Lal Patthar (1971) Movie Script

This is Fatehpur Sikri,
founded by King Akbar.
There is a strange appeal
in its silence and desolation.
A kind of magic.
That is why I keep
getting drawn here...
...and still don't
feel satiated.
I am very tired, sister-in-law,
serve me tea.
- Go, get the stuff from the car.
- Me? Lmpossible!
I cannot walk any more,
Leela, you go and get it.
Don't you feel ashamed?
Lmpossible indeed!
Who asked you to insist
that we see everything in a day?
And now? 'I am tired,
I cannot walk anymore'!
What! Did you
hear that, sister-in-law?
Why do you pay
attention to that nut?
- Where are you going?
- To get the food.
- I'll go...
- Wait. I'll go.
Don't touch it!
- Isn't that Leela's voice?
- Yes.
Don't be afraid, dear.
I was forbidding you... that your hands
don't touch blood. - Blood?
- Yes, blood.
- What nonsense are you talking?
I am not talking nonsense,
I am speaking the truth.
There is a tale of blood
in every stone here.
Tale of blood... in every stone.
- You'd come to see
Fatehpur Sikri? - Yes.
- Have you finished going around?
- Yes.
Did you see 'Lal Pathar'
(red stone)?
- Lal Pathar?
- Yes, Lal Pathar.
All the stones here are red.
No, I am not talking
about all the stones.
I am talking about only those two
stones which are red as blood.
Did you see those two stones?
But the guide book
doesn't mention any such...
Does the guide book mention
how many conspiracies... many murders,
were committed here?
How many lovers met here
and parted ways?
Does it mention the story
of Negro Suleiman?
Does it mention Kurshid and
Mubarrak's woeful story?
No, it doesn't.
Likewise, even those two
red stones are not mentioned.
But does that make it a lie?
Will that make it a lie?
- Shall I ask you something?
- What?
- Who are you?
- Why do you ask?
No reason.
Just like that.
- Introduce yourself.
- Introduce?
I tried hard to forget.
Very hard.
But where am I able to forget?
I'm not able to forget.
- Can you give me some water?
- Sure.
Blood! Blood!
- What is in this?
- Tea.
He speaks Hindi and
English very fluently.
Could he be some bandit?
Shh! He may hear you.
Will you hear the historic
story of that red stone?
Even we want to hear.
Please tell us.
- Yes, please tell us.
- But it's getting late.
Sir, everyone sees the
Taj Mahal by moonlight.
But if you don't see
Fatehpur Sikri by moonlight... have seen
nothing in Agra.
You are right. It's a full moon
night. And then, we have a car.
Please tell us.
Rainagar's history was strange.
The first man of the
royal family of Rainagar...
...King Raghav Shanker Rai...
...was a
cruel and brutal bandit.
Break open the door!
You all go to the other room.
I was looking for you.
You cannot escape me today.
When Gyanshanker,
the only male heir...
...of the 7th generation
of the Rai family...
...was eight years old...
- Hey! Who are you?
- Kokha.
Anand's son?
...Who am I?
- Grandfather.
- Yes!
Don't ever go there, you'll get
the curse of Queen Sonmai.
I have sent an appeal to the
Emperor abroad...
...that Anand has imprisoned me.
Don't tell anyone.
Son, when you grow up,
get an education.
And be good to your subjects.
Mom, why has father
imprisoned grandfather?
No, dear.
- Because he has gone mad?
- Yes.
- Why does one go mad?
- It's a kind of sickness.
Mom, why had
Queen Sonmai cursed us?
- Who told you?
- Haricharan, & even grandfather.
You will understand when
you grow up. Now go to sleep.
- Tell me!
- Go to sleep, Kokha.
I'll go and serve
dinner to your father.
Leave me!
Come here.
Let her go, father!
Hurry! Run!
After this incident,
Gyanshanker's mother...
...sent him to his uncle
in Allahabad.
The uncle was a bachelor...
...and a professor of
psychology in the university.
Gyanshanker grew up there...
...and became a double graduate
in Psychology and History.
The father, a cruel man,
and the mother, an angel.
Gyanshanker grew up with
the blood of...
...two opposite personalities
running in his veins.
Sit down.
Raja Bahadur of Kanchanpur
has sent a message...
...that he
cannot wait any longer.
He says the
princess has grown up.
Anything else?
The Governor is coming
to Barrackpur this month.
- He wants to meet you.
- I will meet him.
And also present
him a cheque...
...of Rs.100000 for
the government hospital.
And also recommended the
title of Raja Bahadur (king)...
...for yourself on new year eve.
But Kumar (prince),
until you don't marry...
I won't get the
title of Raja Bahadur.
Divan uncle, you are aware
that I won't marry.
Write to the Raja of
Kanchanpur... get his daughter
married elsewhere.
Where the
title is concerned...
...I'll remain
Kumar Bahadur in this birth.
You are aware of the
curse of Queen Sonmai.
I don't want the lineage
of this mad family to continue.
Sir, some men
have come from Sultanpur.
They say the
lion has attacked again.
Welcome, Kumar Bahadur!
- Hello.
- Hello.
We are in the
jungle since 5 days...
...and you want to kill
the lion in a day?
That's what I intend,
and then, I have your support.
That's true!
Come, first enjoy our welcome.
Give us an
opportunity to serve you.
- Please sit down.
- Please be seated.
What would you like to drink?
I don't drink.
What kind of a joke is this?
Everyone here takes your family
name before opening a bottle.
You should have more liquor
running in your veins than blood.
So don't be formal.
Gulabjan, he is the Prince of
Rainagar, Gyanshanker Rai.
Salute him.
Is this what you have
been hunting since 5 days?
You are right. Watch the deer
being hunted...
...before hunting
for the lion.
I'll show you
an evening in heaven
Come and rest among tresses
Even flowers cannot match
the colour of my body
I'm a rose that has made
this party fragrant
My style, my anklets,
my alluring songs
Everything about me
is incomparable
Meet my eyes,
get intoxicated
So come!
You have come into this world
for a short while, so enjoy
Who knows what
tomorrow will bring
Life cannot be trusted,
I swear
These joys may not
exist for you tomorrow
We'll face whatever
the consequences
So come!
Wow! That was fun.
What do you say Kumar Bahadur?
Kumar Bahadur has left.
Neither did he drink,
nor look at that girl.
- He's eccentric.
- Call him crazy.
Chhotu, don't ever get married.
But my mom says I must.
Lair! You yourself
want to get married.
No master, I swear.
But mom doesn't agree.
- Have you seen a girl?
- Mom has.
You yourself are so young,
how old is the girl?
- Five years.
- Five years?
- You are a criminal.
- Yes.
You should be shot dead.
Yes... what?!
Master, here.
Shoot me dead.
- We are ready, sir.
- Arranged the beaters?
- Everything has been arranged.
- And those other hunters?
I checked on them. After the late
night, they are still sleeping.
A palanquin in such
a thick jungle?
Hira, you go and call out
from there, I am going here.
Walk faster.
- Stop! Who is that?
- Your father!
Open the door.
- Who is that?
- It's Chhotu calling.
Call him.
- Chhotu, master is here.
- I'm coming.
I heard the gunshots
and came running, master.
She seems to be unconscious.
Splash some water on her.
Hira Singh, look for
the palanquin bearers.
Palanquin bearers, if you care
for your lives, present yourselves.
Or I will shoot you dead.
Don't shoot!
We are hiding here.
- Come out!
- We don't know anything, sir.
Come and stand here!
Raise your hands.
- Stop!
- Who are you people?
We are palanquin bearers.
- Where do you live?
- Rahimpur bazaar, sir.
- Who is this girl?
- We don't know anything, sir.
Bandits forced us to
carry the palanquin.
- So they were bandits?
- Yes, sir.
Hira, go and make enquiries
in Rahimpur bazaar.
Put your hands your down.
...Carry the palanquin.
- I made enquiries, sir.
- Tell me.
Village Rampur had been looted.
The bandits looted lots of
money & jewelry from 3-4 houses.
And picked up the farmer,
Gokul's widowed wife.
- Anyone else in that family?
- Gokul's mother & younger brother.
- Ask the brother to come here.
- He'll be here by evening.
So what the palanquin
bearers said was true.
Alright, you go and take rest.
- Hira Singh.
- Yes, sir?
Escort this woman
back home tomorrow.
Put the palanquin down.
Where are you going?
Sister-in-law is going
inside the house, mother.
Inside the house?
Sister-in-law, indeed!
Look, if you want to live,
go and live in the cowshed.
You lost your honour and are
returning home after so many days.
What did you expect?
A warm welcome?
She is untouched and safe.
The bandits got scared,
left her and ran away.
Shut-up! My son is dead, or
we'd know how untouched she is.
The unchaste woman!
Mother, there is no
reason to doubt.
She is untouched,
master said so.
You believe
Kumar Bahadur's word?
He is King Anand Shanker's
And you know
the family reputation.
You seem to know everything.
Had the king summoned
you too in his palace?
You shameless fellow!
How dare you!
- Who is this bearded man?
- Ask me.
I am Kumar Bahadur's attendant.
Master has said you have
to keep her home in comfort.
Get lost!
Who is he to order me?
- What did you say?
- Don't get annoyed, sir.
Everything will be alright.
Good day.
go inside the house.
Tell master
everything is alright.
Then the old mother-in-law saw
Hira Singh's gun and got scared.
Then we left.
- And Gokul's wife?
- She was crying.
Chhotu, ask Khan
to come and see me.
- Get whiskey.
- What, master?
Tell Haricharan to get whiskey.
Hari uncle...
What do you want at
this hour, Chhotu?
Master has asked for whiskey.
- What did you say?
- Master has asked for whiskey.
Have you started drinking
at such a young age?
Has Kumar Bahadur
ever touched liquor?
Shameless fellow!
Go and do your work.
I am not lying,
and I am not drunk either.
I asked twice. Master asked me
to tell you to bring him whiskey.
I am going to call Mr. Khan.
Take it to my room.
Her thoughts came...
...and just wouldn't stop
They went on
making me go crazy
Every breath I take,
is someone's memory
It went on making
me more and more restless
Her thoughts...
Mr. Khan, you continue.
My heart reverberates...
...a lover's voice
My heart was lonely,
she filled it with love
Her thoughts...
My senses...
...were electrified
She intoxicated me with her
mischievous eyes and left
Her thoughts...
You impudent witch!
Had your father sent this
rice that you are thrown it away?
Look what she is saying!
You will have to eat this!
I'll skin you alive!
How dare you argue with mother!
Break her bones.
Beat her more.
You want to kill me?
Then kill me!
Bandits have entered the village!
Bandits have entered the village!
Come quickly!
Over there.
Where are you running away?
My son!
She is more shocked than hurt.
I have given her
an injection...
...but a constant watch
needs to be kept on her.
If there is any complication,
call me.
I will send the medicines across.
Good day.
Her mother-in-law and
brother-in-law were very greedy.
They took money
and left the village.
- Are you speaking the truth?
- I heard it myself.
They took Rs.2000
and left the village.
That was good.
Her mother-in-law was a bitch.
But why were they
paid so much money?
Rs.2000 is not a
big amount for master.
Kumar Bahadur is leaving
for Barrackpur this month.
He is taking me along.
What about this woman?
Diwanji was saying she'll be sent
to Kashi when she gets better.
I'll get you married to Myna &
leave with her on the pilgrimage.
No, master said that if I marry
such a young girl, he'll kill me.
I don't want to marry.
Send me away to Kashi?
You give me goblets of wine
And fill my heart with bliss
Who will give me this bliss
in the other world
Here, I have wine,
I have you
Who knows what is over there
Such a beautiful angel.
Do you know, mother had
made that jewelry for my wife.
But no one is going to
come in this mansion...
...who will wear them
and do justice to our prestige.
I will never get married.
Yet, you have full
right over this jewelry.
From now on,
I'll call you Madhuri.
Madhuri, the one who
charms the heart.
Yes Madhuri, I will make
you the way I want you to be.
Saudamini is dead forever.
And Madhuri begins a new life.
'Here, my beloved,
I have you, I have wine'
'There, who knows... '
Madhuri, wait.
What kind of behavior is this?
Why did you come away from there?
I had bathed, prayed,
and you brought me to a grave.
This is not a grave.
It is the dargah of Salim Chisti.
He was a great saint.
What have I got to do that?
I cannot defile my
religion for your sake.
I'll have to go home
and take a bath again.
Madhuri, wait!
- Such a huge mansion!
- It is not a mansion.
It is Sikandara,
Emperor Akbar's tomb.
A grave here too? Why have you
brought me to a city of graves?
Take me back to Vrindavan.
I'll bathe in the pond
there and be purified again.
- What are you doing?
- I was thinking.
- With closed eyes?
- Yes.
- Lair! You are lying.
- Yes... no!
I say, you were sleeping,
not thinking.
I really was thinking, madam.
If you have to think, think
with your head, not your nose.
Got caught!
What are you doing here?
Don't you have any work?
I had come to tell Shibu
to grind almonds.
So what are you doing here?
I came to tell Mishraji that
master wants his dinner on time.
Mishraji, hurry up, it's time
for Kumar Bahadur to arrive.
You do the chores so slowly.
I am almost through, madam.
Where is my box of 'paan'?
I'll give it to you.
You're back.
What have you bought for me?
- Saree blouse?
- Open and see what it contains.
What lovely pictures!
Where did you
get these books from?
Elephant, cat, horse, monkey.
- Like it?
- Very much.
You will have to
read all those books.
What is this?
Come on.
- It's 'A'.
- It's your head.
This is not 'A',
it's 'D'. This is 'A'.
Not English, teach me Hindi.
Come on, now you read.
You don't love me.
I love you very much, Madhuri.
- 'O' for owl.
- 'O' for owl.
The owl speaks.
- 'R' for rabbit.
- 'R' for rabbit.
- The rabbit runs.
- The rabbit runs.
- 'F' for food.
- 'F' for food.
- The food is cooked.
- The food is cooked.
The food must be ready.
- I'll go and check.
- Sit down and study.
It's tame for your dinner
and I am still sitting here.
- Not tame, time.
- But Chhotu says tame.
Chhotu is a servant, illiterate.
You are the lady of the house.
Alright, time. Let me go, it
is so late, and I'm hungry too.
- What?
- Read again.
- Read?
- Yes, read again.
When your pronunciation is
wrong, what will you teach me?
That is what I said.
No madam, read like I do.
Not sily, sly.
- What is God?
- God means, Bhugwan.
No, it's Bhagwan.
Alright, Bhugwan.
God, I'm scared!
Rohini is no good.
I don't like her.
- Who?
- Rohini.
The lady of
Kishankant's Bill.
It's not Kishankant,
it's Krishnakant.
And not Bill, it's Will.
Alright. And that Gobindlal
has left his wife, Bhimar...
...and got involved
with that witch.
It's not Gobindlal,
it's Govindlal.
And it's not Bhimar,
it's Bhramar.
but atleast let me finish.
And even that bitch met
the same fate.
Gobindlal killed her.
She deserved it, the bitch!
What happened?
Where are you going?
Not like that,
sing like this.
I cannot sing.
I cannot learn to sing.
Then what can you do? Sleep and
munch 'paan' all day like a cow?
- You are angry.
- No, I am not angry.
Come, I'll sit with you.
Enough! Stop it!
- Who is it?
- It's me master, Chhotu.
I just came.
Go and greet him. Go.
Don't feel shy,
master is like our father.
Greet him.
- Who is she?
- She's Myna.
- Myna?
- My wife.
But you said
she is five years old.
That was ten years ago. She was
five years old, ten years ago.
Ten years.
Ten years!
Ten years.
Ten... years.
Ten years... Ten years!
...Ten years!
On the melody of
lonely breaths
On the wet
strings of tears
Life is hearing a song
Life is singing a song
What is called love
Is a game, is a toy
You get it today,
you lose it tomorrow
On lonely...
On the melody of lonely breaths
On the wet strings of tears
Life is joining in a note
Life is forgetting a note
On the melody...
Some buds sing
Some buds cry
Some tears are just water,
some tears are pearls
On the melody
of lonely breaths
On the wet strings of tears
Life is making someone laugh
Life is making someone cry
- What's there to laugh in this?
- What else can I do?
You should have
atleast seen your face.
What's wrong with my face?
Your hair is greying.
Have you noticed?
I know.
But why this sudden
desire to get married?
And just the desire won't
help you get married.
Who will give you a girl?
And which girl will
agree to marry you?
Is that so?
But you don't have
any objection, do you?
Not at all.
But tell me something.
Why did you suddenly think of
getting married at this age?
Who doesn't want a normal life?
Besides, I also have some
duty towards my family.
I gathered information, master.
The girl's name is Sumita.
- Who is in her family.
- A mother and father.
Mother and father.
It's morning and Sumita hasn't
returned from the function yet.
God knows what
this girl is up to.
Listen. Get up and
make me a cup of tea.
My temperature
hasn't subsided yet.
- Not yet?
- No.
You are sick all
How do I go out
without having tea?
We are out of tea leaves.
- No tea leaves?
- Yes.
Why are there no tea leaves?
You squander away my money.
Squander money?
As if you make millions.
Whatever little you make, you
blow away on liquor and races.
I'll spend as I wish!
Do you know, last week's reward
has got carried over this week.
You understand? You
will, only if you have brains.
This week,
the reward will be Rs.60000.
And when I bring that
Rs.60000 home... will surprise you.
That's what I have been
hearing all my life.
How can I be lucky when
I have a wife like you?
You ruined my morning.
And don't you dare spend a penny
from the money Sumita brings.
Or we'll have a war at home.
You're back.
Where were you for so long?
The function went on until late,
so I stayed over at Ratna's.
You did the right thing.
Give me the money.
Here's Rs.50.
But they promised to pay
Rs.100. So why Rs.50 only?
They said they will
give the balance later.
They said they will pay later?
Trying to fool me?
Here's Rs.10.
Buy a packet of tea leaves.
And buy vegetables and
anything else you want to.
I will not come for lunch.
And tell those people if they
don't pay the balance money...
...I sue them.
Listen... I am calling you.
- Me?
- Yes.
Me? Mr. Aga,
don't you sleep at night?
- You want interest early
in the morning? - What?
I mean that I owe you
interest amount of Rs.12.50.
I can pay you the interest.
But last week's reward of
Rs.25000... carried forward this
week, and has become Rs.60000.
Today is Saturday.
I will play today and return
your every penny tomorrow.
But this is not done.
I am going to play the races...
...and you have come to
collect your money early morning.
What are you talking about?
I don't understand.
- I am not Aga.
- You are not Aga?
No, my name is Hira Singh.
Are you Sumita's father?
Why didn't you tell me before?
No, actually, I am...
- Then let's go.
- Where?
My master has sent his greetings.
I don't know your master.
Why has he sent me greetings?
My master is Kumar Bahadur
Gyanshanker Rai of Rainagar.
Alright, let's go.
No, wait.
Does your master play races? Then
ask him to bet on Star of Italy.
I'm giving him a tip.
He doesn't want any tips.
He has urgent work with you.
Urgent work?
Here mother, take your medicine.
This sickness is
going to take my life.
Don't talk like that.
I am only worried about your
marriage now.
Then I'll die peacefully.
Don't worry, mother.
What is destined will happen.
- Here's Rs.50.
- How did you save so much?
I told father
I'll get Rs.50 later.
What if he comes to know?
We'll deal with it then.
- How are you feeling now, Manju?
- Come, sister.
- The temperature is still high.
- I've sent for the doctor.
Vishnu is bringing
milk and porridge for you.
What has Shekhar written?
London, dated 22nd.
Aunt, greetings.
- Is it Shekhar's letter?
- Yes, mother.
That is why I came. And
she snatched the letter from me.
He sends you his
greetings, mother.
God bless him.
When is he coming?
He's written he'll go to buy his
ticket after posting this letter.
Alright, leave us alone,
I want to talk to your mother.
Shekhar is coming in a few days.
So I thought I'll
discuss this with you.
Tell me.
I want to make Sumita my
- What do you think?
- Sumita likes you since childhood.
Even now, she is all yours.
You will get the balance money
on the day of the marriage.
No one should know
the date of the marriage.
It is the 14th today.
All arrangements
within seven days...
That's my responsibility,
you don't worry about it.
You won't have to
spend a single penny.
A house will be
taken in Balliganj...
...and the marriage
will be conducted there.
And yes, your daughter will not
come to meet you very often...
...after marriage.
I have heard
you are fond of races.
What are you saying!
I am a poor man.
I survive on my pension
and some rent I get.
How can I play races?
But if you...
Hira Singh, drop him home.
- Good day.
- Come, sir.
This marriage will
never take place!
- It will!
- I won't allow it!
Shut-up! Do you know how
much money he has given me?
I will never sell
my daughter for money.
Don't give me that big talk.
I am the master of the house.
I will decide!
Master indeed!
I lost all my children.
You could neither feed them,
nor afford their treatment.
We just have one daughter left.
You cannot feed even her.
She did her 12th grade
with great difficulty.
She could not
continue with her education.
Thanks to Shekhar
that she learnt to sing.
She sings and makes a living.
You blow away her money
too in liquor and races.
You have even mortgaged the
house, & then you act high handed?
Don't you feel ashamed?
- Why should I feel ashamed?
- Mother!
Mother, be quiet.
I will not stay quiet.
I have kept quiet all my life.
Shut-up, woman! I have mortgaged
my house. Why do you complain?
Enough now, don't shout.
You bitch!
Shut-up, you lowly man.
I will never allow my daughter's
marriage with an old man.
You called me a lowly man?
Yes, you are a lowly man! A
drunkard, gambler, selfish fiend!
What did you say!
My bottle also broke. Where will
I get scotch now at this hour?
Father, don't go,
I'll get married.
I will get married, father.
Nice doll.
You really have brought
home a beautiful doll.
I have married her.
Yes, you had brought home
a doll ten years ago too.
But you didn't marry her.
And didn't keep her in your
mother's mansion either.
Tell me,
is she more beautiful than me?
I did not marry
her for her looks.
Oh, you saw her qualities.
That's true. She is educated,
and can even sing.
I don't have any qualities.
- But...
- But what?
Let me see how long this game
will last with that doll.
Madhuri! Sumita is my wife.
So you will have to spend
your nuptial night with her.
- But...
- But what?
- I was thinking...
- What were you thinking?
About the huge age
difference between you two.
Just think about it.
- Sumita, are you sad?
- About what?
About your marriage with me?
- Why do you say that?
- Because...
...I am too old for you.
I never thought about that.
this is my mother's mansion.
After her death,
this mansion had been shut.
The mansion was opened for you
after so many years.
You have done your
- Yes.
- Why didn't you continue?
You are aware of
our financial state.
- Want to study further?
- If you wish so.
Sumita, will you sing for me?
If you want to hear me sing,
I surely will.
Then come.
Bedeck my bed
with flowers today
I will be born again today
The dot is made of moon,
my bangles are made of stars
My necklace made of dreams
My breaths is
fragrant with saffron
My body desirous
Adorn me so, my friend
That my husband loses control
Bedeck my bed...
Don't cry, mother.
I am telling you the truth,
I am very happy.
Don't console me,
I know everything.
You don't know. Do you know
what a huge mansion he has?
Tall pillars, big rooms,
servants, property!
Do you know what his yearly
income is? Rs.10,00000!
If it was you, you would have
got lost in that mansion.
I don't get out of
my room out of fear.
Diwan uncle was saying that
now since he is married...
...Kumar Bahadur will be bestowed
the title of Raja Bahadur(king).
And I'll be Rani Maa
(queen mother).
I'll become the
Queen of Rainagar!
Shekhar has returned from abroad.
So he is back?
After three years instead of two.
As a qualified engineer
with a degree.
- Won't you go to meet him?
- I surely will.
I will hear about him and tell
him about my good fortune.
- I must go.
- Then go right now.
- Going out?
- I'm going to meet Shekhar.
- But...
- If you don't...
No, I just wanted to
say that don't be too long.
Return soon.
Because Kumar Bahadur
can come any time.
He said he will come
in the evening, but...
I'll be back soon, father.
- Shekhar...
- Go back home, Sumita.
Did you meet mother
after you returned?
I didn't think it necessary.
If you had, perhaps you wouldn't
have torn my pictures like this.
What do you mean?
There was liquor in the bottle,
so the wound has healed.
What are you talking?
Liquor in the bottle?
What are you talking about?
The scar on mother's
head will never fade.
- Don't blabber like mad.
- I wish I was mad.
Atleast my mother wouldn't
have got beaten then.
Who hit her? Your father?
With a bottle of liquor?
Forgive me, Sumita. I never
expected him to stoop so low.
- Sumita.
- Aunt!
Don't cry.
Sit here,
I'll get something for you.
Shekhar, my mother is very
unhappy, and alone.
Please take care of her.
Sure I will.
You don't worry about her.
Look Sumita,
no one can change destiny.
Now your only goal should be
to keep your husband happy.
You bless me.
I bless that you live
a happy married life.
But I cannot understand him.
It takes time to
understand any man.
Shekhar is a very nice boy.
They are childhood friends.
Shekhar's aunt used to carry
Sumita in her arms all day.
It is Shekhar who encouraged
Sumita to study and sing.
I just left her there
and came back.
Shekhar has returned from Germany
as an engineer after many years.
I was there with here. Now
that you are waiting for her...
...I'll go and call her.
- I'll come with you.
- What was his name you said?
- Shekhar. He's a very nice boy.
- Where does he live?
- Close by.
We'll walk it out.
Go Vishnu, get tea.
Have some snacks, Sumita.
Sumita, come soon,
Kumar Bahadur has come.
He has? But he said
he will come in the evening.
Can't trust these rich men.
He came just now.
Shekhar, you also come.
He is sitting in the hall.
Shekhar, he is my son-in-law,
Kumar Gyanshanker Rai.
He's Shekhar, a very nice boy.
I heard you used to
teach music to Sumita?
Oh, it was nothing.
Please sit down.
Don't be humble. I was
impressed by Sumita's singing.
Why just singing? Shekhar may
be an engineer, but look.
He has sculpted those statues.
And those two paintings...
Yes, he has painted them.
You are Michaelangelo.
But I never heard that
he could even sing.
Don't joke, Kumar Bahadur.
I am not joking, though
our relationship is a joke.
Relationship a joke?
You go home. I will spend some
time with Shekhar, and leave.
As you wish.
- Sumi, bless you, dear.
- Father.
Do write.
Do write.
Good bye.
So tell me, when are
you coming to our house?
We'll chat later, first
let's have some refreshments.
Please, cut out the formalities.
Come over in a day or two.
If you don't, I'll
come and take you by force.
- Want to say something?
- Madam is waiting for you.
Escort Sumita to her room.
You called for me?
When you don't come on your own,
I have to summon you.
You have just forgotten
the way to my room.
Should I not fulfill
my duty towards Sumita?
What about your duty towards me?
You are the lady of the house.
Madam, queen,
all the keys are with you.
Madam? Queen?
Keep your keys with you,
or give them to Sumita.
I want you, or return the
life I lived 10 years ago.
I don't know about myself, but
the clock cannot be turned back.
For you, me or anybody else.
A mirror once broken,
cannot be joined back.
It has to be changed.
I sing songs
I hum away
I had made a
promise to laugh always
That is why I am always smiling
These moments of
love are so precious
My words are
softer than flowers
I shower everyone
with these soft flowers
I am always smiling
Who knew there would
be so much happiness
My heart is blooming with joy
My heart is clean
I am always smiling
You are joking
once again, Kumar Bahadur.
it is good to be humble...
...but not
beyond a certain limit.
She is my mother. Very
different from the Rai family.
I had molded myself
to my mother's ideals.
But since the last 7-8 years,
I began to behave... the blood thirsty Rais'.
Look, you'll see signs of
killing all around.
Before leaving for Germany,
even I liked to hunt.
I have a gun too.
Will you take me along?
But I have promised to quit
both, liquor, and hunting.
I will once again follow
my mother's ideals.
Thus, I will begin life afresh.
Will you help me?
Sure, I will.
Tell me what I have to do.
You take care of Sumita.
So that your laughter,
your music...
...breaths fresh life into
this lifeless Rai mansion.
Help me.
I didn't know
you were so emotional.
You didn't answer me.
If that is what pleases you,
I promise you.
Thank you.
- Shekhar is a talented boy.
- Yes, very talented.
He is not only an engineer,
he even sculpts, paints, sings.
- He's even handsome.
- Yes, he looks good.
Shekhar and Sumita's pair...
What do you mean?
Have you given a thought to the
fact that they grew up together.
They could have been in
love with each other.
Even their marriage
could have been a possibility.
What is this?
You are leaving your meal...
Sumita, is it true...
...that there were talks of
your marriage with Shekhar?
My mother and his aunt wanted it.
And you?
You didn't answer me.
What did you want?
Parent's wishes are important
in such matters.
Oh. So it can be said...
...that you
didn't desire to marry me.
No, I didn't say that.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Sit down.
Please be seated.
Tell me, what can I do for you?
I came here...
I mean, Kumar Bahadur...
But he suddenly left
for hunting yesterday.
Left for hunting?
Then why today...
- You are Shekhar?
- Yes.
- Haricharan.
- Yes, madam.
Escort him to Sumita's soon.
Why? Are you afraid to enter the
mansion in the master's absence?
But Kumar Bahadur
has told me...
...that whenever you come... should be
escorted to Sumita's room.
- You...
- I am Madhuri.
The rest,
you will know later.
Haricharan, ask Myna to
take him to Sumita.
- Come, sir.
- Go.
Tell me, who is this Madhuri?
I don't know,
but everyone calls her madam.
Even the house keys are with her.
Nothing happens in this
mansion without her consent.
Even Kumar Bahadur
does everything she says.
Haven't you ever
questioned Kumar Bahadur?
No. It is forbidden to
know too much in this house.
Kumar Gyanshanker is truly
a strange man.
- Shekhar and Sumita's pair...
- What do you mean?
Have you given a thought to the
fact that they grew up together.
They could have been in
love with each other.
Even their marriage
could have been a possibility.
Sumita, is it true...
...that there were talks of
your marriage with Shekhar?
My mother and his aunt wanted it.
And you?
Parent's wishes are important
in such matters.
O heart, sing in tune
Don't sing
any note out of tune
Life is a union of
sorrow and happiness
Like high notes with low
Merge the two
O heart, sing in tune
- Master!
- Master!
Master, the
lioness has been located...
...near the pond
at the foot of the mountain.
Your friend
is very unfair to you.
- My friend?
- Your pupil is your friend.
You return so late
from office.
Then you come here...
...and she doesn't even
ask if you'll have something.
I have heard no one does
anything here without your orders.
You've heard that?
Then it's my mistake.
Sit down.
Please sit down.
Please eat... Eat.
Will you teach me to sing?
Can you sing?
If you teach me,
I'll surely learn.
Then I'll surely teach you.
Thank you.
You two make a lovely pair.
You told me something?
I was thinking that no one
can still be so happy...
...after giving something that
belongs to him to someone else.
I don't understand.
My misfortune.
You didn't eat anything.
I had enough.
Good day.
Kumar Bahadur has come. Get the
ground almond for the sherbet.
Ask Shivnandan to even get
hot water for his bath here.
And get his smoking pipe too.
- Chhotu.
- Coming, madam.
- Are you alright?
- Yes.
- How are you?
- I am fine.
But you look pale.
I could not sleep all night
because of a headache.
I'm fine today.
But you look very tired.
Yes, really.
Sumi, since that first day, I've
not been able to hear you sing.
Will you sing for me some day?
Whenever you like.
You know to cook, right?
Some day...
Why some day?
Shall I cook today?
You'll cook today?
remove Kumar Bahadur's shoes.
Keep this on the bed,
he will wear them after his bath.
The water is ready for your bath.
I'll get sherbet for you.
- Shyama.
- Coming, madam.
Alright then, we'll cook,
mutton pulav, fish...
...pulses, prawns,
chutney, and sweetened milk.
And yes, I will cook all this.
- What! Alright.
- Ask Shibu to grind the spices.
- Do we have all the spices?
- Yes.
Keep all this ready,
I'm coming.
- Madam...
- Did you grind almonds?
I did grind them, but Sumita
madam called them to her room.
I have asked
Shibu to grind some more.
Bring them quickly.
I'll check if
Kumar Bahadur finished bathing.
- Madam, ground almonds.
- Take it back, Shyama.
And ask Mishraji
to cook the meal.
Here, drink sherbet.
Sumita is making
almond sherbet for me.
But you always had sherbet
made by me.
I didn't have Sumita then.
I know. You brought me
from Rainager to Barrackpur.
And you have coronated
her on the throne of Rainager.
Sumita is the daughter-in-law
of this royal family.
That is where she won.
But I am not ready to
give up my right.
Madhuri, why are you bent
on breaking up Sumita's home?
I am not so magnanimous to break
my own home to make someone else's
The day I killed this lioness...
That same day,
you saved me from bandits.
And brought me here.
And so that I don't forget this,
you kept this skin here.
To remind me that even I can meet
the same fate as this lioness.
Madhuri, release me.
Let me go.
Why don't you let Sumita go?
Shekhar is waiting for it.
Madam, you are crying?
I am defeated.
I lost everything.
I am really defeated.
I am defeated, Shekhar.
I cannot take it any more.
Come on, Sumi.
Don't talk like that.
Have patience. Be brave.
Everything will be alright.
No, nothing can be alright now.
Now, there will only be ruin.
Do you know, I have seen a streak
of rage in Kumar Bahadur's eyes.
I had seen it earlier too.
I even fear for Sumita now.
What have I done out of jealousy!
Before leaving from here, I will
have to atone for my mistake.
Yes, I will have to atone.
Manu, is Shekhar upstairs?
Yes, madam.
- Then will you do me a favour?
- Sure, madam. Tell me.
Madam, Kumar Bahadur is back.
- Remember everything I told you?
- Yes.
And listen,
switch off the hall lights.
Don't cry Sumi,
everything happens for good.
For good?
How can I assume that?
Don't cry Sumi,
I am with you.
Look Sumi, everyone doesn't
get happiness in life.
And those who don't, have to win
it with sacrifice and penance.
Have patience. Be brave.
I am always with you.
Don't worry,
everything will be alright.
How long can I spend my
nights staying up crying?
You have
forgotten what I told you.
Remember, Kumar Bahadur
is a helpless man.
He needs support.
He is your husband.
Only you can give
him love and caring.
Mother, give me courage.
Give me courage to bear this.
Tell me mother,
how do I keep him happy?
- Sir!
- What happened?
Madam has suddenly taken ill.
Kumar Bahadur is not home.
If you could please
come and look her up.
Come... but how come
the lights went off suddenly?
Maybe some
problem with the supply.
You go to her room,
I'll inform the office.
It's me.
So this is your illness?
I truly am very sick.
Why have you
called me here like this?
If I hadn't called you like this,
would you have come at all?
- Madam Madhuri!
- Just call me Madhuri.
Just touch and
see how hot my body it.
You left in a huff that day. You
will have to stay with me today.
What's wrong with you?
Leave me!
No, I won't leave you.
You should feel
ashamed of yourself!
You will have to leave.
I know that.
Because the respect I gave you,
you misused it.
Respect? Whose respect?
Kumar Bahadur's
mistress is not respected.
Don't talk like that.
Such temper on hearing the truth?
Listen Madhuri,
leave this house in a day or two.
You are not worthy of my love.
You never loved me.
You only love yourself.
You only wanted to fulfil your
desire to have a doll.
I wanted to keep you as the
lady of the house. But...
Who asked you
for this vain honour?
Did you give me
the status of a wife?
No. Because you
have bought me with money.
You wanted to make me
like you wanted me to be.
But you had no patience.
Like your other trophies, even I
was left in a corner of the house.
Did you look at me lovingly
even once in the last 10 years?
Did you notice how much
worthy I made myself of you?
You talk of love?
You don't know to love.
You don't understand a woman's
feelings. You never can.
What you did with
Shekhar today...
...after that, don't you
feel ashamed to say all this?
No! And there is no point
in telling you why I did that.
You won't understand.
You have gone mad with rage.
- Mad? I am mad?
- Yes, you are mad!
Madhuri, you leave right now!
- Where? On the street?
- Wherever, but leave this place.
If you need money,
take it from the cashier.
I cannot tell you my new address,
I'll inform you later.
I don't need
to know your address.
But when your game with
the new doll is over...
...when you throw Sumita out,
she will need my address.
Because you have bought
Sumita too. You don't love her.
Great, Chhotu!
You really are brave.
- But atleast hold the gun right.
- What?
- Is Kumar Bahadur home?
- He's gone out with Sumita madam.
- Where did they go suddenly?
- I don't know.
But he said they are going
on a tour around the country.
- When did they go?
- Two days ago.
A day before they left,
even Madhuri madam left.
Madhuri madam left?
Yes, first she left,
then Kumar Bahadur and madam.
- Here's your reward.
- Reward?
Keep it.
You've given me very good news.
This tomb of Chisti.
Any wish you ask for
is fulfilled here.
That is what the people believe.
Emperor Akbar had asked
for a son from him...
...who could be the
heir to the Mughul throne.
I know. And that son was Salim,
who became the Emperor.
Look, so many people
have tied...
...the thread for their
wish fulfillment since then.
- Even I will tie a thread.
- Okay.
What will you wish for?
Why don't you tell me?
What wish are you making
that you cannot tell me?
Dear Shekhar, I took Sumita
and left on a tour suddenly.
We visited quite a few places.
We are in Agra since 2-3 days.
We are planning to stay here
for a few more days.
You also come here. It's the
full moon night in a few days.
Come before that.
Even Sumita will be happy.
Do come.
Bring along your gun.
Don't forget.
You had once said you haven't
used your gun since many days.
We can take care
of that complain too.
Get up,
it's going to be evening now.
- Come on.
- Will I have to come?
- But where?
- You are strange, Kumar Bahadur.
You said we will
go out in the evening.
Now you don't even want
to step out of the hotel.
Shekhar, I have
visited Agra 13 times.
That's bad.
Unlucky 13!
Sumita has come.
Look Sumita, you two go.
Why delay? You must not
waste the time that is left.
- Won't you come along?
- That is what I am telling him.
- But he refuses to listen.
- But why?
I am not feeling well.
Then we won't go today.
You are not feeling well.
We'll go tomorrow.
No, Shekhar is our guest.
We have called him from so far.
He has taken pains to come here.
We should not disappoint him.
- What are you thinking?
- He is not feeling well.
I am not
enjoying this outing.
You are right,
even I'm not enjoying it.
Sumi, how badly we
misunderstand people.
Now look, it is not at all
difficult to understand Kumar.
So simple,
so open minded.
He is a little whimsical, but...
God! Started
giving your lecture again?
I am not lecturing,
I am telling the truth.
The more I'm getting to know him,
the more I like him.
No one can give me so
much love and understanding.
Alright, now let's go.
A crowd of people
come here to see this.
But no one thinks, that when
everyone has to die one day...
...then why do we have feelings
of enmity, jealousy, killing?
My legs will
tire walking with you.
Sumi, sitting here,
Emperor Shahjahan...
...used to watch his
monument of love, the Taj Mahal.
I really feel
sad for Shahjahan.
Shekhar, remember Tagore's
poem 'Shahjahan'...
...which you had translated.
Recite it for me.
I have heard it several
times from you before.
But I never have enough of it.
Playing 'Patience'?
To check how
much patience I have.
What did you find?
I forget the Queen and the Jack
among the other numbers.
I do notice the Jack sometimes,
but I cannot find the Queen.
The poor King is left alone.
Anyway, forget that.
Tell me, how did you enjoy
the Taj Mahal by moonlight?
It was beautiful.
A companion you like,
moonlit night, mysterious Taj.
- What do you mean?
- I mean, Sumita.
She understands the
Taj Mahal's beauty.
Please sit down.
Shekhar, even I am
not a bad companion.
On the 17th, the full moon night,
when you come to see...
...Fatehpur Sikri with me,
you will know.
I have heard of seeing the
Taj on the full moon night.
Everyone has seen the Taj,
but one who has not seen...
...Fatehpur Sikri on full
moon night, has not seen Agra.
- What are you saying?
- I'm telling the truth.
But there is something.
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Not at all. But what connection do
ghosts have with Fatehpur Sikri?
They do. That is why
I asked you to get your gun.
You are joking. And anyway,
even if I believe you...
...what can we do?
Ghosts don't have a body.
Nothing will happen to the ghost,
but it will give us courage.
Come, Sumi. Shekhar wants to
see Fatehpur Sikri with us...
...on full moon night.
- I told him...
- There are ghosts there.
- But I don't believe him.
- You don't?
Sumi, shall I tell him
Negro Suleiman's story...
...which I'd told you?
Why are you
unnecessarily scaring him?
- I'm not scared.
- Shekhar, don't blame me later.
Sumi, you are witness.
Neither will I blame you,
nor do I need her evidence.
- Let's go.
- Now?
- Right now.
- We need to prepare ourselves.
- Prepare for what?
- Have patience, Shekhar.
Patience pays.
- Sumita, even you will come?
- At night, in this cold weather?
I have seen it by day.
Did you finish
taking his measurements?
I asked, did you finish
taking his measurement?
These clothes must reach
the hotel by the 15th.
These clothes must reach
the hotel by the 15th.
Good day.
This shoes is okay,
send it to the hotel.
Tailor's shop,
a traditional footwear.
What is all this about?
We are going to Fatehpur Sikri
on the night of 17th, right?
Yes, but what is all this for?
Without the Mughul attire,
and Mughul spirit... will not see
Fatehpur Sikri's true shades.
Are you alright?
Shekhar, if we stand on that
...we will be able to hear
the clang of swords...
...the tinkle of anklets,
romantic words...
...and tales of conspiracy.
They are all
hidden in these stones.
On a full moon night,
they all come out.
They talk, sing, laugh.
And sharpen swords on the stone.
Look, that's the Minar.
Two elephants are fighting with
full force to kill each other.
Do you hear
the elephants grunting?
Yes. Give me some more wine.
Shekhar, this is Emperor Akbar's
Hindu wife, Jodhabai's palace.
That's his Christian wife,
Mariam's palace.
When the Quran was read
in the Masjid...
...Hindu mantras
were read in Jodhabai's palace.
And the Bible chants were
heard from Mariam's palace.
Emperor Akbar used to sit
here and hear Tansen's music...
Can you hear the heartbeats
of Fatehpur Sikri?
Do you feel the mystery
of the full moon night?
Yes, I'm seeing it, I hear it.
I see everything before my eyes.
Give me more wine.
Shekhar, you stay here,
I'll just be back.
I'll keep this here.
- You won't get scared, will you?
- Ofcourse not.
- Why...
- Who is it?
This is not loaded.
Give it to me. Let's go.
In that room, as per
Emperor Akbar's wishes...
...the great poet Faizi,
translated the Mahabharat... Urdu.
And narrated the eternal
love story of Nal Damyanti.
- Can you hear it, Shekhar?
- Yes, Kumar Bahadur.
I see everything clearly.
Look, Emperor Akbar and the
Queen is sitting on the throne.
And the most beautiful
woman of the Harem...
...salutes, and begins to sing.
The flattering steps
start moving again
I give you peace
and become restless myself
Look! That beautiful
dancer's name is Khurshid.
She will come to Gulbag
after she finishes her dance.
Do you know why? Her two
lovers are desperate for her.
One hand is waiting,
...and on the other,
is Umrao Sallauddin.
Blinded by jealousy...
...Mubarrak had imprisoned
Sallauddin slave, Negro Suleiman.
Because Suleiman has
forcibly taken Kurshid...
...and put her
in Sallauddin lap.
Mubarrak tied up
Suleiman in chains.
And then skinned him with
his sword and killed him.
And then, one day,
carrying a gun in hand...
...Mubarrak hid himself
behind that pillar.
Kurshid was coming
to meet Sallauddin.
Seeing her, Mubarrak fired a
shot. Kurshid fell dead.
While dying,
Kurshid said...
'Dear Mubarrak, there was
poison mixed in the wine'
'And that goblet
was for Sallauddin'
'And there was
love in my heart for you'
Hearing this,
Mubarrak shuddered.
In that crazy moment,
he shot himself too.
Do you know, Kurshid,
Suleiman, Mubarrak's souls...
Negro Suleiman is coming.
Negro Suleiman is coming.
Negro Suleiman is coming!
Shekhar, don't be afraid,
he ran away.
Kurshid is coming.
Desire! Wish!
Sumi, in this attire?
Over here?
Why Sumi, why?!
- To scare you.
- Scare me?
- And that Suleiman, the gunshot?
- It was all an act.
And the bullet
that hit me was real.
Shekhar, call him here.
Call him, please!
Call him, Shekhar.
Blinded by jealousy, what a
disastrous thing you have done.
What have you done!
Listen... listen.
I love only my husband.
You had asked me that day...
...what I wished
for at Chisti's tomb?
I wished to be a mother.
You wanted to be a mother?
Believe me, that is what
I wished for that day.
I wished to sire your children.
Sumi, why didn't you
tell me this before?
It's too late now.
What have I done?
What will I do now?
What will I do now?
What will I do now?
- What are you doing!
- Leave me, Shekhar.
What kind of madness is this?
- Let me atone for my sin.
- No, Kumar.
Sumita is calling me.
She is waiting for me.
There is only
one bullet in this.
I won't let you do this.
- Leave me.
- No!
I killed you too!
Shekhar, I killed you too!
Sumi, I killed Shekhar too.
Sumi, listen.
Are you listening?
I killed Shekhar
and even you.
You are laughing Sonmai?
Because your curse has come true?
Laugh... laugh... laugh!
Queen Sonmai,
your curse has come true.
Curse more!
Yes, I committed the murders.
I killed Shekhar.
I killed Sumita.
Because Sumita loved Shekhar.
Kumar turned mad?
God, what have you done!
Sumita and Shekhar's
souls wander here even today.
Every full moon night in the
month of 'Maghi', at sharp 12...
Sumita is coming.
It is very late.
Go home now.
- You!
- I am alive.
Every year, on the full
moon night of 'Maghi'...
...I have to enact
Sumita's role.
Or I cannot take him home.
Good bye.
Let's go now.
- But the blood?
- It is washed clean now.
Is it washed clean?
Yes, it's clean.
It's clean.