Lake City (2008) Movie Script

# if we lived #
# in a world without tears #
# how would bruises
find a face to lie upon? #
# how would scars find skin
to etch themselves into? #
# how would broken
find the bones? #
# if we lived in a world
without tears #
# how would heartbeats know
when to stop? #
# how would blood know #
# which body
to flow outside of? #
# how would bullets find
the guns? #
# if we lived in a world
without tears, #
# how would misery know #
# which back door
to walk through? #
# how would trouble know
which mind to live inside of? #
# how would sorrow find
a home? #
# if we lived in a world
without tears, #
# how would bruises find
a face to lie upon? #
# how would scars find skin
to etch themselves into? #
# how would broken
find the bones? #
Mrs. Pope?
Tommy Wills.
How are you?
I'm good.
Oh, gosh,
it's good to see you.
What brings you to town?
I'm just visiting my folks
for a few days.
Hi, there.
Hey. Mrs. Pope, I want
to introduce you to my wife.
This is Linda.
- Maggie.
to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I heard about the wedding.
Oh, thank you.
So how do you all
know each other?
Um, Tom knew my son.
Oh, do I know him?
Help me!
Help me.
Stay back.
Stay back.
Give her space.
Watch her head.
call 911.
Hold her head up.
Hold her head.
Call 911 now!
It's okay;
hold her head up.
Yes, we need an ambulance
at Glen Owl Market.
There's a girl
having a seizure.
All right.
There she goes.
Just take deep breaths.
Honey, you're doing
just fine.
Are they coming?
They're on their way.
She got in here
before I had a chance to see
what they dropped off.
I'm going
to find Hope.
I don't know
where the hell she is,
but I'm gonna find her,
I swear to you.
Let's try this
one more time.
Where is she?
I don't know
where Hope is.
Come on, Red.
It's me.
I told you
everything I know.
Okay, Carl, untie him.
Let the man have a drink.
Thank you.
Can I have a smoke?
Well, I don't see
why not.
Okay, tough guy.
Where is she?
Baby sister,
There's never going to be
a better time to sell.
I don't want to sell.
Look, there's a window
of opportunity right now.
It's my home.
I raised my family there.
John Stanton
at the bank says
that that road
is going to come through.
And he's got a developer
who will pay us cash tomorrow
if we sell together.
I don't know why we're talking
about this again.
You do what you want
with your part.
Mary Margaret,
make sense.
I mean, that development's
going to happen
whether we like it
or not.
I am going to sell
my half.
But we can get triple
if we both sell.
Is this what you want
or what Nancy Kaye wants?
It's what we both want.
Look, I'm just trying to do
what's best for you,
what's best
for all of us.
Think about moving
where me and Nancy Kaye live.
I mean, there's
a great subdivision.
Got three-bedroom houses
with central air and a pool.
It's manageable, honey.
And you might meet
How long's it been
since you danced?
Do you remember
when you loved to dance?
I don't want to sell,
Look who's here.
Howdy hi.
The prices down here
are so cheap.
You two got finished
with your little talk?
I don't like getting involved
in discussions
involving money.
I don't have a head
for finances,
do I, Georgie?
Oh, Maggie,
you look tired.
You know what you need?
Let me see.
A manicure.
Oh, yeah,
brighten up your day.
Hey, you know what?
We got to get going
if we're going to get
to clogging tonight.
We got to practice.
These trophies just don't
win themselves, you know.
Well, come on.
Up and at 'em.
Think about it,
I'm just thinking
about your interest.
You know, we really ought
to do these little lunches
more than once
every couple months.
Come on, Georgie.
My mom says
I have to go with you.
Come on; we got to go now.
Let's go!
What happened to your face?
Where are we going? Memphis, Tennessee,
home of the cave.
Why are we stopping?
Hang on, kid.
Wake up.
I'm hungry.
Hey, it's Hope.
Leave a message.
Where are you?
What the fuck are you doing?
You're doin' it.
What the fuck are you doing?
Give me that.
Give that to me!
- No!
God damn it.
Pretend like you're sick.
I think I am.
License and registration,
Just a sec, Officer.
You must be
in one hell of a rush.
Kid's sick.
I got to get him
to a doctor.
What happened
to your face?
Well, it's--
It's a long story...
Hi, Billy.
- Hi.
Nice uniform.
What brings you home?
Just need a little vacation.
You still in Detroit?
No, Memphis.
Just playing
with my band.
How's that going?
It's going good.
It's great.
Who's your friend?
This is Clayton.
I know his mom.
I'm keeping him
for a while.
Hi, Clayton.
How long you around?
Oh, couple days.
How you been?
Well, I guess
I ought to let you go.
Clayton, tell this guy
if he doesn't stop speeding,
he's going to have
to let you do the driving
from now on.
Maybe I'll see you
while I'm here.
Yeah, maybe.
What's wrong with you?
I said, "act sick."
You sounded
like you were having a baby.
for your tractor.
Oh, thanks, Roy.
Could you check
my oil?
The engine's been running
a little hot lately.
You bet.
Want to pop the hood?
I'm going to get a coke.
You want one?
No, thanks.
Do I need any?
Uh, no.
It's good.
Thanks, Roy.
Put it on my bill.
I was watching that.
Billy, what are you doing here?
Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?
Hi, Mom.
Who's that little boy
in the living room?
Got any of that pimento cheese
you used to make?
No, I don't make it
You were the only one
who ate it.
If I'd known you were coming,
I could have made some.
Billy, who is that boy?
That's Clayton.
I'm keeping him
for a while.
That doesn't really answer
my question.
What happened
to the cedar tree out front?
It was struck by lightning.
What is with you?
Will you look at me?
What happened?
Nothing. I'm just trying
to make a sandwich.
I'm starving.
Excuse me.
I haven't heard from you
in over a year,
and you show up
with a banged-up face and a kid,
and I'm not supposed
to ask any questions?
Sorry to inconvenience you.
I just need a place to stay
for a couple days.
Is that okay?
This is your home too.
It always has been.
Better put something on that.
She said I was supposed
to wake you up for supper.
Are you going
Yeah, I got
to go out.
I got stuff to do.
Can you watch
the kid?
Thank you.
I'll be back later.
You can stay in here.
I'll be downstairs
if you need me.
...thanks to surgery
at the hospital
for sick children.
Your TV sucks.
Then why are you watching it?
There's nothing else to do.
Why don't you read a book?
Don't have one.
It's been a long time coming.
I'm determined,
more than ever this time.
And I know it won't be easy,
but I have a baby now.
I got to do it.
I'm Tanya,
and I'm an alcoholic.
Thanks for sharing, Tanya.
Is there anyone else
who'd like to share?
No, I'll pass.
Okay, then.
Well, let's join hands.
Whose father?
Our father,
who art in heaven,
hallowed by thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
How often you go?
Not so much anymore.
First year,
I went religiously.
Now I just go
when I need to.
Yeah, me too.
What happened
to New York?
I thought you were going
to be on Broadway.
Yeah, so did I.
I went.
I waitressed for two years
before my dad got sick.
None of my brothers
were around anymore,
so I came home
to take care of him.
That was ten years ago.
You ever wish
you'd gone back?
Not really.
I'm good at what I do,
and I like it here, so...
How long you been sober?
A long time.
Wasn't so much I had
a problem, you know.
It was more about
where I was headed.
You know how it is.
Yeah, I do know
how it is.
How long
you really been sober?
Hey, man,
is that you?
Hey, hey, rock star!
Hey, man.
How you been doing?
Sorry, man.
I haven't seen you
since forever.
I know.
How's Donny?
He died.
Yeah, you didn't hear?
He died, man.
Drove his truck
off a bridge.
Man, he was wasted.
Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
That must have
wrecked Shelly.
Oh, man,
it was brutal.
I mean, she got two kids,
and one of 'em is his,
So, you know,
it's rough, man.
Hey, you want to--you want
to go grab a drink?
You want to get a beer
or something, man?
Man, I can't.
Maybe later.
Oh, I got you.
Police business, huh?
See you, Billy.
Always nice to see you
outside the squad car, Rick.
What time is it?
It's late.
Where've you been?
I had some things
I needed to take care of.
You smell like a bar.
He's not
A stray dog, Billy.
He's not one of those strays
you used to bring home.
What are you talking about?
The ones that I ended up
taking care of.
Turn out the lights
before you come up.
Billy, where are you?
I'm in my mom's house.
Look, Beth,
I just need to know
if you've heard anything
from Hope.
I haven't heard anything
since she blew out of here.
Well, do you have any idea
where she could be?
I have no idea.
I thought she was with you.
She never checked in.
I mean, if I don't hear from her
in the next couple of days,
then maybe I'll just--
I don't know--go back there.
You can't come back.
Red's been asking
a lot of questions.
He's going to fucking kill you.
Hold on a second.
Could you stop?
Do something else?
What kind of questions?
Where you are,
where Hope is.
Billy, I don't want
to be involved.
Last night, Leo called,
and Red had me lie for him
and say he wasn't there.
Uh, yeah, I get it.
I get it.
Um, well,
that's great.
What are the dates,
Yeah, no, I'm available, sure.
Shit, I need the work.
Is Clayton with you?
Okay, well, great.
I understand.
Listen to me--
Well, thank you.
I'll see you then.
Okay, thank you.
- Billy!
Fucking idiot.
I'll be back before supper.
Run and get a clean shirt.
You don't have one?
I saw you had a bag.
Don't you have
any clothes in it?
Do you have a toothbrush?
Might help
if you use this.
What's in there?
We don't go in there.
If you know how to fix
a tractor,
I could sure use some help.
What are you doing here?
Just thought I'd stop by
and say hi.
So what's wrong?
I need to find someone.
Who are you looking for?
The kid I'm with,
I need to find his mother.
Well, have you tried
her friends, family?
No one knows where she is.
Does she have a husband
or a boyfriend?
What about the boy's father?
Why doesn't Billy look like you?
'cause he looks like his father.
Why did you name him Billy?
'Cause his father's name
was that
and his father before him.
Hey, could you get
the jumper cables?
Where are they?
Oh, they died
a long time ago.
My mom goes to work every day.
Where does she work?
She's a dancer.
Is that right?
Okay, now,
take this cable,
and put it
right in there.
Haven't seen one of these
in a while.
That's right.
What can I do for you?
Brakes keep on slipping.
Let's have a look.
Boy, she's walked a mile.
She still plays good.
I'm kind of partial to her.
You're Maggie pope's boy,
aren't you?
You know my mom?
I'm Roy Long.
Yeah, I got some buddies
I play with.
We're not very good,
but we have fun.
Car's ready.
Just needed some fluid.
What do I owe you?
Just brake fluid.
Five bucks
ought to cover it.
Come back on Sunday,
We can always use
another player.
Hop in the truck,
I'll be right back.
Get out of the back, Clayton.
Get out of the back!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Get out.
Because I said so;
that's why.
Get out!
- I can do it myself.
I'm sorry, Clayton.
What are you doing in here?
Is that your shirt?
Where'd you get it?
Maggie gave it to me.
Soup's on.
Did you wash
your hands?
With soap?
Let me see.
What are you laughing at?
Go wash.
Wash your hands."
Wash your hands.
I'm washing 'em.
If she asks you if you washed
your hands from now on,
you just say, "yes."
Stop hogging the water.
Oh, wait.
Here. Here.
Hold on. Here.
Let me see.
Other side.
He's yours, isn't he?
Does he know?
I don't think so.
Why didn't you tell me?
I just found out
just a couple days ago.
His mother's got some problems
that she needs to figure out.
So I'm a grandmother.
Is that--
Where have you been?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Hope, calm down.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
What is she looking at?
Oh, no.
Where is my son, huh?
Where have you been?
How'd you even find me?
Beth told me.
Could you have made it
any fucking harder,
out here in the middle
of nowhere?
Made it any harder?
You disappeared!
I've been calling you.
Where is he?
Hope, look,
we got to talk, okay?
I'm calling the police!
Look, Mom.
Please, wait.
Mom, wait.
- Clayton!
I'm calling the police.
Mom, hang up the phone.
Mom! Mom!
Oh, baby.
Oh, oh.
Did you do what mama
told you to do?
Yes, Mama.
You're a good boy, baby.
Good boy.
Come on, baby.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
You ain't taking him.
Let go of him!
Let go!
You're high!
You're totally fucking high!
You ain't taking him anywhere.
Oh, shit.
Jesus fucking Christ, Hope.
Baby, listen.
Mama's going to come back
for you, okay, okay?
I got to take care
of a couple things.
All right?
No, no, no,
you ain't going nowhere.
Get off me!
Hold on a second.
You understand
what you've done?
You're not leaving
with that.
Let go of me!
I can't let you leave
with that shit.
Stop it!
Give me the bag!
Don't worry about Red, okay?
I got it all figured out.
Jesus Christ, Hope.
Hey, Mom, don't leave me!
Hey, it's Hope.
Leave a message.
Where are you going?
I'm going to find
Clayton's mother.
And what are you
going to do with him?
I don't know.
I'll figure it out.
Oh, and that's
your rock-solid plan?
Fine; I'll take him
with me.
Oh, and then what?
Give him back to the woman
Who came to pick up drugs
from her kid?
There was a mountain
of drugs on my floor, Billy.
They weren't mine.
You could go to jail.
I said
that they weren't mine!
If this is the way
it's going to be
with you home, I'd rather
you not be here at all.
I won't go through this
You won't have to.
Hey, man.
How you doing?
Can I buy you a beer?
It's kind of early.
Oh, hell, man.
Beer don't know
what time it is.
can we get two more?
Good to see you.
Thank you.
It's been too long.
Maybe some other time,
Frank, play something.
Sounds good.
Come on in.
Sit down.
Grab a guitar,
if you feel like it.
# come with me. #
# come with me. #
# let me take you away #
# from the madness you see. #
# come with me. #
# let me show you a place #
# where your heart
can run free #
# if you come with me. #
# baby, come with me. #
I thought you were asleep.
You hungry?
Little bit.
I can make you some eggs.
Earlier when I said I--
I--I didn't--
I didn't mean that.
Those weren't my drugs.
Whose were they?
They were Red's.
He's a dealer.
Hope took them from him,
and he thinks I'm in on it.
Are you?
Is he dangerous?
Not as dangerous
as the people he works for.
How did you get mixed up
with these people?
How are you?
I don't know anything!
I'll fucking kill you.
Where are they?
I--I don't know.
Where'd you get that hat?
Take it off.
I said take it off.
You can't make me.
Take it off.
If I tell you to--
What are you doing?
It's what I do when I'm trying
to sort things out.
Want to try it?
You done?
Now what?
Now you just think
about it.
Nothing's happening.
You have to be patient.
Now just let it go.
That's all?
That's all.
Nice family.
Which one's Billy?
Who are you?
I'm a friend.
He's not here.
Yes, he is.
Your mother's
a very attractive lady.
I saw the--
I saw the boy.
Where's Hope?
She took off.
She left him with me.
Look, I don't know
where Hope is,
so what do you want
from me?
I want you to find her
so things don't have
to get ugly.
He said he doesn't know.
Ma'am, I can think
of a hundred thousand reasons
that he should find out.
You got one day.
I'm going to get you
your stuff back, I swear.
If you don't...
I will be the least
of your problems.
Have a nice day, ma'am.
It's a nice place
you got here.
I'm at the Red Roof.
Where is she?
Sit down, Billy.
I have some bad news.
Is this her car?
Is she dead?
She suffer?
She died on impact.
I don't think she felt anything.
I'm so sorry, Billy.
What are you doing?
Building a house.
Who's Andy?
He's my other son.
Where's he?
He died.
An accident.
Have you ever been to Mexico?
I haven't.
My mom and I
are moving there.
That sounds
like an adventure.
I bet it's beautiful there.
Gonna live on the ocean,
go scuba diving every day.
Oh, Clayton,
they don't fit that way.
This is not the way it works.
You're not supposed
to mix them.
Why not?
Well, it just doesn't work
that way.
Works all sorts of ways.
I'll just put this here.
I guess it does.
What are you looking for?
You scared the hell out of me.
It's not there, Billy.
It's been confiscated.
You think those are my drugs?
Were they?
- Come on, Billy.
Well, arrest me, then.
Looking at me like that.
Come on, Jennifer;
arrest me, then.
Well, look
what the cat drug in.
Can I ask you a question?
You got kids?
Four of 'em.
Where are they?
All over.
Talk to 'em?
They don't talk to me.
Hell, I don't blame them.
Time was, I wouldn't talk
to me either.
How's your mom?
She's fine.
She seeing anybody?
My mother?
I'm not sure.
Well, I got to make a run
to the parts store.
I'm not very good
at this kind of thing.
Never really
taken it seriously before.
Well, I thought you all
were just crazy.
But truth is, you just--
You're asking me to do
something I don't want to do,
and that's to look at myself.
And, well, I'm just afraid
of that truth.
I don't want to look at it.
I lie to people,
and I run.
As far as I run,
as fast as I go,
I end up staying
in the same place.
Anyway, my name's Billy,
and this is my second meeting.
Thank you
for letting me share.
All right, Clayton.
I'll be right back.
Oh, excuse me!
- Hi, Roy.
Beautiful day, huh?
He--he spent the night
at the station.
After his AA meeting.
Guess he just needed
a place to crash.
I figured you'd want to know
he was okay.
Well, thank you
for looking out for him.
He's come by, you know,
played with us.
He's good.
Taught us old boys
a few tricks.
Well, I expect
you've got things to do.
Maybe you'd like
to come by sometime,
hear us play.
I'd like that.
Good to see you.
You want some sugar?
I know you think I'm a fuck-up.
And maybe I am.
Hope's gone.
I got this kid,
and I don't know
how I'm going to tell him
that she's not coming back.
I don't think you're a fuck-up.
Hey, Jennifer.
Hey, boys, Jennifer!
Get in the truck!
You can talk about it
if you want to.
I was there too, you know.
It's been a pleasure.
Thank you.
Clayton, lock the doors.
I'll be right back.
For me?
Yes, it's for you.
Try not to drip.
I'm coming.
Hold on a second.
Well, well, well.
Come on in.
Come on.
The thing is--
The thing is,
I don't have your money.
Red, I don't have
the drugs, 'cause--
'cause Hope's dead.
She drove off the road.
The police found the wreck
and took everything
that was inside the car, so...
Yeah, that's a surprise.
I don't have anything
for you.
I got a little bit of money
in the bank and my car.
It's not much,
but it's all I have.
If that's not enough,
then I guess you can just do
whatever you want to me.
That's for my face.
That's for my drugs.
That was for fun.
You need to rethink
this martyr thing.
It's all taken care of.
Get out of here.
Before I fucking kill you,
get the fuck out of here.
I got some celebrating
to do.
I think that's mine.
No way.
Fine; take it.
I'm going to read my book.
What's wrong with him?
He thought
you weren't coming back.
What am I supposed
to tell him, Billy,
when you disappear like that?
Why did you sell this place?
It was time.
It was my hat that day.
It was--
It was my hat that day.
Oh, stop it.
It was my hat,
and all these years,
I've been blaming you.
I've been so mad at you.
Stop it!
No, I can't stop, Mom,
because I need to talk to you,
and I need you to talk to me
about this.
I don't want
to talk about it!
I've been so mad
at you.
Stop it.
No, I can't!
I don't want to talk
about this!
But it was my fault!
It was my fault!
I did it!
One of the drivers didn't show.
Look, we're behind schedule,
So I'm going
to the next field.
I'll drive.
Hey, boys,
Jennifer, get in the truck!
Mom, my hat!
Not a day goes by
I don't think about that day
and how I could have
changed it.
Oh, if I just--
Not a single day.
It doesn't matter
whose hat it was.
You were just
a little boy
who had to grow up
in a day.
And I wasn't much good
at helping you.
I'm sorry...
For everything.
But we have to stop now.
I'm so tired.
Me too.
I can live with it now...
Not having Andy.
What I can't live with
is not having you.
You think Andy's up there
I don't know.
What are you going
to tell him?
Got to figure that out.
I'm his dad.
Wait a second.
Jeez, man.
I'm just getting up.
Hey, Jesus Christ.
I was coming to see you tonight.
Hey, guys.
You been hard
to get a hold of.
Yeah, well,
things kind of got off track,
but, um, I got--
I got your money.
That's right.
This is it?
Yeah, of course.
It's, like, twice what the coke
would have been worth.
Half of that shipment
was heroin.
Didn't you even look, huh?
You fucking idiot!
Didn't you even look?
Come here; give me
your fucking balls.
Where's my shit?
my fucking shit?
What do you got there?
I haven't seen these
in years.
Check this out.
They bobble-wobble,
but they don't fall down.
I'm sorry for being
a jerk the other day.
I'm sorry
that I've been gone a lot.
There's been a lot
going on.
What would you say
if I told you
that I was your dad?
Not sure I'd want me
for a dad either.
I need to talk to you
about your mom.
Your mom loved you,
She loved you more
than anyone else
in the whole world.
What do you mean?
She, um...
She was in an accident.
She died.
You're a liar.
No, it's true.
You're a fucking liar!
Fill it up.
Yes, sir.
Didn't I see you
come through here the other day,
asking directions?
No, that must have been
somebody else.
I'll talk to him.
Nah, I should go.
Let me try.
She's coming back.
She always does.
I'm sorry, Clayton.
I know
this is hard to hear.
She's coming back.
She'll come back
for this.
Oh, my God.
No, listen to me.
She'll come back for this.
Wait here.
For fuck's sake,
don't fuck around.
If you've got any of it,
you got to give it to 'em.
Red, I swear to you, man--
Don't fuck around!
This is deep shit!
You're in a whole lot
of fucking trouble here!
What was that?
Run to the woods.
Hide in the woods.
- Go, go.
Over here!
Get in.
Over here!
Over he--
Where's Clayton?
He's in the woods.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
Okay, let's do it.
What are they doing?
He's terrorizing
a lizard.
Don't forget to call me
before you start back.
Yes, Mom.
Don't let the kid give you
too much trouble.
He won't.
Here it is.
Get it. Get it.
Get it. Get it!
I used to get so melancholy
this time of year.
It's kind of sad,
the change of seasons.
Remember those big parties
we used to have out here?
It's just a dry patch
of dirt now.
It was just a dry patch
of dirt then.