King Car (2021) Movie Script

Good morning, my dear Uno,
champion of champions.
Uno, let's go, show them
what we've rehearsed.
Put it in reverse.
That's it...
Easy! We are at the
brink of the precipice!
But Uninho has saved
our lives once again.
Applause, applause, applause...
And all of this right
on our birthday.
Get over here, Uno.
Later, later.
Uncle, uncle, the picture!
Stubborn little thing.
- The picture, uncle.
- No way.
I'm not going then.
Do you know what you are, Uno?
You're a pain in the rump.
That's what you are.
Help me out here, little rascal.
- Rascal, rascal.
- Like a monkey, a tricky one.
Son of a gun-.
Son of a gun-.
Come on, Z, come stand
here with us.
He'll bust the camera.
Stop it, you two!
Look ahead.
Uno, look here!
It's ready, look!
I made it for you!
You want to blow up my
garage, don't you, monkey?
Z, what the heck is going on?
- Josenildo is right, isn't he?
- It was just a test.
Look at that gas tank, Z.
What's that, Z? Man!
Go on, fix that thing.
I don't want to see any
of your inventions in here.
Don't start trouble.
You hear me?
You better get going on
that car dent.
Uno, dear, get out of that car.
I've already told you. I
don't want to see you there.
Come on, precious.
Come on!
I can't stand your brother
living with us anymore.
He's a moron! Just screws
everything up.
A man his age can't
even find a woman.
Go play! Son, go!
Another thing. That nutjob
is a bad influence on Uno.
Can't you see?
They're locked together
all day in that garage.
What's wrong is you teaching
the boy to drive at his age.
Now you're blaming my
brother. It's your fault, pal.
Aren't you ashamed of
calling him your brother?
He's like a man child.
Little Uno, little Uno!
No, I'm not ashamed.
He's my brother.
And he has helped us a lot.
When we got married,
the junkyard paid our bills.
Then why can't he go there?
When we got married we moved
here, and who took care of dad?
He did. Now I have to kick him
out of a house that's also his?
That's funny!
But doesn't that dope
own the junkyard, too?
He can go back there then!
I wasn't going to say
this but I will.
You know what I think?
I think you're a tyrant.
He eats, sleeps, and lives
here without paying a cent.
He keeps fixing your cars.
And what does he get from
you? You give him nothing!
Any mechanic can do what he
does without sleeping in the shop.
Listen, Marileide.
Are you, by any chance, also
saying this house is not mine?
This was nothing but a shithole!
I got this place up to speed
with the money from my fleet.
- Our fleet!
- Godammit, Marileide!
Go to hell!
Out of the way, Uno! Get out!
Did you pass, Uno?
- I did, dad.
- I knew it.
Your mother is very
happy wherever she is, son.
I'm very proud of you, too.
Thanks, dad.
My man!
I'll be the one driving you
to your first day of college.
- Take me where?
- What do you mean, where?
Are you nuts?
What's wrong, Uno?
Dad, the exams were for
agroecology and agroforestry.
Weren't you going to study business
management to work with me?
It's a very good university,
one of the best in the state.
I studied hard to pass.
Dad, I changed my mind.
That's the path I
want to take now.
Your mother and I worked
hard to give you the best, Uno.
And when the time comes,
you bury your head in the ground.
For fuck's sake, dad!
You're the owner of
Carroaru Taxi!
These are hard times, son.
From now on, you'll have
to drive a taxi.
I'm sorry, dad, but I'm
not going to.
Either you drive a taxi
or you pack your bags and
get outta here.
- You were born for this, Uno!
- No!
Uno, you know what you are?
You're the head
honcho in our toy factory.
Now, tell me: who am I to you?
You're my best friend.
The story I have for you
today is going to be sour.
It's a tale that scared
the pants off Caruaru,
England, and the entire world!
A few centuries ago,
a renowned scientist
of intellectual brilliance
believed he could create
a new human species.
In the beginning, we
suffered a lot
until we relearned how
to grow without pesticides.
It's key to understand that
our fight for healthy food
is a political statement.
Eating is a political statement.
To shelter and help
others is part of our union
and our collective mode
of production.
Unfortunately, many
people don't understand this.
We have been victims of
and now harassment
and prejudice.
Uno is in need of our help.
And that's why I asked
mother to call us here
so we can make this
decision together.
He needs to stay here
at least until his
situation improves.
If you agree, raise your hand.
Thank you, everybody.
Wow! These lights look great.
What is that word you
stamped on the car?
It means "dead" in Hebrew.
I already did performances in
India, Russia, Colombia, not just here-.
This is how it looked the
other day, see?
Look, this intervention
was in Argentina.
This one in 850 Paulo, the
Bandeirantes, you know?
Look! This statue is
Franco, the dictator.
This statue is in the main
square of a city in Spain.
- Z, I almost got arrested.
- Again.
Those statues are symbols that
propagate male power, you know?
- That's a model 2003, isn't it?
- Yes, sir. A good year!
The year I finally
bought my fleet.
In 2003, I didn't even
have a beard.
Right here is fine, no?
- The "Zero Km" law, which I wrote...
- Don't leave, ok?
I'll be right back. Stay.
The congressman
Audileyson came to Caruaru
to talk about the
beginning of the operations
that will make "Zero
Km" the law of the land
in the state of Pernambuco.
Starting tomorrow, the
"Zero Km" law will be enforced
and cars more than 15 years old
will be banned from the streets.
Utility vehicles, regular cars,
and taxis too, ok?
Look, Congressman, I
brought this one, a scrap!
Look at that, model 2003!
Do you know what we
call these, congressman?
Give me a shot of
that taxi. Shoot, shoot.
Yes, it's me.
I'm his son.
Look at you! What a
pleasant surprise.
It's been a while.
What is it, Uno?
What's going on in that
head of yours?
I know. I know life's
been unfair.
I know the wrongs this
world has done to you.
Count on me, buddy.
Let's get on with it and take
the streets to fight for justice!
Hey! Who's there?
Oh, no, Z Macaco!
Time to tell him everything.
Is that you?
I can hear the cars speak.
Me too.
I understand the
engine's snore, everything!
Well, not everything.
There are Japanese cars,
Korean... Different languages, right?
But I'll get there,
I'm learning.
We know, right, Uno?
We know.
The cars tell us when
the problem is the conrod,
the piston, the crankshaft...
Have you heard the
snore of the crankshaft?
Sometimes it's deeper.
Sometimes it's more like... da-da-da...
No, uncle, I really can
hear them speak.
When the crankshaft moves
with the up-and-down of the piston,
with that little noise...
Say no more!
He says you like to pole dance.
What are you saying? No
way! Who told you that crap?
That's nonsense.
It's a lie from this shit mobile.
What does this shit mobile
know about me? Huh?!
Stop it, Z! Don't do that.
Holy shit!
How the hell do you
speak with it?
Can you help, or not?
Ask him if he's ready.
If cars could talk to
everyone, don't you think...
I don't know...
People would get more...
more isolated, more
You really think humankind
is a natural species?
We're not.
The attachment we feel
toward technology
is ingrained in us.
We're a cultural animal
that also develops
using tools, cars, cellphones...
All that stuff!
And we pass it on to the
future. It's all in the DNA!
We've been passing it
on since the beginning.
Since humans made the first tool
back in prehistory.
May it be that we are...
turning into machines?
Perhaps we already are machines.
And these technological
gadgets we make
are our offspring.
From this evolution
there's no return!
I really wish I could have
a few words with him.
Ask Uno Mille if he's
happy with his new look.
Uno Mille, no way!
Now he is...
"King Car"!
But he's not ready yet.
01, 01, 00, 10, R
011, 00, 101, E
In the beginning
there was nothing.
No animals, nor screws...
If I spoke the tongue of angels,
what would it be, then...
If there was nothing,
no animal...
That's not his voice.
Z Macaco, how are you?
I'm good... And you?
Now I am! With this body
and fresh scent.
Nobody can stop me!
Z, to me, you're a genius.
G-E-N-I-U-S, genius!
Fuck! Yahooo!
"Caruaru will never die."
"I love you, my
little town blues."
Hey! This avenue right
here had nothing but donkeys,
look at it now!
The city grew and got worse.
I don't even want to know.
I want Blue gasoline. I
want the Asphalt.
I want to break down oil, got
it? I want to break down oil!
I want to go to convenience
stores sprucing up my mind!
I want to race in these
scrumptious avenues.
I want a car wash!
It's been so long since I
was last here.
Oh, the memories.
Can you believe I had to break
into the hospital's parking lot.
I hot-wired a car, drove
it through a country road
and raced like a motherfucker.
I'll be right back, okay?
- Everything's okay over there, yeah?
- Uh-hum!
Z... Jos!
- Can you do the others?
- Hell I can.
Hell yeah.
Don't you want to come
live here with us?
You've been living alone
in the junkyard for so long.
my loneliness has nothing to do with
the absence or presence of people.
I hate anyone who
takes away my loneliness
without offering me true
companionship in return.
Here, you will learn
to deal with the earth,
you will learn to look
after the soil, to nourish it,
so plants can grow
strong and healthy.
But you don't know me yet.
I don't like the easy way.
Prepare your hands for calluses.
For the hands-on lesson,
there's something I need to find.
I'm looking for an area
degraded by human action.
But I want a good patch
of land. A really good one!
With very polluted soil.
- Could that be the junkyard?
- Ask her.
Not me!
- Professor!
- Yes?
- It's him.
- Tell me.
Well... I have some land, it
belongs to my uncle and me,
and it is now a
deactivated junkyard.
That's a good proposal! The
land of an old junkyard. Good!
A soil with plenty metallic
residues, among other organic waste.
Now you, Z. Come!
Yes, that's it!
Very good!
The way you move is amazing.
Wow, you dance so well!
Exactly the song I was
going to play.
I got it right?
You just put the most played,
Why so much truth?
- And you are?
- I am King Car. Mucho gusto!
- My pleasure, Mercedes.
- Mercedes...
The strongest steel needs
to go through the hottest fire.
I love this place.
This city moves me.
"Hey baby, come here."
It was your first time, too?
No, no way.
I mean... with a machine.
I felt your entire body
and your potency.
You felt my torque.
Did you know that through
sex we discover our true selves?
It's where we face our ghosts.
At the bottom of sex, the truth!
Tell me, what did you
find out about me?
but also vulnerable.
In the process that takes place,
plants have the ability to absorb
the contaminants in the soil
and accumulate in their
roots, leaves and stems.
The most common
techniques are two.
One utilizes plants with exceptional
metal accumulation capacity.
Those plants are called
hyper accumulators.
And also plants with a
big amount of biomass
like oat, corn, soy, and barley.
Professor, there's a
problem in the association.
- Uno is up there with the others.
- No problem.
We've already planted
and gathered the soil.
We can end our class.
Where do I put this?
- Did you find it?
- Yes.
God, why do they have
to be so nasty.
- Is it this one?
- That's the one.
- Free up the car, sir.
- Negative, sir.
- Good Morning!
- Good Morning!
It's all up to date. This is
the certificate of inspection.
- It's not about papers, citizen.
- What is it then?
Vehicles 15 years or older,
like this, can't be in the streets.
This vehicle is from
the association.
- And why should I care about that?
- This is the certificate.
Hey! What are you doing?
- Hey!
- Hey, stop that.
- Let the kid go.
- Step back!
- Stand back!
- Calm down!
Uno, calm down! Calm down.
Guard, I take full
There's no need of any of that.
You have to learn to respect
authority. You dig? Let him go.
Next time, I'll arrest you,
You got that?
Uno, let it go. Just go. Go.
- The load.
- Oh my god!
Be quick, ok?
Lord, I need help,
they can't take me now.
Don't let them take me,
Lord. Don't let them get me.
Here, here! Don't let
them take me.
Follow me!
Z, Z! He's our savior,
come on!
- They're screwing us over, Z.
- Get in.
On my street alone they've
taken five cars already.
Get in. Look! Everything's
looking new, right?
The seats, the dashboard,
the talking panel.
It's being manufactured already.
- But this one here...
- Good morning, comrades!
I threw voice in there!
We can't remain silent in
front of such an injustice.
I see hope in each one of you.
That's why nothing
is stronger than unity.
We are the resistance.
We can change this reality.
We can change the
appearance and resist.
Loved ones.
Forget your past! Forget
your failures!
The alienated armies
of the oppressive system
are deaf zombies!
Voiceless and unaware of
the domination.
- Justice!
- Justice!
If you want to win, be
vessels of your destinies.
Take back control of your lives!
We are a family!
The true meaning is
found living in groups.
We will be loved and respected.
We're a fucking family!
We are a family!
I'm the driver. I'm the luminous
headlights of the universe!
Our road leads to a
victorious future,
to our dreams, to overcoming
obstacles and battles.
You, the soldiers of this
mechanics of salvation!
Whoever treats my kind
as a disposable object
enslaves them!
Who exploits them, also
enslaves them.
Our union and loyalty
prohibits us from talking
about what happens among us.
Hail King Car!
Hi Uno, it's Mercedes. I
bring good news.
The Pick-Up is ready.
And they've confirmed
the donation
for the association
of family agriculture.
OK? Kisses!
The earth keeps the root Of
the plant that gives the bread
Of the wood that gives the
handle, Of the hoe and the guitar
I don't think it
accelerated growth.
What's that, Amora?
Root hormone. To
accelerate growth.
This water here...
has hormones and toxins.
I keep changing the water
during the germination oflentils.
After doing that for a few days
I blend the concentrated
water and the lentils together,
and it's ready.
Look, this one has
hormones and this one doesn't.
Do you see a difference?
That one has a bit more roots.
Sure, but... It's not
what I expected.
And why do you need to do it?
I want to accelerate the
growth of Luzia's heart.
I want it to grow faster and...
eat the metal of the
soil faster.
What if you used phosphorus
in a greater concentration?
- More phosphorus?
- Yeah, more.
It plays a big role in growth,
flowering, and seed formation.
- Your dad's new car?
- Yup!
How did the transportation of
the association's produce turn out?
Not so good, huh?
Yeah, it's complicated.
We have to pay for the
transportation and the rates spiked.
You left your belongings
at the lodging and vanished.
You should go there at least
to thank them for taking you in.
Yes, of course. I'll
go, of course I will!
I have news for you...
King's Car is donating a brand
new pick-up to the association.
And it's a next-generation
vehicle, full of technology
and interactivity.
What do you mean?
Just that...
a social return.
My dad is the sales
representative and I...
You're working there.
I get it now. Now I
understand everything.
That's why you disappeared.
Do you know what I think?
I think your dad was right.
I think that's what you
were born to do.
- Take it easy, Amora.
- What's your problem?
You always told me
how much you hated cars
and come here talking
about some King's Car.
Fuck, man.
King's Car donates a new
pick-up to the association.
We won't need to pay for
the transportation anymore.
Hasn't it occured to you that I'm
working to improve things for us?
Who are the first ones
to get a car?
We are.
King's Car stands for
social justice, Amora!
I couldn't care less if King's
Car donates a car to us.
Fine! We sure need one. But...
Ninho, are you losing your mind?
Since when has a car maker
ever done social justice?
That's no justice!
That's marketing.
And they want to use the
association to sell more cars.
King's Car really is for
social justice, Amora.
That "Zero Km" law
screwed lots of people's lives.
And who did they knock
off the table?
Us, who needed more autonomy.
Us, from the fringes!
The egg salesman, the
water deliveryman,
the U-Haul.
King's Cars not only
puts us back in the game,
they also make us stronger.
You'll see when they reach the
lives of each and every worker.
Everything is going to change.
And I'm going to
help them do it.
No car will give independence
to the working class, Uno.
It's the opposite!
That kind of thinking
makes us hostages
to the decadent society
they shove down our throats.
And another thing...
We used to have a plan,
didn't we?
We had a plan to expand family
agriculture throughout the region.
To work cooperatively.
Didn't we?
Didn't we have that plan?
Of working for a
sustainable and fair society?
Didn't we?
March 23rd at the
lot of the Caruaru Fair.
Don't miss the opening
of King's Car!
Attention, workers of Caruaru,
did you know that now you
can have your 0 km vehicle?
March 23rd at the
lot of the Caruaru Fair.
Don't miss the opening
of King's Car!
After all, your car is
your best friend!
Attention, workers of Caruaru,
did you know that now you
can have your 0 km vehicle?
Can you share your thoughts
on the "Zero Km" law?
It wasn't good for me.
That law is the worst.
I always used my car to deliver
my products, and now I'm prohibited.
Good morning! Welcome to
Carroaru Taxi!
Good Morning!
I had already heard about
this car that greets you,
but now it's a pleasure
to be riding in it.
Mr. passenger, please
fasten your seat belt.
It's for your own safety.
Very good!
They had banned your
cars from the streets
and you struck back
with this spectacular car.
What's its name? King's Car,
Where to, sir?
We're just going to cruise around
here... You can go straight ahead.
I know cars.
Nobody knows cars
better than me in this city.
I'm bananas over cars.
I've never heard
about this brand.
Funny, no?
Easy, easy!
- I came here to talk.
- Talk?
I'm here to do business.
I withdrew all of our savings.
What belongs to one,
belongs to everyone.
It was money...
Marileide and I saved for you,
I believe in the cause!
And with that money,
things will get much better.
I'm having the pick-up and
taxi documents validated.
When you gotta present
the work, you show up.
Are you really going to stick with
the course or are you going to quit?
You're pushing it.
I talked to Elba. She's
going to the car opening.
You're going to miss it.
- Hi!
- Hi!
So, look at this one.
It's been 15 days.
And this bigger one here
is one week old.
You guys put excrements of...
- Bat guano.
- Excellent!
- And that tiny rock?
- It's an apatite.
Rich in phosphorus.
Where did you get it? It's
hard to come by around here.
I found it in a mystical
products store.
That rock energizes our
pineal gland,
our electric box. Did
you know that?
It's right here, in the center
of the head, between the eyes.
When we are children, we
have lots of these crystals.
In adults, they're
almost non-existent.
These crystals give
you the ability
to capture the
electromagnetic field
and mental
information of others.
Nice! Your experiment
is going well.
We need to delve deeper.
Increase the resources.
Refine the potentialities.
Why not
use our enemies to
our advantage?
- Why not?
- Why not?
Why not?
Our plans are drawn out.
We'll achieve a stellar feat!
They'll get retribution.
They'll get retribution!
Luxury cars, my brothers,
will be organ donors!
And we want,
we crave, their bodies!
Butchered bodies!
Their parts will have new lives
in new bodies,
in the King's Cars!
Could you please
unlock your door?
What do you want, thug? You
think you're gonna play me?
We are the followers of King
Car. If you come with us...
your life will improve.
- I don't know how to do this.
- I told you, didn't I?
Get in the car now, Uno!
Dammit, kid!
Stay put and don't axe
the plan, ya jackass!
If I could speak to them.
If I could speak to them.
Start it! Start the engine.
Let's go, it's scorching
hot in the nation of Caruaru.
Miss Angela, I'll be right
there. Don't touch my stew!
Welcome to the opening of
King's Car here in Caruaru!
Hey, market vendors,
come on over! Don't be shy!
Now you know you can
buy your new car.
My design is unique and it comes
with my powerful sound system!
You will expand your
image in all parts.
And there's more...
The interactive system is
such that when talking with you,
it gathers new information.
- Good Morning!
- Good Morning!
Good morning, ladies and
gentlemen! Good morning!
Today, for the King's
Car opening,
we are honored to announce
the donation of a utility pick-up
to the Agriculture
Association of Caruaru!
Hail King's Car!
Since the beginning of time,
our ancestors tried
to discover techniques
to strengthen the
body's abilities!
Man realized that a rock
made it easier to crack a seed.
The stone our ancestors held
wasn't just a rock.
It was an extension of
their bodies.
It was a hand-rock!
And we haven't changed.
Nowadays, when you are
at the wheel,
you're not at the wheel,
you are the wheel!
You are the wheel!
Driving your own life!
Let King's Car drive your life!
Let King's Car be your guide...
- You'll recognize Amora!
- Yes, Sir, my king!
Dangerous girl!
She and her crew will be
the new owners.
We need to separate
Amora from Uno, understand?
What the fuck is that?
I want her nowhere near us.
That crew is the scum who
missed the train of history.
A bunch of losers,
despicable beings.
But don't just finish her
off. Terminate them all!
Wait for my command.
Now go! Go!
Today, we are building the
future that our nation deserves!
We will be many!
Where are you going, son?
It's time for the
appearance of King's Car!
King's Car was made
to meet the demands
of this nation.
Green, yellow, blue, and white.
Caruaru above all!
Please don't accept the pick-up.
Uno, you've always been weird,
but you're being paranoid, bro.
I wish I hadn't agreed-I
didn't even want to come-.
- But we voted and I lost.
- Listen to me, Amora!
The pick-up will kill you all!
You're having a bad trip.
Go get yourself some water.
Amora, wait! Amora!
Pay attention, Z,
it's over!
Let's put an end to those cars.
I overheard King Car
tell the pick-up
to kill my friends.
To kill them, Z!
He wants to control our minds.
He will destroy whatever
stands in his way.
Let's destroy King's Car.
King's Car! King's Car!
King's Car!
The King's Car pick-up model
was designed to
withstand the weight of life.
They're ideal for the
roads of fate.
They never falter in the
ups and downs of life.
We are 5 km away from
our much awaited destiny.
Good fun at the Ipojuca
River resort.
- What's going on, guys?
- My door isn't opening.
- Didn't you lock it, Marcelo?
- Yes.
Guys, what's that horrible
stench? Do you smell it?
- Elba, try to open your door!
- Guys...
The car is on but it won't move.
What's going on with this car?
Unlock them!
Open the doors! Marcelo,
try to unlock them.
Come on, Marcelo!
- Come on, Marcelo!
- Wait, guys.
Open it!
Does anyone have something
to break the glass? Let's do it.
- Let's leave the car here.
- It has to do with the exhaust.
- Where did the smoke come from?
- It was coming through the AC.
Where are you? Tell me now.
You were right. Forgive me!
Come on, Uno!
For God's sake, answer
that cellphone, son!
Come on, Uno, answer.
You're the head
honcho in our toy factory.
Now tell me, who am I to you?
You're my best friend.
Uno, son, come on... Get
out of that car!
I don't want to see
you in that car all day!
Your friends are playing outside
and you won't leave the car!
Get out!
Get out of that car!
Think about the wars
that happened...
All of them about oil.
For a privileged group to
drive its selfishness in solitude.
Check out that roar
of the engine.
Sounds like music to my ears.
Just like mom loves you.
Uno, come on... Get
out of that car!
Believe me, Mercedes.
I know it's hard for you
to understand my feelings.
Without you, I felt like
a pile of junk.
I felt like a castaway,
a bastard,
a child raised only by a male.
I can't believe I got into this.
I can't even begin to
tell you how I feel
because of the
intensity of the feeling...
I can only tell you
how I felt before you.
It was a huge, dark
void without heart or soul.
You're just like everyone else.
Listen, Mercedes, look at me!
It's love.
Love, Mercedes!
Where is Uno? Where?
I already told you, Mercedes!
He's fine!
He's safe. He needed
time to think.
He was confused.
I guide and look after him.
We are family.
We are all children of
the Big Bang.
Yes! We are strange creations
made from the clay that became
arms, doors, legs, wheels,
eyes, headlights.
And everything comes to
an end one day.
Even love.
It all turns to dust.
Is that what you want?
Is that what you want?
Oh, Mercedes...
I love you, Mercedes.
Uno, is it you?
I want to glorify war.
The only way to
cleanse the world!
Beautiful gestures of
Beautiful ideas to
kill and die for.
Death to failure!
Death to the good man!
There is no virtue
in being good.
We are at the extreme
summit of the centuries.
Nobody will destroy us!
Why should we look back
if what we want is to knock down
the mysterious doors of the future?
Time and space die
with me today.
Time and space die
with me today!
Thank you very much for
the opportunity, congressman.
I'm looking forward to
meeting my master!
I can't wait to gain a new body
and fill it up with fuel additives.
I'm longing for blue gasoline.
I want to talk to my human
brothers. We are family.