Kotee (2024) Movie Script

Drink some water. The hiccups will stop.
It doesn't help me.
Your hiccups will stop if you drink water.
Didn't I tell you that it
doesn't work for me?
'Welcome to Janatha City'
'Please pay attention
to your belongings'
'Beware of pickpocketers'
H.S. Venkatesh Murthy plays on Radio]
This damned train interrupts every day right
when a good song is about to play...
...doesn't even let me enjoy the song.
Did you get a lamp again?
There's no power socket for it
nor is there any space for it.
You go out to move homes.
You hoard everything they
don't want and dump it here.
Look around, Kotee.
None of them match at all.
Cut him some slack.
Why? He keeps bringing so many
things every day after moving a house!
How many more things can fit in this house?
There's always a box in front of the house.
Here's your lunch box.
What makes you think
these things are useful, Kotee?
- Well, the headphones are useful.
- That doesn't count.
Hey! The bean bag is useful too.
Do you know how
nice it feels to sit on it?
It is nice. But we've enough now.
Don't bring back anything except
the lunch box from today.
Kotee! Don't listen to her.
Bring anything you find nice.
I'll be late getting home from work.
Fine. Be careful.
Do you want to move houses?
Just give me a call.
The distance doesn't matter.
Whatever you want to move.
The time and the
quantity doesn't matter.
Whether it's packing a fan, fridge, sofa,
water bottle or a shoe stand...
...even coffee cups won't be left behind.
We'll pack everything
neatly and move it for you.
If this city spots a good man
It wishes to trouble him to the hilt
There's a pinch of jealousy
So good roads are a hearsay out here
This city breathes life into you
But why does it leave us breathless?
After watering your dreams
with your sweat
Why spend your time shedding tears?
In case, there are no
moving jobs, I drive a cab.
That's just like moving people from
one place to another.
There are Kotee (one crore)
people in Janatha city.
Every minute, someone
wants to reach somewhere.
Someone wants to move
out of their home.
I'm not sure if we'll make it on time today.
The irony is that right when one is in a hurry,
the stoplight turns red.
Janatha city
Through careful calculations, somehow...
Month by month, I manage to live on
I don't know what Janatha City has against me.
If I say that I'll work hard and sincerely earn a crore,
this city laughs at me.
One crore?
Get back to work. This is Janatha City.
The rich continue to count the interest money
Yet the dreamers and their dream linger on
The truck I use for moving homes
doesn't belong to me...
It's Saavkaar's.
I have to pay him 2,000 rupees in rent every day.
Even if I say I'll sincerely drive the truck and
pay him rent every day,
this city still laughs at me.
How much are you left with
after paying 2,000 to Saavkaar every day?
There's a limit to everything!
Isn't it possible to earn a crore
in this city...
...Without cheating, without stealing,
without killing anyone?
It's possible, right?
It should be possible, right?
If this city spots a good man
It wishes to trouble him to the hilt
Through every hardship we endure...
Happiness remains our guiding light.
This city took in a lot of people
Yet they're out doing somersaults in life
In this city of tigers, shouldn't there be
one Punyakoti (Innocent Cow)?
This vehicle is now out in search of life
Heave ho! Keep moving!
Money! Money! Money is everything!
Money is your ticket to the top
Janatha City
Here's your coffee.
I'm late for the store.
I asked for less milk.
This is just a decoction.
The milk curdled.
The milk in the fridge has been
curdling for some days now.
The fridge needs to be repaired, Appi.
That's beyond repair now.
We need to buy a new one.
A new fridge?
No chance.
Money's tight right now.
Let's take a loan.
If you're scared of loans,
how will you settle down in life?
It's risky to take a loan at this point.
I'm the President of
the 'Anti-Loan Committee'.
Mr. President, how are you planning to
start a cab company without risking in life?
Forget that, you keep talking about one crore...
how do you plan to earn that?
Exactly. The oldest son should answer this.
Tell me, Ramanna?
Kotee, we need to move the rice sacks.
Can you come to the warehouse?
I'll be there.
Hurry up.
Nachchi? Mahathi?
Don't worry.
We're getting the first car for
our cab company.
I've spoken to Saavkaar.
The delivery is scheduled for the day after.
Our time will change from then.
What about the fridge?
It'll come the day after that.
Ramanna, aren't government
offices closed on Sundays?
How is the warehouse open?
Why would you care about
government and society, Kotee?
Stack them! Throw them in.
Ugh, you guys are very slow.
Ugh! Ay!
Quit screaming, Ramanna!
Speed thrills but kills!
You've learnt to talk like your father.
He's just like like this father, after all.
His father and I would come
here to learn cycling.
None of you were born back then.
Load it faster! You guys are very slow.
Kotee, come here.
Come here now.
No, Ramanna.
You are your father's son.
A wastrel indeed.
Are you guys done? Pull the shutter down!
You have to prove that you're a grown-up today.
Hit 100 km/hr now!
Be it the traffic... Be it the cops.
You can't stop the vehicle no matter who
tried to stop you.
- Why?
- I don't have the permit.
When I got the Government's rice warehouse opened
on a Sunday, wasn't it obvious?
So it's your heist, and I'm the getaway driver?
Ah! You've gotten smarter.
Keep driving now.
Hurry up!
Loafer! Where are you going?
Why did you turn the truck?
What happened?
Wait up, you self-righteous prick!
I'll throw in another 10,000! Start the vehicle now.
Come on now, Kotee!
Kotee! Dammit!
Fine! I'll throw in another 20,000!
These government food grains get infested
with worms, so I'm putting them to use.
I have a family too, right?
Shouldn't I survive?
Are 250 quintals sufficient to run
your family, Ramanna?
Kotee quit acting like a saint!
You're not a model of excellence!
Have you never driven your truck
without deceiving Saavkaar?
Isn't that a form of theft?
I don't do any of that. Move aside!
Dinoo Saavkaar is Janatha City's biggest fraud!
I have to give him a share of this too
You guys continue with your games.
I'm not a part of this!
When everyone else is naked, the person
who is clothed should feel ashamed.
Enough now! Come here!
Kotee! Come with me, dammit!
- Hey! Empty this.
- Get down and come here!
Come on now!
What's wrong with you?
Come with me.
Can you tell me why they tie a pen with a thread
in banks and hospitals?
Even if there's no thread,
I wouldn't steal it.
Have you never taken toiletries
when vacating a hotel room?
Haven't you ever stolen someone's
stationery from your school?
When picking groceries,
haven't you nibbled on a few items?
You would've, right? Isn't that stealing?
I swear I've never done that.
Stealing isn't for me.
How will you survive in Janatha City
without becoming a thief?
How much can you earn by being sincere?
I'll earn one crore to fund my sister's wedding,
my brother's cab, & repair my broken home.
A crore to achieve these three things.
I challenge this dishonest Janatha city
and a rice smuggler like you.
I, Kotee, will earn one crore honestly
and lead a sincere life.
You talk about sincerity, but one day you'll
end up like your father, living a life of emptiness.
You were born to be a lone corpse.
Walk in my path.
Learn to live.
Now load these sacks into the truck.
Here's 50,000 rupees.
It's okay to taint your dead father's honest blood.
Take it, man!
Take it! You bastard!
Kotee! Listen! Every man...
Stop! Ramanna!
Bloody hell! Listen to me! Every man...
Stop talking!
You're not listening. Every man...
Am I not making it clear?
- Kotee!
- Come here!
Kotee! Stop it! You're making a big mistake!
You guys are making a...
I'll teach you a lesson!
You won't have your truck and your job tomorrow!
I challenge you!
You'll bite the dust!
I'll make sure I tell Saavkaar about this!
Come back!
Hey! Close the gate!
If someone in Janatha City needs a loan
with compound interest, this is the man to see.
Dinoo Saavkaar.
Janatha talkies would screen big movies in the past.
Saavkaar would sell tickets in black here.
As the property went under litigation, he took over the theatre
and turned it into his home.
The projection room is his office.
The balcony is his dining room.
The cinema screen is his TV.
Movies no longer play at this theatre, but
it has become a hub for underworld activities.
When you throw peanuts, you can
expect monkeys to come for it.
If you want a tiger, then peanuts... You hear me?
Peanuts won't do.
They wouldn't have sent me with mere peanuts,
from Mumbai to Janatha City.
Put forth your proposal then.
The theatre's litigation will be handled.
And a crore over that.
What say?
You've done the right by coming to Dinoo Saavkaar.
Do you want the sniper or the shooter?
I'd asked for a loan of 9 lakhs for the cab.
Come back in the morning.
Let's discuss the deal.
We need a man from the South.
He shouldn't be on any radar.
But his aim should hit the bulls-eye.
Why from the South?
He shouldn't know Hindi or Gujarathi.
They were clear he should
be a nobody in Mumbai.
When do you need him?
He should be in Ahmedabad
for Mahanavami (Dasara)
The job should be done before Deepavali.
If this can be done...
He'll handle the theatre's
litigation hassle for you.
If Dinoo Saavkaar is happy with the deal...
Consider the job done.
Did you have someone in mind?
He'll end it with a headshot.
Shiva. He's my man.
It's a big deal.
He won't miss.
Consider the job done.
How many were here?
Just one man.
Was it a bulky man? Ramanna?
I don't know that. But he was an absolute maniac!
He wanted to tell you
something and you never let him finish.
So he kept blabbering about it!
What did he want to tell me?
There lives a thief inside everyone.
Did he hit you?
- Did he hit you?
- Now listen to me, Kotee.
I'm completely fine.
- Did he hit you?
- Well...
He was swinging his hand and I fell.
If he was never here, this wouldn't have happened
There lives a thief inside everyone, huh?
A thief!
I am my mother's son, Ramanna!
If you try to touch my mother,
I will become your worst nightmare.
Your goddamn nightmare!
Kotee! Please don't! Let me go!
Although I'm younger than you...
...let me tell you one thing, Ramanna!
Thieves believe everyone is a thief.
It's not easy to remove.
- There lives a...
- child in everyone!
In a shocking incident early this morning,
Burglurs looted 'Janatha Finance' in the city.
There were three perpetrators involved in the incident,
two males and one female...
...all dressed in Tiger costumes.
They utilized pliers, a gun, and sedatives,
causing the security personnel to lose consciousness.
Sir, how much was stolen?
The exact amount that was stolen is 1 crore.
They really stole 1 crore?
Yes, they counted and stole precisely 1 crore.
However, they've also left some money behind
You mean, they didn't take everything?
Yes, they've left a total of 28 lakhs.
It's puzzling why they have left behind some money.
As of now, this is hard to explain
How old are you?
Tell me!
And, how old is Dinoo Saavkaar?
Watch and learn...
...What 28 years old looks like.
It has to hit the bulls-eye!
Did you hear me? Bulls-eye!
(Henchman Smirks)
I'd asked you for a loan of 9 lakhs, and you
asked me to come in the morning.
Is it urgent?
I gave the showroom a heads-up that
I'm picking up the new car.
How old are you?
Weren't you smirking when
I missed the target?
Now prove to me you're 28-years-old.
You have 5 attempts.
You've gotta hit the bulls-eye.
If you don't hit a single bulls-eye,
you're not getting any money today.
If you hit more than 1 bulls-eye...
...will shave off his moustache.
Do you hear me?
I'll shave it off.
Now shoot.
Do you want the money or not?
(Collective Laughter)
(Laughter continues)
Didn't Saavkaar know Kotee worked
at Mallikarjun's shooting range for 3 years?
You won't look good without
your moustache, Saavkaar.
It is the moustache that gives you stature.
Hey, fetch me that bag.
House Papers or the car...
...which one are you mortgaging?
The car.
1... 2... 3... 4...
5... 6... 7... 8...
Count it. It has the amount we discussed.
But we agreed on 9 lakhs.
Of course.
But I've deducted the interest amount for the
first month from it.
Do I need to teach you how the compound
lending business works?
I can't buy the cab without 9 lakhs.
You have a way of asking for a loan, Kotee.
You have a great aim, don't you?
Having an aim in life isn't enough,
you also need guts.
Do you have it?
Do you have guts?
Prove to me that you have guts
and I'll give the extra 1 Lakh.
I don't follow.
I'll make sure you do.
This girl will stand by the target.
Neha! Go there.
Do you see the girl?
Did you notice her waist?
Most people here noticed that first.
There's a black thread with a white pearl
around her waist.
What's the fun in firing at four corners
of a paper?
You're gonna shoot the pearl now.
If you do, I'll waive the 1 lakh interest.
If you can't, 8 lakhs are all you're getting today.
Please don't do this, Saavkaar.
Hands start trembling now, don't they?
So you've got no guts.
...She owns a tiny piece of my heart.
Your accuracy has made me very happy, Kotee.
I'll arrange for a feast.
Come home for dinner. We'll chat there.
As we spoke yesterday,
the shooter has been confirmed...
but now has a different name.
How long have you been doing this, bhai?
This is an important contract.
The shooter won't care if the
contract is big or small.
The shooter might not care.
But I will, if he misses.
To make sure that he doesn't miss,
we need a good marksman.
You've changed his name overnight.
This isn't a good sign.
The name didn't change on its own, Rajan Bhai.
It was Dinoo Saavkaar's decision.
His name's Kotee. He's new.
Forget the South.
No one in Mumbai can match his aim or guts.
Don't stress yourself.
I'll send him your way the day after Mahanavami.
Can you come to the Krishna Ashtami fair?
Sure. I'll be there.
Is she thinking of you every time
she needs a ride,
Or is she booking your cab every time
she wants to see you?
Hello? I asked you a question.
There's nothing like that.
She calls for a cab, and I go.
Fine. Leave that aside.
What about you?
What are you talking about, Mahathi?
Don't play dumb with me.
Kotee, wait a minute.
Give this to her.
Let's get it clarified today if
Navami likes you or not.
I don't think I can call her my girl yet.
Her name is Navami. She's from Hasirupete.
She works as a Chartered Accountant.
She lives in the city with her friends.
No matter where she wants to go in a cab...
...she calls me
I don't think it's wrong for a future cab
company owner to fall for a CA.
Although, that's not the issue.
I've tried and failed 21 times to tell
Navami that I like her.
Why are you stressed?
I'm not.
Yes, you are.
Not at all
You want to say something, but
you're holding back, right?
You can sense that, huh?
If you have something important to discuss...
do you prefer face-to-face or over the phone?
What then?
I prefer walking on Bazaar Street,
munching on corncob and chatting.
Excuse me.
Bazaar road, corncob!
I'm done with shopping and
there are a lot of people here.
But it doesn't matter.
It's fun to see people in costume.
Since I was a child, I always had a desire
to try on the tiger costume.
I'm gonna wear it this Mahanavami.
Are you still wondering how a girl
could wear that?
I'll talk to you later.
I'll be late.
So I'll pay the waiting charges.
You'll have to wait.
I've been waiting for you, even when
you don't pay for it.
Words refuse to come out
The tip of the tongue has been defeated
O' yeah
O'... Words refuse to come out
The tip of the tongue has been defeated
O' yeah
The mischievous heart has secretly learnt
to dance
The math of memories is quietly underway
You are my heart and soul
I lack the courage to express myself
O' my friend
Teach me how to speak up
O' my friend
Read what my eyes are trying to tell you
O'... Words refuse to come out
The tip of the tongue has been defeated
O'... Words refuse to come out
The tip of the tongue has been defeated
I shall call out your name in the middle
of the street
But I shall disappear before you turn
around to heed
As I graze your shadow
I shall play with my finger
A million dreams... Pester me
This silence is unbearably heavy
What is the solution to lighten it?
The song I sing is of a loner
This musical journey will take me nowhere
How do I start this conversation?
Are corncobs your favourite?
I love coffee more than corncobs.
[Starts to Hiccup]
Let me get you water.
No need.
That won't help the hiccups.
Come on now.
Let's go.
In the end... I'm speechless and defeated
I'm defeated
The sweat trickling down my forehead
has revealed my feelings
Tell me... What's happening to me?
[Hiccup Stops]
What about me?
Kotee! Let's leave! Right now!
Vibha! Hurry up!
Hurry up!
I'm sorry for damaging the mirror.
It's okay.
I've already sold this cab.
So it's fine.
You sold it?
I must be in Hasirupete for
the wedding on the 26th!
So, should I book another cab?
No need!
My new cab would have been registered by then.
Don't worry.
What time do you have to leave?
Vibha and I will be leaving at 5 AM.
This story is over 8 or 9 centuries old.
In the Kingdom of Mahima,
there was a king named Bhima.
Do you hear me?
In the Kingdom of Mahima,
which is present-day Mumbai,
...there was a king named Bhima
He'd summon expert warriors to his feast
whenever he pleased, just as he liked.
Ah, by warriors, I mean the brave and
capable ones, the real deal.
- He'd serve them up quite a spread...
- Do you hear me?
They'd get served up a whole variety of dishes.
Just like this.
Kempa, you've got food all over your beard, man.
After the feast, they'd bring out a
plate of betel leaves.
Anybody could eat it.
But whoever picked it first, there was
some special significance to it.
Who'll tell me what it was?
What's up, Kotee? Don't like the food?
It's very good.
Hey, you there! Serve some more
bajji (fritter) to Kotee.
Oh no. I don't want...
Saavkaar doesn't like it when
someone says no to him.
Why'd you only give him one?
Give him some more.
I mentioned earlier that those betel leaves
held some significant meaning...
Who'll tell me what it was?
Eat some more, Kotee.
This is the advance. 25 lakhs.
This isn't a loan; it's just an advance.
It's all yours.
The catch is...
...before you take this, you must accept
the paan (betel nut).
Do you really not understand?
I don't.
Do you still not get it?
What's betel nut called in Hindi?
Supari (Contract killing).
Only someone with your accuracy
and guts can pull this off.
Think about it. You'll get a lot of money.
A cab company.
Your home, your sister's marriage.
Everything can be taken care of.
Here's the deal.
The day after Mahanavami.
You've got to head over to Ahmedabad.
You've gotta get the job done
and be back by Diwali.
9 lakhs is enough for me.
Let the interest rates be as per your rules.
One has to be sincere in life.
Money can buy you sincerity, Kotee.
No thanks, Saavkaar.
I'm happy the way I am.
Kotee, stop right there!
Do you realise what you're doing?
I'm aware of what I'm doing.
A deal worth a crore
will ensure your future is secure.
But it'll ruin my life.
If you don't do what he says,
Saavkaar will be enraged.
I'm not a genius,
so I don't think that I can fix everyone.
I am also not naive enough
to resort to just anything to settle down.
I have taken out a loan and
I will repay it with sincerity.
I'm not worried about Kotee.
I'm mostly worried about you.
When faced with difficulties,
you shouldn't choose the wrong path.
Life should be like the songs I listen to.
Why are you shouting about singing?
I can hear you.
I said, why are you shouting about it?
Oh! Kotee's back.
Kotee, show me your wallet.
I won't.
Give it to me. I need to check something.
- I need to check something.
Should I tell Aayi? - Tell her.
Appi, these are our house papers.
If you mortgage it,
you might get a good amount of loan.
You stick to your moving business.
Let's buy Nachchi a new cab...
...so he can contribute around here.
We won't mortgage your house.
The three of us will work hard...
... and take good care of you.
What about the money for the new cab?
Come here.
I've managed to arrange the 9 lakhs to buy the cab
A new car for the company we're setting up.
I need your blessings.
So, isn't this a debt?
When I asked for a new refrigerator,
you were against taking out a loan.
This loan got me a cab, Mahathi.
The other loan could have gotten us a fridge.
A fridge wouldn't earn us anything.
But with a cab, I can earn Rs. 2000 every day.
Also, once we have the cab, we're going to
watch a movie.
When's that?
Tomorrow evening.
Aayi, come here!
Who'll take care of the store?
Nachchi will do that. Let's go
Take care of the store.
It's a new car!
This is the first new car for the cab
company being set up by your children.
And, you're our first customer, Sujatha Madam.
Pay 100 rupees now.
I'm asking you to be our first paying customer.
I hope you've bestowed your blessings with
that cash to help our company grow big time.
Ask God for that.
That's why I'm asking you.
Kotee, this car is awesome.
Today we have one cab.
In a year, we'll have two.
In two years, we'll have ten more cabs,
and this will turn into a booming business.
...pulling in a crore.
Do you know what we'll name our company?
Sujatha Cabs.
What do you think of the name?
I kept telling myself not to steal.
I tried hard to control myself.
I tried to talk myself out of it.
And then...
...ended up stealing a whistle.
The hiccups stopped only after that.
Why do I feel like stealing
whenever I get hiccups?
And why do my hiccups stop after
I steal something?
You experience a strong urge to steal.
When the urge peaks and your anxiety kicks in,
you start getting hiccups.
The thrill of stealing brings you joy, Navami.
So, when you're happy, the anxiety and
hiccups go away.
It's simple!
You need to put me on meds!
Or give me a shot or treatment or even surgery!
I'm okay with anything.
But, I want to be cured of this.
I almost got caught Yesterday, you see.
You're going to get caught someday.
The hiccups you experience are like sirens.
It'll grab everybody's attention towards you.
What's wrong with my brain?
There's nothing wrong.
Don't worry.
Everybody has the urge to steal within them.
In everybody?
In everybody?
What I meant is...
So, the urge to steal is within everyone.
It's common for everyone to feel tempted
to steal at some point...
Okay. Thank you so much, Doctor.
I'll see you.
I ask him to watch the store,
and he eats all the Chakkulis.
This is why I hesitated to go.
- Give it back!
- I only took 2.
We're getting late for the movie. Hurry up!
Pavani, suppose I ask someone to do a
job for me...
If they refuse to do it, it only means
they don't respect me, right?
Maybe they aren't capable of doing it.
They are capable.
But he's refusing to do it.
Doesn't that mean he has no respect for me?
Who can say no to Dinoo Saavkaar?
He did.
Kotee, you locked the car, right?
You're asking me this now?
I should've locked the car.
But I can't remember locking it now.
I'm going to go take a look.
(Continues yelling)
(Visibly yelling)
Get out of the car!
But it was a 'No-Parking' zone.
A lot of cars were parked there...
I couldn't see the sign.
Just because cars were parked there,
doesn't make it a parking zone.
Sorry, Sir.
Your license?
RC book?
This is a TC registration.
So you don't have it insured?
It was supposed to happen tomorrow.
So, the vehicle wasn't insured
when it got stolen.
If we measure failures, you are the biggest loser.
What do we do now sir?
We'll intimate all the other stations.
But Sir...
Leave now!
Listen! Come back.
You parked in a 'no-parking zone', didn't you?
Yes, Sir.
You need to pay 500 rupees for that.
Sir, what about the receipt?
Get going.
I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Let's go
What do we do now, Kotee?
Let's not tell Aayi about the car being stolen.
Let's work day and night.
We'll work hard and repay the loan.
Let's try and find our cab or buy a new one.
We'll focus on clearing the tab, Nachchi.
If you went to watch a movie, how did you get drenched in the rain?
We parked the cab far away from the theatre.
Did you arrange parking for the new car?
Parking the car on the street, like you used to,
could be a problem if it gets stolen.
Be careful. Give it some thought.
For now, we need to park it on the street.
What arrangements have you made for
parking the new car?
Are you not able to hear me?
I just said, Aayi,
we'll have to park it on the streets for now.
Since I took a nap and woke up in the evening,
the radio has stopped working.
All I can hear is a distorted sound.
The song is audible, Aayi.
What did you say?
Speak a little loudly.
Can you hear the thunder?
Aayi? Do you hear the thunders? (distorted)
Aayi? Do you hear the thunders? (distorted)
I asked you to speak loudly, Appi. (distorted)
She can barely hear anything right now.
In just a few days,
she will lose her hearing completely.
Once she loses her hearing, she'll
eventually lose her ability to speak as well.
Did this happen from the
blow she suffered a week ago?
That's one possibility, yes.
But her ears were probably
a little sensitive before that.
Will medicines help?
No. Surgery is required.
That's the only option left.
Can we get a second opinion?
Of course. But I'm sure,
you'll hear the same opinion.
Think and get back to me.
Will I not be able to hear anything?
(Fireworks and celebrations)
That's a lot of people outside, right?
The police couldn't... (laughs).
The crowd's bigger than last year.
Kotee, it's my 'Happy Birthday'.
Thousands are waiting outside
with gifts for Dinoo Saavkaar.
Do you hear me? Thousands of people.
But Saavkaar...
Wants your gift.
It's not even a gift.
What do they call it?
'Take and give'.
You've given me a truck,
you've lent me money.
You have my loyalty for that.
Happy Birthday, Saavkaar.
I need the report by evening.
Sir, I don't earn much now and I have a loan
to repay as well...
Can you find my cab sooner?
Don't we have anything better to do
than look for your stolen cab?
You've been to the station six times
in the past two days.
If we find anything, we'll let you know.
You've shared your number with us, right?
Haven't you?
Yes, Sir.
Then we'll inform you!
What can we do if you were careless
and lost your car?
Stop hounding me like you're a debt collector.
Get the wireless...
What are you looking at?
Now leave!
Leave the place!
Send him out!
He's got nothing better to do.
Hello? This is 'Kotee Shifting'.
Hey Sampath here! I was looking to move.
Can we meet and discuss this?
Yes sir, where do we meet?
Would you like some coffee?
Yeah, Coffee...
How many men do
you have in your crew?
We're a four-member crew.
That's it?
You can include a
few more, right?
I'll be there too.
Four people are good enough.
The reason I'm asking is because...
...my apartment's association
is a bit of a nuisance.
They shouldn't be disturbed
during the move.
The neighbours shouldn't
feel disrupted at all.
Our job is to be smooth, and
quiet without any noise.
It'll be done.
Also... what are your charges?
How many bedrooms are there?
3 bedrooms.
I'll do it for 13,000 rupees
That's too much!
How about 8,000 rupees?
Sir, you've got to be fair.
Fine. Let's settle on a middle ground.
Let's settle on 10,000 rupees.
Yeah? A round figure.
Here's an advance of 5,000 rupees.
Make sure all these boxes
are taken down together.
Sir, this is a new refrigerator.
You could have had it delivered straight
to your new house, right?
Fine. Now let it go.
Mistakes happen.
It's already packed, right?
Aren't you supposed to move
everything inside a house?
Don't worry, Sir.
We'll move everything.
Pack the boxes
and start loading them into the truck.
Sure, Anna. [IN UNISON]
I've been clear about working quietly
from the very beginning.
Sorry, Sir.
You can deduct the money for it...
...but, Why would you hit me like that?
- How much does this vase cost?
- Shush!
Money isn't the issue.
I don't want a ruckus.
This might cost a measly 1,000 rupees.
I wouldn't worry about that.
Pack faster and load the articles.
We need to be gone from here in
half an hour.
I broke the vase...
...but you got slapped for it.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Make sure you don't do it again.
Hurry up!
What floor?
9th floor.
The remaining 5,000 rupees.
Count it.
What's this for?
You told me the vase cost 1,000 rupees.
(Out of network area)
Don't worry. We'll take it with us.
What do we do now?
We can't do much until he calls back.
Hey, stop here.
We've got to move a
couple of houses tomorrow as well.
- Make sure you're here early
in the morning. - Okay, Anna.
I need to see Saavkaar
and pay the daily rental.
My wedding is on
the 30th in Hasirupete.
You must come!
It's a two-day event...
... in a grand Malnad tradition!
I'm heading back to my hometown
this Friday...
... and I still have so many
others to invite.
- Okay. I'll see you.
- Navami?
Have you told Gagan everything?
Sit down.
Have you told him, what these
hiccups mean to you?
- I'm going to tell him, Doctor.
- Navami!
- I told you, I'll inform him.
- Don't be silly.
This conversation should've happened
before the wedding was fixed.
It also involves both your future.
You must explain this to him.
If you're feeling awkward to discuss it,
bring him here.
I'll sit him down and explain that
kleptomania is a mental health condition.
I know! I've already told him that we have to
discuss something...
...and he's meeting me tomorrow.
You must come to our wedding.
It's on the 30th in Hasirupete.
Don't miss it.
Anna, please don't talk
about taking away my house.
Do you think money grows on trees?
We're not forcing you to sign the
'House Papers' over to us.
It's been 3 months.
Forget the damn principal amount!
You haven't even paid
the interest amount.
But the house is worth 60 lakhs.
That is when
you're here to sell it.
This isn't a sale. It's a foreclosure.
Sign the documents and take the money.
Make him sign it!
Do it!
Everyone should learn from this boy.
He's never missed paying the
2,000 rupees he owes me every day.
A new fridge!
Be careful with it.
Move it over here
Plug it in!
There should have been a free vacuum
cleaner along with it.
He must have forgotten about it for sure.
He always does the right thing but
ends up fumbling a little.
I can't even find the bill.
He must have it with him.
If he knows we want something...
Kotee will make sure he gets it for us.
He even got the right measurements and all,
didn't he?
I heard you got into a tiff with
the Caterer Ramamurthy.
If he breaks into my home,
how would I let it slide?
Ramamurthy feels humiliated by you.
He's also lost close to a lakh.
My own men are cheated by our truck driver.
To compensate for that, you'll have to
take this.
I've never asked you to stop doing
bad things.
So, please don't ask me to commit one.
Let me not lose the
respect I have for you.
So, you don't have to
lose the trust you have in me.
Then compensate the loss of 1 lakh.
No chance of that happening.
Did you ever tell me that rice sacks were
being illegally moved by your men?
I wouldn't have gone, if you told me.
When there's no mistake on my part,
I'm not paying a single rupee.
This is between you and Ramanna.
I've got no business with him.
Aayi, did you guys
set up the fridge?
Appi! You've no
idea how happy I am.
I didn't want to mention
the fridge again...
...realising that you might not be
able to arrange the money.
But Aayi...
This fridge isn't ours.
Of course. I know that.
We didn't need such a
huge fridge for the four of us.
This is Mahathi and Nachchi's doing.
They should've asked me, right?
Come here.
Don't think that I'm upset just because
it's too big.
I'm extremely happy.
The colour, the space inside...
Look how nice it is.
Where are Nachchi and Mahathi?
Where are Nachchi and Mahathi?
The two of them pushed it
all the way here and set it up.
You should've seen how joyful they were.
Mahathi is just very happy!
She's right about me being very happy, Kotee.
We went out right away and brought
groceries to make popsicles tonight.
Nachchi, open it up, please.
By the way, what happened
to the free vacuum cleaner?
What's wrong?
I know you get emotional each time
you make something happen for us.
I'm grateful to have a brother
like you, Kotee.
The car is missing.
Aayi needs her surgery.
Despite all that, you've
been doing everything for us.
You're a winner!
(Out of coverage area)
I'll have to buy him a new one.
What's wrong, Kotee?
Don't worry about it.
The bank robbery case, which has
been keeping the City Police awake
has prompted the department to offer
a cash reward for any information provided.
During an exclusive interview with Janatha TV...
The Director General of Police
disclosed details about the case.
Anyone who shares information about
the gang responsible for this theft...
leading to the arrest
of the 'Huli Gang' (Tiger Gang)...
...will receive a reward of 5 lakhs, as
promised by the Director General of Police.
- Navami? Why do you look like that?
- Look like what?
It looks as if you removed
paint from your face.
What? No way.
Why would I say it otherwise?
Don't tell me you put on
the Tiger costume for Ashtami.
Not for Ashtami.
But I'll wear it for Mahanavami.
What's wrong? Do you not like it if
I wear the Tiger costume?
Moving on.
Didn't you call me over to
discuss something?
It's Nothing.
Yep. It's nothing.
What do you mean?
What's the matter?
Do you... Do you get hiccups?
Do you get hiccups?
Sometimes I do.
What about it?
I get it very often.
Since you're marrying me, my doctor
advised me that you should know about it.
Well... okay. It's not a big deal.
So, you're okay if I
get hiccups often, right?
I'm okay with it.
Fine then.
What do you mean?
I'll meet you in Hasirupete.
See you. Bye.
He would always be here 15 minutes
before schedule.
I've called him.
He'll be here.
What happened, Kotee?
Where's the cab?
What's up with him? (murmurs)
Why are you loading the bags
in this truck?
What time will the cab arrive?
Hello! We're not moving out of here.
I know! We're
going to Hasirupete.
So, you want us going to Hasirupete,
in this truck?
Why not?
All of this luggage would've
never fit in the cab.
Are you kidding?
How can we go in this truck?
I only booked you because you said
you're getting a new cab, right?
Where's the cab?
Somebody stole it.
Beyond boundaries and borders
Let this trip go on and on
A fuzzy dream is now blossoming
Turning the sky bright, thanks to you
Every happy moment has come together to
play a complete song
This path connects every town
in its way
This path makes one forget
all their worries
Could you turn left here so we can shop
in the market nearby?
Do you love popsicles that much?
Sometimes I have 4-5 popsicles
just for lunch.
A lot more when I'm stressed.
What do you do when you're stressed?
She gets hiccups.
Let it be.
When do you get hiccups?
- Hiccups?
- Yes.
I've never gotten hiccups.
What? You don't get hiccups?
Have you never experienced it?
You're the first person I've ever met,
who's never gotten hiccups.
Kotee, what happened to the
free vacuum cleaner?
It'll come, Mahathi.
When would that be?
Shall we talk about this once I'm back?
If you let petty matters stress you
out, it'll ruin your health.
I'm walking regularly, aren't I?
Anyway, what job did you offer him?
Why is he refusing to do it?
I've lent him all the money he's asked for.
Yet, he's very arrogant!
Maybe he thinks that repaying
the interest on time for the loan is enough.
Am I not renting the truck out to him?
Am I not paying 2,000 rupees
for it every day?
That's not me saying that.
I'm just telling you that's how
he must be thinking.
Don't be stubborn.
There are so many others who'll do
the job for you.
I don't think I'll find someone better
than him for this job.
He didn't listen to reason.
Offering money working either.
Now I have to resort to the third option.
What's the third option?
I've tried conversations and money.
Now it's time to trick him.
I have an idea.
A vacuum cleaner.
Toast maker. A fridge.
An expensive sound system.
A Macbook. A tablet.
Chairs. Lights.
They've robbed everything they could find.
So this wasn't just a moving job?
No, Sir!
A robbery.
Robbery in broad daylight.
Imagine this, Sir.
They've got the moving truck to
the apartment early in the morning.
They've fearlessly loaded
the house articles into the truck.
So the security and homeowners'
association assumed that I was moving out.
After moving everything out, they've
left the door's key below the same pot.
What could be the approximate
value of the stolen articles?
Between 22-25 lakhs, Sir.
I think there's a problem here.
A problem?
Why's that?
Do you brush every day?
I do. Why do you ask?
How about showering?
Without skipping a day.
Do you fall sick?
I do.
Do you cry?
I do.
Then, as a human being, shouldn't you
get hiccups?
Isn't that abnormal?
Give me this one.
Hello, Mr. Abnormal?
Shall we leave?
Why do you think that's abnormal?
Think of it as a special trait.
I'm special.
This was a clear act of robbery.
What a fraud! We must find whoever did this!
Forget hoping, I'll find this crook and
make sure he's caught!
Go in. I'll be there soon.
The total amount is 12,600 Rupees...
I can leave if you pay.
I have to drive back overnight.
Can you leave after the wedding?
It's just for three days.
Three days?
I thought this was only a drop booking.
The wedding is further from this location.
There's a lot of packing and moving too.
Apart from the actual tariff, I'll
pay an additional 2,000 rupees every day.
Please stay back, there's a lot of work.
It'll be very helpful if you're here.
Please come.
I'm starting to realise that it's a good
thing you brought the truck.
Look at how many things
need to be packed and moved.
By the way,
Whose wedding is it?
What do you mean? It's my wedding.
I haven't invited you, right?
Wait. (distorted)
I'm getting married to Gagan, this Sunday.
He's a Software engineer.
You must attend.
If you clear the fare, I can leave.
It's not okay for me to stay here.
Why won't it be okay?
Didn't I tell you?
There's a lot of work to be done, Kotee.
What will your family
and friends think?
There's nothing to think about.
I've hired you to work in the house.
You're working for me.
Why would anyone care about that?
Navami, you need to get ready.
Let's go.
The longing
O' my beloved
Stop right there
Don't you go anywhere
In the end, what am I to you?
Tell me
Am I not your only love?
Isn't my life all about you?
May all the married women
bless this turmeric-laden damsel
May they all sing the
nuptial song together
O' Prince, you stole the
woman who awaited your arrival
The prince is here, let's
sing the nuptial song together
The nuptial song
The nuptial song
The words have made
way for a glimmering teardrop
The invisible mist seems
to have covered us all
O' my heart
Why are you still beating with me?
O' my dear
All I can think is of
our memories together
I'm now a mere listener
of this song of love
A mere listener
A mere listener
I'm a lone witness
The nuptial song
The melodious song
The soothing song
I'm so happy!
Aren't you happy?
I am. Why do you ask?
I told you that I'm very happy.
...But you didn't
respond, that's why I'm asking.
Hey! It's nothing like that.
- I'm happy too.
- Right?
Tomorrow evening, you'll become Mrs. Gagan.
Mrs. Navami.
Yeah. It's the same thing.
Mrs. Gagan.
Let's not continue our fight in this town
as well, it's not gonna look good.
This place is being prepped for a wedding.
It's a wedding venue.
Fine. Agreed.
Just don't appear before me anymore.
My anger's already at its peak.
Oh! As if!
The groom here is my distant relative.
I'm handling the
catering for the wedding.
The boy who's getting married is one of my own
The food you'll eat here is cooked
and served by my catering team.
By the way...
What are you doing here?
I'm here with my truck.
So, you're here to work.
Which means, you're a driver...
and not a guest here.
I have a question for you Ramanna.
Will you answer me?
Go on. Ask away.
You mentioned you're in charge
of the catering for this wedding?
Did you purchase the rice...
or is it stolen?
- Gagan?
- Yeah?
I asked you a question before.
What was it?
I told you about donning the Tiger
costume for this Mahanavami festival.
You shouldn't say no to
it after we're married, okay?
I won't have to say no to you.
As in?
You won't be donning the costume.
I'm not forcing you not to either.
You're marrying me, Gagan.
You won't be doing
anything he doesn't like.
You won't even consider such things.
If it upsets Gagan,
shouldn't Mrs Gagan oblige?
Please sit. It's okay.
What's wrong?
I can't bring Bazaar Street to you...
But, I can bring you some corncob.
Didn't you come here to drop me off?
Then, why did you stay back?
Because you asked me to stay back.
Yeah, I did.
But why did you agree?
You told me it would help you if
I stayed, so I agreed.
Why? Did something happen?
I need to tell you something.
This is... my town.
This is my home.
These people are my family.
This is my wedding, with the guy I chose.
And I can't help but notice that you're the only
one who truly cares about what I want.
Thank you so much
for understanding me.
You're not just a great help here.
It's also made me very happy.
Madam, wait. Where are you taking the bag?
Wait a minute.
What's wrong? Where are they going?
- The necklace is missing.
- I've already told you it's not here.
- Let's go there.
- Not here, Let's go there and ask.
Please wait a minute.
Can you tell us what's happening?
All of the bride's jewellery
was in this bag.
Look, the bangles are still here.
But a necklace is missing.
It isn't missing
It was stolen.
I witnessed the bride entering your room
and taking it with her.
- Our Navami?
- Yes!
I grabbed a water bottle and wondered
who was having such persistent hiccups?
She was stealing the
necklace from the bag.
Please don't make such
allegations against my daughter.
I am begging you with folded hands.
Listen, I'm not doing
this out of any ulterior motives.
I'm telling you what I witnessed.
We're dignified people, Sir.
As if we're not dignified?
Madam, there's no need to discuss this.
If we search the bride's room,
we are sure to find the necklace!
Navami? Everybody's saying these things
about you.
Why are you silent? Say something!
What will she say?
Am I not being clear?
If you search the room, you'll
find the necklace for sure.
- Come on everyone.
- Wait up, Ramanna.
Think before you speak.
Who is the necklace meant for?
The bride.
Who is the bride?
- Who stole it according to you?
- Navami!
Why would she steal the necklace now
if she's supposed to wear it in the morning?
Are you saying I'm lying?
I'm not saying that, Ramanna.
I'm asking you not
to call her a thief.
- She's a thief.
- Don't, Ramanna!
She's a thief!
- Ramanna, don't!
- She's a thief!
She stole it. So
she's the damn thief!
We both know who has a
habit of stealing here.
Stop it!
She's stolen it!
That makes her the thief!
Kotee, with my own eyes...
When I'm telling you that
I've seen it with my own eyes...
...are you still going to defend her?
This has to be decided today!
Either she's a thief or I'm a liar!
Navami, her parents.
Rameshanna and Pavithramma.
All of you! All of you come with me!
Kotee, you're coming too.
You'll be with me throughout
and this is an order!
Because once the necklace is found,
what if you pin the theft on me?
Come on now! Everybody come!
Let's go!
Come on.
Come on now.
Well well well!
Here it is! The necklace!
The girl's an epitome of purity, right?
Pure gold!
If she didn't steal the necklace,
did it go for a walk by itself to the toilet?
Speak up! Speak up dammit!
Shouldn't she be called a thief?
You went all out and slapped
me in front of everyone, didn't you?
Now you've got to speak.
Speak up!
Please wait for a minute.
- Please don't hit him.
- Lady, wait! I'm sorting this out.
Please don't beat him.
Listen to me, please.
I heard him go on till now.
Should I listen to you now?
I'm assuming Navami has
informed Gagan about this.
About what?
She struggles with a condition.
When she's stressed, she gets hiccups.
To help relieve that stress,
she has to steal something.
- She needs to steal?
- Yes!
She isn't doing this on purpose...
nor does she have any use for it.
She has no intention of stealing or hurting anyone.
But she steals.
There's no point in scolding her.
Because this is a
mental condition.
It's a disorder called Kleptomania.
What are you trying to say?
She is a very good girl.
But she steals.
Not exactly to gain anything.
- But she steals?
- Let me explain...
Listen, woman!
You don't have to
say anything further.
We don't need such a
good-hearted thief in our family.
Leave us alone and
feel free to deal with her.
Let's go now.
Let's go.
Please listen to me.
Wait a minute, please.
Please listen to me.
There are only four weeks
left for Mahanavami.
I know.
You have to pay me a crore.
Saavkaar owes you a shooter.
That's our deal, right?
Money's not a problem.
If there were no issues, you
wouldn't have come all the way here.
The first name you suggested was Shiva.
Then it was changed to Kotee.
We need to get the job done right, don't we?
He'll finish the job
before Diwali.
I've received some information.
Kotee hasn't accepted this deal.
If he hasn't accepted it yet...
He will, tomorrow.
Saavkaar gives you his word.
I guarantee it!
The day after the festival,
Kotee will finish the job.
Don't worry.
If things go wrong, you
know what'll happen.
Then let's talk when things go wrong!
But once the job's done,
you have to do something for me.
That moron who gave
you the information!
Ensure you send him
to my theatre.
Been a while since I
screened an action film.
A late-night show.
I'm sorry.
Oh no. Why are you sorry?
I am sorry that your wedding
has been called off.
It's fine.
I'll find a better guy.
I'm sorry again.
Why again?
I was upset with you.
I had no idea stealing
could be a disorder too.
But why are you sorry about that?
To be honest...
I'm supposed to be
apologising to you.
Because of me, you
had to endure all those slaps.
It was okay that you didn't fight
back when he was hitting you,
but you could have tried to stop him, right?
But why?
I was maybe 7-years-old...
One evening, we were walking
home listening to music on the radio.
Appa had bought a new radio for Aayi on that day.
Appa was very happy...
...while I was feeling very hungry.
- Appa?
- What is it, son?
I'm very hungry, Appa.
Aayi must have prepared a
delicious meal at home.
Let's eat and go to sleep.
- Appa?
- Yes?
I am feeling very hungry.
Just come along now!
We're almost home.
I won't walk any more!
Kotee, my dear?
Why are you being so stubborn?
I'm very hungry, Appa!
Sometimes we have to...
Son, we're almost home.
Let me pick you up and take you there.
No way! I'm very hungry!
- What can I even get you here?
- Over there!
Kotee, the thing is...
How do I make him understand?
Listen! Kotee!
Listen to me! Kotee!
It's okay to pick and eat...
...if you're really hungry.
[Hiccups start]
1... 2... 3... 4.
The total is 120 rupees.
Shouldn't you eat
after getting it billed?
Kotee was very hungry.
Does that mean you'll
just pick what you find and eat it?
Where is it? The money?
You have no money, do you?
This covers one.
Disgusting! Why do you
come here and ruin everything?
Get out! Get the hell out of here!
Get out!
Leave! Out!
One should pay for their own sins
Why would one feel anger towards God?
Appa, why didn't
you hit him back?
Grief has filled the air around
When you're in the wrong,
There is a price to be paid for it.
There's value in everything.
But it needn't always be through money
When has everyone
got their share of joy?
Grief has filled the air around
What's wrong, Appa?
It's nothing.
What does Kotee mean, tell me.
- A rich man?
- Well...
How many zeroes does a crore have?
The zeroes following the one,
doesn't make it a crore.
The one ahead of all the
zeroes, that, makes it a crore.
One should pay for their own sins
Why would one feel anger towards God?
Grief has filled the air around
- Appa?
- Kotee...
Please don't ever starve yourself
until you're very hungry.
What's wrong?
What's wrong, Appa?
Wake up! Please!
8,000 rupees. For four days.
Won't you ask me why I'm
charging you 2,000 rupees more?
I don't understand.
Since you disappeared for
four days without informing me,
This is the penalty.
This wasn't about the deal.
However, I still slapped you. Ask me why.
- Ask me.
- Why?
So, you remember that you have to come
every day to pay me 2,000 rupees.
Even if you can't make it,
I expect to receive a phone call, at the very least.
Both your truck and the stolen
car, still belong to me.
Got it?
This is when I felt I'd had enough.
It was time to ask Aayi for the 'House Papers'
and then pledge it...
...and throw that money on Saavkaar's face
I decided to do all this and went home.
Oh. You're back.
How did it go?
I'll ask you for something.
Will you give me?
Why do you seem dull?
Give me a cup of coffee,
I'll feel better.
If you arrange the money, the surgery can
be done in the first week of October.
How much will it cost?
8-9 lakhs.
An additional lakh maybe.
Can Aayi listen to
everything after the surgery?
What do you mean everything?
Aayi loves to listen to music on Radio.
She misses it a lot.
You get the money ready.
What happened?
Have you seen my wallet?
Why would I?
Looks like you're
losing a lot these days.
Saavkar, your share will be 30%.
And, 70% for this family man.
I still have to distribute my share
with others involved.
I still have to get
my daughter married.
Please don't forget.
Sir, please ask Ramanna to come back.
You have to help settle an issue.
Sit down, Kotee.
Sit down.
Will you explain what this is all about?
Aayi lost her hearing because of Ramanna.
She needs to be operated now.
It'll cost 9 lakhs.
I'm telling you only because you
asked me to help with a settlement.
Ramanna has hit a lot of people.
But there's no proof of
anyone losing their hearing.
How did only your
Aayi lose her hearing?
If I'm settling an issue,
I have to be fair to both, right?
How can any of Ramanna's actions be
considered fair?
Don't lose your cool.
Sit down, Kotee.
Even if I am the mediator...
Ramanna might pay up with a
load of rice sacks.
But if it's 9 lakhs that you need.
I can pay you that money in advance.
I've told you not to consider
me for this deal.
Forget the advance amount.
If you need a loan, I'm here.
I'm not borrowing from you.
Your decision not to take a loan
for this matter is...
Think it through, Kotee.
When someone comes to a store...
She has to serve a cup
of tea and collect ten rupees.
She has to serve a cup of
coffee and collect ten rupees.
She has to serve a
Chakkuli and collect five rupees.
Just because Aayi can hear properly
will someone pay double?
Think about how you'll repay
the loan you borrowed for the car.
Don't get cocky with me. Leave.
You can do business with anyone.
But never with two-faced people.
When they cheat you, you'll waste time
wondering which face to slap!
I have something to tell you.
I need to return something to you.
Your wallet is with me.
Oh! So you have it?
Will you come to the coffee shop
by Bazaar Street?
Kotee? Really?
Thank you!
A cup of coffee and a thank you would be nice.
I have no money.
Didn't I return your wallet?
Not for the coffee.
For the first time ever
The heart has been stolen, O' my!
The heartbeats have met and the attraction
is now imminent
I wanted to go to Bazaar Road.
- Can you come?
- I lost my cab. Remember?
Of course. I do.
The thing is... I only needed a driver.
A driver?
Did you buy a new car?
Not for a car.
For a scooter.
What? A driver for a scooter?
I was just checking if you could make it
If you're busy, it's fine.
Wait! No! I'll be there in 45 minutes.
The hearts seem to have united
There seems to be a song going on
The hearts seem to have united
There seems to be a song going on
You won't ask Saavkaar.
You won't pledge your home.
None of us have
the required amount.
How will you do this, Kotee?
Yeah. I need to do something.
What will you do?
Shouldn't the chartered accountant come up
with a plan to arrange the money?
What's going on between us?
There might be a name for it
I shall keep seeking it within me,
Give this bonding a name
Let me tell you, this is indeed love
Is the song of my heart now yours?
Will you be donning
the tiger costume for sure?
Don't Address me so formally.
Call me by name instead.
Well, you're addressing me formally as well.
Once you change that, I'll do it too.
Try again!
I can't do that.
You can.
Say it.
Fine. Navami...
'If anyone slaps you on one cheek,
offer him the other.'
' That is how good people live.'
A quote by Mahathi.
You're making your status sound like
you're the one who wrote this?
This was Mahatma Gandhi's quote.
But I was the one who
translated it into Kannada.
Didn't I add the line -
'That is how good people live'?
You mean, I can steal someone's quotes
and put up a status, saying it's mine?
Kotee, you overthink a lot.
One shouldn't take life so seriously.
The quote about slaps and
cheeks was not Gandhi's.
It was Jesus.
What do you mean?
Are you telling me that Gandhi
stole what originally was Jesus' quote?
No. Somebody must've misquoted Gandhi.
Not bad. Where did you learn this?
Kotee, since you mentioned about stealing.
When Gandhi was young, he stole from his father.
Later, he wrote a letter to apologize.
I've left a bag in the office.
It has one crore and two
tickets to Ahmedabad.
But only one man's going for the job.
Only after I know for sure
that he boarded the train
Will I leave the Janatha City.
I got that. But why
are there two tickets?
Even if Kotee isn't on board with this.
A shooter has to get on the train.
There's another ticket in his name.
Who? Shiva?
Didn't you tell me that
Shiva's aim isn't good?
The job shouldn't go amiss.
So, I've booked a ticket
in your name.
Don't worry.
If it comes to that,
Saavkaar can go.
What are you saying?
Going to Ahmedabad is a given.
But there is no guarantee of
the Shooter's return.
Do you hear me?
No guarantee of return.
I've told you.
The target is a Mammoth.
This is Inspector Prabhakar.
From the Bazaar
Road police station.
Sir, of course, I remember you.
You informed me you'd call once you found my car.
I was in deep trouble.
Okay. When will you
come to the station?
Won't take long. I'll be
there in half an hour.
We'll see the doctor and
get your surgery done soon.
All your son needs
are your blessings.
What happened?
Hope there's no
trouble with the car.
There was some trouble.
It's all fine now.
There's some good news.
Make some dessert.
I'll tell you all about it later.
The car has been found!
- Really?
- Yes!
I trusted you to find my car.
- You move homes too, right?
- Yes, Sir.
On Saturday, the 22nd.
Can you tell me about your schedule that day?
The first move was from
South end to the Industrial area.
The other was from the
9th block to Janatha Bazaar.
You should drink your juice.
Juice is best when served cold, right?
Yes, Sir.
What fridge do you have at home?
SG Super cooler, Sir.
Why did you slap me?
You robbed a home and are asking why?
Get the hell up!
under the guise of moving a house.
...you stole valuables worth 22 lakhs from
the home of someone named Prasad.
A complaint has been lodged for it.
Your gang is the main accused.
Let's go to your house.
No, Sir.
Let's see how many of the stolen items
are in your home.
Let's go. Move it!
Take the jeep out.
I took the police to the
apartment we moved the things to.
It was locked.
There was no proof that
we'd moved the stuff there.
We definitely have to go to your house now.
Please don't do this, Sir.
If the Police come home accusing
me of theft, Aayi will be heartbroken.
Please don't do this, Sir.
Then accept it.
I didn't rob the house.
Every thief makes the same claims.
I swear I didn't steal these things.
Then why are you stressed?
I'm telling you.
We shouldn't find a single missing
item from Prasad's house at your place.
That's it.
One of the missing items is an
SG Super cooler fridge.
The same fridge is in your home.
Not like you shouldn't have one.
But you must have proof of that purchase...
Excuse me?
Do you have the receipt?
If we exit this compound...
The left turn leads
to our Police Station.
The right turn leads
us to your home.
Pay up 22 lakhs to the owner.
An out-of-court settlement.
If not...
The vehicle will turn right,
and head straight to your home.
We'll seize whatever
we find and your mother...
No Sir, let's turn left.
The inspector is calling you.
He's the one who
robbed your home.
Look how we've apprehended him.
What the hell!
Let go of him!
Let him go now!
What do you think you're doing?
We're here to handle everything.
Sit down!
He's agreed to settle
22 lakhs right away.
Kindly control yourself until then!
You there! How much longer?
5... 10...
20... and another 2 lakhs.
A total of 22.
Also, the senior inspector wanted
four tickets to Pattaya.
- Economy?
- Oh no. It has to be business class!
So, Saavkaar?
- I've almost settled the theatre litigation.
- Really?
Did Rangeela finally agree?
[Background Conversation]
Kotee, you owe me a total
of 31 lakhs in debt.
I'm starting to find this game boring now
Mahanavami is just four days away.
Don't show me your face until then.
You must come the day after Mahanavami.
You either repay the 31 lakhs debt...
Or board the train to Ahmedabad.
Remember that your brother,
sister and mother are home.
Your home is right here.
You'll have to continue
living in Janatha city.
41... 42.
I've counted them today.
If you eat the Chakkulis,
you'll get it from me.
Be careful.
I'll be back in 45 minutes.
Don't worry, Aayi.
Your Chakkulis will be safe.
What are you doing, Nachchi?
My mind tells me that
Kotee isn't the one for me.
But my heart tells
me that Kotee is the one.
Sometimes, I find him abnormal and
tell myself no.
Then, I feel he's special and
I want him.
Whatever happens.
I'll ask Kotee to come by the coffee shop
at 6 today.
If he reaches there before 6,
I'll confess that I like him.
Else, I won't.
Maybe because you're here...
For the first time, our boy hasn't eaten
any Chakkuli.
Here's a Chakkuli as a token of my appreciation.
This is cheating.
If everything she's counted is still there,
how is that considered cheating?
You may have returned the same
number she counted...
But the size of the Chakkulis are not
the same. Isn't that cheating?
Who's getting cheated here?
The customer.
The customer would have seen the Chakkulis
in the glass jar before buying, right?
Yeah. So?
So, it is his decision to pay
5 rupees for that size.
How's it cheating?
Something is missing.
This doesn't seem right, Nachchi.
Kotee? Can you meet me at 6 pm today?
Hey! Sampath!
Stop Sampath!
Let go!
He'll fall in line if we take
his 'House Papers'.
I know.
What are you waiting for?
You strike the iron when it's hot.
Until then, you patiently wait.
One shot is all it takes.
It'll be over!
Tomorrow's Mahanavami.
He has to come here the day after.
We need a trailer before the movie.
Show him the trailer, Shiva.
He troubled you.
He implicated you, making you out to be a thief.
He escaped.
And yet, you're sitting here,
unwilling to open the bag.
What purpose will the laptop serve?
You're pure as gold, Kotee.
But you're unfit
for Janatha City.
- You're of no use.
- What do you mean?
24-carat gold might
have the highest value.
But, it's too soft.
It bends.
It's of no use.
Gold needs to be mixed
with a bit of silver or copper.
Around 9%.
It only becomes strong and useful then, Kotee.
It becomes useful.
Only then can jewellery be made.
I'm telling you that Gold is
useful when it's 22 carat.
Did you get it?
Shall I open it then?
What's wrong?
This is Saavkaar's handwriting.
Why won't you answer our calls, Kotee?
- We've been waiting.
- Slippers need to be left outside, Shiva.
Today's the eve of Mahanavami,
and I have three requests.
In Saavkaar's
words, they're orders.
Shiva, just leave!
It's the day after, I'll be there.
Just your word won't do.
We need a guarantee.
That's why I mentioned
three demands.
First, your 'House Papers'.
Second, Aayi's thumbprint on the agreement.
Once we're done with these two,
I'll take the third one myself.
Poor Aayi must be asleep!
Go and wake her up.
Go and wake her up, Kotee.
I'll wake her up myself.
Didn't I ask you to leave?
- Hey!
- Don't mess with me, Kotee!
This isn't a dummy
pistol. I'll shoot.
Shiva, don't!
Let Mahathi go.
If I shoot, Mahathi will die right here.
You don't trust me?
What's wrong with you?
Don't waste more time.
You've no other choice, Kotee.
You don't want a dead body lying here
on the eve of Mahanavami.
We need to shop for tomorrow's
festival, don't we?
You guys go ahead.
I have a headache.
I'll sleep for a while.
Aayi, I needed your
signature for the document.
My thumbprints?
What's wrong?
I need the 'House Papers', Aayi.
I can't hear you, Appi.
I'm telling you that I
need the documents.
I need the documents for the house.
I can't hear a thing, Appi.
But I got it.
Is that why you look so dull?
Why are you hesitating to ask?
Didn't I recommend mortgaging the house?
It is for the car, after all.
You're behaving like we're
selling the house outright.
You shouldn't cry for this.
Good things will happen to you.
Now go.
Check if the thumbprints are all there!
It's fine.
Kotee! Appi?
I had a third demand, didn't I?
- Hey!
- Kotee!
Hope the rains clear
all the confusion.
The ticket has been booked
for the day after.
You know it.
Saavkaar won't
like it if you miss the train.
Call Appi once again.
He's not picking up
Aayi, I'm over here
I'm over here Aayi
Janatha City is all decked up for Mahanavami.
The city hums with excitement as vibrant crowds
in colorful costumes are seen all over the city.
Tiger costume dominates the streets this time.
Saavkaar, here's 8 lakhs.
The entire city's dressed up,
won't you guys be joining?
We'll do it in the evening.
Will you slap me once?
Can you slap me once?
A slap? But why?
Please do it.
Considering what I'm about to do,
I deserve a much harder slap.
Please do it.
I'm telling you.
Slap me harder;
the sound should be loud and clear.
Not every price has to be paid with money.
During Mahanavami, deities and demons take on
identical forms for the celebration.
In this city, filled with colors...
How do you distinguish between
Goddess Chamundi and Demon Maheesha?
Who's the Tiger?
Who's the hunter?
The resonance of drums and trumpets,
accompanied by the joyful laughter of the people.
The city is celebrating.
Can performing penance cleanse us of our sins?
Shouldn't one atone for their sins?
Shouldn't one pay for their misdeeds?
Although Ravana was a great devotee of Lord Shiva...
his demise was deemed necessary, right?
Is Saavkaar coming later?
He's on the way.
He'll be here soon.
Has the procession started?
Oh! They're here.
15... 16... 17... 18.
If 15 left, how did 18 of them return?
What did you say?
Say it again.
15 tigers left from here, but 18 returned.
Can't you count for God's sake?
- 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7...
- Three of them are already inside.
- Inside?
- about 10 minutes ago.
- I thought they were our men and
opened the gate. - To hell with you!
Close all the doors!
Watch the damn gate!
Hello? Police station? The Tiger gang is here.
Look everywhere!
Search for those 3 tigers!
Make sure you find all 3 of them!
Seena! Let's go.
Yes, Saavkaar.
- Did anyone come in here?
- Yes.
Who was it?
The heck! Who's this then?
I can't tell who is who!
The Tiger gang will feel my wrath!!
They had to pick my theatre to mess with?
Who the hell are you guys?
Who are you?
Speak up!
Saavkaar, he's one of us. He's Siddha!
Everyone to the balcony, now!
Look for the main switch...
If this plan goes awry, we'll be blamed
for the Tiger gang's bank robbery.
But if all goes well, the police will blame
the Tiger gang for this too.
Who are you?
Hey! Let's go. Saavkaar wants to see us all
12 and 13 in total.
- Where are the other two?
- They're on their way.
How much longer will they take?
14 and 15.
Now we have everyone present! Did you hear me?
everyone's present.
Now I need to
ensure you are all my men.
Take it off! Take off the headgear now!
Take it off
[Inaudible commotion]
- Where the hell are you?
- Shush!
Sir, the information is reliable.
There are three individuals:
two men and one woman.
They have entered wearing tiger costumes.
(Indistinct) Open the damn door!
Kotee, it's your 'House Papers'.
Saavkaar won't spare you.
I will...
I'll have my payback.
If not... SAAVKAAR will shave off his moustache.
Did you hear me?
The moustache
They've taken all the money,
leaving 8 Lakhs behind.
How much money is stolen?
Exactly 1 crore.
Exactly, huh?
I'm not kidding.
They've tallied and absconded
with a precise amount of 1 crore.
Then it's the same gang!
The same Tiger Gang that robbed the bank.
I still don't understand one thing
They entered this place. They fought.
Even a gun didn't faze them.
They shaved your moustache off.
This must be the most expensive
shave I've ever seen.
(60 lakhs - the value of your home)
' They escaped through the window'
It's the same Tiger gang.
There were 3 people
and they were in Tiger costumes.
Had we arrived five minutes earlier,
their chapter would've ended.
However, we have substantial clues
to track down this gang.
The tiger is on the verge of being captured.
These fake Tigers will be hunted and captured
I assure you.
Did you shave before applying makeup?
You shouldn't have.
It is the moustache that gives you stature.
I only see injuries on your face.
This shouldn't have happened.
Rajan Bhai.
Train tickets for you.
It's the other choice, Saavkaar.
The remaining loan of 31 lakhs.
I'm paying it back with interest.
The truck key.
I got it repainted and parked it outside.
Once you return the 'House papers'
and my license, I'll leave.
You're supposed to leave for the job, Kotee.
I've worked very hard to gather this money.
The debt became a burden.
That's why I'm here to pay back
every single penny I owe you.
I've upheld my promise.
Kindly honor yours.
With this, all outstanding debts have been settled.
Please take care.
When I mentioned everything was resolved,
it occurred to me, Saavkaar...
There's a little more left...
What is it?
- Kotee!
- This was from you!
This was from you too.
This was from Ramanna.
This was from Shiva.
- Kotee!
- This was from your men.
This was from Sampath.
Now, we're even.
I've got to repay as per your interest rates,
right Saavkaar?
Did you hear me? As per your rates.
This is for the interest.
This is for the reckless compound interest.
Now, we're even.
There's no time to spend in jail.
We have to leave for Ahmedabad.
Does it qualify as stealing if we take back
the money that was stolen from us?
In Chartered Accountancy terms, it's known as
Account Settlement.
Our accounts haven't been settled.
What account?
You've paid for it.
But you haven't received what belongs to you.
I slapped you for nothing.
Come on. That's fine.
No way. Not okay.
Settle the debt now!
What are you saying, Navami?
The right thing.
Return what you took from me.
Please slap me.
My slap was harder, Kotee.
Slap me now.
Come on now.
Let's go.
by H.S. Venkatesh Murthy plays on Radio]
Here you go.
- You're refusing a popsicle?
- I don't want it
The police claimed they would have caught
us if they had arrived five minutes earlier.
Good for them.
Next week, we plan to target the deceitful Chief Engineer
of the Municipal Corporation,
who has duped everyone and
accumulated substantial illegal wealth
Forget about being 5 minutes early; they can wait to
capture us five days in advance...
Listen carefully... [hiccups]
Beneath this tiger guise,
I'm the Punyakoti
[Hiccups Continue]
AMMA NAANU DEVARAANE continues playing...