Kingsway (2018) Movie Script

- I feel great.
My life's never been better.
That's great to hear.
- In fact, I don't think I
need to come here anymore.
- Okay, well we
can discuss that.
- What's there to discuss?
I just said I never felt better.
- Matt, you have a history
of anxiety and depression
and that doesn't
typically just go away.
- Okay, yeah, I see
what's going on here.
You don't want to
lose me as a patient.
- No, no, that's not it.
- Yeah, I think so.
Goodbye Sara.
Miss Mythical
She's like the wailing wall
I pass pass her notes
And she goes, oh
honey, it's all right
When the arrows volly down
will you stand with me
Build a fire out of
pages of magazines
Someone like you don't
come around every dynasty
A swooner, that's
what you are
Top of her class, top of
her field of futurists
All of the headhunters
got her name on their lips
Yeah she's the spine
to our body of friends
That incandescent
girl of Incan descent
When the arrows volly down
will you stand with me
Build a fire out of
pages of magazines
Someone like you don't
come around every dynasty
A swooner, that's
what you are
That's what you are
That's what you are
Jess, is
that you sweetie?
- No.
- What do you want?
- That's a tone.
- What do you want, Jess?
- Something's obviously up.
I can tell by your voice.
Tell me, what's going on?
- Okay, don't tell mom.
- Put him on speaker.
- Okay.
- Lori's motorcycle's
parked at a motel.
- Oh Jesus, you're
kidding, where?
It's some
motel on Kingsway.
- Oh, the 2400 motels?
Those cute little cabins.
cute little cabins?
- Yeah, yes.
- Was there another vehicle
parked beside Lori's bike?
- Uh, I don't,
there's a car there.
I don't recognize it though.
Were you following her?
- No, I wasn't following her.
- You say that like it's wrong.
Yeah, it is wrong.
- Question, how did
you happen to be there?
- I just stopped
for a chicken burger
and I looked across
and I saw the bike.
Does he have his meds?
Maybe you should go down there.
- Do you want me
to come down there?
- No, I do not want
you to come down here.
- Okay good, wait her out.
Remind him
about my birthday.
- Don't forget about mom's
birthday dinner tonight, okay?
Take care.
- Hang in there, sweetie.
- Wha?
I've been on speaker?
- Hang up.
It might be nothing.
Was that them?
What happened?
What happened?
I don't want
to talk about it.
- What your wife's
in a motel all day
and we're not gonna
talk about it?
All day?
We don't know how
long she was there.
That's guesswork.
- I'm sensing it
was long enough.
- What'd you say to me?
- Matt, was she there
with a guy or what?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- Oh shit, she was
there with a guy.
- No, no, okay?
Would you please,
please leave me alone.
- What did I say about pleading,
Matt, huh, what did I say?
- You said it doesn't work.
- And you look like a dick.
- Right.
Now did you see her
come out or not?
Oh my god.
Oh my god, Matty, you didn't
wait to find out, did you?
Oh god, Matty, where
is your backbone?
- Okay Jess, please--
- Well this is, this
is your problem!
- Just leave it, just leave
it, leave it, leave it.
He gets it.
I don't want
to talk about it.
- You don't have
to talk about it.
Were you having
problems with Lori?
I just need to know, do I
set another plate, or what?
Yes, set a plate.
- Oh, so you did talk to her.
What are you
lurking out there?
- You talked to her,
what did she say?
- I didn't talk to her.
She sent me a text.
- She sent you a text?
- Sweetie, what did it say?
- It said she'd meet me here
for dinner, okay, enough.
- Okay, so with
Sean that's five.
- Hey.
- Hi, hey happy birthday.
Thank you.
- Ow.
- Oh gosh, I'm sorry, here.
- What is that?
- This is for you.
Now are you sure
you're old enough
to consume alcohol, young lady?
I think so.
you look beautiful.
- Thank you, have
you lost weight?
- Uh yeah, I've been on a diet.
I just eat meat.
- Wow, I found it
obviously, hey baby.
- Hey, hey.
- Good to see you.
What's up, dude?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Could I
please have some rice?
I forgot to put any on my plate.
I got it, I got it.
- Thank you, thank
you very much.
Thank you very much.
- Wow, this is
just fucking great.
- Well it should be great.
It's take-out.
- I've had steak for take-out.
TJ's and Malfer, their
steaks are very tough.
They could be in
the UFC actually.
- Yeah, that's fascinating.
So, Lori, what'd
you get up to today?
- Me, um, well,
you remember my
friend Alexis, right?
- What about her?
- Alexis Nidem?
- Nidem, um, from track?
- Yeah, that's the one.
- Yeah.
- What about her?
- She's in town right
now visiting her mom
at a care facility, so I
just went to go say hi.
She's staying at a
motel in Kingsway.
- She's at, she is?
- Yeah.
- And, which one?
- Oh gosh, what is it called?
It's the only one on Kingsway,
that one with the little
cabins or whatever,
the 2400, that's
what it's called.
- Huh.
always freaks me out
cause you think
it's going one way
and it's actually
going the other, right?
It's diagonal, it's weird.
- Anyway, she really
appreciated my visit
what with her mom just being
in palliative care and all.
It's just so--
- It's all hard.
- It's not, it's, she's
in palliative care.
It's not--
- No, no, that you
could be there.
- What is palliative care?
- Really?
It's the last stop.
- Oh.
Right, the end, like
at the end of it.
- Bummer.
- Okay.
They're really close.
- So tell us more about Alexis.
- Uh, it's just been
really tough on the family.
Her father passed away last year
so you know, anything,
I just felt like
it was the right thing to do.
- Well yeah, what did he die of?
- What do you care?
You ask that every time.
- It's interesting.
- It's okay, um, it
was actually a stroke.
- Oh my god, that's amazing.
- Really sudden.
It was, you know, he
slurred his speech,
his face drooped and then 20
minutes later he was just gone.
- Wow.
- I remember when Matt's
face drooped after he--
- You never told me that.
- Yeah it's just, you know.
The whole left side of his
face just went.
- Mom.
- That sounds scary.
- Oh yeah, I had an excruciating
pregnancy with Matt,
acid reflux, vomiting
into my throat every day.
Oh and that kicking, I thought
Pele was in there for sure.
When they finally yanked
him out with the forceps,
I cried hallelujah.
I gotta go.
I gotta go.
- Okay, I'll see ya,
see ya at home.
Love you.
- So, what do you
think about Lori?
- Lori? I think she's lying.
- Based on what?
- You heard her.
She came in here,
she complimented you.
- Yeah, she said I lost weight.
- There you go.
- I did lose a few pounds.
- Hm.
- I walk in and
you stop talking?
What is it?
You heard Lori, okay?
She was visiting a friend.
- Yeah, we heard that.
- Look, just don't
start anything, okay?
I'm telling you.
- You're telling me?
- Look, just,
I'm warning you, okay?
- Mmhmm.
Sweetie, she
won't start anything.
- Okay.
- Mmhmm.
- Jess, this woman was
in earlier going psycho
about her bill and now she
brought in her boyfriend.
Can you just go talk to em?
- What?
You're the mechanic?
- Yeah, what about it?
- What about it?
2100 for a clutch job?
- Oh, I take it you
know about clutches?
- I know when I'm getting hosed.
- Question, when your
clutch wouldn't engage,
why did your girlfriend
keep ramming it in?
- She didn't keep ramming it in.
- Her flywheel tells
a different story.
- Okay look, I'm gonna
make it simple for you.
- Oh please.
- I'm not paying this amount.
- How much should it cost?
- How much should it cost?
- How much should it cost?
- 1100.
- And it would except
we couldn't machine it
cause your girlfriend
ground the fuck out of it
so we had to replace
it, another 1000, 2100.
- I'm not doing this.
- Fine.
- I'm in awe.
- They're not budging.
- What do you mean
they're not budging?
- They're not budging.
They say you rammed
in the clutch.
- What do you mean--
- You rammed it in.
They had to do, I don't know.
- I need my car.
You said you would fix it
- Oh we don't take debit.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
God, look at this place.
- Looks okay.
- If I had to live
here, I'd kill myself.
sort of the idea.
Need to pee.
I have a bad
feeling about this.
This better not be about you.
- Me, why would it be about me?
- It's overkill,
don't you think?
- No I don't think.
- Uh, can I help you ladies?
Oh hi, do
you know Mrs. Nidem?
- Hi, I'm John.
- Hi John, I'm Marianne.
- Ah.
Are you
the warden around here?
- No, I just live here.
- Oh, oh.
- Are you moving here?
- No.
Do you know where
Barbara Nidem is?
- Barbara, oh yeah,
she's in the lounge.
Can I show you?
- No.
He thinks I'm moving in here?
- Mrs. Nidem?
Mrs. Nidem, hi, how are you?
- Hello, yes, yes.
- Hi there, I'm Marianne.
This is my daughter Jessica.
It's so nice to see you here.
They said you'd be
here and here you are.
We're just checking up on
you, see how you're doing.
- How I'm doing?
- Yeah what with Lori
and Alexis being friends,
such good friends,
such old friends.
- Oh, Alexis, yes, yeah.
- It can't be easy living here,
but it must be nice
having Alexis around, hey?
- Alexis?
Well I haven't
seen her for years.
I don't know,
maybe she's not home.
That's her
bike right there.
Okay, but
this requires tact,
so let me do the talking.
- Yeah, just don't go on and on.
I've been
On two
And I've been drinking
As I do
I was lying
- Lori.
- Hey Lori.
Um hi, hi, do you have a minute?
- Yeah of course, come on in.
- First of all, let me
start off by saying, Lori,
that we like having
you in our family.
We think you and Matt
make a great couple,
a stable couple and we
think that stability
comes from two people
- We know, okay?
- What?
- Matt saw you in that motel
room so you can drop the act.
- We're not judging.
We just want you to stop
before it's too late.
- I don't know what you
guys are talking about.
- We know it wasn't
Alexis in the motel room.
- And how's that?
- We checked in on Alexis' mom.
- You tracked down
Alexis' mother?
- Yes and she hasn't seen
her daughter in years.
- Yeah um maybe that's
because she has Alzheimer's.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Seriously!
- Sorry about that.
- Alexis has been to visit
her mother every single day,
but she doesn't recognize her.
- That's um--
- What is it with you people?
Like what is your
fucking damage?
Swear to god.
- We should go.
- Yeah.
That's um, that's too bad
about Alexis' mother--
Just go.
- Okay.
- Just go.
- Hey babe.
Babe, I got this new
I.D. card at school.
I think I look pretty good.
Who says a semiotics professor
can't be a handsome devil?
- Look Matt,
you have to choose
between me or your family
because I just can't do both.
- My family, what did they do?
What did they do?
Sweetie, she's
in her workroom I think.
- I told you, I told you
not to start something.
What do you do?
- I like you upset.
- You interrogate an 80
year old with Alzheimer's?
- You should show this
side to your wife.
- Why would you do that, why?
- Why would we do that?
Why do you think?
- I don't know.
- Maybe it's because you
have mental breakdowns.
Okay, okay,
what is going on?
- Matt's losing his shit.
About what?
- Mom, you go over to our
house and you accuse Lori?
- Oh yes, that, uh well, your
motel incident got us worried.
- Motel incident?
- Yes.
- Nothing happened.
Nothing happened,
nothing happened,
she was visiting her friend.
- Just be thankful
we had your back.
- Oh thank you,
thank you so much.
- Look, do you want some
advice when dealing with Lori?
- Advice from you?
When was your last
relationship, the 90's?
- What was that?
- You start drama
because you got
nothing going on in your life.
What did you say to me?
- Just because you don't
have a relationship,
don't sabotage mine.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- Where is Lori now?
- She's at home.
What's she doing?
- I don't know,
packing or something.
- You left her when she
was packing or something?
What are you doing?
- Uh just finishing this.
- Gimme that.
- Don't, ah,
No texting Lori.
Jesus Christ.
Communication makes
you look so weak.
- Oh, communication?
I have a masters
in communication.
- You have a masters in shit.
This is really pathetic.
- She leaves me a note?
What am I supposed to do?
Wait it out.
- Wait it out.
- Yeah you wait it out and
then when the time's right,
you man up.
That's what she wants.
- Oh and you know
what she wants?
- You know, Lori's easy man,
she wants what
she's always wanted.
- But she won't give
me her attention.
She won't even tell me
where she's staying.
- I know where she's staying.
She's at her best friend's.
Where else would she be?
antelopes seek refuge
and nourishment by
a watering hole.
And yet, eyes are on them.
They are being stalked, hunted.
In an instant, it's over.
- That antelope never
even saw it coming.
They always get them when
they're by the water.
You'd think they'd learn.
Where are you going?
- Out.
Out where?
- To a bar.
What for?
- What do you think?
- Oh you're not reacting
to what Matt said, are you?
- No, I can't even
remember what Matt said.
- You know, that thing he said
about you being
single for so long.
- No, and anyway, Jay
and I broke up in '02
so 90's, yeah right.
- Well I'm glad
you're going out.
You should go out.
You should have
lots of boyfriends,
an attractive woman like you.
- Yeah, yeah listen, do
you want to come with me?
All my friends bailed.
- Which friends?
- This place is dead.
- It's not so bad.
- Let's go.
- Why don't you
go sit at the bar?
- What me sit at the bar?
- Yeah I think the two of us
are sending out the wrong vibe.
- What vibe?
- Like we're some
kind of package deal.
You know, divide and conquer?
Go sit at the bar and buddy up.
- Buddy up.
What do you think I'm gonna do?
- Just don't be confrontational.
- I'm not confrontational,
I'm picky.
- Hello there.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Oh, yeah, don't
let that fool ya.
Since my wife and I separated,
I've actually been
retaining water
and I literally can't
get the damn thing off.
Uh, so I've been looking
around and you know,
you're around my age.
- Okay, you're done.
Hold back and bite my tongue
Cause I know you're the one
- Brett.
Wow, you look
great, really great.
It's not often someone
as good looking as you
sits on that stool.
I come here all the time.
I mean, I don't come
here all the time.
I'm not an alcoholic
or anything.
I just chat up the ladies
when I sit at the bar--
- Hey Brett.
- Hey.
Is anyone sitting here?
- Not you.
- Excuse me, mind if I join you?
- The seat is free.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- I'm Jim.
- Hi Jim, I'm Marianne.
- Hi, Marianne, nice name.
Thank you.
- Hey.
You look just like my ex-wife.
This is so weird.
What are the odds of that?
Have I seen
you in here before?
- No, I've never been
here in my life before.
- Yeah it's kind of exciting.
Yeah, welcome.
- First time in a bar.
I mean, not my first time,
but my first time in,
you know, a long time.
I came here with my daughter.
Yeah, Jessica.
Yeah, I have a son too,
Matt, but he's not here.
He's, he's just not here.
- Oh.
There you are.
It's just my phone.
- Right.
- Me, oh I'm Hungarian.
Oh dear, this is my daughter
I was just telling you about.
- Ah, hello, beautiful.
- Yes I know.
She has my eyes.
- Can I talk to you?
- Now?
- Oh, um, excuse me.
I'll just be one
minute, all right?
- Get your purse, we're going.
- Now, I'm getting some heat.
- Oh fine.
You want to spend
the night with Santa?
- Jessica.
Everything okay?
- Oh yeah, she's just
plugging the meter.
That's Lori's bike.
- Bit of a party
in there tonight.
You're kidding me.
- Well there's
people in the window.
Wanna get outta here?
- Why would I wanna
get outta here?
- Cause you probably want
to get her alone, right?
- Right.
- Party's not the best time.
- Yeah, yeah.
- You want me to go in
there and check it out?
- Yeah, yeah, do.
I'll go check it out.
- Dude, don't let her see you.
I won't.
I can fucking see you.
What are you doing here, Matt?
- What are you, are
you partying tonight?
Feel like celebrating?
- Just don't, okay?
Don't what?
- God, just, why are you here?
I thought my note
was perfectly clear.
- Oh, you thought your, I
need some time note was clear?
- There it is.
There it is right there.
You're just so
fucking frustrating.
- I'm frustrating?
You're the queen of frustration.
- Living with you and your
moods and your anxieties--
- Your moods are better?
You're utterly rutterless.
I never know what
I'm going to get.
- Just listen to yourself,
like listen to yourself.
When was the last
time you looked at me.
- Looked at you in what context?
In what context?
God even your language
wears me down.
Just stop it!
- Would you just tell me,
are you seeing someone else?
- Fuck off.
What do you think, Matt?
- Well I don't know after
four years of marriage,
I get a note.
- You're, you're right, um,
I really should have
said this to your face.
Goodbye, Matt.
Go home.
- I don't get it.
What'd I do to deserve this?
It's out of the blue.
- I'm sure it wasn't
out of the blue.
What was that?
- You don't pick up the
signs, I'm just saying.
- Oh.
Would you like a semiotic
breakdown of the signs?
- Look, do you want
to know what happened?
- Oh, you know what happened?
Yeah, yeah, why don't you
tell me what happened.
- Lori gave you the signs.
You just didn't read them
cause that's what women do.
- I'm going to bed.
- Dude, you want to
stick me with one beer?
No, I'm going to bed.
- I went to a bar tonight
for the first time
in like 10 years.
- How was that?
- Punishing.
My mother got more
action than I did.
- Where is your mother?
- She's out with
some dude right now.
Hey, are you still with
uh, that Cat chick?
- No, we split.
I'm a free agent.
But Cat, she's very complicated.
- Hey, I have an
idea, let's do shots.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
- What, you're saying you
never thought about it?
- What?
No, this is, my best
friend's upstairs.
- Yes, depressed, medicated,
he won't be joining us.
- Look at you, come on.
What, you're like a little cat.
Um, no, it's just weird.
You're like my sister.
- That's what I'm saying.
It's hot, right?
Oh gosh you have
a meaty man thigh.
- I'm not very comfortable
with this and you seem very--
- I seem what?
- You seem horny and
you're very warm right now
and I'm a little uncomfortable.
Can you just sit over
there for a minute?
- Okay.
You want to drink more?
- Yes I do.
are you taking me?
Just a little tour.
Is this some
kind of dungeon or something?
No, no, no, no.
You know, I'm not
into any S and M stuff, right?
- Okay.
Come in, come in.
- At least not on
the first date.
- Gotcha.
- Holy moly, look at this place.
Boy you've got a
lot of instruments.
- Mmhmm.
Hum de dum.
- Oh, you're gonna play?
Oh, that's nice.
- Um,
- How's that?
- That was beautiful.
Oh god I love fucking.
Everyone is tired of me
That's how the story goes
All alone, I'm
wondering if it shows
And I don't know where to go
Watch the--
Well hello, hello.
Oh what a beautiful morning.
- Yeah, yeah.
I'm not here for any bands
cause I'm just a casual fan
- Coffee smells really good.
- You want coffee, stop at
Butt Fucks on your way home.
At the park
Some alcohol
The sun burns
close in my eyes
I don't see why we have to
talk to Matt's therapist.
- Maybe because he's been
depressed for two months.
Just a guess.
- I mean what can she
gain from meeting us?
- She asked us to come in, okay?
- Yes, but why,
what for, what for?
- We're here so
let's just do this.
- Well either way,
I'm not talking.
- Good.
- I'm definitely not
talking about myself,
blubber all my feelings, as if.
- She's not some
- So what is she?
- She's a therapist therapist,
I don't know, she's something.
- Oh she's something.
That's encouraging.
- Jessica.
- Well either way, I
don't have an opinion.
- Great.
- What Matt doesn't
need is some therapist
confirming his weaknesses.
- You don't have
an opinion, huh?
- As if I'd ever
trust a therapist.
- Here, have a rock.
- What am I supposed
to do with this?
- You're supposed to
rub it, soothes anxiety.
let's switch gears.
I'd like to invite your
mom and your sister--
- You knew.
Didn't you?
The day I said goodbye to you,
that I said I didn't need you,
you knew I'd be
back, didn't you?
- Well we can definitely
get back to that,
but today I want to
stick to our schedule.
I wanna invite your
mom and your sister.
Matt, we talked about this--
- Yeah, I can't watch
that show, not today.
- Hi sweetie.
- How'd it go?
- Hi Marianne and Jessica.
I'm ready for you.
- Oh, okay.
Don't hijack this meeting.
Let her do the talking, okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
Have a
seat wherever you like.
How are you today?
Oh, very good.
I like this blue blanket.
It's nice.
Find parking okay?
- Oh yes, I found a
spot just outside there.
- Oh good.
- Expensive, it was $6 an hour.
I didn't have enough change
so I had to use that app,
that parking, what's
the name of that app?
- I don't know.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I use that.
It's very convenient.
Well, I would like to thank
you both for coming here today.
Clearly you're here about Matt.
- Mmhmm.
- I have been very
concerned about him.
So I have done a
risk assessment.
- What, he said he was
going to kill himself?
Is that why we're here?
- Don't be silly.
Yes, that
is why you're here.
- Oh my god.
- He wouldn't do
that to us, mom.
- Well actually, Jessica,
it's not something
he would do to you.
Suicide is rarely
about other people.
It is about wanting
to stop the pain.
- I get that, but
Matt's going through
a hard time right now.
His marriage is falling apart.
- Mmhmm, but I don't think
it's purely situational.
- Based on what?
- Based on the risk assessment.
His feeling of
hopelessness has escalated.
- Yeah, but since
he was like four,
Matt's been on Louvox and
listening to Radiohead.
- Yeah, I know that, but
he's more vulnerable now.
- So you're saying we're
not a close family,
is that what you're saying?
- No, that's not
what I'm saying.
- That's not what
she's saying, Jess.
- But you're saying we
wouldn't look out for him?
- What I'm saying is,
at this point you need
to come together to support him.
- Oh so this is
like a head's up.
- In a sense, yeah.
- Oh good, well I'm out.
- Do not leave this room.
- Do,
excuse me for a second.
- Of course.
What was
that, what was that?
What did I just say, huh?
- Mom, what are you doing?
- I'm changing it up.
That thing has been
swarmed by bush ticks.
- Oh, the feeder.
- Mmhmm.
Trying something new.
- What is suet?
- Well, it's birdseed, cornmeal
and a bit of peanut butter
and lard.
It's disgusting, but the
birds seem to like it.
But in the summer,
if it gets rancid.
Oh it's just disgusting.
Have you been drinking?
- Yes mom, I've been drinking.
No, I'm pregnant.
- Um,
so I don't want to
pry or anything,
but um,
whose is it?
- Oh mom, I, that's
not the conversation
I'm trying to have right now.
I just--
- It's just you've been
spending so much time with Sean
and you're separated and--
- Yeah, I'm not, I don't,
no, I can't talk about that.
- Okay.
Well, what about your,
your singing and all that?
- What about it?
- You won't be able to
focus on your career
in the same way and--
- I'm not really sure
what you're getting at.
- Okay, sweetie, maybe
maybe you just want
to sit this one out.
Okay, obviously
it's your decision
and I support you either way.
- I thought you'd be
excited for a grand kid.
- Well I am, it's just, honey,
I've already got three.
Have you seen my
purse any, oh there it is.
- Where are you going?
- Taking Matt to the therapist
and hooking up with Jim.
- Oh, how are things
going with Jim anyway?
- Oh, he's fine.
Sex is great, but his
opinions I could live without.
You know those people
who don't listen.
They just think about what
they're gonna say next?
- No, no.
- Hm?
- Nothing.
- Okay,
come on.
Take the egg with us.
- Hi there, I'd like to
pick up my car, Mr. Dufass.
- Oh yeah, it'll
be ready tomorrow.
What, what
are you talking about?
- Had to order a part.
- You had, well what part?
- Vent solenoid.
- I don't know, they
called you about it.
- Well look, look, look, look,
I got a big night,
I have a big date
and I can't go and pick
her up in a courtesy car.
- We don't have courtesy cars.
- You don't have a courtesy car?
You're killing me here.
Can we please, please,
please talk to the mechanic,
work through this, get
creative, whatever.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- All right.
Jess in there?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
- Oh hey.
- What'd you get
up to last night?
- Oh nothing much, two beers,
watched the Chevchenko fight.
- Oh, I love him.
- Her, Valentina Chevchenko.
- Yeah, that's what I meant.
- Oh yeah, you like UFC?
- Oh yeah.
It's like my favorite.
I'm a huge fan.
- Who's your favorite fighter?
- The one you said.
- This is a lot of rubber.
- Yup.
- Good news.
Talked to the mechanic.
You can pick your
car up tomorrow.
- Fuck me.
- Hello?
- How are you?
- Oh god, you don't
even want to know.
Look, Sean, I'm sorry, I'm
just so upset right now,
I can't even think straight.
I'm just--
What happened?
- Ug, my mom, she--
- Cancer?
- No, Sean, um,
I'm pregnant.
- Oh.
- Yeah anyway, so I, you
know, I tell her the news
and you're not
gonna believe this,
she she says maybe
you should sit this one out.
Like what does that even mean?
- See it's from hockey, sit
the shift out, play bad.
- Yeah, am I crazy?
Is that like, like insane
for a mother to say
to her daughter?
- She's kind of got a
point though, right?
- Are you serious?
- Well, if you don't take
care of it sooner than later,
you gotta do a DNC which on
the fun scale's like, one.
I gotta go, Lori, I'm sorry.
You should talk to Matt.
- You okay?
- I don't know.
Thinking about my son,
he's fighting depression.
- But he's a professor.
- Yeah, so?
- So at least he's got coverage.
- What's that got
to do with anything?
- My kids are fucking
up without coverage.
- Please, I don't want
to talk about coverage
or your kids for that matter.
- That's my point.
You're kids, my kids,
they're adults, Marianne.
There's not a lot we can do.
- That's a lazy man's answer.
There's always
something you can do.
- If you ask me--
- I'm not asking you.
- We've made things too
comfortable for our kids.
- In case you haven't noticed--
- My kids moved home,
like it's no big deal,
after flopping out
of this or that.
I mean kids today,
they're okay with failure,
with weakness.
- Oh now you're saying my son
is weak for moving back home.
- No, I'm saying you're
weak for letting him.
What, what, what?
Come on, what'd I say?
- You know what, Jim?
- Shit.
My brother was right.
Don't date Hungarians.
- Oh that's for employ--
Employees only.
- What?
Well what the fuck?
What the fuck, Sean?
- Oh I know.
I get it.
- Do you?
- I gotta go cause my truck
is running, I'm parked--
- You're a fucking asshole.
I know.
- You're a fucking asshole.
You're an asshole.
Hi, okay listen, I need
you to come, all right?
I need to talk to
you right now, yeah?
- Hey Megan.
How's it going?
- Good.
Jess in there?
- Okay.
- It was Sean.
- What?
- It was Sean in the
motel room with Lori.
- Thank god.
- Thank god?
I just said it was Sean.
- Yeah, but sex doesn't
mean anything to Sean.
He'll screw anything
with a mouth.
- So what, we're
just gonna tell Matt
his best friend's
been fucking his wife?
- Of course we're not
gonna tell him that.
It would tip him
right over the edge.
- And there's more because
the hits just keep on coming.
- I have perfect news.
- What?
- Oh fuck.
Come, come, come in.
My mom's upstairs, okay?
Just go over there.
- Is it true?
- Matt, what are you doing here?
- You look so
beautiful right now.
- Thanks, I uh, listen, um--
- I wanna say some things.
Okay, I know that
we're like, whatever,
okay, but I will
be there for you.
I wanna have this baby with you.
And I'll get you
anything you need, okay?
Like classes and
vitamins and folic acid.
Actually, I found out
that if you have too much
folic acid, it could
lead to autism.
- It's not yours.
- What?
- I don't know what else to say.
It's um,
- How can you be so sure?
- Well, if it was yours,
I would be having a difficult
A difficult, what?
I would be able to feel
the baby's anxiety,
neediness and I don't.
I feel really good.
Look, I know this
is hard, I get that.
I'm sorry.
Tinsel Town
swimming in blood
Tinsel ribbons
dancing in the rain
Flowers in the skylight,
hey how was the wine
What comes round is
going round again
Towers coming up for air
- Grandview Tire
and Auto Center.
- Yes, hello, is Jess there?
- Uh, yeah.
- Yes, put her on
the phone please.
Quickly, ASAP, emergency.
- I'll get her.
I couldn't see
I was blind
Off in the corner
doing poet's work
- What?
- You're mom's on the phone.
She sounds tormented.
I couldn't see
I was blind
Off in the corner
doing poet's work
That's all right for now
- Jess, Jess, it's
Matt, he's driven away.
- What?
Okay, I, I'm just gonna come.
I'm just, I'm coming, okay?
- Okay, keep an even keel, okay?
Just don't lose your cool.
- Yes, yes.
- All right.
Is Matt here?
He didn't come home.
- Uh no, he left a
couple of hours ago.
Okay, just come in.
Where is he?
Where is Matt?
You people again.
- You people, that's nice.
You lied about everything
fucking imaginable
from fucking your
husband's best friend
to using Alzheimer's to
cover your fucking tracks!
- I don't like that tone.
- Fine, what
happened, where is he?
- We don't know.
- Did he give you any
idea where he was going?
- Well what happened, Lori?
What did you say?
- Calm down.
- Answer the question!
- I don't need to answer you.
- Okay, we have a little
bit of a situation here,
but the fact is, Lori,
you're having a baby.
- Not his.
- Oh.
- Fuck you!
- Stop it, stop it!
We have to think
about Matt, stop it!
- Stop it!
- Unknown caller.
- Who is it?
- Hello?
Yes, this is--
- Who is it?
- This is Marianne Horvat.
I'm sorry?
Could you repeat that please?
- Hello?
It's a fucking telemarketer.
- Well I didn't know, did I?
Come, let's get you
out of these things.
There we go.
Matt, what did you do?
That's it, that's it, oh.
Okay there we go.
Now what did you do?
I need to talk to you.
Ah, it's so difficult
when you are wet.
I need to talk to you,
right now.
Come on, let's get you
in the shower.
- Matt?
Do you need anything?
- I'm okay.
- Good, good.
Get warm.
- Yeah, okay.
Thanks mom.
- Mom, we need to take him in.
- Jessica, I'm not having
this conversation again.
We are not taking him in.
- You do a lap through
the psych ward.
You try something like that.
He needs professional help.
- Well you sure flip flopped.
First you shit on
professional help
and then that's what he needs.
- Mom.
- Jessica, there are some things
you just don't talk about.
This is top of that list.
- He needs to get checked out.
- Oh and you just decided that.
- No, he decided.
- Okay.
- He decided.
- He had a moment,
but he came back.
- That is not good enough.
- Hey sweetie, come on in.
Let's get you by
the fire, come on.
There you go.
- Can I talk to you?
Either you take
him in or I will.
Either way, he's going.
Do it.
- Matt,
- Mom.
- Sweetie,
we gotta take you in,
get you checked out.
- I know.
I'll go.
I want to.
- Oh dear, look at your face.
- I just, I still don't
feel right about this.
I don't feel right about it.
- I don't understand you.
You wanted him to go
in, he said he'll go in.
He said he's fine with it.
- Well that's just it,
now he's fine with it
sitting by the fire.
We've done everything
for him and an hour ago
he was gonna do that to us.
- But he didn't.
He didn't.
- Hallelujah.
- Jessica.
- Come on in, have a seat.
How are you?
- Don't ask me that.
I'm not here to talk
about my feelings, okay?
- Okay.
Why are you here?
- Uh, I have no idea.
My mother suggested it.
- Hm, but you don't
have to be here.
What do you
and Matt talk about?
- Well I can't tell you that.
- He tried to kill himself
and you can't tell me?
I'm his sister.
We can
talk about your feelings.
We can talk about you.
- My feelings.
I don't believe
in therapy, okay?
- Okay, well, what do
you do for a living?
- Me, I'm a car mechanic.
I work at Grandview Tire.
- Really, do you like it?
- Do I like it?
Uh, I could
do it in my sleep.
I so need a change.
What's preventing you
from making a change?
- Um, what's preventing me?
I don't know.
Why are you here?
- Matt doing what he did.
- Matt's okay now.
He's been assessed
and we no longer feel
that he is a threat to himself.
- All right, but why would
he do that to me, to my mom?
- To stop the pain.
- To stop the pain,
is that gonna be your
answer for everything?
No, for this.
- But he would do
that to me, to my mom?
What the fuck?
- But it's not
about you, Jessica.
- Right, again with that,
but there's only
the three of us.
You don't think that
we would be destroyed
picking up the pieces from that?
- No, I think you
would be devastated.
It is devastating to lose
a family member to suicide.
But you grieve and in
time, you get over it.
- Oh fuck this.
Fuck you.
I'm sorry about that.
- It's okay.
- My head's kind of
all over the place.
I guess um, I guess I'm
here because...
I feel angry.
I feel
I feel like I have these
thoughts in my head
and they just click over
and over and over again
and I can't, I don't
have any control of them.
- What thoughts, can
you describe them?
- Well after Matt did the thing,
I felt flooded with rage.
I was so angry.
- Go on.
- I felt like, you
know, fuck you.
You would do that
to us like after,
after everything,
after all the support,
after everything, after
everything we've done for you,
after trying to get you
out of every jam you're in
and after, that you would
fucking do that to us.
I feel used.
I feel fucking betrayed.
And my mother, she's like,
she's fine.
She feels relieved.
She's going along like,
and Matt's going along
like nothing happened too
so you know, the whole
thing, it's fucking weird
and I, I, I, I, feel so
angry and I, I can't sleep
and I can't eat and I'm
distracted at my work
and I just,
Am I a bad person
for thinking that?
Am I a bad sister for
having those thoughts?
- No, not at all.
All the family
members, loved ones,
who have been through what
you have been through,
they feel the same thing.
- You know Matt
doing what he did,
it just fucked me up.
It just tears everything.
It tips everything over.
- Of course, it is
so understandable
what you are feeling.
- I feel so alone.
Look at me, I'm blubbering
like a fucking idiot.
- Thank you.
This was actually
really awesome.
Can I come back again next week?
Of course.
- Hey Jess.
- Oh, hey.
- You okay?
- Am I okay?
- Yeah you just seem kind
of down or distracted.
Now you're in a car.
- I am down.
- About what?
Sorry, no it's none
of my business.
It's personal.
- No, it's okay.
You know, I'm just
dealing with some,
anyway, I'm seeing someone.
- Wow, great.
Is it that tall guy
that came in here,
with the dark hair, tall guy?
- No, oh no, no, I'm, no,
I'm seeing a therapist.
- That's great.
That's great?
- God, I hate this place.
- Yeah, it's so,
- Okay, I just can't.
Thank god you're here.
Um, you wanna go
for drinks tonight?
- Drinks?
- No, you know what, don't--
- No, it uh, yeah.
- Yeah?
- Cool.
- Cool.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- You want a drink?
- Yeah sure, yeah.
- It's all right.
Don't uh, don't
go to any trouble.
- Mm mm, no trouble.
- Thank you.
- Can I take your jacket?
- Yeah, sure.
Have a seat.
- Oh, sorry.
I like your place.
It's really like nick nacky.
Hey oh, you know,
I'm sorry, let's not.
It's not happening.
- What?
- It's not working for me, okay?
- Oh no, it's working.
Maybe that's what
you're scared of, right?
- No scared, I'm
not scared, okay?
I'm not scared.
It's not that.
- Then what?
- Okay, I used to work
at this other shop
and I got involved
with a mechanic
and things went south
or sideways or whatever
and then either way,
it got impossible.
- Impossible?
- Look I wasn't one
of the guys anymore
so they all hit on
me or they treated me
like I was a slut and I just
don't want any part of that.
- Is this one of those like
don't shit where
you eat stories?
- Yeah, I guess so, yeah.
- Well I'm leaving at
the end of the month.
- Oh yeah?
- I quit.
- Who's she with?
- Who's with what who?
- Lori, mom.
She said it's not
mine, so who is it?
- I'm sorry?
- Mom, who's she with?
- Okay, fine, you need to know.
I understand that.
I was the same with Jim.
I wanted to know about Jim and
I found out, boy did I ever.
This one time I got to his
place, the last one was leaving
and I thought, my god, where
does he get the stamina?
And it wasn't just the
tub of no-name Cialis
he kept by the bed, no, he
really knew what he was doing.
He did this one thing
with his finger--
- It was Sean, okay?
It was Sean.
You're joking.
- Really?
Really Miss I have to tell
the truth at all costs?
- You heard Sara, she
did an assessment.
He's fine.
- Oh, oh, a couple
of therapy sessions,
suddenly you're the expert.
You do know that he tried to
commit suicide, don't you?
- I'm right here.
- Right.
- Hi.
Hi guys.
Oh hi, hi sweetie.
Hi, come on in, come on in.
Hi, come in, come in.
Oh hi honey, how are you?
Got a kiss for me,
got a kiss for me?
Grandma's got some food for you.
You just missed Lori.
She's rehearsing.
- Rehearsing, rehearsing what?
- Well she's giving a
show tomorrow night.
- Lori's giving a show?
- Mmhmm.
- She's gonna strut
and grunt her stuff
seven months pregnant?
- Apparently.
Do you want a little?
- Look, I love
her, you know I do,
but nobody wants to see that
and Lori is a me person.
- Yeah, she is.
- And that doesn't
work with kids.
They need your
undivided attention.
- Yeah, they do.
- Well how is she anyway?
- The baby's moving around a lot
and it really bugs her.
sure it's nothing.
- Well she complains
a lot about it.
- Oh yeah her, I'm
fine, I'm fine routine
while she's writhing
around on the floor.
- Pretty much.
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
Yeah you can rock me daddy
I roll you all night and day
- Are you okay?
Yeah I'm
fine, no I'm good.
- Stop guys, stop, stop, stop.
- No, no, no, don't do that.
Don't do that, don't
stop the song, okay?
I'm fine.
Everybody, I'm
fine, let's do this.
From the top, please.
Is it hot in here, holy shit.
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
Oh my fucking god, holy shit.
- Okay, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.
- Stop stopping.
- Let's just take a break.
- I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Come on, dude.
Just play the fucking song.
Swear to god.
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
I'm a nervous talker
But I don't know what to say
Baby, I'll rock you
all night and day
Rock me daddy
Rock me all night long
You better rock me daddy,
Rock me all night long
- Don't worry
honey, I'll get it.
It's Sean, what should I do?
I'll deal with it.
Hey Sean, he doesn't
want to see you.
Come in anyway.
Don't tell him.
- Look guy, playing your guitar.
- What do you want?
- I haven't seen you
in like two months.
- Don't sit down.
Don't sit, don't, no.
- I'm sorry, all right?
- I don't want to hear this.
I am sorry.
- No.
- I get that, okay.
Honestly, but I gave
you what you needed.
- You gave me what I needed?
- If it wasn't for me,
there'd be someone else
and then who knows, right?
- But it wasn't,
Sean, it was you.
It was you.
- That's exactly
what I'm saying.
Just think about this,
it's there for you
because of me, right?
It's all laid out.
- It's all laid out.
- Lori's living at her mom's.
She's broke.
You can't lay it out
any better than that.
- Go.
You have to leave.
Right now.
- Bye Sean.
- Bye Marianne.
- Good to see you.
- Goodbye.
- Come by again.
- Get, Jesus.
- So,
how are you?
- How am I?
I'm definitely not
very fucking good.
- Hey, language.
We have talked about this.
- For god sakes, Leanne, you
asked me a fucking question,
I gave you the answer.
I'm not in the
mood for this shit.
I'm sorry.
This, this, this baby thing
is so not my cup of tea.
- Tell me about it.
- Oh man, it's just
like can't eat,
can't sleep, I'm flipping out.
- It's your first baby.
It's okay to have nerves.
- I don't think it's nerves.
I don't like, no, no that's,
that's, that's not it.
It's not nerves.
- Well it's like I don't know,
it's always punching
me and kicking me
if it's like hungry
or wants attention.
It's just like this incessant
anxiety and neediness.
- Oh I am such a fucking idiot.
- I tell you things, why
can't you tell me things?
- What, where's this headed?
- What was Megan doing here?
- She just stopped by to
pick up a thumb drive.
- Oh, is that after
you kissed her?
- Yes, okay, so, so what?
- So nothing, so loop me in.
I'm dying to know.
Confide in me once in a while.
Well not everything,
just the details.
- You know, I didn't
tell you because
I thought that you
would be upset.
- Upset, why?
- You know, no
chance of procreation
and I know you're
in to that, so.
- Oh honey,
I gave up on you years ago.
- I'll get it.
What do you want?
- I want to talk to Matt.
- About what?
- Just, can you just
get him for me please?
- No, about fucking what?
- Look, I miss him and
I just, goddammit, Jess!
- What are you doing?
- What?
- Let her in.
- Why should I?
- He's better off married.
- What, to that snaky bitch?
- I suppose you
enjoy watching him
drag his broody ass around here.
Let her, let her in, let her in!
Oh hi.
- Hey Lori, come in, come in.
I'm happy to see you.
- It's nice to see you.
- Oh, give us a hug.
- Yeah, it's a lot.
- Wow.
Well hello in there.
Let me take your coat.
- Oh thanks.
- What do you want?
- Lori's here.
- She is, what, where?
- Downstairs.
- Like downstairs, downstairs?
Her bike!
What does she want?
- She wants you.
- She does?
- Can I just say something?
Look, can you stop that?
Can I just say something?
- Make her work for it.
- Make her work for it?
- She lied to you,
she cheated on you.
She'll do it again if you
don't play this right.
If you really want her back,
she needs to hear three
little words from you.
- Right, lead with that.
- No, dumb ass, not
those three words.
- Right.
- Hey.
- I had to see you.
- Why?
- Maybe I fucked up.
I really fucked up.
I made a huge mistake.
- Yeah, I know.
- I'm here because I'm sorry.
And I, I want to make it right.
- What changed your mind?
- You did.
Your kid kicked in, like
literally is kicking me
right now.
It's yours, I mean
it's ours, it's--
- It's too late, Lori.
It's too late.
- No, it's not.
Please don't do this.
- You should leave
before Jess sees you.
- Sure, okay.
- Jessica.
Jessica, turn that off!
- What did you do?
- What did I do?
- Lori's gone, Matt's
in the fetal position,
obviously something
has happened.
What did you do?
- Nothing.
- I don't get it.
It really seemed like Lori
wanted to put it back.
- You know, if I
did do something,
I had Matt's best
interest in mind, okay?
- What like you haven't
played a guy to get him back?
pull, don't pull.
- Carol, hi, Carol.
Hey, how's it, oh,
no don't do that.
We have-
- Marianne, Marianne, I
got nothing to say to you.
I don't want to talk to you.
- You don't have to
talk, just listen, okay?
Let me start by saying how
sorry I am about last time
the way it played out.
Obviously Jess choking
Lori didn't go as planned.
I think it was just one
of those escalating things
that in the end, doesn't
represent the true feelings
of the--
- Marianne,
- Okay.
We both want the same thing.
Why not be on the same page?
- As if I want Lori living
in my house raising a kid,
but what about Matt
and his mental health?
- Mental health?
No, no, he has turned a corner.
He is awesome.
He is just awesome.
- Yeah.
- I have a friend
who's a nurse at VGH.
I know Matt was
in the psych ward.
- Yeah, but not the
psych ward, psych ward,
not Olivia D'Haveland in
the snake pit
or Cuckoo's Nest or
anything like that.
- Look, honestly, I don't see
Matt and Lori have a future.
- Oh no.
They have a future.
I'm going to make sure of that.
- What, you're threatening me?
- No, I would never
threaten you, no,
I'm just saying,
Matt is the father.
- Okay look, I don't
want to be blunt, but--
- You don't believe me.
Ask Lori, ask her.
She came over this afternoon
to get back together with Matt.
- She did?
- Yep.
And that's why Matt
and I are here.
- Matt's here?
- Yeah.
He's in the car, right there.
- Oh, okay.
- See?
- Okay, okay, okay, look,
I'm gonna go in and
I'm gonna talk to Lori.
You guys wait out here
and if she wants to talk,
I'll give you a sign.
Okay, come on, Nick.
- Okay, hi.
Okay, so it's set.
We're waiting til
she gives us a sign.
She's gonna give
us the thumbs up.
- Did you go over to Matt's
this afternoon to get
back together with him?
- What if I did?
Did you?
- Yes.
- Okay, apparently, Matt
got bad advice from Jess.
- What else is new?
- Matt and Marianne are
parked out front right now.
- Really?
- Honestly, if I were you, I
would keep my options open.
- Look, he's just sitting there.
Where have I seen that before?
- Don't you think you
should talk to him?
- No, I'm done talking to him.
- Hi Carol.
Yes, what's up?
I don't know, Carol.
I didn't think this afternoon
went that well to be honest.
Oh yeah, what makes
you think that?
Hey, I just got off
the phone with Carol
and she thought it would
be a really good idea
if you and I went
to Lori's show.
- No, we're not going.
- Okay, but Carol
said that Lori said--
- Mom.
- Suit yourself.
- Mom?
- Hey.
- Where's mom?
At Lori's concert.
Oh, is that all you
have to say to me?
You set me up.
- I didn't set you up.
You set you up, you set you up.
- Oh really, how's that?
Matt, I'm not
fucking doing this.
- You sabotaged my one chance
to get back together with Lori.
- That is bullshit.
- And then you
steal my therapist.
- I didn't steal your therapist.
We don't even talk
about you, okay?
We talk about me, me,
which I fucking love.
- You always do this to me.
You always fucking
do this to me.
- Christ, Matt.
I'm not fucking doing this.
If you want Lori back, go
fucking get her or don't,
or whatever, but leave
me the fuck out of it.
- Is Matt coming?
- I don't know, I told him.
It hasn't started yet, huh?
- Of course not.
She's always late.
Oh yeah.
There's Sean.
I hope he comes.
Hi Sean.
- Hey Marianne.
I never thought we could
be more than just friends
But it got real what I
thought was just pretend
It got real when
I was dreaming
Has she always been the one
- Hi sweetie!
Did I lose you like the
mountains take the sun
I confuse a lot of
things but now I'm done
And there's another
thing beginning
Yes we were in
the final inning
- Bout time, man.
- I know that look
I make that face
I was but I still love you
Love that she can't replace
But the tone in your voice
Tells me the truth
- You made it.
I have that talk too
- Matt's making his move.
- Oh good, finally.
When I left him for you
- What the fuck do you
think you're doing, huh?
- You said you needed
me, so here I am.
- Yeah, that was before
you told to fuck off.
I came over to your house and
I poured my heart out to you
and you told me to leave.
- Looks like they're fighting.
- Oh no, no, this
is a good sign.
- It's a chorus coming up.
You should sing.
- Don't tell me what to do.
I know that look
I made that face
I whispered I still love you
Love that she can't replace
But the tone in your voice
It tells me the truth
I had that tone too
When I left him for you
This is really adorable
and everything,
but we need to fucking talk.
- Honey.
Follow them.
- No, no, just give
them some space.
- All right, look, if you
think this stunt you pulled
is gonna change
anything between us,
you are so fucking wrong.
- Good.
- We are done.
We are so finished,
it's not even funny.
I don't even know where
to start we're so done.
- Well let me start.
I didn't like the way
you came over today.
- What?
- The way I came over today?
- Yeah, as if you expected
me to take you back.
Which honestly, wrankled me.
- It wrankled you?
It wrankled you.
Get the fuck out!
Seriously, fucking go.
- Are you finished?
- No, I'm not finished,
I'm just getting started!
Oh fuck.
- Oh.
- Oh fuck.
- I'll just.
Eh, you don't need
to see this, come on.
Jessica, don't, Jessica.
- And we're back.
I've been thinking
Of you
And I've been
drinking as I do
I was lying
To myself
A lying in bed
with someone else
And it's not
enough to come home
When it's empty and alone
It's not enough to get by
On your bitterness and pride
So whisper my
name in her ear
Softly, not loud
enough to hear
Then when you kiss her
just like we used to kiss
I hope you find that
I'm the one you miss
I've been drowning in tears
And I've been
pounding the beers
I never felt so alone
since you left me on my own
And it's not enough
to come clean
And say the things you mean
It's not enough to move on
And admit that love is gone
Oh but when I did
what I was doing
I know, baby I know it was
wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
I guess I shoulda
known what I was doing
But only break my
own heart all alone
Oh yeah
So whisper my
name in her ear
Softly, not loud
enough to hear
Then when you kiss her
Just like we used to kiss
I hope you find
I hope sometimes that
I'm the one you miss