Kurbaan (2009) Movie Script

I come here first
Listen you stand in queue
I'm aIready Iate
Turn back
Are you sick?
I did not know you are sick
You take this taxi
You are aIready Iate
Nothing wiII happen with 2 or 3 mins
You are Iate on first day
My car is with mechanic
Be carefuI for next time
And she is Avantika.
She teaches PsychoIogy
Do you know each other?
If you want anything then you
know where is my room
I did not know that...
I teach in this coIIege
And I dont say sorry
I wanna bring for coffee
Thanks but I dont Iike coffee
Then tea?
I aIso dont Iike tea
Then Iets have water
Do you drink water?
What he was saying?
Is it necessary to know everything?
Give me any concept
He wanted to have a coffee with me
I said no
I cant go with any cute boy
for a coffee
You never go with anyone
One day onIy KuIjeet Singh
wiII gi with you
He Iost after many years
against your Professor Khan
Professor Khan give me this for you
Why he send this to you?
Your parceI.
By mistake it come to me
I have send this to you
So that you know everything about me
You think by giving personaI detaiIs
we can know each other
Thats why having coffee together
is necessary
You wont ignore this?
About us?
We both know what is happening
in our heart?
You are very beautifuI
And now you aIso know that
I'm interested in you
What wiII happen in future
we dont know
I wiII invite you for coffee many times
You wiII say no first then
one day you wiII come
We wiII have romantic chat
In the beginning you wiII become angry,
but after that you wiII Iike them
Then you wiII feII in Iove with me,
then marriage and chiIdren
Then why are we wasting time?
You are fIying in the air
I wanna ask 2 questions
but you've to give the answer honestIy
do you think I'm handsome?
not at aII
your eyes are saying that you are Iieing
did you think about
me Iast night?
may be I thought
if a girI thinks about boy at night and
next day she goes with him for a coffee
we shouId move ahead
you think you are very smart
If you say then I trust
So Professor Khan I'm getting Iate,
I wanna go home
Then what's going one?
I have heard that you had
Iots of coffee with him
Dont teII me.
And I wont ask this again
Lets go to watch movie
after coffee
We work together
Then its not good in coIIege
Why dont you understand?
Everything wiII be compIicated
I toId you I'm not
feeIing scared
I'm feeIing nothing
What are you thinking?
I got maiI from New York University
They are caIIing me for
next semester
And you are going back?
My papa was sick thats why
I come here
There is not much scope here
and what about us?
my thinking is IittIe bit traditionaI
i dont beIieve in Iong
distance reIationship
if we have to Iive together then?
I have to reject offer of
New York University
And i have to stay here with you
its not necessary that
everytime a woman can sacrifice
I can aIso come with you
but what wiII I do there?
The thing you do here
There are Iots of university there
you can be a professor in any
we wiII decide it Iater
We have to taIk to your father
I aIways want that Avantika
marry with a Hindu boy
Dont take me wrong
In my heart nothing is bad for you
And not for MusIims too
I just beIieve there shouId be
Iess difference between coupIe
we Iove each other
in the beginning after marriage
the coupIe have much time for each other
they make a new Iife
when a window opens,
Iove fIys away first
if you want to Iive together then
you cant do anything with reIations
You have seen the Iife and I cant
say anything to you
But we have taken this
decision together
we think about this reIation aIot
when you both have taken decision,
then why are you asking me?
if we marry without your
then Avantika wiII be divided
and I dont want this.
so what do you want?
i give you my daughter without
thinking anything
and i say yes?
dont say bye to your daughter
accept me
we Iive in that house
we dont have pIace to sit,
furniture stiII not come
tonight some friends are coming
at our house, you both aIso come
if you have to Iive near our house,
then you have to come often
we wiII come
at what time?
they are our neighbours.
they Iive infront of us
gIad to meet you
this is my eIder brother.
everybody caIIs him eIder brother
they just shift in the house
infront of us
she is his wife
is it you Avantika?
sit down
Anjum is taIking about you
since afternoon
you were right.
she is a angeI
are you a professor?
what do you do?
Nothing is important than
house keeping
We dont have permission
to do job
Our husbands dont Iike that
we work
SaIma wants to say that our husbands
earn so much thats why we dont need to work
Nobody can know what is right and
what is wrong better than you
can we warm up the food?
I wanna say sorry for Iast night
can i come inside?
sit down
what happened?
he wiII kiII me
what are you saying?
My Iife is in danger
i know everything
you dont trust anyone
i dont understand SaIma
i dont have much time
Ana is my friend
caII her and teII her that
SaIma's Iife is in danger
onIy she can save me from here
i can caII her but he dont
aIIow me to caII
did AqeeI beats you?
teII her as soon as possibIe
dont teII it to anybody
you are here?
I come here to say sorry about Iast night
Avantika when you get time
then come at my house
they toId me to join as
soon as possibIe
what you did whoIe day?
i was waiting for you
today one thing was strange
SaIma came here,
she was scared
I mean very scared
before saying anything,
Nasreen bring her back
we have to heIp her
i think we shouId not invoIve
in this
if you saw her then you wouId
not say this
Avantika I can understand you
wanna heIp her
we even dont know them
what they do?
we dont know what is their probIem?
if tomorrow they interfere in our probIems
then how wiII you feeI?
we are their neighbours,
not reIatives
Iets eat
she went to her mother
house in the morning
do you want anything?
I wanna return her pIate
how are you?
stiII aIive
daiIy I pyayed for your safety
I was covering miIitary base for tomorrow's
news cast, their was a suicide bomb attack
they kiIIed 3 soIdiers
i got interview of them
just one day before
I wont Iet you go anywhere
but we have to meet father first
i promised him that I wiII meet him
before prayer
I thought you forget me
I dont know what good work
you did?
god has given you a very good girI
she was about to bring me
somewhere eIse from Airport
I toId her to meet you first
you went to Iraq to cover this?
sometimes cover us
Iet our voice to reach peopIe
i'm taIking about us
you wont understand
its my mistake
neither i bring you here, nor
you think Iike Americans
we are MusIims first,
not American
you toId peopIe that how many
US soIdiers died?
teII them what they are doing
with musIims?
to Iove our reIigion, from when
it becomes to fundamentaI?
shouId we order?
you toId me on the phone you
wanna taIk to me about SaIma
he covers stories with me
you can taIk infront of Ryaz
SaIma was saying that you
are her friend
once we had a internet chat
then we met for Iunch
after that i tried to caII her many times
but she did not pick the phone
she is in probIem i think
she was saying her husband wiII
kiII her
i dont know him but I have
heard about him
she dont aIIow SaIma to
go anywhere
she dont aIIow her to taIk to
Iast night i saw AqeeI was
beating her
I have to go tonight
once i come back from Iraq
then we wiII taIk
my husband is saying
I'm interfering
SaIam toId me thats why
I come here
give me your address.
you aIready have my number
hi Ehsaan.
when you wiII come back home?
nothing just come soon
is everything fine?
fIight 1 19 is on scheduIe
Iots of media is in that fIight
America wiII remember the
sound of this bIast
they have kiIIed SaIma
who? eIder brother and aII.
now they are gonna bomb bIast a fIight
they aII are standing there
nobody wiII do anything.
I'm here
we have to caII poIice
we wiII go inside and caII poIice
they must be here
pIease caII poIice
what are you doing?
you aII can come outside
its not necessary that a woman
can do sacrifice
i can aIso come with you
you are aIso invoIve with them
if you dont keep quiet then
we wiII kiII you aIso
you wanna kiII me?
kiII me
kiII me and kiII your
upcoming chiId
now what wiII happen?
if she dont go to university then
peopIe wiII ask
i wiII teII Dean that she is
she cant come for work
SaIma went to meet her
she must toId her everything
you know what you have to do?
she wont be danger for us
its my responsibiIty.
i wont trust you
she wont do anything
you married a non-musIim girI,
i said nothing
now i wont keep quiet
you had to stop yourseIf that time
you know why I did this?
she has American passport
Immigration person wouId not
doubt on me
you can fooI everyone, even yourseIf too.
but you cant fooI me
you Iove this girI
there are thousand ways to enter America
you remember we wanted to come
here in a IegaI way
we have decided we wont come here
Iike iIIegaI immigrants
we cant take that much big risk
she is now dangerous for us
we have to kiII her
its not necessary to kiII her
once you reach,
give me a caII
when you come back,
i wiII taIk to your parents
you did not find any other pIace
in this worId to propose me?
dont board that pIane,
there is a bomb in that pIane
there is a bomb in that pIane,
and my husband is invoIve in this
Tahir got matrydom
dont give wishes so earIy
airport security officer caIIed Hameed
he want some more money
he said this money is not enough
we want to paid more money
he give us threat
Brother Ieave this work on me.
Ahsan Brother she can't eat food
You taIk with her.
You use me.
everything is Iie.
You Iove thsi marriage everything is Iie.
Just for our chiId.
-Our chiId ahsan?
What do you think?
After knowing aII of this
i want to born this chiId.
i wiII die and aIso kiII him.
But i cant give take a part of you.
You can't do any thing Iike that
-Otherwise what?
What what
what ahsan?
Take it and taIk with your father.
Avantika daughter how are you?
Ahsan is with you?
TeII him his friends is compIetIy is
with in our famiIy.
Yes he didnt teII you?
His one friend Iiving with us.
His house is on renovation.
then ahsan teII him Iive with me.
Its Become a company.
You aIso know him.
taIk with him.
But papa.
-HeIIo avantika.
Everything is aIright?
You take care of ahsan.
i give company to your papa.
Avantika you know.
nothing wiII happen with you.
Not aIso with your father.
But for this you want to keep quiet.
If you not quiet then no body Iistening me.
Not bhai jaan and not aIso qureshi.
for this chiId
this is my chiId
and you too
dont board that pIane,
there is a bomb in that pIane
there is a bomb in that pIane,
and my husband is invoIve in this
dont board that pIane,
there is a bomb in that pIane
there is a bomb in that pIane,
and my husband is invoIve in this
i need some days Ieave
teII me the detaiIs
if we have strong Iead then we
have to teII this to poIice
if we teII them then
Iead wiII be dead
how can i recognize AItaf?
you'II find him aIone sitting
on IeveI 2
I hate them how they treat us
nothing wiII happen with anger
temperary it wiII caIm down
but it wiII aIways boiI inside
what do you do ryaz?
which identity?
in which worId you are Ieaving?
aII worId Iook us with one eye
i know but from which eye you
see yourseIf?
i dont Iike Iectures
in my cIass discussion is more
than Iecture
but SaIma was my wife
and she was a musIim too
she has to bury
she was invoIved with non-musIims
i toId you we wont do anything
if you say than we wiII bury her
in jungIe
if neighbours wiII smeII this then
they wiII doubt on us
you have to go to a doctor
I toId you dont do!
SaIma and Iawyer both body are in
hand of poIice how much time remain to reached there.
We want to stop everthing.
Nothing wiII be stop bhai jaan.
PIan is make Iike that.
PoIice found compIetey burned body.
not even hint of finger not any things.
Dont worry brother.
They never reach there.
You dont know idea of enemy ahsan.
Greetings father
Next friday before of prayer you want to go
GOD bIess you.
Why cant do any thing for musIim brothers.
What i do?
Dont know
any type of heIp.
i am ready ahsan.
but what i did when i am aIone.
Who teII you you are aIone.
what happen brother?
aqeeI IoneIiness accepted or not.
but its compIetIy accepeted our pIan.
i was thinking.
If we arrange someone eIse for manage
How you hire person Iike that.
AqeeI is staright and trained.
His pIace fiIIing is not easy we
give advertisement and every person give appIication.
One person is there.
how you Iive here
how you take breath here.
How you sIeep with out hamid anjum?
After knowing this how much he kiIIed
the peopIes.
aII of you go from here.
Before taIking think about this.
You aIso ruined her Iike you.
what i said wrong?
i know its aII
-what you know?
What you know?
I come from kabuI in pakitan after marry
with your brother.
I Ieave my both brother
iqbaI and fawad.
Before 3 years.
there is too much fired faII down.
Nothing wiII be remain.
everything finished.
iqbaI and fawad and aIso aII famiIy.
just God know how fawad's 6 years son saIeem saved.
But one bomb piece are stuck in his back bone.
he crying whoIe night.
he shout and want a death from GOD.
just 6 years son.
I cant toIerate his shouting.
One night he wiIII be die.
what is his mistake?
thats is he doubt some terrorist are hide there.
Because of some terrorist he finished aII afghanistan.
We just kiII some engIish person.
AtIest they know that.
how you feeI when own person is die.
its mean not Iike that.
- hey dont discuss about this
if you dont knwo about that.
then dont interfare.
you dont know when owns are far away
then what is worried.
we know that.
ahsan know that.
some years are past of his marriage.
when these preopIe fired bomb in his
viIIage in pakistan.
he Iost wife and 4 years son.
his eys was stone.
when he meet with bhai jaan.
After meet with us.
he got a target..
He know path of God.
Its mean everyone use me for aII of this.
Why you think Iike that?
He Iove with you.
You are mother of his son.
i saw in his eyes.
But you aIso Iove him.
Lets go now eat soem food.
No sister
i cant take breath in this room.
Can we go outside for some time.
You know that bhai jaan never giev permission.
-PIease just for a whiIe time.
She is not weII she need some fresh air.
Dont worry.
i cant take away from my eyes.
Before did any thing you must
think about your father face.
I dont knwo how its come inti my bag
I am not going.
You stay here and wait me.
dont go anywhere.
Avantika i want to taIk with you.
i heard you msg on answering machine.
So you know that they fixed bomb in pIane.
and they aIso kiIIed saIma.
and they know i know everything about him.
PIease take away me from here
and caII the poIice immediateIy.
No PoIice.
Who you husband.
My husband and everyone are
inoIved with him.
With whom?
-dont knwo there is one terrorist group.
my fatehr aIso with him
they captured.
pIease take away from me
Tonight i wiII come to your house.
-yes ahsan caII me.
its not a time to understand you.
when i coem to home
then dont recognise me.
nobody know that you know me.
what happen?
i paid him
Dont teII bhai jaan about that
understand Iets go.
sorry riyaz we take dinner earIy.
No ProbIem
she is my wife avantika.
And she is nasreen sister,
Greetings. How are you.
- Fine God BIess you.
If you need any thing then must teII me.
What you did?
at this time i am finding a job.
yes ahsan toId me you are finding a job.
How much you study?
From where?
Bhai jaan no question.
give him a chance to eat a dinner.
No not at aII
i did mechanicaI engeneering in new york.
So what?
after that
i am not intrested there.
So whats your intrest?
music, Reading.
Did you read Quran Shareef?
If bhai jaan want then he give Quran shareef
to every peopIe.
and nobody read that Iiek yours.
i heard you are using too strong word.
they discussion about isIam.
After heard about my nation
then i cant stop.
just word are strong or your
think is aIso strong.
You are right.
Just not anything happen with words.
Too much probIem soIved with discussion and diaIogue.
Sorry ahsan brother.
taIking time is finished.
so its mean we take weapons
these american not know any other Ianguage.
So we can kiIIed aII of them.
Not aII
Some americans.
Like 9/1 1
kiIIed 3 thousand but 50 crore peopIe scared.
then they know what is the mean of scared.
do you know how they give him worries?
because of strenght power
who is inside in true musIim.
that why he martyer without thinking.
how they have power Iike that.
they never give Iife for his own God.
is you give martyer Iike that.
Think carefuIIy and give me answer.
bhai jaan what i did?
that day you teII your heart is stone.
We wiII see.
bhai jaan why him
No No.
No any argue on the path of martyer.
you teII him just that
what he want to done.
i teII direct after that.
you didnt trust him
trust aIways run behind on time.
I am inside in car
what i am pass.
in thin exam.
or one more Iife was remain.
WeI aII of them are pIanned.
Your station is 42nd street.
avantika wants to go doctor.
I taIk with you after come back.
Keep care.
Avantika i promise you
soon i'II take out from here.
but they bIast aII of area
They give me aIso one target.
I want other stations name.
No i cant.
-avantika you cant do anything.
its was in ahsan study room.
find him.
i want this.
what happen.
you not sIeep.
Is not any thing come to normaI.
Now what is normaI i cant remember.
Years are past.
You wife and son isnt.
Sister ToId me.
Its too injustice with you ahsan.
but tiII that nothing wiII be finished.
Everything wiII be come back.
What you want.
Some time our decision is God Decision.
What you know
what is God Decision.
Is can we forget everything and become
Iike previous?
What are you doing here?
I take a miIk.
can i heIp you.
Yes why not.
give tea for everyone.
maybe riyaz drink coffee.
Bhai jaan this is Coffee.
Today my mood is Coffee.
I drink tea too much.
there is sugar
and you have diabetics
If you want coffee
then i take it without sugar.
Dont miss coffee Iike that.
thank you
you taIk with which person?
CaIIing to father.
Nobody teII me about your father.
There is no signaI inside
today 5o cIock appointment with doctor.
what is his name?
AmanuIIah Mansoor
Thats a number?
After today nobody use ceII phone.
what happen?
what they think?
what i did?
They never beIive me
-Bhai jaan fight too much wars.
They aIso didnt beIieve on himseIf.
Why they beIieve on you.
So what i did more ahsan
First your target too much missed.
First you right this.
and your bIood is too hot
keep cooI.
What you think
i wiII cheat you?
if you did then first i shoot you.
AIright i come back with riyaz.
What happen?
-probIem is there.
Bhai jaan caII back.
PetroI is finished
its must be refiII.
If saIma picture is in aII subways
then any one recognise him and inform to poIice.
just 4 days are remaining.
We cant take worries.
we want to strike tommorrow morning
but bhai jaan we are not ready
Its God decision.
Ready to aII womens.
Did you Iove me any time?
Or everything is Iie?
You didnt give my question answer.
Bhai jaan caIIing you.
Synide if you caught aIive.
i take saira anjum and avantika.
after that we meet on grand centraI.
avantika aIways with me.
Domt you worry.
God is with us.
Hand didnt moving
-Dont worry.
i never beIieve on him.
But Now nobody stop us.
I cant teII anyone
just nasreen know that.
what she know.
-Time square 5th avenue grand center.
and nobody doubt on her.
anjum- avantika-sakeena
they are innocent
and when we are wrong?
sister no
sister Iisten to me
i toId you if you cheat us
then i wiII shoot you
if you cant said
then i know very weII.
You are enjoyed
after take a Iife.
Shoot me.
But dont think just for one minute its
work of ALLAH.
Becasue in ALLAH work
not kiIIed innocent peopIe.
when bomb are bIasting
just innocent peropIe wiII be die.
(KaIma MusIim)
Bhai jaan put a bombs in avantika anjum and saeeda.
and they dont know.
we want ti stop her.
Leave him sister
They was right he musguide you with
your target.
But now no profit ahsan.
This bomb must be bIast.
But my chiId
-chidrens are daiIy dying
in iraq and afghanistan for finished thrist of
this engIish peopIe.
You thank fuII to God
you chiId are martyr.
I am sorry
Sister pIease
keep quiet
You cant feeI it.
You go from here.
avantika go
Listen to me.
Iook at me...
You have to go.
I never think i Iove with you.
You Iove me
i am sorry.
You dont down this time.
You have to go.
Just because of this chiId,
and dont see back.
your name
reaI name