Kurtlar vadisi: Gladio (Valley of the Wolves Gladio) (2009) Movie Script

During the cold war, NATO countries
set up an organisation...
...that would counter the threat
of a Sowjet invasion of Europe.
This organisation was secret
and so powerful...
...that it could influence
the goverments of member countries...
...and if necessary
change them.
The name of this Organisation is
lskender Byk.
Mother name: Cevriye.
Father name: Musa.
Place and date of birth:
lstanbul 01 .01 .1955.
Place of residence:
lstanbul, Uskudar, Kuzguncuk.
Nationality: Turkish.
Single. No prior criminal record.
Retired civil servant.
- Who told you that l'm retired?
- So, what are you doing?
What l always did:
Serving my state!
And what did you do for the state?
February 1993 - Bekaa Valley
- What's going on, Commander?
- They found out we're here!
Are we going back, Commander?
Come on, stand up!
The soldiers are here!
lt's a raid!
lntercept them.
Go to the Bixi!
Where's Apo?
Where's Apo?
- He's gone.
- Gone, where?
He's gone.
Make her speak.
Where did Apo go?
l don't know.
lf in the next ten years this process
shapes up...
...like we presume,
then Turkey....
Professor. You have a call.
lt's urgent.
l'll be right back.
- Hello?
- Apo escaped.
- What do you mean he escaped?
- He simply escaped.
He's somewhere here
but can't find him...
Where are you?
lnside the house.
Someone sold us out!
They're surrounding us.
Do you know where the canoe is?
Don't move!
Hands up!
How was your trip?
Who else knew
about this operation?
Just the two of us.
Good! So you're the one who
threw me into PKK's arms?
Did you forget what we taught you
about betrayal?
lf it's not those who make
the operation...
Then it's those who gave
the operation order!
Sir, this is a state secret.
lt doesn't concern this case.
Are you going to teach me
what's a state secret or not?
l don't want these men.
These arrogant types can't defend me.
An attorney is not a clown.
lt's an honorable job!
lskender Buyuk, you can't stand trial
without an attorney.
lskender! Stop him.
What are you doing?
ls there a better attorney than me?
l've defended my country
alone for years.
l can certainly defend myself.
- Show the court some respect!
l'm unmasking Gladio here.
Do you have the guts to listen?
- Your honor.
This man is on trial
for attempted coup.
He knows that
he will be sentenced to life.
He just tries to evade it.
This is the reason of his anxiety.
l'm not afraid of death sentence,
neither of life sentence.
lf my state wants to see me
on the gallows, l'll be there.
Or to throw the keys to my dungeon,
so be it. But the main issue...
...is not what the state wants...
...it's about its survival...
...to gain full independence.
l will tell you.
l will tell you about the second man
of the Gladio!
Write this down!
lskender Buyuk will reveal
the second man!
You have a visitor!
l don't want to see any visitors,
don't you get it?
lt's your new attorney.
You have to come!
Which idiot did they send this time?
l don't know idiot or not!
But this time it's a woman.
Be ready in ten minutes.
Hi, Attorney Ayse Ylmaz.
l was assigned to defend you.
l don't know much about the case.
lf you could inform me a little...
- How old are you?
- l'm 30. Actually l'm 29.
But l was born in January,
so you can say 30.
- Who was your penal law professor?
- Professor Kksal.
Then leave and
let him come instead.
l'm going to pay him a visit;
l'll give your regards to him.
Miss Attorney.
Tell me...
...should this case be handled...
...at the military penal court or here?
Were you a civil servant
when you've committed these crimes?
- ls that how you're going to defend me?
- No, sorry, l didn't mean to say so.
You're going to waste my time by
judging me at your will, is that so?
May l correct?
lf you've committed the crime in
a military territory--
You've already accepted
that l've committed a crime!
- And you are going to defend me?
- By crime l meant....
...the criminal charge. lf there's been an
illegal order, and lf we can prove that...
...they were ordered by statesmen...
Military court or not?
l don't know the military legislations.
But after studying a little
we can talk in details.
Did you...
...fill in your exam sheets with this?
- No.
- lt figures.
No one would let you pass
with your ignorance.
l haven't been rude to you.
Look at me.
l'm lskender Byk.
They want my blood, my life, they want
everything l have and destroy me.
And that's why they send me an
incapable young attorney like you.
l'm used to it.
But how can't you see it...
...and think that you can defend me?
Don't you ever suspect that
they befool you?
Just as you don't doubt
that you've served the country...
My case...
...isn't an attorney training case.
And l'm not a babysitter.
Mr. lskender.
Mr. lskender.
Mr. Byk.
Mr. Byk.
- Where's his attorney?
- Didn't show up, your honour.
skender Byk,
where's your attorney?
l've sent her back to the law school.
You have to settle for an attorney
or l will assign one to you.
And won't allow you to dismiss him.
Write down.
As the defendant's lawyer
didn't attend the trial...
Excuse me, your honor.
You know, traffic in lstanbul...
Delete the last sentence.
Where were we in his statement?
l was going to say who notified Apo
about the operation.
Who was your source?
l told you l was brothers in arms
fought shoulder to shoulder....
...with the second man in Gladio.
He gave me the orders
and the information.
l don't have any other source!
What is the name of the second man
in Gladio?
l will tell his name when the time comes.
Without this mentioned second man,
the trial would be inadequate.
My client didn't act
without his knowledge.
Tell his name, skender Byk.
lf l say when the time comes,
l'll tell it then.
Since l'm on trial for a life sentence,
since every single day papers...
...and the media is talking about
what kind of a monster l am...
...since you're telling that l'm the one
who made all the massacres...
...so you have to know to wait!
lt's whatever l say...
...and whenever l want.
An organization
whose existence is uncertain...
...a second man
whose name you don't tell.
Do you also know the first man?
The first man's name
isn't important at all.
l can say John, Jack or William.
Can you bring him before the court?
Where were we?
''The second man of the Gladio'' he said:
''Late President of the Republic...
...notified Abdullah calan and
gave him the opportunity...
...to escape.''
- Why would he do something like this?
The one who notified Apo
wasn't the President.
l've learned that after his death.
Write down.
The President isn't the one who
denounced the operation...
...against the terrorist leader calan,
even though l thought that it was him.
l've learned the truth
after the President's death!
After his assassination.
They can't do anything without us
in this region.
Mr. President, did you inform
the terrorist leader...
...about the operation?
What are you talking about, son?
lf we could have killed the terrorist
leader the organization would've...
...collapsed in a month and
this issue would be over.
There's nothing more dangerous for this
country than talking without knowledge.
Do you know what the organization
is going to do...
...in the hands of Apo's successors?
So, why did you give the order
to kill him?
Since l gave the order, you should
have killed him!
He knew we were there.
You'll send in troops
from here to Mosul...
...you'll build up you own safety zone...
...then Mosul and
Kirkuk will be yours.
You'll see if the countries
who support terrorism...
...will obey you or not?
PKK is today's issue,
not tomorrow's.
Tomorrow's issue is the Kurdish issue.
And its solution is simple. A bigger,
more democratic, more powerful Turkey!
How dare you to talk like this
to the President?
Didn't you tell that this man
sold us out?
Yes, l did.
But l didn't tell you
to make it public like that.
l'm not making it public,
l'm just asking him.
What was he supposed to say?
''Yes, l told him.''?
He should know
that it is known.
You can't achieve anything
by yelling.
We can't make it
with this president.
- How come?
- Listen.
He does it all to invade
Mosul and Kirkuk.
That will lead to our separation.
We talked about this many times.
So, what do you say?
The president will hold
a press conference on Monday.
He wants to make a fait accompli
out of the federation issue.
lf he is still President on Monday...
...there will be no Turkey no more.
And we will carry the burden.
No, we won't.
We can't.
ls there going to be anyone else
in the kitchen?
- No.
- Good.
Yaar Topu, Minister of Transport and
his Kuwaiti counterpart...
...Habib Cevher Hayat have signed
today an agreement...
...at the Esenboga airport.
Mr Topu has stated that the protocol
includes besides transportation...
...also cooperation
in telecommunication.
Topu further said that the protocol
will strengthen the ties...
...between the two countries and--
Despite all efforts
we couldn't save the President.
Congratulations, this is it!
You've wasted the fat guy.
You'll go down in history.
Go on, accept the congratulations!
l'll do so.
Today is my day.
l'll accept everything!
Professor Hilmi zkutlu received a call
from the Presidential Residence...
...and was informed about the
state of the President.
Meanwhile the President
was being sent to the...
...Glhane Military Hospital.
Brigadier General Prof. Dr. mer arlak
was informed.
Because of the emergency, the President
was accepted to the Hacettepe Hospital.
What's going on?
No more calls.
l've unplugged it.
What happened?
This Ersever,
he's getting on my nerves!
He's a bit crazy but fine.
Did he hear it?
What did he say
that annoyed you this much?
Nothing. He sent his regards.
lf we can find this second man...
...you can walk away free.
How am l going to do that?
The confession of the second man
would change the course of this case.
When this secret organization is unmasked
you would only receive a minor sentence.
You start talking like a lawyer.
Fancy legal words and such.
But you forget something.
Do you realize how dangerous
this organization is?
l respect what you've done
for this country...
...not as a lawyer
but as a human.
Forget it.
- l've read about you...
- l said forget it.
Winning this case...
...will make me the most
famous lawyer in Turkey.
l guess l don't have to say that this man
has to appear before court.
Get me out of here...
...and leave the guy to me.
lf we can find him, it would be easier
to arange a release.
Make them transfer me to a hospital.
He'll come to me.
You've got diabetes,
can you fake a faint?
The former commander of JlTEM...
...Major Ahmet Cem Ersever...
...has invited him to Ankara...
...and asked from him to come alone--
Why did he want you to come alone?
- He didn't want him to know.
- Who's him?
- Him.
- Who's he?
skender Byk,
you're wasting our time.
You're going to tell us the name
of the second man in your organization.
l'm not telling that name...
...to protect your lives.
Your Honour, my client has diabetes,
can l give him water?
Do so.
Are you better now?
Let me open up the drip a bit.
Put on your badge.
How am l supposed to know
that you are a doctor?
lf you should need anything...
...press the button and
our friends will come to help.
You're going to be
discharged tomorrow morning.
Good night.
Are you ok?
l feel awful.
l can't drive.
ls this your hideout?
Nobody would
think about this place.
Do you think we're
running away from guards?
l'm telling you, Gladio.
l'm totally down
and can't listen.
l have to breath.
You can breathe off-shore.
- Off-shore?
- Start the engine.
What now?
You're going to be suspended.
l don't give a damn about that.
l've killed someone.
There is a time...
...in life where everybody
is forced to kill.
You just had that moment.
You'll find out what's going to happen
as you go along.
l can't live with that.
l'm going to turn myself in.
Let's find Fuat and
l'll take the blame for that.
Do you think you can find
a solution for everything?
My fingerprints are on the gun.
That's not important.
You won't be able to sleep
a couple of nights...
...you'll have nightmares,
feel sick...
...you'll hate yourself...
...then it'll pass.
You've solved this too.
You wanted to be famous,
now you are.
l wanted to be famous
with my profession.
- Listen Ayse.
- Leave me alone!
l'm not coming with you.
As long as l don't turn myself in,
it won't matter if you do.
- Anyway.
- Stop being so stubborn.
You'll do as l say.
- How are you going to find him?
- l know where to find him.
- Are we waiting for Fuat Aras?
- No.
We're waiting for the man
who'll lead us to him.
Maybe he's inside?
We would've noticed.
He travels with a crowd
and very loud.
You had a good relationship with
this second man, right?
When did you become enemies?
l've erred many times in my life.
But was only deceived once.
l didn't know
we actually served Gladio.
We were an independent team working
for the State, l have thought.
November 1993 - Ankara
- You're alone, right?
- You said so.
- Did you tell anyone you're here?
- No.
Come in.
Get us tea.
Did you say Fuat anything?
Let's talk first.
l'll tell him if necessary.
He fooled all of us.
We didn't notice.
l'm going to bed.
Go then!
Get out of my sight!
You didn't get any sleep in the mountains.
You were on watch the whole night.
Cem. Cem, calm down.
Nothing will happen to you.
We won't let that happen.
Who did inform Apo
about the operation?
- The President.
- That's a bull!
l've asked him myself.
He didn't say no.
Who do you think Fuat is?
Listen, lskender. We have
sold drugs together.
We also sold weapons.
What else?
What do you know about Fuat?
We thought we were
doing everything for the state.
Who did get the money?
Fuat. l have a file on that.
All files
will surface one day.
l know every breath
Fuat takes.
Even his call to Apo
is in the file.
Show me.
- Do you think l'd keep it here?
- What do you want from me?
You're going to read the file.
But l need a favor.
You'll mediate between me
and that bastard.
l will burn the file and he'll let me
live abroad.
l have a question.
Why should Fuat
do such a thing?
Planing an operation with me
and then informing Apo?
Do you think
you're protecting your fatherland?
After a while there won't be an lskender.
They'll dump you somewhere.
That bastard Fuat,
is from Gladio.
Which Gladio?
You've freaked out
and suspect everybody.
Who did pick you and me?
Because we were good soldiers?
Why are they wasting us now?
skender, don't ever forget.
You would order the worstjob...
...to the best patriot.
Do you see any of us
in the command ranks?
No. Where are we?
At the front.
All decisions come from abroad.
They decide who's with Gladio
and who's not.
Where is the file?
Come back tomorrow
You'll get to see it.
Call me, Fuat.
lt's me, skender.
- Where are you, skender?
- With a friend.
Which friend?
You don't know him.
Come to the warehouse,
when you're done there. lt's important.
Come skender.
Cem was explaining
how he betrayed us.
He was just about to say where he hid
the money, when you arrived.
- Which money?
- You corrupt bastard.
Did we trust in him? We did.
Did we make him leader of the
anti-terror unit? We did.
He sold drugs
together with PKK.
What did Cem tell you?
Do you think this dog
saves his pension?
Shouldn't we punish him for that,
Who doesn't sell drugs these days?
Fine, l'm not against
selling drugs.
He sold our weapons to PKK
and got heroine for it.
l asked him where he got
the weapons from.
That bastard says
''From lskender.''
And the money,
where is it?
l'm fed up with that.
The punishment for betrayal
is certain.
Shoot him one
in the head!
We need to talk.
Are you two partners?
We need to talk.
Are you two partners...
...or not?
Chief, leave the house immediately.
What's this assasination?
l've declared truce...
...but you want to kill me.
Stop talking. The special forces are
at your door. Get out of there.
- Chief, leave the house immediately.
- What's this assasination?
l've declared truce
but you want to kill me.
l was scared
when l saw you the first time.
Your name was so big...
...l thought
you could read my mind.
l didn't think
that you could be deceived.
Have you ever been in love?
l loved my country so much...
...that l couldn't see
anything else.
Not even Fuat and Gladio
who were right under my nose.
Don't move!
Step out of the car!
l held her at gunpoint
and told her to come with me.
Why did you take
your lawyer along?
Why did you need her?
l thought l would arise less
suspicion with a woman
lt didn't look like
you used force.
Well, she's not my enemy.
Only my lawyer.
Although l abducted her.
Are you going to be suspended?
l won't let go
of this case.
l believe in your innocence.
l'll do anything in my power
to prove it.
They are going to
disbar your lawyer.
She won't be able
to work as lawyer any longer.
l'm not going to eat.
Dog of the state!
Did you lose your master?
Gladio's bastard!
Lawyer Haim trk.
Sir. l didn't have much time
to investigate your case.
l'm going to ask for an
extension from the court.
Forget the extension.
We don't need time.
Did you talk to my lawyer?
Just on the phone.
She sent me the files.
You didn't mention the name
of the second man.
Blent Fuat Aras.
Excuse me?
Blent... Fuat... Aras.
There is now an investigation
about the death of the President.
They're going to get your statement.
We should prepare our case.
Do you need anything?
l have to talk to
skender Byk for five minutes.
l'm sorry.
Give us two minutes.
Fine. Please.
l wanted to wish you good luck.
Are you OK?
Yes. l'm on vacation.
And you?
l'm better now.
l've run over the details
with your lawyer.
l don't know your decision yet
but you have to give Fuat's name.
What are you doing?
We did find your Fuat.
- And where is he?
- Blent Fuat Aras.
Born in 1937.
Fine, fine. That's him.
Blent Fuat Aras died in 1994.
Are you making fun of us?
Fuat Aras is alive.
Did you find that?
No. We found his grave.
l'm telling you
Fuat Aras is alive.
Are we going to believe you
or the state?
Well, l believed the State.
You shouldn't.
l will tell the court...
...the whereabouts of Fuat Aras...
...but only in private.
- What do you mean?
- Your honor.
We want a closed session.
Fuat Aras is alive.
He is in lstanbul.
We want to know where he is
but you're not telling us anything.
You don't have the power
to bring him here.
Your honor, the authorities would obstruct
the search for Fuat Aras.
- That's what Mr. Byk means.
- Set me free.
l'll bring him myself.
He wants to be released.
That's for sure. The accused
has a nice plan.
He wants to put the blame
on a deceased man and walk free.
Were you at the concert hall
because this man is an opera fan?
That wasn't Fuat.
l was waiting for the man
who would lead me to him.
- And who's that?
- l can't disclose his name either.
He is a 4-star general.
You don't get it.
Forget the police. Even if you
go to the general...
...you'd stand there in awe,
shake his hand...
...and return.
And Fuat would
burry him instantly.
January 1994 - lstanbul
Our financial support to your paper
doesn't seem to have an end.
With the money we gave you,
we could've bought Turkey.
Come on.
The paper prices go up.
The government is pressing us.
We fight for independence
on our own.
Are you telling me
how independent you are?
There should be a lighter somewhere.
lt's in the drawer.
What's going on?
You're deep underground, Fuat.
Here we are.
You and me.
Give me a decent answer...
...so l bury you here
and walk away.
Take it off.
You're going to tell me everything.
Fuat, who are you?
Who are you working for?
Who else is on your team?
- They have deceived you.
- You did.
We risked our lives
Whoever told you this
is deceiving you.
l can prove it all.
Why are you smiling?
l took you for smarter.
Such a pity.
Chief, leave the house immediately.
What's this assasination?
l've declared truth...
At least you're going to tell
the truth on your way to hell.
skender. We have big plans.
lf you don't do anything stupid...
...then we'll control
the entire country.
Everything works for us.
The American
have a new project.
They're ready to do
whatever it takes.
l'm sorry.
They'll have to do without you.
The American have
endless projects.
Come on lskender, military coup.
Come on lskender,
the USSR will break up.
Come on lskender,
Central Asia.
Come on lskender,
Middle East.
Come on lskender,
skender is great...
...but worn out.
We did love our country, man.
Not a whore that causes us
trouble day and night.
Stop or l'll kill him.
Pride Night
For The Retired General
You have a visitor.
At this hour?
The judge
wants to see you.
How shall l know
that he is the judge?
He should come here
if he wants to see me.
Give me an hour.
Fuat will tell you the rest,
not me.
The President made you the chief
of the intelligence.
And you made a coup.
The President
gave me a duty...
...and that l did.
We did the coup of Februar 28th
all together.
We thought that the effect of this
postmodern coup...
...would last 1000 years.
lt lasted only 5.
So we gave up the idea of
postmodern coup...
...and decided to make
a classic one.
Why were you not able to do it?
General Notac is not coming.
We're aborting the operation.
What does that mean?
lt means we've come to light.
So what?
Everything will be over in no time.
We'll have the control.
Are you planning a coup?
You can do as you wish
after l'm retired.
A coup is a man's job.
Don't go crying because
the country is run by this imam.
Soon you'll end up praying together.
lf Yetim finds out about this
then we're done.
As long as Yetim is
chief of staff...
...this coup is bound
to be an orphan.
Rewind that.
More, more.
Slow motion.
Can you zoom in on that guy.
Can you sharpen it?
Damn you
and your whole family.
Let him in.
- Erhan, you can leave.
- Yes, sir.
We did the right thing.
lf we hadn't aborted the operation
they would've made the people lynch us.
Fuat, right?
Which Fuat?
You acted on his orders,
Get out of my sight!
Who do you think you are
to talk to me like that?
He asked you to bring me in
on this, right?
You're crazy.
You'll be sentenced
to death for this.
General, did you inform the others?
Sure he did.
He told them
what kind of a bastard you are.
Release me
before he runs away.
l've dedicated my life to put people
like you behind bars.
You can still do that.
But notjust me.
Put everyone like me,
all Gladio members...
...all gang members behind bars.
They all say ''We were used.''
''The state ordered us
and we did it.''
l'm not saying
that l'm innocent.
l want to fulfil my last duty
against my nation, my state...
...my country.
Let me find this Fuat
and bring him in.
Then we can clean this mess.
lf you take this for a duty
then be a secret witness.
And l'll set all
authorities in motion...
...and take them all in.
You won't get anywhere
with statements and witnesses.
Don't you get it?
Unless they are all unmasked...
...we can't achieve anything.
They are everywhere.
Maybe you're one of them.
And l talk in vain.
Just a second.
You can do it in your cell.
- ls there a problem?
- l'm waiting for the guardian.
- l'll give him a lift to the bus station.
- Fine.
Mr. Aydn.
What are you doing,
are you insane?
There is no return for me.
Your trunk is open.
- Thank you.
l won't forget this.
lf you're lying, l'll be in the
next cell from you.
Then l won't forget
what you've done either.
lt was marvellous.
My congratulations to you
and friends.
We're just performers.
You've created a masterpiece.
l'll be right back.
What are you doing here?
You have a disgusting music taste.
l'm here to puke.
What do you want from me?
Where is Fuat Aras?
Will Miss The General
To Nizam.
This is it.
l said ''This is it.''
Are you deaf?
What are you doing?
You're making a mistake.
- Sir, you're deeply mistaken.
- Shut up, Fuat.
Which Fuat?
This is a mix-up.
A likely story.
Sir. You're making
a big mistake.
Come on.
Lie, huh?
Your whole world
is based on lies.
Even your humping is not real.
lf l hadn't wished so
you're heart would've been still now.
You would've died
in that ambulance.
l didn't let that happen.
You're so fond of me, huh?
You still had many services
to do for us.
We invested a lot effort in you.
Where's your Gladio?
Are they going to come
with a chopper now?
skender. Let us fight together
against them.
- Against whom?
- l know their weak spots.
We'll use Gladio.
l have many experienced men.
We could run this land
and control the region.
You're about to die
but still keep talking about...
...ruling, deception
and lies.
Why would l deceive you?
l was going to tell you all.
l was waiting for the
right moment.
Forget it.
Tell me why you're back.
Because of you.
You chase anything to the end.
Go. Go to jail.
lt's very comfortable there.
Do you know what you don't get?
You're going to die.
Even if you kill me or not.
After all what you've told
in the court...
...you'll be wasted.
Nevermind who's going to be wasted.
You'll be the first
to be wasted.
- Where's Fuat?
- Dead.
Are you ok?
Just some little problems
because of my diabetes.
Shall l bring you insuline?
So, what's your decision?
l gave the judge my word.
l'll go back
and tell everything.
The man is dead, you don't have
any documents. This is futile.
They will provide all sorts of documents
to put the blame on Fuat.
Why did Gladio
give up on Fuat Aras?
A new era has begun.
And there's no place for Fuat.
The Neo-Ottoman era.
lt is obvious that in the Middle East
the Arabs and lsraelis...
...won't make peace.
The Arabs need a shepherd
so that they don't...
...keep blowing each other up.
Would the Arabs
listen to us?
They will.
As long as the Arabs
are ruled by puppets...
...they will listen to us.
Why do you want to know?
Are you going to be a politician
or Gladio member?
l'm just curious.
ls Turkey trustworthy?
Ask the kids, they all
want to be prime minister.
Some even want to
conquer the whole world.
lf there is no trouble
brewing for the Turks...
...then the Turks would be
a trouble to the whole world.
That's why they want to
separate the Kurds.
But they will fail.
They sit in a lab
and produce projects.
They seem to fit in the lab,
but won't fit us.
How shall we know
who's from Gladio?
lf there is a crowd...
...and a violent minority in it...
...Gladio is there.
Dear Aye,
can you give me water?
He didn't have any bodyguards.
Not even a carriage
did follow us.
Now you're in trouble too.
How come?
You're now an enemy
of Gladio.
l'm not their enemy.
You're not going to be able
to talk anymore.
You don't have anything
to tell anyway.
Come in.
Come in, counsellor.
l came to congratulate you.
You didn't have to.
- Good luck for your new post.
- Thank you.
l'll be expecting your visit
if you should come to Ankara.
l've got many cases
in the supreme court.
Were you sent to Ankara
because you refused to close...
...the Gladio case?
- They've decided like this.
lf you go, nobody will take on
the Gladio case.
lskender has opened a big,
wide road for us.
Not only the justice system
should follow that road...
...but also the entire nation.
lstanbul 28, Bursa 29.
zmit and Balikesir...
skender Byk was found guilty
on all charges.
He is now in a welfare home
because of his illness.
Some experts criticize
that the Gladio case...
...is still open.
They claim that the organization
is now unmasked...
...and that this decision
is a mistake.
Some lawyers say that unless all members
of Gladio are not brought to daylight...
...the organization
can never be destroyed.
The future will show
who's right.
One thing is for sure,
Gladio will stay...
...on Turkey's agenda
for a long time.