Lady (2022) Movie Script

[music playing]
Times like this remind me
of that classic Jay-Z tune.
It was all good just a week ago.
And how I get myself
here, I don't have a clue.
But I can say one thing
Love got me in his chair.
God damn, I hate
these hospitals.
The smell.
The cold ass air conditioning.
If I could turn back the
clock, I'd probably do
things a whole lot different.
But the damage is already done.
Demetrius Levine.
And sometimes old mess pops up
on you at the least expected.
Oh, man.
So-- Sophie.
Long time no see, huh.
Are you the husband?
It's a wide range of meaning
to that word called love.
[music playing]
But baby, I only
want you to kiss it.
Just a little kissy
kiss, that's it.
Do you know how pathetic
you sound right now?
But I only want one wishy, babe.
Just one.
Just one.
Just one wishy-wishy.
Be quiet before they hear us.
I wishy your Black ass
would leave me alone
so I can focus on
getting ready and going
to work in the morning.
Everything is not
about sex, Demetrius
But sex is how we
got here, B. And I
don't want to have sex no
more, I've graduated to love.
I want to make
love to you, baby.
And I'm tired of going to bed
with hard dick every night.
It sucks, Demetrius.
Just one kiss.
Just kiss it.
Just one time.
This little kiss.
You don't give a
fuck about shit.
Not the boys, our family, our
future, none of that shit.
Like what's the fucking point?
I'm so tired of this shit.
[interposing voices]
Probably fuck my mom, too.
Because he's a community
dick, you know.
I was just fucking him
just to be doing something.
He got a lot of hoes.
And you see my fucking husband.
I got this ring.
[music playing]
Tell me it's my dick.
It's yours, it's yours.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, right there.
Here now with the full forecast.
And Steve, not a complete wash.
Come on, boys.
Let's go.
There's plenty of people
out there enjoying this.
I'm in front.
I'm in front.
Stop running, please.
Nobody's getting in front.
Here's my dick.
Here's my dick.
Tell me.
I'm looking.
Oh, baby.
[moaning] Fucking come.
I came already.
[moaning] I came already.
I came already.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's soft. it's soft.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
It's soft.
It's soft.
It's-- Oh, OK.
It's back hard.
It's back hard.
It's back hard.
It's back-- OK, it's back hard.
It's back hard.
It's back hard.
This behavior was warranted.
She wasn't giving it to me.
So I had to get
it from somewhere.
Now who do you know suck
your dick like that?
I'm not used to make a man.
I wish you're going to do me.
I met Kelis at a local Family
Dollar on Cottage Grove.
She had a little trauma
like most women in my city,
but God damn.
It's common for a man to look
past the crazy in a woman just
to get to them cakes.
Ain't know what a bitch like.
Now would you hold
no crazy women?
He didn't have the best cakes.
[phone ringing]
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, yo, Mech, where you at?
[music playing]
I'm running late.
I'll be there.
Goddamn, man.
They say Thursday, Friday,
all have temperatures--
My name is Demetrius Levine.
Radio personality,
father, and lover man.
Call me when you get
those master P tickets.
97.5 giving you
master P tickets.
[inaudible] is on air right now.
Can I take a message?
That's no problem.
Yeah, I have no
problem helping you.
I'm pretty sure that by now I
come across as a guy that can't
keep his dick in his pants.
But I beg to differ.
[music playing]
I'm going to take you
on a little journey
and we're going to explore
some relationships.
You'll see it play
out in real time.
[music playing]
How do you even stick
to this shit, man?
I've been up since 5:00.
Who the hell she got [inaudible]
making all that damn noise.
I know she's going to
kick my ass out now.
I come from a city where love
comes with a heavy price.
Single parenting is common.
[door knock]
[door knock]
Goddamn it, get the
fuck away from my door.
Man, you gonna loan
me that money or not?
Toxic is a term often used.
What am I going to
do with another baby?
35-year-old grandmothers
cling to the nightclubs and--
[door knock]
Mom's best friend is
often her own daughter.
[door knock]
[door knock]
Mothers cling on to their
sons like a second husband.
[door creak]
This fucking guy get
on my damn nerve, man.
It was worse when he was here.
[door creak]
And stepfather's
are never respected.
Girl, can't you see
your mom is sleeping?
And why are you knocking on that
goddamn door like you're crazy?
Ain't nobody talking to
your stinking ass, OK.
Like you done lost
your damn mind.
Oh, my God.
Girl, what the fuck
do you want now?
I need you to watch Kayla
while I go to the doctor to--
That's not going to happen.
I got to go see
about my link today.
You done spent all your
mother fucking link
and now we lacking
on food up in here.
Not going to happen.
Ask your sister.
But you know Michelle got to
go register for school today.
Well, shit, DJ,
I got a life too.
Fuck you mean?
Not going to happen.
Ma, it's important.
Girl, again?
I know.
Looking dumb as hell.
Get up out of here
with that shit.
[music playing]
[door opening]
Let's go, man.
Come on.
We're going to be late.
It's show time, Det.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, Det.
Hey, brother.
What's going on?
What's up, man?
Hey, what's up, man?
Yeah, Mech always late.
Who ain't never
on time for shit.
That's Mech for you.
We fucked up.
A lot.
[music playing]
97.5 on your FM dial,
it's the magic man,
Mech Levine bringing you the
hottest in Hip Hop and R&B,
rapping all the way live from
the South side of Chicago.
And ladies, it's your week.
Free admission to the
Star Search taking place
at Club Phoenix this Saturday.
And somebody's going to
leave with a record deal.
That's right.
OK, bitch, I'm done.
You like?
For the concert with
the best artist on deck
to perform his/her heart singly.
That's right.
I said singly-- a.k.a.
To the industry's top
three Paramount Records.
I need this lady's look.
Never doubt me.
Oh, ain't that Mech
on the radio y'all?
Cut that up.
Cut that up.
Turn it down.
Turn it the fuck off.
Hey, yo, ain't that
Mech Levine, man?
Man, fuck Mech Levine, man.
Man, cut that shit off.
He got a lot of hoes, too.
That's that motherfucker that
slept with my sister, man.
That's my boy, Mitch
Levine, raw dog king, woo.
He got big headed.
I used to let the nigger
use my car and shit
and I got some big ass
bloomer panties in my shit.
Bitch, it might been
big booty Keesha
is the one that go through it.
Nigga fucking
everybody nigga mom.
Probably fuck my mama shit.
I heard he slept
with you sister.
(LAUGHS) Damn.
Ain't you gonna talk about that?
That's community dick.
When I see him, I'm
gonna crush his ass.
Come to find out he's engaged.
Is he?
Yeah, he's got a whole
bitch at home and kids.
Speaking of single, if you're
that self-proclaimed bad bitch,
then why are you single?
I'm interested to know
your thoughts at 59--
That's why it's barking.
If I couldn't talk--
This is my little cousin, Lady.
And you know--
I took her under to
my wing sometimes.
She saw her mom get murdered
by her father some years ago.
So our grandparents decided
to take over and raise her.
There's no reason the woman
should still be grieving.
Grandma's kind of
senile now so--
She doesn't need
special prayer anymore.
And grandpa--
I tell you.
--he got some demons of his own.
Because these boys run
around and the pants just
sagging, just sagging.
Well if they don't sell
belts, just get a small--
We're going all the way
downtown on the station
that brings you word from
the street that's 97.5 Rock.
Oh Boston say you like the 807.
Why you say that?
Man, because you late.
You can't just march in here
like you own the place, man.
You're going to be a Galaxy
7, burnt all the way up, boy.
I'm trying to tell him, man.
Keep on.
Can't get new girl, all
that type of power to--
Mechy Mech, my little
chocolate chip tribe.
Yo ass is the talk of
the motherfucking town,
you thot ass motherfucker.
I've been trying to give
you this motherfucking good
come, bring your ass
home pussy for years.
Come back, bring
yo ass home pussy?
I see the way you look at me.
And I got that pussy that
make your motherfucking
drop down and come back
home type of pussy,
that you dig pussy.
Do you understand me?
That's a deep
pussy, right there.
That's cougar pussy, glow.
Fuck is you calling cougar
pussy, motherfucker?
Because I guarantee you--
excuse me?
Shut your ass up.
Ain't nobody talking to you.
You ain't got shit
to do with shit.
Shut your ass up, nigga.
Shut your ass up.
You know, when you're out
here in these streets messy,
you know, your mess
catches up to you.
Sometimes you mess even
pop up at your job.
May I help you?
Your wife-- not fucking
all these bitches raw.
I bet you don't
even motherfucking
put a rubber on your dick
when you're getting sucked.
Do you?
But I'm going to
tell you something.
Can't nobody give you
a wishy wishy like me.
[bluesy music playing]
Hey, baby.
Don't you ever have me
waiting and you don't show.
Who are you slapping
on like it up in here?
[muffled laughter]
And when you ready,
motherfucker, you
know the number.
She just slapped the
shit out you, bro.
She really slapped
the shit out you, bro.
What are you going
to do about that?
Then she walked up out of here
and told you got the number.
Slapped the shit out you.
Your face burn?
Is it hot?
You need some Icy Hot?
Your baby mama is on the line.
All right.
Now you can answer the phone?
Hey, hey, baby, how you doing?
I gotta fucking call you.
See, that's the thing.
Like, I gotta call you.
Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.
Look, look, look, before
you jump to conclusions,
I can explain.
So what the fuck was you at?
At the studio.
Yeah, you know--
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What's wr--
Bianca, look-- police--
I almost got locked up.
It went a little bit
longer than I expected it.
(STAMMERS) They were shooting.
They were shooting, a
shooting on 79th, baby.
I'm like-- I can't make this up.
Three-- three dead bodies.
Three-- three dead bodies.
You're so full of shit.
Like, what?
What the fuck?
What's up?
What you trying to do?
Because like, you
can't even come home?
Yeah, but-- of course--
That's what we're
doing right now?
I got to wake up and
you're not there?
And I got to take
care of these kids,
and do all this stupid ass shit?
All right.
--and I got to call you?
All right.
I've got fucking call you?
And you want to keep it--
We'll talk about
it when I get home.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just can't win for losing.
You can't win for losing, yo.
You gonna stay in trouble.
Your new name is Trouble.
[typewriter clacking]
Now, you know your pull out
game weak as hell, right?
Man, ain't nobody trying
to hear that shit.
What you mean?
And your ass better not leave
me like my last baby daddy did.
Ain't nobody gonna leave, man.
Now I know my OG finna kick
me out now, definitely.
You just come stay with me.
And how long you think
that's going to last, goofy?
As long as I say.
Fuck is you talking about?
My mama don't do nothing
but run her fuckin mouth.
She want a grandbaby, and
your mama should, too.
Oh I can't do-- what I'm going
to do with another kid, Tosh?
Take care of him, like
a mother's supposed to.
Yo ass tweaking.
You acting like--
Nah, you tweaking.
You acting like you ain't--
like you ain't going
to have no help
or nothing, like I
ain't going to be
here for you and the baby.
I'm not saying that, Tosh.
Then what you saying, then?
I got two kids and I'm 17, Tosh.
We ain't got no job, Tosh.
We going to make it happen.
All right.
You got it all figured out.
You got it all planned out.
So I'm-- I'm going
to listen to you.
[typewriter clacking]
One thing I learned about
the most beautiful women,
they seem to have the
biggest insecurities.
So we're going to get
up this weekend, right?
I got to promote for
my company that day.
Well I did have a good time.
Food was good.
Of course.
[tires screech]
That boy going to be honking
his horn at any minute.
Do something to them eyelashes.
You ugly.
Baby, you got good genes.
You got hips like your
mama and a ass to match.
Where in the hell did
I get this forehead?
Ain't no nigger worried
about no damn forehead.
That boy going to be honking
his horn at any minute.
Just decided I'm gonna do
the same thing with the eyes.
Well, Fi, niggas gonna be
niggas, some good and some bad.
They say a mother's
knows best, but sometimes
that motherly advice
can lead a young woman
down a whole road of pain.
Now see, he was a good guy.
He bought you gifts, got your
name tattooed on his neck.
Shit, he even tried to propose
to you, and you was only 17.
He was a bug.
And Marvin, the football
player that moved his mama
off the block and became pro?
Damn, Fi, you should
have kept that man.
He was abusive.
What about Cary?
Cary that tried to pop
everybody's cherry?
Well baby, who said niggas
don't have killer sex drives?
But mom, sex with me
just wasn't enough.
Fi, did you even
fuck that nigga dick?
[doorbell rings]
You gonna learn
how to keep a man.
And I'm sure you know how.
I'm just getting tired of
going through the same thing
with guys.
I always get the bad ones.
Left front
Hey, Pastor.
Sister Bradley, it's
a pleasure seeing
your face gleaming in the
sunshine God has given us.
Our annual singles event is
this Saturday at the church.
We'll be discussing
ways of placing
God first in our relationships.
It'd be nice to have
you in attendance.
I'm sorry.
But Saturdays is
endless chicken wings
and karaoke night at Venus.
Me and my homegirls plan
on getting lit with them
$3 shots of tequila.
I don't have time
for church, Pastor.
That thot activity will
leave you in a state
of loneliness and misery.
So check yourself before
you wreck yourself.
Yeah, boss.
God dammit, Mech, how many
times I gotta tell you you
can't say bitch on the radio?
You piece of shit.
Look, look, I'm sorry, boss.
But look, it's commonly
used in media nowadays,
like ass and titties, right?
It is, boss.
It is.
If the FCC shut us
down, it's going to be
your ass and a tough titty.
For you trying to work in the
broadcasting industry anyway,
you piece of shit.
And the music selection
is R&B in the morning,
hip hop at night, not that la di
da di, every hour on the hour.
You heard what I said.
One thing about my fiancee, she
ain't never hold no punches.
[ice cream truck music]
Babe, just give me one
second to explain, please.
You left condoms and a
hotel key in your pocket,
you son of a bitch.
I ain't even use them condoms.
How you gonna trip on some
condoms I didn't even use?
That's even worse.
Hey man.
How in the fuck--
But you can't change
the locks on the doors
and keep me away
from my kids, Bianca.
Don't do this shit
in front of the kids.
You got receipts from
Edible Arrangements,
chocolate covered strawberries,
flowers, and shit.
You freaky, motherfucker.
I don't give a fuck about this--
Hey, Bianca--
--this game.
Don't throw my PS2
out the window.
God damn it!
Fuck you and that old ass game.
You cheating on my
sister, bitch ass nigga?
What's up?
I ain't scared of you bitches.
I ain't scared of
none of you bitches.
We'll fuck your ass up.
Come on.
Don't let him do you like that.
Bob and weave, man.
Bob and weave.
Bitch, why should
I be complaining?
My account's straight,
my bills paid.
I ain't got no room to
be dry end or stressed.
You can miss me with that one.
He is when he with me,
so what else matters?
And it's always the
bitch with no nigger
giving all the advice.
For your information, me and
Mech working on something.
Ain't nobody studying Bianca.
She been wearing that same
engagement ring for four years,
All right, all right,
Wendy Williams, with all
the relationship advice.
All right.
Bye, hater.
That's no excuse.
But I know you
deserve the truth.
And all that you ever
need, the things you need,
I can no longer give.
Hey, daddy.
What happened to your face?
Can't talk about it right now,
I'm just going hear about it.
Oh my baby, pookie boo,
who you been fighting?
Look, have a seat, Khalees.
(SINGER) I'm just not ready.
What's really going on?
What's really going on?
There's a whole lot of
shit going on right now.
It's my job.
On the radio?
Yeah, on the radio.
And Bianca man, she--
Bianca done found out
about me fucking around,
and Dean has my kids, and--
and everything fucked
up right now, man.
So that's what you call it?
Fucking around?
Look, Khalees look, Khalees--
Khalees, that
ain't what I meant.
Come here.
Come here Let me talk--
[thunder claps]
Khalees, Look, look,
that's not what I meant.
Look, we just got
to put everything
on pause for a minute.
[rain sound]
That don't take nothing
away from what we got.
I mean, you a cool ass chick,
you make a nigga feel alive.
Khalees knew she had me at go.
But that's what good
pussy do to you.
It sometimes make you forget
about what you got at home.
Just looking at those roses
wrapped in $100 bills,
she knew she had me.
It's OK.
With our communication,
there's no understanding.
(SIGHS) Plus, I'm a big girl.
I knew what I was getting myself
into when we first started.
Plus, you're a good nigga,
all concerned with taking
care of your family and shit.
And I respect that.
But you know, Mech,
I'll lean back.
Don't leave me high and dry.
Make out with me one more time.
Can we do that?
[rap music playing]
Khaleesi, know it's
a thing related.
All of that potential, when it
came down to getting on stage,
she would freeze up.
Her demons-- her demons
brought about the anxiety.
And sometimes she would take
too many trips down memory lane.
And for some people
going down memory lane,
it's like falling
down a dark hole.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
My nut [inaudible] on over time.
Is my daddy really going to
bring my Christmas present
this time?
Yes, baby.
Your daddy going to give
you the best Christmas ever.
[soft piano music playing]
Shut the fuck up.
Hey, fuck you, man.
Fuck you.
Because you not
living in the park.
I'm living in the park.
Like-- (INHALES) Whoa.
[incoherent yelling]
Merry Christmas, baby--
And nothing.
--you sure do treat me right.
What's wrong?
You no good nigga.
How do you come
here empty handed?
You promised her.
I love my baby.
I do for her.
I'm here ain't I?
Let me go.
You're going to wake her up.
Look, I'm your baby daddy.
Quit tripping on this
white man holiday.
But you promised my baby gifts.
I'm gonna go get the gifts.
But what about mine?
[knife blade opens]
[slash noise]
[somber music plays]
[somber music continues]
[rap music plays]
Beast in the studio.
Dr. [inaudible] call 4-9-9.
Ladies and gentlemen,
meet Alicia.
Hey, Doc, so what's the results?
Ms. Burns, what
you've contracted
is sexually transmitted.
Are you aware of with whom
you may have slept with?
Within the last
six months, maybe.
This is not a fatal disorder,
but you may experience
occasional complications.
And looking at the
severity of both diseases--
Wait, both diseases?
--you may be prohibited
from producing a pregnancy.
We have extreme medications
to control the virus.
Unless some miracle happens,
you'll have to take these meds
for the rest of your life.
There's a lot of
Alicias out there
in every community
across America, sometimes
you just don't
know who they are.
Behind pretty face, it
might be a dark case.
Girl is you in here?
Yeah, I'm coming out.
What's up?
Girl boss man
wanna holler at us.
Girl, everybody, girl, come on.
OK, I'm coming right out.
Numbers are in.
We offer the hottest
service around town.
But I cannot, I repeat,
I cannot have you
hoes selling ass on the clock.
Champagne room, lap
dance, only, ass shaking,
hips twerking, this
ain't no bunny ranch.
You hoes wanna sell
ass, move to Vegas.
Damn, Crisco, why are
you knocking the hustle?
"Knocking the hustle," let's
keep the feds from knocking
at my fucking door, and keep
me from knocking you upside
your motherfucking head.
No sex in the champagne
room, understand?
Nigga, I already got
the city officials
breathing down my throat,
just looking for a reason
to try take my liquor license.
And guess what?
No club, no money.
No money, no club.
No money-- ooh.
You bitches get to see the
real reason why they call
me Crisco in the first place.
Hey mommy, mommy, why
do you call him Crisco?
Girl, cause he
keeps you popping.
God damn right.
12:00 just like I expected.
We got tricks coming in,
took off on their last break.
Let's hustle, bitches, get it.
Skit, scat, skit.
Go, go, go.
Money, money, money.
Alicia, Alicia, girl I need to
talk to you, urgent, urgent.
Let me ask you a question.
How come I got your people
coming to my establishment
looking for your ass?
Claims filed a
missing person report.
This seem more fucked up.
Your mother claimed you totally
abandoned your daughter.
You left her with no food.
Chris, look, I can explain.
[spit noises]
That's bullshit!
I ain't no social worker.
Don't be bringing your personal
problems to my establishment.
Now, if there's
by any chance you
need to make some
extra money, you can
work some of the late nights.
I got a comedy show coming up
this Tuesday, a huge hip hop
concert coming this weekend.
There's going to be some real
ass record artists [inaudible]
in the building.
I could use some real ass
help, one more on the team,
has to trust me. (MUMBLES)
What the fuck is that?
You tell me.
Boss said he found while
cleaning your work area.
Now you know this the
type of shit that get you
kicked the fuck up out of here.
Now I like your nature.
You's a bad bitch.
But you know, what
you need to do
is stop bringing your ass
to work high all the god
damn time.
Now go home.
And take care of
your priorities.
And take care of your toy.
And bring some decent clients
here, little [inaudible]
motherfucking bill paid.
I can do that.
I'll have a talk with you.
Thanks, Crisco.
Alicia, oh, Alicia,
girl, we need
to get you some cornbread
cobbler up in here.
Your ass shrinking up.
They say if you want to
bring change out of a man,
you got to start
with his appearance,
so fresh and so clean.
For me, that change
came with a haircut.
97.5 is my life.
Just feel the energy.
Man, I got this new look, swag
was on 1,000, and the guys,
oh man, they really made me
feel like I made the right move.
This was my
transformation right here.
This was my time to
clean up and show Bianca
that I could be a better man.
But first it started with
me, my look, my appearance.
So yeah, let's see
how this worked out.
Ooh can you feel the heat?
I'm sort of feeling
groovy, champagne cooler,
it's about to be a movie.
You are now looking at the
most elite radio station
in the Midwest.
97.5 R-O-C-K Radio,
y'all listen.
We got tributes.
We got this wacky weather, man.
We got a contest
coming up, who's
the best between Sir Mix-A-Lot,
and DaBaby, YoungBoy.
I know y'all got the
number, 1 800 do yo thing.
Niggas, if you still
with [inaudible]
to show y'all [inaudible].
97.5 on your FM dial,
it's you man, Mech Levine.
Bringing you the hottest hip
hop and R&B, coming all the way
live from the South
Side of Chicago.
[bike horn]
Yeah, yeah y'all know the
South Side is the best side.
The best--
South Side is what's up.
79th Street, 54th, 35th, 22nd--
[radio chatter]
Hey man, wake your ass up.
Ain't nobody pay you
to sleep up in here.
Sleep in a hotel.
All right.
Good morning, ladies--
97.5 on your FM dial.
--looking real
nice in that dress.
The host to the
show, hit the club,
coming from Paramount
Records out of Los Angeles,
and they're looking for the
hottest rap artists coming
out of Chicago, all right?
So ladies, call in and get
your free tickets, all right?
And ladies, I have
a question for you.
If you are a self-proclaimed bad
bitch, then why are you single?
My boss man's brother took
over the radio station.
I told your ass about cussing
on this radio station.
Man I was on the South Side.
You fucking [inaudible].
He always tried to keep a foot
up my ass for some reason.
What the fuck I tell you about
saying bitch on the radio?
Boss, you know, you know,
bitch, it's commonly
used in in radio and TV, right?
No, it is, boss.
I don't give a fuck.
If the FCC get hold of this
shit and shut us down--
It's just a word, boss.
Shut the fuck up.
You ain't going to find no
goddamn work in broadcast,
because Bobby Fam, own
what's now your brother.
Sorry about that.
We won't do it again, boss.
I'm the only motherfucker
say bitch here.
Shut the fuck up, do
your own god damn jobs.
I'm encouraging, boss.
You want to look
out for your ass,
you won't be looking out in
Walmart and some motherfucking
where, picking up boxes.
97.5 FM, we'll be
slowing it down today
with some nice, smooth songs
from side A. All right.
Chaka Khan, we also got some
Bobby Womack coming your way.
You listening to the hottest
hip hop and R&B, that's 97.5 FM.
And after Star Search this
Saturday night, hey fam,
get us spinning on wax.
Bam, you might want to put
on some Womack and Womack,
and some Isley
brothers, or your ass
be doing karaoke at C. Sizzle.
All right, man, but
I'm glad we did.
You think you're lonely now?
Wait till tonight.
He's in, and he is truly good.
Listen, do me a favor, if
you have your phone with you,
and you want to [inaudible].
That's true.
Somebody say patient.
Say patience.
So you are a patient in life,
you have to have patience.
Bianca spends a lot of
time in the House of God,
especially since the breakup.
Seems like she's
trying to find herself.
Every Christian household
got its dos and don'ts.
And Lady has been under
a strict upbringing.
"I'm a boss bitch with
nice ass and soft tits."
Oh Lord, Jessica!
I hawk spit on any
MC that talk shit.
Honey, we're Christians.
We don't spit on people.
But it's only rhymes.
And the notebook was
tucked away in my room.
I forbid this form of
literature to dwell
within the walls of this house.
Life and death are
in the power of the--
But it's only music.
Deacon Levine.
Don't nothing come to
a sleeper but a dream.
How that poly been holding
up for you, player?
A lot better than your
pants right now, young man.
A lot better.
Your ditches, man.
Now what you do to
piss off the Deacon?
Bet mama Levine in there
still talking off the wall,
too, ain't she?
Jessie, life is like
a box of chocolates.
Jessie, why does that girlfriend
of yours look like a boy?
Is that a man or woman?
You know she got her disorder.
I know, I love mama, but damn.
no kids at this party.
Both of us can do our thing.
Are y'all with me?
Turn it one time.
It's like you know he went
rambling through my stuff
and found my rhymes.
Ah, shit.
I bet he blamed it on me, too.
I bet he did.
But now I gotta move out, or
maybe I can come stay with you
for a couple of months.
Oh, hell no.
You and Bianca do not get along.
Y'all don't mix.
Fuck that bitch.
I'm your family.
Come on, that's my
baby mama, girl.
That's my BM.
Now what I will do, is give
you a little money so you
can go and get your own joint.
But then again, you
ain't got no job,
so you can't pay the bills.
I hope you see the importance
now of doing these shows, man,
putting this work out here.
Because I can't hold you.
Oh no.
Cheryl, these niggas
getting them [inaudible]..
(LAUGHS) Charisma, oh my god.
What are you doing?
And how did you
get my lip gloss?
Come on, child, let's
take some selfies.
There's going to be 1,000 likes.
So I'm thinking
I can wear denim,
bunch of holes in
my jeans, a leather
jacket, a vest or something.
Damn, the 'gram busting.
Can you get pussy off your
mind for one damn minute?
No, I'm sorry Lady, she
thick as hell, look.
Look at that.
Look at my grand buddy.
I'm about to hit her up.
So she ain't gonna
keep playing--
Like my hair, mom?
Girl, yes.
Where'd you get it?
This Peruvian, girl.
Girl, bye.
And this is Troy, a hard
working man that probably don't
get enough respect at home.
They say you can't
tame a wild horse.
And this lady, she's
definitely a wild horse.
Baby, I thought you weren't
getting off til three.
Yeah, and I thought my
daughter would be at daycare,
and yo ass on an interview.
But I see though, once again you
ass up on Instagram promoting
shit with her wearing
makeup, like she's
some hoe or something.
We just having fun
with this, Troy.
Yes, fun.
Everything in life ain't
about fun though, Rhonda.
Me working all these hours
and paying for her daycare
that you refuse to
take her to, ain't fun.
OK, Troy.
No, you come here.
Let me tell you something--
I better not see you
wearing no makeup--
Let my daughter go.
--or anything of
you mama's stuff.
You got to go, Troy.
You got to go.
You a little girl.
And you, your
priorities is fucked up.
Get out of my face.
Get your hands off my daughter.
I'm going to work every day
to come home to this bullshit.
You got me fucked up.
Get out of my face, Troy.
The fuck is this?
Troy give me my fucking phone.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Give me my motherfucking phone.
Say something now,
you coward ass nigga.
Troy, really?
Baby daddy, baby daddy,
that nigga crazy.
No you got shit fucked up.
Give me my fucking phone.
You got shit fucked up.
I told-- I told you
all you gotta do was--
[girl screams]
--yo ass going to
be fucked up, girl.
Get yo shit and get the
fuck out of my house.
I hate his ass.
Something new this weekend.
You're ignorant.
Hey, I'm forever seeing you all
having these private sessions.
Can I hit that?
Yeah, why not?
I ain't talking about the
weed I got a hell of that.
I'm talking about that pussy.
So fucking disrespectful.
How so, Carla?
Closed mouth don't get fed.
And plus, I was talking
about Janine, the dick fiend.
These fuck boys.
I'll be that.
I wouldn't say that
everybody likes my kitty.
But you got one small problem.
One small problem.
Small as hell.
Hey, Carla, Janine, I was
just bullshitting y'all.
You know damn well
I don't smoke no--
What's up OG?
I like that laugh track.
What's up boy?
I ain't making no noise.
Ah, shit.
I know any time you start a
sentence off saying cousin,
you're about to
ask me something.
(CHANTING) Janine.
Janine the dick fiend.
Name Janine the dick fiend.
It's Janine.
Janine the dick fiend.
Always a hoe.
Fuck y'all.
Young blood, what's
going on with it?
Everything all right?
I don't normally catch
you in here this early.
Man, bitches ain't shit.
The usual?
Very well.
I hope this helps you in the
right way, not the wrong way.
I hope so, man.
Hey, handsome.
What's up?
You look stressed.
I'm Cherry.
Cherry, huh?
That's right.
That wonderfully delicious
fruit that always goes on top.
So you're a writer, huh?
That I am.
You know today's Wednesday, and
our WCW special still in play
until 2:00.
That's half off all private
sessions in our champagne room.
Hey, can I get another one?
All you got to do is choose
a girl and take a key.
So, um--
Yeah, Cherry.
Um, so I can pick any
girl in here, huh?
That's right.
And there's five more just
like me you can choose from.
Don't get me wrong, I
mean, you fine as hell,
but uh, what's with that
brown chick over there?
Yeah, Alicia.
What's with her?
No shade, playa.
I'll go get miss Alicia.
[rap music plays]
What's up?
[music gets louder]
Pop it back.
Roll that body like Shakira do.
Yeah pop that body, roll
that body like Shakira do.
What's up, everybody?
It's your girl
Frankie Finch, and I'm
chilling with my
main man, Rob Jones.
Girl, where's your baby at?
She good.
Michelle got her.
All I need is half
the move-in fee.
Ty said he was going
to handle the rest.
And how do you expect to finance
this mystery home of yours, DJ?
Daddy said he was going
to take care of all that.
Girl, ain't nobody
seen your daddy
in two motherfucking years.
Fuck is you talking about?
Plus I heard they looking
for him for child support
for some other woman's baby
we ain't never even heard of.
That's what we heard. (LAUGHS)
Everybody did.
I gave you condoms to prevent
you from getting popped off.
And look at the outcome.
I also told you to take
the shot from the doctor.
You know those shots
make me gain weight.
And so do pregnancy,
dumb ass DJ.
What is your rabbit
ass mind makes
you think I'm going to
give you another $100
on top of the cash I
already gave you yesterday?
Ma, I said I'm gonna pay you
the money back by tomorrow.
How the fuck you going to pay me
back and you ain't got no job?
You won't be saying
that shouldn't
when you be buying Mike Jordans
and video games and shit.
Look, we're not going to
bring Michael into this, OK?
Because it's a whole
other different thing
when it comes to Michael, OK?
Michael was an
honor roll student.
He gets straight A's.
He's on the basketball team.
And he ain't a problem child.
And his father
pays child support.
So Michael was entitled to
every damn thing God get him.
You sound stupid as hell.
Now look at you.
You done slid your
ass down the razor
blade or two of alcohol river.
You're on your own
with this one, sweetie.
Do you get that?
What the fuck have your
father done for me?
What have the son of a
bitch ever even gave me?
Nothing but a fucking
headache, and the mistake
of a child that's nothing but
a problem, just like his ass.
So that's how you feel about me?
Yes I do.
Pick your head up.
Because you need to
hear this, sweetie.
Everything I put out,
I expect a return.
You see these clients in here?
They pay for my time.
This is my business, sweetie.
Let's get that clear.
I don't have a luxury like
you, to lay on my back
and get knocked up, and
live rent for fucking free.
Fuck out of here.
All I asked you to do was use
your link card to make sure you
keep food in the refrigerator.
And you can't even do that.
And that's because
sticky man eat
everything I put up in there.
Hey, baby.
Got some money, baby?
Got a few dollars?
Of course.
Look in my purse.
Really though?
I'm filling out applications.
Nobody's calling me back.
How the hell do you
expect to get a call back
and you smoke weed all damn day.
But I'm going to help you out
with the bills and everything.
How The hell you going to
help me out with some bills?
Me and DJ about to have a baby.
DJ gonna what?
Really, though?
So you going to
look out for him,
but you can't even look
out for your own daughter?
The nerve of this heifer.
I've been looking out
for your black ass
since the day I put
you on this Earth.
So I'm confused as to
what you're talking about.
Who baby says through school
hours when you need it?
Who puts clothes on Angel's
back when she need it?
Sure ain't Tosh,
Because they neither one
of y'all dummies got a pot
to piss in and a window
to throw it back out of.
My baby.
I thought you would be
happy to have a grandchild.
Um, Tosh, I thought
you was dumb,
but I just realized how
fucking stupid you are.
I'm 36 years old.
Why in the fuck would I want
to be a grandma, damn fool?
Have you lost your mind?
How the hell y'all going
to take care of a baby?
For one, you don't even
clean up after yourself
and wipe your own ass.
You ain't got a pot to piss in.
You steady coming to me,
asking me for fucking money.
So how in the hell
are you and DJ
going to take care of a baby?
She dumb her goddamn self.
Do you actually think I'm going
to be happy with a son who
done impregnated another dummy?
Neither one of
y'all was educated.
Don't neither one of y'all
have a high school diploma.
So how in the fuck y'all
going to take care of a baby?
See, sweetie, let
me put you on game.
Me and Melvin has
this little thing
called a relationship,
something you
might not know nothing about.
If you don't like the way
I manage my love life,
you know exactly
what you can do.
Have a good day.
Whatever, then.
Get the fuck away from me.
[rapping] So tight.
So tight.
DJ Killa got beats.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
Young female gotta grind
hard on my own with no help.
I'm a loner in this cold world,
so this girl do full self.
My pops in the pen, doing life.
My grandparents
gonna hold me down.
My daddy murdered my
mama on Christmas.
I live with no soul now.
I seen it all in my own now,
so I never trust a nigga now.
On everything I
love joke on life
I could take a nigger down.
I'm so hurt.
I'm so lost.
I'm fucked up.
My man gone.
Rep to the big homie cocky.
I know I gotta stay strong.
This city living
just ain't right,
when the city done me wrong.
A hoe don't even cry
no more, but a bitch
never gets turned out.
I gotta get my face up.
Sometime want to throw
the towel in, walk around
with this hella
pain, like I don't
need a motherfucking friend.
No, I don't need a
motherfucking man.
I don't need a
motherfucking hand.
Blueprint, yes in the
plans, strong shit yeah,
in the stance.
Real talk, because
when the day ends,
I never really understand why
I gotta wake up and live life
every day in this bogus land.
[rap music continues]
Why the sad face?
We should be celebrating.
Ain't no female emcee
in the city spitting
harder than you right now.
And that track right
there proves it.
Record labels would be deaf
and dumb not to sign you.
Is it really that good?
Even your cuz thought so.
It was heartfelt. It was
like the walls in the booth
started shaking and some shit.
Look, I know a joint we
can go to not too far
to toast to these
multi-million dollar
moves you're about to make.
Everything on me.
I could use a drink.
You know it's not a party
unless Mary is invited.
Girl, I do not blow.
Come on.
Just for the occasion?
Just one toke.
It enhances your appetite,
make you want to eat.
You could use some
meat on your bones.
Girl, give it here.
Which end I light this on?
The loose one.
Being a Black female in
the streets of Chicago,
life wasn't ever easy for
me, not even as a kid.
Witnessing my mom be killed
right in front of me by my dad,
I mean, it really
did something for me.
[tense music plays]
You know I always
said desperation
breeds some of the
biggest mistakes in life.
And childhood trauma transforms
into bad adult behavior.
My daddy going to kill me.
He gonna kill you?
You dead already.
We already dead.
[incoherent babbling]
[somber music plays]
For God gave them up
to foul attractions.
And tonight, I'm going
to skin your ass.
No, Les.
Don't you hit me again.
Beat the dough out of you.
How the hell you going
to talk about nature when
you fucked me when I was 11?
I didn't.
I-- I didn't.
Yes, Grandma.
You sickening piece of shit.
Lester, we don't
have relationships
with our grandchildren.
That's just downright perverted.
I di--
That's an abomination.
And you lucky I don't
tell Mech about this shit.
He would have killed
your ass, Granddaddy.
He would have shot
your ass down.
And you can go to the church,
and hide behind a Bible,
and judge how the fuck
you want, but it's
only one person who should
be begging for God's mercy.
Lester, we don't have relations
with our grandchildren.
That's an abomination.
As I said, bad adult
behavior is often
linked to childhood trauma.
And it's the perfect
example of that.
[somber music plays]
And just like that,
a young life is over.
So when you look at
the drama in my city,
as it pertained to
young black man,
you look at the home front.
Sometimes lack of love
turns into an evil person.
[somber music continues]
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
What's this?
I don't mean to bother
you, but my car just broke
down in front of your house.
And I can't even call AAA
because my phone is dead.
I'm so lost over here.
You mind if I charge my
phone for five minutes,
or maybe even use
yours to call for help?
I'll even pay you.
No, sweetie, you
don't have to pay me.
Come on in.
Oh, God bless you.
Come follow me.
Where did you come from?
Girl, I thought I was
going to have to hitchhike.
Why don't you hand
me your phone?
I'll charge it.
Thank you.
Listen for the sounder, J
Cole sounder, in 11:00AM,
4:00PM, and 7:00PM hours.
Listen, I just gave
you the time, OK?
11:00AM, 4:00PM, 7:00PM
hours, that's when
you need to be tuning in.
I had made up my
mind that I was going
to take my black ass home.
You have a beautiful family.
Are they twins?
Yes, identical,
double the trouble.
But they're so cute.
And the guy, is that your--
It's my children's father.
Must be nice.
It's fair.
I'm sorry.
I gotta wait for my
phone to come on so I can
get the contact from my phone.
No problem.
You know, it ain't
every day that people
are willing to help strangers.
Yeah well, this could very well
be me one day, stranded, lost.
You're so right.
[thunder crashes]
No, they said it's a severe
thunderstorm warning tonight.
You think a truck might--
I don't know if a truck will
be able to come out this way.
So right.
I'm at 10611 South
Longwood Drive.
My car won't start.
Khalees Stewart.
Liberty Jeep.
[door creaks]
[thunder crashes]
[door creaks]
Thank you very much.
How did you know my address?
That was right on
the door, right?
It's correct, right?
So, what are you
doing over here?
Were you visiting a friend?
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
He left me.
He who?
He left me and I'm pregnant.
Two whole years I
stuck by this man.
And all he can do is throw
me out like I'm some piece
of dirty laundry or some shit.
(SOBS) I just don't understand.
Look, look, sweetie, we've
all been down heartbreak road
You'll be OK.
It's the future of the baby
you need to worry about now.
Allow that to be your
motivation as you
pull forward through this.
You'll get through it.
You'll be OK.
We've all been
through some shit.
You're so right.
You're OK.
You know what?
I can't let no man kill me.
That's right, baby girl.
Hey look, and kill what's ever
allowing that man to mistreat
you in the first place.
You can't let him win.
It's about you.
It's about your baby.
Let me go get you some Kleenex.
Thank you, Bianca.
Troy, you really
should feel lucky,
because I don't usually let
niggas in my crib like that,
so consider yourself a VIP.
Ah, shit, I ain't getting no
chicken overall pipe, this baby
mine, so consider yourself VIP.
Ooh, yep.
That's that daddy dick, too.
But you don't want to
give it to Li-Li no more.
(SCOFFS) Man, shit's been
hectic at the crib, you know.
Oh, god.
I got to be there for
my daughter, though.
OK, Troy, and I got
a daughter, too.
But I respond to your
calls and your texts.
Come on Alicia don't
start that bullshit.
Don't worry about it.
I ain't short on no
nigga because I work
at the gentleman's
club and you're
going to have to remember that.
Yeah, you should be
proud of yourself.
Oh, I am.
I'm proud that I
can pay my own bills
and hold my own
weight, Unlike Rhonda
squeezing your tired ass dry
from your little factory job.
(SCOFFS) You know what?
That's all right.
I give you your
[inaudible],, bitch.
(SCOFFS) Yo, Troy,
get the fuck out.
Alicia, come on, man.
I was just
bullshitting with you.
Little mama, come on out so I
can hug at you for a minute.
Alicia, come on, man.
What's that?
Alicia, what is that?
It's my meds, Troy.
Meds for what, though?
Meds for what?
Meds for what?
It's STD medication.
Man-- man, we've
been laying down
together, doing all this shit,
and you couldn't tell me?
I didn't know what to say.
I'm in a whole
fucking relationship.
Fuck your relationship.
You got me fucked up.
You got me fucked up.
Fuck that.
[choking sounds]
[suspenseful music plays]
[heavy breathing]
You know, I can
only hope to be as
beautiful as a person like you.
He handsome, what's
keeping you all up so late?
Uh, Alicia Jackson residence?
What'd you say?
Alicia Jackson, says on
this ID that she lives here.
Oh, are you talking about Li-Li?
She up here now.
What's happening?
How do you know my name?
And there ain't no
address on my door.
You want to tell me
why you in my house?
Bianca, you told me--
B I didn't tell you shit.
We're practically family.
Um, well, you mind if
I give this to her?
You the boyfriend,
or husband, or--
Oh, man, no.
I'm her brother, man.
Nah, come on in.
Yeah, it's all good.
She up in the
bathroom, all right?
Let's just say I'm
the woman that's
doing everything you won't do.
See, you done had
these babies, and you
done got a little comfortable.
Bitch, you don't know
shit about my babies.
Mason, grab mommy's
phone and dial 911.
I'm in love with
their father, and I
ain't going to let no bitch--
My baby.
[high pitch squeal]
[police sirens]
I see you in my house--
What the fuck?
Mommy shot her.
[police sirens]
[somber music plays]
DJ, please eat something.
You got to get out
of this bed, baby.
DJ was left to be the single
parent of two children.
My heart practically
fell out of my ass.
Sometimes we got to
put it all on a scale.
If it don't weigh out fellas,
then don't fuck with it.
Not only did Khalees die, but
the unborn child inside of her
didn't make it, either.
Ma, I miss my daddy.
I miss him too, baby.
Troy was arrested and
found the next day
red handed with the firearm
that he killed Alicia with.
Bloody situation,
he'll probably do life.
[dog barks]
You're under arrest for
homicide of Alicia Jackson.
Oh, you slept good last
night, didn't you Levine?
Did you get a good
night's sleep last night?
Bet you didn't hear those dogs.
You don't hear the dogs anymore.
You used to hear
them all the time.
I wonder what happened
to those dogs.
Somebody may have poisoned them.
I didn't hear you say anything.
I was talking to you in there.
I was telling you about
what a nice day it was.
Good morning, short stack.
The dog's not barking at all.
I noticed that.
It was just as quiet
and peaceful last night.
Oh that was wonderful.
I don't know what
stopped him from barking.
But the little
rabbit over there,
was so nice to see
the rabbit over there.
I looked out the door--
I don't eat everybody's cooking.
You just never know how
crazy people are sometimes.
They do all kinds of things.
I told you about the
little bunny rabbit, right?
But you know-- you know,
we don't have relations
with our grandchildren.
So are we still going to go to
that barbecue that the people--
[coughing intensifies]
--you know, I don't know
that lady, but she's--
--riding the subway.
I was thinking the other
day about when I used
to go fishing with my grandpa.
Oh, boy.
We'd catch bluegills.
We come back and
scale those fish,
we'd eat on those fish all day.
I like mine with
hot sauce on them.
You know she used
to get the smaller--
we'd come home from fishing,
and scale those fish,
and eat them all day.
I like hot sauce on mine.
You like hot sauce?
You want Lucky Charms today?
Did you want Lucky Charms?
You never told me if
you wanted Lucky Charms.
Raspberry red.
We don't hear
those dogs anymore.
Ain't that something?
Well, I like it.
You can open the window and
get you some rest at night.
I got some good
sleep last night.
DJ Smile.
Give it up for my
man, Mech Levine.
Yeah, how all you doing?
Lady, I would like to tell you
that was an awesome and most
spectacular performance.
Hands down, best performance
I ever saw in my life.
You are the absolute type
of artist-- the best artist
that we've been looking
for in our label.
And we'd like to
sign you immediately.
Lady's life had soon
become a success story.
She won first place
at the convention,
getting her signed to a record
deal with a hefty advancement.
That right there puts
a smile on my face.
Y'all better know it.
[music plays]
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
So tight.
Young female gotta grind
hard on my own with no help.
I'm a loner in this cold world.
So this girl do for herself.
My pops in the pen doing life.
My grandparents
don't hold me down.
My daddy murdered my
mama on Christmas.
I live with no soul, now.
I seen it all on my own life.
So I never trust no nigga now.
On everything I
love, joke on life.
I could take a nigger down.
I'm so hurt.
I'm so lost.
I'm fucked up.
My man gone.
Reps to the big homie cocky.
I know I gotta stay strong.
This city living
just ain't right
when the city done me wrong.
A hoe don't even cry
no more, but a bitch
never gets turned out.
I gotta give my [inaudible] up.
Sometime want to
throw the towel in.
Walk around with this
hella pain like I don't
need a motherfucking friend.
I don't need a
motherfucking man.
I don't need a
motherfucking hand.
Blueprint, yes and the plan,
strong shit gas in the stance.
Real talk, when the
day ends, I never
really understand why I gotta
wake up and live life every day
in this bogus land.
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music changes]
So tour.
I got a wife at
the crib that love
to cook and clean,
take care of the kids,
give me everything I need.
But on the other hand,
I got this young fly
thing, that'll throw it back for
daddy, and I never say please.
The yin and the yang.
The gift and the curse.
Four arms, but there's
only room for one purse.
How could I, or how should
I, choose between two Queens?
Why would I?
Talk to them, bro.
I'm in a sticky situation.
And I don't know what to do.
See I like spending
time with her.
On the other hand, I
love being with my boo.
But I can only have one of them.
So stressed out I'm on
a treadmill at the gym.
Didn't want to go this route.
Now I really need
to figure it out.
Because I'm--
I'm going crazy, torn
in between two ladies.
Every time I try to pick
one and make a stand,
find myself with the
other woman again.
And I'm going crazy, torn
in between two ladies.
My god, I'm so confused, don't
know which one to choose.
Which one to choose.
Need to think fast,
running out of time.