Kollegiet (Room 205) (2007) Movie Script

ROOM 205
- Coming, Katrine?
- Yeah.
- You'd think I was moving in.
- Nobody asked for your help.
Sure you want to stay here?
Lots of kids commute
to and from school.
Christ! Watch where you're going.
- She could at least help tidy up.
- Dad!
- Dad, I didn't want the shelf there.
- Too late.
- Or do it yourself.
- Fine, I will!
What about the lamp?
It was your mom's, Katrine.
Dad... don't.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I'm looking for my cupboard.
- Rolf hasn't cleaned it out yet.
And Rolf has really short legs
and walks really slowly.
So he's like a midget or what?
- Hiya, Rolf. Speak of the devil..!
- That's just great, Lukas.
Hands off my cereal, you hear?
- Hey, Rolf. Stay for dinner.
- Yeah, Rolf, come on.
Sure took him long enough, didn't it?
You must be the new Rolf.
- Sanne!
- No, I'm Katrine.
Well, I was just...
- Thanks.
- No problem.
Nice meeting you all.
- Am I interrupting anything?
- No...
If you can't afford a new one,
just say so.
It was my mom's, so...
Do you live here or?
Yes. I'm Lukas.
And you're Katrine.
Sorry about before,
but Rolf's pretty weird -
- and now he's moving,
so... problem solved.
- Otherwise you wouldn't have...
- No, we're really nice.
Sanne's a bitch,
but she can't help it.
The party committee is
making party posters for Saturday.
If you feel like giving a hand,
it would be great.
Well, I'm a bit busy, so...
If you change your mind...
Sure you can.
It's not my fault you can't read.
Hi there.
Here you go.
- What are you studying?
- English.
I haven't started yet because it was
too far away until I got this room.
You'd better slow down, because
Lena's a marketing student, get it?
- What's that for?
- All the dorms are having a party.
We want ours to kick ass.
The others aren't doing shit.
The others aren't allowed
to be on the party committee.
Show us your best.
Don't worry. If you fuck up, Sanne
will torment you until you move out.
If people move out,
it's their own damn business.
Can you make a bar poster?
- Shit. Not bad.
- Not much to do in rslev at night.
- I'd rather die than live there.
- You wouldn't last long anyway.
Long way to a pedicure there.
Damn straight. Not my kind of place.
Cheers and welcome, Katrine.
Let's put one up here.
Come on, love.
Lukas and Sanne used to go out
a long, long time ago.
Lukas has got the mental capacity
of a 15-year-old.
Come on.
This is a fucking great place
to stay.
- I can find my own way home.
- Of course, but...
You never know who you might
bump into. The place is haunted.
- Haunted?
- You didn't know?
Sanne's room, room 205. Or did you
think she was born strange?
What happened?
a girl suffered a mysterious death.
- Yeah right!
- It's true.
Lena's mom knew someone here.
I think she was electrocuted.
- Fucked up!
- So what does this ghost want?
Turn off the power.
- Don't worry. I'll protect you.
- Gee, thanks.
Hi. I just stopped by to see
if you had any clothes for the party.
It's not Halloween.
It's not mine.
I brought it by a mistake.
We'd better
change that ringtone, huh?
It's my dad. It's Mom's birthday.
Congrats to her.
Hey, this might work.
I knew you'd have something.
Got anything to go with it?
I think you need help.
Let's go to my room.
I'm glad Rolf is out of here.
He was driving me up the wall.
- I think he moved to the projects.
- With all the other losers.
You look like a Christmas tree.
Less is more.
You'd better button it up.
You can see everything.
Since when did you hide anything?
- What did Rolf do?
- Do? Did he do anything?
He's just nerdy.
Says the weirdest things.
Was his vocabulary too hard
for your IQ of 48?
You're either in or out.
Rolf was out.
Sanne once tried to get Lukas
to beat up Rolf.
- What did Lukas do again?
- Nothing.
- Yes, he...
- Enough!
Why don't you just fuck him
and get it over with?
- It's not right.
- Don't hold back on my account.
- It's Katrine's mom's birthday.
- Congrats.
How old is she?
She's dead.
Can I use your bathroom?
- Are you tearing the place apart?
- Sorry, I didn't mean to.
It's okay.
- Did you cut yourself?
- No, I'm fiine.
Look, I know it must be tough.
Well, it happened a long time ago.
Don't worry about it.
It came with the room.
I'd better... go study.
Dad, it's Katrine. You called?
Look, it isn't...
Can't you go alone?
No, there's no need to...
drive all the way here. Please don't.
- Are you okay?
- I'm tired, that's all.
- I'll call you later.
- Take care. Bye.
Think I can wash this with the darks?
Depends on whether any
of the dark clothes are new.
- You don't want the color to run.
- Right.
Look, I'd wash it separately.
The whites and the darks.
I'd rather you didn't tell anyone.
It's embarrassing I don't know how.
Lots of people don't.
- I promise not to tell.
- See you at the party tonight.
Wow! I'm impressed.
All set?
It's time the party committee
turned up fashionably late.
Hi, girls.
- Want some, Katrine?
- No thanks.
- Lena's just a weekend junkie.
- Better that than full-time.
Time to hit the bottle!
- Come on, Lena.
- Okay.
Time to hit the bottle.
I don't usually get nosebleeds.
You usually do coke?
It's not that bad.
I don't know, l...
I don't want to upset Sanne.
You won't.
It's over between us.
What's going on?
It was just a joke.
We do it to all the newcomers.
- Where's Lukas?
- He's not here.
I don't know where?
- I can't handle this.
- It was just a joke!
But how... How did you get
the girl into the mirror?
What girl in the mirror?
Forget it.
You made a big mistake, Katrine.
You're either in or out.
Oh, come on, Lukas!
It's just that I was sitting there.
Okay, but there are lots
of other places you could sit.
What the hell are you looking at?
No wonder you weren't popular
at the dorm.
Hi, Lukas.
- Yes?
- Could we talk?
I have to be somewhere.
See you later.
- We didn't take it.
- Take what?
- lsn't yourfood gone?
- How do you know if it wasn't you?
Look, keep me out of it.
This is between you and Sanne.
Look, there really is nothing to...
First you take my boyfriend, then my
friend's food. Want my credit card?
- Sanne...
- Weren't you busy playing poker?
If you want an apology, just say so.
- You got something to apologize for?
- If I'd known you still liked...
I don't give a damn.
Now you'll see what Lukas is like
after he's fucked you.
I don't give a shit.
Taste good?
- I'm going to my room.
- Chuck out the mirror Katrine broke.
Oh, come on.
I get to tidy up your mess.
Katrine, what's that?
What the hell is this?
You fucking freak!
- Why did you move out?
- Move out?
Well... I just moved out, I guess.
I think I know why.
You're either in or out.
I was out.
At fiirst it was just little things.
But soon it was all the time.
- What did they do?
- All kinds of stuff.
They tried to scare me
with the dead girl from room 205.
They can get pretty mean.
I don't know if you've noticed?
Oh yeah.
They're after me now.
I'd better get to class.
Want to meet up afterwards?
- Six o'clock?
- Sure.
But why would they want
to scare you?
At first they were really nice
but then...
I hooked up with Lukas and then...
- It's true, though, that story.
- What story?
About the dead girl.
Word is she died in the bathroom.
I don't know if that's true.
Yes, a bit.
Sure this is such a good idea?
I don't like being here.
Why do they get to decide
who can be here? I live here too.
Why hasn't she called me?
I'm not waiting for her all night.
- Didn't she come to the gym?
- No, and she needs the exercise!
I don't know about that.
- Like cilantro?
- Sure.
- Or... I don't know.
- If you like it, or what it is?
If Lena shows up,
tell her I'm not looking for her.
It's fun to cook together, huh?
- Look, what exactly is going on?
- What do you mean?
- Don't use me in your war on Sanne.
- Why does Sanne always win?
I don't want to play her game.
And I'd come to terms with that
until you talked me into this.
I'm sorry. It's just...
- What's going on?
- Let's get out of here.
I think they've rigged the mirrors.
I don't know how.
People used to believe mirrors
were doorways into another world.
When someone was dying,
they'd cover up all the mirrors -
- so their soul wouldn't
be trapped behind the glass.
That's retarded!
How do you know that?
I just know.
- Want to meet again tomorrow?
- Yes, okay.
Good night.
Social security number?
- You're in what room?
- 207.
What were you doing in the basement
in the middle of the night?
- Strange, isn't it?
- What do you mean?
That you found her.
Weren't you the last one to see her?
- I'm not involved...
- I heard you.
- You're fucking mental. Liar!
- Sanne, come on.
Don't you all think it's strange?
Twisted fuck!
- Relax.
- Leave me the fuck alone! Let go!
You've reached Rolf. I can't come
to the phone, so leave a message.
Something's happened. Lena's dead.
Please come over.
Lukas. What do you want?
Stuff like this doesn't just happen.
I don't know.
- You're the only one I can talk to.
- What about...
- What are you doing?
- Come on.
Think you can walk all over me
and then come waltzing back?
Sanne's right. You're fucked up.
What was he doing here?
I don't know what to do.
That girl you saw in the mirror.
It's not just some old tale.
I did some research
because I thought maybe...
Kind of weird they haven't changed
the bathrooms in 20 years, huh?
- So all the mirrors have memories?
- I guess so.
But I'd think most of them are good.
- My mom was mentally unstable.
- What?
She... went in and out of the mental
hospital until she killed herself.
I just want to be sure
I'm not like her.
You're not. You aren't seeing things
that aren't there.
What do you mean?
You saw her
without knowing she'd existed.
Your subconscious
couldn't make her up.
Human beings aren't smart enough
to do that.
You can't just make something up
without knowing what it is.
You're crazy.
I'd better be getting home.
But I'll see you later.
We'll talk on the phone.
Lukas, lay off!
What? I'm not doing anything.
Look, just remember who was
the fiirst man on the moon, okay?
What have you done?
Where have you been?
It was her.
I just know it was her.
She killed Lukas.
The girl from room 205.
I accidentally let her out
when I smashed the mirror.
She died in front of the mirror.
She was raped.
I saw it all. It was terrible.
We have to stop her.
- I'll help you.
- How?
We just... have
to reassemble the mirror.
- And get her back inside.
- We can't.
Come on.
It must be here somewhere.
Here it is!
Here are the pieces.
What are you doing here?
Come on, Rolf.
- What's the rush?
- Give me that key.
You'd better watch out.
You'll get hurt if you mess with her.
I'm not behind this shit, get it?
And I'm not mental. You are!
- What?
- There's a piece missing.
- Does it matter?
- It won't work unless it's complete.
There weren't any more pieces there.
It must be in Sanne's room.
Come on.
- What's this?
- I couldn't stop them.
Shut the hell up!
You don't get it.
The girl in the mirror...
Don't tell me what I get.
You're just a crazy bitch
who's killing off all my friends.
I have to reassemble the mirror...
Or what, Katrine?
You are in here, right?
Come on out.
I brought that stupid piece of glass.
We have to reassemble the mirror,
or it won't ever stop.
What won't ever stop, Katrine?
Come out and tell me.
Put it down and get out of here.
I don't know what's going to happen.
The same thing
that happened to Lukas, I guess...
Katrine... Katrine!
What's happening?
I can make it stop if I get
that last piece of the mirror.
Go away!
I'm not going to harm you.
I just want that last piece.
Sanne, don't!
Katrine, it's me! Katrine...
There now...
As long as she can jump from
mirror to mirror, we can't get her.
She's in there.
Katrine... Katrine!
I want her to go away... now.
She'll be back.
Is that the only mirror?
Hold on tight.
When she comes out,
I'll break that mirror.
She's out! Turn around!
Katrine... she's gone.
We did it.
- I don't get it. Why...
- It's okay. She's gone.
No, there's something wrong.
This isn't right.
Oh, my God!
Oh no!
I'll wait outside.
I'm heading off, okay?
See you.