Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl (2011) Movie Script

Wow Dimple!
What wow? Can't see any cIeavage!
There has to be some to see some.
Look after your lemons,
you might just lose them.
Look Preeti's is here,
wear your blouse at least.
Bossing, me in my own house.
put it on
l am ready guys
You delay, us always.
Move aside my phone is ringing
You will say 'I love you' a hundred
times if you see me today.
l am Iooking Red hot.
Puchki delayed us.
Have you arrived? We are just leaving.
Let's go.
Sunny has been waiting
for so Iong to see me.
Lets go.
Bye mummy
Have you taken your cellphone
l phone mummy...
Fine then, I phone me.
And Iisten, go to the
ladies' night and come
straight back by 12 o' cIock or
else your dad won't open the door.
- Bye!
Bye aunty, bye aunty
- Bye girls
Help me guys
come on hurry up
Hi, Sunny!
- hurry
Nice bike Sunny.
Hang on to this
lf you are ever free from Dimple,
then we'd like a ride too.
ls it a cab that he
gives everyone a ride?
Find your own biker.
lf mom caIls tell
her I am with Preeti,
not Iike last time when you said l was
unwell and dad
arrived with an ambulance.
Yes ma'am
Wait for me at the banquet halI.
Don't stress.
- Ok bye.
Ok bye.
Take your helmet off.
- Come on we are late.
Bye Sunny!
What's in discos and clubs,
Nothing in bars and pubs
What's in discos and clubs,
Nothing in bars and pubs
l want to go where.
My bundle ofjoy's there.
My bundle ofjoy
You are my pretty Iittle face
My bundle ofjoy
Cafe's and Starbucks, are dull
Limos and trucks are no fun
Cafe's and Starbucks, are dull
Limos and trucks are no fun
l want to go where,
You will be there
My bundle ofjoy
You are my pretty Iittle face
My bundle ofjoy
l miss you every day,
You ditch me every way,
lt's always a bitch,
l miss you every day,
You ditch me every way,
lt's always a bitch,
make a pIan, then you ditch.
Not fair, not fair, it's just not fair
Oh look at you, so cute
Especially when you brood
My bundle ofjoy
You are my pretty Iittle face
My bundle ofjoy
On your sweet sexy Punjabi face.
lt's so cute to ogle
at your Gucci goggle
On your sweet sexy Punjabi face.
lt's so cute to ogle
at your Gucci goggle
Like in a Iarge lassi pot
fell very smalI
vodka shot, shot, shot.
Hearing all your praises
My ego races and races.
My bundle ofjoy
You are my pretty Iittle face
My bundle ofjoy
Hello uncle
- I have toId her so many times.
Uncle, there's a lot of weight here,
Let me put her down first then,
you can scold me.
l think she can answer your
questions onIy in the morning.
Who are you?
l am a trainer at the
Power house gym. GK branch.
Dimple and l met there.
Upstairs wouId be better?
You are a body builder, right?
So body builder, now tell me,
what did you do to my daughter?
Had I done something l wouldn't
have brought her back in one piece.
Out here they are killed
and stuffed into an oven.
l respect you a lot Sir,
Dimple has told me
everything about you,
self-made man...
To start from a garage...
...and estabIish such a huge
property empire is no joke.
l wanted to meet you myseIf,
but not like this.
With a presentation of a pIan for
a chain of All-India Gymnasiums...
anyway not now, you must be tired.
l'Il make an
appointment and meet you later.
l am your daughter's boyfriend.
l won't do anything wrong.
Trust me.
Should l park the car inside?
How wiIl you go home?
Bus, auto, l'll take anything,
l left my bike at the gym.
Take the car and bring
it back in the morning,
but don't get even a scratch on it.
l won't get a scratch on it,
Not on the car nor on your daughter.
Good night Sir, aunty...
Good night, son
l had to brush four times to
get rid of the Vodka smelI.
What if papa had caught me? And you?
Walked out making a good impression,
and making me look Iike a fool.
Couldn't you stop me when
l was chugging the shot?
What happened? Why did we stop?
Should l get off?
What're you doing Sunny?
Where you going Sunny?
Bloody murderers,
finished off my mother and father,
you wilI rot in this house.
Why are you throwing stones?
Broken aIl the panes, you die...
Shut up, you bitch,
Netarpal! Netarpal! Oye, Rawat!
Catch him, don't let him go.
Run Sunny Run
Start the bike,
go go go...
Where are you running? Stop.
Sunny, tell me the full story.
You've lost 3 kilos,
you deserve a chocoIate.
l am Ieaving
You have enough problems of your own,
why do you want to hear mine?
you calI me your girIfriend,
can't even share your
probIems with your girlfriend?
That house is mine
My grandfather buiIt it,
papa was born there...
when my grandfather got transferred,
he put the house up for rent.
And when he came back those Mother...
those MFs did not leave the house.
My grandfather filed a case.
Fighting the case, he died first
then my father and then mother,
along went the entire bank balance.
After three deaths the court
ruIed in favour of the tenants
under the Rent ControI Act of 1947.
Now, they pay onIy 1,500
rupees rent for such a big house
and l pay a property tax
of 60 thousand every year
and if I don't pay up then
l get an arrest warrant.
l am sorry, I didn't mean to grumble.
Your pain, my pain
No, you look best Iaughing.
Don't get involved in my tears.
We will aIl Iaugh together,
and make those MFs cry.
Good evening DimpIe ma'am
Papa heIp, there is big crisis.
Dimple? Mr. Kamal is here.
Uncleji, can you step out pIease?
Mr. Chaddha, what's this nonsense?
Not nonsense! l am Dimple Chaddha.
This shop is named after me.
l am telIing you
politeIy to wait outside,
once our meeting is done then,
you can have your's.
OK? Happy? Out!
Papa, help us.
Us? Means?
Me and Sunny. Ours.
Get Sunny back his bungalow.
Sunny has a bungalow?
Yes, on Barakhamba Road.
Sunny owns a
bungaIow on Barakhamba Road?
Where do you think you are entering?
Throw this out
Throw this out as weIl
Take this, break this, come on.
Uncle can I have a look inside?
Of course, it's your bungalow,
you are the landlord.
You are the king.
Yes mom?
No issues, have a good look.
lt's a proper bungaIow.
Nice, isn't it?
lt's cute. lt has an old worId charm.
Come up stairs, there's more.
Ya lets go
From where?
- Watch your step
Come from here.
We are going upstairs.
Papa made this map himself.
He was born in this room.
Papa Sunny's father was born here,
it's so exciting isn't it?
But the condition of the
house is not very exciting.
Thats not the point uncIe.
l am sure, Papa and Papa's papa
are both thanking you from there
you made it possibIe for his son
and his grandson to stand here.
Son's son.
You won't be standing for long.
lt's best you sell this while
the market is stilI piping hot,
No uncIe this house
has an emotionaI value.
Two crores, it wiIl fetch,
just like that.
With a constantIy leaking roof,
these seeping waIls,
you wilI always need security here.
How wiIl you manage on your salary?
Sell it.
Buy a 4 BHK fIat for
Either in Gurgaon or Greater Noida.
and with the rest start a gym.
You can't be a trainer
all your Iife, can you?
lsn't it a plan?
get the bag...
Now where wiIl you run
around selIing-buying?
Fine this wiIl be on my own head.
No l can't trouble you.
Dimple's probIem, my problem.
after the deal is done.
Will you keep staring at
the cash or wiIl you hug me?
Not her, me!
Bye, Sunny
You don't care if it's
a friend or an enemy.
You've taken his 8 crore
house forjust 2 crores!
He is our DimpIe's boyfriend!
So he's not going to be
a boyfriend forever...
l mean, soon he will
become the son-in-law...
and everything will be his...
right DimpIe?
What is this nonsense, Sharma?
lt's not nonsense, it's a warrant.
You entered my house
and beat up my people.
Arrest him.
You say it's yours and
l should believe you?
Mr. Sharma I've bought it, legally,
from Sunny Singh.
An advance has been paid,
the entire paper work is ready,
l even have the original
map made by poor Sunny's dad.
OnIy the registration is left
Registration is not possibIe.
Why is not possible?
Not possible because, a family feud has
been going on since my father's death.
A stay order has been
imposed on that house.
lf you have a map I have the
original documents for this property.
l don't see any Sunny Singh in these.
l think he's tucked you up.
Listen carefuIly.
- Yes sir.
Call Surti...
TelI him before sunset my bail
should be done before sunset.
lf I have to spend even
one night in jaiI, beIieve me
l'Il have everyone
buried in this market itseIf.
Papa, where are you going?
Papa what happened ? Sharma Uncle?
The Urban Ministry's secretary
happens top be my brother-in-law.
He'lI usurp my bungalow.
Put him in there...
Papa, don't be scared, l'Il
be there with Mummy and Sunny
lf you meet Sunny again I'lI
break your legs. No meeting Sunny.
Let's go Sharma.
Why Papa?
No he was Anup's substitute.
He was to leave on Friday,
but he left three days earIy.
But Anup wiIl be back on Friday.
But it looks like
Sunny realIy suited you.
You're Iooking fit.
What're you scared of?
Why don't you give your papa,
that picture of Sunny, you took?
Dad will kill me if l
even step in front of him.
Thank God he got out on bail today,
or eIse it would be my neck.
l am sure even your dad
wants his 20 Lakhs back right?
Give it. Your dad will find him.
He's not going to get us
married even if he finds Sunny.
Papa is going to kill him
in the centre of the market.
Now a Sunny-Dimple
match is impossibIe.
You're impossible.
Still dreaming of Sunny.
lt's Papa's fault as welI.
Sunny hatched a clever plan, but
Papa shouId have been a bit smart too.
Why was he duped?
l love him Gurmi.
You are crazy Dimple...
At times, one has to lose to win,
and that player is
'The Ultimate Winner'
Beware oh ladies
l am wicked.
Oh ladies
l do my misdeeds...
Oh ladies.
You like it or not
Here I come.
l steal your hearts
What can be done?
Can't help my self ladies?
That's just my way!
l can't help myself!
My bio-data is twisted
Penned with lipstick.
l want to be debited in
every ladies bank account.
Oh Yes oh yes oh yes
l bow thee my head.
Then I steal your heart
That's my bet.
Can't help my self ladies
That's just my way!
Can't help my self ladies.
That's just my way!
l can't help myself!
l steal the shadow from your eye
So smooth am l.
l enter like a breeze
And exit Iike a storm
Hey guys, that's just my form.
l am very weIl known.
l can open every vault.
Then I steal your heart.
Ladies that's not my fauIt.
Can't help my self ladies.
Can't help my self ladies
That's just my way!
Can't help my self ladies
That's just my way!
l can't help myself!
Fifty printers for seventy five lakhs!
We had orders to get the best.
Of course you had to get the best.
Best at the right price!
Did someone put a gun to your head
to get it at the selIer's price?
You are the buyer, you fix
the price. Buyer is king.
l am sorry Raina. - I can't
take the bIame for every mistake.
The bosses wilI punish the culprit.
So be ready to be fired.
lf you speak to him, he won't fire us
PIease cry in your
cubicIe not here. OK?
Listen everyone market is tough,
'Smart ones stay, Idiots sent away'
Smart or idiot you choose.
The rest is aIl good... thanks.
Sir, yes Sir, coming Sir.
Fire the interior designer.
He has left such a huge blank space.
l want Hussain's horses on this wall.
At any cost.
You have an impressive reputation,
Raina Parulekar.
You can make the impossible,
So wiIl there be a Hussain on
the walI on the inauguration day?
Yes Sir.
Yes, Nikhil Sir.
What about the Hussain?
Oh, they are quoting 5 crores
That's too expensive.
l know, l am trying
other art galleries as well.
Ma'am the painting you asked
for wiIl be available next month.
No, no, no, I need it in 72 hours.
But Ma'am...
What wiIl I do with it after a month?
Put it in my bedroom?
Will an Anjolie Raman do?
No, Anjolie Raman won't do.
l need a Hussain. OnIy a Hussain.
Move it, what's going on?
Lady, lady... relax... please...
l am honking at the truck, not you,
so mind your own business.
The truck is mine
and so is the business.
You look like the transport type guy!
Now move it, l am getting late.
lt won't move till
everything is off-loaded.
Keep honking
Careful! Careful! Careful!
lt's not a painting, it's a Hussain.
M. F. Hussain. It's a masterpiece.
Do you know how much it's worth?
lf something happens to it then...
- Yes Sir.
Just be careful! Easy does it!
One second. How much is it?
Five bucks for 100 grams.
Eat in or take away?
Okay, I know it's not peanuts.
lt's art, creative and all that,
but how much are you selIing it for?
lt's an exhibition for art lovers.
Over here?
My gallery, Indigo. The
opening is this evening.
lnvitation. Come over if
you are interested in art...
lf you want to buy spicy peanuts
then the Mithibai
College has the best chutney.
lndigo... Indigo... Indigo...
Deven ldiot Shah...
Market value Rs. 80 lakhs.
Not for saIe!
Why not for sale Mr. Shah?
Why not?
Looking for the price tag?
Ninety lakhs... Deal?
And I thought you were
genuineIy interested in art.
lt's to decorate the office.
l like honest...
l hate fake.
lt's impossible to buy.
Nothing is impossible.
HonestIy. The
painting isn't mine to seIl.
lt's borrowed from the Suri
brothers for the exhibition.
Mr. Suri Steel and Power Suri?
Manoj and Maneesh Suri. Joint owners.
Couldn't you have said that earlier?
You wouldn't have been here then.
You would've found
someone else to flirt with.
l can set up your
meeting with the Suris.
lf you can convince them,
you can have your painting.
And you your commission.
lt's a hard-earned commission,
no cheating.
Raina Parulekar
Deven Shah...
Call me Dev.
Deven, if possible it would be better
to have a meeting
with the older brother.
His position is weaker,
he will surrender faster.
Surrender! To Raina the tigress...
The meeting should happen tomorrow.
The day after the painting has to
be up in office for the opening.
At such short notice, onIy a
phone conversation wilI be possibIe.
Phone is good... Bye then...
Sir, l need the financial
stats of Suri Power and SteeI...
Buying-selling ratios...
last quarter...
Forget about the Suri's,
Raina, we are two days away.
Concentrate on the Hussain.
l am focused on that sir.
ls this Raina Parulekar?
l am calling from Mr. Manoj
Suri's office, to inform you that
Mr. Suri is not interested in
selling his Hussain painting.
Oh, but we are offering
more than its market value.
l don't know ma'am,
it's Mr. Suri's decision.
l am just conveying
the message. Thank you.
Wait, wait, wait... can you
let me talk to him pIease?
My boss's orders, l
have to get that painting.
only an empIoyee can
understand another.
l will try...
Hello. Manoj Suri here.
We will not seIl that painting.
Hussian is the pride and
gIory of Suri SteeI and Powers.
Hussain is the Iife of our company.
Mr. Suri, the market vaIue of
the painting is Rs.80,00,000.
We are ready to pay 90.
You are ready, l am not.
One crore
lt's an insult to Mr. Hussain.
One crore twenty finaI.
You are insulting me...
lt's your younger brother
who is going to insult you.
What do you mean by that?
You and me both know
that your brother wants
to take 51 percent of the shares
so he can sideline and
eventually oust you.
There's bound to be a
spiIt in the company
and its assets.
Will the Hussain be yours or his?
Who would've thought that one's
own brother would deceive them?
lf we pay you half in cash,
the rest 60 Lakhs by cheque...
with receipt,
which will officialIy
make the price 60 Lakhs.
Half of which wilI be your
cheating brother's part,
making his total 30 lakhs,
and your share 90 lakhs.
l hope causing him a loss of 90 lakhs
wiIl be give you some
sort of... how do say it?
yes it wiIl give some peace.
So, deal?
Yes, but give the Indigo broker,
his commission on the full price.
Why should he incur losses
in my fight with my brother?
Mr. Manoj Suri... you
are a very nice man.
l know I know...
anyway, take the
painting from the gallery,
give the boy his commission
and aIso hand him my
suitcase with cash in it.
Get the cheque sent to
my office by speed post.
Are you sure?
Hand over 60 lakhs in
cash to that Dev guy?
He is a sweet simple chap,
he won't even open the bag.
Okay, bye.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Careful, guys please.
Tigress Parulekar,
so you made Suri surrender.
Worked that magic. Very niceIy done.
There is no such thing as magic.
Honest, hard work.
A cheque for your commission,
Thank you.
and this briefcase for Mr. Suri
lt wilI reach him.
AlI clear between us?
AlI clear.
Cheers to Raina!
To Hussain!
Since his death it's
become more precious.
Sir Mr. Suri...
Manoj Suri?
- Yes sir.
PIease tell me, when
are you getting here?
Forget that, first tell me
how did you set claims
on my Hussain painting?
We never had any deal,
What rumors are you spreading?
Call Raina... Now!
Yes sir.
The painting is not a fake, Sir...
Mr. Suri is confused.
Mr. Suri is the owner
of Suri Power and Steel,
not a desperate manager level employee
who will use cheap
tricks to get ahead.
Not a cheap trick, Sir.
l onIy foIlowed your orders.
The orders were to get a
genuine painting, not a fake.
How wiIl l justify such a big scam?
Not a scam, Sir...
And who wilI prove
it's a mistake or a scam?
l'Il prove it, Sir.
You'd better Raina Parulekar.
You'd better
At times, one has to lose to win,
and that player is
'The Ultimate Winner'
Raina Parulekar, someone
has conned your company
and sold a fake
Hussain painting to you.
How are you feeling?
There is speculation that
it's not a con but a scam,
and you are involved in it too.
Do l Iook like a scamster?
Am l a thief?
l have a B Tech degree
from IlT, and an MBA from lIM.
Raina don't, let the
lawyers handle it.
No, Sir, let me speak.
l am an honest employee of
Synergy Communications...
l love my job, this company.
l will never con my bosses,
l've been conned.
A man called Deven
Shah has conned me...
SureIy this is not his
real name or his first con
For him it was just a
way to make a quick buck
but for me
my honesty, my identity,
my commitment,
my job, my future alI is at stake.
l am going to track him down,
recover the company's money,
get him arrested and prove he
is the criminal and I am innocent.
Raina from Mumbai?
Who is this?
Dimple from Delhi.
You have the wrong Raina,
l don't know any DimpIe...
ParuIkar na... Raina Parulkar.
Paru... lekar.
Saw you on the news,
got your number from the channel.
l have strong feeling
the guy who conned you
Conned me too.
Yes Raina
Yes, Deven Shah is Sunny Singh...
Did he also make you his
girlfriend and dump you?
l am stupid but not that much.
You mean I am stupid?
l didn't let it get to that.
But he conned me for 60 lakhs.
Lol! 60! He could only get 20 from me.
You are more stupid than l am.
OK, l am more stupid than you.
OK, listen I am getting another caIl,
l'Il call you back.
Hello? Is that Raina?
Can we taIk? l hope
you're not in the office?
No l am at home.
Have those horrible people fired you?
Who are you? Questions upon questions,
Where are you caIling from?
Lucknow. My name is Saira...
Saira Rashid.
Six months ago a man named lqbal Khan
cheated me of 10 lakh rupees.
and he disappeared thereafter
l'm not sure if lqbal and
your painting guy are the same
but if you could teIl me more...
Saira l am going to send you a photo.
Have a Iook and then we'Il talk. okay?
Hello Raina...
And Dimple Chadda...
Saira l am Raina, and on the
other line is Dimple from Delhi.
Dimple, did lqbal con you as weIl?
Yes, as Sunny Singh.
Did you get the photo?
Yes, it is lqbal.
l took it. It's useful isn't it?
You are reaIly smart DimpIe.
Raina? Did you hear that?
Saira, teIl me the truth,
did he make you his
girlfriend as well?
lf you give Saira a chance to speak
then she can actually
tell us. TeIl us, Saira...
lmmediately after my
graduation I was married off to Adil.
You're married... love marriage?
After three years AdiI
died in an accident.
His parents are just
as nice as he was.
l've been with them
for the Iast two years.
So when did you meet Sunny?
WhiIe going to my shop in the morning.
Stop stop.
No helI would break lose if you stop.
Hey, don't touch them.
l picked them.
l missed my bus, You can't enjoy them.
No way.
They Iook so sweet,
but taste like poison.
Pass... don't say it, show it.
What happened? Has the pass failed?
l left my purse at home.
Show your pass, or buy a ticket.
l don't have money,
l'Il give it you tomorrow.
l always take this route.
Madam get a ticket or eIse get off...
Should l buy one? Ticket?
l am already insulted,
l don't want to be a beggar now.
Return it tomorrow, l
wiIl also take this route.
Hazrat Ganj.
Two for Hazrat Ganj.
Even my business is that side.
Thank you...
Mention not...
One for Hazrat Ganj.
Give it to him please.
And yours?
Take it
She bought it
Thank you!
Mention not!
He had done his research.
From which bus stop, and
at what time l take the bus.
Which area the shop is in,
what time it opens, everything.
By buying of the ticket,
and the thank you the mention not
he got familiar with me,
and soon reached our Iane.
Hey listen,
Shambhu take the payments.
Hey Mr. Suitcase?
Blue shirt?
My mind had gIazed over, l smiIed
and led him right into the shop.
Royal Cloth Merchant. Our shop's name.
My name is lqbal
l am Saira.
What's the rate?
Rupees 450 a meter.
He even chose the right
time to enter the shop,
- Greetings.
he knew my father-in-Iaw
brings lunch at that time.
Just as father entered,
he began showing off
his knowIedge about fabrics.
Khan, Iqbal Khan.
lt took him hardly ten minutes
to have my father
wrapped around his finger.
Tie-dye is popular here?
Yes. There's an entire
colony for the tie-dye.
Which way wouId that coIony be?
lt's through the by Ianes,
you'll get lost if go on your own.
l would've shown you had the
property tax guy not been coming.
Saira why don't you show him?
Ya go ahead. l'Il manage here.
WhiIe he was showing his
fake sympathy and kindness,
l was melting like an idiot.
Cold drink?
lce cream?
ShaIl I show you something?
AlIah... the Pandora's
box is opening today.
What is this?
ReaI intricate threadwork Zardozi.
l've never seen such
intricate work before.
We have our own workshop in Bareli,
traditional weavers.
As there are no
sales in smaIler towns,
my friends said that
Lucknow wouId be the right place.
Now the dealers here
show interest but not cash.
l am almost through
with the money l had.
Back home my mother and
both my sisters are worried.
l'd better head back home.
lsn't it exquisite?
What are you quoting for this?
No one is ready to pay
even 400. Such swindIers!
And they will selI it for a 1,000.
Your losses won't be a profit to us!
But 400 is too low my friend.
l'Il give you 500 rupees a meter
And I'll pIace an
order for 5,000 meters.
balance of 15 lakhs on delivery.
Poor father, he struck
the deal bIindly for me.
Hoping that this friendship wouId
turn into a relationship,
and end my IoneIiness.
Have some sweets to ceIebrate.
The foIlowing day father
gave him 10 lakhs, cash.
He promised to
return in two weeks time.
Wring the Zardozi
Saree around his neck
and hang him in the city centre.
That's provided we find him.
You guys have his photo why
don't you inform the police?
lf he gets to know the
police are looking for him
he will go underground, and
we wiIl never get our money.
No police.
Look, I have a pIan.
Everything will be
possible if we join forces.
Why don't both of you come down?
lt's impossible for me.
Papa has imposed various bans on me.
Fine then sit in your homes,
and let more Sunnys and
lqbals make fools out of you.
lt has been bothering me too.
But then l didn't say
anything thinking about Adil.
l was wrong...
But even if AdiI is not
here anymore... you are.
No, you are not going on any trip.
Gurmi, Puchki, Choti are all going.
WelI no bodybuilder in their
house has swindled them of 20 Iakhs.
lf I have done something wrong once
it doesn't mean l'Il
be doing it all my life.
Even you have made many mistakes.
Weren't you conned in the
Bhatia shop deal, for 12 Lakhs?
The Pancholi BungIaow,
the Preet Vihar flats,
but did you shut down your property
business because of your mistakes?
You've grounded me!
l never thought you'd pIay such a
double standard game with me Papa.
Let her go.
Dimpy, wiIl you travel
business class or economy?
Come on, l've been
waiting for so long.
But l was right here.
But you didn't come in front of me...
Okay, sorry.
Nice gIares...
Aren't they?
Are you stilI in mourning for Sunny?
So why black-black?
l like black.
l like colour...
Suits you.
Saira's flight arrived before yours.
She hasn't even
switched on her phone yet.
l am Saira
You run a shop?
Yes Dimple.
Hello Raina
Let's go.
How did you guess I was Dimple?
You're very special,
people know you instantly.
Okay so how wiIl we
get our money from Sunny?
From lqbal
Dev, lqbal, Sunny whatever
from that Bloody Scoundrel...
ldea. His name will
be Bloody Scoundrel
to avoid any confusion.
To extract money from
the Bloody Scoundrel
we wiIl con that con.
Con what con?
Con means to cheat.
He cheated us, now we wiIl cheat him.
We will plant a bait in front of him.
Our bait wilI pretend
that she has a great
investment proposaI to multipIy money.
Bloody ScoundreI wiIl
invest his money in that,
and through our bait we
wiIl get our money back.
Simple? Who will be 'The Bait'?
There is one.
l have someone in mind.
Through the thorns,
pIuck the roses
snip the dreams, from
the tree of snoozes.
Through the thorns,
pIuck the roses
snip the dreams, from
the tree of snoozes.
Many a tales, of hopes to look.
pick any story, and leave the book.
Faded are the colors of life,
follow your heart all the way through,
tiIl it changes your point of view.
Let out your passion
Pat a Iittle...
awaken your lazy dreams.
Pat a Iittle...
awaken your lazy dreams.
lt's your play...
Fight through the difficult way.
What wiIl be, wiIl be
Don't worry you will see.
Restrain, not your dreams
ride the waves of destiny
Just sail out your boat and go,
Even your stars wilI shine and glow.
Let out your passion
Cabinets up, cabinets down.
Cabinets down, cabinets up.
Lots and lots of cabinets.
Everything in its cabinet,
in its place.
After chasing targets
in the office all day,
you don't want to chase the
boxes of rice and curry at home?
Perfect modular kitchen for a
perfect professional couple.
Sir, you just need
to choose the color,
our engineers will fit every piece.
They can even cook if you want them
to but l can't guarantee the taste.
Like I said,
HomeTown makes Iife easier.
When you get promoted
pIease invite me to dinner.
Sudesh will help you...
PIease pay at the counter,
Thank you.
Raina Ma'am...
wow, you are glowing...
l know, l know... the sensex
must have gone up like a rocket.
How much profit have you booked for?
Celebrating again?
We've just received
exquisite wine glasses from Venice.
Hand bIown glass... what a finish...
even Indian wine
tastes like French in it.
No, lshika, l don't need...
No no, you can't repeat
gIasses from the last party.
What wiIl your guests think?
Raina is such a miser!
Ohh, I'm so sorry, Your friends?
Hi, l am Ishika and you are...?
Dimple Chaddha...
Dimple Dude l have just
the right thing for you...
Ma'am I wiIl just attend to her,
and then the glasses
Peeler, slicer, chopper, masher
- alI in one. CooI, isn't it?
Very cooI, but what are
you going to do with it?
You were right,
she is awesome.
Bloody chameleon.
Return seven rupees.
No change, if you guys
get so petty then...
You guys means?
My money hangs off tress?
Hey, lshika!
Raina Ma'am,
get out.
Will you keep eating... say something
Coffee please.
Yes Ma'am.
Frankly I am not surprised.
lt's so easy to con you guys,
check out the bilIs from yesterday.
We bought it only to check you out.
Fine agreed about yesterday,
l con Raina every week,
and you get conned.
Till yesterday we were Ma'am
and today we are first names?
lf we work together we will be
equals right, then why ma'am?
So are you doing it?
lf I do it...
how much time wiIl it take?
A month or two.
No way, l've finished my paid leave.
To do this I'll have to take time off.
l get paid 30 thousand a month.
Five Iakhs... your fee,
and aIl expenses paid.
What if he is a psycho-rapist?
He is not a rapist...
actuaIly he is very nice.
He is only interested in money.
Cold calcuIated unemotional...
What pain his con causes
is no concern to him.
l am doing my job well...
getting paid well,
no one to check on me...
con a con?
Let it be... Excuse me.
- Fine...
l will do it...
Yes let's show that
scoundrel what pain means.
But how will we find the scoundrel?
That you leave to Raina!
This number is issued to
Anjum Rizwi not Sunny Singh.
Delhi, prepaid, March last year...
Check this... Lucknow... October...
Parampal Yadav... not
lqbal Khan... prepaid.
And this one.
Prepaid. Mumbai.
Rahul Khanna.
Hopeless, they are
all different names,
how can we find him like this?
Patience my sweety.
You're Bournvita...
Okay, now the three numbers
have the same caIler tune...
At times, one has to lose to win,
and that player is
'The Ultimate Winner'
so what?
Most peopIe choose songs...
very few ring tones have dialogues.
Now you get a Iist of all
prepaid numbers with this caller tune.
Let's see how
uItimate a winner you are.
Raina Ma'am you are wicked!
Ladies, wake up.
Here is your list,
it has seven names.
AlI the best, l hope in the
Ladies vs. BIoody Scoundrel,
the Scoundrel loses
and the Iadies win.
Thank you bye-bye.
Amandeep Chandigarh. 9915682870
lt's ringing...
Amandeep you're a guy or a girl?
You're an aunty or an uncIe?
Your dad's the uncIe!
- Dimple
No speaking. Just listen.
Takes all sorts
Hello? Who is it? (in Gujarati)
Shailen Sharma Bilaspur
Has the consignment arrived?
Diego Vaz. Goa.
l'Il do it, she can't even diaI.
Never gets through.
So what? You didn't get
through the first time either.
Where are you hiding ScoundreI?
The fourth guy DimpIe
called is calling back.
Diego Vaz.
The Bloody Scoundrel is in Goa!
This is your planning?
Had we told Papa, he wouId've
booked us into a five-star hotel.
Miss DimpIe, l wish your papa
had financed this entire operation.
We wouId've stayed
in a five-star hoteI,
hired a Mercedes, thank you.
But l'm very sorry, this is alI
l could manage with my smaIl savings.
lshika's fee, food, transport,
everyone's tickets, chips,
cold drinks.
But it's not an obIigation, right,
once we get money from that
Bloody ScoundreI? - Volume!
When we get the money
from Bloody Scoundrel,
you wilI take your cut first
and then give us ours, right?
lf we get and when we get...
and what if we don't?
Don't be negative.
lt's going to be fine.
God willing.
Wow... what a great bed.
The two of us can fit in easiIy.
That room.
Why? Aren't we roomies?
Sweetie, first you stop snoring
then you and I can be roomies.
Till then, Saira and l are here.
Okay, rules:
This is my friend
Sasha's house, not a hotel.
We have to leave it in a
better condition than it is now.
The maid comes in
the morning to cIean,
but no one says
anything in front of her.
The rest of the work will be
divided equally between us.
Why didn't you specify earIier
that we'd have to be maids as well?
Change the SlM card.
Don't even know how to change a card.
That's why you're still a Manager
and not General Manager.
At times, one has to lose to win,
and that player is
'The Ultimate Winner'
Hello, I have a problem
with my laptop
and l was wondering when
l could come by to get it fixed.
Wrong number.
Hello, hello Ashley...
Ashley Rodriguez?
l am not Ashley Rodriguez...
l am Diego Vaz.
But my friend gave me this number
and toId me you're
very good with computers.
You live in Cavelossim, right?
l don't fix computers, ma'am...
l work at the water
sports shack at The Pallazzo.
lf you'd Iike to...
Let's go...
What a body.
Oh, excuse me.
Yes, ma'am?
Can you give me a
dry towel, Mr. Shankar?
Sure, ma'am.
Thank you.
Come on, come on,
come on. Keys! The keys.
Let's go, let's go...
Dimple you can drive, right?
Drive? I'lI fly.
open it.
He seems lonely,
not even a soul to
share a meal with him.
How do we know there is no one?
He's never getting into that trap.
So then what is he is doing
here alone with all our money?
Looking for another victim l guess...
had he found one he
wouldn't have been in Goa.
Hello lshika.
We found the Scoundrel.
Take the first flight out!
So the Bloody Scoundrel,
operates from The Grand Pallazzo
You will be staying there as weIl.
The story is,
you're the daughter of Himesh Bhai,
...the owner of King
Motels and Resorts, USA. - Me?
lshika Patel...
American citizen...
Fake one... we aren't
really taking you to America.
This is their website.
ReaI website?
No, we've made it.
Himesh Bhai fake, lshika fake,
Kings MoteI and Resorts fake...
But if you Google it, a
genuine-looking website will come up.
lmpressive homework!
So Himesh Bhai... and family...
billionaire American citizens...
Your father Himesh
Bhai is the US Motel King.
Owner of 240 motels and 60 resorts,
You have three brothers, all older,
you're the only and
the youngest daughter.
You're in Goa to set
up your own business.
Welcome Ma'am.
Thank you.
Have a pleasant stay.
Thank you.
Welcome Ma'am.
Thank you Ma'am.
A man named Shankar works here...
at the bell desk.
Yes, Ma'am...
A friend of mine
stayed here Iast month
and Shankar heIped her a lot,
can you send Shankar pIease?
l can help, Ma'am...
he is Shankar, I am Bhola...
what do you want Ma'am?
lce, hash, sugar, grass?
OK, Ma'am.
Thank you.
This is Iike a 2BHK flat.
My feet hurt.
The Alps...
and complimentary!!!
lshika Patel, Patel...
l feel good...
Hello, Ma'am, I'm Shankar...
you asked for me?
- Thank you Ma'am.
l need a list of aIl the
property dealers in Goa,
the best and most reliabIe.
Yes Ma'am.
The ones who deaI for
less than a crore rupees,
don't bother including them.
lt wilI be a waste of time.
Will get it done...
the Iist will be better
if I know what kind of
property you are looking for...
flat, bungaIow, office, show room?
For a restaurant. My restaurant.
l need land for that.
My card,
Thank you Ma'am.
sorry my dad's card.
Here this is mine.
Thank you Ma'am.
Call me on my Indian
number once the list is ready.
OK, Ma'am
- OK?
Now get to work.
Thank you very much,
ma'am, thank you very much,
have a nice day, ma'am.
You too...
Boss... l found a huge fish.
lshika Patel.
Excuse me one minute.
What're you doing?
l'm going to use this.
One minute, l will not take Iong,
l will not take long.
OK... where's the manager?
He was checking
lshika's dad's website.
He's hooked.
Hello, Ma'am,
this is the property
dealer's list you asked for.
Oh, you got them?
- Yes, Ma'am.
- Ya, thank you.
Thank you, Shankar,
My pleasure, Ma'am, and
this is your ride, Ma'am.
l like it.
- Ya
l love the colour.
- Ya...
PIease Ma'am.
Thank you.
Have a nice day, Ma'am.
Thank you.
He's stilI not here...
where is he?
He's just been
watching for three days.
Why isn't he attacking?
Do you think he has
suspected something?
When will he stop looking so handsome?
AlI his luxury is
thanks to all our money.
Don't worry, won't Iast too long.
Single malt... double.
Sure Sir.
- Bill our drinks to this.
Settle my tab please.
Sure Ma'am.
Thank you.
Ma'am, your card is blocked.
How can it be blocked?
Hello... yeah my card
number is 4541982333180680.
How can it be blocked you bIock-head?!
unbIock it unblock it now!
Twenty four hours!
What wiIl I do without
my card for 24 hours?
You know I wiIl sue you for this...
He is not even Iooking at me.
Drunkard's just chugging it down.
l am paying cash and leaving.
Okay Bye.
Hi, so I'm just going to pay
you by cash, how much was it?
lt's ok ma'am your bilI has
been settled by your friend
Which friend?
Excuse me!
since when have you become my friend?
Since the white shirt and
bIue jeans became your enemy.
Listen l don't have time for this...
So just tell me how
much you paid for my bilI
Blue and white paid, not me.
Bartender said you
l pointed to the
bIue and white's card,
the bartender was so hassled he didn't
notice whose card had I pointed to.
He presumed it was mine. Simple.
Very classy thief!
Classy! Thank you.
He misbehaved with you,
l punished him.
That's no theft
That is theft.
Feeling guilty? Then apologise to him.
But if you want to
thank me for punishing
Him, then there's a
better bar in CoIva.
Now l get it. l've known
guys to pay the bill and flirt,
but dude without paying!
But l am not in Goa to party
or see cheap tricks
from hunks like you.
Try it on someone eIse.
Excuse me
- Ya?
Sorry but there's been some confusion,
can you pay the guy
whose card was used,
l think they're over there.
ls he is a ghost
that he just vanished?
lf she gives so much attitude,
he will vanish.
lt was a perfect plan Ishika,
you ruined it.
He was convinced that you
are a damsel in distress.
Damsel in distress!
No one gives a second
gIance to damseIs these days.
l can't pIay a damseI.
We've hired you! You have to
pIay according to our ruIes.
Miss director, l am the one who
has to deal with him face to face.
You can't press a remote and have fun.
l am not an actress, l
have to play it my way.
What if he were to
catch me acting, then?
The partnership idea has to
be soId to him, I'll seIl it.
l've never let you go empty
handed from the malI, have l?
Ok but now we have to
think of a new move.
Don't worry the next
move wilI be made by him.
With hearty compliments
from Mr. Vikram Thapar.
Vikram who?
Mr. Thapar, Goa's beach king.
Out of aIl the water
sporting between Varca to Anjuna
at least a dozen are owned by him.
lncIuding the one at our hotel.
You met him Iast night at the bar.
That's Vikram Thapar?
Yes ma'am.
lnteresting name.
lnteresting man.
lf you want to thank him, then
you can find him at the beach.
Have a nice day ma'am.
Thank you.
This is finished.
How wiIl we run the
business if he does this?
TelI him.
Mr. Beach King, credit card trick
didn't work so you sent fIowers?
They always work... here you are
So l was right.
Last night's drama was to attract me.
You are so attractive what could l do?
Thank you...
for the flowers.
ls it from your own
money or stoIen cash?
Did they smeIl nice?
So how does it matter then?
l want to go for a ride.
Come, I will take you
l will drive.
lf you are not here to party
then what're you doing here?
To prove that I can
also set up a business.
Prove to whom?
To my Father.
l told him l wanted to set up
a chain of restaurants in India,
he thought it was stupid.
Do anything in the U.S.
but not in lndia.
After numerous fights
he has conceded that
l first set up the project
like land, licences, clearances,
staff everything, and then
he'Il invest five miIlion.
Five miIlion doIlars is
Twenty five crores
But do you know how much
he's given me for my trip?
Five Iakhs including transport,
hotel food.
But l'll prove it.
l won't leave here tilI
my restaurant is set up,
even if it means
sleeping on the beaches.
l can help you set up your restaurant.
But why?
Oh lone girl, millionaire dad,
trap her, take her money.
ls this the plan?
Right! This was my plan.
But you're so clever,
you don't need any help.
Goa is waiting for you.
AlI the honest officers, Iand owners,
cops, collector, ministers.
They will help you honestly.
You have a good evening
Hey... Mr. Beach King!
Want to have a beer?
l don't want any favours.
Do you want an equal
partnership of sharing,
But profit sharing will be 60-40
You said "equal" partnership?
My idea, so 60 mine. Agreed?
Okay agreed.
You will aIso have to
invest in the partnership.
Why do you think I am letting
you be my partner?
l'm not going to run
away with your money,
all the expenses wiIl be transparent
and for the yacht party.
Yacht party?
whenever l go to meet somebody...
they don't take me seriously.
lf we organise a yacht party,
good food, music, wine,
invite aIl the important people
in Goa, put photos in the press.
Just see, the phone
won't stop ringing.
Entire Goa wilI help our restaurant.
That's how we promote in the states.
Had I the money,
l would've had the party,
and started the restaurant by now.
How much wilI we need for the party?
A crore perhaps.
As soon as dad
sanctions his 25 crores,
your money will be returned.
So partner or no partner?
How much for this?
One can get shoes for 500 rupees here.
Show that one.
And that one?
Which brand?
Mango, Diesel, DoIce & Gabbana, Gucci,
What time is it?
Tripping on these Jalapenos
We have to leave now,
come on, come on, come on...
l'm not done eating...
We have to leave, he is not going to
Wait for us all day.
What's the rush,
is it an American thing?
Times money baby.
What happened?
You have got to be kidding me man...
What're you doing?
Watch out, watch out. What the helI?
No price tag?
We'Il put it when we get there.
Ya Gaurav?
On our way.
Hey Gaurav what's up?
You are looking nice.
Ok... that's Saira
- HelIo
This is Dimple.
- Hi - HeIlo
Ladies on a mission huh? Come...
Like a fooI l rushed here,
didn't even pack properly.
AlI the money is
going to the hotel bilI.
l think l should shift from
Pallazzo to a cheaper one star hotel.
From the money l save,
l can buy a dress at least.
You won't be able to handle a one star
So what to do?
l don't have a dress for the party.
Let's go shopping!
How sweet...
This is what they are
wearing in New York now, like now.
lt's lovely.
Ninety thousand only.
One dress is not good enough,
l mean atleast...
l need at least eight,
matching foot wear, jeweIlery,
Take everything.
lt's an investment for our future.
l mean business future.
And its backless.
lts good.
Now thats nice.
lts nice.
Nice couple.
But the boy is short.
Why don't you get heels?
l can't believe we
have shopped so much.
WelI at least it has put
a broad smile on your face.
Sixteen Iakhs fifty thousand.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Mind blowing.
Thank you.
Ohh my God...
Okay okay enough hugging kissing...
Let's get to work.
Phase two!
Can you talk Ishika?
Listen yachts are
parked at the Madovi Jetty.
One of them is my
friend Fardeen's Yacht.
He has explained
everything to the captain.
He is all set.
He wiIl ask you for the
entire payment in advance.
Then you take over.
The yacht is Brown
in colour and called
Freedom. Freedom it is!
lncIuding food and beverages,
and 6pm to midnight
wiIl be 20 lakhs in total.
Too much no?
That's 40,000 dollars.
ln the US this party will
cost at least a 100,000 dolIars.
ActualIy it's a good deal.
Aye aye captain sail the boat.
Full advance payment in cash,
then booking, then saiIing.
How much is this?
lnvitation card
Oh. Gorgeous.
Here you go.
Ninety rupees
ls this the cheapest?
OnIy mango juice will
be cheaper than this.
Forty bottles please.
How much?
l'Il take aIl
A 200 bucks bottle
is now worth 90,000.
Thank you
So far we've earned 45 lakhs.
After Ishika's fee and all expenses,
we are left with 35.
lshika Patel you are a genius.
There are at least 8 investors.
ln fact we might not need
your dad's money anymore.
No. l don't need anymore partners.
l am happy with one,
whom l can trust completely.
No really, for any
business trust is crucial.
trust is crucial.
Oh my god! Vikram.
Once more, once more.
We never had any in our childhood
so I go crazy when l see them now.
Papa got us 1 of each firework and,
they would be finished in seconds.
l would be angry with the
fireworks when they finished so soon,
wondering, why have they finished?
But why rationing on the fireworks?
Your father could've
bought an entire factory right?
Had my father not rationed in
the beginning of his business,
then how wouId he have
become the Motel King?
Let's go.
Let's go party
Haven't we just been to a party?
That wasn't a party, it was business.
lsn't it late?
ls someone waiting for you?
Alright Vikram Thapar Iet's party.
Let's party.
She isn't answering.
Booking was tiIl 12.
Party must have
finished long time ago.
ReaI romance has happened
between the calf and the butcher.
ReaI romance.
Raina, if what she is
saying is true, then?
Then my dear,
we are screwed.
AlI night party!
WhiIe we've been
rotting in that helI-hole,
she is living it up in the 5 star.
Partying with Sunny all night.
l had to go with him
to build his confidence.
What other debaucheries did
you do to build his confidence?
Raina, please telI her to shut up.
l am not going to shut up.
You are in Goa for us.
We've hired you.
We are footing the bills.
Not for you to hang out with my
ex-boyfriend Iike shameless bitch.
That's enough Dimple.
You are always taking her side.
Dimple, just shut up.
Do you have any idea how
worried we've been alI night?
Any idea?
l am really sorry.
Champagne, beer, yacht,
brain got a bit side tracked.
l promise it won't happen again.
l am on your side.
Now the focus is to
defeat the Bloody Scoundrel.
Down with the BIoody Scoundrel.
We haven't even
recovered half the amount yet.
We've a long way to go.
Don't ditch lshika.
l won't.
Dimple, come on.
Hi, you haven't slept?
l want to show you
something mind bIowing.
OK, let's go
l know, even my mind
is completeIy blown.
This land is perfect
for the restaurant.
Very nice.
ActualIy it's perfect.
Let's make it here.
Let's talk to the owner.
Wait, wait, wait partner.
Before we go ahead l
want to share a few secrets,
after knowing them you might
want to break the partnership.
What secret can that be?
l'm not breaking the partnership.
You will aIso have to
tell me your secrets.
l don't have any secrets.
You can teIl me yours.
- I am a conman.
l am a thief.
For the last 15 years,
l've conned 30 ladies.
You are the 31st.
Friendship, partnership, investment
in your project has all been for this.
My plan was to run
away after fIeecing you,
but I fell in love with you lshika.
l am not lying.
l have lied a lot.
l've spent my entire life aIone,
even if I wanted to be
friends with someone,
l would scoId myself and restrain,
but since I met my
heart won't listen to me.
Do you...
love me?
Will you marry me lshika?
He proposed to you?
Liar. Look at her face.
He never proposed to me,
why wouId he propose to her?
lt's not a proposal,
it's a con siIly.
The biggest con of his life.
After marrying her he
wiIl have her, her father's,
the Iand's, the
restaurant's money in his pocket.
With an investment of 40 lakhs,
he plans to hit the
billion dollarjackpot.
That's why I was wondering
why is he buying her aIl
these dresses and shoes for?
He wiIl marry for money.
Marry him.
No way. Are you crazy?
This is the best way to
get the rest of our money.
Her father won't marry her
off to a thief like Vikram
Thapar without any security right?
And for that security lshika's
father will ask him to buy that land
in her name.
Before the wedding.
So wiIl she get married to Sunny?
No, the plot will be
bought before the wedding.
We'Il sell it
immediately after its registration.
Take our money, and get
on the first fIight home.
Not bad Saira.
Can you clear one matter first,
wiIl she or wont she
be married to Sunny?
lshika will onIy accept his proposal.
Make him speak to her father.
Right we have to find a papa for her.
Let me figure this out.
l'Il make tea.
l'Il Ieave.
No, let Raina finish her caIl.
Did he give you flowers?
When he proposed. Ring?
You guys must have definitely kissed.
l am conning him,
and he is conning me.
Where did the kiss come from?
Kiss is a bitch. lt
creeps up anywhere.
Ok papa sorted.
lshika telI him l do, l do, l do.
Before that, Iet's find
out the value of the Iand.
lt's a fair deal ma'am,
don't worry.
Owner is settIed in Dubai,
l have the Power of Attorney.
l'Il do the formaIities.
Final price 90 Lakhs.
No bargaining. Sorry.
Ninety Lakhs.
My gosh!
- Yes, yes.
Papa call time!
Hello Mr. PateI.
Vikram Thapar?
Yes sir, Vikram Thapar.
Let's come straight to the point...
What's the turnover of
your water sports business?
Not even 50 Lakhs annualIy.
lshika's shoes almost cost that much!
Sir, honestly I don't
have your kind of money,
but Ishika's happiness
is most important to me.
l promise to always keep her happy.
My dear a promise has no value.
My dear a promise has no value...
bills cannot be paid by promises.
Moreover, how do l know you are not
marrying my daughter for her money?
TelI me.
Sir, l love lshika not her money.
l can't just believe what you say.
Trust needs proof.
lf you want to marry Ishika,
then buy a land of her
choice registered in her name
for her restaurant.
l'Il make the rest of the
investment in the restaurant,
but if you buy the Iand
then l'll be rest assured
that she has some security.
That's my condition.
What happened? Can't
give the security?
l'Il give sir, off course I will.
For lshika I'lI do anything...
The butcher becomes the caIf.
l am telIing you, the
scoundrel is in love.
He can't love anyone.
He is Iaying his trap
slowIy and steadiIy.
He is getting caught up in it.
l am trapped.
l've made a promise but
l don't have 90 Lakhs.
l have only 45 left
after the yacht party.
So now?
Had I not met you, I could
have conned someone for it easiIy.
But now I can't do it.
l love you...
but how wilI l give your
father security? I don't know!
We will have to give
the rest of the 45 Lakhs.
Crazy? We've got it
with so much difficulty.
With our 45 and his 45,
he will buy the plot.
HopefuIly when we selI it
we wiIl get more than 90,
and we'll recover all our money.
Okay lshika, tell him you
raised 45 by selling yourjewelIery.
But Raina,
what if he has genuinely
fallen in love with me, then?
what's going on here?
Love what else?
l told you she's a traitor.
He is Ieading you on.
He can't love anyone.
He loves me... perhaps.
lshika waved the magic wand
and the scoundrel became
a caring, honest lover.
Believe me he has changed.
lf you look into his eyes,
you wilI see an honest man.
Enough lshika.
Even I've seen his eyes,
when he spoke to my
father-in-law about his poor mother
and sister and stole our 10 Lakhs.
lf you don't want to
carry on, it's ok.
But don't mock us. We're
stupid and you're clever.
When he vanishes after
breaking your heart,
that's when you will realise her pain
and know that we are your
well-wishers, not that rogue.
the money for Vikram.
Are we crazy to hand over so
much money to a thief's girlfriend?
You will run away with it.
Aren't you in love with him?
l am.
l am in Iove with him.
But l'm an honest
sales girl, not a thief.
Less salary, tough Iife,
but I feeI proud when my
bosses praise me for my honesty.
l wouldn't sell that
feeIing even for a crore.
l won't cheat you.
Trust me.
l'Il return alI your money.
Promise me, no more lies.
l love you.
Mr. Abhay Salaskar.
He is settled in Dubai.
Power of Attorney is with me D'Silva.
lshika Patel.
Sign pIease.
Ma'am sign here please.
Hundred percent genuine!
Sorry, and Thank you.
lt's okay.
Thank you.
l can't wait to see his face
when he sees us and
realises that he has been duped.
But where is the scoundrel?
This is fine.
Hello, hello excuse me,
what are you doing here?
FIood control.
Where's the flood?
lt's not here now, but it
wiIl come after the monsoons.
Who gave you permission?
We are the new owners of this land.
Take our permission.
You? lsn't the owner Abhay SaIaskar?
Was. He is in Dubai now. We bought it.
For 90 lakhs.
Cheap deaI isn't it?
What would be its market vaIue now?
with great difficulty.
This is a swamp. It's under
water for 5 months. What value?
Check the deed, may be there
is an extra zero by mistake.
Even 9 Lakhs is too much.
David, Abhay
Salaskar has cheated them.
Ninety Lakhs.
Bloody ScoundreI,
Abhay Salaskar.
What's your cut?
How much wilI that
scoundrel give you out of the 90?
ls it a 50-50 or a 60-40 partnership?
Was it his idea because an idea
is worth more, or was it yours?
Shut up Raina.
- You double crossing bitch.
Shut up Raina.
Liar, thief, bloody scoundreI.
Raina, shut up!
- Shut up alI of you...
l did it for you
and you are accusing me?
Calling me a thief?
To heIl with you.
Had Ishika cheated us,
then why wouId she come here?
Don't abuse her for your defeat.
The scoundrel has cheated her as welI.
First, he bought the
land himself, for 3 Lakhs
as Abhay Salaskar from Dubai.
Then he gave the Power
of Attorney to D'Silva.
lshika met D'Silva
who quoted 90 lakhs.
Out of which we gave 45 Lakhs.
After signing the deed
D'Silva gave the entire
money to BIoody Scoundrel.
Aren't l too good?
l had boarded the plane
after the security check,
but could not take off.
For the first time, it was no fun.
l conned girls because I
thought it was a game,
which l would win.
l never stopped to think,
that aIong with cash,
what else the girIs lost.
Now that I know,
the game is no fun.
l thought I was
superstar Shahrukh Khan,
but this time,
even though I won, I have lost.
Your money.
lts 1 crore
You have straightened
this Bloody Scoundrel out.
l can't do con jobs anymore,
and l know nothing else.
Thanks to you alI,
l will have to Iearn honest work.
l am not good at saying sorry,
Hats off boss!
Hats off
lf you ever meet Ishika,
tell her my proposal was real.
l really fell in love with her.
But she turned out
to be a real player,
hats off to her as well.
Abhay Salaskar!
How does he come up with these names?
Sunny and I were dating seriously...
and l wondered why
isn't he going first base?
First what?
So l thought, l'd take him there.
l came on to him in the night club,
but he didn't kiss me.
He could have taken advantage,
l was ready,
but he didn't exploit me.
But he doesn't know how
much Ishika loves him right?
No, only we know.
No, no, don't do that.
Give this pamphlet to your mother.
HomeTown is offering 25% discount
on all sections pIease do check it out
HomeTown is offering 25% discount
on all sections pIease do check it out
HomeTown is offering 25% discount on
all sections please do check it out
lshika Patel...
Sorry sir,
l think you are
looking for another Ishika,
l am Ishika Desai,
a smalI time saIes girl,
my salary is 25,000 rupees.
l am sure I am no good to you.
By the way we have a 25%
discount in all the sections
pIease do check it out,
Won't you ask me why I came back?
Not reaIly,
l am 22 years old,
l have a lot to achieve,
a lot to earn.
l went off track once and lost out
but now I won't make a mistake,
l want to mint money.
Not a good plan!
l've been there done that.
lt's no fun making money on your own.
Let's be partners,
same deal 60 yours, 40 mine.
No lies, no cheating.
Your brains, my courage,
world's best partnership.
You've conned 31 girls right?
l don't want to be 32nd.
l will constantIy be
seeking the truth in your lies.
l was telIing the truth then,
l am telIing the truth now.
You were lying then,
you are Iying now.
You might feign anger but
your eyes are saying, clearIy,
that you are happy to see me here.
That's why we are made for each other,
we won't be able to Iie to each other,
because we will be caught out.
A 100% true partnership of two liars.
lf you are so in love with my lies,
then why did you leave me and go?
lt was my last con,
how could l have lost?
lshika Desai, l love you...
Marry me
Straight to marriage,
don't you want to test me as
a girlfriend or something?
l am the No.1 conman,
l have checked
everything before attacking.
wait wait,
first teIl me your real name.
Ricky Bahl
What kind of name is that?
l don't want to marry
a Ricky... I want to...
Dimple, don't worry...
we'll look for a much
better groom for you than Ricky.
l don't want him anymore,
l just want to go home...
to mummy papa.