Kokuhaku (Confessions) (2010) Movie Script

Those who've finished drinking, return your...
...empty cartons to the correct number and sit back down.
Our school has been selected from ten thousand candidates...
...all across the country to promote milk for middle schoolers.
You're currently approaching your second growth period.
The calcium in milk not only strengthens your bones,
but also nurtures your brains.
These are porn movies I confiscated from Kamiyama last month.
He digitally removed the mosaic on them at Watanabe's house,
and planned on giving them to all the boys in the class.
I'm sure you know that your bodies and hearts are about to...
(You're kidding me! You kissed him!?)
...go through an immense period of growth known as puberty.
I don't know how effective milk will be on thirteen year old bodies and minds.
But I'm sure we'll see some changes in you come the March health checkups.
Though I'll be gone by then.
I've had enough, so this will be my last month as a teacher.
You gotta be kidding!
(25th March
End of term ceremony for Year One Class B)
I don't really know whether I've been a good teacher.
Stop messing around! The teacher's trying to say something!
Thank you, Hoshino.
Do any of you know a teacher called Masayoshi Sakuramiya?
He's the super-teacher that wrote this book, right?
He's totally awesome.
He's a truly passionate teacher who has published books,
and has appeared on television.
Originally he was a total deadbeat, right? He dropped out...
...of school and travelled the world before becoming a teacher.
That's right.
Last year he was told he only had a few months left to live.
Yet he wasn't discouraged, and continued to put his...
...all into his classes until the very last.
He taught at...
...the first school I ever worked at.
!?The weak will always hurt those weaker than them.
Are the only choices available to bear it or die?
No, the world you live in is not so limited.
If you're stuck in a difficult situation,
it's okay to retreat to somewhere safer.!?
Retreat, huh?
Guess we better had then!
I'm outta here!
Already taking Mr. Sakuramiya's words to heart.
Truly, the man is a genius.
Well, I suppose it hardly matters.
Compared to Mr. Sakuramiya,
I might never have been much of a teacher.
But there were two rules I chose to work by.
One: Address the students politely.
Two: Do my best to place myself on the same level as them.
Speak with them as I'd like to be spoken to.
Be frank with them as if we were friends, talking to them about anything they wanted.
I think I must have been quietly influenced...
...by drama characters who spoke in such ways.
I'm sorry, Nagaguchi.
Even though you sent me late night e-mails,
telling me you wanted to lose weight, or that you wanted to die,
I could never answer you kindly.
Because frankly I never completely trusted what any of you told me.
Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?
I remember a certain event.
A girl wrote to a young male teacher saying she was in love with him.
I remember this!
That she'd kill herself if he didn't meet her. He panicked and agreed to meet her at a love hotel.
The girl waited there, and got a photo of him.
Then she showed it to her parents, who stormed into the school.
It was just a stupid prank by a girl who was angry for being scolded.
The teacher was a fool to trust her.
So you don't believe us about anything!?
It's just because students...because all of you...are so good at lying.
(I'm waiting up on the roof.)
Miss, I'm feeling ill. Can I go to the nurse?
Go ahead.
Anyway, after that, if I was called out by a student of the opposite gender,
even one of my own, I'd get a male teacher from...
...another class to go instead.
Just as whenever one of the boys in this class...
...asked to meet me, I'd send Mr. Tokura from Class A.
I feel that's deeply irresponsible as our teacher.
Oh you do, do you?
I see. I suppose you can look at it that way.
Spending your every moment thinking about marrying a Johnny's Jr.
you can become quite self-absorbed, and completely wrapped up in your own little worlds.
It's easy to forget what it means simply to live.
I'm going to make sure none of you ever use words like 'I want to die' so lightly again.
I'm going to give you one final, very important lesson.
As you know, I'm a single mother.
I had intended to marry the father of my daughter Manami.
We were both teachers, but he was someone I really looked up to.
Shortly before we were due to be married, I became pregnant.
And he was diagnosed with HIV during a physical examination.
HIV. A virus which destroys the immune system.
The virus which causes AIDS.
He contracted it as a relief worker abroad.
It's okay, you can breathe.
It doesn't pass through the air.
It also won't pass through handshakes, sneezes,
baths, or swimming pools.
Even if you're close to someone infected regularly, it doesn't pose problems.
So I'm not even infected to begin with.
HIV isn't guaranteed to pass via sex.
Though I myself couldn't believe I wasn't infected, and demanded a reevaluation.
In the end, I gave birth to my child, but didn't marry.
That was the decision I took.
Why didn't you marry him?
Even though the child wasn't infected,
her father was. And if that became...
public knowledge, she'd face discrimination.
Who cares what people think!
The specter of his illness would hang over her even after he had passed.
It would only make her suffer. That was his judgement, and I agreed.
That's so cruel on the kid!
It would've been crueler to do otherwise.
Even though he wanted to hold Manami more than anyone, he couldn't...
As hard as it was for me, I think it was a hundred times harder for him.
I gave Manami every bit of love I had.
When she turned one, I went back to work.
Until she was six, she'd wait for me at the local nursery.
And after that, I entrusted her to a Ms. Takenaka I met via a volunteer center.
She took care of a dog called Shaggy.
Manami really loved that dog,
so she put her in charge of feeding it.
At the start of this year, Takenaka was hospitalised.
Every day I finished work by the time she finished nursery.
Except on Wednesdays, when there were staff meetings.
Then I'd go and meet her early, and have her...
wait until the meeting was over in the school infirmary.
Manami really loved a character called Cotton Bunny.
Her bag, her handkerchief, her tissues, her shoes...
Hey, Shimomura, you remember this pouch, right?
Buy it for me Mommy!
I already bought this one for you.
Why don't you just buy her it? It's only a pouch.
Thinking about it now, you were probably right.
Because in the end...
Manami! Manami!
...it was the last thing Manami ever asked me to do for her.
On the 13th of February...
...the police determined that she had slipped into the pool, and drowned.
There were bread crumbs beside Shaggy,
and it was the same bread Manami was given at the nursery.
Manami had secretly been walking past the pool every week.
To give Shaggy food.
She's crying!
Aww, baby wants to cry!
Manami is gone.
I'll never touch her small hands again.
My hands will never again be able to feel her tiny cheeks...
Her soft hair...
Manami's death...
...was probably my fault. I failed as her guardian.
I wasn't going to let it end like that.
Manami died.
But it was no accident.
She was killed by students from this class.
(Moriguchi's going crazy!)
What is it that protects you?
Your parents? Weapons?
No, your strongest ally is...
Juvenile law.
Under Article 41 of the penal code, those under fourteen years of age...
are not liable for their crimes.
And cannot be punished for them. Isn't that lovely?
There was a thirteen year old girl just the same as you.
She mixed all sorts of drugs into her family's food,
calling it a holy rite, and recorded the results...
in detail on an internet blog.
The Lunacy Incident?
That's right. The Lunacy Incident.
That was the name she used on her blog,
so the press gave it that name and turned it into a big scare story.
In the end, they never found a reason for...
...her to brutally murder her whole family.
But because of that, all sorts of foolish rumours began to spring up...
...and she even won admirers among people her age.
(Tell us who we need to punish!)
The only one who received a harsh punishment...
...was the teacher who told her specific details about various medicines.
All she had to do was write a few remorseful words in a...
...juvenile detention center and she was pronounced rehabilitated.
Even if you kill someone, you're not going to be punished for it.
(Exactly. That's why I did it!)
And there's no way for us to stop these crimes...
For us to stop child murderers.
If you felt like it, you could kill someone with a baseball bat...
...or a nice long kitchen knife...
...or a medicine ball from P.E...
...or even with your bare hands!
And there'd be nobody to stop you.
That hurts...
I'm sorry.
Hurry up, hurry up!
Guess even you wanted to find out who the culprits are, huh?
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have no intention of telling you their names.
The hell!? That's not fair!
Masami's father was Masayoshi Sakuramiya.
The reason that we had a special sort of funeral at our house...
...was because he wanted to finally hold Manami before she was gone.
The first time Manami was held by her father...
...her soul had already departed.
He confessed to me that his condition had worsened into AIDS.
But in the few months of life he had left...
...I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him.
I believe that along with Manami,
something important inside me died too.
Last week, I went to visit Ms. Takenaka, who had retired.
She gave me a box of Manami's things I had left with her.
And this was in the box.
The pouch I had never bought her,
Where did it come from?
Ms. Takenaka said she found it near Shaggy's kennel.
The students sometimes drop their things here...
...while they play catch and clean the pool...
I remember it dawning on me that the only punishments children...
...ever have to deal with are a few extra laps, or having to clean the pool...
Don't be stupid! It's not me.
(I know who it is!)
Was Minami really alone at the pool that day?
There are two students responsible.
I'll refer to them as 'A' and 'B'.
'A' is a straight As student. Looking at him, you wouldn't expect him to have any problems at all.
But...there are some fairly unsettling rumours you hear from time to time...
Since he was in junior school, he's been picking up stray cats and dogs...
...and taking them home to kill with his Execution Machine.
Execution Machine?
Some sort of weird tool he made himself.
He puts photos of the animals he kills with it on his site.
(Einstein's Laboratory)
(A new machine is currently in development. Be prepared!)
I checked out A by calling his junior school teacher,
but was told there had been no problems with him at all.
Just as I was about to give up on him...
So what do you teach, Miss?
...'A' came to my office.
Lights and stuff?
If you want to know about that, shouldn't you just ask your dad?
There's something good inside. Try opening it!
Awesome, huh?
So I'm a test subject, huh?
Are you going to use this to torture animals?
No point in that.
Can't you hear that, Miss?
It's the sound of something important to you disappearing...
(All Japan Junior High Applied Science Fair)
Mugger Shocking Surprise Wallet.
Protects your important valuables from muggers.
It wasn't an Execution Machine?
Whatever. Just stamp here.
One report that stressed how safe it was with its new safety switch...
...and one full of perfectly played junior school sincerity...
They only made him seem more frightening.
'A service to humanity', huh?
There's no need to read every damn word.
Just tell me which one is better!
I consulted the Principal on the matter, but...
...he did little more than echo my concerns.
And in the end, the Anti-Theft Surprise Wallet won first place at the contest.
(It's Shuuya Watanabe!)
I asked 'A' about the truth behind Manami's death.
Just messin' with ya.
'A' told me the truth with a smile.
He hardly seemed to care that the woman before him...
...was the mother of the girl he killed.
'A''s motive...
Was pure naivety.
A desire to have the world notice him.
To be recognised as more talented than any of his peers.
But on the day that he got his wish and was published in the newspaper.
The world turned their eyes from him...
...to a certain girl of the same age.
(Junior high student murders family of four)
(Refers to herself as 'Lunacy' on a blog)
Even if you're recognised for doing good stuff, nobody gives a shit.
They all just care about that Lunacy freak.
An overdose? Hah!
If I wanted to kill someone, I could make everything myself. Just like this.
I want to kill this little brat.
That was the only thought that ran through my head.
'B' had transferred to our school, and joined the P.E club, but...
...it was all just athletics...
...and they wouldn't even let him hold a racket.
He was fed up, but he didn't have the nerve to talk to the teacher.
So he got his mum to call in, quit the club...
...and began attending a cram school.
But his grades didn't get any better.
And though he worried, he was too lazy to do anything about it.
He holed up in the police station.
He got a shock when the person who came to meet him...
...wasn't me, but Mr. Tokura.
Why didn't Miss Moriguchi come?
What're you babbling about, idiot.
For violating the rule against juniors going to the arcade,
'B' was given a punishment.
He was to clean the school rooms and the poolside once a week.
(You gotta be kidding me. That little wimp did something so serious?)
I heard this from 'B' himself, at his home.
His mother sat beside him.
And everytime he said something, her only response was...
It's not fair.
She kept saying it.
But she wasn't talking about my dead daughter. She was talking about her son.
At the start of February, 'A' made contact with 'B'.
To recruit him to aid in a terrible plan.
Who would be good?
For what?
Woah, is that the thing that won the contest?
I juiced it up a bit, so I want to test it on someone.
It doesn't really matter who. Though I did make it to zap bad guys.
Then I guess we'd better find some creep to test it on too.
'B''s first suggestion was Mr. Tokura.
'A' didn't respond.
So then 'B' put forward my name.
I hate that bitch.
One of her students is in trouble, and she sends another teacher to do her dirty work.
But I've already tested it on her.
'A' wasn't interested in that idea either.
Then how about her daughter?
We'd be punishing a teacher for caring more about her daughter than her students.
'B' talked about how Manami came by the pool to feed the dog...
...and how he saw her clamouring for the pouch...
...and it not being bought for her.
The target they chose...
...was my daughter.
My young, defenseless daughter.
Your mommy wouldn't buy this for you, right?
Or has she given you one already?
Right. She asked us to go and buy it for you.
Mommy said that?
Here you go. A Valentine's Day present from your lovely mommy.
Try opening it.
There's chocolate inside.
What the hell? T...this is bad!
She's dead.
I killed her 'cause she was a little brat that wouldn't shut up.
If you tell them all that I did it, they'll let you off.
I told him that and headed home.
But then that moron had to go and...
If it came out that the pouch had killed her...
I thought I'd be guilty, so...
I thought if I made it look like she fell in the pool...
I wouldn't be found out.
That was the truth behind Manami's death.
As the two of them said...
...the police determined that it was an accident.
I have no intention of fighting that judgement.
It wasn't simply the pouch that killed her.
I took a look at it...
...and even taking into account that she was only four...
...it can't deliver enough of a shock to stop someone's heart.
Want to give it a try?
Manami had just fallen unconscious.
There's no doubt in my mind that the true cause of her death...
...was her drowning after 'B' threw her into the pool.
It's quite ironic.
'A' had the guts to kill someone, but failed to do so.
And 'B' didn't want to hurt anyone, but ended up killing Manami.
Even if I brought forth this evidence to the police, the two would...
..be protected by juvenile law, and would suffer nothing more than being put into care.
Essentially, they'd be viewed as innocent.
I've decided that that's simply not enough.
It's a teacher's duty to reprimand her students when they've done wrong.
I intend to make the two of them realise the severity of their crimes...
...and come to appreciate the importance of life.
I want them to live, each day...
bearing the weight of their crimes.
I mixed a little something...
...into the cartons of milk the two of them were drinking.
The HIV-contaminated blood of Masayoshi Sakuramiya.
Calm down!
You were good enough to drink it all up, too.
Thank you.
I hope you look forward to the three month wait on blood tests.
If the results come back positive, the incubation period is five to ten years.
Time enough, I think, to repent for your sins,
and to realise the value of life.
Spring is a season when everything bursts into life.
The flowers, the trees, the grass, the birds, and even people...
I wish you all a wonderful Spring holiday!
(Confession: Yuko Moriguchi)
That's all I have to say.
Miss Moriguchi...
...you wouldn't believe your eyes.
Seeing the sunny smiles on the faces of our class...
...now that you've gone, and the new term is rolling in.
(6th April
Start of term ceremony for Year Two Class B)
April didn't bring any changes to our class,
but it did bring a new face during homeroom.
That's what people have been calling me since my school days.
But it's 'Werther', not 'worrier'. You can count on me.
The awful jokes kept coming.
(And he acted all friendly with us, like he had known us forever.)
Ayaka? And...Naoki?
Oh, that's right, he caught a cold.
Everyone knew Nao wasn't absent because of some stupid cold.
What surprised us more was that Shuuya...
...continued coming to school.
I wasn't exactly what you'd call a serious student in school.
But then I read a book that changed my life.
That had to be...
...the worst joke of all.
"While wandering the world, I read the Bible.
And in it I discovered the true shape of education.
'What man among you...
...who has 100 sheep and loses one of them...
...does not leave the 99 in the open field...
...and go after the lost one until he finds it?'"
Teach, you're awesome!
I want to show you all how passionately I believe in these words!
I think...everyone was just cowardly...
You can count on me whenever you need me!
They wanted to hide from the horrible truth Ms. Moriguchi had shown us.
I'll support you with all my might!
So they pretended to be stupid.
I want to be like a big brother to you all!
(Confession: Mizuki Kitahara)
I'm sorry.
I've been lying to you.
I told you Naoki couldn't come to class because of colds or illnesses.
But he's not just been skipping.
He wants to come to class, but he's very sick mentally.
Werther was the only one in the class...
...who didn't know why he was like that to begin with.
(We'll refer to the one who leaked Miss Moriguchi's confession as Boy 'C')
The mail was sent to everyone in the class just after...
...the closing ceremony that day. Nobody knew who sent it.
How about it, everyone?
Want to help me make it easier for him to come back?
For example, maybe we could make lots of leaflets, and...
...Class Representative Mizuki and I could take one to his house each week.
No good? What do you think, Mizuki?
Sounds okay.
Stand up! Thanks.
Do you have a nickname too, Mizuki?
People used to call me it in junior school.
Mizuki the moron. Mozuki.
Mozuki, huh?
Right, I'll call you that from now on.
What a cute nickname!
Is Naoki here?
If a teacher as passionate as you had been his homeroom teacher,
Nao might never have ended up like this.
The last teacher was a single mother, right?
Imagine, bringing your child to work in the first place.
Nao's mother danced around the subject of the incident...
...itself, and just kept blaming Miss Moriguchi.
I can't help but feel like she was so focused on her daughter...
...that she lost sight of the needs of her students.
So Naoki is...
Naoki is the sort of boy...
...who can do anything if he tries.
Please let me help with Naoki.
Thank you.
I told you to stay the hell away from me!
It's all that bitch's fault.
(Confession: Yuko Shimomura)
That dear little Nao ended up like this...
He wouldn't let me touch anything he had touched...
...and insisted on washing every inch of it himself.
Yet for some reason he wouldn't wash his hair, and refused to take a bath.
That bitch...
Why Manami?
Why did Manami have to die?
What are you babbling about?
She made it sound like it was all Nao's fault.
Even though he was just led astray by bad friends.
It's not fair.
Stay the hell away!
The hell aren't you workin'?
(Death to Shuuya Watanabe)
(61 points, 58 points, 53 points...)
(10 points, 9 points, 8 points...)
(Death to Shuuya Watanabe! Murderer!)
(Shuuya Punishment Points scoreboard)
(Do your best everyone! ^^)
Nobody knew who it was...
(Holy war on the murderer! Gather those points!)
...who sent around the mails.
Who'll write some words to cheer up Naoki?
Fill your heart with joy!
The road ahead is still long!
Kill off all your doubts!
You live you learn!
How is Naoki?
Can I talk to him for just a few moments?
Just call me Werther.
Doing this stuff isn't going to make Nao come to school.
It might actually have the oppos...
Mozuki, relax.
This is just a little adolescent angst. If he gets through it, he'll see the light.
It's never over 'til you die!
Let's go for it!
Why is it that Nao can be peaceful, but...
...everytime that guy comes here...
...he's terrified...
That stupid teacher.
Spouting that optimistic rubbish.
He's useless.
I slipped sleeping pills into his food.
My husband was away on work.
And my eldest daughter was busy with her studies in Tokyo.
There was nobody in the house but the two of us.
Nobody to protect him but me.
Who's this?
The heck's he smiling for?
There are bullies in this class.
And the one being bullied is Shuuya Watanabe.
This note was in among the homework I took in yesterday.
It took courage to write this.
I'm not just gonna ignore that.
I think the bullies are just jealous.
Because Shuuya's the smartest kid in the year.
Don't think you can just walk all over him...
...just because he's smarter than you!
He couldn't have been more wrong.
Shuuya's intellect is one of his unique qualities!
You all possess unique, individual abilities too!
The ability to bully those weaker than you.
The ability to forget things you don't want to face.
I want to see you all continue to polish those abilities.
Because I'm always watching over you.
Hey, it was you who grassed us up, right?
No! It wasn't me!
The class blamed me.
Because I was the only one whose punishment points sat at...
Mizuki 0 Points
Allying yourself with a murderer...
Don't you have any shame, Mozuki?
Don't you feel sorry for Miss Moriguchi?
Lemme go!
Miss... Our class is finished.
Naoki's crying.
He's probably thinking about the accident.
And crying...
...for the girl who died.
It's clear to me.
I know he hasn't changed a bit.
That same old gentleness...
He's still Naoki.
Fill...the...kill...lear... Filthy killer.
(I'm at the underpass under the bridge. Can we meet?)
(I'll be there.)
Just wanted to let you know.
It's fine. I already knew.
Hey! Wanna go drink some juice?
So you already knew?
Subtitle by
bAldi Arman/b
Yeah. Had to be a lie.
Mixing HIV-infected blood into milk.
Couldn't believe everyone bought it.
How come?
If someone was really trying to kill someone, or get revenge...
...they wouldn't feed us all that shit about the importance of life.
You think?
She didn't have the guts.
No matter how much she hated you.
She just said that stuff to give you a wake up call.
I could tell.
You're not afraid of me?
Even though I'm Boy 'A'?
Why'd you bother telling me the results?
Because even though my life isn't very important...
...yours is.
You've been sending weird mails around and setting everyone on me...
Right, Hoshino?
If you keep fucking with me...
...then I'm gonna put these lips all over you.
Just kidding.
I'll pay for it. All of it.
You shouldn't eat it. You'll get AIDS.
During the closing ceremony...
The milk I drank had Miss Moriguchi's...
What Nao told me...it was too terrible.
Moriguchi is a demon.
Nao! We're going to the hospital.
Forget it.
What're you saying!? If you died, I'd...
I'm a murderer.
You are not!
You were just trying to protect your friend, so you took the body, and...
It wasn't a body. She was still breathing.
That's why I threw her in the pool.
S...so she was alive, and...
And you just didn't realise! That's right.
Not really.
She opened her eyes right in front of me.
So I just...
Nobody dared to bully Shuuya anymore.
(Nobody dared to bully Shuuya anymore.)
Don't look! I'm writing a letter!
Huh? To who?
I'm not going to send it or anything.
But it's just...full of my feelings.
This is awesome, Shuuya!
All I wanted...
All I wanted was for someone to recognise me.
I don't have a mother, and I've been alone all this time.
I told Shuuya...
...a secret I had kept from everyone else.
That Lunacy girl...is my other side.
I let him see the real me, that I hid from everyone else.
Is there anyone you really want to get rid of?
Go home!
Nao, are you there!?
Nothing's going to be solved by holing yourself up in your room!
Don't think you're facing this alone!
I'll help you!
I'll listen to anything you have to say!
Believe in me, Naoki!
You've got to come to the end of year ceremony tomorrow!
Everyone's waiting for you!
Mozuki... Thanks for always coming with me.
Naoki...isn't Naoki anymore.
The gentle Nao that I loved...is gone.
Yoshihiko...Mariko... Goodbye.
Forgive me. I'm going to take Nao with me t...
(...to heaven.)
The next day, the end of term ceremony was postponed.
And in the afternoon, a staff meeting was called.
Because Nao...
...killed his mother.
I'm sure it's a shock to you that Nao did a thing like this, but...
The police are wanting to make inquiries.
You just need to tell the teachers and the police whatever comes to mind.
I know.
Miss... Miss Moriguchi.
I want to ask you once more.
Is life a heavy burden to bear?
No matter whose life it is?
I've collected a range of different medicines.
I planned to use them to commit suicide.
But it's just as easy to take them...
...and mix them into Werther's tea.
Life isn't worth a thing.
I'm sure that's what you thought when you did what you did to Shuuya and Nao.
Though I'm not sure you did anything at all...
I'm actually a little bit afraid.
Though part of me doesn't care...
...whether a creep like Werther lives or dies.
I said whatever came to mind.
That everything Nao did... That him becoming the way he did...
Was all Werther's fault.
Nobody taught me that killing people was wrong.
Where other kids got read picture books and fairy tales,
my Mum taught me Ohm's law,
and Norton's theorum. She only ever talked about electronics.
She'd break cute toys to pieces,
and show me how they worked.
Mom dreamed of becoming a promising researcher in electrical engineering.
She married the most unspectacular person you could imagine...
...and gave birth to me.
In order to raise me,
Mom threw away her career as a researcher, and cast aside a shining future.
You're going to be a genius.
Because you've got my blood in your veins.
But she soon came to regret that decision.
And to hate me for it.
Why don't you get it? Why can't you even do something like this!?
If only you weren't here.
If only I wasn't here.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry... I'm sorry...
What're you doing?
My dad couldn't stand the way she treated me, and divorced her.
And Mom decided to go back to her dream of being a researcher.
Of course, that meant leaving me behind.
The only things she left me were...
These are all wonderful books that have had a big impact on me.
I'm sure they'll be useful to you further down the line.
...a pile of books, and a few words.
You've got the same blood as me.
The same talent flows in your veins.
See you around.
As she left, I heard...
...the sound of something important to me disappearing.
(Confession: Shuuya Watanabe)
Everyone will die.
Want a drink too?
Including me.
My entire world will...
I planted a bomb in the school.
The detonator is tied to the dial button on my phone.
A piece I wrote on the topic of 'Life' during my first term...
...won a prefectural competition.
And come tomorrow's start of term ceremony.
I'll be standing in front of every student in the school reading it.
Realise the importance of life!
I'll never forget the words of Miss Moriguchi, who told me that.
They were words of truth, from a woman...
...who had lost her darling daughter.
When I've finished my speech, I'll trigger the detonator.
And I'll be blown to pieces, along with all the idiots sitting in front of me.
The media will be all over it, of course.
But it'd be bothersome for them to misrepresent me,
or fill in the blanks in my story themselves.
So I'm leaving my last will and testament...on this website.
The year after he divorced my mom, Dad got remarried.
In perfect accordance with natural law...
...it was a union of two morons...
...so their child was just as stupid.
Your dad and I have been thinking...
...that maybe we could turn the storehouse into a study room for you.
The baby will be crying everyday, and...
it would be good for you not to be disturbed.
I read the books Mom left me every day.
I could feel her blood burning in my veins.
I wanted to use the talents she had left me.
The morons were happier to keep...
me out of sight. So I shut myself away like...
some sort of monster.
What's this?
A backwards clock.
Idiots who only met up to uncensor porn movies...
...couldn't hope to understand my genius.
(Einstein's Laboratory)
First I set up a website.
Then I visited the page of my mom's prestigious university,
and sent them the address.
(Here's a kid genius who's really into electrical engineering.)
(He's posting some pretty amazing stuff!)
I thought maybe Mom might see it.
It pissed me off that whenever I posted stupid junk...
(Execution Machine)
Yoshikazu Seguchi.
I was shocked
to find his name among the judges.
A professor who had inspired Mom. Who she had looked up to more than anyone.
I wanted to show him my inventions.
It was the perfect stage to demonstrate the talents Mom had left me.
If my inventions were just recognised on a big stage...
...then surely my mom would hear word of it too.
I tested my invention on our homeroom teacher...
...with pleasing results.
And as expected, took first prize. But...
(Lunacy Incident)
(Junior high student murders family of four)
A student of a city public school is being held under suspicion...
...of murdering four members of her family.
...the world didn't even blink an eye.
Nobody noticed. Not even Mom.
I had to do something bigger. Something the media couldn't ignore.
A murder.
A murder using the very gifts that...
...my mom had left me.
I didn't care who I killed.
But I needed a helper.
Someone too stupid to notice what I was thinking.
Someone who would do as they were told.
Who would spread the word of my murder like wildfire.
An idiot among idiots.
I found him.
If you tell them all that I did it, they'll let you off.
Don't worry about me trying to drag you into it.
I never thought of you as a friend anyway.
You're pathetic, untalented...
...and utterly worthless.
All I did was tell someone stupid that they were stupid.
So why'd he go and...
(Four year old girl drowns in pool accident)
...mess everything up?
I wanted to be friends...
With you...
I didn't have any friends.
Wanna watch a video together or something?
I've been wanting to talk to you for a while.
Nobody who paid me any attention at all...
You seem different to all those other idiots.
Sort of easy-going. Like a grown up.
Nobody had ever acknowledged me before.
So I chose a target like you asked.
How about Moriguchi's daughter?
Why Manami?
Why did Manami have to die?
I wonder...
I don't even remember anymore.
I just did what I was told.
I scouted around the pool.
But you...
If you tell them all that I did it, they'll let you off.
He just wanted to kill someone.
But he failed.
She was alive.
She was still breathing.
...and utterly worthless.
I'm worthless?
He wanted to kill someone and screwed up!
He's the worthless one!
Tough luck!
Looks like I'll do what he never did!
Why the hell did you do that!?
If you wanna spread rumours, do it yourself.
A month passed, and finally the dumb teacher put two and two together.
I'm not going to debate the police's conclusion.
God damn it...
It wasn't simply the pouch that killed her.
Even taking into account that she was only four, it can't deliver enough of a shock to stop someone's heart.
This is fucking ridiculous...
I mixed a little something into the cartons of milk the two of them were drinking.
The HIV-contaminated blood of Masayoshi Sakuramiya.
Moriguchi, you're the best.
A life-threatening illness is just what I need!
My stupid dad'll have to let Mom know about this!
She'll definitely agree to meet me!
She'll meet me, even if it's difficult for her.
I'll meet Mom...
She'll look out for me...
And I'll show her just what she taught me!
Everything after that was just a way of burning time.
My smiles...
My tears...
This and that...
All of it.
Even living...
They were all just boring ways to pass the time.
(That day, I met Miss Moriguchi by chance...)
How did he...? That talentless...
It's all Moriguchi's fault.
She wanted me dead, and even sent spies here.
But Mom just kept bad mouthing her.
That's why she's dead.
Even though I worked so hard to not infect her...
To keep everything clean...
I'm gonna die too!
Yet...I'm still alive.
(Confession: Naoki Shimomura)
I don't think it's fully dawned on me yet.
I stink...
But this is proof that I'm alive.
My teeth... My hair... My nails... This smell...
And the fact that I'm still hungry.
I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!
I'm going to die... I'm only thirteen...
Moriguchi's going to kill me!
I still haven't kissed anyone...or had sex...
Because you're worthless.
I am not! I'm...
You're a good boy, Nao.
That's right, huh Mom?
Exercise, study...
Killing people.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
I'm sorry, Nao.
Because you're worthless.
Shut up!
I'm sorry. It's my fault. I didn't raise you right...
The boy's actions and state of mind are yet...
to be disclosed, but...
According to his lawyer, he accepted the verdict calmly.
(Miss Moriguchi, is life...)
Even though he loved his mom, he...
Just like you.
What's just like me?
You're scaring me, Shuuya.
What the hell do you know about me?
I know everything.
You were just...a way to pass the time.
Piss off.
Thinking you're so hot because you're Lunacy.
Playing at being a psychopath.
And gathering up this shit.
Lunacy is your other side? The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Entertaining yourself with stupid daydreams.
I'm not buying it.
You have the guts to kill anyone, right?
Then drink this shit yourself and die.
Oedipus complex.
You're nothing more...
Than a little baby who's spent his whole life crying for a mother who left him.
You don't even have the guts to just go and see her.
You're scared, right? That if you go see her, she'll push you away.
You don't want to think that she didn't wa...
Miss Moriguchi...
That day, I came across you by chance...
And I...
There was no blood in the milk, was there?
There's no way you'd...
...have the guts to do something like that.
I've been thinking that this whole time.
I don't even really know anymore.
I don't care if that Werther creep dies.
It seems Mr. Terada will be taking some time away from work.
Because Naoki ended up...
It was all Werther's fa...!
I'm responsible.
I've been meeting with Mr. Terada every now and then.
He's very serious about his job...and very na?ve...
A textbook Sakuramiya fan.
So I decided to tell him that Manami's deceased father...
...was none other than Sakuramiya himself.
I strung him along, and used him...
...to make them suffer.
Of course I didn't tell him why Manami died, but...
He was good enough to take my advice to heart.
To make home visits to Naoki.
To not be discouraged, even if he wasn't greeted warmly.
To be sure to go at least once a week.
To call out to him, even if the door was shut in his face.
I told him that...
...Sakuramiya would have done the same.
As for Shuuya being bullied...
...I suggested fabricating a message from someone in the class.
I told him the students would find it easier that way.
I told him precisely because...
...I knew it would only make things worse.
I was so disappointed to hear he wasn't being bullied anymore.
I thought it best to surround him with hostile classmates...
...until either he killed himself, or one of them did it for him.
I guess you're a nicer bunch than I thought.
Here you go.
Thank you.
If you mix that blood into their milk,
you'll only be repaying hatred with hatred.
And your mind will never be at ease.
They're sure to see the error of their ways one day.
Let's believe in them.
For in their redemption lies your recovery.
That's what Sakuramiya told me.
He always knew just what to say.
I told them I did it anyway.
Even had I done it,
the chance of them being infected was almost zero.
And even if they somehow were infected,
AIDS is no longer the death sentence it used to be.
Its progress can be slowed through modern medicine.
If only we had found Sakuramiya's cancer sooner...
...maybe he might have survived that too.
But they didn't know any of that.
And just hearing 'HIV' sent them into a panic.
A sea of confused, foolish faces.
I lost my family.
Please don't hurt Shuuya...
I won't forgive him.
What about if I died? Would you care?
Of course.
He's just lonely.
He just wants his mom...to look at him again.
He just wants to be acknowledged by the mother who threw him away.
Miss... Is life...
It's light as can be.
Her body was still warm. It creeped me out.
So I stuck her in the fridge.
I only killed another kid my age.
So juvenile law is on my side.
Nobody's going to punish me for it.
How dull...
When I started making it, I actually had no idea what to use it for.
Three days ago.
Assistant Professor Yasaka.
It was from my mother!
She wanted to meet me.
Before I knew it, I was walking to the university.
The third research lab of the electrical engineering department.
The door swung open, and there she was. I wondered if she'd
burst into tears and embrace me if I called out to her. But I decided against it.
What I wanted her to embrace wasn't my body, but something bigger.
I wanted her to acknowledge my talent.
To see the legacy I left to the world.
I left the university.
To fulfill my destiny.
I decided where to use my bomb.
A massacre is about to unfold.
And this time my audience won't just be one idiot like Shimomura,
but everyone who visits this site.
I pray that news of my death, and of the...
...bloody page I am about to write into history...
...will find her. That my feelings will reach her.
I want...my mother to know what I've done.
!?There are men in existence who can, or more accurately, who have...
...an absolute right to commit all kinds of wicked and criminal acts. For them...!?
For me...
!?...to a certain extent, laws do not exist.!?
This is the justification cited by the protagonist of Crime and Punishment,
Raskolnikoff, after he murders his wife.
But I believe...
That life is... That every life is important.
That every life is beautiful.
There isn't a single life in this world that can simply be cast away!
Just kidding...
Shuu, this is your mommy.
I'm so sorry for leaving you alone this whole time.
Who the hell is this?
It's been a while...It's Moriguchi.
I picked up the little present you left in the gymnasium.
It was the feeble work of a feeble mind.
I had no problem disarming it.
Though you helped me out blabbing all about it on that website of...
Shut up!
Not while I still have so much to say.
I thought about how to take revenge on you...
And even if I killed you, you don't seem to especially value...
your own life.
I've been checking your site this whole...
time, wondering if there's no better way to punish you.
I saw that delightful little love letter you wrote to your mom.
But I won't have you lying to so many people.
As your former teacher, I must insist...
...on correcting your work one last time.
Did you really think...
...that the contact details I left you were from her?
You set off the very next day, didn't you?
The door swung open, and there she was.
But you never did meet her...
To fulfill my destiny...
Telling a pathetic little lie like that...
You bitch...
You casually strolled into her laboratory.
Carefully carrying a bunch of junk...
...that you planned on showing off to her.
But she wasn't there,
was she, Watanabe?
Hey. What are you doing?
This is Assistant Professor Yasaka, right?
Yeah. You know her?
She's the person I admire most in the whole world.
Right... But she's Assitant Professor Seguchi now.
Yep. This person. They're on their honeymoon right now.
Kind of amazing, huh? Getting married at that age. H...hey!
You threw everything to the floor, and stormed out in tears.
I sure know a lot, huh?
I was watching the whole thing.
It was me who sent you her details.
Kitahara... The girl you killed...
Told me about your Achilles' heel.
Shuuya's just lonely.
He just wants his mom...to look at him again.
So I searched her out. It didn't take long to find her.
To find the person you were so desperate to see that you resorted to murder.
To find out where she lived...what she was doing...
Shut up!
Plus I wanted to see just how much you cared about your mommy.
Was the little boy who ran away crying really the same person who talked tough in those videos?
I decided against it.
My beloved mommy threw me away.
Worse, she probably doesn't even remember doing it.
I left the university.
I hate this. I've had enough. I want to die.
Taking as many people with me as I can.
These were the real thoughts that ran through your head as you set the bomb.
You idiot...
What the fuck do you know?
You're the one who's clueless here.
Why do innocent people have to die for you?
This was between you and your mother.
So why did you have to drag Manami and Kitahara into it?
I didn't care who I killed.
Then why not start with your beloved mommy?
Shut up!
What are you doing? Give me that!
The police are on their way to your house.
It won't be long before they discover Kitahara's body.
She was the only one...
...willing to understand the proud, pathetic little creature that you are.
I only killed another kid my age.
So juvenile law is on my side.
Nobody's going to punish me for it.
Even if the law protects you,
I'll never forgive you.
After disarming the bomb this morning,
I took a trip to visit someone.
And took them that lovely little present of yours.
You were so desperate to meet her...
...and it was so easy for me.
She had just returned from her honeymoon the night before.
I told her everything.
How much you loved her. And how many people you had sacrificed for her.
She hadn't forgotten you, you know.
Anyway, I gave her your present...
...that little invention of yours...
...and left.
She was a wonderful person.
So I was praying that you wouldn't press the detonator.
But you...went and did it anyway.
Just kidding...
I heard it too. The sound of something important to you disappearing.
But it wasn't a pop... It was more like...KABOOM!
Subtitle by
bAldi Arman/b
Stop it!
You're the one who made the bomb.
And you're the one who pushed the detonator.
This is my revenge.
I have plunged you into the depths of hell.
This is the first step toward your redemption.
Just messing with you.