Kofa (2022) Movie Script

[call to prayer, in Arabic]
God is the greatest.
[machine beeping]
[indistinct chatter from a radio]
[female commander] Can we go closer?
I need to hear the other voices.
Isolate the fourth quadrate,
Oscar Bravo, 18 degrees, level two.
[male voice 1] Ah, did you put
the diamond ring with them?
[commander] Pull out,
they're not talking about the kidnap.
Move to the second location.
We have to find those hostages
before it's too late.
[male voice 2] Yes ma'am.
[gasps, panting]
- [woman 1 yelling] Help!
- [man 1] Shut up!
- [woman 2] Wale, is that you?
- [fly buzzing]
Put on the lighter.
[Wale] I have to ration it.
Where are we?
I wish I knew.
My clothes, they're gone.
- My phone...
- I didn't take them.
- How long have you been awake?
- [Wale laughs]
If you could see in the dark
and maybe have a wristwatch
then you can tell me how
long you've been awake.
Can't you just answer a simple question?
Can you stop asking stupid questions?
[yelps sharply]
[Wale groans]
You put your finger in my eye.
If you had put on the light,
I wouldn't have done that.
[Wale groans]
[pensive music playing]
- [Wale in a singsong]
- There goes another one.
[man 2 screaming]
[Wale] Shut up!
Wale. Wale is that you?
[woman 1] Nosa, its me Tos.
- What the hell is going on here?
- [Wale] Save your breath bro.
[Wale] We're in some deep freaking shit.
And by the way, I didn't take your clothes
or your phone so don't bother asking.
- [lighter flickers off, thud]
- [Tosin] Oh sorry Wale.
- [Nosa] Wale, put on your lighter!
- [Wale] What lighter?
[Tosin] Keep coming. Here you go.
[Tosin pants]
[Wale sighs] Get off me!
- What is this?
- [Tosin] I have no clue.
[Toss whimpering]
- [Wale] Here it comes.
- [Tos screaming]
- [Nosa] Franca.
- [Franca screams]
- [lady whimpers in terror]
- [Wale] Shut up!
-[Franca gasps, panting],
-[lighter clicks]
- My clothes.
- [Hauwa] Where are we?
- [Nosa] Hauwa, is that you?!
- [Hauwa] Nosa!
- [commander] Where are we, naked?
- [Nosa] Hauwa?
- Nnenna.
- Nosa.
[woman 3 whimpering] Where are we?
Go away, what's going on?
Why am I naked? Where's my clothes?
- Nnenna!
- [Franca] Nosa!
- Nosa where are you?
- [Nosa] Nnenna.
- Nnenna!
- [Paul] Nosa.
- Paul! Paul is that you?
- [woman 3 whimpering]
- Paul!
- Yes, it's me.
- Help us! Help us!
- [Nnenna coughing]
- [Franca coughing]
- [Hauwa] Oh God!
- [Nosa] Calm down, just calm down.
- [man 2] Hey!
- Come towards my voice.
- Wait!
- Please stop making...
- [whimpering] Okay.
- [female voices] Please help me! Help us!
- Can you hear that?
- [female voices] Help us, help us!
- That's the sound of a plane.
No, those voices...
[Hauwa] I can't hear anything.
I can't hear anything.
[female voices] Help us!
- Girls...
- What... what girls?
- Young girls, they are crying for help.
- [Franca coughing]
There are no voices, Kenule.
It's just your fear calling out to you.
- No, I can hear them clearly.
- [girls whimpering]
- [door opens]
- [women screaming]
[both panting heavily]
[continued panting]
[screaming, whimpering]
You there,
- come here.
- Ah!
Stand up, Kenule.
- [Hauwa] To where?
- What did I do?
- [gun cocks]
- [all scream]
- Please sir! Please.
- [women whimpering] Please!
- Stand up, please he'll stand up.
- [man with gun yells] Stand up!
- [women whimpering]
- He'll stand up, please.
Stand up there.
- [man] Move!
- [Hauwa] Please.
- Please don't take him.
- Move!
[in Pidgin] I say move!
[whimpering] Where are you
taking me to now?
- Oh God!
- Move.
Oh no!
- What? No, you...
- [Franca whimpering]
[women scream]
- [choking]
- [Nosa] No, please
- Please.
- [Kenule choking]
[Kenule coughing]
[door creakes closed]
[female commander]
We're running out of time.
We have to find them...
Move to Charlie Scorpion,
- thirty five degrees, level five.
- [machine beeps]
- Isolate quadrant 16.
- [machine beeps, whizzing]
[male voice in distance distorted]
Look here see, I swear I'll kill them all.
[female commander] Go back.
- Isolate the quadrant three.
- [machine beeps]
[male voice 3 in Pidgin] Forget it!
Because, soldier,
child of God,
- we did what we were instructed to do.
- [man 3] Guy,
was it God that sent you to get drunk?
Was it God that said
you should drink shekpe?
God said we own this world.
He said we should enjoy life,
with women, shekpe, marijuana,
are all from God!
The only thing he said
we shouldn't do is to kill.
[commander in English] Damn!
Where are they hiding them?
Move to the next location.
- [Franca coughing]
- [Nosa panting breathlessly]
- He waited for us to wake up.
- [Nosa] Who?
You, focus, please.
We need to remember.
- Remember what?
- How we got here.
- I don't remember anything.
- Me too.
Kill the fear.
- What do you remember, Wale?
- [tense music playing]
- We were on a bus.
- [Paul] A bus?
[in Pidgin] Where are these guys?
- Where have you been?
- I'm coming.
-We've been waiting for you
-The driver is not even here yet.
Get in.
- Ouch!
- Big ass.
- Get in.
- You are such a perv.
- Where have you been?
- [in Pidgin] I'm ready.
- Let's go.
- [in Pidgin] Let me pick up keys. Yes sir.
[R & B music playing over stereo]
[Wale] There was music playing.
Samson was driving.
Who the hell is Samson?
Let him speak.
- [vehicle engine roaring]
- [Samson in Pidgin] Let's go!
- No, two cars.
- [men yelling instructions]
- Alight!
- [woman 1 screams]
- Moses.
- [Samson in Pidgin] Please sir.
- Please.
- [man yelling instructions indistinctly]
- Please sir.
- [man 4 in English] This is a kidnap.
- [Samson] Please sir, for God's sake.
- [hooded man] Mr. General,
c'mon, take one.
- [gunshot]
- [ladies screams]
- They shot Samson.
- [Nnenna] Oh my God.
- Guys, we've been kidnapped.
- Shh! It's okay.
- Nnenna, it's okay.
- [crying] I don't want to be kidnapped.
- Shh!
- [Nnenna whimpering] I don't want... I don't...
And then they began
to inject us at gun point.
- [Nnenna] Wale, don't go.
- [Wale wheezes]
[Kidnapper 1 in Pidgin] Fool is that
how to inject? Do you want to kill him?
Everybody come out!
- [yells] Come out!
- [Nnenna whimpering]
Nnenna, listen to me. Just calm down.
- No, no! Shh!
- Do we need to die? We're going to die.
- [Nnenna crying] I don't want to die.
- We're not going to die.
- [Wale] You don't know that.
- [Nosa] Shut up, Wale!
I remember seeing flashlights when the
door opened and two windows blacked out.
Now someone is thinking.
Now spread out, everyone.
Find those flashlights.
- I found one.
- I found another one.
- [Hauwa] I found one.
- [Wale panting]
[Tosin] Um, let's leave only one on.
We need to save the batteries.
[Nosa] Smart.
[feet shuffling]
- Wale, could you switch yours off?
- [Wale] Nope.
Wale, can we get some cooperation here?
Two lights are better than one.
So why didn't you see the flashlights
since you had the damn lighter?
Ever seen contact lenses
that see as far as telescopes?
- Meaning?
- Meaning stop asking me stupid questions.
I found the lighter just as we found the
flashlights, and that's that about that.
C'mon guys,
its not that bad as it looks.
Let's look at the up...
Let's look at the upsides.
What fucking upsides are there to this?
[exhales] Well, we get to see who
looks hottest in their bra and panties.
- [Hauwa] Wale!
- [Nosa] Jesus Christ!
What? I'm trying to lift up our spirits.
Wait, I remem...
I remember us getting
into the buses at the hotel.
- We were on a training.
- Good. What training?
I can't remember. [exhales]
Paul, do you remember anything?
- [Paul] Nothing.
- Still as useless a ever.
- Wale!
- [stammers] Excuse me.
- [Nosa] Paul, don't...
- [Wale scoffs] Demon!
- Look at you.
- [pensive music plays]
All you remember are
women and pounded yam. [scoffs]
Look at how tattered up you are.
Maybe you were a thug.
Hmm, let me see.
- What the f... fuck... is wrong with you?
- Guys wait. Wait.
Wait. So we remember who we are
but we can't remember
what we are or what we do.
Wait, what did they inject into us?
I think the memory comes in phases.
If we think hard enough, we'll remember.
- Hauwa, remember anything now?
- No.
- What a waste of space. [chuckles]
- Don't try me, Wale.
[chuckling] Nnenna, anything?
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- [Tosin] She's in shock.
Can't you see that?
What good is that going to do for us?
Wale, you need to just calm the fuck down!
Tell him. I don't know
[stammering] who made him leader.
- [pensive music playing]
- I woke up first, so I lead.
How are we sure you were even asleep?
Are you guys serious?
[Franca scoffs] We definitely are.
Common guys, you can't be serious.
You are the only one
that remembers more than everyone else
and you don't seem afraid.
Stop speaking out of your ass.
- And your attitude simply...
- Stinks!
Miss fear-fear.
You've joined the mob, right?
[Tosin] Wale, nothing is funny.
Stop it. Ah-ah!
Are you joining them too?
Instead of asking questions,
why don't you answer them?
I don't owe any of you
[yelling] any fucking answers!
On the contrary, you do, Wale.
[Paul] I'm with them on this one.
[stammering] How did we get here?
Ask yourselves that question,
you motherfuckers.
[Paul] Don't... don't... dare us oh, Wale.
[laughs] I dare you!
I say Wale how... did we get here?
Answer me. How did we get here, Wale?
I swear if you don't...
[stammering] don't... tell me what I...
I'd beat the shit out of you.
You're already fucked
and you don't know it.
How... do you know we're fucked?
That's the million
dollar question, isn't it?
Tell... us what you know now, Wale.
You have to beat it out of me, Paul.
You've always been more
brawn than [mimicking] b... b... brains.
- Wale!
- Stop!
- Fuck you!
- That won't get us out of here.
Do you have any other ideas?
Maybe we just need to take time
and... see what we can remember.
How do we even know
that the two of you were asleep?
Are you suspecting me too?
We met you awake.
Nosa was awake too.
Is he part of the guilty ones?
Maybe he is.
Nosa, is there something
you're not telling us?
Just don't go there. Don't go there!
We were suspecting Wale
and you were silent.
Because it makes sense. That's why.
[yells] Stop!
I met the three of you awake,
sitting side by side.
It was dark. How do you know
we were sitting side by side?
Because of the direction of your voices.
This is so stupid.
- Nothing is stupid.
- [Wale] Paul
- is stupid. [laughing]
- You're an idiot.
- [Paul groans, yells] You want that right?
- [Nosa] Paul!
- I'll get you before they do!
- What's wrong with you, Paul?
- Are you a five year old?
- [Tosin] Paul, what is wrong with you?
[stammering] Somebody warn this guy!
Paul, you're gonna put your hands
on my throat as well?
- You're just a bitch.
- A bitch?
Oh, so you know me too.
Guys, is this really necessary?
- Yes, it is.
- Come on.
'Cos I'm not gonna sit in here like a
frickin' loser waiting for a monster to
come in here and freaking lead
us out like sheep to the slaughter.
How do you know
he's gonna come back in here?
For Christ's sakes, you don't need a dick
up your ass to know you're being screwed.
Sounds like you're know
more than you're letting on, Hauwa.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
[Wale laughing]
Isn't this just classic?!
The way we've turned against each other.
One minute we're victims
and the next we're
tearing each other apart,
- like the bloke who just came in.
- Oh, shut up!
I seem to be the only one with some
sense and yet you don't want me to lead.
We don't need leaders,
we work as a team.
A team that tears each other apart, right?
Maybe if we'd let him fuck you up,
you wouldn't be laughing so hard.
[Paul] If you don't shut up...
Okay, everyone, flashlights off.
Mine remains on.
I'll place it right here,
on the floor.
Put it off.
We need to save what we've got.
Has anyone asked themselves
why there were flashlights here?
Whoever that man is who came in here,
he obviously wants us
to use these flashlights.
Now the question is, "Why?"
I thought you said we don't need a leader.
We work as a team.
[chuckling] You sound like a leader to me.
Fine. She's our leader then.
Jesus Christ, Wale!
You can't help it, can you?
Women speak and you just roll over.
- Wale, don't fuck...
- Guys!
- Focus!
- [Wale chuckling]
Why does he want us
to use these flashlights?
[Paul grunting]
- Maybe he left them when he brought us in.
- Eight of us?
[huffs] One man bringing
all of us here by himself?
Didn't someone say they remembered
- people abducting us?
- Yep.
[Paul panting]
Let's... break... down this window.
Break them and do what?
Wait, what if the windows lead
to the other side of the house?
No body put burglary
in rooms inside the house.
This room is
in a corner of the building and
those three windows lead outside.
What if the house is in a compound?
And then we break it and get into shit.
Well, at least we should try.
If we scream and call loud enough then
somebody out there is going to hear us.
What if there's no one?
Of course there's someone.
I mean someone that can help.
It could be midnight.
So what?
We just stay here
and wait for that guy to return?
- No, Wale was right.
- Thank you.
We need to take time and try and remember.
[Wale] Tell them.
- [Hauwa] So what do we do?
- [Paul pants]
Do we sit in a circle and
do some hypnosis shit?
And how do you know
how to hypnotize people?
We all can't fucking remember
who the hell we are!
I just know how to do it.
And that is the right thing to do.
Everyone, please sit down
in a circle, around the light.
I tell you, this is some religious shit!
I'm an atheist.
I don't do stuff like this.
See? [huffs] You're remembering.
I would never forget that!
You're remembering shit.
[tense music playing]
You're not an atheist.
- You're a muslim. [laughs]
- I am not a muslim.
[Wale] Yes, you're not a muslim.
You're a terrorist. The Tsarkkaken Umma.
- You bastard!
- Hauwa, calm down.
Talk to Wale, not me.
- Ignore him, please.
- [Wale snickering]
If you can't talk to him,
then shut the fuck up!
[Wale continues snickering]
Please join us.
I told you I don't do shit like this.
Ask Nnenna to join you,
at least she'll be more useful.
I'm a catholic. We're not allowed
to practice such occultic practices.
[Wale laughing] Isn't this just great?!
I'm in a room in the middle of nowhere
with fucking religious psychopaths.
- Jesus.
- [Tosin] Okay, fine.
[Wale snickering]
Franca, Paul, Nosa, Wale.
- We close our eyes...
- [whimpering]
- ...and begin to drift back.
- [whimpering]
Tosin, I didn't know
you were into shit like this.
[Tosin humming]
[Wale humming]
Allow your mind to take you back.
There is a bright light...
- [exhaling]
- ...at the end of the darkness.
- Allow yourself to fall towards the light.
- [Wale gasps]
- I remember.
- What do you remember?
[Wale] It's an office. Come, please.
- Wale, stop it. Stop cheering them on.
- Oh come on!
It's not fair. Stop.
Why are you behaving like this now?
I can't make out the name on the signage.
We're in a car park and
we're making fun of someone.
- Nosa.
- Me?
[Wale] Yes.
- We're teasing Nosa about Nnenna.
- [Nosa] Nnenna?
They're having a secret affair.
[Tosin] Guys!
Come on, guys, don't do this. Stop.
- [Wale] You're supposed to knock.
- [Tosin] Stop.
- [Nnenna moans softly]
- It's not funny. You leave them alone.
- [Tosin] It's not funny.
- [all laughing]
Nnenna wait. Wait, where are you going?
- [Tosin] Nnenna.
- Come back.
- [Nosa] Nnenna.
- [Wale laughing] Bros.
- [hailing] Celebrity!
- [Franca] Nosa!
- Well done!
- [Nosa] Nnenna.
- Well done sir.
- What?
[Nnenna exhaling]
[Nnenna exhaling]
[Tosin] Let's keep at it.
Take a deep breath
and allow yourself to drift back.
[Tosin exhales]
The light is where our memories are.
- We get there, we'll begin to remember.
- [panting, gasping]
- Allow yourself to fall.
- [whimpering, gasping]
The light is getting brighter...
- [gasping, hyperventilating]
- ...and brighter,
and brighter...
- [water waves]
- ...and brighter,
and brighter,
- and brighter...
- [Nosa] Franca!
- [Nosa] Franca!
- ...and brighter, and brighter.
- And brighter...
- [Nosa] Franca!
- ...and brighter.
- [Nosa] Franca!
- And brighter, and brighter...
- [Nosa] Franca!
- And brighter...
- [Nosa] Franca!
- ...and brighter.
- [Nosa] Franca!
[water waves lapping]
- [Franca screaming]
- [Nosa] Franca!
- [Nosa] Franca.
- [hyperventilating, screaming]
[water trickles into a bucket]
[sharp knife clatters]
[water trickles into a bucket]
- [kidnapper chewing loudly]
- [tap water running]
- [electric crackling]
- [screaming]
- Now you'll tell me who you are.
- [panting]
I don't know who I am.
Then you must know who I am.
I don't remember anything, I swear.
- What is this operation about?
- [coughs]
What operation?
What do you know about the girls?
What girls?
You don't remember the girls?
I swear, I don't remember anything.
I don't remember anything, I swear.
You have to believe me please. [gasps]
But they want you to remember.
- Yes.
- And would you remember?
I'm trying please. I'm trying.
Please, I'm really trying.[gasps]
You cannot tell them
that you know who I am or that you see me.
And I... I thought I...
- You do as I say or you die.
- [choking]
Get up!
I said get up!
Go into that room, shut your mouth
and wait for me
to tell you what next to do.
Why are you doing this, please?
I said, you'll shut your mouth.
No questions.
- Now, move it!
- [Franca sobbing]
- Stop! Turn around.
- [panting heavily]
Take your clothes off.
- I... I can't take my clothes...
- [grunts]
[yells] Take your clothes off!
[yells] I can't take off my clothes!
- Take them off!
- [Franca pants]
- [panting]
- Take them off. Off!
[Franca pants]
[Franca sobbing]
[sobbing] Why are you doing this?
[kidnapper cackling]
Leave those on.
Move it!
What's the worst that
can happen to me if I don't?
Don't test me!
- [kidnapper yells] Move!
- [Nosa] Calm down. We're still here.
- [Tosin] Franca.
- [Nosa] We're still here.
- [Tosin] Franca.
- [Nosa] We're still here.
- What do you remember?
- [Franca hyperventilating]
I told you, this is madness.
A fucking madness.
- [heavy chains clanging]
- [women screaming]
- Stand up!
- Please.
- [man with gun] Stand up there!
- [Franca] I didn't do anything.
- Out you go!
- I didn't do anything!
I didn't do anything. [screaming]
[Franca] I remember!
- Shut up!
- [Franca] I remember!
[metal door closes]
- [commander] Where's that?
- [operator] Ikoyi, old money Lagos.
- [commander] And that?
- Victoria Island, new money Lagos.
[machines beeping]
[female voice singing]
Oh Lord over all
[commander] Why did you stop?
- Unquestionable one
- She's singing so beautifully, ma'am.
- What?
- Sorry ma'am.
- People are out there under captivity...
- [female voice continues singing]
...they could die any minute now
and you're acting a fool.
The united kingdom sent me here
to help you and your government find them.
And you are here telling me
some lady sings beautifully.
- Sorry ma'am.
- Don't sorry me.
Move your ass!
Three thousand, six hundred
seconds between Kenule and Franca.
What the fuck are you...
He comes in every hour.
That's what she is trying to say.
- Hah!
- She's been counting all this while.
I see. [laughs]
I guess she is good
for something after all.
[laughs] I guess this is the
point where I say I'm sorry, right?
- [Nosa] Just say it.
- [Wale] Fine.
Nnenna, I'm sorry.
So, I'm in love with Nnenna?
Well, I don't know if it's love
but you guys were definitely fucking.
I can't believe you guys!
He's taken Kunule and now Franca.
There was blood on that man's shirt
and you guys are here talking about
who's fucking in the office.
- You're a muslim are you supposed to say...
- Fuck off!
C'mon Wale, you can't keep
p... p... pissing everybody off.
You can sit around here
hypnotizing yourselves
but I'm not gonna wait here
for that guy to come back and pick us up.
- [Hauwa sobbing] Move!
- [Tosin] Wait! Hauwa, wait.
- [Hauwa panting, scream]
- [Tosin] No, don't!
- [metal clanks]
- [Nosa coughs]
[Hauwa panting]
[Hauwa panting]
- [Hauwa gasps]
- [Paul] Do you see anything?
[Nosa] Yes, there is bright light.
Good, that means it's daytime
and this means our voices can travel.
- [Nosa] No, it's artificial light.
- [Hauwa exhales]
So, let's... call... out for help then.
No, we need to strategize.
Every plan has to be thought through.
We don't call out until we do that.
What if we run out of time?
What if the next time
that brute comes in here,
he takes all of us
in one sweep? Then what?
Shit just got real, motherfuckers!
[Hauwa panting, sobbing]
- [sobbing]
- Oh God! Tears again?
[Tosin] Wale, behave!
- [sobbing]
- [Tosin] Hauwa, it's okay.
- [sobbing] No, its not.
- Yes, it is.
- We're gonna fucking die in here.
- [Paul] Tos,
I remember you.
- What do you remember about me?
- We served together.
Youth Service.
You're a chattered accountant,
trained in the UK.
We used to call you BBM.
- [Wale] BBM?
- Beauty, brains and marriageable.
- [Wale laughs] This one?
- Wale, can you just shut up?
[whimpers] What else do you remember?
Your parents are rich.
My parents? Who are they?
Chief Mrs Bucknor, a billionaire. She...
She just won
the governorship election in Ogun state.
[Wale] Thank God! That means
there are people out there looking for us.
Wale, wait. What of her father? Who is he?
He is a medical doctor
with the World Health Organization.
Yes! Local and international
search parties, baby! [laughs]
- You're a twin.
- What?!
You had a sister, she died.
[panting] Died? Oh my God. When?
Two years ago. She was killed.
It was a kidnap. Your parents paid the
ransom but it was her body they got back.
[Wale sighs]
There goes our hope crashing down.
[sobbing] Wale, don't you have any chill?
Can't a man express himself?
Wale, I hope the next time that guy
comes in, he takes you along with him.
Be careful bro, 'cause next time
it might be you he takes with him.
- Stop it.
- Can someone please explain
why Wale thinks
this is a day out at the cinema?
Did I tell you these things
or does everyone know?
We used to sit
in the same quadrangle at work.
I can't remember.
So I told you these things.
Yes, maybe that's another
secret affair we missed out on.
- Are we dating?
- [Paul] No.
You're getting married in June.
- [Tosin] To who?
- I won't be surprised if you say, me.
- This shit is fucked up. I'm telling you.
- [Hauwa] Wale, please shut up!
- [Nosa] Oh, Wale!
- [Tosin] Wait. To who, Paul?
Mide Ogunbawo.
[water running]
I remember you.
- [Wale] Me?
- [Hauwa] Who the fuck is he?
- Language, miss.
- [Hauwa] Shut up!
- Three thousand, six hundred and... [gasps]
- [door opening]
- [Nosa] Shit!
- [metal clicks, door screeches]
[metal door open]
[Hauwa gasps]
- You! Come here.
- [Hauwa gasps]
You with the muscle. You! Come out!
Where are you taking him to?
[in Pidgin] Get out of the way!
No, I will not leave.
What did you do to Kanule and Franca?
- I say get out of the way!
- [Tosin sobbing]
There's blood in your hand and clothes.
- Did you kill them?
- [Hauwa] Hmm.
[Tosin panting heavily]
[all gasp]
[in English] C'mon guys.
Come on and fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight, guys! Fight!
[man grunting]
[Paul panting, grunting]
Stop there!
[in Pidgin]
Where do you think you're going?
[Paul coughing]
[paul panting]
- [coughing, grunting]
- [both panting]
[door locks]
[machine beeping]
[commander] Lower to octave four.
[dogs barking]
- Did you pick out any hot words?
- [male drone pilot] No ma'am.
The intelligence report says
they are somewhere in Lagos.
- Yes, it was...
- That was not a question.
- Sorry ma'am.
- There is someone out there,
and we have to think like they think.
If you kidnapped many people where in the
busy city of Lagos would you hide them?
Move to the next location!
- Oh, Hauwa. Not tears again.
- [Hauwa crying]
[Hauwa] Wale, who are you?
You were trying to escape
instead of helping us.
Trust me, I'm the least of your worries.
All I know is when next that man comes
in here we're going to be ready for him.
- Count me in.
- [tense music playing]
They're in danger, damn it. One, we move.
Two, we search. Three, we do not rest.
- Three hundred and twenty four.
- Move it, people!
Make some noise!
- [glass shatters]
- [Nnenna screams]
- [Nnenna grunting]
- [Wale] Make some noise!
Let's draw that motherfucker in here!
- [Nosa, Nnenna grunting]
- [Wale] Come on!
- [Nosa, Nnenna grunting]
- [Wale] Shout louder!
[yelling] Help!
- [Wale] Louder!
- [Hauwa] Somebody help!
[Tosin] What are you going to do?
- [Hauwa] Help!
- [Wale] I have to get ready.
When he opens the door,
I'll be ready to fly.
The light is going to blind you.
You're going to miss.
I'll fall with the sun in my fucking eyes.
Knock on that door!
Help! Somebody!
Please help us!
- [Hauwa] Help!
- [Wale] Louder!
[all] Help!
- [Wale grunting]
- [others] Help! Please!
Help us!
- Louder! Come on, people, louder!
- Help!
- [Nnenna] Help!
- [Hauwa] Help! Somebody help us!
[Nnenna] Three hundred
and twenty six, guys!
- [Hauwa, Nnenna] Help!
- Open the door!
Open it, motherfuckers!
Help us!
Please somebody help us!
- [Nosa yelling] Help!
- [Hauwa] Please!
- [Hauwa, Nosa] Help us!
- Louder!
- Louder!
- [Hauwa] It's not working.
- [Wale] Louder!
- [Nosa] Help!
- [Nosa] Help!
- [Hauwa] Please...
- Louder!
- [Hauwa] ...somebody help us!
It's not working!
- Knock on that door!
- Somebody help us!
He's not coming back!
He's not [bang] coming back!
I'm not fucking pounding for shit!
It's been an hour
and he's not coming back.
- [Tosin] Help!
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- [Nnenna] Help!
- Because it's fucking useless.
It is not working.
You did this
so that you can fucking play us for fools!
- Playing you?
- [gasps]
You knew he wasn't going to come back.
- Are you crazy?
- You just wanted some of the ransom money.
Why would I want to lock all
of us in a room, including myself?
[panting] You're not the only
smart one in the room, Wale.
[panting] I know you.
You're crazy.
[both continue panting]
- [Tosin screaming]
- [Hauwa] Tos, Tos!
Tos! Tos! It's okay.
- [Nosa] Tos!
- [Hauwa] Calm down. It's okay.
- [Nnenna] Tos.
- [Nosa] Tos! Tos, it's okay.
[Tosin muttering indistinctly]
Your friend is not coming, Wale!
My instincts are saying
bad things about you.
Maybe it's because you're a bitch.
Excuse me?
You asked a question, I answered.
[Nosa] Guys, please she needs rest.
Why hasn't he come back?
- He's watching us.
- [tense music playing]
[Hauwa] What?
Okay, so what do we do now?
[tense music continues]
If he can see us, chances
are he can hear us too.
- So we go silent?
- [Wale] Yes.
But if we go silent, how do we plan?
It means that we speak
but he can't hear us.
- You mean, we whisper?
- [Hauwa whispering] No,
we cut off his eyes and ears.
I know what you mean.
[whispering] Are you game?
No, it's a stupid plan.
There are other ways to blind
a man and burst out his eardrums
without him knowing that
what he sees is not what exists,
and what he hears is not
what was being said.
- Meaning?
- Just do as I say.
Look, I say we rip out these cameras.
- Are you with me?
- Yes.
Okay. Nosa, please help me.
Nnenna, c'mon.
It's the only way we can get out of here.
We need to provoke him.
Okay, if you say so.
[Wale] Wrong move.
Whatever. Nosa, please help me up.
- [Nosa panting]
- [Hauwa panting] Higher!
Higher! Fuck you! [groans]
[Wale] You don't know what you've done.
Why don't you tell us?
She's got some spunk, right?
Well, we'll see how much spunk
she's got when I go for her.
I wonder why
this is a game to both of you.
- [tense music playing]
- It's all about perception, Lilian.
You should know that.
[Hauwa] Nosa, help me take this one down.
- [Hauwa heaving, grunting] Higher!
- [Nosa grunting]
- [Hauwa screams]
- Well played. [claps]
Very well played.
Now, my move.
- [machine beeping]
- [keyboard clanking]
I want us to survey that filthy water.
- [operator] Ma'am, it is the people...
- I told you it's not a question.
- Alright? Now zoom closer.
- Sorry, ma'am.
- Move in. I want to see the people.
- They will notice us.
The drone looks
like a bird, all they see is a bird,
- don't worry.
- This is Nigeria oh,
if we see a bird flying directly towards
us or hovering around, we will kill it
- and then we'll call it a witch.
- [chuckles]
- Let them try.
- [tense music playing]
[operator] Ma'am, these people are smart.
If they know you're watching,
news will spread
and the kidnappers will hear.
You cannot underestimate these people.
[commander] Move out!
Go back!
[female voice in Pidgin]
Hey, you've killed me!
- [male voice] Turn.
- Hey, what kind of penis is this?
- Where did I get this from? Jejeli.
- [male voice] Shh!
- [operator laughing]
- [commander] Why are you laughing?
- Nothing ma'am.
- [male voice] It doesn't even go beyond...
[commander] I don't understand
what they are saying but...
[man 5] Can I move?
Yes, I guess so.
- [woman's voice moaning loudly]
- That was rather...
[faking a cough]
Wait, where is that, by the right?
[operator] Apapa, GRA.
[commander] Cuvette sciara.
Five degrees. Rapid scan.
[woman 4] And we have eight of them.
[operator] Secured, ma'am.
[woman 4] What are they saying
about the runs?
- We've been careful...
- [dog barking]
...but we have given them 12 hours...
[commander] That sounds like it. We land.
- ...or we kill them.
- This is real time. This is not a drill.
- [dramatic music playing]
- Go down to level four. Code red.
Green parade, take over!
Xray Zulu Yankee.
I repeat Xray Zulu Yankee.
Toggle approach only when this door opens.
I need boots on the ground.
This is not a drill.
[gasps, panting]
I remember. [panting]
Everything. [panting]
- [Tosin continues panting]
- What do you remember?
Wale, please, can you
let her catch her breath?
Or are you afraid she's going to
remember something about you?
[Wale] Tos, I'm sorry
but you need to remember.
I remember everyone.
- You wear a hijab.
- [Wale] Hijab?
- [Wale laughs] You're kidding, right?
- What? That's not possible.
You're married
with a child, a girl, Zainab.
So darm cute. [chuckles]
You always have her hair in ponytails.
- I teach her how to swim.
- [pants]
- Where's Hauwa?
- She's coming.
What are you guys doing here?
Um, I'm here for her lessons.
Is it not too late?
Yeah, I had a class and we closed late.
- Ok give her to me.
- Go to daddy.
[Tosin] You school in the north
ABU, Economics.
Both your parents are professors.
- Who is she married to?
- Wale let her talk.
- My husband?
- Yes.
We work for your husband.
[Wale] Wow! [laughing]
Shit just got even more interesting.
- My husband?
- Yes.
You're his 4th wife.
The only one who works.
- What's his name?
- Danladi.
[birds chirping]
Danladi Usman.
- [tense music playing]
- [Hauwa panting]
[suspenseful music]
Is he really wealthy, Tos?
[Tos] Yes, very wealthy.
So that means that between him
and your parents, they should
be able to come up with the ransom money.
I hope so.
[Wale] More like,
let's hope it's ransom they want.
[Nnenna] Guys, my
permutation says this is a ransom.
The baseline is wealth and status.
By reason of function and relationship.
The fixed constant
here is this is a kidnap, guys.
If it was a robbery, we will not be here
and if it was an assassination,
we would all be dead.
The probability of it being a kidnap
for ransom is the highest.
[Wale in Hausa] Wow!
Son of a bitch! [laughs] Fire brain.
[in Pidgin]
See how you're calculating like a pro.
What about Franca, Kenule and Paul?
[Nnenna] Maybe the ransom has been
paid before they were released.
[Tosin] Or they were
killed to send a message.
- [Wale] Why them?
- [pensive music playing]
There're the only ones
not directly tied to wealth.
[Hauwa] It doesn't make sense.
If they're not directly tied to wealth,
then why will their ransoms be paid first?
Tos, what else do you remember?
Your father is an industrialist,
your mother a home-maker.
You're the youngest of three. Two boys.
You're doing your doctorial thesis
in Quantum Physics.
Quantum Physics, statistics,
permutation. I don't get it.
It doesn't make sense.
It must be squared equals to...
Your first degree was
in Applied Mathematics.
This could be some
sort of knowledge theft.
- [Wale] Knowledge what?
- Industrialist peonage.
We all have some
sort of high-level intelligence.
Wait guys. I'm in a bus with an economist,
- an accountant...
- [Tosin] An accountant...
Then we must be working
on something very important.
Something that could have drawn all of us
from different walks of life together.
[Nosa] So you're saying
they want us for our brains?
[Wale] Tos,
what do you remember about Nosa here?
You're an only son.
No wonder he is such a spoilt brat.
Schooled in the US.
US? [laughs] And he still
speaks like a local fowl.
[inhales] Stop this.
Wale is the most scared of us all.
[laughs] Me?
That's why you're so erratic.
It's some sort of mind thing.
Some sort of...
It's because he's behind all of this.
That's why it's not fear.
It is fear.
Tos, what else do you remember about me?
You're a crown prince.
I declare this shop open in
the name of my father,
his Royal Highness Omonoba of Edo,
Ukwu Okpolokpolo, Oba Eware Ogidigan.
- Long live the Prince!
- [all cheering]
Me? A crown prince?
[Tosin] It means you're
next in line to the throne.
That's another reason we're here guys.
- Tos, what am I?
- How do you mean?
You're an economist, she's an accountant.
Nnenna is a physicist. Who am I?
You're a doctor.
- [Wale laughs]
- A celebrated one, a specialist.
- Psychiatry.
- So what about Wale?
What is he?
He's always been
the court jester AKA the fool.
See now, no one is saying anything.
If Wale talks, the ceiling
will come tumbling down.
-He is a lawyer
-[laughing] I knew it!
[In yoruba] You need to have heard
what the judge said to me in court today.
To me, in court!
[in English]
Because my client was nowhere to be found!
San, take it easy.
Relax. [in Yoruba] All these
getting apprehensive causes
hypertension. High blood pressure.
Take it easy.
Do you understand me? Take it easy.
Are you upset?
[laughs] Okay. I will increase your fee.
I have a name to protect.
[in English] Representing you
has caused enough harm already.
Ah-ah! Enough harm? [laughs]
Look let me tell you,
the lawyer
that represents a thief is not a thief.
Look, [in Yoruba] it's Awe's money
that would be used to entertain him. Okay?
All that money that I took,
although they said they said I stole it,
is the same money that
I will use to free myself.
What did we say
and what was their response?
[chuckling] All you're saying is
just to put up a show.
[laughs] We have taken care of all those...
you know. We've seen them behind doors.
We've patched up
and covered everything up.
We've prepared that ground. Do you get me?
Alright, let's finish eating
and go to where we're going. Ehm
[in English]
I should have listened to you.
It's high time the chambers become more
circumspect in the cases we select.
Ah! Eh? Wale!
[in Yoruba] Oh, you've gone
to your mother to speak ill of me?
Ah, Wale!
You've spoken rubbish...
You've been running your mouth, hmm?
With that giraffe neck of yours,
you've been telling
your mom lies about me, hmm?
Look let me tell you,
it's because of your mother
that I'm pitying you.
Otherwise I would have messed you up!
Me! Ah!
This could be about you.
It could be that your father was
prosecuting someone powerful
and all this was supposed
to send a message to him.
I see. So Tos is not the one that is
the walking dead but you are.
[Wale] Hey!
So, if luck is on our side
and we play our cards right,
we survive this, right?
But you will be the one that loses a head.
Be careful, you might invite
a bad omen into this place. [chuckles]
Oh so now you see how it feels like
to be thrown under the bus.
- Can't you guys a simple joke?
- Is anyone laughing with you?
What about Kunule, Franca and Paul?
Do you remember anything about them?
Because it could be
the missing link we're looking for.
They're all ace performers, mensas.
They got a scholarship
from the company we work for.
That means that they
come from humble beginnings.
Broke ass folks should stick
with broke ass fucks.
See how they ended up?
- Must you always be shameless?
- [Wale] Wrong place wrong time!
Wait, is that a mosquito
I hear whining?[laughs]
[yells] Shut the fuck up!
- [tense music plays]
- Can you behave yourself for once?
You're the oldest amongst us
but yet you behave like a child.
Don't you have any serious bones in you?
Gosh! Behave!
[Hauwa] How much time do we have?
Thirty nine thousand,
eight hundred and fifty three seconds.
Nnenna, how does that correlate to hours?
[Nnenna] About 11 hours.
- 11 hours since he last came in?
- No, since we first woke up.
[Tosin] No but what about
since he last came in?
About sixteen thousand...
[Hauwa] Nnenna please, in hours.
[Nnnena] Uh, roughly six hours.
Guys, let's just take
our time and try and remember.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- May I sit next to you?
- Okay.
- Nnenna.
- Yeah?
Do you remember anything?
I was just thinking about
what it would have felt like
when I was dating you.
Why would you be thinking of a thing
like that in this kind of situation?
I'm sorry. It's just...
We might not make it out of here alive.
And if that happens,
I would like our last
moments to be beautiful.
The probability
of us dying is, uh, six hundred...
Are you always this cerebral?
No. Yes.
Look at me. You're beautiful.
Thank you.
- [soft music playing]
- [Nosa breathing heavily, kissing]
Light has gone off.
God must love us.
- Why do... why do you say that? Huh?
- You don't want the others to make us out?
- Feel me. I'm hard.
- Oh God.
Nosa, you're huge.
- [soft music stops]
- [both sigh]
[hawker calling out] Buy and make soup.
I have tomatoes, onions and pepper.
- [hawker] Buy and make soup.
- Can you hear that?
- Buy and make soup. I'm here, y'all.
- [Nosa screams] Help!
- [all screaming] Help!
- Come buy your tomatoes and peppers.
- [all screaming] Help!
- I have come.
- Buy and make soup. I'm leaving. Come on.
- [metal rattling]
-All of you, come and buy
-[all screaming] Help!
- I've come and I'm leaving.
- [all screaming] Help!
- [metal chains clanking]
- [all screaming] Help!
- [Tosin] We're here!
- [Nosa] Help!
[Tosin, Hauwa crying]
- [hawker] I'm going!
- [Tosin sobbing] Help.
[melancholic music playing]
[urinating, farting]
[all] Wale!
[key jingling]
- [all panting]
- [tense music playing]
- [in Pidgin] Come here.
- Me?
- You, alhaja! Come. Come here!
- [Hauwa panting]
My husband is a very wealthy man.
Anything you want, he can give to you.
So please just don't hurt me. Hmm?
- I say come here.
- [tense music continues]
Whatever it is that you want,
whatever amount that you want,
we can make it happen, we can discuss it.
Okay, just talk to me now.
- [Hauwa] Just...
- Wait. Wait first.
Were you not the one saying, "Fuck you"?
Were you not the one? Today,
we'll see who will be fucked!
My brother, don't do this.
- Move! Brag ass!
- [Hauwa] Please!
- Move. Move out!
- I can give you anything you want.
Just, [gasps] just listen to me, okay?
- [Wale exhales sharply]
- [Hauwa] We can talk about this.
If you want her,
you have to take all of us.
- [gunshot]
- [all screaming]
- [Wale screaming]
- Please. Help him, sir.
- You fucking shot me!
- Please no!
Shut up before I shoot you in the head.
- [Nosa] Please stop.
- [man with gun] Talk again.
- Please. He'll not say anything.
- Talk again I'll scatter your brain here.
[all pleading]
Move out.
- Out!
- Listen to me, please.
- C'mon, move!
- [whimpering]
[all sobbing and gasps]
[whimpering] Please.
- [Tosin] Sorry.
- [Wale whimpering]
- [door closes]
- [Wale screams]
- [Nosa] Wale!
- [Wale continues screaming]
- Wale! Tos.
- [Wale crying]
- I want my mommy.
- Take, point it at his wound.
- [Nosa] Point at his wound. Nnenna!
- [Wale continues crying]
- [gasps]
- Nnenna! Point at his wound.
[Nosa] Nnenna! I need you
to hold this torch for me. Nnenna!
- [Wale freezes]
- [Nnenna] Wale, that's okay.
- [Wale gasps]
- Listen to me. This is going to hurt.
But I need to check
the extent of the damage.
Can you lie still for me?
- Hold him down.
- [Wale sobbing]
[Wale screams] Hah! Jehovah!
[Wale] Take control!
[Nosa panting]
Guys, we're lucky it's a flesh wound.
- The bullet went clean through.
- [panting]
- But I need to stop the bleeding.
- [Wale panting heavily]
- I need a tourniquet.
- What?
[panting] Guys, I could use a bra.
- Just stay down.
- [Nosa] Lie still, Wale.
- [Tosin] Wale stay down.
- [Wale] Give him a fucking bra!
- Wale, still!
- Do you want me to bleed to death because
- you're hiding some bloody boobs?
- [Nosa] Wale, lie still.
- [Tosin] Stay, Wale.
- [Nnenna] Lay down, okay?
- Just lie down!
- [Nosa] Just lie down, Wale.
- [panting]
- [Nnenna] Just lie down.
- Lie down, please.
- [Nosa] Lie down. Tos, hold him down.
- Hold him down.
- [Nnenna] Lie down, please.
- Wale, you need to lie down!
- Please.
[all panting]
[Wale groans] Fuck!
The bleeding is not stopping.
- [Nnenna] What do we do?
- I need to double it.
- [Nnenna] Okay.
- [tense music continues]
- Hurry up!
- Thank you.
[Wale] Ah, that's better.
Trust me,
I'd rather flaunt my boobs
than get shot in the leg.
[groans] Fucking, fucking face!
[Tosin] Sit still, c'mon!
-At least, he'll stop bleeding for a while
-[Wale groaning]
[Nosa] Just take it easy and relax, okay?
[Wale] Fuck me!
[door opens]
- You!
- [Nnenna] Me?
[in Pidgin] It's your turn, come out.
I'm done being afraid!
And I am not going to beg you.
But what I want you to know is,
the probability of you getting away
with this is one in 300 million!
Your computations are wrong,
power, money, status, law.
These are not things you get in a heist.
You will not... [sharp inhale],
you will not... you will not...
- I repeat...
- Shut up! What's wrong with you?
You will not overcome
the fall out of this.
[heaving, panting]
My friend, move out!
[Nosa] I'll go with her.
Nosa, let me do this alone.
- No.
- [soft music plays]
I may not remember but fuck it,
I know that a couple sticks
together come what may.
[Wale] Nosa, where are you going?
What if the bleeding doesn't stop?
[in Pidgin]
Let me understand something. Wait.
Is it because of sex
you want to follow her?
I mean, is that how foolish you are?
[in English] I am the crown prince
of the proud kingdom of the Edos.
I am a warrior born of warriors.
I will protect my queen
or I'll die defending her.
[in Pidgin] You think this is nollywood?
Huh? Asaba dialogue!
"I'm the crown prince of the Edos.
A warrior made of warriors."
[lauging] No problem.
I don't have a problem with you.
- I am serious.
- We don't have any problem.
- If that's how you want it, follow her.
- [Nnenna panting]
This is not the end.
Death is not the end.
This guy is a movie actor oh.
Wow! The boss!
Wow! Boss man!
- Baddest! [laughs]
- [Wale] Nosa!
I like this guy. [laughing]
[male cop] I thought that kidnapping ring
was the one we were are looking for.
- [machine beeping]
- I hope the hostages are still alive.
What is all this?
[commander] This is what we call in the UK
a colossal, a clusterfuck.
[male cop] Ma'am, in Nigeria,
kidnapping people is big business
just like in every other country.
[commander] Well, we wasted
our time busting another ring,
while the captives we find are much more
important locally and internationally.
We cannot afford to fail.
[male cop] Yes ma'am. These
terrorists should have all been killed,
- now they are hiding them and it's...
- [commander] Ah, finally something
that reminds me of home, football.
What team do you support?
- Chelsea!
- Oh, I'm a gunner.
And there are just two teams in the world,
Arsenal and everyone else.
-Arsenal is an ass ma'am. [laughing]
And you know what we do with asses?
We either flog them or we...
Whiskey, come back. India.
15 degrees. Level eight.
Move it!
- [Tosin humming]
- [Wale] Tos.
[Wale] Fuck!
[Tos continues humming]
- [chains, metal door opens]
- [humming continues]
- [gun cocks] Oh girl, stand up!
- [humming stops]
- I remember.
- What do you remember?
[Tosin] I remember.
If I hear one more word
from your mouth... I said stand, my friend!
No Tosin. Tosin don't go.
It's okay Wale. I remember.
[Wale] I'm getting scared.
I know who you are.
I know what you want.
No one needs to get hurt.
It's over. I remember.
[in Pidgin] If you say another word,
I'll finish you here.
Do you understand me?
Be prepared, Wale.
- I'm fucking scared.
- Fucking shit presents opportunities,
and opportunities present themselves.
This is it.
If I hear another word
from your mouth again...
I'll waste you here now.
Why don't you take someone your own size?
Huh? You big bully!
Looks like you want me to kill you, huh?
- Huh?
- [Wale] You might as well.
[Wale] Where's the gun?
- [both panting, grunting]
- [bone crack]
[Tos continues grunting]
- [sharp cuts]
- [panting]
[Wale] Tos, get up.
[both continue grunting]
- [Wale] There it is.
- [Tosin panting]
Step back, Tos.
Don't you move!
- [Tosin] No, no one dies.
- No, Tos.
- He has to pay for the others.
- No, let's go, Ibrahim.
No one dies. Let's go.
What did you call me?
[panting] Shut up. Let's just go.
Give me the gun.
Let's go.
What did you call me?
- Shut up.
- [Wale grunts]
- Shut up.
- [Wale grunts]
[wistful music playing]
[Tosin] I remember everyone.
[Franca] Ignore him, please.
I'm a warrior born of warriors.
I'm a warrior born of warriors.
[Hauwa] If you can't talk to him
then shut the fuck up!
[Hauwa] If you can't talk to him
then shut the fuck up!
Power. Money. Status.
Speak again
and I'll scatter your brain here!
[Paul] Guys, come out of there.
[Paul yelling] Fight! Fight guys! Fight!
[indistinct voices]
- This is a kidnap.
- [gunshot]
- [applause]
- Excellent work, officers. Excellent!
What the hell is she talking about?
[panting] Tos.
What... what... where...
- [Wale moaning in pain]
- [Wale] What is this, Tos?
Tos, who are these people?
- We will administer the antidote...
- [moaning continues]
...and your memory will be restored.
Where are the others?
Where is Hauwa, Nnenna, Nosa?
You will see them soon.
[Wale] Tos, are you coming?
Congratulations Halima.
Well done. After you, please.
[pensive music playing]
You'll fall asleep half an hour
after you've been injected.
When you wake,
you'll have no memories of who you are,
where you are or why you're there.
After which a process
of programming begins.
It will last for three months.
When you're done, you will know
instinctively the names on those files.
They're the names we have given you
and they're attached to selected memories.
Those memories, as implanted planted
will slowly come to you
as you react to the triggers we have set.
Lilian will take you through the process.
The test is to see how
hidden your true identities can be,
how believable
your new identities will be.
How deep the amnesia is
and if you'll break through.
Each memory flow will be instigated
by another, and upon suggestion.
We have programed
immediate belief and also a resisting.
One of you will be highly emotional,
another calm and collected.
Another impossibly irritating.
Different personalities and the likes.
But there is a control.
One of you has been programmed
to fully remember who you truly are
and what the test is all about.
We need to know that we can
pull you back from the edge.
[exhales] Can I go technical and explain
the drug and the psyche process itself?
Okay. Any questions?
Okay. We'll leave you guys.
This is going to be something, right?
I'm so excited. [laughs]
Mustafa, this is not a joke.
Look, lives are dependent on this.
Ibrahim, for God sakes,
can you stop being so serious for once?
Said, don't let him start, please.
You have been selected amongst a list of...
[all] Fourteen thousand,
three hundred and twenty six people
from seven hundred and seventy four
local government areas in Nigeria.
- [all laughing]
- Wait guys.
We're about to embark
on a journey that will help us
fight the battle against Tsarkkaken Umma.
Once these memories are implanted,
we will not remember who we are,
or who we will eventually become.
So I don't think it is a bad idea
that when Zainab gets back
from her mission tonight,
we take time out to paint the town red.
- [in Hausa] Don't you agree?
- Yeah, alright.
Okay. Let's start making plans. C'mon!
[Wale pants]
[female lead] You are black ops.
Unit thirteen, operating under the radar.
You do not exist.
Where the army cannot go, you will go.
The actual counter terrorism operation,
a full scall emersion,
capture and retrieval.
The enemy we fight is brutal,
we must be prepared
to confront him
and defeat him in his own terrain.
[bullets clank on metal targets]
They have captured our girls
and we must retrieve them whole.
Zero casualties!
We have given you new identities.
You are who we say you are. Am I right?
- [all] Yes ma'am!
- [female lead] Who are you!
- [all] We are who you say we are!
- Again!
- [all] We are who you say we are!
- Give me fifteen!
- [female lead] Down, up! Count!
- [all] One.
- Down, up!
- [all] Two.
- Down, up!
- [all] Three.
- Down, up!
- Four.
- Down, up!
- Five.
- Down, up!
- Six.
- Down, up!
- Seven.
- Down, up!
- Eight.
- I can't hear you! Down, up!
- Nine!
You're the finest commando unit.
If not in the whole world then in Africa!
Men and women who can
assume any identity at anytime.
You are chameleons.
- [men grunting]
- Stop!
[tense music playing]
[both grunting, groaning]
[female lead] This next stage
is real scenario infiltration.
Move out!
Sector four.
Left, right!
Move it! Left, right!
Stay sharp. Too slow. Move.
Let's go, people!
[woman 5]Tsarkkaken Umma
snatched our girls from us.
Those monsters deceived us,
blasphemed us, snatched them from school
under the pretense that Western education
is forbidden in the Holy Koran.
Which Koran?
The same Koran that I have read
since I was a child?
[in Hausa] It's a lie.
- It is for their selfish gain.
- [machine buzzing]
Those monsters
will not even wait one second
for them to rape
and turn our innocent girls into mothers.
Everyday we cry and ask God for mercy.
- [machine beeping]
- We as mothers, our hearts are broken.
We have no one to fight for us.
We have no one to help us,
except you, the government.
Mr. President,
those girls are very, very innocent.
[voice breaking] They, as persons...
They are precious to us.
Just imagine that
those girls are your daughters.
Imagine the agony they will be facing.
Imagine how they will feel,
hopeless and afraid.
As a father
who is supposed to protect them
has abandoned them to these monsters.
Do something, Mr. President.
Negotiate with them.
Do whatever you can
and bring back our girls.
For God's sake.
You are the Armed Forces.
You are the Police.
You have all the power.
You have everything.
Bring back our girls.
[in Hausa] We are begging you, please.
Hear our pleas.
Hear our cries.
Do the needful.
And bring back our girls.
[indistinct conversation]
[man 6] I carry out the sentence
in the name
of God and His general
- [woman 5 crying] Please.
- ...Sheikh Ibrahim Mukuta.
Please there's a mistake.
- Please, I'm not a spy. My name is Aisha.
- [man 6 yells] Yes, you are!
You are Zainab Abubakar.
- [woman 6] Please.
- [gunshot]
[Koran recitation]
Surely, when the Sheikh discovers
that 30 have fallen by our hands,
we shall be
highly esteemed into Kar ki koma.
God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
God is the greatest!
Bury the infidel.
We have more ground to cover.
[man 7 laughing] My Brigadier,
- this is a pleasant surprise.
- [Brigadier] My senator.
- What brings you here?
- We have a problem.
- Problem?
- Tsarkkaken Umma has been infiltrated.
- What?
- A female spy.
- A spy?
- She's been eliminated.
- Do they know who sent her?
- No.
- [prayers being recited]
- Ah, I want this investigated.
- We need to know who sent her in.
- We're on it.
Cut all ties with Tsarkkaken Umma.
If Sheikh makes contact,
we give him radio silence.
He does not know us, we do not know him.
- Total blackout.
- On it.
- Is Chief aware?
- Yes.
He asked that we check out
everyone in our own team.
- Good. Abubakar will work on it with you.
- [bandit] Hey, move!
- [bandit] Move!
- Senator, I prefer to work on it alone.
Do you suspect him?
He is less than a year with us.
- He's my PA.
- I know.
- But you can't take chances.
- [girl coughing]
- [girl continues coughing]
- Okay. Check him out first.
- If he's clean, he'll work with you.
- Okay.
One more thing,
-if you find any spies in our team,
-[bandit] Move!
- kill them.
- [bandit] Move!
- Even Abubakar?
- No
- exceptions.
- Noted.
[girls crying]
[bandit 1] Peace be upon you.
[bandit 2] Peace be upon you.
[laughing] Welcome.
[continues laughing]
You brought us plenty,
- plenty and so many wives.
- Yes.
[in Hausa] Since God has given us,
who are we to refuse?
[girl 1] Sisters,
don't let them break you,
- please try, stay strong.
- You see this?
This is what happens to filth.
[girl 2] Sisters, Jesus will save you.
[bandit 3] Shut up!
[bandit 1] Shut up. Shut that mouth.
Oh, you won't shut it?
Okay. I'll give you something
to shut that mouth of yours.
- [urine splashing]
- Yes!
Shut that mouth.
Useless infidel.
- I believe in God, the Father almighty.
- You are still talking?
Huh? Okay.
[girl 2] The maker of heaven and earth.
You're sensitive, right?
- If you refuse to be converted...
- [girl 2] Only you one Lord.
- God will still provide.
- [continues urinating]
Jesus Christ...
- Useless infidel.
- ...the son of God,
-the only begotten son of the father
-Shut up.
[girl 2] We believe
in God the Father almighty,
- creator of heaven and earth...
- [gun cocks]
- ...and in Jesus Christ the son of God.
- I'll shoot if you don't keep quiet!
[girl 2] Who
was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
- Born by virgin Mary.
- Stop that.
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
- Sheikh says no one dies.
- ...and was crucified, he died, was buried.
- For now...
- He descended into hell, on the third day
he ascended into heaven,
seated at the right hand
of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come
and judge the living and dead.
- Let's go.
- [girl 2] I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
[all girls] Amen.
[girl panting, screams]
[girls sniffling]
Come on!
[door closes]
- Move!
- Please, I need water.
- [in Hausa] Please, in God's name.
- [bandit 2 yells in annoyance]
Please, water. I'm thirsty. Water.
Please, water.
You're thirsty? Good.
If you choose to accept what we offer you,
unlike those infidels
who will rot in that pit,
then food will come. Water will come.
Husbands will also come.
Men who are willing
to lay down their lives for the creation
of the new caliphate of God himself.
If I were you, I would purge my heart
of the sins of the world of the infidels.
For now, no more complaints,
no more requests.
Forget the lives we have saved you from.
Forget the past we have saved you from
and concentrate on the life that
Tsarkkaken Umma is creating for you.
Focus on a future where
there is no more corruption,
no more lies. None of the fake
ways of the western world.
A future where the rich are only
rich because God wills it even then,
they take care of the less priviledged,
those who do not have live
comfortable and good lives.
A future where justice is swift
where the sharia is the
only lifestyle and only law.
Wouldn't you want to live
in that kind of caliphate?
I asked you a question!
Wouldn't you like to live
- in that kind of caliphate?
- [all girls] Yes!
Good, then pray.
Pray my sisters
that God grants you the mercy,
the strength to bear his future warriors.
Pray that he grants
you the patience to raise
these soldiers in the
tenets of prophet Mohamed.
[in Arabic] Peace
and blessings of God upon him.
Pray for wisdom,
wisdom to submit totally to his will
and the will of men,
we who have carried out his will
but for now, you fast!
No food! No water!
Until Sheikh Ibn Buttuta gives the order.
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
- God is the greatest!
Lock them in.
[metal clanking]
[man 8] Ismaila, I know we agreed
to the payments
and the timelines but I swear,
things have been very crazy. Crazy
[in Hausa]
Sheikh has no business with crazy.
You gave him a job.
He did it. You ran away.
The senator had to lie low
and investigate the rumours of the spies.
You know if this thing
is linked to him or his friends,
the whole thing can come crashing down.
Spies? [in Hausa]
What's his business with spies?
- Sheikh has no deals with senator again.
- Come on, Ismaila!
We are both PAs,
we both know that we decide who our
bosses see and what they will not see.
Let's make this thing happen.
And by the grace of God,
I will personally
make sure the senator does not forget you.
As for the Sheikh, tell him that the Emir
has sent a gift
that he will love very much.
Alright. Okay.
[Ismaila] Come back tonight
and not in this your big car.
Come in something else, nothing flashy.
Bring the money. are you listening?
I'll talk to him. I'll take you to him.
I'm really scared of sheikh.
I hope he likes the gift you'll bring.
Thank you so much.
we return tonight, by god's grace.
[in arabic] god is the greatest.
God is the greatest!
[in English] Now we hit them hard,
break them into tiny little pieces
and set those poor girls free.
- I pray they succeed.
- We have no need for prayers.
Those agents are failure-proof,
they will not fail.
This is Nigeria oh.
Soldier! You realize
I am your superior officer?
Field control,
this is Green Parrot 2 IC to mocking bird.
We're counting on you.
The sheikh must die
and Tsarkakken Umma must fall.
Please, no screw-ups.
[Koranic recitation]
[man 9 in Hausa] Shehu, open the gate.
[Koranic recitation continues]
[vehicle engine roaring]
- [tense music playing]
- [gun cocks]
[man whistling]
[in Arabic] Peace be upon you, Senator.
Peace be upon you, Sheikh.
-[In Hausa] You're looking good
-Ah, just like you.
Both of us are looking very good.
What you
and Tsakakken Umma has done for us,
has brought
a lot of pleasure to our souls.
As our father Usman Dan Fodio said,
"One day soon, we shall dip the Koran
in the Atlantic ocean
and even then, we will not stop."
I tell you, by the grace of God,
sharia will rule the world.
[Sheikh] By God's grace.
You know what, Sheikh?
Abubakar here tells me
that you're very annoyed with us.
I tell you, what would we have done?
Look at the kind of security you have,
it's the same thing we had to do.
We have to be safe these days.
But God being good, our investigations
revealed, there were no spies.
So we're back here to do business.
So, on behalf of myself and my friends,
I apologize to you. Please forgive us.
[In Hausa] I hope you understand you
can't use us. Isn't that right, senator?
Tell your friends too.
Tell your friends that we are not fooled
by their empty piety
words of righteousness.
[In Hausa] We are doing this for God.
We are doing this for God.
You do this for power.
We despise your kind,
but were wise enough
to know that we need you.
I pray that you're wise enough
to know that you need us too.
[In Hausa] If you provoke us,
Tsarkkaken Umma will rain harsh
[in English]
like you've never seen before.
And God will smile on us,
for the vengeance that will rain upon you,
your children, your children's children,
whether they worship God or not.
Muslims and even infidels.
Your friends or your enemies.
[In Hausa] You won't like it.
We will come to Abuja and if you
and your friends run down to Lagos,
we will follow.
If you fly out of the country,
our friends will be waiting.
don't mess with us.
- [In Hausa] Is that the money?
- Oh yes!
Ten million dollars,
five million
for the good work you did for us at Baga.
Another five million as a deposit
for the work you will do for us at Mongolo
and as usual, you get the balance
of five million after you retake Mongolo.
That is 250,000 dollars.
As a peace offering.
And what is this?
Ah! This is the gift from the Emir,
specifically for you.
Untouched, untainted.
- Show me your face.
- [tense music plays]
Get out!
Go away now.
Hey you, wait.
Pick it up.
[tense music playing]
[tense music]
- [in Hausa] Useless man...
- [choking]
This is for every girl
that has suffered in your hands,
and for all the blood you've spilled.
I want to see when you're in hell.
And all the bad things
you're involved with,
we will see if God himself
will come and forgive
the evil you have done.
You drunkard!
- [grunts]
- [Koranic recitations]
- [Koranic recitations]
- [gun cocks]
[Koranic recitations]
- Go, go, go!
- [sporadic gunshots]
- [gun shots]
- [indistinct chattering]
- [women yelling] Go, go, go!
- [girls crying]
[indistinct chatters]
- [women yelling] Go, go, go!
- [sporadic gunshots]
- [women yelling] Go, go, go!
- [girls screaming]
[helicopter whirring overhead]
- [indistinct chattering continues]
- [gun shot continues]
- [girls screaming]
- [indistinct yelling of orders]
- [girls screaming]
- [indistinct yelling of orders]
[helicopter whirring overhead]
- [girls screaming]
- Get the medical team, we got to get out...
- [woman exheling]
- [Koran recitation continues]
[machine beeping]
[Koran recitations continue]
[Koranic recitations]
Subtitle translation by: Regina Njoku