Land of Gold (2022) Movie Script

(heart beats)
(heart continues beating)
(wind chimes tinkling)
(gently chiming music)
(heart beats)
(upbeat music)
- [Raveena] Thank you for
coming on short notice.
- I'll make these work.
- It's so hard to arrange things
on my putar's schedule, but
thank God he's home for once.
I'm sure Preeti will be
stapling his feet to the floor.
(group laughs)
It feels like only yesterday
I was chasing my children
through this house.
These walls are imbued
with our memories.
I wish Gurinder was here.
When Kiran was born,
Gurinder held him and said.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
It was Gurinder's greatest
joy to be a father.
And now,
Kiran ji,
you get to do the same.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
(group applauds)
(upbeat music)
- [Kiran] Hey, I thought you
said this would be small.
- [Raveena] It's only a handful.
- [Speaker] Hey!
- [Kiran] Mom, there
are over 30 people here.
- Be happy so many are
here, you know Saroj Auntie?
She had a party and
only five people came.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Well, then why
isn't Kuldip here?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- You know why they're not here.
Have some sympathy.
We wouldn't have to rush this
if you were here more often.
- I'll be right
over, one second.
- [Raveena] Just like your
father, always running off.
- Do you even know what
these ceremonies mean?
We already had one shower.
- Preeti's parents
got to have their fun.
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
Astrological signs, pundits.
Don't I get to have my fun, too?
I get to celebrate
my grandchild, too.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Mom.
- God, that white man is
touching the garlands again.
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
Excuse me.
- [Sarah] She's
gonna love it, Pree.
- Yeah, it's not bad, huh?
- And I love this little mobile.
- Oh, that's Kiran's.
I found it in one of
his old baby boxes.
I mean, his mom saved
everything. (laughs)
- Oh, you know what?
I saw this, like,
spacey blanket on Etsy.
It'll be perfect.
You can't decide?
- Kiran's picking the paint.
(overlapping chattering)
(group laughs)
(overlapping chattering)
(Kiran sighs)
(Kiran exhales)
(Preeti clears throat)
- Last one before
the baby's here.
- [Preeti] Your mom keeps
talking to me in Punjabi.
- I'm sorry.
(Preeti laughs)
- Apparently we have
to get some sort
of ceremony done tonight
or the kid's gonna come out
with bad knees or something.
- Mm, the inauspicious
bad knee disease.
(Preeti laughs)
(Kiran sighs)
This whole day's
been a nightmare.
- Oh, come on, it's been nice.
- You kidding?
She went on and on about my dad.
This is about the show,
this isn't about us.
- [Preeti] Okay, so do
you want to come in, or?
- Roger's got a job for me.
- Yeah, I think you told
him you were gonna stay home
until the baby comes, right?
- I leave tomorrow.
- What?
- [Kiran] I figured
since the baby isn't due
for a few weeks-
- We agreed that
you would stay home.
- I know.
- [Preeti] I scheduled an
ultrasound for Tuesday.
- Okay, I'll FaceTime in.
- [Preeti] It was for
you to come in person.
(Kiran sighs)
- Then cancel it.
- I already said yes.
- We need the money, okay?
Bills keep stacking up, and-
- Listen, we're
gonna be fine, okay?
I'm gonna go back to work soon
and we've got plenty of savings.
- Prakesh just got a truck with
that self-driving software,
and I keep losing
bids on clients.
I don't know how long
I can keep this up.
- Then get a loan and
upgrade the truck,
or buy a new one, or get-
- I am not getting a loan.
- [Preeti] Then sell it, go
back to school, get your degree.
- Look, it's just one
last job until it comes.
- It is not a
concept, she is real.
Seriously, what is going
on with you, I just-
- Look, what do you
want me to do, huh?
You're the one
giving birth, not me.
(Kiran sighs)
(footsteps pattering)
(Kiran sighs)
(no audio)
(alarm clock beeps)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(car trunk slams)
- If you still feel
like this in a week,
then I can't promise what
you'll be coming home to.
(traffic lightly rumbles)
(car revs)
(traffic lightly rumbles)
(ice chest rattles)
(truck seat creaks)
(no audio)
(slow music)
(truck engine rumbles)
(truck engine revs)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
- [Kiran] Hey, I got
a shipment on bay six.
- All right, what's
your destination?
- Boston.
- Let me see it.
- [Speaker] I've
got another package.
- Yeah, hold on, all
right, so what do you got?
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(truck beeps)
(slow music continues)
- [Kiran] Hey, Roger,
just got the load.
I'll be in Boston by the fourth.
My brother's out there
so I might see him,
but if you've got a
load for the way home,
let me know, I'm your guy.
(slow music continues)
(cow lows)
(slow music continues)
(ladder rattles)
(wind whistles)
(phone patters)
(wind whistles)
(phone patters)
(wind whistles)
(wind continues whistling)
(upbeat music)
(DJ speaking in
foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(Gurinder laughs)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(truck rumbles)
(truck knocks)
(truck continues knocking)
- [Elena] Help!
(truck knocks)
- What the?
(Elena pants)
What were you doing in there?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
(Kiran screams)
(Elena pants)
(Kiran splutters)
Oh, goddammit.
(slow music)
Wait, wait!
(slow music continues)
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Hold up! (groans)
(Kiran groans)
(Kiran pants)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(truck door slams)
(seat creaks)
(Kiran grunts)
(seat creaks)
(Kiran pants)
(wind whistles)
(Kiran groans)
(Kiran sighs)
(backpack rattles)
(Kiran sighs)
(Kiran pants)
(wind whistles)
(phone clicks)
(Kiran pants)
(wind whistles)
(Kiran pants)
(Kiran sighs)
(truck door rattles)
(wind whistles)
(truck door rattles)
(wind whistles)
(truck door slams)
(truck engine revs)
(truck engine continues revving)
(no audio)
(no audio)
Hey, yeah, this is Kiran.
(rustling drowns out speaker)
(Kiran mumbles)
No, no, I was just wondering
if there's any workers
that are missing.
So no one's missing anyone?
No, no, no, no reason.
Yeah, yeah, no,
the cargo is fine.
(water bottle crackles)
(car horn beeps)
(truck door creaks)
(truck door slams)
(birds chirping)
You alone?
Your family work at that distro?
Speak English?
Why are you on my truck?
(Kiran sighs)
If you won't talk to me.
(truck door creaks)
(truck door slams)
(no audio)
(truck door creaks)
(truck door slams)
- I need you to
take me to Boston.
- Oh, she speaks.
- I promise I won't
be any trouble.
- I am not running a charity.
- Let me go then,
I'll find another way.
- The police will
take care of you.
(Elena cries)
- [Elena] Please. (speaking
in foreign language), please!
- I can't help you.
- Hey!
You need something, boy?
(siren wails)
You deaf, speak English?
(Elena cries)
Do you need something?
- Uh, just looking
for a bathroom.
- Check the diner down the road.
(police radio mumbles)
(traffic faintly rumbles)
(no audio)
- What's your name?
What's your name?
- Elena.
- I'm Kiran.
(no audio)
(seat creaks)
(truck engine rumbles)
- [Preeti] Hi, you've
reached Preeti Rao.
I can't come to
the phone right now
so please leave a
message after the beep.
(phone beeps)
(traffic roars)
(traffic continues roaring)
(traffic continues roaring)
- [Phone] We're
sorry, the number
you have dialed has
been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
Please check the number
and try your call again.
We're sorry, the number
you have dialed has
been disconnected
or is no longer in service.
Please check the number
and try your call again.
We're sorry, the number
you have dialed has been-
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
- Eat.
- [Elena] I'm not hungry.
What is it?
- Food.
- [Elena] What kind?
- Indian food.
- Maybe there's something else-
- Hey, just roll it up
like a burrito, okay?
- You know burritos aren't
even Mexican, right?
(Kiran sighs)
(slow music continues)
- So your family's in Boston?
- [Elena] Sort of.
- Sort of?
- Just my uncle.
- [Kiran] Aren't you Mexican?
- Mexican American, why?
- I didn't think
Mexicans lived in Boston.
- Well, my uncle does.
- You know his phone's
not working, right?
- He's lived there
for years, okay?
- Okay, okay.
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
So why are you headed to him?
Hey, did your family smuggle you
across the border or something?
- We live in Boyle Heights.
In LA.
- Where are your parents, then?
Look, I need you to tell me
if your family did something.
Otherwise, I can't help you.
- No one did anything.
I don't need your help.
(Kiran sighs)
- Wait.
Hey, wait!
(sign buzzes)
- Hey, kid!
No loitering, paying
customers only, dinero.
(Elena speaking in
foreign language)
(Elena dramatically sighs)
- [Sandra] Border jumpers,
we get them, like,
three or four times a month
looking for a free night.
They try to sneak
in, I call the cops,
clear them out. (laughs)
I ain't running no
damn charity, just you?
- Yeah, just me.
(room key rattles)
(door creaks)
(backpack jingles)
(Kiran sighs)
It's all they had.
(Elena sighs)
Look, I'll be right back.
Don't let any strangers in.
(door slams)
(locks clicking)
(Elena sighs)
(backpack rustles)
(phone patters)
(Elena sighs)
(slow elevator music)
(door chimes)
(slow elevator music continues)
(slow elevator music continues)
(phone vibrates)
Preeti, hey.
- [Preeti] Are you okay?
- Uh, yeah, yeah, why?
- I had, like, 20
missed calls from you.
- Oh.
Yeah, right.
Sorry, are you okay?
- I'm fine, I just thought
something happened.
- Yeah, is Mom bothering you?
- She's fine, won't let
me cook in my own house.
- Oi, oi, this house
used to be mine.
When you can spice
your own sabzi,
you can cook all you want.
(speaking in foreign language)
This is the good part.
(Preeti scoffs)
- God, your mom is a trip.
So why did you call me 20 times?
(water trickles)
(water splashes)
(water continues splashing)
(water continues splashing)
- [Kiran] I couldn't
just leave her out there.
- What if the police
pull you over?
- That won't happen.
- [Preeti] It's happened before.
- Then I'll just
explain the situation.
- Think about this
for one second.
They're gonna think
that you kidnapped her.
- You're being ridiculous.
- I don't want to
visit you in prison.
- She doesn't have anyone else.
- But you're putting
our family at risk.
- Well, this girl is
real, she isn't a concept.
- Fuck you, Kiran.
(phone beeps)
(Kiran sighs)
(Elena hums)
(Elena continues humming)
(door rattles)
- [Kiran] Elena?
- What?
- [Kiran] Can we talk?
- [Elena] I don't know, can we?
- I got you something.
I thought you might
want some clean clothes.
(Elena sighs)
(door creaks)
(door slams)
(lock rattles)
(bag rustles)
(bag continues rustling)
- [Elena] These are all ugly.
- It's all they had.
(Elena sighs)
You know, I used
to run away a lot.
I used to run away to
my best friend's house
and steal all of
her fruit snacks.
Her mom would always scream,
"Where did all the
fruit snacks go?"
I'd run home and throw
up rainbow. (laughs)
(Elena sighs)
- I didn't run away.
- Okay.
Where are your parents?
- I don't know.
(Elena sighs)
(door creaks)
Why didn't you turn
me into the police?
- They won't help you.
(traffic roars)
(traffic continues roaring)
(traffic continues roaring)
(traffic continues roaring)
Clean up after yourself,
you do what you're told.
This is my truck, my
business, understood?
- Understood.
- Let's go.
(traffic roars)
(traffic continues roaring)
(truck rumbles)
(truck continues rumbling)
- Can I push it?
- Push what?
- The horn.
- No.
- Come on, just once?
- No.
- Please?
Come on.
(Elena sighs)
(water bottle crackles)
(truck rumbles)
(zipper zips)
There was a farmer
who had a dog
And Bingo was its name-o
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O
And Bingo was its name-o
There was a farmer
who had a dog
And Bingo was its name-o
(Elena claps)
(Elena claps)
(Elena claps)
N-G-O, and Bingo
was its name-o
- [Kiran] Could you not?
(Elena roars)
- It's so boring, what
do you do all day?
- Hey, hey, take off your shoes.
(pot rattles)
(truck rumbles)
(telescope box rattles)
Hey, hey, hey, put that down.
- Why do you have a telescope?
- None of your business.
I said put it away.
(Elena speaking in
foreign language)
(truck rumbles)
(truck continues rumbling)
- Can I have one?
- Yeah.
(truck rumbles)
I said you could have one.
(water trickles)
(door slams)
(wind whistles)
- Don't look.
- I'm not.
(wind whistles)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(Christina speaking
in foreign language)
(truck rumbles)
Still no answer?
(truck rumbles)
Does anyone know you're
headed to Boston?
- My parents.
Did you know the
oldest restaurant in
the US is in Boston?
And the first public library
in America is there, too.
(Kiran laughs)
- You know a lot about Boston.
- Papi does.
Is that your dad?
- Mm-hmm.
- [Elena] What's that
thing on his head?
- A turban.
- [Elena] It's like a hat.
- Sort of, it's a special
hat, Sikhs wear it.
- Your mom's hair is pretty.
- Yeah, she's never cut it.
- Ever?
- To this day.
- What's a Sikh?
- A person who follows
the Sikh religion.
- I thought Muslims
wore turbans.
- Some do, ours are different.
- Why don't you wear one?
- You ask a lot of questions.
- Are you a Sikh?
- [Kiran] Yeah.
No, no, not really.
- What?
- Huh?
- What were you just thinking?
- I was thinking you should
stop drinking so many sodas.
- Lying is a sin.
(no audio)
- My dad cut my hair
when I was your age.
(slow music)
I don't do the turban.
(slow music continues)
(Raveena singing in
foreign language)
(Raveena hums)
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- What's wrong, beti?
Stress is not good for the baby.
- You should tell your son that.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- I'm not in the mood.
- And if it were your daughter,
wouldn't you like knowing
someone was helping her?
- Obviously yes.
- I trust my son.
(Preeti scoffs)
- [Preeti] Of course you do.
- Let me do this.
- Please stop.
- I'm just trying to help.
- I just need Kiran here.
- He's been working long hours.
Gurinder was the
same, it will be okay-
- I don't need your help.
(Christina speaking
in foreign language)
(Ramon speaking in
foreign language)
(Christina speaking
in foreign language)
(Ramon speaking in
foreign language)
(Christina speaking
in foreign language)
(Ramon speaking in
foreign language)
(window bangs)
(window squeaks)
- You okay there?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm
just resting my eyes.
- Paper.
(traffic roars)
We've had reports of illegal
shipments coming through here.
You know anything about that?
- No.
(traffic roars)
- [Officer Ahoski] You alone?
- Yeah.
- Why don't you open
up your truck for me?
It's all right, we'll
make it a quick look see.
- [Kiran] Yeah, sure.
(traffic roars)
(truck door slams)
(traffic roars)
(truck door rattles)
(traffic roars)
(truck door slams)
- I thought you
said you were alone.
Excuse me, where do
you think you're going?
(traffic roars)
- I...
had to go to the bathroom.
- Well, little lady, there's
one right down there.
- Thank you, Officer.
- Thank you.
(Officer Ahoski laughs)
- Cute kid.
- Yeah, my,
my daughter, (laughs)
first time she's on a ride.
I forgot she was there.
- I took my youngest
on a ride-along.
I completely forgot she was
with me in a robbery. (laughs)
It happens, you say,
you're Indian, right?
- Yeah.
- You mind clearing
something up for me?
Chicken tikka, tikka
masala, I love them both.
What's the difference?
(traffic roars)
- Do you realize how
irresponsible that was?
We're lucky he was an idiot,
otherwise I would be in cuffs
and you'd be God knows where.
My truck, my rules, understand?
- I'm sorry, I didn't want
you to get in trouble.
(traffic roars)
(Kiran sighs)
- Are you undocumented?
(traffic roars)
(Kiran sighs)
If anyone asks,
you're my daughter, okay?
(traffic roars)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(tiffin box rattles)
In the (indistinct)
on my own
Is where I go
I've been
(background noise
drowns out singing)
I want to scream the truth
(upbeat bhangra music)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
- [Kiran] Thank you
for talking to her.
- [Preeti] Let's see
what you got us into.
- Hey, hey, don't
touch that. (sighs)
My wife, Preeti.
- [Preeti] Hi,
Elena, I'm Preeti.
- Your husband's stupid
and smells like cigarettes
and he tried to turn
me into the police.
(Preeti laughs)
He's a bonehead.
- The bone-iest.
- The truck's cool,
though, the horn's awesome,
and he's got a telescope.
- [Preeti] He let you see it?
- No.
- Well, that's Kiran, keeps
everything to himself.
(birds chirping)
What's your uncle's name?
- Diego.
- [Preeti] Can I see him?
- Mm-hmm.
- Do your parents know
you're on your way to him?
Do your friends
know where you are?
- I didn't want them
to get in trouble.
- Is Kiran feeding you okay?
- Indian food is tasty,
it's like our food.
He told me to roll
it up like a burrito.
- Why don't you
hand me back to him?
Smells like cigarettes?
- I stopped, I swear.
Can you see what you
can dig up on her?
- She's really sweet.
I'll let you know what
I find on her family.
- Thank you.
(birds chirping)
- [Elena] She's mad at you.
(Kiran sighs)
- I know.
- What'd you do?
- I decided to help a stowaway.
- It's definitely
something else.
- She's pregnant.
- Hormones.
- What?
- When Mommy was pregnant
with Matty, she was so weird.
We had to be extra nice to her.
- Hmm.
(Kiran sighs)
- What are these for?
- [Kiran] Where'd you get those?
- [Elena] In your bag.
(Kiran sighs)
- Put them back.
(traffic roars)
(Kiran sighs)
I'm supposed to pick a
color for the nursery.
- I can help, I'm
great with colors.
Papi lets me dress him 'cause
I'm so good with colors.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, (laughs) Uncle
Diego builds houses.
I'm sure he's great with paint,
I'll get him to help, too.
(Kiran laughs)
- Great.
- [Elena] This one.
- Hmm, you know
what I would love?
- What?
- [Kiran] If you would
go back and take a nap.
(Elena sighs dramatically)
(slow music)
(Kiran sighs)
(slow music continues)
What are you listening to?
(slow guitar music)
- Selena.
- Old school.
- She's my mom's favorite.
(slow guitar music continues)
(slow guitar music continues)
Have you ever been to India?
- No.
My dad used to say
it looked like this,
farmland as far as
the eye could see.
Have you been back to Mexico?
- [Elena] No.
Mommy always says we can't go
'til we know we can
come back safely.
- This is what I'm telling you.
This is not her, how are
we going to find her family
from looking at this one?
- I'm just trying to find out
where they're taking them.
- Arms out, go back up.
Hands to the center,
bend your front leg.
Yeah, then go back up. (grunts)
Oh, yeah, that's a good stretch.
Hey, Mom, what's up?
- [Raveena] Hi, beta, have
you called your brother?
- [Kiran] No.
- [Raveena] Kiran, how many
times do you go to Boston?
You should see him.
(Kiran sighs)
- [Kiran] Yeah,
I'll think about it.
- [Raveena] How is Elena?
- She is fine, she's sleeping.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- You're doing the
right thing with her.
- Uh, hey.
- [Raveena] The
phone must have cut.
- No, no, no, I'm here.
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
(Raveena continues speaking
in foreign language)
(Kiran clears throat)
- How's Preeti?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Did you ask her
if she wanted help?
- Arey, you should
be here helping.
She's taking her
stress out on me.
I'll have you know I was a
saint when I was pregnant.
- Mom, I've told
you a thousand times
to stop micromanaging
her, she hates it.
- Well, if you were here,
I wouldn't need to
be doing all this.
Maybe get her something
nice as an apology, nah?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Really don't need relationship
advice from you, okay?
- When you were getting married,
I told you that you should
treat your partner as equal,
not as a third person.
- Yeah, so?
- You're not making up for
what your father lacked.
- Do not compare me to him.
- If you think we did
such wrong, why repeat it?
(traffic roars)
(traffic continues roaring)
(quiet overlapping chattering)
- [Elena] Why do we always
have to eat Indian food?
- [Kiran] Healthier
than burgers.
- [Elena] I like burgers.
- Hmm, so do I.
(quiet overlapping chattering)
Don't tell Preeti.
Elena, hurry up.
(traffic faintly rumbles)
(traffic continues
faintly rumbling)
(traffic continues
faintly rumbling)
(cross buzzes)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(Elena sighs)
(Elena hums)
(Elena continues humming)
(no audio)
What's wrong?
- [Elena] Nothing.
- [Kiran] Come on.
- [Elena] It's...
- [Kiran] Elena.
- I hate waking up early,
but on Sundays, it's okay
because I sing in the choir.
Matty wears a suit
(laughs) and he's cute.
I love singing with everyone.
When you hear the songs,
you just know everything's
gonna be okay.
It's just (sighs)
not the same here.
(no audio)
- Hey.
Come with me.
(slow music)
- [Elena] What is that?
- [Kiran] I don't
know, a Sikh hymn.
- [Elena] It's pretty.
(Kiran speaking in
foreign language)
- Hello, goodbye,
God is the truth.
Here, take your shoes off.
Wash your hands.
- [Elena] What is this place?
- It's a gurdwara,
a Sikh temple.
- [Elena] Why are we here?
- [Kiran] Well, you said
you liked the music.
(slow music continues)
- Do Sikhs believe in Jesus?
- No, just God.
- [Elena] But Jesus is God.
- Not for everyone.
Cover your head in there
out of respect for God.
- [Elena] Like the turban?
- [Kiran] Exactly,
like a turban.
(Elena laughs)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
- You need one.
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
Bend down.
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(Elena laughs)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
- Put out your hands.
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(singing in foreign language)
(slow music continues)
(package crackles)
(Elena imitates whooshing)
(Elena laughs)
(Elena imitates whooshing)
(Elena laughs)
(Elena imitates whooshing)
(Elena laughs)
- Matty. (speaking
in foreign language)
(package crackles)
- What are you doing here?
- Can I get this?
- Let's go.
- [Elena] It's cheap.
- I said, let's go.
- [Elena] Okay, can
I get this instead?
- I said no.
(door jingles)
- Get off of me.
- What were you doing in there?
- You were taking forever.
- Is this how you act
with your parents?
- I just wanted a candy
bar, what's your problem?
- I told you to
wait in the truck.
- It's not a biggie.
- Did you see the way
they looked at us, at you?
- No.
- You don't know
what's out there.
You don't see what I see.
The rules are different
for people like us.
I can't protect you if
you don't listen to me.
Now, get back in the
truck or find a new ride.
- No wonder your wife hates you.
I don't need you to protect
me, you're not my dad.
Just because your life sucks
doesn't mean mine will, too.
- You're right.
I'm not your dad.
And you sure as hell
aren't my daughter.
(footsteps pattering)
(cigarette wrapper crackles)
- [Gurinder] It's my
(indistinct), this is my house.
- [Officer] Put your
hands behind your back.
- I live here, Officer.
(siren wails)
This is my house.
(Raveena cries out)
- [Raveena] Gurinder!
- Don't do this in front
of my wife and child.
(Raveena cries)
I didn't do anything, why?
What did I do?
(Gurinder cries)
Hey, hey, hey. (speaking
in foreign language)
(Raveena shouts in
foreign language)
(Gurinder shouts in
foreign language)
(Raveena shouts in
foreign language)
(Gurinder shouts in
foreign language)
(Raveena shouts in
foreign language)
(Gurinder shouts in
foreign language)
(Raveena shouts in
foreign language)
(Gurinder shouts in
foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Kiran breathes deeply)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- Breathe deep.
(Kiran inhales)
(heart beats)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(traffic roars)
(Kiran sniffs)
(Kiran sighs)
(backpack rustles)
(truck door creaks)
- Elena?
- I'm leaving, I'll
find my own way.
(backpack rustles)
(telescope box rattles)
- I got something to show you.
You coming?
- I can't see anything.
- Close your eyes.
You see that one in the middle?
That's Vega in the
Lyra constellation.
It's my favorite.
I went to school to
be an astronomer.
- [Elena] Nerd.
(Kiran laughs)
- Oh, hey, look at this.
Ah, look,
look right here.
That's the Little Dipper.
You know what star is at
the end of the handle?
Polaris, the North Star.
- [Elena] It's not as bright.
- Mm-hmm, but if
you ever get lost,
just find that star and you'll
know exactly where you are.
(no audio)
When I used to run away,
I'd look up and
escape into the stars,
imagine all the possibilities
that were out there.
I don't know if
I believe in God,
but when I look at all this,
I know that there's
something else out there.
That's God to me,
the infinite.
- [Elena] Why did you run away?
- My dad,
he wasn't home a lot, but
when he was, he drank a lot,
yelled a lot.
- Why aren't you an astronomer?
- Dad got sick.
There were bills to pay, a
brother to go to college.
I had to step up.
- When Matty was born, I had
to help take care of him.
Diapers are the worst.
- I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have yelled at you.
- It's okay, Mommy and
Papi get angry, too.
(no audio)
- What happened to them?
- There was a raid
at my apartment.
And no one knew
what was going on.
I don't know where they are.
(traffic faintly rumbles)
I think you should
become an astronomer.
(Kiran laughs)
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm, it's what you wanted.
I want to become a
singer, make lots of money
so I can take care of my family.
- Does your family
like your songs?
- Papi's not home a lot.
When he is, he records
me and sends videos
of me singing to tia
and abuela in Mexico.
- You any good?
(Elena laughs)
- I don't know.
(Kiran laughs)
(slow music)
(traffic faintly rumbles)
- [Kiran] If you had a truck,
you would have a
yellow one, right?
- [Elena] No, pink, no, purple.
Would you have a tan one?
- [Kiran] A tan one?
- [Elena] You always wear tan.
- What are you talking
about, I always wear tan?
A small fry, apple
slices, grape soda,
a double cheeseburger
with a small fry.
- Every Sunday after church,
Papi would always say,
"Next year, mi mariposa,
we're gonna live by the sea."
Mommy would always
say, "Diego made it.
He's got two
bathrooms." (laughs)
Papi's still jealous
Tio got there first.
He loves Boston.
- Why?
- He said he wants to
live where America started
and drink all the freedom tea.
I don't really get
that part. (laughs)
- The American dream.
- I want to see him.
I miss him.
(slow music continues)
Why are you mad at Don Kiran?
- I just wish he was home.
(slow music continues)
- How about.
- What?
- A nice reddish pinkish?
- Hmm.
- I'm a genius, look
at this neon yellow.
- Neon yellow?
- Yeah.
- I thought you said you
were good with colors.
(upbeat music)
I caught you sleeping
on the passenger side
- Flour tortillas
are not Mexican.
- Okay, so then what
is Mexican here?
Like, show me something
that's Mexican.
- A corn tortilla.
- This is tasty, mm.
So a burrito, not Mexican.
- Yeah, definitely not.
- [Kiran] Okay, enchiladas?
(Elena laughs)
Doesn't that smell
good, smell it.
- It smells like tea.
- [Kiran] A little bit of milk.
Deep in my bones, and I
- We'll turn it up,
give me your cup.
All right, get it in here.
- Mm.
- [Kiran] Here you go.
- Thank you.
- [Elena] Oh my God,
you've never cut your hair?
- Well, I thought about it one
time, but I've never cut it.
Chasing days like these
(Kiran laughs)
Days like these
Chasing days like these
(upbeat music continues)
Chasing days like these
(seagull cries)
(upbeat music continues)
- [Speaker] What do you got?
- Dried fruits and stuff.
- Oh, yeah, where from?
- [Elena] California.
- Well done.
Sign here.
It's great to see
someone bring their kid.
- Yeah, we just, we
just needed some time.
- Well, that's good,
my dad used to take me.
It makes me miss him.
- It was good to hear from you.
I was surprised you called.
Enjoying having Mom with you?
- Enjoying is a strong word.
- [Kuldip] Keep her
as long as you want.
(Asha laughs)
- You okay back there?
- [Kiran] She could use a bath.
- So could you.
- [Kuldip] Nice. (laughs)
(Asha laughs)
(Elena laughs)
- Hey, hey, be careful.
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, I think so.
- My firm has put out some
calls to the Justice Department.
Hopefully they'll
lead us somewhere.
- Thank you.
- What you're doing
is really amazing.
- You've thought
this through, right?
- She needs help.
End of story. (sighs)
- [Elena] You have a backyard?
(Asha laughs)
(Kuldip laughs)
(Elena sniffs)
(drawer rattles)
(fabric rustles)
(wind chimes tinkling)
- [Kuldip] Oh, still?
- Yeah.
(Kuldip sighs)
- You gonna see Papa this time?
- Maybe.
(Kiran sighs)
After dinner.
How is he?
- He comes in and out.
Sometimes he's lucid.
You have to sort of
guide him through.
- Hmm.
Is he still drinking?
- [Kuldip] We control it.
- You allow it?
- I said we control it.
(Kiran scoffs)
You're never here, man.
You don't get to decide
how we take care of him.
- Well, Dip, you're a doctor.
You should know better.
- Maybe if you showed up more
I'd take your second opinion.
(Kiran sighs)
You remember when Ma and Pa
went to Saroj Auntie's house
and I had that party?
- The Bakersfield
bake-off summer bash.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
that was a party.
- Yeah, that was
a party. (laughs)
Until they came home early
and we thought we'd
cleaned up everything.
- The shamrock shot glass.
- [Kuldip] In the sink-
- Oh, you idiot.
- [Kuldip] Man.
(Kiran laughs)
Papa was fuming.
(Kiran laughs)
Ma was all like, "What kind
of son have I raised?"
- "Of son have I raised?"
(both laughing)
- And you took the heat.
You said it was your
party, your shot glass.
Saved me from being
grounded for my whole life,
whether it was that
shot glass, college,
whenever the shit went
down, you took care of me.
- Kuldip, this is different.
Like, this isn't the same, okay?
You shouldn't be the one to
have to take care of him.
- You're about to have
a daughter, let it go.
(Asha laughs)
His bedroom was covered
in those glow in the dark
constellation stickers.
(Asha laughs)
(Elena laughs)
"Star Wars" action figures, too.
- [Elena] Nerd.
(Asha laughs)
(Kuldip laughs)
- Yeah, that you always
wanted to play with.
"Veer ji, veer ji,
let me play with one.
Please, please, just
one, please, come on."
- Why do I sound like a
child in a Guru Dutt movie?
- Oh, so that's why you
keep ordering those dolls.
- Action figures.
- Uh-huh.
- [Kuldip] And I'm
saving them for my niece.
- Right.
- [Reporter] Authorities say
some migrants may be taken
to a processing center,
ones where staff aren't
already overwhelmed.
- You know, you always wanted
to stay in my room, too.
- Did not.
- [Reporter] They went into-
- Yeah, you did,
you were so afraid
that rats were gonna
come and eat your brains
in the middle of the night
for some reason-
- Okay, that's because
you would scratch on
the walls to torture me.
(Elena laughs)
- So, Elena, what
do you like to do?
- She sings.
- Oh, really, what
do you like to sing?
- I don't know, it's a
mix of Selena, Joan Baez,
and a little Joni Mitchell.
- Oh, (laughs) wow, very cool.
- I'm writing a demo
with my friend Zashia.
- I'm trying to get her to
use some tabla on the track.
- Of course you are.
(Asha laughs)
(Elena laughs)
- Bhangra music's pretty good.
- [Kiran] Nice.
(Asha laughs)
(Kiran sighs)
(Kiran knocks)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- It's Kiran.
(Kiran speaking in
foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(bed creaks)
- It's been a while.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Kiran speaking in
foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Kiran sighs)
- I'm not the doctor.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- [Kiran] Still up there,
last time I checked.
(pills rattling)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Kiran sniffs)
- No, none yet.
(no audio)
It was good seeing you.
Yeah, I should go.
- Kiran, Kiran.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- I've got some
good news for you.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- You're gonna be a grandfather.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- [Kiran] A few weeks.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- Papa, it's me, it's Kiran.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- [Kiran] Papa, it's me.
(speaking in foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- [Elena] Dessert's ready.
(Gurinder speaking
in foreign language)
- [Gurinder] Are
you his daughter?
(slow music)
- Yeah.
- Oh!
Come here. (speaking
in foreign language)
Oh, beautiful, look at you.
When I was your age, I
saw a photo of a sheep,
a sheep on a big
hill, green grass,
beautiful wind blowing,
and it was my dream
to find that.
I came to America
looking for it,
but never found it.
But you know what?
I found something much better.
(slow music continues)
I found my family.
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
And you know, this whole world,
whole universe is yours,
and he will give it to you.
(slow music continues)
(truck rumbles)
(truck continues rumbling)
(wind whistles)
(birds chirping)
(no audio)
(birds chirping)
(birds continue chirping)
(Elena sighs)
(Elena knocks)
(door rattles)
- [Michelle] No, I gotta
call you back, yeah.
Hi, can I help you?
- Is, I'm looking
for Diego Hernandez.
- I don't know anybody
named Diego, sorry.
- Is this not your address?
- Yeah.
Yeah, that's it.
- He should be here.
- The previous
owner had a tenant.
I don't know where he went,
I just bought the spot.
Can I get you
something, sweetheart?
You want a glass of
water or some soda?
- No, thank you.
- [Michelle] Hey, I'm real
sorry I couldn't help you more.
(bird chirps)
(door creaks)
(footsteps pattering)
(birds chirping)
- Could Diego be anywhere else?
Did your parents give you
anyone else you can call?
- I wish they could have.
- Hey, tell me what happened.
- Papi and I got
into a huge fight.
Zashia invited me to a concert.
He kept saying no,
he was always so scared
something will happen.
I was so mad, I needed
to get away for a bit.
I ignored all of their calls,
and when I came back,
Immigration was there.
(slow orchestral music)
And I saw, I saw Matty
and Papi and Mommy
in the back of a truck,
and then before I knew it,
they were driving away.
- Look, that was not your fault.
You did not do that to them.
- It felt like I did.
- Your family doesn't blame you.
- What if they do?
- Elena.
- Get off of me, you're
just a stupid old man.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
- Hey, hey, hey, hey,
punch here, punch here.
Again, again, again.
Punch, punch, again.
Again, come on, get
it out, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
(Elena cries)
(slow orchestral
music continues)
(Elena continues crying)
(slow orchestral
music continues)
It's okay.
(seagull cries)
- My family had a plan.
Papi worked at the
center, said trucks came
from all over the country.
If things were to go
wrong, it's Diego.
He's family, and he'll
take care of you.
- Why my truck?
- You reminded me of Papi.
(seagulls crying)
I told him I hated him.
- [Kiran] You didn't mean it.
- But what if he-
- Hey.
He loves you.
No matter what.
- I don't want that to be
the last thing I said to him.
- What do you want?
- I want my family.
(Elena sniffs)
- We'll call every detention
center, lawyers, senators.
I will do everything
I can to find them.
(seagulls crying)
Give me your photo.
(Elena sniffs)
(pen scratches)
(ocean waves faintly crashing)
(seagull cries)
You're family now.
(Elena sniffs)
(seagull cries)
(ocean waves crashing)
(phone vibrates)
(phone continues vibrating)
- Hey.
- [Kiran] You
always had my back,
even when it was
just fruit snacks.
- I still do.
(traffic roars)
- I'm scared, Preeti.
I don't want to become my dad.
- You won't.
- We're not gonna make
the same mistakes, okay?
We're gonna protect
her, support her.
- We'll show her every
day that we love her.
- I, uh,
I picked a color.
Its, it's not one of
the swatches, but,
oh, I sent you a message.
- Okay.
(no audio)
Lavender, huh?
- Yeah, it felt,
it felt right.
- Well, your mom's totally
gonna think this is auspicious.
(Kiran laughs)
(Preeti sighs)
How's her uncle?
- He wasn't there.
- She's strong.
I'm gonna make a
room for her, okay?
- [Kiran] Okay.
- And Kiran, I,
I'm really glad
you're helping her.
- I love you.
(slow music)
(truck roars)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(phone patters)
(slow music continues)
(phone chirps)
(slow piano music)
- [Elena] If God is real
and makes everything happen,
and everything
happens for a reason,
why does God let
bad things happen?
- Maybe there isn't a reason.
(slow piano music continues)
The universe is
constantly expanding.
Stars form, galaxies die.
None of it is good
or bad, it just is.
Things just happen,
and the only choice you
have is how to respond.
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(truck horn honks)
(slow piano music)
(Elena hums)
(Elena continues humming)
(Kiran laughs)
Oh, bonjour.
- [Elena] The song's finished.
- [Kiran] Okay, let's hear it.
- No way, I need music, and-
- Elena.
I'm coming for you
Dim the lamps
and leave a clue
You are singing
to me in my sleep
But grace that's
so far and so deep
Let the horses part the sand
Bringing quiet to this land
It was ours before
it was theirs
And the ghosts
await their share
(Elena singing in
foreign language)
Love may come, you just
won't know from where
Las madres will
know what to do
And I am coming for you
(grass rustles)
(blanket rustles)
(Preeti sighs)
(Preeti groans)
- Oh, God.
(Preeti cries out)
(Preeti moans)
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- [Preeti] Oh my God.
- What happened, what's, what?
Oh, here, oh, beti, beti,
here's a blanket, sit down, sit.
- It's a contraction.
(Raveena laughs)
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
(Preeti moans)
- Oh, God.
(Elena hums)
- This is the last time, right?
Like, yo, nothing's
changed, always the same.
- Mm-hmm.
(Elena sighs)
- This is seriously the most
boring job in the world.
(Kiran laughs)
(phone vibrates)
- Hey, Mom, what's up?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- What, why?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Wait, wait, is she okay?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- Wait, Mom, Mom,
what's going, Mom!
- What's wrong?
- Preeti's going into labor.
- That's good, right?
- No, no, it's too
soon, it's too early.
- Is she gonna be okay?
(Kiran sighs)
- Yeah, yeah, she'll be fine.
(traffic roars)
- [Officer] This one here,
step outside of the truck.
You heard what I said.
(police radio mumbles)
- I think they're
checking the trucks.
(police radio mumbles)
Do they usually check
the trucks like that?
- Mm-hmm.
(slow music)
(police radio mumbles)
(officer knocks)
- Don Kiran?
(slow music continues)
(officer knocks)
(window squeaks)
- Manifest, license,
and registration.
- [Kiran] What's
going on, Officer?
- [Officer] Manifest,
license, and registration.
(police radio mumbles)
(slow piano music continues)
(traffic roars)
(police radio mumbles)
- [Kiran] Can you tell
me what's going on?
(trucker screams)
- Please pull forward
when it's your turn.
- [Kiran] Hey, my paperwork?
- You'll get it back
when you're clear.
(slow piano music continues)
(traffic roars)
(slow piano music continues)
- Why is Immigration here?
- They're just gonna
weigh us, okay?
(people shouting)
- If they find me.
- Hey, hey, everything's
gonna be okay, all right?
They've got nothing to
be suspicious about.
Our paperwork's in
order, don't worry.
- [Officer] Get out
of your vehicle, now!
- [Officer] Come on,
let's go, let's go!
- I won't let anything
happen to you.
(phone vibrates)
Hey, Mom, what's going on?
What did the doctor say?
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- [Kiran] Well, is
she gonna be okay?
Is the baby okay?
- [Raveena] How should I know?
They won't let me in that room-
- [Kiran] Wait, what?
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, why are
they doing that, look, just,
I will get, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
- [Raveena] Yes?
- Yes, yes, I'm coming,
okay, I'll get there-
- I don't want what
happened to my family
to happen to you, too.
- Yeah, okay, I'm gonna be
there as soon as possible.
I am not gonna let
anything happen to you.
- You're gonna be a good
dad. (slow orchestral music)
- Elena!
(slow orchestral
music continues)
- Where the hell is he is going?
Get after him, go, go, go!
- [Kiran] Elena, Elena!
Elena, come back, Elena!
(officers shouting)
Elena, where are you?
- [Officer] Hands up!
- [Kiran] My
daughter's out there!
- [Officer] I said
put your hands up!
- My daughter's out there!
Elena, Elena!
- [Officer] Now, now!
- [Kiran] My daughter's
out there, Elena!
- [Officer] I will shoot you.
(slow orchestral
music continues)
Put your hands up now.
Get him!
- [Kiran] Elena, Elena!
(slow orchestral
music continues)
(slow piano music)
(slow piano music continues)
(door buzzes)
- [Raveena] Kiran.
(door slams)
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
- How's Preeti?
- [Raveena] Oh, they're fine-
- And the baby?
- [Raveena] They're fine.
(Raveena cries)
Did they find Elena?
- [Kiran] She's gone.
(truck door creaks)
(traffic roars)
(traffic continues roaring)
(traffic continues roaring)
(traffic continues roaring)
(car door slams)
- Go on, I'll find parking.
(siren wails)
Your father and
I had our issues.
I wish we had done better.
Learn from our mistakes.
You'll make many,
too many to remember.
(slow music)
And some that will
go to your grave.
And then you have the
choice in between.
Cherish these moments.
(slow piano music)
(Raveena speaking
in foreign language)
(slow piano music continues)
(phone rings)
(slow piano music continues)
(Kiran knocks)
(slow piano music continues)
- I know.
- Hey.
- Did you find her?
Hey, we'll keep looking, okay?
- Are you okay?
- [Preeti] Yeah.
- I am so sorry I wasn't here.
- It's okay, they
took good care of me.
- You were all alone.
- [Preeti] Your mom was here.
She's not bad in a pinch.
(Preeti laughs)
- Is she-
- She's perfect.
(slow piano music continues)
Go, go meet her.
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
Say hi to Roshni.
(slow piano music continues)
(Roshni whimpers)
- Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
(Roshni whimpers)
(slow piano music continues)
(Roshni cries)
(Roshni whimpers)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
Hi. (cries)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(wind whistles)
(slow guitar music)
I am coming for you
Dim the lamps
and leave a clue
You are singing
to me in my sleep
But grace lies so
far and so deep
Let the horses part the sand
Bringing quiet to this land
It was ours before
it was theirs
And the ghosts
await their share
(singer singing in
foreign language)
(singer continues singing
in foreign language)
(singer continues singing
in foreign language)
(slow guitar music continues)
(singer singing in
foreign language)
Love may come, you just
won't know from where
Las madres will
know what to do
And I am coming for you
(slow guitar music)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow piano music)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(slow piano music)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(no audio)