Lakshyam (2017) Movie Script

This is Peerumedu Sub-Jail.
l will inform the others.
The jeep which took the prisoners from here
met with an accident.
What? Where?
Hello? Hello?
Hey Mister..
Alex, Where are you now?
We are on the way Sir!
Ok.. Go fast.
Hello? Wake up.
Wake up Mister!
Why did they take this route? ls it because
of that road block on the main route?
Yes sir
There was a 'Landslide' yesterday.
lt will take two days to clearthe main route
There were two prisoners in the jeep right?
Yes sir.
One was booked for murder and
the other one for theft.
Hey.. Hey man wake up will you?
Who is it?
lt's me.
What?? Where are you?
Here, Here mister.
Where am l?
You are at Lulu Mall now.
Lulu Mall?
Wow! will you look at that?
l can't believe it is the samejeep we came in.
lt is reduced to scraps
Thank god we are safe now
Here comes our ride let's go shall we?
Hey... Hey...
Hey?Hey? What are you doing?
Stop .. Just stop
l said stop!!
Are you freaking crazy??
Where are you running to?
Can't you see that the police is coming
they will capture us any moment now.
But we haven't escaped from the prison.
we are just victims of a road accident.
Why should we run away from them.
l am not going back to prison.
But l will ..
Then what about this??
l don't know.
May be we should cut it off.
And how shall we do that?
l don't know... that's your problem..
Wha.. What are you doing?
My hand..Watch it?My hand..Oh god?
Are you done now? All done??
Do you think this is easy??.
These are prison grade
handcuffs damn it.
Hey listen.
This handcuffs is not the way
to remove them.
We need a chisel. Where the hell can
we find a chisel in this dense forest?
Why are getting so angry at me?
By the way. Why am l helping this guy now..
l am leaving
Leave. Leave me will you?
Sir, we are over here. Keep quiet.
come quickly. Keep quiet will you?
Please..this guy is trying to escape..
come.. Please don't shout ..
Keep quiet.. Please.. Please don't shout.
Sir..Save me sir..Save me..!!
Please listen to me
and then do what you want. Okay?
l am taking my hands off now!
Promise me you wont shout Okay?
How can l shout if l can't breathe?
Look, this is a god given opportunity for us
Let's escape.
No.. l don't want to escape..
do you understand.. l don't want to..
But l have to.. Because l have not
done anything wrong..
l am an innocent man.
l am a thief. an offender
l was arrested fortheft. as they didn't find any
evidence against me, l was not punished.
So you are not convicted?
Ya.. l don't know English so kindly
speak in Malayalam. Okay?
So why haven't they punished you?
How can they.. l've been only captured by
them the day before yesterday
So how did you end up in the Sub jail?
Wait .. Let me just think..
Yes l remember now..
Sir, his name is Mustafa. he has been arrested...
...before for some petty thievery
and pickpocketing
Now he is under arrest for stealing
a watch but as...
...we don't have any evidence,
we cant charge the case.
Why.. what happened ?
The shop he visited that morning
reported to us that they....
...found a duplicate watch in their collection.
He might have taken the original
and replaced it with a fake.
But we haven't found any footage of him
switching the watch on the CCTV camera.
We had caught him during our routine
checking at Kuttikkannam, Near by Peerumedu.
His case was registered in Ernakulum right?
Then how did he end up in Peramedu Sub Jail?
We had taken a transit warrant
from the court...
But that's when the road got blocked? So we
got a special orderto keep him in Sub Jail.
So what about the other guy?
They were taking him to gather
evidence to Ernakulum.
He was arrested for a murder case which
took place a month ago at Peerumedu.
Murder.. My God..
man!! Who did you kill?
l didn't kill anyone..
l was at the wrong place in the wrong time
and then the police tortured me, and l had to
confess to them to relieve me of their torture.
lf you are scared of theirtorture.
then why are you running from them?
Let me enlighten you..
They hate the most who try
to run away from them.
But if you tell them that we went to pee..
they might take us in without a scratch.
Or else..they will beat the hell out of us.
No.. l will never allow them to catch me.
lt's better to die than to go back to prison.
Hmm.. cant you understand
they are gonna capture us .
Why can't you help me?
For what?
To escape from here..
Are you joking right now?
lt's easier said than done
there are some problems to your plan..
Problem no. 01
Are these handcuffs,
we have to cut them.
There is no way we can get rid
of them in this jungle.
lf we go out wearing these
They will capture us immediately.
Problem No.02. is the police itself,
if they get me. l'm goona get beaten up twice
for helping you and trying
to evade from capture..
Problem no. 03
Even if we forget about these problems.. You
either have to be my brother or a close friend
At least we should be remotely related
But unfortunately we are not?
Now, Problem no. 04
Wait a second
let mejust think for a moment.
Hmm? there is no problem no. 04
but these problems are enough..
So l am so sorry..
l will not in a position to help you right now.
Why do you steal?
For a living
For money ?
You need money to live right?
lf l give you that money
will you help me?
lt depends on how much
you give me..
how much you give me?
How much do you want?
Give me a minute..
Let me think.
Ok l got it..
l need 5 lakh rupees..
l will give you 1 lakh
So what about 4 lakhs?
So what about 4 lakhs?
what about 3 lakhs?
What about 2.5 lakhs? Ok..let's stop right there.
this is not a fish market .
Let's agree on 3 lakhs.
i will adjust with it.
Ok..l agree on that amount..
But l have a condition..
You not only have to get me out of here?but.
You also have to help me find a person..
The Real 'Culprit'
l have doubt on someone
we have to find that person
Then what?
Then, l have to kill him.
Kill him? What the F....
l will not help you kill anyone.
You don't have to just have
to help me find him..
l will kill him.
Do you have his address?
Stupid, lf we have his address
then things would become easier for us.
By the way, l forgot to introduce myself
l am Mustafa
So you are a Muslim?
Why? Do you want to go to Pakistan?
What is your name?
Vimal Kumar
So you are a Hindu?
So the guy who comes to capture us
will surely be a Christian
l pretty sure about that
Sir, look at this..take him also
Someone call the ambulance
Why are you running so fast..
We have to run like this or else we will be
captured. That's what l am saying too
if we run like this we will die for sure.
No that..
is not what l am talking about.
We have to make haste
Wait ..let me just catch my breath..
oh..god... wait a moment!
lf we go on like this we will never get out of
this forest before nightfall
lt takes 3 ..
lt takes 3 days to get out of this forest..
What? Three days??..
What rubbish?
lf we cross that mountain over there
we can find the route
where we came in..
l know a better way. lets go back
and surrenderto the police..
by this way we will get a free
ride on theirjeep.
l am not saying that
we should run into them.
Not only the police,
if others see us wearing these
handcuffs then its trouble
Friend.. sit
sit there for a moment. Sit.
They know that we are inside this forest,
so they might have
covered all the exits
so l recommend that we spend
4- 5 days inside this forest ,
then the police might sometimes
they might search this forest.
think that we might have escaped.
and will eventually stop searching for us.
4-5 days?? You told me 3 days..
oh.. best!
l am not the one who decides
how this world runs okay??
We live on assumptions friend..
Come its time to move.. Stop..
they haven't started
searching for us now..
How do you know that?
You are not the one who decides how this
world runs okay?
But l know how the police runs
things around here.
ln two hours, there will be nightfall..
l know Kerala Police.. They will be
least bothered about us till dawn.
They might be.. but lets not take risk..
come, let's go
One minute? we have to make a decision
on our break timings..
Come on .. will you?
We are going to walk right??
Brother you should be very careful when
you tread through this forest.
On second thoughts we should be
very careful wherever we go
Go slow will you?
What is with you now?
Look.. just look at my shoes..
this is my situation now..
Why is shoe green?
This is our religious colour by the way.
Why is your shoe like this?
These are air shoes.
What do you mean?
There is a pocket of air in between its sole.
but there are no puncture shops inside
this forest to repairthem if needed.
Will you just walk fast..
l am coming..
Sir, the policemen are not seriously injured.
And what about that prisoners?
We are searching forthem.
l will look into it..
You carry on
Bring that stretcher over here? come fast..
Put him on the stretcher now?
Sir, we searched for
the prisoners here.
But l think they might
have escaped from here.
Yes sir.
Sir, as it is been this late.
l suggest that we launch an extensive search
forthem from tomorrow morning.
Ok sir. Ok sir
Lakshmanan will you
come here for a moment.
Yes sir..
D.l.G had called me now.
He has ordered us to do an extensive search
for the prisoners from tomorrow morning.
Call up the dog squad and tell them bring
two orthree sniffer dogs.
also call the armed reserve
for assistance.
Set the search perimeter as 25Km and
set up police check points.
Also ask forthe forest
rangers to assist us.
Sir, May l ask why are we using such high end
facilities for searching these prisoners?
The prisoner had killed a close relative
of our home minister.
So D.l.G has approved the
use of these facilities.
Okay ..Yeah.
Hey will you just reverse your vehicle.
Hurry up.
What is it dear?
Will you stop bothering me now?
Get lost.
My head is on fire and she is asking me
to go to the cinemas.
Sir, the ambulance is leaving.
Ok let?s go.
lf you feel tired then rest for a while.
l feel thirsty.
Will we get something
to drink here.
How about a lemonade?
lt will not be chilled but
can you manage it?
Why are you not drinking?
Yuck.. look at this.
its full of insects.
How can l drink this filthy water?
Do you think this is filthy?
ls the purest form of water available
on planet earth.
lt's getting dark.
Hey, if you are trying to talk to me,
then speak in Malayalam.
lt's getting dark.
That's what l just said.
lt's getting dark.
You could havejust said this earlier in
Malayalam and saved a lot of time.
We can spend the night here if you want to.
lts tasty. right?
Hey, come here.
Yes sir
What is this?
Tell me what is this?
This is the normal drinking water
you asked for sir.
lt is from our fresh stock
taken from the store.
So, are you saying that only the bottled
water from your fridge is clean?
Employees like you destroy the
reputation of this place.
Sorry sir, l had cleaned
the bottle but..
Then why is it so dirty?
And why are you justifying
for your mistake?
Sorry Sir.
Where is the juice l ordered?
lts ready sir, l will bring it now.
l don?t want this water.
Bring me my juice now.
Ok sir
Why is he shouting?
Some men do to show their masculinity.
just leave it.
Here is yourjuice sir.
l think he feels ashamed of himself.
Shall we go now?
How much?
Here let me pay.
Movie begins at 10.30 right?
let's go..
Yeah, l'm here.
l know Sir.
lts most unfortunate..
l will do it.
Thank you.
Yeah.. Yeah..
l think that should work out.
Don?t be tensed.
No no l am not
at office now.
l am at Oberon Mall now
to meet a client.
But afterthat,
l got into some trouble...
because of a stupid girl...
she stained my shirt with juice.
Why are laughing?
lf l see her again? l will ..
leave it.. l have a
meeting afternoon.
l will call you after that.
No l will not be there
not in a mood right now.
it was a bad day for me.
Loss of money and dignity.
l don't know what is next.
Ok then. . Bye.
Hey.. Hello.
Hey Come on guys.. look look ... hey look
You mean legs?
Come lets run..
Stop brother.
The snake is gone now.
Why are you running? Lets walk now.
ls it gone?
Yes, lets walk.
God saved us.
That side.
Yes, then they might have
came that way.
That way.
What? What is it?
ls it a snake?
Oh thank god.
it?sjust a monkey.
This is wild man!!
that its wild indeed!!
Will there be any lion in this jungle?
No way.. lions are only found in the
Girforests of Rajasthan.
Gir forests are in Gujarat
not in Rajasthan.
So you know everything it seems.
Yes l know.
But it is still in lndia right?
This is the problem with people
who work with computers.
they know everything.. but they will
ask these stupid questions.
Let's go.
lt's better to die
on the jeep accident.
so, what's next?
What kind of a jungle is this?
So you are saying there are no wild
animals inside this forest?
Who knows? Sometimes there might be a tiger
or leopard hanging around here and there...
Hey l was justjoking mate.
lf you are scared then you shouldn't
have tried to escape from them.
Do you understand?
is not a huge jungle
as you think
there might be some wild elephants or
poisonous snakes here and there.
l think l hear
an elephant growl.
No, Never.
that is just my stomach
My stomach doesn?t feel right.
oh god, Now where will l go to
take care of this stomach?
Come fast.
Why aren't you not
running now?
Come fast will you.
We are here right now.
We will be splitting
into two groups now.
We will move parallel
to this stream.
lnspector Rajan, you and yourteam
can take this route.
And this will be our
meeting point.
Ok sir.
Al right men. Be careful,
Be Alert.
Ok sir.
So do as you are told.
Let's start.
Come on.
Will you walk fast.
How can you?
You don?t understand my situation right now
Why did you remove it then?
it's got enough holes in it.
Oh l am poor man.
l will buy brand new ones after
l get the 3 lakhs you promised
Why aren't you sitting?
ls this a board meeting to
sit down and discuss things?
But if you sit down.
things would become better.
don't know. l should have drunk
more tea or coffee.
Usually it takes less
time than this.
Will you just keep your mouth shut..
and open up your bowel for a change.
Brother, if you keep on talking
lt might help my bowel movements.
Ok not interested it seems.
(Singing a popular song from a malayalam
movie 'Maheshinte Prathikaram')
(Continue Singing)
(Singing a popular song from a malayalam
movie 'Maheshinte Prathikaram')
What a disgusting smell.
So doesn't your shit smell the same
or does it have the fragrance ofjasmine?
Will you just stop
this nonsense?
How can my language
be so disgusting?
Doesn't the word? Shit?
mean the same in Malayalam and English
or does it translate into the
word ? icecream? when it comes to English?
l'm just saying.
Would you pass me my underwear..
Now, i feel much relaxed.
We are lucky that we
wound up in a forest.
if this was desert then we would
have been dead right now.
Will you raise the standards
of yourjoke?
l was not joking at all.
We don't have to face the heat of the sun and
we have enough shade to keep us cool.
Will you just keep quiet for sometime.
l cant.
l can keep up for one week
without any food.
But if l stop talking
then l might die.
As l am not educated that much.
This way.
l get educated by talking
to other people vigorously.
lf l stop talking
l may become a layman.
Do you understand?
What should l give you to keep
you quiet for 10 minutes?
Brother, if you don't keep talking then our
journey might become boring.
Yes. so what!
But if you don't keep your mouth shut
then my journey will become boring.
So shall we sing a song?
Yeah. sure it's a better option.
Let me think of a song...
Would you like to hear a
muslim traditional song?
Sing whatever you want!
Oh... Wait a second
why is there fur all over this place?
Yeah, why is there fur all
overthis place.
Oh my god!!
Let's Run
l hope your air shoes
doesn?t get punctured
Catch it!
l think its from that side
Move Move
Move fast.
You are one who told me that there
are no wild animals here
then where the hell did
that bear come from?
Was that a bear?
Then shouldn't have run.
Then why did you run?
l am obliged to do the
same thing as you do
Why were you screaming then?
Me? When?
One minite, i want think about that
Hey look at that
Hey don't go.
look at that
ls this thing poisonous?
No way mate.
it's a wild fruit. have it.
Oh. Now i get it.
So you believe that monkey
more than me huh?
Don't swallow the whole thing
it's not good forthe stomach.
Don't make that noise
you might attract that bear again
l think my stomach is upset.
Hey don't be so upset. if the bear comes again
we can run off okay?
No, l meant that my
stomach is upset
l think its gas trouble
l told you again and again
not to eat that thing.
l haven't eaten anything for 2 days
My stomach was pleading
for some food
lt's good to do some dieting
This is nothing, l have survived on
tapwaterfor 3 days
Do you know that?
l think my stomach is in trouble
Stop dragging me
Where are you running to?
l saw a river near by
The place where you went this morning to shit.
Where is the place?
lt's very ugent to me.
please tell me mate
lt was not a river
it was a stream
lets go there.
No way's about
one and a half hours from here
l cant hold forthat long
Why are you laughing?
Cant you help me solve this dilemma?
How can l help you shit.
you have to do that all by yourself.
No, l meant.. could you suggest a place for me
to.. Wait a minite. let me think about..
l cant hold for a minute
show me a spot please.
How many cents do you need?
Hmm.. Yes got it..
There are two rooms here
Sit here
There is no privacy here
Then sit here
Do you need any help?
Don?t you dare look here. Okay?
Oh what do you think you are?
a beauty queen?
Oh my god
this smells like jasmine itself.
l told you to do give me a company
when l went to shit this morning
but you were not interested
but now what happened?
Can l share a happy news with you?
What's that?
How will you wipe your back now?
Yes, you are right
how will l wipe it?
Yes, that is what l am asking you
how will you? one thing
wipe it with a leaf
that is your punishment from god for
mocking others who are in misery
Oh my god
What is it?
ls someone coming?
Yes.. something is coming?
(Singing a popular song from a malayalam
movie 'Maheshinte Prathikaram')
l saw it .. Okay?
What exactly did you see?
Why are taking this banana leaf and walking
around. Are you going to have your lunch on it?
Who is going to see your private parts
in this dense forest?
What about the policemen?
lf they see, they will salute for it.
Oh.. it's so cold
So tell me what was
your police case?
Yes, Mr. Mathew
Good morning
What's up!
Are you ready?
l will there in a moment
Okay. l will call you on the way.
Okay Okay
Alright man l?ll see you
Ah Vimal. l am waiting for you
Where are you now?
Yes Mr. Mathew
l am coming now.
You just talk to the client and
get back to me, Okay?
l will be there in like 15 minutes
Hey girl.
someone please be with me.
please help me.
this is just a small case
you can handle it by yourself.
Side please
l will come with you sir
Wait. step aside will you?
you do yourjob bloody bengali!
We malayali's can handle this one.
ls she okay sir?
Take the vehicle to the hospital now.
lt's always like that.
if an accident occurs, suddenly the locals will
form a council around the victim
and then they will attack the driver,advise him
on road rules and discuss their opinions on it.
it goes on like this..
but there will be no rascals to
take the victim to the hospital.
Then what happened?
l took her to the hospital.
Wait, Wait.
Let me predict the
next twist in your story
the drivertook off after dropping
you at the hospital.
am i right??
That's it.
Then we are clear about
that part of the story.
How did you know that?
You know, lt's a lt's a tradition
of our society.
There are so many fools like
you here in our town.
So, tell me the rest
You took her to the hospital
Then what can l do Mr. Mathew
l got trapped here.
No no don't worry l 'll manage
But one thing,
please into my official affairs, okay?
l 'll be there soon!
Excuse me..
Are you the one who brought that girl here?
l'll call you back
Yes. ls she conscious now?
Not yet. But you have to get some
medicines for her now.
Actually l am not a
relative of her
She had met with
an accident and....
l bought her here on the
same car which hit her.
Then where is the car's driver?.
lt looks like he escaped.
So what shall we do about it?
Can't you wait till her kin comes in?
We can't keep her like this.
Sorry, lt's not our ethics.
We have to treat her.
You can go ahead with your treatment but l am
not even remotely related to her.
l brought her here
because of my humanity
Excuse me Sir, there are only few people in this
world who are as humane as you !!
can l take a selfie with you ?
l will take it for you.
This is for Facebook right?
No, never. this is forthe police.
lf you run away from her,
we need a proof right ?
Go to hell with humanity.
So you need me to get her
some medicines, l will do it.
Excuse me.
Was a girl named Shalini bought in to
this hospital, she was hit by a car.
l don't her name, but... accident case is being registered here.
She is in causality now.
Okay, Where is the causality?
lt's Overthere.
Ok, come let's go
Take it.
The patient was unconscious when
she was admitted, but now she is okay.
don't be afraid now.
She has a small head injury
So the doctor has advised us to keep her
under 24 hours observation.
What happened to her actually?
l don't know the details
There you can ask that guy he is the
one who brought her in.
come, let's ask him.
Hello mister!
So are the one who hit her right?
Who are you guys?
You are the one who hit her
with the car right ?
Don't talk rubbish.
Hit her with the car
l don't even know her name.
Why should you know someone's name
to hit them with your car?
Mind your language, okay?
l was the one to take herto the hospital
when she was bleeding all overthe road.
Then now l am the culprit.
Who told you that l was the
one who hit her with the car?
So that side of the story is also clear
The rest l will tell,
The Police would have come...
No, nothing of that sorts happened.
hold a moment!!
come quickly.
We are trapped.
Check it out.
Sir, lt's a dead elephant here
l think it's few days old,
lt is missing its tusk.
May it was shot for it.
Come lets go.
Hey.. Wait. What is with
these head officers?
they are not terrorist right?
They might resurface after sometime,
then we can get him right?
Who took you in to the police force ?
this is all part of ourjob.
What's with him now.
What happened to you Ravi?
You should show some honesty
towards yourjob or else.
Wait sir, l 'll come
What happened to him?
he was not like this before
They are gone now.
Oh !!
Oh what a smell.
Yes, these elephants do
stink when they die
One thing is for sure
the police is right behind us
and l really think they are not
searching for a petty thief like me!
l think your case is much more
serious than l thought
So, tell me the rest.
Then l have to decide wheatear
l should raise my fee or not
l explained everything
to Shalini's friends
and they believed me.
l always told herto be careful
while crossing the road
Shalini can't hear anything.
she is deaf.
But she can talk
She met with an accident while
she was studying in high school.
she lost her parents
and her ability to hear.
Even if she is a friend
we respect her a lot.
She tries to lead a normal life without
making others know about her disability.
''The wind has come by''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''The wind has come by''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''And your love was contained in them''
''lt was overflowing with your love''
''Has the wind has come by''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''The flowers are now blooming
because your love''
''which is present in their shoots and petals''
''They are dancing gently with my tune''
''A blanket of mist is forming around
you like pure snow''
''The rainbow which disappeared from my life is
coming back and making it colourful''
''lt is caressing me like a light feather''
''You love is giving me bright mornings
''The wind has come by?''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''And your love was contained in them''
''lt was overflowing with your love''
''Are you are a star which fell into my arms''
''Did you shine like a mirror''
''Did you talk to me with your eyes''
''Did you give colours to....''
'' star less nights''
''l found your face inside the blanket of...''
''my dreams while l was asleep''
''The wind has come by...''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''And your love was contained in them...''
''lt was overflowing with your love...''
Be careful
So you were totally in
love with her right?
She was a simple girl.
Even if she was not able to hear
l used to talk to her a lot.
l liked her a lot.
l was the one for her and..
she was the one for me.
Are you an organ ??
l am also a an organ.
Not organ. it's ''Orphan''
Whatever it may be,
you are an orphan right?
But nobody is born
as an orphan right?
Yes, you are right.
When l was born.
l had my mother.
one week afterthat
she committed suicide.
My fate!!
So what about your father?
My mother murdered my father,
l still don't know the reason.
My grandfather has never told me that
and l have never asked about it either.
And now my grandfather passed away
there is no way to
know about that
..And what shall l do by knowing it.
Everyone is gone now.
My mother gave birth
to me in a prison.
My grandfather told me that
my mom loved me a lot,
and that is why she
committed suicide.
so as to save me
from the prison
lf she had survived, l had to live with her
inside the bars of that prison.
But nothing changed
l had to go back to the prison
again and again
But l like it there,
l feel like l am going
back to her
We used say in our childhood that we are
visiting our maternal home
that is what prison is to me
But this time, the visit to my maternal home is
being hindered by you
So could you increase my fee by
''Fifty thousand''
No, not required.
l was just asking.
''Three lakhs'' is enough for me.
l will adjust it.
How long will you go like this?
Can't you live your life
by doing some job.
l tried a lot but...
nothing flourished for me.
There might be one
problem or the other.
and everyone has a fate
of their own.
my fate is to become a thief.
So that is why l failed
in this attempt.
l was going to steal 5 lakhs.
if l had got that. l would have
started a small business.
it also failed.
So that is why you
asked me for 5 lakhs.
But you reduced it to 3 right?
That is because you
want don't know to bargain.
So tell me what kind of a business
will you start if you get that 5 lakhs?
My friend has a very
successful mobile recharge shop.
lt's a profitable one.
He is planing to go Dubai.
he was going to sell it for 8 lakhs
as he was going to Dubai.
but if l was buying ..
he would have given it for 5 Lakh.
and rest l have to pay up in installments.
l am planning to buy it.
So will you stop robbing
others if you get that 5 lakhs?
Yes.. God promise l will stop.
Then l will give you 5 lakhs.
For real?
but you have to help
me as you have promised.
l will help you from this instant.
Even if l am a thief,
l am a truthful one.
l 'll keep my promise for sure.
Now give me your stick.
and your hand.
Here l give you my word.
Deal !! is the truth.
''The wind has come by''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''The wind has come by''
''and given me a breezy rain''
''And your love was contained in them''
Shalini ..why are you
not having your dinner?.
No need.
l am going to
to see my aunt.
Shall l come too?
l want to meet her.
No no way..after sometime.
She is a bit orthodox in nature.
Let me first convince my aunt slowly
about us and then we will proceed.. Okay?
can l drop you?
l will leave you in
front of your home.
After all it's a long drive
and l don?t wanna miss it.
Tomorrow morning l have to do
some shopping at Oberon Mall.
will you come there by 12?
Come lets join the party.
Who was that guy?
That is the guy who
l am looking for.
He is a distant
relative to Shalini.
So you have not
seen him before?
And she hasn't told you anything about him?
He was a bad man.
Shalini hated to even
talk about that person.
But she had told me
one thing about him.
He was a policeman.
So the guy you are trying
to murder is a policeman?
So what is his
designation in the police force.
l don't know.
Start the car now.
Why .. What happened?
That policeman? l think he saw me.
come lets go now.
Are you okay?
No.. l am going to Vandiperiyar now.
l will call you when
l come back from there
One more thing,
Mr. Mehtha will call you
talk to him about...
You know ,what you have to do is.
You are done.
Yes Okay
l'm done.
so, what about this?
lt's my aunt.
Oh, i see
What is it?
She is saying that they
are not at home
So, how will get in do you
have a key with you?
l know the place where it is kept.
l will wait here.
No need
They might come back
any minute now
lf she sees us like this, it would
appear inappropriate for her.
Ok then,
l will not make you
tensed anymore
See you
Bye, Bye
See you,
Vimal, Vimal, Please come back
Vimal please help me
Hello Shalini.
That killer somehow escaped.
We took Shalini to a near by
hospital but..
they couldn't save her.
All circumstances were against me
They assumed that her torn dress was a proof
of me trying to sexually assault her
that was the police report.
Police didn't believe me.
even our friends didn't believe me.
Now l have only one
aim in my life.
To find that killer
and murder him
How can we find him if we
don't know his identity?
There is a scar over his stomach
which was made by shalini
l will visit every hospital if needed.
l am sure to find a clue about him
that is why l need him.
l think this was left by
those marijuana dealers
They used to farm here before
We had burned it down before
l think they also have a
hide out here somewhere.
l think they also make spirit it seems
We have to leave right?
l told you my story.
now it's yourturn
Tell me. What is your story?
Mine is not an interesting one as yours
You told me that you had
stolen something
What was it then?
lt was a Watch.
So they arrested you because you stole a
watch?? That's unbelievable!!
That?s why l told you that my story is
not an interesting one.
Where did you steal it from?
Oberon Mall
No l stole it from Lulu Mall.
Great!! What kind of a thief are you?
Don't you even remember the
place you stole from?
What a pity.
Dear God.
Help me with this.
Sir, this series of watch can be
paired with your phone
How can you do that?
Well, with the help of
Bluetooth connectivity.
you can select songs, adjust your volume
and do much more with this watch.
Excuse me
One minute sir.
Yes sir
Where is your Rolex watch collection?
l had seen it here before.
Sir, since it is quite expensive
we only keep 3 of them with us
could you wait for a second.
l will get them for you.
okay sir.
These are the models,
you can look into them.
Excuse me.
Please excuse me sir
What about that one.
Sir, it is a bit over your budget.
lt is priced above One lakh.
lf that is Okay with you.
Then we can proceed.
This is Casio's base series.
Hey? Stop right there..
Don't run.. go that side.
Stop. Stop right there.
Did you kill him too?
Watch your step will you?
Come, get up.
l think l have sprained my leg.
What happened to you?
You look dull.
No. it's nothing.
ls it because of my story?
ls it because of your mother?
Hmm..Yes. l thought about
herfor a moment..
Come, get up.
Hold me.
What? What is it?
My leg
My leg, leg is hurt.
Sit overthere.
l don't think this wound
will be a problem
You might have got it while you fell
But let's not contaminate it
Let me just tie it up for you.
ls that Mustafa from railway colony?
l also think so.
but why is he dressed like that?
Yes that is him.
l am sure about it.
l think there is something
fishy going on here. come.
Oh my god..
Yes, there he is.
Hey you.
Oh Hello officers, what are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Well. l came in here to do
some shopping
Shopping ?? Here??
Why, can't l come here?
Why are you dressed up like this?
How do you l look? l look nice right?
Hey don't do you do your
drama here Okay?
Sir, let me just go then.
please give me a way
how can you just leave like that?
Did you steal something from here?
What is in your pocket?
No..there is nothing.
Ok. Ok. l will tell the truth.
l came here to meet a friend of mine.
Which friend?
You won't know him. he is new
His name is Riyaz.
So what were you both planning here?
Nothing sir..
We came here...
here for a movie..
Movie ?? Only With Rs.110 ??
How can you get a ticket with this?
l am not taking the ticket for the movie
my friend is buying them.
lt's his treat.
You know his mother is in the hospital.
Now, Do you're believe me now?
Should we leave him? l'm bit busy
Hey don't move!
He is a Rat.
Should we leave him?
Go, clear out off this place now. l am not a thief.
let me go now
Hey..Here, take your wallet with you.
You can keep it.
l think that the
policeman saw me
Hey did you get that watch?
Start your bike.
Where are we going to?
Follow that car.
that's cool.
stop. don't.
Open it.
Open it.
Vimal... Vimal,
please come back
Vimal, Please help me.
Listen, l am not here
to hurt you
There is a watch inside your bag.
l will leave you at once
when l get that
Please help me.
Don't make noise sister.
l told you.
l just need my watch back.
There..There it is..its inside that bag
Oh god..
Help me.
l need my watch.
l wont leave this place without it.
Let mejust take it.
Help me.
Why cant you understand
what l am saying
Leave me.. Somebody
Please leave me.
Stop shouting
What happened??
Did something happen to your wound?
lf we keep it like this
it might get septic.
We have to clean it
come get up.
lts okay, its is just a small wound.
don't bother about it
But, if we don't clean it, you might an infection
and make things complicated
Get up.
Hmm..Get up.
lf you cant walk properly,
you can hold on to my shoulders.
No, l am good.
Does it sting?
Does it sting?
Mustafa, l think you like the pain.
But l can't stand it
When l was young.
l would faint at the sight of blood.
Come..get on
l think l got stabbed
in my belly
What? What happened?
l will tell you on the way,
go take me to a hospital
Hospital? No we cant go there if they see it
they will call the police for sure.
At least take me to clinic.
lt's a small wound
l will tell them it's a work accident
What about the Watch??
Don't waste time,
Start the motorbike now.
What happened to you?
l been noticing your change
from yesterday onwards
a peculiar change from you?
from the time l had told
my story to you.
Oh god.. l had my heart in
my mouth for a second
lf you have any problem
Then you can talk to me.
l was thinking about something
l have stolen many times in my life
but l was not caught for most of them
But you on the other hand
you were trapped for a crime
you didn't commit.
That is what we call ...? Fate?
or ''destiny'' that's it.
My father and mother
separated at an early age
My brother brought me up
from that time onwards, My brother was
my mother and father
when he got married...
l thought, i am happy for
l got a good sister in law
But my sister in law didn't
encourage our relationship
and she took him with her
to the united states
then, he had given me his properties
Long story in short
l have everyone, but no one!
Then Shalini came in to
my lonely world
She gave new meaning to my life
But then, she also left me.
lf you kill that 'murderer' who killed your
Shalini, then will she come back?
l don't understand
what you saying?
Things which happen,
where not suppose to happen.
Why can't you live your life
for a better cause.
l became a killer without
killing someone.
now, what life will l have?
That is not l am talking about,
your are escaped prisoner now!
you can't walk around freely
like this anymore.
So l suggest you call your brother and
try to escape from this country to USA
l had called my brother
when l got arrested
''You are responsible for your
own problems, not me''
that's what he said to me.
But, the soul reason why l escaped
from the prison is to find her killer
By the way,
why are trying to discourage me?
you are suppose to help me.
Because l care for you..that's why.
You are one who told me that you are
afraid of the police? and theirtorture
lt will be betterto die, than
to suffer from their torture
Let me tell you something,
no matter where you hide in lndia,
Kerala Police will find you.
And if they find you,
then they will man handle you the
way like you have never seen
No, Mustafa.
l don't make any false promises
They will never manhandle me again
they will never get me alive.
That's what l am telling you, you
should leave this coun... stop it mustafa!
let's not talk about it now.
l have to find him.
That is my aim
And you will help me with that,
and l will give you money for it.
That's it.
Hey look at the red, now.
Please make a right move!
Play for me will you?
l got a call to attend
what a nuisance!
what is it?
l told you l will get it
after l reach home
what about now?
Why don't you go!
where were you?
l was here and there,
i was around the city,
What is the situation here?
The police had came here
looking for you,
They still doubt you for
stealing that watch
No, l meant about that girl's case.
Oh that one,
you are saved now,
The girl had a lover,
The police arrested him
i'm saying true bro
for committing sexual
abuse and murder.
and he agreed to the crime.
Police might have man handled him,
l guess.
l'am damn sure.
Do you know anything
about that watch?
l have no clue about it.
So, it might be there itself.
Shall we go back and search for it again?
For what?
Bro, What if the police has
no ldea about that watch.
What if the watch is still there?
Are you mad or what?
The wounds that you got in your
belly are not healed yet.
Then why should we go back
to the same place again?
Bro, l am not telling you to break
into that house again.
l suggest that we scan the area for a while...
and then sneak in to that
house and get it back
No way man, l am out.
We ask you wear your helmets inorder
to protect you from injuries...
Stop there,
Why cant you stop the vehicle
when you were told to?
l was going to stop..
Remove your helmet,
Wait a minite,
let me remove it.
Take out your registration documents
also your license.
Sir, l don't have it with me now.
Shall l go back and fetch it?
So, you have any documents?
get down and meet with
our senior officer now
But Sir....
Please give me a chance
l will go get them.
Get down from the vehicle, lets have a chat
with the senior officer shall we?
Are you mad or what?
What are you doing?
Will you keep quiet for a moment
Let me just break it.
You only told me that it will not be
broken by a stone right?
l am tiered of running.
Do you know how long it has been
since l ate something?
stay without food for one week
So you are only a man of words...
You are one who told me
those dialogues...
now what happened ?
are you feeling okay ?
Why are you looking like this?
l was thinking that...
l have family...
also had friends too...
But when l am in danger now
you are the only one here to help me
A Stranger!!
lt's Strange
l don't have a choice here and
l am getting paid too..
Hmm.. This is what l like about you.
your frankness..
your open heart...
Hey look at that will you?
Will there be anyone?
No, l don't think so..
Come let's check it out.
Hey Mustafa..
Come, let's check it out..
We might find something useful
Hold on
Nothing, l was looking whether
the police is near by.
l hope they are not.
come, let's chek in
l think they don't have things
which are useful to us
Do you need a bite?
No..that might be old
But you only told me that
you are hungry.
But there are no more
streams near by
Why do you need that?
Nothing much,
l might turn useful.
lt doesn't have any taste
lt needs some masala
We are here now...
Are there any chances of them to be
already out of this forest now?
There are only two possibilities for that
They have to reach this spot over here
where the forest ends.
orthey have to take the same trail
that we took to reach here
No sir. They have no way to
escape through that route.
We have a team patrolling there.
Then we have to strengthen the
patrolling on the other end too
There are some homes in that route
they belong to the tribal colony.
they might get help from them
Will they help a pair of prisoners
wearing handcuffs?
There is a blacksmith's lair over here
we have information that they even make
guns for those marijuana dealers
Sir, then we have to send some shadow
police to that location immediately
You bloody..
What happened? was a nightmare.
Sun is coming up
Come let's go now
Sir, look there
Why are you not talking to me?
No. l was thinking about you..
What is it?
l was thinking that, even after
a sensational murder like this..
why didn't the police find out anything
about the real killer?.
They investigated...
looked for fingerprints,
but didn't get any
they also looked for his
blood stain on the terrace
but didn't find that too..
Hmm.. the rain might have erased it. was all my ill fate.
how did you know that it
rained that night?
You only told me right?
Did l?
Yes.. you told me that, that night there was
Heavy rain and thunder
Hmmm..this might belong to them
Sir, l think they have fried
something on it.
Do you think they might have broken
their handcuffs with it?
Look at that?
Why can't we use that gun to
break these handcuffs..
But, how will we get it?
Why should we get it
We can ask them for it right?
They will kill us on spot.
will never someone alive
who knows their hideout
Then what will we do now?
Who are you?
We are tourists.
This is for keeping us close.
Hey come on!!
Hey catch them...
come on..
Take him.
Come here.
lt's high grade stuff.
Stand properly will you?
Sir, l think they had fight
with the prisoners
and it seems that they have
snatched a revolver from them
l lost the revolver..
Mustafa.. Police
Can't find it..
Move, let me.
Come hold on.
Hold on to it.
What happened?
were you scared?
Yes of course
l was not able to
move my feet
l was totally trapped in that pit
Why can't you remove your t-shirt
and have a proper bath?
Oh. not required
Mustafa. Come
Come fast.
What will we do now?
We are trapped.
No other way
Let's jump.
From here?
What foolishness are you saying
There are huge boulders
down there
let's surrender to the police
That was good.
No.. l will never surrenderto the police.
That is my word.
Brother, don't make a mistake now.
No, Never!
l have decided.
do me a favour
Tell the world that
l was innocent, Okay?
Now can understand that,
this was all my fate...
or destiny.
Can you hear me?
Yes sir, Reading you sir.
Mr. Rajan you have to do a
detailed search here.
Sir, l am searching
the whole area.
We are sure that they will not be able to
proceed further from this spot
They will be here somewhere.
You are right sir.
Give me
Come on
Hey Ravi Sir,
What is it?
Come on then.
lt was a narrow escape
l thought they got us this time
Ok, l am done with this
lets end it here now.
You can go your way
l am going to surrender
to the police
l'm fed up with this.
You go and do
whatever you want
Why are you talking like this?
Do you need more money?
No, l don't need your
money no more
this is too much for me
to handle now.
You are the one who evaded the police
for months and months..
what happened
to you now?
No, l know the police
is not the problem
lf money is your problem then
l will give you what you ask.
l told you,
l don't need your money
Even if you give me all your belongings,
l will never help you. that's all.
Your attitiude has changed a lot!!
Why are you deviating from the promise
you had made to me earlier
Then l am taking
back my word
From Now everything cleared, l'm going.
Where did you steal the watch from?
Oberon Mall, l meant Lulu Mall
Oberon Mall.....
l meant Lulu Mall.
Why cant you remove that t-shirt and
take a proper bath?.. No, not needed.
You have changed a lot,
What happened to you?
l have been noticing a change in you
since the time l had told you my story.
Why are you staring at me like that?
Why are talking me out of this? you promised
me that you would help me with my mission.
Will Shalini come back if
you kill her 'murderer'?
Will Shalini come back if
you kill her 'murderer'?
Hmm...the rain might
have erased it.
how did you know that it
rained that night
You have no right to break the
promise you made to me
l am going to give
it back to you
Everything between
us ends right here
l will never be a
problem to you
lnstead of that,
You have to answer a question which
l am about to ask you now.
'Did You Kill My Shalini?'
What? ls it like that now?
What are you talking about??
You didn't answer my question
l am not in a mood to answer these
foolish questions of yours..
l am going now
You are not going anywhere without
answering my question
What are trying to prove?
How can l kill that girl whom
l have never seen in my life?
So, You Didn't Murder her.. Right?
What the hell are
you talking about?
Did You Kill My Shalini or Not?
l want to know. Now.
No l didn't
Okay, l am Ready to believe you.
Even if we were together
for a few hours..
You are now a very
close friend of mine
So, we should separate without leaving
an inch of doubt in our heart
lf you don't have the wounds which
i'm looking forthen you can leave.
Here look.
Are you satisfied now?
Do you believe me now?
l want to see the left side too..
Leave me
No, Stop
Please stop.
All this time, you were
cheating me. you prick
Tell me why did you kill her
Tell me
Tell me...
lt was an accident, not my fault
it was not my fault
it was an accident
it was an accident
My mind is not allowing
me to kill you now.
Leave my sight
before it changes..
There is nothing in this world.
or l didn't believe in it.
l decide what happens in my life..
not ''fate''
But now..
l never thought i would do
something like this in my life...
but l had to do it now.
if this is known as ''fate''
then l will believe in it as well.
You bloody....
Where is your companion?
ls it necessary that you need him
you only need the
'murderer' right?
This is the first time in my life, l felt happiness...
...instead of pain when l was
beaten up by the Police.
This is the first time l feel that
l have done something good.
Straight out of my heart...
l fell light hearted now.
But l still fear...
But l still fearthat he misunderstood me
for pushing him from the cliff.
he had then he might come
back for me once again
l believe l will be safe for 5-6 years,
Thanks to my police protection..
Rest l leave it for
my fate to decide.
What is it?
One minute,
Can l talk to him?
Make it fast.
Wow! Brother,
You're Looking good.
How many years did you
get punished for?
Five years
They might leave me within Three years
lf l show good behaviour.
By the way, what did you get it for?.
For Murder.
Then what about that watch?
Didn't they punish you for that?
No.. don't remind me of that.
Now l cant bearthe punishment for that too.
Then where did that watch go?
That is still a ''Pertinent'' Problem.
Where did you get to learn
these words from?
lf you are still interested in that,
then go to that house again.Okay?
Sometimes, you will get it.
Oh no wonder why the policeman beat him up.
Your mother's watch. get lost..
was he the policeman who was
with me when l got arrested?
Who? That guy?
Sir, is that policeman who
arrested me that day?
Yes, he is the one who
handled in your case sheet.
ls it, What happened to him?
Well, he got a watch from your
crime scene which was worth 10 lakhs
he tried to steal it from spot but he was
caught red handed by the police.
ls it.
So, that part is also cleared.
You were the one who
stole the watch right?
One minute, let me just think.
But you can keep its credit.
l have got more than
enough in my hand
All the best.
Thank you.
This is your bill l suppose,
will you give me some time to settle it?
No, take this.
What's this?
What is it?
What is this brother?
Mustafa, it's in your name.
Yes Bro, Did the laws change?
ls the lawyer paying the
fee to the client?
Ten lakhs.
Dear Mustafa..
You kept your word...
and l kept mine.
l believe that you will come back
as new man from the prison..
So, l am giving you twice the
amount you asked for..
''Haters will become lovers''
This is the real life adaptation
of the saying..
Even if law has set me free..
The society didn't has
not yet done the same
They have stamped me as person
who had bought his freedom.
l couldn't live like a stranger in between
a group of people who knows me..
So, l am leaving this place forever..
to fulfil new aims in my life..
Your's faithfully