Landmine Goes Click (2015) Movie Script

[Overlapping chatter
in different languages]
[Soft European music]
And we're listening
to this because...
It's the only show in town.
[Man #2]
That's nice for him.
He's got a completely
captive audience.
I wonder what he's saying.
People of earth,
do not be afraid.
Assimilation is painless.
[Man #2]
Yeah, but probing not so much.
Hey, we could use my phone
to play some music.
There is no auxiliary.
- [Man #2] Well, shit.
- [Woman laughs]
- [Man] Indeed.
- [Woman] We will live.
[Man #2]
I will not.
I need a quick stop, okay?
- [Soft Latin music]
- [Groans] Whoo.
[Man #2]
That good, huh?
Did you think about
what I said?
I think it's a mistake.
What, what we did, or...
What we did
doesn't matter anymore, okay?
But telling him
about it does.
- Yeah, it does.
- So we say nothing.
What, what do you think,
I wanna tell him
Just to break you guys up?
Should I?
You know this place
used to be a warzone
A couple years ago.
[Man #2]
A warzone, really?
- [Woman] Huh.
- [Man] Yeah, tanks, artillery,
Mines, the whole deal.
[Man #2]
What was it, like a civil war?
Russians invaded.
Fucking Russians, man,
they just don't get it,
nobody likes them.
I mean seriously,
name one good thing
To come out of Russia
other than, like,
Really hot
girl tennis players.
- [Woman laughs]
- [Man] Vodka.
- [Woman] Yeah, there's that.
- [Man #2] Vodka?
The swedes make better vodka,
Shit, even the French
make better vodka.
Oil and gas.
- [Woman] What?
- The Russians,
They make oil and gas.
[Man #2]
They don't make oil and gas,
They have oil and gas.
Yeah, right, it's not like
Anyone said wow,
this Russian oil
is so much better than that
- watered down Saudi shit.
- [Man] Hold up,
Let me get my bearings.
- Are we on course?
- Yeah, I think we are.
I give you the ak-47.
- When you absolutely...
- [Woman chuckles]
Positively gotta kill
Every motherfucker
in the room,
[Both men]
Accept no substitutes.
- [All laughing]
- [Man #2] That's a good point.
You shouldn't have seen that.
[Man #2]
It's kind of sad, really,
you know, the Russians,
I thought they... i thought
they wanted to be free.
- Be good.
- [Woman] Be like us.
[Man] All I know is
you never trust someone
That comes from a country
that's successful with chess.
[Man #2, laughs]
Yeah, you all right?
- [Man] Come on.
- [Woman] I'm all right.
[Man #2]
All right, there you go.
- [Man] All right?
- Up, all right.
- [Woman] It's good, thank you.
- [Groans]
- [Man] You're welcome.
- [Gasps]
- [Man #2, laughs] No...
- Oh, my God.
How do you like
them apples, huh?
- Aw, man, dude.
- [Laughs]
Chris, will you marry us?
- [Woman] Now?
- Yeah.
- Come on, come on.
- What?
- Let's do it.
- Shouldn't we save it?
Put your bags... babe,
we have the whole ceremony
To make it official,
this is, like, between us,
Friends, family,
it's all that matters, right?
Yeah, but I just...
-[Stutters] I wouldn't know
what to say, so.
- Just put your...
Screw it, I will help you.
Yes, okay, yes, he's right.
- I'm sorry.
- [Laughing]
- So, I say what...
- L-ladies and gentlemen,
- we are gathered here today.
- Right [Clears throat]
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are gathered here today
to celebrate
The marriage
of Daniel and Alicia.
[Daniel] Wedding
is a sacred institution.
Yeah, marriage
is a sacred institution
And it should not be
taken lightly.
And we're not, so let's skip
forward to the good part.
So, Daniel,
do you take Alicia?
Daniel, do you take Alicia
To be
your lawfully wedded wife?
For rich, poor, sick
and in good health
So long
as you both shall live?
- [Alicia] I do.
- [Daniel] I do.
- [Laughing]
- This is stupid.
- What?
- This is stupid,
You know, I mean,
you guys are...
Doing your thing and it
makes me feel, like, I just,
I don't want to, okay?
- What, what is wrong, man?
- Nothing, nothing.
Nothing's wrong, I just,
you know, you guys
have your fun,
I got... i gotta set up camp
And, you know,
we're losing light, so just...
I know something's wrong.
- And I wanna know what.
- [Chris] Hmm?
- I'm fine, it's nothing.
- [Chuckles]
- Okay.
- It's all good.
Now, Chris, Chris, so, look,
I'm your best friend, okay?
You don't think I know
when something's up your ass?
Huh? Spill it.
Yeah, all right, fine,
There's something
that I gotta tell you.
It's... I'm...
I'm sorry, okay?
You know, you guys
are getting married
- and I should be happy, but...
- But what?
- Because i...
- So what, so... so, wh...
No, no, no, no, no,
so, you think,
You think we're gonna have
couples dinners without you?
You think
we're gonna go antiquing
And... and... and
rent a tandem bike
And ride around town
in matching outfits?
You asshole.
I'm gonna set you up...
With so many hot girlfriends.
So many hot girlfriends.
So many.
I hate antiquing.
It's not happening.
- [Chris] All right.
- [Daniel] Okay,
To my best man.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Whoa, wooo.
- [Chuckles]
- [Sighs]
- Okay.
- You okay?
- All right,
There's a possibility
I may be drunk.
Maybe just a little bit.
- All right, bedtime. Come on.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Guys, there's actually,
there's something I really do
Need to tell you.
It's, um... um...
I now pronounce
you man and wife.
- Really?
- Yeah, really, so go ahead,
Kiss the bride if you think
you got it in you.
Well, I'm gonna attempt to.
- Babe.
- Okay, I'm drunk,
But I'm not that drunk.
Da da da-da,
da da da-da,
- there ya go, good job, buddy.
- I can do it by myself.
- Good-night, Chris.
- Good-night, buddy.
See you in the morning, okay?
- Yes.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, thank God.
- Get in here.
- [Mumbling]
- [Moaning]
- Mm. Babe, what the heck?
- We gotta consummate our vows.
- Close the thing.
- Ugh.
Okay, it's closed.
- He can hear us.
- We can be quiet.
We can be quiet.
[Soft Latin music]
[Alicia moans]
Oh, fuck.
- Hey, what are you doing, pal?
- Hey, whoa. Stop, help, help!
You're stealing our stuff,
I'm not stealing.
I'm devi.
- Davie, who's davie?
- Help!
- Why you stealing?
- Not davie, devi!
I'm friend
of Alicia and Daniel.
I'm park ranger, get out!
- Hey, what's wrong?
- [Alicia] Devi!
- He's going through
your packs.
- What the hell happened?
He's going
through your packs,
he's stealing your stuff.
Yeah, he was getting
my camera so I didn't have
-To climb back up.
- I was gonna
introduce you guys,
But it looks like
you already met.
Yo, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, man,
I'm... I'm Chris.
- Devi.
- [Speaking foreign phrase].
- You okay?
- [Native language]. I'm fine.
- It's okay, Chris.
- Okay.
- I would do same.
- Okay.
All right.
Devi works with us
at the red cross.
First aid instructor.
You can relax now, okay?
No damage.
- Thank you.
- [Sighs]
Come and take a snapshot,
three of you together.
- Yeah.
- Nice background.
- Okay, cool, yeah.
- Yeah, that'd be nice.
Do you know
how to work an slr?
Of course.
Let me just...
Let me do this.
- [Chris] I had him, right?
- [Speaks native language].
I mean, he got on top,
but I think I had it.
- Yeah, easily.
- That was a reversal, yes.
- So, go over there.
- Okay.
He threw me in the air,
I got up, just went after him.
- I had him.
- [Daniel laughs]
[Devi, blows air]
The sun's... this way
a few steps.
- All right.
- Okay, a few more.
- All right, yeah.
- It doesn't
Have to be perfect.
To the right a bit.
- Right?
- Yes, right.
- Our left.
- O-okay, is good.
- [Daniel] Okay.
- So...
Last adjustments,
everyone move just small steps
- to the right, okay?
- [Daniel] Okay.
- [Devi] Ready?
- [Loud click]
- Yup.
- Yeah, we've been ready, yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right, that's good,
That's good.
- Been ready.
- [Devi] Oh, my God.
- You need help?
- No, stop.
Nobody move.
- There is a bomb-a.
- Bomba?
- Bomb, you know?
- Chris, Chris, Chris,
- freeze, freeze.
- [Devi] Mine.
No, no, no, Chris,
you're stepping
on something, freeze.
- [Alicia] Where?
- Just...
- Okay. I'm not moving,
I'm not...
-don't move, don't move.
- What the hell's going on?
- Freeze your feet, Chris.
- Okay.
- Or you will blow up.
- What the fuck?
- No, no, he's... he's serious,
-He's serious.
-[Alicia] What, is this
some kind of fucking joke?
- I think there is a landmine.
- Look, look, look.
- [Alicia] Landmine?
- [Devi] Yeah.
-[Alicia] Where?
- Here, it's under his foot,
he stepped on it.
- [Alicia] Oh, my God, Chris.
- Dude, please,
Just be perfectly still,
okay, don't move.
Okay, what do i...
what do I do?
Just breathe, okay,
we're gonna figure this out.
- What the fuck do I do, Dan?
- Devi, what do we do?
Don't panic.
Nothing will happen
if you don't move.
- Don't panic.
-[Alicia] All right,
he's not moving.
- Do you hear that,
you hear that, Dan?
- Yes.
He says not
to fucking panic, Dan.
Listen, dude,
just relax, okay?
Chris, it's fine, it's fine.
- Breathe, man.
- Okay, what do i... i...
Chris, please don't move.
Not even a millimeter, okay?
Okay, okay, okay,
look at me,
look at me, look at me.
I'm here, man. I'm here.
Okay, this is what we do.
I will get help,
but first...
Get everyone else
out of danger.
We need get away from Chris.
Far enough, for if...
If anything happens to him,
- I swear to God!
- Okay. Okay, okay.
Okay, listen,
it's... it's fine.
It's fine, okay,
it's fine,
Just how long...
How long until
you can get help?
I don't know.
Maybe four hours
to get to town.
Oh, my God.
Four... four hours?
I have to stand like this
for four hours?
You must move away from Chris.
All right, listen devi,
don't lose time, okay?
Go get help.
Get behind that rock.
Fly, devi,
fucking fly.
All right, look, I need you
to do something for me, okay?
- What?
- I need you to promise me
That you're gonna
go behind that rock.
No matter what happens,
you're not gonna come out.
What do you mean?
What's gonna happen?
- Promise me, just...
- What the fuck
- are you doing, man?
- But Daniel.
Listen, this is something
I need to do, okay?
- Promise me.
- [Scoffs]
Say it, promise.
- I promise.
- Okay.
- I can't leave you alone, man.
- What?
- It's... it's too dangerous.
- Doesn't matter.
- Doesn't matter.
- Daniel, just come with me.
Daniel, seriously,
you have to get out of here.
Listen to me,
don't argue with me!
I'm staying here, okay?
I'm staying here with Chris.
Seriously, you need...
you really need
to get out of here, man.
Oh, man,
I don't think so, buddy.
get behind the fucking rock.
It's not gonna happen.
Dan, you're getting married
on Saturday, okay?
Now, I can't let anything
happen to you.
Listen to me, don't...
Don't worry about the wedding.
I'm gonna get both of us
there, okay?
You're my best man.
You understand?
I'm gonna get you
to the church on time.
I'll get you there.
I think it's supposed to be
the other way around.
Shit happens, right,
you just gotta roll with it.
Yeah, yeah, shit happens.
[Dramatic music]
[Speaking native language]
What's happening?
How is he?
It's okay,
it's okay.
What, what's wrong?
- Are you okay?
- Yes, yeah, I'm okay.
[Phone beeping]
What the hell?
We have a signal?
It's just a text.
Chris, we got a signal!
It's gone,
but we're gonna climb
to the top.
Fly, devi.
Hi, hi,
do you speak English?
Oh, thank God.
Yes, yes, yes,
we have an emergency.
The mount...
Some mountains near...
Yes, yes,
our friend has stepped
On an old landmine.
Yes yes,
perfectly still,
okay, okay.
We need a bomb squad,
a chopper,
can you trace this call?
GPS, GPS or something.
Okay, i...
Completely, I understand.
Thank you.
She wants me
to tell you something.
Yeah, she says
that they have
An explosives expert
and a chopper on standby,
She would send them,
but she's not going to.
What, what, why?
Yes, I'll tell her,
thank you.
She says
they don't save whores.
They don't save whores.
And you're
a filthy whore.
wait, where...
Where are you going?
Daniel, stop!
Guys, guys,
what happened,
Did you call,
what did they say?
you wanna tell him?
What'd they say?
Chris, what...
What did you tell Daniel?
We had
a real heart to heart.
It was touching.
I'm sorry...
I had to,
I told him everything,
I had to,
I'm sorry.
Daniel, Daniel
listen to me,
We have
to call emergency back.
This is not the time.
The time,
this is not the time.
Then when
is the time, Alicia?
I feel like this
conversation is way past due.
I wanted to tell you.
You have no idea
how much I wanted
to tell you.
But then you proposed.
I didn't want anything
to ruin our life together.
Please, please,
can't you understand that?
I understand.
Let's just,
let's just go call.
You see, there's something
you don't understand.
There ain't no signal.
Never was.
[Phone beeping]
I faked it.
How does it feel?
What the fuck,
- [Chuckling]
- This is not funny!
What, you don't see
the humor in this situation?
All right,
let me help you.
Hey there,
buddy ol' pal.
Best friend.
Best man.
- I got a question for you.
- Daniel, what the fuck
is going on...
No, no, no, no,
me, hey, me first.
Come on.
What do you think
the statistical chances
Are of you stepping
on a landmine?
Listen, you're really
freaking Alicia out, okay,
so let's just calm down...
the fucking question!
What are the chances?
I'd say the chances
are pretty low.
And you'd be right.
But here you are...
Standing on a landmine,
totally screwed.
How did you know
that was there?
'Cause it's right
where I left it.
You want help?
There it is.
I suggest you use it.
What am I supposed
to do with that?
You dig, bitch.
Dig a trench
right beside of me, okay,
And then real quick,
you jump in there
like a bunny.
Maybe you make it,
maybe your leg
gets blown off.
Or maybe the trench
that she digs
Ends up being
your grave or something.
You planned
this whole thing.
No, no,
devi planned it,
But the pleasure
is all mine.
Why are you doing this?
Love of my life,
the woman I wanted to marry.
You still
don't understand.
Understand what?
It's not
what I'm doing,
It's what
I've already done.
This is bullshit.
This is bullshit,
there's no...
- There's no mine.
- Wanna bet your life?
You wouldn't risk it.
You've been standing
next to me the whole time,
What if I accidentally
moved my foot?
That's true.
There's no way I'm actually
standing on an armed mine.
You are now, jagoff.
That right there
is an east German model
Smi-35 landmine.
And it ain't no dud.
If you ever
loved me, stop.
It's too late.
I can't.
I couldn't
even if I wanted to,
But I really,
really don't.
Daniel, I fucked up,
Okay, I know
I fucked up,
But for God's sake,
man, don't do this!
I already did.
You already did, man.
You think you stepped
on a landmine today?
Let me tell you
something, buddy boy,
You stepped
on a landmine
When you decided
to fuck my girl!
You know what,
put the pin back in.
Daniel, put the pin back in
and we can talk about it.
Do you, oh, do you
want the pin?
- Do you want the pin?
- [Chris] Put the pin back in!
Daniel, where...
Where are you going?
I wish I could
be here to see what happens,
But I bet the ending's
gonna be explosive.
Do you have any idea
what you're doing?
Wait, no,
you can't go.
Don't leave like this.
Listen to me,
what happened
Between me
and Chris was a mistake.
I love you!
We're getting married,
this has nothing to do
with our future.
Now is not the time
to be sentimental, okay?
the time to dig.
don't come any closer.
don't come any closer.
How are you?
I'm fucked.
That motherfucker's
gonna pay for this!
It's murder!
Oh, fuck.
No, we're gonna figure
this out, I just...
I just meant
in legal terms.
That's okay.
Uh, Alicia, could you
do me a favor,
Could you...
could you go stand
behind the rock, please?
Behind the rock?
Daniel's trying to kill you
and you want me to hide?
I just want you
to stay safe.
I need you to be safe
While we figure
this thing out.
What if...
if we switch?
Check it out.
We have
the front row seats.
Yeah, man,
I say we split.
Yeah, why not?
I thought we gonna
watch, maybe one hour.
Then we help her.
Yeah, man,
let them figure it out,
They deserve
each other.
We'll miss the fun.
You know what's fun?
Beer, strippers,
strippers and beer.
Ha, are you sure?
Okay, but first...
We'll go to [Mutters]
I want a big plate
of khinkali.
Come on, man.
Come on up here.
I'll tell you what,
only Georgians
Take food before girls.
Correct, my brother,
it's hungry war.
I got it!
- I got it.
- You got it?
Oh, thank God.
Just, uh... throw it,
throw it over.
I'm not coming over
until you say so,
But you're gonna
have to let me do it.
- No, absolutely not.
- You have to let me do it,
Chris, you're gonna shift
your weight too much,
I mean it's under
your foot, can you see it?
- So just say the word.
- I can't.
Yeah, okay, all right,
yeah, you're good.
Okay just,
Alicia, look at me,
just be careful.
Okay, let's just
go real slow.
Be easy and then
we're gonna put it in fast,
We're gonna
take it out fast, okay?
Be careful.
Maybe this chain
is in the way.
Here, use mine.
I'm gonna
get off this thing.
All right,
rock and roll, here we go.
So i...
I know you have
to say this
When you're having
sex with Daniel,
But is it in yet?
I don't know, it's...
It's stuck, just...
What do you mean,
it's a simple mechanism,
Just plug it in
and it'll disarm
and we're good.
I'm not so sure
about that.
Is it in or not,
how can you not
be sure if it's in?
How do you not...
it's in a little,
but I can't...
It's in a little,
what the fuck does
that mean, Alicia,
What the hell's
going on?
What do you
want me to do?
I'm so fucked.
Oh my God,
I'm so fucked.
You know what,
let me just...
I'm totally,
I'm totally fucked.
I'm gonna leave it in.
Leave it in,
so it's in?
So I'm good,
I can step off now?
No, it can't be
trusted for that.
If you could see it,
you would understand.
No, fuck that,
if it's in then
I'm gonna go for it,
I'm gonna step off.
No, it can't, it's not,
we can't be sure!
No, if it's in,
then I'm sure, I'm just...
I'm gonna go for it,
-So get behind the rock and...
-oh you're sure,
you're fucking sure,
Is that why I should
get behind the rock?
Fuck you, Daniel,
fuck you, Daniel!
Listen to me!
We got the smoke signal,
someone's gonna see it,
We got the pin in,
so it should be disarmed,
But we don't know
for sure and it's
Not exactly worth
taking chances, right?
Yeah, yeah,
you're right.
We need
all the odds
in our favor,
So I know
what we have to do.
What Daniel said.
What'd he say?
[Birds chirping]
- [Speaking native language]
- [Dog panting]
Help! Help!
- [Alicia] Help, help!
- [Speaking native language]
Is anybody there, help!
- [Yelling in native language]
- [Chris] Oh, shit!
No, no, stay back,
stay back!
[Shouting in native language]
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
do you speak English?
Please, please,
put the gun down.
Why would you
hurt the dog huh?
No, put the gun down,
I was just trying to...
Why would you
hurt the dog?
You don't understand,
my friend, he stepped on a...
on a landmine!
- You, turn around!
- He can't...
- Show me your hands!
- No, you don't understand.
I said,
show me your hands!
He can't move!
- Where's the body?
- Body, what are
you talking about?
- You bury body here!
- There's no body,
I don't know what
you're talking about,
just put the fucking gun away.
You, come here.
He can't move!
- Put your hands on your head!
- He can't...
I can't... i can't move,
Stop being a fucking
asshole, dude!
listen to me,
He is standing
on a bomb.
If he moves,
we all die.
Do you understand?
Is a bomb.
Yeah, please,
keep the dog back.
[Speaking native language],
there's really a bomb.
Yeah, that's
why I can't move, man,
So just put the gun away,
stop being an idiot.
You're standing
on a bomb
And I'm the idiot?
Listen, we're
running out of time,
We need help.
He's your husband?
No, he's my friend.
- And why are you alone
with no husband?
-[Chris] What the hell
-Difference does that make?
-[Alicia] I wasn't,
the others left.
Your husband
left to get help?
He left to...
It doesn't matter,
Chris can't stay
like this much longer.
How what?
How help?
I know I'm asking
for a lot.
I mean
it's really dangerous,
But will you help me dig?
Yeah, the trench,
it's not deep enough.
Deep enough
for what?
We're gonna try to...
Chris is gonna
try to jump in.
[Ilya laughs]
native language]
I'm serious,
I know it's not
A great idea,
but it's the best we've got.
native language]
What the hell
are you laughing at?
This is not funny.
He must stay still, yes?
Yes, perfectly still.
And you digging for him,
Yeah, so will you help?
You make all the job
when she do nothing.
You make perfect
Georgian wife.
Isn't it funny?
[Sarcastic laugh]
That's real funny.
Come here, girl.
Give me the shovel.
This is not a joke.
I'll help.
Chris, come on,
I am sorry for gun accident.
No really,
I certain you were
burying the body.
That's fine.
I'm sure it must have
looked a little strange.
You want water?
Yes, please.
- Ow, what the fuck, man?
-[Alicia] What,
what happened?
- Sorry, okay, sorry.
- He just threw a rock at me,
-You piece of shit!
-[Alicia] What,
are you fucking crazy?
No, why you say
that to me, why...
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Let go of her!
Why you say
that to me?
Why you say
that I'm crazy?
I told you
my friend can't move
And you just threw
a rock at him.
Yes, okay,
but because I test
If he's really
a bomb that you make
no joke of me.
Why the hell
would we joke
About something
like that?
I came here many years
And never
hear about bombs.
I know,
it's a long story,
Just right now
we need to dig the trench.
What story?
It doesn't matter,
just please help.
I want to know.
- My boyfriend set this up.
- Why?
[Chris] It's none
of your damn business,
let go of her.
It's personal.
That's not my business?
Let go of her.
Oh, sorry, I forget
that I'm holding your hand.
I want to know why.
I want to know
He did this
to get back at us...
Oh, sorry,
We hurt him,
this is his revenge.
- What have you done to him?
-[Chris] Jesus Christ, man,
can you just help?
You know what?
I go if you no answer.
He was my fiancee,
this is his best friend,
We slept together.
Oh, I understand.
You are whore.
Watch your mouth, buddy.
My mouth?
Yeah, watch
your fucking mouth.
You don't talk
to a lady like that.
Like what?
Fuck off.
If you don't want to help,
don't waste our time.
I want help, but you say
to me "fuck off."
You know what,
if you say to me
One more time
"fuck off," I go,
I don't help,
I swear.
Man, I want
to help really,
But how can
I help if you
Say to me "fuck off?!"
I don't understand,
You want me go
or help?
- Help.
- See Chris,
she wants me to stay.
She doesn't want
you to stay,
she wants you to help.
Okay, okay,
if I help...
What I get?
You want our stuff?
You use it?
Yeah, go ahead, take it.
native language]
So I help
and you give to me?
- Yes.
- What do you want?
You give to me!
What do you want, man,
just take it and go.
Yes, it's yours,
take it.
but I ask him.
They're mine,
I give to you.
Okay, but
I don't want this.
I want this.
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
look at me,
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
look at me!
Look at me, hey!
I'm looking at you.
I want...
[Chris] Hey look,
this isn't happening,
This is not happening,
look at me!
Look, here,
look, I'm gonna
give you this, okay?
Look, this is like...
It's like...
It's like 300...
And, like, and 60
something, okay?
There's like
360 something
And a credit card, okay?
Look, take it,
you go to a store,
And you buy
as many panties
as you want, all right?
American dollars?
Yes, fuck,
American dollars,
Just take it and go.
And your credit card?
Take it,
just take it and go.
Can you tell me pin?
Yeah, it's 4642.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
But I don't
like American dollars.
I don't want
American dollars.
I want...
native language]
You son of a bitch!
You respect my mother,
or I will hurt.
Give and I help,
don't give and I leave.
- Fine, I'll give to you.
-[Chris] Alicia,
don't do this,
- this is fucked up,
- it's just, where...
Where do you think
this is gonna go?
it's just panties,
I don't care.
Uh, uh, uh, uh,
where you go?
To my tent
to take them off.
No, you give here.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes!
- No!
- Yes!
All right,
listen here, asshole,
our friends are coming back
With help, okay?
They left to get help
and they're coming back.
- Friends.
- Yeah, yeah,
they're coming back
With cops
and a bomb expert,
And a whole fucking
SWAT team, okay?
Come on,
Chris, no.
Friends no coming.
That's why she dig
And that's why
you want me to help.
And I wanted to help,
but for this,
I want this.
Listen, you think
whatever you want,
All right, but they're
coming, okay?
If I were you,
I'd get the hell
out of here
Before I went to jail.
Jail? Why?
You ask me
to help and I help,
But for this I get...
What I get?
You said I get
American dollars,
But I don't want
American dollars,
I want this,
I help, you pay.
No pay,
no help.
Why jail,
what did I do?
I said...
Respect my mother!
Stop, stop,
I'll do it, I'll do it!
- Don't touch him.
- Okay, I don't
want to touch him,
I want to help you,
you understand?
I want to be
nice for you
And I want to help,
but for this you must pay
And this is normal,
this is logic.
- Come on, girl, I don't look.
-[Chris] No, don't fucking
do it, Alicia, okay?
- I'm... I'm gonna take
care of this guy...
-[Alicia] It's fine,
- he can have it.
- [Chris] No, he can't have it,
I'm stepping off,
get away from me,
no, Chris, don't!
- The pin's gonna hold,
I'm gonna step off.
- Don't, you can't!
I'm gonna step off!
And kick this fucking
guy's ass,
- you piece of shit!
- [Alicia] I lied!
I lied about the pin.
You lied,
why would you do that?
It's... it's useless!
You were freaking out,
I was trying to calm you down.
Alicia, I could've
fucking died right now,
- are you serious?
- You didn't,
And you're not going to.
All right,
I'm handling this.
I'm doing this.
Shut the fuck up.
We're doing this, right?
Change, hand to hand,
- Thank you.
-[Chris] All right,
you got what you want,
- now fucking leave.
- No!
No, I don't leave,
I help.
[Speaks native language]
He's not going anywhere.
native language]
We had a deal,
now start digging!
Yes, you're the boss,
of course,
I'm going digging.
One, two,
one, two...
can you come over
And explain
what exactly
You want me to do, huh?
Well it needs
to be a lot deeper
And at least another
two feet back.
[Speaking native language]
Of course,
of course, I dig.
Of course I dig.
[Speaking native language]
I dig.
It's gotta be
a lot deeper.
How do you like
the view of my ass?
- Fucker.
- Shut up, Chris.
[Static radio chatter]
You have a radio?
I don't believe it.
native language]
[Sergi speaking
native language]
See, my soup
is ready.
I keep promise,
I don't go
To my lovely soup
and I stay here to dig.
No, you know what,
it's just, let me use that.
You had the radio
the whole time?
You had a radio
the whole fucking time?
- [Radio chatter]
- Yes, you like it?
Yes, yes, I like it,
now can we use it please?
Yeah, you don't
even have to dig,
Just let me...
Just let me call.
- Yeah.
- Why?
So we can
call for help.
You don't
like my help?
Yeah, your help
is fucking fine,
But can we use it
to call 911?
But we don't have 911.
We have 112.
I don't give
a shit what you have,
fucking call it already.
So you don't
like my help?
Okay, fine,
I don't help!
I go!
No no, we just
don't need you to dig,
We need
to call emergency.
- No.
- Why not?
Because if I call 112,
what you do for me?
You gotta be kidding me,
we don't have time for this.
Chris is in danger,
don't you understand?
Just fucking call 112!
If I call 112,
what you do?
Look guys,
I tried to be nice,
- to be kind for you.
- Okay.
I do everything, but you...
You aren't nice to me
and I don't like this,
I really
don't like this.
Okay, okay,
okay, now listen,
- please, please...
- Yes?
Can we use that
to call emergency?
Oh my God,
oh my God.
-[Chris] Don't
fucking touch her.
- Yes, of course.
Yes of course!
Man, what's wrong
with you?
I want to help you!
So listen to me,
But first,
first, first...
First of all...
Bring it to me.
Oh my God,
you are sick.
Bring me this
and I give you radio.
I never lie,
I always keep my promise.
I promise when I get off
this landmine,
I'm gonna
fuck your world up.
You hear me?
Look at me,
you piece of shit,
I'm talking to you!
Look at me, you fuck!
Stop touching your dog
and look at me.
You got a thing
for the dog,
is that what it is?
All right.
I'll bring to you.
Not like that,
give it to me.
Let me explain,
let me just explain.
So, if you do
this job for me,
I give you radio,
but for this,
You must bring it to me
like a dog.
Do you understand?
Like a dog.
Come on, go,
bring it to me, go!
and I give you radio.
Grand prize
is radio!
Alicia, you don't
have to do this.
Good, good!
So I want
to give you the radio,
you understand me,
I really want to,
but, give it to me,
let me explain.
Chris, tell me,
your name Chris, yes?
So tell me please,
the dog has hands?
Dog has no hands,
look, look at my dog.
Has he hands?
Come, come, Alicia,
let me explain.
Let's do it,
let's do it together,
Like a team,
come on, come on, doggy!
Go, go.
Come on, go.
He is playing
with you.
Do it like a dog,
Yes, yes!
- Good dog.
- Mine.
Yes, of course
it's yours,
- of course it's yours.
- Hello?
- You must push,
push on this button.
- Hello, anybody?
[Sergi speaking
native language]
Hello, do you
speak English?
No, no English.
S.O.S, help,
we need your help.
native language]
Please help us.
[Sergi speaking
native language]
- What did he say?
- He ask if I also hear this.
[Speaks native language]
Tell him we need help.
You want me translate?
- Please.
- I translate.
How about for this
we play the game.
What game?
- Sorry.
- What?
I translate for him,
you undress now.
there's no way
he's helping.
I'm not playing
this game!
You can leave.
It's your choice,
can I have this?
[Sergi speaking
native language]
My friend sergi,
he's worried
And that's no good,
believe me
That's no good.
What we do?
He prepares soup
for me but I don't go
and I still here.
I don't care,
go eat your soup.
But I don't want soup,
I want my friend sergi
Don't worry because...
Because he has health problems
And if he die,
that's your problem.
Hey, leave her alone!
Let go of me!
- Let go of her!
- Take radio, take it,
and answer him
And tell him don't worry.
Tell him
he don't worry anymore.
Tell him.
[Sergi speaking
native language]
Sergi, don't worry,
ilya is fine.
[Ilya speaking
native language]
Ilya is fine, "prium."
[Sergi speaking
native language]
He don't understand,
explain him, explain him!
- Sergi, don't worry.
- [Chris] She's trying,
You fucking idiot!
Ilya is fine, "prium!"
[Sergi speaking
native language]
he don't understand,
explain to him, explain.
-[Chris] He doesn't speak
- I don't want...
I don't want to hurt you,
explain him, I said
explain him!
Ilya is fine, "prium!"
He doesn't speak English,
You fucking retard!
Can't you fucking
understand that?
So you want
me to translate,
Okay, I translate,
but for this
You must undress,
this is the rule,
Just the rule, nothing!
Okay, okay, okay!
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, come on,
Come on, listen,
girlie, it's okay
To look how
you are undressing,
But most important
is rule.
First of all,
I must translate
And then you undress.
Did you get it?
I translate,
you undress.
Is it okay?
Fine, what you want
me to translate?
Tell him
you're all right.
[Speaking native language].
[Sergi speaking
native language]
He ask
what it means
"Tell him that you're
all right."
[Speaks native language]
He translated
word for word.
Okay, all right,
now you translate me.
Okay, but I
translated already.
- Now it's her turn,
so undress.
- No, it doesn't count.
- Yes, it counts.
- Nope, you're a liar.
What, why you
say that to me?
Because you didn't
explain the rules
And that's the same
as lying.
Now are you a liar?
Okay, okay, okay,
let's start once more, okay?
But first of all,
I explain the rules.
Do you agree, Chris?
- [Chris] Let's play.
- Okay.
So translate me.
Come on.
"It's me, ilya,
I'm fine, don't worry."
[Speaks native language].
[Sergi speaking
native language]
He asks me
if I am joking
And who am I with.
Come on, undress.
Good, but what answer?
We don't answer.
But he ask the question
and I must answer.
Did you remember
he has head problems,
So I must answer.
He's not worried anymore,
He thinks you're joking.
But I'm not joking!
What I answer!
You got what you want,
So answer what you want!
"Everything is okay..."
I just met
some tourists.
"Battery is dying."
"Coming back now."
[Speaking native language].
[Sergi speaking
native language]
Come on.
Okay, game over.
Smart girl.
- Go.
- Yes.
[Speaking native language]
It's okay.
Hey, Alicia,
Alicia, hey,
It's okay now,
it's okay.
All right,
it's okay.
- [Sobbing]
- It's okay, look at me.
[Sergi speaking
native language]
[Chris] Fuck.
you don't believe me!
You don't believe me.
He asks a question.
Did I leave you soup?
No, no,
the game is over.
Leave us alone.
Of course I leave,
I don't want to stay...
Say whatever
you fucking want!
Okay, I will
tell him that
I come soon
to eat soup.
What'd you say?
native language].
[Sergi speaking
native language].
What are you waiting,
I translated.
Now you undress.
- What?
- [Chris] No.
Come on.
Come on!
- I'm waiting.
- No, game over.
Game is over
when I say.
Hey, hey, hey
hey, whoa whoa, no.
Don't point that at her.
Don't point
that at her!
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting!
Come on!
Hey, look, hey,
look at me,
you want a prize?
Hey, ilya, you want a prize,
that's fine,
I just have a quick question.
Hey look at me, buddy.
Hey look at me,
I'm just wondering
I'm waiting.
How much change do I get
from a 20
After I fuck
your Georgian whore
of a mother, huh? Right?
'Cause if there's three guys
it's a discount, right,
She fucking loves it so much,
that fucking cunt...
Alicia, run, run!
I will punish
you for that.
I will punish you
for that.
[Shouts in native language]
I will punish you.
Okay, Chrissy,
let's hunt.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- [Ilya yelling]
- [Alicia screaming]
Help, please!
God damn it,
come on.
Come on!
screaming continues]
Let her go,
you fuck!
I'm gonna blow
your fucking head off,
I swear to God!
Are you sure, Chris?
You know what?
That gun has got
a very big spray.
If you shoot me,
I die,
But this girl
die with me.
You want to shoot me,
come on.
Come on,
I'll fucking do it,
I'm telling you!
- I'm telling you!
- Come on!
Shoot, Chris!
But if you don't
shoot, put down
This gun because it's...
Fuck you!
I swear to God
I'm gonna shoot.
I swear to God!
You don't fuck me,
but now for you
I fuck her, yes?
No, please!
Get your hands off her
you filthy piece of shit,
I swear to God
I'm gonna fucking kill you!
- Come on, Chris!
- I'm gonna fucking kill you!
Come on, kill me!
Come on!
You want to kill me,
step off!
Come on,
you asshole!
Come on!
Get closer,
I swear to fucking God!
Come on.
Oh, no, no, no!
What if, Chris?
Tell her
that she is whore.
- Tell her.
- [Chris] Fuck you!
I said tell her
or I'll cut her cheek again!
Tell her!
You're a whore.
Louder, Chris,
we don't hear it!
- Louder!
- You're a whore!
- Louder!
- You're a whore!
- Yes!
- And fuck your mother!
Do you hear this?
Chris thinks
that you're a whore
And what we gonna
do with whore?
We gonna fuck whore!
- No!
- Come on, yes!
Yes, come on!
Please, no, no!
I said come with me.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
[Speaks native language]
It's right here,
come here.
No, no, please, no!
Come on.
Come on.
No, please!
Turn around!
I said turn around!
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm gonna fuck
you now,
But will it be painful
or will it be nice,
You have to decide,
you understand me?
Get off of her,
you piece of shit!
Answer me, look at me,
Look at me and answer me,
is okay for you?
I don't hear you.
Is it okay for you?
Huh? Tell me
it's okay for you.
Get off of her!
Bend down.
Straight down,
turn around.
Turn around,
come on!
Don't like me
to touch that?
No, no, no!
I'm gonna fuck
you now.
You fucking piece of shit!
Come on!
[Muffled shouting]
You son of a bitch,
I'm gonna fucking kill you!
I'm gonna
fucking kill you!
There you go, come to me,
Alicia, come to me!
- Come on, I got you!
- [Ilya] Help me...
[Loud click]
the landmine is fake.
Your friend is smart.
He set you up.
You watch
too many Hollywood movies.
When you step
on landmine, it blows up.
Real landmine
always blows up.
Oh my God,
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
you're gonna be okay!
Help, help!
I'm gonna
fucking kill you!
Oh, no!
I'm so sorry,
Oh, please, no!
[Speaking native language]
Oh, mom...
[Man shouting]
Sorry, do you
speak English?
Yes, I do.
Oh thank God,
the GPS...
[Speaking native language]
in my car died.
You are lost.
it looks like it.
Are you coming
from tbilisi?
Where are we going?
Yeah, I'm going
to a little town
Just outside of poti.
you have taken the wrong
Turn in girgoleti.
I passed that
two hours ago.
Is there
a gas station
or somewhere
I could buy a map?
Yes, but you
must go back
To highway, South
maybe 50 kilometers.
Okay, I don't
wanna bother you,
But do you maybe
have an old map
That I could
buy from you,
I'm happy
to pay for it.
I can print a map
on the computer
if you want.
[Bees buzzing]
This is my daughter,
Oh, lika.
And you?
- Me?
- What's your name?
Ah, right,
my name is Tanya.
my name is Chris.
[Speaks foreign language].
May I come in?
- Yeah, sure.
- Oh great,
You have such
a beautiful home,
thank you so much.
Thank you.
[Bees buzzing]
So... Here.
So this is grigoleti,
So you got a wrong
turn here, so you turn around
And go to poti.
Okay, perfect,
thank you so much,
That's definitely
gonna help.
- Don't get lost.
- Oh, no, I won't now,
this is perfect.
Uh, actually, you know what,
there's one more thing.
Um, is there some place
around here
Where I can get
something to eat?
No, there are
no restaurant around here.
Oh, that's too bad.
The smell in your
kitchen is so delicious,
It reminded me that
I'm hungry, so...
You can join us
because I guess
The lobby is gonna
be for everyone, right?
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Oh wonderful, thank you.
- Please, come.
- [Speaking native language]
Wow, this is so
nice, thank you.
- Please sit.
- Thank you.
I can't tell you
the last time that...
- That I had
a home-cooked meal.
This Georgian
hospitality is wonderful.
In the states
you'd be lucky
For somebody
to even open the door.
[Dog barking]
I'm from California.
Los Angeles.
You're here
for business or pleasure?
Well, a little
of both I hope,
I'm meeting a friend
and I have some
business with him.
Oh, your friend
is in poti?
[Speaking native language]
Please meet my husband.
This is Chris.
Hello, ilya.
What are you doing here?
Oh, do you know
each other?
No, no, no,
it's on the picture
right there.
lika and ilya.
[Tanya speaking
native language]
[Speaking native language]
Is everything
all right?
[Speaks native language]
So we go now?
Go? No,
but I'm eating.
We go.
[Speaking native language].
You lost, I take you.
- You'll take me?
- Uh-huh.
You'll help?
- Of course.
- You'll help me.
That's wonderful.
Thank you so much,
that's great.
Do you mind if, uh...
Can I quickly
finish my lobio?
- Strange.
-[Lika speaks
native language]
I mean, I don't know
what I did to offend you,
I'm so sorry.
What did... what did I do,
I just, you know, if I could
just quickly finish,
I'm really hungry
and then I'll go.
You didn't do anything.
I don't know
what's wrong with him.
Please take your time.
Yes, eat,
and then we go.
- Of course.
- Ilya.
- We go.
- Oh, yeah.
Aren't you gonna
join us?
I'm not hungry.
Oh, that's
a shame 'cause
This is very,
very delicious,
This is very good,
I know
I'm not from here,
But I feel
like it's only polite
To taste some of the food
that your beautiful wife
Spent all day
making for you.
But maybe
that's an American thing.
this is so good,
Would it be rude
if I asked for some more?
[Speaking native language].
We go.
I mean, we have
more guests coming.
Oh, you have more guests?
Maybe I could stay
and meet your guests,
I love meeting
new people.
No, I think it's better
if you leave now.
Oh, okay,
well I guess
I better be going.
it's such a cute name.
Thank you.
She speaks
beautiful English
By the way, ilya.
Such a pretty necklace.
Where'd you get it?
Hey, hey!
It's not
your business, okay?
We go.
- I'm sorry.
- No, no, it's fine.
Thank you,
madloba, for the map.
You're welcome.
[Speaking foreign language]
Hey, Chris.
You and me, okay?
You and me,
in 15 minutes,
Down this road
at the dirt side.
You don't miss it, okay?
You and me.
- 15 minutes?
- Yes, 15 minutes.
Tell you what,
I can be there
in an hour.
Okay, one hour.
It's your choice,
but leave
My family
out of this, okay?
You and me.
What was that?
You and me.
Leave my family
out of this, okay?
Okay, thanks for the map.
[Yelling in native language]
in native language]
[Shouts in native language]
[Shouts in native language]
[Shouts in native language]
[Shouts in native language]
Someone open up?
I'm sorry,
it's me again,
There's been an accident,
it's an emergency!
[Speaking native language]
[Speaks in native language]
I was coming around
the corner, and he...
He just ran into
the middle of the road,
He's in bad shape,
you gotta help him!
Tanya, Tanya!
- Tanya!
- [Tanya] Ilya, ilya!
T was an accident,
I'm so sorry,
I never meant to.
I kill you!
- I kill you!
- Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Stop now!
Do it.
'Cause we both know
it's not loaded,
But mine is.
Look look look,
I don't want
any trouble, okay, okay?
The dog was
an accident, okay?
It was an accident,
I brought it in,
and he tried...
He wanted to shoot me.
Okay? I don't know why.
What did I do?
It was self defense.
It was self defense,
don't look at me like that.
put the gun away, okay?
We will do what you want,
But you put the gun away.
- You promise?
- Yes.
- Yes, I promise.
- Okay.
So [Mumbles] okay.
Everybody, just calm down.
I'm gonna put the gun away,
And then you'll do
exactly what I say, deal?
Get him up,
get him inside.
Get him inside,
he's bleeding!
Get him up!
Come on, you lazy bitch,
help your fucking mother,
-Help her!
- Don't you talk to her
like that!
- You motherfucker!
- Oh.
Don't hurt him anymore!
Respect my mother.
[Chris laughs]
Come on, this way,
this way.
Get him in over here,
Let's go, come on guys.
Get him inside!
Come on, there we go.
You can do it!
Come on, there we go!
Oh, he's bleeding.
There, good.
There we go,
Isn't that much
more comfortable?
That's much better,
isn't it?
That's good.
Tanya, I'm gonna need you.
Uh, I'm gonna need you
to do me a favor,
Can you go sit down
over there?
Sit down.
Go ahead,
right over there.
And, uh, lika,
Hey, I got a really fun thing
for you to do.
We are going to tie
your mom up, okay?
By her hands and her feet.
Come on, take 'em.
There you go.
Come on, go ahead.
You do exactly what I say,
That was the deal?
Go ahead, come on.
Listen, I have money.
You have money?
- Is it Georgian lari?
- [Tanya] Yes.
- Yeah.
- [Ilya] Oh my God!
See the problem is...
- I don't want
Georgian money.
-[Ilya] Chris, come on!
I don't like Georgian money.
What I want is for
lika to tie you up.
Come on.
Uh, hey, lika?
We had a deal, remember?
I keep the gun down
and you do everything I say,
Remember that,
we made a deal?
No, no, no!
No, no, no!
Look at that.
Chris, do...
Do what you came for.
Kill me and go, please,
come on.
Kill me, okay?
Tanya, do you hear that?
He thinks that I came here
to kill him, now...
Please, come on.
Why would I wanna do that?
Tell her.
Tell her what it is.
[Speaking native language]
Look at them!
Who do these belong to?
Who do they belong to?!
They're mine, okay?
They're mine!
Oh they're yours,
that's right, they're hers.
I was drunk.
When I drink,
I do bad things,
But I don't drink anymore.
You understand?
I get it,
so you just do...
- You do crazy things?
- Yes!
So, I think it's only fair
that I should have a drink.
Oh, Chris!
This looks like
it's good.
[Ilya screams]
chacha, yeah.
Oh, is that homemade?
That's good,
that's smooth.
Oh, where are my manners?
You know what, ladies,
let's all have a drink.
have a drink with me.
- No!
- Come on.
Come on, come on.
[Sobs] No!
Do it.
Drink it, drink it!
There you go,
oh, isn't that good?
That's tasty.
Ilya, you know,
I'd love to have
a toast with you...
But you have that whole
drinking problem thing, right?
So, you know what?
Here's the next best thing.
Now we're all drunk.
Now we're all crazy.
I want those.
Come here.
- Come here.
- [Tanya] No, please,
What are you doing?
- Chris, no, no.
- Don't fucking move.
Come here.
Yeah, there we go.
Yeah, hey Tanya,
you know what,
you just wouldn't understand
Why I want...
why I want the panties
that your daughter's
Wearing right here.
The reason I want these
'cause you have to be a man
to understand it,
Right... right, ilya,
don't you think?
It's just so sexy,
isn't it?
[Ilya] Chris, you bastard,
you will pay!
Please leave her alone.
Take me, take my panties?
- No, stop begging me.
- [Tanya] Let her go!
Stop begging me
and tell your daughter
to give me her panties.
Tell her!
if you love your mother,
You're gonna give me
your panties right now, okay?
'Cause if you don't,
look at me,
If you don't give me
your panties,
I'm gonna put a bullet
in your pretty mother's head.
- [Cries]
- [Chris] No, no, no,
Come on,
it's just panties.
Don't you love your mama?
It's just panties,
don't you want her to live?
Oh shit, Chris, Chris.
See, there we go.
I give you panties!
There we go.
There we go,
bring 'em here.
That's good.
You know what?
I want 'em to...
I want you to bring 'em to me
Like a dog.
Like a dog,
Woof, woof, you know?
You know, ilya,
like a dog.
Do dog have hands?
[Ilya] No!
- [Ilya] No!
- No, they don't.
Try again.
You know what?
Try again.
- Chris, listen to me,
I give you panties.
- Look at her!
Look at her!
Crawl like a fucking dog!
Look at her!
[Speaking native language]
[Chris] Good girl.
Good girl,
that's a good little bitch.
Ilya, I need you to
do something for me.
Open your mouth.
- Open your mouth.
- Listen to me...
Open your fucking mouth
or I'm gonna smash your
fucking teeth
Out of your face,
you understand me?
- Yes, I understand you.
- Open 'em.
Open, there we go.
Get it in there,
that's nice and good,
There we go.
That's good,
now, bite down.
Bite down on them, yeah.
You taste it?
Now, if you drop them...
If you drop them...
I'm gonna stick my gun
up her pretty little twat
And pull
the fucking trigger. Okay?
Got it?
Now, see, Tanya, lika,
There's a part
of the story that...
that you don't know.
[Speaking native language]
What did I tell you?
I'm gonna stick the gun
up her fucking cunt!
Put it in your mouth!
You're gonna keep it
in your fucking mouth,
aren't you?
You're gonna keep
your fucking mouth shut,
[Muffled yelling]
- That's good.
- [Sobbing]
That's more like it,
thank you.
Now, where was I?
Right, my story.
Come here, come here.
Come on.
I know, I know, daddy wants
you alive now, come on.
Get the fuck up.
Sit down! Sit down!
Now, see, there's a part
of this story
that you don't know.
There's a girl,
and I was in love with her.
Her name was Alicia.
She wasn't doing so good,
Not like pretty
little lika here,
No, she wasn't
doing good at all.
Nope, in fact
she was in incredible pain.
There wasn't anyone
to help for Miles.
I tried to save her.
I carried her, you know?
When I couldn't carry her,
I couldn't walk anymore,
I put her on my back
and I crawled.
I crawled
every inch of the way,
- I heard her choking.
- [Cries]
The life falling
from her eyes,
she's drowning,
Her lungs filling
with her own fucking blood.
Then she went quiet,
she didn't make
another fucking sound!
[Muffled yelling]
I found this.
No, no, please!
Look at... look at daddy,
look at daddy.
You see him?
Look at this, look at it.
He loves it,
he gets off on it,
don't you?
Get the fuck down!
Back up!
He loves it,
he gets off on this,
he loves seeing the fear
In his victims' eyes,
look at your daddy.
You love it?
You like seeing this?
Oh you don't?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry,
he doesn't like it.
Of course
you don't like it.
[Shouting in native language]
You know what?
I know what's missing,
I can't believe I forgot.
You don't like it
unless there's a game.
And when there's a game,
there has to be a prize,
right, ilya?
[Ilya cries]
Who you think's gonna
win the prize today?
[Muffled screaming]
Now, lika, come here.
Okay, listen carefully,
we're gonna play
a little game,
Okay sweetheart?
Come here.
Come on, I know, I know,
It's almost over,
it's almost over.
Come here, come on,
sweetheart, it's okay.
Oh, hey, hey,
shh, don't cry.
Oh, she's so cute.
She's so cute, don't cry,
It's okay,
it's gonna be really fun.
Okay, now,
it's a very simple game,
But it's serious, okay?
It's called
stripper's roulette.
Now here's how
the game works.
Now, I'm gonna take all
the bullets out of this gun.
There they are,
every single one of them,
But I'm gonna leave
this one.
Just one little bullet,
There it goes,
right in the gun.
Now, you undress one
And then
I pull the trigger one.
And if you're lucky
it's an empty chamber.
Then, you undress one,
and then...
Then I pull
the trigger again
and you win
When you don't have
anything else to take off,
You wanna spin it?
Come on, do it.
- Get the fuck off!
- [Sobbing]
All right, here we go,
now we're gonna play
the game.
Actually, you know what,
let's have a little stage.
Let's have a little stage.
Yeah, there we go,
Now we got a nice,
fun thing.
Everybody can see.
Here we go, okay?
So now we're gonna play
the game.
Hey, do it to me,
do it to me, okay?
- [Chris] Do it to you?
- Yes! Please.
Why would I do it
to you you fat fuck?
Do it to me.
You want to eat panties?
I have Alicia's panties!
You remember...
You done?
Are you gonna shut
the fuck up now?
You remember her,
- You done?
- [Ilya] Please!
You done now?
Oh, you're gonna try
and get up?
Look at him!
Look at him!
Look at him,
he's trying so hard.
Here we go, come on,
get up, get up.
Hey ilya, ilya,
are you done yet?
Are you done?
Hey, if you're not done...
Hey look at me, you fat fuck!
Look at this!
[Gun clicks]
Oh, whoa, I'm gonna
do it again, ready?
No, no, no, please, Chris!
-[Chris] Are you done?
Are you fucking done?
- Yes!
-[Chris] Are you done?
Are you done?
- Yes!
Okay, hey, everybody
shut the fuck up,
We're gonna play a nice game,
aren't we, ilya?
- You're gonna like the game,
don't you?
-[Ilya] Yes, yes, yes, yes.
-[Chris] Tell me you love
the game!
-[Ilya] Yes, yes, I love game!
- You love the game!
- [Ilya] I love game!
That's right,
now we're gonna play the game!
- Strip!
- [Ilya] Okay, let me play!
Now I'm gonna count
to three,
And if you don't undress,
I'm gonna pull
the trigger anyway
And that's wasting a chance.
Don't do that.
One, two, three...
[Gun clicks]
Oh. Listen,
I'm really disappointed
In your fucking
parenting skills!
I... i can explain.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
You need to explain
to her
That she should undress.
Explain to her,
She's not
wearing much, ilya,
This is a fun game.
You know,
she's not wearing...
she's got a bra,
She's got a shirt,
And this pretty little dress.
Odds are
she gets one in six
that she gets a bullet
In her pretty fucking head,
now isn't it?
Those are good odds,
you like those odds,
don't you?
Those are better
odds than Alicia got!
- [Ilya screams]
- [Chris] You fuck!
So, we're gonna
play the game, aren't we?
- [Ilya] Yes!
- That's right!
Tell her to undress, one!
[Ilya speaking
native language]
Hurry up!
She's undressing, yes...
She's undressing,
that's right,
Good girl, three!
[Tanya shouting
in native language]
[Ilya sobbing]
[Tanya screaming]
[Tanya screams]
[Tanya and ilya cry]