Laid To Rest (2009) Movie Script

Let me out!
Why are you doing this to me?
Please. No.
I'm not a little piggy.
I'm not a little piggy.
I'm not a little piggy.
Let me go.
Let me out, please.
Woman: Ashville County Police
Department. What is your emergency?
- I was in a box.
- Tell me where you are, ma'am.
- I-- I-- I don't know.
- Just give me your location.
I don't know.
I don't. I don't.
Ma'am, are you still with me?
I don't know.
What do you see around you?
Can you give me any kind of landmark?
Dead people.
Dead boxes.
I woke up in a box.
Can you tell me where we can find you?
We'll send an officer out.
Ma'am, you must communicate.
Try to stay on the line for 30 seconds.
We'll run a trace.
Are you from the police?
Bring her out.
I'll take care of the little piggy.
Man: Is somebody in there?
Oh shoot, a locked door.
How'd you get in there?
Are you okay?
Don't you worry. l've got some keys.
I'll get you out.
- What?
- He's there.
No, ain't nobody here but me.
I'll get you out.
Don't worry.
Ain't nobody here.
He's there.
Man: Did you run out of gas?
I'd siphon you some of mine, but I'm pretty
much floating on empty myself.
So you got a name?
My name's Tucker.
I work back at Schaffer's Mine,
back in the holler.
You ain't from around these parts,
are you?
I don't know.
Well, where you come from?
I mean, just now.
Where did you come from?
Where the dead people are.
That is quite a party, eh?
Dead people.
Oh, the cemetery.
Well, can you remember
where your car is
or someplace
I can drop you off at then?
Where the police lady is.
If you called 911,
that goes into the city.
The police lady will help.
Sorry, sweetie, but that's
a little over 100 miles from here.
Why don't you just tell me what happened?
Maybe we can get you a little help.
I woke up
in a dead box.
And a man tried to get me.
All right, all right.
Cindy's gonna know what to do.
Are you out of your mind?
We don't even know her.
She's probably one of them
crystal meth tweakers.
- Lower your voice.
- I will not lower my voice.
Have you seen
the way she's dressed?
It wouldn't surprise me
if she was a prostitute.
Come on. She's pretty and all,
but I don't think--
Oh. Oh, she's pretty, is she?
I get it.
Cindy, don't go being judgmental.
Let's just go out and talk to her.
I need you to see if you can make
some sense out of her, okay?
Her old man probably
roughed her up is all.
Thank you.
Hey now. You must be--
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
Tucker tells me
he picked you up on the street...
...that you were coming from a...
...a cemetery? Is that right?
Wa-- water.
Oh, I'll get you some.
Listen, ma'am, I--
I heard what you said back there.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
I just--
All I know is... head hurts...
...real bad.
And I don't know where this is...
...or how I got here.
I can't think
of all the names, first off...
...probably 'cause my head
hurts so bad.
I also know that I saw a man... old man get dead.
And another man tried to hurt me.
I woke up in a box also.
I don't know if he told you that.
So for all I know, I'm already dead.
Oh, who's dead?
I want to go to the police lady's
house now.
Oh, hon, all we got is that truck
and this genius here ran it out of gas.
We can use the telephone
and get more gas.
And then the police lady
can come get me.
Oh, sweetie, our phone got
cut off two months ago.
We didn't use it no how.
My brother will be here in the morning
with his truck.
No. No.
Somebody needs to know
about the old man.
Tucker: Well, you don't even know
where he was.
There's lots of cemeteries
around here...
...and my truck ain't got
but a couple of miles on him.
Look, I'll tell you what--
you take a shower.
We'll find you some clean clothes.
You can take a shirt of Tucker's...
...and I got some nice shoes.
They'll make you feel better, I promise.
And in the morning we'll take you
to the sheriffs.
You're safe here.
I'll even cook you breakfast.
You're safe here.
Still love me?
I love you more than anything.
I feel real mean about what I said
about her.
She's sweet.
I just hope to God
she leaves that guy.
Don't feel bad.
I think we're doing the right thing.
We're doing the Christian thing.
Just you keep it Christian.
Don't you go sneaking in there
when I'm asleep.
She definitely ain't dead.
Hey, baby girl.
I'm sorry.
Everything's gonna be fine,
I promise you.
It's all gonna be okay.
Tucker: Hey.
Heard your foot tapping there, thought
you was dancing in here or something.
Let me take a look
at that back there.
Ow. I'm sorry.
That's all right. No, I'm sorry.
Be honest with us.
Did your old man do this to you?
Why did that man try to hurt me?
Some people's just rotten.
They're just ruined right from the start.
We're gonna go to that station tomorrow.
I promise you, they gotta have
some sort of list...
...that shows people gone missing.
Hey, I got an idea.
Since you can't
remember your name...
...why don't we
pick one out for you...
- ...just till you get yours back anyway?
- Okay.
Try real hard. Maybe you can recall
something from when you was little.
Princess Gemstone.
I think I used to be friends
with Princess Gemstone.
All right, Princess.
Cindy should be whipping up breakfast
probably about 5:30.
You like bacon?
You're gonna like Cindy's bacon.
Get yourself some rest, okay?
See you in the morning.
Hey, Cindy.
Cindy, come on.
I locked myself out.
Oh, God Jesus.
No! Cindy!
It really hurts.
What do you want?
No! No no.
He's gonna kill her.
He's gonna cut her.
What? God!
Take me. Kill me.
Kill me, you fuck.
No, please.
He's gonna kill us all.
No, don't look. No.
Please go. Go!
Don't look. Don't look.
Go go.
No! No!
Why are we out here, Johnny?
We could have stayed home
for some lovin'.
- His truck's gone.
- So?
Baby, I'm all emotional
and shit here.
What did you drag me out of bed
in the middle of the night for?
Look, I saw Tucker with some
black-headed girl...
...heading down Route 28.
You think he's cheating on Cindy?
I never figured Tucker for the type...
...that lying sack of shit...
...but I saw what I saw.
Now I gotta go in there,
I gotta wake my sister up and tell her.
Whose car is that?
Crum-- crumskull?
Maybe it's his whore's.
Baby, why don't you wait till the morning
when y'all ride to work together?
Hold on, Jamie. I'm dying to know
who this bitch is.
Hell, maybe I should see
who you've been texting, mister.
Baby, you'd never cheat on me now,
would you?
Baby, I would never
cheat on you.
And I never have--
I know this is the worst thing,
but we have to find a telephone
and call the police.
Oh, God.
Wherever we stop's
where we're gonna be.
All right?
If there ain't nobody home...
...they ain't got a phone,
we're fucked.
Please, next house.
Next house.
It's kind of late, isn't it?
We need a telephone.
Really fast.
I don't have a traditional landline
per se.
But I have a computer.
Lock it.
Can that get us the sheriff?
Yeah, I can send an email.
Yeah, mail and tell them
to send all the cops.
The police, huh? What for?
His wife just died.
I'm so sorry.
I know how you feel.
My mother just passed.
Did she get stuck
with a big knife?
Did she get a knife st--? No.
No, she didn't--
Is that a question--?
A man with a shiny face--
he killed her...
...and an old man.
And he wants to--
- He had a shiny face and he--
- He wants to make me dead.
Fantastic. Great. Okay.
Will it take long?
In this golden age of technology,
who needs a telephone?
Actually, it might just take a minute.
"Do you have evidence
of insurance fraud...
...or fraud committed
by an insurance broker or carrier?
Do you suspect or know
of illegal terrorist or criminal activity?"
No, make it go down.
Okay, scrolling scrolling scroll--
"Are you an eyewitness to any crime?
Are you willing to
report what you know?"
Yeah yeah, go on,
send over one of them mails.
Come on.
"Help. Send many cops."
Okay, it's sent.
What are you doing there?
I'm trying to find out
some more information...
...about the guy.
You can find out about people
on this thing?
Let's see...
nothing on the "America's Most Wanted."
Here's a link to the FBI site.
Oh my God.
What? What does it say?
I don't know.
I wonder if this is him.
The FBI believe over 30 women
from Florida, Georgia and Alabama...
...have all been taken
by this lunatic guy.
Yadda yadda yadda, "authorities believe
that the killer is Caucasian...
...late '30s to early '40s,
probably an affluent citizen... a doctor or a surgeon."
Well, if they ain't found them,
how do they know they're dead?
Did he happen to have
a video camera?
Something was blinking
on his shoulder.
It's him.
Why do you reckon?
He videotaped all the girls' murders
and sent them to the police.
Make this thing look
for missing girls in Miami.
You okay?
My stomach hurts.
I can't take all this death stuff
while I'm grieving.
- Stephen, you got a car?
- Of course.
I think we all go
to the sheriffs station.
It could be too late by the time
city police get here.
No way. No way.
I'm not getting murdered tonight, thanks.
I got a funeral tomorrow.
I have a lot of stuff to do.
Someone has to stay here, right,
in case the cops come?
I think we're safer in a group.
Trust me... don't want this guy to come knocking
with you here alone.
I understand.
Look, he's probably already seen
my truck by now.
I think you're in this
whether you like it or not.
Can't this thing go any faster?
No no, I had an accelerator governor
put in for mother.
She was a bit of a speed demon.
It won't go past 40.
That's it? That's all you got?
We're at a police station.
Why are we getting weapons?
Get the tire stick.
And I got some tire sealant.
Maybe we can jam it in his ears.
Hey, Sheriff Bates.
Stephen: Um, maybe--
Sheriff, are you there?
It's Tucker Smith.
This is Sheriff Bates.
Yeah, Sheriff.
It's me, Tuck.
I can hear you.
We got a crazy person here
and he's-- he's killed some folks.
We need help.
Do you copy?
I hit him with my car.
He killed my deputy.
I'm locked in the supply closet.
Um, I think you guys are good, so--
They aren't all dead.
That ain't Bates.
Sheriff, tell me where you're at.
We'll come get you.
I'm locked in the supply closet.
I hit him with my car.
He killed my deputy.
I can do it, Mom.
This is Sheriff Bates.
Stephen: Hey. Hey, we're good.
There's no sheriff in here.
- Come on!
- Come on.
Come on.
Tucker: No no no no!
God damn it!
Come on!
Get back here.
Come on.
- Come on.
- He's coming. He's coming.
Princess: Go.
- Why did he have the camera?
- Just drive, Stephen.
I think we should go back
to his house...
- ...and wait for the city cops to come.
- She's right. She's right.
You're both crazy.
He'll trap us in there.
- How much gas you got?
- About an eighth of a tank.
Let's head towards town.
We don't stop for anything.
No no, we don't have enough gas
for getting into town.
We can go to the holler.
We can make the market.
No, we head towards town.
Stop the car.
Stop the car.
Stop the car now. Stop.
- No, we don't stop for nothing.
- Stop!
That's where I'm from.
No no, I say we just keep on going.
There ain't no reason for us... go inside there
and let him catch up with us.
I'm pretty sure I'd rather die
and rot in hell...
...than go in there in these
I have to remember something.
Stephen: Oh, Jeez.
Roll down the window.
Hold up.
We can't let her go in there
by herself.
She ain't thinking right.
I'm gonna sit here and keep a lookout.
You go with her.
- Go on.
- I can't.
Why not?
My ma's in there.
My ma's in there.
Her funeral is tomorrow... I-- I--
I can't go in there
and see her like that.
I can't see her
all sewn up like that.
I'll go with her.
I'm bleeding like a sieve anyway.
Pull the car around back.
Hide it.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Let's find someplace
to take a look at that arm.
He was right here on the door.
Good job, Princess.
I think you hurt him first.
Woman: I'm not dead!
Why are you doing this to me?
Who's there?
Who's there?
All right, all right.
Hold your arm there for me.
You're gonna need
some stitches.
Where have
all the dead people gone?
I ain't got the foggiest.
He's gonna kill me, ain't he?
Hey, look at me.
I mean, nobody else
is gonna die here tonight.
Woman: I'm not dead.
You are too dead!
You leave me alone!
You're dead.
Mom, you're dead.
You're dead. You're dead.
Please don't scare me like that,
Mommy, please.
Would you guys think I was crazy...
...if I told you that I saw
my dead mother...
...floating in a hearse out there?
Are you all right?
I'm breathing.
I got me a pistol in the house.
I didn't even think to grab it.
I'm just so stupid,
so goddamn stupid.
Hey, it all happened so fast.
...maybe I should have
stayed dead.
You wasn't dead, all right?
So stop saying that nonsense.
And it's a coffin or a casket.
It ain't...
...ain't no such goddamn thing
as a "dead box."
And dead people don't float around.
They're just fucking dead.
Hey, man.
I'm sorry, I just--
I guess I'm still
kind of confused.
Well, snap out of it.
We just gotta hold on
a little more than three hours, okay?
Why? What happens then?
Well, my brother-in-law, for one--
he happens then.
He's gonna be at my house
at 6:00 AM sharp.
But you're not there.
Just Cindy.
I can't-- I can't let him
see his sister like that.
We gotta go back.
We gotta cover her up.
I really don't want
to leave here.
I feel like if I stay a bit
I might remember something.
And I'd rather not move, ever.
Well, all right then.
You stay here with the girl.
The keys are inside here.
I'm gonna lock that door.
You make sure you don't open it
unless you know it's me.
Lock the door, please.
Great idea.
Make sure that's locked.
Whoa whoa.
Princess, you're not thinking clearly.
That is not a good idea.
We've got a few weapons, right?
We've got the tire stick
that you hit him with.
The stupidest thing
I've ever done.
We've got the knife
that Tucker found in there.
And we have this.
Okay, fine. Fine.
I don't understand.
I think it's my turn
to take something from him.
He's strong. He's got a lot of stuff
to kill people.
I don't know,
I'd say he has the advantage...
...not to mention the car
which helps him a lot.
And he's probably got
a lot of gas in it as well.
Oh my God, what if he comes back
before Tucker does?
We'll be fine.
How? How?
Look... don't know
what it's like to wake...
...wake up in that thing.
I must have a mom who loves me
and wants me home.
Stephen: It's not Tucker, is it?
Princess: No, it's him.
Stephen: He's been there all along.
Looks like we're gonna have to abort.
Flag on the play.
He's not coming in here.
Princess: No, we're going in there.
No. No. No.
Princess! Prin-- hey!
No no no no.
Over here. Over here.
Me. Me.
Hey hey hey. Me.
No no no. No!
Help me. Help me.
He's coming. Please help me!
Help me, please. Please.
Please help me. Please.
He's coming.
Don't let him put me back.
Don't let him put me back.
I want to go home.
- Please help me.
- I'm sorry.
- Help me!
- Shh.
No! No!
I'm sorry. I'll get us help.
No. No.
Princess: No.
Woman: No!
And there's these windows,
but they're kind of high up.
- I don't know where he is, so--
- All right.
All you had to do was watch her,
just keep her safe.
Don't blame me.
You're the one who yelled at her and left.
I don't know, she said she had to
take something.
I don't know.
Come on, let's go.
Princess on tape: Are you from--?
Are you from the police?
Son of a bitch.
Jesus Christ.
- Which one's she in?
- I don't know. I can't look.
Is it her? Is it her?
No. Sick motherfucker.
Come on.
Oh my God.
- Come on, back there.
- Back there?
You've got to be careful.
I don't know if you hit him.
I hit him at least once.
Well, then where is he?
Oh, God help us.
Stay alert.
We're gonna find the girl first,
then we'll look for him.
This time I'll make sure
to put a bullet in his ass.
Jesus Christ.
Come on.
We're too late.
- Is she dead?
- She's alive. She's alive.
Here, reload the gun.
Hold on, girl.
We're coming.
- Are you sure you hit him?
- I'm pretty sure.
Pretty sure?
Come on, come on.
- Hey, Princess.
- We thought we lost you.
...we're out of here.
Oh, hey, here I am.
Nobody's home.
- Oh, God.
- Look what I've found.
Fire that puppy up.
Call 911.
Heck, I'm calling everybody.
Are you kidding?
This is one of those Chinese ones,
'cause it's really advanced, really fancy.
If you use--
- Oh, sugar.
- What now?
It needs some sort of a password
to make a call.
Jesus Christ. That figures.
- What do we do now?
- Die.
No, D-l-E-- "die."
- Good good.
- Okay okay.
No, huh-uh.
"Coffin" or "casket."
Good good good.
No. Try the next one.
No, still not good.
- I think I know what it is.
- All ears back here.
"Chrome skull."
That was a good one too.
"Thank you for contacting
the 911 emergency website.
Your emergency is important to us
and will be handled in the order... was received. If this is
a life-threatening situation...
...please call 911 or your local
law enforcement."
We may have a problem.
Why don't we
just head towards town?
Hell, we got us a car. Ain't like he can
chase us now, right?
Yeah, but my car is there.
He can use that.
I hope to God he does, 'cause just like us
he ain't gonna make it far in your car.
The smartest thing for us to do
is to go to Moreland's.
We can stock up on bullets.
We can use the phone...
...and finally get some five-oh
on the way.
Look, pop the trunk. Let me see
if there's anything else we can use...
...maybe another cell phone.
Check the glove compartment too.
What do you see?
Nothing good.
Are you from the police?
Look here, it's not my fault.
I told you folks are starting
to complain...
...about the stink coming from there.
You understand me?
Do you know what I had
to tell Bates?
I had to tell him I had no keys.
Do you know what he told me?
He'll be back in the morning.
He wants in.
You ain't gotta look, okay?
Okay, we just need
to lift these inside...
...just get them inside.
All right?
And this shit--
this shit ain't part of the deal.
You got it? Not at all.
I ain't never had one of them
jump at me...
...never, not in my house.
You're supposed to keep that shit
up there.
Women's voices: Bring her out.
I'll take care of the piggy.
And the other piggy?
- Can you do this?
- I don't know if I can do this.
God damn you.
This is gonna cost you extra.
It's gonna cost you
a whole lot extra, you understand me?
And I want you to get them all--
all off my land tonight.
God damn it.
All right, now don't worry.
Don't worry.
I gotta get the right key.
I'll get you out of there, don't worry.
- I just gotta find the right key.
- Hurry up.
- Oh, God.
- Come on, pull it together, man.
He cut my mother up. I saw my mom.
He cut my mom. He cut her all up.
How long is it gonna take
to get to the market?
Please please, can't you see
what we're doing here?
Can't you give us a break?
We ain't going to that market,
all right?
We're gonna hold out here
until dawn.
Then we're gonna drive to my house
and meet my brother-in-law.
He's got one of them phones
and it don't need a code to call.
Come on, get ready.
Tucker: Put the camera down.
Would you put the camera down
and get in the car?
If you ain't gonna help out,
just be quiet.
When I come back
I want that goddamn camera.
Come on. Just don't look.
- I can't do it.
- One, two, three.
It's all right.
It's dead anyway.
Oh, no.
Stephen: Where do you think
she's headed?
Tucker: She seems fit to see
them pictures on that camera.
Stephen: I don't think
that'd be a good idea.
Tucker: Come on,
pick up the pace.
If we can make it back
to the funeral home
your car should get us
down to the market.
Man on radio: # The Baptist Jesus
and the Catholic Jesus #
# And the Jesus
up on Broadway... #
You reckon she can find the market
with that dash map thing?
Yeah, most likely.
Tucker: Does that mean
he can see where she's headed?
Afraid so.
# Sexy bitches are my favorite
kind of bitches #
# Sexy bitches are
my favorite kind of bitches... #
Stephen: It's him! It's him! Hey!
- What the f--?
- Get a car.
- Fucking douche bags in the dark and shit.
- With a fucking crowbar.
- Yeah, did you see that?
- Who cares?
# Sexy bitches are my favorite
kind of bitches #
# Sexy bitches... #
Hey. Hey.
Please help.
Hey, in here.
# Sexy bitches are my favorite
kind of bitches. #
Thank goodness
my dogs are barking.
- Oh, no.
- Come on, let's go.
No! No!
No. God.
Oh, God.
Jesus, what is this? Is everybody
nutty in this fucking hick town?
Look at me. I'm a hot girl
in a nice car. Honk-honk.
Look at my tits.
Look at my tits.
Look at me.
Honk-honk, honk-honk.
I don't even know where we are
anymore, to be honest.
Where we are? We are...
...gonna have a blast
at the fucking rave.
- We need beer.
- Shit, beer.
Okay. Okay, I'll do it.
But I should take this one inside
to see what kind to get.
Women's voices: This little piggy
went to the market.
This one stayed home.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry about the speed governor.
It's just I didn't want my mom
to get hurt.
She would fly through the holler
like a bat out of hell.
I promise you, pedal to the metal,
we'll get there.
You got any more
of these sixers?
- Yeah, like a lot more.
- Yeah, I got lots,
but I can't sell you any of it.
I got this.
No need to worry, my friend.
We have a lovely little lD.
That ain't it.
It's the law.
Sunday-- no alcohol sales.
So you're telling me it's a dry county
and you got booze for sale?
It ain't dry. It's moist.
- Moist?
- What the fuck is moist?
It means we got rules.
I can get a big fine for that.
All right, dude,
let's talk turkey, okay?
I'm assuming that this place
is owned by your family, right?
- Yeah, my daddy.
- His daddy.
Shut up.
So where is he?
- Come on, man.
- Excuse me.
- I just--
- Hey, baby.
I saw you outside
trying to get our attention.
Here's the thing-- we don't want
to get trashed in the car.
Tommy and I are getting ready to go
to Hotlanta for an all-week rave.
- You want to come with us?
- ...friends we're meeting there.
Your dad's never gonna
know about it, man.
She wants to come with us.
That's great. I think we gotta put back
the fucking beer.
Howdy, ma'am.
How are you doing tonight?
It's been a hell of a night.
Is there anything
I can get for you?
I'll take one of those
little videotapes.
What for?
You making a movie
or something?
Something like that.
Well, is it gonna be
a good movie?
I think that'll be it for me.
- Tommy: Oh, shit.
- Princess: No no no.
You shouldn't go.
You can't go out there.
What's going on?
What the fuck is happening?
Princess: Don't go.
This here is private property,
so why don't you get the fuck off?
- You gotta go. You gotta go now.
- No no.
- Just leave me.
- Tell me what's going on. What happened?
What do you think
you're doing, huh?
Anthony, go call the cops.
Call the cops, come on.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's all right. It's all right.
Did you get 'em?
I don't know what he looks like.
He's got a mask on.
What are you doing?
- Lock the door. Lock the door.
- Do it.
Are you after that girl right there?
You think you're going in there to get her?
Is that what you think?
How's the dude gonna
get back in?
What do you not understand?
I will shoot you in the head.
He's not.
Oh, shit.
- Hey, where are you going?
- Checking to see if that's the only way in.
Hurry up.
No no no, please don't go, please.
Shh. Anthony?
Anthony, are you all right?
Princess, let me in.
Me and Anthony-- we passed these guys
down the road.
I don't trust them.
We shouldn't let them in.
I trust them. Let them in.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- Princess, let us in.
- Princess?
Princess, let us in.
I'm so sorry.
I was so stupid.
What were you thinking, eh?
- Who the hell are you?
- What?
- Is that your car out there?
- Yes.
You passed us on the street.
Why didn't you stop for us?
Look at you. Would you stop?
You're walking with a fucking tire iron.
- Is that your friend out there?
- No.
Shit. Anthony?
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry about the car.
It's all right. It's okay.
Anthony's gone.
There's just a lot of blood.
And this.
We called the cops,
so they should be coming--
Yeah? Let me know
how that works out for you.
Listen up, y'all. We gotta find
anything we can to hurt this fucker.
We're holding our ground.
Someone would be coming up
pretty quick. The cops known we're here.
I think it's our best chance.
Look, man, I can't find anything.
All I got is this tire sealant.
They ain't got no 45s.
Hey, this is cyanoacrylate.
Is it good?
The superest of all glues...
...invented during the war... glue soldiers' wound together.
When I was 18
I was building a tank model...
...and a tiny drop of this fell on my leg
and it burned and smoked... nobody's business.
Then it fused a piece of my PJs to my leg.
How did you get it off?
A doctor had to cut it off.
I still have the scar.
Girl's voice: You didn't tell me
you were making a movie.
Stephen: Shit.
- No, don't.
- It's okay.
No no no, you'll hit the ammo.
You go around front now.
And don't you leave
till she comes out that door.
Aw, screw it. Cover your eyes.
- Go with the kid.
- No.
- Go with the kid.
- No.
- Go on, go.
- No.
No, you tried
and he's not gonna stop...
...ever. Just let me go.
Just let me go.
If things don't go my way,
you're somebody great.
Don't you forget that again.
Oh, God.
No no no.
I know who you are.
I know your name.
Hey, guys, come on.
Nice place.
You buy or lease?
Hey, you don't mind if I use your bed
before we use your bed, do you?
Not much of a talker, are you?
You don't mind?
Come here.
Come a little bit closer.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Now I know you only paid
for a blowjob...
...but don't you want
a little bit more?
Have you ever had
a Swedish blowjob?
Hey... didn't tell me
you were making a movie.
That's gonna cost you
a little bit extra.
I don't mind playing, though.
I give up.
I don't care anymore.
Come and get me.
I love you more than anything.
Where to?
Shouldn't we wait
for the cops to come?
I've waited.
Where to?
My friend Anthony is in there
and I can't leave--
I left a note.
Where are we going?
Is it nice?
I think so, yeah.
# Bye bye bye #
# Sucker, you die, you die,
you die, sucker #
# Bye bye bye #
# Sucker, you die, you die,
you die, sucker #
# Bye bye bye #
# Sucker, you die, you die,
you die, sucker #
# Bye bye bye #
# Sucker, you die, you die,
you die, sucker #
# I know the killer's free #
# I know the blame's on you and me #
- # Come on, let's go #
- # Die die die #
- # Come on, let's go #
- # Die die die #
- # Come on, let's go #
- # Die die die #
- # Come on, let's go #
- # Die die die #
# Come on, let's go #
# Come on, let's go #
# Come on, let's go #
# Come on, let's go #
# Pow pow boom boom #
# Pow pow boom boom #
# Pow pow boom boom. #
#You remember me #
# Can't you look at me? #
#You think you know me #
# A psycho's got a right to know #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Get psycho,
a psycho's got a right to know #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Get psycho,
psychos want to know #
#You don't know me #
#You think you know me #
#You can't ignore me #
# Don't say it #
# That's freaky #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# A psycho's got a right to know #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Psychos want to know #
# Who's afraid of a psycho?
Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Who's afraid of a psycho? #
# Can't we all just get along? #