Kung Fu Ghost (2022) Movie Script

Time to pay bill. Yeah.
Electric bill for you.
Yes, pay that.
Water bill for you,
pay that too.
Oh, vet bill,
definitely for you.
Okay, here, insurance bill.
The law office of Phil Barrier?
California, America?
What did you do?
What did you do, hmm?
"Dear Daisy,"
I'm sorry to inform you
"that your grandpa
has passed away." Huh?
I thought
Grandpa died a long time ago.
"And that you inherit
his house."
We inherited a house
in America! Wow.
We got some money.
Money, money, money.
Daisy, I've been
waiting here over an hour.
What took you so long?
The uber dropped me off
in the middle of nowhere.
I had to walk for an hour.
You didn't tell me
it in the middle of nowhere.
I need to get out of here.
I'm running late.
This is the back of the estate.
It looks like someone
is watching me from the attic.
This place is huge, big, scary.
Let me show you
the front of the place.
Let's go.
Well, Daisy.
All right.
Here we are.
This is the estate.
You told me on the phone
that my grandfather lived here.
Apparently, he did.
But, it's so...
- Haunted.
- Yeah.
Even the moon.
I inherited a haunted house?
That's technically not true.
The will clearly states
that you got
to stay here for one week
before you can own it.
I don't want to stay here
for seven days,
for a whole week.
It's very haunted.
Please, don't make me stay here.
I'm not making you do anything.
It's not me.
It's this.
It's a haunted house.
about this is haunted.
Look at that.
Look at the moon.
Look at this!
Look at that.
I only had money
to buy one way ticket here,
I don't have money to buy
the return ticket to Vietnam.
It's very, very expensive.
I don't have money.
- I'm very broke.
- Hey. Hey. All right, Daisy.
Please, don't make me stay here.
Good luck with that.
Please, don't make me stay here.
Where you going?
Where are you going, sir?
Kid is so dramatic.
Hey girl.
Auntie, I cannot do this,
- I cannot do this.
- What's wrong?
- The house is haunted.
- Oh, how bad could it be?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You don't understand.
I'm sure it's not that bad.
Look. Huh?
Oh, my God.
Honey, there are
definitely dead bodies
in the basement of that place.
What am I going to do?
Oh, I bet the walls bleed
when there's a full moon.
I have to stay here
for the whole week.
You know what?
This is fine.
What? Are you, crazy?
Do you see this?
You need this.
You need a fresh start.
Just like we talked about.
It's a thousand years old.
There's nothing fresh
about this.
No. Daisy, listen to me.
I've always had your back
when we were growing up,
- right?
- Yeah.
No matter what,
I always back you up.
Even when everybody's like,
"Daisy's so lazy,
Daisy's so ditzy,
Daisy's never going
to get a boyfriend."
I love you too,
such a great pep talk.
You know what I'm saying?
You got this.
I don't got this.
Honey, think about Grandma.
It was her dying wish.
I know...
but I cannot get
the restaurant back
if I'm dead.
You can take me
into the house with you.
It'll be just like
we're going in together.
Hey, girl, you look
super cute in that top.
I look super cute
when I'm being
murdered in this house.
So dramatic.
Huh, see, look!
Everything is dead, huh?
Oh, I see.
Right there. You can...
Yeah, you can put
some flowers right there.
I'll be honest, though,
it will probably die right away.
Because of the whole, you know,
unholy energy
surrounding this place.
But it's better than nothing.
I cannot do this.
Yes, you can.
I'm right here with you.
You are not here.
You're on the phone.
I'm here with you in spirit.
Don't say spirit,
they can hear you.
And you know I'm afraid
of spirits, afraid of ghosts.
There is no such thing.
- An earthquake?
- No.
Old houses do that.
It's fine.
Yes, it's fine.
It's fine.
It is fine.
I can do this.
Oh, no!
No, no don't do that!
I'm gonna kill you.
God, it's so scary in here.
Oh, my God.
They even have Bambi's head!
I can't do this!
She was always there for me...
and I made her a promise.
I need this.
For you, Grandma.
I'll just clean up,
find a place to sleep,
there nowhere to go anyway.
Marv, Marv, Marv!
- Are you sure it's here?
- Sure, I'm sure.
The old man's dead,
we can finally search his place.
I don't know,
just doesn't feel right.
It also doesn't smell right.
It's your imagination, Harry.
I'm telling you, I heard it.
It don't make no sense.
It's the old man,
I'm telling you.
The old man is dead.
You heard the noises too?
The ghost.
All right, lady.
Who the hell are you?
This is my house,
who the hell are you guys?
Your house?
You got me all tied up,
are you a perverts or something?
You came running in here
like a crazy person
swinging a frying pan
all around,
what else were we supposed
to do but tie you up?
Yeah, and we're not here
to hurt anyone.
In fact,
we'll leave your lovely home
and get out of here,
and we won't come back.
We just want the artifact.
- You guys will never come back?
- Nope.
- Well, okay.
- Well?
Go get it.
You have to tell us where it is!
- I don't know where it is.
- You live here!
I just moved in, I don't know.
There it is again!
Relax, Harry,
it's just old house noises.
I don't know.
All right, no more games,
where is it?
Where are you guys going?
Come back!
Is anyone there?
Are you trying to haunt me?
I only need
to stay here for seven days,
I only need
to stay here for seven days.
Please, please, don't kill me.
Hello, Daisy,
my name is William.
Hey. Hi!
I must apologize
for the spectacle earlier,
that was intended
for uninvited guests,
I hope we didn't frighten you.
No, no, no, no,
I wasn't frightened,
what are you talking about?
What do you mean "we"?
Hello, Daisy,
I am your grandfather.
Say what?
You're my grandpa?
But you're nothing like
I thought you would be.
You are so not what I thought.
Anyway, welcome to our home.
Or maybe we should say,
your home.
Yes, your home.
But Grandpa, I never met you
when you were alive,
why leave the house to me?
Come, Daisy, sit down.
I know that
your grandmother raised you.
If you have even a fraction
of her wisdom and courage
then you are the only one.
Bring me
the photos and letters please.
Your grandmother used
to send me photos and letters
whenever she could.
Daisy, it is my greatest regret
that I never got to meet you...
but now,
we can get to know one another.
You could have visit,
but you didn't.
Not even once.
You never visit her!
Not even once!
I had a long day.
I cleaned up
this whole house by myself,
it's very haunted,
and very dirty.
Your dirty stuff was everywhere.
And there were
two guys come in, okay?
They want something, something,
artifact things, I don't know.
And this is the first time
I see ghost.
I'm very tired, I'm sorry,
I just want to go to bed.
That's fair, uh...
You can sleep in my old room.
Is there another room?
No, all other rooms
covered in webs.
The men that were here
were not common thieves,
they knew that
the artifacts are here.
That can only mean
that Warren has found us.
He must have sent them
when he heard of your death.
Then more will come,
we must prepare.
And what about Daisy?
She could get hurt.
She is already a part of this.
All we can do now
is try to protect her.
But you worry too much,
old buddy,
she is my granddaughter.
She must have
several black belts by now
and unmatched power
in martial arts.
What kind of psychopath
up this early?
It's-30 in the morning!
Oh, my God!
Stop it Grandpa!
Oh, my bed, my cat.
I did a good job,
much less scary than before.
Oh, I'm sorry Bambi, I'm sorry.
Good morning, Daisy.
I'm sorry, did I startle you?
So, I was thinking...
instead of me and Grandpa
watching you
clear up the house today,
we would chip in.
Really, you would do that?
Of course.
You could have
helped me yesterday.
Why didn't you?
There you both are.
Do you know what time it is?
Vampire bats
are awake before now.
I'm jetlagged, Grandpa.
You are lazy lad.
I was just telling Daisy
how me and you were going to
help her clean the house today.
Right, clean up the house.
You know, Daisy, Grandpa back
very sore after kata practice.
No way I can do housework,
so painful, oh.
Grandpa, Grandpa,
you are dead, very, very dead.
You do not have any back muscle.
He's still getting
used to being a ghost.
Now I know
where I get my laziness from.
Okay, fine, let's get to work.
Stop standing around loafing.
Get to work.
Go. Let's go.
It makes sense that grandpa
is a ghost here, it's his house.
Why are you here?
This was my house once.
- A long time ago.
- Really?
And Grandpa bought it from you?
- He's that rich!
- No.
Actually, your grandfather and I
were really good friends.
You are friends with the Grandpa
that was so lazy?
That grandpa.
- Yes Daisy, that grandpa.
- Wow.
Your grandfather did
many great things in his time.
That's a long story.
By the looks of it...
I think we're done here.
A signal! Yes!
Daisy, hey, you're still alive!
I've been trying to reach you.
Yeah, well I haven't been able
to get a signal, okay,
since you bailed on me!
I'm sorry, honey,
that was just
very stressful for me.
Okay, we were going
to talk about that later,
but first I have
something to show you.
Hey guys!
You met some guys?
Meet William and Grandpa.
You are talking to someone
through the device?
- That's amazing.
- Right? Huh, huh?
Honey, are you feeling okay?
How does it do that?
You don't know
about the internet?
I didn't get out much.
Out much?
He never got out.
You were a hermit.
Who are you talking to?
You cannot see them?
Daisy, we are
only visible to those
who have psychic connection.
- Most people can't see us.
- No.
She cannot hear you either?
- Daisy, are you on drugs?
- No.
Do you remember
what I always say,
if you're thinking
about doing drugs...
Call you first.
So that we can share!
That's right.
I don't know
how to explain this.
Okay, honey, I'm late for work,
I've got to go.
It's really good to know
you didn't get murdered though!
Let's talk tomorrow.
- - Okay.
- Hugs.
What else
can your magic mirror do?
That's fascinating.
Very, very, very good.
It's fine Daisy,
we're not actually like that.
When you met us, we were nice,
we were not terrifying.
You're going
to pay attention to this?
It scared the mess out of Daisy.
Movie, Grandpa.
Stop snoring, Grandpa.
This place
is not so terrible after all,
and William is so cute!
He's so charming, yeah.
I am gonna be rich soon!
I'm going to get
the restaurant back!
Rich, rich, rich.
What is up with you guys,
always tie people up.
Shut up.
Okay, let's get to work.
I've had enough of this.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Hey! Calm down.
Did you see that?
Warren told us we'd see
some strange stuff here, right?
Yeah, but he said
it wouldn't hurt us.
I thought he was full of it,
I didn't realize that this was
an actual haunted house.
- You want to get paid, right?
- Yeah.
Then put on your big girl
panties and get to work!
What are we going
to do about her?
She's tied up, keep an eye
on her, she'll be fine.
What are you waiting for?
Break free, beat them up.
How can I do that, Grandpa?
Use your martial arts training,
of course.
I don't know any martial arts,
what are you talking about?
Hey, hey, hey.
Shut up.
You shut up.
But you're my granddaughter!
Nothing, I prefer
just staying inside, okay?
The only martial arts
I know is Street Fighter.
I'm really good at it.
She's nuts.
No, no, no, I'm really good
at Street Fighter.
Really, really good.
This is just more
of that weird crap
Warren was telling us about.
Just ignore her.
Fine, I will do this myself.
One versus seven,
almost a fair fight.
Mulan, you need
to sit down and shut up.
You babies.
Ouch, my butt!
What was that, what was that?
You'll be okay, Daisy,
just breathe.
Breathe. Just breathe.
Daisy, you should be ashamed.
Your strength
and flexibility are garbage.
When was the last time
you exercised?
I could barely kick.
I exercise my right
not to exercise, Grandpa.
And where did those guys go,
there was a ton of guys here,
where are they going?
Grandpa dealt with them,
no worries.
Don't worry about it.
But make no mistake,
they will return,
and you must prepare.
Me? Why, why me?
Because I need to use
your body to fight them off.
My body?
To fight them?
Why? Why my body?
I'm not a samurai sword.
Why don't you use... why can't
you fight him yourself?
Because I cannot
physically harm a person,
I just tickle.
How about this?
I saw you two
throwing things around before,
why can't you, like,
throw things at them?
Throw the chair at them.
We can use our spirits,
the energy from our spirits
sometimes levitate small objects
without even using our muscles,
but we can't really
generate a lot of force from it.
So not very useful.
Okay, how about...
You go into the kitchen,
you get a knife, and you like...
That's your granddaughter.
Killing is completely out
of the question, Daisy.
No, not killing, just...
a little bit...
What is wrong with you?
You go straight to murder.
- Daisy.
- No! It's just a...
You know, just a little bit.
Daisy, your grandfather
is the best chance we have
at keeping
this house safe, okay?
And he needs your body to do it.
I still don't understand.
What artifact thing
that they want?
Why can't we just
give it to them?
You know what?
Forget it.
My body really hurts,
and my butt hurt and everything.
And the floor
wobblily, wobblily,
I'm so tired
and I don't know why.
I think...
I think getting possessed
by fat Jackie Chan here
make me.
I'm going to bed...
and you two can keep
your little secret, or whatever.
I'm going to bed.
My back crack like popcorn,
it's so rude.
She deserves an explanation.
And she will have it eventually,
but not until she's ready.
Until then, we must be careful
how we reveal the secret to her.
A signal!
No more music.
I think I have a better way
of showing you music.
I'm not good at dancing.
Cut it out!
What is it, Grandpa?
It is time to wake up!
It's-30 in the morning,
are you crazy?
No, it is time to wake up.
That is good time to work out!
Come on.
Not at-30.
Are you a psychopath?
No, I have a blackbelt.
This is what it takes,
time to wake up,
come on, Daisy, wake up!
You have a blackbelt, I don't.
I'm trying
to get you to blackbelt.
- Wake up.
- No.
Go away, it's-30,
the rooster, the chicken,
whatever is not even awake.
Go away.
Rooster and chicken
do not earn black belt!
Come on. Wake up!
I don't wanna earn anything!
Go away!
Come on, Daisy.
What kind of ghost
does martial arts anyway?
Why can't he just
go to the attic,
looking all scary and stuff
like an ordinary ghost?
Why are you a chicken?
- Daisy.
- Yes?
Come here now.
Yes, Grandpa.
It is time for stretching.
- It's early in the morning.
- It is time for stretching.
What in the world is that?
It's called stretching!
Ridiculous dancing.
Get on the floor.
On the floor.
I'm wearing a dress!
It does not matter.
Wider with leg.
That's good,
that's good, that's good.
That is pathetic.
- Now.
- Oh, my God!
That really hurts,
Grandpa, I can't move.
Let me up.
No, hold it, that is stretch.
- I left you a house!
- A haunted house!
Grandpa, let me up,
it really hurts.
You stay and stretch.
Where are you going.
Let me up!
I can't move.
Oh, my God.
Go up.
That's it. That's it.
That is only one.
- That good.
- That is no good.
That no good.
Not at all good.
You are no good.
Go away, Grandpa.
Can we go to sleep?
Lift your leg up,
raise it above your head.
Yes. More.
All the way.
Grandpa, this is very
unnatural, I cannot do this.
Please, please, please.
Put my legs down.
- Ow, ow, ow!
- Hold it.
- That really hurt.
- Hold it.
Ow, ow, ow!
This really hurt.
That hurt!
Your grandmother told me
you can do side split,
show me now.
Exercise, exercise, exercise.
That is not enough.
Oh, my God,
I don't feel my legs!
That better.
Are you pulling me down?
Are you pulling me down?
Grandpa, I hate you.
Lift me up.
- Yeah.
- Grandpa. Grandpa!
Daisy, come, Child.
I'm so sore, Grandpa.
I know, I know,
I help take care of that.
Have a seat.
Oh, my God,
the chair is so tall!
The chair is not tall, child,
you a short girl.
This chair is hard to sit.
This herbal medicine
will make you better,
take care of sore muscles
and ache and pain.
- Try it.
- It looks like dirt.
Not dirt, medicine, try it.
It looks like dirt.
Good, yeah.
Go and eat it.
It tastes like dirt!
- What?
- Is it dirt?
Cause it is dirt!
Ah, grandpa should have
died with glasses on.
Now, this one, this is the one.
Have this.
It still looks like dirt.
It's good for you,
herbal medicine, try it.
Go on.
Very good.
It tastes like dirt.
True, it does not taste
very good,
but it is good for you.
- Grandpa, look!
- What?
What am I looking at?
What am I looking at,
child, what is it?
You feel better already,
I see it in your face.
- I know.
- Much better.
I swallowed the whole thing,
it's good.
Yeah. Very good.
Hi Daisy,
is it just you,
or are your "friends" with you?
- Just me.
- Hello!
Just me this time.
- Auntie.
- - Uh-huh.
I wanted to ask you questions.
Okay, shoot.
Well, there is this guy.
You found a guy!
I told you
this was a good move for you.
The thing is...
he hasn't really noticed me yet.
Should I make the first move?
Oh, yeah, that's a great idea.
If you want to make him
feel weak and powerless
and hate you forever.
If you want to catch a fish,
you got to bait the hook, hm?
Don't worry, Auntie Minh
will show you what to do.
The best thing
to start is always this.
Oh, my God, put that back on!
That's so much, gee.
You don't have to go that hard,
but you get the idea.
And then you got
to push the lips out,
make them big and sexy,
like this.
Like this?
And then you do this
with your eyes!
And then you show off
your neck like this.
Honey, lean back.
- Like that?
- - A little more!
A little more!
Too much!
You have to be careful
with the lean.
Aw, being sexy is hard.
If it were easy, everyone
would be as sexy as Auntie Minh.
Thanks, Auntie.
I had a long day.
I'm going to go to sleep now.
Okay honey, and don't worry,
if you do what Auntie Minh
showed you, you'll get him.
And kisses.
Hot, hot, hot.
My eyes.
Naughty William.
Okay, like Aunt Minh said,
be sexy.
Sexy, sexy.
Being sexy is difficult.
Sexy, sexy, sexy, hey!
I'm so sexy!
Daisy, does your back itch?
You look very jittery.
Are you sure?
William, did you read
the book the whole time?
Uh, yes.
I'm going to bed.
Good night, Daisy.
Get up!
I can't.
One and a half.
You never say
I have to do pushup
when I inherit a haunted house.
This is not in the will.
Pushups are not in the will.
You must train.
I don't want to for what.
All day long
you make me do pushups, splits,
and this and that,
I don't even know
what for, Grandpa!
This is what
you are training for.
- Wow.
- The bell and dorje
are traditional
Buddhist symbols...
but this set
is very special and powerful.
These relics hold the balance
between Life and Death.
William and I were charged
with guarding the artifacts.
That is why our spirits have
remained in this earthly realm.
Even dying does not relieve
our responsibility.
The bell and dorje
are incredibly powerful,
and there are men who would
get it to use it for evil.
We must not let that happen.
That is why I need your help.
You don't need me, Grandpa,
you just need my body.
It doesn't have to be my body,
it can be anyone's body, right?
And you know, Grandpa,
do you know who needed help?
The one you left behind.
The one who had
to bury her son all by herself.
I'm just going to be here
for seven days.
And after that,
I'm going to sell this house.
I'm going
to get her restaurant back.
You know why, Grandpa?
Because I owe you nothing.
I'm here for my grandma.
Just for her.
It broke my heart
when I had to leave
your grandmother and my home...
when I heard
she was raising you...
all I wanted to do
was come back.
You didn't come back.
Not even once.
William died.
It was up to me alone
to keep the artifacts
safe and hidden.
Your grandmother knew this.
She understood
the responsibility.
She was the strongest person
I had ever known.
Yeah, she was strong,
maybe from the outside...
but I'm not her.
I don't know how to be strong.
I don't owe you anything.
Let's check out
the attic, see what's up there.
- Hello, Daisy.
- William.
This is for you.
- William.
- Yes?
I have found many boxes of this,
it's really nice.
Who made those?
This is my work.
What do you think of it?
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I thought you were a doctor,
I didn't know
you were an artist also.
Professionally I was a doctor,
that's where
I met your grandfather.
Grandpa was a doctor?
- Yes.
- Really?
I don't remember much,
but I know
that me and him served
with the Red Cross in Vietnam.
How do you find time
to become a doctor,
and learn
how to make things and paint?
Well, when I was a young child
my parents passed away, and...
art, music...
became an outlet for me.
I know how it is
to lose parents too.
When my parents died,
it was a long time
before I could sleep again.
Grandma was the only one
who was there for me.
She was really nice.
She worked really hard
at the restaurant to raise me,
and give me everything
I ever wanted.
I miss her very much,
and I'm sorry William.
I wish I could make
something this nice.
- Well, I could teach you.
- Really?
- Let's make things!
- Okay, all right,
so it's really easy, okay?
So we're just going to take
a little bit of water, okay?
And we're just going to pour
a little bit in the middle.
- Okay.
- All right, there we go.
All right, okay,
now take your hands,
and start mixing it together.
Mm-hmm, come on,
just start mixing it.
- Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.
- Ew!
There you go, come on.
Come on.
- There you go, come on.
- Gross.
Well, you got
to mix it first, okay?
Come on.
Actually, try and make a shape.
This shape.
This shape.
What are you trying to make?
The bell,
the bell that rule the world.
There you go,
keep on shaping, you got to...
Is this good? Yeah.
Grandpa said the bell
control something, something,
the dorje control
something, something.
I'm making the bell.
I don't think that's going
to control the world.
You don't know that.
Art takes time.
This is hard.
This is very good.
Where are you going?
Come on, William,
where are you going?
- It's good.
- No, it's not.
"It's not good."
I'll show you what's good.
Grandpa, Grandpa.
I have something for you.
You are getting better, wow.
- See?
- You're a quick learner, though.
I had a good teacher.
And look.
You can still fix that side.
It's late and it's so boring.
I barely have any signal.
Okay, Grandpa,
what were you up to
when you were alive?
Oh, sake cup, you were drinking.
What's this?
Oh, the bell
that ruled the world.
It's so beautiful though.
Let's hang it up on the wall,
something creepy to hang.
Little bell, you're so pretty.
You want some?
Oh, no, thank you.
All right, stop!
Did he get the dorje?
Then we have failed.
I must go and find
a new hiding place for the bell.
Okay, I'll tend
to Daisy's knife wound.
- What?
- May I see your arm?
- Just breathe.
- What?
- I've been stabbed?
- You're okay.
- I've been stabbed?
- Stay still for me.
Oh, my God!
I've been stabbed.
So much blood, I'm going to die!
Oh, my God.
It hurts, it hurts!
It hurts so much!
Oh, my God!
I can see the light,
I can see the light!
I can see the light!
You're not seeing the light,
you're fine, you're not dying.
Just breathe, Daisy.
Just breathe.
You're so nice
wanting to comfort me
in my last moments.
I'm going to die!
I'm dying.
You got to stay still.
Daisy, up!
What? What the heck?
- You're late, Grandpa!
- What in the world?
I don't want to get
stabbed by a ninja again.
- Oh, good girl.
- Come on, let's go.
- You're doing it, 12.
- I can do one more.
One more?
I can get you all the way to 13?
You are my granddaughter;
I knew you could do it!
Are we good for the day?
No, now some more stuff
in living room.
What now, Grandpa?
Sit and eat popcorn?
Now split on chair.
Who do you think I am?
Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Who is Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Just do the exercise, now.
Oh, my God.
Is that good.
That is only one leg up,
you look like a flamingo.
Other leg up on chair.
Who can do that?
You can do that.
Put mind to it.
- Is this good?
- That's good.
I can do better.
That very good.
Did you hear my bone pop?
You are my granddaughter.
- I'm Jean-Claude Van Damme!
- Excellent form.
I don't think
I can stable my legs.
That good for today.
I'm good.
Hello boys.
Have we met?
How dare you enter this house,
you piece of filth?
Cute trick.
Give me the dorje...
and I will spare your life.
Hang on just a minute,
old man, okay?
Let's just talk about this.
I do not want to hear your lies.
- I'm warning you.
- Enough!
No, I say when it's enough.
So why are you staying here?
Why do you care?
Did he tell you
why I want the bell?
Did they tell you
what the bell is capable of?
Did they tell you
why you're here?
You get away from her.
Are you okay?
I'll be back!
And we will be ready.
Are you okay Daisy?
Do you want some tea?
When was this picture taken?
This was taken in '61.
We came as soon as we heard!
The monastery
was bombed, Napalm.
He said all
the other monks have died.
This is the same monk from Sapa
that tended to the children.
His Abbot charged him with
finding the three great doctors.
That's what the locals
are calling us now.
He gave these to us.
This bell and dorje
are objects of incredible power.
They control the balance
between Life and Death.
The local villagers revealed
the monastery
is a secret holy place.
A place of significant power.
This artifact may be why.
Taking care of this artifact
is a great responsibility.
One that you must
take on willingly.
I do.
You get old... you die.
And Warren stay the same.
What didn't you guys tell me?
used the artifacts
to give himself eternal life.
But when they are used
in such a manner
it comes at a great cost.
When Warren did it...
it took William's life
to balance the scales.
But if...
Warren already
has eternal life...
why did he steal one artifact?
We don't know.
Warren said there is a reason
why you both want me here.
Daisy, the artifacts
need a new guardian.
And we needed the time
to make sure
that you were
a suitable guardian.
A person
of great honor and goodness.
But we already know that.
To be the guardian
is a great responsibility,
but one you must
take on willingly.
I can't, I can't.
I'm just Daisy.
So, what are we going to do now,
We are going
to remain as spirits...
until we find a suitable
guardian for the artifacts.
Grandpa is
so disappointed in me,
I needed to get out
of the house a bit.
Hm, pretty.
Oh, hello.
This place is so beautiful.
Hello, William.
It's beautiful here.
It is beautiful.
Why are you here?
I'm just here sometimes.
I don't really know
how to explain this, but...
for some reason
I feel so close to you,
I feel like I know you somehow.
Excuse for one moment.
You are ruining my life!
Oh, my God!
Daisy, is everything okay?
Do you remember anything
before you died?
Before you stuck in this house?
I remember
bits and pieces of the war.
And I remember my vows
to keep the artifacts safe.
it's just a blur.
I don't...
I don't remember much.
So you don't remember her?
When you were in Vietnam...
you had a fiance.
Her nickname was Happy Diamond.
Her Vietnamese name.
She loved you very, very much.
When everything happened
with you and Warren...
when Grandpa
took you back to the US,
she wanted to go...
but her family didn't let her.
They knew you were dying.
They would not let
her go with you.
She wrote for you all of these...
All of these letters
over the years.
Even after you die.
She wrote for you
on the day you die.
And on your birthday...
for many, many years.
You know, I think
Grandpa didn't want to tell you
because he doesn't want you
to bear the internal pain...
but when I read it...
she wrote for you...
until the day she died,
25 years ago.
She never loved
anyone after you.
She never married again.
She died lonely and broken...
and if I could
make a wish, I'd wish.
You know,
she wrote these for you...
"One life,
one love is never enough,"
the past life, this life,
and the next, I will find you
One life, one love,
we are destined to be.
I will always find you
no matter how far you are.
"Even in death
I shall love you more."
I'm sorry.
I wish it would be different.
The barrier has fallen,
Warren is on his way,
we must prepare.
Grandpa, why don't we do
what we did before?
Because if we try
the same trick twice,
he will see it coming.
We must hide the bell,
and I will fight him again,
and this time he will
not get near me with the dorje.
We have to keep Daisy safe.
Yes, of course.
Give me the bell,
no one needs to get hurt.
You can't beat me,
I have the dorje.
I hold power over Death.
Death and Life are a balance.
By changing that balance,
you only hold powers
over chaos and pain.
You'll never understand.
Just try it.
You won't get
near me again this time.
Well I've been practicing,
and it turns out...
I don't need to get near you.
- Stop it!
- The bell!
How do I know you're not going
to hurt them again?
Stop it!
The old man must have told you,
this controls Death,
the bell controls Life.
So I'll trade you.
Okay, okay.
Same time.
Look I know...
I know all this was harsh.
But in the end,
you and William will thank me.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
- What?
- You gave me a fake bell.
A fake bell?
What's fake about it?
That bell took me
a whole day to make,
to paint it to look real
was really difficult.
I wanted the artifact,
the real bell,
the one that controls Life.
Oh, that bell.
You didn't specific,
you didn't tell me
that was the bell you want.
Give me the bell now.
You will never,
never find that bell,
I will take
the bell and I will run,
you will never, never get it.
I've been chasing that bell
for over 60 years now,
do you really think
I'm going to stop now?
I raised him here.
In this very house,
I cheered for him.
He got accepted
into med school...
and when he told me he was
going to serve in the Red Cross,
I said I'm going
to go too, but I...
made a promise.
I made a promise
to my oldest friend
that I would protect that boy.
What good is a life
that never ends?
Everyday I carry that weight
of what I've done.
It wasn't intentional.
But still...
I could life that I value...
more than money.
I'm sorry, William.
That's why I need the bell,
I can... I can bring him back,
I... I can undo what I did.
You can bring him back?
Then bring him back.
Thank you.
No, no!
you cannot control
Life and Death
the way you try.
It always comes at a cost.
Oh, no, come on, Daisy.
Stay with me, Daisy.
William, it's okay.
It's okay.
You were right.
You were always right.
My granddaughter.
I'm so sorry, Daisy.
I'm so sorry.
What did you do, Warren?
Oh, my God, what did you do?
I will set...
everything right... again.
Oh, my God, Daisy, hey.
He used his own energy.
To put everything
back the way it was.
I was wrong,
you are not irredeemable,
you did the right thing.
Daisy, what are you doing?
I'm taking new responsibilities.
I will be the new guardian.
I am so proud of you.
You have become so strong...
but don't forget to train,
and continue to eat your carrot.
It's time for us to go.
Come Warren.
You have taken the dorje.
It is time for me to go child.
Warren, Afterlife a good time.
That's what I heard.
He puts everything
the way it was.
You... you're not really here,
are you?
But I'll hold on
for as long as I can.
one life,
one love is never enough.
The past life,
this life and the next...
I will find you
across space and time.
One life, one love,
we are destined to be.
I will find you
no matter how far you are.
Even in death
I shall love you more.
Across space and time
we shall love once more.
Hey there.
I'm so sorry, I...
I live a couple houses
up the street...
and my dog got out,
I'm so sorry.
Do I know you?
I'm Daisy.
Noah, nice to meet you.
This is... this is Brixey.
Are you cold?
Yeah, it's freezing.
Please, come in.
Thank you.
Are you sure I don't know you?
Would you like some tea?
- That'd be great.
- That way.
We're in the middle of a fight
so you guys are tired,
all right,
go to the right, 75.
Awesome, remember,
facial expressions.
Here we go, and action!
One more time. One more time!
Here we go, here we go.
And action!
Really funny. Okay.
Hold on, hold on...
Yeah, yeah.
Our first priority.
Our first priority.
She started smiling.
Come on!
- No!
- Come on, you just looked...
We have to keep Dave...
We have to keep.
Dave. She is not David.
I'd hope not.
No, Jenny...
- Cut!
- Jaco!