Kim-gwanjang dae Kim-gwanjang dae Kim-gwanjang (Three Kims) (2007) Movie Script

A Taewon Entertainment production
Distributed by
Showbox/ Mediaplex, Inc.
Korean Martial Art
A front kick!
At ease!
Good job, boys.
We' ll keep on practicing...
...for the nation's independence.
Who are you people?
Master Kim!
Show respect.
I represent Japan's Kendo.
As of today!
You sold yourself out.
You traitor!
Whatever you say.
We won't allow you losers
to practice Taekkyon.
So leave town.
What if I say no?
We'll make you.
Are you sure he's Korean?
He looks Arabic to me
Doesn't he?
He looks so cheesy.
I hate cheesy-looking men.
Take down that sign now.
Korean Martial Art Taekkyon
I will punish you
in the name of our nation!
Who is it?
Who dares to ruin my lecture?
Stop crying.
What's wrong?
Did anybody hit you?
Yongju beat me up.
Who's that?
Why'd he hit you?
He said Kendo is stronger
than Taekkyon.
Master Kim!
You hit my student?
Everybody, follow me!
Watch your step, boys.
He's done for!
Be careful.
Kendo Gym
Master Kim!
What is it?
Take your shoes off!
Take them off.
Who the heck is Dongju?
Dad, it's Yongju.
Who's Yongju?
It's me.
Did you hit him?
Yongju, did you?
Good. Very good.
Look, men are to be strong.
What does that mean?
The strong rule the world.
You, Doryung.
Do you wanna be strong?
Yes, of course.
Stop Taekkyon and learn Kendo.
Then you'll be as strong as us.
No way.
Fighting with a weapon?
That's pathetic.
What'd you say?
You're so smart.
That's my boy!
Like father, like son.
Bunch of losers!
What? Losers?
Hold these.
You call us losers?
-Got a problem with that?
-I do!
Let's get it on then.
Fine! Bring it on!
SHIN Hyun-jun / Taekkyon
CHOI Sung-kook / Kendo
KWON Oh-jung / Kungfu
OH Seung-hyun / Beauty
Produced by CHUNG Tae-won
Written and Directed by
PARK Sung-kun
Master KIMs
Do you like it?
Y es, noodles are my favorite!
That's good.
Who do you take after?
My dad!
Your dad?
That bastard...
He's been jerking me around
with overdue rent!
Oh, that's right.
He paid it the other day.
I totally forgot.
Come on, it'll get cold.
Go ahead.
How about it?
You got it wrong.
-Like this?
-Break it down like this.
I can't believe you.
Forget it.
You'll never get it.
Let's go.
Out of the way!
Kungfu Wushu
That weasel-looking ass!
He's a pain in the butt!
Where the hell were you?
We got a big problem.
Is the landlord here?
-I gotta hide!
-That's not it.
You know they've been
remodeling the first floor.
What about it?
It's gonna be a Kungfu gym!
Mr. Park!
Mr. Park!
I've been looking for you!
When will you pay...
How could you do that?
Do what?
You rented out that place
without consulting me!
He didn't consult me, either.
Why should I consult you?
It's my place!
But think about it.
You rented it out
to another martial art gym!
Where's business ethics?
Yeah, business ethics!
What the heck!
Business ethics my ass!
You can't even pay rent.
So stop complaining
and come back tonight.
We're throwing a party
for a new tenant.
Nothing big.
Just a small gathering.
No, I'm busy.
I'm busier.
Too busy tonight.
Come on, dad.
Come tonight, okay?
There'll be lots of food.
Aren't you busy?
Kungfu Wushu
Can we eat now?
Wake up.
We can eat now.
You're really good.
That was perfect.
You looked like a snake.
Come on, it's nothing.
When I was younger,
I trained at Shaolin Temple.
You don't even know
where that temple is.
To him, every temple is same.
Come here.
I'll shoot air at you.
When you tried that last time,
you almost shit in your pants.
I thought he did.
Watch it, or you'll get it!
Hi there.
We haven't met, have we?
I'm Master Kim of Taekkyon.
That Tarzan-looking boy is
Master Kim of Kendo.
You can tell, huh?
Nice to meet you.
Name's Kim Sukho.
You're Master Kim, too?
He's Master Kim, too.
So many Master Kims
in this town.
Enough introductions.
Let's see how good you are.
-You scared me.
Give him a big hand!
You're good.
But not good enough.
I'll be watching you.
Why are you quitting?
Is it too hard?
You can't be a master overnight.
That's not it.
What is it then?
It's okay. Tell me.
I'll learn Kungfu.
But why?
Why switch to Kungfu
all of a sudden?
It looks so cool.
Listen to me.
You've seen too many movies.
Kungfu is nothing but a show!
Stay with me.
I'll give you a discount.
Stick to Taekkyon.
And you can have this, too.
No way.
That's Nuri.
Even Sungkyun!
Yongju, Kunhee, Jaekuk...
What's that?
Oh, I see.
He's playing the piano!
Why is he playing the piano?
He thinks he's a musician?
That's nothing.
Can you play it?
by Kenny G.
Doesn't he play the saxophone?
He plays the piano, too.
He's awesome!
Let's do it.
What the fuck!
God damn it!
He's good for nothing!
Come on, work with me.
This is good.
It tastes better with this.
Let me have some.
Is it good, or what?
He's here!
What's wrong with this town?
Someone punctured the tires
of my van.
How many?
All four!
I can't pick up my students.
If all the tires went flat
at the same time...
Someone did it on purpose.
That's what I'm thinking.
Did you report it
to the police?
Whoever did it should rot in jail.
You know the old saying.
Those who rise with chopsticks
collapse with chopsticks.
What was that?
What happened here?
Let me explain.
It's too noisy to eat here!
Let's go, Kendo!
I'm not done eating.
No, Taekkyon is stronger.
No, Kungfu is.
Our master can beat yours.
No way!
Ours can beat yours!
-What's going on?
-What is it?
Why causing trouble?
Is this how I taught you?
They said Kungfu was
stronger than Taekkyon.
No, they said their master
would beat you.
Kungfu is stronger, right?
Of course!
Are you out of your mind?
Or drunk?
Do your mean that?
Yes, I do.
You're so funny.
All right.
Should we get it on?
I'd like that.
Taekkyon, go! Kungfu, go!
Taekkyon, go! Kungfu, go!
Taekkyon, go! Kungfu, go!
Wait, stop!
One of the lenses fell out.
Where is it?
Dad, you don't wear them.
What the...
I always run errands.
What am l, a servant?
Hey, Curly.
Come here.
Get your ass over here!
Look at him wearing a Hanbok.
Is it a vintage look?
It's not even a Hanbok.
What are you, a servant?
Damn servant!
Servant, give us money.
Come on!
Wow, what's the occasion?
You seem so feeble lately
so I cooked some healthy food.
That's my boy.
I'm so touched.
Let's eat.
Can you teach me deadly moves?
-I will.
What's that Someday?
I was thinking 1 5 years.
But if you keep it up,
I'll make it 5.
This is salty.
That's not fair.
Teach me those moves now.
Or I'll stop cooking for you.
What's wrong with you?
Why do you want to learn
those moves?
That's because...
I know why.
You want to show off
to your friends, don't you?
That's not it.
Doryung, listen to me.
When practicing Taekkyon...
...there are two things
you have to remember.
Don't ever use violence.
Don't you ever use violence.
Got it?
Eat now.
I won again!
Where are you going?
I gotta go to a Kungfu gym.
No way, sit back down.
Our master will be upset
if I'm late.
Our master?
Who's scarier,
me or Kungfu master?
Don't talk back.
I'll play the old man now.
You're not good enough
to beat me.
Practice more.
I won't play with you again.
What a temper.
But it was so nice to see you
doing your best!
-Come here.
-You can't run from us.
Did you bring money, Curly?
Give us money now.
Let me frisk him.
No money?
I should kill you!
Didn't we tell you
to bring us money?
You think you're tough?
Didn't we tell you
to bring us money?
You wanna die?
Bring us money!
What's in your bag?
Answer me, or die!
No bullying, okay?
You won all those trophies?
It's nothing.
You must be really good.
Why learning Taekkyon?
It's a traditional martial art.
You train your body and mind...
You sure?
No other reason?
That's because...
I want to fight well.
What for?
So I can punish all those bullies.
I can see that
we have a lot in common.
I learned Kendo
for the same reason.
You didn't fight well
when you were little?
I always got beat up.
And you became invincible
after you started Kendo?
You can say that.
Master, I'll learn Kendo.
I can't allow you.
Why not?
Because I've been rude to you?
I promise I'll change.
Take me as your student.
No way.
It won't be ethical.
If your dad finds out...
We don't have to tell him.
I said no!
Don't worry about money.
I've saved quite a bit.
You're so persistent.
I'll take you in as my student.
Thank you, Master!
Get set!
I said stronger!
Keep them straight.
-Lift it higher.
-One, two...
One, two...
-One, two...
One, two...
That's it for today.
Go home, wash your feet,
and eat a hearty dinner.
I have a question.
How can I win fights
like you do?
It's simple.
If you don't lose, you win.
Then, how can I not lose?
God, he's a pain.
Doryung, listen.
The most important thing
in a fight?
It's a moral victory.
Physical strength doesn't matter.
If you overcome your fear... have a better chance
to beat up your opponent.
Got it?
The blind aren't scared of snakes.
Yeonshil, I truly love you.
Please, give me a kiss.
And a hug, too.
What are you doing here?
Is she here?
I told you not to bother me
when I meditate.
You always meditate
with Yeonshil?
What's for dinner?
I'm not cooking anymore.
Don't you wanna learn
deadly moves?
Not anymore.
I'll be nice and teach you
those moves in a year.
Forget it.
How about 6 months?
Forget it!
Stop bothering me
and go to the Kungfu gym.
What for?
That's where Yeonshil is.
Don't worry.
It's a difficult part.
Put your thumb here
and the index finger...
My fingers are so short,
aren't they?
They're long and beautiful.
Teach me this one.
It's a hard one.
You need more practice.
Let's do this one.
It's easy.
He touched her hands?
He's dead.
Wait, Yeonshil.
I'll learn and teach you.
My lovely hometown...
In the country...
What's this?
What's going on?
What's wrong?
Put your weight in a rear leg.
One, two, three!
Shake them gently.
Then hit a vital spot.
Are you okay?
Should we take a break?
No, this is fun.
-Master Kim.
This is like a dream come true.
Thank you so much.
No problem.
Without my father's objection...
...I would've started a gym
and taught a martial art.
By the way...
What do you think of my girl?
What do you mean?
What do you think of her
as your wife?
I have a crush on her.
You do?
Go for it.
I'll help you in every way.
Are you serious?
But I think the other two masters
have a crush on her, too.
No way.
Over my dead body!
They're not like you.
So lowly.
Those flies are a pain in the ass.
They chase my girl around.
And I can't do anything
about it.
Sir, I have an idea.
-Master Kim?
-Yes, sir.
-Master Kim?
-Master Kim?
I got you all here today...
...because of my girl.
Anything happened to her?
No, nothing happened.
As you know, she's old enough
to get married.
So I'm looking for a man
for her to marry.
But I can't give her away
just to anybody.
So I came up with this idea.
In ancient China,
the father-in-law held a contest... find a brave son-in-law.
So I'd like to test you guys
to see who deserves my girl.
Are you guys up for it?
Yes, I am.
Me too.
I don't want to.
You don't? Why not?
I love her so much.
But I can't fight my friends.
Can you fight me?
I will do it.
You all three agreed.
In a month at a Kungfu gym.
Is that okay?
Master Kim of Kungfu,
You're dead. Kendo Master Kim
Taekkyon, Kungfu
Stop messing
with my scarecrow!
Master Kim of Kendo
Don 't behave flippantly!
I blew them all out!
Why so many thugs
in town lately?
You' re a martial art master
and scared of thugs?
Who says l' m scared?
Dung is to be avoided.
-You're a joke.
-Stop right there, guys.
What were you saying?
Say it again.
You were talking about thugs.
Go home, Doryung.
I think you misunderstood.
It wasn't about thugs.
It was Thuks, my friend.
He stinks like dung.
You've seen him, right?
Are you kidding me?
You wanna die?
Words won't do.
Let go.
How are you, sir?
Who are they?
It'll be a good workout.
Get ready.
-Get them!
-Stop right there!
Why'd you butt in?
Take your shoes off.
We don't wanna mess
with those boys.
Was I supposed to put up
with such insults?
No way!
Why didn't you stay
and fight then?
You told me to run.
Otherwise, I'd have kicked their asses
with this broom.
Don't you feel embarrassed
saying that?
Anyway, they won't be able
to follow us here.
They did.
I can see that.
Sir, I got them.
Where am l?
It's a retirement home
on the second floor.
A retirement home?
You're dead now.
This is it!
You couple of rats.
Run again if you can.
Why are you doing this?
Let's talk.
You picked a fight
on model citizens like us.
Now you wanna talk?
You're kidding, aren't you?
Don't come closer.
I know we're in the wrong.
Why don't we drink and...
Stop it!
So nice to see you!
What is he?
Get the hell out of here
before I make you!
So many nutcases in this town.
Your hair stinks.
Go wash it!
What are you doing here?
This is nice.
So spacious and clean.
Oh, Bruce Lee's picture.
Is business good?
Yes, thanks to you.
If you came to thank me
for yesterday...
You don't have to.
I didn't do it for your sake.
I felt obligated.
Master Kim.
Can I give you a piece of advice?
If it's to happen again,
use words instead of fists.
You know what they say?
A true victory is to win
without fighting.
Sorry but I don't agree.
I know those types well.
Words would never work
to set them straight.
So what can I do?
Use fists to give them a lesson.
If you use violence,
you're no different from them.
Of course I am different.
I use it for the right cause.
Still, violence should be
the last resort.
Then, what's the point of
practicing a martial art?
It's not to fight.
But to train your body
and mind.
Is that right?
You keep training
your body and mind.
I have a different view
on the matter.
So pigheaded!
Okay, let's drop it.
Give up on Yeonshil.
-Why don't you?
As the old saying goes,
'The brave win the beauty.'
Being brave and strong are
two different things.
And you're neither of them.
You wanna see me lose my top?
I'd love to see that!
I've been trying to keep
from using my deadly moves.
But not today.
Fine. Be my guest.
You're young, handsome,
and capable.
You'll meet lots of girls.
Give up on Yeonshil for me.
You should.
I'll see you at the contest.
You're so mean!
I'm pouting.
If you're scared to fight me,
give up.
You can't win against me.
That Bruce Lee kind of guy...
He screamed like hell
and beat up my boys.
And suddenly...
Step forward!
Like a place taking off...
He flew around
kicking them in the heads.
Bring me triplets!
I need your help on this.
A property shopping!
They'll build a new town
in that area.
I need you guys to buy up
the land and buildings.
Pay them whatever they ask for.
But keep in mind...
...that everything should be done
legally and quietly.
Of course, I understand
that's your specialty.
One more thing.
There are some martial art freaks
in that town.
Dig up everything on them.
Get to work.
Is he sick or what?
I haven't seen him for a week.
Did I teach them too much?
I should've taken my time.
Keep them straight.
Snap it like this.
You came to see me, too?
The other day,
Taekkyon master came...
Never mind.
Why do you have a uniform on?
Let's get it on.
There can't be two suns
in the sky.
The sun is to shine.
If it doesn't shine,
it's not the sun.
Did you go to Japan
to study the language?
Introduction to Japanese
Do you live in a house?
This is useless.
Shut up!
Let's get it on!
The contest is days away.
What is this?
You don't know?
You stole my protege.
What? Doryung?
I didn't steal him from you.
He came to me.
Save it!
Either way, you stole him.
So let's bring it on.
This is about my pride.
Fine, if you insist.
Any rules?
No blades!
Head! Head!
What are you doing?
Aren't we fighting?
Fine, I'll attack you first.
I lost.
It's so weird.
You know what?
When I train...
...I'm pretty good.
But I can't hit the opponent
in a fight.
My eyes become blurry.
Hands becoming so shaky...
I've tried everything,
but nothing worked.
I guess I was born that way.
What about those trophies
at your gym?
I bought 5 of them.
And I stole the rest.
You know what I wish?
For once...
I wish to hit the opponent
in the head with a bamboo sword.
Just for once...
Hit me hard in the head.
Didn't you hear what I said?
Give it a shot.
The first time is always hard.
After that, it's nothing.
Forget it.
You'd better do it.
Otherwise, I'll tell everybody...
...that you stole those trophies.
Everybody, listen!
Are you okay?
You did it!
I hit a person!
See? You can do it.
Stop it.
That's enough.
Come back here.
Kungfu master, Kendo master
That's yours,
and this is mine.
-You control it with this.
If you let it go, they go crazy.
This is hand, foot,
and if you do this...
It's a combo.
A combo?
It's one of the techniques.
Okay, put in 1 0 cents.
Why am I doing this?
We're teachers.
We should know what they like.
Like Pestalozzi did.
-Put in money.
I'll play the old man.
You play this one.
It's a girl.
She's good and pretty.
Here we go.
I won, didn't l?
I won!
What is this?
don't push any buttons.
I only pushed a foot one.
Oh, mine doesn't work well.
It's kind of stuck.
I threw a boomerang,
but it didn't work.
How about yours?
Wow, yours is very soft.
This is why I lost.
Look, this button is broken.
-How are you?
Why are you learning Kungfu
instead of Taekkyon?
Because Kungfu is a lot stronger.
That's not always true.
What counts in a martial art is...
...who and how to practice it.
Not the type of a martial art.
What do you mean?
Some Taekkyon masters can be
stronger than me.
I don't believe it.
It's true.
Have you heard of
Hanbok Brothers?
What? Hanbok Brothers?
Yes, Hanbok Brothers!
When I was in high school... were taking about
Hanbok Brothers.
Two Taekkyon masters
traveled around the country.
They fought for the weak
and punished bad people.
It was like a legend.
One day...
I saw them in action
with my own eyes.
Are you okay?
Why are you doing this?
Sukho? Sukho?
Come here.
Hold still!
I'll make you a lady.
Wouldn't you like that?
You crazy bastards!
Kyungjin? Kyungjin?
I was very impressed
with them.
So I quit piano and started
learning a martial art.
Why Kungfu then,
not Taekkyon?
There weren't many
Taekkyon gyms back then.
So I went to a Kungfu gym
near my place.
Kungfu was very popular.
What happened
to Hanbok Brothers?
I'd love to know, too.
They just disappeared.
Nobody knows what happened.
Now, you know
Taekkyon is a strong martial art.
It doesn't taste good.
We're friends,
but this is a contest.
-Do your best.
-Of course.
No blades!
If you want to see blood,
I'll bring a real sword.
He's not answering his phone.
Where the heck is your dad?
No idea.
He left early this morning.
So I thought he'd be here.
Aren't we doing it?
Not everybody is here.
I've already told you.
Don't you get it?
He's not coming.
I need to use two of these.
Sure, I'm fine with that.
What is it?
What do you think
you're doing?
Marriage is no joke.
Look, you two.
I'm really disappointed.
What do you think I am?
A lottery you can win?
If you do this, you won't be
able to see me again.
I said I didn't wanna fight.
If winning a fight gets you a girl,
I could've gotten married 1 00 times.
We're closed.
Are you Mr. Park's daughter?
Yes, I am.
Dad, I got you some tea.
What's wrong?
You were so upset with me
And today,
you couldn't be sweeter.
What's going on here?
You know what?
No way!
I really wanna move to Seoul.
It'd be good for you, too,
living in a better place.
Did you forget?
This is where you were born,
and your mom died.
Our family history lies here.
And you want to leave it?
How could you
leave your family behind?
Dad, it's not that.
It's out of the question.
Hi there.
How are you?
Did you talk to your dad?
For what?
My dad is strongly against it.
So forget what we said.
It's a breach of contract.
I'm really sorry.
I have nothing more to say.
So leave, please.
Whether a person or a thing,
fighting is about attitude.
If I'm scared of a knife,
it looks down on me.
If I glare at it...
It hides its tail.
When you're completely
free of fear for a knife... becomes your weapon.
A real brother.
Don't you hear it?
Hey, Knife?
Yes, Bro.
Hey, Knife?
Yes, Bro.
You're cute.
You're embarrassing me.
You're pretty.
You're embarrassing me.
Did it go well?
Does it look like it went well?
What are we doing now?
Don't you know?
You fix it.
It's finally my turn to act!
Here you go. Enjoy it.
-More pickled radish, please.
What are you doing?
Stop it!
What are you looking at?
Get out of here!
Once you make a promise,
you should keep it.
We won't let you die
before you keep your promise!
Look, lady.
Any promise you made lately?
Like selling your place?
If you did,
you'd better keep it.
Or you'll end up like him.
Stop it!
Master Kim.
You stay out of this.
Get out of here.
The blind aren't scared of snakes.
The bland aren't scared of snakes.
Sons of bitches!
Are you okay?
I'm here!
Come on, assholes!
What an idiot!
You little bitch!
Head! Waist! Head!
If you ever come back here,
my sword will punish you.
How's Yeonshil?
She'll be fine after some sleep.
What's going on these days?
We have thugs in town now
that we didn't before.
People are moving suddenly.
Yeah, what's going on?
I suspect those three
that moved here recently.
What about them?
They've been nice to neighbors.
It's just a hunch.
Things began to go crazy
after they moved here.
Now looking back, it's true.
Who are you?
What do you want?
Stop asking questions
and follow me.
Why do you think I'm here?
That is why.
Stop being in pain
and listen to me.
You have a week to leave town
with that Kungfu guy.
Otherwise, my brother here
will get very busy.
Considering going to the police?
Forget about it.
A scar on that girl's face?
It would be sad.
Your blood is red, too.
Be the Reds!
Be the Reds!
Don't pull long faces.
I'm fine.
Hi, Yeonshil.
Are you okay?
What happened?
Who did this to you?
If you know who,
what would you do?
We should call the police
and have them arrested.
I was gonna come to see you.
Me? Why?
I know who did this to him.
Come with me and punish them.
I just told you
Let the police do it.
He threatened to harm Yeonshil
if we went to the police.
What's it gonna be?
Are you in or not?
I'm sorry.
A true martial artist shouldn't
let injustice prevail!
Take care of yourself.
Do me a favor, will you?
Stop giving martial arts
a bad name.
And leave town.
Stop it.
Yeah, it's going well.
You know we're good.
Don't worry about it.
Those masters?
Don't worry.
They're nothing.
Here comes a deadly kick!
Deadly kick!
What can I do for you?
Hi there.
Here's a Taekkyon master.
We haven't met, have we?
We are...
Doryung, get inside.
What do you want?
Oh, he's that boy?
He looks very smart.
What are you talking about?
You stuck that chopstick real deep.
It took me a half a day
to take it out.
What do you want?
Just like I expected.
You're easy to talk to.
Unlike the other two bastards.
What do we want?
We want you to leave town.
I will.
So don't tell anybody
about my past.
Sure, of course.
You're hiding out here
because of that boy.
We sure won't.
However, it wouldn't be fair
if we leave without retaliating.
Will this do?
Look at your thighs.
You work out a lot?
Do you?
The spirit of Taekkyon.
It must hurt.
You sure can take punches.
Hey, that's enough.
Let me finish this.
Now you understand
we have a deal.
We'll leave.
Start packing up, okay?
Let's go.
Here's a finishing kick.
You're a coward!
You said Taekkyon was strong.
You said you won a contest.
You're a liar!
Who are you?
I think people call us
Hanbok Brothers.
What do you want?
Give him back the deed
on his house that you took.
Screw you!
I surely will see your faces
behind those masks.
You're dead.
Good job.
Let's get out of here.
Are you okay?
Sungjun, talk to me!
It's me.
Take care of my Doryung.
This is what the Chinese used.
This is what the Japanese used.
And this is what
our ancestors used.
Fuck them all.
...use this.
It's small, hard,
but very powerful.
Easy to use, carry, and hide.
But we're not petty thugs.
You're nothing but thugs!
Don't play with knives.
You might get hurt.
That asshole!
Get him!
Sons of bitches!
-Are You okay?
-My eyes!
-Get them!
Are you okay?
Why can't you listen, assholes?
What the fuck!
Mess up their hands and legs.
Sure thing.
Good thing
I sharpened the blade.
I guess I'll owe you another one.
Why stab me again?
Last time I got...
I like stabbing you.
It's the same arm!
Hold on.
We're not that bad, are we?
Send one of them home.
Who wants to go home?
Screw you.
What the fuck!
Give it here.
Fine, I'll send you home.
You first? Or you?
Okay, I'll send you first.
Hanbok Brothers...
Hanbok Brothers!
That asshole!
Get him!
Are you guys okay?
Who are you?
Your face is messed up.
How can you...
You're one of Hanbok Brothers?
Go inside, go!
What are we gonna do now?
You know what.
We'll do this our way.
Hanbok Brothers!
Are you okay?
You answer him.
Does this look okay to you?
Why the same hand again?
I have two hands!
Fucking asshole
-Good job, guys.
-Master Kim?
-We won.
Doryung, give me a hug!
Master Kim...
You can give me a hug, too!
What are you doing?
The bride and a groom...
I hereby declare them
husband and wife.
Come on, it's your go.
-I won points.
-Damn, he's Good.
That's the card I need.
Lose it. Lose it.
Yeah! It's mine now!
I take it and the other, too.
You're in trouble!
Pay attention to your cards!
You should've thrown out
this one instead!
You owe me 52cents.
-That's not right.
-Yes, it is.
Dad! Masters!
We have a big problem!
-What's this?
-What the hell is this...
Kick boxing
What are you doing here?
Go home now!
Who are you?
We're Master Kims.
Your martial arts are obsolete.
What? Obsolete?
Show some respect, asshole.
-Calm down, Kendo
I can hit people now.
Master is here!
How's it going?
Look, every villager is here.
Yeah, kick boxing rules!
He's a foreigner, right?
I don't know.
He looks like a weirdo.
Who are these guys?
-What'd he say?
-Beats me.
We 're martial art masters
of this town!
I' m choking up.
My throat is hurting.
Should I see a doctor?
Where's medicine?
Let me take some.
Let's get them!
We're Master Kims of Kungfu,
Kendo, and Taekkyon.
I'm Doryung.
I'm Yeonshil.
I'm from Gimhae.
-You shouldn't laugh.
No, I'm busy.
And I'll be busier.
I'm a VIP customer.
Why can't you...
The blind aren't scared of snakes.
Bring it on!
No long faces.
Give me a hug, Yeonshil!
I'll tell everybody
that you stole those trophies.
Everybody, listen!