Land of Dreams (2021) Movie Script

Happy birthday
to you
Happy birthday
to you
Happy birthday
Mr. President
-Happy birthday... - Little wedgie.
In the grass.
To you
Oh, yeah!
- Hon?
- Yes, darling, I have it.
- Coming! Just one second.
- Come on, baby. Please, baby. Please.
Hi, I'm Simin. I work for
the Census Bureau. Um...
Did you receive a mailer from us
about a week ago?
We sent a census questionnaire.
Oh, yes, that's right. Yes. Yes,
the Census. Yes, I remember.
- Who's there?
- Somebody from the Census, dear.
Well, do we know them?
No, we don't.
And "he's" a "she."
Well, what do they need?
I just need to ask
a few questions.
Okay. Let her in, Betty.
How many people
live at this address?
Just the two of us right now.
- Any children?
- A son.
Where does he live?
That's him right there.
Isn't he handsome?
- He is.
- Yeah.
- And where does he live?
- He studies in Hollywood.
- Los Angeles, hon.
- Well...
Bo calls us... you know,
only once a month, that's all.
- Couldn't care less.
- Why do you say that?
- Because it's true.
- Honey.
Well, we covered everything.
Except for the final question which
is an unusual one, I'm afraid.
What do you mean unusual?
So can you recall
your last dream?
The Census wants to know
about our dreams?
Yeah, it's for your security.
They really need to know
about our dreams? Wha...
Now... To protect us?
From what?
I don't know.
They don't tell me.
- Well.
- Well, now, honey...
it is the law.
What if I never dream? And if
I do, I don't remember them.
Well, you never remember
anything anyways.
Me, on the other hand, I always
remember my dreams. Um...
Oh, yes.
Two nights ago, I dreamed
I was laying in my bed,
I couldn't move.
I was stiff as a rock
from the waist down,
and the lower half
of my body was red.
Cherry red.
For no reason.
You didn't tell me that.
Well, you never asked.
Since when have you cared
about my dreams anyways?
Sorry, can you recall
that dream one more time?
- Same dream again?
- Yeah, same dream.
They require us to get
the same dream at least twice.
Well, as I said,
I dreamed
I was laying in my bed.
And I couldn't move.
I tried, but I couldn't.
I was paralyzed.
From my waist down.
And the lower half of my body...
was red.
Blood red.
And I could not figure out why.
I... Sorry.
Thank you. That was really
nice of you to share that.
- Well...
- Not everybody does.
No dreams.
Are you sure?
- Oh, no dreams. Thank God.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Thank you again.
- Well, you're welcome.
May I ask you
just one last favor?
Well, sure, honey.
May I take a portrait of you?
Is that for the Census too?
No, not at all.
This is just for me.
I like to have a memory
of the people that I meet.
- That's nice.
- That's sweet.
Sure, why not.
- Thank you so much.
- Yes.
- Okay. It'll just be a minute.
- Okay.
Are you ready
to tell me your dream?
No, I told you,
I don't share my dreams.
I only take portraits of the
people who tell me their dreams.
- Is that right?
- Honey, come on now. Come on.
- Give her a break. Now you go...
- All right. All right.
Silly. All right,
now one second.
I'm ready for my closeup.
I tried, but I couldn't.
I was paralyzed.
From my waist down.
And the lower part
of my body was red.
Blood red.
Lights on. Camera on.
Dim 2 stop side lights.
Upload to Quantum Media.
Hi, this is Simin.
Log in.
Simin Hakak.
Play dream 45H2CC9.
My last dream.
That's really strange.
I just remember some
fragments of it.
I was asleep in the dream.
But then suddenly I was in the living room.
It was morning.
And all of my elephant
figurines were just broken.
I walked in. She rolled
her eyes and almost passed out.
She thought I was such
a fine specimen of manhood.
- Does she wear glasses?
- -Yeah, she must wear glasses.
- Hello. Is this the Newman residence?
- Hi.
Who wants to know?
I'm with the Census.
My name is Simin.
It's nice to meet you all.
You called before?
Yes. The office called, um, and
spoke with Mrs. Jackie Newman.
I'll ask.
Where are you from?
I grew up in Cincinnati.
I was born in Iran.
- Iran.
- Used to be Persia.
Now they got Arabs
questioning Americans.
She's expecting you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
We sure are in a pickle,
aren't we?
Yeah, we are in a pickle.
Please make yourself at home.
I'll be with you in a minute.
The boys need their dinner.
- Yeah, of course.
- Yeah.
Take your time.
You have a beautiful family.
Well, they're all scattered now.
Five kids and... eleven grandchildren.
It's hard to believe.
They all live
their own lives now.
Come on. Sit.
My husband and I filled out
the census a while ago.
And then your office called
saying there was...
there's another question
that they needed an interview?
Yes. We're collecting
people's dreams.
Well, why?
It's for your security.
I'm just doing my job.
Can you recall your last dream?
As a matter of fact, not long ago
I did have this dream. This...
bizarre dream.
I was sitting here
in the living room.
And I heard this
very loud noise.
And then I walked to the window.
And there's...
all of these people...
out in my yard.
Very loud.
They're shouting...
Speaking their language.
I'm... I'm scared.
Turned away from the window...
and there they are
inside my house.
In my living room.
They're everywhere.
And they don't see me.
It's as if I don't exist!
I keep looking for my husband.
Oh, Mark.
I didn't know you were here.
I wasn't.
This is Mark, my nephew.
Speaking of dreams,
I believe he lives in one.
- It's nice to meet you.
- Yeah, you too.
Please continue with your dream.
Oh, um...
No. That's all I remember.
Okay. Thank you.
So, you're one of the new
dream catchers for the Census?
- Do you want to tell me your last dream?
- No, I can't do that.
Can I ask why?
I don't share them.
I don't share mine either.
It was a real pleasure
to meet you.
Oh. It's our duty
to be good Americans.
- Good citizens.
- Right.
Well, thank you, again.
Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but
you're not going downtown, are you?
- It's on my way.
- You mind dropping me off?
- Sure, why not?
- Great. I appreciate it.
These recordings are dreams.
Will they be open to the public?
They should be.
I think they should be available
for scientists.
- Right.
- And psychologists.
Maybe even artists.
- What about priests?
- No. Priests?
- Okay.
- I don't know.
Priests are only after
sins and confessions.
They don't have any use
for dreams.
All dreams are kind of innocent,
I suppose.
Yeah. How can you commit
a crime in a dream?
- Anyway, most people forget their dreams.
- That's true.
- Because they vanish, in a moment.
- Yep.
If you don't remember your dream
right away, it's not a dream anymore.
What is it then?
It's a story.
A story.
A story.
- Well, here we are.
- Thanks for the ride.
My pleasure.
- You have time for a drink?
- I have too much work to do.
- Some other time then.
- Maybe. Sure.
- I'll see you around.
- Yes, you will.
Hey, before you go,
just tell me one thing.
How were you selected?
- I can't tell you.
- Why?
Because they don't tell us.
- Hey, Mark.
- Yeah.
- That's your name, right?
- Yeah.
What's the real reason
you didn't tell me your dream?
Because I love you.
All right.
First day of school.
Teacher says, "Let's start off
with a review of American history.
Who said 'Give me Liberty,
or give me Death'?"
And the teacher looks out
at a sea of blank faces,
except young Pedro's
who's got his hand up
and he says,
"Patrick Henry, 1775."
And the teacher says, "That's wonderful.
That's wonderful, Pedro.
Who said, 'A government
of the people, by the people,
"for the people, shall never
perish on this earth'?"
Again, there's no response,
except from little Pedro,
he's got his hand up.
"Abraham Lincoln, 1863."
The teacher snaps
at the class and says,
"Class, come on now, you ought
to be ashamed of yourself."
Here's Pedro,
he's new to this country
"and he knows more about
our history than you do."
And just now, another kid from
the back of the class yells out,
"Fuck the Mexicans." The
teacher says, "Who said that?"
Pedro without missing
a beat says, "Jim Bowie, 1836."
Now another kid yells out
from the back of the class,
"I think I'm gonna puke."
Now the teacher's pissed off.
She says, "All right,
who said that?"
Again, Pedro,
"George Bush to the Japanese
Prime Minister, 1991."
Now, another kid furious says,
"Yeah! Suck on this!"
Pedro jumps out of his chair
and says, "Bill Clinton
to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"
The class is in hysterics,
the teacher passes out,
the students gather around
and one of them says,
"Oh shit,
we're in big trouble now."
Pedro whispers:
"Donald Trump, 2020."
No more Pedro jokes, all right?
There's a saying that I heard
from an old timer
Who was standing
on the corner
Couldn't look finer
With a black fedora
And a cigarette
in his hand
All right.
Take care.
The smoke moved about
his aura
As he belted out
this command
When you drink from
the fountain of truth, lover
When did they do that?
- I think it was Tuesday.
- No way.
I'm asking for my direction.
I'm asking people,
"Do you know where is my house?
The house I was born in?"
And nobody knows.
And I'm so desperate,
I pray to the Lord.
Good morning.
How are you, Simin?
Okay, I guess.
Nancy would like to see you.
She said it's urgent.
There's feedback
from Washington,
specifically from Barbara.
So top priority.
Extra attention needs to be
placed on certain key phrases.
I want you to...
Ah! Come in.
Are you sure? Okay.
I need you to bring up
file number 32AZ58B.
See Tylor ASAP
for the details. Okay?
Well, it's wonderful to see you,
Simin. Simin Jaan.
You know what?
I don't think you ever told me
what "Jaan" means in Farsi.
Soul. I guess. I mean,
that's the literal meaning.
- Uh-huh.
- But it's more like "Dear."
Like Nancy, dear.
Soul. I love that.
Please, take a seat.
Make yourself comfortable.
You know, Simin, you have been
doing an excellent job for us.
Everyone is very happy.
Now, today, I have a very
special assignment for you.
I want you to take
a quick look at this.
This is a very special and
difficult assignment, frankly.
Other census workers,
senior to you, I may add,
have contacted these people
but have been
entirely unsuccessful
in gathering the data
we need from them.
That's why I believe
it's a job for you.
Give me one second, Simin.
- Brian.
- Yes, ma'am.
I need you to pull up
file number 32AZ58B.
- Apparently it was deleted.
- Um... Are you sure?
I'm certain.
Look for yourself.
Well, you're right.
Thank you very much, Brian.
Sorry about that.
Now the community
you visit today,
they have not been cooperating.
They simply refuse to supply any
of the data we need.
Simin, if anyone it's you who
can bring us that information.
This is essential
to the bureau's mission.
And I have
the utmost confidence in you.
Well, hello there, Alan.
I'm very sorry
for the long wait.
Nance Cooper. Well, you know me.
I like killing time.
- You know how I am.
- I do know how you are.
Let me introduce Simin Hakak.
Did I pronounce that correctly?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Good.
Simin is Iranian. And she is one
of our very best and brightest.
- Wonderful.
- And this gentleman,
and I use that term loosely,
is Alan Villin.
- Villain?
- Yeah, it's Villin. V-I-L-L-I-N.
Alan here works
in law enforcement.
You see, recently we've received
a number of reports
of violence against some
of our Census workers.
- It is a jungle out there, right?
- Yeah.
So Alan will accompany you
from now on. Just to be safe.
Best of luck to you today,
Simin Jaan.
You ready to roll?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah.
I can't tell
from this assignment.
Where are we going?
- I'm taking you back home.
- Back home?
The Land of Roses
and Nightingales.
Trust me.
It'll be fun. Hop on.
- I'll take my own car.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Just follow me.
What is this?
How's your Farsi?
Still pretty good?
It's okay. Why?
Well, if not, it's going to
be a great place to practice.
- As-salaamu Alaikum.
- You again?
This time I brought
a lovely guest.
She just landed from Iran.
You know, she's come
all the way here to see you.
Muhammad, say hi to Simin.
Simin, go ahead
and say hi to Muhammad.
You can't come in.
I know the rules, Muhammad.
- Mark.
- Who else?
- What are you doing here?
- I was looking for you.
- Why?
- So I wouldn't lose you.
- Did you follow me?
- Of course.
- Who's this?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Were you waiting for us?
- I was waiting for her.
- So you already know her.
- We came together.
- You work for the Census?
In a way I do.
What exactly do you do?
I don't have to
answer that, do I?
Okay. In that case,
I choose not to.
Let's say that
I'm just doing my job.
- Alan is my bodyguard.
- Bodyguard?
You need protection?
From what?
From you.
You don't know
anything about me.
What do I need to know?
I'm in love with her.
Maybe that's why
she needs protection.
You're not going to leave
without me, are you?
So you're going
to tell me anything?
Tell you what?
Hey, was that guy Mark,
was he asking questions
about your assignment?
Are you going to answer me?
Look, those people,
they've been in there
for a long time.
Almost 30 years.
They're lost souls.
How is it possible that no one
knows they're there?
I wouldn't say no one.
Let's just say that...
it's a nicely kept
little secret.
Were you able to do your job?
- My job?
- Yeah. Census.
Tell me what's going on.
I don't make up the rules.
I'm just here to protect you.
Look who it is.
The handsome suitor.
- Who is it?
- Yeah, hey, it's Alan.
Just a minute.
I'm sorry. I was kind of rude at the
gas station and I wanted to apologize.
It was insensitive of me.
It must've been traumatic
for you, visiting The Colony.
You call it The Colony?
Can I come in?
The American government
was conducting an experiment.
All those people
you saw over there,
they were old revolutionaries
fighting the Islamic state.
We didn't care that much for
the revolutionaries either.
You know, the enemy
of our enemy is our friend.
And that was like 30 years ago.
Thirty years ago.
They never left.
Paranoid I guess.
Get a load of this.
It's just a hobby.
Just something to kill time.
Because, I mean, you know.
So much fucking time out here.
What do you do?
I gamble, that's what I do.
Hey, can I ask you
a personal question?
I'd rather not.
All right.
I understand. Well...
I better get going.
Sorry for disturbing you.
Oh, listen...
This guy, uh...
This guy Mark,
is he bothering you?
All you have to do
is say the word.
Mark is harmless.
You don't have
to worry about him.
Hey, you want to grab a drink?
No, thank you.
Okay. Well, then...
sweet dreams.
Simin. Good. Come in.
Have a seat.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
Simin, are you all right?
You look exhausted.
I didn't sleep well last night.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I know it was a tough assignment
going to The Colony.
But I am very excited to see
what you've brought us.
May I have the file
and the audio, please?
I have nothing.
Why did you send me there,
What do you mean?
I told you.
We need information
from that place.
We need it urgently.
Look, I do understand that
The Colony may have shocked you.
But you were sent there
on a crucial mission.
I am so sorry it proved
to be too much for you.
Anyway, here, I believe,
here is your assignment,
yes, for today.
And I believe Alan
is waiting outside for you.
By the way,
how is it going with Alan?
He's a fun guy, you know.
Yeah, I like Alan.
Good. Okay.
Good luck today.
And Simin.
Please try to get some rest
tonight, okay?
If you can keep
your head when all about you
Are losing theirs
and blaming it on you
If you can trust yourself
when all men doubt you
But make allowance
for their doubting too
If you can
Wait and not be tired by waiting
Or being lied about,
don't deal in lies
If you can keep your head
when all about you
Are losing theirs
and blaming it on you
If you can trust yourself
when all men doubt you
But make allowance
for their doubting too
If you can wait
and not be tired of waiting
Or being lied about,
don't deal in lies
Or being hated
- Hi.
- Hi.
I knew it was you.
Get in.
What are you doing out here?
How can you be everywhere?
I like to walk.
That way I'm everywhere
and nowhere at the same time.
- Do you work, Mark?
- Only when I have to.
Otherwise you just
walk around aimlessly?
I wouldn't say aimlessly.
I like to walk to places
and write poems.
Of all people,
you can't be surprised.
Don't you come from
the land of poets?
Hafiz, Khayam, Saadi, Rumi.
Didn't Rumi do what I do?
Wander around, intoxicated,
speaking the poem's voice?
Is that your poetry notebook?
Yeah, it is.
Short poems, Haikus.
Why don't you read me one?
Since you asked so nicely.
My shadow accompanies me
Now in front
Now by my side Now following
What a relief
for these cloudy days
Well, I see now why you don't
like to share your dreams.
You're afraid
of your own shadow.
Didn't your mother teach you not
to pick up hitchhikers?
- Can you just wait out here?
- Why?
- Hi. Is this the Teso's residence?
- Yes, it is.
Um, my name is Simin.
I work for the Census Bureau.
I just need to ask you
a few questions.
What kind of questions?
Just some basic
census questions.
What is that cop doing with you?
Can you excuse me? I'll be
back in a couple of minutes.
I think you should leave.
And will you take Mark with you?
You know,
you don't have to like me.
But it's my job to protect you.
Whatever you say.
Give me a call if you need me.
Hey, man. She's going
to be here for awhile.
Why don't you and I
go grab a drink?
You buying?
Oh, uh...
I asked them to leave.
As I was saying.
I work for the Census.
I'm sorry.
My family isn't interested.
If you can please excuse me now.
I like to avoid thinking.
No expectations about anything.
That way you can't harm anybody.
Or anything.
So you're saying
thinking can harm the world.
Thinking can harm the world.
Well, look at that.
Your future fiance.
- You going to propose to her?
- Absolutely.
- What if she says no?
- She won't.
- So she's the one?
- She's the only one.
Look, be careful with her.
She seems nice,
she's pretty, but...
But what?
- When did you meet her?
- A few days ago.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I bet you were the first census
worker to knock on that door.
They didn't even let me in.
Vodka on the rocks, please.
We were just talking about how
Mark wants to get married,
have kids, become a family man.
You don't get married
just to have children.
You get married, so that
you can be two instead of one.
Of course. Two, then three,
then more. You'll see.
- Are you married, Alan?
- I was.
My wife left me 11 years ago.
December 22nd,
10 o'clock in the morning.
For another man?
Two other men.
- Did you know them?
- We used to play poker together.
Did you have kids?
No, we never got around to that.
Thank God.
She sure did the right thing.
I still have one more family
I need to see today.
Great. I'll accompany you.
I can't leave you alone.
Not with these
strange people around.
What's that supposed to mean?
- You want me to tell you?
- Sure.
Okay. You're a man,
you meet a girl,
you don't know her,
she doesn't know you,
but yet, you say
you're in love with her
and you want to marry her.
- I never said that.
- You said it.
I heard.
You said it 2 minutes ago.
I just said I love her.
But you just met her.
How can you possibly say that?
Because he does.
Why do you care?
You believe him?
Love at first sight.
I can believe that. Can't you?
I got to get going.
No, it's okay.
I got it. I got it.
- You know, you're a lucky guy.
- I like to think so.
You're going to leave,
just like that?
- I need to be alone, Mark.
- You should quit this job.
- What?
- It is not the Census you work for, you know that.
I like my job.
I know.
Dreams and all that, but...
You need a ride?
I talk to my horse.
He understands me.
- I swear he understands me.
- Welcome to the house.
He gets my mood,
he can read my feelings. Hello.
- Honey.
- Don't you "honey" me, please.
These are the good folks from the
Census Bureau we were expecting.
Welcome to our home.
I'm sorry I'm out of town.
But please sit down.
Join us. Hmm.
Yes, please.
Go ahead.
Excuse me,
where's your bathroom?
The bathroom is down
the corridor. Julian!
Julian, why don't you offer
them a drink? I'm so sorry.
I will.
What would you like to drink?
- I'll have a bourbon.
- Same.
- Did you discover things that you didn't know?
- Did you get lost?
- Sorry I was just looking...
- The bathroom is down the hallway.
- Thank you.
She can't find her way
to the bathroom,
would she find her way
around America?
Sorry. Could you tell me
where the bathroom is?
Over there.
I bet a lot of people make up
their dreams.
Just to be included.
What's the use, right?
Are you going
to make one up for us?
Maybe. I barely remember
my dream anymore.
Actually, I have to say
that I have one recurring dream.
There were peacocks, I'm sure.
With their beautiful feathers,
and their voices.
I grew up with peacocks.
I love them.
And then one jumped on the bed
and spread his feathers for me.
For me.
It was like a spray of jewels.
Then, as it often is in dreams,
the bird was no longer a bird.
He was an animal
I've never seen before,
half cow, half snake.
Big with horns.
Black, white, yellow too.
It was quite a sight.
And then she woke up, she looked
at me and she asked me, twice,
"Where's the dog?
Where is the dog?"
Meaning the dog should've
protected you?
Of course, but the dog
was nowhere to be found.
There was no dog in your dream?
Usually he comes
as soon as I call him.
He's right there
when I need him, you know.
But in the dream, nothing!
It wasn't there.
Dinner is ready.
Thank you, Maria.
I would like to propose a toast.
To our old dear friends,
to our new acquaintance.
Well, welcome to our house.
And, um...
to dreams and happiness.
And animals!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Darling, darling...
no wine for you.
- Cheers.
- Thanks for having us.
You know, dreams can be
very revealing sometimes.
I agree with you.
I think that dreams
are extremely revealing.
Our unconscious, right?
But Julian, of course,
thinks I'm crazy.
Dreams have no meaning
- Oh, come on, dear. - I want to
hear everybody's dreams. Come on.
I want to know all
of your secrets.
Maria says ever since she came to this
country, she doesn't dream anymore.
- Is that true?
- Yes, it's true.
She says her dreams
didn't come with her.
The dreams stayed in Mexico.
Her dreams are probably scared
of the U.S. border patrol.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Do you mind if I take a picture
of you and your daughter?
It's okay.
Thank you.
Just right here is good.
There's a red dark road
With an open sky
Where the moon and sun
Both rise high
Let me drive you there
Feel the desert air
on our skin
As the tumbleweeds sigh
For I'm wide awake
In this Land of Dreams
I'm a recluse
I'm a lover alone
And I got my flag
To plant my stake
But there's nowhere
for me to call home
Did you sleep okay?
That's all right. I've had some
tough mornings myself.
Alan, you're already getting
in my way. Just stay here.
All right.
I warned you.
It's strange in there.
Are you David Stygian?
Do you live here alone?
Aren't you here
because you're after my dreams?
I work for the Census.
Yes, the Census.
I know all about
the Census and what you do.
Census for your security, I see.
These are such powerful images.
Dreams can be disturbing.
Are these your dreams?
Mine and yours.
Humanity's shared demons.
The world of dreams are unruly.
Humans have always tried
to understand
and even control
what lurks beneath.
The dark side, where fear lives.
But they failed.
Every effort has been futile.
Why not just accept that
you're insignificant and scared?
Why try to control
what you can't control?
I've seen it everywhere.
People have so much fear,
but they won't admit it.
In their dreams
their fears are set loose.
Why do you think the Census is so
interested in knowing people's dreams?
Perhaps to get
a handle on their fears?
I don't know.
You should.
Hi. I'm Simin. If you have
a few minutes, I'm from...
A few minutes? We have an
eternity, my child. Come.
Enjoy our celebration.
We already have a few
curious witnesses here today
brought here by Jesus
as you were no doubt.
Excuse me.
All these evils and sin
we have spun
And today
when we're naked undone
In the victory
Of our Lord
Of our Lord
Of our Lord
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Heal us, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
- Jesus, Jesus
- Come together, children.
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Save us, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus
Come save us Lord
And so...
we welcome these sweet,
sweet flowers.
These lilies of the valley.
These born-again virgins who
have been cleansed in the light.
Who have been baptized in love
by our Lord Jesus.
Listen to me
you prized children of God.
God told me to tell you, yes,
God spoke to me,
and asked me
to give you his tidings.
That here and now you are purged
of the filth and putrescence
that has taken hold
of the human race.
And by the almighty power
given to me by God,
I deliver you from the foul
wretches whose genitals,
ruby lips and bulging eyes
have led you to the orgy dens.
Repeat after thee.
We have been filthy no more!
We have been filthy no more!
We were deformed
and deranged no more!
We were deformed
and deranged no more!
We revel with the homosexual,
drug addict and thief no more!
We revel with the homosexual,
drug addict and thief no more!
- Praise Jesus!
- Praise Jesus!
In this house of angels,
in this sanctuary of God,
I declare you have been rescued.
The Lord has given us
our rightly perch.
Soldiers of Christ, rejoice!
We are victorious once more!
We are victorious once more!
- Praise Jesus!
- Praise Jesus!
Here I deliver you God's message.
Bridegroom and bride,
enter the bedroom of your Lord
and life Jesus Christ.
Embrace, be naked and free
with your Lord and multiply.
Make the Lord Jesus Christ
your bridegroom.
Your savior. Your light.
Let us unite against those
at war with Jesus himself.
At war with
the sanctity of life.
Killing the unborn,
promoting homosexuality,
and filling this land with
the infidels and nonbelievers.
- Praise Jesus!
- -I come from a land where God rules.
My child, there is only one God.
Our God is the God of the Bible.
The God of love and mercy.
There's only one God. One God.
Yeah, your God, right?
Because your God came to you
with words of love and mercy.
And then he helped you pack human
slaves onto ships to the Promise Land.
This land here, right?
Jesus said to his disciples, "Go
and teach all nations," right?
- Simin.
- That's what he said.
Let us pray
in the name of Jesus!
- All nations!
- Praise Jesus!
- You think of yourselves as disciples of Jesus, right?
- Play God's music!
With the moral authority
to teach all nations?
- All nations? Let me tell you something.
- Help this child.
- Your enemies feel the exact same way!
- Let Jesus...
- That their God is superior to your God.
- Bring Jesus into your life!
And it's your place in hell!
- Pray in the name of Jesus! Sweet Jesus!
- Nothing!
Praise Jesus!
What do we see today?
The American people number one in
the whole world reading the Bible!
Bring your spirit
A book which ignores you!
Isn't that strange?
- Raise the music!
- You claim that there's only one God!
But there are many gods, each
one more angry than the next!
My love must be
a kind of blind love
I can't see anyone but you
Shoo-bop, shoo-bop
Doo-wop, shoo-bop
Doo-wop, shoo-bop
Doo-wop, shoo-bop
Doo-wop, shoo-bop
Are the stars
out tonight
Doo-wop, shoo-bop
You were pretty shaken up
in there. I was watching you.
- It's not true.
- No?
No. I was actually proud of her
for speaking her mind.
- Really, Mark?
- Yeah. Really.
Mark, you were shitting
your pants. Admit it.
Neither of you has balls.
That's about all I do have,
Is that why you need that gun?
Yeah, why did you use your gun?
Save your skinny ass.
Nah. You just like
to act macho.
That's all. It's not
that you don't like to think.
You are incapable of it.
Let me think about that.
And I only have eyes
- For you
- Doo-wop, shoo-bop
Exhibit 2.
Exhibit 3.
Is that you?
And are those all citizens
you interviewed?
Exhibit 4.
Who is that person?
Well, it's Betty.
It's one of my interviewees.
And did Betty speak to you
in Farsi?
Sometimes after work if I like a dream
I've heard, I translate it to Farsi.
And then I dress up
like the person.
And then I pretend
to be the person.
You become the person?
No, I act.
I pretend.
And you post all these videos
to social media?
Many fans?
Display the final exhibit.
Can you explain?
Somebody spoke those words
to me at The Colony.
The Colony?
Yes, that Iranian Colony
that you sent me to.
Who sent you there?
Ms. Cooper here.
An Iranian Colony in America.
That sounds fascinating.
Perhaps, one of your
interviewees told you about that?
Or could it be
one of your own dreams?
I have witnesses.
The man you assigned me
for my bodyguard is a witness.
His name is Alan Villin.
He'll be happy to testify.
This is not a court of law.
There's no need for witnesses here.
The facts are quite clear.
The facts?
Simin, we do understand that you
have an incredibly demanding job.
Listening to people's dreams
day in and day out.
We have had a number of cases
where some of our Census workers,
become temporarily confused.
The border between dream
and reality is a very thin one.
Dr. Palmer,
perhaps you can explain.
This lady is an unusual case.
I believe she's either borderline or
she already slipped into a disorder.
The patient imagines
a fantastic world,
and perceives
it as factual reality.
She has to stop working
immediately and start therapy.
And that is my advice.
Could you please tell me what reality
this is you're so interested in?
Which reality?
Whose reality?
And if you're so interested
in reality,
why are you
collecting people's dreams?
I admit it.
I've lost contact with reality.
Because I don't like
your reality.
How by knowing people's dreams,
could you possibly be
protecting them?
You'll never be able
to control people's dreams.
No. Their dreams are theirs
and theirs alone.
And they hold great power.
You're right to fear them.
Thank you very much.
But I don't need your therapy.
Someone's rocking
my dreamboat
I'm captain
without any crew
But with love
as my guide
I'll follow the tide
I'll keep sailing
'til I find you
You don't have to
follow me anymore.
You don't have to worry
about that.
I'm not working for them
I got it.
Let me help you with this.
What do you put in this thing?
Never mind.
Thank you.
All right.
It's good to meet you Alan.
Even though you're
a real pain sometimes.
Well, I'm sorry things
didn't work out.
It's okay.
It's for the best.
What's next?
I don't know.
Well... Good luck.
Yeah, good luck to you too.
Someone's rocking
my dreamboat
Someone's disturbing
this dream
We were sailing along
So peaceful and calm
something went wrong
Someone's rocking
my dreamboat
a beautiful dream
It's a mystery to me,
this mutiny at sea
Who can it be?
A friendly breeze
gave us a start
To a paradise of our own
All at once a storm,
blew us apart
And left me
drifting alone
Someone's rocking
my dreamboat
I'm captain
without any crew
But with love as my guide,
I'll follow the tide
I'll keep sailing
until I find you
You leapt
from crumbling bridges
Watching cityscapes
turn to dust
Filming helicopters
In the ocean
from way above
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
You've been locked
in here forever
And you just can't
say goodbye
Kisses on the foreheads
of the lovers
Wrapped in your arms
You've been hiding them
in hollowed out pianos
Left in the dark
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
You've been locked
in here forever
And you just
can't say goodbye
Your lips, my lips
Your lips, my lips
Go and sneak us
through the rivers
Flood is rising up
on your knees
Oh, please
Come out and haunt me
I know you want me
Come out and haunt me
Sharing all your secrets
with each other
Since you were kids
Sleeping soundly with
the locket that she gave you
Clutched in your fist
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
Got the music in you,
Tell me why
You've been locked
in here forever
And you just
can't say goodbye
You've been locked
in here forever
And you just
can't say goodbye
Ooh, ooh, oh
When you're all alone
I will reach for you
When you're feeling low
I'll be there too