Know Mercy (2025) Movie Script


[low, somber music]
[birds chirping]
You can run, but you can't hide
from what you are.
Now, you're an abomination
in defiance of
the natural law of God!
Did you really think I wouldn't
find out about you?
[both panting]
Stay here.
Okay. Wait, where are you going?
He won't stop,
not unless I do something.
Be smart.
Why don't you come out now and
make it easy on yourself?
[dogs barking]
And I even promise
to take it easy
on that pretty gal of yours.
[suspenseful music]
Spread out.
What about the woman?
She ain't never coming out
of these woods.
[music turns ominous]
[hitching breaths]
[fighting grunts]
[ominous music builds]
-[gunshot booms]
[body thuds]
[tense music]
[gunshots popping]
[grunts with effort]
[fighting grunts]

[Edna] Don't!
[choking gurgles]
[death gasp]
Edna! Edna!
Edna, I love you, baby, please.
-[Edna moans]
-Stay with me. Stay with me.
-Stay with me.
-[Edna sobs]
Please? I can't do this life
without you.
Go. Go. [gasping]
-Get out of here.
-I can't.
Go! Get out of here.
Run! Run!
-I love you so much.
[man] Don't let him
get away!
[dogs barking]
[dramatic music]

[reverent music]
Father Thomas,
didn't even hear you.
Sorry, did I interrupt?
No. No.
Just lost in my thoughts.
Trust me.
It's a much-needed interruption.
You know, I've seen you in here
countless of times,
seeming the weight
of the world on your shoulders.
My only prayer for you is that
your burdens be lightened.
Yeah, well the burden
is just a curse of a man
who doesn't know who he is,
or what it's all for.
Come with me, my son.
Now tell me the thoughts
that's been plaguing your heart.
I've been having
those visions again,
of the ghost of who I was,
but with no real understanding
as to why I'm still here.
Hmm, I see, have a seat.
[Father Thomas sighs]
[Hanokh] Death has been
avoiding me.
He hasn't paid me a visit
in over 600 years now.
[Father Thomas sighs heavily]
When will this end?
My thoughts are when you
what you were sent here to do.
And what is that, exactly?
I can only imagine
what you're going through,
but I can sense
the time is near.
[gentle music]
-A soup, please?
-Miso soup, okay.
And what else
would you recommend?
You know what?
The kimchi fried rice
is actually my favorite.
-I would recommend that.
Yeah, it's a little bit
spicy, but...
-Oh, that's--
-[sound muted by window]
[muffled hum of voices]
Oh, Hanokh.
[Edna laughs softly]
[laughs softly]
My love, you know I love you
in a place where
there is no space or time.
[Edna sighs]
Would you do me the honor
of being my wife?
Yes. [laughs]
-[both laugh]
[both laughing]
[Edna] Oh!
[Hanokh] Hmm!
[Edna sighs]
-I love you.
I love you, too.
My love.
[cutlery clinks]
-Hey, Hanokh.
-Good to see you.
-Good to see you, too.
-You want the usual?
-Am I that predictable?
It's not a bad thing.
[bell dinging]
The food isn't gonna deliver
itself, Alicia.
I swear I hear that damn bell
ringing in my nightmares.
Can you move any slower?
Oh my God, Janet. I'm coming.
[low hum of conversation]
[Father Thomas]
Find a reason each day
to make life more enjoyable,
and in due time,
all will be revealed.
Here you are. The usual.
Wow, thank you.
Is everything good?
Yeah. Everything's okay.
I mean, it's just one
of them days, I guess.
And Janet doesn't make
it any easier.
This place is practically empty,
but in her mind,
we're in a lunch rush.
Well, I mean, at least
20 people have walked by.
One's bound to come in.
Oh. So, are you taking her side?
-[both laugh]
I'm just saying,
if you stay ready,
you don't have to get ready.
I hope so, because, uh,
we need the business.
Well, I'm doing my part.
I see.
So you're trying to keep me
gainfully employed,
-is what you're saying?
-Oh, absolutely.
[bell dinging]
[Janet] Come on, hey. Move it.
What, Janet?
-There's no food.
-I know there's no food.
But, uh, while you're flirting
with your new boyfriend,
your old boyfriend's
about to take your car.
-Alicia, I cannot have you
bringing your drama to work.
It's bad for the business.
I'm sorry, I'll handle it.
You said you would
handle it last time.
-I'll get rid of him.
-You do that.
Rob, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Just getting my car, Alicia.
Here's the rest of your stuff.
-Now give me my key.
-What are you talking about?
This is my car.
It's in my name.
[Robert] Who makes the payments
on the car?
Me! Yeah, this is my car.
-It doesn't belong to you.
-[Alicia] Stop!
You're hurting me. Let go of me!
-Let go of me!
-[Robert] I let go of nothing!
-Give me my key.
-Stop! You're hurting me.
-Or what? Or what?
[Alicia whimpers]
What's this?
I think you should leave.
-Mind your business.
-[Alicia] No!
Rob! Are you okay?
Are you okay?
-Girl, get off me.
-[Alicia whimpers]
Oh, your hand is bleeding.
Come on.
It's okay.
-[knife thunks]
-[Alicia] No!
-[Robert grunts]
-What did you do?
-[Alicia sobs]
-[Hanokh groans]
Rob, what did you do?
[somber music]
God! Alic--
-I just wanted my key!
-[Hanokh groans]
Don't just stand there.
Someone call 9-1-1!
Please! [sobbing]
[Hanokh groans] It's okay.
-Just take me home.
No, we gotta get you
to the hospital.
-I just need to go.
[Alicia] No, no, no.
You gotta keep applying
pressure on it.
-No! No, no, no.
[grunting with effort]
["Wait for Me"
by Anita Tatlow]
And the winds bring
Spinning round my head
Would you wait for me?
Would you wait for me?
[Hanokh] I didn't know
where else to go.
[Father Thomas]
You did the right thing.
But your secret must remain.
[suspenseful music]
Oh! Ah, ah,
you need to rest, child.
[Alicia] Back!
Ah! Okay, now she's about
to threaten us
with Bible scriptures.
This is getting
quite entertaining.
You're safe here.
Just try to relax.
So what's the plan now, huh?
To get rid of me?
-I would never harm you.
I don't even know
who or what you are.
Just calm down.
We'll explain everything, and--
we are at Mercy Cathedral
on West Adams.
Okay? You fainted.
Who are you really, Hanokh?
[mysterious music]
I wish I knew.
-Let me see your hand.
-My hand is fine.
But I have a feeling you already
knew that, didn't you?

I have the ability to self-heal.
But never until today had I seen
it work on anyone else.
This is quite remarkable,
Is this some kind of, like,
sadist cult or something
with this creepy priest?
Well, that wasn't necessary.
Well, I'm out.
And don't try to stop me.
I'll just leave you to y'all
Black Harry Potter stuff.
Ah. Ah.
Let her go.
Let her digest in her own way.
She'll return soon.
Do I come off
as a creepy priest?
Is that...
I just-- I don't want
that to be my thing.

[gentle music]
Excuse me!

But the procedure
was pre-approved.
So why is the claim
still being denied?
We already submitted
the additional paperwork.
Okay. Well, then, why
are we still getting denied?
Well, then speak
to the hospital.
[Hannah sighs]
Okay. Thank you.
[sighs heavily]
What'd they say?
What they always say.
"Claim denied."
"Claim pending."
Meanwhile, these bills
are piling up.
What are we gonna do?
I'm just so...
I'm just so tired.
I'm sorry.
I really am.
I know you are.
But that doesn't really
help us right now.
[sighs] I just...
I don't get it, you know, like,
wasn't the whole point
of you quitting
so that Medicare would cover
these medical bills?
I know.
I just didn't expect you
to lose your job.
[sighs heavily]
Speaking of jobs.
Any luck?
Got a new contact down
at the new plant,
and they are looking for
engineers with experience,
so, it might be something.
That could be something.
Not helping.
[scoffs] We are so far past
waiting on "could be something."
You need to take
anything you can get.
You do see these bills, right?
You know I'm trying.
No dinner?
[Hannah] With what groceries?
What happened to the $100
I gave you
at the beginning of last week?
I fed our family.
Just how far
do you think $100 goes
when we literally owe
thousands, Arnold?
And that's my fault, too.
Like everything else.
Will you please
lower your voice?
Trevor is sleeping.
Maybe I should just ask
for my job back.
Baby, stop.
I'll find something, okay?
I will.
Plus Trevor needs you here
with him, right?
It'll be okay.
[Hannah sighs tearfully]
It'll be okay.
But these medical expenses
are piling up.
And his doctor wants
to start him on immunotherapy.
I can barely get Medicaid
to cover his meds now.
What are we gonna do?
[sobbing quietly]
Arnold, I can't lose
my baby boy.
[sobs] I can't.
Hey. Hey.
Look at me.
We won't.
We will not.
I won't let that happen.
I promise.
[Hannah sobs quietly]
[somber music]
I promise.

[music turns sinister]
Got him! [chuckles]
[deep indrawn breath]
[pained cries]
[moaning, panting]
-[Victor panting]
I asked not to be disturbed.
-You have a visitor.
-[Victor] Tell him I'm busy.
He says he has it.
-He found it?
-[Dave] Yes.
After all this time?
Bring him in!
[Victor gasping, groaning]
[pills rattle]
Welcome back.
I'd almost given up.
Ah! I take it
Mesopotamia was good.
I found it.
[latches click]
After all this time?
[dramatic music]
[Victor laughs maniacally]
Oh, Hanokh.
I found you.
Now we begin.
[cackles wildly]
[dogs barking]
[suspenseful music]
[Hanokh] What?
[Arnold] Gimme all your cash.
[Hanokh] Hey, man.
You don't want to do this.
[dogs barking]
You don't know what I wanna do.
I know that you don't want
to stumble upon
an accidental ass-whupping.
Man, how'd you know it was me?
What you mean?
I can smell you.
Who else wants that much
Old Spice in 2024?
Admit it, though, I had you
a little bit scared, tough guy.
-[Hanokh] No.
-Especially when I slipped you
-around that corner back there.
Look, next time
you creep up on someone,
you need to bring
your CPAP machine.
Classy. Sleep apnea joke.
-Heard you around every corner.
-[Arnold] Classy.
That's gonna cost you
at least two rounds.
[Hanokh laughs]
Well worth it.
[both laughing]
You weren't even close.
A lot closer than you want
to give me credit for, man.
Heavy-breathing looking, so.
What, I'm not supposed
to breathe?
Just 'cause you skinny, bro.
-It's not--
Not really the same thing, man.
What'll it be, Arnold?
The usual? Bud Light?
That sounds great, Louie. Yeah.
-What about you, Hanokh?
-I'll do the same, Louie.
All right.
So, how's it been, man?
I feel like I haven't seen you
in weeks.
Well, you know,
life been lifin'.
What about that job interview
you had?
How'd that go?
Gave it to somebody else.
Oh! I'm sorry, man.
I feel like that doesn't even
make sense.
It shouldn't even be a thing.
Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
But it is.
Ah. I don't know.
It don't make sense.
Just imagine telling a doctor.
Or a pilot.
You can't fly no more.
You got too much experience.
Well, maybe it's a sign.
You know, I've been telling you
to go into business for yourself
for a while now.
I don't got funds for that.
Especially with all this
medical stuff going on.
How's Trevor?
I see.
I see.
It's tearing my family
apart, man.
Every day.
I can see that Hannah believes
in me a little bit less.
[diners chatter]
Makes me think about going back
to the streets, to be honest.
Nah. Nah, come on, man.
Look, things will get lighter.
All right?
And if-- if they don't,
in the meantime,
I told you, I got you.
Nah, man.
I'm not your charity case.
[chuckles] Charity?
Come on, Arnold.
What's it been, six years since
we met each other?
Right here,
in this same exact bar?
And you've had my back
ever since.
I'm sure it's nothing.
I'll talk to Louie.
We can organize an event
Something. Just to help
get you on your feet.
A GoFundMe, right?
Thanks, man. It means a lot.
[bottles clinking]
[energetic rock music]
You shouldn't have woke
the bear.
Yeah! [laughs] A bear!
Bear! Bear!
You shouldn't have been a tease.
Oh! [laughs] Tease!
Excuse me?
You heard me, coming in here
dressed like that.
You know what's going on.
Let's see what the rest
of that tattoo looks like.
[fighting grunts]
Hands off me, bro.
Why don't you read
the room, buddy?
There's two of us
and only one of you.
That almost makes
it a fair fight.
-You should have a seat.

[Hanokh grunts]
Ah! [groans]
[fighting grunts]
[choking gurgle]
[choking gurgles]
[Arnold] Hanokh. Remember.
Let him go! Let him go!
-Come on.
-Get out of here!
I'm calling the cops right now!
-[Hanokh groans]
[Arnold] Bro!
Hanokh! Dude!
Yo, you must've been sure--
Hey, wait up, man!
Yo! Yo, what--
Yo-- your face!
How? I--
I just-- I just seen glass cut--
Arnold knows.
I know you cautioned against it,
and it's your number one rule.
But he knows now.
I had to.
Rules are meant to be broken.
And I think it's now time for
everyone to be on the same page.
[gentle music]
Hmm, this is a lot to take in.
I felt just like you
when I first found out.
So, are you some kind of angel?
I wish I knew more, but I only
have that one memory.
[male voice]
I have a mission for you.
I'm sending you to Earth.
Is it time yet?
[male voice] In time.
Well, what does that mean?
-I don't know.
-Time for what?
-What mission?
-Don't know.
All my memories now
begin in the year 1526.
During a time of great mourning.
I can only imagine the knowledge
you must possess.
[chuckles] I do.
But I try not to interfere
with each generation's
capacity for learning.
For example, there's a group
of people out there right now
who still don't know
their true identities.
That will be revealed
in its season.
Well, when you first got here,
where were you?
A place called Babel.
For some reason,
it felt like home.
[reverent music]
[Alicia laughs]
-Are you okay?
-Uh, yeah.
-You kinda dozed off there.
I think I'm gonna go
lie down for a bit.
Yeah, that sounds for the best.
Father, he's quite
the mystery, isn't he?
That he is.
But every mystery
changes when solved.
Did you know that Babel,
when translated from Hebrew
to English, means Babylon?
You speak Hebrew?
[scoffs] Perhaps?
Another thing I found unique
was Hanokh's name.
Yeah, me too,
but I didn't want to ask.
I just assumed he was African,
you know?
His name, translated,
means Enoch.
Wait, wait, like--
like, Enoch, Enoch?
From the Bible, Enoch.
The man that walked with God,
and didn't see death?
Definitely one of the biblical
I would have never guessed
that the seemingly quiet man
that came in at least
five times a week
to my diner was a...
you know, I-- I really
still don't know what
to define him as.
So you really mean to tell me
that a man that came
to your diner frequently
for stale fruit pie
and sour coffee
didn't seem a bit odd?
Seems to me that he was
in search for something else.
You know, I may like a glass
of that tea as well, Father.
It's delightful.
[gentle music]

[buttons click]
[music turns ominous]
Look, don't keep me
waiting, Arnold,
You know what's at stake.
Stop stalling.
Do you really trust him
to come through?
What I trust is I've given him
the proper motivation.
His son?
So-- Ah!
-[pained cries]
-Hey! Hey!
-Ah! My head!
-Take it easy.
[ominous music]
You know, but in time,
he'll heal, and...
[Hanokh groans]
Welcome back, sleepyhead.
Well, today has been
eventful, for sure.
But I do think I'll be heading
out soon.
Oh, um, Alicia, we were just
talking about your pursuit
for lodging, correct?
I mean, I've just been
in between places
since me and my ex, you know.
Yeah, well, fortunately enough,
um, Hanokh here happens
to have an apartment, you know,
with an extra room that
happens to be rotting away.
-I do?
-You do, remember the one?
I-- I do.
Alicia, you're more than welcome
to crash at mine's.
Um, no charge, of course.
At least until you get back
on your feet.
I mean, yeah, I guess I can too
offer some of my
investigative skills.
-I can help you find out
more about yourself.
You know, if you're sure
I wouldn't be putting you out.
He's sure.
I'm sure.
[Father Thomas] Yeah.
[Alicia] Okay.
Well, don't threaten me
with a good time.
Let's do it.
[gentle music]
Victor, your last PET scan
wasn't positive.
I was hoping the radiation
would be able to control
the original mass,
but unfortunately,
that hasn't been the case.
I'm afraid the seizures
will continue to increase
in frequency and severity
until the tumor metastasizes.
How long?
I can't truthfully
give you a timeline.
Could be a few months,
maybe less, maybe more.
But I do want you to reconsider
taking the Dilantin.
No, no, no.
I can't function on it.
It's the only way
to control the seizures.
Okay, we could try you
on another anticonvulsant
-if you'd like.
-I said no.
There are other alternatives
to traditional chemotherapy.
See, you could be a good
candidate for Avastin,
which has shown some signs
of success in reducing
inflammation in the brain.
There are also experimental
trials that we--
Is this really
why I'm paying you?
These are your best options?
Turning me into a goddamn
lab rat?
Look, it's my responsibility
to try and preserve
-your quality of life.
-Get out.
Please reconsider taking
the Dilantin.
Get out!
[somber music]
Have a seat.
[Arnold] Victor.
I was going to say that
family life suits you,
but see that isn't true.
Ah, well, I do wish I was seeing
you under better circumstances.
Well, ah!
Now that the pleasantries
are over with,
I have an assignment for you.
I meant it when I told you
I gave up this life.
Hmm. I'm sorry to hear
about your son.
[tense music]
If you know about Trevor,
then you know that he is
the only reason that I'm here.
It's one deal, then I'm out.
Of course you are.
You ever think karma's
catching up with us
for all the things we've done?
No, not at all.
You see, that's always been
the difference with us.
You ask life for permission.
Me, on the other hand,
I command it.
What I'm offering you
is worth more
than what's in that envelope.
What I'm offering you
is the possibility of a cure
for your son.
What are you talking about?
I've created a mechanism
that quantifies
spontaneous healing
as a precursor to immortality.
Until recently, I was missing
an integral part.
[Arnold] Hanokh?
I-- I-- I don't understand.
What does he have to do
with anything?
He has to do with everything.
Now, if you're not up for it,
I can find someone.
It-- He's--
He's just a friend of mine.
All right? I--
I'm not comfortable with
what you're asking.
Wait a minute.
Did-- Did I make a mistake
in thinking that your family
and your son took precedent
over everyone else?
Hmm, well,
that won't happen again.
Dave here will see you out.
Ah! Get off me.
[Victor] Oh, come now, Arnold.
Don't embarrass yourself.
You touch me again,
it's gonna be the last
thing you do.
Sit down.
You know, I think you need
to re-evaluate your priorities.
I'm offering you enough money to
help take care of your family.
All you have to do is put
this into any beverage.
It's tasteless.
It's odorless.
-Simple job.
-What is this?
-Date rape?
Oh, come now, Arnold.
Don't be so pedestrian.
It's a tranquilizer.
Mix that into Hanokh's drink,
and let's say it'll make him
a little more docile.
And from the looks of you,
you can use the assistance.
When you're done,
bring him to me.
You think now is the right
time to do this?
Do you need to be reminded
of who I am?
No. I know, I know.
I-- I just don't want
to rush into a job
without the proper prep.
That's how mistakes are made,
and-- and things just go wrong.
What happened to you?
When did you become so weak?
You lived for the hunt.
Honestly, I-- I don't understand
why you're needlessly sitting
here letting your son suffer
when I'm offering you a cure.
You used to be the best.
[ominous music]
I still am.
Prove it.
[upbeat music]
[Hanokh humming softly]
Don't stop on my account.
Oh, I'm just getting started.
-[Hanokh laughs]
-Okay, cooking, dancing.
What else don't I know
about you?
What do you want to know?
Well, what was that move called?
Oh. Oh, this right here?
This is called a box step.
See, before the 1900s,
dancing was way more formal.
So I would come up to you,
and I would ask
for your dance card,
and if you accepted, well,
we'd waltz across
the dance floor.
There you go.
[both laugh]
Now I know you ain't seen
nothing yet.
See, the Roaring '20s, that
brought about the Flapper Era,
so you had the Black Bottom,
and-- Bah! The Charleston.
Hey! Hey! [laughs]
Oh! And you know what our
friends in Cuba were doing
while this was going on?
Um, hopefully something
that involves sitting.
Salsa-- ah, ah! And the mambo.
Come on, give it a try.
Bah! Bah! Bah!
Ah! I'm sorry.
-I have two right feet.
-It's okay.
It's all in the hips. See?
One, two, cha-cha-cha.
One, two, cha-cha-cha.
One, two, cha-cha-cha.
There you go, that's it.
I know you know what came next.
Tap dancing, and the Moonwalk.
-[Alicia] Oh.
-Don't ask me to do that one.
You know, a lot of people
think of Michael Jackson
when they think of the Moonwalk,
but the innovator was
actually Bill Bailey
at the Apollo Theater in 1955.
And I know you know
what came after that.
A disco classic movie,
Saturday Night Fever.
Yeah, I-- I saw that movie,
and I definitely
don't do disco, so.
Come on, you can give me
your best disco.
Let's see it.
[laughs] Oh!
Maybe disco isn't your thing.
But, uh, I know you know
what came next.
-Oh, okay.
-Uh-huh, come on, with the--
-Mm! Nine-nines,
-and two thousands.
Getting my ones out.
Go Hanokh.
Not your ones out.
Okay, that's what you got, huh?
Yeah, who can't keep up now?
-Oh, check this out. What you--
Oh, check this one out. Oh!
-Okay. Okay.
Ohh! Ohh!
-Hey! Hey!
[both laughing]
Um... [laughs]
I think I'm going to be sore
from today's history lesson.
Yeah, you know what, me too.
But I hope you worked up
an appetite.
Oh, I'm from the South.
I can always eat.
From the South, huh?
Well, what brought you out here?
Uh, actually, Robert.
My ex. Uh...
-I think y'all met.
You know, I'll never understand
why men bring knives and guns
to a fistfight.
It's cowardly.
He wasn't always like that.
There was a time when he
actually took my breath away.
What happened?
The usual cliches. I mean...
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I'm not proud of it, but...
I stepped out.
You're surprised that a woman
would be unfaithful?
I mean, it's usually
the last line
that she's ready
to leave, and I was.
Well, why not just leave?
Why cheat?
I couldn't afford to move out.
I know that's not the answer
you want to hear, but...
It's honest.
Well, I'm sorry that he didn't
make you feel treasured.
Because you should always
feel that way.
Nothing less, Alicia.
And I'm also sorry
that he made you feel
like that was your only way out.
Um, but enough
about my love life.
Uh, what about you?
Was there ever a Mrs. Hanokh?
[somber music]
Her name was Edna.
I'm sure she was very special.
She was.
And I loved her.
Losing her was the closest
I ever felt to dying.
It must feel like a curse
to see everyone you love
grow old and-- and leave you.
You know...
I don't really see it that way.
Because the alternative would be
just to never know love,
and I can't imagine
living like that.
Hope you still got
that appetite.
[Victor] So,
what is he doing now?
He has company.
[Victor] Okay, good.
-A woman.
-[Victor] Keep your eyes on him.
[Victor] In case Arnold
gets cold feet.
Of course.
Your turn.
Oh, man.
You don't have a blue
or a three?
You're carryin' half the deck.
Don't cheat!
I guess reading minds wasn't one
of Enoch's powers, was it?
Let me guess where
you got that from.
Father Thomas.
Mm. I figured as much.
You know, I've been doing
some reading,
and, um... I've got some
theories of my own.
Okay. This should be good.
Enoch in the Bible understood
God's compassion
for His children,
-the good and the wicked.
So maybe that's your mission,
to understand
His love for mankind.
But I already
understand God's love.
Well, it says here
that he also
interceded on behalf
of fallen angels.
So... maybe you have
to help someone.
Oh, my God.
Do I gotta worry
about Lucifer showing up?
No, I think you're good.
Trust me, if he didn't reveal
himself to me during slavery,
I don't see him
paying me a visit now.
Hmm. Well,
maybe you're an alien,
whose parents sent him
to Earth for safety.
Mm. You know what?
I think you're getting me
confused with Superman.
[knocking at door]
-One second.
Come in.
-What took you so long?
-Hi, brother.
I wasn't expecting you.
That's what took me so long.
Sorry, man.
I was in the neighborhood.
-Thought I'd stop by.
-Of course.
I see you got company, though.
I-- I can catch you later,
bro, it's--
Hey. It's all good.
Come on in.
-Alicia, Arnold.
Where I'm from, we give hugs.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, too.
Please, have a seat.
Um, can I get you
a drink or anything?
We have some.
Would you-- would you like one?
It's actually why I came.
I got a new job.
Congratulations, man.
You know what?
-That deserves a toast.
-Let me get you a drink.
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
-I got it. I got it.
-Okay. Thank you.
I'm going to get you a drink.
-Thank you. This is all right.
-I got it. I got it.
-You got it?
-[Alicia] Yeah.
-Yeah, I got it.
[eerie electronic music]
So, um, how did, uh...
you and Hanokh meet?
How y'all--
y'all know each other?
From my diner.
He, uh, came to my rescue
twice in a week, so...
And he's letting me crash here
while I figure things out, so.
Of course.
That sounds just like Hanokh.
So, um, I see y'all playing--
Uno. Yeah.
He was just losing, actually.
-Don't believe her.
I was one match away
from calling Uno.
I think she cheats.
I do not cheat.
I don't know.
All right.
[Hanokh] Here you go.
Thank you, brother.
-All right.
-Thank you so much. Uh, just--
Yeah. Cheers.
-To things always working--
-Oh no!
Oh, it's okay.
It's okay. Um, you know what?
-I'm so sorry.
-Did it get on you?
-No, no. I'm good.
-I'm so sorry.
Let me go grab
some napkins, okay?
All right. You know what?
Hey, I should be leaving anyway.
-[Hanokh] You sure, brother?
-Yeah. I-- I should've called.
I just was in the neighborhood.
It's-- it's all good, bro.
I'm-- I'm really sorry
about that. I got to get home.
You know, Trevor
and everything. Um...
It's nice to meet you. Brother.
-Gonna see you soon.
-Nice to meet you.
I'm sorry about the mess.
-Get back to your thing.
-Of-- of course.
-Uh, uh...
-And congratulations again.
[ominous music]
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[phone vibrating]
-[Victor] Don't hello me.
He wasn't alone,
so I had to--
-[Victor] What's happened?
-She grabbed a drink--
[Victor] I'm hearing excuses,
when what I'm looking for
is results.
I think it's time for Plan B.
-Plan B?
-[Victor] We'll talk in person.
-[phone beeping]
[gentle piano music]
Can you just work
my shift for me?
-Unfortunately, I can't.
Because then I would
set a standard,
and they wouldn't want you back.
Okay. Well, you know what?
You can just have my job.
You can take it.
Speaking of, looks like
this is your stop.
Thank you for walking me.
I really hate
working the late shift.
Look, if Robert
or anyone tries--
No, no. It's not that.
It's... it's something else.
Like, it sounds weird
to say out loud,
but sometimes I feel like
I'm having a premonition.
Like, for instance,
I remember one time I had
a dream about my Aunt Trina
drowning in a freak accident.
She couldn't swim?
Well, she wasn't in water.
She had a heart attack
while watching Jaws.
Okay, well, that hardly
counts as premonition.
Whatever. I'm telling you,
be careful.
Okay. I'll be sure to avoid
any deep-sea movies tonight.
I'm serious.
Like, I'm really serious.
All right.
-Have a good shift.
-Oh, sure.
["Wait for Me" by Anita Tatlow]
The sun dance of daylight
Would you wait for me?

[tense music]
[menacing music]
[horns honking]
[tires screeching]

Through, coming through!
[horn honking]

[door opening]
[Hanokh panting]
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's going on?
-I'm being chased by two men.
Did they see you come in here?
No. No, I don't think so.
I lost them about a mile back.
[sighs] You have
to be more careful.
You both know what happens
when people find out
about you, Hanokh.
Come on.
[eerie percussive music]
Where have you been?
Hiding from your failure?
I ain't know what
I was gonna say to you.
Hmm. And you do now.
Tell me why I just
shouldn't have you killed.
Because you still need me.
Oh, don't flatter yourself.
You're convenient,
and you're cheap.
Hey, listen to me, man.
So, Hanokh is...
He's-- he's very...
-He's very cautious.
He don't go
a whole bunch of public places.
He don't--
never have his guard down.
His-- his apartment
is locked up like a fortress.
But I got access to him.
And that's how
you take out somebody like that,
with they trust.
And you have his trust.
Yeah, I do.
Maybe I won't kill you.
Listen, I can...
I can help you
if you just give me a chance.
I'm shifting my approach.
I've had Hanokh
followed for a few days,
and he has a waitress,
that's, uh, Alicia,
that's staying with him. Hmm.
I'm fascinated by
the fact that someone
with such unmitigated power
tends to lead
such a boring existence.
Why is he so important to you?
You never told me.
He's an enigma.
A man that can heal himself,
and never dies.
Can you imagine
the possibilities
if we could harvest
his blood plasma?
I didn't know how
to harness his gift
until I witnessed the other day,
when his blood reversed
the injuries of a woman.
Think about that, Arnold.
His blood is the key.
Because his blood heals.
Exactly. Now,
think about Trevor.
You really think
this could help him?
More than help him.
I believe it can heal him.
And Alicia is how we get to him.
Why Alicia?
Because she's his only weakness.
All right,
you guys, get home safe.
Don't forget to set
the alarm when you lock up,
and, uh, don't hang around
here too late.
Did you want me to hang back
and wait around for you?
Uh, no, I'll be good.
I'll just be
right behind you guys.
I gotta get my keys in the back.
All right, see you tomorrow.
[bell dinging]
[lock clicks]
[rattling sound]
It's good, Alicia,
it's good -- [screaming]
Stop, stop, stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
No, no, no!
[screams] Stop. Stop!
Help, help! Please help!
Help! There's a guy!
He was trying to
come after me! Arnold?
-Get in!
-Oh, thank God it's you.
Please go!
-Who was that?
-I don't know, just go!
All right, all right.

Oh, man, please pull over.
What? Why?
Arnold, please,
I think I'm getting sick.
Oh, oh-- okay.
[ominous music]
I need to get back to Hanokh.
Why don't you just
tell me what's going on?
I already told you,
I don't know.
I really don't know
what I would have done
if you didn't
come along back there.
-Thank you.
-Yeah, I-- I got you.
Wait. What were
you doing back there anyway?
Oh, I was, um...
I was just, you know...
-Y-- yo! Ay!
[Alicia screaming]
[Alicia moans, falls silent]
What the hell?
Was this really necessary?
You were taking too long.
She was getting suspicious.
The point is that
she don't suspect me, man.
She's not stupid.
All right,
I stepped up because
I don't trust you
to get the job done.
And I don't want you
to drop the ball again.
It's not what we discussed.
Yeah, change of plan.
Ay! Hanokh can never know
I knew about this, man.
You're worried about
the wrong thing, brother.
For a little piece of advice,
I'd be a little more concerned
about Victor,
and taking care of that
kid of yours.
You don't talk about my son.
What? What are you
gonna do?
What you gonna do, huh?
We got this,
I'm gonna take care of you now.
I don't know about him.
I don't like him.
I don't like the way
he looks at me.
Victor has him on lock.
If you say so.
You buying all this shit,
about Hanokh
being immortal
and being able to heal people?
It's not important what I think.
It's about what Victor believes.
Good chat.
[knocking at door]
Oh, whoa.
Arnold, what happened?
They got Alicia.
What? Who has Alicia?
-Tell-- Tell me what happened.
-I don't-- I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm sorry. I tried to help--
-[phone dinging]
My God, when did he...
2123 Longview Road.
Now. Come alone.
Where you g-- Where you...
-Where you going?
-With you.
Arnold, you need to go home.
Take care of your family.
No, I can't. Not t--
Not 'til I finish this.
Finish what?
I'll tell you everything
in the car.
So you said she was
running from these guys?
Yeah. I-- I didn't realize
it was her at first.
I was on the way to see Trevor
at the hospital.
Why didn't you call me?
It all happened so fast, man.
I-- I-- I jumped out.
I tried to help her.
I-- I didn't see the dude
sneak up behind me, man.
[low, tense music]
I did see them drag her off in--
in a dark truck.
Any chance they were
both wearing black suits?
Yeah. How'd you know?
I had a run-in with them before.
Those guys that chased you.
I didn't say I was chased.
You just did, man.
You just said
you had a run-in with them.
But I didn't say I was chased.
Man, chased, ran. It's implied.
What did you do, Arnold?
What you mean?
I won't ask again.
I know good and damn well
you don't think
I had something to do with
all of this.
Pull over.
Bro, you just worried,
and your mind is everywhere--
I said, pull over!
All right. Okay.
Calm down, okay?
-I'm your friend.
-Are you?
Is this about money?
Money that I said
I would happily give you?
I promise it's not
what it looks like, okay?
They said
they wouldn't hurt her.
Who said they won't hurt her?
How could you do this?
How could you do this, man?
You were one of the few
people I trusted.
I trusted you.
You know what, man? I...
I told you about my whole life.
Hey, you just told
me about yours today.
-After six years!
-No, don't do this.
-Don't try and turn this on me.
Who's been lying?
You ain't never
been a father, man.
You can't understand, okay?
I didn't have a choice.
Don't try and use
Trevor, either.
This is on you, Arnold.
You're a snake.
It doesn't make any sense,
because I would have
done anything for you.
But you didn't!
You didn't, Hanokh!
He's my son, man!
Okay, look, yo, no.
Listen, I don't give a damn
how you feel about me right now.
I'm the only way that you will
get Alicia back, all right?

You need me.
You better pray she's okay.
I promise she is fine.
They just want you, okay?
Let's go.
[ominous music]
Ah! I wouldn't
do that if I were you.
What have you done to her?
She's a vital component.
Component to what?
What does Alicia
have to do with this?
Alicia may
hold the key to unlocking
the mechanism by which
your power manifests.
Hanokh. Hanokh, what's--
what's happening to me?
-What's going on?
-[Hanokh] It's me, Alicia.
-Please help me! Help me.
-Everything's going to be okay.
going to be okay, okay?
I'm not going to let
anything happen to you.
-Oh, I'm scared.
-Well, that is really moving.
I mean, touching, even.
Hanokh, believe it or not,
I'm somewhat of a fan.
-[electric buzzing]
Stop, just stop, okay?
That was a warning.
There won't be a second chance.
Now let's just play nice here,
and keep our composure.
That way, nobody has to die.
Why are you drawing her blood?
-[Hanokh] For what?
You really don't know, Hanokh?
Alicia healed exactly
as you when she was injured,
which means
the regenerative properties
of your blood initiated
an intercellular response
that repaired her wound.
The catalyst was your blood.
Now, imagine
the implications for science.
Hence, research.
Shut up, Victor!
None of this was the plan!
How's your son today, Arnold?
Yeah, well, maybe it's better
if he doesn't grow up
to find out what a coward
his father turned out to be.
-I am--
-Just-- just stop.
Get off me!
I know how you feel,
why you did what you did.
It's okay.
Yes, let's not forget
about precious little Trevor,
who was waiting on Daddy
to make good decisions.
Well, I guess it's too late
for them, man.
-Go to hell!
-Get that!
-Get the gun!
-[gunshot booms]
[fighting grunts]
[Dave] Tie him up.
Okay, that's enough!
Let's get him strapped in!
And Arnold,
you're going to watch!
["Wait for Me" by Anita Tatlow]
In the dawn
of first light...
Hanokh, what are you doing?
I freely give my life for hers.
I admire you, Hanokh.
Just thinking, another time in
life we could've been friends.
I-- I almost don't want
to do this.
Almost. Get her out of here!
Would you wait for me?
Would you wait for me?
To come home
Look for the light
And you'll know I'm home
Hanokh, please, forgive me.
I'm sorry.
[speaking other language]
To come home
It's okay, Alicia. It's okay.
If there were any other
way to do this-- hmph.
Turn on the machine.
You see by the light
when I am home
[machine whirring]
Lower my core temperature.
My pressure's spiking!
Where the days drift by
Will you wait for me?
[gurgling groans]
[speaking other language]
[piercing scream]
Let's end this now.
[male voice] In time, Enoch.
[Hanokh] Why must we wait?
This world is pure evil.
Your chosen people
are down there suffering,
and they don't
even know who they are.
Look at them,
slaves being badly abused.
[male voice] My son, the age
of grace is coming to an end.
Let it be today.
[male voice] I have
a mission for you.
I'm sending you to Earth.
Please forgive me, Abba.
I now truly understand the love
you have for your people.
One that gives grace and mercy.
One that spares the worthy
and the unworthy alike.
[male voice] You traded
your life for one person.
I traded mine
for all of mankind,
that they could have
an eternal life.
What father
wouldn't lay down his life
for that of his children?
I understand.
I get it now.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love is slow to anger.
Love is forgiveness.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is...
Love is you.
For it is the central
force of all life.
And without it, we would
be left to our own devices.
[male voice] My son, Earth will
not be your final
resting place.
For I wish all of
my children to
return to me and
follow the way.
[monitor flat line beeping]
No. That can't be.
[Alicia sobbing]
Why didn't it work?
[knocking on window]
[sobbing hysterically]
[Alicia sobbing]
You told me you weren't
gonna hurt him.
What did you do?
He's immortal.
He don't look immortal to me.
He look dead.
[sighs heavily]
[monitor flat line beeping]
[flat line beeping ceases]
[ethereal music]
Open the line.
Get a rapid infusion going.
Go, what you doing?
I can't do this anymore.
What, no!
Where do you think you're going?
Dave, Dave, I need your help.
Open the line,
while we still have time.

-[machine beeps]
[Dave groaning]
We could have changed the world.
The father of lies
lives within your heart.
Hanokh, I'm dying.
[choking] Oh!
Why can't I move?
What's your name?
You know my name.
Answer me, demon.
What is your name?
I am called Helel.
Yes, it is I.
Son of Jared.
What do you want?
Look around.
The apple of his eye
is lost again.
And this time, they still don't
know they're in the wilderness.
They're doomed to suffer
the same fate as I.
Don't invoke that name!
Thank you for your mercy
and for your grace.
Thank you for bequeathing
unto us your only son, Yahusha.
[low growling]
You have to know
how this will end.
It was written.
And you have to know
that not only am I taking
this soul, but many more.
Leave the body of this man.
Take the sickness
of your insidious presence,
so that he may know mercy.
You have no authority
over me here.
Then in the name of
the Messiah, Yahusha,
I command thee,
leave his body now!
[struggling screams]
[Hanokh] You've been given
another chance at life.
Don't waste it.
Oh, and one more thing.
Not everything he did
was the demon's fault.
[delicate music]
Have mercy. Have mercy.
Have mercy on me.
Be with your family.
Go home, Arnold.

-Let's get out of here.
-I couldn't agree more.
But what about him?
[chuckles] Leave him.
Yah will deal with him.
[door bangs shut]
Oh, Jesus. Oh...
[gentle music]
Rawr! I'm gonna get you! Aah!
[both laughing]
[Hannah and Trevor laughing]
I don't understand.
I couldn't believe it, either.
I still can't.
He woke up,
and called out to me.
And he just...
He said he had a dream.
And when he woke up,
nothing hurt anymore.
He said that Yahusha healed him.
Thank you.
Why are you crying?
Oh. Uh...
I'm just... happy.
Happy tears?
Definitely happy tears.
[birds chirping]
Is it really over?
Yeah. You're safe now.
He can't hurt you anymore.
Thanks to you.
Where have you been,
and where is your uniform?
You know what, Stacey?
Life's too short.
And matter of fact, I brought
my stuff with me because I quit.
You're gonna regret this.
You got that, Janet?
Do you recognize me?
Of course.
Then you must know why I'm here.
But why now?
After all this time?
His word is written, Hanokh,
and it has been fulfilled.
Your quest is complete.
Please. I just need more time.
You do know that you will
lose her in the end.
I do.
But if I have a choice, I'd like
to stay with her until then.
Please, will He allow me
to stay?
We will see
each other again, Hanokh.
Until then,
you can stay with her.
[Alicia] Whew! Hanokh.
Hanokh. [laughs]
Where'd you go?
I thought I saw an old friend.
Is, uh, everything all right?
["The Best of Them"
by Lauren Evans]
It is now.
Providence has shined on us
I'm reminded
Every time you smile
Call it in to prayer,
a stroke of luck
Just promise, promise
you'll stay a while
It's like my soul's been
searching a lifetime
For a face I thought
existed in only my mind
Come along with me
Let's forget
about our troubles
Write a love story
To rival the best of them
Come along with me
Together we can dream
And write a love story
To rival, rival
the best of them
Ooh, ooh
I could name
a thousand fairy tales
Where two hearts
fight to beat as one
They won't hold up
to what we share
This real love,
true love can't be undone
'Cause when your soul's
been searching a lifetime
(A lifetime)
You'll do anything to hold on
to what you find
Come along with me
What day is it?
July 5th, 2065.
[gentle music]
[Ariel] It's time, Hanokh.
I don't know if I know
how to let her go.
Yes, you do.
Take her hand,
and ask her to take
three deep breaths.
Are you ready, Alicia?
I am.
Okay, we're gonna take
three deep breaths, okay?
["Wait for Me"
by Anita Tatlow]
In the dawn of first light
The sun dance of daylight
Would you wait for me?
As the days dance wildly
And the winds bring
Spinning round my head
Would you wait for me?
Would you wait for me?
[male voice] Enoch, Elijah.
The time has come.
["The Best of Them"
by Lauren Evans]
Come along with me
Let's forget
about our troubles
Write a love story
To rival the best of them
Come along with me
Together we can dream
And write a love story
To rival, rival
the best of them
We can rival
the best of them
Providence has shined
on us
I'm reminded
every time you smile
'Cause when your soul's
been searching a lifetime
You'll do anything to hold on
to what you find
Come along with me
Let's forget about
our troubles
Write a love story
To rival
the best of them
Come along with me
Together we can dream
And write a love story
To rival, rival
the best of them
Together we can dream
And write a love story
To rival the best of them