Kurz und schmerzlos (Short Sharp Shock) (1998) Movie Script

What the fuck?
What are you doing?
Let go of me!
Are you OK?
- I must speak with you.
- Yes.
I've heard that you're going to work
with Albanians.
Of course not, really.
- Don't you lie to me punk!
- No, uncle, please!
Don't you ever come back!
By your late mother,
I'll break your bones.
May I introduce you?
My dearest brother Gabriel,
just out of the can.
My precious, wonderful and dear
best friend and partner, Alice.
I'm glad to finally meet you.
You can kiss.
We have a gift for you.
It's a Phurba dagger.
- A what?
- Phurba.
It's Buddhist and brings good luck.
It will protect you from the demons
on the road to salvation.
- We've made it ourselves.
- It'll come in handy.
- Muhammed Ali.
- Bobby Capone.
You're back!
You're back!
A hug!
You've lost weight and look like Gandhi.
What happened to you?
No kebabs where I was.
Fuck kebabs!
I'll fatten you until
they come out of your ears!
Come, I want you to meet somebody.
Alice, do you know who this is?
You can't know.
This guy's a legend.
Altona's toughest guy!
Forget the dudes on TV.
They're wimps.
This guy's a real killer.
Baby, this is Gabriel.
Baddest mother fucker!
Gabriel, you know who this is?
I'm a lucky guy!
No whore-like blond.
She's my dream come true.
Look at her, she's an angel.
The mother of my children,
if I ever have them.
This is my girl.
Look at her, she's a darling.
- Alice, shall we dance?
- Yes, come on.
- So?
- So what?
What do you think?
It thought busty blonds were your type.
Times have changed.
Now I look for inner beauty and all that.
- Inner Beauty?
- Inner Beauty.
- What's this, mate?
- What is what?
A bomber jacket.
Did you take a look in the mirror?
- I'm fine.
- You look like shit.
Look at yourself and look at me.
You're looking smart.
Don't you think you've fucked up?
Fucked up?
You tell me!
You know very well that Cenk
will only get married once.
Let's hope so.
Don't fuck around.
Tonight I answer
for all of you.
Do you know what that means?
Have you seen the vultures
hanging out there?
They see you and they come
to me, not to you.
So what?
Come on, a kiss.
What did I tell you on the phone?
I forgot.
Why are you doing this, Costa?
Why don't you listen to me?
Why should I listen to you?
Are you better than me?
I don't want to go on, understand?
I am fed up with him.
But I don't know how
to make him understand.
Write him a letter.
A letter?
That's too childish.
I have to get to the point and tell him:
"Costa, I want out."
Won't you give him another chance?
He loves you madly.
What's he going to do without you?
I no longer feel anything for him,
you understand?
Is there something else?
What do you mean?
There is something else!
Going out with someone else?
What makes you think that?
You're with someone else!
Who is he? Do I know him?
Tell me!
Take it easy!
Yes, I met someone else.
- I love the way you dance.
- Really?
The way in which you move
turns me on, you know?
- Are you alone?
- No, with my husband.
With your husband.
Then tell him I envy him.
I really envy him.
That's better, dude.
- Nice suit!
- Yes, it's nice.
And it's mine, dude!
You look good.
So do you.
- We're all looking good.
- And we're together again.
Can you get away for an hour?
What for?
We have a surprise for you.
A small surprise.
- Little surprise.
- Enormous.
- What have you have been doing?
- This and that.
And more of that.
What you mean?
- I'm still stealing.
- And I'm still selling.
Costa, I've heard that you
treat my sister like shit.
You've heard that I
treat her like shit?
- That's what I heard.
- Where did you hear it?
- It's getting around.
- So it's getting around.
Be careful not to lose her, dude.
She's a wonderful girl.
And why don't you tell her
she's with a wonderful guy?
What are you laughing at, honey?
Nothing, you seem so naive.
Where are we going?
Let us surprise you.
In a moment you might be
getting some
What are you plotting?
The little bird is free again.
My puma!
Have a good one, mate.
Got a laptop.
Hip Hop!
Tip Top!
- Eight.
- One.
No motherfucker is gonna give
you a grand and you know it.
You know it, so here's eight.
You're playing dumb.
OK, nine.
You moron.
Go to hell!
Give me eight.
Give me the laptop.
Cheating on me, dude?
There's only seven here!
- Just seven!
- You can be a rat sometimes.
A real rat.
Our friend comes back and you
won't pitch in for the gift!
You're pulling my leg,
you yugo-swindler.
So it goes.
Life goes on.
So it goes?
Can't you give me another 100?
"Can't you give me eight?"
OK, eight.
But that's it.
Real nice guy!
Leave her alone.
We're out of money.
Better give it to Miro
who's going to kick your ass in.
Where you were, son?
Your brother's getting married
and you disappear.
As soon as you see your friends,
you go blind
It was just 15 minutes.
You must have a Japanese watch.
It's been a whole hour.
I'm sorry, father.
It's all right, just don't do it again.
God bless, son.
May God keep you safe.
Congratulations, daughter.
May God keep you safe.
God bless.
May God be with you.
Mommy's boy, can't stay
away from your mother.
Congratulations to both of you.
- God bless.
- Thanks.
- You're looking great.
- Thanks.
- I'm glad you're out.
- Thanks.
Nice hair style.
You look like a movie star.
Here's a hundred.
Did mom give it to you?
Of course.
- Don't get drunk.
- What's that?
Tomorrow you'll drive the taxi.
I can't,
the cops have my license.
You'll drive with mine.
But just one fuck up and
I'll chop your head off.
- OK?
- OK, fine.
- And now have fun.
- OK.
Cenk, you tiger!
Bobby, you lion!
Let's see, carefully thanks.
I won't prick your belly.
Though it would've been worth it.
I wish you both the best.
Children, good health, money
I don't know, the whole thing.
And if you need anything,
just give me a ring, OK?
Of course.
Take care of yourself.
Beautiful couple,
dream couple.
God bless.
- Cenk.
- Costa.
You got married, dude.
You're crazy! I'm sorry.
- You should do it too.
- I have something for you.
Where should I stick it?
A hundred?
Put it there!
That's it. God bless.
- How are you going to make a living?
- I'll drive the taxi again.
- Drive the taxi?
- I'll be driving the taxi.
Taxi driver is not bad,
but wouldn't you prefer to work for me?
Doing what?
I'm starting with the
Albanians next week.
A Serb with Albanians?
That's what's called multicultural.
I didn't know.
- So, what do you say?
- No
Why not?
Don't want to be involved in
dirty business. That's over for me.
Besides, I promised
my probation officer.
Probation officer!
Fuck probation officers, Muruk!
Everything starts anew today.
Really starts.
Listen closely:
I want cool it,
save some cash
and go to Turkey.
Sun, beach, the sea, a job
What kind of job?
Don't know yet,
I'll find something.
I can sell trinkets.
We can do it too.
Good idea.
What's your last name?
Yenilmez & Lorenz.
Sounds good.
- I thought you were a cool guy!
- Like you, right?
What are you laughing at??
Come on, let's dance.
Good idea.
Now I feel guilty.
Never mind, he'll get over it.
I'm going to dance.
Almost like in the old times.
- How about a picture?
- Good idea.
Boys, look this way!
Show her you don't need her.
- But I need her.
- You only talk bullshit.
- I talk bullshit?
- Yes, dude.
- Costa, do I talk bull?
- Bullshit in vinegar.
- It's you who talks bull!
- I just gave him some advice.
I'm scared, dudes.
You'll manage.
Don't even think about hitting her.
You'd fuck it up.
You'd be fucked up.
I don't want to lose her.
You're not going to lose her.
Best of luck, dude.
I don't know how these
things are done.
Breaking up.
I've never done it.
Don't lie!
You're doing just fine!
I don't want to mess you up,
we can stay as friends.
For a beer, a smoke
- I'm serious.
- So am I.
What the fuck is
wrong with you?
I don't know.
I do.
You don't love me anymore.
I'm not going to cry in front of you.
I'm not, OK?
I can't stand it.
I wish there was some
trick to make it easier.
Don't leave me.
I swear I'll stop stealing.
I'll stop smoking pot,
I'll look for work. Please.
I can't.
Then leave. Go!
Go away!
Fuck you!
Did you hear me?
Fuck you!
At first I just wanted to screw her.
I tried time and time again.
But got nowhere.
And then I thought:
You've fallen in love with her.
when she wakes me up
with a kiss,
I open my eyes and think:
I'm hallucinating.
Then we sit on the bed,
we had coffee,
smoked and talked.
Talked and talked.
She's the only woman
that accepts me as I am.
How many chicks
accept you just as you are?
Why do you think she
fell in love with you?
Because perhaps I'm not a prick
like some people believe.
Sure you don't want to work with me?
Got a meeting with one of
the Albanians tomorrow.
I'll ask if they
need someone else.
Leave it, dude. No more of
that shit for me.
No more.
Did you leave him?
You really messed it up!
Why is this happening to me?
I don't understand!
It's always the same!
This chick is going to drive me crazy!
Going crazy!
Why didn't you break
the other window?
Now I would have
a dress for Alice.
You should have said that before.
Come on, let's go back.
- Shouldn't have said that.
- Costa!
Look what you've done!
Don't provoke him, dude.
Damn slut!
Are my ears humming or were
you talking about my sister?
Your kid sister I'm sorry.
- Sometimes I forget.
- Then write it down.
My father says that
you should cut your hair.
True, you should cut that hair.
- You look like Jesus Christ, dude.
- I am Jesus Christ!
I love you, kid.
What would your father do if
he found out his daughter
is going out with a Greek?
He'd cut his head off.
Just for being Greek?
No, for putting your hands on his daughter.
And if I were Turkish?
You would disappoint your parents.
My parents?
I don't understand.
Don't you understand?
If you were Turkish
and your parents Greek
- You're bullshitting.
- A sucker he is.
Well, the Greeks don't
smell like roses.
And they crawl like slime.
This is for you and this for you!
Sit on Serbian
meat and row!
Come on, come on.
Of course I'm an asshole,
what did you think.
Hey, Nejo!
Long time no see.
I can't believe it.
He's picking up your girl.
Are you going to allow it?
Are you going to allow it?
And who you are, punk?
- So this is the reason, uh?
- Costa, dude, beat it!
Stay here!
Don't allow it!
Take your friends with you!
You shut up!
Enough already, OK?
Sven, leave him alone!
Sven, stop!
I'll teach you, fucker!
Like in the old times!
- OK already!
- Stop!
Sven, leave him alone!
Leave him, Gabriel!
Gabriel, like in the old times!
Let me kiss you!
Go fuck yourself!
What's wrong with you?
I'm just out of the can!
Have you forgotten?
Just out, and starting
all over again!
Relax what's wrong with you?
Face it, you've fucked up.
OK, I'm sorry, so what?
You're sorry?
So am I.
For hanging out with you!
- Everything's fine.
- Nothing's fine!
Think you're gonna get her back this way?
You don't know her then.
That's not the way!
I just beat up a guy
who did me no wrong.
Go fuck a duck!
I'm going home to sleep.
What's wrong with him?
He wants to become an adult
and we won't let him.
It's almost dawn.
You coming to pray with me, son?
Not now.
Good day.
Suit yourself.
Good night.
I thought you didn't want any more fights.
If your boyfriend hits my friends,
I defend them.
You're an idiot, Ceyda.
You know what you've
done to Costa?
What were you doing smooching here
in Altona in front of everybody?
Do it in Wandsbek or wherever,
but not here.
None of your business where
I do it or who I do it with.
I have always defended you.
I've supported and protected you
in front of mom and dad.
You stay out until you feel like it.
How many Turkish girls are allowed that?
When you fell in love with Costa
I supported you and respected him.
But I won't respect that dude.
He makes me want to puke.
I don't choose who I fall in love with!
You always want
the best for me, right?
He doesn't do drugs, he studies,
has money, and takes care of himself.
- Can Costa offer me that?
- Ceyda
he needs you.
Do I have to sacrifice my life?
Go to sleep.
Why did you leave Silvio?
Made me work like a black slave,
but never trusted me.
Besides, he has no style.
- Why didn't he ever trust you?
- Because he's my uncle.
Your uncle?
I'm in a car with
Silvio's nephew?
Is that upsetting?
Look kid, if you have problems
and want revenge on your relatives,
get down right now
before I throw you out.
My mother always said:
Don't trust the Serbs.
- Why should I trust you now?
- Why?
Because I'm good.
Because you're good!
So you're good.
See that gypsy over there?
He owes me a pile of money.
And won't return it.
"Tomorrow", he says to me.
Been saying tomorrow
for a week.
I should stop and kick his ass in.
Are you good?
Show me.
Want me to kick his ass in?
Do it and you're hired.
You'll hire me as what?
Do it or get lost.
OK, I'll do it.
I'm not going to help to you.
Do you know Muhamer?
He's there. You owe him something.
Give me the money.
Give me the money or I'll
break your fucking face.
And don't come back this way
or else you'll be fucked.
Did you pay the Kurds?
I know those boys.
They're dealers.
I told them that this guy was
selling smack on the street.
What did you do?
I went up to them and said:
"That guy's selling smack
in your neighborhood."
"I have nothing to do with that."
- And they got mad as hell.
- Did you say that?
- You said that to them?
- That's what I said.
Not bad.
And they believed every word.
I can't believe it.
They all left running and I thought:
Not bad!
You're my man.
Come on, there's work to do.
I have a job for you.
Thanks, but I'm not sure.
Don't give me that.
You wanted a job and you got it.
But not the Post office, man!
Don't give me that.
Fight a little, do something.
I can't go on stealing.
I can't go on stealing.
Who said that?
The guy up on the cross?
The guy on the cross
died for your sins too.
I have no sins.
It's a signal from God,
I can't go on stealing.
Well, be happy!
Right, but I need a hundred.
Wanted to get a bike.
I got more than enough.
Bobby, I'll pay you back for sure.
Thanks, dude.
I want you to have these.
Two 50's are not practical.
Take the bigger one.
Two small ones,
one for each hand, has style.
- Thats bullshit!
- Bullshit?
- That's bullshit.
- It's you who are bullshit!
Dudes, cool it!
This one for you.
This one for you.
And this one for me, OK?
Hello, Alice.
Looking good!
I have a really handsome boyfriend.
That's a lie.
I have a gorgeous girlfriend.
Do you know who's invited
us to dinner in an hour?
No. Who?
The Mafia invites us.
It's not a joke, I'm serious.
Don't feel like it.
Come on, my boss wants to meet you.
He's a very cool guy.
Don't feel like dining with the Mafia,
and I don't have anything to wear.
Nothing to wear?
If you find something to wear,
will you promise to come?
If it's something I like.
What do you think?
You're crazy!
- It's passable.
- Passable!
I could swim in a plate as this.
Only Italian restaurant in the area.
I know these guys well.
I was with them in jail.
Sicilians, right?
- Mafia?
- Car thieves.
And what do you do?
What do you mean?
I'm eating.
Bobby told me you're
an important man.
Is that so?
I own a brothel.
If I had known a pimp had invited us,
I never would've come.
What's your gripe with pimps?
It's a respectable job,
with many tax benefits.
Respectable job?
Didn't think you were so primitive.
Come on, Alice.
Are you on a hunger strike?
OK, let's start from scratch.
I'm Muhamer
I'm leaving, you coming?
Relax, woman.
Drink some wine, have some pasta, enjoy.
Let her go.
Your girl thinks she's better.
If she gets silly,
give her a good smack.
And now eat.
Sven was so pissed off,
he wanted to go to the police.
- And you didn't let him.
- Right.
Never mind Sven,
I would have gone myself.
And they would have locked
you away for good.
Nice dress!
Feel like smacking
my boyfriend?
That handsome dude?
- He's not handsome, he's an idiot.
- What happened?
We went to have dinner with a guy.
Bobby says he's his new boss.
Turns out the guy's a pimp.
- It was too much for me and I left.
- And Bobby?
He just sat there.
What's the guy's name?
Muhamer... or Asshole.
Do you know him?
Heard of him.
Heard what?
That he's an asshole, for example.
He spoiled my night!
Hey, the night's still young.
You're right.
You two should have met before.
Pity I never went to see him!
What will happen with Bobby?
He's been getting on
my nerves lately.
Sometimes I think he lives
on another planet.
I don't understand him.
We're traveling different roads.
I don't understand him.
Neither do I.
- "Svenin-guy"
- Sven!
- Hi
- Hi, Alice.
- How do you know she's Alice?
- You told me.
- Hello.
I'm Gabriel.
I'm sorry about the nose, dude.
I'm sorry about the lip.
Ok, we're splitting.
- Where are you going?
- Somewhere else.
I'm hungry.
- Didn't you have dinner?
- I didn't eat anything.
- OK, let's go.
- OK.
- You really want to go back to Turkey?
- Yes.
Thought about it in jail.
You're there, in a cell,
all alone.
They tell you when to get up,
when to move, when to eat.
What they can't take away
from you is your dreams.
In Turkey, you're never alone.
Everybody knows each other,
there are relatives,
it's hot, it's full of life...
And how will you make a living?
I've always wanted
to have stall.
Somewhere in the southern coast.
Spend the day on the beach,
rent boats, watch
the girls go by.
I'd spend all day
by the waves.
You know what's so
beautiful about waves?
They never end.
Can I ask you something?
How did you and Bobby meet?
- Why do you want to know?
- Just curious.
Ceyda and I went to the movies, she
brought Costa and he brought Bobby.
And then?
Don't know, I liked the guy.
On the one hand he
was fun and charming,
and at the same time
he was macho.
Do I seem macho?
A bit.
- What do I owe you?
- Pardon?
You're a taxi driver.
You've been driving me around.
It's free.
Thank you.
- Good night, Gabriel.
- Good night.
- Happy dreams.
- You too.
- Where have you been all this time?
- A kiss!
- Stop it with the kisses.
- Give me the money.
- Is that all?
- That's all.
I'm here for an hour for 30 marks?
- I'm sorry, dude.
- What have you been doing?
Just caught two little
fish all night long.
Two little fish?
- Don't get angry!
- I'm not getting angry!
Why do you keep smiling?
Are you high?
I'm not high, I'm happy.
- Good tits?
- Yes.
She's a cutie from Altona.
She better be, leaving me
waiting for an hour.
- I'm really sorry, Cenk.
- It's OK.
- What's that on your lip?
- A pimple.
I used to get them myself.
Do I know her?
I don't think so.
Is it serious?
Do you like her?
Do I like it?
I love it!
Then buy it.
How much?
It's... 500.
They're hard to get.
But you young ones
want a bargain.
I like you.
For you it's...
This boy will come up the ranks.
Sure you need it?
It'll bring me luck.
Got any more?
What you do with
them is your thing.
It's all the same to me whether
you whack the competition,
pack your boys
or sell them.
I don't give a shit.
I'll give you a good price.
Let that be clear.
This is good stuff.
Really good.
Have a look.
If you like it, buy it.
I can sell these anywhere.
I think we're starting to
understand each other.
- Can I ask something?
- Ask away.
Let me take care of this business.
I knew you'd say that.
I think you're nuts. Takes years
to pull off something like this.
Why? I've got my
guy on the boat.
That's what you think.
But he wanted to sell for 500!
Listen up.
My father used to say:
"Big businesses
make big men."
- Think you're a big fish?
- No, but I'll get there.
I can learn a lot from you,
I'm good.
Am I an academy?
Do I look like an academy?
No, but you're something
like a teacher.
At least let me try.
Let me try.
You're like me when I was young:
A cocksucker.
I'm a little bit like him.
We can't go to my place,
I sold the VCR.
Not my place either, or I'll
have to pray with my father.
Let's go to Alice's house, I haven't
seen her since last night's fucking dinner.
- I saw her yesterday.
- Did you?
- Yes.
- And what did she tell you?
She didn't like the Albanian.
And what do you think?
- About what?
- My girl.
She's nice.
She's a slut.
Dude, I don't understand.
She's a wonderful woman.
She's got a brain, a shop.
She's cute and nice.
Why do you talk about her this way?
Because she embarrassed
me in front of my boss.
She didn't embarrass you.
You embarrassed yourself,
staying with that asshole.
Enough, guys.
We haven't even started!
Thing is, I'm quitting.
You can't quit pot!
You've been selling
hash since I met you.
You're middle name is "hash".
You're a walking joint!
I've had problems since as far
back as I can remember.
They used to be small,
now they're big.
Some of them even
wind up in my fridge.
There's nothing left to eat.
A while back I went to get my car
that was parked on the street.
I forget where it's parked.
Look for it and can't find it.
It's a black Fiesta.
With cat stickers on the doors.
So I look for the lemon
which is easy to spot.
And can't find it.
Finally I find it.
Three blocks down.
I see my car, go towards it,
I'm about to open the door...
and I don't have the keys.
That's no reason to leave it!
These things happen every day.
Keys here, keys there...
I thought:
Screw going back for the keys.
I'm five blocks away.
So I'll hot-wire it.
It's my car, right?
I'm about to open it.
I open it, get it started.
And on the way
I noticed that I hadn't
moved my hands.
You move your hands
to shift gears.
And this was an automatic.
So what? I've got an automatic.
They're cool.
Thing is my little Fiesta
with cat stickers
isn't automatic! It's manual!
- You stole the car?
- Shit!
I thought:
Before they nab me,
I'll just steer it to the
right and get off.
Get off and go home.
I get off and go for the subway.
Turns out I have no smokes.
So I go back to the car.
Now it gets illegal:
I know it's not my car.
I open the door and get in again.
Search for cigarettes, don't find them,
open the glove compartment...
...and the problem is in the fridge.
What's in the fridge?
Dead body?
A gun, dude.
I have no idea whose it is,
but I don't want it.
I'm selling it, Costa.
Is it hot?
It's red-hot, dude.
Keep it, we've come for hash.
See this?
Listen up.
With this I go bang, bang, and bang!
Why are you packing, dude?
Nothing, just security.
I'm not packing and
I feel secure.
As a taxi driver,
you could use one.
That's crap.
Want to whack a cop?
Don't like this, OK?
It's just a talisman.
Like a neck chain,
brings me luck.
Don't fuck with me.
If you see a naked chick,
you do her.
If you hold a kebab,
you eat it.
And if you have a gun, you use it.
Let's grab a movie, OK?
That's a trick, dude.
Flying so high up in the air.
That's impossible!
It's crap!
Cool movie.
Wasn't that cool.
I thought it was total crap.
We should've got "Scarface".
We always get "Scarface".
We always get "Scarface"
because Pacino is the king.
You know, Pacino.
And not...
Ming Fan Young,
or whatever.
You like Pacino?
Pacino is cool, he's got balls
as big as a dinosaur's.
Some balls!
They must weigh 50 kilos!
Do you know what I mean?
You dream of the sea,
selling cokes...
renting boats,
the sun and all that jazz.
I dream of black guys
and chicks with beautiful tits...
that work the street for me
and bring the cash home.
I dream of being famous.
- You dream about fame?
- I dream about fame.
Become an actor, then.
He scores a point!
When is Alice coming back?
You'd like to know, wouldn't you?
Let's play a game.
Feel like it?
What game?
Tell us.
First guy to get ashes on his
lap gets beaten up.
- I mean a good beating!
- Of course.
- A hard beating.
- Hard.
- And he also pays for a round of drinks.
- Also pays for a round.
- Good idea.
- Let's play then.
- Sure you want to play?
- Yeah, sure. Let's start.
That's not fair!
You get a beating!
Shut up, Greco.
Want some coffee?
No thanks, go on sleeping.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
Hi, Bobby.
Slept badly?
What's the matter?
Don't I get a kiss?
I want a kiss too.
Sit down.
I think your little scene
at the restaurant...
was disgusting.
You didn't have to take me.
I know.
But the guy wanted to
meet the woman I love.
Is that so bad?
The guy was disgusting.
Know what your
problem is, princess?
The guy was too sincere.
You're out of your mind.
What happened with Gabriel?
Did you have fun?
Did you drink, dance?
You didn't tell me anything.
You're fucking with me.
You fuck with me all the time!
Then beat it!
Beat it?
Beat it?
And what about Gabriel?
He looks at you, you look at him.
A look here, some pastry there.
What the fuck is Yenilmez & Lorenz?
Are you pulling my leg?
It sounds good.
Are you taking me for a fool?
- Are you crazy? Enough!
- Shut it, Costa!
I don't want to see you again!
Hi, dude.
You OK?
Yeah, how about you?
I don't know.
- You need money?
- I just wanted to see you.
Good idea. Here I am.
Can I talk to you?
You can, but don't jump in the taxi
to play hide-and-seek.
What's the matter?
Bobby's still with the Albanian.
- He wants me to go too.
- Will you?
I promised.
Why the fuck is he
dragging you in too?
You can't imagine
how nervous he is.
He hit Alice a while ago.
In the face.
Never seen anything like it.
To hit a girl...
that's just not done.
He says he needs
an assistant.
- Driving is my job.
- Is that all you know?
Where's your talent?
Used to steal bikes.
Was good at it.
You're a clown.
Imagine that you're driving
with a trunk full of guns.
The cops stop you and say:
"Open the trunk, young man."
What would you say?
That I stole the wrong car.
Not bad.
Not bad.
"I stole the wrong car."
I like it.
You'll need a car.
You'll need a car.
Does that mean
I can do it?
That's right.
I swear on my mother
I won't let you down.
If you screw up, you're fucked.
I'll obliterate you.
You don't play with guns.
You don't play with money.
If you cheat me,
I'll kill you.
Neither Silvio nor nobody will be
able to help you, you get that?
Of course.
I want to see you here at 1,
- What time do I want you here?
- You want me at 1 o'clock.
That's all, out.
Let's go, Bobby.
- Costa, you're a loudmouth!
- Let's go!
- Get out of my place.
- Shut it!
Don't get involved, OK?
What's your problem?
This is my place, remember.
My place!
Let me get this pig!
don't fuck up now.
Muhamer, that's enough.
Still telling me to shut up?
Tell your friend never
to show up here again.
Tell him!
Or I'll kill him.
I'm sorry.
Some friends you are.
Come on, get up.
Gabriel, what happened?
- Nothing good.
- Shit, come in.
Does it hurt?
Not as much as on the inside.
We were three friends, Alice.
"You save my ass,
I save yours."
We had made a fucking pact.
And now this.
I have to go.
Why didn't you steal
another car?
We look like idiots in here.
Look, it's personal.
- Do you know whose car this is?
- Whose?
Really, dude.
It matches the faggot.
For us it's a piece of shit.
Look at it.
Oh, God!
What's up with God?
I can't steal anymore.
Costa, you can't be serious.
Costa, are you with me?
What's wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
It's over.
Costa, listen to me.
This sin is on me, OK?
- On you?
- On me.
- Is that possible?
- It's possible.
What we did wasn't cool.
He was in the can for two years.
He knows the rules.
You can't play the tough guy
in front of the Mafia.
We betrayed him in cold blood.
He's still treating me like a baby.
But I've got eyes, I see things.
What things?
I think there's something
up with those two.
Don't talk bullshit!
Hey, Bobby!
Everything Ok?
Sorry about the delay.
Ali Baba... and the 40 guns.
You're looking good.
Everything OK?
- Green light!
- Great, great, great.
Nina sends her regards.
She couldn't work or
sit down for two days.
You fucked her good!
I'm sorry, you do
what you can.
Where's your super BMW?
An idiot rammed me.
What an asshole.
What's the hippie
doing in the car?
The hippie is my brother Costa.
He's cool.
What's up, brother Costa!
- You got the money?
- You got the goods?
- That's why I've come.
- Me too.
Count it.
Recognize it?
Couldn't forget it:
"The black goddess"
- Like it?
- Of course I like it.
Want to hold it?
Can I?
Hold it.
- Watch out, it could go off.
- OK, OK.
It suits you.
Here, you take it.
OK, I'll give you the money
and you give me the guns.
No, you've misunderstood.
You give me the cash
and I keep the guns.
Out of the car! Out!
Hit the floor!
There's two kinds of people.
The ones that fuck and
the ones that get fucked.
What kind are you, Bobby?
Hit the floor!
Hit the floor!
Shit, what do I do now?
Shit! Shit!
What am I going to do?
Why didn't you kill me?
Take it easy, dude!
Stop it, fuck!
Leave it!
You're going nuts!
It can be fixed.
This guy will kill us.
You can't talk with him.
I know. We need
lots of money fast.
I've got an idea.
I'll ask Alice if she'd
sell the shop.
That's a good idea.
- It's a good idea.
- A good idea.
It's OK.
Winter is coming.
- Here tomorrow at 10, OK?
- Here at 10.
Give me a kiss.
Another one.
Take care, OK?
You too.
Alice, please.
Please, open the door.
What are you doing here?
I have to talk to you.
I don't feel like it.
Get lost!
- Listen to me, please!
- No!
I'm really sorry about the slap.
Get lost!
I'm in a shit load of trouble!
Hello, Bobby.
Come here!
You know how long I've
been waiting for you?
Do you know, asshole?
You fucking with me, or what!
Where's the Greek?
Where's my money?
You'll pay for this!
- I'll get it back, I swear.
- I want it now!
Get back!
Let me leave or I'll kill you!
I swear on my mother.
Let me leave!
You don't threaten me!
Trying to fool me?
We fucked up.
We always fuck up.
Come on.
- I'm starting to get worried.
- You want to call his mother?
What's wrong?
Bobby's dead.
He's dead.
I have to make a call.
I have to make a call, mate!
Call from somewhere else.
Come on, dude. It's urgent.
Use another phone!
Let's go, Costa. Come on.
I slept with Alice.
You did what?
Did Bobby know?
What's going to happen now?
I don't know.
- I want a flight to Istanbul.
- For when?
First flight.
Tomorrow morning?
No return flight
until the 30th.
I don't need a return flight.
- Return tickets are cheaper.
- I don't want to return.
I said I don't need a return.
You might change your mind.
So I get rid of one of the problems.
Make it a good price.
Hi, cutie.
What do you want?
Bobby's dead.
It's just a fucking trick.
It's not a fucking trick!
Wait, I'll get my jacket.
- Get lost, you!
- Sven, stop it!
I'll kill you both!
First you, then you,
then myself!
Put the gun away.
Come on, give it to me and we'll talk.
Just the two of us.
I wanted to see you
again before leaving.
Come in.
What's going to happen now?
We really screwed it up.
Can't you wait a few days?
What's this?
You plan to kill him
and disappear!
That's cowardly, give me the gun.
I have to do it, I owe him.
You owe him nothing!
Bobby was responsible for himself!
I betrayed him, Alice.
- I screw his girlfriend and he dies!
- It's not your fault.
We cheated on him.
Have you forgotten?
We really cheated on him.
We read out his sentence.
- We sentenced him!
- That's bullshit!
It's no bullshit.
I don't want to spend
my life with remorse!
You think that you'll have a clean
conscience if you go and kill him?
We didn't just fuck!
- I'm in love with you!
- Stop it!
Give me the gun, Gabriel.
Give me the gun.
- Brother, what's happened?
- Nothing.
- Costa's lost his head.
- What?
He threatened Sven
with a gun and left.
How will all this end?
What's he planning?
I don't know.
What's going on here?
Let me go.
Let him leave, Alice.
Come here!
Where's my money?
Your money?
I smoked it!
I spent it all!
And now I've come for you!
- I'll finish you.
- Want to finish me?
That's for Bobby.
Get up!
Be a man!
Are you going to finish me?
Fucking pig!
Say my name!
Say it!
Say it!
Costa, it's me, Gabriel.
I fucked up again.
You didn't.
Am I going to die?
Of course you're
going to die, idiot.
I know you.
You killed him.
I'll call an ambulance.
- I don't want to die.
- You're not going to die.
Hurts so much!
Want to get her back?
What do you think?
What would you give for her?
My whole fucking life.
Then stay alive.
Do you have to go?
Are you coming back?
I don't know.
Do you want to pray with me, son?
Everything comes to an
end, including life.