Kindred (2020) Movie Script

You didn't wake me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Do you want some coffee?
That's no good.
Something you ate?
Yeah, maybe it
was your cooking.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Shut up.
Go on, sit down.
What's all this?
It's just some work.
I have to go.
No, no, you're not getting
out of here that easily.
Okay, we're going, just
tell her, get it over with.
She's gonna to hate me.
No. You'll be fine.
I should eat.
Hey he hey, what
are you doing?
We're going for lunch.
But your brother doesn't have
lunch till about five p.m..
He's not my brother.
Oh, "he's not my brother."
We're not even related.
Yeah, still.
Fill up while we can.
Still worrying?
It's gonna be okay.
My brother made me a quiche.
Well, that's all
vegetarians eat anyways, love.
Yeah, every week.
- Just quiche.
- Only quiche.
Well, go on, then.
Play something.
I need to pee.
It's not ready.
We don't have lunch
till three on Sundays.
Yeah, I remember.
If you're hungry, I
can make you something.
No, no, I'm fine.
How are you?
Good, good.
How are you?
I made you a quiche.
Thank you. Delicious.
Hey babe.
- Everything all right?
- Yeah.
She's waiting.
Have you seen the
state of the grass?
You know, I'm just glad
your father isn't here
to see what I've
been reduced to.
You got Thomas.
Oh yes, I have, but
he can't do everything.
Grab us more lip.
Any more for anymore?
Charlotte passed her driving
test on Friday, didn't you?
Oh, good.
Well, that's useful.
Thank you.
We've decided that we're moving.
Well, that is good.
You know, I think
the Hendersons' place
is becoming available.
No, no.
We're moving to Australia.
Excuse me?
We've been thinking about
it for a while and it's...
Kind of...
Just makes sense.
What about your
What responsibilities, Mum?
This house.
Your family.
Nine generations.
Here we are.
Your brother is leaving me.
He's not my brother, and
I'm not leaving you, Mum.
We're moving to Australia.
Well, I don't feel
really well, you know.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to go lie down.
- It's my hip.
- Hip.
- Will you bring my food up?
- Mum.
Yes, and I'll bring your
hot water bottle, don't worry.
No, we will discuss
it, just the two of us.
My glasses.
Thank you.
Lunch is almost ready.
We're not staying.
When you're
finished clocking out,
can you give me a
hand moving Stanley?
Door's loose on his stable.
Oh, man, you know I have
to start riding lessons?
Open this place up to
schools or something.
But you hate kids.
Aye, I do hate kids.
You all right?
Yeah, I just feel
a bit dizzy today.
Okay. Well, do you
want to sit down?
Whoa, are you all right?
I am so sorry.
Don't be sorry, it's fine.
I think we should take
you to the medical center.
- No, I don't like doctors.
- I'm not asking, we're going.
Charlotte Wilde?
Dr. Richards is ready for you.
This has been going
on for how long?
A week or two, maybe three.
You live with Ben
Clayton up by Horn Lane?
Yeah, a year and a half.
Not married.
Your last period,
how long ago was it?
I'm not sure, it
can be irregular.
- More than six weeks?
- Maybe.
I mean, I don't remember.
Well, we should,
please, sit down.
We should do a blood
test to be sure,
but I'm quite certain
you're pregnant.
But I can't be
because I'm on the pill.
No form of birth
control is 100% effective.
I need to get you booked
in with a stenographer,
they come to the
hospital every Thursday.
Don't seem to have any
of your medical records.
Any family history
I should know about,
preexisting conditions?
What if I don't want it?
The baby, what if I don't
want to go through with it?
What are you suggesting?
It's a shock, I just want
to know what my options are.
I think your best option
would be to go home,
discuss this with Ben, and
not make any rash decisions.
Hey hey hey, I'll get that.
I'll get that, you
shouldn't be lifting.
Oh my god.
How the hell do you know?
- Doesn't matter.
- Ben.
Mum told me.
- What?!
- Dr. Richards told Mum.
He's been our doctor for ages.
You are, you are, aren't you?
I could have him
struck off for that.
Come on, I know it's
not news you wanted,
but it is such good news!
- No, is it?
- Yes!
We're meant to be going away.
How are we gonna do that?
We'll go as a family.
You, me, and the baby.
No, no no no, no, I'm
on the pill for a reason?
You're not your mum.
Fuck off.
And that's what
you're worried about.
You're not your mum, you're
gonna be a great mum.
You're gonna be a
great mum, all right?
Promise you.
And I'm gonna be an
amazing dad, obviously.
You don't get it.
Go away, leave me
alone, leave me alone.
I'll put these in water.
Congratulations are in order.
This is very exciting.
Thank you.
So we're going to
have to act quickly
before she starts to
show, prepare everything.
- Prepare what?
- For the wedding.
Oh, Mum.
I thought we'd have a marquis.
We don't need one.
But we can't have that
many people in the house.
- No, we don't need a wedding.
- Of course you do.
No we don't.
What will people say?
Well, they can
say what they like.
We're not gonna be here long.
You're not still
planning that nonsense.
You're not taking my grandchild.
I'm sorry, Mum.
We have to do
what's right for us.
You're not stealing
my own flesh and blood
to the other side of the planet.
We need a fresh start.
It's easy for you,
you have no one.
Coming back here, Mum,
it was only ever temporary.
I can't stay here.
- You don't mean that.
- I do mean it.
I do mean it, and stop
telling me what I want!
You cannot walk
out on this place!
I've got to go work.
It's not gonna be
that bad, Mum, okay?
We'll fly you out to
Australia, we can fly back,
we can come for Christmas.
We can Skype.
Look, I'll call you later, okay?
We can talk about it.
Look, I know that
was hard for you.
I'm proud of you.
You did it.
We are going to Australia.
We're going to Australia.
We're going to Australia.
We're going to Australia.
Jesus fucking Christ.
What is it?
Thank you.
See, he's okay.
No he's not.
Whoa, dude!
Shh, don't say anything.
Oh, god.
Okay. Do you want
to talk about it?
I don't want it.
I don't want the baby.
I mean this whole something
using my body as a host
and then getting bigger
and bigger and bigger
and then coming out of
a hole that is that big.
It's , to be fair.
Oh, I don't want to be a mum.
I don't want to be
stuck being a mum,
and I don't even know what
being a mum looks like.
You already live like
that, so it's fine.
Shut up, I'm serious.
Look, you'd be great.
And I mean, at least you'll
be making Margaret happy.
Oh, fucking Margaret.
And Thomas.
I mean, why is he even there?
I don't know.
They're not even related.
He just...
Ben reckons he's trying to
worm his way into the will.
Ah, probably wants the house.
Yeah, he can have it.
This is shit.
You're getting rid of it?
- Oh.
- Speak of the devil.
What time do you
call this, then?
It's been a mad day.
Why people think pigs are pets.
- How you doing?
- Hi baby.
What we got?
Hey, you.
Is there anything I should know?
She's just not been
herself, to be honest.
You know, she's
normally so lively.
Anyway, I'll be back
with your tea in a sec.
- See what you think.
- All right, cheers.
Bonnie. You all right?
All right?
Charlotte, someone help!
- What happened?
- Charlotte.
She's kicked him.
Ben, Ben, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Ben, can you hear me?
Ben, you're gonna be all right.
It's Jane.
Ben, it's gonna be okay,
we're gonna get you,
Charlotte, come
help me lift him.
I think we should all someone.
No, there's no time for
that, will you grab his legs?
We need to get him outside.
You're gonna be all right.
It's Jane.
You're gonna be okay.
Let's lift.
We're taking you there now.
Grab that, put pressure
on the wound, okay?
Just keep
talking to him, okay?
- Stay with me, please.
- It's gonna be all right.
Stay with me, okay?
Going to be all right,
just stay with me.
It's gonna be
okay, Char, all right?
I'm sorry.
We did everything we could.
The damage was just too great.
What have you done?
- I'm sorry?
- Not you, her.
This is all your fault.
Get her off me!
- My son.
- My god.
It's my son.
Oh, my son.
My son, my son.
How you feeling?
Here, have some of this.
Been in bed for the past few
days, you must be exhausted.
You remember what happened?
The funeral's tomorrow.
Okay, well I need to see him.
No you don't.
I wish I hadn't.
There are some things in
life it's better not to see.
I think we've all behaved
in ways that we regret.
How are you feeling?
How is the baby?
I should go home.
No, rest.
It's the doctor's orders.
Need to start thinking
about the baby.
Just stay here with
us for a while.
We'll look after you, we
have everything you need.
It's a bit cold in here.
Thomas, get her a heater,
I don't want her to get sick.
Just try and get some rest,
and we will serve lunch at one.
Where did you get that?
In Ben's room.
Would you take it off, please?
- I was cold, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I'll get you something else.
Come in, my dear, how are you?
Come and have something to eat.
Sorry, I was very hungry.
- Here you are.
- Thanks.
Well, I think it's
important that we all
keep our strength up.
Oh, goodness, Thomas.
I'm so sorry,
my dear, so sorry.
Honestly, no, it's fine.
I'm not even that hungry.
- Oh.
- Excuse the fingers.
It's fine.
Have a little bit
of salt and pepper.
I think we need to
find something suitable
for you to wear at the funeral.
Where is it?
It's going to be here.
On the grounds,
we're going to...
Lay Ben to rest just
takes to his father.
I think that's what
he would have wanted.
I'm gonna need to go home.
I need some of my things.
Well, I sent Thomas
over yesterday.
He collected some
of your things.
I think everything you want
would be in your wardrobe.
Do you know where my phone is?
It must've
broken when you fell.
But I can get it fixed for
you when I'm next in town.
Yeah, do you mind,
is that all right?
- Of course.
- Thank you, appreciate it.
Gee, I thought
there'd be more people.
It's so remote here, and
Margaret said she wanted
a small family thing.
What about what you wanted?
It doesn't matter.
You okay?
No, I've been feeling dizzy.
Well, it's understandable.
Hello, Jane.
I'm so sorry.
How are you feeling?
Would you like to have a rest?
I'm fine.
There's going to
be some refreshments
headed around shortly, so
make sure you eat something.
I swear, this grass.
It's a disgrace.
- Should we head in?
- Hmm.
Listen, I can't stay, I've
got to get back to work.
- But will you be all right?
- Yeah.
Can play something
else, if you prefer.
Don't really get a
chance to play that often.
I'm trying to convince Margaret
to learn a song with me.
She's got such an amazing voice.
But she won't.
It's a waste.
You play, don't you?
I used to.
Oh, whoop.
- Sorry.
- Okay?
Yeah, fine, I just
get a bit dizzy.
- Sorry.
- Okay.
Sit down.
I'll get you some water.
No, I'm fine,
I'm okay, honestly.
It's not fair.
Sorry, I don't
mean to disturb you.
Oh, been too much
death in this family.
Poor Ben.
His father William,
he died of cancer.
And I miss him every single day.
He was the most wonderful
father, and Ben just adored him.
And Thomas's dad?
That was a farming accident.
I just should never married him,
that was the biggest
mistake of my life.
I think it's gonna be a boy.
I really hope so.
Some women flourish
when they're pregnant,
it certainly seems to suit you.
It won't be long now before you
start feeling some movement.
I'm looking for my shoes.
I was thinking of taking
walk to the grave.
Thomas said that you
were dizzy last night.
Yeah, but I think
some fresh air
might do me some good, no?
Yes, well maybe later,
but it's a bit cold now,
you've got to think
about the baby.
It's all I think about.
You just follow what
Dr. Richards' orders are
and that baby will be just fine,
and that means you resting
and not rushing out
into the freezing cold.
I think I'm ready
to go home now.
Oh, well look, we
have your things here.
Come, I'll show you.
You know, he was never
very good with money.
Just like his father,
would seem that Ben
had more than a few
financial problems.
When the bank found
out he was dead,
they foreclosed on the cottage.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
I know you may have
some reservations,
but you can stay here.
I think is the
best place for you.
But he didn't
mention anything.
- My house.
- Ben's house.
You just have a rest and we can
worry about the future later.
I'm sorry, I had to
go through everything.
I had to get the paperwork
for the inheritance tax.
If there's anything
belonging to you,
I'll make sure that
Thomas brings it up to you
or puts it in the basement,
isn't that right, Thomas?
So you're telling me that
I no longer have a home.
I know. Bit of a shock.
But maybe for the best.
Being part of the family.
Sorry, is everybody
okay with quiche?
What happened to my hand?
You cut it on a glass last
night. Do you not remember?
Maybe you should
just stay in bed.
You've got a visitor downstairs,
but I'll just send her away.
No, no, no, I'm coming.
It's good to see you.
So how you feeling?
- Still?
- Hmm.
Well, I know that I
don't want to be here.
Yeah, somehow.
How is the yard?
Oh, it's all good,
you know, same old.
We miss you.
So has everything been okay
with your scans and stuff?
I've not had any yet.
The doctor comes here,
he said I don't need to.
Can I get you some tea?
I'm okay, thank you.
Maybe you should
see another doctor.
- Well, yeah-
- Oh, don't worry.
Dr. Richards has
everything under control.
Does she not need
to go to hospital?
He doesn't seem to
think it's necessary.
We can take care of her here.
You okay?
God, I just felt, I'm just
gonna go to the toilet.
Give me a minute.
Do you want me
to come with you?
No no no, sit
down, I'll be back.
Be back in a sec.
Where's Jane?
She had to go,
something at work.
She said she'd call you.
What, she just
left, just like that?
Okay, so have
you fixed my phone?
Should be ready Friday.
I'm gonna start making lunch.
Oh my god.
Thomas, what are you doing?
Why are you in here?
You were screaming
the night, so I came in.
You wouldn't let me leave,
do you not remember?
Well, can you get out, please?
Okay, sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
I've ordered everything
for the nursery
so we can start painting soon.
- Nursery?
- Yeah, for the baby.
We won't be
living here, Thomas.
No, I know, I know,
it's for when you visit.
Hello Mr.
Magpie, how's your wife?
It is bad luck
to see only one.
Thomas tells me you were
feeling a bit sick yesterday.
Bit nauseous?
I was the same as Benjamin.
Just terrible.
You have a drink of this.
Now, I'm just gonna
leave you to have a rest.
Get your scrawny ass down
here and give me my money now!
calm down, George.
I was
situation, I wasn't sure
that you could manage
it on your own.
I was managing.
I don't understand why
you insist on.
How the hell would he get
here all the way to the house?
I don't know, he must've just
cut the chain or something.
I was terrified.
Right, well, he's
gone now, he's all gone.
Anything could have happened.
Look, look, I'll
go down to the gate
and I will make
sure it's locked.
But just calm down.
I want to go to
the hospital today.
Now, I want a scan.
They have someone
there on Thursdays.
Well you can't, I have
an appointment elsewhere.
Well, I'm going, with
or without your help.
Don't be ridiculous, how
are you gonna get there?
I'll walk if I have to.
Thomas will take you.
- Charlotte Wilde.
- Yep, that's me.
No no, I can go alone.
- Is this dad?
- No, no, he's-
- A friend.
- Okay, follow me.
So you're 20 weeks, but
this is your first scan?
There we are.
Can you see it?
Oh my god.
Bear with me, I'm just
gonna take a few measurements.
I'm just looking at
the blood flowing
in and out of the heart.
It all looks okay?
Yes, so far
everything looks fine.
Do you want to know the sex?
It's a boy.
That's right.
So are you planning on
having the baby here?
There's a few great
birthing rooms upstairs.
I dunno.
I haven't thought about it.
Yeah, I guess so.
I can organize for you
to come in and take a look.
You okay?
I've been feeling dizzy.
Well, that's normal.
I've been having these
weird dreams as well.
When I was pregnant, I
kept dreaming about clowns.
It was terrible.
What are yours?
Birds, crows and stuff.
It's better than clowns.
So it's normal.
It's hormones.
See, there you go.
Is there
anything else on your mind?
I'm feeling a little thirsty.
Thomas, can you go
get me some water?
Oh, there's
a water fountain
at the end of the hall.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, yeah, of course.
Can I still fly?
I was thinking
about going away.
I mean, yeah, I
don't see why not.
Usually up to seven months,
although I'm not sure
I'd advise it.
You off on holiday?
I'm not sure.
Is everything okay?
Do you want to talk to somebody?
Look, I know this
is gonna sound crazy,
but they won't let
me go anywhere.
The family that
I'm staying with.
I think they broke my phone.
And they put
something in my tea.
What do
you mean by something?
Some kind of tablet.
I'm confused all the
time, not just dizzy.
I think they're
giving me something.
Look, I think I'm
gonna need your help.
Okay, wait here.
Thank you.
Where's she gone?
She said she needed
to get someone.
- What is he doing here?
- He's your doctor.
No, no, no, he's
not my doctor.
Listen to me, listen to me.
What you're experiencing.
Paranoia, anger, resentment,
and during pregnancy,
your hormones are all...
No no, I'm not paranoid.
They won't let me out the house.
He took my phone.
Maybe they're a
tad overzealous,
but it's your health and
the health of the baby
they have in mind.
Baby's the most
important thing, no?
I'm sure we can
all agree on that.
Yeah, I'm trying-
- If you keep this
frenzy up, I mean it,
you will lose the baby.
Ben's baby, I'm
not exaggerating.
For the baby's sake, for
your sake, try to stay calm.
Do you understand?
Go home, go to bed, read a book.
Thank you, Dr. Richards.
Look, I don't know what
you think is going on.
All we want is to keep you
safe, keep the baby safe.
- Yes.
- You sure about that?
That baby is everything to
Margaret, and to me too.
Why do you keep me
shut in the house?
We don't keep you
trapped in there.
Dr. Richards said
total bedrest, okay?
So all we're doing is
what he told us to do.
Charlotte, you are
pregnant, it's safety first.
I can't wait to
leave this place.
I know you broke my phone.
- I didn't break your phone.
- I know you did.
I told you they can't
fix it, it's dead.
Did you
put something in my tea?
Do you really think we
would do something like that?
I can't believe you
think we would do that.
That's crazy.
Look, we can give you
somewhere safe to stay
until the baby's born.
After that, if you want to
leave, no one's gonna stop you.
But let us look after you.
If not for you, for
Ben, for the baby.
- You condition, Charlotte-
- I don't have a condition.
That was my mum's thing.
Yeah, my mum had a
condition, this is not that.
Where else are you
going to go, Charlotte?
Can I come in?
Yeah, sure.
I've just brought you a...
Come sit down.
Have you thought about names?
Oh, not really.
Maybe Benjamin?
You're doing so well, I
think he'd be so proud.
I just feel so big
and fat and tired.
Yes, I know it's hard.
You have to enjoy it.
I didn't.
The feeling of something
growing inside me.
The aches and pains.
For the last two months,
I was confined to bedrest.
High blood pressure.
It was this room,
I sat in that bed.
Looking outside, watching
the birds and the trees
and just waiting for it to end.
I was never very broody.
It was William who
wanted the child.
And even when he was born,
it wasn't like people say,
I didn't feel some
overwhelming rush of love.
I just felt numb.
This strange, vulnerable
thing sucking from me.
Longing him for the day
that he'd stopped crying
and would just sleep
through the night.
You know he loved animals.
He was always
chasing after them,
whether they liked it or not.
And one day when he was
about three or four,
I think it must've been four.
I don't know what age.
But he was bitten
by our dog, Fraser.
Was terrible.
So we rushed him to
the car, screaming,
and William driving like
a mad man to the doctor's,
and I was in the back with him.
And suddenly I had
this awful feeling.
It was a feeling of
worry and sickness.
Simply blind panic.
It was then I realized
that I did love him.
I loved him more than
I thought was possible,
I loved him so much.
My whole body ached.
It wasn't a nice feeling,
but it was beautiful.
And from that day on, I
dedicated myself to him.
But I'd missed out
on those early years.
I really envy you.
I'd love to do it all
again, and really enjoy it.
To not wish it away.
To love every bad night's sleep.
Just to do it properly.
To love having a
baby in this house.
What happened to the dog?
We had George shoot it.
Ben was devastated, but
we couldn't keep it.
We got rabbits instead.
Right, you have to use
your imagination, okay?
But I thought this would
be the perfect choice
for the nursery.
Look, look.
Paint's arrived.
Mint mocha is apparently
the most soothing color
for newborns.
But I can do a little bit,
and if you don't like it,
we can choose something else.
Now, I thought the cot
would be perfect here,
and that means we can
plug the baby monitor
into the socket down
there, and it keeps it away
from the radiator, because
that can get so hot.
No one knows how to turn it off.
Oh, that's just a bunch of stuff
Margaret asked me to
bring up from the cellar.
I think it's things that belonged
to Ben when he was a kid.
Are we all right?
I know you miss Ben.
I know, and I can't
imagine how hard
that's been for you.
And I'm not trying
to do anything weird,
like replace him or
anything like that.
But I am here for you.
And the baby.
I'm here for you.
I'm just gonna go to the loo.
Margaret, the
doors are all locked.
I want to go for a walk.
I'm afraid not.
What do you mean?
You can't lock me inside.
The baby is due any time now.
It's time for you
to stay in bed.
So I can't even
leave the house now?
You're not well.
You don't even seem
to realize that.
It's terribly sad.
No, no, Margaret.
Margaret, I'm not ill.
Your mother, she was
ill too, wasn't she?
You don't know
anything about my mother.
Did she scream
at her sleep too?
- Give me the key.
- No.
- Give me the key!
- No!
I'm leaving.
- You have nowhere to go.
- Oh really?
You can spare me
the histrionics.
- Crazy bitch.
- Why don't you just go
up to your room and get into bed
and wait for Thomas
to prepare your food?
Am I a prisoner now?
It's to keep you safe.
Don't tell me it's
to keep me safe.
Where's Margaret?
She's gone to the
solicitor again.
I don't know why.
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I've been thinking about what
you were saying in the nursery
and I am sorry if you think
that I am being ungrateful.
I don't think you're
being ungrateful.
I just want to say thank you
for being someone in here
that I can call a friend.
Someone who gets it.
Someone to look after me.
I'm just glad you
finally see that.
I think I'm gonna
head up to bed.
I was gonna make dinner.
Oh, I'm quite tired.
Okay, okay.
Thanks though.
Good night.
Good night.
Oh god.
Charlotte, wait!
No no no!
No no no!
No no!
Wait, Charlotte, stop!
Stop, don't!
Charlotte, don't!
Charlotte, stop!
No no no, the baby.
Please, Charlotte, the baby.
Charlotte, stop.
You're not well, Charlotte.
Please, you have to come
and get me, they're coming.
Where are you?
I don't-
I'll meet you by
the fields where I gave you
- riding lessons.
- Yeah.
- Okay?
- Yeah, okay, I'll Be there.
- All right.
- Stay calm.
Okay, thanks a bunch.
I'm coming now, okay?
You're all right.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Yeah.
Yes, Margaret?
Can you bring my
supper upstairs to my bedroom?
- Now?
- Yes, now.
There's a good boy.
Margaret, I can hear
you, open the door.
Look, you had me worried.
I thought you might
lose the baby.
Margaret, you have
to open the door.
Can't have you running
around like a mad woman.
I know this is hard
work, but at least
here I can keep an eye on you.
You're sick.
Don't you realize
you're the one who's sick!
I don't enjoy this.
Maybe some time on your
own will do you good.
You need to help me, please.
I'm not supposed
to talk to you.
I don't feel well.
There's something wrong with me.
My head.
Hopefully once the baby's
out you're gonna feel better.
What if I don't?
You will.
No, don't go!
I'm sorry for
running away, Thomas.
I was just scared.
I don't like seeing
you like this, Charlotte.
You have to start
helping yourself.
She's out all afternoon.
I'm making us lunch.
Can I go for a bath?
Yes, of course you can.
I'll bring up some towels.
Lunch is ready.
Why do you stick around?
It's my home.
Family's important.
Do you really
feel at home here?
Of course I do.
She doesn't treat
you like you're family.
That's not true.
She uses you.
We've been through
a lot together.
With your dad.
Your mum, what was she like?
She was a piano teacher.
But she was sick.
She had this thing
called perinatal psychosis,
and severe postpartum
Basically, she just couldn't
cope with being a mum.
So blamed me.
Never really...
Your turn.
Tell me something about
your father, then.
He was a drunk.
He was a horrible drunk.
And he used to beat me.
But then when we moved here,
he beat Margaret instead.
She sort of...
She managed to absorb it.
She was a lot braver than me.
One night, he beat her so badly
that she shattered her hip.
You could hear her.
When she was in hospital, he
just sat around the house,
drinking and shouting, all day,
until eventually, I
found him passed out
upstairs on the landing.
Just lying there.
Completely useless.
And I don't know why, but...
I suddenly knew
exactly what to do.
And I'm glad I did it.
What did you do?
I knew they were
threshing the top field,
so I picked him up and
dragged him up there,
into the middle of the
field, right into the middle,
and I left him.
And I knew the combines
wouldn't see him in the morning.
Did Ben know
about any of this?
Ben wouldn't have done anything.
I did, I did it.
Don't worry, it's not murder.
It's not.
She needed me.
And I'd do the same for
you, if you needed me to.
I understand.
Please don't
make me force you.
Something else I
need to tell you.
She's been selling the cottage.
The bank never foreclosed.
And I told her to tell
you, but she said not to.
So I can move back in?
No, no no no, it's gone.
She can't do that.
That was my house, Thomas.
I know, but that's the thing.
This can be your house
now, here, with us.
You're gonna get
better, and then,
and maybe then you
and me, we can...
Maybe we can...
Look, this room, it's
all gonna be over soon.
Just do as you're told.
- I have to go.
- Where are you going?
Wait, where are you going?
Why, Thomas, wait, no, please.
Thomas, please don't leave me!
Just talk to me,
don't leave me alone!
Don't leave me alone.
I really, really like you,
and maybe more than I should,
and I think we have a
connection, you know,
something special, and maybe
you're right, maybe me and you,
maybe we could leave,
maybe we could just go.
Together, me and you, we
can raise the baby, Thomas.
Please, me and you, we can
do it, but we have to go.
We both have to get
out, Thomas, please,
I need you to get
out of this house.
You really are a twisted
piece of work, aren't you?
You sold my house!
No, I sold Ben's house.
I did it for us.
And making Thomas
kill his own father?
Who was that for?
Thomas and Ben
had more allegiance
to this family than
you will ever know.
Ben hated you!
He was desperate to get away
from here and away from you!
Please don't speak about
my beautiful, dead son!
You should have had the things
we said about you, Margaret.
How he would laugh
and laugh about you.
You keep your poison
away from Thomas,
and from now on, you
will deal only with me.
Do you understand that?
You don't even care about him.
You only care about yourself.
I care about this family.
Which is more than
can be said about you.
Yeah, when I give birth,
I'm gonna tell everybody
what you've done,
everyone in that hospital.
We're not taking
you to the hospital.
The birth is going
to happen here.
Dr. Richards will oversee it.
But Margaret, you can't
do that, that's crazy.
Well, I had my
baby in this house,
my dear, and so can you.
Dr. Richards is
more than capable.
I'm sorry, Margaret!
Come closer, I need
to tell you something.
Excuse me?
Come closer.
What is it?
I have no interest in
anything you want to say to me.
Is it coming?
Is it coming?
We need to go to the
hospital right now.
- Right now.
- Okay.
- I'll get Margaret.
- No no no, there's no time.
We need to go now.
Margaret, I think we have
to go to the hospital.
The baby's in trouble.
I'll go and
telephone Dr. Richards.
Just not until I
call the doctor.
No, Margaret, I think
we have to go now,
the baby's in trouble.
Look here, you stupid
boy, don't you realize
what she's up to?
She's bleeding,
I'm taking her.
She needs me.
You are not taking her!
Stop it, Margaret!
I'm taking her, come on, go.
Margaret, stop it.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Margaret, I'm sorry.
I don't understand what's
happening, is it coming?
No, it can't be,
it's too early!
Is it still moving, is
the baby still moving?
I don't know, it just
hurts, it just hurts, oh god.
Look Charlotte,
whatever they say,
you gotta know that I had no
idea it would do this, okay?
What are you
talking about, Thomas?
It was just some stuff
to help keep you calm,
stuff to help you sleep better.
Well, what did you give me?
But then you just
kept trying to run away.
I don't know why you
wanted to leave so much.
We're family, you and
me, we can be a family.
No no, what did you give me,
Thomas? What did you give me?
Look, I'm sorry,
it was stupid.
It was stupid, it
was stupid, I'll tell
Dr. Richards everything, I
promise, he'll know what to do.
No, we have to
go to the hospital!
You can't take me there, Thomas!
Let's go.
I can't move.
I can't move, you
have to get him.
You have to get him, get
him, get him, get him now!
Dr. Richards?
He's with a patient.
How can I help you, sir?
- Sir?
- Dr. Richards?
Need help outside
in the car, please.
No, no, no, no, no.
Charlotte, Charlotte,
what are you doing?
Thomas, help!
No no no no.
Charlotte, no no no no!
Oh my god!
- Hi.
- Hi Charlotte.
Hey, where's the
where's the baby?
- Is he okay?
- The baby's fine.
He's in the postnatal ward.
I'm Dr. Rios.
I'm one of the consultants here.
Charlotte, do you
remember how you got here?
There was a crash.
That's right.
You were very lucky.
All the swelling has gone down.
You have no internal
injuries, no broken bones.
Just bruising.
So when can I see the baby?
Because I haven't seen him.
But because of your medical
records and the crash,
social services have
advised that you
can't be alone with
the child for now.
It's okay to have
supervised visits.
We should be able to
clear it up soon enough.
No, no, I don't
want to do that.
It's okay, Charlotte,
just stay calm.
I'm very calm, I just want to-
- Stay in bed for me, please.
Just tell me where he is.
He's with his
father, all right?
If you can just lie
back down, please.
- What?
- Okay?
Look who it is.
Oh, Mommy.
- Look who it is.
- No no no.
That's not the dad.
That's not.
Just stay calm for
me, okay Charlotte?
- Thomas, what are you doing?
- Charlotte.
Please, please, Charlotte.
Thomas, get away from him!
Give me back my fucking child!
Get him away from the baby!
Please, you have
to listen to me.
You have to listen to me!
He put something in my tea!
He was gonna...
What are you doing?
Please, Thomas.
We're gonna get you help.
Give me the baby.
Open the door.
Please, please!
You have to open the door.
Somebody help me!
Open the door, somebody
help me, please!
Stars shining
bright above you
Night breezes seem
to whisper I love you
Birds chirping in
the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me
Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and
tell me you miss me
While I'm alone
and blues as can be
Dream a little dream of me
Look at this, come to me.
Coming to me.
There we go, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, yes.