KM17 (2024) Movie Script

In a gripping
and concerning turn of events,
a breaking news report has emerged,
detailing the discovery
of an unidentified body
at the picturesque
Udali River bank, this evening.
Sources within the police department
have revealed that the body,
which has been submerged in the water
for an extended period,
presents a perplexing challenge...
Authorities remain tight-lipped
about the specifics of these cases,
but the newfound information indicates
a potential connection
between the unidentified...
Sir, please turn off that radio for me.
- It's the News!
- With each piece of new information,
We need to know what's happening
- in our town.
- Increasingly complex.
It's not like they do anything about it,
- anyway.
- disturbing series of events grows
Just talking and no action,
wasting everybody's time.
- I'll change it. Just relax.
- ...and remain vigilant
- as law enforcement officers continue...
- This really got you annoyed.
They said they went missing at night.
Please for God's sake...
- ...As investigators continue...
- It's like they're all broadcasting news.
No music for now.
- The spot light has now shone on...
- No problem.'s unsettling developments.
As the story unfolds,
we'll be here to provide you
with the latest updates and insights
into these deeply concerning situations.
Stay tuned for further development
- on this unfolding...
- Sir!
- Investigation.
- Slow down now!
I didn't see the pothole.
Don't get mad.
Sorry, potholes are everywhere.
Guy! The news these days are really scary.
You don't even know the half of it, T-man.
Look at me now. I'm literally his type.
- His type?
- Yes!
What makes you think he's a he?
Oh, please. So a woman
is kidnapping plenty other women?
What is she doing with them?
Sir, watch where you're going!
Sorry ma'am. Sorry.
- Ah-ah!
- I just need to fix this thing.
- I need to fix it.
- I'm just saying,
- See.
- Well, while we wait...
Wait, let me park.
Sorry, let me park first.
...steaming China's content,
let's listen to the lyrics
of this music for just a minute.
Sorry, just relax.
Just relax, please.
It's just that...
I just need to fix it.
Sir, please hurry up.
Are we going to sleep
here because of this thing?
I have groundnut here.
You'll like it
It's very fresh. Sorry.
I'll focus on my driving.
What is this now?
What's up?
Cheeka. What's up?
I just saw the link.
You see these police people?
Why will they release
her name to the public?
How else are they supposed to find her
if her name isn't released?
I know you want this to be a secret
but it can't be.
I'll talk to my Commander
and he will lean on the DPO.
Thank you, please.
See, the way I'm feeling...
Looks like I'll go back
to that police station.
Those people are useless.
Completely useless.
Don't worry.
I'll keep following up with my commander.
Just go home and get some rest.
If anything comes up, I'll let you know.
I'm on my way home. I'll call you later.
- Madam, please...
- Good afternoon, sir.
- ...write your statement.
- No, I did that yesterday,
- and the day before, and the day before...
- Please write your statement.
I need answers. No, listen here.
Every time I come here,
you always tell me, "There's no news.
There's no news." Every day.
And then today you choose
to act like I don't exist?
Do you even look at these statements?
Do you ever look at any of them?
I mean, let's see.
"Landlord rapes his tenant's child."
Has anything been done about that?
Somebody's car was stolen
in their compound in broad daylight.
- Has anything been done about it?
- Who gave a right to
read people's statements?
- I'm not just reading them.
- Who gave you a right
- to read people's statements?
- I see them every day in real life.
Does it make any sense to you?
Do you know that whatever
you say now shall be used
- against you in the court of law?
- Shut up!
Find my sister.
This is all I'm asking.
Because it is your job to find her.
Should I go to the press?
Should I go and tell them how incompetent
and how dysfunctional
you are in this place?
Find my sister!
Hello, Auntie.
How are you, my dear?
I hope you've been eating.
I am.
I'm fine, thank you.
That's good. Eh, the Umu Ada society
have some things that you
and your sister were supposed to
make available for your mother's burial.
But because everything was in a rush,
I had to beg them to leave it for now.
Ah, my sister!
My God! Take a look at me!
Look at how my sister just left me alone.
This is unfair. Heh!
- Oh, my!
- Okay, auntie. Auntie!
So what would
you like me to do for you now?
- Unless they're gonna solve the problem.
- Ah-ah!
- Really? Ah-ah!
- I don't have the time.
This is an insult!
- I just...
- Do you realize I'm your auntie?
- I don't have the time for this.
- Your mother's senior sister?
How can you talk to your auntie like this?
This is rude.
If I take you to the...
- Goodnight, Auntie.
- ...Umu Ada you are going to be...
Is everything okay?
You look really sad.
I hope all is well.
I've just had a very rough day.
A rough 29 days.
Well, you know what they say.
"The difference between a stepping stone
and a stumbling block,
is how you use them."
Is there a problem?
That was just a very good quote.
Where did you hear that quote?
Because I'm a cab driver.
- No.
- Ah.
That quote has been on the door
to our church since I was a kid.
Every time you look
at your phone, you get sadder.
Did you lose someone?
I know that look.
I am familiar with it.
It's the look of hopelessness and anxiety.
All masked up in one straight face,
just to make everyone think
that everything is okay
even though it's not.
Another pothole. Sorry, no offense.
Are you actually trying to kill us?
Well, at least your blood is pumping now.
It will help your mood.
Who did you lose?
My sister.
Your sister?
Older or younger?
These things happen.
Take heart.
She's not dead.
She's missing.
Ah! Then there is hope.
It doesn't matter how hard I look,
I cannot find her anywhere.
Sometimes I want to feel sorry for myself.
And then I imagine
what she must be feeling like.
I lost my mother.
And my sister is missing.
The worst thing to happen to anyone,
is to lose their mother.
Who sat and watched my infant head?
When sleeping on my cradle bed?
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My mother.
My sympathy.
When was she kidnapped?
Your sister, I mean?
I never said that she was kidnapped.
I assumed.
With everything on the news.
This your plate number, how strange!
It's very unique.
Isn't it?
Are you from around here?
Because you sound...
Too intelligent to be driving a blue cab.
Yes? In Gidi?
I get that a lot.
That's not what I was going to say at all.
I was asking because...
Of my refined accent?
It's actually all over the place.
You're not consistent at all.
We have reached your destination.
Is there a problem?
No, I...
Actually, um,
I need to go deeper into Ponl.
I just got a text message
and it's an emergency.
Just relax, please.
Please can you take me to Ponl?
Ah, madam.
Please, I've closed for today.
And I have something else to do.
I'm not even sure that I have enough...
See, I will double your fee.
The money.
So do you close at 9 p.m. every day?
12 midnight, usually.
But like I said before,
I have something else to do tonight.
I see.
You know the police are not really looking
for those missing girls, right?
They say they are, but they're not.
What girls?
- The ones that are missing.
- Why are you talking about them?
I thought you said
you don't like listening to the news.
Did I not just tell you that
my sister was missing?
She might be one of them.
How are you sure she's one of them?
Who knows?
Why do you keep staring at me?
Because you're beautiful.
Did I say something wrong?
And is this how chatty
you are with all your customers?
Do you wear lipsticks?
What do you wear, then?
- Lip balm.
- Hm.
Why are you asking?
Because bold red lipstick will fit you.
It brings out
the feminine side of a woman.
Just a shade transforms a woman from
ordinary to extraordinary.
My mom always says,
"Your outfit is never complete
without a big ol' red lipstick."
I think that you're expecting a little
too much from this one red lipstick.
You're funny.
I could say the same about you.
Oh, well, at least
I'm happy you're not sad anymore.
Back to your lipstick thing.
My sister always
used to wear red lipstick.
But you carry a lot of passengers.
And she's very striking.
She really sticks out like a sore thumb.
Do you have a picture?
- Yes.
- Maybe that can help.
Let me show you.
She's very kind, very gentle.
She doesn't look for anybody's trouble.
She's very friendly too.
It's very hard to forget her.
Ah-ah! Bro, why?
Ah-ah, bro. Bro!
Please won't you take 1,500?
Please don't leave
your sister here at night.
Other cabs have closed. Please!
- 2,000.
- Ah-ah.
No problem.
Thank you.
Then some useless idiot
without any balls took her.
If I ever find
the person who took my sister,
I will make sure that
they regret leaving their mother's womb.
Why did you throw out my phone?
Stop the car, right now.
Every day, this blue cab
picks up approximately 30 people.
And they sit there,
exactly where you are,
entitled in the corner.
What do you mean, entitled?
Are we supposed
to come and sit on your lap?
Like I said... entitled.
The 30th person,
actually the 30th woman,
is the most important.
That's the perfect number.
What does that have to do with my phone?
You sure do ask a lot of questions.
Thirty, they say, is a sign of maturity.
Physically, spiritually, mentally.
At 30 one is said
to be able to handle major projects.
Do you know that even the Bible
recognizes the significance
of the number 30?
Like, Jesus was betrayed
for 30 pieces of silver.
Listen, just tell me,
did you take my sister?
If your sister was in my car,
she would have been the perfect 30.
When I look at you,
I want to give you what you want.
I want my sister.
My point exactly.
But we don't have much time.
Where is my sister?
How do you know my name?
How do you know my name?
You are just...
- as she describes.
- Describes?
Is my sister alive?
Where is she?
Don't you dare.
Do it and you will never see her again.
What did you do?
Where is my sister?
Answer me.
Is that a statement or a question?
Where is she?
don't... pull... that trigger.
Hello? Babe.
I'm on my way.
I'll be there in like five,
actually ten,
you know what, maybe 15 minutes.
Um, can you be specific, please?
Is specific someone's name?
Please, I'll be there
as fast as I can, madam.
How is my mama?
Well, nothing has changed.
You know that means
she's still not eating, right?
No, no.
That's not good.
Cheeka, she needs to eat.
She needs to eat now.
Force her to eat.
Anything, even if it's liquid food.
She needs to eat something.
Listen, I know you don't have
the patience but you need to try.
Come on, Cheeka.
She has to eat something now.
- Okay?
- I'm on it.
Just hurry up, please.
I will.
I'll see you. Bye.
Are you Catholic?
At least you're a Christian.
That's what matters.
Is that what really matters?
Of course.
I hate...
I hate Gidi City.
It's just very refreshing to see that
some of you still know your way to God.
I -1 -2 -4 -Q
I guess I spoke too quickly.
That is the beauty of Gidi.
What beauty?
Customized license number,
or is it the polluted air?
I actually don't have energy
for that kind of self-expression.
You... you've just passed my junction.
- Mm-hmm.
- What do you mean by, "Mm hmm"?
Please can you turn back? You've passed...
I know where I'm going to, please.
You've passed my junction, please.
Sir, you've passed...
Where do you think you're going?
Please, I beg you.
I beg you in the name of God.
It is not good
that you took away your shoes.
Please, take the money. Please.
Where do you think you're going?
Sir, I've dropped the money.
Empty the bag.
- Sir?
- Empty the bag.
I don't want you to pour it.
Thank you.
- What is it?
- Thank you.
Watch your leg.
Are you cold?
You have a cold?
- Sorry.
- I'm okay.
You're going to finish this tea.
- I'm going to leave it here.
- Yeah.
So you can drink it in a little bit.
It's okay, mommy. Mommy, it's okay.
Please. I beg you. I beg you.
Wear your shoes.
Wear it quickly. I don't have much time.
It's tight.
Thank you.
Somebody help! Help! Jesus!
- Ada.
- I'll call her.
Please call Ada.
- I'm calling her.
- Ada.
I'm calling her.
Hello, Ada. Where are you now?
You said you would be back soon.
- I'm supposed to meet...
- Cheeka.
I've been taken.
What? Guy, be serious now. Where are you?
Please. Cheeka, please help me.
Help me.
The cab guy.
Please, I've been taken.
I'm in the boot of the car.
- Call the police.
- What is it?
Call the police, Cheeka.
Who put you in the boot?
Cab guy. The cab guy.
He... he took everything.
And then he... he... threw...
He threw my phone out of the window.
Mama, are you okay?
- Uncomfortable.
- You're uncomfortable.
Do you want to sit up?
- Yes.
- Okay, let me help you.
- Ada.
- It's okay.
Sorry, let me just... move you.
Is something wrong?
No, there's nothing wrong.
There's nothing wrong.
- Ada. Ada.
- Huh?
I'm talking to her. Mommy, I'm coming...
- Cheeka.
- Sorry.
Where is Ada?
Mommy, I'm talking to her
on the phone. I'm coming.
Ada, what is it? What was that?
There's... There's blood...
coming from my shoulder.
Okay. Okay, um...
Okay. Are you... are you...
are you moving or are you stationary?
- We're moving.
- Okay. What kind of...
What kind of car are you in?
It's a...
it's a blue taxi.
What? What brand of car are you in?
I think, um, big daddy.
Ada, what is a big daddy?
Cheeka, please.
Just call the police.
I still need to give
the police all this information.
Can you just describe the driver?
He's fair.
He's... fair.
He doesn't have any hair.
He's bald, I think.
He doesn't smile.
He was, um, wearing a...
a brown print... printed top... shirt.
And, um, he...
That's it. That's everything.
That's everything.
Oh, yes. Yes he...
He has... he has a gun.
Oh my God, Cheeka.
- He has a gun.
- Okay.
-Just calm down, okay
-He has a gun.
Everything's going to be fine.
Just... I'm going to call the police, okay?
Just hold on.
Okay. Just hold on.
Cheeka, help me. Call. Hurry.
But you guys should
have a record of all your cars.
The number you're calling
is not available at the moment.
Please try again later.
What do you mean
you're not a car rental company?
Please madam, calm down.
No, I am calm. I am calm, sir.
But my sister is in trouble.
So please, can you help me? Please.
Okay, madam. I'll see what I can do.
I'd like to forward
your enquiry to another agency.
Can you please provide the license number
for the vehicle in question?
To be honest, I don't
really know what the license is.
I'm sorry.
I can't help you without that information.
Cheeka. Cheeka, pick up.
Cheeka. Oh God.
Get me out!
Cheeka, pick up.
Somebody help me.
Get me out!
I -1 -2 -4 -Q.
I guess I spoke too soon.
That is the beauty of Gidi.
Somebody help me.
Get me out!
Get me out!
What happened, Cheeka?
Ada. Sorry. I've been trying to call you.
I called you back a bunch of times.
What's happening? Are you okay?
I'm not okay.
I'm in... I'm in so much pain, Cheeka.
Where do you think he's taking you?
Do you have any idea?
Did he say anything at all?
The guy that hit me
and put me in the boot of his car,
had a full conversation with me
telling me where he's going.
For Christ's sake, Cheeka.
- I don't know.
- Okay I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm just trying to get
more information, Ada.
Are the police coming?
Are you there?
Ada, I'm here.
No one is coming.
But it's fine. We just...
We need to get you out of that boot. Okay?
- You have to save yourself.
- Yes.
Okay. So you said the car is a Big Daddy.
- Right?
- Yes.
Okay. Okay, hold on.
Hold on.
What? What happened?
Nothing is happening.
There should be a latch.
There should be a latch
somewhere in the car.
Somewhere in the boot. Can you find it?
No. There's a...
There's a black...
There's a black thing.
I can't... I can't see.
What? There's a what?
It's just this black thing.
I can't see anything.
Cheeka, please help me.
Okay. Just look around
there has to be a latch there. Just...
- Cheeka.
- Find it.
Just look.
It should be somewhere there.
Listen, listen to me now.
- Okay?
- Cheeka.
Just find the latch.
Okay. Find the latch.
And everything is going to be fine.
Get me out!
He's coming.
Find the latch, Ada.
Find the latch.
Hey! Calm down.
Calm down.
Ah-ah. Oh boy, is that you?
- Mr. Risi.
- Yes?
What's that? Is it groundnut?
- You want some?
- Please pass it.
Where's your friend?
Do you mind him? He's there.
He's a lazy man.
He's sleeping in the car.
Where are you going?
as you're seeing me, I've already closed.
Please be careful.
- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- Try and be careful.
- Be careful oh.
- Mr. Risi.
Please, my groundnut.
Please go. Go buy another one.
Let me manage this for the night.
- Mr. Risi.
- Yes?
Correct boy.
What happened? Are you okay?
I think he... he hit me.
I think I passed out.
Okay. Um...
Okay, so we need
to get you out of the car.
So, find the latch.
Okay. You said there's
a black plastic around the car.
You need to tear it off.
Come on.
It's not moving.
Make it move.
I see the latch.
I see the latch. What now?
Okay, um,
you need to find something.
Find something
that you can use to pry it open.
See if there is a toolbox
or something that you can use.
I don't see any tool.
I don't see any tool.
Oh wait.
I'm wearing...
I'm wearing heels. I think.
I think I can... I can use my... my shoes.
Okay. Yeah, use that. Use that.
Come on.
Hello, Ada?
I owe you an apology.
I underestimated you.
Get up.
Please, I just want my sister.
Get in the car.
Get in the car!
You are driving.
I don't know how...
I don't know how to drive.
Your legs are conveniently
in the right place
for someone who doesn't know how to drive.
Where are we going?
Just drive.
I've read this book more than 40 times.
Theo and Zhen.
The greatest philosophers of religion.
The dimensions of wanting a life.
The fact that I can get anything I want
from here and beyond.
There is stopping other people's wantings.
People's wanting to
live life and fulfil their purpose.
People's wanting to
spend their money on their sick mothers.
- I am not a thief.
- You could have fooled me.
Tough decisions.
Theo or Zhen?
Theo or Zhen?!
You do not believe
in life after death? Hm?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Zhen is wiser.
You should choose him.
The book isn't mine.
It's my sister's.
You think you have sense?
Your sister's?
Yes, my sister's.
I carried it around
ever since she was taken.
Are you not even tired of this?
How come one would be taking women,
and taking women from everywhere. What?!
But you know
all these small boys who are into ritual.
It could be that
they're just killing them.
And you know things are tough.
- Things are tough...
- You know things are tough.
...and so?
Is that why someone would be taking women,
and taking women just like that?
Now security has been doubled everywhere.
Today, I'm not supposed to be at work,
but see me doing security check at night
when I should be with my family.
Why does he not even take men?
Let's know how much guts he has.
It's actually true. But truthfully,
if it's my sister or my daughter he took,
I would scatter everywhere.
You know me. You know what I can do.
Anyone listening to you
would think you're strong.
After urinating
are you not going to sleep right away?
That's how you always are.
- Go and sleep.
- Always talking like a woman.
- You're the only one working.
- Go and sleep.
- Gallant officer.
- "I will scatter everywhere."
- Are not going to sleep now?
- Oh, please!
Leave me alone.
You're the only person working.
Guy, but this thing is not funny.
It's not funny.
Say anything...
Relax. Easy.
How come a woman is
the one driving this blue cab?
I've not seen it before. Madam,
where are your papers?
Mr. Risi.
Is that you?
And who is this?
She's my sister.
- Really?
- We're going to the hospital.
- What happened?
- It's a little emergency.
Eh, madam,
please open your boot, let me check.
Wow! Today that I'm sick?
It's not my fault, Dorigho.
If you see what these journalists
and newspaper people write about us...
They say, uh... 'Gidi Police
are the most er, defun... func...
- Dysfunctional.
- Dysfunctional institution
in this country.
They don't want us to be great.
Madam, please open your boot.
Why are you looking at me?
I say open your boot.
Open booth.
C'mon, where are the car papers?
- Mr. Risi.
- Yes?
Did something happen today?
they said we should make sure we check
every blue cab that passes our area.
Every blue taxi.
They said we must check it very well.
But you and I have known
each other for a long time.
But I'm just doing my work.
- You too know now.
- Let's go to the hospital.
Hospital? What actually is wrong with you?
Mr. Risi, forget that.
Er, come. Sule.
Were you not in...
- You were a nurse in the army that year.
- Yes.
Come and check what's wrong with Dorigho.
Come and check him. Be fast.
What do you think you're doing?
I'm a nurse.
- I can help them.
- I don't have time.
- I don't have time. Do you understand?
- They will bleed out.
I don't have time.
Do you understand what that means?
I just told you that I have your sister
and you blindly followed me.
Were you lying to me?
Were you lying to me?
Whether or not I was lying to you...
is left to be seen.
I didn't ask you to stop.
I think the fuel has finished
or something.
Are you crazy? What are you
talking about? It's a full tank.
But it's not moving.
Try again.
Open the bonnet.
I don't have time.
You're going the wrong way.
Why... are you stressing me?
Ada, it's Cheeka.
Ada. Ada say something.
Move. Say something. Anything.
You really should stop that.
I swear, if you fall,
it will be very funny.
What did you do to my sister?
What did you do to my sister?
There you are.
Did you sleep well?
What did you do to her?
She saw you and got some fight in her.
Now we shouldn't let
that happen again, should we?
Don't worry.
Everything will be over soon.
She isn't moving. Why?
I paralyzed her
with my own home blend of algal toxins.
Made from... guess what?
Guess what?
Barracuda fish.
I know.
Who would have thought, that fish
which we so relish as a delicacy
would harbor such
dangerous substance?
The wonders... ah... wonders of the world.
You're a fucking psychopath.
Who screwed you up?
Was it your parents?
I'm sure that your mother tortured you...
Listen to me.
Under no circumstance should you, ever,
mention my mommy, again.
They say creation begins at conception,
which is where life begins.
In other words, mothers are gods.
They exist way before life begins.
Do you understand?
You see,
last year, on a bright Sunday morning,
just like every other day.
Mommy woke up very happy.
On this day, she danced
and danced around the house.
I remember thinking to myself,
"How could someone be so... perfect?"
She wore a beautiful dress,
With her high heels, of course.
She never goes anywhere without them.
And while we drove to church,
she chatted away in her usual...
her usual manner.
And then she brought out her red lipstick.
And before she put it on,
she said my favorite words.
"You know a woman
is incomplete without a red lipstick."
And while she said those words,
the lipstick dropped
from her hands, mistakenly.
While trying to pick it up,
being restrained
by the seatbelt, she took it off.
All... I saw... was her...
flying through the windshield.
What does that have to do with us?
I don't want to hurt you.
You need to understand.
And how am I supposed to believe that?
Cheeka, listen.
Don't you dare
call my name
like you know me, you bastard.
The world is loud.
It's too noisy.
No one
takes a moment to
just listen to the rushing wind.
Or even the laughter from a little baby.
Or even the smell,
the rising smell of harmattan.
But mommy,
mommy knew how to enjoy this world.
She knew how to just shut it and enjoy.
Because she still was an angel.
So kind.
She was mother to everyone.
Now tell me,
why will someone so kind,
someone so sweet,
leave us so easily
while there are evil,
terrible human beings
walking the streets everywhere?
I decided to fix it.
Fix what?
What would you do?
What would you do?
If you had the power,
the power to recall a soul?
Your mother's soul.
What would you do?
To give her a chance,
another chance to hear your voice.
Your annoying sweet voice.
Are you trying to tell me
that you think you can raise
your mother back from the dead?
Dorigho, just...
Just let me out of the chair. Okay?
Let's talk about it.
Let's figure it out together.
Look who's calling
my name now like we are friends.
Halima Tango
was born on the 30th day of August.
All I needed to do
was conjure the souls of thirty
women in exchange for hers.
So I figured,
why not be as random as possible?
So choosing the 30th person
every day seemed a fair algorithm.
So you see, Cheeka,
I didn't choose your sister.
Fate did.
And Ada!
Oh, Ada is perfect.
She will turn 30
on the 30th of August just like mommy.
- You just...
- Ouch
Just think about this.
Is this what your mother would want?
For you to become a murderer?
I will do anything.
Anything to bring her back.
This is insane!
They say insanity
is doing the same thing over and over,
and over again,
and expecting a different result.
I haven't done this before.
I'm looking forward to it.
This is insane.
It's not going to work.
At 12 a.m.
the soul of Ada
will evacuate into this pot
and the eyes of Halima will snap open.
When I met you at Kilometer 17,
I had no other plans
even though you were my 30th customer.
Your feistiness got to me.
I saw an element of myself in you.
I wanted you by my side.
Let me take her place.
And who will I marry?
Besides you have a gun wound.
To think that I would ever marry you.
You know what? Use me instead.
Let me take her place.
You still don't get
how this works, do you?
Mommy died by accident,
and so every sacrifice must die by same.
That's why you hit her with your car.
Untie her.
It's done.
At the clock of 12,
your sister will be gone.
So give me the gun.
Hello, Ada.
No one is coming.
You have to save yourself.
I'm here.
I'm here.
She's home now, mom.
I found her.
We're safe.
And I'll take care of her.
Don't worry.
We'll be back.
I love you, mom.
It's okay.