Krampus: The Reckoning (2015) Movie Script
In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone
I don't know.
Let me see it darling.
Snow on snow
Do you like it?
I love it.
What am I looking at here?
That's Mommy, that's Daddy,
that's me, and that's...
Santa Claus, I know
him when I see him.
But where's your sister?
Are you angry with her?
There was no
more room on the paper.
In the bleak mid-winter
Angel, tell Grandma the truth.
She makes Daddy angry,
she makes Mommy sad.
So sad that she cries.
And you, does she make you sad?
What are you reading?
Oh this is an old story.
Older than you?
Yes, even older than me.
What kind of story is it?
It's a Christmas story.
Can you read it to me?
Oh I don't know, it's late.
And this one used to
give me nightmares.
That looks like Santa.
It is, or Saint Nicholas
as he used to be called.
So how's this a scary story?
In the bleak mid-winter
Who's that?
Who's that?
That's Krampus.
You've never heard of Krampus?
Well Krampus is old, very old.
Old as time itself.
And just as Santa rewards
good little girls and boys,
Krampus punishes the bad ones.
That's not a true story.
Don't be so sure child.
As with many ancient stories,
the Krampus has passed from
legend into superstition.
But old and forgotten
things have a way of
ever so slowly creeping
back into our world.
Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snow on snow
In the bleak mid-winter
I got you!
Yes Zoe, you're it!
Zoe's it, I got her!
What are you doing, Zoe?
Don't touch it!
You're weird, stay
away from me, Zoe.
Yes Tristan, it was me.
It was me all along.
Strong for you,
my one true love.
Remember, with Christmas
around the corner.
It's extra important to
listen to your parents.
So you don't
end up on the naughty list.
Turn it back!
What, you didn't hear me?
My love for you is
strong like a tiger.
Then kiss me, Tigress.
My love for you
flows like a river.
Like the mighty Amazon.
Like the ancient Nile of Egypt.
Laundry needs folding,
Now, move it!
Wow, what are you doing?
I'm gonna have my way with you.
That's rather fast.
What the hell?
Bed, now.
Ow, you're hurting me.
Shut up.
Who's there?
Holy shit!
Dispatch, we have multiple DBs,
requesting back-up,
detectives and crime scene.
Room clear.
Room clear.
Fremont, we got a locked door.
Here you go, sweetheart.
We've got a foster child,
I'm not sure if she saw
or heard anything, though.
So far she's not talking.
Let a couple of
unis take her over
to the children's warden.
Mercy Immanuel Hospital.
Stewart's on her way there now.
Hope she can get
something out of her.
I need to call you back, bye.
How can I help you?
Dr. Rachel Stewart,
I called from the road,
I'm here for the Zoe
Weaver interview.
Sign here.
Dr. Stewart.
Hey Miles.
James, this is Dr. Stewart.
She helps us out,
from time to time.
I try to anyway.
My partner Detective Cegan.
Call me Rachel.
Dr. Stewart, Det. O'Connor?
Yes, that's us.
Tom Jennings,
Head of Pediatrics.
If you'd like to
follow me, please.
So is she talking yet?
It took us the
better part of an hour
to get her to tell us her name.
Responsive, just
That's her.
Sitting by herself over there.
Let's go say hello.
It's your case detective, but,
I think we might have more luck
if I go talk to her
by myself first.
Go ahead, it's your show, doc.
Zoe, this is Dr. Stewart.
Dr. Stewart would like
to ask you a few questions.
What kind of doctor are you?
I'm a child psychologist, so,
I'm the kind of doctor
that helps kids out
when they've been
through some scary stuff.
What's that?
Oh, I've had that
for a really long time.
Since I was probably
about your age.
So is it all right if I
ask you a few questions?
You want to know
about Katie and Teddy.
I'd like to know what
happened to them.
They were bad, and
now they're gone.
How are they gone, Zoe?
He took them.
He took them because
they were bad.
He always comes
for the bad ones.
Who's he?
Zoe, who hurt your
foster parents?
I don't wanna talk anymore.
Now Zoe, you need
to answer the doctor.
No, it's okay.
It's okay we can
talk more later.
Do you need anything?
Anything I can get you, uhm,
I don't know, toys or a book?
My dolls and my sewing kit.
I asked if I could bring them.
But they said no.
Are they at the house?
In my room, under the bed.
I'll find them for you.
It was so nice meeting you, Zoe.
I'll see you later.
Well that was a short interview.
You sure you don't wanna
push a little harder?
Not yet.
Whatever she saw, she's
clearly traumatized.
We'll take it slow.
She'll open up when she's ready.
Let's hope so.
I'm going to need
access to the scene.
Zoe asked me to
pick up a few things.
You wanna take evidence
from my crime scene?
A little girl's
dolls are probably not
the smoking gun
you're looking for.
Ah, yeah.
Cozy I guess.
Well we found narcotics
in the master bedroom.
You think this
could be drug related?
I don't know.
At this point anything and
everything is possible.
First responders found the
girl in a room down the hall.
Well it's cheerful enough.
Yeah, seems to all be
window dressing though.
Turns out the Holezers were
always taking in.
One after the other.
Neighbors said the kids
always looked shabby.
Dressed in Goodwill clothes.
Always two sizes too
big or too small.
Miss Holezer though.
She always dressed to
the nines with a new car
in the driveway.
Could be a murder.
Yeah, could be.
Anyhow, angry broke parent
or juvenile delinquent,
giving the revolving
door situation,
I'm sure we're not
gonna have a short list
of suspects to sift through.
Did you find what
you're looking for?
What is this?
Yeah that's ugly.
It's scary.
Yeah, scary as well.
All right uhm,
ready to go?
Impatient detective?
Actually, bored stiff, doctor.
All right.
And that is why Santa
has nine reindeer.
Do you think Santa will remember
to come here for us?
How can he, there's no
chimney in the hospital.
Oh that's just not true.
Remember yesterday when
I took you out for a walk?
Remember that huge smokestack
by the tall building
behind the garden?
Well, that's our chimney.
And that is how
Santa is gonna come,
and bring you all
a bunch of presents
on Christmas Eve.
That's not true.
What do you mean, Zoe?
That's not a chimney.
It's a smokestack.
The smoke that comes out
is from the bodies of the people
that they burn
after they die here.
Zoe uh...
You're a smart kid.
I can tell.
And I know you've
been through a lot.
But they've been
through a lot too.
You know, and they.
You don't wanna scare 'em
or give 'em nightmares, do you?
Are you okay?
Why are you staring
at that nice man?
You brought my things?
I did.
Tell me about this little guy.
He's the Krampus.
That's his name, Krampus?
He's kinda scary looking.
Zoe are you ready to
talk about what happened?
What happened?
When your parents d...
They weren't my parents.
They were bad.
How were they bad?
Zoe is there anything
else you can tell me?
Anything that you
might've seen or heard?
Tell me more about your scar.
You don't like to
talk about it, why?
We're not here to talk about me.
Hey sweetie.
Yeah I'm almost done,
I, yes I'll be home soon.
I can totally pick up a pizza.
I know, no mushrooms.
Love you too, bye.
Who was that?
That was my son.
Your son?
His name is Lamar.
Does his daddy live with you?
His daddy actually passed away.
His mommy did too, I'm his...
You're his foster mother?
Foster mothers are mean!
Are you talking
about Ms. Holezer?
Were she and Mr.
Holezer mean to you?
And selfish.
So Krampus said they
needed to be punished.
Krampus talks to you?
What does he say?
He knows who's been bad.
He punishes them.
How does he do that?
He burns them.
Burns them?
Like Mr. and Ms.
Holezer were burned?
I'm tired.
Zoe, it's really
important that we...
Zoe, I really...
I said, no more.
Okay you get some rest.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Lamar, dinner's here.
Christ you scared me!
Oh God, I'll get the alarm.
What happened in here?
I got hungry so I tried
to cook something up.
And burn the house
down in the process?
Sweetheart I told you I
was bringing pizza home.
Look at this.
It's a disaster.
I guess we'll have to eat
our pizza with the fork.
I guess so.
Can you go open a window
and grab us some plates?
Hey Miles.
Hey we got a positive
ID on the vics.
No surprise.
Holezers are our BBRs.
That was fast.
Yeah, well, local media
caught wind of this, so.
I just wanted to make
sure you had answers
for the cameras in the morning.
Did you get
anything from the girl yet?
You want me earning my paycheck?
That bad?
Yeah, even for a kid
who's been through a lot
there's something
really weird about her.
Is that your professional
opinion Dr. Stewart?
Ah, she freaks you out, so,
maybe we.
Maybe I should slap
the cuffs on her.
See, press conference.
Are you gonna stop by
McCaffrey's for a pint?
A pint?
As in singular?
Yeah, and a shot.
Maybe two.
Any chance you'd join me?
Go home to your wife, Miles.
There's a thought.
I gotta go.
Well I'll be sure
to stop by the church
in the morning and.
Ha, all right,
good night Rachel.
Can I help you?
Hi I'm Tammy Miller from 308
and this is Jenny from 424.
We're just letting folks
know we're putting together
a canned food drive this
year to help some of
the lower income families.
Sorry, I can't help you.
- What if you just...
- Fuck off!
And that is
how Santa is gonna come
and bring you all a bunch of
presents for Christmas Eve.
Birth name Zoe Weaver.
Picture's over two years old
and she hasn't aged a day.
Krampus, the Christmas devil.
Originally found
in Alpine folklore
he's a horned
anthropomorphic figure
who punishes wicked children
during the holiday season.
Contrary to the different
variations of Saint Nicholas,
or Santa Claus who is said
to reward good children,
Krampus is sent to
punish the evil ones.
What the fuck?
Ah, fuck!
What sweetheart?
There's a drunk cop at the door.
What are you doing here?
I was just, I was in the
neighborhood and then I...
I thought I'd stop by
and see what my favorite
psychiatrist was up to.
Sleeping, at least I was.
What are you talking about?
It's like 10...
Oh, 11:30.
Go home Miles.
That's a good idea.
Oh, Christ Miles, look at you.
Come in, I'll call you a cab,
you're not driving like this.
Watch your step.
You have a nice place here.
Where's my phone?
Elizabeth kicked me out.
Last week.
Ah, I don't know,
maybe the week before.
She's divorcing me.
For real this time.
Had her lawyer
serve me the papers
and everything.
I'm so sorry, Miles.
Where are you staying?
Some shitbag motel.
Over on Forest.
I swear, it feels
like I've arrested
half the people that
hang around that place.
You can crash on
the couch tonight.
You are the best.
Just a second, we're
attacking the warlocks
in full force.
This is what you do right before
you have to go to bed?
Ah shit!
Hey, language.
Sorry, it's just that we
were so close that time.
You can slaughter warlocks
later, it's bedtime.
Hey, I mean it.
I know, I'll just
be a few more minutes.
All right, good night.
Just three months ago.
What happened to you, Delores?
And the good witch turned Greta
back into a princess.
I'm tired of this story.
I know.
Wait, Grandma doesn't like us
touching her things.
She'll never know
unless you tell.
He better not use all
the hot water again.
Wondering where you are?
This would be my living room.
Oh shit...
Ugh, yeah.
Oh shit.
You like it black, right?
You have the good stuff.
No need to ask
how you're feeling.
Would it be too much
trouble to ask you
for some aspirin?
Not at all, I got some upstairs.
Did you finish your
homework for Ms. Maura?
All of it?
All right, see you downstairs.
Oh fuck.
Oh, hey.
Hang on.
No, yeah, yeah, yeah, soon.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
kiss my ass, James.
Late for work?
Nah, seems I got another case.
It's crazy, it's like,
back in Chicago again.
Could this be a murder?
Here's nice to a uh,
nice and simple suicide.
So, you and my Mom?
We work together, sweetheart.
Oh thanks.
Is that all you're
having for breakfast honey?
I could make you toast and eggs.
No time.
A kiss at least?
Bye Mom.
Have a good day at school.
I will.
He's a nice kid.
He's way too cool for Mom, but,
yeah, he's a pretty special guy.
Yeah, I remember
the Coldman case.
It was brutal.
He was your first, right?
His parents had been
dead almost a week
when we found him.
Seemed to have bounced
back pretty good though.
Seems that way.
A lot of times though
with childhood trauma,
they bury it so deep inside
it's like it never happened.
And then one day,
all of the sudden,
it just all comes
rushing back at once.
I just saw this perfect child
in the middle of all the
horror and destruction.
It really tugged at my
heartstrings though, so,
I called in a few favors,
fast tracked the adoption.
That's uh...
Really good of you to do that.
Everybody said I was crazy, but,
I just couldn't see letting
him go into foster care.
I mean look at poor Zoe.
There's probably no
hot water left, but,
if you'd like to take a shower?
Oh yeah, no.
There's not enough time.
James has been
calling all morning,
it seems we caught
the fresh one, so.
Hey uh,
last night, we didn't?
I mean, I didn't
like do anything to?
Make a total ass of yourself?
Hell I know I did that, but...
You're fine Miles.
Nothing to be ashamed of,
nothing to brag about.
All right, good.
So uh, I guess it's
see you later then.
We're sorry,
the number you have dialed
is not in service at this time.
Child Protective Services,
this is Sandra.
Hi Sandra, this is Dr. Stewart
calling for Angie Durant.
Hold please.
This is Angie.
Hey Angie, this
is Dr. Stewart,
I'm working with Maricopa
County Homicide right now
on a case involving a minor.
One Zoe Weaver, date
of birth, 9-6-04.
Case number?
Uhm, AZ640213.
Okay, just one second here.
Hmm, nothing's coming up.
What was that number again?
Let me try again.
Nope, no case files
matching that number.
I have it pulled up
right in front of me.
It's Zoe Weaver,
current legal guardians
Catherine and Theodor Holezer.
Former guardians,
Delores and Henry Kelly.
Uh the number I have
for them is no good.
But the address is
860 North Range Road,
looks like it's in
a town called Riley.
I've just
ran a name search as well,
and the only Zoe
Weaver that comes back
is from a case in 1992.
This is crazy, I'm gonna
send you the link right now.
Hang on.
Ugh, now the page isn't loading.
It could be a server issue,
but everything seems
to be working fine
on my end.
Okay, well thanks for your time.
Sorry I
couldn't be of anymore help.
Not a problem.
Have a great day, doctor.
You too, bye.
Well, so much for the
simple suicide, huh?
What do we got?
Same MO as the last one.
Small contained burn.
No obvious point of origin,
no explainable accelerance.
Consistent in the fact
that I can't give you
a single useful answer.
James, do you have any idea?
Get a load of this.
Joseph Mooney, RN.
Mercy Immanuel.
Pediatrics unit.
That's Zoe Weaver's unit.
Hey Rachel, it's Miles,
come as soon as you
get this, all right?
We've gotta get something
from the Weaver kid.
Any way we can.
Oh my God, please!
Who are you?
I'm Dr. Rachel Stewart,
I'm with Maricopa
County Homicide.
You a cop?
I'm a doctor, I
work with the police.
What do you want?
I'm looking for
Delores or Henry Kelly?
What for?
I need to ask them about
their former foster child,
Zoe Weaver.
This lady here is
from the police.
She wants to talk
to you about Zoe.
Ms. Kelly.
My name is Rachel Stewart,
I'm with Maricopa
County Homicide.
Ms. Kelly I'd like to
discuss your former ward,
Zoe Weaver.
He was a good man.
Not perfect.
But Lord knows he
didn't deserve to die...
Don't worry.
I didn't say anything.
There's nothing
wrong with my coffee.
No, of course not.
It's very good, thank you.
So it's just the
two of you here?
Why do you wanna know about Zoe?
She might have been
a witness to something,
but, I'm having a hard time
getting through to her.
I thought maybe...
I'm not surprised she grew
up to be hell on wheels,
shit, she sure was
that way 20 years ago,
when she came to stay with us.
There must be some mix up,
I'm talking about Zoe Weaver.
The blond-haired devil child.
But we must be talking
about different people.
The girl that I'm
talking about...
Here it is.
This is impossible.
I don't even know why I kept it.
I only have so few
pictures of my Momma happy.
When was this taken?
Before Daddy died, so uh,
what, it had to be '91 or '92.
That was more than 20 years ago.
Last time this was a happy home.
The girl in the picture?
Yeah, Zoe.
No, it can't be.
Must've been taken a month,
maybe two, before
they found my daddy.
Rough way to go.
I only hope he was dead
before the fire got him.
He was burned?
To a cinder.
Mama swears it was Zoe.
Crazy as that sounds,
that child had the devil in her.
Can I get a picture of this?
Did Zoe have any toys,
like strange little dolls?
You mean the Krampus?
She never parted with
that ugly little thing.
And threw a fit,
something awful,
if Momma ever tried
to take it from her.
So no, it don't surprise
me she'd still have it.
Merry Christmas now.
And watch your back with Zoe.
Why are you staring at me?
I don't stare at you even
though your face is ugly.
I'm sorry.
What happened?
How did your face
get so messed up?
It was a fire.
You started it?
How then?
Tell me!
Because if you tell me I
might be able to help you.
What do you mean?
It's not your friend,
but it's mine.
It was your parents?
My dad.
He burned you?
He made you ugly forever!
He didn't mean to.
I just fell asleep.
And now you're ugly.
How does that make you feel?
Go on, tell me.
I don't want to.
Go away then!
Ashley said that
you made her cry.
That you called her ugly.
Is that true?
She is ugly.
We don't talk to
people like that.
We don't say things that
hurt people's feelings
and make them cry.
You've been crying too.
Crying for Joe.
You shouldn't cry for him.
He was a bad man.
I'll give this back to you,
when you learn to
speak to people nicely.
Hey, where have you been,
I've been calling all day!
Miles, we need to talk.
What I have to tell you
seems impossible, but...
We found another body.
Just like the Holezers case.
Nothing but ashes left.
Oh my God, who?
Joseph Mooney.
A nurse, at Mercy Immanuel.
Children's ward.
I'm here.
What are the odds, huh?
There's more.
What do you mean?
I just paid a visit
to Delores Kelly,
Zoe Weaver's former
foster mother.
Yeah, and?
This is gonna sound crazy.
Hey, it's been two
solid days of crazy.
Okay, our top priority is
getting something from Zoe.
Rachel, are you hearing me?
, with this kid?
You need to get
something from her today.
And I don't care
what you gotta do,
if you gotta use a crowbar,.
Mercy Immanuel then.
I'll meet you there.
Sir, you can't smoke that here.
This is a hospital
sir, there's no smoking
on the property or
the parking lot.
All right, sorry.
I thought you quit.
Hey James.
I uhm, just spoke
to the datatechs
that State Police sent over.
Yeah, those fuckers.
Ah, they're all right.
I mean we're all supposed
to be on the same team
or something, right?
Yeah, something.
Anyway, get this.
I had 'em search his
computer for any recent
web activity.
Turns on Mooney, had the largest
collection of kiddie
porn these guys
had ever come across.
Sick bastard.
They say there's a whole
underground network
of these freaks that trade
the stuff like baseball cards.
All right, so how
does this connect to Zoe
and the Holezers case?
I don't know if it does.
Either way, the captain
is gonna be pissed,
and now with this whole
child porn in the mix,
there's no way he's
keeping the Feds away.
Here she is.
Child porn?
Terabytes of the stuff.
I just can't believe it.
How well did you
know Mr. Mooney?
I mean not well,
not socially anyway.
But I liked him.
I mean we all did.
I just can't believe he could
be involved in something
like that.
You're up.
Zoe, we need to talk.
What are you drawing?
This is not gonna work.
Do you have any yarn?
No, I'm sorry, I don't.
It has to be a dolly
or it's not gonna work.
Who's the man in the drawing?
He's stupid!
Bring me some yarn and I'll
tell you what you wanna know.
You know what I wanna ask you?
Okay, how about this?
If you agree to answer
a few of my questions,
I promise I'll
bring you some yarn.
I saw Ms. Kelly today,
do you remember her?
Yes, I remember her.
She was nice, but Henry wasn't.
Mr. Kelly?
Your foster father?
Was, now he's gone.
Like Mr. and Ms. Holezer.
And Joe.
He was bad, now he's gone too.
Zoe, you know it's impossible
that you could've known
Mr. Kelly, he disappeared
years before you were born.
I don't wanna
talk to you anymore.
Well, I'm afraid
it's not that simple.
The police are
looking for the person
who's been hurting people,
and they think you might
be able to help them.
It's Christmas time.
Do you know what happens
at Christmas time?
Santa Claus comes.
Santa Claus isn't real.
Okay, what happens?
Nothing, if you're good.
And what if you're bad?
Zoe, what happens
to the bad people?
Is it Krampus, is he
the one that hurts them?
Isn't that what you
told me yesterday?
Yarn first, no more questions!
No, Zoe, you have to help...
Put me down, let me go!
Nurse, please
take her to her room.
Put me down!
Put me down!
Stop it, let me go!
Put me down!
Let me go!
Zoe that's quite enough.
Are you going to be okay
if I let Mr. Travis let you go?
I don't know what's
got into you.
We cannot have anymore
outbursts like that, Zoe.
You hurt Dr. Stewart.
She yelled at me.
That's because she
has questions for you.
Questions concerning
what may have happened
to your foster parents.
But I've already told her.
It was Krampus.
And Krampus always
hurts the people
you don't like?
No, he only hurts bad people.
People like Joe, and Katie,
and Teddy.
Mr. Travis, thank you.
If you can wait outside for us.
Zoe have a seat.
You know lots of children
have imaginary friends.
And that's okay.
But Krampus is more
than imaginary to you,
isn't he?
But it's okay.
You don't need to be afraid.
Krampus knows you're not
one of the bad people.
Look, why don't
you get some rest?
You're probably just overtired.
That's just...
Crazy, I know.
But according to Andrew
Kelly, this picture
was taken over 20 years ago.
You see that?
Looks like Zoe.
Thanks, Brian.
Hey uh, it could be a fake.
Maybe this guy is crazy
or maybe he's having
some fun with you.
I don't think so.
All right, so what?
You're saying our little Zoe
is actually a woman in her 30s.
With an imaginary
friend who kills people
by burning them alive?
That's a little
far-fetched even for me.
I know.
Another beer?
Uh, Patron Silver please.
It's not just that.
Then what?
I can't shake this feeling
that I've met her before.
That's more like it.
Yeah, you're breaking
out the big guns here, Doc.
Oh, you're one to talk.
Oh hey, I'm not criticizing, so.
But if you wanna drink with me
it's gonna have to be Jameson.
Brian, two Jameson.
You scared me.
What do you want?
I'm sorry I made you cry.
I made this for you.
What is it?
You'll see.
Let's get one more, Brian.
I think that you
ought to slow down.
Detective O'Connor,
did I just hear you
tell me to slow down?
If I recall correctly,
it was you passed out
on my couch last night.
Fair enough.
Ho, where are you going?
Ladies room.
All right.
Man, you got a tight
little package there.
Excuse me?
I don't like those
professional types,
they know how to play it
to keep us guessing, am I right?
Yeah, sure.
Now, don't,
don't act like you don't
know what I'm talking about.
No doubt she's got
a tight little body
under all of that.
And she's just not showing you.
It keeps the mystery alive.
We're coworkers.
Yeah, you just let me know,
if you need a hand,
coworking her over.
What's your name, friend?
Last name.
What, are you writing a book?
Simple question, is all.
Fuck off, that's my name.
Clayton Elsworth.
The drunk bum who fell asleep
with a lit cigarette, and
burned his house down.
Your daughter was
lucky to barely escape
with her life.
You got a mouth on you, mister.
Fellas, please.
You're that cop asshole.
Yeah, that would be me.
Miles, what's going on?
Nothing to worry your
head about, little missy.
It's just your boyfriend
is the kind of fella
who's mouth will get
him into trouble.
Ah time to go.
You have yourself a nice
evening, Mr. Elsworth.
Just don't go burning
anymore little girls now.
Another double.
We need music.
Hey Rachel I really
think I should probably go.
Oh, I love this one.
Dance with me, Miles.
Come on, Miles,
dance with me.
Dancing is not really my thing.
It's just dancing.
So this is dancing?
You are a very good dancer.
All right...
Oh, I need a goddamn lighter.
Ah, merry fucking Christmas.
What the fuck?
Oh God.
Ah, ah shit, ah!
You feel better?
Just tired.
Yeah that's the thing
about Mr. Jameson.
If you're not careful,
he'll sneak up on you.
You never told me
how you got this.
It's nothing I can remember.
Not clearly anyway.
I've had it since
I was really young.
It's always bothered me though.
What, that you don't
remember how you got the scar?
I don't remember
anything about my childhood
before the Stewarts took me in.
What like repressed
memories or something?
Maybe, I mean,
we're not supposed to
self-diagnose, but...
It's all a blur.
I get flashes.
Dreams sometimes.
Bob and Dina were no help.
Was that your foster parents?
Yeah, I asked Mom about it
a few times before she died.
She always changed the
subject very quickly.
Dad was even worse.
Worse, how?
Well he'd never say
anything about it,
but, the look he would
get if I brought it up,
he was terrified.
I know my birth
parents died in a fire.
I have this scar.
Nothing else.
No reports, no records.
Nothing I've been
able to find anyway.
Well that's...
Weird though, I would
think with your access,
you would've found something.
Which is next to
impossible unless someone
destroyed the records.
Yeah but, who's gonna do that?
It's like everything
from before.
Who I was, who my parents were.
They're just gone.
Hi Mom.
I thought you were
staying at Jason's?
His WiFi is down.
Guess I should go.
You can stay here if you'd like,
there's the couch or...
I should probably
get back to the motel.
If I'm not back soon,
the junkies around there
will probably,
or something.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Another time.
It's time, Rachel.
And for those who
have been wicked
with the year's end approaching,
saw to it that the Krampus
prepared to cast
them into the fire.
What does that mean?
What do you think?
Krampus killed them.
That can't be true.
Wait, there's more here.
Listen to this.
But Saint Nicholas grew
angry with the Krampus,
and to punish him had the
chains of civility forged.
The chains made the Krampus
the servant of the Saint
and he could no
longer punish at will,
but would now only punish those
of Nicholas' his choosing.
Then what happened?
There's a picture here, but
the letters make no sense.
Chains that bind you,
now bind you to me.
There's someone in here!
It's okay sweetie, it's just...
Who was that?
Who is Zoe?
Mom look out!
We've gotta get to the police.
Police, Miles, just,
Lamar I really need
to concentrate,
I need you to be quiet.
You can't go this way!
And he punishes all the
wicked little boys and girls
with the fire, and the
fire is what cleanses
the world of evil.
What are you doing?
Go back to bed.
Rachel make it
stop, please, stop!
How is she doing?
Stable, it's the kid
we're worried about.
Hello Rachel.
He's gonna die, Rachel.
And it's all your fault.
Damn, he's crashing.
Nurse, defibrillator.
Three, two, one...
Damn, damn, again.
The Krampus came for you.
He came for you
because you were bad.
What are you talking about?
You killed us.
Mommy, Daddy and me.
I didn't.
You don't remember?
Just a bad dream you thought?
Just a nightmare
like all the others?
All right, three, two, one.
Damn it!
We've got to stabilize him.
One, two, three, four, five,
Stay with me, Lamar.
Don't you remember the fire?
What are you doing?
Don't you remember what you did?
And the fire is what
cleanses the world of evil.
No please, stop!
It was just...
You can't remember the Krampus
or the story from
Grandmother's book?
Chains that bind you,
now bind you to me.
Or how you would make Mommy cry?
Can you not even remember
you had a sister?
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven...
He's gone, doc.
So it was you?
It's not me that
wants you, Rachel.
Doc, he's back!
He's coming back?
I don't believe it.
Lamar stay with us.
- Dr.
- Jennings,.
Ho, ho, ho!
And this one's for, Jamie!
What do you say, Jamie?
Thank you Santa.
And this one,
He looks good.
Yes, full recovery.
But I'll tell you, it's the
closest thing I've ever seen.
I mean he was gone
for sure, but...
I'm sorry about Rachel.
No answer for me on that one?
No good ones I'm afraid.
And the Weaver kid?
No sign of her.
Yeah, she's not here,
there's no record
of her anymore,
it's like she just...
But people don't just vanish.
Do they detective?
No, Doctor.
They don't.
I don't know if I have
the words for this.
Goodbye Rachel.
Rest good children on your bed
Ye have not to thread
But if you happen
Not to sleep
Then ye have much to fear
He knows about
the naughty ones
Who make their mommies cry
And if you cannot
You can't hide
He sees your evil side
And it isn't above you
To take and thus prepare
To take the naughty children
Down into his lair
If he
And cast them into the fire
And perhaps he
Of ye all, of ye all
To perhaps be
Above thee all
In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone
I don't know.
Let me see it darling.
Snow on snow
Do you like it?
I love it.
What am I looking at here?
That's Mommy, that's Daddy,
that's me, and that's...
Santa Claus, I know
him when I see him.
But where's your sister?
Are you angry with her?
There was no
more room on the paper.
In the bleak mid-winter
Angel, tell Grandma the truth.
She makes Daddy angry,
she makes Mommy sad.
So sad that she cries.
And you, does she make you sad?
What are you reading?
Oh this is an old story.
Older than you?
Yes, even older than me.
What kind of story is it?
It's a Christmas story.
Can you read it to me?
Oh I don't know, it's late.
And this one used to
give me nightmares.
That looks like Santa.
It is, or Saint Nicholas
as he used to be called.
So how's this a scary story?
In the bleak mid-winter
Who's that?
Who's that?
That's Krampus.
You've never heard of Krampus?
Well Krampus is old, very old.
Old as time itself.
And just as Santa rewards
good little girls and boys,
Krampus punishes the bad ones.
That's not a true story.
Don't be so sure child.
As with many ancient stories,
the Krampus has passed from
legend into superstition.
But old and forgotten
things have a way of
ever so slowly creeping
back into our world.
Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snow on snow
In the bleak mid-winter
I got you!
Yes Zoe, you're it!
Zoe's it, I got her!
What are you doing, Zoe?
Don't touch it!
You're weird, stay
away from me, Zoe.
Yes Tristan, it was me.
It was me all along.
Strong for you,
my one true love.
Remember, with Christmas
around the corner.
It's extra important to
listen to your parents.
So you don't
end up on the naughty list.
Turn it back!
What, you didn't hear me?
My love for you is
strong like a tiger.
Then kiss me, Tigress.
My love for you
flows like a river.
Like the mighty Amazon.
Like the ancient Nile of Egypt.
Laundry needs folding,
Now, move it!
Wow, what are you doing?
I'm gonna have my way with you.
That's rather fast.
What the hell?
Bed, now.
Ow, you're hurting me.
Shut up.
Who's there?
Holy shit!
Dispatch, we have multiple DBs,
requesting back-up,
detectives and crime scene.
Room clear.
Room clear.
Fremont, we got a locked door.
Here you go, sweetheart.
We've got a foster child,
I'm not sure if she saw
or heard anything, though.
So far she's not talking.
Let a couple of
unis take her over
to the children's warden.
Mercy Immanuel Hospital.
Stewart's on her way there now.
Hope she can get
something out of her.
I need to call you back, bye.
How can I help you?
Dr. Rachel Stewart,
I called from the road,
I'm here for the Zoe
Weaver interview.
Sign here.
Dr. Stewart.
Hey Miles.
James, this is Dr. Stewart.
She helps us out,
from time to time.
I try to anyway.
My partner Detective Cegan.
Call me Rachel.
Dr. Stewart, Det. O'Connor?
Yes, that's us.
Tom Jennings,
Head of Pediatrics.
If you'd like to
follow me, please.
So is she talking yet?
It took us the
better part of an hour
to get her to tell us her name.
Responsive, just
That's her.
Sitting by herself over there.
Let's go say hello.
It's your case detective, but,
I think we might have more luck
if I go talk to her
by myself first.
Go ahead, it's your show, doc.
Zoe, this is Dr. Stewart.
Dr. Stewart would like
to ask you a few questions.
What kind of doctor are you?
I'm a child psychologist, so,
I'm the kind of doctor
that helps kids out
when they've been
through some scary stuff.
What's that?
Oh, I've had that
for a really long time.
Since I was probably
about your age.
So is it all right if I
ask you a few questions?
You want to know
about Katie and Teddy.
I'd like to know what
happened to them.
They were bad, and
now they're gone.
How are they gone, Zoe?
He took them.
He took them because
they were bad.
He always comes
for the bad ones.
Who's he?
Zoe, who hurt your
foster parents?
I don't wanna talk anymore.
Now Zoe, you need
to answer the doctor.
No, it's okay.
It's okay we can
talk more later.
Do you need anything?
Anything I can get you, uhm,
I don't know, toys or a book?
My dolls and my sewing kit.
I asked if I could bring them.
But they said no.
Are they at the house?
In my room, under the bed.
I'll find them for you.
It was so nice meeting you, Zoe.
I'll see you later.
Well that was a short interview.
You sure you don't wanna
push a little harder?
Not yet.
Whatever she saw, she's
clearly traumatized.
We'll take it slow.
She'll open up when she's ready.
Let's hope so.
I'm going to need
access to the scene.
Zoe asked me to
pick up a few things.
You wanna take evidence
from my crime scene?
A little girl's
dolls are probably not
the smoking gun
you're looking for.
Ah, yeah.
Cozy I guess.
Well we found narcotics
in the master bedroom.
You think this
could be drug related?
I don't know.
At this point anything and
everything is possible.
First responders found the
girl in a room down the hall.
Well it's cheerful enough.
Yeah, seems to all be
window dressing though.
Turns out the Holezers were
always taking in.
One after the other.
Neighbors said the kids
always looked shabby.
Dressed in Goodwill clothes.
Always two sizes too
big or too small.
Miss Holezer though.
She always dressed to
the nines with a new car
in the driveway.
Could be a murder.
Yeah, could be.
Anyhow, angry broke parent
or juvenile delinquent,
giving the revolving
door situation,
I'm sure we're not
gonna have a short list
of suspects to sift through.
Did you find what
you're looking for?
What is this?
Yeah that's ugly.
It's scary.
Yeah, scary as well.
All right uhm,
ready to go?
Impatient detective?
Actually, bored stiff, doctor.
All right.
And that is why Santa
has nine reindeer.
Do you think Santa will remember
to come here for us?
How can he, there's no
chimney in the hospital.
Oh that's just not true.
Remember yesterday when
I took you out for a walk?
Remember that huge smokestack
by the tall building
behind the garden?
Well, that's our chimney.
And that is how
Santa is gonna come,
and bring you all
a bunch of presents
on Christmas Eve.
That's not true.
What do you mean, Zoe?
That's not a chimney.
It's a smokestack.
The smoke that comes out
is from the bodies of the people
that they burn
after they die here.
Zoe uh...
You're a smart kid.
I can tell.
And I know you've
been through a lot.
But they've been
through a lot too.
You know, and they.
You don't wanna scare 'em
or give 'em nightmares, do you?
Are you okay?
Why are you staring
at that nice man?
You brought my things?
I did.
Tell me about this little guy.
He's the Krampus.
That's his name, Krampus?
He's kinda scary looking.
Zoe are you ready to
talk about what happened?
What happened?
When your parents d...
They weren't my parents.
They were bad.
How were they bad?
Zoe is there anything
else you can tell me?
Anything that you
might've seen or heard?
Tell me more about your scar.
You don't like to
talk about it, why?
We're not here to talk about me.
Hey sweetie.
Yeah I'm almost done,
I, yes I'll be home soon.
I can totally pick up a pizza.
I know, no mushrooms.
Love you too, bye.
Who was that?
That was my son.
Your son?
His name is Lamar.
Does his daddy live with you?
His daddy actually passed away.
His mommy did too, I'm his...
You're his foster mother?
Foster mothers are mean!
Are you talking
about Ms. Holezer?
Were she and Mr.
Holezer mean to you?
And selfish.
So Krampus said they
needed to be punished.
Krampus talks to you?
What does he say?
He knows who's been bad.
He punishes them.
How does he do that?
He burns them.
Burns them?
Like Mr. and Ms.
Holezer were burned?
I'm tired.
Zoe, it's really
important that we...
Zoe, I really...
I said, no more.
Okay you get some rest.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Lamar, dinner's here.
Christ you scared me!
Oh God, I'll get the alarm.
What happened in here?
I got hungry so I tried
to cook something up.
And burn the house
down in the process?
Sweetheart I told you I
was bringing pizza home.
Look at this.
It's a disaster.
I guess we'll have to eat
our pizza with the fork.
I guess so.
Can you go open a window
and grab us some plates?
Hey Miles.
Hey we got a positive
ID on the vics.
No surprise.
Holezers are our BBRs.
That was fast.
Yeah, well, local media
caught wind of this, so.
I just wanted to make
sure you had answers
for the cameras in the morning.
Did you get
anything from the girl yet?
You want me earning my paycheck?
That bad?
Yeah, even for a kid
who's been through a lot
there's something
really weird about her.
Is that your professional
opinion Dr. Stewart?
Ah, she freaks you out, so,
maybe we.
Maybe I should slap
the cuffs on her.
See, press conference.
Are you gonna stop by
McCaffrey's for a pint?
A pint?
As in singular?
Yeah, and a shot.
Maybe two.
Any chance you'd join me?
Go home to your wife, Miles.
There's a thought.
I gotta go.
Well I'll be sure
to stop by the church
in the morning and.
Ha, all right,
good night Rachel.
Can I help you?
Hi I'm Tammy Miller from 308
and this is Jenny from 424.
We're just letting folks
know we're putting together
a canned food drive this
year to help some of
the lower income families.
Sorry, I can't help you.
- What if you just...
- Fuck off!
And that is
how Santa is gonna come
and bring you all a bunch of
presents for Christmas Eve.
Birth name Zoe Weaver.
Picture's over two years old
and she hasn't aged a day.
Krampus, the Christmas devil.
Originally found
in Alpine folklore
he's a horned
anthropomorphic figure
who punishes wicked children
during the holiday season.
Contrary to the different
variations of Saint Nicholas,
or Santa Claus who is said
to reward good children,
Krampus is sent to
punish the evil ones.
What the fuck?
Ah, fuck!
What sweetheart?
There's a drunk cop at the door.
What are you doing here?
I was just, I was in the
neighborhood and then I...
I thought I'd stop by
and see what my favorite
psychiatrist was up to.
Sleeping, at least I was.
What are you talking about?
It's like 10...
Oh, 11:30.
Go home Miles.
That's a good idea.
Oh, Christ Miles, look at you.
Come in, I'll call you a cab,
you're not driving like this.
Watch your step.
You have a nice place here.
Where's my phone?
Elizabeth kicked me out.
Last week.
Ah, I don't know,
maybe the week before.
She's divorcing me.
For real this time.
Had her lawyer
serve me the papers
and everything.
I'm so sorry, Miles.
Where are you staying?
Some shitbag motel.
Over on Forest.
I swear, it feels
like I've arrested
half the people that
hang around that place.
You can crash on
the couch tonight.
You are the best.
Just a second, we're
attacking the warlocks
in full force.
This is what you do right before
you have to go to bed?
Ah shit!
Hey, language.
Sorry, it's just that we
were so close that time.
You can slaughter warlocks
later, it's bedtime.
Hey, I mean it.
I know, I'll just
be a few more minutes.
All right, good night.
Just three months ago.
What happened to you, Delores?
And the good witch turned Greta
back into a princess.
I'm tired of this story.
I know.
Wait, Grandma doesn't like us
touching her things.
She'll never know
unless you tell.
He better not use all
the hot water again.
Wondering where you are?
This would be my living room.
Oh shit...
Ugh, yeah.
Oh shit.
You like it black, right?
You have the good stuff.
No need to ask
how you're feeling.
Would it be too much
trouble to ask you
for some aspirin?
Not at all, I got some upstairs.
Did you finish your
homework for Ms. Maura?
All of it?
All right, see you downstairs.
Oh fuck.
Oh, hey.
Hang on.
No, yeah, yeah, yeah, soon.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
kiss my ass, James.
Late for work?
Nah, seems I got another case.
It's crazy, it's like,
back in Chicago again.
Could this be a murder?
Here's nice to a uh,
nice and simple suicide.
So, you and my Mom?
We work together, sweetheart.
Oh thanks.
Is that all you're
having for breakfast honey?
I could make you toast and eggs.
No time.
A kiss at least?
Bye Mom.
Have a good day at school.
I will.
He's a nice kid.
He's way too cool for Mom, but,
yeah, he's a pretty special guy.
Yeah, I remember
the Coldman case.
It was brutal.
He was your first, right?
His parents had been
dead almost a week
when we found him.
Seemed to have bounced
back pretty good though.
Seems that way.
A lot of times though
with childhood trauma,
they bury it so deep inside
it's like it never happened.
And then one day,
all of the sudden,
it just all comes
rushing back at once.
I just saw this perfect child
in the middle of all the
horror and destruction.
It really tugged at my
heartstrings though, so,
I called in a few favors,
fast tracked the adoption.
That's uh...
Really good of you to do that.
Everybody said I was crazy, but,
I just couldn't see letting
him go into foster care.
I mean look at poor Zoe.
There's probably no
hot water left, but,
if you'd like to take a shower?
Oh yeah, no.
There's not enough time.
James has been
calling all morning,
it seems we caught
the fresh one, so.
Hey uh,
last night, we didn't?
I mean, I didn't
like do anything to?
Make a total ass of yourself?
Hell I know I did that, but...
You're fine Miles.
Nothing to be ashamed of,
nothing to brag about.
All right, good.
So uh, I guess it's
see you later then.
We're sorry,
the number you have dialed
is not in service at this time.
Child Protective Services,
this is Sandra.
Hi Sandra, this is Dr. Stewart
calling for Angie Durant.
Hold please.
This is Angie.
Hey Angie, this
is Dr. Stewart,
I'm working with Maricopa
County Homicide right now
on a case involving a minor.
One Zoe Weaver, date
of birth, 9-6-04.
Case number?
Uhm, AZ640213.
Okay, just one second here.
Hmm, nothing's coming up.
What was that number again?
Let me try again.
Nope, no case files
matching that number.
I have it pulled up
right in front of me.
It's Zoe Weaver,
current legal guardians
Catherine and Theodor Holezer.
Former guardians,
Delores and Henry Kelly.
Uh the number I have
for them is no good.
But the address is
860 North Range Road,
looks like it's in
a town called Riley.
I've just
ran a name search as well,
and the only Zoe
Weaver that comes back
is from a case in 1992.
This is crazy, I'm gonna
send you the link right now.
Hang on.
Ugh, now the page isn't loading.
It could be a server issue,
but everything seems
to be working fine
on my end.
Okay, well thanks for your time.
Sorry I
couldn't be of anymore help.
Not a problem.
Have a great day, doctor.
You too, bye.
Well, so much for the
simple suicide, huh?
What do we got?
Same MO as the last one.
Small contained burn.
No obvious point of origin,
no explainable accelerance.
Consistent in the fact
that I can't give you
a single useful answer.
James, do you have any idea?
Get a load of this.
Joseph Mooney, RN.
Mercy Immanuel.
Pediatrics unit.
That's Zoe Weaver's unit.
Hey Rachel, it's Miles,
come as soon as you
get this, all right?
We've gotta get something
from the Weaver kid.
Any way we can.
Oh my God, please!
Who are you?
I'm Dr. Rachel Stewart,
I'm with Maricopa
County Homicide.
You a cop?
I'm a doctor, I
work with the police.
What do you want?
I'm looking for
Delores or Henry Kelly?
What for?
I need to ask them about
their former foster child,
Zoe Weaver.
This lady here is
from the police.
She wants to talk
to you about Zoe.
Ms. Kelly.
My name is Rachel Stewart,
I'm with Maricopa
County Homicide.
Ms. Kelly I'd like to
discuss your former ward,
Zoe Weaver.
He was a good man.
Not perfect.
But Lord knows he
didn't deserve to die...
Don't worry.
I didn't say anything.
There's nothing
wrong with my coffee.
No, of course not.
It's very good, thank you.
So it's just the
two of you here?
Why do you wanna know about Zoe?
She might have been
a witness to something,
but, I'm having a hard time
getting through to her.
I thought maybe...
I'm not surprised she grew
up to be hell on wheels,
shit, she sure was
that way 20 years ago,
when she came to stay with us.
There must be some mix up,
I'm talking about Zoe Weaver.
The blond-haired devil child.
But we must be talking
about different people.
The girl that I'm
talking about...
Here it is.
This is impossible.
I don't even know why I kept it.
I only have so few
pictures of my Momma happy.
When was this taken?
Before Daddy died, so uh,
what, it had to be '91 or '92.
That was more than 20 years ago.
Last time this was a happy home.
The girl in the picture?
Yeah, Zoe.
No, it can't be.
Must've been taken a month,
maybe two, before
they found my daddy.
Rough way to go.
I only hope he was dead
before the fire got him.
He was burned?
To a cinder.
Mama swears it was Zoe.
Crazy as that sounds,
that child had the devil in her.
Can I get a picture of this?
Did Zoe have any toys,
like strange little dolls?
You mean the Krampus?
She never parted with
that ugly little thing.
And threw a fit,
something awful,
if Momma ever tried
to take it from her.
So no, it don't surprise
me she'd still have it.
Merry Christmas now.
And watch your back with Zoe.
Why are you staring at me?
I don't stare at you even
though your face is ugly.
I'm sorry.
What happened?
How did your face
get so messed up?
It was a fire.
You started it?
How then?
Tell me!
Because if you tell me I
might be able to help you.
What do you mean?
It's not your friend,
but it's mine.
It was your parents?
My dad.
He burned you?
He made you ugly forever!
He didn't mean to.
I just fell asleep.
And now you're ugly.
How does that make you feel?
Go on, tell me.
I don't want to.
Go away then!
Ashley said that
you made her cry.
That you called her ugly.
Is that true?
She is ugly.
We don't talk to
people like that.
We don't say things that
hurt people's feelings
and make them cry.
You've been crying too.
Crying for Joe.
You shouldn't cry for him.
He was a bad man.
I'll give this back to you,
when you learn to
speak to people nicely.
Hey, where have you been,
I've been calling all day!
Miles, we need to talk.
What I have to tell you
seems impossible, but...
We found another body.
Just like the Holezers case.
Nothing but ashes left.
Oh my God, who?
Joseph Mooney.
A nurse, at Mercy Immanuel.
Children's ward.
I'm here.
What are the odds, huh?
There's more.
What do you mean?
I just paid a visit
to Delores Kelly,
Zoe Weaver's former
foster mother.
Yeah, and?
This is gonna sound crazy.
Hey, it's been two
solid days of crazy.
Okay, our top priority is
getting something from Zoe.
Rachel, are you hearing me?
, with this kid?
You need to get
something from her today.
And I don't care
what you gotta do,
if you gotta use a crowbar,.
Mercy Immanuel then.
I'll meet you there.
Sir, you can't smoke that here.
This is a hospital
sir, there's no smoking
on the property or
the parking lot.
All right, sorry.
I thought you quit.
Hey James.
I uhm, just spoke
to the datatechs
that State Police sent over.
Yeah, those fuckers.
Ah, they're all right.
I mean we're all supposed
to be on the same team
or something, right?
Yeah, something.
Anyway, get this.
I had 'em search his
computer for any recent
web activity.
Turns on Mooney, had the largest
collection of kiddie
porn these guys
had ever come across.
Sick bastard.
They say there's a whole
underground network
of these freaks that trade
the stuff like baseball cards.
All right, so how
does this connect to Zoe
and the Holezers case?
I don't know if it does.
Either way, the captain
is gonna be pissed,
and now with this whole
child porn in the mix,
there's no way he's
keeping the Feds away.
Here she is.
Child porn?
Terabytes of the stuff.
I just can't believe it.
How well did you
know Mr. Mooney?
I mean not well,
not socially anyway.
But I liked him.
I mean we all did.
I just can't believe he could
be involved in something
like that.
You're up.
Zoe, we need to talk.
What are you drawing?
This is not gonna work.
Do you have any yarn?
No, I'm sorry, I don't.
It has to be a dolly
or it's not gonna work.
Who's the man in the drawing?
He's stupid!
Bring me some yarn and I'll
tell you what you wanna know.
You know what I wanna ask you?
Okay, how about this?
If you agree to answer
a few of my questions,
I promise I'll
bring you some yarn.
I saw Ms. Kelly today,
do you remember her?
Yes, I remember her.
She was nice, but Henry wasn't.
Mr. Kelly?
Your foster father?
Was, now he's gone.
Like Mr. and Ms. Holezer.
And Joe.
He was bad, now he's gone too.
Zoe, you know it's impossible
that you could've known
Mr. Kelly, he disappeared
years before you were born.
I don't wanna
talk to you anymore.
Well, I'm afraid
it's not that simple.
The police are
looking for the person
who's been hurting people,
and they think you might
be able to help them.
It's Christmas time.
Do you know what happens
at Christmas time?
Santa Claus comes.
Santa Claus isn't real.
Okay, what happens?
Nothing, if you're good.
And what if you're bad?
Zoe, what happens
to the bad people?
Is it Krampus, is he
the one that hurts them?
Isn't that what you
told me yesterday?
Yarn first, no more questions!
No, Zoe, you have to help...
Put me down, let me go!
Nurse, please
take her to her room.
Put me down!
Put me down!
Stop it, let me go!
Put me down!
Let me go!
Zoe that's quite enough.
Are you going to be okay
if I let Mr. Travis let you go?
I don't know what's
got into you.
We cannot have anymore
outbursts like that, Zoe.
You hurt Dr. Stewart.
She yelled at me.
That's because she
has questions for you.
Questions concerning
what may have happened
to your foster parents.
But I've already told her.
It was Krampus.
And Krampus always
hurts the people
you don't like?
No, he only hurts bad people.
People like Joe, and Katie,
and Teddy.
Mr. Travis, thank you.
If you can wait outside for us.
Zoe have a seat.
You know lots of children
have imaginary friends.
And that's okay.
But Krampus is more
than imaginary to you,
isn't he?
But it's okay.
You don't need to be afraid.
Krampus knows you're not
one of the bad people.
Look, why don't
you get some rest?
You're probably just overtired.
That's just...
Crazy, I know.
But according to Andrew
Kelly, this picture
was taken over 20 years ago.
You see that?
Looks like Zoe.
Thanks, Brian.
Hey uh, it could be a fake.
Maybe this guy is crazy
or maybe he's having
some fun with you.
I don't think so.
All right, so what?
You're saying our little Zoe
is actually a woman in her 30s.
With an imaginary
friend who kills people
by burning them alive?
That's a little
far-fetched even for me.
I know.
Another beer?
Uh, Patron Silver please.
It's not just that.
Then what?
I can't shake this feeling
that I've met her before.
That's more like it.
Yeah, you're breaking
out the big guns here, Doc.
Oh, you're one to talk.
Oh hey, I'm not criticizing, so.
But if you wanna drink with me
it's gonna have to be Jameson.
Brian, two Jameson.
You scared me.
What do you want?
I'm sorry I made you cry.
I made this for you.
What is it?
You'll see.
Let's get one more, Brian.
I think that you
ought to slow down.
Detective O'Connor,
did I just hear you
tell me to slow down?
If I recall correctly,
it was you passed out
on my couch last night.
Fair enough.
Ho, where are you going?
Ladies room.
All right.
Man, you got a tight
little package there.
Excuse me?
I don't like those
professional types,
they know how to play it
to keep us guessing, am I right?
Yeah, sure.
Now, don't,
don't act like you don't
know what I'm talking about.
No doubt she's got
a tight little body
under all of that.
And she's just not showing you.
It keeps the mystery alive.
We're coworkers.
Yeah, you just let me know,
if you need a hand,
coworking her over.
What's your name, friend?
Last name.
What, are you writing a book?
Simple question, is all.
Fuck off, that's my name.
Clayton Elsworth.
The drunk bum who fell asleep
with a lit cigarette, and
burned his house down.
Your daughter was
lucky to barely escape
with her life.
You got a mouth on you, mister.
Fellas, please.
You're that cop asshole.
Yeah, that would be me.
Miles, what's going on?
Nothing to worry your
head about, little missy.
It's just your boyfriend
is the kind of fella
who's mouth will get
him into trouble.
Ah time to go.
You have yourself a nice
evening, Mr. Elsworth.
Just don't go burning
anymore little girls now.
Another double.
We need music.
Hey Rachel I really
think I should probably go.
Oh, I love this one.
Dance with me, Miles.
Come on, Miles,
dance with me.
Dancing is not really my thing.
It's just dancing.
So this is dancing?
You are a very good dancer.
All right...
Oh, I need a goddamn lighter.
Ah, merry fucking Christmas.
What the fuck?
Oh God.
Ah, ah shit, ah!
You feel better?
Just tired.
Yeah that's the thing
about Mr. Jameson.
If you're not careful,
he'll sneak up on you.
You never told me
how you got this.
It's nothing I can remember.
Not clearly anyway.
I've had it since
I was really young.
It's always bothered me though.
What, that you don't
remember how you got the scar?
I don't remember
anything about my childhood
before the Stewarts took me in.
What like repressed
memories or something?
Maybe, I mean,
we're not supposed to
self-diagnose, but...
It's all a blur.
I get flashes.
Dreams sometimes.
Bob and Dina were no help.
Was that your foster parents?
Yeah, I asked Mom about it
a few times before she died.
She always changed the
subject very quickly.
Dad was even worse.
Worse, how?
Well he'd never say
anything about it,
but, the look he would
get if I brought it up,
he was terrified.
I know my birth
parents died in a fire.
I have this scar.
Nothing else.
No reports, no records.
Nothing I've been
able to find anyway.
Well that's...
Weird though, I would
think with your access,
you would've found something.
Which is next to
impossible unless someone
destroyed the records.
Yeah but, who's gonna do that?
It's like everything
from before.
Who I was, who my parents were.
They're just gone.
Hi Mom.
I thought you were
staying at Jason's?
His WiFi is down.
Guess I should go.
You can stay here if you'd like,
there's the couch or...
I should probably
get back to the motel.
If I'm not back soon,
the junkies around there
will probably,
or something.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Another time.
It's time, Rachel.
And for those who
have been wicked
with the year's end approaching,
saw to it that the Krampus
prepared to cast
them into the fire.
What does that mean?
What do you think?
Krampus killed them.
That can't be true.
Wait, there's more here.
Listen to this.
But Saint Nicholas grew
angry with the Krampus,
and to punish him had the
chains of civility forged.
The chains made the Krampus
the servant of the Saint
and he could no
longer punish at will,
but would now only punish those
of Nicholas' his choosing.
Then what happened?
There's a picture here, but
the letters make no sense.
Chains that bind you,
now bind you to me.
There's someone in here!
It's okay sweetie, it's just...
Who was that?
Who is Zoe?
Mom look out!
We've gotta get to the police.
Police, Miles, just,
Lamar I really need
to concentrate,
I need you to be quiet.
You can't go this way!
And he punishes all the
wicked little boys and girls
with the fire, and the
fire is what cleanses
the world of evil.
What are you doing?
Go back to bed.
Rachel make it
stop, please, stop!
How is she doing?
Stable, it's the kid
we're worried about.
Hello Rachel.
He's gonna die, Rachel.
And it's all your fault.
Damn, he's crashing.
Nurse, defibrillator.
Three, two, one...
Damn, damn, again.
The Krampus came for you.
He came for you
because you were bad.
What are you talking about?
You killed us.
Mommy, Daddy and me.
I didn't.
You don't remember?
Just a bad dream you thought?
Just a nightmare
like all the others?
All right, three, two, one.
Damn it!
We've got to stabilize him.
One, two, three, four, five,
Stay with me, Lamar.
Don't you remember the fire?
What are you doing?
Don't you remember what you did?
And the fire is what
cleanses the world of evil.
No please, stop!
It was just...
You can't remember the Krampus
or the story from
Grandmother's book?
Chains that bind you,
now bind you to me.
Or how you would make Mommy cry?
Can you not even remember
you had a sister?
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven...
He's gone, doc.
So it was you?
It's not me that
wants you, Rachel.
Doc, he's back!
He's coming back?
I don't believe it.
Lamar stay with us.
- Dr.
- Jennings,.
Ho, ho, ho!
And this one's for, Jamie!
What do you say, Jamie?
Thank you Santa.
And this one,
He looks good.
Yes, full recovery.
But I'll tell you, it's the
closest thing I've ever seen.
I mean he was gone
for sure, but...
I'm sorry about Rachel.
No answer for me on that one?
No good ones I'm afraid.
And the Weaver kid?
No sign of her.
Yeah, she's not here,
there's no record
of her anymore,
it's like she just...
But people don't just vanish.
Do they detective?
No, Doctor.
They don't.
I don't know if I have
the words for this.
Goodbye Rachel.
Rest good children on your bed
Ye have not to thread
But if you happen
Not to sleep
Then ye have much to fear
He knows about
the naughty ones
Who make their mommies cry
And if you cannot
You can't hide
He sees your evil side
And it isn't above you
To take and thus prepare
To take the naughty children
Down into his lair
If he
And cast them into the fire
And perhaps he
Of ye all, of ye all
To perhaps be
Above thee all