Lamborghini: The Man Behind the Legend (2022) Movie Script

[dramatic music playing]
[engine rumbling]
[engines revving]
[upbeat Italian music playing]
It's good to be home.
She's probably not there.
She's there.
Don't you want to go home first?
Suppose she's found
someone else.
She hasn't.
Okay. [chuckles]
Hope you're right.
I am right.
[light music playing]
[people chattering]
This one is good.
- Ferruccio! Ferruccio!
- Ferruccio!
- Yes!
- Ferruccio! Ferruccio!
Stop hugging me!
I'm home. I'm not dead!
But you're in one piece
and we prayed for that.
[upbeat music playing]
[all laughing]
It's good. Isn't it?
- Fantastic.
- Oh!
Don't touch it.
Okay, miss.
- Okay.
- [laughing]
The world has changed.
Farming isn't
everything anymore.
Not in Cento.
Not even Italy.
We find a place in the city.
A little apartment.
And a garage.
What about the farm?
I don't want it, Papa.
Give it to them.
They've worked for it.
I have an idea
to start a company.
To build tractors.
Smaller, cheaper tractors
than the ones
that are being made now.
You're a farmer.
You think I was a farmer
in the war, Papa?
I was a mechanic.
I learned about machines,
about cars and engines.
Did I raise a fool?
The only company
that sells tractors in Cento
is Cugini Randi.
Everyone knows that.
But they don't have
the best tractors.
They have the only tractors.
If I make a better tractor,
for less money,
people will buy mine.
We have a plan, Papa.
We're going to race
in the Terra dei Motori.
And if we win, when we win,
we'll use the prestige
to raise the money
for the first tractor.
- Who is we?
- Matteo and me.
- Who's Matteo?
- My friend.
- You have a race car?
- We're going to make one.
You can make a car?
We're buying
an old Topolino for nothing.
We're redesigning the engine,
increasing the displacement.
Turning the 500cc into a 650cc.
I have also an idea
for a new cylinder head,
with overhead valves.
I can make it with bronze.
Cheap, easy.
It'll be as fast or faster
than any car in the race, Papa.
I can do this.
I can make the lives
of every farmer like you better.
With a tractor, you can compete
with the big companies.
How do you know
your tractor will work?
We'll make it work.
How do you know it'll be cheap?
We'll make it cheap.
Papa, even the government
knows the world has changed.
It's helping new companies
with loans to rebuild Italy.
And if nobody
buys your tractors?
"A man who's not in debt
has no reason to work."
How many times
have you told me that?
It's not impossible
what I'm talking about.
The sun rises
and the sun sets for most men,
and they die.
But for some, for great men,
their name lives on.
I want the Lamborghini name
to live on.
I want the world
to never forget my name.
Our name.
Our name?
This one is not good,
You'll throw your life away.
But what better way to do it
than in search of greatness.
Why can't you believe in me?
I believe in what I can see.
Every morning, every evening
ain't we got fun?
Not much money
oh, but honey
Ain't we got fun?
The rent's unpaid, dear
- And we haven't a buck
- [horn honks]
But smiles were made, dear
for people like us
In the winter, in the summer
ain't we got fun?
Not much money
oh, but honey
Ain't we got fun?
The rent's unpaid, dear
and we haven't a buck
But smiles were made, dear
for people like us
In the winter, in the summer
don't we have fun?
Times are bum
and getting bummer
still we have fun
There's nothing surer
The rich get rich
and the poor get poorer
In the meantime
in between time
Ain't we got fun?
Every morning, every evening
ain't we got fun?
Not much money
oh, but honey...
Nine, eight, seven, six...
- Ferruccio!
- ...five, four, three,
two, one.
- Happy New Year!
- [both] Happy New Year.
["Auld Lang Syne" playing]
I want to love you forever...
until time stands still.
Can I do that?
Only forever. No longer.
Should auld acquaintance
be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance
be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to
the Terra dei Motori.
The great Enzo Ferrari
will be delivering
the first-place prize
to the winner
of the Terra dei Motori
Mr. Ferrari has parted ways
with Alfa Romeo
and will bring his own car
to Mille Miglia next year:
The Ferrari 166 S.
Thank you. I'm so proud
of this beautiful car,
- it's like a dream come true.
- What are you doing?
Ferrari. He stands
like he owns the world.
To see my cavallino
with my name on my own car,
it's beautiful.
- He does.
- [Enzo] Thank you.
And the race is about to begin.
Ferruccio, come on!
[engine revs]
Signor Ferrari
will drop the flag.
- [Enzo] One...
- Okay.
[Enzo] ...two... three!
[engine revving]
[crowd cheering]
[tense music playing]
[Ferruccio] We need more speed!
[tires screeching]
Go! Go! Go!
[crowd yelling]
Go... go. Go!
After the church,
there are two lanes.
We can overtake them there.
[crowd yelling]
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
[engine revving]
Number two is trying to pass!
- Don't let them pass!
- Just shut up, Ferruccio!
Don't let them pass!
Get ahead of him!
Get ahead of him!
[dramatic music playing]
Get ahead of him!
Get ahead of him!
It's not wide enough!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
- Take the lane, Matteo!
- There's no room!
Take the lane before the turn!
- We don't have the speed!
- We can beat them!
- We will never make it!
- For God's sake!
- What are you doing?
- [yells]
- Are you crazy?
- [tires screeching]
[engine revving]
[thunder rumbles]
- I don't want anything.
- Yes, you do.
Ferruccio, breakfast.
We could've won.
We could've won!
- We could've died.
- You should have died!
What is it, huh?
What's wrong?
We lost the race.
Everything we worked for,
it's over.
It's not that.
What are you afraid of?
There's something
wrong with your ears?
Yesterday they were fine.
What are you afraid of?
Nothing. All my fears
already came true.
Say it.
Say it.
I'm afraid
that I'm not good enough.
That I-I did not win the race
not because of Matteo,
but because I did
something wrong,
and I don't know what it was.
That's what scares me the most.
And I don't know
what to do next.
What if I'm a fake?
What if I'm not
who I think I am?
What happens then?
You're not a fake.
I believe in you.
I believe in every dream
you've ever had.
And every one of them
will come true.
You just haven't found
a way yet.
What about
your rowing machine idea?
That was a good one.
Nobody needs to lose weight.
All the women got skinny
during the war.
I might need one in...
I don't know,
eight, nine months.
I said I might need
a weight loss machine
in about nine months.
I heard you. I was thinking.
She's having a baby,
you fool!
- Really?
- No, I'm joking.
Because it's such a good time
to do that.
It's going to be alright.
You'll be a great father.
I think we should
call him Matteo.
[thunder rumbles]
[phone ringing]
Ciao, Papa.
You're okay?
I'm okay.
Yes, everything's fine.
You want me to help?
You need money?
I'll pay it back.
I don't have much.
But I'll give you what I have.
It's not enough, Papa.
I have an idea.
It will be hard.
But it will work.
This time I know it will work.
I promise.
If you do this,
I'll pay it back with interest.
He mortgaged the farm?
You asked him to do this?
He's my father.
He's a husband to your mother
and a father to your brothers.
I'll pay it back.
That's not the point.
It is not his to give you.
It is your brothers'.
It is their farm.
They worked for it.
Their whole lives
they worked for it.
You said it yourself.
They deserve it.
You don't believe in me?
I believe in you, Ferruccio.
I believe in you more than
you believe in yourself.
But we will find another way.
This is selfish.
You will not put the future
of your family in danger.
They have their own dreams.
I would never let them
lose their farm.
Things go wrong.
No matter your intentions,
things go wrong.
Don't do this, Ferruccio!
No good will come of it,
I can feel it.
He only gave it to you
because you asked him.
He gave it to me
because he believes in me.
No. Because he pities you.
Give it back.
He won't take it back.
I know him.
Then you go to
the bank yourself,
and deposit it in his account.
[door opens, closes]
[door closes]
I'll take the next customer.
[phone ringing]
Ferruccio! It's Vito.
Vito Rossi!
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
- How've you been?
- Good.
How's your father?
Your brothers?
Very good.
Everybody's good.
Excellent. Have a seat.
So, what can I do for you?
I'd like to open an account.
Of course.
In your name, I assume.
Ferruccio in what name
would you like the account.
My name... Ferruccio.
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
- Great.
- [phone continues ringing]
Can I smoke a cigarette?
Of course.
- Take that... [mutters]
- Okay.
[jazzy music playing]
[chattering indistinct]
[jazzy music continues on radio]
[humming to music]
That's what we call it.
- Hm.
- Small enough for a farmer
to use anywhere,
and strong enough
for any company to want.
With this kind of power,
it will take a lot of gasoline.
We start with the Morris
four-cylinder 1548 cc.
Yeah, of course.
What we talked about.
Here's what
we didn't talk about.
- Two fuel tanks?
- Yes.
Oh, fuck.
- we start on gasoline.
- Mm-hm.
But when the exhaust manifold
warms enough,
we can cut off the gasoline
and release petroleum
from this tank.
Maybe. The coil
would have to be hot enough
to vaporize the petroleum
before it gets into
the carburetor.
That's why
it'll be a copper coil.
So, two types of fuel.
One cheap, one expensive.
And a copper coil.
I don't know.
Can it work?
Of course it can work.
- How do you know?
- We make it work.
- A hybrid?
- Mm-hm.
That-that's exciting.
A hybrid for our Carioca.
- Carioca.
- Carioca.
Ah, fuck!
This one.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
So, it's for sale?
Make a bid.
[upbeat music playing]
Keep going.
Is that it?
[bus horn honks]
[Italian music playing]
Here she comes again.
- Different color
head band today?
- Yes.
Good morning.
[Ferruccio] Morning.
Oh, she's beautiful.
She smiled at you.
She said good morning to you.
Go say hello.
Why should I?
Because you like her?
Maybe she doesn't like me.
You'll never know
if you don't talk to her.
It's not that hard.
You go over, you let your
mouth move and it says, "Hello."
Where are you going?!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Ferruccio.
- Annita. Nice to meet you.
Okay. [laughing]
Annita, say hello
to my friend, Matteo.
- Hi.
- Hi.
What he meant to say is,
"Why don't you sit down
and join us?"
Oh, I can't,
I will be late for school.
What-what do you study?
- Economics.
- Oh.
And Matteo's the greatest
race car driver
that the world has ever known.
He knows more about engines
than anyone else.
- Really?
- No.
Thanks for the pastry.
She likes you.
Because I talked to her.
If you are as good with tractors
as you are with women,
oh, we are going to be
very rich.
I only need one woman.
Yeah. Me too.
Don't give up.
We only lose when we give up.
Alright, alright.
[both laughing]
I love you.
More than anything, I love you.
I know.
- Okay, hold it. Okay.
- Okay.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Wave, stupid.
Look. Look here. Look.
- [laughing]
- [Clelia] Really?
[Ferruccio] Stop, stop, stop.
- Yes, yes.
- No, no, no.
No, no, no! [yelping]
- [laughing]
- My God--
He's close, isn't he?
[Clelia] Yes. Tomorrow.
Don't come home late.
Promise me.
I promise.
[spray can hissing]
Gianni, I can't be late. Gianni.
[line trilling]
[phone ringing]
[woman on phone] Hello?
[people chattering]
She was bleeding,
I called the hospital.
They took her.
[man yells]
- Push, Clelia. Push, Clelia.
- [grunts]
- Okay.
- The baby's coming.
- He's coming.
- Again.
[nurse] It's coming.
It's coming. Breathe.
- Push, Clelia.
- [Clelia grunts]
Good. Breathe and push.
- Push.
- [grunts]
She's getting the paper!
She's bleeding!
Ferruccio! Ferruccio!
[dramatic music playing]
Can I help you?
My wife is here!
[baby crying]
How is Clelia?
The baby is fine.
It's a beautiful boy.
Where is my wife?
There was a problem.
We weren't able
to stop the bleeding.
[engine revving]
[tool clatters]
[indistinct chatter]
[baby crying]
We need to set a date
for the baby, for the baptism.
You need to think about
other things now.
[Ferruccio] Of course.
May the seeds of the fruit
be planted with goodwill.
And the harvest will be rich.
- [Vito] Ferruccio.
- Vito.
So sorry about your wife.
I have a proposition for you.
If I built a tractor
half that size
but twice as strong,
and half the cost to operate,
would your bank invest
in a thousand of them?
Have you built such a tractor?
[jazzy music playing]
To the future
of the Lamborghini tractor.
- We did it.
- We did it.
[glasses clink]
She should be here with us.
- To Clelia.
- To Clelia.
Look who's here.
I'm crazy about her, Ferruccio.
I see her face
when I close my eyes to sleep,
and it's there
when I open them to wake.
You're in love.
[soft chuckle] I'm in love.
Go get her.
Tomorrow it may be too late.
I have to go.
Go? Where are you going?
I'm sorry.
- Talk to her.
- Yeah.
[door opens]
[crickets chirping]
Did my friend talk to you?
He did.
He doesn't catch my eye.
You do.
But you know that.
Give him a chance.
Why should I do that?
Because he deserves one.
So do I.
My wife died.
I know. What was her name?
She was beautiful.
She was everything.
Don't sit.
If you do, I will let you.
Here's what will happen:
I'll only take
what you have to give me
because I need it.
And some day
you will hate me for it.
I won't. Never.
[door opens]
You just want more.
You always want more.
You want me to say I'm sorry?
I'm sorry.
Where is your shame, Ferruccio?
I wanted to say it's Clelia,
that her death has changed you,
but in my heart
I know that is not true.
This is who you are.
Who you've always been.
Tonino needs a mother.
So, yes,
I took her because I could.
Think about what I just said
Matteo, because I could.
If I didn't take her,
someone else would have.
I'm sorry, but she was never
going to be yours.
How can I hurt my friend
by taking something
that he never had?
Don't let this change things,
I need you.
I've always needed you.
Clelia knew that.
Clelia was the smart one.
She said nothing good
could come of this,
and look what happened.
I want 25 percent
of the company.
The rest is yours.
[jazzy music playing]
Tre mignon.
Due cornetti.
One Sacher torte,
in its own box.
Thank you.
[jazzy music continues]
Ciao Bella.
- Is Annita in the office?
- She is.
- Red or blue?
- Red.
- Not blue?
- Definitely red.
Definitely red.
Who screwed up?
It wasn't us.
[Annita] Ferruccio!
Go see what she wants.
Not me.
You're a coward.
[speaking Italian]
You look beautiful this morning.
I'm sorry I had to leave early.
Did I mention you
look beautiful this morning?
Every time you buy pastries
it costs us money.
Well, take it from my salary.
You forget, I own the company.
Is that so?
Mrs. Giambini called.
Who's-who's Giambini?
She isn't happy
with her tractor?
No, she is unhappy with Tonino.
She's his teacher.
Tesoro, you have to spend
more time with him.
I give him everything.
Yes, you give him money,
clothes, cars.
But of yourself?
That's what he really wants.
You know he is as smart
as you are, but he's failing.
I'll talk to him.
My friend Diego
has a new exhibit.
- I hate your friend Diego.
- [chuckles]
We should go, bring Tonino.
Spend some time together
as a family.
Goddamn clutch!
Tonino, it never works.
What do you think?
About what?
The boat.
It's a present for you.
Because I failed
all my subjects?
- Yes.
- What happens next?
We get in the boat,
you take me out to sea,
and throw me overboard?
Come. Sit.
Tonino, life is short.
When one is young,
when one is beautiful,
like yourself,
there are more important
things than grades.
Like my mother?
Like her.
You still miss her, don't you?
Because she was beautiful,
like you.
Is that why you
miss her so much?
I miss her so much
because she was the kindest
and the smartest person
I ever met.
She understood
better than anyone
the difference between
right and wrong.
And for a lot of people
that's not so easy.
She always did the right thing.
She made it look easy.
Annita's pretty great, too.
She is.
If your grades don't improve,
I'll buy you a Ferrari.
[upbeat music playing]
Good day, mate.
I'm looking for a job.
Any inkling
on who I might see?
Everyone's gone home.
Come back tomorrow.
That's a pretty flash motor
you're working on there!
- Australian?
- Nah, Kiwi.
- What do you do?
- Anything needed for a car.
I came here to turn a wrench.
I love the Italian motors, mate.
Yeah, called in on Maserati,
Fiat, Ferrari,
they all told me to piss off.
What are we working on?
Bad clutch.
Whoever's been driving that car
needs a lesson or three.
It's not the driver.
It's the clutch.
Would that be
a matter of opinion?
I want to modify
the tractor clutch,
to use in the Ferrari.
In your opinion,
what do I have to do?
The disc and the plates
are pretty much the same.
More than enough space
to mount it.
I'd say you don't have to do
a bloody thing,
you just put
the new clutch in.
- I agree.
- I'll give a hand.
What's your name?
Bob Wallace. Yours?
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
You have a-a car?
You a good driver?
Yeah, I'm the best
in New Zealand.
Oh. What about Italy?
If that was a job offer,
I'll take it.
I think everything
that they said is good to do.
It's good.
Can you tell him?
Give him my very best.
Signor Ferrari.
Just a moment.
Good night.
Forgive me,
if I could have a moment.
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
How do you do, sir?
What can I do for you?
If I may, in my opinion,
- you make the best cars
in the world.
- Oh.
I have seven of them.
One for every day of the week.
Well, there should be
more days in the week.
More buyers like yourself.
Nice to meet you.
I have a 250 GT Coup,
a Pininfarina.
I have a 250 GT Bayoneta.
- It's a great car.
I like it very much.
- Mm-hm.
I even bought a 250GT 2+2.
All great.
But with all my Ferraris,
there is a problem.
The clutch.
They're all bad.
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
You know who I am?
Oh, yes.
You make tractors.
And air conditioning
and heating.
I've got a dinner appointment.
Forgive me, but your clutch
does not live up to your car.
I come as a friend.
I'm sure you know this,
I'm not the first
to point it out.
I have a solution.
If you'd consider a partnership.
Ferrari and Lamborghini.
We'll make the best cars
in the world.
Go back to your tractors,
You're stealing from people.
You're charging ten times
what it costs me
to put a better clutch
in my tractors.
You know what they say
about Lamborghini?
That he's too uneducated
to understand
what he doesn't know.
So, not to state the obvious,
but he's a prick
of the first order.
Isn't he?
I don't like the way
the man talks,
don't like the way he dresses,
don't like his smile,
or lack thereof.
You already have the job.
It doesn't change the truth
of what is.
[engine revving]
[man] The Miura is the fiercest
and most cunning of all bulls.
But this matador
is the champion.
Life and death, Tonino.
This is what bullfighting
is all about.
Some people turn away,
others watch and learn.
I want the bull to win.
Me too.
But it doesn't happen often.
Tonino, look at the faces
of the people.
The matador kills the beast,
or the beast kills the matador.
That moment will live forever
in the hearts of the people
Why doesn't he run away?
Because he is a champion.
It's fascinating, isn't it?
The bull is everything.
So unforgettable.
[Annita] What are you thinking?
I'm thinking of a car.
A car that doesn't exist yet.
One that is as
strong and powerful
and as unforgettable
as the bull.
I'm going to build it.
A car?
Coffee, gentlemen?
[man] Hi. Yes, please.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
I come get you later.
Perfect. Have a good day.
So, this is my idea.
How long will it take?
How long? It can't be done.
How long do you
think it will take?
As much as I hate to agree
with Mr. Bizzarrini,
I think he's right.
This? This can't be done.
You agree?
I actually love
what you're asking.
It's new and I'll design it.
But engineering
is their department,
if they think it's impossible,
who am I to argue?
What I can say,
I can't design a car
if I don't know
the specifications,
and it's something
that needs to be decided.
It is decided. It's right here.
This is the car to make
the world forget about Ferrari.
Ferruccio, please.
A V12 touring car
double camshaft,
dry sump lubrication,
five speed transmission.
A limited slip differential,
two ignition coils
instead of one?
Six twin-choke carburetors.
It's impossible to fit all
of this in a 3.5 liter engine.
No, it must be a 3.5,
four liter is too heavy.
We need the power
but we need the speed, too.
The Lamborghini 350 GT has to be
as fast as a racing car.
The man wants to defy
the laws of physics.
Are you listening?
Either you're a carmaker
or you are a dreamer, Ferruccio.
Please, we all have
families here.
We all quit our job
to come work for you.
We all believe in you,
we all believe in your ideas
What if instead of cast-iron
we make an aluminum engine?
I know you are
the new genius in town,
but people have been
trying this for years.
Aluminum can't
withstand the heat.
What if we keep
certain parts cast-iron?
The valves, the cylinders,
the combustion chamber.
That's something new,
I don't know
if this would work.
But we can try it.
It could be as much as
half the weight of the engine.
- At least.
- And the engine,
maybe we can change it
from dry sump to wet sump.
I need to build a chassis
to accommodate
a double camshaft.
- Good.
- And the carburetors?
A rear stabilizer bow
would help.
Great. Great.
And it has to be ready to unveil
- in the Geneva Motor Show.
- That's very tight.
- I think we can do it.
- It's 18 months.
No, no. Six months.
Geneva is March 21st.
- Geneva this year?
- Yes.
- You want to do Geneva
in six months?
- Oh, yes.
Ferruccio, please,
you're talking like a madman,
Why would you ask me
to design an automobile
in six months
that doesn't yet have
an engine or a chassis?
In six months, in Geneva,
people will be looking for
the next Ferrari.
What they will find
is the first Lamborghini.
The Lamborghini 350 GT.
Why are we here?
Someone tell me why we're here.
- To make a car.
- To make the best car!
To make the greatest car
the world has ever seen.
As strong as Hercules,
as beautiful as Sofia Loren.
It must be ready for Geneva!
It's not impossible
until we fail.
If we fail, we fail
searching for greatness.
We need to get Bevini
and Pedrazzi for fabrication
and assembly.
They are brilliant and fast,
and everybody wants them.
No, we'll get it.
We'll have no time to make
our own differential or brakes.
- We'll have to buy those.
- Germany for differentials.
- [Dallara] Zahnradfabrik.
- [Bizzarini]
England for brakes. Girling.
Girling will never deliver
in time for Geneva.
Leave it to me.
Okay? Good?
We chase the dream? Okay?
- You're all crazy,
you know that.
- Yes! Isn't it wonderful!
- [laughing]
- Come on.
- Cheers.
- [Ferruccio] Yes!
No, no, no, no. Not two weeks!
One week.
- I need the differential
in one week.
- Grazie.
[yelling in German]
[phone receiver slams]
Nobody wants to do anything.
Now I have to go Germany
and then England after that.
I don't think it's wise
what you're doing, Ferruccio.
You're going to suck
every penny out of the tractors,
and if it doesn't work,
we will lose everything.
Please. It will work.
But what if it doesn't?
Look at what happened to Lancia.
The unions will beat them,
and Lancia will go under.
I take good care of my men,
they have no need to strike.
The price of petrol
keeps going up,
and there's talk
of nationalizing
the energy industry.
People will always
need to buy tractors.
But luxury cars?
That is the first thing
they'll stop buying.
Alright, well, then what about
the board of directors?
You at least
have a responsibility
to tell them what you're doing.
I talked to them.
You went to the board?
I knew you would object.
No, you know that I am right.
But you don't care about me,
you don't care about the board,
you don't care about your men,
you don't even care
about your own son.
The only thing that matters
is the great Lamborghini!
What do you want me to do?!
You want me to be normal?
You want me to be
like everyone else?
Living on my knees, afraid to
make the wrong decision?
Making a fool of myself
at every turn?
Crawling like a crab
on the floor of the ocean?
I don't know who you
thought you married!
I married someone
who could talk! Not only yell.
For that I have bread,
and I have a lot.
You have already gotten yourself
off of the ocean floor.
What you're doing
could put you back there.
You are the only one
who doesn't understand, Annita.
Everyone loves me.
You are the only one.
Everyone else thinks I'm great.
Who are all these people
who think you're so great,
My workers. Huh?
My friends.
They love you
because you pay them.
Once they want
what you cannot pay
they will strike
and you will be alone.
What is this?
CVs for your new secretary.
I fired the blonde
you're fucking.
[dramatic music playing]
Good. Coming left. Left.
- It's left.
- Your left.
My left.
- Okay?
- Okay.
[Scaglione] I think
it's everything we talked about.
It's a little extreme.
I like it.
It's what you asked for.
What is this?
The headlights.
They pop up
when you turn on car?
- Yes.
- Pop up?
No, no, no, Franco.
No, no, no. It's too complex.
We need to make a statement,
not a question.
The idea is
when you look at it,
there are no headlights,
then when you turn the key,
the lids rise
and the lights come up.
It's innovative.
Ferruccio, this is new.
It's exciting. And you wanted it
to look like a race car.
Yes, a race car,
fast and powerful,
but still a touring car,
gran turismo.
And look here,
this-this bonnet is too big.
Bonnet is perfect. Perfect.
Franco, it looks like
a marshmallow
on top of a flounder.
Franco. Franco.
[indistinct chatter]
I'm sorry
I'm not good enough for you.
Franco, I love you.
I hate your design,
but I love you.
All I'm asking is
that you start over.
You ask us
to be creative, Ferruccio.
And this is creative.
And you want me to start over.
You can't ask me the world
and when I give it to you,
you tell me
you want a different one.
I've given you greatness,
Ferruccio. Greatness.
You've given me a look
at something I don't understand.
Give me something I understand.
It's all I want.
The world will be ready
for this one day, just not now.
The bonnet is too big,
the grill too extreme.
I like the headlights,
I love them!
But not for the prototype.
Next year we do that.
The back is too sharp,
it's too sharp.
Less contour, more round.
Franco. Franco, look at me.
You are a great designer.
Maybe the greatest.
Give me something great.
I don't have any more to give,
Everything good?
Nothing is good.
The good news is the innovations
are going to work;
the front and rear suspension's
on independent wheels,
with double wishbones
and stabilizer bars.
We'll have the speed
and the power.
Carburetors are too high.
Exactly. We won't be able
to close the hood.
Obviously, the measurements
were off.
I take responsibility for it,
But we are working too fast,
there's no time
to check anything.
I take responsibility, not you.
So, what do we do?
If you want to keep
the twin-choke carburetors,
we need to create a new design.
There's no room to lower them
or make them smaller.
What if we make them horizontal?
I thought of that.
There's no room.
Then we make room.
It's possible, but these things
take time, Ferruccio.
I can talk to Franco,
maybe he can raise the hood,
that's an easier fix.
What are we going to make
a hump like a camel?
No, don't think so.
We can't redesign,
we'd have to make a new engine,
we'd never make Geneva.
Excuse me, Ferruccio,
but wouldn't it be better
to miss it
than present a car
that doesn't deliver on
everything we want it to be?
Make the carburetors horizontal.
You'll find a way.
[Italian music playing]
[door closes]
I got a proposition
for you, mate.
I'd like to be your test driver
for this new car of ours.
- I need a great one.
- You're looking at him.
Are all Australians like you?
No, Australians would love
to be like me, a kiwi.
Actually, all kiwis
would love to be like me, too.
But, nah. I'm a one-off.
Ah, she's a beaut, mate.
[man] This is what you gave me.
I think we're pretty close.
I thought the gold
might be wrong at first, but...
I'm eternally grateful, maestro.
[Ferruccio] It's going to be
the greatest car
that's ever been made.
The Lamborghini 350 GT.
We unveil in Geneva.
Oh, interview?
That's fantastic, tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
No, no, no, no.
Tomorrow works.
That's great.
Fantastic. Ciao.
Car enthusiasts all over America
are hearing rumors
that after dominating
in the field of tractors,
air conditioning and heating,
Lamborghini is gonna be
the big news of the upcoming
automotive season.
This March,
at the Geneva Motor Show,
I will unveil the first
Lamborghini Gran Turismo
Ah, very exciting, of course.
But, tell me why you think
that the world
needs another luxury car.
We have the Ferraris,
we have the Maseratis,
that's nothing to say
of our friends
in England and Germany.
Yes, yes, good cars all.
Many of which I own and drive.
But it's perfection
that I am after.
And as great as these cars are,
I'm not convinced
they are special.
Special is drinking
your favorite wine
for the first time.
Special is...
losing your virginity.
Special is that one thing
you never forget.
This is what we bring to Geneva.
[Scaglione] Here, here and here.
[man] Well done.
[Ferruccio] Bravo, bravo.
[dramatic music playing]
[Dallara] We reconfigured
the exhaust pipes
and moved them
closer to the front.
We widened the axles
an inch on each side.
The wheels will be
15 inches instead of 16.
We also moved from
a standard shifter
to a gated shifter
which gave us more room.
- Enough?
- Theoretically.
Okay. Let's see if it fits.
We have a car.
When we are a success in Geneva,
they will want to know
our next idea.
You start thinking
about this now.
Excuse me?
I only have a name, the Miura.
Like the bull.
It must be
the most beautiful car
the world has ever seen.
Ladies and gentlemen,
our special guest of honor,
the one and only Tony Renis.
- [cheering]
- [upbeat music playing]
[singing in Italian]
[cheering and applause]
[song ends]
This one is for my great friend,
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
The pride of Italy.
[slow tempo song playing]
[singing in Italian]
You're Lamborghini?
What are you drawing?
An idea.
For a car?
For the greatest car
in the world.
Can I see it?
What do you see?
Lines on a napkin.
What do you see?
- A dream.
- What?
- Close your eyes.
- Why?
Close them.
Open them.
Now, the headlights on my Miura
will have beautiful eyelashes,
like yours.
[indistinct chatter]
go wait in the car. Please.
Ah, Annita,
I've been waiting for you.
Let me introduce Gabriella.
Please don't. Leave.
- Annita, please.
- Leave, now!
Annita, I'm showing her
my sketch.
You said once
that you would never love me,
and that I would hate you
for it in the end.
But you were wrong.
I don't hate you,
I feel sorry for you.
You have a hole in your heart,
and I was wrong to think
that I could fill it
with all the love in mine.
But now I know,
you never want
to have it filled.
And now, neither do I.
And what about Tonino?
- What about him?
- He is my son.
Are you asking me
to leave him with you?
And leave him without
the only mother he's ever known?
If that is what you're asking,
then ask.
If you have it in you,
then ask.
Goodbye, Ferruccio.
[birds chirping]
Where are they?
Maybe they had an accident.
Maybe you
should have an accident.
[engine revving]
There are so many things
we don't know.
And this is a prototype
not a car.
[tires screeching]
I told him not to push it.
We don't know anything.
Baby steps!
We told him, baby steps!
[tires screech]
[engine revs]
[dramatic music playing]
It's everything we want!
[all cheering]
It should be green.
- Green, should be green.
- Green?
But-but this or next one?
This, for Geneva, green.
- Hm?
- Okay.
[upbeat music playing]
Italy has long been
an agricultural society,
but post-war Italy
has given birth
to an industrial Renaissance.
Ever wonder how one might create
something new in a world
of inventive, challenging,
and innovative car manufacturers
and designers?
Well, I'm standing here
with somebody
who just might be able
to have those answers.
None other than
Ferruccio Lamborghini.
[interviewer and Ferruccio]
[interviewer] So, how does
somebody like you demonstrate
a clear break from tradition
and deliver something brand new?
The Lamborghini GT is both
beautiful and high performing.
It's a touring car that is fast
and powerful as any racing car.
[interviewer] And, can this
new car of yours be all of that?
[Ferruccio] Oh, it can be
all of that and more.
It is a thing of beauty.
But a thing of beauty
can only be a thing of beauty
if it's shared.
Ladies and gentlemen,
members of the world press,
I give you Lamborghini GT!
My friends, my friends,
I can see in your eyes
how you love my car
but don't be shy.
To drive a Lamborghini,
to own a Lamborghini,
you must not be shy.
Mr. Lamborghini,
I know there are many questions
about what's under the hood
of this car,
but my first question is:
- what is the price tag
of the Lamborghini GT?
- [chuckles]
- What is the price
of a beautiful woman?
- Hm.
A great bottle of wine?
A pasta you remember
the rest of your life?
These things are worth
whatever they ask you
to pay for them.
You buy a Ferrari
when you want to be someone.
You buy a Lamborghini
when you are someone.
Bravo, bravo.
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
[people chanting]
Strike, strike,
strike Lamborghini.
Strike, strike,
strike Lamborghini.
After a decades-long high,
everything has come
crashing down
in a crushing blow
to the post-war
automobile industry.
Severe government restrictions
dealt the latest blow
to an industry
that was already on its knees.
The combination
of union strikes,
and a 300 percent increase
in the price of oil,
has proven
more damaging to Italy
than other European
industrial nations.
Even Ferruccio Lamborghini,
who's famous for having
personally negotiated
his employee contracts,
has met his match
in the power of the automotive
industrial unions.
There was a time when Ferruccio
was a working man himself,
where are you now, Ferruccio?
Ferruccio, where are you?
Speak up.
Are you with
the working men and women
of this world or aren't you?
Where are you, Ferruccio?
Where are you now, Ferruccio?
Where? Huh? Where?
Where are you now?
[TV shuts off]
[dramatic music playing]
Half the money from the sale
of the company will go to you.
The rest to my brothers.
I put a clause in the contract.
They must keep the name
Lamborghini forever.
How is the family?
How old?
Girls are three and five.
Ferruccio is two.
His birthday was last Saturday.
Two years old already.
I should have been there.
Oh, it's okay.
The gift was lovely.
He loves boats.
Plays with it in the tub.
Won't take a bath without it.
We call him Captain Ferruccio.
Have you heard?
They've appointed me
Cavaliere del Lavoro.
That's exciting.
Now when I talk to the president
I can use the informal "tu".
You've done it all.
Everything that
you ever wanted.
Was it worth it, Papa?
It's okay.
I should get home now.
Ciao, Papa.
[door opens]
[engines idling]
[engine revving]
[dramatic music playing]
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[dramatic music playing]
[tires screeching]