Ladri di Biciclette (The Bicycle Thief) (1948) Movie Script

- I've been coming here
for two weeks now. - Ricci?
Is Ricci here?
- Ricci!
- Ricci!
Are you deaf or what? come on!
I'm a bricklayer.
Do I have to starve to death?
Sorry, there's really
nothing I can do.
Just be patient and we'll
try and get you all sorted out.
Let's see what we can do.
Oi, Ricci, you've got a job.
- A job?
- Bill poster.
You've got to report
to the bill-posting offices.
Give him this
and take your employment card along.
Anything for us?
The hell with it!
And us?
There are two turners' jobs,
but there are no turners here.
And if you're not a turner,
what do you do? Gather dust?
Don't take it out on me!
Hey, Ricci, remember your bike!
You have to have a bike.
A bike? I have and I haven't.
I can't get my hands on it right now.
Perhaps in a few days' time.
You need one straight away
or they won't take you on.
I can do it on foot
for the first few days.
If you haven't got a bike, you'll
have to let someone else take it.
- I've got a bike.
- So have I. -Me too!
But you're a bricklayer!
Change my category!
You can't! Now, have you got
a bike or haven't you?
I've got one, I've got one.
Remember if you haven't got a bike,
there's nothing doing, right?
Think I'm going to wait another two
years? I'll be there with a bike.
- Casati!
- Over here!
Two days' labouring work,
if you want it.
What is it?
- Am I unlucky, or what?
- What's up?
There's a job for me,
but I can't take it.
What did you say? I didn't hear.
Wait a minute, Antonio.
What did you say? You've got a job?
A good one, too. With the council!
Well, it's a start, Antonio.
What do you mean, start!
I need a bike, and right away.
If I don't go along straight away,
they'll give it to someone else.
- What shall I do?
- What do you expect?
- Morning, missus.
- Morning.
You shouldn't have pawned
your bike!
- And how were you supposed to eat?
- Shut up!
It's always the same! I might
as well go and jump in the river.
Get up, Antonio!
What are you doing?
You don't have to have
sheets to sleep, do you?
They're just sheets.
They're made of linen and cotton.
Quality stuff. Wedding presents.
They're used.
Four are used. Two are new.
- How many are there?
- Three doubles and three singles.
And three.
- Seven thousand lire.
- Seven thousand?
Can't you give us a bit more?
They're used.
Stick these in, too.
Seven thousand five hundred.
Ricci Maria. Valmelaina.
Flight H, number 1.
Number 1....
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.
One, two, three, four and five.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
It's a bike.
Six thousand, one hundred.
Interest. It's the 31st.
Here you are.
It's that Fides.
Near the red one.
I know, I know.
Excuse me,
is the job still free?
Hang on a second!
- Where's the head clerk?
- Over there.
Put it down! What's wrong?
- Put your bike down!
- Sorry.
I'm Antonio Ricci.
The Valmelaina unemployment office
sent me.
You can start tomorrow morning.
Go to the stores and get your stuff.
- Thanks! Bye.
- Good bye.
- Bye!
- Bye.
- Tomorrow at a quarter to seven!
- On the dot!
- How'd you get on?
- Fine. It's all arranged.
- What have you got there?
- A bit of work for you, too.
The cap needs taking in.
It's a bit too big.
come over here! Look.
Everyone's got their own locker.
See how big it is?
They used to give us shoes, too.
Not bad... the pay's good, too.
Six thousand a fortnight,
plus family allowance and overtime!
Can I drop by via della
Paglia a second?
- What for?
- To see a woman who works there.
- A woman?
- Yes, a woman.
Stay here.
Who lives here?
I told you, a woman.
I'll only be in a minute.
- But...
- I'll be right back.
Hurry up, then.
- Is that mine?
- No, it's mine.
- Look, it's mine..
- No it isn't, it's mine,..
..that's five/three.
- Porter!
- Porter!
Excuse me. Is this
where the wise woman lives?
- The wise woman?
- Yes, the seer.
I don't know.
Let's try the first floor.
- Is this where the wise woman lives?
- Yes. The door at the end.
- come on. Your turn.
- Don't touch it.
- could you watch it for a second?
- Yes.
- Door at the end.
- When March and April were over....
- How long is it?
- More than a year.
- You could have brought him along.
- How can I lift him?
- What should I do?
- That one, yes, and that one, no.
My Lord, show me the light!
Your son will rise up
from his bed before the leaves fall.
- What's that mean?
- Maria! Let's go!
It means your son
will get better in the autumn.
- Maria! Come on, let's go!
- No.
Maria! Come on, let's go.
- What are you doing here?
- I owe her fifty lire.
Don't be daft!
She said you'd find a job.
Have you got one or not?
I want to due my duty.
- Know what I think if you go in?
- Give over.
How can a woman like you,
with two children,..
..believe in all
this tripe and these tricks?
What are you doing?
As if you had money to burn!
What the hell's got into you?
Can't you find any better way
of spending your money?
I'm grateful to her.
Did she find the job for me?
Come on, move!
Don't be so daft. Let's go home.
come on, Bruno,
it's already half past six.
I can't clean it properly,
there's not enough light.
Did you see what they've done?
They've scratched it.
So what? It was probably like that.
No, it wasn't.
And there's a dent.
God knows how they store them.
I'd have said:
.."You're not the one
who pays for the repairs!"
- Will you shut up?
- That's what I'd have said.
- Is my cap ready, Maria?
- Yes.
- What have you made?
- Omelette.
Let's have a look at you.
Mm, will you look at that!
- Do I look good?
- You look like a cop!
- Hey!
- Lay off! It hurts!
You'll wake the baby!
Here you are, Bruno. Omelette.
Let's go.
- Bye, Mum!
- Bye, Maria!
Bye, Bruno. See you at seven
this evening. Wait for me here.
- Bye, Dad!
- Bye.
First you spread
the glue like this.
There you go.
Then you stick up the poster.
Then you go over it lightly
with the glue again,.. that there are
no wrinkles. Got it?
Hi, kids.
If you leave any wrinkles in....
....the inspector fines you.
Got it?
You have to be intelligent, quick,
and have a good eye for this job.
That's it done. Let's go.
- See you around. Bye.
- Thanks. Bye.
Stop thief!
What happened?
- Climb up! Climb up!
- Come on, hurry up.
I saw him going
towards the tunnel.
Hurry up.
What's wrong?
- Well?
- I must have been mistaken.
- I was sure he went this way.
- Oh, well!
Yes, there was a crowd. But they
just went about their business....
What is it?
- You're going to the meeting.
- No, Cap's going.
He's changed. You go.
Sign here.
- Cavroni?
- Yes sir.
- It's our turn.
- come on, quick.
- can you do anything?
- You have the time, you look for it.
Have I got to walk round
the whole of Rome?
I don't know what it looks like.
You've got a description
and the registration number.
It'd take the whole flying squad
to look for a bike!
So what's the point
of reporting it?
Tomorrow you might find it
in some bike stall,..
..all you have to do is call
a policeman and everything's official.
- Anything new, Brigadier?
- Just a bike been stolen.
Thanks. Goodbye.
So I have to sort it out myself?
It's fine as it is. You've reported
it. It's fine as it is. Goodnight.
You'd like to, wouldn't you?
Hello Bruno.
Hey, Dad! It's half past seven!
I came back by bus. come on.
What about the bike?
- Is it broken?
- Yes, it's broken.
Go inside. I'll be in in a minute.
Go on!
It's not a problem
for the Employment Exchange.
If there's no work,
people won't have jobs.
Our cell has already
told the branch that..
..and the Working Men's Association.
Dole money doesn't solve anything,
it humiliates the worker,..'s soon gone
and it doesn't solve the problem.
What we need is a big
public works programme,.. they said at the meeting : you
can't expect us to work miracles.
- Who's that? - can you keep quiet
back there? - It's him!
As soon as there's a chance
to help you out, we jump at it.
Hi, Ricci. Good job to have, isn't it?
#....really loved me..#'d make sure I wasn't taken
for a ride by other people....#
- #People.#
- #People.#
#If you really,
really loved me..#'d make sure I wasn't taken
for a ride by other people....#
- #People.#
- #People.#
Be right back.
What's up?
I was looking for you.
I want to talk.
- What's up?
- They've nicked my bike.
You're joking... Where?
At the Florida.
While I was sticking up posters.
How did it happen?
Baiocchi, You've got to help me.
I've got to get my bike back.
Easier said than done.
Excuse me a second.
Baiocchi, listen to me
or we'll be here all night!
I'm listening.
#If you really, really loved me....#
Shut up everyone!
You'd make sure I wasn't taken
for a ride. Are you listening?
I'm listening! #Peo-ple.# #Peo-ple.#
Do you think I'm daft?
You carry on.
I'll be there in a tick.
The hell with it!
Piazza Vittorio's
the only place to go.
Go there at night
in order to be among the first!
These thieves try to get rid
of these bikes straight away.
The only thing to do is try there.
Is it true?
Don't start. I didn't go home
to avoid listen to your moaning.
Who's moaning? It's not the sort
of thing that happens every day.
Have you done anything?
Have you looked for it?
Don't cry like that,
you look like a little girl.
It wouldn't be the first one
to be found they change the saddle,..
..or the handlebars, but it has
to be at the market tomorrow.
And if it's there,
we'll bring it back home.
You'll lose a bit of sleep tonight,
but don't worry, we'll find it.
what would you be doing today?
- I'm walking out with a friend.
- Not with me? - No, mother's here.
This just isn't on!
Either you go or we do.
We rehearse or you chat.
You tell him, Meniconi.
He's right.
You'll never learn anything
from rehearsing!
Trust me,
we'll sort it out somehow.
- See you tomorrow. - Goodnight.
And don't forget what I told you!
Speed things up a bit
or we'll never get out of here.
can you get that cart out of
the way? Have you loaded up there?
- Hey, Baiocchi, I'm here.
- Be right there. Amerigo, over here.
By the way, what was the make?
It was a lightweight Fides,
He knows it better than I do.
So much the better,
at least we can split up.
Bagonghi, we'll go this way.
No, this way's better.
You two look out for the tyres,
you look out for the frame,..
..and the boy can look
at the pumps and bells.
Let's go!
- Fides, it's a Fides frame.
- I heard!
Let's look for it
bit by bit..
..then we'll put it back together.
Keep your eyes open, Bagonghi.
Be on your guard!
He's nothing to do with it.
Let's go this way,..
..don't let them see
we're looking for something special.
Wander about,
as if you're just looking.
There you go,
they're setting up now.
- Damn them all...
- I bet we find it.
I'm really uptight about this!
Oi, Bruno, you look through
the bells and pumps.
If you find anything,
give us a whistle.
You two stay here,
and you come with me.
Remember what I told you.
If we find it, I'll be over the moon.
Hey, move on!
Remember: a Fides.
Want to buy something?
Clear off
and let me get on with my work!
I was here first!
There's no point
in us all being here.
Antonio, take a look at the wheels,
Bagonghi the frames, and the kid..
..the pumps and bells.
I'll go this way.
Come and have a look at this frame.
- What do you think?
- What make is it?
- Why, do you want to buy it?
- No.
Be careful. The paint's fresh.
I want to look
at the number on the frame.
What for?
Are you buying the number?
I want to see the frame number.
And if I won't let you?
I'll go and call a cop.
You can call whoever you want!
Why? Is it stolen?
You have to show the frame number
to anybody who wants to see it.
And what'll you show me in exchange?
Your shoe size?
Why do you want numbers?
Playing a lottery?
No, I don't play the lottery.
Don't you want a bell? You've
been here half an hour already.
Do you want it or not?
How much does the bell cost?
A hundred and fifty lire.
Do you want it?
Makes a really nice sound. Listen!
You've reported the theft,
so there's no need to worry.
Let's have a look at that frame.
Clear off. Can't a body
work in peace any more?
What's wrong? Don't you trust me?
Twelve zero twenty four.
Is that yours?
You're a bit dirty. Here's a rag.
It's not a question
of trust or not.
Some scoundrel stole his bicycle,..
..he has the right to look
if he wants.
Look if you want!
Who's stopping you?
Everyone makes mistakes.
We're all honest here
in Piazza Vittorio!
- What d'ya mean, "Yeaah"?
- Nyaaaah!
Forget it. Remember the name Fides.
- Where's my boy?
- He'll be near the carts.
There's nothing doing here.
It's not easy.
Do you want something else?
Bruno, stay by my side.
Let's go!
He'll take you down to Porta
Portese and we'll stay here.
You'll have to go to Porta
Portese this morning.
Go there now.
Go with him. Take it easy.
Go on! Go on!
It's pointless.
There's nothing doing.
It always rains on Sundays.
A day off work and you have
to stay at home all day.
This song and dance
is really getting me down.
These daft kids run out in front
of you, next thing you're in the nick.
It's really coming down now.
It rains every Sunday.
- What happened?
- I fell over!
Here you are.
clean yourself up a bit!
What have you got
to be so scared of?
I don't want to get
my white tie and tails wet.
- You give me only 100 lire?
- That'll do.
- What are we going to do?
- We'll see.
Stop him!
Stop him! Thief!
Let's go and find the old man!
There he is, Dad!
Where has the old sod gone?
Where are you going?
Oi, Bruno!
What are you doing!
Leave off!
I want to talk to that young bloke
you were with.
Where can I find him?
What young bloke?
The one that rode off on a bike.
Why? What's he done to you?
Nothing. I just want to talk
to him about something personal.
How should I know? I don't know him.
He was there with you
under that arch!
There are so many
young blokes around...
- No, over here!
- No!
- Forget it!
- I have to talk to him!
Can you credit it... a poor old bloke
keeping himself to himself....
It's late.
You have to be here before ten.
They told me it was always open!
come on, hurry up, get in.
There are always latecomers.
And the beard is....
Luckily a lot of them
have already had a shave.
I knew it,
We'll end up running late.
I've still got four shaves
and eight haircuts to do.
Just the hair.
No, that's enough for today!
What about the soup?
Later. The mess tins have to be....
If this is anyone's first time,..
..remember that the mess tins
have to be taken into the courtyard.
Come on, don't waste time.
That's the way! Well done.
Line up!
Get in line!
Afterwards everyone has to find
their own mess tin or can.
Might be a nice idea
to have a shave.
- Do you need a shave? - No.
- Well get into church, then.
Sit down.
You get into church.
Will you be long?
No, I've only got this one
and this one.
No, not me.
- So we can begin.
- Yes.
Not here, please.
I'm growing a goatee.
Do the other side.
The priest is waiting.
That'll do, I think, it's late.
- I need more time.
- Let's go. Over here, little boy!
Move up.
I've got to find that young bloke.
I've got to talk business with him.
Where can I find him?
Leave off. I don't know him.
I don't know nothing.
Page six.
I wish to leave
this holy place....
pure in spirit....
....and calm....
It's a bit of business
he'd be interested in. Where is he?
It's not my job to know
where people are.
Tell me
or I'll turn you in.
What have I done?
....we must walk along....
Leave it out.
....and walk the streets
of pain and privation.
You just have to tell me where
he is. I've nothing against you.
I can even leave you something.
- What's for lunch?
- Pasta and potatoes.
Going to tell me then?
It'll be worse, if I take you to the
police station. You'll stay there.
Where does he live?
Well, Via della Campanella....
What number?
The hell with it.
Fifteen, I think.
- You're coming with me, then.
- Can't you go on your own?
Either you take me there
or I'll take you there with the cops..
..'cause I've had enough!
Keep quiet
or I'll get you thrown out!
- Police.
- Police.
Going to take me there, then?
I ain't going anywhere with you.
- Why? What'll happen to you?
- Clear off!
I'm losing my patience.
You can lose whatever you want!
I could kill you. Want me to get
the cops to take you there?
I don't give a damn!
Can you take me there?
Give it up, alright?
- Come on, move!
- Get your hands off!
- Come on, move!
- That's enough, alright?
- I'll show you.
- Leave it out! - come on!
- Will you get me something to eat?
- Alright, but I'm coming with you.
Just when I was going to get
a decent meal for a change.
- Stop them. - Where are you
going? You can't do that.
- Did a man come by here?
- No. And it isn't time to go yet.
Put a bit more in there.
What the hell do you want?
I want to get out!
The door's shut!
The lawyer's got the key!
Stop that row!
This is a church!
Do you want to get out?
This is no way
to behave in a church.
I must find him.
Did you come here just to make
a row? What the blazes do you want?
I'm looking for an old man
who was here!
I must find him.
Can you see him?
- Christ knows where he is!
- Give it a rest!
He can't have flown away.
I'd have stayed
for the soup.
You can shut up, too!
- Sometimes you... hell! - What're
you doing? Come on, move! - No!
- Are you coming or not? - No!
- Bruno! Come on, move!
- What a kid! Let's go!
- No!
What did you hit me for?
Because you deserved it!
Let's go.
I don't want to come.
Go away!
Come on, move yourself!
Nosy parker!
- Alright, then.
- Think I'm going too far, do you?
I'm going to tell Mum
when we get home!
Alright, we'll sort it out
when we get home.
You wait for me at the bridge.
I'm going to look
for that old man.
Bruno! Bruno!
- How is he?
- He's alright.
Put your jacket on.
You've been sweating.
Put it on!
Come on!
Are you tired?
Sit down. There's nothing doing
in any case. We'll go home now.
Is Modena a good team?
Are you hungry?
Do you fancy a pizza?
Come on, then!
Come on, let's go!
What the hell... We might as well
go out in style... what's the point.. worrying about it all?
Come over here. Sit down.
Forget everything:
we'll get drunk!
Rigo, serve this gentleman.
- Half a litre?
- No, a litre and a pizza.
We don't make pizzas here.
- Why not?
- This is a trattoria.
- Well, I want something to eat.
- Something to eat? - Of course.
What would you like?
- Fancy some fried bread
and mozzarella? - Yes.
Two fried bread
and mozzarella and wine.
Then I'll order some sweet, too.
Don't you want anything to drink?
If your mother were to see you!
But we're going to do
what we want!
#You can turn him round
or upside down....#
#You can call him Cicc'Antuono,
you can call him Pepp' o Gi'..#
#..he'll still be black as black
can be, as black, as black as you.#
Let's eat!
Any problem can be resolved..
..except death.
You'd need a million a month
to be able to eat like them.
Don't worry, eat up!
To think everything was just
right. I worked it out..
..with overtime it came to...
hang on a bit...
Twelve thousand flat rate....
There you are...
you write it down.
Twelve thousand flat,.. two thousand overtime,.. family allowance,..
..eight hundred lire a day.
Eight hundred times thirty... you
work it out. What more do you want?
I don't want to give up. We've got
to find it. You know that, don't you?
Because if we don't, we won't
be able to eat. What can we do?
We'll have to go
to Porta Portese every day.
We'll have to find those men again.
Them! They won't show
their faces again!
We won't find them
with your Mum's candles, either!
Or with the help of the saints!
Sports News.
Today, Sunday,,..
..on football fields
throughout Italy..
..teams will be playing
their scheduled matches.
The fans' attention is fixed on
the Premier League championship.
Here are the fixtures for today:
in Rome,..
Rome at the National Stadium.
Door at the end.
I'm scared. I don't like the idea
of this kid hearing.
Maria, have no fear, just tell all,
like the confessional, you'll see.
If only it were true,
Mary Mother of God!
That one yes and that one no.
Sow in a different field.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
No, I don't understand.
What do you mean? It's obvious!
What's the use of ploughing the
field, if the ground is infertile?
You plough but you don't harvest.
Get it?
No, I'm afraid
I really don't understand.
She is not for you.
Forget her!
You're ugly, my boy.
You're ugly.
There are lots more women around.
Plough and sow a different field!
Do you like it?
Mum, it's getting cold.
- Afternoon.
- Afternoon.
- Afternoon. - Afternoon.
- Afternoon. - Afternoon.
Come on, Dad, there's room!
- No, that woman over there first!
- Wait your turn.
Excuse me, but why....
Some people
have been waiting two hours.
- Why don't you wait your turn?
- I'm in a bit of a hurry.
So are we, if you don't mind!
Do this favour for me.
Everybody'd be asking favours then!
Calm down! Keep calm!
This lady's first, then there's
this lady, and then there's me.
Keep calm!
I'll deal with you all.
That one yes and that one no.
My Lord, show me the light!
Give me the light!
What do you want?
- They've stolen my bike.
- What?
- What have they stolen?
- My bike.
What can I say?
I can only tell you what I see.
Listen: you'll find it straight
away, or not at all. Understand?
You'll find it straight away
or not at all. Keep your eyes open.
Where, straight away?
How should I know? Go,
and try to understand what I said.
You'll find it straight away
or not at all.
- Thanks. Good Afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Adele, what's wrong today?
- My husband is getting drunk.
He's a real burden,
don't give him any money.
What can I do?
He takes it....
We're shut!
The girls have gone to lunch!
It's shut for everybody!
What the...! O my God! A kid!
Where do you think you're going?
Get out! You can't go in there!
Where's he going now?
Get out of here!
The law's the same for everyone.
- Who was it?
- A man!
- A man? And where is he?
- There he is! On the stairs.
You can't go into the rooms!
Get out! Scoundrel!
Leave me alone.
In the dining room?
Get out! Isn't anyone going to
help me? come on, get out of here!
I want to talk to him.
Who the hell are you?
I'll show you who.
Just step outside.
Get out! Call the police!
- Cat got your tongue?
- What are you shouting for?
- I want to have something out
with you. - With me?
- Alfredo, leave over.
- Stop that!
- You want me? - Yes, you.
- Here I am!
No! First give me my bike back!
Clear off! Get your hands off me!
- Give over!
- Get out of here!
This bloke has ruined me!
Let's go outside,
I ain't scared of you.
Get back inside, girls.
Who's he think he is,
disturbing people.... the best brothel in Rome!
- I'll teach you to steal.
- clear off!
What'd the superintendent say,
if he knew!
Get out!
Clear off, you layabouts!
Calm down! What's wrong?
- Give back what you took off me!
- What did I take off you?
What do you want?
What did I take from you?
You nicked my bike!
What bike?
I'm no thief!
- You're not going anywhere.
- I'll paste you!
I'll kill you,
if you don't give it back.
I'm not moving from this spot.
Bring it out here now!
Just my luck!
I've got a nutter! Let go!
I've never seen you before,
Let me go!
Do not involve me!
I'm not moving
until you give it back.
I'm not moving
until you give me back the bike.. nicked off me
at the Florida yesterday.
Who was at the Florida yesterday?
You were there with this hat!
- But we were just.... - You can't
go around accusing people like that!
- Let me go!
- No, I won't let you go!
Alfredo! Get up here!
He won't let me go!
Take your hands off me. Yesterday
we were at the General Market.
He stole your bike?
Before making all this fuss,
are you sure?
- What do you mean am I sure?
- Where did he steal it?
Near the Florida.
If you're so sure, why don't you
go to the police station?
What are you waiting for?
It's near here! Move!
clear off!
What are you waiting for?
Go to the police station.
I'll wait here. I've nothing to hide.
You're not going anywhere.
I'm not daft.
Give it a rest. I've never
seen you before!
Get him out of my sight.
- You'd better go.
- Right row you've made!
When you accuse someone
you must be certain.
Can't go just accuse
people like that.
Make sure he doesn't hit his head!
You'd better clear off. You have
to be sure before making accusations.
You could end up
getting cited for defamation.
Get rid of him before I kill him!
My beloved boy, apple
of your mummy's eye!
- When are you going to clear off?
- Get your hands off!
Make sure
of what you're saying first.
Go and get
your wallet nicked, too,..
..then come round here
kicking up a row!
You're all thieves!
I just wanted
to cool him down a bit!
Where's this bloke who is supposed
to have stolen the bike?
There he is.
He's pretending to throw a fit.
What do you mean pretending?
He's more dead than alive.
Where do you live?
I live here.
I told him to go to the station.
What have you got
against my son?
He's innocent.
Everyone knows him round here.
That's right.
He says that
he's got a German hat.
This isn't German.
- come on, get up.
- He can't even move!
Brigadier, he should be in hospital
rather than out in the open.
Will you take us upstairs, then?
For God's sake....
We're good people in our house.
Come on.
I'd sue him for defamation!
He's never hurt a fly!
It won't take long to look round.
This is all there is.
There are four of us
live here. He..
..sleeps here. Look and see
if there are any bikes under the bed.
My daughter, another child
and me sleep here.. Ooh!
Instead of coming here to offend us,
why not give the boy a job..
..he's been looking for ages.
Good Grief!
They're my brother-in-law's
tyres: he had an 1100,..
..which he rented.
Look and see if there are
any bikes under the bed.
..isn't there anyone
who can act as witness for you?
- I can act as a witness!
- But you....
Would you like to leave
us for a second, ma'am?
Talk as much as you want:
I don't mind!
You might have made a mistake
on your own. Are you sure it was him?
Yes, I'm sure it was him!
Come here.
Look out there. What do you see?
They're all witnesses for him.
You're wasting time.
I see this kind of thing
happening every day.
- Did you really see his face?
- Yes, while he was running away.
You saw him from behind, then.
No, I saw him, because....
- Was there anyone else there?
- Yes, there was.
Can't you give me the name
of a witness?
I had other things to do
then take people's names.
What do you want to do, then?
You didn't see his face,
you've got no witnesses,...
What are you going to do?
You haven't got any evidence.
If he were innocent,
you'd be in a right mess.
You've got to catch these people
red-handed or find the goods.
- I'll smash his face.
- That way you'll end up inside too.
If you only knew
how important this is for me....
Come here.
I'm fine.
Take me along to the station.
What did you find? Nothing!
I'm innocent, I am!
- What's your name?
- Alfredo Catelli.
Do you want to report him?
My boy's innocent!
You'd better clear off!
Are you nuts or what? Go careful!
Come on, Bruno. Let's go..
Don't come back here ever again!
There you are. Take the tram,
go to Montesacro, and wait for me.
Don't just stand there! Move!
Thief! Stop him!
Dad! Dad!
Where shall we take him,
the Flaminio station or Parioli?
Pasquale and I'll go.
Forget it. Don't worry.
You're going
to leave me here... with him?
I don't want any trouble.
'Bye all and thanks very much.
Nice example
you're setting for your kid.
You're lucky. If it were up to me,
I'd take you in.
This is your lucky day.
Get off home! You'd best clear off!
Thank your lucky stars! Clear off!