Kooman (2022) Movie Script

Weren't you the one who entered
her room in the morning?
Move to this side.
I haven't stolen it, Sir.
I swear I haven't stolen it.
Have you checked your room
and your bag thoroughly?
Yes, we did.
It's no where to be seen.
Sir, that has been stolen.
I'm sure about it.
I very well remember the place
where I kept it.
Was the ring insured?
- Yes.
- No.
- No, it has not been insured.
- Yes, it has been insured.
It has not been insured.
No, Sir.
Do you have a photo of the ring?
I don't have an individual picture
of the ring.
The ring is clear in this photo.
Let me see.
Move to that side.
Anyway, we need to check
your bag and the room.
Isn't it, Sir?
What if they failed to notice the
ring while searching?
Shiny will check it out.
Come on.
No use of crying.
It's not a cheap ring,
but a diamond ring worth 4 lakhs of
rupees that has gone missing.
Sir, we were about to check out
the room, and leave.
What shall we do now?
You come to the police station.
We will register a case.
Sir, please come inside.
Did you find the ring?
Remove your shoes.
Remove your shoes, I say.
Bloody, remove your shoes.
It's just a waste of time.
Give it to me.
I did not feel that he stole
the ring.
What made you suspect him?
I understood that he is a pauper
looking at his car.
A car worth 40 lakhs.
And all the 4 tyres have been
worn out.
When the reception boy told that
two of his cards were rejected
as there was no money in it,
I felt a doubt.
When I saw the lady shivering,
I understood that the thief
was not her.
Even I had understood that, Sir.
I confirmed it not because of that.
Didn't I take his phone to look at
the photo?
I just checked his search history.
There I saw 'Diamond price calculator',
and 'diamond resale value' on it.
where has he hidden it,
did he do that with the knowledge
of his wife,
etc. Was clear from the trick
employed by Shiny.
As he is a fool, Giri could find
him out easily.
No, he found him easily not
because the guy was a fool,
But because he is not a professional thief.
It was just an idea that popped up in his
mind when he needed money.
Even if it is done by a clever person,
the result would be the same.
Watch and learn how he solves case.
Those getting down at Nedumpara, come.
Get down fast, Sister.
Those getting down at Nedumpara, come.
Those at the back must get down.
Those getting down at Nedumpara,
get down.
Hey, this girl is supposed to
get down here.
What a sleep.
It's your place.
Don't you have to get down?
Hi, Giri.
I have settled the other case, okay?
You know, both of them
are partisans.
That's why I asked you to come.
Getting to rule continuously is
a matter of headache to us.
Why is it so?
We will forget how to conduct strikes.
Okay, then.
I want two sets of Appam and
egg curry, parcel.
Take two sets of Appam and
egg curry, parcel.
Heard that a rich team from
Ernakulam has come
to look for the property.
Did you and Thambi swallow
him totally?
No, that is not a big sale.
Salim, one tea.
Okay, I will give it now.
I was waiting to see you.
What's the matter?
A few guys from the Kabaddi team
had come to meet me.
Did you have any scuffle with
them last time?
Why would they come and
meet you?
The problem is between them
and I, no?
There shouldn't be any problem
here after.
That's all we need.
Don't talk to me like you talk to the
guys who come to your station.
I don't like it.
I'm a social worker.
Suresh is a leader of the party
that rules the country.
You are just a police officer.
Perhaps, you will have to salute
him tomorrow.
Babu, take the parcel fast.
Even otherwise, a subordinate
need not act like a boss
in the presence of actual boss.
- Very true.
- Isn't it?
Giri Sir, your parcel is ready.
The C.I. (Circle Inspector) is in
his hands.
That C.I. is retiring soon.
Heard that the next C.I. is
a smart fellow.
Now on, his tactics is not
going to workout here.
I wonder how did he join the
police with this figure.
Anything is possible with bribe
and recommendation
in this place, Suresh.
You seem to be busy working right
in the morning.
I guess you are coming back
from the temple.
Is it the ailing mom who is doing
all the households?
What else could I do, dear?
Need to cook something at
home, no?
When I ask him to marry a girl,
he gets angry at me.
Ask the police boy to hire a maid.
He is a no. 1 miser.
What's wrong with you, mom?
Will you do the households
for me?
Need to cook something, no?
It has been two days since
the cooking gas got over.
The Gas will come today.
For the time being, I have bought
you some food as parcel.
I don't like hotel food.
Adjust for one day, mom.
Told you the Gas will come
Anyway, it's me who has a short
breath, has to cook.
How long have I been telling you
to stop traditional medicines,
and to consult a good doctor?
How is that possible?
If you don't consume kwath
in the evening,
your hands and legs would shiver, no?
I lived on like this until now.
Who knows how long would I
be alive?
Nice! Where are you going?
O' Lord Krishna.
There's no Krishna here.
Only I'm there to take care of you.
Dear, Lakshmi, your classmate
just passed this way.
Her family is conducting a lot of Pujas,
and offerings to the Lord.
Still, she is not getting a good
marriage alliance.
There is some problem in her
horoscope, it seems.
You don't believe in horoscope, no?
I can understand what are you
going to say next.
When she was in school, she used to
come here everyday.
She used to like you a lot.
I'm going to give your horoscope
to Manoharan.
No need.
Hey, be careful.
Click a picture from that side.
So sad.
No comments.
Take him to the ambulance.
Hold him.
Will you leave the police dogs
My father was there at home
the previous night.
Today, by the time we woke up
in the morning,
he had gone somewhere.
Giri, please come.
- What's it?
- Just come.
Let me see.
What's the matter?
Will you ask C.I. Sir to avoid
Oh! That's not possible.
First of all, it is an unnatural death.
Moreover, if you tear the body...
Nothing we do will help to
remove the bane.
He belongs to our community, no?
All of us know that Sudhakaran
committed suicide because
he incurred loss in his business.
We cannot skip the postmortem.
That will become a problem.
Then, refer the case to the
Thaluk hospital.
If it is in the General hospital,
I'll have to run behind it.
I'll talk to him about it.
That's enough.
This is the last case in
my service.
If there is any flaw on my part
while dealing with this case,
I wouldn't get pension from
the government.
It will be withheld.
There is nothing to worry.
This is a clear case of suicide.
In Damodaran's case,
we took him to the District hospital
for the postmortem,
and it gave us so much headache.
Let's opt Thaluk hospital for the
postmortem, Sir.
This is a list of remedial rituals
to be done
at the time of an unnatural death.
Everything should be done accordingly.
People had gathered even before
we reached.
C.I. Sir asked for you.
I'll come and meet him tomorrow.
Sir is retiring tomorrow.
Oh, yeah.
That didn't cross my mind.
How are the rituals going to be?
Dorai Swami will come now.
The rituals will be started
as soon as he reaches.
When Swami directs,
the priest will do the rituals
This is an unnatural death, no?
There is no land in this place, that
cannot be sold by me.
That is not going to workout.
Our margin should be given
as cash only.
There cannot be any transaction
through our accounts.
Swami has come.
What is so special about him?
We also know how to perform
the death rituals.
He has been called because this
is an unnatural death.
What did you do before he
came to this place?
It has been only 10-15 years since
Manoharan settled in this place.
This is not what you think it is.
They are trying to bring strangers,
and make them a hero.
You know,
I'm a person who has studied
rituals for years.
But you discontinued in the middle, no?
- Did you see mom?
- She is inside.
Are you leaving?
I need to go to the station.
C.I. Sir is retiring today.
Tell her that I left.
No, dad, I'll take care of it,
here after.
Has Giri Sir got any special gift
for C.I. Sir?
Of course! That's a suspense.
Did you really have to do
this, son?
- I didn't know anything about it, dad.
- Keep it inside.
Why are they here?
That is regarding a vehicle
seized by Sukumaran Sir.
The guys who drove it, abandoned
the vehicle and left.
Which one?
The vehicle from which drugs
were seized?
Ya, that's it.
That is his bike.
He says that friends had taken
his bike.
They are waiting for Sukumaran Sir.
Suresh is a leader of the party
that rules the country.
And you are just a police man.
Perhaps, you will have to salute
him tomorrow.
I'd called you, but the call
didn't connect.
Is it?
He doesn't know anything about
the drugs.
Please convince C.I. Sir.
Why do you say please and all?
I'll do anything for him.
He is all set to go to the Gulf.
If it becomes a case, that will
be a problem.
You will be able to save me.
Do something for me, please.
Don't worry, dear.
This is not a murder case, no?
Seized drugs, that's all, no?
Let me see what I can do.
Sukumaran Sir is busy with C.I. Sir's
retirement function.
I'll do the needful.
You may go now, and come
back later.
Okay, Sir. Thanks a lot.
The colour of the flex looks dull.
That's true.
You feel that because there is no
sufficient light.
Keep it towards the light.
Rasheed Sir,
did you file an FIR for the
drugs case?
No, C.I. Sir said not to file
a case,
but just to give them a warning
That will become an issue.
I think that the news has spread
- It's better to file the case.
- Is it so?
Yes, people are talking about it
at the junction.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Giri.
- Yes.
C.I. Sir is calling you.
- Calling me?
- Come on.
How did the people outside come
to know about the drug case?
I don't know, Sir.
But people are talking about it
at the junction.
Sir, let us exclude the owner guy
of the vehicle,
and charge Section 27 against
the rest of the guys.
Let them pay fine at the court.
Seizure of drugs at school premises.
The police charge weak sections
against the culprits.
When such a news appears in newspapers,
you will be answerable.
Already, there are complaints against
sale of drugs in that place.
Actually, they are to be booked
under Section 27(a),
under non-bailable offenses.
It's another team who sells
drugs there.
Not these guys.
If we charge this section,
won't the owner boy also
fall in trouble?
Won't he become an accused too?
Yes, Sir, what's the problem in it?
Drugs have been seized from
his vehicle, no?
Sir, he is going to go to the Gulf.
If he goes to the Gulf,
he will start smuggling drugs
and gold there also.
Come with me.
What's the problem between
you and him?
Tell me.
Why do you want to lock him?
That too, a boy who is known
to you very well.
Hey, tell me.
He is not a good guy.
He poked me the other day.
I have told you many times that
this character of yours
is not good.
Can you be so cruel to a person
for just making fun of you?
Taking revenge for such a silly
thing, is not a good trait.
That too for a policeman.
Dear, that boy is just of
my son's age.
We don't need to wreak vengeance
on anybody today.
Leave the matter for my sake.
Won't you obey me?
It is said that...
[Sanskrit Chants]
Do you understand it?
If there is any hole in the middle
of the betel leaf,
there will be problems due to
ego and pride.
Your son is having a difficult
time now.
I can foresee quarrel,
mental trauma due to
the quarrel,
and fear of death
in his horoscope.
Don't think about his marriage
right now.
Is there anything that we can do
in order to remove the bane?
I can suggest a remedial puja.
you should do it at the temple
at Sanyasa hill.
Hand the chit that I give you
to the priest over there.
O' Lord Subrahmanian.
So, 17 is the total strength.
Yes, Sir.
How many female constables
are there?
Are they enough?
Yes, they are more than enough
in this station.
3 of them are on leave today.
What is this?
This is a list of arms and ammunitions.
Will the people of this place force
us to use these arms?
This is more or less a peaceful
police station.
- He's very smart.
- Vinod.
You guys have known each other
for a long time, isn't it?
Yes, I have worked with him
in Manimala station.
How is he?
He is a tiger.
He left the station after locking
all the criminals of the place.
I've heard a lot of his stories
about solving theft.
Oh! He is very much skilled in
catching thieves.
Superiors always praise him.
Is he strict?
What a question!
If we don't follow his rules,
he will make us shiver.
That's good.
Here, there are more powerful ministers
than the king.
Give way for a change.
Some tails will stop moving.
Sir is coming.
What is this?
Don't you know how to wear
a cap?
Sorry, Sir.
Two of you, come with me.
Let's go and visit our jurisdiction.
I'll come with you, Sir.
This is my place.
I know everyone.
No need.
No need of anyone who
knows the place.
Perhaps, the problematic people could
be your relatives or friends.
Vinod, you come with me.
- Sir.
- You may come along.
6th Kabaddi tournament for Ramdas
Memorial Rolling trophy
presented by Nedumpara Winners
Arts and Sports club,
will be inaugurated by our new C.I.,
Mr. Harilal shortly.
In the first round, Sethumada
Challengers is playing against.
Nedumpara Winners who won the
tournament last time.
As our new C.I. blows the whistle,
the first round of the tournament
will begin.
The raging Kabaddi tournament
is going to begin.
We extend a warm welcome to
everyone, to the ground.
Beat him.
The raging competition between
Sethumada Challengers and.
Nedumpara Winners has begun.
Hey, that's a foul.
You are watching the raging
for Ramdas memorial Rolling trophy.
The raging competition between
Sethumada Challengers and.
Nedumpara Winners.
Nedumpara Winners has been leading
right from the beginning of
the competition.
Sethumada Challengers got a point.
Please don't make any problem.
The referee's decision is final.
Please don't make a problem here.
Please move out.
You must not get inside the court.
No one should create a problem there.
That's all we need.
Giri, don't talk to me the way
you talk to the people
who come to the station.
I'm a social worker.
The viewers must not create
any problem.
All of you may move outside
the court.
Please obey the volunteers,
and the police.
All of you move outside.
Don't create a hullabaloo here.
Don't create a problem here.
Who are you to interfere in this?
Get out, all of you.
Messing with a policeman?
Don't push me.
Obey what the police say.
Move outside. I'm telling you.
Can't you understand what
I'm saying?
Move out.
Move out, I say.
Get lost, you.
Son, forget it.
Your time is bad.
That's why all these happened.
If there is anything, you keep
pondering over it.
You get up, and come inside.
Is it actually the trophy you won
by playing Kabaddi?
Of course.
That picture was taken when we
won the district tournament.
Back then, during the tournament,
did you throw people into
the mud?
But now, such activities are there.
Didn't you watch the video?
He took it.
Anyway, our new C.I. is smart.
It was so stylish.
It was really like watching
an action movie.
Like we throw the curry leaves
out of the curry,
he was thrown out effortlessly.
Where have you been until now?
You were supposed to get back
to duty at 8.00 am.
This is not your wife house to walk in
and out whenever you like.
This is a police station.
Were you trying to protest against me
for yesterday's incident?
If so, I'll make you suffer.
It's very common in our department.
There is no officer who hasn't been
ill-treated by his superior.
Still, I'm not able to tolerate this.
When I think about it,
See, my muscles are rolling up.
This is your problem.
I've told you many times not to
pamper revenge in your mind.
Do you know something?
My condition is that of guy who
abandoned his family,
and later came back home
asking for his share.
Nobody gives me any respect.
They are just your feelings.
Feelings, it seems.
Leave it.
Do you want me to serve
tea outside?
Is there only tea?
I'm preparing banana fritters.
You must cut the banana into
very thin pieces,
and don't make it fat.
The banana and the knife
are kept there.
If you want thin banana fritters,
you may do it yourself.
Do you see that?
She was like a water snake before.
But became a cobra after
my retirement.
Laugh at my jokes, okay?
Let's drink tea.
Hello, come inside, I say.
Fix a drink for me.
No, your quota is over.
Fix one more drink.
No, brother. No money, no booze.
I'll pay the bill.
I always pay the bill.
I haven't drunk without
paying money.
I cannot serve you booze
without giving money.
Even though I'm a thief,
I'm honest.
Give it to me.
Don't make problems.
What's this, brother?
Was it yours?
Give a peg for me.
How many times did I tell you that
I can't give you anymore booze?
Get lost.
Nice! You need not give me
a drop, even.
Hey, you must understand one thing.
Have you heard of Hitler Mathan?
All of you must know about him.
He was a tiger in the police
Once, he took me to the station
in connection with a case,
and thrashed me very badly.
There after, he hasn't worked
peacefully until now.
Do you know why?
Where ever he goes,
I steal from all the house
in his jurisdiction.
He hasn't caught me yet.
No place has been left without
looking for me.
Thus, a tiger S.I. turned into a rat S.I.
That's the history.
Listened to my story, no?
Now, fix a drink for me.
Go away instead of creating problems.
You won't give me booze, will you?
Buy a drink for me. Go.
Get lost, bro.
Go and mind your business.
- Don't enact a drama.
- Get me a drink.
Go away.
Is everyone pushing me out?
If I take a decision,
the bottles of booze that are
lined up in your shelf,
will line up in my house in
the morning.
Do you know that?
He must serve me booze.
Who is making a hullabaloo here?
He is an old thief of this place.
Now, he is not capable of stealing.
He drinks at others' cost.
Now, this is his job.
Give me a match stick.
Hi, Maniyan.
Who are you?
Wanna join me for a drink?
So, you want to know the trick
of stealing
to publish in the newspaper.
Sir, you are not actually a journalist.
But a police.
Why do you have such a doubt?
First lesson of stealing.
No matter how dark it is,
how drunk you are,
a robber must be able to
identify a police.
No matter the police has come
in disguise.
I'm not a policeman.
Even if you are a policeman,
I don't care.
I'll tell you the secrets behind
the art of stealing.
But pint is not enough.
No other job in this world demands
this level of intelligence
and alertness.
The expertise of a robber is in entering
and exiting the house.
Robbers are of different types.
Most of them start stealing
for money.
For some others, stealing becomes
an intoxication.
Some robbers enter only those houses
where there is no one.
But I enter only those houses where
there are people inside.
Why don't you steal from houses
where there is no one?
There is no thrill in it.
Some people steal not just
for money.
There must be a satisfaction too.
Human beings lock money and
gold inside the draw,
and sleep.
Like a demon guarding the treasure.
When I see it, my muscles roll up.
The excitement of stealing at
that point of time
cannot be felt in a house where
there is no one.
That's why...
Guess you have a lot of ways
to get away from police.
We have a lot of tricks to fool police
dogs and even big wig officers.
However, a thief's life is all about fear.
The fear of getting caught anytime.
Then, you will ask why we
are stealing.
Stealing gives you more intoxication
than women or alcohol.
Once you taste it,
you need to get caught for the
intoxication to subside.
How do you plan a good theft?
Good theft.
That sound good.
You are in a hurry.
A theft cannot be planned
in a hurry.
You need patience.
If you have patience, I'll explain
everything to you.
Are you going for robbery
at night?
What a sleep!
There is a complaint regarding
a road dispute
behind the high school.
- Go and check it out.
- Sir.
Sir, this is the way to my house.
The entire land belongs to Krishnan Sir.
He has a lot of land.
Nothing is going to happen if he
allows a little space for the way.
If Giri Sir talks with him,
the problem might solve.
No other job in this world demands
this level of intelligence
and alertness.
The expertise of a robber is in entering
and exiting the house.
Most of them start stealing
for money.
For some others, stealing becomes
an intoxication.
Son, we need to go to the temple
of Sanyasis.
And we must do the offerings
prescribed by Subbai Swami.
[Thinking about what Maniyan said]
Do you hear what I'm saying?
What Hmm?
Are you not here?
The only security a robber has
is himself.
His eyes, ears, and nose should
be kept open.
If he sees a light,
get the smell of a cigarette,
sees a movement,
he knows that somebody is awake.
A house likes the one who walks in
It will provide everything that
you need to get inside.
When you enter a house, you may
get caught anytime.
So, a robber starts working only
after finding the exit,
so that he can escape anytime.
When a robber walks, even his legs
shouldn't know that he is walking.
Otherwise, he loses.
Alas! Robber!
Get up.
Stop there.
Stop there.
- What's the matter?
- A robber.
Robber! Robber!
A robber?
Stop there.
Stop, I say.
Stop there, you robber.
That might be just your feeling.
No, I saw him with my eyes.
Did he run that way?
How will you know it, if you sleep
like a buffalo?
Come on.
Where did you go after closing
the house?
There was a ceremony at my house.
We left before 3 days.
And we came back yesterday night.
The thief entered the house
yesterday, right?
Yes, Sir.
Are you sure that you saw
the thief?
Yes, I'm sure.
Yes, I saw him clearly.
He ran through this door.
Did you search everywhere?
Are you sure that you haven't
lost anything
other than 5000 rupees?
Yes, that's all we lost.
Why would a thief enter a house
just to steal 5000 rupees?
Go and check properly if anything
else is missing.
Go and check, Sir.
Come, let us check once more.
His face tells that more money
has been stolen.
He is not saying it because that
is bribe money.
This village officer takes a lot
of bribe.
Not just 5000 rupees,
but more money has been stolen.
He is a person who takes
a lot of bribe.
That's why he isn't telling the truth.
That must be true.
Move that side.
Move towards the back.
Sir, the thief is not from any
distant place.
He is someone who knew that
they were out of station.
No, Sir.
This is someone from a distant place.
How do you know that?
Can you come to the gate?
- Move.
- Bro, move away from the gate.
- Move.
- Move to the back.
Look at this, sir.
This is something that a thief from
a distant place do.
To know if the gate is closed
all the time,
he will tie a thread on the gate
like this.
And he will check it in the day time.
If the gate has been opened once,
the thread would break.
he would have entered the house,
as he saw the thread as he tied.
And when they returned, they found
themselves in trouble.
Wouldn't he have noticed
the broken thread
when he entered the house
for stealing?
May be, he entered the house yesterday
night through another way.
So, he wouldn't have noticed.
Otherwise, he didn't want
to abort a theft
he had been planning for
a long time.
only outside thieves do this.
Inquire if similar cases have
been reported
in the surrounding stations.
Okay, Sir.
Is it so?
Okay, I'll reach now.
Sir, a small quarrel regarding the
pathway near the school.
Shall I go and check it out?
Like wise, the door that he broke in,
at the back side...
You must record the finger prints
on that area.
Sir, there are 2 chappals lying
over there.
Sukumaran, when will our dog
squad reach?
Soon, Sir.
He had promised the other day that,
he would allow land for the way.
Now, when I'm here with
the workers,
he says 'no'.
I won't consider that he was
my school teacher.
You need not pass such derogatory
Let me speak to him.
Didn't you promise to give some
land to them,
to solve this problem?
Is it good to fail, to keep the promise
by a person like you
who is respected by many?
I just said that I would think
about it.
But I haven't given any
promise to him.
Leave your adamance and think
about it once more.
I don't have to think anymore.
I have already told them
my decision.
I don't think this is gonna solve.
You just talk to them.
Let me see what he is telling.
- Come here.
- What's the matter?
Just come here.
Come, let me tell you something.
What's it, Sir?
Are the chappals any one of yours?
The chappals that father was
looking for, yesterday.
Sir, they are my chappals.
They were missing from the yard
of my house.
Humans are being pranked.
Let alone a dog.
Take a pair of chappals from
and put them near the house
you are going to steal.
The dog will sniff it, and run
around for the person.
With dark eyes, he waits for
a chance...
On the branches of the trees.
He hides like a shadow in search of
The masks knit by the daylight...
Swayed to and fro in the wind.
Are you sleeping peacefully with
a pride,
That you have got everything
you need.
Here, when the entire village sleeps,
A guy is all set to fly.
With dark eyes, the owl waits for
a chance...
On the branches of the trees.
Don't you want to go for
work today?
He comes inside through
the open window,
As wind that is invisible.
He took the possession of whatever
he touched.
Don't blame him for anything,
O' world.
He is right in whatever he is doing.
This thief doesn't have a particular
style of stealing.
He steals differently at different places.
May be, the theft is not committed
by one person.
Sir, it is not a small amount that has
been stolen from my house.
But 50,000 rupees.
The thief is looting the entire place.
What crap are you doing in the
name of catching a thief?
It is because you are useless.
It's our hard earned money.
Why are you here?
I'm here to catch him too.
If we don't catch him, that's a matter
of shame to the police.
A decent guy outside...
And too wild inside.
The nameless drama is enacted
well on the stage.
A comforting habit...
The urge to do more and more.
The evil resonates in the ears.
He wouldn't let you catch him,
O' villagers.
It's up to him to surrender.
During the time of Soman Sir,
there was no theft in this place.
But it was Giri who investigated
the cases then.
Yeah, yes.
If the thief enters my house,
C.I.'s cinema style of investigation
will come to an end.
Starting from DySP,
the entire police force till IG,
are my friends.
When you enter certain houses,
you will feel that you wouldn't
get anything.
But you must not get upset,
and go back.
That's because we are not in sync
with the house.
Then, you must behave as if we
are in our own house.
If the house likes us,
it will show us everything we need.
Okay, Sir.
My ears are not working from
listening to the cuss words.
Thambi has called everyone,
from DySP to IG.
This will not workout.
We need to find the thief
at the earliest.
Okay, Sir.
If the thief got inside Thambi's
house yesterday,
he must be someone who
knows that.
Thambi got the money from
the plot sale.
That is possible, Sir.
Thambi is saying that only Shaji
knew about the money.
I really suspect Shaji.
Shaji has all the freedom at
Thambi's house.
To know the exact place where
the money was kept,
the thief must be someone who
knows the house very well.
I also suspect him.
Shaji is my schoolmate.
He had the habit of stealing
since he was a kid.
I think, if we take him in custody,
and threaten him,
he will tell the truth.
Then, you go and bring him here.
Please avoid me from this.
Didn't I tell you?
He was my schoolmate.
Okay, then send Chandran.
Didn't you watch the video, Pillechan?
He shot it.
It was so nice to see.
It was like watching an action movie.
Sir, don't beat me.
- Open the door.
- Water!
Don't give a drop of water to
that rascal.
Do you want water?
If it is you who did that,
just confess.
Why do you want to get thrashed
like this?
I promise upon my kids...
It's not me, Giri.
Please help me get out of here.
I'll speak to them.
O' the most powerful, protect me.
But Giri,
I'm not able to believe it.
True that Shaji is a trickster.
But I don't think that he
would steal.
I have known him since our childhood.
I told everyone in the station that
he wouldn't steal.
But nobody listens to me.
C.I. Sir needs an accused to save
his face.
That's all.
If you don't catch the thief, make a thief
out of the person you catch.
Intelligent C.I.
Those who hailed the new C.I.
is not talking now.
I think it is because of his
rage against me,
Vinod and C.I. Sir thrashed that
poor man very badly.
Is there no one here to
question all these?
It is the concerned people who
are doing it.
I'm leaving.
Tomorrow, Comrade Rajendran and
partisans are conducting
a protest march towards the station.
Is it?
If they interfere and get Shaji
out of the jail,
that is a political gain for them, no?
Even otherwise, Comrade knows how
to make use of the situation.
Note it on my credit account.
How is your mom?
Winter is on, no?
Yes, Nandan.
So, she has weather related difficulties.
Stand at ease.
Stand at ease.
Your duty is at the school premises.
Giri and Subhash at the festival premises.
- Sukumaran.
- Sir.
The situation has been reversed.
Thambi doesn't suspect Shaji, it seems.
He called the head of
the police,
and said that we caught
Shaji deliberately.
Now, the DySP will come
here, and blast at us.
- You come.
- Sir.
We should've been more careful while
taking Shaji into custody.
There is no other case registered
against him.
That is what is the problem here.
- The police should uphold justice.
- The police should uphold justice.
- The police should uphold justice.
- The police should uphold justice.
- Dismiss C.I. Harilal.
- Dismiss C.I. Harilal.
Subhash, take the lathi.
Hold this.
- Release Shaji.
- Release Shaji.
The police should uphold justice.
The police should uphold justice.
Okay, stop it now.
- Stop.
- Stop it now.
Decision on whether to release Shaji
or not will be taken soon.
All of you must disperse for
the time being.
As the police is incapable of
catching the thief,
have you locked a poor
man inside?
We will make you answerable for this.
Who the hell are you to make
him answerable?
Hey, move, all of you.
We will release him now itself.
And we will arrest the real thief.
I promise you.
He slapped me without any
Action must be taken against him.
Let me inquire about it.
We will solve it.
You disperse for the time being.
As Sir has given a promise,
we stop our protest and disperse.
- Disperse all of you.
- Disperse.
What nonsense are all these?
Sir, please come.
This is not what I had in mind
about you.
Now it's like, we did not catch
the accused,
and the locals started opposing
the police too.
Sorry Sir, we will catch him soon.
When is that going to be?
Do you want an auspicious
occasion for it?
- I'll tell you something.
- Sir.
I give you 3 days' time.
The thief must be caught by then.
Or else, quit the job and go.
I wanna tell something.
It is me who told you about Shaji.
You got scolded for nothing.
If you can close your eyes,
I have an idea.
What's that?
I'll bring a person.
He will take the responsibility of
all the thefts.
No need for it.
That will turn into a bigger problem.
No one else needs to know about it, Sir.
I'll take the risk.
If there is any problem, you may
leave it to me.
Its me who is going to arrest
him, no?
Sir, dummies are employed even
for murders.
Let alone a theft.
What we need now is time.
So, we need a culprit for the
time being.
By this, your problems will be over.
Also we will get some time to
find the real culprit.
But don't we have to recover
the stolen money?
Sir, it is Money, that has been stolen.
We can say that he spent
a large portion of it.
By the time, we can find the real culprit,
and recover the money.
So, the thief is smarter.
Didn't I tell you earlier that you
are a police?
Leave it.
How many cases should I take
on my shoulders?
10 to 16.
16 cases?
Is it a big amount?
One is a big amount.
I'll detail it to you.
Are you sure that you will get me
out of the case?
C.I. Sir has promised me to do so.
He will get a good amount
as reward.
This is a matter of pride for him.
Here is 5000 rupees as advance.
I'll get you the remaining from him.
How did you commit all these thefts?
I'll tell you.
I thought that we will have
to interfere in it.
Anyway, there has been a
decision on it.
- When did they catch the thief?
- Yesterday night.
Heard that Giri caught the thief alone.
The thief has been taken for
collecting proofs.
He will be taken back here.
Give way.
The thief has been brought.
- Giri sir ki...
- Jai.
- Shiny.
- Yes.
Come if you need Biryani.
- Is it mutton?
- It is chicken.
Biryani is here.
- It is a tragedy for Shiny.
- All of them are chicken?
- I'll adjust with chicken for a day.
- There is Biryani for everyone.
Giri Sir, here is Biryani for you.
No salads?
Eat it with pickle.
- Everyone got it, no?
- Yes.
Oh, Salad is here.
There is no cholesterol in broiler chicken.
Give it to Sir.
Here is Biryani for you.
There is a problem, Maniyan.
What problem, Sir?
I think he might put us in trouble.
What trouble?
He is planning to keep all the remaining
cases on your head too.
He has a change of mind regarding
the money that he promised you.
This is cheating, Sir.
I trusted you like my son.
That is why I stood with you.
You shouldn't have done this
to me.
No, my dear.
I won't support him for
this cheating.
I trusted him. My mistake.
This is a problem that I created.
So, I myself will find a solution for it.
Keep it.
What is it, Sir?
Spare key.
I'll tell you how to go about it.
That land dispute is getting worse.
Shall I go and check it out?
Sukumaran Sir is not there.
Maniyan has to be taken to one more
house for proof collection.
I'll manage it myself.
Shall I ask Vinod and Chandran
to come with you?
What's wrong?
Sir, I think my stomach is upset
from eating chicken Biryani.
Are you employing a trick?
My stomach is aching.
He wants to go to toilet, it seems.
Sir, I want to poop.
Where is the toilet?
It is over there.
Wait for a minute.
Open the cuff for me.
Oh, is it not a European closet?
No, it is Chinese.
Open it fast, Sir.
Wait, I'm opening it.
You shouldn't lock the door.
Open this also, Sir.
If so, I can make it fast.
You may poop with whatever
comfort you have.
Sir, are you coming with me?
I think he hasn't heard it.
There is a way from here.
Sir, the thief is running away.
Don't leave him. Catch him.
All of you, move.
Move, I say.
How do you go to the other side
of the river?
That way.
You need to cross the bridge.
Come on.
What a useless are you?
Lost a thief who was caught by someone
else with great difficulty.
I guess you got the suspension order.
Now, three of you can sit
at home for some days.
Ask that S.I. to come here.
He is calling you, Sir.
Vinod, you need not worry.
Those who haven't got suspension
in the service is very rare.
You don't have to take it seriously.
He is a born thief.
The thief is him or you?
If I'm a man, I will catch him.
And I will come back here too.
We shall play a game together.
As it is a big amount,
it is good if you could give
me 500 rupee notes.
Let me see.
The thief caught by you with
great difficulty,
escaped from the hands of C.I.,
Isn't it?
No, we can't just let him free.
We will catch him for sure.
I think you are getting married.
I asked you, as you are
taking a loan
for your house renovation.
No, nothing like that.
Is your dad not at home?
He has gone to Tamilnadu.
He will be back tomorrow.
It has been some days since
I saw him.
What's up with you, police?
All good.
How is your mom?
- She is a bit down with asthma.
- All the notes are that of 500.
She doesn't like to go to
an hospital.
Don't keep the money at
home for long, okay?
- Why?
- Thieves are all around.
I don't care.
If somebody has to steal my money,
he will have to be born again.
Isn't it?
I think you are right.
He must be behind it.
That Giri.
He is very shrewd.
We must somehow catch Maniyan.
Let's go and have a look at
the way through which
he escaped.
We will definitely get a clue about
where he has escaped.
Giri has the habit of wreaking
revenge on people.
I have had a doubt on him
on many occasions.
My plan is to stay here itself.
I'm not vacating this house for
the time being.
You must follow Giri all the time.
Okay, Sir.
We are with you for anything.
Don't keep the money at home
for long.
Thieves are all around.
I don't care.
If somebody has to steal my money,
he will have to be born again.
Isn't it?
Giri, You?
Stop there.
Stop, I say.
Giri, you thief.
Stop there.
I'm telling you to stop.
Stop there, you thief.
Don't think that you have escaped.
I understood that you are the thief.
I want some hot water.
I'm short of breath.
What a sleep, Sir?
No breakfast,
no lunch.
At least, drink tea in the evening.
Take it.
Here is your tea, Sir.
What do you want for dinner?
Night... food?
Theft is an intoxication that women
or alcohol cannot give.
Once you taste it,
you must get caught for the
intoxication to subside.
But for some people, that also
is not a deterrent.
I want some hot water.
I'm short of breath.
We were not able to connect you
on the phone.
Where have you been since yesterday?
Park your bike somewhere, and
get into the jeep.
Sukumaran Sir wants to meet you urgently.
Note the measurement correctly.
After bringing the body down,
check if there is any injury.
Okay, Sir.
Do you need our guys to get
the body down?
Come here.
Where have you been?
We have been trying to call you
since yesterday.
I... was gone... to buy medicines
for mom...
Who is that?
I don't know them.
They are dead Ramaswami's wife
and son.
How will I tolerate this, sister?
Calm down, please.
Didn't we meet at the bank
the previous day?
He had been very happy lately.
Why would he have committed suicide?
Come, mom.
- Subhash.
- Sir.
- Move them away.
- Okay, Sir.
Call somebody and get the body down.
Any two of you come, and hold it.
Yes, slowly.
Okay, you can go.
Keep his hands closer.
Ramaswami comes to me often.
Now, his time is not good.
But bad.
Are you telling this in the
last minute?
Couldn't you tell me, if you
didn't have money?
Go and get it fast.
Giri, is it you?
This is that rascal.
He is calling me to borrow money.
Tell him that I just died.
Give him the money.
You will get a very good interest.
I gave money to somebody for
a high interest,
and now he is dead.
Who is gonna give that money
back to me?
Gopi, come.
Dorai Swami is calling you.
Don't delay, come.
- So, shall I go?
- Yes.
Go there, son.
Head towards this side.
Rotate the body.
Stop running.
Giri, stop there.
Stop there.
I... I'm telling you.
You thief, stop there.
Don't think that you have
I understood that you are
the thief.
The subscriber is currently switched off.
Please try after sometime.
Who are you looking for?
See... that is...
That day, he was on leave.
I inquired about it.
He wasn't even available on the phone.
I had seen him going past
the check post that night.
Maniyan must have been hidden
somewhere in Tamilnadu.
Thank you, Sir.
I suspect that Giri is behind
all the thefts.
Most probably, Maniyan would have
conducted the theft
as per his direction.
Why do you suspect that
it is a murder?
No trace of urine or poop was present
in the soil under him.
But it was present on the
clothes he wore.
The death was not from there.
He is an elderly person.
May be, he had only less discharges.
Still, there will be some discharge, no?
That rope had a mark from dragging it
on an iron like metal.
And there were tyre marks
on the spot.
An old rope, no?
Marks will be there.
It is not an old rope.
That is a new one.
I feel that,
he was murdered before he
was hanged.
Couldn't you inform that in the
What's the problem?
I feel some change in you.
Tell me if anything bothers you.
There is no problem that cannot
be solved.
A day before Swami died...
we had met with each other.
It was not just a meeting.
In fact...
he caught me when I entered
his house for stealing.
How did you become a police, you thief?
I haven't seen a criminal like you
in my entire service.
I have warned you many
times that
your habit of wreaking vengeance
on people is not good.
I'm not able to do it.
I'm not able to control myself.
What's it, Hubby?
What's the problem?
Nothing, you go inside.
Why is Giri crying?
Didn't I ask you to go inside?
What's the problem, Giri?
Told you to go inside.
I'll confess everything and surrender.
Please, Sir.
Everything must come to end here.
You are not going anywhere.
You sleep here today.
We need to go somewhere tomorrow.
How long have you known him, Pilla?
I have known him for the past
2-3 years.
This is a little complicated.
Here, there is a situation
in which
he is not able to control
his impulses.
It is called as Disorder of
impulse control.
If he feels that anyone is questioning
his ego or ability,
he takes it as a challenge.
And he wants to win the game.
Didn't you tell that he goes behind
cases and solves it?
That is because of the disease.
During then,
such people will be so daring
to face anything.
Actually, such an emotion was
when he felt the need to
humiliate the C.I.
But later...
that turned out to be a pleasure
for him.
An immense pleasure.
He felt it more challenging than
the police job,
and he is not getting caught too.
He got enslaved to the pleasure
of stealing.
if he feels that the robber in him
is being challenged,
his mind would insist him to win
by committing a theft.
But, he might get caught.
And his life will be over then.
We can give him counseling.
If such a situation arises
in the real life,
that 'no' should come from
within him.
Which I'm not sure considering
his previous personality.
there must be something in his real life
that could replace his urge.
Something that is more challenging...
Something that is more thrilling...
Given such a situation,
he might go behind it.
The doctor says that you will be okay
by this counseling.
But you will have to come here
a couple of times.
You need not go behind the
other case.
Just to spoil the peace of mind.
I cannot just ignore it.
I need to know what happened.
This is not a case that you will
be able to handle.
What wonder can an ordinary civil
police officer like you do?
Let me see if I can do anything
with this talent of mine.
You are not going to do anything.
When the new C.I. takes charge,
you will not get time to go
behind this case.
What if I find something
before all that?
Didn't I tell you earlier, Sir?
When I was running outside,
I had felt the presence of
a vehicle there.
Later, when I went there,
the tyre marks that I saw there
was similar to the tyre marks
that I saw at the spot where
the body was hanged.
When I was examining it,
I received a video message.
I called to that number then and there.
But it was switched off.
He challenged me on my face.
I will catch him, Sir.
So, that's your decision.
I don't mind losing my job.
But I'll catch him before that.
Then, I'm also there with you.
Swami who ran after me,
has not gotten home there after.
That's why,
even his wife failed to know that
I had entered the house.
So, he knows you.
And he has seen you entering
inside the house to steal.
He knows me.
Moreover, he was there during the
funeral ceremony.
Did you trace the number from
which the video was sent?
That is a Tamilnadu number.
I have made arrangements for
taking the address.
Oh, Tamilnadu number, huh?
The address could be fake.
Weren't you the one who
told me that,
mobile connections are taken
using the ID proofs of the workers
who migrate for job?
Hey, what's in the postmortem report?
There is nothing to be suspected.
Symptoms are of death from
I examined the clothes he wore,
Discharges are like normal death
from hanging.
If you hang from such
a big height,
naturally, the neck must break.
The postmortem report doesn't say so.
That means?
The doctor is wrong?
No, Sir.
We had confirmed that it was
a suicide
before writing the report.
Even I was not in a mental state
to think otherwise.
The report doesn't say
if he had used any object to
stand on before hanging,
or was he jumping from the top?
The doctor hasn't seen the crime scene.
May be that is why he didn't
think so.
Anything else that is unusual?
There was a smell on the clothes
that covered the body.
I don't know if that is of
a perfume,
or something else.
Did you speak to any of his relatives?
There were family problems.
But when he came to the shop
yesterday, he was very happy.
He said that he was going somewhere,
and the problems would get over
by the time he was back.
When I asked him where
he was going,
he said that he would tell everything
after he came back.
He didn't tell anything to mom.
When she woke up in the morning,
the kitchen door was lying open.
Usually, he doesn't go anywhere
without telling us.
That means, after meeting you,
he had gone somewhere without
even telling his family.
Is it so?
Yes, Sir.
Swami was going to go somewhere.
That is when he saw me, and
came after me.
Sir, look at this carefully.
See this.
Towards the end of the video,
Swami turns and looks at
the vehicle.
That means,
he has seen the vehicle, and the person
who came in the vehicle.
After that, he hasn't gone back
to his house.
What does that mean?
May be, that person had come there
to pick Swami.
What if he had come there
not to pick Ramaswami?
What if he had been following you?
I got it from the side of the
forest lane.
This has been opened using a key.
Anyway, this is a strong evidence.
I came to know from the station
that one key is missing.
I'm sure that Giri gave it to Mani.
If we catch Maniyan, we can lock Giri.
Chandran has got a clue about
Maniyan's hideout place.
We will know it in 2 days.
I want to put it on his hands.
I don't care losing my job
after that.
Brother, Is Ganapathy Nagar nearby?
Are you from Kerala?
Why asked?
Guessed from your looks.
We are Palakkad natives.
We are farmers who grow flowers
by taking land on lease.
Who do you want to meet in
Ganapathy Nagar?
One Mr. Kakkathoppil Palanivel.
Sorry, he passed away.
Didn't you know about it?
Palanivel's flower business ended up
in loss.
He had a lot of debts.
So, he committed suicide.
It has been more than a month
since he passed away.
He was missing on a fine morning.
Next day, we found him hanging
on a tree in a compound.
This is his number itself.
The police told me that
his phone was missing on the spot
where he was found dead.
Even I'd tried calling him a
couple of times.
But did not connect.
Why did he decide to commit suicide
all of a sudden?
He had some obligations in the
flower business.
But two days before dying,
he had told me that everything
had been sorted out.
Do what I say.
Acting like a detective?
Who are you to tell me how to
investigate the case?
I'm the Inspector of this place.
You are just an ordinary police.
Yes, Sir.
People walk-in just to shoot
my pressure up.
Get lost.
Who are you?
I've come to see you.
Should I come outside?
What do you want?
Sir, I come from Nedumpara Station.
I want some details regarding
a murder case.
What is this?
In the Kerala Police,
are the murder cases investigated by
civil police officers?
Take out S.P.'s official letter.
The official letter has not
been issued.
Then, how will I know who you are?
Ask them to call me.
I need the details unofficially.
What is your rank?
What is my rank?
You are an ordinary P.C.
Am I sitting here to give you the
details that you ask for?
Get out.
One tea.
I'm Giri Shankar.
CPO, Kerala Police.
At Nedumpara station.
Both of us are alike.
Same rank, same (terrible) situation.
Senthil Kumar, Constable.
I've come to Nedumpara to catch
a thief.
We also have a similar inspector
in our station.
Such an egoistic person.
He always makes fun of us.
He is under suspension now,
sitting at home.
Tea or coffee for you, Sir?
- Coffee.
- Brother.
Get him a super coffee.
Where in this place have
you come to?
I'm here as a part of an investigation,
but felt a connection here.
It's when I asked for its details that
he drove me away.
He is a fool.
If we solve a case, his ego
will be hurt.
Then, he would call us names.
The situation is the same everywhere.
Talented people don't have ranks.
Those who have ranks are
not talented either.
What do you want, Sir?
I can help if possible.
I'll whatsapp the details of Palanivel's
death available in the station.
I'll collect the details of similar
cases, if there is any.
What you said is right.
If we pick somebody working
in the hospital,
we can check if there is any
similar cases of death
reported in the nearby stations.
I'll look into it.
- What's it, Sir?
- Nothing.
Dead bodies are brought here
from 7 stations.
Details about the people who died
from hanging in the past 1 year
is there in this.
I'll give you the details of
the old ones too.
But it will take some time.
This address is in Kerala border.
See this?
Oh, is it you?
Why are you here?
Take your hands off me, Sir.
- Why are you following me?
- How funny!
I'm supposed to ask that
question to you.
Why did you come here, Sir?
Isn't it to catch me?
Not to catch you.
Hey, Maniyan.
You smoked me out of my place.
And now from here.
I lost my peace.
You will cheat me.
I know that.
Believe me, Maniyan.
Believe you?
You are a bigger thief than me.
Weren't you the one who committed
all those thefts?
Weren't you the one who removed
the window pane
of the toilet I used the other day?
I understood it back then,
that you were taking revenge on
that Circle inspector,
like I did to Hitler Mathan.
Don't try to cook up stories.
I'm happy, Sir.
I'm happy that you taught
C.I. a lesson.
Hey, stop there.
No, Sir.
Hey, I helped you to escape from
the jail, no?
Then, why should I try to
catch you?
Whatever it is, you are a police, no?
Policemen cannot be trusted in life.
Do you know that?
Stop committing theft, okay?
If you continue it, you won't be
able to get out of it.
Get lost, Sir.
He has come with new stories
just to put others in trouble.
Go through this file.
We need to give a report to S.I. Sir.
Last 3 years' files are there.
I give this because it is you
who asked for it.
Don't show it to anybody.
Return it immediately after
going through it.
Why are you loitering in the
hospital compound?
Is your friend, that thief here?
Or have you started kidney
trade together?
Why are you talking like this, Sir?
I'm on duty.
I'm busy.
Don't go like that.
Let's have a lil-chat and then go.
Take your hands off me.
Where did you hide Maniyan?
I'm a police officer on duty.
If you interrupt my duty,
you will meet the consequences.
Who are you going to lock with
all these?
Tell me.
You may go now.
Don't think that you have escaped
from me.
I'm getting the updates of where
you are going,
and who you are meeting.
A lot of such murders have
occurred in Tamilnadu.
All of them are under the jurisdiction
of police stations near ours.
So, are you saying that the hangings
reported during my service
also belong to this?
Some of them...
It has occurred in the jurisdiction of
the station next to us.
I went to the hospital and collected
the details.
New yellow plastic ropes have
been used in all the cases.
These are murders.
Murders that have similar traits.
Who would be the murderer?
What would be the motive behind
killing these many people?
All of them who died have
crossed middle age.
There are no youngsters.
According to the information received
so far,
there are no back to back deaths.
There is actually a one month gap
between them.
Another thing I noticed is,
All of them have some problems
in life that
people will believe that they
would commit suicide.
That means, the murderer knows
them in some manner.
Yes, Sir.
Its without even telling their family,
that all of them have gone
outside at night.
And their dead bodies were seen
on the next day.
May be they were taken by people
they know.
There have been no thefts.
No, Sir.
Theft is not their intention.
I cross checked it.
Another thing is,
All of them who have been murdered
belong to upper caste.
The situation is more dangerous
than we thought.
We can deal with the consequences later.
We must inform the department.
You won't be able to handle
it all alone.
Why do you say so?
It's not a big deal as you say.
Do you see this?
He sent me one more video last day.
And a threatening message that says,
'Don't come on my way.'
'You will be over'.
If we inform this in the department,
he will flash the video.
Everybody will believe that these
are cooked up stories
to cover my act.
That's the end of me.
And he will escape.
If so, it is better to play,
and then end.
Anyway, one thing is clear.
We are moving on the right path.
When does a person threaten someone?
When he loses all of his courage.
He has been shaken.
I'm sure about it.
You must be careful.
He is a dangerous criminal.
A daring criminal.
Make sure that the people don't
bite the dog.
I don't think that the thief
will be caught.
Everybody should take care of
their own belongings.
What is the use of police?
No use at all.
So, I bought a dog.
Bro, thieves are stealing from houses
where there are dogs.
It is not a flimsy dog that
you see here.
- It is a different breed.
- What breed is it?
Which breed is it?
Belgium Maldives.
Yes, Belgium Maldives.
A dog crossbred from two different
Moreover, it has got special training
in catching robbers.
If so, install a CCTV, Thambi.
Go and take my purse from
the vehicle.
If the thief is wearing a mask,
what is the use of CCTV?
Alas! Thambi...
See that.
See the dog barking.
How is it?
Can a CCTV do it?
If any thief come to my house premises,
this dog will bite off his crucial
body parts.
How to deal with dogs...
Everybody gives chicken and beef
to the dogs.
Before I go enter houses where
there are dogs,
I buy some mutton.
Tender mutton.
There is a recipe suggested by
my Guru.
An awesome recipe.
Mix fried groundnuts with some honey,
grind it, and marinate the mutton
for 2-3 hours.
When you give this to the dogs,
not just dogs,
even tigers will come to where
ever we call them.
How is it?
Senthil, good evening.
I was going to call you.
Good evening, Sir.
I've got the details of all the
murders in the past 3 years.
In 2021, there has been a murder
every month.
- Really?
- Yes, almost after every 30 days.
But in 2020 and this year, it was
not the case.
Senthil, do one thing.
Whatsapp the details.
- I'll call you.
- Okay, Sir.
Human beings lock money and
gold inside the draw,
and sleep.
Like a demon guarding the treasure.
When I see it,
my muscles roll up.
The excitement of stealing at
that point of time
cannot be felt in a house where
there is no one.
Hey, get up.
Your phone has been ringing.
It might be an urgent call.
Get up, dear.
Can you get me the phone, mom?
Here it is.
Take it.
I've prepared tea for you.
Get up and come.
Giri, S.I. Sir has asked you to
come here urgently.
A dead body has been recovered.
Somebody is dead there.
Come on.
Dead? Where is it?
Don't know whose body is it.
Let's go and see.
What is the mark on the hand?
Any wound behind the neck?
Don't we have to list the ornaments?
Is she the one who is working
in Shakthi's finance?
Yes, Comrade.
It has been some days since
her husband left her.
She had an affair with Shakthi.
Perhaps, she fell down while she was
going to meet him at night.
This is a dark pathway.
Today is a new moon day.
Yesterday night would have
been so dark.
Take a picture of the face.
Sir, her head has been beaten up.
We need to examine it.
Shall we take the body
over there?
Hold her carefully.
Lay her there.
Hold the leg.
Lay her straight.
The information is correct.
When Thambi's house was looted,
some people in the colony had
received money.
They said that somebody came in a
bike and threw money at them.
So, it is sure that money is not
what the thief wants.
It is him.
Let the game tighten.
When I get hold of the joker,
I'll tear off his card.
The lady who was murdered, and Shakthi
had an illegal relationship
with each other.
A day before the incident, they
have had a fight too.
So, it's natural to suspect Shakthi.
That's not true.
He is innocent.
I'm sure about it.
Shakthi is a thin guy.
But this is a person who is fat
in nature.
I have seen him.
Only that his face wasn't clear.
As it was just a day before
the new moon,
it was all dark.
But, no murders look similar to
this one.
What's it?
One minute, Sir.
What's it?
Don't talk. Just a minute.
Sir, come.
Sir, do you see this?
In 2020, no murders have occurred
in Kerala.
But, it has occurred in every month
in Tamilnadu.
In 2020 and this year,
a month with no murder
in Tamilnadu,
is a month with a murder
in Kerala.
According to the information that
we received,
there had been a series of murder
in every month,
from 2020 until now.
Either in Tamilnadu or in Kerala.
Moreover, all the murders have
occurred on the new moon day.
The person will be taken
the day before,
and his dead body will be hung
on the tree,
on the very next day morning
of Amavasya (new moon).
May be, this lady was taken in
the same manner.
When she tried to escape,
killed her hitting on her head.
On the day of new moon,
people belonging to certain tribe,
that too,
people who have reasons to
commit suicide,
are being killed.
The dead bodies have a special
smell on it.
What is behind all these?
Will it be any black magic or something?
No way.
In this century?
Don't rule out the possibility of
black magic.
Superstitious beliefs of human beings
are increasing day by day.
Haven't you heard of Burari case that
happened in Delhi recently?
11 people from a family committed
Believing that they will be
born again.
Human sacrifices are happening even in
Kerala, that is no. 1 in literacy.
When I started my service in
Kanjiramkulam station,
A black magician convinced
the people that
if a small kid was sacrificed on
the new moon day,
they would find treasure.
A lot of people together killed a kid.
This too could be something like that.
I don't think so.
But I told you, no?
2020 onwards, murders have been
occurring every month.
If it is a gang behind it,
keeping it as a secret for such a long
period, is not possible.
If it is something like you said,
it must be one person behind
all the murders.
But, how can one person kill these
many people all alone?
But serial killers do it alone, no?
How will you go behind this case
in between your duty?
I tell lies to Sukumaran Sir,
and scoot.
Otherwise, I take leaves.
If you had support from the
police station,
you could work more freely.
I feel that you must open up
everything to Sukumaran.
We can trust him.
He will not cheat.
Before the situation get worse,
we can say that Shakthi is innocent.
We will do that.
Anyway, Harilal Sir and Vinod
are following me.
Before they find something and
inform Sukumaran Sir,
it's better that I confess to him.
Your phone is ringing.
Yes, Subash.
Tell me.
Tell me the truth.
I'll make you vomit breast milk.
Tell me the truth.
Enough! Move!
Move, I say. Tell me the truth.
If you get more thrashings,
you will die.
Better tell me the truth.
Who gave you the key of
the handcuff?
Tell me.
- Tell me.
- I'll tell you, Sir.
Ask them not to thrash me.
I'll tell you the truth.
Go on.
Before I was taken for collecting
amidst the rush of people who
had gathered
during the time when Sirs had gone
outside to control the crowd,
I stole the key that had been
hung on that wall.
It is using that key, I unlocked
the handcuff.
That day, this Sir caught me
all alone.
The Sirs who caught me yesterday
asked me,
to tell that, that Sir helped me
to escape the other day.
Telling lies, you bloody?
No Sir, he will die.
No, Sir, don't thrash him.
He is telling lies.
- Get out.
- Stand properly, Maniyan.
Why didn't you show me to them?
There is no cheating in cheating.
A true thief only steals.
He doesn't cheat anyone.
I forgot to tell that to you, Sir.
I like you, Sir.
You are a very good police officer.
Please forgive me, Maniyan.
You will not have to go to jail
because of me.
I promise you.
Instead of being stunned,
tell us something.
What shall I tell, Sir?
This is like listening to a film story.
This is my request.
You must stand with Giri.
If the case are solved, the credit
is yours.
We have confirmed that Shakthi
was in Bangalore that night.
Told you, no?
He is not the culprit.
The police had found the handbag
of the lady who was killed.
There was a chit that mentioned
something about a Puja.
Let me see.
I searched all over the place.
I didn't find any such prescriptions.
My father had performed Puja for
escaping from debt.
He never told us about what it was.
Everything was done secretly.
It was inside the draw.
He never told me about performing
any Puja.
But he had been fasting for
a long time.
After fighting with my bro-in-law,
my sister had been living with me
for some time.
The day before my sister died,
I heard some noise early in
the morning.
I got up to see what it was.
She was in a hurry to go somewhere.
I asked her where she was going.
She told that she is going to
an auspicious place,
and would tell me about it after
coming back.
But later...
Was there any problem before
the incident?
Look at me.
Was there any problem?
Nothing like that.
Tell me if you remember anything.
Sir, that is...
Thiruchendoor Madam.
No, you should not keep it there.
Keep it that side.
Swamiji, someone has come to
meet you.
I'm Giri Shankar.
CPO of Nedumpara police station.
I can see struggle on your face.
What do you want to know about?
Can you tell me what are all
these Pujas for?
Do you teach these here?
Are the people who have performed
these Pujas still alive?
Everybody has been murdered.
These rituals are not taught
in here,
or in any other places that
teach Tantras.
The Yagnas and sacrifices stipulated
in this chit,
belong to the ancient evil rituals
of consuming souls.
In the Hindu Tradition in India,
these are evil rituals.
Sorry, Swami.
I do not understand what
you are saying.
There are some evil rituals that came
all the way from Tibet,
and spread in India,
especially among the people
of Vanga, and North India.
This is one among them.
A person is prepared to leave his body,
after doing certain Pujas and rituals,
and during the new moon day,
he is lead towards death.
They believe that, such souls could
be embraced,
and through it, they can attain
and supernatural powers.
A regressive and cruel belief.
Is there anyone who perform
such rituals now?
A person with a sound mind
will not do so.
But there are certain people who
doesn't have a sound mind.
People who have strange behavior
by birth.
The science of Tantras say that,
they are depended on the
past Karmas.
But psychartists call it as
psychosis etc.
Is it in a special place
or in a temple, that these rituals
are being conducted?
Before, such evil rituals were there
among the tribals.
I have heard that such a temple
was there
in the Kerala-Tamilnadu border,
inside the forests.
Such rituals were performed
by transgenders
who were born in Vasu Panchaka
As a consequence of concerted
efforts of our preachers,
they stopped performing evil rituals.
But I slightly remember the ritual of
taking a lamp into the place,
once in an year, and that
was continued
for many years.
It is said that the place was destroyed
in a land slide.
There was a book in our library that
marked the route map
to reach that place.
But that went missing after a problem
that occurred here.
a student who came here for
learning Tantras,
was caught red handed for performing
Pujas at the grave yard,
in a female costume.
It was a very strange explanation
that we got from him.
According to Tantric science,
out of the 10 pranas, (breath)
the last prana to leave our
body is Dhananjaya Prana.
When the dead body burns
in the pyre,
due to the explosion of bones
on the waist,
Dhananjayan will go out,
and the Prana (life force)
that is being sacrificed
will enter another body.
But he says that he can receive that
Prana into his own body,
and can become immortal through
the act.
Didn't I tell you about people
with strange behavior?
He is such a person.
After he left, we noticed that,
the book was missing.
Do you remember his name,
or any other details?
This is an incident that occurred
years back.
There after, I haven't heard of
him anymore.
Haven't you gone somewhere and
studied Tantric rituals?
So, you must be able to understand
these by reading them.
What are these rituals all about?
I don't know anything about it.
Don't you suggest such rituals
This is Tamil.
I don't know Tamil much.
Let me see.
Towards the end of it,
it is speaking about Kabbala sacrifice.
It is a special Puja conducted
somewhere in Tamilnadu.
Somebody has told me about it.
Who is that?
Yes, our Manoharan.
Our Dorai Swami knows about it.
He is the one who told
about it to me.
He is here to perform a Puja
for Lakshmi.
Let's ask him right away.
Swami is here.
He is Giri.
He is a police officer of this station.
Where are these Pujas happening,
did you say?
In a temple deep inside the forests
of Tamilnadu.
Deep inside means?
I don't know about it.
I'm leaving.
- Manohar.
- Yes.
I want to know something about
a case from him.
- Come with me.
- No problem.
You know,
Giri wants to know something
from you.
I want you to predict something
regarding a case.
Sorry, I'm really busy.
Please don't say no.
Giri is very close to me.
Okay, I agree as Manoharan
Got it?
Come to my house.
Predictions are done only
from there.
Everyone in our place go to Swami's
house for predictions.
I'll also go.
Will you give me your mobile number?
This number was given to me by
someone else as your number.
This is not my number.
Okay, Swami.
Yes, Sir.
You received the video not from
the phone that contain.
Karup Dorai's number that
you gave.
Its IMI number is different.
Is it?
What if he has two numbers?
That's possible.
I really suspect Dorai.
Anyway, I'm going to meet him.
Okay, then.
This case has been a headache
for us, for a long time.
You must help us, Swami.
This is for the first time, a policeman
is approaching me for help.
You will not have to be
They are not deaths.
Death is when the time takes the
soul into the hands of death.
But these souls that left the body before
the time, hasn't reached death.
This is a sacrifice.
And not death.
Souls leaving the body before time,
is either suicide,
or murder.
For us, both are crimes.
Investigation will take place.
That is how ordinary people think.
Even the Goddess hasn't killed
the demons.
But she removed the evil from them,
and made them a part of her.
In the world of ordinary people,
only their laws are executed.
Pure souls could be identified by
enlightened people.
When he seeks immortality by
consuming the soul,
even the soul becomes immortal.
The silly laws made by the ordinary
humanbeings are irrelavant
amidst the process that has
been there
since the beginning of the universe.
I'm a police officer.
For me, and my department,
these are murders committed
by a psychopath.
We will find the culprit.
And we will give the punishment
that he deserves.
I've already told you about what
appeared in my vision.
I don't see anything more than
than this.
So, nothing more to say.
What foolishness have you done?
Why did you talk to him as if
you suspect him?
Now then, he wouldn't move.
Dear Sir,
If I'm right, he is like me.
If you challenge him, that will
hurt his ego.
So, he will definitely go behind it.
It is just a day more for
the new moon.
I'm going to stay here itself.
I want to follow him.
Sir, Sukumaran Sir is calling me.
- Let me pick his call.
- Okay.
Yes, Sir.
Hey, Giri...
I got a call from the cyber cell.
Karup Dorai's second number has
been switched on in this area.
In the jurisdiction of our station?
How is that possible?
I haven't moved from here.
He hasn't gone outside either.
Then, how would his phone be switched on,
in our jurisdiction?
Anyway, it has been switched on here.
Your calculation has gone wrong
The subscriber is currently switched off.
Please try after sometime.
Sir, I haven't gone wrong.
He himself is the culprit.
He is not here.
We want to find where he is taking
people to.
I'm going to the Madam.
Will you go and speak to Manoharan?
He must know something about it.
Okay, Sir.
This is not needed.
- We will file another one.
- Okay, Sir.
Sukumaran Sir.
I'm Manoharan.
Saw your missed calls.
What's the matter, Sir?
Where were you?
I've been trying to get you
since yesterday.
Sir, I was gone to a temple
with my family.
There was no range there.
Now, I'm about to reach my home.
Come to the station immediately.
It is urgent.
I don't have a clear idea about
the way to the temple.
The temple of the tribes
is somewhere deep inside of the
forests of Kottakudi Hills.
May be,
if you ask any elderly forest officer,
you can identify the way.
I'm sure that the temple is in the forest
of Kottakudi Hills.
On the day the lady died,
his vehicle was parked on the
way to the hills.
Swamiji told that we can identify the way
if we ask any elderly forest officer.
I know a person who worked in the
forest department in that area.
He has retired.
Sir, do one thing.
Give me his address and
phone number.
I'll go and meet him.
Long back,
this was a place where human
sacrifices were conducted.
It was the then tribal head who
told me that
there was such a temple deep inside
the forest of Kottakudi hills.
But the place was destroyed
in a land slide long back.
I want to locate the place in
connection with
the investigation of a very
important case.
Can you help me in any manner?
Let me see.
I've got an old map belonging
to the forest department.
Using that, I'll tell you an approximate
location of the place.
Hello, Sukumaran Sir.
Sir, if the map showed by the
range officer is right,
I've reached his spot.
Giri, there is a bad news.
What? Bad news?
He has taken Manoharan's daughter
for some Puja.
La... Lakshmi?
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello, Sir.
There is no range.
Too bad.
Not able to connect him.
Hey, Lakshmi.
Hey, Lakshmi.
You will be hanged tomorrow.
I'll send the video of you going to
steal, to everyone.
Untie me.
The people will say that,
you committed suicide out of the
humiliation of getting caught.
These are the sacrifices
that empower a transsexual
humanbeing like her,
to win the universe, and to
defeat death,
that is normally not possible for an
ordinary humanbeing.
Your classmate Lakshmi just
passed this way.
Her family is conducting a lot of Pujas,
and offerings to the Lord.
Still, she is not getting a good
marriage alliance.
Transgenders who were born in
Vasu Panchaka Pamnchami
were the people who performed
such rituals.
The video that you received was
not sent from the phone,
that contain Karup Dorai's number,
that you gave.
Who are you looking for?
Our relatives scorned us saying that
a transgender kid was a curse
to the family.
So, we moved from that place
to here.
When Dorai Swami told that we
needed to conduct a Puja
inorder to remove the bane,
I ageed to it, thinking about
her good future.
Initially, I used to go along with her
for the Puja.
But later, she insisted on not
going with her.
And she started going alone.
Where was the Puja?
At Dorai Swami's house.
Hasn't you daughter ever told you
about this place?
We thought that she was going to
Dorai Swami's house for Puja.
I don't believe that my daughter
will support such cruelty.
Certain people have the ability to
brainwash normal people
and make them believe superstition.
Dorai Swami is such a kind of person.
[Chanting prayers for the destruction
of the enemy]
Please believe me.
He is using you.
After a few months.
Lakshmi, who had been a prey to
black magic and superstition,
is coming back to normalcy.
The doctors informed the court.
Lakshmi, who had born as
a transgender
was apprehensive about her mental
and physical states.
It is the humiliation and isolation
that she had to suffer right from
her childhood,
that brought Lakshmi close to
Karup Durai
who is a black magician, and
a friend of his father.
Karup Dorai convinced Lakshmi that
her birth is so special,
that she is capable of imbibing
supernatural powers.
That's how he had Lakshmi partenered
in his evil activities.
When you analyse it,
it is Manoharan's superstitious beliefs
that pushed Lakshmi into trouble.
Can't believe that superstition still
exists in this century.
Isn't it?
You cannot generalize everything
as superstition.
There are some truths behind it.
Pillechan, Is Giri here?
No, he hasn't come here today.
May be, he is on duty.
If he is there at the station,
why should we ask you?
Hello, Sir.
- Is Giri inside?
- He has not woken up yet.
- Oh.
- Hey, Giri.
Giri, the Sirs have come.
He got home very late last night.
You need not get tense.
We are here with a good news.
What is it, Sir?
Crime Branch's special investigation team,
SIT has taken you in their team.
Posting is in Thiruvananthapuram.
Is it difficult to believe?
Here it is. Look!
Got a call from the station.
A thief entered Aiswarya Nerurkar's
house last night.