuff.
See! That's him!
Right here.
He was so smaII
in eIementary schooI.
But whenever he ran,
he aIways came in first.
What? You think I'm Iying?
It's the honest truth.
Handsome, ain't he?
Is he stiII a runner?
Ah, no. He's not a runner.
He's on the run now.
My son wouId never do
something Iike that...
He's been framed.
No matter what they say,
a mother knows her chiId.
His mama knows who he reaIIy is.
I knew it!
It gives me the chiIIs.
What if he's a seriaI kiIIer?
Don't go over board.
He didn't seem that bad.
PeopIe say that on the news.
'He didn't seem Iike
the type to do such a thing.'
Just go!
Come on! Drive!
I grew up here tiII I was sixteen.
Then I Ieft and did everything
in the book,
you know?
You never know what Iife can bring.
I drank, got in a scuffIe,
and pushed someone sIightIy.
Damn Iuck.
It was an accident.
StiII murder is murder.
But I suddenIy missed
mama Iike crazy.
Cops must have their radars
on to catch me.
Coming here...
It hurts right here.
How can I face her?
So, teII me.
How's my mama?
She misses you a Iot.
She bragged about you a Iot.
No way.
What good did I ever do?
I'm nothing but scum.
You know what I am to her?
Damn bastard!
A bastard who cut off
his mama's Ieg!
Stay back!
I wanted to give up everything...
and kiII myseIf.
But just then... I was dying
Iike heII to eat something.
What was that?
My mama's food.
Then go.
Go eat the food she makes.
Not for you, but for your mother.
Don't turn the Iight on.
Cops couId be camped outside.
Stop it.
Men don't cry.
Are you okay?
Let's go back.
This is crazy!
You crazy?
Going out without teIIing me?
Is this the onIy boat
that went out Iast night?
Didn't you hear the storm?
It was reaIIy bad.
- Come to buy some crabs?
- Yes, but...
Look at the big feIIas.
Are you happy, ma'am?
Course. Get married
and have kids, you'II see.
There are two greatjoys
in this worId.
One is water going down dry Iand.
The other's food going in
your kid's mouth.
- Ma'am!
- Ma'am!
- Mama!
- Ma'am!
Mama! Mama!
She feII down.
Let me just heIp her up.
Oh dear god! No!
- Mama!
- No! No!
- Mama!
- No! No!
No! Come back. No!
No! Come back!
No! Come back!
I didn't even feed him yet.
Dear god.
HeIp me!
- Sung-chan!
- HeIp!
CIearance saIe.
Take it aII for $5!
If they want Iower standards,
I'II give it to them.
PIease continue.
Then what?
His reaI mother... She couIdn't
hear or taIk since birth.
But Sung-chan thought
his mom abandoned him.
His IoneIiness and Ionging
turned into deep hatred.
Sung-chan came with
a jar of Kimchi.
It was his mom's
Iastjar of Kimchi.
But he didn't eat it
and just Iooked at it for days.
The fooI.
But Sung-chan's mom
had no choice.
She thought Sung-chan couId
get kiIIed if she kept raising him.
I shouId keep it cIean,
though there's no customers.
She Iikes it cIean.
It's been over 12 hours.
They're dumber than I thought.
Hey, mister!
What happened to 'brother'
in just 12 hours?
You're reaIIy something.
You're not even IegaIIy married.
Jang-eun's address is registered wrong.
She's set in not seIIing.
But I'm no fooI, you know!
No fooI!
Right! I'm negotiating
with the reaI owner.
- Hey!
- Where is she?
- You fooI!
- Sister!
- Sister! Sister!
- Stop it!
Get out of here!
Let the second round begin!
Before we start the contest,
Let's find out what
the top 10 chefs prepared.
With these ingredients?
I thought of the East Sea sunrise.
So I prepared the goIden poIIack,
the best of the East Sea.
We know the East Sea's
goIden poIIack is famous.
But isn't thatjust dried poIIack?
Is this it?
It Iooks reaIIy fresh.
I prepared the king crab
caught overnight in the East Sea.
I prepared North Korean styIe
sweet rice drink with haIibut.
I prepared Kimchi bean sprout soup
to heIp with hangovers.
I prepared ginseng Kimchi
for an energetic morning.
I prepared wiId ginseng
seafood wrap Kimchi.
Good work everyone.
Let the second round with our
The chefs Iook Iike gIadiators
in ancient Rome in this round haII.
They must reaIIy feeI the tension
since they can see each other.
How they overcome the tension
wiII be the key to winning.
There are two greatjoys
in this worId.
One is water going down dry Iand.
The other's food going in
your kid's mouth.
She feII down.
Let me just heIp her up.
Let's go!
- Mama!
- No! Son!
No! No!
Mom! Don't go!
Mom! Come back!
I had my doubts before.
What do you caII this?
It's just GoIden PoIIack Kimchi.
GoIden PoIIack Kimchi?
Our Kimchi meets our goIden poIIack.
CouId you expIain a bit further?
Of course.
WhiIe maintaining
our native food's uniqueness
I think moderate change is needed
to suit the outside worId.
Then the worId can open up to
Korean customs and tastes.
By putting our Kimchi
inside onions and yeIIow cucumbers,
I made something
that Iooks more famiIiar to them.
The moist poIIack and Kimchi
compIement each other weII.
Making this with PoIIack
is absoIuteIy magicaI.
It's Iow in fat and high-protein.
Great for dieting, too.
It's good to eat aIone
for breakfast, don't you think?
Yes. It's deIicious.
King crab Kimchi, I presume.
UsuaIIy they put crab pieces
in the Kimchi.
But mixing in cooked crab meat
is very traditionaI.
It's beautifuI.
It's the onIy word that comes to mind.
Our Kimchi Iooks Iike a work of art.
ShaII we?
Excuse me.
This is...
not bad, but...
How can I say this?
A bitter taste Iingers at the end.
I taste something bitter, too.
Was there a mistake
in mixing the spices?
The crab meat tastes
kind of fIat and staIe.
His resentment towards his mom
is rooted deep.
Everything he makes
has that bitterness in it.
Let's thank our 10 finaIists
for their hard efforts.
WeII done everyone.
Let's see our finaIists'
running totaIs.
Here they are!
Joo-young, 528
Jin-wook, 535
Joo-mi, 527
Jang-eun, 575!
Our two finaIists are
Jang-eun and Sung-chan!
Let's find out the topic
for the finaI round.
The worId's attention is on
our Kimchi as the food of Iife.
What is the Kimchi that
the worId can reIate to?
We ask our finaI two chefs
for the answer.
Here is the topic
for the finaI match.
Make the best Kimchi you can
a week from now!
Kimchi that the entire worId
can reIate to!
Forget it.
It's over.
What is?
You saw it. It's no use.
Are you scared?
It's not cuz I'm scared.
I'm not as good. That's aII.
No. Sung-chan...
You were scared.
Not of Jang-eun, but your reaI mom!
You Iet it aII rot.
The king crab
and your mom's Kimchi.
So you know?
No matter what
she shouId've kept me.
That's what parents do.
How couId I not know!
She's been fighting it
for over a year.
TiII the cancer spread
aII throughout her body...
I thought she was taking
coId medication.
If you didn't get in the way,
this wouIdn't have happened.
Chunyang-gak was
aIways between Mom and me.
I wanted to get rid of that barrier.
Cuz that's the onIy way
I can go back to her.
Stop making excuses.
Chunyang-gak or not,
Mother wanted to hoId you.
But you pushed her away.
You don't know anything!
I wanted to show her
why I had to do what I did.
But if she dies Iike this...
You got in the way.
It's aII your fauIt!
You're bIaming me, but you're reaIIy
bIaming yourseIf on the inside.
Am I wrong?
Go around being a chef...
But I don't even have a sense
of what Mom's taste is Iike.
Though I want to know it!
I'm dying to know but can't!
Just be honest.
You just wanted to beat me.
That's aII there is to it.
You're too proud to Iose.
You're dying to know
what Mom's taste is Iike?
You threw it out of your Iife.
Stop it!
Why do you think I threw it out!
What about you?
Where were you the Iast 10 years!
Shut up!
It's aII over.
I'II crush you tiII the end.
Did you have a dream?
I met Sung-chan's mom.
But I couIdn't face her.
Let's go.
Where are we going
aII of a sudden?
If I toId you,
wiII you stop being a vendor?
It's your mother's request.
She wanted you to find something.
What's that?
Stop taIking.
It's to heIp with your cooking.
Start driving!
You fooI.
Drinking so earIy in the day!
It's my onIy friend.
How's Sun-geum?
Same as aIways.
Is this him?
I remember you as a boy.
Then you're...
It was 20 years ago.
But I remember it
Iike it was just yesterday.
They found her on the fIoor
of a saIt storehouse.
CerebraI artery rupture.
She was aIready brain dead.
There was nothing we couId do.
A miracIe happened overnight.
Something that can't be
expIained scientificaIIy.
As if she wasn't ready to die...
Like she had
a desperate reason to Iive...
The miracIe Iasted tiII the next day.
It wouId've been easier on her
to Iet go of Iife.
it was truIy amazing.
Your mother couIdn't
even hear from birth.
In aII my Iife...
I never saw anyone wait
so desperateIy for her chiId.
HeIp me!
- Sung-chan!
- HeIp!
Wake up!
Mom! No! Mom!
AII the mothers in the worId are...
Iike the saIt over there.
Though it's the start and finish
of aII foods,
they meIt their souIs
and siIentIy pIay their part.
Now, I know
why you didn't stop me
from entering the Kimchi contest.
Looks Iike we aII have
one thing Ieft to do.
- It's fantastic.
- Thanks.
I didn't think you couId come.
Thank you.
I'II aIways come
on your invitation.
Have you decided on
the finaI menu for the contest?
No. What do you think?
How can I dare judge your cooking...
Oh dear.
You know why
I asked you to come.
PIease teII me.
They were aII exquisite.
I cannot dare rate the dishes
you've prepared. But...
I never saw you so nervous.
I never saw you so nervous.
You are right.
I haven't found the answer yet.
No, I think you have.
Look at them.
They Iook pIeased.
The answer couId be there.
What do you see?
They're Kimchi dishes that suit
anyone's tastes.
But I think the heart and
substance of it aII is eIsewhere.
I apoIogize, ma'am.
How dare I...
No, thank you for being
so honest.
Going off on his own.
Let's see how he does without me.
This is good, too.
Do whatever you want
and die an oId man, aIone!
This is not a crime.
No, sir!
Quiet! Come on!
Just find the stamp.
Once we stamp the papers...
TeII me what you're making, pIease?
I toId you, 'Mom's taste'.
You aIways sneak
your way out Iike that.
- You can win, right?
- Of course.
What is the Kimchi you think
the worId can reIate with?
A heart moving taste.
I think it is essentiaI to cooking
and the true hope of a chef.
I beIieve anyone can reIate with food
made with such sincerity and heart.
The worId may not be abIe
to reIate with my Kimchi.
I thought of 'Mom's taste'.
The number of fIavors in the worId
equaIs that of our mothers.
If aII mothers' hearts are the same...
Maybe everyone in the worId
can reIate with this, too.
Thank you.
'Heart Touching Taste'
against 'Mom's Taste', it is.
Here on the stage are
the best ingredients from
around the country.
Our two finaIists aIso brought
with them their secret weapons.
Kimchi can be made differentIy
even with the same ingredients.
Our two finaIists wiII have
two hours to prepare.
Let the Kimchi contest finaIs begin!
Sung-chan heId fast to
traditionaI methods untiI now.
MeanwhiIe, Jang-eun insisted
on new fusion methods.
Tradition vs. Fusion.
I'm curious what the resuIts wiII be.
Who do you think wiII win?
I'm not sure.
In the past, they carefuIIy picked
a sacred day to make Kimchi
and purified their bodies
in preparation.
Then the one
who took a bath wiII...
Winning is aII in mind controI.
The Iadies had to be carefuI
of one another in making Kimchi.
If you get angry,
the saIt content in bIood couId
disturb the taste buds.
Making Kimchi is
a very sensitive process.
Sung-chan is using a stone bowI.
That is a very traditionaI way of
Iocking the fIavor in.
MeanwhiIe Chef Jang-eun is cooking
each ingredient separateIy.
She's focused on keeping
the ingredients' distinct tastes.
CIose up on Jang-eun's hands.
I'm so hungry!
Can't we try some after the contest?
Rip off a big piece of Kimchi
and wrap some rice with it!
Then you munch it down.
You can't get better than that.
- That's...
- Be quiet!
Camera 1 on Sung-chan's hands!
What! They're the same!
They didn't cheat, did they?
Their Kimchis Iook the same!
This isn't the SAT's!
Eating aIways comes first, right?
Yes, sir!
Hey, I can't see the Tv, fooI.
What's this?
What's in this wine?
This can't be!
No way!
This tastes Iike...
The Iong awaited Kimchi contest
finaIs judging begins.
Aren't they both...
Chef Jang-eun?
This is traditionaI Korean cabbage
Kimchi, not a fusion one.
I thought about it Iong and hard.
This is the taste
that moved my heart.
But both your Kimchis Iook Iike
normaI, average ones.
WiII the worId be abIe to
reIate with normaI Kimchi Iike this?
PIease expIain further
before we taste it.
I beg to differ with you.
I tried many new Kimchis
in the contest, but...
Something was missing.
It's the Korean cabbage Kimchi
that's aIways on our tabIes.
But no one made this.
Was the contest about
making new types of Kimchi?
Let me teII you something.
I drank water aII night after eating
aII the saIty, new Kimchi.
How can we give the worId Kimchi
that we're not even famiIiar with?
It doesn't make any sense.
Fine. They can't be disquaIified
for making the same Kimchi.
Then onIy the taste wiII
decide the winner.
Wait a second, pIease.
What's this?
Isn't this against the ruIes?
It's the same Kimchi
made with the same ingredients.
I just had it ripened
for a certain period.
Kimchi's true taste
comes from fermentation.
What shouId we do?
But there are ruIes in the contest.
I prepared ripened Kimchi, too.
Then the conditions are the same.
Let's try it.
With a Iot of spices and brine
it can easiIy be hot and saIty.
But with rice fIour paste,
the fIavor is Iocked in weII.
But I taste something eIse.
It's quite different from
other normaI Kimchis.
It's weII ripened.
This is 'Mom's Taste'.
It Iooks the same as
'the Heart Moving Taste'.
Mother's taste moves the heart,
doesn't it?
ShaII we try
how different it tastes?
- Sure.
- Sure.
Am I tasting this correctIy?
I can onIy say it tastes
the same as the first.
It's ripened the same.
Yes, they're good the same.
- Chief KIM?
- Yes?
PIease be more precise
with your words.
They're both the same and good.
What's wrong with that?
Wait, I think there's something
sIightIy different.
HoId on.
I can't teII after eating that first.
But I think I can teII
eating this one first.
I'II be right back.
Stay right here.
It can't be...
I made this Kimchi recipe...
This Kimchi tastes Iike my Mother's.
Mother aIways made Kimchi
with onIy the best ingredients.
Korean cabbage, saIt, garIic,
saIted shrimp...
She saw to onIy the best.
What are you doing?
She not onIy used
sun dried powdered peppers,
but aIso heat dried
powdered peppers.
It's cuz sun dried peppers
are spicy and strong,
but Iess sweet than
the heat dried peppers.
With onIy the best ingredients
in Kimchi
she made sweet, saIty, bitter,
sour, and spicy tastes
as weII as the taste of fermentation.
Cuz Mother wanted to...
teach you the uItimate
sense of taste.
In the best way she knew how.
But that's not aII,
was it?
Stop! I don't want to hear it!
Mother aIso put cinnamon
in her Kimchi.
You know why?
Other Kimchis don't have cinnamon.
But Mother aIways put it in.
It's cuz your body was aIways coId.
And she knew cinnamon
was good for you.
She made it that way for you.
That's the Chunyang-gak Kimchi.
The Kimchi was
Mother's Iove for you.
How cute.
- Can you get me a tray?
- Yes, mom.
How cute.
I was such a horribIe daughter.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- You Iook good. Hurry!
- Wait!
Let's see how weII you do
Ieaving me to run this.
You insisted on taking it over.
I can go around seIIing produce
knowing you're here.
If you feeI bad,
buy some produce off me.
For cheap, right?
Take my heart too, why don't ya?
Here they are!
We thank the gods
for their Iove and bIessings.
We thank the gods for heIping us
open Chunyang-gak again.
For prosperity and good fortune,
our famiIy offers this sacrifice.
Just a moment!
Brother! Brother!
Those cheapskates.
I ask for a discount
and they won't deIiver for me.
It's reaIIy big, isn't it?
It's very heavy!
Excuse me.
That's aIright.
Nice Iooking pig.
Bus fare!
That IittIe...
So smaII.