Lamya's Poem (2021) Movie Script

[theme music plays]
[soft music plays]
[ominous music plays]
[insects buzzing]
[creature growling]
[creature snarling]
-[girl gasps]
-[snarling continues]
[woman's voice]
-[snarling fades]
-[distant chatter]
-[traffic blaring]
Do you see Mr. Hamadani yet?
-[bell jingles]
-[car horns honk]
He's here.
Are your assignments ready?
Ugh, that collar.
It's okay.
Mama, it's okay.
[knock on door]
No texting while he's here.
I know, I know.
You told me a million times.
Assalamu alaikum, sister.
Wa alaykumu s-salam,
Hello, Mr. Hamadani.
Hello, Lamya.
Would you like some tea?
I can only stay a minute.
I have lots of Lamya's friends
to visit today.
We are so grateful
that you are doing this.
God willing, the schools
in Aleppo will reopen soon,
and I know that
I can count on Lamya
to help the students
who have fallen behind.
She has the makings
to be a very good
teacher someday.
I finished the book.
I brought you a new one.
Bring Mr. Hamadani
your assignments.
[phone chimes, buzzes]
[phone chirping]
[distant dog barks]
[low growling]
[growling continues]
-[ominous music plays]
-[creature snarling]
Hmm, very good.
Excellent work, as always.
Aha. Yes.
Do you remember
the first word
of the Revelation?
That's right!
Our whole faith
is based on a book.
A holy book.
Books are very important.
That's why I only trust
my best students
with books
from my personal library,
like this one.
Do you know who Rumi is?
He lived a long time ago,
but millions of people
around the world
are still inspired
and helped by his words.
I remember.
Jalal ad-Din Rumi.
You told us about him.
You said he wrote
25,000 lines of poetry.
That's right!
This book only has
a few of them,
but it's special,
very special.
When Rumi was a boy,
he lived in a beautiful city
named Samarkand.
Books flew from the pens
of scholars and poets.
One of the greatest
religious scholars of the time
was his father.
But then, a terrible thing
A nation of conquerors
called the Mongols invaded.
[men whooping, shouting]
[Mr. Hamadani]
His beautiful city
was destroyed.
He became a refugee.
Here, read this one.
"Listen to the reed
and the tale it tells.
How it sings of separation.
Since I was torn
from my reed bed,
my song has been a strain
of love and pain.
I long for someone
who understands the signs
to mingle their heart
with mine.
To heal a heart that bleeds,
listen, listen to the reed."
We'll discuss the poems
next time.
Maybe you can share them
with some of your friends.
-[Mother] Thank you so much.
[door opens, closes]
[Lamya gasps]
[menacing music plays]
[phone chimes, buzzes]
-[buttons clicking]
-[phone chirps]
[music playing over earbuds]
[woman singing in Arabic]
-[song continues]
That was Daddy's
favorite song.
[song continues]
[song fades]
[soft music plays]
[insects chirping]
[distant explosions]
[insects chirping]
-[distant music playing]
-[distant explosions]
[wind blowing]
[distant explosions continue]
[boy grunting]
[grunting continues]
[boy grunting]
[wind blows]
[boy] Oh.
[Lamya clears throat]
Why are you burying your flute?
The music was beautiful.
I'm not burying it.
I'm trying to plant it.
Plant it?
It can't grow.
I know.
My name's Lamya.
Oh, Jalal ad-Din.
But you can call me Jalal.
Everyone does.
Jalal ad-Din?
Are you going to the city?
The-- the city?
Yeah, the city.
You haven't seen it yet?
Come on, I'll show you.
[distant explosions]
-[distant sirens wailing]
-[explosions continue]
-[explosions continue]
-It's far away.
Mama, get away
from the window.
[explosions continue]
[distant sirens wailing]
[wind blowing]
[flute music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
[dramatic music plays]
The city.
-[horses neighing]
We have a long day ahead.
Did you sleep well?
Another nightmare?
The Mongols again?
Why are we running, Father?
We should fight them.
Fight them?
You're still a boy.
What about your studies,
your poems?
Forgive me, Father,
but who cares about
poems now?
My heart is too small.
It can't carry so much sorrow
without fighting back.
Your eyes are even smaller,
yet they can take in
the whole world.
I know it seems
hopeless, Jalal,
but try to look
beyond this moment.
You were made a writer
because someone somewhere
needs your words.
If not today, then tomorrow.
If not here,
then perhaps in a place
you can hardly imagine.
We live in one form
in this world...
and another
in a timeless land.
[man chanting over PA]
[Mother whispering in Arabic]
[phone chimes, buzzes]
Can I go out with my friends?
-Not today.
Nothing's going to happen.
[sighs] Not today, Lamya.
I have a bad feeling.
You always have
a bad feeling.
I wish you tried this hard
to make Daddy stay home.
Go to your room!
-But... [groans]
I tried to stop him.
I begged him not to go.
You remember.
He said that it was
just a demonstration
and I was worrying
too much.
Now his wedding ring
is all I have left of him.
[solemn music plays]
I'm sorry, Lamya.
This is no way to grow up.
[girl] Lamya!
-[phone chimes, buzzes]
-[girl 2] Lamya!
-[girls] Lamya!
All right.
-Go ahead.
Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!
[flute music plays]
-[hoofbeats pounding]
[distant whooping,
-[horses neighing]
-[hyenas whooping]
[men groaning]
[cart crashes]
[man] Didn't I tell you
to watch out and be careful?
Look! Everything's...
[fades out]
-[distant chatter]
[man] Please!
Somebody help us, please!
-[distant camels bellow]
[people chanting indistinctly]
Gather round!
We have been forced
to leave our roots,
all we know and love--
our homes,
our families, our work.
[crowd murmuring]
Loss can destroy you,
but it can also be
an opening
to find the true source
of our being.
Loss is the beginning
of all spiritual journeys.
We can continue on this road,
always looking back,
missing what is gone, or...
we can turn our sights
in a better direction.
-[camel bellows]
Pilgrims on their way
to Mecca.
Let us join
our brothers and sisters.
The opening we need
might await us there.
Let us declare our intention
to make the pilgrimage.
Prepare yourself
and make ready.
Let your hearts be open!
[whooping, hollering]
[hoofbeats pounding]
[whooping, shouting]
[bird screeching]
[bird squeals, thuds]
[traffic blaring]
[music playing faintly]
My turn to buy.
[music continues]
Teacher's book!
[grunts, groans]
Hi, Mom.
Bassam, what have
you got there?
Oh-oh, you mean this?
Uh, I found it?
-Found it?
[jet flying overhead]
-[jet roaring]
[siren blaring]
[siren blaring]
-[people gasping]
-[woman screams]
-[Lamya] Jalal!
[sounds fade]
[high-pitched ringing]
[muffled shouting]
[car alarms blaring]
[muffled shouting, crying]
[muffled shouting]
Lamya! Lamya!
Oh, thank God!
Thank you.
Thank you.
I lost the book.
[solemn music plays]
This is the day we brought
you home from the hospital.
You keep it.
How are we going
to get across the sea?
We'll have to pay someone.
Do we have enough?
Come on.
Let's do our prayers
for the last time
in our home.
[siren wailing]
-I found it!
[Lamya grunts]
Mr. Hamadani's book.
Come on,
we have to hurry up.
[gasps] I have to give
Mr. Hamadani's book back.
Mr. Hamadani!
You're leaving?
You should come, too.
There are still children
in Aleppo, Lamya.
They need a teacher.
-I have your book.
-You keep it.
I told you,
it's a very special book.
A very old book, too.
The man who gave it to me
said that it's helped
a lot of people
on their journeys,
and you have
a big one ahead.
Thank you.
Don't forget,
what is the first word
of the Revelation?
That's right, Lamya.
Good-bye, Lamya.
Bye, Mr. Hamadani.
May God protect you.
One, two, three,
four, five, six...
...18, 19, 20.
[Jalal grunts]
[distant horse whinnying]
[horse nickers]
[ominous music plays]
[horse nickers]
[horse snorts, whinnies]
I can stop him.
Jalal, no.
I won't miss.
Let me pay them back with
something they understand.
Hate can never
defeat hate, my boy.
It just grows.
That's why the Prophet
tells us to return evil
with something better,
something good,
like your words.
-[horse nickers]
-Where are your poems, huh?
Where are your paper
and pens?
They got left behind somewhere.
[horse neighs]
[sirens blaring]
[hyenas cackling]
-[rock clatters]
-[Jalal grunts]
[rock clatters]
Let's leave.
I don't like it here.
[mysterious music plays]
It fits.
Let's go somewhere else.
They're still there,
taking what they want.
[hyenas laughing]
Someone has to fight back.
Jalal, let's go
back to where you were
planting your flute.
-I'll help you.
[distant hyenas cackling]
[Lamya] Let's go
back to where you were
planting your flute.
I'll help you.
[clears throat]
[solemn music plays]
[distant chatter]
Watch our things.
[woman singing in Arabic
over earbuds]
[rock clatters]
[song continues]
How many?
Here, show me.
Here, it's all my money.
That's not enough
for one of you.
Take-- take my bracelets.
Is this enough?
My daughter,
she's only 12.
Not my problem.
Please, it's all I have.
it's all I have!"
I hear that every day.
Here, this is all of it.
Not all of it.
Look, do you want a place
on the raft or not?
All right.
Be ready when the rafts come
or you'll lose your place.
No refunds.
[song continues
over earbuds]
[rock clatters]
[music stops]
[boy humming]
Stop throwing stones!
Huh? Me?
Yes, you.
Okay, okay, okay.
I just wanted
to make sure it was--
-Hey, you have it.
-Have what?
Your backpa--
Oh, heh, nothing.
So, my name is Bassam.
So, what do you want?
I have something for you.
Huh. Uh, no.
Hmm. Oh!
[wrapper crinkling]
Ah, got it!
My mom says that
since we're leaving our home
and under God's protection,
I need to make up
for my naughty ways.
Half a candy bar?
It's the best one.
It's got a caramel center.
Aren't you going
to take it?
Okay, if that's what you want.
Mmm! Mm-mmm!
Go and bother someone else!
Sorry for wanting to give you
a delicious candy bar.
[boat approaches]
Lamya, come on!
[thunder booming]
Try to look beyond
this moment.
You were made a writer
because someone somewhere
needs your words.
[thunder crashes]
[people screaming]
[thunder crashes]
[Mother gasps]
[people screaming]
-[thunder crashes]
[all shouting]
[gasping, coughing]
[scream echoes, fades]
[solemn music plays]
-[alarm blaring]
-[people screaming]
[alarm continues]
[people shouting]
[metal creaking]
[people screaming]
[dramatic music plays]
[flute music plays]
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder crashing]
-[men shouting]
-[Lamya coughs]
[wind blowing]
[Father] Mecca.
[seagulls screeching]
Mama. Mama, please.
Please be on it, Mama.
Please. Please be on it.
Please be on it.
[wind gusting]
"Listen to the reed
and the tale it tells,
how it sings of separation.
Since I was torn
from my reed bed,
my song has been a strain
of love and pain.
I long for someone
who understands the signs
to mingle their heart
with mine."
Uh, huh?
"To heal a heart that bleeds,
listen, listen to the reed."
Please be on it.
Please be on it.
[distant shouting]
-Turn the boat around!
-Get out of here!
-We don't want your kind here!
Go back home!
-[bottle splashes]
[ship horn blares]
No, no.
No, no, no!
No, don't go!
Mama, do you see me?
I'm here!
No, don't go!
I'm here! Mama!
-[indistinct chatter]
-[goat bleating]
[indistinct chatter continues]
What do we do first?
Well, put on
the sacred clothing.
[indistinct chatter]
No, outside the gates,
so that when we enter again,
we'll enter as pilgrims.
We set aside
our everyday identities
to connect with
the true root of our being.
It also represents
a solemn promise
that we won't harm
animals or plants
or any of our fellow pilgrims.
We pledge to keep the peace.
[horn honks]
[hydraulics hiss]
[hydraulics hiss]
You know, I saw your mother
get on the other boat.
Uh, right before our boat came.
It was far out,
but I saw her.
Are-- are you sure?
Was she wearing a headscarf?
I couldn't tell.
Well, did you see her dress?
Was it purple?
Uh, yeah, definitely purple.
A purple dress,
no doubt about it.
Don't be making this up.
I mean, it was dark.
So, what's it about?
Is it a story?
-Your book.
You always have it.
It's all I have left of home.
You got me.
I'm from home.
-I guess I do.
-So, what's it about?
Wow! I like stories
with monsters in them.
Ugh, my phone.
I hate it here.
Me, too.
I thought at least
there'd be fireflies here.
Forget it.
You can borrow it
if you want.
No, really.
I don't mind.
Uh, it's upside down.
I know!
I said I didn't want it.
You can read, right?
-You can't read?
-It's not my fault.
My mom says
that something in my brain
just doesn't work right.
Bassam, it's okay.
I can read it to you
if you want.
Come on, I'll read you
the first one
about why the flute
sounds so sad.
It's like us,
torn from its home.
[solemn music plays]
[wind blowing]
[seagulls screeching]
[distant rumbling]
[hyenas whooping]
[rumbling fades]
[horse whinnies]
[whinnying continues]
[mysterious music plays]
[man sighs]
[horse whinnies]
[man] Come one, come all!
See the giant snake
now embedded in the ice.
You'll be amazed!
[hyena cackling]
[breathing heavily]
[man] Your friends
will be jealous!
Hurry, before it's too late!
My friends, my friends,
don't miss your chance!
[breathing heavily]
[man] Your friends
will be jealous!
Only 20 dirhams.
But for this fine audience,
you can see it for 15.
[growling, barks]
No, no. Ten, ten.
[growling stops, grunts]
You there, young warrior.
What you seek is inside.
I promise,
you won't be disappointed.
[vines hissing]
[hydraulics hiss]
[bus door opens]
-[hydraulics hiss]
[solemn music plays]
[car horns honking]
[Bassam] Psst.
Come on, I want
to show you something.
[man snoring]
What are you up to?
Just follow me.
Okay, wherever you're going,
you'll have to go alone.
I'm staying here.
Bassam! Bassam!
-Boo! [laughs]
Hey! That is not funny.
Come on,
we have to go back.
But we're almost there.
It's a surprise.
[Bassam humming]
[chains rattling]
[distant dog barking]
Over here.
[distant siren wailing]
Come on, let's go.
It's creepy here.
[gentle music plays]
[both laughing]
[crowd gasping]
-Closer, my warrior.
[Lamya] "A huckster
went into the mountains
in search of an attraction
that would amaze an audience
and earn him some coins.
In the snowy heights,
he found a giant serpent
frozen in a block of ice.
He chiseled it out
and brought the terrible
creature to town."
[sirens wailing]
"Hoping people
would pay to see it,
he called out,
'Come one, come all.
See the giant snake.'"
[vines hissing]
"A crowd gathered around."
"But the monster was not dead."
"The warmth from the gawkers
brought it back
to horrifying life.
The serpent stirred."
-[serpent growling]
-[people screaming]
"The people standing
closest began to scream.
They tried
to get away from it,
but it was hopeless."
[crowd screaming]
[distorted voices]
[Lamya] "The serpent
devoured them all.
[people screaming]
[emotional music plays]
"No one escaped."
Lam-- oh.
[indistinct chatter]
Wherever Mama is,
please let her know
that I love her
and that I wish
I could see her again.
[Bassam] Hi.
Do you want me
to sit with you?
Can you read to me?
I brought something for you.
-A candy bar?
How about this?
Where'd you get that?
I, uh, found it.
Found it?
Out there.
You went to the city?
Bassam, it's dangerous.
What if you got caught?
I'm too sneaky.
you shouldn't steal.
-I'm just worried about you.
Oh, come on.
-[both laughing]
-[Bassam mumbling]
What do you miss most
from home?
-Rice pudding.
Rice pudding.
I miss rice pudding.
-Stretchy cheese.
-Mint tea.
-Shish kebab!
-With tabbouleh salad!
Arabic coffee.
Arabic coffee?
Silly, don't you know
that will give you
a mustache?
And my phone!
Mr. Hamadani.
[Jalal panting]
[panting continues]
[no audible dialogue]
It fits you well.
How can you help him?
He is our enemy.
He's a pilgrim, like us.
He is not like us.
He's a foreigner,
an invader.
He doesn't deserve
to be here.
They're all monsters, Father.
The worst monsters
are the ones that live here.
Before we are born,
a path is set
that will lead to the people
who need us the most.
This is the path of love,
and you must stay on it.
Hold onto the pain
and help other
wounded hearts to heal.
[fire crackling]
[Lamya] Jalal!
Do you see me?
-I'm here!
-[thunder crashes]
-[woman screams]
-[Bassam shouting]
-[hoofbeats pounding]
[police whistles trilling]
-[whistle trills]
-[man] I said back up!
-[whistle trills]
-[people screaming, coughing]
[baby crying]
Bassam! Bassam!
Shh! They'll find us.
No. No!
-No! No!
-[Bassam] Mama!
-Stay with me.
No. They've got her.
Now they've got Papa.
-Bassam, no!
[panting, grunts]
[Bassam] No!
[truck door opens]
[man singing in Arabic]
[wind blowing]
-[hoofbeats pounding]
-[whooping, shouting]
[horse whinnies]
[Jalal grunting]
[whooping, shouting]
[menacing music plays]
-[wind howling]
I hate you.
-[vines hissing]
"In every ruin, there is hope
for a buried treasure!"
Lies! Lies!
They're all lies!
"Sometimes the world
keeps breaking your heart
until it opens!"
[distorted] There is no love
in this world.
[roars, grunts]
-[vines hissing]
[Lamya screams]
"If you seek jewels in a mine,
you'll become a mine.
If you hunger
for a slice of bread,
you become that bread.
You are what you seek!"
"The wound is the place
where the light enters you!"
[dramatic music plays]
"You have an unseen door
in your own essence.
It opens
to an ocean of light."
[Jalal and Lamya]
"Limitless, it carries you
across time and space...
...and connects you
to the entire universe.
[solemn music plays]
It did grow.
It needed someone
who understood the signs.
We live in one form on Earth
and another
in a timeless land.
Well, will we be together
in that other world?
[men chanting in Arabic]
You understand it?
It means the world
is full of signs
that we often do not see.
Yet it is not our eyes
that are blind,
it is our hearts.
Come, let's join
the other pilgrims.
[dramatic music plays]
"Hate or love,
you find what you seek.
Keep monsters frozen
in the ice mountains.
Don't let them
be brought to life
by the heat
of your anger or fear."
-Read us another one!
-Read another one, please?
-One more!
-Just read another one!
Another one?
Aren't you bored yet?
[kids] No!
Wait, please.
Have you seen my daughter?
I'm sorry.
[indistinct chatter]
-Read, Lamya, read!
[kids] Read, Lamya, read!
-Read, Lamya, read!
"Knock and the door will open.
Banish so you may shine
like the sun.
Fall and you'll rise
to the heavens.
Become nothing
and you'll turn into..."
[emotional music playing]
-[crickets chirping]
-[pen scratching]
[flute music plays]
[distant chanting]
[solemn music playing]
[woman singing in Arabic]