Kingdom Of Heaven (2005) Movie Script

She's denied the cross
for suicide...
and buried at the center
of a crossroads.
Show me the logic. Father?
The devil is a practical man.
If she were a witch, she was
a poor return on his investment.
What would you know of logic?
Oh, I have ears, Father. Although
one is notched because I love justice.
You love thieving.
Shut up. You dig.
Clear the road,
if you will.
This is for the burial
from my lord...
and a Mass...
for her soul.
- Have you forgotten?
- She was your brother's wife.
She was a suicide.
Cut off her head.
And return the ax.
You know this place, my lord?
Know it?
I know all of it.
Your brother?
You have spoken to him?
On what matter, my lord?
He is still arrested.
Your brother is as responsible
for his wife's sin as I am.
Opinions differ, my lord.
- The burial was...
- Yes.
- And you did not mutilate the person?
- No.
Good. The law can go too far.
It can too far.
I ask myself...
"Would Jesus do it thusly?"
There is so much done in Christendom
of which Christ would be incapable.
You must release your brother.
I cannot do without him.
My, my brother, my lord bishop,
uh, is possessed by the devil...
and must be... examined.
Your brother is as mad as you are.
He grieves.
Without your brother,
I cannot finish my church.
Let him out.
And give him this.
And tell him that he is at
the very center of my prayers.
The bishop needs you.
- Release him.
- On your feet.
This is not heaven.
It's the world.
And there's troubles in it.
Do yourself no injury.
Other men are always
good for that.
- And what of Jerusalem?
- Jerusalem?
In peril, my lord, as always.
We have stood there against
the Saracens for over a hundred years.
The Saracens, as you call them,
have now unified in Egypt...
Syria and all Arabia.
Saracens and someone new.
- Saladin, the king.
- Very fine.
- And yet, you do not drink.
A knight should be a knight...
- a monk a monk.
- Brother.
Not both.
One, that's what I say.
Now I may be old-fashioned,
but, as for the cup...
I have, uh, an artificer,
uh, a blacksmith.
Or did have.
Which son of the blacksmith of my time
is the blacksmith now?
Balian, the eldest.
His child died.
His wife fell into a melancholy.
She would not listen to reason.
She killed herself...
it occurs.
But what's that to you?
Private matter.
It's been six and 20 years
since my brother took the cross.
Now he returns an actual baron
of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
How is that for the lot
of the younger brother?
With no heir, comes to me
and thus to you.
Then I thank the stars
for my uncle.
Go on.
Her grave was here.
Or was it there?
I'm afraid I can't tell you
the exact location.
I wasn't present at the burial.
Call me a liar.
You have reason.
You never fight back.
You always turn the other cheek.
I think that you conceive
yourself without sin.
That is a sin!
We shall work.
- I told you to stop that now!
That is the man.
That is the man.
You're an armorer, yes?
An artificer according to
your lord and this priest.
You have my sympathy
and my blessing.
Your dead wife and stillborn child are
today the subject of my prayers.
We need all these horses shod.
We need food, and we'll pay.
Says yes.
Have you killed any?
Have you killed any?
He has made great engines for sieges.
He has made war machines
that cast the largest stones.
He also works finely in silver.
He will be one of the few on your journey
worth more alive than dead.
Shut up.
Have you been at war?
On horse.
And as an enginer also.
Against whom
and for whom did you fight?
For one lord against another...
on a point which
cannot be remembered.
There's better game now,
one god against another.
- The pay is proportionate.
- I've been telling him that.
Do you still advise what
you advised upon the road?
I do, my lord.
But know that this man
Balian mourns his wife.
What does that say?
"What man is a man who does not
make the world better?"
Leave me with this man.
God has made us man.
We must suffer all.
I also have lost.
Some say Jerusalem is the very center
of the world for asking forgiveness.
For myself, I call it here.
I knew your namesake.
I knew your mother.
To be courteous, I should say
that it was against her objections.
But I was the lord's brother
and she had no choice.
But I did not force her.
I have forgiveness
to ask of you.
I am Godfrey,
the baron of Ibelin.
I have 100 men at arms
in Jerusalem.
If you will come with me,
you will have a living...
and... you will have my thanks.
There it is.
Whoever you are, my lord...
my place is here.
What made it your place
is now dead.
You will never see me again.
If you want anything of me,
take it now.
I want nothing.
I am sorry for your troubles.
God protect you.
Jerusalem is easy to find.
You come to where
the men speak Italian...
then continue until
they speak something else.
We go by Messina.
The village does not want you.
When the old lord is dead,
they will drive you out.
When the bishop is dead,
it is certain.
And you take my property.
- The Church.
- You.
They would have taken you
to Jerusalem...
away from... all this.
I arranged it.
I swear to you...
you will have no peace
so long as you stay here.
No man ever needed
a new world more.
Imagine your sin
and pain erased.
If you take the Crusade...
you may relieve
your wife's position in hell.
I, I put it delicately.
She was a suicide. She is in hell.
Though what she does there
without a head.
Wait here.
Have you come to kill me?
Even these days,
it is not easy.
I have done...
Haven't we all?
Is it true...
that in Jerusalem
I can erase my sins...
and those of my wife?
Is it true?
We can find out together.
Show me your hand.
- Pick it up. Let's see what you're made of.
- His hand is hurt, my lord.
- I once fought two days with
an arrow through my testicle.
- Ah, yes.
Never use a low guard.
You fight well.
Let's work on your skills.
Take a high guard, like this.
The Italians call it la poste di falcone;
the guard of the hawk.
Strike from high, like this.
Do it.
Sword straighter.
Come on.
Leg back, bend your knees.
Sword straighter.
Defend yourself.
The blade isn't
the only part of a sword.
I have your leave?
Pay attention.
What's this?
- Uncle.
- Nephew.
You have with you a man, Balian,
who killed a priest, his brother.
I'm charged by both my father
and the lord bishop to bring him back.
What he says is true.
They have the right to take me.
I say he is innocent of the charge.
If you say he's guilty, then we'll fight,
and God will decide the truth of it.
My German friend
is a close student of the law.
Just give him to me.
I'll fight you for something else.
Uncle, he's a murderer.
So am I.
Whoever dies here today,
you will certainly be among them.
You are my uncle.
I must give you the road.
To the flanks!
- Come on!
Thank my brother for his love!
I am the son of Roger...
Take your helmet off
while addressing me.
I'm am the son
of Roger de Cormiere.
I am accorded
the privilege of ransom.
This is true.
Ah. Well, you broke the arrow.
If the ribs are broken,
some marrow may enter the blood...
in which case
you'll take a fever and die.
Or a cyst will form...
and you'll live.
You're in the hands of God.
Get me some more wine.
It was not...
that they had no right
to take you.
It was the way they asked.
They had the right to take me.
So do I.
To kill an infidel, the pope has said,
is not murder.
It is the path to heaven.
To kill an infidel, the pope has said,
is not murder.
It is the path to heaven.
- Godfrey.
To kill an infidel, the pope has said,
is not murder.
It is the path to heaven.
- Where do you go?
- To Jerusalem, brother.
- By which road?
- Someone knows.
God knows.
When shall we stop
this madness?
It will soon be beyond
my concern.
Who is this?
My son.
Would I have fought you when you
were still capable of making bastards.
I knew your mother
when she was making hers.
Fortunately, you're too old
to be one of mine.
All will be settled.
Do you know...
what lies in the Holy Land?
A new world.
A man who, in France,
had not a house...
is, in the Holy Land,
the master of a city.
He who was the master of a city
begs in the gutter.
There, at the end of the world...
you are not
what you were born...
but what you have it
in yourself to be.
I hope to find forgiveness.
That's all I know.
Whatever your position,
you are of my house...
and that means you will serve
the king of Jerusalem.
What could a king ask
of a man like me?
A better world
than has ever been seen.
A kingdom of conscience.
A kingdom of heaven.
There is peace between
Christian and Muslim.
We live together.
Or, between Saladin
and the king, we try.
Did you think that lay
at the end of Crusade?
It does.
My son,you are all
that survives me.
Do not disappoint me.
When we took the Holy Land,
we took the Saracen trading ports.
Italian ships carry silks and spices
and pilgrims, if they have money.
And Italy becomes rich
as the Savior intended.
Who are those men?
And they're allowed
their prayers?
- If they pay the tax.
Subhena Rabi Alladin.
Praise be to God.
It is proper to praise him.
Sounds like our prayers.
It's good.
When the king is dead...
Jerusalem will be no place
for friends of Muslims...
or traitors to Christendom...
like your father.
I am Guy de Lusignan.
Remember that name.
And me.
- Keep it.
- My lord.
How will you ride if you have
no stick to beat the horse?
He will be king
in Jerusalem one day.
Holy mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour
of our death.
I can go no further.
Get on your knees.
Be without fear in
the face of your enemies.
Be brave and upright
that God may love thee.
Speak the truth always,
even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless
and do no wrong.
That is your oath.
And that's so you remember it.
Arise a knight and baron of Ibelin.
Defend the king.
If, if the king is no more...
protect the people.
It is time now, my lord, to confess
to holy God, not your son.
Are you sorry for all your sins?
For all but one.
You sail now for Jerusalem, as your father
wished. I'll follow within the week.
Now the voyage is perilous.
If God has purpose for you there,
he'll keep you safe in his hands.
If not...
God bless you.
He says that is his horse.
Why would it be his horse?
Because it is on his land!
I took this horse
from the sea.
He says you are a great liar...
and he will fight you
because you are a liar.
I have no desire to fight.
Then you must
give him the horse.
Fight me fairly!
- Why? Why should he?
- He is a knight.
- And I am the baron of Ibelin.
He says the baron of Ibelin is old.
He knew him at Damascus.
I am the new one.
That's enough.
Ibelin, that's enough!
Ibelin, no!
You have taken it very well
that I have killed your master.
It was the end of his time.
All is as God wills it.
Now finish this.
Take me to Jerusalem.
Very good horse.
Take the horse...
and be about your business.
This is your prize of battle.
I am your prisoner,
your slave, should you wish it.
I have been a slave,
or very near to one.
I will never keep one,
nor suffer any to be kept.
The man you killed was a very great
cavalier among the Muslims.
His name was Mummad al Fais.
I will pray for him.
Your quality will be known
among your enemies...
before ever you meet them,
my friend.
Old man, where is it
that Christ was crucified?
Salaam alaikum.
God, what is it you want of me?
How can you be in hell
when you're in my heart?
- You must have known him.
- What?
Since you carry Godfrey's sword,
you must have known him.
I did.
A man my size?
And green eyes.
Come with us...
my lord.
No. Give me the towel.
- Give me the towel. Give me the towel.
A man who, in France, had not a house...
is, in the Holy Land,
the master of a city.
- Stop.
You're hurting him.
Where's your master?
I have none.
Give me some water.
Thank you for the drink.
If you happen to see Balian,
the son of Godfrey...
tell him that Sibylla called.
So, how find you Jerusalem?
God does not speak to me.
Not even on the hill...
where Christ died.
I am outside God's grace.
I have not heard that.
At any rate, it seems...
I have lost my religion.
I put no stock in religion.
By the word "religion."
I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every
denomination be called the will of God.
I've seen too much religion
in the eyes of too many murderers.
is in right action...
and courage on behalf of those
who cannot defend themselves.
And goodness...
what God desires...
is here and here.
By what you decide to do every day,
you will be a good man.
Or not.
The king has made a peace
with Saladin these past six years.
He holds Jerusalem as a place
for prayer for all faiths...
as the Muslims did before we came.
These men are Templars.
They killed Arabs.
So they are dying...
for what the pope
would command them to do.
Yes. But not Christ, I think.
Nor this king.
Who says I raid?
That witness...
all of Jerusalem...
holy God and me.
That witness, if you call him that,
is a Saracen. He lies.
There will come a day,
Reynald de Chatillon...
when you are not protected
by your title.
Oh? When will that be?
Alert me, Tiberias,
when men are equal...
and the kingdom of heaven
has arrived.
Those Templars have been hung for
a raid that I know you commanded.
Prove it.
I will wait at Kerak
until you do.
The king will take
your castle of Kerak, Reynald.
Try to take it,
I'll be there.
I cannot protect your caravans unless
you agree to be escorted by our soldiers.
I trade to make money...
not to offend God by
associating with Christians.
- But you will take Christian gold.
- Gold is gold.
Of course.
My lord Tiberias.
My lord.
It's true.
You're your father's son.
He was my friend.
I am yours.
Godfrey dead.
It could have come
at a better time. Come.
It was shouted in the streets that
you killed a great lord of Syria.
Saladin himself sent word...
that your fight
did not breach the peace...
that you had cause.
What know you of Saladin?
That he is king of the Saracens...
and that he surrounds
this kingdom.
He has 200,000 men
in Damascus alone.
He could win a war
if he goes to war...
and he's daily given cause for war
by fanatics newly from Europe...
by Templar bastards
like Reynald de Chatillon.
Here, from this room, I keep the peace,
so far as it can be kept.
But Saladin and the king
between them...
would make a better world.
If it lives only for a while,
Tiberias, it still has lived.
All right.
What did your father tell you
of your... obligations?
That I was to be a good knight.
I pray the world...
and Jerusalem...
can accommodate such a rarity...
as a perfect knight.
Have you dined?
The Princess Sibylla of Jerusalem...
and her husband,
Guy de Lusignan.
So, how many knights
did you find in France?
They've sworn allegiance to the king?
Of course, Tiberias.
You sit at my table?
- Is it not the king's table?
- Is it? I have not seen a king at it for some years.
I cannot eat.
I, I am finicky about company.
In France this could not inherit.
But here there are no civilized rules.
I have business in the East.
My wife does not
lament my absences.
That is either the best of wives...
or the very, very worst.
- Do you go to meet Reynald?
- No, my lord. He is in disfavor.
I am a member of this court.
Why should I make league
with that... troublemaker?
To the very best of wives.
- God bless Jerusalem.
My lord, the king will see him now.
The king would see Godfrey's son.
I'll take him.
This morning I spoke
without knowing who you were.
I knew who you were.
It's unmistakable.
I loved your father...
and I shall love you.
Do you fear being with me?
- And yes.
A woman in my place
has two faces.
One for the world...
and one which she wears
in private.
With you I'll be only Sibylla.
Tiberias thinks me unpredictable.
I am unpredictable.
No. There.
Come forward.
I am glad to meet Godfrey's son.
He was one of
my greatest teachers.
He was there when, playing with
the other boys, my arm was cut.
And it was he, not my father's physicians,
who noticed that I felt no pain.
He wept when he gave
my father the news...
that I am a leper.
The Saracens say
that this disease...
is God's vengeance against
the vanity of our kingdom.
As wretched as I am...
these Arabs believe that
the chastisement that awaits me in hell...
is far more severe and lasting.
If that's true, I call it unfair.
Come. Sit.
- Do you play?
- No.
The whole world is in chess.
Any move can be the death of you.
Do anything except
remain where you started...
and you can't be sure of your end.
Were you sure of your end once?
- I was.
- What was it?
To be buried a hundred yards
from where I was born.
And now?
Now I sit in Jerusalem
and look upon a king.
When I was 16
I won a great victory.
I felt, in that moment,
I would live to be 100.
Now I know I shall not see 30.
None of us know our end, really...
or what hand will guide us there.
A king may move a man.
A father may claim a son.
That man can also move himself.
And only then does that man
truly begin his own game.
Remember, how so ever
you are played...
or by whom, your soul
is in your keeping alone...
even though those who presume
to play you be kings or men of power.
When you stand before God,
you cannot say...
but I was told by others to do thus...
or that virtue was not
convenient at the time.
This will not suffice.
Remember that.
I will.
You know what this is?
- A fortification.
- What do you think of it?
You disapprove.
Well, how would you improve it?
A cross.
Or better, a star, like this.
That way no part of the fortress
may be approached...
without being exposed
to fire from another part.
Yes, I like this. Your walls
are more difficult to address.
Very good.
You will go to your father's house
at Ibelin, your house now...
and then from there
you will protect the pilgrim road.
Safeguard in particular
the Jews and the Muslims.
All are welcome in Jerusalem.
Not only because it's expedient,
but because it is right.
Protect the helpless.
And then maybe one day,
when I am helpless...
you will come and protect me.
There, my lord.
Quod sumus...
hoc eritis.
Such as we are, you will be.
Your father was important.
His lands were not.
That will suit me.
My lord,
you have a thousand acres...
a hundred families.
You have Christians,
Jews, Muslims.
You have 50 pairs of oxen.
This is a poor and dusty place.
What we do not have is water.
Right. Stone the walls.
I'm on my way to Cana.
Where Jesus changed water to wine.
But a better trick would be
to change you to a nobleman.
That should be easy. In France
a few yards of silk can make a nobleman.
I expect your hospitality.
It is given.
- Latif.
But this isn't adultery.
It's washing.
But if it were adultery...
which it isn't...
the Commandments
are not for people like us.
They are for the others.
Did they give you something to eat?
They said to wait
until the master returned.
My cook will prepare something
while you wash.
It seems years since
I've seen a woman eat.
I was watching you today.
You've been given
a patch of dirt, and it seems...
you will build
a new Jerusalem here.
It is my land.
Who would I be if I did not try
to make it better?
They try to be one...
one heart...
one morality.
Their prophet says, "Submit."
Jesus says...
Did you decide on Guy?
Guy was chosen by my mother.
My first husband died
before our son was born.
I was only 15.
I've met your son.
I could stay here forever.
This house is yours.
Why do you think I'm here?
I know that Ibelin
is not on the way to Cana.
What else do you know,
my lord?
I know that you are a princess...
and I am no lord.
You're a knight.
Neither earned nor proved.
I'm not here with you because
I'm, I'm bored or wicked.
I'm here because,
because in the East...
between one person
and another...
there is only light.
This caravan is armed, Reynald.
Good. No sport otherwise.
They've seen us.
Go after them.
- A rider is getting away.
- It's a broad desert. Nothing'll come of it.
- I prefer not to be hanged before my wife is queen.
- Don't worry.
Who but Reynald? they'll say.
It's always me. They'll believe it
in Jerusalem, I assure you.
- You were at Nazareth, praying.
- You're a dangerous man.
If the war's to be now or later,
I would have it now.
- How long can the leper last?
- God wills it. God wills it!
- God wills it!
It's you!
This is from France.
I've never been there.
This from my brother.
This to remind us of death.
And this...
I put the day I saw you.
You lie.
Guy de Lusignan and Reynald de Chatillon,
with the Templars...
have attacked a Saracen caravan.
- Liar!
It was no caravan.
It was an army headed for Bethlehem
to desecrate the birthplace of our Lord!
Reynald, with the Templars,
have broken the king's pledge of peace.
Saladin will come into this kingdom...
Tiberias knows more than a Christian
should about Saladin's intentions.
That I would rather live
with men than kill them...
is certainly why you are alive.
That sort of Christianity
has its uses, I suppose.
- We must not go to war with Saladin!
- We do not want it, and we may not win it.
- Blasphemy!
An army of Jesus Christ, which bears
his holy cross, cannot be beaten.
Does the count of Tiberias
suggest that it could be?
There must be war.
God wills it!
- God wills it!
- God wills it!
- God wills it!
God wills it!
Saladin has crossed the Jordan
with 200,000 men.
He will make first for Kerak
and Reynald de Chatillon.
My lord.
We must meet him
before he reaches Kerak.
I will lead the army.
My lord, if you travel,
you'll die.
Send word to Balian
to protect the villagers.
Assemble the army.
What becomes of us?
The world will decide.
The world always decides.
My lord!
The king is marching on Kerak.
Let's go!
Hurry. Straight on!
Saracen cavalry.
They're coming to close Reynald in.
These people are not safe
outside the walls.
Saladin will certainly
come behind him.
Go into the fortress now.
My lord Balian!
My lord Balian!
My lord Reynald prays
you bring your force into Kerak.
Thank you, but no.
If we do, these people will die.
We'll hold the Saracen cavalry
until the king arrives.
So be it.
We cannot attack that and live.
- My lady.
- What do you look at?
A knight.
His men.
Are you with me?
Your quality will be known
among your enemies...
before ever you meet them,
my friend.
You were not that man's servant.
No. He was my servant.
- What becomes of us?
- As you deserve.
You reap what you sow.
You have heard of this, no?
Get up.
You may go into Kerak...
but you will die there.
My master is here.
Tell my lord Saladin
that Jerusalem has come.
I pray you'll pull back your cavalry
and leave this matter to me.
I pray you'll retire
unharmed to Damascus.
Reynald of Chatillon
will be punished.
I swear it.
Withdraw, or we will all die here.
Do we have terms?
We have terms.
I will send you my physicians.
-Salaam alaikum.
-Alaikum salaam.
I am Reynald of Chatillon!
On your knees.
I... am Jerusalem.
And you, Reynald...
will give me the kiss of peace.
- What are you looking at?
- A dead man.
Reynald de Chatillon,
you are arrested...
and condemned.
If you continue like this...
I shall have to find a use for you.
If God can spare you, that is.
God does not know me.
Yes, but I do.
I need you in Jerusalem.
- Salaam alaikum.
- Alaikum salaam.
Why did we retire?
God did not favor him. God, alone,
determines the results of battles.
The results of battles
are determined by God...
but also by preparation, numbers...
the absence of disease
and the availability of water.
One cannot maintain a siege
with the enemy behind.
How many battles did God win
for the Muslims before I came?
That is, before God determined
that I should come.
Few enough.
That's because we were sinful.
It is because
you were unprepared.
If you think that way,
you shall not be king for long.
When I am not king,
I quake for Islam.
Thank you for your visit.
Thank you for your visit.
You promised.
You promised to return Jerusalem.
Don't forget.
If I do not deliver war,
I have no peace.
The king of Jerusalem
will die soon.
When he is dead, the boy will become
king of a kingdom he cannot control.
The Christians will
make the war you need.
I am Reynald de Chatillon!
I am Reynald de Chatillon!
Reynald de Chatillon!
Reynald de Chatillon!
The things that
we have left undone...
plague us as death comes.
- That is why to the dying...
there is no comfort but the Lord.
Spare me your sermon.
Go and prepare your people
for the coronation of my nephew.
Your confession, my lord.
I shall confess to God
when I see him...
not to you.
Now leave me.
You sometimes dream
you are my wife.
Let's pretend you are.
I must go.
We can't meet in the city.
Then we will leave it.
And live how?
Live where?
my brother's dying.
My son will be king and I his regent.
I must rule for him.
And not just in Jerusalem,
but Acre...
Ashkelon, Beirut.
And Guy?
Always surround your knights
with your foot soldiers.
These rooms are not yours.
One day I will be the husband
I was commissioned to be.
And perhaps not, my dear.
Your lover has a hundred knights
and the love of the king.
I, the largest force
in the kingdom...
and the support of the Templars.
I can do without
the king's affection.
But as for your love...
then we must come
to an understanding.
You need my knights or his rule
will be bloody and brief.
So, my friend...
the time has come
to conclude my affairs.
If I leave the army with Guy...
he will take power through my sister
and make war on the Muslims.
We have decided that you shall take
command of the army of Jerusalem.
Will you defend my nephew
when he's king?
Whatever you ask.
I will serve.
No, hear it all
before you answer.
Would you marry my sister, Sibylla,
were she free of Guy de Lusignan?
And Guy?
He will be executed...
along with his knights who
do not swear your allegiance.
I cannot be the cause of that.
"Whatever you ask.
I will serve."
"A king may move a man,"
you said...
"but the soul belongs
to the man."
Yes, I did.
You have my love...
and my answer.
Oh. So be it.
Why do you protect Guy?
He's a man who insults you,
who hates you...
who'd kill you himself
if he had the chance.
Fulfill the salvation of this kingdom.
Would it be so hard...
to marry Sibylla?
Jerusalem has no need
of a perfect knight.
No. It is a kingdom
of conscience...
or nothing.
Who are you to refuse a king?
I will have power,
without Guy or with him.
Guy is indebted to your say,
so and my brother's, but it's mine.
Do you have any idea of Jerusalem
except that it is yours?
You will never hold it in peace
as your brother did.
It will be war.
My grandfather took
Jerusalem in blood.
I'll keep it the same way
or any way I can.
I am what I am.
I offer you that...
and the world.
You say no.
Do you think I'm like Guy?
That I would sell my soul?
There'll be a day...
when you will wish you
had done a little evil...
to do a greater good.
- Reynald.
My lord.
Do you really think the king wants
you head of the army once he's gone?
Think your wife does?
- I have a problem.
- Ah, yes. Balian.
I saw him at Kerak.
You must beware a popular man.
Kill him.
- What's that?
- England.
- The king?
- Richard. And his father was Henry.
- Good. And that?
- France.
Will I ever see France?
Maybe one day.
But you must be king here.
How many islands can you see here?
- One, two...
- The king will see you.
No, I can't. I can't bear
to look at him. Use this.
It doesn't mean
I don't love him.
Go, madam.
Oh. Hello.
I was dreaming...
I was back in that summer...
when I defeated Saladin.
Do you remember it?
I was only 16.
You were a beautiful boy.
- Yes.
- You have always been beautiful.
In every way.
My beautiful sister.
I've missed you.
So beautiful.
I'm sorry if I've caused you any pain.
Remember me as I was.
I will.
If my son has your knights...
you have your wife.
Behold your rightful king and heir...
to the throne
of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Yes! Yes!
Long live the king in prosperity.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
One may stare into the light
until one becomes the light.
I've done it many times.
There's your religion.
One spark,
a creosote bush.
There's your Moses.
I did not hear it speak.
That does not mean
that there is no God.
Do you love her?
- Yes.
- The heart will mend.
Your duty is to the people
of the city.
- I go to pray.
- For what?
For the strength to endure
what is to come.
And what is to come?
The reckoning is to come
for what was done 100 years before.
The Muslims will never forget.
Nor should they.
My lady,
your letter to Saladin.
Peace to be sustained, borders
respected, trade allowed to continue.
Is this wise
to show your intentions?
Better, surely,
to let him wonder.
We keep my brother's peace.
Sign it.
Take the seal.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Put it back, my darling.
There is a rumor.
We must condemn it immediately.
Call it treason,
and kill those who whisper it.
The rumor will die
if we show the boy as active.
How long before he wears a mask?
Will you have one made for him?
How did my boy deserve it?
Jerusalem is dead, Tiberias.
No kingdom is worth
my son alive in hell.
I will go to hell instead.
- Do you remember the story of Llewellyn?
- No.
- Well, do you remember why?
- No.
He was so lonely...
and he called all the gods.
- Why?
- Because he was desperate. It was a proof of love.
Is this why you came
to the Holy Land?
Come on!
Leave us.
- The boy's in heaven?
- Yes.
His mother has more
backbone than I do.
She's in the crypt
and will not come out.
- Have the Templars killed Balian?
- Yes.
give me a war.
That is what I do.
Behold your rightful queen and heir...
to the throne
of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Yes! Yes!
I, Sibylla, by the grace
of the Holy Spirit...
choose as king
Guy de Lusignan...
the man who's been
my husband.
With the help of God,
he will rule his people well.
Long live the king in prosperity.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
I am what I am.
Someone has to be.
Saladin's sister.
I know.
Saladin achki.
I know.
- Salaam alaikum.
- Alaikum salaam.
The sultan demands the return
of his sister's body...
the heads of those responsible...
and the surrender of Jerusalem.
Does he?
What answer do you return to Saladin?
- This.
- Take the head to Damascus.
I am Jerusalem.
- Assemble the army!
Now this assembly of barons...
and all Jerusalem
is complete.
There are those among you who
may disagree with our succession...
but it is war.
And I am...
the king.
We march at once.
What say this council?
- Aye!
- No.
If you must have war, this army
cannot move away from water.
You have a chance
to hold the city...
but if you move out
against Saladin...
this army will be destroyed
and the city left defenseless.
When I wish a blacksmith
to advise me in war...
I will tell him.
Saladin wants you to come out.
He is waiting for you
to make that mistake.
He knows his man.
- We should meet the enemies of God.
- Aye!
And so we shall.
Then you do so
without my knights.
Then I will have the glory, Tiberias.
You had yours years and years ago.
It's time for mine.
When Saladin has finished
with Guy, he will come.
We must look to the defenses.
The boy's dead.
- Guy.
- No.
The boy was leprous
like his uncle.
She gave him peace.
She let him go...
and Jerusalem along with him.
Keep to your lines!
You go with the army?
My order is with the army.
You go to certain death.
All death is certain.
I shall tell your father
what I've seen you become.
When Saladin comes...
we're not defensible.
Save the people
from what I have done.
I will.
God wills it.
Can you sense it?
There has been no messenger.
I drink water for what it is.
I did not give the cup to you.
No, my lord.
A king does not kill a king.
Were you not close enough
to a great king...
to learn by his example?
I've given Jerusalem my whole life.
First I thought we...
were fighting for God.
Then I realized we were fighting
for wealth and land.
I was ashamed.
There is no more Jerusalem.
I shall go to Cyprus.
Will you come with me?
You are your father's son.
Saladin must move his army
from water to water.
That gives you four days,
maybe five.
God be with you.
He's no longer with me.
- Mark 400.
- Four hundred!
Four hundred!
They're here.
It is only one man.
No. They're here.
This is the only section of the wall
that they can attack...
once they begin
to bombard the walls.
They will stop only to avoid hitting
their own siege towers as they come in.
We take the bombardment.
When they cease firing, we fire.
We must leave the city.
How exactly, my lord bishop?
The fastest horses
from a lesser gate.
And the people?
It is unfortunate about the people,
but it is God's will.
It has fallen to us...
to defend Jerusalem...
and we have made our preparations
as well as they can be made.
None of us took this city
from Muslims.
No Muslim, of the great army
now coming against us...
was born when this city was lost.
We fight over an offense
we did not give...
against those who were
not alive to be offended.
What is Jerusalem?
Your holy places lie
over the Jewish temple...
that the Romans pulled down.
The Muslim places of worship
lie over yours.
Which is more holy?
The wall? The mosque?
The sepulcher?
Who has claim?
No one has claim.
All have claim!
- That is blasphemy.
- Be quiet.
We defend this city...
not to protect these stones...
but the people living
within these walls.
My lord.
My lord, my lord.
How are we to defend Jerusalem
without knights?
- We have no knights!
- Truly?
- What is your condition?
- I'm servant to the patriarch.
He's, uh, one of my servants.
Is he?
You were born a servant?
Every man at arms...
or capable of bearing them...
On your knees!
Be without fear
in the face of your enemies.
Be brave and upright
that God may love thee.
Speak the truth
even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless.
That is your oath.
And that is so you remember it.
Rise a knight.
Rise a knight!
- Master Gravedigger.
- It is you.
Not what I was.
Nor are you.
Rise a knight.
Who do you think you are?
Will you alter the world?
Does making a man a knight
make him a better fighter?
- Yes.
if you survive,
Ibelin is yours.
You are master of Ibelin.
I confirm it.
Rise a knight
and baron of Ibelin.
But it is a poor and dusty place.
- My lord?
- No.
When will it begin?
Get them to the walls!
Bring water!
Get to the walls.
- Run!
- Push!
Why do they not fire back?
- They wait.
That was only the first day.
There may be a hundred more.
Saladin will show no mercy.
We must hold out...
force him to offer terms.
What terms?
We fight for the people,
their safety and freedom.
- Mercy.
- No.
I cannot.
- Four hundred!
- Four hundred!
- Four hundred!
- Fire! Fire!
- Three hundred!
- Three hundred!
- Fire!
- Fire!
- One-fifty!
- One-fifty!
Line up!
Hold your fire!
Oil! Now!
Who defends?
- Balian of Ibelin, the son of Godfrey.
- Godfrey.
Godfrey nearly killed me
in the Lebanon.
Truly, I did not know
he had a son.
It was his son at Kerak.
- The one you let live.
- Yes.
Perhaps you should not have.
Perhaps I should have had
a different teacher.
- You are not a sister.
- We are what we do.
Then I'm a man who's traveled
a long way to die for nothing.
What would you say to that?
I, I would say that I'm sorry.
And I'm sorry for you...
Queen of Jerusalem.
When a body is burnt...
it cannot be resurrected
until Judgment Day.
If we do not burn these bodies...
we will all be dead of disease
in three days.
God will understand, my lord.
And if he doesn't...
then he is not God,
and we need not worry.
- Salaam alaikum.
- Alaikum salaam.
The wall, where the Christopher Gate
used to be, has been weakened.
Usually when a gate is blocked in,
it is weaker than the wall around it.
- Or stronger.
- It is weaker. Rashid has seen it.
This will be our door into Jerusalem.
This is where
we will make our stand.
We must prepare.
Brothers! Brothers!
God has sent you this day!
You will take no prisoners!
As they did,
so shall it be done!
-Allah hu akbar!
-Allah hu akbar!
When this wall comes down...
there will be no quarter.
If you throw down your arms...
your families will die.
We can break this army here.
- So I say let them come!
Let them come!
- Come on! Come on!
Come on!
Remember me in France,
Master Gravedigger.
My lord!
They will ask for terms.
They must ask for terms.
Convert to Islam.
Repent later.
You've taught me a lot
about religion, Your Eminence.
Will you yield the city?
Before I lose it,
I will burn it to the ground.
Your holy places, ours.
Every last thing in Jerusalem
that drives men mad.
I wonder if it would not
be better if you did.
- You will destroy it?
- Every stone.
And every Christian knight you kill
will take 10 Saracens with him.
You will destroy your army here
and never raise another.
I swear to God that to take this city
will be the end of you.
Your city is full
of women and children.
If my army will die...
so will your city.
You offer terms.
I ask none.
I will give every soul
safe conduct to Christian lands.
Every soul,
the women,
the children, the old...
and all your knights and soldiers,
and your queen.
Your king,
such as he is...
I leave to you...
and what God
will make of him.
No one will be harmed.
I swear to God.
The Christians butchered every Muslim
within the walls when they took this city.
I am not those men.
I am Saladin.
Then under these terms,
I surrender Jerusalem.
Salaam alaikum.
And peace be with you.
What is Jerusalem worth?
I have surrendered Jerusalem.
All will be safely
escorted to the sea.
If this is the kingdom of heaven...
let God do with it as he wills.
- Balian!
Yes! Thanks to the Lord!
Your brother's kingdom
was here... and here.
That kingdom can never
be surrendered.
What should I do?
I'm still the queen of Acre,
Ashkelon, Tripoli.
Decide not to be a queen...
and I will come to you.
The perfect knight.
Is that what you
think you are, is it?
We are all of us what we do.
Do it.
When you rise again...
if you rise...
rise a knight.
This horse...
is not a very good horse.
I will not keep it.
Thank you.
And if God does not love you...
how could you have done all the things
that you have done?
Peace be upon you.
Alaikum salaam.
A queen never walks.
And yet you are walking.
- Forward!
We crusade to recover
the kingdom of Jerusalem.
You go to where
the men speak Italian...
and then continue
until they speak something else.
We've come by this road
to find Balian...
who was defender of Jerusalem.
I am the blacksmith.
And I am the king of England.
I am the blacksmith.
Formation! Forward!