Lantana (2001) Movie Script

( fly buzzing )
( man and woman moaning )
You're okay?
Yeah.|I lost my earring.
- Man: What does it look like?|- It's a pearl one.
Man:|It should turn up.
I'm fond of them, 'cause|my husband gave them to me.
- You should go.|- Yeah.
really enjoyed that.
Yes, I know.
( salsa music playing )
( mumbles )
this is about sex.|It's about a man and a woman
joined groin to groin.|Get it?
Come on.
Like this.
Boy: Mom?
- I'm in here.|- I don't have any clothes.
- You looked on your bedroom floor?|- Yeah. I mean clean ones.
When I come home,|I'll clean them, okay?
- Boy: Why are you jogging, Dad?|- I want to get fit.
- What for?|- I don't want to die.
- You are gonna die.|- Not just yet.
Mom? Clothes?
- Then stop jogging.|- Mom, clothes?
What am I gonna wear?
( exhales deeply )
Boy: See you, mom
- See you, Dad.|- See you, mate.
- See you, Dad.|- Hey, hey, what about me?
- I'm 1 6 now.|- You're telling me you're a man now?
No, but--
- Have a good day, Dad.|- Yeah. You too.
Is there some point where a son|stops kissing his father?
- Police!|- Get out!
You weren't a bit hard?
The guy deals drugs.|He's scum.
Woman: Yeah, but|he wasn't going anywhere.
What did you|expect me to do?
Are you seeing anyone?
Not with the hours I keep.
What about somebody|on the force?
Male cops|are lousy in bed.
There is someone.
He eats in the same|restaurant as I do.
Have you spoken|to him yet?
We've exchanged glances.
It's a start.
- How's Sonja?|- She's good.
Haven't seen her|around for a while.
Yeah, well... she's busy,|with the boys and work...
Tell her I said hi.
I will.
Woman: Have you told him|you're not happy?
I would have thought that|he wouldn't need to be told.
That depends on how good|an actor you are.
I guess I must be|pretty good.
How do you want|your marriage to be?
and challenging,
and-- and--
Isn't it honest?
Not emotionally.
Not emotionally it isn't.|It just feels...
like we're--
like we're just...
going through|the motions,
you know?
And I want more.
I want more than that.
Announcer:|Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome|Dr. Valerie Somers.
( audience claps )
Thank you.
We don't know|what to feel anymore.
We don't know|what's right or wrong anymore.
The confused cry|of the modern age...
We ask,|''What can we believe in?
What should we believe in?''
Our politicians?
Our priests?
You'd be amazed at how many clients|come to see me
because they once believed|in a priest.
It's not supposed|to be that way.
But it is.
What then?|Our parents?
''Home is a sanctuary.''|For the priviledged few.
For most,|it's a battleground.
It's not meant|to be like that.
But it is.
Can we believe in love?
Feel safe in it?
Loving someone means|we have to relinquish power.
It's mutual surrender.
But how can this|take place?
Trust is as vital|to human relationships
as breath is to life...
and just as elusive.
Two years ago, my 1 1 -year-old|daughter was murdered.
Her name was Eleanor.
This wasn't|supposed to happen.
But it did.
It seemed to go well.
I was worried you weren't|going to be there.
I said I would be.
Do you want a whiskey?
I've got an early client.
Why don't we take|separate cars in the morning?
I've got a late meeting. That way,|you wouldn't have to wait for me.
I've got plenty of work|I can do.
You can pick me up|after your meeting.
Man:|I met someone.
We went home and had sex.
As you do--
well, some of us do.
And he asked|to see me again.
I wasn't expecting that.
Against my better judgement,|I said yes.
We've been seeing|each other for awhile.
And you like him?
Yes, I do.
Very much.
He comes encumbered...
with a wife.
Is he gay?
When he's with me,|he seems to be.
Somers:|Does she know about you?
I assume so.
She would sense it,|wouldn't she?
It depends on how good|he is at deceiving her.
Or how good she is|at deceiving herself.
( Latin music playing )
''V.'' Don't forget ''V.''
Hi, Nik.
Having a party, Jane?
Yeah.|Did you want to join me?
Take this inside|for Mommy.
In a motel.
Woman: Oh...
- Did you get his number?|- Is that what you do?
I don't know.
If you like the guy.
But he's married.
Well, what?|He's not happy.
He can't be, if he's...
messing around.
You want|to see him again?
Do you think I should?
You want me to be honest?
No. No.
When are you gonna|take that thing off?
It's too tight.|I've got to get it cut off.
Nik caught up with Pete|the other day.
He wants to come back.
I don't love him, Paula.
Leon: Go up to the guy,|and ask if you can join him.
- What have you got to lose?|- Just a little dignity.
It is not the issue here.|He eats alone in a restaurant.
- So do I.|- Exactly.
- Oh, hey.|- Hi.
Jane, this is Claudia.
- Claudia, Jane.|- Hi.
Jane's in the same dance class|as Sonja and I.
I'll get going.|Say hi to Sonja.
Is that really awkward?
No, it's fine.
- How are you?|- I'm good.
I'd better go.
Where did you find it?
- Nik: Paula?|- Paula: Mmm.
There's an unmarked police car|in front of Jane's place.
She's seeing a cop now?
Don't be nosy, Nik.
What? Are her and Pete|getting back together or what?
I don't know.
What if they are?|What do I say then?
Well, he's--|he's a mate of mine.
Then do him a favor|and stay out of it.
The baby's sick?
( Leon moaning )|Shit.
Oh fuck...
- Don't stop.|- Here.
- ( Leon groans )|- Leon?
- Oh fuck.|- You're all right?
What is it?|What is it?
It's nothing.
- Should I call--|- No, no.
- Just--|- Should I get a doctor?
I get this pain|in my chest sometimes.
You should have told me|you have a weak heart.
I don't.
I don't want to have|an affair with--
I don't have a weak heart,|all right?
This is not an affair, it's|a one-night stand that happened twice.
Oh shit.
Sorry.|I didn't mean that.
Do you worry that we don't|make love very often?
I don't really think|about it that much.
- Why not?|- I love you.
Whether we make love three times|a week or once a month
does not|really change that.
Doesn't it?
- Is this a test?|- No.
It's just-- I want to know|what you're thinking.
Why do women always|want to know that?
You're up late.
Yeah, I'm trying|to finish this.
You want one?
I've got one.
What's wrong?
Just had a shit of a day.
Stopped off and had a drink|with Claudia.
Yeah, I know.|I phoned her.
I didn't know|if you were working late.
All right.
Fuck! Fuck!
You fucking stupid bastard!
What the fuck|is wrong with you?
Would you fucking look|where you're going?!
Fucking idiot!
Oh fuck.
Hey! Wait.
Leon:|Are you all right?
Sorry.|Here's your bag.
Leon: Jesus.
( man sobbing )
- What happened?|- I fell.
- Are you all right?|- It's nothing.
Let me look.
I'll be all right.|I said I'm all right!
Man:|I keep thinking about her.
Are you feeling guilty?
Do you think I should be?
It doesn't matter|what I think.
He feels manipulated by her.
She's very needy.
Are you trying|to justify his deceit?
No, I'm trying|to understand it.
- It's complex.|- Mmm-hm.
But isn't it still|an act of deceit?
No marriage|can be based on that.
Most marriages|are based on that.
You think you know what goes on|in most marriages?
What? Because I'm gay,|I can't have an opinion...?
- It's not what I was--|- She's not the victim in this.
She chose to marry him.
Not knowing he was gay.
There's knowing,|and there's ''knowing.''
What do you mean?
I think some women|like to live the lie.
It's easier than dealing|with the truth.
Maybe she loves him.
But so do I.
Then he has|to make a choice.
Unless one of us withdraws|from the contest.
Is love a contest for you,|Patrick?
What happened to your head?
I bumped it on a clothes line.
thanks for last night.
I'll lie for you|to anyone, except Sonja.
I don't want|to lie to her again.
Fair enough.
Why are you trying|so hard to fuck up your life?
You don't know how lucky you are|to have the marriage you've got.
And you're pissing|all over it.
( salsa music playing )
It's great your husband|comes with you.
- What about yours?|- I'm separated.
- Can you tell?|- No.
No, you just have this...
- kind of look.|- What? Desperate?
No.|Full of potential.
Sorry I'm late.
- Jane, this is my husband Leon.|- Hi.
Instructor:|Excuse me, everybody.
There is a salsa band playing|tonight and tomorrow at The Latin.
Leon. Sonja.
Are you guys coming?
I thought we'd have|a nice dinner together.
Come on. You can go out|to eat anytime.
I'd like to go.
- I'm kind of tired.|- Okay.
Sonja:|I'll see you at home.
- What was that about?|- Hey, she needed a partner.
- And you happened to volunteer?|- She chose me.
I'd never say|anything, Leon.
Nik: Pete!
G'day, Nik.
How are you, mate?
Drove by to see Jane.|Doesn't look like she's in.
Did you see her tonight?
You don't know|where she is then?
No, sorry.
How is she?
The last time|I saw her, okay.
That's good.
- How are you going?|- Good.
It's late.|I thought she'd be home.
Sorry,|I haven't seen her.
If there was something|I should know, you'd tell me?
if she's seeing someone,|I'd want to know.
It'd be easier.
Of course.
I hate this.
- Thanks, man. See you later.|- Take care.
So why did you|and your husband split up?
I don't know.|I just turned around one day
and I realized I was living with a man|I didn't love anymore.
- It was that simple?|- No.
But you knew that much.
Maybe my expectations|were too high.
You're a brave woman.
You are.|Most people settle for less.
I really like you, Leon.
Maybe a little too much.
But I'm--
I'm starting|to wonder just...
where this might go.
I'm still in love|with my wife, Jane.
Leon: I'm sorry.
I'm wondering why--
why have you been seeing me if|you're still in love with your wife?
I don't know.
It's not something|that I planned.
Look, Jane, I--
This doesn't have|to end badly.
Just go.
Jane: Just go. Go.
It's twofold actually.|He thinks he runs the faculty,
but he hasn't published|anything decent since 1 985.
You seem preoccupied.
I'm having trouble|with a client.
I'm not handling him|very well.
Refer him on.
I find him|a little threatening.
I don't like...
- what he's doing.|- You're judging him.
Darling, you have|to refer him on.
I'll see you outside.
Excuse me.
I hate what's happening to us.|I hate it.
We don't talk anymore.
We lost our daughter.
That could have|brought us closer.
Do you think|about her very much?
Of course I do.
I just don't need|to write a book about it.
Do you think|I did the wrong thing?
I just wanted the whole...
world to know.
Look at me, John.
Look at me.
( bird chirping )
Nik: Come on, kids.|We're late for school.
Paula:|Watch the road.
Come on. In you get.
- Nik: Goodbye, love|- Paula: Bye, Derek.
( baby crying )
Are you okay?
I'll pop around|after work.
Claudia: Hey, Nik.
You want coffee?
Yeah, sure.
Pete was over|last night.
How is he?
Not good.
How's the job hunting going?
Are you guys|all right for money?
- Yeah.|- Yeah?
'Cause if you need some money,|I'll be more than happy to--
I know Paula|wouldn't take it.
She's doing|extra shifts now.
You sure there's no bill|you want to clear?
It's fine.
- The offer's there.|- ( baby cooing )
- Thanks.|- It's all right.
Why didn't you wake me up?
I thought you could do|with the rest.
- I'll go have my shower.|- Actually, I've got an early start.
- I'll only be 1 0 minutes.|- Just take your own car.
- Come on, wait for me, please.|- Jesus.
I have a lecture|tonight anyway.
So, you'll be home late?
I think|he's having an affair.
He's distant,|preoccupied,
like he's holding something|back from me.
What would you do|if he was?
I--|I think I'd leave.
And does that|scare you?
I'm middle-aged. I don't know|what it's like out there.
You know?
And I have these two...
beautiful boys.
But I--
I would survive
if I had to.
I like being this age.
And I--
I like the lines|around my eyes.
I don't know|if he does, but...
I do.
It's not that he might have slept|with another woman,
you know?
It's that he might|not tell me.
That would be|the betrayal.
Do you still love him?
( cell phone rings )
Assistant: Valerie?|Patrick Phelan is here.
Give me a minute, okay?
- You don't like me, do you?|- Is it important to you?
Would it make a difference|if I were straight?
I don't have a problem|with your sexuality.
But it is a problem that I'm having|an affair with a married man.
You must stop trying|to make me the subject.
It's just another form|of defense.
I'm curious about|your role in this triangle.
My role?
I'm a respite from a marriage|that's gotten too hard.
He takes refuge in me.
- In what I offer him.|- What do you offer him?
Sex unencumbered by need.
Why doesn't he leave her?
Good men don't know|how to leave their wives.
Good men|or cowardly men?
He told me that making love|to her was like
trying to fill|an empty well.
What did you say?
- You said something to me.|- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did!|- I didn't say anything.
- You heard him, didn't you?|- This is bullshit--
- Bullshit?|- Yeah.
I want your name.|Give me your name!
I want your name!
A bourbon, please.
A double bourbon with ice.|Thanks.
You all right?
You sure?|You don't look all right.
What?|Are you a cop?
Sorry, I just--
something weird|really happened.
I was walking and this woman|started yelling at me.
She thought|I said something to her.
- What for?|- I don't know.
I was walking down the street|and she went nuts.
- Did you?|- No.
I didn't do anything.|I don't do stuff like that.
Take it easy.|I believe you.
Sorry. It was just|really weird and--
now you're a cop,|so that's really weird. Sorry.
You want another drink?
Yeah. Thanks.
Same again.
Paula: Sharon said|there's a booze bus on the freeway.
Nik: I'll take|the backroad home.
- Hannah!|- Yeah?
Grab Dad's wallet|from the kitchen.
Hannah: Yeah.
- She asked me for coffee this morning.|- Who?
- Jane.|- What for?
- I don't know.|- Hannah: I can't find it!
It's near the fridge.
I don't know.
She's trying|to come on to me.
She's lonely, Nik.
And you're bored.|That's a lethal combination.
Stay away from her.
What's the matter?
You're a bit jealous, huh?
You ever fuck with our marriage,|and I cut your balls off.
I'll hang them on the lawn,|between your socks and your jocks.
Got it?
Sure, babe.
Wake me up|when you get home. Huh?
I'm running down|this hill,
and I go|around this corner.
And suddenly,|there's this guy, and bam!
Right into him. Right away,|I'm going after him...
''You fucking prick!|Look where you're going.''
- But it was your fault.|- Well, yeah.
I don't know|why I went at him.
It was just-- my buttons|got pushed or something.
Anyway,|so I look down,
and there he is,|on the ground, cowering.
- Huh?|- He's got blood on his face...
- and he broke his fucking nose.|- Oh no.
And he gets up and|he starts to role-play.
- And that's when it happens.|- What?
- He starts to cry.|- What for?
I don't know.|What makes a man cry like that?
Yeah, a lot of things.
So what did you do?
I just held him.
I just stood there|and I held him.
But the whole time|I was thinking,
''You fucking weak prick,|pull yourself together.''
- Don't you want to cry sometimes?|- Yeah, but--
- you don't, do you?|- Mmm.
We ordered your food,|but we ate it.
What's that smell?
- Where's your mom?|- Dancing.
- Where's your brother?|- Upstairs.
Sam! Sam!
What the fuck|is going on?
For Christ's sake,|I'm a cop!
- All right, you get the good stuff.|- Don't you smart-mouth me.
- What's going on?|- Your brother is being an idiot.
- So what's new?|- Did you know about this?
Have you tried it?
If you ever give|your brother that shit--
- As if I'd give--|- Shut up!
- No--|- Shut up!
Give your brother this stuff, I'll|give you a thumping you won't forget.
I don't care how big you get!|Give me the rest.
Sam: That's it.
Get downstairs.
- You're grounded, mate.|- What?
( engine stalling )
Oh shit.
Oh God.
( Latin music playing )
You're a very|beautiful woman, Sonja.
I'd like|to fuck with you.
Can I have a whiskey,|dry please?
Excuse me.
You look like|you're enjoying yourself.
Yeah, I am.
It's good you're having fun,|while our son's at home smoking pot.
I know.
I told him if he's gonna do it,|he should do it at home
- so we can control it.|- Why didn't you tell me?
Because you haven't been|around much lately.
I'm not having drugs|in the house.
What are you gonna do?|Banning it won't solve the problem.
- What are you doing here?|- What?
What are you doing here?
Most of the guys here|aren't much older than our son.
- I thought we'd go back to your place.|- We can't. My mother.
Wait. Slow down.
Stop. Get off.
Man: Jesus!
What's wrong?
I'm sorry.
This was a bad idea.|Sorry.
Fucking uptight bitch!
Recording: You found John and Valerie.|Leave a message after the tone.
( beep )
Valerie: Hi, it's me.|Are you there?
Okay,|I've had an accident.
I'm okay.|I can't get the car started.
I'm on the backroad and--
I just wanted to get home.
I'll try your mobile. Bye.
I called road services.|There'll be a 90-minute wait.
Where are you?|You didn't say you'd be late.
I can't stand this!
Please, I need you.
- ( beep )|- John?
There is a man.
He's a client and he's--
he's gay.
I don't understand this.|I don't understand...
I don't want this|to be happening to us.
There are lights.
There's a car coming.|I'll wave it down.
Wait for me.|We'll talk when I get home, okay?
I love you.
- You need sleep.|- You wish.
- What have we got?|- Locals got a call, about 1 2:30 AM
from the husband. He gets home late,|his wife's not there.
She's left messages on the answering|machine, saying she ran off the road,
she's making a call from a phone box,|about 2kms down the road.
Last call says she saw a car coming,|she's gonna wave it down.
But she never makes it.
$50 says|it's the husband.
You're on.
Mr. Somers?
Knox. My wife's|name's Somers.
I'm Detective Zat.
This is my colleague,|Detective Weis.
We've located|your wife's car, Mr. Knox.
Do you mind if we come in?
Mr. Knox, it appears that|your wife ran off the road.
There's a telephone box|several kilometers further along.
- Should I go there?|- We're conducting a search, but...
if she accepted a lift from somebody,|it's unlikely she'll be there.
Would you mind answering|a few questions?
I've been through all this|with the police.
I know, but would you mind telling me|what happened last night?
I got home around midnight.
Her car wasn't here.
I came in,|I checked the machine.
There were|a couple of calls.
The last message said|there was a car coming
and she was going|to wave it down.
- That's when you called the police?|- No, I waited about 20 minutes.
- That's how long it would have--|- So you called at about 1 2:20?
Yes, more or less.
Do you have a photo of your wife|we could have, please?
Thank you.
How was your wife|yesterday?
- Fine.|- Nothing troubling her?
I am trying to find out|about your wife's emotional state.
Right now, I'd say|it's pretty bad, wouldn't you?
None of this|is particularly pleasant.
- I can imagine.|- Imagine what? You're married?
If your wife got|into a stranger's car--
a man, let's assume--|and didn't come home,
what would you imagine?
Right now,|I'd be going mad.
Mr. Knox,|we need the tape.
She--|this is private.
- In what sense?|- She's upset.
She wasn't expecting anyone|to listen to it.
I'll make sure|this is returned to you.
- You didn't wake me up last night.|- I got in late.
What's with the face?
- I fell over.|- You were pissed?
A little.
Come on, kids.
You packed your bag, Hannah?
- Quickly. Come on.|- Hi!
- Hi.|- Hi.
Seatbelts on, quickly.
- Nik got in late last night.|- Got nothing better to do than spying?
Jane: What?
- What?|- You know,
don't invite Nik in for coffee|when I'm not here.
All right?
Paula?! Hey.
That's|the appointment book.
All her notes and session tapes|are kept in a filing cabinet.
- Do you mind?|- No.
- How was she yesterday?|- All right.
Is she the kind of person|that would get into a stranger's car?
Not after what happened|to her daughter.
Sarah, I'd like you to print me|a list of her current clients,
- addresses and phone numbers too.|- Is that ethical?
Probably not.
( baby crying )
Sonja, on tape:|It's not that he might have...
slept with|another woman...
it's that|he might not tell me.
That would be|the betrayal.
Somers:|Do you still love him?
Good evening.|Richard Morecroft with ABC News.
The police are inquiring
into the disappearance of a woman|in Bushland, north of the city.
Psychiatrist Valerie Somers|was last seen on Friday night.
Her car was found abandoned|along the Lower Ridge Road.
She might have accepted a lift|from a passing motorist.
Ms. Somers has recently|completed a book
about the murder|of her own daughter.
The body of 1 1 -year-old|Eleanor Knox
was found dumped in a city|laneway 1 8 months ago.
Police are appealing|to the public for information
regarding|Ms. Somers' disappearance.
Why do you think|she turned off the freeway?
Some people say|it's shorter.
Who's Patrick?
I don't know.
She mentioned she was having|some trouble with a client.
What kind of trouble?
She didn't go into it.|She doesn't talk about her clients.
- Why not?|- It's unprofessional.
- Even between husband and wife?|- Yes.
- I tell my wife everything.|- That surprises me.
Most men hold|something back.
You're some kind|of academic, aren't you?
I'm Dean of Law.
I studied at Harvard.|That's where Valerie and I met.
I don't understand why she'd get|into a car with a stranger.
Maybe she didn't.
Maybe she knew him.
- How's your marriage been lately?|- Fine. How's yours?
Up and down.|Where were you Friday night?
Am I a suspect in|my wife's disappearance?
Where were you|Friday night?
I was at work.
Can anybody verify that?
No, I was alone.
Nobody saw me.
Nine times out of 1 0|when a wife goes missing,
the husband knows|something about it.
You're a prick.
The young constable|will give you a ride.
Patrick, on tape:|Anyway, we've been
seeing each other|for a while.
Somers:|And you like him?
Patrick: Yes, I do.
Very much.
Somers: So?
Patrick:|He comes encumbered...
with a wife.
- Don't you have a home to go to?|- Yes. Do you?
Did you find anything?
She dedicated|the book to John.
''For teaching me|to trust again.''
- Did you listen to Phelan's tapes?|- Yeah.
- What did you think?|- She didn't like the man.
Go home.|You got an early start.
- What about you?|- Soon.
You really look like shit.|Go home.
Thank you.
Talked to mystery man yet?
He never came back.
Silly bugger.
( door opens )
I'm not asleep.
Did you watch the news?
Will you find her?
It's not looking good.
I saw her client list,|Sonja.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because it was private.
It was just something|I had to do.
There was a time when there was|no private between you and me.
That is because I had somebody|I could talk to.
- I have to tell you something--|- I have to tell you--
I had an affair.
I slept with her twice.
I know it hurts you.
It hurts her...
Because I'm numb.
I can't feel|anything anymore.
Just totally|fucking numb.
Why did you sleep|on the couch?
I came in late last night.|I didn't want to wake your mama.
Are you fighting?
- Yeah, a bit.|- Boy: Why?
There's something|we've got to sort out.
- You all right, Mom?|- Yeah.
I'll be in the car.
Can you grab something to eat?|We're running late.
Are we gonna|talk about this?
Or you just going to punish me?|This is how you're gonna punish me?
I fucked up.
- People fuck up.|- Really? I don't.
You know what's so easy?|It's easy to go and find somebody.
You know what's hard?|What's hard is not to.
Sonja, listen.|I just want--
Get off me.
We'll talk about this|tonight, all right?
Oh... get fucked!
I don't even know|if I'll be here later.
Did you know?
You're ready?
It's me.
Can you come over?
- What number is it?|- 406.
You sure|you're up to this?
Mr. Phelan.
We're investigating the disappearance|of Valerie Somers.
We were hoping|you could help us.
It's not a good time.|( clears his throat )
- Patrick: I was out late.|- Who with?
Mr. Phelan,|the woman's missing.
- You know what's happened to her?|- Not yet.
You had an appointment with her?|Can you tell us how she was?
She seemed all right.|I don't know.
You don't know?
She's the therapist.|I wasn't focused on how she was.
How do you|get along with her?
- Fine.|- Leon: That's it?
We didn't end our last session|on very good terms.
Leon:|Why is that?
- We disagreed about something.|- What was that?
What? That guy|you've been fucking?
- Leon: Married guy?|- How did you know about that?
- She records all her sessions.|- That's private--
- Yes, but under the circumstances--|- That's my life!
Is there somebody|in that room?
Who is it?|Your boyfriend?
- Could you ask him to come out?|- He has nothing--
- Leon!|- What's the matter with you?
- You don't have the right--|- Who are you?!
You have|no fucking right!
That went well.
Your marriage is falling apart|and so are you.
- It's none of your business.|- It is if you can't do your job!
If you don't like the way|I'm handling things,
take it up at the station.
- ( dialing )|- ( ringing )
( phone ringing )
- Hello?|- Leon: Dylan?
Hi, Dad.
Could I speak to your mom?
No, she's still|pissed off at you.
All right.
Tell her--
- tell her I'll be home soon.|- All right. See you, Dad.
What did he say?
He said that he's sorry,|that he loves you,
and he wants you to stop|being angry with him.
You look bereft, Leon.
The other question is,|why don't you?
Don't be deceived|by appearances.
Want a whiskey?
Leon: Somebody|may have hurt your wife.
- I need to know if it was you.|- I didn't hurt her.
- She was upset on the phone.|- She was afraid.
- Of what?|- Of being alone.
Of me not being|there for her.
Why weren't you|there for her?
While your wife|was in some phone box,
calling for your help,|where were you?
Are you seeing someone else?
- Is it an affair?|- No.
With a man?|Is that what's going on?
I believe that's what|Valerie thought was going on.
What are you|talking about?
For some reason, she believe|you were involved with Patrick Phelan.
Is that it?|Were you seeing men on the side?
- I don't have to listen to this?|- Yes, you do.
My wife's out there somewhere.|What are you doing about it?
I'm trying to find her.
But I need to know|what's inside her head.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Have you ever|cheated on your wife?
- Never desired another woman?|- Yes, of course.
- But you never acted on it?|- No.
Well, you're|a better man than I am.
So there is someone else?
There was someone once.
A woman.
Once that's happened, you're never|entirely believed again.
Something gets broken,
permanently.|Trust, I suppose.
When that happens,|anything's possible, it would seem.
You don't lose a daughter,|like we lost Eleanor,
without some damage.
So where were you?
I left work late.
I stopped at the place|where my daughter was killed.
I go there... a lot.
- Valerie didn't know that.|- You didn't tell her?
Why not, John?
What holds|your marriage together, Leon?
Maybe habits sometimes,|passion, our kids.
Ours was held together|by grief.
There wasn't|much else left.
You didn't love her|anymore?
I'm saying that sometimes,|love isn't enough.
Claudia: Leon!
Where the hell|have you been?
We got a call from a man,|saying his wife saw a neighbor
throw a shoe into a vacant lot|on the night Valerie disappeared.
She's got the shoe.|Black leather.
Where are we going?
- This could be tricky.|- Why?
I know the woman.
Oh Jesus!
( knocking on door )
- Detective Claudia Weis.|- Leon!
- We had a drink the other night.|- How are you?
You'd better come in.|My wife's pretty upset.
Pete: Jane, it's the police.
- This is Leon and--|- Claudia.
- and Claudia. Jane.|- Is that the shoe?
You shouldn't have touched the shoe,
- Mrs...?|- O'May.
It's Jane O'May.
Right, Mrs. O'May,|you shouldn't have touched it.
Well, I did.
Yeah, but you shouldn't have.
Well, I did, didn't I?
It's on the table.
- Could we have some coffee?|- Yeah.
It's out|the back here. Thanks.
I'll give you a hand.
( whispering )|Are you all right?
- Have you got a light?|- Yeah.
How do you want to handle this?
You're a policeman, aren't you?
Why don't you just do your job?
I've never seen you before.
Nik:|Can I speak to Paula, please?
Nik: It's urgent.
Can you tell her to|call me as soon as she can?
Yes, as soon as she can, please.
( knocking on door )
Leave it!|Go get your brother.
Nik D'Amato? Detective|Claudia Weis, City Central.
My kids. I need|someone to watch my kids.
Right. I'll give you|a couple of minutes.
Jane: So I go to the window,
at about 1 1 :30.
I go to the window,|and he's chucking that.
and he threw it over there,
and he was looking|like he was...
really guilty.
( knocking on door )
Nik: You're back, Pete?
Only sort of.
- How are you?|- Good. And you?
I'm in a bit of trouble.
Can you take the kids?
Just till Paula gets back.
Nik: I wouldn't ask|unless I really needed help.
We'll take them.
Here you go.
Nik: Thanks.
There's pajamas, toothbrush...
there's a video and some|other stuff in there as well.
Thanks very much, okay?
It's time to go.
No, Daddy, don't go.|Don't go!
Come on.|I'll be back soon.
- Come on.|- No! No!
How did you get the|scratches on your face?
- I want to see my wife.|- She's on her way.
Can you tell us where|you were Friday night?
I want to see Paula.
You are in deep shit, mate.
Your wife can't help you.
- Do I know you?|- I doubt it.
- I've seen you before.|- Shut up! Shut up!
- You were next door at Jane's place.|- I told you to shut up!
Where are my kids?
- Where are my bloody kids?!|- With your neighbor.
- Who are you?|- Calm down.
- I don't want to be calm.|- Can I get you something?
Yes, you can get|me my husband.
- And get me out of here!|- Can you just step in here?
Mrs. D'Amato.
I'm Detective Sergeant Zat.
I believe you met|Detective Constable Weis.
I want to see Nik.
Your husband is helping us|with our inquiries.
He was seen throwing a shoe|into a vacant lot.
Who saw him?
A search was conducted|in the block opposite your house.
Another one?
My kids play there.|Every kid on the street plays there.
They found the shoe.
It was identified as belonging|to Ms. Valerie Somers.
She's been missing|since last Friday night.
- Jane: Hello?|- Janey, it's Paula.
Paula: Is Andrew awake?
Your kids are fine.
- You know?|- Maybe I could talk to Hannah.
Jane: No, she's asleep.
- Paula: The baby?|- You know what? They're all asleep.
Sorry about this, Janey.
Nik's in trouble.
They won't let me see him.|I don't know what to do.
You know what?|It's okay.
Everything's okay.
Jane: Your kids are really safe.
I'm sorry.
I'll get there as soon as I can.
- Okay.|- Paula: Thank you.
Bye, Janey.
Does she know|you rang the police?
They say you've...
hurt some woman, Nik.
I didn't, babe.
I didn't touch her.
Don't. Not yet.
- What is it, Hannah?|- The baby's sick.
What is it?
What is it?
He's burning up.
- Get us a flannel. A wet one.|- Panadol.
- What?|- He needs Panadol.
- Poor little thing.|- It's all right for babies?
- I don't know. Only get half.|- Baby Panadol.
- What?|- Baby Panadol.
- You'll have to go to the chemist's.|- There's some at our house.
I'd met some mates for a drink.
We used to work together.|It's something we keep up.
We drank more than we should have,|so I took the backroad.
The police don't patrol it.
It must have been about...
a quarter to 1 2:00...
and I see this woman standing|at the side of the road.
I don't want to stop.
It's late, and I'm thinking|Paula will get worried.
But what do I do?|The woman needs help.
So I pull over.
My car ran off the road.
Get in.
What's your name?
I'm Nik.
Nik: It turns out she lives|in one of those houses by the Bay.
There's a string|of houses along there.
It's out of my way.|It's in the opposite direction.
She doesn't say much.
I can tell she doesn't want|to talk, so I just...
leave it.
But I know this shortcut
and I just don't--|I just don't think.
And before I can say,|''This is the short way,''
she's gone.
What do you mean,|she's gone?
Nik:|I'm not going to hurt you.
Trust me!
( gasp )
You know...
I thought that...
if I'd leave her alone...
she'd stop|being afraid of me.
I just--
I just left her there.
When I got home,|I saw her--
I saw her shoe
on the floor of my car.
And I--
Jesus, I just wanted|to help the woman--
Why didn't you report it, Nik?
Because I thought|she'd be all right.
I thought she'd find|her way out of there.
Then when I--
and when|I saw her on the news...
that she was missing, I--
By then who was going|to believe me?
Thank you...
for letting me know.
Paula? Come in.
Hey, sweetie.
- Paula: Daddy will be home soon.|- Maybe they can come back later.
- They've been so good for me.|- No, I don't think so.
He didn't do it, Jane.
How do you know?
He told me.
Jane:|What could I do, Paula?
All right.
Go inside and put|your bags in your rooms.
You've got no right, Jane!
You hear me?!
You have no fucking right!
I don't want to see you|anywhere near my kids again.
I was home, Leon.
I didn't pick up the phone.
Valerie on tape:|John? There's a man...
He's a client and he's--
he's gay.
I don't understand this.|I don't understand...
I don't want this|to be happening to us.
Oh... there are lights.
There's a car coming.|I'll wave it down.
Wait for me.|We'll talk when I get home, okay?
I love you.
( machine beeps )
I thought she would come home.
Sonja, on tape:|It's not that he might have...
slept with another woman.
that he might not tell me.
That would be the betrayal.
Valerie:|Do you still love him?
Sonja: Yeah.
I still love him.
I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose you.|I couldn't bear it.
( Spanish ballad playing )
( music continues )