Kung Fu Killer (2008) Movie Script

It was at the time of the warlord that I
sought peace in the temple of my youth.
But sometimes you start a journey
for a reason...
and decide you do to another.
I could not escape the
bloodshed that destroyed our country.
I do not understand what I do wrong.
You are scared.
The hardest rock
it is easiest to break.
Think only of your destination,
of nothing else.
Forget the stones. That do not matter.
Only your own will,
your intention is important.
All of them. Fast.
I can help.
White Crane, I can not see.
Remember who you are: White Crane.
Not tarnish my memory...
with revenge.
They will pay the price.
I had to take revenge.
I had my life to thank
to large Myling mistress.
But they only had the burden
my feelings of revenge.
The dark emotions in me.
Well done. My best troops.
The farmers of this valley are no longer
protected by your Wudang-warriors.
How hot you Westerner?
I am White Crane.
I am Al-Du Berezov,
soldier of Kahn.
That name will keep you until you die.
Let him run.
He can peddle
what happened in Wudang.
I do not think he survives.
- Silence.
The arrow has just missed your heart.
Where am I?
Master Crane, this is the farm
Madame Lian. They helped us.
They will find us.
- No, they think you're dead.
And for me they are not afraid.
Now yet.
But ever do.
I am ready. We are looking Kahn
and holds him from the road.
Long Han...
I have to do this.
You must hide your characters.
They were my husband.
Where is he now?
- He is dead.
Why can not I take revenge?
Because I've seen the darkness
that entails.
And as I soon
I might die.
And you...
Your life has just begun.
It can not be otherwise.
It's this or death.
The whole valley is Daixiangou him.
From whom?
- Kahn.
Do you know him?
I've heard of him.
I did not meet him,
but that is still pending.
Do you really means to take revenge?
Yes, it must be done.
That said my husband, too.
Everyone in the opposition said:
It must happen.
If you ever looking for peace, White Crane,
'll find them here.
Each week they opium
to Shanghai and Kahn.
Hey, stay away from her.
Stay away from her.
Let me through.
This is the last time I go.
Kahn, that village burning.
Nice, very nice.
You're late.
- Sorry, kid.
This is not the money.
Give me the money now.
- Listen, gook.
Let us fix
who is the boss.
Mr. Kahn will hear this.
Hello, Lilly.
Come with me.
- Fuck you.
Ni-Hao, Mr. Wong.
Do you have anything for me?
Listen. You owe me money.
Try never me.
You may not enter.
Guests must wear a costume.
Nice costume.
Ladies and gangsters, I ask your
attention to a beautiful songbird.
A white lily with the blue sea
here is flown.
Miss Jane Marshall.
The lady was about to sing.
Stop. That's it.
British police Shanghai.
Hello, Miss...
- Marshall.
Have you succeeded?
In order to find my brother.
- Your brother?
Peter. It's been days since he...
No, I'm sorry.
But do not worry.
He turns it back on. Sooner or later.
A Martini. Without all the clutter.
Thank you intervened.
Shanghai is closer to Brooklyn
than I thought.
I sort of world tour.
Anyway, I owe you one.
You owe me nothing due.
And a gentleman too.
My name is Crane.
Has anyone on the money?
What you drink?
- He drinks like a monk.
Who are you anyway?
Chong 'Bingo' Quo. Crane.
Say 'Bingo'.
You have my window tables
and chairs destroyed.
Is this all yours?
- Nothing is completely 'yours' in Shanghai.
What are you doing? Singing, dancing,
playing the piano?
Someone will have to pay damages.
Wil you really make money?
Pawn to d4.
We have a winner.
We have the next victim?
Who is this clown?
Who is the next victim?
We have a winner.
You were almost at your ancestors had.
I told you.
He is indestructible.
We have someone who
the Westerner to include.
This will not be easy.
White Crane, you will not
easy to seal.
Not yet.
Turn it on, Crane.
Grab him.
Kill him.
White Crane. The name you
remind you to your death.
I take our half now.
Toad, what are you doing here?
You would not come.
Your new husband is very effective.
- I understand you.
Who is he?
- I know nothing about him.
He has suddenly emerged.
Hear him. I do not want it
a problem for the opposition.
Does he know that he
Kahn has slain someone?
Kahn will take revenge on me.
- Maybe not.
If Kahn leaves, keep him on
before they get in the car.
Tonight? Here? Now?
Remember, anything.
We must not fail this time.
The opposition wants Kahn dead.
Kahn, almost forgotten. I have some money
for you are in our last fight.
Is this really necessary?
Take the money.
We are home.
Whiskey, hello.
You had the front
way to go.
You can sleep here. Only last night.
I have a homeless.
I am not an orphanage.
Remember also to:
these walls have ears.
If they do not have eyes.
I go in the bath. Later, guys.
It is complicated.
You know who you've saved tonight?
Apart from you?
Is that important?
Yes, it's important.
A good Scotch.
It was Kahn.
Have you heard of Kahn?
- I know who he is.
If you know who he is,
did you let him die tonight.
If he dies, done that
at the time that I say.
And I do it in person.
Who do you work, Crane?
I work for anybody.
Everyone works for somebody.
Kahn prediction seems correct.
- His prediction?
Everyone knows that Kahn thinks he
will be slain by a Wudang.
You've seen his bodyguards.
Russians, Persians, Indians.
And if you Westerners.
I insult you, Crane?
I'm not offended by someone who
pressing on poor people in a dievenhol.
You know me. This club of mine
I built out of nothing.
I must take account of Kahn,
Hoggins and the opposition. Well?
The opposition?
- Toad.
He is just as ruthless as the rest.
And for whom you work?
I work for anybody.
Everyone works for somebody.
Why did not you Kahn slain?
- I have someone made a promise.
It takes me trouble
made him to do.
Kahn is a grand plan,
something really big, and I need to know.
Kill him not as long as we do not know.
Well, Bingo.
I will do what you ask.
Hello, Peter.
Are you you?
How are your claims?
Well. I can almost begin.
- I hope it's true.
And you ensure that the gas is fatal?
- I promise you
Are you you?
You mean this?
It is empty.
Of course.
You know the deal.
Only at the end of the day
so you can sleep.
Sleeping without demons, very peaceful.
Without memories.
You promised. You would take away
but you did not.
And where is my sister? Where is she?
You have said.
I want to see her. I want to see my sister.
I want to see my sister. You said that I
could see her. You promised.
You promised.
Are you busy?
That's him.
He was 22. He had just graduated
as a chemist when he was in service.
The army used him
for the production of gas.
Gas for people to kill.
He was never the old one.
He always had nightmares.
Why he came to Shanghai?
It would do him good to the world
to see. We opted for the Pacific.
He has always worked.
He did not have much money.
In view of his postcards and letters
he seemed to go better.
What happened?
- I do not know.
I do not think I really want to know,
I believe him.
I want him to make good
and I want him to worry.
Thank you.
Can I take a while
you are simply abandoned?
Of course.
Mr. Kahn, what fun
that you're in tonight.
This could be interesting.
- It seems predictable.
I had hoped for as a business
issue to discuss.
Never in public talking about issues.
- Of course. Of course.
Kahn apparently wants you to speak.
Maybe you get a rose.
Neat, though. You have apparently
a new tailor.
I have to pay more because you did
what my body could not wait.
So what do you want from me?
- I want nothing.
You see, I have enough men
to protect me.
But without their weapons
they can not.
There are more men of honor
in the world than weapons.
I have a lot more of. They cost,
how it is said that, grab a penny.
It also says that you get
what you pay.
I pay very well.
Maybe I can use.
Can I invite you
in my humble home?
Of course.
He is in love with her.
Do you?
Day beauty. Are you going tonight
with me to Shanghai?
Provoke me.
- Let me through.
I no longer swallow.
- Many people oppose it.
They burn their poppy fields,
but it costs them their lives.
It seems pointless
with so little Wudang-warriors.
Your daughter is very beautiful.
Perhaps her tonight
tests will agree.
Crane has abandoned us.
I do not. I am a Wudang.
Boertje, makes you not.
Back to Kahn.
Back to Shanghai with a gift
Daixiangou of the Valley.
You can apparently
agreement with Kahn.
These villagers were cross him.
Make sure you have good buddies with him still.
Since you will not regret it.
I will not.
I'm glad you're here.
I feel honored.
Assign Mr. Crane his room.
Rust just before eating.
For everything is provided.
The artillery is there.
- Excellent.
French 75's. The best of the best.
The SOIXANTE-quinze. / I
If they have the Great War
won. Together with the British.
And the Yanks.
- It is clear to me.
That will teach them mores. We still have
finder on the salary talk.
It is a special night.
We discuss things after dinner.
Yes, of course.
We live in interesting times,
Mr. Kahn.
England men as you need.
And as me.
We reach only unit
if we the people brief.
No excesses, no tolerance.
Tastes like it, you eat?
- Delicious. Reminds me of home.
Take something else.
- I can really nothing more.
You insult me?
We must not waste food.
If you insist.
The American boy like that?
He makes progress with the gas?
I have at times not so much eaten.
You flatters me.
Let's discuss our business.
Very good idea.
I've done everything you wanted.
I eat and time you wasted.
You are a mystery to me, Crane.
I come from a family gladiator.
So I can appreciate skill.
But a Westerner with an unprecedented
Kung fu technique, in Shanghai?
How is that possible?
- There is no mystery to achtigs.
My parents were...
Very nice people.
They were murdered.
I grew up...
on the mission...
but I was never really accepted.
Since I was not accepted,
I care that they fear me.
Where you been like?
- I have been everywhere.
I have many years around jury.
Nearly twenty years.
It seemed to me that nothing that I found,
of any value.
I returned.
There was an old woman...
that are very dear to me
had been as a child.
I wanted to go back to her...
for that warm welcome to experience again.
And now I am in Shanghai.
My fate was determined in my youth.
I fear not,
I have taken into their own hands.
I have the people with whom I share,
choose with care.
Buy a new costume. Buy ten.
Everything that you dream. Women,
diamonds, cars, peace, happiness.
What do you do?
- A proof of your loyalty.
You can see that I am not confident Hoggins.
And Bingo has other plans, I fear.
Kill him. And please
your place next to me.
You're shocked.
It is a good test.
A great test.
The residents of the Valley Daixiangou
have your men slain.
Buy new costumes.
You need only to kill
to warn a hundred.
Soon I may kill thousands
millions of warning.
How is that possible?
- I have a very powerful weapon.
There will be no more resistance.
Everyone will be afraid of me.
What does your blood now, Crane?
Well. Sergonov will witness
of Bingo's death.
Until then he remains your best friend.
In the meantime, you're my guest.
So he eats it? Make him awake.
Very bad. If the American dies,
Kahn puts you paid.
You look handsome from.
How did you get that hat?
- I have found in an alley.
Sometimes we start something for a reason...
but we must finish
to a greater cause.
I can not follow.
What do you do to your brother back
to see? What are you prepared to do?
Peter is trapped in the palace
of Kahn. I still talk to you.
Again, from the beginning.
Is it ready?
It is ready.
You could prove it.
Fine. This will work fine.
- More than good.
This is a single phase reaction. If this glass
breaks, we killed.
Make sure you are far away.
And it does not get with the wind.
We can fill the blanks.
Right now?
Round-off for the dawn.
What is the...
You would take.
When you're done.
We have the first tests.
I thought that all the rats were dead.
- There are always available.
I'll liberate you.
We still have no problems?
- No one will miss them.
That new man of you Crane.
You know him.
If you could be free, what would you do?
What would you have to have?
Even your life?
I do not own my life. I am a slave
of Kahn and I have betrayed my friends.
Who are your friends?
- What does that matter?
I do not have long to live. I will
no one missed and no one misses me.
This is your own stupidity.
Why are you looking at your watch?
It's new. I
never previously had.
Come on.
Sit down.
I am for Mr. Kahn.
You sing tonight for our master.
- Yes, I mean that.
Say it if I need help.
Crane, prays for a Westerner
to the Buddha?
I pray for us.
I apparently misjudged you.
- Yes, you sure.
I am a fool.
I promise you that it will be painless.
What should that be.
- I have misjudged you. / I
I do not want to die like a coward.
I trusted you.
I'm speechless.
It pales in your beauty.
I would be able to buy thousand women.
But with all the money in the world
are you not for sale.
Excuse me. I can not...
I do not know what I...
I must find my brother.
Your brother?
I will identify you for your brother.
I am prepared to half the world
to kill you.
It will be too late for a taxi.
Too late.
Check it.
He is dead.
It was the only way.
Kahn will be satisfied.
It is difficult to kill a friend.
Even if it is needed.
You actually have ice water in your veins.
I do not have much time.
- What good to see you.
What happened to you?
Nothing, though.
You sit here and there is nothing
happened to you? What are you doing here?
Pete, look at me. What are you doing here?
I do the gas projects. I make the gas.
They think that it is difficult,
but it is easy.
It is zethaleen, sulfur and dichloro...
Why? What does he plan
with the gas? Where?
Who knows.
It is a huge country.
For people to kill.
And it's easy.
A few thousand Chinese. Chinese,
French, Germans. What does it matter?
Where, Pete?
- I am already working to fill the blanks.
When he wants. Now, for my part.
Why are you doing this?
- It is my job.
It's always been my work.
I gotta go. We have to...
Careful. Let them not
out of your hands.
Sjor them tightly.
This is my greatest achievement.
Everyone in China will know Kahn.
If that is what you want.
Yes, I do. Tell me:
how is it to have power?
Sometimes I forget it. Even me.
I would not know.
What's on your mind, Crane?
- I think of the future.
What do you do?
You go to the opposition.
I go with you.
I do not want you end up like me.
I go with you.
You are not me.
I'm terrified.
This is the Daixiangou Valley.
They commit the most opposition.
We will restore order here.
I get these small towns
and management than the entire country.
I care for peace and prosperity.
I am free from worry.
Free from worry.
Since the emperor was disposed,
there is anarchy in the country.
There is no harmony.
All these different groups.
I do not think you know
how strong these people are.
We will see.
Eendracht must rough
imposed. Then succeed.
With a strong man, like an emperor.
There is a party that would back the emperor,
but first there must be order.
From this village we make an example
for the rest. We teach them a lesson.
Very good.
A good time to start.
But there are so many people.
Well-seen Crane.
Load the cannons.
Guards, protective shells that.
So you dodged the bullet.
By my sword, you can not, Crane.
Thank you.
- Who are you?
Bingo. Risen from the dead.
Who are you, Crane?
Impossible. I have them all slain.
If you kill me, you achieve nothing.
Then there is half as I do.
Then I kill them.
What you ever had, I can not live.
Now you're just a murderer.
I am a Wudang.
Go home.
Will I ever find peace...
Now I have slain?
The more things change,
the more they remain the same.
Welcome to Shanghai.
It is something of Westerners.
All the best to you, Crane.
Thank you.
For al.. For everything.
Make sure you feel more comfortable.
You have no answer.
Will it ever again?
Knowing that you have slain.
The fate of the warrior
follows an erratic path.
But how we walk this path,
is always our own choice.
We are the old wounds of
the fight left.
Praying that they will one day cure.