Laitakaupungin Valot (Lights In The Dusk) (2006) Movie Script

The life of Maxim Gorgy,
the great Russian story-teller -
was very hard.
What about Pjotr Tchaikovsky!
Threw himself into a river.
A young man still.
He survived, however.
But never the same again.
- Who're you to judge him? A peasant!
What about Tolstoy?
A count, but misunderstood.
Problem is only Papa Tchekhov -
wanted to understand us.
The moment he did, died away.
Pushkin, he was a rascal.
Was hardly born, and already dead.
Gogol was something else.
His nose still casts a shadow.
You can hardly see the sun.
You can hardly see
the window of your darling.
Any more vodka?
- Yes and no. Who knows.
And the name is?
- Koistinen.
Just like before.
He's been here three years now.
Lay off.
He'll learn.
Let's grab a beer.
Been seeing a woman again.
A vodka.
Get lost.
That guy works night shifts...
Hi. Two frankfurters.
Like hell I'm growing old there.
I'll set up my own company
and drive them out of business.
You believe me?
I believe you.
Been drinking again?
Koskinen Security.
The most modern equipment
money can buy.
How does that sound?
- But you're Koistinen.
No sense using your
own name nowadays.
If it goes bankrupt,
you're finished.
I've been talking
to a couple of guys.
They've been through many
and they know.
My workmates will
come along if I ask.
At least some of them...
In sunny weather the scorpion prefers
rocky slopes or cracks in brick walls.
But in rainy and cold weather,
it may wander indoors.
Its tail, or rather its abdomen,
resembles a string of pearls.
At the end is a poison sting.
Its arms are part of its mouth,
resembling the claws of a crayfish.
The scorpion uses them to fight
and to examine strange objects...
A limited company must be
registered within six months -
after the signing of the deed,
as decreed in the Companies Act.
The capital of the company
shall be at least equal to the sum -
of the aggregate par value of
all issued shares having par value -
plus such amounts as,
from time to time -
by bylaw of the company
may be transferred thereto.
Thank you.
A coffee. - Two Euros.
Is this seat free?
You're a security guard, aren't you?
Did you guess from my clothes?
Rather cold evenings for spring.
- True.
Why did you sit down here?
- What do you mean?
There's room elsewhere.
- You seemed to need company.
Who me?
- Yes, you can tell.
You can?
It's the profession. People don't
usually come to talk to us.
Yes, you guys seem quite rough.
It's just the surface.
We're human, too.
Now what?
Shall we get married?
Why not. But first we must get
to know each other. - How?
Usually the man asks you out,
like to the movies.
You must've been asked often.
- Sometimes.
Want to go to the movies?
- When?
Tomorrow. I've still got
to work tonight.
It's okay.
Is that your dog?
No. It belongs to some guys.
They're quite big.
Who's dog is that?
A whisky.
Is that your dog out there?
- Yes.
Want to buy him?
He's been there for a week.
Without water.
That's right.
Let's talk outside.
More quiet there.
There. Bon apptit.
Can you afford all this?
What do you mean?
- I feel I'm getting expensive...
I've got money if that's
what you're thinking.
I'm not going to be a guard forever.
It's just temporary.
I've hurt you... forgive me.
We can go to a disco afterwards.
I could teach you.
What? - To dance, it's really easy.
I know how to rock'n'roll.
I just didn't feel like it.
It's easy to see you've got
rock'n'roll in your blood.
You'll see yet.
Shall we meet again?
- Would you like to?
Call me.
You're out late.
- Too right.
Gimme a lemonade.
I went to see a movie
with my girlfriend.
I see. How was it?
Good. Plenty of action.
That's good.
I must lock up now.
You have to go.
Well? Talk to me.
- Everything's ok.
When will you meet?
- Anytime.
What do you want of him?
He's a complete loser.
Don't you think about it.
Why am I doing this?
Because otherwise
you'd have to work.
Call the Russians and
arrange a meeting.
Tell them we'll soon have
an open-door day.
Next, please.
Tell me... Koistinen...
Are you some sort of a comedian?
- Why?
Did you come to cheer us up?
What are these papers?
A trade school diploma.
Did you think it will give you
a loan of two hundred thousand -
without any security,
any guarantors?
I'll guarantee it myself.
Until the company gets going and...
Guarantees from trash
like you are worthless.
But I've got an account here.
I won't even take your
application further -
it's rejected.
You're only wasting
my time and yours.
Go away.
The side door, please.
Hi. - Hi.
I missed you. Take me along.
The rounds, you mean? - Yes.
I can do some window-shopping.
I can't, it's forbidden. I'd be fired.
Tell them you've arrested me.
It's a great system.
The alarm goes off -
if you open the door without
first giving the code -
but also if it fails to come.
The computer then guesses
the guy's having a beer -
or something.
You can't come any further.
There are cameras recording.
I don't want to get
mixed up in anything.
Or know anything.
Well you don't, do you?
Your tiny little part's
almost done -
then you can forget
the whole thing.
You'll be caught some day.
It's a risky business.
But this is nothing,
a favour for a friend.
And I'll have to suck up
to that wimp.
Not for long now.
In fact, you can start to cool it off.
Did you get the codes?
Want to go somewhere
for the weekend?
Paris, Rome - wherever.
You decide. All cities are the same.
Come here.
Take one. They're fresh.
The roast's in the oven.
Nice place.
It's just temporary.
It's just temporary.
You want to end this?
My mother's ill. I must travel.
Right now.
I'll call you.
You won't see a tear
Though my heart is crying
Nor the sad yearning
Because you went away.
One day my hand will wipe
The tears from my eyes
Only tomorrow
Can make me forget.
I've given you my heart
Everything I have
While you brought me
Only sorrows of the soul...
Wait. I'll lock up and take you home.
Well, Koistinen. Got laid lately?
Hands off.
Wait. We must talk.
- What about?
Not here, let's go somewhere.
You have a car?
Koistinen signing off.
Get me a glass of water.
Too crowdy here.
Let's go and talk in the car.
Why're those monitors dark?
The jeweller's.
They're not dark.
They've been sprayed.
Whose round is it?
- Koistinen's.
He signed off but never
returned the keys.
I'm going there.
Send a couple of guys over.
So you can't remember why
you were at a service station -
on the other side of the town
in the middle of your shift?
I went there to fill the tank up.
The assistant says
you did not buy gas -
but you had company at first.
- I was alone.
And the keys?
- I don't know.
I fell asleep, I'd been drinking.
There was no alcohol in your blood.
I was tired.
Who do you protect?
The break-in was done
using your code and keys.
I don't know anything
about any robberies.
You'll be convicted for it, however.
And you alone unless you co-operate.
I was alone.
I fell asleep, lost the keys.
Name your accomplices.
They've left you to face
the rap alone.
You've been used.
I don't know anybody.
Lock him up.
You'll be released for lack of proof.
Don't get too happy.
You'll be caught and convicted.
Shove off.
Four and ninety.
Get going.
Why this, too?
- You know me.
I take everything
to its logical conclusion.
Too late to regret,
you're already involved.
I came to explain. To apologize.
I see.
You don't want to listen.
I'm sure you must go again.
He'll talk. He'll tell them about me.
Koistinen will never betray you.
He's loyal as a dog,
a sentimental fool.
My genius lies in understanding that.
Go and make the call.
Take him away.
The accused,
Seppo Ilmari Koistinen -
will now rise to hear his sentence.
The court passes
the following sentence:
Seppo Ilmari Koistinen
will be sentenced -
for aiding and abetting
grand larceny -
in Helsinki on May 16, 2005 -
for two years' imprisonment.
As a first-time offender
he is liable for parole -
having served twelve months
of his sentence.
Koistinen shall remain in custody
and transferred forthwith -
to Helsinki Central Prison
to serve his sentence.
A small coffee.
The red berries of the rowan trees
Shine bright as blood
The graceful wedges of wild geese
Have all fled to the South.
They never took me with them
To the far and distant lands
Without wings, I must remain
Chained to the frozen earth.
My sisters the night wind
She sings her sad songs
With cold, cold tears the rain beats
Against the darken'd window pane.
I see many lost travellers
Pass me by on the road.
Once I, too, waited for someone
But she'll never come to me.
Follow me.
Doors will be locked at midnight.
No female visitors.
The manager here?
- In her office.
We'll let you try washing the dishes.
I'll show you your job.
You're free.
You never answered my letter.
I would've come to see you.
I didn't want it.
Where do you live?
In a night shelter.
I've got a job.
Must go.
Room Five.
Let's go and have a smoke.
How was it?
You couldn't get out.
All doors were locked.
And now? What will you do?
Nothing. It's all over.
I was joking.
When I'm back on my feet
I'll open a garage.
The guy in the next bunk has ideas.
It's good you haven't lost hope.
Not me.
You must go.
Overnight guests're not allowed.
Will you come and see me
if you have time?
Here you are.
Tell the head-waiter to come here.
I'm sorry, but you didn't tell me
you've done time for theft.
Take these.
Take him and beat him up.
We can make him disappear,
if you want.
But that'll cost you.
I'm a businessman.
Not a murderer.
He's not much better off this way.
You're the friend of that guard, right?
- I guess I am.
He's in a pretty bad shape.
- I can show you.
I'll go and call for help.
Stay here.
Don't die.
I won't die here.
Translation by Mikko Lyytikinen