Koning van Katoren (2012) Movie Script

There still is no clear information
about the king's condition.
Sources inside the palace
confirm the gravity of the situation.
But nobody dares
to give a prognosis.
Push, push.
From all over Katoren
people have flocked together...
in front of the royal palace
in Wiss...
to express their sympathy
with our beloved monarch.
The mood is subdued.
Yes, that's it.
Expressions of support are also
arriving from neighbouring Eltoren.
Throughout the country
people have stopped working...
as they anxiously wait for news
about our king's condition.
Ah, the chamberlain hasjust
come out, probably with a flare...
which he will light to indicate
that the king has died.
My brother is on TV.
My brother is on TV.
Come on, you twerp.
Gervaas is on TV.
from Decibel to Scaffoldwood
Klaas, congratulations.
You have a beautiful son.
- A son? Wow.
- the kingdom of Katoren
will always remain dear to me
from farm hand to landowner
everyone rejoices to have gained
a king that can be trusted
so devoted
and willing to sacrifice
a king for his people
a people so proud and brave
- Throughout the country...
- You're an uncle. Look here.
- The king is dead.
- Yes, I saw you on TV, brother.
Are you alright?
I'll help you. Tell me what to do.
The flag on the Aloysius Tower
must be lowered.
- The invitations, the funeral...
- Calm down.
- I'll do the flag, then we'll see.
- Alright.
Now say something nice
about my son.
He's beautiful, Klaas.
He looks like his father.
And he's crazy about fireworks.
- Now go congratulate his mother.
- I've never done this before.
Bye, little boy.
Will you look after Uncle Gervaas?
What's his name?
Stach. His name is Stach.
Keep your eyes on him.
He was born the night
our beloved king died.
So far it's not yet clear
who will succeed the king.
It's still too early to speculate.
We must first wait
for the cabinet council...
to confirm the king's death
Ladies and gentlemen,
the king is dead.
- Gervaas.
- What?
Maria isn't doing well.
As long as there is
no successor to the throne...
we, as the king's
chief representatives...
will provisionally
assume full control...
of the entire country.
King of Katoren
still no successor
to the throne
firework banned
'no time for celebrations'
Once upon a time there was a king
who lived in a very large palace.
He was often very lonely.
One evening he was having coffee by
the fireplace. He walked to the kitchen.
national anthem banned
The staff had already left.
minister wants war
army pounces on demonstrators
Katoren Press missing
What will become of you?
I want to be king.
I was wondering how one
becomes king of Katoren.
Then you have to go to Policy.
I have two children, where do I go?
Please, let me talk to him.
No, don't take me away.
I'll be calm, I promise.
Do something, help me.
Let go of me, I have to talk to him.
Number 18.
Number 18.
Number 19.
Please wait behind the line.
Number 19.
Good afternoon.
- Go ahead.
- I'd like to become king.
One moment.
Come back on Monday
with an ID, a written application...
and a recent passport photo,
in quintuplicate. Number 20.
Number 1.
Number 1.
- You're 17?
- Yes.
In that case you need permission
from your parents.
Both dead.
In that case, from your guardian.
Number 2.
Oh, shit.
Stach, what are you doing here?
I'm working.
'Working. ' Don't say a word.
I need your signature.
Is this serious?
No, Stach,
I'm not going to sign this.
Never mind then.
May I come in?
Do you realize how dangerous it is?
You don't know the ministers.
- You don't know their plans.
- I don't get it.
Always whining about the past,
how everything was better.
About there being festivals, a flag,
fireworks, about there being a king.
Now somebody wants to be king
and then... You're just a weakling.
What's that?
You're not the first, Stach.
They all wanted to be king.
- And they're all gone.
- Gone?
Dead. Some were given
an impossible assignment.
Others just disappeared.
The last one dates from 12 years ago.
How can that be?
Why don't I know this?
People are quick to forget,
especially when they're afraid.
You're old enough
to decide for yourself.
As soon as you've submitted it,
approach the Press.
Gentlemen, the next item
on the agenda.
Here you are.
The Wisser Daily.
'17-year-old wants to be king. '
In the Wisser Daily?
Do we know anyone there?
'For the first time in 12 years
someone has applied...
for the office of king. It concerns
the 17-year-old Stach from Wiss. '
Stach? Stach?
Do we know him?
That name...
Enough chit-chat.
That boy must disappear.
- Get lost.
- My apologies. Yes.
Alright, where were we?
Where were we?
- Gervaas?
- Your Excellence?
- That's your name.
- Yes, Your Excellence.
- Stach is your nephew, isn't he?
- Yes, Your Excellence.
- Alright, you can go.
- Of course, Your Excellence.
- You'll hear from me.
- Yes, Your Excellence.
Good morning. In Wiss a 17-year-old
boy has applied for the office of king.
'The ministers have been in power
long enough. It's time for a change. '
Thus the young man from Wiss.
It seems that not only the young
are dissatisfied with the situation.
Maybe we have to go about this
another way.
Older people are also increasingly
unhappy with the cabinet's policies.
Mr Stach? You're expected
at the palace at noon.
So you want to become king?
Isn't that why I'm here?
- My father's?
- Yes.
- What was it like in there?
- Fun.
- What did you talk about?
- The kingship.
How did the ministers react?
Do you consider yourself
a serious candidate?
I am a serious candidate.
I've received five assignments.
This is the first one.
- What are those assignments?
- Why do you want to become king?
Because I was born the night
the old king died.
I won't succeed at my first assignment.
So 13% think I will.
I'm going to make it.
King Egg
Excuse me, may I...
Also going to Swindledale?
To write about you, as a journalist for
the Katoren Press and a web page.
Did you write this?
'King Egg. '
Did you come up with that?
- What's your name?
- Kim.
Well, Kim, go ahead and ask.
What would you like to know?
How will you take on
your first assignment?
Well... Can't you ask
something about me?
Why do you think you can solve
what others failed at?
You think you're the first to try to cure
the knob noses of Estor-Sione?
- Estor what?
- Estor-Sione?
The local name of Swindledale?
You know the language
is different there, right?
'Estor-Sione is a friendly town
in the south of Katoren.
The area used to be plagued by
an affliction known as 'knob nose'.
But the successful development
of a medicine... '
But if there's a medicine,
what am I supposed to do there?
So, do you have a headline
for your blogs yet?
- I don't write blogs.
- 'Crown Prince of Katoren'?
'Prince Royal of Katoren'?
- Sorry.
- Give me some money.
Please, give me some money.
- A coin.
- Here you go.
Thank you, thank you.
A friendly town?
Where are you going to stay?
That's not what I meant.
Don't get any ideas.
Well, bye now.
I'll see you around.
Can I have your phone number?
Then I'll call you when I've done it.
Strictly business, okay?
- Where did you get my number?
- Research. That's called research.
- I beg you.
- Go on, go away.
No, don't take me away.
Don't take me away, I beg you.
- High five.
- High five.
You want to film?
Yes, very nice.
- Two coins.
- Two coins? Okay. One, two.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Children, time to go to school.
Come on.
Okay, thank you.
- Hello. Buongiorno, signore.
- Buongiorno.
I'm looking for...
I'm looking for the town hall.
- The city house.
- City hall. There is no city hall here.
- No city hall.
- No?
You look like us,
but you talk like a Tara.
Let's see if you drink
like one of us.
He drinks like a Tara.
I think it's me you need.
I'm the sindaco.
The mayor.
How do you do. Lanzo.
- How-do-you-do-Lanzo. Stach.
- Stach?
- I don't understand.
- I was sent here by the ministry.
Look, here it is.
'Relieve all of Swindledale's
residents of their knob noses. '
'Relieve all of Swindledale's
residents... ' All of them? Tutti?
You'll never be able to, of course.
Or are you very rich?
Watch out, a mosquito.
Or do you also want a potato nose?
Look, don't hold it against me.
How are you? Everything alright?
Doing okay?
I don't understand
why on earth they send...
- Me.
- Someone...
No, sorry. Come, come here.
That's not what I meant.
Ina, look who's here. Stach.
- Stach, this is Ina, my wife.
- How do you do.
Come. Sorry. Listen...
- Basil.
- Yes.
Pretty girl.
Yes, that's my daughter.
Thank you.
- What is this?
- Urtica dioica.
- Urtica...
- Dioica.
Stinging nettle. Never tasted it?
It's delicious with pasta
with spinach and cheese.
And it's good for foruncolo.
- Foruncolo?
- Yes, foruncolo.
Can you tell me more
about those mosquitoes?
They're the cause
of all our problems.
We've tried everything, filling up
the marsh, poison. Nothing works.
- And that medicine?
- Yes, that...
Forgive my wife.
Our daughter is ill and...
and it's very hard for her.
No, come, we have a guest.
Come here. Pull yourself together.
- I'm cold.
- Yes, it's cold. Come here.
Wait, I have something.
- Here.
- Now look at that.
Ciao, Maria.
How are you doing?
Your nose is getting better, isn't it?
Come, give me a nice smile.
She's Sarah's daughter.
Se non hai pi niente da perdere,
non ti resta che vincere.
If you have nothing left to lose,
all you can do is win.
- What is that up there?
- That's where the Taras live.
This is where we have to be.
- Buongiorno.
- Buongiorno.
Hey, Kim.
Buongiorno, signori.
A party tonight?
- Wait here.
- Okay.
- Come with us.
- What's the matter? What did I do?
- Hold on. Let go of me. Excuse me...
- Stay calm.
Perch? Let go of me.
Lanzo, Lanzo.
- No, wait.
- Go away.
Let go of me.
He's with me.
He's here with me.
I can ask my uncle for money
for the medicine. For Isabella.
But boy, you've seen what it costs.
I don't even make that much in a year.
And then you only get a small jar.
- Have you ever been inside?
- Of course not, it's only for Taras.
Why would you want to go there?
Hey, aren't you staying?
The cloakroom's downstairs.
- To the formula. To Rinomal.
- To Rinomal.
To Rinomal.
Comrades, friends, welcome.
It's been another good week.
You've worked hard.
As our former colleague
Sin Pharma used to say:
'It's a dirty job,
but someone has to do it. '
However, there are people who say:
'Those Taras have too much money. '
Urtica dioica.
Stinging nettle.
Urtica dioica.
It's good for foruncolo.
- Where did that come from?
- There.
- Upstairs, guys.
- Get him.
This way.
- He's upstairs.
- Lanzo, open up.
- Please, I need your help.
- Run.
- I have to talk to your wife.
- Come.
Well, well, well.
Look who we have here.
Our brave hero.
- You've been deceived.
- Listen to this young man.
You've all been deceived.
Look, we made it ourselves.
The medicine. With plants
that grow everywhere here.
- In other words, for free.
- It's free.
We tested it on the nose of this girl.
You all know her: Miss Katoren.
You've deceived us. Go away
and don't come back. Get out.
- Yes.
- Stach for mayor.
- Stach for king, king of Katoren.
- King of Katoren.
King of Katoren.
King Stach the First?
King of Katoren.
King of Katoren.
Just call it 'beginner's luck'. I'm sure
that's it. He won't do it a second time.
beginner's luck
- Are we there yet?
- Almost. Did you have a nice nap?
Did you type a nice blog?
- How will you handle this assignment?
- I'll see when I get there.
- Don't you have any better questions?
- Such as?
'Say, Stach, how does it feel
to be a hero?'
One mission accomplished.
Beginner's luck.
- Is there anything you wouldn't do?
- What's that?
If there's anything
you wouldn't do.
- Is this an interview?
- Never mind.
- Jump off the Aloysius Tower.
- What?
You asked if there was anything
I wouldn't do.
Jump off the Aloysius Tower.
I guess because your father
tumbled off it.
Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
- Stach...
- Just let me handle my assignment.
Go write your little article.
Ho, young lady.
Stach. Are you doing okay?
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I was afraid
I was going to miss you.
I'm the mayor. It's a real honour.
Just jump on. Come on, jump on.
Stach comes to Ecumene
to stop the churches.
What is it I have to do? What do
they mean by stopping the church?
Churches. Plural.
We have four of them.
- Okay.
- Look, right on time.
You just can't stop them.
Tying them up won't work either.
Can you control
all four churches from here?
If only I could.
The churches move on their own.
No, I can only keep
an eye on them here.
I make the timetable.
They'd like to head to the centre
all at once, but there's no space.
I'm like a harbour master,
only with churches instead of ships.
Sounds like an important task.
- Now who's in charge here?
- Turn right. Turn right. Turn around.
If there was a place to park, we'd all
get a nice spot just outside the town.
Why not here?
Right on the town square?
These people aren't easy. If they come
too close, they're not so nice anymore.
- Do they never come together?
- Only if they have to.
Sorry, Stach, I had to make a call.
Mayoral duties.
- Hallo, Daddy.
- Hello, Jar.
Is it a fun game?
'When will you be home?'
You're already here.
Why didn't you say so?
- Honey, this is Stach. He just arrived.
- Hello. Please don't mind the mess.
If I'd known you were coming,
we'd have tidied up a bit, right?
In your chair, sweetheart.
Georgie, will you get the cutlery?
Jaroby. Jaroby, the plates.
Put away the paper, dear.
Stach vs churches
Jamal, sit down.
Will you turn off the TV?
Put down the paper, dear.
Put down the paper!
- I'm hungry.
- Quiet, sweetheart. Fold your hands.
Lord, we thank You for this food.
We especially thank You
for the arrival of...
- Sorry.
- Sorry. Sorry, really.
We trust in You, Lord, to give Stach
all the wisdom he needs to help us...
God, help Stach to stop
the moving churches. Amen.
- Amen.
- And now let us eat.
I want hotpot.
Can I go first?
- Cool. What is it?
- Something I wrote for all the choirs.
It's a dream of mine that one day
we'll all sing it together.
It has everything. Here, on top,
the children's choir, the high notes.
Down below the male choir, the low
notes. And in the middle the elderly.
And here our friend Abdel.
Can I visit one
of those moving churches?
Turn left.
Take the next exit left.
Turn left.
Take the third exit left.
Dear congregation, welcome.
In front of you
you'll find my new composition...
written for all the choirs
of Ecumene.
But what I would really like...
is if we were to sing it all together
on the town square for just one time.
- Keep to the right.
- Sobriety.
- What?
- Sobriety.
Turn right.
- All those melody lines.
- I like those melodies.
But it could all be a bit lighter.
We have to celebrate our faith.
- Our faith? We're here with more...
- Let's not talk about your singing.
No one understands a word of it.
As for the rest, I don't like it at all.
Look, those notes down here.
I don't approve.
No, I'm not going to sing this.
- Listen, I can change this to major.
- Yes, major.
- Neither of the two.
- Neither of the two?
- Minor.
- No, major.
Neither of the two.
A nice gathering, isn't it?
Do as you like.
My men won't sing this nonsense.
- What?
- My men won't sing this nonsense.
It sounds terrible. Just listen.
Nice assignment.
If anything can stop them,
it's the churches themselves.
That's right.
Nobody will go along with this.
- All those choirs singing at once.
- Isn't that what you want?
- You heard how they felt about it.
- They all liked something.
Look. Up here, the high notes.
The children's choir.
Down here, the low notes.
In the middle, the elderly.
And then our friend Abdel.
Easy, right? Notes.
Jamal, this has to go
to the wooden church.
- Sir?
- Take the left exit.
- Go straight ahead.
- Please.
Okay, thank you.
Take your positions.
I'll just do the navigation myself.
Turn right at the next exit.
Then turn left.
Turn right at the next exit.
After 200 metres,
go straight ahead.
Turn right.
- Don't they have to turn left?
- Left and then straight ahead.
- Is that going okay?
- Yes.
Is Jar here?
Turn right.
Turn left. Right. Left.
Go straight at the next crossing.
Something's going wrong here.
Keep singing, kids.
I think you should turn left.
We're near the square,
so I think right.
Jar, where were you?
Help, it's entering the square.
I have to do something.
- To the left, and now I go...
- To the right.
- A miracle has taken place.
- We've come to a stop.
17-year-old Stach from Wiss...
I think I've had enough of this.
It isn't going as planned. And now?
He miraculously managed...
A new assignment, of course.
Gentlemen, I may have a suggestion
for the third assignment.
That kid clearly has capabilities.
Maybe it's time to make more use of
those capabilities for our own benefit.
Stach's third assignment:
kill the dragon of Smook
Stop, stop, stop.
- Who are you?
- I'm Stach.
I'm Stach. I'm here for the dragon.
I want to become king.
I'll show you.
Sorry, but you must admit,
it's a ridiculous story.
I'm Janus, pleased to meet you.
Hurry up and get in.
On that side.
Fasten your seatbelts.
Here we go.
Does anyone still live here?
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
- No, I mean here in Smook.
- They dumped me here.
Who did?
The ministers. They thought
I was too troublesome.
- What did you do?
- Nothing. My job, that's all.
Outside is a trailer with a mattress.
You can sleep there. Good night, kid.
You used to be able to see
the flags of Eltoren from here.
And at that watchtower over there
the enclosure of the marsh begins.
And behind it, everything...
- That fence has to stop the dragon?
- Yep.
You want to see it, right?
So once again, don't touch
any waste, don't make noise...
and stay behind the fence, okay?
Have fun.
Putting my life at risk...
I'm now in the swamp of Smook.
Nature at its finest.
Very appealing.
Everything looks beautiful.
Okay, no violent dragons.
Nothing but waste and barrels.
No signs of a dragon.
New infrared satellite images confirm
that the dragon of Smook is still there.
Everything seems to suggest that
the young Stach hasn't been able...
to fulfill the third assignment.
For the last 24 hours...
there has been no sign of life from
our young contestant for the throne.
The worst is being feared.
That whole swamp was moving.
- That wasn't a normal dragon.
- What did you expect?
A big, green, fire-breathing dragon?
With wings?
- And where have you been?
- I arrived yesterday.
Everyone thinks the dragon
got hold of you. I was in Wiss.
Lie down.
- Is it broken?
- Huh?
No, but there's always room
for improvement.
It keeps me off the street.
Well, young lady, I've taken a look
at that journalism of yours.
'King Egg. ' What I don't understand
is whose side you're really on.
What he did in the swamp
was very stupid.
But I know he did very good things
in Swindledale and Ecumene.
Here. You wrote this, right?
The noses. 'Beginner's luck. '
Here, and this one. Look.
'King of Hangovers. '
You wrote that.
You call yourself a journalist?
This isn't journalism, young lady.
What do you know about that?
I happen to work
for the Katoren Press.
The Katoren Press?
Yes, what do I know about that?
Are you doing okay?
- Stach, I have to tell you something.
- Take a look. Janus wrote all this.
Janus? Really?
- 'Ministry denies plans for war. '
- 'Eltoreans illegitimately deported. '
- 'Corruption within the ministry. '
- 'When will we get a new king?
It's all from over 15 years ago. 'By
our editor-in-chief Janus Kaminsky.
- Editor-in-chief.
- No wonder they dumped him here.
All critical articles about corruption,
war plans, deception.
'Another contestant
for the throne missing. '
There he is.
You were editor-in-chief
of the Katoren Press.
Well. Taken a stab
at the archives?
Yes, that's correct. When Katoren
was still a proud country.
When Smook
was still a brilliant city.
You see that factory?
Firework was made there.
All the firework came from here.
The old king was crazy about it.
As if thousands of flowers
in a thousand different colours...
all burst from their buds at once
with a huge bang, colouring the sky.
And all Katoren loved it.
And then there'd be dancing and
singing as if there was no tomorrow.
That was my dose of melancholy
for today. What are you here for?
- You were editor-in-chief.
- So what?
I wondered
what it was like back then.
Katoren Press,
journalism and all that.
Journalism and all that.
And you want to be a journalist?
Sit down.
Alright, start the interview.
Stach, do you want her to write about
your smile or about your mission?
But my things...
My voice recorder,
I need a voice recorder.
Here, your voice recorder. Write.
Yes, go ahead.
- Why do you want to become king?
- Why don't you ask: How's your head?
How's your head?
Very well. Just great.
Except for a slight concussion
and the loss of a piece of eyebrow.
Nice of you to ask.
Stach's becoming your friend now.
That's how easy it is. Next question.
- How will you defeat the dragon?
- Why not ask about his eyebrow?
The reader doesn't have a clue.
Go on.
- Stach.
- Yes.
- Can you tell us what happened?
- I was exploring the swamp of Smook.
And then that beast grabbed me.
- Right, right. Come, now you.
- I was very stupid.
Someone gave me advice,
but I didn't listen.
It was my own fault.
That's very honest of you.
Go on.
Do you think it's an important
quality for a king to be honest?
Yes, absolutely.
I thought it was so wonderful.
The music, and when they
yelled my name at the feast.
- Everybody was so happy.
- Yes.
- So why do you want to become king?
- Yes.
Well, that. King Stach.
King Stach.
You heard them, right? The girl
with the knob nose, the whole village.
It just felt so good to be able to help.
Weren't those Taras just awful?
And those people in Ecumene,
wasn't that bizarre?
They could all sing,
but listen to each other...
No way.
It's bringing people together,
I don't know
if that answers your question.
This was an exclusive interview by
our reporter Kim in Smook, Katoren.
There you go.
That was very good.
- What's that?
- That's the old national anthem.
The ministers banned it years ago.
from Decibel to Scaffoldwood
from Weapenfield to Wiss
the kingdom of Katoren
will always remain dear to me
a king for his people
a people so proud and brave
to Katoren I'll stay true
Stach, I will help you
get rid of the monster.
But it's quite a problem,
as it's not just any assignment.
You see, kid,
the dragon is the only obstacle...
that keeps the ministers
from invading Eltoren.
- Invading Eltoren?
- Yes, kid. War.
It's been their aim
ever since the king died.
Okay, hold on. So I kill the dragon
and there will be war?
The only way to prevent it is...
a new king.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the firework factory.
The Ministry of War thought the dragon
could be destroyed from outside...
by dropping loads of bombs on it,
but that doesn't help at all, of course.
We can only destroy
the beast from inside.
We'll put all the gunpowder we have
in the things the dragon likes...
and then we'll go and destroy it.
Have you finished the interview?
- I'm almost done.
- If you want me to review it...
- Yes, I'd like that.
- Yes.
- What?
- Nothing. Journalists' shoptalk.
Well, kid. So?
Everything in the car?
We have to figure out what the best
way is to feed the stuff to the dragon.
Here, look.
Two flares and a flare gun.
Just in case.
You have to shoot it straight
in its mouth. Yes, got it? Good.
- How will we get the stuff in the swamp?
- As I said, we'll see tomorrow.
Good night, kid.
Janus is gone.
He left with the truck, Stach.
Stach, I have to tell you something.
- I did something very stupid.
- Don't worry.
- Hush, don't make any noise.
- What did you do?
This was the only way.
He's eaten all of it.
I'm stuck.
Just leave me here.
The dragon has to go
and you'll become king.
Here, kid.
Go, before he wakes up.
And that girl Kim...
That Kim is okay.
Now move. Go on, kid.
The first troops
will be in position tomorrow.
Once it's been confirmed,
our first infantry will cross the border.
Here, look.
The Wisser Daily.
'Stach does it again. '
And the Gazette.
'Stach defeats the dragon. '
Here, one about your next assignment:
'Stach ready for Pantaar. '
Are you okay?
How's your story coming along?
It's done. Want to read it?
- Do you have a headline yet?
- 'Janus Kaminsky, Hero of Katoren. '
What's the matter?
I'm not a journalist.
- I mean, I'm a trainee.
- You're a trainee. Oh, that's terrible.
Are you okay?
How dare you?
I always wanted
to become a journalist.
So when my father told me he could
arrange a job at the Katoren Press...
- You know what I mean?
- Nice father. No.
That nice father...
is the Minister of Policy.
That text message to the Taras.
That was me.
First he asked me to keep
the ministry up to date. Then...
I wanted to tell you everything.
Really, but I...
So all that time you...
I don't get it. You...
- But you don't understand. My...
- Stop.
- I don't want to hear you.
- Stach, please.
Shut your mouth.
I don't want to see you
ever again.
Stach, Stach.
Stach, open up, please.
Let me explain.
Open the door. Please, Stach.
Hello, I'm looking for the mayor.
Come in.
under the coat-rack, please.
A letter for the ministers.
- I'm Stach, from Wiss.
- I know who you are.
I know why you're here.
- Pantaar.
- What did you say?
- You're here for Pantaar, aren't you?
- Yes, exactly. That's what it said.
'Free the people of Equilibria
from Pantaar. '
No idea what that means,
but I'm sure you can tell me.
Take the letter and go.
I don't want to make use
of your service. It's all in there.
The ministers will have to give you
another assignment.
- Am I not making myself clear?
- Yes, but...
The last boat has already left.
You can stay for the night.
Forget Pantaar.
At a specially convened press
conference the cabinet declared...
that it's very concerned about
the situation at the Eltorean border.
'Nobody wants war, of course,'
the Minister of Policy emphasized.
'But we have to take the information
of our intelligence service seriously. '
Good morning.
You haven't made it gemtlicher
in Katoren by slaying that dragon.
consul of Eltoren expelled
Don't worry, I don't think
it will really come to war.
Is there anything else
I can do for you?
The first boat
leaves in two hours.
That Pantaar...
what does he do exactly?
I have to go.
Don't forget the letter
to the ministers.
Page three, top right corner.
minister's daughter
home again
Today I saw this lady...
- Do you know Rafenburg Street?
- Straight ahead to the right.
She was confused.
I think that's the right term.
She's always like that.
My neighbour warned me: 'Take
a normal dog, like everyone else. '
But no,
I had to get a pedigree dog.
She just stayed inside.
How can I love an ordinary dog?
Of course.
That's how she is.
My Frulein.
It wasn't enough.
He wanted something of value.
- Then I called her dog 'Frullie'.
- Frullie?
I'm sorry Frullie...
Frullie? Frulein.
Frulein has been taken
by Pantaar?
How dare you mention that name!
Go away.
What's the matter?
He'll suddenly be at your door
and ask for a charity, a donation.
It can be anything.
A heirloom, a photo album.
Or a dog.
He'll weigh it, and sometimes
take it and disappear.
But sometimes he'll shake his head
and take something else.
Something else?
My husband opened the door.
And there stood Pantaar
with his hollow eyes.
My husband offered him
his stamp collection.
But he shook his head
and went upstairs...
and took
our eight-year-old daughter.
And when my husband
tried to stop him...
He's a monster, Stach.
A monster.
No, not the dog.
This was two weeks ago,
a few blocks from here.
No, take my dog, not my wife.
No, not my wife.
- Stay here. Please, don't.
- I'm going.
No, please don't go with him.
Stay here.
Stay here, woman. No.
- Is that man...
- Dead, yes.
This is what he does, Stach.
Good morning.
- What time is it?
- Ten-thirty.
I figured I'd let you sleep.
Thank you.
This was delivered this morning.
From your girlfriend?
- Why aren't you afraid of Pantaar?
- I have nothing left to lose.
If you have nothing to lose,
all you can do is win.
You have a lot to lose
if you stay here any longer.
You can't defeat Pantaar.
I won't leave till I've freed
this town from that monster.
'In the last few days
a massive contingent of troops... '
The Katorean army has been fully
mobilized. An enormous contingent...
assignment too hard...
Let's attack.
What's the matter?
- Is it the girl?
- I just don't know anymore.
I just don't know anymore.
Should I...
I don't know where he'll turn up,
and even if I did...
- Why don't you open those letters?
- I don't care what they say.
- A donation, please.
- I don't have anything left.
You've already taken
everything dear to me.
No. Oh God, no, not the boy.
I beg you, no.
- I'm coming.
- No.
- It's alright.
- No.
- Please. It's the only way.
- No.
Shall I cycle for a while?
Ich, fahrraden.
Me get on and fahrraden.
Cycle, okay?
Please don't that.
You want me to go into the fire?
Why? Please, wait.
I want to know who you are.
No, please, wait.
I want to know why you do this.
What is this fire for?
Why all those sacrifices?
The fire requires sacrifices.
- Sacrifices? Why?
- No sacrifices, Equilibria...
Without sacrifices,
Equilibria will be destroyed.
When the fire is hungry,
it needs a sacrifice. Again and again.
Why don't you just tell the people?
I'm sure they'll...
Voluntary sacrifices,
real sacrifices, things of value...
No, my dear boy,
people are selfish.
It's always me, me, me.
- Is there no other way?
- A voluntary leap.
- You mean that I...
- A voluntary leap...
- ... and all will be over.
- Forever?
Exactly as I thought.
Just like all the others.
A good king will do anything
for his people.
War. If I jump, I won't become king
and there will be war.
And it will be my fault.
But I don't know what else to do.
What would you do?
I just hope the rest of Katoren
will forgive me.
You're making a mistake.
Katoren needs a new king,
and you are that king.
Oh fire, accept my sacrifice.
Protected by our efficient air force,
our army has invaded Eltoren.
- Kim, what are you doing here?
- Dad, I have to talk to you.
This isn't right.
I've told you before,
this is best for Katoren.
You know it. One king for
such a large country is absurd.
You know it. You've been writing about
Katoren since you were this height.
I don't know anything.
Nothing you've ever told me is true.
What I do know is that the Taras
were no do-gooders but crooks.
And I do know that you sent me out
to spy on Stach.
To blacken his name,
to sabotage his efforts.
Kim, I know you're upset.
Just go home.
We'll talk about it this
evening, okay?
Little Kimmie.
This morning the Katorean army,
with overwhelming military force...
launched an all-out
preventive invasion of Eltoren.
This operation, which is called
'Operation Eldorado'...
makes use of the so-called
'sledgehammer strategy'.
It is designed to force the enemy
to his knees as quickly as possible.
And it entails the attack from both air
and land on various strategic targets.
Look who we have here.
Our globetrotter. Have a seat, kid.
Congratulations. Four assignments
successfully completed.
Let's get this over with.
Your last assignment.
- But this is...
- Tomorrow.
But it was your own idea.
- Kim.
- Stay away from my daughter.
- Stach.
- Gervaas.
I've missed you, man.
Very touching.
But preferably in the hallway, Gervaas.
Of course, Your Excellence.
- Come.
- No one will swallow this.
I'm going to the Press.
Deploying the latest generation of
smart bombs, the ministry reckons...
What happened?
- They want me to jump off the tower.
- What?
I'm not crazy. How can they...
They can't...
Of course you won't do that.
Out of the question.
Calm down.
Just go on home.
I'll be there shortly.
Go on. And shave.
How could she do that?
Why would she have done that?
The Aloysius Tower.
The bastards.
The Katorean navy is supporting
the ground forces with missile attacks.
The Aloysius Tower.
What made them think of it?
Mr Gervaas, it's about Stach.
I need your help.
for he's a jolly good fellow
for he's a jolly good fellow
Happy birthday.
You didn't forget your birthday,
did you? Come on.
I'm going down to the square.
Are you coming?
You've done your best.
You did all you can.
You came further
than anyone could have dreamed.
I want you to know I'm proud of you.
And your parents would have been too.
Proud? Of what?
- I've plunged Katoren into war.
- The ministry did that.
Isn't it wonderful
that on a day like this...
on your 18th birthday,
on the day the old king died...
and that of your father and mother,
and with a war at hand...
As if it was meant to be.
Yo, Stach.
Huh? What are you doing here?
- Am I too early?
- Right on time.
- What's this all about?
- We got your message.
- We got your message.
- You sent us a message.
Didn't you send it?
Come to Wiss
and bring pillows along!
After the other assignments
this should be peanuts to you.
I wouldn't call it peanuts.
It's pretty high.
So it'll be quite daunting
to jump all the way down.
Look for yourself.
- Should the enemy...
- Turn on the television.
Go on.
- What is this? Is this live?
- Yes.
I'm going up.
Stach, Stach.
Dad, Dad.
- Let her go.
- Dad, Dad.
Away with those bastards.
King Stach, King Stach, King Stach.
- What are you doing here?
- Stop this.
- What are you doing here? Go home.
- Stop this. Get out of the way.
King Stach, King Stach.
- Listen, Kim, go on home.
- King Stach, King Stach.
Stach is up in the tower. He doesn't
know the army is here. Dad, please.
- Go home.
- Please, call them back.
- Go home, Kim.
- Dad.
You always told me you wanted
what was best for Katoren.
- Kim, this is necessary.
- That the people needed you.
- That the country needed you.
- Go home, Kim.
This country has to be governed
and this is the only way. Go home.
He doesn't know
the pillows are gone, Dad.
from Decibel to Scaffoldwood
from Weapenfield to Wiss
the kingdom of Katoren
will always remain dear to me
from farm hand to landowner
- The whole country is here today.
- everyone rejoices to have gained
a king that can be trusted
so devoted
and willing to sacrifice
Take action.
People have come from all over
Katoren, and do you know why?
a people so proud and brave
Listen to them.
to Katoren I'll stay true
until I die
Just listen to them.
Are you going to take action
or what?
Hello, I said 'take action'.
That's an order.
That's an order.
That's an order.
Stach, Stach.
Stach, a real king will do anything
for his people.
I'm sorry. I hadn't yet...
Stach, Stach.
Stach, you did it, man.
You did it, you did it.