Ladrones (Thieves) (2007) Movie Script

When did you leave the orphanage?
Not an orphanage, a shelter home.
And when did you get out?
Who takes care of you?
But you must have
relatives somewhere...
I already have a trainee.
I need a skilled worker.
I'm no trainee. I'm good.
It's written there.
It's what I did in the center.
You're too young.
Give me a chance.
If you don't like me I'll leave.
I'm a good worker.
The letter...
Yeah, and that you behave.
I've read it.
What do you lose by testing me?
What if you mess up a client?
Hair grows back.
Careful not to cut his ear.
Won't be a big loss
but he's my nephew.
One month trial.
Minimum plus tips.
What are you doing here?
- I'm looking for Ana.
- She's back?
- And who are you?
- She's my mom.
- I've never seen you around before.
- I live with my grandparents.
Your mom owes me two months.
It's not the first time
she's taken off.
She's at my uncle's
for a few days.
She said to ask you for the keys
if she wasn't back. She lost hers.
- She lost her keys?
- She gave me money for you.
Tell her I want the rest
and if she plans any more vacations
to let me know and pay in advance.
Some say they sound
even better than CD's.
It's a lie.
But it's a beautiful lie, isn't it?
See anything you like?
I'm looking for a woman.
She's Rumanian,
brunette, in her 30's...
Her name is Ana.
- Why should I know her?
- She sells you things.
What kind of things?
Small things.
They must be very small.
She doesn't ring a bell.
Watches, rings...
I buy and sell art.
I don't find lost people.
If you're not interested in buying,
you can always
bring me something interesting.
You'd be more than welcome.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
I'll charge him.
It's no problem,
come back any time.
I don't think it was him.
Let's hope not.
- Very good.
- That's for you.
I said not to touch the goatee.
I told you not to before.
I barely touched it.
I'll even it out on both sides.
What's going on?
Is there a problem?
The boy is daydreaming.
Look what he's done.
He's new. Don't worry, I'll fix it.
It won't show.
That's 10 euros.
My wallet.
I had it here.
It's not here.
It's okay, pay me next time.
All my money was in there.
It's light brown.
It could have fallen out...
No, it's not there.
I left with it, I'm sure.
I just paid for a coffee.
Are you sure it's not there?
I looked hard.
It's okay, you can come back
and pay me another day.
- Tomorrow.
- Whenever you like.
- Tomorrow for sure.
- Don't worry.
- Goodbye.
- See you.
Go sweep your place.
- How could you?
- What?
You know what.
- I didn't steal that wallet.
- You didn't?
I help you and this is how
you pay me back?
It wasn't me.
He must have lost it.
Empty your pockets.
Make him do it too!
I told you.
Empty your pockets.
It wasn't me.
Empty your pockets!
I didn't steal anything.
Wait, wait!
- What are you doing?
- What?
- Stop or I'll call the cops.
- I brought you the CD.
What CD?
- I don't know what you mean.
- Any good?
You tell me.
It had the magnet inside.
They'd have caught you.
I was going to take it out after.
After getting caught?
- I don't know much about music.
- Keep it and learn.
- I'll buy you a coffee.
- Look.
Thank you for that. I got in trouble
and you helped me out.
- Goodbye.
- Where are you going?
What do you care?
- Come on, just a quick coffee.
- I'm in a hurry.
- We can meet later.
- I will not see you.
Stop following me or I'll scream.
I can teach you if you want.
Teach me what?
To steal stuff.
CD's, DVD's,
whatever you want.
Five more minutes of history
and I'd have slit my wrists.
How about a drink?
We can get off at my stop.
No, I've got to study.
- How did you do in macro?
- What?
The macro exam?
- Fine.
- I left half of it blank.
I have to ask for a revision.
If I do well in the others
maybe I'll pass.
My parents will kill me if I fail.
Is something wrong?
Somebody is following me.
What do you mean?
He waits for me outside my house
and he follows me.
You mean an old man?
No, he's our age.
What does he do?
- He follows me and then leaves.
- That's all?
Did he say something?
Did he touch you?
No, not me.
Next time call me.
What will you do?
I don't know.
- Call the police, for example.
- You could beat him up.
You said he didn't touch you.
But he bothers me, a lot.
You're crazy.
If he comes back,
we call the police.
I can walk you home.
No, get off at your stop.
- I'll walk you.
- No, really.
Back already?
Weren't you going out with Jorge?
No, I'm staying home.
I have an exam tomorrow.
Are you coming with us
for the weekend?
No, I have things to do.
You sure?
- Okay.
- Here.
What's this?
The grocery shopping.
I told you I'd keep the change.
Go on.
I told you I'd call the police.
Call your boyfriend
and tell him about the wallet.
I owed you that.
We're even now.
What were you trying to prove?
Just testing you.
To see what you'd do.
- Think you scare me?
- A bit, no?
Do you like this one?
Too flashy.
- That's the point.
- It will get you caught.
Your specialty.
What do you want now?
You owe me half.
- Half of what?
- From the bus...
Only 10?
Don't you trust me?
I'll give you my share
because it's your first time.
Next time we'll be luckier.
there won't be a next time.
Why not? We could work together.
- I don't steal.
- What about the CD?
Everybody steals sometimes.
No, not everybody.
They even include it in the price
to make up for it.
Okay, but why the wallet?
Is that how you make a living?
Like you, only sometimes.
Let's split it.
I don't need the money.
I can teach you what I know.
If you know so much,
why do you need me?
With two it's easier.
Like on the bus.
You were lucky, that's all.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
It takes expertise.
You like that one?
- It's too expensive.
- Do you like it or not?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
It has the plastic.
Are you crazy?
You didn't warn me!
- Next time I'll let you know.
- There won't be a next time.
- You were scared.
- No, I wasn't.
I didn't even like the dress.
Then I'll keep it.
- You can't use it.
- My girlfriend can.
As if you had one.
If you did you wouldn't be
following me around.
Don't laugh. Count me out.
I'll find someone else.
Then why spend so much time with me?
You aren't bad at it.
Meet here tomorrow?
If I say yes, will you stop
following me?
I'll think about it.
I want to sell this.
Got a receipt?
It was my grandfather's.
He died last month.
I only buy things with a receipt.
I imagine you lost it, right?
Is that okay?
It's a family memento.
But you're selling it.
My grandfather and I
didn't get along.
I'm not negotiating.
This is what I pay
for a pen like that one.
It's worth 3 times that.
It's worth 5 times that.
But in this shop...
Have you seen her?
Lots of gypsies come here.
To me they all look the same.
She's brunette, thin...
Speaks with an accent.
I'll tell you what.
If any more misfortune falls upon
your family, God forbid...
bring me whatever you get
and I'll look for her.
If she shows up, I'll tell her
you're looking for her.
No, really, I can't go.
I'd like to but I swear I can't.
My head...
No, I took some already.
I'll see you tomorrow,
I promise.
Have fun. Bye.
Is the job still free?
I might give it a try.
First we give you a try.
- After all I've done?
- So far I've done everything.
- First we see if you can lift.
- Lift what?
You have to look nonchalant.
Let's see it.
You're kidding.
No, look nonchalant.
How's this?
- More.
- More what?
More detached.
Is that the best you can do?
What's going on?
What are you talking about?
I didn't steal any wallet.
Touch me
and I'll call the police.
How was that?
okay, here's the plan.
We take a subway or a bus.
You on one end, me on the other.
I'll watch people as they pay.
If I see something interesting
I'll make a sign.
- Scratching your nose?
- So what?
- That's crap.
- Why?
It's the lamest sign of all time.
Scratch your ear.
When I touch my nose,
find a spot next to me.
I'll pass you the wallet
and we exit through different doors.
You got it?
Aren't we going to practice?
We did on the bus.
What if we get caught?
We won't.
- But what if we do?
- We go separate ways.
- You just leave me hanging?
- Lf I get caught I'm on my own.
You go your way and I go mine.
That's it.
Do as I say and nothing will happen.
I promise.
Have you ever been caught?
No way.
Don't tell me,
another misfortune.
My grandmother.
She couldn't get over it.
How long did it take you
to get all this?
A few hours.
This is all junk.
I'll give you 50 for this.
- It's a Patek Philip.
- A fake Patek Philip.
only you and I know that.
This is what
I give people who come in
every now and then.
It would be different
if you worked for me.
I work alone.
You wouldn't have to work
with other people.
I have Arabs and South Americans
for that.
I need someone for special things.
We had a deal.
I found your friend.
If you want to see her,
you should do me a little favor.
And then you'll want another one.
She wears a cross,
like yours.
In a few days
there's an exhibition
at this hotel.
I need the wallet of the man
organizing it.
When you have it, call me
and I'll tell you where to meet.
Can you do it?
You've got a week,
but don't wait too long.
As you know, in this business
timing is everything.
You're dead! You're dead!
We have to start from scratch.
It wasn't my fault.
You didn't pass it right.
- I didn't?
- You didn't.
Don't patronize me.
You've taught me nothing special.
Scratching your nose,
working together...
Anyone can do that.
So what trick
will you teach me today?
- We can't work today.
- Why not?
You'll attract attention.
- You're showing your belly.
- What do you mean?
All girls dress like this.
This is different.
You're supposed to be discreet.
- You've got plenty to learn.
- Like what?
How about people on the street?
- What do you mean?
- Anybody.
I'll pick one
and you steal his wallet.
We need a distraction.
People aren't that dumb.
People are dumber than you think.
Let's go.
What will you do with all that?
I have enough clothes
and if I like something
you'll take care of it, right?
We could celebrate.
How about a fancy restaurant?
How fancy?
You decide.
If we're short we'll improvise.
From coffee to dinner...
You work fast!
Hold on a minute.
Yes? Hi.
I'll be right there.
It was a friend.
I forgot I had to meet her to study.
I have to go.
Can't you go another time?
I promised her I'd give her my
notes. I can't leave her hanging.
See you tomorrow?
No, not London.
Barcelona would be in July.
Going up.
I went by your house
to see if you were there.
You gave up quick.
- I waited for two hours.
- I got in trouble.
What trouble?
Actually, I've been testing another.
Another what?
I told you I had other candidates.
You came to tell me that?
You shouldn't have bothered.
I told her I didn't want her.
Why? Is she bad?
I like you better.
Should I take that as a compliment?
It's not enough.
I came to teach you.
- What?
- To lift.
To lift wallets?
I promised you I would.
What do I have to do?
There's nothing to learn.
Itjust takes courage.
We're on a bus.
There's a guy in front of me
with 1,000 euros in his wallet.
To steal that much would be a crime.
You get a record.
- 500.
- Nobody takes a bus with that much.
- 200.
- 100.
Okay. It's crowded.
The guy is lost in thought.
He met a girl he likes a lot.
He doesn't know how to break up
with his girlfriend.
More people get in,
they push you.
You need something to hold onto.
You've distracted him.
Maybe he likes it.
People don't touch each other.
Your hand approaches his pocket.
It has to be fast.
Without thinking.
Hesitate and you get caught.
Do it.
See? You can do it.
I know a place for tomorrow.
Plenty of people.
It's easy.
If you're not scared.
I'm not the one who's scared.
You think I'm stupid?
- What?
- Who sent you? Who?
Don't touch me.
Why are you here?
You already know.
You tell me.
I failed.
You and your boss.
I don't know what you mean.
How old were you
when your mom left you?
She didn't leave me.
Here it says she renounced custody.
That's a lie.
Is that what she said?
Did you go back to her?
Your friend picks prettier girls
each time.
He obviously likes them posh.
They attract less attention.
Did you think it was a game?
He's a sly one.
He's in here all the time.
He seduces you, uses you and when
things go bad he finds another.
Was it his idea or was it ajob?
What job?
You didn't pick him at random.
Who put you up to it?
You want me to call your parents?
You can't.
I'm not a minor.
I can't do anything this time.
Next time will be different.
But I'll offer you a deal.
We'll leave this here.
Just agree to leave her alone.
You stay away from her
and she stays away from you.
I'm not doing this for you.
You'll end up here either way
some day.
But I'm worried about her.
Can't you see he's using you?
Here's some advice.
When you get out, go straight home.
He'll say it's all a lie.
Trust him if you want.
But keep this up
and one day it will be serious.
You said it yourself.
You're not a minor.
You're not his first or his last.
You're a student,
you have a nice home.
Don't mess it up.
What did they say?
Don't talk to me!
Everything they said is a lie.
It's no big deal.
No big deal?
I left food in the freezer.
Heat it up in the microwave.
I know, Mom.
What's wrong?
Jorge's been calling.
Did you two fight?
Don't worry, things will work out.
Maybe I don't want them to.
At your age nothing is forever.
See you when we get back.
We didn't steal
that wallet at random.
Tell your boss
you won't work for him anymore.
- I can't.
- Why?
It's all I know.
That's not true.
We can keep seeing each other
like normal people.
I have to go.
You're going to see him.
Don't go.
Will you come tomorrow?
It seems you had a problem.
It wasn't my fault.
It's always your fault.
You didn't pick the right partner.
Where is Ana?
You botch a job
and come here with demands?
Let's start over.
Why do you want
- to find your friend?
- I want to work with her.
Ana's the best.
I can't introduce her to a boy
who can't handle a simple job.
Do you know where she is or not?
I'll tell you what will happen
if you keep stealing.
They'll catch you.
The first time nothing will happen,
nor the second.
We aren't killing people.
At first
you'll think it was a mistake.
Then you'll call it bad luck.
But luck has nothing to do with it.
You'll go tojail
and when you get out
you won't be the same.
When you're afraid
you can't do anything.
Do you know where she is?
You won't give up, will you?
Let them know the boy's going up.
Give him anything he wants to drink.
Fifty-fifty to share the risk.
How about it?
I won't steal with you.
What happened?
After the hotel you're
of no use to me. You're washed up.
I don't care what happens to us.
It's not that.
I don't need you anymore.
So that's all it was?
I owed you.
Now we're square.