Kung-Fu Zohra (2022) Movie Script

We should've stayed at the hotel!
Which way did he go?
This is a temple. What're you scheming?
It's for a birthday.
You must be nuts!
They're gone. Why still on me?
So? You're not a girl.
You almost killed me. Some thanks!
Let me apologize.
Just stay away from me,
that's all I want.
You spell trouble.
You coward! If you're chicken...
No, don't go!
It's for the
store. No one's around.
And a pack of smokes.
Come on.
Don't you like soccer?
Can I have chiclets?
And some candy, too.
You speak good French.
Where'd you learn? From movies?
Bet you didn't know
Jackie Chan is in Enter the Dragon.
It's Bruce Lee.
Oh really?
If I prove it's Jackie Chan,
tell me your name?
Who's that?
See how glad they are to hear your name?
If they saw that
smile, they'd win the World Cup.
The first time I met Zohra...
A ticket, please.
Was to take her to the mall.
Excuse me.
I need to get here.
That's the mall.
Take the 28,
or wait for the 82.
It's not...?
Wrong bus, right stop.
Alright, thanks.
I'm done in 2 stops.
I'll drop you off after.
Thank you.
Gimme the price, please!
It's on sale: 4.49.
No problem.
Have a good day. Bye.
Sorry, I'm closing the register.
- See you tomorrow.
- Bye, Zohra!
Wait, wait!
Leaving without me?
I wouldn't dare.
In a few months,
Zohra had become
one of the most popular cashiers.
And a happy woman.
Omar could make her laugh.
Laugh, nardinamuk!
Laugh until she cried.
Why're you laughing?
As much as Zohra loved her life,
he hated his.
Want your food?
Sure, back home Zohra'd had
only weeks to get to know her husband.
See this?
See, it's better.
Fill it up.
He could be so annoying!
The number's not in your contacts.
The trouble with Omar
was that he spent more
time looking at guys eying Zohra
than looking at Zohra.
Then one day...
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
I dunno. It's in my locker or in Nico's.
Just check.
If it's not there, then check Antoine's.
I'll call you back. 'Later.
All set?
Called twice. Just tell me.
You answered, so you know who it is.
The first time I look at your phone...
Thank you.
How's it going?
- Can I take a napkin?
- Sure.
Thanks. Bye.
Omar came more and
more often to see Zohra, let's say,
How're you doing?
And you?
A guy or a girl?
I don't know.
You don't know? You picked up twice.
They hung up.
- Answer me.
- No.
- You don't know?
- No, I don't.
Look. I'm not lying.
- Cut it out.
- You know damn well.
Stop it! Give
me my phone back.
- Is it a guy...
- You're a pain!
- Tell me.
- I want my phone.
Here's your phone!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Zohra!
- Lay off!
I didn't mean to.
Show me your face.
But even if he'd crossed a limit...
Damn, come on. I didn't mean to.
Zohra hadn't reached hers.
I have conjunctivitis.
That's what was crazy.
She was more upset
about not getting pregnant.
You know, Zohra,
I've had conjunctivitis twice.
The first time I let it go.
It kept apologizing.
I wanted to believe it.
Follow me?
The second time, I sent two
homies, and they sure took care of it.
No salad dressing.
They forgot it again.
It wound up in the hospital.
- Who?
- My second conjunctivitis.
I'm sure they'd take care of yours.
Of my eyes?
His knees!
But it'll open your
eyes. You won't need...
Gotta get back!
See ya later.
There she goes,
the evasion queen.
I have cataracts.
Macular degeneration.
She could learn Wikipedia by heart.
Sooner or later
it blows up in your face.
Wife-beating apparently
skyrockets on game nights.
But hang on,
I'm not saying sports
events cause domestic violence.
That would mean violent
people aren't responsible for their acts.
I'm not saying it's the game's fault,
but don't say it's booze,
because only 1
in 4 perpetrators is drunk.
That still makes 3 sober assholes
who manage to blame
their behavior on adrenaline
or their favorite team.
As the World Cup is an
additional factor of domestic violence,
some people will
cross the limit for the first time.
The good news
is that Zohra had finally reached hers.
Go! Shut the door. Please!
Don't do this, please.
Hands off my bus, dammit!
Get outta here!
Get lost.
Zohra, get off, please.
Get off the bus, please. Look at me.
Out of the way, dammit!
How's it going?
You coming with us?
- Where to?
- Away for the weekend.
What? It's next weekend.
Your mommy got mixed up again.
- This weekend is the carnival.
- Really?
We can't miss that.
We can't miss the carnival.
Having a little girl in
their life didn't change much.
Actually, it did.
Now, when Zohra tried to leave,
Omar didn't even
have to clean up his act.
He'd figured out quick
that if their daughter stayed,
her mom would come back.
Call SOS battered women...
What is it, sweetie?
I'm thirsty.
No, you'll wake Daddy!
Why do you sleep on the couch?
You really want to know?
- Do you get it now?
- Yes.
What is it?
What's the matter?
Is that why your dad left?
Because your mom snored?
I don't remember, sweetie.
You really don't remember him?
I remember at night,
when I was about
your age and it was late,
my dad would still be at work.
I'd try to wait up for him.
I'd keep my eyes wide open like this,
wide open,
and then I'd hear...
Hear that?
What was it?
It was his kung fu movie.
I knew he was
home, so I could go to sleep.
Nighty-night now.
I wouldn't want my dad to be gone.
No one's going anywhere, sweetie.
Zohra knew she could
stick around for her daughter,
but not take it anymore.
Trouble is, on the Internet
there's anything and everything.
Especially a lot of crap.
But with patience,
Zohra finally found her master.
Hi, I'm Jean-Yves Sylvain.
If you have to
fight it out, call my name.
As a bodyguard,
world-known martial arts instructor
and police consultant,
I'll teach you the
most effective techniques,
formidable street-fighting skills.
You'll be surprised.
We've all seen
jealous husbands or hotheads
always ready with a slap.
The Harveys, the
Kevins... Not only in movies.
They're all over, around the corner,
on the bus, sometimes even at home.
As a result, you lose everything: face,
self-esteem, self-respect,
and sometimes a few teeth.
One blow, two if need be.
Grab an ear, pull back.
Not too far back.
About here and bam!
A straight kick in the legs.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
For weeks, Zohra
was all about Jean-Yves.
She was hooked.
Grab an ear, pull back.
One blow, two if need be.
Either an elbow to the throat,
or my favorite
in this case, right here.
I guarantee a K.O.
A guy grabs you,
don't do too much damage.
Raise your hands...
The more space Jean-Yves took up,
the less Zohra had.
Easy in there!
Any other woman would've
signed up for a self-defense class.
But not Zohra.
Between 5G and the grapevine,
Omar would've known in a flash.
Good job, sweetie!
Get me a Sprite.
Come on!
I don't believe this!
It's not me. This is the second time!
What? I ran into something.
WANTED Floor technician.
Of course.
I know the gym.
My daughter goes there.
I'll call you back.
Ok, I'll wait for
your call. Fine. Thanks.
What's this, Zohra?
- What's the phone rule?
- I'm on my break.
How's it going?
I know it's rough at home sometimes.
If you need a bodyguard,
I'll give you a good rate!
3 hours, 4 times a week.
6 on Wednesday,
there are a lot of clubs.
After you.
Can I do my hours after closing?
It's easier with my daughter.
And it would be empty.
No night shift here.
Ok, no problem. I'll work it out.
- As long as the job's done.
- It will be. Don't worry.
Give us a few days,
and we'll get back
to you with an answer, ok?
Yes, with pleasure.
Hello, Chang!
He's the janitor?
Not officially, but
the last one had a burnout,
so his uncle Chang covers for him.
He's harmless, just an old yokel.
- Where from?
- Peking.
I'll leave you.
See you soon.
See you soon. Bye.
Channel his aggression to divert it,
divert the other's aggression.
And always strike with determination.
Cause pain.
The techniques you'll see
will enable you to finally feel safe
and regain
self-confidence. Essential.
Inside, both in
your mind and in your home.
Outside of your
body and out in the street.
Sure. Look.
Wait for the slow motion.
You can see the crossbar.
He's on defense.
Every strike is decisive.
All your energy in every hit.
A single hit might not be enough.
A series of hits makes it effective.
I go in with a cross kick about here,
and bam!
A straight kick.
I go for the neck. Bam!
I hit the throat.
Respiratory arrest.
Then I hit the thighs.
You feel the power. If
you want to move on to the knees,
the whole locomotor
apparatus is damaged. You can't walk.
The adversary is out of commission.
Always strike vital points.
Focus on the target
and use 1000% of your energy.
Breathing is important...
What're you doing?
No, not kitchen!
Let's get this straight:
I can work out after the job is done.
Report me if you want.
When I go, the place is spotless. Right?
You're kitchen!
My place isn't the kitchen!
"Draw your kitchen?"
What's that mean?
Hey you! Closed!
Why're you here?
Zina is at Marion's.
I thought we'd catch a movie.
Sure. Great.
Thank you, sir.
- Why's he got your bag?
- No locks.
Gimme that.
Those hands aren't for cleaning.
It'll pay for plane
tickets and Christmas gifts.
And you lost the Clichy job.
Gonna bring that up again?
I swear!
If you must fight in a jar,
train in a jar.
Find that in a fortune cookie?
What's he mean by "jar"?
A jar is a small receptacle.
What's it mean?
A small receptacle.
- And what's "draw your kitchen" mean?
- Just, draw your kitchen!
Yeah, but... "Draw your kitchen"?
How are you,
sweetie? Have a good day?
Yeah? Did you learn lots?
Where there's a will, there's a way...
Hey, kitchen!
- Yes?
- It's not working.
Merry Christmas.
Excuse me.
I've got the kitchen down pat.
How was your day?
Here, sweetie.
- Mom?
- Yes, sweetie.
Marion invited me
to the shore this summer.
Can I go?
I didn't understand.
Marion invited me
to the shore this summer.
- You know we have to ask Dad.
- You know he'll say no.
You know what? Let me handle this.
Handle it how? Tell me.
Come on. Why?
Why won't you tell me?
Don't sell the
pelt until you kill the bear.
What'd you say?
Don't sell the
pelt until you kill the bear.
What's that mean?
Know what a Djerba-Paris costs?
We have a week
to reschedule for no charge.
Like last year when you got the job.
I think it's good at
her age to meet new people.
She'll never see her grandma.
Oh, please.
Her grandma's
outlived Michael Jackson, Bowie,
Johnny Hallyday, Prince,
and that poor kid on Koh Lanta.
I wouldn't worry.
She's fit as a fiddle, hamdullah.
Don't sell the
pelt until you kill the bear?
Sometimes the bear
won't give you the time of day.
I'm talking to you.
In the end,
Zohra came to realize that sometimes
it's best to sell the pelt first.
Your flight change has been recorded.
Excuse me!
I'm coming.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Yeah, I changed
the ticket. That's right.
I'm sick of you.
You're in for it!
The travel agency emailed me.
- Why're you here?
- You changed the ticket?
I got open...
Stop it!
What the hell?
He hits you and you don't fight back!
Why do I teach you?
No more lessons!
End of the line, everyone out!
I'm going back to the depot.
Everyone out, please.
Sorry, engine
trouble. Back to the depot.
Thank you!
What're you doing?
Tell me what happened.
A friend of mine's leaving her place.
A one-bedroom.
5 min from Zina's school.
What do you say?
What're you waiting for?
Where is this going?
What is it you want?
Nothing. Let me out.
It's a way out. What do you want?
Open up.
Open up.
Think she can't take a divorce?
- You can't understand.
- Why not?
You don't have kids.
There're dozens of them
at school. She won't stand out.
5 min away from her school.
You go home after
work, you're alone with your kid.
How do you want this to end?
He plays soccer with her.
He watches cartoons,
does coloring books, juggles.
He takes her hands
and she walks on his feet.
He plays and tickles.
He knows how to
make her laugh, he makes faces.
She'll leave with him.
Open up. Please.
You can keep finding reasons to stay.
I've run out of reasons to shut up.
No, wait, Zina. Don't open the door.
Hello, ma'am.
Police. We'd like to
speak with Mr. Omar Hamidi.
What's going on?
I'll call you back.
Tell me what's going on.
- Mr. Omar Hamidi?
- Yes. What's going on?
Come with us.
We'll discuss it at the station.
Like hell I'm coming. Now?
Yes, right now.
Domestic violence.
Can't it wait? I
could come to the station...
Can I just talk to my...
Wait, just a minute.
I don't understand. What's this about?
Domestic violence.
We need to talk to your husband.
- Let's go quietly.
- This isn't the time.
It's in your best interest.
- Go to your room.
- Why are they here?
Come with us, please.
No, wait a minute!
We have an
important game. He can't leave.
Can't it wait?
Go, sweetie.
Calm down.
Can I have a second, please?
What do they want?
Come here, sweetie.
Give me a second.
Sweetie, the nice policemen
are looking for a bad guy.
So I'm leaving with them,
and if I can help them, that's great.
But I'll be back for your game, ok?
I promise I'll be there.
Gimme a smile.
I won't be long.
Look out for tackles.
Let's go.
Are the cuffs necessary?
We won! We won!
- Not at all.
- You sure?
Yeah. Will you be alright?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I'll come tomorrow at 10, ok?
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
You were perfect, habibti.
Any news from Dad?
Yes, he's
coming home. Don't worry.
Did you film us?
I filmed it all. Listen.
Wanna sleep at Marion's?
No, I wanna see Dad.
Ready to go?
Alright, off you go.
You'll see him tomorrow.
We'll watch the video with him.
So long.
How'd it go?
2 to 1 for Trappes.
She's at Marion's.
What for?
We need to talk.
Did you film them?
Fix me something?
What about me?
Not asking me how I am?
I mean...
The police in front of Zina.
- I didn't call them.
- Oh, yeah?
Then why isn't she here?
Why do we
need to talk? I smell a trap.
I'm leaving.
No, Zina!
Not without her.
Think I'll let her
leave with a hick like you?
You do it to yourself.
All by yourself.
Then you go and blame me.
You have a short memory.
I'm warning you.
If you leave, it's desertion.
If you take Zina,
it's kidnapping.
Go share a room
in an overcrowded shelter.
- Hey, Zina.
- We lost.
Excuse me.
She insisted on coming home.
I'm so sorry.
Your phone was off.
No, I'm the one who's sorry.
- You ok?
- Yeah, everything's fine.
Have a nice evening.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Back off!
Back off. Leave me alone!
Is there a problem?
No, there's work.
It's a juvie fest.
They'll scatter on their own.
What's the matter?
Could security do its job...
- Back to work?
- Yes, of course.
Leave me alone. Stop it!
Don't touch me!
I said leave me alone!
Leave her alone.
Are you nuts?
Got a problem?
Run for it!
Where is it?
What now?
My money.
What money? There's
no stashed money in this house.
So we each have our own money?
That's not why we married.
You have 30 sec to tell me where it is.
After that, you pass out.
Guess what I learned!
Daddy's sleeping.
Did you do it?
I'll be right there, sweetie.
I knew you could do it! I knew it.
It was nice to see her gain confidence.
But confidence is one thing,
cockiness is another.
Hi. Do you know where Zina is?
She left with her dad.
Ok, thank you.
Have a nice evening. Bye.
You've reached Dad's voicemail.
- No, Zina...
- Leave a message!
Yeah, it's me.
Let me know
where you are. Call me back.
You've reached Dad's voicemail.
- No, Zina...
- Leave a message!
Yeah, it's me.
Where are you?
Call me back. I
keep leaving messages.
Omar, it's me.
Call me to tell
me what you're doing.
I could join you.
You must be having fun.
We could have a blast together.
Call me back.
What're you up to?
Omar, it's me. It's me.
Call me back.
I have her passport.
You can't go anywhere.
And you know she'd choose me.
Before a judge, she'd say Mommy.
Why are you doing this?
Let's settle this.
You're going nowhere.
I'm here. Call me.
Where are you? Call me.
Call me back.
- Practice!
- I can't tonight.
Don't leave like that.
- Are you ok?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you sure? Yeah?
Where were you?
- I left you a message.
- I didn't get a message.
My battery died.
Where were you?
Hey, relax. Everything's fine.
We went to see
the national team practice.
And we got her
ball autographed. That's all.
Sweetie, tell your mom to relax.
Is what Daddy said true?
What did he say?
That you want to leave us.
Do your homework before dinner.
Isn't that what you wanted?
Don't talk so much in class.
Say goodbye!
A residence permit
not based on marital status
will be issued within a month.
But it's absolutely
essential that you press charges.
If you don't, you'll
be accused of desertion.
He could play the victim.
I want him to accept our separation.
In 3 months,
school's out. Then I'll do it.
And in the meantime?
I'll manage.
We're having sushi tonight.
Look, Mommy!
I love it, Daddy!
Zina, not in here, sweetie.
This means that this
summer I'm taking you to Nabeul.
Ever heard of it?
I'm taking you to the
beach. All day long in the sand.
And after the swimming pool, no rest.
We'll go to the Royal Resort.
The hotel Daddy booked.
What's it say?
"Open ticket."
What's it mean?
That you can go visit your friend.
- I can, really?
- Yes, really.
Look at your mom. Excuse me...
Is she looking jealous?
Yes, that's the
jealous eye. I know it well.
That is the angry eye.
Am I right or am I right? I'm right.
Angry eye rising. Almost there.
Now! See?
I know her.
Here. Give her this.
You have a present too, Mommy.
Aren't you opening it?
What is it?
Martial Arts of Shaolin.
The first time I saw your mom,
the very first time,
she was watching that on TV.
- Imitating all the movements.
- Really?
Um... Yes.
I don't remember, sweetie.
You do! I'm sure
she does it at her gym.
Please, Mom, can you show me?
Sweetheart, I'm serving dinner.
Look what Daddy set up.
The DVD's already in place.
Eat up, sweetie.
Omar could shower
them with gifts and sushi,
at this point, open or closed tickets
were no longer the issue.
Couscous doesn't hit back.
- You'll watch the game on the tablet.
- I don't mind.
See you in 7 beddy-byes.
We've never been apart so long.
Love you to bits.
Be careful, ok?
Take care, sweetie.
Behave, you two.
I will come and gobble you up!
Ok, be good!
Love you.
- Thanks so much.
- Don't worry, it'll go great.
Yes, I know.
Have fun.
Take care of yourself. Get some rest.
Count on me.
- If she doesn't behave...
- I'll drown her.
Try not to.
Ok, take care.
Bye, Sofian.
Bye, Mommy! Love you!
The divorce papers.
With a child custody proposal.
We have plenty of time to talk about it.
By now,
Zina is well on
the road with her friend.
No need for open tickets.
If I win, you sign, no complaints.
If you win?
And make sure Zina...
This isn't fair.
Because whether you win or I win,
I'm the one who goes to jail!
If you win, you can
slap me around once a month.
You're on.
Fuck, man!
- You forgot your origins.
- I know where I'm from.
Your boss doesn't
call you "sandnigger."
Hit him, instead.
I can throw a leg around, too.
Everything ok?
Are you sure?
- You good, gorgeous?
- Yes.
- Where ya goin'?
- Mommy's.
- Where?
- Mommy's!
Off we go to Mommy's, then.
Don't erase anything.
I won't, don't worry.
Hi, Mom!
Hey, pumpkin.
Zina's bag.
- Should I put it here?
- Yeah.
There's a slip to sign for Monday.
Cup of coffee?
- Sure.
- Ok.
I'd love one.
Sorry. Actually, I
won't have time for that coffee.
I hope...
So I'm off. I have to be somewhere.
I'll be back on Wednesday.
I'll call you.
See ya.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye, Dad!
- Mommy?
- Yes, sweetie.
What is it?
Listen to this.
What is it?
You just learned that?
I did.
Seriously? Is that it?
Don't you want
to see, I don't know...
Zohra meditating?
Zohra doing tutorials?
Or Zohra teaching?
Knees facing forward.
You don't?
Can we at least see what happened
right after Zohra messed up Omar?
Thank you.
Recap: Zohra's
just messed up Omar,
she hides out in her favorite spot,
and guess who's
there? Remember them?
Yes, them.
The mall and parking lot thugs,
who waited for
the final to loot stores.
Except that...
Schoch & Mariette Kelley.