Lady Thug (2024) Movie Script

(gentle ethereal music)
(gentle brooding music)
[Porsche] When I was a
little girl, I was told
that a woman was the
nurturer of the family
and she was the glue that
held her family together.
A woman's role was to
take care of the kids
and make sure a hot
meal was on the table
when her husband got home
from a long day of work.
I was also taught how
a respectful woman
was supposed to carry
herself from how she walked,
talked, dressed,
and even smiled.
You never play in the
dirt or climb trees
because that's not ladylike.
Oh, and posture was everything,
Man, fuck you, Dex.
You gonna get yours,
and I hope you
burn in hell bitch!
- You first.
- (gun bangs)
[Porsche] Dear diary,
I did something today
that I can't take back.
You would think that I would
feel some sort of remorse,
but I feel nothing.
(ominous music)
- [Elena] Honey (screaming).
- (gun banging)
(footsteps rustling)
(Maria speaking Spanish)
(fridge door slamming)
(eggs banging)
(whisk clanking)
Mr. and Mrs. Foxworth,
your breakfast is cold.
(foreboding music)
(Maria screaming)
(Maria crying)
So can you tell
me what happened?
(Maria speaking Spanish)
I'm sorry, I don't
understand Spanish.
Could you speak English for me?
No, no.
Does anyone in
here speak Spanish?
- What do we have?
- We got two victims.
Maid comes in for her daily job,
discovers 'em in
the master bedroom.
Both were shot three times.
What does she know?
She doesn't speak any English.
I was about to
call a translator.
No needs, I'll take care of it.
What's her name?
Maria Nunes.
Okay, just let me know if
you find anything else.
Got it.
Maria, (speaking Spanish).
(Maria speaking Spanish)
Okay, (speaking Spanish).
(Maria speaking Spanish)
(Natalia speaking Spanish)
(Maria speaking Spanish)
(Natalia speaking Spanish)
Was there any forceful
entry or security footage?
No forceful entry.
It looks like it's an
inside job, but not likely.
And the footage is being
checked out right now.
Good, good.
- You okay, Detective?
- I'm fine.
Where are the dead people?
The victims are in the master.
(camera shuttering)
Everyone out!
Everyone out!
(door slams shut)
I'm gonna head back
to the precinct, okay?
Yes, I'll see you
when I get there.
(door slamming shut)
I'm sorry, and I
mean no disrespect,
but what are you doing here?
Where's Detective Rico?
He's in the master
with the two victims.
I can show you.
Yeah, that won't be necessary.
(phone vibrating)
Yes, he's here
now, I understand.
I'm sorry sir, what's going on?
Have you noticed anything
strange about Detective Rico?
Well sir, you know when
you have a partner and-
I understand the code
Detective Gallegos.
I had a partner
who didn't walk the
straight line either.
I gotta go.
What would you like me to do?
Cover your six, and
I'll be in touch.
(door slamming shut)
(alarm clock beeping)
The kids of the D-Tech program
in West Dallas are happy
to have a place to call home.
The people along with
other organizations
in the community got together
and cleaned up an old
abandoned building
that had been closed and
boarded up for years.
We are happy to see the
community coming together.
It only takes one to
care enough to help.
In an uptown district, a
husband and wife were found dead
by their maid who arrived to
start a shift this morning.
Dallas One's Leslie Park
joins us live, Leslie.
Thank you Alex.
The authorities have not
released any names yet.
What we do know is it
happened last night at 8:00 PM
on the 4,000 block in Prosper.
We talked to some neighbors
and they said they
couldn't believe
what was happening
in their community.
I lived on this
street for 20 years,
and nothing like this
has ever happened.
I grew up in that life.
So I moved my wife here to
get away from mess like this.
When will we learn as people?
And when I say people, I
don't care about your color
or where you're from,
when will we learn?
You got to do better.
We got to do better, all of us.
We had no idea that anybody
had moved into that house.
It'd been on the market
for quite a while,
and I saw a man at the mailbox
and I raised my arm
as if to say hello,
but he just turned back and
went back into the house.
I had no clue that was
Mr. and Mrs. Foxworth.
Yes. Mr. Jennings.
Now if I must, by you
listening to me and not selling
or trading your stock, QMet
just increased by 9.6%.
Yes, you just made $24,344,86.
(knock on door)
No, no, we are not
going to sell right now
because this stock is
gonna continue to increase.
Yes, okay, well, listen
Mr. Jennings, something just came up
and I'm gonna call
you back, okay?
- Thanks.
- Well, someone looks happy.
Well, that's my job to put
a smile on my client's face.
Yes indeed.
Can I help you with
something Ms. Robbins?
Well, I just wanted to come
congratulate you on the stock.
I don't know how you knew
QMet was gonna keep going up,
but as long as my company's
making figures like these,
doesn't matter to me.
Well, that's why
you hired me, ma'am.
Well, you keep doing
figures like this,
I'm gonna have to share
part of my throne.
(Porsche chuckling)
One other thing, I
don't know if you heard,
but there's some
lunatic going around
breaking into houses,
killing people.
Yeah, I saw that this morning.
What is this world coming to?
- You better be careful.
- [Porsche] Will do.
Well, I'm gonna let you get
back to making me more money.
Yes ma'am.
(keyboard key clacking)
(car door slams shut)
(foreboding music)
(suspenseful music)
I think you broke into the
wrong fucking house lady.
Is that right?
Usually when people break
into someone's house,
they take shit and then leave.
Maybe I'm a different crook.
I see you've helped
yourself to my best wine.
I've had better.
Well, since you've
made yourself at home,
you should have cooked dinner.
I've had a very shitty day.
What, I look like you're maid?
Lady, you have
about three seconds
before I put a hollow
point in your head.
Is that any way to
talk to your Gam-Gam?
- Gam-Gam, oh my God!
- (Gam-Gam chuckling)
Oh, Gam!
You still wanna shoot me?
Hey, you break into my shit,
I'll bust a cap in your ass.
That's my girl.
(Gam-Gam and Porsche laughing)
I knew you did it.
I was just waiting
for you to come clean.
No, no, no, look,
I tried everything
that I saw on television
to clean that stain up.
But hey, if you need
to blame anyone,
it needs to be the
cleaning products
'cause that was
false advertisement.
That was my favorite blouse.
Oh, I'll take you shopping soon.
I have money now, I got you.
That was a long time ago.
So I thought you were
doing business in Cali.
I was, and it started
to get heated,
so I needed to move around.
Bad, but I'll tell
you about that later.
So anyway, how are you doing?
I mean, do you need anything?
Actually I do.
[Porsche] Just name it.
I need a place to stay
for a little while.
[Gam-Gam] I can
give you some money.
Gam, put that money away, okay?
Your money is no good here.
Good, because I wasn't
gonna give it to you anyway!
(Gam and Porsche laughing)
I knew you wasn't.
I knew you wasn't.
I wanna ask you a
question though.
Okay, what?
Did you ever follow up with
what I sent you to your email?
- No I didn't.
- [Gam-Gam] Why?
Gam, come on, we were
having such a good time.
I just asked you why?
Because there was no
need to contact her.
I went through a lot of trouble
to get that information.
Okay, information that
I never asked for.
Porsche, you need this.
Why, why do I need
to contact her?
For what?
Gam, she left me like I was...
I walked into her room
and I saw her packing.
And I asked her,
"Why are you packing?"
And she said we were
going on a family trip
and to go to my room and pack.
And while I was packing,
she snuck out the door.
She left me Gam,
like I wasn't shit.
So why do I need to contact her?
For what, to talk about
the good old days?
No, fuck that!
Fuck that and fuck her!
Fuck her, fuck her!
Gam, what are you doing?
Maybe it was a bad idea
for me to come here.
Oh Gam, please, you
don't have to leave.
I know I got upset,
but I'm okay now.
Gam, please don't leave me.
It's been such a long time
since we've been together.
You gonna be okay?
I'm gonna be okay.
(phone vibrating)
I see you still have the fire?
Yeah, hold on.
I'll be right back.
(door slams shut)
Hey, what's up?
What the fuck?
I'm on my way.
Sparkle, you gotta stop
shooting everybody.
We can't make money from these
motherfuckers if they dead.
You need to talk to
big boy over there.
Yo, if a motherfucker steps up,
motherfucker gets smoked up.
These motherfuckers are buying
this shit like it's candy.
Ever since we added
that new ingredient.
I sold out in like 45 minutes.
Everybody want our shit
from doctors, lawyers,
all the way up the chain to our,
all about the fucking
community city council members.
Man, fuck the police.
Fuck them bullshit lawyers.
I say fuck all of 'em.
They all can die.
Let God sort 'em out.
Language, language.
Now, that's not nice
to say about the amazing
professionals in our fair city.
And it's not nice to point
guns at people either.
Do you know who I am?
I know who the fuck you are.
Good, no need for
introductions then.
How may I help you
Detective Rico?
Just lemme take this all in.
What the fuck do you want
officer street trash.
K-Roc, your bitch
has a foul mouth.
Better put a muzzle
on Sparky before I do.
- Are you calling me a dog?
- Ruff, ruff, bitch!
You got me fucked up.
Woo, that's what
I'm talking about.
We got ourselves a standoff.
Shit gets my dick hard.
Get that fucking
gun outta my face!
Or what, hmm?
What the fuck you're
gonna do, bitch?
Put that gun down and
I'll show you nigga.
I will blow your brains
all over this wall
and not even fucking blink once.
Yo boss, just gimme the word
and this motherfucker is dead.
Yeah boss, just give the word.
Will y'all shoot
this motherfucker?
Go ahead Rock, do it.
See how many of my
guns show in here.
This nigga bluffing, shoot him!
380, to Black Unit.
What's your position?
[Cop] We have the
warehouse surrounded 380.
Copy that.
You better make a call Rock
'cause you three are about
to have a very deadly night.
[Cop] 380, should we engage?
I repeat, 380,
should we move in?
Everybody relax, this is
just a misunderstanding.
Negative Black Unit.
Hold your position.
I repeat, hold your position.
Do not engage.
[Cop] Roger that 380.
Now, back to business.
You mean back to robbing us.
Robbing you?
You guys are drug dealers
for crying out loud.
I took an oath to get people
like you off the streets.
But yet we still ain't in cuffs.
That's good shit, but
what did you mix it with?
Oh, it doesn't matter.
You two are more valuable
working out here for me.
Now, I could have you arrested,
but I'll let you make that call.
Bitch ass nigga.
How much this shit
gonna cost me?
Is everything okay?
I need to make a deposit.
- Confirmed?
- Confirmed.
Man, where the fuck is Dex?
Chill bro, I'm sure
she'll be here any moment.
Man, we could've already
shot this motherfucker
in the head and
already been halfway
to the crib by
now, some bullshit!
Shut the fuck up!
Man, should have waited on
Dex when we grabbed this fool.
You know that ain't
how we do this no shit.
No trick, that ain't
how she do this shit.
Bro, you tripping.
We've been doing this for a
minute now, it's a solid plug
and we're getting paid, paid.
Shit ain't broke.
What you trying to fix it for?
'Cause this shit
been beyond broke.
It's been beyond broke.
Why she get to tell us
everything that we do, right?
And how much she get to tell
us how much we get paid?
We're getting 20
bands a puff, yo.
Listen, if we get 20,
how much you think
she's fucking getting?
I don't give a fuck
how much she making,
as long as I get my bag, shit.
- Stupid.
- Bag, bag, bag.
So whose idea was this?
Don't all speak at once.
You two fucked up
tonight big time.
Well, Dex-
Don't you say shit Klips.
You just said.
Now, I don't know what the
fuck you two were thinking,
but we take our mark
on specific days,
not a day early or a day late.
We do this shit based
on their choosing.
Now, you motherfuckers
ought to be lucky
that I was able
to fix this shit.
(Henry panting)
Is this him?
- Confirm.
- Confirm.
- Jazz.
- Confirm.
Why are you doing this?
I didn't do anything.
Shut the fuck up!
Please, you don't
have to do this.
I have money.
I have lots and lots of money.
I'll double, I'll triple
whatever they're paying you.
I can give you a
million dollars each.
A million, y'all?
Hey yo, that's a lot
of goddamn money.
Hell yeah.
Nah, we good.
Please, I have a son.
(guns banging)
Let's go.
(gentle brooding music)
(gentle pensive music)
(shower water splattering)
(Porsche sobbing)
So Mr. Brown, I've been
looking over your resume
and I'm kind of curious,
why would you wanna work
as a janitor with
your credentials?
You have a bachelor's
and a master's.
I mean hell, you could work
as one of the suits here
and make way more
money than $15,50.
So, what's your angle?
- Well, there is no angle Mr.
- Slayter.
I believe it's how
you look at it.
And how do you look at it?
Well, I just see that there's
opportunity in everything.
No matter if I'm the
CEO of the business,
or if I'm picking up
trash for that business,
it's all a part of
the circle of life.
You live, you make
money, you die.
But it's about where
you choose to work
and are you happy doing it?
I believe it's about enjoying
what life gives you
from this direction.
I must say (laughing).
Man, that's the biggest bunch
of bullshit I've
heard in my life.
And trust me son,
I've heard a lot
of shit in my time.
Talk about circle of life.
Okay Mr. Miyagi,
you know Mr. Miyagi, was
on, wax off (laughing)?
When can you start?
Is tomorrow fine?
I'll see you 6:00 AM sharp.
- I'll see you then.
- Thank you.
(foreboding music)
(phone chiming)
(phone chiming)
So our target will be sitting
in his living room drinking
whiskey at 9:00 PM sharp.
This is when he likes to
talk to his dead wife.
Talk to his dead wife?
Man, White people crazy.
How you know that?
Because our employer
makes sure we have accurate
information on all our targets.
- Three plugs.
- You already know.
Man, it's just one dude.
You don't need us for that.
No I don't,
but like I told you
during our agreement,
if I make money,
y'all make money.
Sound good to me.
Let's get this bag, bitch.
- So what's the drop?
- 10 bands.
Hey that's good, let's get it.
Man, that's some bullshit.
What's your fucking
problem, Jazz?
My problem is the
money keep changing.
Last job we did,
we got 30 racks.
Now you talking about 10?
Man, that's some bullshit.
Man, y'all wasn't
supposed to get shit.
Y'all fucked up that last job,
but I laced y'all up anyway.
So y'all gonna make
it up on this job.
Hmm, so we getting 10, huh?
Then what the fuck you getting?
You don't need to worry about
what the fuck I'm getting.
I run this shit.
You just work here.
See this the shit I'm talking
about right here, Klips.
- Chill.
- She making all
the motherfucking money and
she give us the bullshit.
We all laid down on
the line for this shit.
We all put our
lives on the line.
We need to split the
motherfucking money three ways.
And why the fuck would I do that
when I got more to
lose than you do?
Bro, it's what we agreed to.
Man, we didn't agree
to get fucked over.
- Fucked over?
- Fucked over.
You wasn't shit
before I met you.
Your ass would still
be working down there
at that $10 hour bullshit
ass job you ungrateful bitch.
Oh, so you think
you better than me?
- Think?
- Well then bounce up bitch.
Nah, this shit ain't happening,
so everybody calm the fuck down.
Dex, I don't never
say shit, right?
You tell us what to do.
I do it, no questions
asked, I'm good.
Jazz, Jazz, I need this bag bro.
And our bodies, meaning
motherfuckers need me to get it,
so stop with all
the extra bullshit
and let's get back
to the plan, damn.
- All right.
- Thank you.
Look, I'm gonna say this shit
and I'm gonna say
it one time only.
I didn't come to you
motherfuckers for no money.
You came to me.
Personally, I didn't think
y'all had the stomach
to do that shit.
Had that shit went
a different way,
I would've put a bullet
in both of y'all
motherfucking heads,
but y'all proved yourself.
And I told you,
if you stay loyal
and stay down with me, if I
make money, y'all make money.
So I don't know what
the fuck this here was,
but if it happens again,
that shit gonna go a
whole different way.
And y'all wait for my
motherfucking text.
(plastic rustling)
By investing with us here at TK,
you and your wife are
making the best investment
of your life.
Let me put it to you this way.
There is a reason why our
mutual friend has connected us
because my win
percentage is very high.
Yes, I would love
to set up a meeting
with you and your wife.
Oh okay, yeah, I love brunch.
(knock on door)
Okay, so I'll have my
assistant to contact you
with my schedule and I'll
meet you both very soon.
All right, goodbye.
I swear people wanna make money,
but they don't realize that
it takes money to make money.
I need a vacation.
- It's not that bad, is it?
- What?
Well, you said you
need a vacation.
I said it's not that bad is it?
- And you are?
- Where are my manners?
My name is Richard Brown III.
Okay, Richard Brown III,
since you were eavesdropping,
what are your thoughts
about what I said?
People understand that it
takes money to make money.
I mean, let's face it,
they're not complete idiots.
The problem is all
those numbers start
to look the same the
longer you look at 'em.
The problem with newcomers
in the stock market
is they don't know how
much time it'll take
to receive return on
their investments.
- Is that all?
- I'm sorry.
How long have you been working
here Richard Brown III?
Today's actually my first day.
Do you know who I am?
Yeah, I saw your
picture on the wall
of the executives.
And by you seeing my
picture on the wall,
what does that tell you?
That you're pretty
good at your job.
Great, I'm great at my job.
I'm sorry I meant no disrespect.
- Do you think your boss, Mr.
- Slayter, would like you trying
to give me investment tips?
- You have a good day.
- Goodbye, Richard Brown III.
What, Jazz?
You say that,
but you looking like you
wanna fuck somebody up.
- I'm cool.
- All right, cool.
I got my hash and a
whole lot of cash.
Hell, you might as well say it
'cause you ain't
about to ruin my buzz.
Man, it's that Dex man.
She playing us fool.
How she playing us, how Jazz?
Man, we don't know
shit about that bitch.
We don't know where she live,
or we don't know nothing
about what she doing
when we ain't doing wet work.
You know what?
I don't care.
What I do care about
is this right here.
The way she does biz, man, it
don't make no fucking sense.
The fuck, you ain't
making no sense.
We making real money now, Jazz.
It would take us 10 years to do
what we just did
in eight months.
Man, don't be a simple
bitch all your life.
You can't tell me that this
shit ain't sketchy to you.
Nah, it don't feel sketch
at all as a matter of fact.
Dex is keeping her word.
She ain't never been
late in no payment.
We do a job, few
days later, we paid.
As long as she keep
her part of the deal,
I don't care.
Man, how long you gonna
be on her nut sack, huh?
As long as she got
them stacks fool.
I know a good thing
when I see it, shit.
And you keep forgetting,
we went to her.
She didn't come to us.
Yeah, I know.
But, this shit is working
out way too fucking easy.
Oh, bitch, now you
blowing my high.
So lemme get this straight.
You mad 'cause we ain't got
caught killing motherfuckers?
(laughing) What you smoking?
Listen, listen man, we done
killed nine motherfuckers.
We done did nine jobs,
and not one mistake?
Now bitch, I know we good,
that's motherfucking flawless.
Even better for us, we know
where to be and what time.
We walk in, three
plugs, and we out.
See, that's the shit I'm
talking about right there.
You ain't never wondered
why we doing three plugs
and not just one?
And what the fuck are we
killing these niggas for anyway?
Bitch, is you going
through a midlife crisis?
Jazz, you a
motherfucking killer,
and you worried about why
we kill our motherfuckers?
Make it make sense, goddamn.
Nah, I'ma go deeper.
Okay, well you go deeper.
Made me fucking
forget my count, damn.
Man, bitch, fuck you.
No, fuck you.
(car door slams shut)
(car door slams shut)
- K-Roc.
- Dex, what's popping?
Same shit, different day.
Woo, I like that fit girl.
You know, when they told me
you was looking for product,
I didn't believe it,
but your customers gonna
love what's in this shit.
So are we doing this?
- Go ahead, check it out.
- No need.
Hey, Dex.
Man, that's Black crazy ass.
Black ass almost got shot nigga.
I ain't scared of
no fucking gun.
Man, get the fuck outta here.
We doing business.
Fuck, you ain't going no more.
Hey, hey, are we done here?
Black, let's go.
I don't know why she
looks out for that nigga.
Maybe she has a soft
spot for crack heads.
Let's go spend this money, baby.
Let's go, daddy
Is Candy all right?
Candy's Candy,
she gonna be fine.
Black, you need to be careful.
Man, they ain't gonna do
shit, nothing, trust me.
So how are you?
You know how I do, feeling
good, feeling great.
Living life to the fullest.
Working on the song, just came
from outta town from Cali,
about to turn up for the night.
Where the party at (chuckling)?
So what you're saying is
you ain't got shit going on.
Not a damn thing.
(Dex and Black laughing)
- Woo!
- So look, I gotta go.
I have business on the
other side of town.
No problem, no problem.
Put that money away,
I don't need that.
Look, I'm not giving you shit.
I told you don't be
giving me no money.
I'm not giving you shit.
This is a loan, all right?
As soon as you get
your record deal,
I want my money
back with interest.
Okay, I'll dedicate
a song to you.
It's called "Payback".
Like to hear it?
Here it go (vocalizing).
No no no
All all right,
Black, all right..
No no no
Black, no.
Oh, I know it's a
little rocky sis.
I'm working on it though.
Rocky my ass.
You throwing bricks.
Man, whatever (chuckling).
All right, well you
take care of yourself.
Okay, we gonna work over
this track (vocalizing).
No no no
No no no
We are bringing more news
on the murder in Prosper.
The police have released
the names of the two victims
that were murdered in
their suburban home.
They are billionaires,
Elena and Harvey Foxworth.
You may know them as
the couple responsible
for the partnership with
the leaders of Turkey
and building the 20 oil rigs
in international waters.
We do not care how
much they threaten us,
we will not back down.
The deal is done.
We will use all our resources
down to the last dime
to make this country
a better place.
I served my country in Vietnam.
I bleed red, white, and blue.
I will give my life if need be.
If you want us, you
know where to find us.
People saying that
we're not American,
that we're terrorists, we
are from Longview, Texas.
We are as American as they come.
So these phone calls, emails,
and letters need to stop.
I support my husband.
It's the right thing
to do, and it's done.
I'm on my grind
On my on my on my grind
I need my need
my need my shine
I see my see my see my time
Yeah I'm on my grind
I'm on it
I'm on it
I'm on it
I'm on it
I'm on it
Yeah I'm on my grind
I'm clocking dollars
on every hour
I gotta get it
I'm losing brains for change
And yes I gotta admitted
I'm straight with
it flipping midgets
You cut me short
I'm going hard
crazy new jack city
Ain't no committed
getting digits
They flipping
millie's wilding out
Taking over buck up
It's strap city nigga
So what it is what it ain't
What are you doing here?
The same thing
you're doing here.
I run this park all the time.
I've never seen you here before.
So what are you implying?
Don't you think it's
a bit stalkerish?
Stalker, who, me (chuckling)?
- Yeah.
- Hey, girl, you fine,
but you ain't that fine.
Well, I apologize.
It's just been a
little crazy lately.
It's cool, so you
wanna run together?
Not together,
together, but you know.
Enjoy your run
Richard Brown III.
What is this?
Well, since you allowed
me to stay here,
I thought I'd make
you breakfast.
You always loved my cooking.
And you were right.
Mmh, this is so good, Gam-Gam.
You still got skills.
Tell me something I didn't know.
(Porsche and Gam-Gam chuckling)
I just wanted to
cook you a good meal
before you run off to
that crazy stock market.
Well, the stock market
is on pause today.
- I took off.
- Why?
Well, we haven't
hung out in so long.
I'm taking you shopping,
and then I'm gonna treat
you to a nice lunch.
It'll be like old times.
I know you just
didn't call me old.
Well, you do have
a little gray hair
that popped up on
the side there.
Girl, where?
We better stop by the
beauty supply store.
You know I can't do the gray.
Gam, I thought you told me
that women with gray
hair age like fine wine.
When you get to be my age,
and you look as good as I look,
wine won't do, I'm caviar.
- Well, all right, caviar.
- (all chuckling)
You know what, it's
too quiet in here.
Radio, play some music.
(mid tempo gentle music)
There we go.
Ooh Gam, this is
so good, thank you.
Everybody is famous
in the news every day
You know you have made it
When it adds on your face
I don't know what's real
I don't know what's fake
Can anybody out
there tell me
What's really
at stake the fee
I like shops like this.
I do too.
I love Hazel and Honey.
This is where I come all the
time for my relaxed clothes.
I get so tired of being
in those $5,000 dresses.
$5,000 for one dress?
[Porsche] Yeah.
I can buy 20
dresses for five Gs.
I agree, $5,000 is
a lot for one dress.
- Oh, really?
- 100%, I was always taught
whether the dress
is $5 or $20,000,
it's not about what you're
wearing, but who's wearing it?
How are you Ms. Talley?
Are you gonna shake
my hand this time?
(Gam-Gam clears throat)
Sorry about that.
My name is Richard Brown III.
- My name is Gam-Gam.
- Nice to meet you Gam-Gam.
Nice to meet you too,
Richard Brown III.
Gam, Richard is a
coworker of mine.
Hmm, what are the odds
that you'd both be
here at the same time?
It's almost like it's fate.
No, it's not fate.
It's a store and people
come here to shop.
I come here all the time.
It's a women's clothing store.
Now, I'm very comfortable
with my masculinity.
Yeah, whatever.
So what are you two
getting into today?
We're going to lunch.
Would you like to accompany us?
- Gam?
- I can eat.
All right, Gam, really?
So, Richard, are you
married, divorced, any kids?
You got a girlfriend?
Gam, so many personal questions.
I'm sure he doesn't wanna
tell us his life story.
- I really don't mind.
- See, he really doesn't mind.
Go ahead baby.
I was married, I'm divorced now,
and I really thought
she was the one,
but God has an amazing
way of removing people
that don't belong in your life.
Just to make room for
something or someone else.
No girlfriend, no kids.
I've been single
for some time now.
You don't say.
So what are your thoughts
on the stock market?
You won't tell me your thoughts,
so I'll ask someone
else that works there.
It's a complicated business.
I disagree on that one.
Oh really?
Well, I am really curious
to hear your thoughts.
It's all about perception.
Let's take stock and
everyday garbage.
Wait a minute.
Now I know that you're not about
to compare a billion dollar
business to people's leftovers.
Let me explain.
In stocks, you really don't
know what you're getting.
Someone hands you a wad of cash,
you're too invested into a
big pit of digital numbers
and hope that you see a return.
Now that stock tumbles,
your investor loses money.
Where does all that money go?
It goes into a big digital
pit of unwanted waste.
Now, let's take garbage,
a billion dollar business,
also a huge pit of
unwanted wads of waste.
But just like the stock market,
one man's trash is
another man's treasure,
but it's subjective.
Interesting, you're
a stock investor,
but you have a totally
different view on it.
Well, I'm not an investor.
I work as a janitor at TK.
I'm sorry, a what?
He works janitorial at my job.
That's not good.
Well, there are a
few great things
that I've come in contact
with since working there.
- Oh.
- [Porsche] What?
I just remembered,
I got something to take care
of before three o'clock.
Oh, is everything okay?
I can go with you.
Everything's fine,
I'll see you at home.
Richard, it was
nice meeting you.
It was nice meeting you as well.
Gam, we haven't
had our lunch yet.
That's okay, I'll grab
something on the way.
Did she do what I
think she just did?
She did, I am so
sorry about Gam.
She can be so
straightforward at times.
No need to apologize.
I really like her.
I really like you too.
(phone chiming)
Porsche, Porsche?
- Yeah.
- Is everything okay?
Yeah, no, I'm sorry,
I really have to go.
Is there anything I
can help out with?
No, I just have some fires
that I need to put out at work.
And I'm sorry, I'm gonna
have to take a rain check.
Wow, so you lost both of 'em.
Man, Dex, where
the fuck we going?
I needed to make a stop
before our next job.
A stop where?
You'll find out in a minute.
Dex, what's up?
Look, I didn't have time
to stop before we met up,
so I decided to kill
two birds at one time.
So we them two birds?
Jazz, if I wanted you dead,
you wouldn't be here right now.
So what we picking up?
That's for me to know,
but I'll lace y'all up when
we get back to the car.
Now are y'all strapped?
I'll never leave
home without it.
Good, now let's go.
(car beeping)
Dex, I see you brought
some new faces this time.
Just new to you.
I heard Black was here earlier.
Yeah, I had him do
some work for me.
You know, crack heads
would do anything for money
or nose candy.
Don't I know you?
No nigga, you don't know me.
Nigga, Dex, you
better tell this bitch
to show me some fucking
respect in my house
before y'all find her
with a bullet in her head.
She's straight.
Now, can we get
back to business?
You know it's all
about business.
But you know me,
I love that money.
Well, this ain't
no social visit.
Let's go.
Man, that old peanut
butter head ass bitch.
See, I told you she had
something sketchy going on.
Bitch, we just made 10
bands and we ain't did shit.
Man, why she didn't tell us
she was scoring drugs, huh?
Why we ain't getting a
piece of that money, huh?
Because we ain't drug dealers.
Man, fuck that.
I want it all.
There you go with
that Nino Brown shit,
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
Fuck outta here.
Listen, we know where she
getting the drugs from.
We can get all that money.
And when we do, I'm
gonna turn my attention
to that bitch Sparkle.
You better leave that
crazy bitch alone.
Man, fuck her.
I got an idea.
You bat shit crazy, but
I fuck with you though.
Let's count this money.
- (knock on door)
- [Porsche] Come in.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
What are we doing here?
Is that all you're gonna say?
Is there something else to say?
How about I'm sorry I left
you standing at the diner.
I told you that I was
sorry before I left.
- I accept your apology.
- Whatever.
How about you make it up to me?
And how am I supposed to
do that Richard Brown III?
Dinner at my place.
I'll cook for you.
I'm busy tonight.
Tomorrow, you might
as well say yes.
I'm gonna keep
asking until you do.
Tomorrow night.
- It's a date.
- No, it's dinner.
Let me give you my number.
I already got it.
When you're a big executive,
it's not hard to find
your information.
I'll text you my address.
Don't be late.
You're very persistent.
You'll be surprised
how far it gets you.
I need you to get back to work.
(plastic rustling)
(knock on door)
You know some of
us have work to do.
- Ms.
- Talley, I'm Detective Gallegos.
This is Detective Rico.
Can we ask you a few questions?
How can I help you detectives?
- Ms. Talley.
- Porsche.
Porsche, we're
investigating a homicide.
What homicide?
Does the name Henry
Edson ring a bell?
No, should it?
What about Edson's
Construction Company?
Oh, that's the guy that got
arrested for money laundering.
I remember seeing
him on the news.
Well, we found his body in
a dumpster on West Dallas.
And what does it
have to do with me?
Can you tell us where you
were August 15th at 11:00 PM?
Detective, that was
three weeks ago.
I'm sorry, but I
can't remember that.
So you don't remember?
I run a Fortune 500 company,
so I have a very busy schedule.
I can't remember
what I did yesterday,
let alone three weeks ago.
But you were in West
Dallas on that date.
Am I a suspect for
this investigation?
Because if so, I need
to contact my lawyer.
Whoa, no need to get
the man involved.
You are the man.
Well, I'll be damned, I am.
Well, if that is all I really
need to get back to work,
I have a lot of work to do.
Of course, of course.
Look, here's my card.
Why don't you call me if
you remember anything.
And don't leave town.
I know that's a bad joke.
Oh, it's kinda funny.
Just for the record, we have
your car pinged in that area
around the same
time he was killed.
Have a nice day.
(gentle brooding music)
I'm processing.
I see, you were
always a thinker,
even when you were
a little girl,
which actually worked
out on your behalf.
I wouldn't call this worked out.
Life has so many
twists and turns.
You become confused.
But we see them, we
accept them and then we-
Attack them, yeah, I remember.
As harsh as it may
sound, it's what we do.
I gotta make some changes.
Yes, you do.
And you have some loose
ends to clean up also.
Two detectives came
by my job today.
- [Gam-Gam] And?
- I handled it,
but I'm sure
they're watching me.
- How many more?
- One.
Then I just have one question.
Who do we kill first?
(knock on door)
(door creaking)
- Hi.
- Hello, come on in.
Wow, you look amazing.
- Oh, thank you.
- Come on in.
So this is a really nice home.
I just moved in so I
haven't got a chance
to set everything up how I want.
Red or white wine?
Red is fine.
Thank you.
I hope you like Italian.
It smells really good.
What's that look?
Well, I just don't understand
how a janitor can
afford such a nice home.
Oh, so because I
pick up your trash,
I can't afford to
have nice shit?
No, I didn't mean it like that.
It's just not what I expected.
Okay, so you expect
me to be thugging
and gang banging in the
hood of the projects?
No, yeah, I don't
know, I'm sorry.
Let me ease your mind.
I was adopted
by a very wealthy family.
When they passed, the young boy
who didn't have a pot to
piss in now had more money
than he needed.
So you were adopted?
I can relate.
How so?
Well, I was adopted
myself, sort of.
Can we talk about
something else?
Very well, how was your day?
You're gonna have
to top my wine off
if you wanna know about my day.
Well, dinner's ready.
We can talk while we eat.
(tense music)
So how's the food?
You see I'm on my third plate.
Who taught you how to cook?
My mother and my grandmother.
Well, they taught you right.
Wait, your real mother or?
My adoptive parents could
not cook to save their lives.
(Porsche and Richard laughing)
There it is.
There's that smile
that stops traffic.
- Boy, stop.
- I'm for real, Porsche,
I see you.
I see all of you.
- What do you see?
- I see a sexy,
confident, strong woman.
I'm more than just
looks Richard Brown III.
Let me finish.
I also see a woman that goes
the extra mile for her family,
but you put up this wall
and everyone is guilty until
proven innocent with you.
Is that it?
Oh, you have this
darkness about yourself,
but that darkness is what
drives me closer to you.
So you think you have
me all figured out?
You're like a blueprint.
I have all the
directions to get to you,
but I don't know
which road to take.
- All right, Mr.
- Miyagi (chuckling).
- I see you talked to Mr.
- Slayter.
That was some funny shit.
He is unique.
All right, so my turn.
You come across as a gentleman.
Your voice is soft and kind.
You're a protector,
but you can become overly
aggressive sometimes.
Whether that's good or
bad, it all depends on you.
But you also have a
darkness about you,
which can consume
at any given moment.
And your cologne, Creed, right?
You have expensive taste, I see.
But there's
something more to you
than just a janitor
with a bachelor
and a master's degree
Richard Brown III.
Oh, and you're extremely
handsome, sexy.
And your smile will make
the typical woman melt.
But not you.
I'm not the typical woman.
No, you are not.
Come with me.
Where are we going?
Just come on, come on.
Where are we going Richard?
I just wanna dance.
I don't wanna dance.
Come on, what non-typical
woman can't dance?
I can dance.
- Show me.
- (mid tempo romantic music)
Show me that, yeah.
Show me more than you're
just a pretty face.
I'm gonna go.
(gentle seductive music)
So if I do invest,
do I make more money
like with one of
those pyramid things?
No, Ms. Wolfe, so the stock
market is not a pyramid thing,
but you can lose your
money very quickly
if we don't approach
it correctly.
I have plenty of money,
that's not the issue.
It's just that I
need to make sure
that when the good
Lord calls me home,
my kids' kids are taken care of.
Well, with what I've seen
on your bank ledgers,
your kids' kids, kids'
kids will be just fine.
Well, that sounds good.
- (door bell chiming)
- Excuse me for a moment.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Well, are you gonna let me in?
Ms. Wolfe, this is Richard.
Richard, this is my next
door neighbor, Ms. Wolfe.
- Well, Mrs. Wolfe, - Ms.
- Ms.
- Wolfe, it's a
pleasure to meet you.
Oh my.
Is there a bathroom?
Yeah, second door on
the left, down the hall.
It was a pleasure
meeting you Ms.
- What?
- Girl, you hitting that?
No, I'm not hitting that.
- Should be.
- Ms. Joan.
Just keeping it real.
Okay, it's time for you to go.
Get your purse.
Watch your step.
All right, Ms. Joan.
[Joan] Are you
sure I have to go?
Yeah, we'll finish this
up some other time.
And you make sure you tell
that fine looking young man
that I said bye, and I'm
so happy to meet him.
- All right, I sure will.
- Okay, yeah.
All right, sweetheart.
All right, you be careful, okay?
[Joan] Okay.
All right, you take care.
- [Joan] Okay.
- All right.
Why are you here?
Well, I came by to
check on the woman
that slept next to me last
night, better yet, all month.
Much to my surprise, she was
gone when I opened my eyes.
So it wasn't my
plan to stay over.
You say that, but
yet you still stayed.
I get it if we just met,
but we've been dating
for some time now.
I wouldn't call seeing each
other a few times, dating.
Try 14.
Okay. Richard, why are
you being so clingy?
I wouldn't call it clingy.
Well, what would you call it?
How about caring for someone?
Don't take it personal,
but men have been doing this
since the beginning of time.
Don't give me that all
men cheat bullshit.
I've been nothing but
a gentleman to you.
When you told me
your past, I tried.
- Oh!
- No, I made it my goal
to show you how a man is really
supposed to treat a woman.
Richard, you come to
my house unannounced.
I don't even remember
telling you where I lived.
Help me understand that
because you're at my
house all the damn time,
but you've yet to
invite me to your place.
I get it, protect
your personal space.
But damn, two fucking months?
It wasn't a good time.
Then, when is a
good time, Porsche?
I don't know, Richard.
I mean, maybe when we got
a little more serious.
- Candace, I really miss you.
- (melancholy music)
I found myself going
by the park we used
to go to on Sundays.
We had so many good
memories at that park.
It's crazy how time flies
when you're having fun.
Our initials are still
carved there in that tree.
(foreboding music)
What took y'all so long?
Dex, Jazz, Klips.
Dex, Jazz, Klips.
What took y'all so long?
I've been waiting to die.
How do you know our names?
Question you should
be asking is,
how did I know you were coming?
Oh, shit, what the fuck?
How did he know our names?
What the fuck we gonna do now?
Okay, we need to get
the fuck outta here.
I need to figure this
shit out, let's go.
What the was that Dex, huh?
How the fuck did that
nigga know our names?
If they know our names, they
know everything about us.
This is some bullshit, man.
See, Klips, I told you
this shit was way too easy.
Stop that bullshit.
Hey, quiet!
(phone chiming) (tense music)
- What'd he say?
- Stream terminated.
What the fuck that mean?
I don't know.
What the fuck you
mean you dunno?
Yo, we still
getting paid, right?
Look, y'all take this shit,
that was double what
y'all were getting.
Clutch, shit, that
what I'm talking about.
Now what?
Y'all do whatever
the y'all want,
but don't ever contact me again.
- The fuck?
- The fuck?
- Hell no.
- What?
Man, fuck!
[Gam-Gam] I had to
leave town unexpectedly.
I'm headed to the West
coast to take care of a mess
that requires me to
be there in person.
I'll call you later when
everything calms down.
It was good to see you.
Remember, stay focused.
Nothing is as it
seems, love, Gam.
[Porsche] Dear diary. I
know it's been a few days
since I wrote to you,
but I did it again,
but this time it was different.
(melancholy music)
Have you heard back from
forensics about the Edson case?
Not yet, but I'm on top of it.
What about Porsche Talley?
What are your thoughts on her?
I mean, do you think
she's a suspect?
I'm not really sure,
but I got someone looking
into something on her for me.
- Can I speak freely sir?
- Please do.
How long you been using?
Eight years ago, I
witnessed a hit and run.
So I take after the guy,
and a car chase led
to a foot chase,
and I found myself somewhere
a cop should never be, alone.
I was shot nine times.
Nine times in the line of duty.
So they patched me up,
sent me back to work,
but I never fully recovered.
My pain's so intense.
I was placed in narcotics,
and the rest is history.
Now, I find myself using drugs
because pain meds
don't do shit for me.
Well, you know if you-
If I ever need help,
you'll help me, right.
Been there, done that.
Now, the million
dollar question is,
are you gonna turn me in?
Well, you know,
sir, where I'm from,
cops don't rat out
their partners.
So no, I won't say anything.
[Dispatcher] 380,
possible 215 in progress,
please provide backup.
We're en route.
All right, let's go
catch some bad guys.
I am the bad guy.
(car beeping)
(phone ringing)
[Voicemail] 555-3784
is not available.
At the tone, please
record your message.
Hey, it's me.
I just wanted to talk to
you about what happened.
I guess I'll come over
a little later tonight
and use my key.
(ominous music)
(Porsche sobbing)
Black, no, no, no, Black.
Black, Black, Black.
Yeah, yeah, Black.
Do you know who did this?
- Pow, pow.
- Yes, yes, pow pow.
- Who?
- Black.
Yes, who pow pow?
Was it a man or a woman?
A woman.
- Dark, bright woman.
- Dark, bright, shit!
Are they the one who did
this the dark bright?
Dark, bright.
All right, all right.
(phone vibrating)
- Hello.
- Rock, it's Dex.
What's up?
Have you seen Jazz and Klips?
No, it ain't my fucking job
to keep up with your people.
Okay, before you go
into all that bullshit,
I know that y'all
been doing business.
How much is it worth it to you?
- A quarter.
- Make it a fifth.
Look, I ain't seen Klips,
but Jazz at my warehouse,
said she needed a place
to lay low for a while.
Can you clean it out for me?
It's already wiped
down, she's solo.
- Is she strapped?
- Shit, I don't know.
I didn't frisk the bitch.
All right, I'll have your
money in the morning.
Bet, y'all have fun now.
(dramatic music)
I see you found me.
You surprised?
(scoffs) Nah, that
piece of shit,
I already knew it
was a matter of time.
You could a ran.
From who, you?
Bitch, you ain't got
that kind of power.
Where is Klips?
Don't worry about
where Klips is.
It's about you and me.
Why the fuck did you kill Black?
(clapping) And there it is.
You came to kill me about
some stank ass crack head?
Bitch, Black ain't never
did nothing to nobody.
Oh, such emotion
behind a junkie.
I'm gonna ask you
this one more time.
You upset I killed a junkie,
or are you just mad 'cause
I killed your brother?
Yeah, I know, told
Klips there was more
to your motherfucking ass,
so I did some digging.
Yeah, yeah, I even know who
your motherfucking mama is
and it ain't that
fake ass Gam-Gam.
I should shoot your bitch
ass like you did Black.
You always wanted a
shot at the prize.
Bring it, bitch!
(Jazz and Dex grunting)
(dramatic music)
Come here, bitch!
Come here, bitch!
Jazz, where you going?
(Jazz and Dex grunting)
I'm gonna kill you,
you motherfucking!
(Dex screaming)
(gun banging)
I got you good didn't I?
- You too.
- Yeah.
- It was a good fight though.
- It was.
This you?
No, not me.
So this is how it ends, huh?
You just couldn't let
that shit ride, Jazz.
So yeah, yours gonna end
at some point like this anyway.
(Jazz chuckling)
You mean with a
bullet in my side,
or your bitch ass over
there with that gun?
I'm not much of a small talker.
This don't mean you won.
I never said I did,
but you did lose.
Man, fuck you Dex.
You gonna get yours.
And I hope you burn
in hell, bitch.
- You first.
- (gun bangs)
(door creaking)
Richard, I'm here, I'm so sorry.
I just came to let you know
what's been going on in my life.
(melancholy music)
Richard, I know
you're upset with me.
Please just say something.
Richard, I'm so sorry.
(ominous music)
(siren wailing)
Richard (sobbing).
Did Randall come through for us?
He did, after the Foxworths
were taken care of,
he was the last
piece of the puzzle.
Now his debt is paid off.
Besides, he was ready
to see his wife anyways.
(phone chiming)
Good, he kept his
end of the bargain,
and so will we.
Send money to his family.
- Yes, Lady.
- What about Klips?
- I took care of her.
- (gun banging)
How's business in New York?
Everything's going quite well.
How many?
As of yesterday, we
had five in place.
By the end of the
month, we'll have 12.
They are not going to
know what hit them.
This world have so
many stipulations
for women of power.
Women have stood by and
allowed men to ruin this world.
They are put in places of power
just because of how
much money they have.
We have money.
Lots of it.
Nice of you to join us.
Sorry my Lady, I was
cleaning up some loose ends.
(gun bangs)
- And Dex?
- I watched her,
made sure she didn't
leave anything behind
that can be traced back to her.
Detective, here's the
drive from the home camera.
If you want, I can take it back
to the precinct and
turn it into evidence.
No worries, I'll
take care of it.
Got it.
I knew you was the
person for the job.
How is our princess doing?
It's time.
It is time for her to
take her rightful place.
Like mother like daughters.
She's ready.
I did miss them.
When I was a little girl,
I was told that a woman was
the nurturer of the family
and she was the glue that
held her family together.
I was also taught how
a respectful woman
was supposed to carry herself
from how she walked, talked,
dressed, and even smiled.
You never play in
dirt or climb trees,
that's not ladylike.
But all that was
fairytale bullshit.
You ready to do this shit?
Hey, Maya had a good time
at Shay's birthday party.
Thanks for the invite.
No problem, you know
those two are besties.
Yeah, with they bad asses.
Bad as hell.
That little girl,
that's my heart.
- Yeah, kids will be kids.
- Facts.
You know I know K-Roc be
other fucking other bitches.
Yo, I ain't touching there.
But it's cool though,
that's still my nigga.
He know where home is.
But you know I got your back.
I hear you.
Have you talked to him today?
As a matter of fact, I have.
He called me this morning,
told me to be here early,
had something for me to do.
What did he need you to do?
- This.
- (gun bangs)
Anything else, boss?
That's it, this should
make the Lady happy.
Sparkle had to be dealt with.
She was stealing.
It is what it is.
Whatever the Lady
wants, she gets.
I'm on my grind
On my on my on my grind
I need my need
my need my shine
I see my see my see my time
Yeah I'm on my grind
I'm on it I'm
on it I'm on it
I'm on my grind
Need my need my
need my shine
Need my need my
need my shine yeah
I'm on my grind
I'm clocking dollars on
every hour I gotta get it
I'm losing brains for change
And yes I gotta admitted
I'm straight with
it flipping midgets
You cut me short
I'm going hard
crazy new jack city
Ain't no committed
getting digits
They flipping
millie's wilding out
And taking over buck up
It's strap city nigga
So what it is what it
ain't we can hit the store
And we can buy up all the
drank tell 'em grab and go
'Cause I'm a grinder
All the time
A big face hundreds
a straight shiner
A 49er with a
touchdown on the block
My shoes on fire
I gotta catch the clock like
I'm on my grind
On my on my on my grind
I need my need
my need my shine
I see my see my see my time
Is it done?
Confirmed, anything
for the Lady.