Kimberly (1999) Movie Script

Oh, shit. Wait up.
- Wait up!
- Oh no.
A bird just took
a crap on my shirt!
- Oh man.
- It's all over your head.
On my head?
Oh, shit!
It wasn't just any
bird there, Bobby.
That was a turtle dove.
You just got shit on
by the bird of love.
Ha, ha, ha.
It definitely wasn't
the first time either.
That's symbolic, Bob.
Definitely means something.
I heard it means
good luck, actually.
Yeah, well, I sure wouldn't
as hell wouldn't want
the bird of love
crappin' all over me.
Excuse me, it aimed
at the whole boat.
Maybe, but it landed on you.
Your love life is doomed.
Poor, poor Bobby.
You know what, I wouldn't say
anything if I were you guys,
because none of you have
gotten laid in months,
including Walter, and he's
in a permanent relationship.
So how pathetic is that?
You know, it's
hard to wanna do it
when the person you're seeing
is desperate to get
pregnant, you know?
I feel like a
walking sperm bank.
What, you don't
know how to say no?
I have tried about
a thousand times.
And that is the last time I
tell you anything there, Nitz.
Excuse me, I'm a pretty
good listener, you know that?
In fact, I've been studying
how to read people's
deepest emotions
in their body language
and their eyes.
If you watch their eyes,
- you can tell so much.
- Yeah, Bobby?
Tell me, what do
you see in my eyes?
I see a little boogie.
That's what I thought.
I can also tell
with Michael here,
his balls as so blue...
Hey, don't even start with me.
If there's one thing
I know for sure,
it's how great my sex life is.
My sex life sucks.
Are you having trouble
getting an erection?
No, the sex part's fine.
It's the relationship part
I'm having trouble with.
I love women, I really do.
But every time they bring
up kids and marriage
and that sort of thing,
I seem to shy away.
And I wanna want those things.
Well, we'll work on this.
I guess I ought a tell
you this other thing.
I can't stop lusting.
Every time I look at a woman,
I wonder what it would
be like to, you know,
to have sex with her.
And I even did it with you.
Well, you know,
we're now at at point
in our therapy where
transference takes place.
Well, it's not like I
think of having sex with you
every time I come here.
I mean, I don't even think
of you as a woman anymore.
I didn't mean it like that.
The real reason I'm
calling is we're very excited
about this new
company, South Shore.
They, rather South
Shore's competition...
Tepco, Tepco
Systems, Inc., yeah.
Well, they've made some bold
moves on the super highway,
and we're feeling
pretty good about it.
Yeah, it was a surprise,
let me tell ya,
frankly, to all of
us here at the firm.
But last week, they were
struggling a little bit,
but, but, but this week, we
feel like they're coming along.
You know, the iron's
hot, the iron's hot,
and we're ready to strike.
How much do I think
you should invest?
Well, that depends on your,
your, your, on your goals.
And, I mean, personally, I
wouldn't go below 25,000.
2,500 is perfect as
an initial purchase.
So should I do that
then, put you down for,
for 2,500 then, for Tepco?
Okay, all right, well,
you think about it,
and I'll call you in a day
or two to see how, uh...
I'll wait for your
call. Bye bye.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning, Mr. Montgomery.
- Good morning, Jenny.
- Good morning.
Good morning, Valerie.
Can you get me the
sketches from yesterday,
and a hot cup of tea, please?
Sure thing.
He's looking
particularly good today.
You can say that again.
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning,
Professor Bushnick.
Trevor Advertising.
Yes, Mr. Kramer is in.
I brought you some fresh mint.
Because I know how
much you love mint.
Thank you, Val.
Is there anything
else I can do for you?
Not, that's it.
Oh. She wants you so
bad that it hurts me.
What do we have here, Jim?
Have you taken a good
look at that woman?
What woman?
Valarie, your secretary.
The one in the body that
walks in and out of here.
When's the last time you
went on a date, anyway?
You know, Jim,
I don't think that's
any of your business.
You like, one of those guys
with like a mommy issue thing?
Like you don't
wanna betray mommy?
You got the money, you got
the job, you got the looks.
What do you have
that I don't have?
Jim, could we talk about this?
I'm having some real
problems with this campaign.
I know how you get
the women to like you.
You ignore them,
treat 'em like shit.
Woman love to be
treated like shit.
Jim, I'm paying
you to work here.
Not to philosophize about women.
My problem is I'm too nice,
gotta keep it complicated,
kind of like, distract-
Mr. Montgomery?
Your mom's on line one.
Thank you, Valerie.
Hey, Val, how you doing?
You look like shit.
Yeah well, you
always look like shit.
Hi, mother.
How many times do I have to
tell you, no blind dates.
I'm really hungry.
That's a nice dress.
This is a really nice table.
What are you thinking?
Oh. I was thinking how
beautiful your eyes are.
Thank you, that's so sweet.
So, tell me about yourself.
What do you wanna know?
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to row.
How cute.
I used to date a guy
who sailed. Phil.
He always wanted
to take me sailing.
Never wanted to take
me to the movies.
Never even wanted to
take me out to dinner.
He just wanted to go sailing.
I spent a fortune on Dramamine.
Finally, I found out why Phil
liked going sailing so much.
He didn't wanna be
seen with me in public.
He was married.
You're not married, are you?
No. Of course not.
Just checking.
So why aren't you married?
I have some
incredible news for you.
What's up? Oh my God,
you got that promotion.
Honey, that's terrific.
No, no, no. No.
It's nothing to do with me.
Are you ready for this?
Alice is pregnant.
Can I have some more
mashed potatoes, please?
That's terrific, Nancy.
You could at least
pretend to be excited.
Because some girl
who lives in Seattle
that I only met three times
in my life is pregnant?
I mean, I don't
really know Alice.
You were at her wedding.
Ready? Set, go.
I'm Spartacus!
Bottom's up.
Start cleaning the bar.
My man.
So, did you guys have
a great weekend, or what?
I couldn't wait for it to end.
Why do you always say that?
Because they bore me.
Well, it depends on what you
do with them.
Yeah, you find a great
girl, it's not that bad.
Don't you find it monotonous
dating all the time, Bob?
Who said anything about dating.
You know what I mean?
I mean, this whole thing
about wining and dining girls.
It either clicks or it doesn't.
And if does, you
can take the girl
for burgers and fries, and
she still likes you, you know?
Why don't you skip
the whole aggravation?
Well, what would you do then?
I don't know, stay
home, read, watch a movie.
Crochet, knit,
jerk off, whatever.
Why do we hang out with him?
Stock tips.
Lower the back, Ned.
Oh, oh, c'mon!
Don't touch it!
Over the head, over
the head, over the head.
Hey, who's the hottie?
Don't I know here
from some place?
If I knew her, I would remember.
Especially if you knew
her in the biblical sense.
Watch out for the water.
Whoa, oh, oh!
Hey, Bob!
Hey, look at yours.
That's a good idea.
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh! I think we did really
good today, you guys.
Oh, not too bad, not too bad.
- Oh man.
- We're coming along.
C'mon, let's face
it, we're hot shit.
I got a great idea.
Let's try out for
the Kingsley Regatta.
What are you on, crack?
- Yes!
- No!
We can win!
We can absolutely win.
- No, we can't.
- Yes!
Patrick, another round of J&B,
we wanna make a toast
to the Kingsley Regatta.
A toast to the Kingsley Regatta.
We're gonna win the whole thing.
- That's great.
- C'mon, we can totally do it.
Scott's right.
What were you laughing at?
The thought of you
guys in the regatta.
Do you think that's funny?
You guys still dicking
around on the river?
Yes, we're still dicking
around on the river.
You know what?
I've seen you guys rowing,
you're not that great.
Oh, yeah?
Tell you what.
Tomorrow morning, eight o'clock.
Winner gets a keg of beer.
That's a bet?
Oh, Jesus.
Here's a bet.
Tomorrow morning, eight
o'clock we race, like you said.
But this time,
the loser has to run
bare-butt naked down the river.
All right, let's do it.
Sounds good.
Gosh, shrinkage.
Feel that wind
between your legs!
Oh, God!
- Oh geez!
- Woo!
Hello, goodbye.
No doubt, the most
embarrassing day of my life.
I've never been so
fucking humiliated.
I think we should videotape it,
and send it to our
parents for Christmas.
You know, Bob,
I think we've had enough
of your suggestions.
You know, I think
I really had enough
of this whole rowing thing.
Now I hate rowing.
Yeah, rowing sucks.
Sure does.
Maybe we should go back to golf.
Or tennis.
We weren't so bad at tennis.
We sucked at tennis.
I thought we
were all right at tennis.
She has got the nicest
legs I've ever seen.
She is so beautiful.
What a beautiful mouth.
Does she have any tits?
You better watch your
language, she's practically family.
You know her?
Know here, I've known her
since she was a little girl.
She just moved from England.
- England?
- Do you wanna meet her?
I love Parisans.
I'd like you to met the boys.
Walter, Scott, Michael and Bob.
- Hi.
- Hi, how are you.
Walter Bushnik.
- Bob, how you doing?
- Hi.
I've seen an awful
lot of you boys lately.
Yeah, I know.
Her father was a
legend around this place.
He was a great
rower, and so is she.
Yeah, like us, I take it, right?
Ha. Have you been rowing long?
- Long time.
- Oh yeah.
Yeah, long time.
Since the 40s, so.
True story, weird stuff.
Couldn't you tell?
Your rhythm is a tad wonky.
All you need is a
little practice.
Well, maybe you could
help us, wonky tad.
That's a great idea.
That's a great idea,
what do you say.
Hey, I thought you
were giving rowing up?
So, uh, Coach, what do you say?
Well, how do I know your
intentions are honorable?
Don't we look honorable?
Yeah, what
are you trying to say?
We could really use your help.
This is true.
It'll have to be early.
Early's good.
Yeah, we love early.
Friday morning, seven?
- Great.
- Perfect.
- Great.
- Friday.
The early bird gets the worm.
See you, then.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
Thanks Coach, toodeloo!
Oh my God, Friday morning,
I have a teacher's
meeting Friday morning.
Friday morning at seven.
I see my shrink on Fridays.
Oh, Christ, I have an
important business meeting.
So I guess, we'll just have
to cancel her out, right?
- No!
- No!
Are you kidding?
It's a quarter of seven!
You got to be kidding!
Where is she? It's 7:01.
She's late.
You look good.
I bet she forgot.
She didn't forget.
Hey guys, over there.
God save the Queen.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Great, let's get
the show on the road.
- Show on the road.
- Show on the road.
Show on the road.
One, and two.
And three, focusing
on your rhythm.
Eyes, front.
Watch the oar in front of you.
We're all following Bob, here.
Fortunately, or unfortunately.
Sit up, four, tucking in.
Lower back, pulling the chest.
Pound away.
There, when you feel it
in your back, gentlemen,
push with your
legs, don't kick on.
I wanna hear the oars.
I wanna one one oar,
not four of you.
Walter, pick up the pace.
Walter, focus!
I'm focusing.
And the finish.
Eyes front, pick up the pace.
Reach the rhythm.
God, man.
I haven't felt like this
since football practice.
My back is killing me.
- Really, I feel great.
- You're sick.
You did much better.
You know, if you work hard,
you might make the regatta.
What do you say, maybe,
you'll be our counsel?
No, I don't think so.
We're really desperate.
We could really you.
You really wanna do it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Absolutely, yes.
If there's any dilly-dallying,
then I'm history.
- No dilly-dallying.
- No dilly-dallying.
Next time, we'll start
with some exercises.
- Exercises.
- Great!
Oh, here we go.
I could listen to her
give us commands all day.
She's not a bad coach.
Not bad.
She's excellent.
I'm starting
to feel like a jock.
I don't know
about you guys, but,
I'm having kind of a
hard time concentrating.
She's a pretty serious babe.
She's definitely attractive.
I don't know, the
more I get to know her,
the less attracted I am to her.
She's like a sister to me.
Personally, I think
we ought to make a pact,
right here, right now,
that nobody goes out with
her, and like, you know,
a date-like situation.
You mean no sexual intercourse?
Sounds reasonable.
Does oral sex count?
We're gonna make a pact
using the sacred oar of truth.
She can make a pact on
my sacred oar of truth
anytime she wants.
You know, do you always have
to be like that, you know?
That's all you ever think of.
C'mon, get over here.
We solemnly swear.
We solemnly swear.
Not to have sex with Kimberly.
Not to have sex with Kimberly.
For as long as we shall row.
For as long as we shall row.
So help us, god of the river.
So help us, god of the river.
Hey! Kimberly!
I wanna thank you,
you're really
helping us out a lot.
It's my pleasure.
And well, I thought,
the least I could do
would be to take
you out to dinner.
That's very kind of you,
but entirely unnecessary.
C'mon, I know a great
little Italian place
down these street.
I'm not into dating.
Who said anything about dating?
I'm talking about dinner, food.
You do have to eat, don't you?
Good morning, Miss Coxswain.
Sounds seriously
perverted to me.
You know, which
scarf on the dummy?
This scarf on the dummy.
So, are they cute?
Oh, my God, there's
one right there.
What are you doing?
Do you want to come in?
You know, he certainly
doesn't look like a rower to me.
He will, give him time.
What a coincidence.
I didn't know that
you worked here.
Sarah, Walter; Walter, Sarah.
- Hi.
- Hi, how do you do?
Oh, yeah, woo!
Nice to meet 'ya.
So what are you doing
in this neck of the woods?
Well, there's a great coffee
shop across the street.
And I'm just gonna
have some breakfast.
Oh, really, which one?
Oh yeah, uh, yeah.
And um, how about joining me?
I would love to, but I
can't, because I'm working.
No, no, no, no, you should go.
Really, I'll stay here
and watch the shop.
Hey, try the blueberry muffin.
Trust me, you won't regret it.
So after traveling with The Dead
the summer after I graduated,
I knew I had to get
my act together.
But my mom, she wanted
me to go to med school.
My dad wanted me to follow in
his footsteps to be a lawyer.
And all I wanted
to do was write.
Wait? You spent
the summer traveling
with The Grateful Dead?
Yeah, I sold the
mushroom burrito.
You know, woo-hoo-oo-oo.
Anyway, I lived out of my van,
and read, Tolstoy,
,, it was great.
And now, I'm teaching
it, romantic literature.
How romantic.
Oh God! Too much caffeine.
Well, I, I
well, hi, ho, ah, he,
ow, out damn spot.
Thank you for breakfast.
Your welcome.
I hope you can get that out.
Oh yeah, it's no problem.
I really enjoyed
talking with you.
I'll see you on Monday.
Monday, that's French.
Hey Kim, listen,
we better not tell
the guys about this, you know?
They might, uh, get jealous.
Hey, guy, come here.
Yeah, this is a nice
dog you got here.
C'mere, what's up?
This is lovely.
You must eat here often.
No, I've never been here.
It's nice to see
you again. Here.
Once or twice, a long time ago.
The usually Bellini,
in your stock?
Would you like one?
So your stock?
What would you recommend?
They have great pasta.
Uh, so you grew up
in England, tell me?
No, actually I spent
12 delicious years here.
Followed by a couple
of crappy ones.
London was the aftermath
of my parent's divorce.
Is that where you
learned how to row?
No, here.
My father and I spent a
lot of time on the river.
Oh, was he any good?
Yes, he made the Olympic team.
The Olympics?
You're kidding.
Wow! Does he still row?
Actually, he died last year.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's why I'm here, I
need to sell the house.
What about you?
Well, I remodel old
Victorian townhouses.
And I live with a
really beautiful,
young female, named Lucy.
She's gorgeous.
Nice mustache.
When I was a child,
we once had 10 cats.
- 10 cats?
- Yep.
That's a lot of kitty cats.
Not to mention kitty litter.
We lived on a farm.
And my father got the cats so
that they could kill the mice.
You know, if Lucy met a mouse,
I think she would probably
fall deeply in love with her.
And, they'd move in together.
Bellini. Salute.
To, to you, Kimberly.
Thank you for dinner.
Thank you. I had a great time.
Me too.
Let's do it again soon.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Let's not tell the
guys about this.
They might get jealous.
Good night.
One and one done.
And here.
So I just think it's better if,
you know, don't
tell the other guys.
- They might get-
- Jealous?
My thoughts exactly.
No, c'mon! What are
you talking about?
There's no way that was strike.
That was so outside,
Sorry, I get a little animated.
Yeah, well I know,
I'm a little fanatical,
but, what can I
tell you, I love it.
Now, this next pitch, watch
it, he's gonna get a hit.
No way, he's in a huge slump.
C'mon, you don't
follow baseball?
Sometimes. There's no
way he's gonna get a hit.
I'll betcha.
The loser has to
howl at the moon.
You better loosen
up your vocal chords.
Me, me, me, me, me.
C'mon then, give him
something to hit.
Pretty good.
Loosen up my ear drums.
C'mon, that was good.
Drop that tomato!
Tomato? Hi, Kimberly.
My, you look great today.
Thank you.
So, what's with all the spinach?
Oh, I was gonna try
and cook a spinach pie.
You're gonna try and
cook a spinach pie?
Yeah. My cooking is about
as confident as your rowing.
That bad?
So where did you learn to cook?
Oh, I picked it up from my mom.
I don't often get to
cook for someone else.
About as social as I get.
- Oh, dear.
- Yeah.
Well, it smells delicious.
That's nice.
So Kimberly, do you
have a boyfriend?
God, no.
I was engaged.
And uh, he got cold feet.
And uh, poof!
I actually don't know
why I'm joking about it,
it really hurt.
I can imagine.
That's okay, I'm over it.
It's been two years.
My God, two years.
I guess I haven't been that
socially inclined, either.
So in answer to your question,
no, I don't have a boyfriend.
To the future.
And to no more poofs.
Hey guys, did you
have a great weekend?
Yeah, man, great weekend.
So what did you do?
Let's get the boat.
Yeah, let's get the boat.
Hello, boys.
- Hi, Kimberly.
- Hey.
One, and two.
C'mon, baby!
Gentlemen, may I remind you
that you have less than two
weeks to the qualifying races?
And one.
And two.
And three.
And four.
And five.
Three, and four, and five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10.
Oh shit.
You have to keep, make sure.
Hey, hey, hey.
A change of clothes...
- Wow!
- A bit of luck.
Money, money, money.
- Whoa!
- Good luck.
These are great.
Kimberly, that's
really thoughtful of you.
Okay, guys, you
worked hard for this.
You can do it.
All right.
All for one.
One for all!
- Attitude check!
- Attitude check!
Attitude check!
Ready? On three.
One, two, three.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Let's go, let's go.
Okay, here we go.
Six minutes and 32 seconds.
You finished last.
But you still qualify.
Anyway, her
mother said, Samantha.
That's here name, Samantha.
Anyway, she said she
was in a relationship,
it ended about a year ago.
And she hasn't meant anyone.
She has a wonderful job.
She's fabulous looking,
and she has a nice family.
I think you two should meet.
Mother, please, you know
how I feel about blind dates.
But it doesn't have
to be a blind date.
I can arrange a dinner party.
I don't think so.
Oh, but she sounds so perfect.
Leave him along, dear.
How am I ever gonna
become a grandmother,
if my only child
refuses to date?
You know, Mom, to
tell you the truth,
I'm already seeing somebody.
Good, good for you. Very good.
Wow! Aren't you gonna
tell us about her?
I don't think you know her,
but she's very, very special.
Well, do we know her parents?
I don't think so.
Is she from here?
Well, when did you meet her?
Just relax, dear.
A few months ago.
- A few months ago!
- This is serious.
When are we going
to get to meet her?
You know, Mom, I don't
know. Soon, I suppose.
What are you working on?
Well believe it or not,
I started to work
on my book again.
That's great, you
should be working on it.
Yeah, I don't know
why I ever put it down.
Well, probably before
you just weren't ready,
and now you are.
Thanks very much.
Hey, do you know
anything about firearms?
Well, all right.
You take the stock, put
it on your shoulder.
This is your
stabling hand, right?
Pick your target,
aim for the sites.
Line it up.
Pick out the little troll
sucker you wanna kill, and.
Ha! Ha! Ha! You suck!
The sites are off.
Here, let me.
You have to cock, yeah.
Oh yeah, here we go.
You have to aim.
Nice shot!
I'm winning.
Good job.
I can't help myself.
Kimberly, I think
you're incredible.
I feel so at ease with you.
It just feels so right.
I'm not ready for this.
I'm afraid of
being disappointed.
Or abandoned, or
rejected, or misled.
And I'm afraid of being
disa... misleading.
I'm confused.
You know, one moment
I feel like I've made
four really great friends.
And then, I feel
as though they all
want more than friendship.
And I don't know how
I feel about that.
Maybe you ought to slow
things down a little.
So, have you done it
with any of them yet?
Done what?
There you go.
All right.
Oh boy, wait.
Let me do it.
I got it.
Oh, all right.
Thank you.
Okay. Legs up.
There you are.
Are you all right, Kimberly?
You look a little peaked.
Yeah, Micheal's right,
you look kind of sickly.
I'm fine.
I think we should go back.
Yeah, you're
right, we should go.
Oh, God.
Let's turn it
around, way enough.
Guys, I'm really fine.
No, we'll just go back.
Walter, a little harder.
You want me to
give you a ride home?
I know a great doctor.
Get some rest or something.
I could bring you
some chicken soup,
it's got natural
penicillin in it.
I'm fine. Let's reschedule.
Okay, bye.
- My bet-
- What?
She's on the rag.
On the rag, Bob?
- Nice, Bob.
- Sick.
I meant it in a clinical sense.
C'mon! Give me a break.
I thought it would be different.
This wasn't supposed
to happen to me.
I didn't even know
that the condom broke.
What broke, Mama?
She's the one.
She's right for me.
So, you think you're interested
in a serious relationship
with Kimberly?
Yes. Yes, I am.
You know, relationships
take work, Michael.
Commitment, compromise.
You have to trust.
And you have to, you
have to surrender.
I, I-
What, what is it?
I, I, I can do that.
Well, it takes work, Michael,
but it can be wonderful.
And if you understand this,
then, we're making progress.
Wow. Maybe that's
what true love is.
Making progress in therapy.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I was in the neighborhood,
I thought I'd stop by
and see how you're feeling.
I feel a little bit better.
Good. It's a 24 hour flu,
or something like that?
No, not exactly.
No? What was it?
It's something
completely unexpected.
Oh. Like what?
I'm pregnant.
You're pregnant!
I, uh.
How, I mean, wow.
What? Wow.
I think we can deal with this.
Do you think you're
ready for a child?
So what do you want to do?
I want to make
the right decision.
I say have it.
I love kids.
And anything you need from me,
anything at all, it's yours.
Thank you for saying that.
I mean it.
Do you have some sugar?
Oh, yes.
You have a headache, too?
No, uh, they're
Sometimes I need a
little extra help.
Wow, geez. Parenthood.
Do you think you're
ready for that?
To be a mom and everything?
Because if you are, I
mean, it's great, you know?
It's, that's your choice.
I mean who's gonna tell
you what to do, really.
You know, you get the
say, it's your body.
And legally, and morally, and
everything, it's up to you.
And I mean, I think that's good.
You know, you're
starting to look
a little pregnant, I think.
A little?
I mean in a good way!
You're flushed. You're
starting to look rosy.
Wow, if you need anything,
I'll be out here, okay.
Don't worry about me, I'm fine.
I don't know if I'm ready
to be a dad, just yet,
but wow, it's funny, I
don't even really remember
what happened that night.
Life is so cruel, you
drink a little too much,
and you pass out, and then bam!
Here comes little Bob,
or little Bobette,
right into the world.
But you know, what you gonna do?
It's, life is short,
and then you keep moving, right?
You just, wow.
There's not much change it it,
you just, plow forward.
Right? Everything's fine.
You okay? I'm sorry.
Is everything? You all right?
Good. Good.
Yes, good, good.
You're gonna be fine.
Thank you for just
being so understanding.
No, it's great, you're
gonna be great. Okay.
Uh, are you sure
you're pregnant?
And it's really important
that I be honest.
I have to be honest with
you. I have a girlfriend.
Okay, I have Nancy.
We've been together
three years now.
And she is going to kill me.
I'm dead. Dead.
You know, we have to talk
about this, Kimberly.
This isn't the right
thing to do here.
This is an unplanned pregnancy,
you know, for God's sakes.
You're not actually thinking
of, having it? Are you?
I don't.
You don't know.
Look, I don't want
to be a part of this.
You know, I can't
be part of this.
Okay, this is not for
me, no, no, thank you.
Oh, shit.
Hello? Hi, Nance.
Nothing, I'm just
correcting some papers.
Do you wanna go out to dinner?
No, I don't think so.
Sushi? All right, then.
I'll see you in a
little bit, then.
I've been, I've been trying
to sort out what I should do.
Keeping an open mind.
I hope you can do the same.
What I have to say,
is going to affect all of you.
I want to have this baby.
I'm a little confused.
Why does this concern them?
Holy shit!
My God. Oh my God.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Have you? Have you been
with all four of us?
I, I've been spending
time with all of you.
And I care very much
about each of you.
And I've heard everything that
each of you has had to say.
Whatever you decide to do
is really fine with me.
I would love more than
anything in the world,
for all four of
you to be involved.
But even if I have
to do this on my own,
I really wanna have this baby.
Kimberly, wait.
I'm really fine, I'm okay.
Whoa. Did that just happen?
How could you guys
have done this to me?
I thought we were
best friends, man.
You guys are traitors.
This is crazy.
What are you talking about?
Aren't you a traitor, there,
too, Mickey, huh, huh?
No, but I love her.
I can't believe you guys
did this to me, man.
We had a pact.
It looks like we
all broke the pact.
- I wasn't the only one!
- Relax.
What about them?
I'm trying to be mature here.
There's a big decision to make.
Yeah, really? I've
made my decision.
I'm never talking to
that girl again, ever.
Well, good!
I wanna know right now
who slept with her.
Mostly all I
remember was sleeping.
I'm not fucking tell you.
Oh, I see, I see.
Scott, you didn't
sleep with her, right?
Oh my God, I think
I'm going to be sick.
I don't understand.
What did she gain by
having all of us involved?
I mean, as fathers?
- You know what?
- It doesn't matter.
Because I made my decision here.
And I never wanna see
that person again.
And you know, count
me out on this.
Because, I don't want to
be a part of this, okay?
I would rather fucking die!
I gotta call my shrink.
I think I'm having a
nervous, fucking breakdown.
I can't believe
this is happening.
I can't fucking believe this.
I can't believe this girl.
Why would she ruin my life?
I can't believe her,
that fucking slut.
Fuck you, Walter.
Hey, eh, stop!
Easy, easy!
Jesus, fuck, out of my way.
Oh, fuck you guys, I'm never
talking to you assholes again.
What about the race?
Louise, my darling, Louise.
You have no idea how
much I've missed you.
Is that why I haven't heard
from you in three months?
Three months? Has it really
been three months already?
Yeah. My biological
clock says even longer.
Well you know,
I've been working and rowing.
Rowing. Is that what
you're calling it now?
You used to refer to it
as a cultural exchange.
It's not like that, really.
It's actually been kind
of rough out there.
Kind of in the middle of crisis.
I guess I could just use a
little Louise compassion.
What's this?
You had a big
disappointment in love.
You've been dumped.
I wish it were that
simple. That'd be great.
Actually, I guess I'm just
kind of lost right now.
Wow. Can I ask you a question?
What do you think of babies?
Are you trying to
tell me that the boar,
the wild boar, the
barbarian, the...
The wanderer, is thinking
about settling down?
No, not exactly.
You're not going all
soft on me, are you?
No, no, no, I
was just, you know.
I was just wondering
what you thought about
the idea of raising kids?
Well, as long as
their mine, I love it.
Great. I'll have another.
Babies all over.
Oh, God.
You were talking in your sleep.
What are talking about?
I wasn't.
You were, you were
talking about babies.
Your biological
clock is ticking.
Mm-hm. You're finally
starting to come around.
No, no. I'm not
starting to come around.
I'm not ready for a kid.
Well, are you ready for
a serious relationship?
Yes, what do you think
we're in right now?
Well, I don't know,
why don't you tell me?
You know, there's something
going on with you, Walter,
but I can't quite
figure out what it is.
You're just imagining things.
Am I really?
Yes, could you just
lighten up a little, please?
Walter, can you tell me
what you see in our future?
Do we have to
have this discussion
at three in the morning?
Well, yes, you never
wanna have this discussion,
so I wanna have it at
three in the morning.
I won't, I'm
going back to sleep.
What are you doing?
I'm packing.
That's what you can call it.
Like I have anything
here to pack.
Where's my diaphragm? It's
probably been fossilized by now.
It's in that ugly
thing that my parents gave me.
What the hell is
it doing in there?
I don't know, resting.
Can we talk about this now?
No, we cannot talk about this.
I'm sick of this shit.
We've been together
for three years.
I'm sick of being treated
like some piece of furniture.
Piece of furniture?
You know, it's like
nothing's progressed, nothings.
What do you mean,
nothing's progressed?
If I didn't know you better,
I would say that you
were having an affair.
Having an affair?
Yeah, but I know you, and
I think you are incapable
of having an affair.
You don't even have the
balls to have an affair.
Oh, I don't have the
balls to have an affair?
You can't even take care
of your own girlfriend.
I mean, everything has
been going wrong for me.
I promise things
will get better.
But you know what, Walter,
that's just not good enough.
I mean, I, I, just give me
the chance to work things out.
Call me when you
grow up, Walter.
Look, I like Kimberly,
I mean, she's great.
I just, I don't know if I'm
ready to have a kid right now.
I think she needs our help, Bob.
What's wrong with sharing
a little responsibility?
Sharing? I don't know?
Hold on a second.
Scott, I'm glad you called,
I'm losing my mind, here.
I got my whole world, it's just
crashing down on everything.
Let me get you a drink.
Hey, Walter.
What's he doing here?
I think we need to talk.
Look, guys, we've known
each other for a long time.
We can't let this
end our friendship.
Yeah, you know, we
got the race coming up,
and we should keep
the team together.
Bob and I have decided
to help Kimberly.
We have?
We have.
We have.
And we think you should, too.
Nancy left me. I
haven't slept in a week.
And I was a complete
asshole to Kimberly.
So does that mean yes?
Do I have a choice?
Good choice, good choice.
Why did you leave
this door unlocked?
Oh, Christ.
There goes the neighborhood.
Mike, don't go away, wait.
I don't like being tricked.
Just hear me out.
If you don't like what
I have to say, leave.
C'mon on, c'mon on.
Let him go, Scott.
Just let him go.
I don't want to
be a part of this,
if he's going to be
a part of it, no way.
You know what, Walter? Sit down.
What, you're gonna punch
me in the face again?
We all decided to help Kimberly.
We want you in.
No, we don't.
Grow up, Walter.
Eat me, Bob.
We're friends.
What's done is done,
you can't change that.
Right now, Kimberly,
she needs our help.
I don't want her going
through this alone, Michael.
I know you love her.
I know you wanna
do the right thing.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Can we come in?
We've been talking, and
we've come to a decision.
Yeah, we're sorry.
We thought about what you
said, and you were right.
We wanna be there for
you during your pregnancy.
You know, to
help out, and stuff.
That is, if you'll let us.
As long as you take that
white stuff off your face.
I'm so happy.
Oh, thanks.
I feel really good about that.
Yeah, this is gonna be great.
How great can it be?
Oh, I think this is going to add
a whole new dimension
to our life.
Anarchy, complete,
total anarchy.
Oh, c'mon, Walter.
We've talked about
19th century romanticism,
the search for true
love, remember that?
The one you wanna die for?
Now, we're gonna discuss
a more timely issue.
One that's gonna help you
with your everyday lives.
And that is how to
deal with romance
in the 1990s and beyond, okay?
Forget the Prince Charming.
Forget, what was that
bitch, uh... Cinderella!
Forget the fairy tales.
Because those are outdated,
superfluous notions. Okay?
They are out! Ha-ha.
They're out, they're
finished! All right?
Now is the winter
of our discontent.
To be, or not to be, but
that is the question,
whether it's open to some
of that raises fortune,
there's things in errors,
and the, the, the,
even the, end of,
you know what I'm saying?
Okay? It's, it's,
it's just amazing.
Because now we are moving
into the unexpected, okay?
Men are changing,
women are changing.
Be ready, this is
the new existential,
this is the existentialism,
where's my fucking chalk?
What the fuck?
This is the existentialism
of the independent woman.
Let's just call her Kay.
And the dependent man.
Little guy, little
man, who-do-do-do-do.
Okay? It is complete
and total anarchy.
Questions, anybody?
Wow, um, yes?
Is it as crazy as it seems?
Well, that's not for
me to decide, is it?
This whole thing has made me,
it's made me realize
that I really am in love.
I really love her.
I'm sure I'm pissed,
I'm aggravated,
I'm hurt, I'm like, all
those things, you know.
But, I love her.
How nice.
Tell me, does she fit
into your definition
of the perfect woman?
You know?
I'm not even thinking
about it that way anymore.
I just, I have these
feelings that are,
they're deeper, you know?
I mean, real, real
deep feelings.
I just, I just don't
know how to express them.
Oh, why don't you try.
Hello, Mr. Hartwick?
It's Bob here, your friendly
neighborhood stockbroker.
How are you?
Listen, I found a great
little stock for you.
It's a small company, they
just invented a microchip,
that all the other
microchip manufacturers
are going to be using.
What? I sound a little frantic?
No, no, no, no,
no, no, not at all.
It's just good to be alive.
Listen, Mr. Hartwick.
You need to make
some money, right?
And I definitely need
to make some money.
Well, you got a family
to support, am I right?
Well, I know how you feel.
How do I know how you feel?
No, no, no, I'm not married.
But you don't have to be married
to support a child
these days, am I right?
So what do you say?
Can I send you some
information on this...
You trust me?
That's great!
I'll, uh...
I'll have my associate
give you a call.
And we can go ahead and put
the transaction through.
Great, thanks very much.
I know you're making a
wise investment here.
Thanks, bye bye.
Woo! Yes!
Woo! Gotta work a
little bit harder
when you got an
extra mouth to feed.
You're having a baby?
No, no, I got a dog.
What kind?
A Chihuahua.
They're so cute!
All right I know what
we need for that campaign.
It relates to new baby boom.
New baby boom.
I think we should
build this campaign
around a pregnant woman.
For a sedan?
Exactly my point.
These pregnant
women are going out
and buying these utility
vehicles and mini-vans.
And half the time, it's
too much car for them.
Also, they guzzle gas.
The sedan, on the other
hand, it's got four doors,
it's economical on gas,
and it's comfortable.
He's got a point.
Great. Let's get some
sketches as soon as possible.
And let's put a pregnant
dog in with the woman.
Pregnant dog.
Valerie, can you get
the representatives
from Dodge on the line for me?
What's with him?
Maybe he's finally getting laid.
And Valerie, are
you free for lunch?
- Yes.
- Good.
Hey guys.
I got everybody one of these.
Oh, "Complete Idiot's
Guide To Bringing Up Baby".
Yeah, I think we
should all read this.
I've been thinking
about the near-future.
And Kimberly's already taking
her pre-natal vitamins.
But I think we need to
start regarding her diet.
Her diet.
Yeah, she should be eating five,
healthy meals a day.
Like burgers and
shakes, and fries.
Something to put a
little weight on her.
No, Bob.
She's gotta put on some weight.
And no drinking.
And very little caffeine.
Listen, I'm also looking
into the best ob-gyn in town.
I've got a few names, and I'm
gonna set up some interviews.
And I got the names
of some pediatricians.
And Bob, we should
open up a trust fund.
All right, cool, I
can do that, no problem.
Hey, Walter, you okay?
I've never been so
stressed out in my life.
I'm clenching my teeth at night.
I'm gonna give you the
number of a friend of mine.
What, a hooker?
My shrink, you idiot.
Oh. I got the number of
a hooker if you need it.
You guys, it's okay
to be stressed out.
We really need to look
after Kimberly right now.
We need to make sure her world
is as stress-free as possible.
You know what she could
use, lots of massages.
What are you talking about?
Actually Bob,
that's not a bad idea.
See? I got the number of
a masseuse if we need it.
I've also been thinking
about natural child-birthing.
And I think a water
birthing is the way to go.
- No, no, no, no.
- Ew!
She needs to go to a hospital.
She needs the best care that
western medicine can offer.
What do you think breathing.
What makes you an
expert on childbirth?
I've been doing
a lot of research.
I've been doing research, too.
You guys, it's not a big deal.
Hey, let's her a cell phone,
she can carry it
around with her.
That's a good idea.
See, that's a great idea.
Does everyone want a beeper?
Yeah, yeah.
I'll pick up the beepers.
Oh, God.
What's the matter with you?
I don't know.
It's my neck.
It's, I don't know.
It's like a shooting
pain in my neck,
and my ass hurts, and my
back is really fucking.
Hey, you gotta relax.
It's just.
C'mon, man, you gotta
take it one day at a time.
All Walter needs is to get laid.
Oh, no, thank you.
Hey guys, we're having a
baby, we're gonna be dads.
This is the most thrilling
time in a man's life.
It's our first child. Wow.
I hope he's got my eyes.
And my brains.
And my sensitivity.
Walter's cock.
Walter, you okay?
Is it my weight that's
slowing this boat down?
Speed, gentlemen!
Michael, snap that catch.
Proper finish. Whoa!
You guys, keep trying.
So, Scotty, are you gonna
tell us about your girlfriend?
You're still seeing
her, aren't you?
Oh, absolutely.
When are we ever
going to meet her?
I don't know, mom,
she's been pretty busy.
Really? Doing what?
Well, she's
having a... having...
- Having...
- What?
She's having a baby.
She's pregnant.
Does that mean that I'm
about to become a grandfather?
Well, that depends on
how proud-minded you are.
My boss heard me talking
about it, he wanted the seats.
Did you see that
thing last night.
That play, where the guys
head, like comes, pops.
Oh! My!
Shall we?
As long as it's
not too expensive.
No, I was just kind
of curious what kind
of children's clothes your
company's manufacturing now?
Hang on just a second.
How does that go again?
Put the needle
through this loop,
pull the yarn to
the other needle.
Knit one, pearl two.
Oh, like that?
- Six.
- Six.
That looks so good on you.
Thank you.
So, I really like this
one, I think it's great.
Oh, let me try this.
- Sarah!
- What?
I felt a kick! C'mere.
- Where?
- Here.
Oh, wow.
Isn't that the best feeling?
It's amazing.
I have to call the boys.
To a healthy baby!
To a good, strong boy.
Here, here.
One arm, sure.
What are we gonna
do with a girl?
Love her.
Yeah, love her.
And protect her from
people like you.
Hey, girls adore their fathers.
Good point.
But what am I
gonna do with a girl?
Take her to the ballet?
I mean, at least with a boy,
you can take him to
the game, you know?
And give him a noogi.
Yeah, but girls are
more affectionate.
And manipulative.
Well, to a healthy
and happy baby.
To a healthy and happy baby!
- Boy.
- Boy.
Hey, where's Walter?
Yeah, where is Walter?
I need to talk to you.
What? What do you want?
I told you I didn't
wanna see you any more.
Look, I'm a lying piece of shit.
I, I, I, I, like, I just.
Okay, what? Just
spit it out, Walter.
Look, I cheated on you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm
so sorry. Please?
Why you telling me this now?
Because I love you
and I want you back.
I miss you, I miss you so much.
And this whole thing made me
realize how much I missed you.
Are you still seeing
that other woman?
Yes. No, no, no,
no, not really, no.
What do you mean not really?
Well, I mean, here's
the, the, the, thing.
Is that she's, um.
She's pregnant.
You are a piece of shit!
I can't believe you!
You come here to tell
me you want me back,
and you got another
woman pregnant?
Shut up!
The baby might not even
be mine, for God's sake.
- You're sick, Walter.
- Okay, you are sick.
You need help.
No, I don't. Listen,
it's complicated.
There's like a hun...
There's other men involved.
There's people.
Look, could we get
a cup of coffee?
No, no, we can't
get a cup of coffee.
We're not gonna have
breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Walter, listen to
me, it is over!
I don't want to see your
lying face ever again! Got it?
Listen, Nancy.
And don't follow me!
Nancy, there's just.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
this is the feature event of
our annual Kingsley Regatta.
Gentlemen, senior board,
you have 10 minutes
to launch your shell.
I've been trying to
call Walter all night.
I have no idea where he is.
I can't believe him.
He'll be here.
Christ, Walter!
Hey! Are you okay?
Are you all right?
Kimberly are you all right?
Fine, I'm fine.
Do you need a glass
of water, or something?
Do you wanna sit down?
Finally, he's here.
Where the hell have you been?
Yeah, where the
hell you've been?
I don't wanna talk about it.
You look like shit.
Yeah, what happened to you?
Strong finish.
Presenting the
senior men's four.
Take care of her!
A 2,000 meter race.
We're gonna be first across!
With four teams
achieving the grand final.
The Leopard Crew was
last year's winner.
And are far and away predicted
to win Kingsley Scene.
Hey, it looks like you guys
are doing a little
hanky panky, huh?
Who the hell asked you?
So who humped her?
Mr. Crone!
That's some kind of way
of greeting each other!
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
You got three minutes.
Get out of here!
You piece of shit.
The Musketeers, a new crew,
who have been untested
throughout this year so far,
are in lane number one.
Your ass! Your ass!
The Leopards were first,
as we said, last year.
You'll see them in
lane number two.
You guys ready?
The Sharks, who
our are perennial challengers
will be lane three.
The Turtles, who love to
say, as their side show,
they do it better on the
water, will be in lane four.
The crews seem to be
ready all hands are down.
The winds are
somewhat calmer now.
Gentlemen, this
will be the start.
Bust it!
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Out of the starting platforms,
we have a beautiful
start, almost even.
Come on, baby.
The Sharks and
Turtles close behind.
Come on!
Open the door, open the door!
Guys, what are you doing?
We thought you were
in the ambulance.
Are you okay?
Yes. The baby's fine.
Who's in the ambulance?
Some lady, she fainted.
She fainted?
Fantastic, you won.
We won. We won!
We won!
That's gonna hurt.
I like Willy, William Mays.
That's good, that's good.
How about Amadeus?
Oh yeah?
Amadeus, he won't
get beat up in school.
Look, um, to
friendship and love.
To prosperity.
To prosperity.
To old friends,
and new adventures.
I, I would like
to thank you all.
On behalf of both of us,
for the last few months.
I didn't think that I
would ever meet four men
quite like you.
Who would think I'd ever
have a baby like this?
Four times the love and four
times the complications.
Anyway, happy new year.
Happy New Year.
So if you're happy with
everything, Mr. Erickson,
I'd like to start at the
beginning of the month.
Fine with me.
Is this the McGill residence?
I see.
Yes, Mr. Edgar Allen
Poe was indeed found
to have dropped dead and
beaten on a Baltimore street.
I'm gonna be in Boston for
Puma on the 16th and the 17th.
You prefer that
I speak in English.
I think something's wrong.
There's nothing wrong
with this house, my friend.
No, I mean something's
wrong with my friend.
My girl. My girlfriend.
Oh my God.
Okay, we're gonna
resume class next...
Okay, we'll resume
next week on the...
The Raven, Raven, yeah.
I'll be right there.
Oh! Oh, it's D Day!
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Everything's great.
My Chihuahua's having puppies.
Oh, can I have one? I
could really use a dog.
You know what,
two are spoken for
but if there's a third,
you'll be the first to know.
Remember to breathe!
This is it! Can you
make it to the front door?
Hurry up.
Two more turns.
I'm coming, baby, here I come.
You're here.
Okay, good.
I'm here, baby.
Breathe, breathe.
Woman with a baby.
Woman with a baby,
woman with a baby!
Hands off!
I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry. Kimberly!
Are you okay?
Hi. We're having a baby.
She's having a baby.
We're here to see Dr. Tanenbaum.
Dr. Tanenbaum has the flu.
Dr. Feinsteinburger
is replacing him.
Dr. Feinsteinburger, who the
hell is Dr. Feinsteinburger?
I don't want a strange
doctor working on my wife.
I'm not your wife.
Dr. Feinsteinburger
is a great doctor.
I'm sure he is.
How far along are
your contractions?
Three, four.
Yeah, three, four.
Okay, we're gonna take her down
to the triage room
and examine her.
Okay. He better be good!
Triplets right here
in our delivery room.
Oh, bless you.
Thank you!
Hey, buddy! Pay up!
You want jelly, or glazed?
Or here, take the whole...
Mr. Strobe, you left
your video camera in room 413.
What's going on, what happened?
She's in the triage.
She's in the where?
- In the triage room.
- The triage?
What happened
I hit a fucking car,
do I look too bad?
Your not looking so good.
Hey, is she all right?
She's fine, she's fine.
She's in the triage.
Hey, hey, hey. Is it a boy?
I don't know.
She's in the triage.
In the triage?
I got donuts. I got glazed,
jelly, I got sprinkles...
There she is! Here she is!
Go, go, go, go!
605, 605, excuse me, we
need to get in there.
She's pregnant.
We need to get in there.
All right. Easy, I'm
Dr. Feinsteinburger.
I'm covering for Dr. Tanenbaum.
Oh, who's the father?
I am.
No, who's the father?
Well, we all are.
See doctor, for lack
of of a better term,
we're all spiritual fathers.
Spiritual fathers.
Spiritual fathers? Oh.
We'll need four sets of scrubs!
Gentlemen, the changing room.
- Changing room.
- All right, go on.
The changing room,
changing room.
Keep breathing!
Keep breathing!
Don't worry about us!
Guys, come on!
Yesterday I had two
lesbian mothers, today, this.
Okay, how are
you doing, Kimberly?
Okay, you ready to push?
Doc, can we get
an epidural, please?
She doesn't need an epidural.
Just relax, is there anything
else we can do to help?
You could leave.
How about you
just hold her hand?
I am holding her hand.
Maybe you should read
her a poem or something.
Yeah, a poem or something.
Would you like some music?
No music then.
All right, get ready to push.
A poem is a good idea,
a poem is a good idea.
Here we go, ready to push.
Push it down and
away, down and away.
Hut, hut, hut, hut.
All right, and push!
One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten, breathe!
Breathe, breathe,
breathe, breathe.
You're doing good,
your breathing is good.
- All right.
- One more time!
One more time, one more time.
One, two,
three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten!
Good job, breathe!
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
That's right, that's right!
Breathe, that's a girl.
Go, go, go, again! Again!
And again, push!
One, two,
three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten!
Breathe, good, good, good!
I see something there!
I wanna see something!
Where's it at?
What, don't look there,
what are you doing?
One last push, Kimberly!
Strong at the finish,
strong at the finish! Ready?
Push, push, push,
push, push, push, push!
I see a head!
It's a boy!
It's a boy! It's a boy!
It's a boy, It's a
boy! It's a boy! It's a boy!
How can you tell it's a boy?
Are you kidding me?
Take a look at the
size of it's wiener!
Who's gonna cut the cord?
Mike, I think you better do it.
Yeah, I'll do it.
Between the clips.
Good job, momma.
Hey doc, congratulations,
good work. It's a Cuban.
He does have my
eyes, look at him.
He's got my smile.
He's the spitting image of me.
Doctor? Would you mind
taking a picture of us?
We wouldn't want to miss this.
All right, everybody, look here.
Happy faces! You're
all a bunch of daddies!
Look, it's you.
It's beautiful, thank you.
You know, right now,
I wish we had made love.
Just so I'd know what it was
like to be a real father.
If it weren't for you
I don't think the others
would have been so supportive.
Why were you adamant
for me to have this baby?
Thinking about you and
because I care about the guys.
Whatever happens now, I would
really like to be a part
of you and the baby's lives.
You already are.
What do you think
of the name Alex?
I like it.
It was my father's.
What is it?
It's a blanket.
It started out as a
sweater, but then kind of
became a blanket with
one sleeve.
It's an original!
I made it myself.
I love it.
Oh, um, there's
a little bit of a...
Oh, jeez.
Oh, God, I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
Oh, here, I'm so sorry!
Fun for the whole
family! Ha, ha, got milk!
Guess you gotta get used
to that kind of stuff
when you're a dad.
Can't believe I'm a dad.
You think you're the father?
Yeah, I thought
there was a chance.
I mean, when you told
me you were pregnant,
I thought you were, you
know, asking my permission,
you know, would I...
- No.
- No?
Well then that
night after the bar
when we went back to my
place, we didn't?
Oh, well, so it
wasn't because I, no.
Just uh, so what happened?
- You passed out.
- Are you relieved?
Yeah, yeah I mean,
it's, I feel great.
I mean, I guess.
I guess I was starting
to get used to the idea.
Well, I guess I can
still take little Alex
to a ball game once
in a while, right?
Yeah, I think he'd like that.
Thank you for the encyclopedias.
You're welcome.
Are you sure I'm not the father?
Yes, I should have told you,
but you didn't give me a chance.
You're right.
You know, I've
spent my whole life
hidden in books.
I hurt Nancy and I
hurt you. I'm sorry.
Are you and Nancy back together?
I'm afraid she
doesn't want me back.
You must love her very much.
Just give her some time.
I will.
Are you sure that's not my kid?
Do you see
how beautiful they are? Look.
Hi. Do you see these
flowers? They're for you.
These are for you.
For you and your mom.
I should put them
in some water, here.
Why don't you hold Alex.
Give me an arm. There you go.
I'm gonna go put the
flowers in a vase.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Go ahead and sit down.
Hi little guy. Hi there.
Hi, hi. Oh, wow.
Okay, here, look.
It's okay.
Oh, baby.
Is that better?
Hi little guy, it's okay.
It's okay, yeah. Shh.
Little guy, it's okay.
I came here so I
could talk to you.
Well, let me make
it easier for you.
I um, I don't want
you to feel obligated.
You know, really needed
the support throughout
the pregnancy, but I
feel as though I can...
Hey, I think you got it wrong.
You see, from the beginning,
I been trying to tell you
how I feel about you.
And I realize that
I've been awkward
and not very convincing.
But it has been a very unusual
situation to say the least.
And I've been very confused.
I'm sorry.
Don't say that.
Because in a way, it's
really been helpful.
You know, I can finally admit
that I am one of those people
who's always looking
for the perfect picture.
In the end, I came to
realize what really matters
is how I feel about you
and how you feel
about me, of course.
I love you, Kimberly.
What greater proof of
love can I give you
than to tell you that I
love you after everything
we've been going through?
I love you, and I love this
baby like it was my own.
Michael, are you sure?
You don't believe me?
I just wanted to
be sure that you, um,
that you wanted
to have this baby.
What are you saying?
He's your son, Michael.
He could only be yours.
Will you marry me?
Will you?
He's beautiful.
I like.
Don't you think that's...
Come here.